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27th Apr 2023, 20:47
The finalists of I'm a Celeb have a last night's dinner....no there's no winner, it's just their last night...EVER

27th Apr 2023, 20:52
The Captain and officers are excited as the birthday cake is wheeled in...the female distinguished guests no so..
cr Erika Eleniak in Under Seige

https://cimg1.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1280x576/screenshot_20230427_215427_1b5b25f442db0457f7eb187b9029293ef 3c48ed8.png

27th Apr 2023, 20:53
A sitting for "The Last Supper" by Leonardo da Kim Choi...

27th Apr 2023, 21:14
...and suddenly the wall dropped and Michael McIntyre appeared....

27th Apr 2023, 21:17
The new judging panel for this year's "North Korea's Got Talent".

27th Apr 2023, 22:28
With the turn over in Senior officers and a desire to be seen to be recycling, Kim was pleased to see his badge idea to hide the bullet holes in the previous owners uniform appeared to be a success.

27th Apr 2023, 22:29

Buster Hyman
28th Apr 2023, 00:58
Lu Wee Armstrong (centre) poses for a photo before breaking into a rendition of Herro Dorry!

28th Apr 2023, 01:10
After a magnificent dinner, and having posed in front of their new coconut shy, the Kims had the table removed, picked up their balls from their baskets, and in a wonderful family scene, began to play.

28th Apr 2023, 01:13
These guys are like a gunfighter entering a bar: Chink...chink....chink.

It's the sound they make. What were you thinking?

28th Apr 2023, 01:26
I know...I know. Whenever we go out for dinner, the wait staff always want to get a selfie with us. Just grin and bear it girls, otherwise who know what they will do to your food.

28th Apr 2023, 06:02
Remember no food stains as Moss Bros have a stringent cleaning policy.

28th Apr 2023, 06:03
At least the Generals are allowed to attend their own wake.

28th Apr 2023, 06:06
Pvt Baldrick's is pleased to be announced as the Great Leaders personal chef...upon the recommendation by Capt Blackadder..

28th Apr 2023, 09:45
In Harrods questions were later asked regarding the true loyalty of the Christmas Window Dresser when the display was revealed to excited Royalty visitors..

Chu Chu
28th Apr 2023, 10:01
The conspiracy to poison Kim with heavy metals floundered on a misunderstanding.

28th Apr 2023, 10:05
As much as the photographer tried, he couldn't stop them blinking every time the flash went off.

28th Apr 2023, 17:13
NAC ... you all do belly well .. I judge tomorrow. Sorry I late!

28th Apr 2023, 18:10
Covid?? We never had that stinking Western disease ...

28th Apr 2023, 18:13
Seven blind men, see how they run...
err that can't Great Leader...their blind..

28th Apr 2023, 18:18
Great Leader, can we have the phone number of your hairdresser??...and a very nice haircut is is too....Emperor

29th Apr 2023, 03:28
I love this table, once eaten, rotate it three places and start again.


29th Apr 2023, 05:50
Female on left thinks...
Not again. Another broody banquet just to satisfy the despots feelings of grandeur and power, when all I want is a tub of popcorn in my PJ's watching Emmerdale*
* Other mind numbing pointless brainwashing TV programmes are unfortunately available..

29th Apr 2023, 05:53
As the speeches progress amazingly the flowers all turned their heads towards the speaker. Kim was assured that no listening devices were detected by the Security Services..

29th Apr 2023, 05:56
Ah Agent MPN. ..welcome back from your covert operation ..come..sit with us and join the other 10 operatives

Ascend Charlie
29th Apr 2023, 07:00
General second from left has the secret smirk of the man who has hidden the notebooks of the other generals.

29th Apr 2023, 08:56
Greetings, Honorable Contestants.

Joint Runners up are ...

Confusious … Kim's entry for the best decorated table at the local garden fete.
Wensleydale … In a new venture, The Pyongyang Sun starts its "Spot the Bullet" competition. Readers have to put a cross where they think the sniper's bullet will land...the closest will win a day's supply of cat food.

The Winner of the CST Trophy and a tin medal is ...

Big Pistons Forever … Daddy, why did my last Birthday party have all different Generals ?

Over to you, Sir.

Big Pistons Forever
29th Apr 2023, 16:05
https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1200x628/f_15_fighter_crashed_into_police_car_2d403f9f9431a23350e7067 5579f621387e28624.jpg

Here you go boys I expect you to "crush" this CAPCOM :}

29th Apr 2023, 17:04
It’s all right boys it will polish out.

29th Apr 2023, 17:54
Officer Dibble found out the hard way that running red lights while in pursuit could be hazardous...

Sue Vêtements
29th Apr 2023, 18:11
The downside of the low visibility paint scheme

29th Apr 2023, 18:29
Good try, Hoskins ... here's the bill.

Ascend Charlie
29th Apr 2023, 18:34
Brake-checking an F-15 is never a good idea.

29th Apr 2023, 18:43
Errr ... may I see your Airfield Driving Permit, Sir? Oh, and please blow into this ...

29th Apr 2023, 20:22
Erm I always thought a fly drive trip were two separate items.

29th Apr 2023, 20:35
Female Driver and Female Pilot...what could possibly go wrong??
only if there's a Female Navigator...Sir

29th Apr 2023, 20:36
Inside the US Base in Lakenheath, Treaders wanted a close up photo...on his Dashcam...

29th Apr 2023, 20:41
With regret lads, no Sat Night beer for you, the Boss wants his plane serviceable for tomorrow...

29th Apr 2023, 20:44
Your supposed to follow the Dragon Lady , not preceding it down the runway

29th Apr 2023, 20:45
Jaguar on the M55?...Pah hold my beer and watch this...

Dan Gerous
29th Apr 2023, 20:55
It should get on the centreline pylon, but I don't think it will fit on the missile pylons.

https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1200x628/f_15_fighter_crashed_into_police_car_2d403f9f9431a23350e7067 5579f621387e28624.jpg

Dan Gerous
29th Apr 2023, 20:56
Maybe it will fit on the "E".

29th Apr 2023, 21:07
Strike Eagle pilot receives a traffic citation for aggravated buggery: he was following too closely.

- Ed

29th Apr 2023, 23:55
I got the idea from a British puppet show from the 60's. It seemed to work ok then.

Ascend Charlie
30th Apr 2023, 00:18
Roscoe P. Coltrane and Cletus thought it would be a good idea to try to stop the F-15 by pulling in front of it. Boss Hawg will not be happy.

Chu Chu
30th Apr 2023, 01:05
When I said to police the area under the aircraft . . .

Buster Hyman
30th Apr 2023, 02:27
Well, I guess that's the difference between Passive & Active Radar right there!

Buster Hyman
30th Apr 2023, 02:28
The Eagle has landed...

Buster Hyman
30th Apr 2023, 02:29
Who said F-15's couldn't land on a flat top?

30th Apr 2023, 05:52
We have a problem
The Eagle has Landed...Buster beat me to that
Eagles Lair
Where Eagles dare

30th Apr 2023, 05:53
Can you give me a lift to the repair shop??...it's just over there on BBC1

30th Apr 2023, 05:57
In a Wing and a Prius ..

30th Apr 2023, 05:59
Eagle later wished he had landed on a soft top
Landed on a car with a retractable Ariel..

30th Apr 2023, 06:03
Hoskins was later asked just where did he get the paint for his car ??
From the F117 just over there...was the reply

30th Apr 2023, 06:18
Top Gear meets Top Gun


Bottom Gear meets Top Gun

30th Apr 2023, 07:01
Lt Heath-Robinson, there has to be an easier way to convert your unit into a cabriolet...

Buster Hyman
30th Apr 2023, 07:03
Now we know what the 'F' in F-15 means!

30th Apr 2023, 08:36
Yes Mr Everett, that really was a Cupid Stunt you just pulled.

30th Apr 2023, 08:38
You got it there, so you get it out...were off to the pub, Mav and Goose are on the piano

30th Apr 2023, 08:39
Does this count as FORD??

30th Apr 2023, 09:15
There I was nothing on the clock but the makers name, and Double Engine Flameout ..so I thought $100m jet or a knock for knock insurance claim??

30th Apr 2023, 09:16
How was i to know the diversionary airfield had been bought by a car auction site...

30th Apr 2023, 09:16
Well I think we can call that as a test of a Zero Zero Bang seat a success.

30th Apr 2023, 09:21
The Sheriff later put out a all points bulletin to find that British Secret Agent..

30th Apr 2023, 09:22
Early tests to fit the Strike Eagle with Dumb Bombs ..

30th Apr 2023, 09:24
Well the Brits could not fit a Tall Boy in the Bomb Bay either, so nothing new in Aviation..

30th Apr 2023, 09:57
I see autonomous cars have still got work in do

Dan Gerous
30th Apr 2023, 10:43
There's your problem right there, he didn't have the anti collision beacon switched on.

https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1200x628/f_15_fighter_crashed_into_police_car_2d403f9f9431a23350e7067 5579f621387e28624.jpg

30th Apr 2023, 11:05
Items in your mirrors may be bigger than they appear.

Chu Chu
30th Apr 2023, 11:41
Police adopt lower profile.

Chu Chu
30th Apr 2023, 11:42
We just got a call about our birdstrike log. Apparently there was only one breeding pair of gray eagles in the entire state.

30th Apr 2023, 12:05
Initially the speedcop did not believe a Gatso went over 88 MPH...

30th Apr 2023, 12:06
...and thats why we don't ever push the jet out the hanger without wing and tail walkers ..

30th Apr 2023, 12:08
When we need to jump start the engine, normally we just use booster cables ..

30th Apr 2023, 12:10
Well no one put ' Remove before flight ' streamers on it...so I didn't...

30th Apr 2023, 12:19
When Chuck said he drove an old bomb, no one took him seriously.

30th Apr 2023, 12:24
USA - World Police. And they do deliveries.

30th Apr 2023, 12:25
USAF Military Police trial ways to stop Chinese spy satellites from counting how many police cars they have.

Buster Hyman
30th Apr 2023, 13:27
Smokey was shocked at the Bandits new ride!

Chu Chu
30th Apr 2023, 13:37
Bobby Joe's plan to drive under an inflatable decoy and post it on TikTok ran into in unexpected hitch.

Chu Chu
30th Apr 2023, 15:41
Or (kicking myself):

Bobby Joe's plan to drive under an inflatable decoy and post it on TikTok collided with reality.

30th Apr 2023, 16:46
As AF1 landed in Baghdad, they did not expect the local Police to provide such close protection .

30th Apr 2023, 16:48
The tire marks? Don't worry the'll buff out

30th Apr 2023, 16:50
Claytus later regretted getting so close behind the Kallita B747 on take off power at Mildenhall...
What.. all the way to Lakenheath??

30th Apr 2023, 16:52
Normally it's Monster Trucks at the East of England Bank Holiday show in Peterborough.

30th Apr 2023, 16:58
Objects In the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are...
cr Meatloaf

Nutty keep up to speed please..😄

1st May 2023, 05:57
Sarge, great news, at least the fluffy dice can be reused.

1st May 2023, 06:01
James May voice....
Taxed Worse...

1st May 2023, 06:06
After the ' experts ' spend 12 hours scratching their collective heads how to extract the patrol car from under the fighter jet, a passing 9 year old Nutty did it in only 5 minutes . .how??
a) Let the air out the tyres?..
b) Skills learnt on the streets of Liverpool??...

Buster Hyman
1st May 2023, 14:01
Luckily for the cops, their donuts cushioned the blow!

1st May 2023, 18:00
Mogwi forgot he was on secondment to USAF

1st May 2023, 20:26
It was only after the accidend did the Sheriff notice the sign, " All Breakages Must Be Paid For.."...What on my Wages??
We consider breakages as sold.

Big Pistons Forever
1st May 2023, 22:22

I have to call this one early as it looks like I will be incommunicado for a few days.

Much as it pains me, and I mean it’s truly hurts :ouch: I have to give the piece of FOD errrr, I mean CAPCOM trophy to Buster :{ for his entry

The Eagle has landed...

Buster Hyman
2nd May 2023, 06:11
Gee, I hope it wasn't too painful BPF!!!! :p

Okie-diddley-dokie! Lets have a crack at this!


2nd May 2023, 07:33
Irish Navy anti submarine weapon..:E

2nd May 2023, 08:40
"No. Water Tank" was a code name!"

2nd May 2023, 08:40
Splash One!

Jin First
2nd May 2023, 09:11
I distinctly remember saying add 55 Oil Drums for buoyancy, who wrote it down as 55 gallon Oil Drum?

2nd May 2023, 09:32
Latest Russian Armata substitute hesitates to get its toes wet.

2nd May 2023, 09:43
I don't care what the rules do or don't say Lt Hoskins ......you are not using that in the annual army fishing competition!

2nd May 2023, 09:45
Hang on, a couple of pages of the manual were stuck together. This one says "Erect canvas screens"

2nd May 2023, 09:49
Famed Russian stunt man Ivan Knivan gets his record breaking jump sums badly wrong.

Dan Gerous
2nd May 2023, 09:55
I'm curious, how did you get to the carrier from the embassy?

Dan Gerous
2nd May 2023, 09:56
A little something for the Ukranian fishermen.

2nd May 2023, 10:31
SCUBA - Self Contained Underwater Bombarding Apparatus...

2nd May 2023, 10:33
No Hoskins, you can't use the gun barrel as a snorkel...

2nd May 2023, 10:44
We do like to send them off with a fanfare, hence we called this the drum roll

2nd May 2023, 10:46
Right you lot, who told Private Hoskins that the air in the empty oil drum would keep it afloat?

2nd May 2023, 10:46
Russia recover their latest batch of tanks out of storage.

Dan Gerous
2nd May 2023, 11:36
We're not gonna need a bigger boat. Fill the drum with chum and I'll sort the shark out.

2nd May 2023, 11:44
No! UAV, does not mean underwater armoured vehicle...

2nd May 2023, 11:54
'Fear Naught-ical' - exercises commence for the RTR's new Lobster Squadron attached to 24 Commando RE.

2nd May 2023, 12:11
Having run out of old Aircraft Carriers to sink as Artificial reefs, the Army takeover that ecological task.

2nd May 2023, 12:13
Diane Abbot weight and Balance ...again...fail

2nd May 2023, 12:16
After the closure of Bovington Museum, the receivers descide these are better served as breakwaters off Chesil Beach.

2nd May 2023, 12:18
Local fisherman nets a whopper! "You should have seen the one that got away!" he told our reporter...

2nd May 2023, 12:18
Sonar Operator on USS Dallas reports to the captain he can hear the Red October's Caterpillar Drive

2nd May 2023, 12:19
Croydon police prepare to patrol the mean and vastly potholed streets...

2nd May 2023, 12:20
No sir, it just won't sink...
Well it is a Leopard Tank, you know big cats hate the water .

2nd May 2023, 12:22
If SpaceX did submarines.

2nd May 2023, 12:25
* on the assumption very very few of you will have a scooby about this I attach the Wiki Page...
I had a Uncle that served on her in Leith. He did offer a free trip,fortunalty I declined his offer


2nd May 2023, 12:47
The Ukraine Turret Tossing competition steps up a gear ….

2nd May 2023, 12:54
Tide's in? Oh wait, did we put the clocks forward?

2nd May 2023, 15:09
As usual Jeremy went overboard with his Build a Hovercraft out of a Van, Challenge.

2nd May 2023, 15:11
In Aldershot the Tank Driving course was a popular Adventure Gift....It was classed as All Weather, a little rain never stops your enjoyment, was the claim

2nd May 2023, 15:15
The Ukraine Authorities welcome any Farmer that brings in a Destroyed Russian Tank...the Fishermen want a piece of the action.

2nd May 2023, 15:16
The reenactment of June 6 did not go quite accord to plan..

2nd May 2023, 15:18
Throw it back, it's only a tiddler..

2nd May 2023, 15:20
In the search for MH390 the survey vessel, which is on a ' no find no Pay contract' , starts to look in the impossible places...

2nd May 2023, 15:21
Damn left foot braking

2nd May 2023, 15:22
The UK Border Farce start to see a worrying trend for the Asylum Seekers due to a shortage of small inflatable boats...

2nd May 2023, 15:24
I don’t think they will bother with this in 450 years like The Mary Rose

2nd May 2023, 15:29
Is that how the Russians broke the pipeline

2nd May 2023, 15:34
Russian game of jeopardy: sink or swim you choose? Aarrr sink, what next?

2nd May 2023, 15:39
After stealing the only working tank left in Russia Hoskinski thought he had better hide it somewhere safe.

2nd May 2023, 15:45
Prized new Russian sub makes its first appearance

2nd May 2023, 16:11
Hoskinski l said Put water in it NOT it in the water

2nd May 2023, 16:24
I don't know why it won't go in. I think it might be afraid of the water.

2nd May 2023, 16:28
Sevastopol is a bit of a dive these days.....

2nd May 2023, 16:34
Where’s that Bailey bridge, oh no they have nicked that as well!!

2nd May 2023, 16:38
Low flying tanks that’s a new one

2nd May 2023, 16:39
The driver blamed George Russell...

2nd May 2023, 16:40
Hoskinski get it back there’s no battle markings!

Chu Chu
2nd May 2023, 17:01
You said to drop the tanker, but he refused to open the hatch.

Anchor, Hoskins, anchor.

2nd May 2023, 17:29
Wash all the battalions tanks for being late on parade says the bloody RSM, well I’ll show him, I’ll bloody wash em alright.

2nd May 2023, 17:33

2nd May 2023, 17:48
No comrade the Kerch bridge is passable..

fecking Russians… that’ll teach em.

2nd May 2023, 17:53
Hang on Virgil, you’ve got the wrong pod, that’s not Thunderbird 4

2nd May 2023, 18:01
Hang on a minute lads, I've got a great idea...

Chu Chu
2nd May 2023, 19:03
When I said we needed to launch anything with a periscope, I didn’t mean it literally.

2nd May 2023, 19:15
Where we're going Marty we don't need no roads..

2nd May 2023, 19:17
Ms Dimmock wants a tank as a water feature.

2nd May 2023, 19:23
To put this in Football Parlance...
" Your going down "

2nd May 2023, 19:26
In the winner takes all tug of war between the ' dozer and the tank. can you see who accidentally let go of the rope Children??

2nd May 2023, 19:28
Yes but why the oil drum??
You want to find where the Lobster Pots are don't you??

2nd May 2023, 20:07
So just why did you name it Jesus H Christ ..??
Well want to see it walking on water.

2nd May 2023, 20:09
Are you sure this is what we signed up for as AUKUS??

2nd May 2023, 20:12
They really did think we were deporting them to Rwanda.


2nd May 2023, 20:45
We’re calling it Operation Septic Tank, we take tank full of Russian sh*ts then sink it below ground level.

2nd May 2023, 22:03
Water Tank.

- Ed

2nd May 2023, 23:46
The successful launch of the new Russian submersible floating tank was followed by rapid unscheduled disassembly.

3rd May 2023, 06:23
In preparation for Coronation Day the Gold State coach is given a quick brushup..

3rd May 2023, 06:26
Lewis accuses Marcedes of giving him a real Tank of a car to drive in Azerbaijan...
Which as everyone knows is actually below sea level...

3rd May 2023, 06:28
In Formby the Scroat later told the Police it had fallen off the back of a lorry...

3rd May 2023, 06:34
Kiltrash has, of course, got the World's largest fish tank, so he needs the World's largest Ornaments in it..

3rd May 2023, 06:42
The cost of replacing Russian armour was described by the Kremlin as "just a drop in the Ocean".

3rd May 2023, 08:40
State of that tank, sonny, best thing to do is give it a float test.

3rd May 2023, 09:22
Hoskinski take on the International Birdman competition off Bognor Pier needed work

3rd May 2023, 09:58
That tank's a proper turd so it won't float...

3rd May 2023, 11:02
Tanks for the memory.

3rd May 2023, 11:40
For his Birthday present this year the Oligarchs got together and bought Putin another submarine trip after he enjoyed the first one with the glass bubble, although he complained about water dripping from the hatch.. this time they ensured there were no leaks by welding the hatches shut.

3rd May 2023, 11:41
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, may you lie at the bottom and quietly rust.

3rd May 2023, 11:44
Meanwhile in Berdyansk harbour, the Russians continue to load their remaining Tank Landing ship..

3rd May 2023, 11:46
Da, if they cannot find the tank, how can they say we stole the engine.

3rd May 2023, 12:09
"Damn! We forgot to use the pine poles!"

3rd May 2023, 12:13
Scousers getting rid of the evidence.

3rd May 2023, 12:26
Sub detected off our stern, deploy counter measures.

3rd May 2023, 16:15
When we said to dunk it in a bath to free the rusted bits, we meant of Castrol...

3rd May 2023, 16:20
Man in blue shirt..
STOP..STOP....I think I left my phone in there
See .. we don't need no Hi Viz..
Well there I was umpiring when Sir Geoff was batting. I nodded off and woke up here...

3rd May 2023, 16:24
Top Gear revisit the death of Black Stig

3rd May 2023, 18:09
Just when you want Italian to use reverse...

Chu Chu
3rd May 2023, 19:00
When I said the tank was equipped to negotiate the battle surface, I didn’t mean it could battle surface.

3rd May 2023, 19:05
Having cleared the decks of detritus the crew prepared to be towed to Portland and its next ( VERY ) lucrative contract as a UK Asylum Seeker hostel..

3rd May 2023, 19:07
Well if Mythbusters managed to film a 50cal bullet shooting through water, see what they make of this...
Like shooting fish in a barrel...

3rd May 2023, 19:12
Paddy tries to recreate the famous picture of the IOWA class Battleship firing a 9 gun broadside ..

3rd May 2023, 21:25
I’m glad I took the zero excess option on the car rental Mavis.

3rd May 2023, 21:29
Hoskins, you do know what the 'L' in LCT stands for, don't you?

3rd May 2023, 22:32
Clarkson attempts to recreate the Bond Lotus Elite stunt from the Spy Who Loved Me with a tank...

Next week he'll recreate the barrel roll from The Man With The Golden Gun... with a tank...

3rd May 2023, 23:51
"Sarge, are you sure you got your maths right? Archimedes might not agree with using a 44 gallon drum to turn the T-55 into an amphibian... I think.... okay, the divers will enjoy it anyway. Yes Sir!, 100 press-ups, over the oil slick, Sir!, thank you Sir!"

4th May 2023, 03:13
It’s that bloody A Team again.. dropping out the back of aircraft.

4th May 2023, 03:19
The Russian filmmakers finish the final shoot of their version of the film “Da Titanic” of the Red Star line by throwing da “Heart of the Ocean” off the aft deck.
The new film reveals never before seen footage of Da Titanic’s epic struggles after hitting a submerged American nuclear submarine.

Ascend Charlie
4th May 2023, 04:01
Having run out of pianos in the Officers' Mess, the lads borrow a tank from the Enlisted Men's games room, and launch it off the deck.

4th May 2023, 06:17
Throw it back, it's only a six pounder...

4th May 2023, 06:19
While not being ULEZ compliant Barry was sure he has found a way to get his old tank into London .

4th May 2023, 06:21
...and a final test was successfull with raising a metal box off the sea floor using 7.2m ping pong balls..

Chu Chu
4th May 2023, 10:29
We’ve all heard the expression “drink like a fish,” but I’ve never seen them get tanked before.

4th May 2023, 10:49

4th May 2023, 15:46
Suspended animation

4th May 2023, 15:47
Italian Tank engages forward...whatta mistakka to ah Makka..

4th May 2023, 15:48
I still don't think it will float however it's your tank not mine..

4th May 2023, 16:03
# Tanks for the memories ... #

4th May 2023, 16:45
Defence cuts meant the launching of the new HMS Bulldog was 'unusual'

4th May 2023, 17:03
The T-55 on e-bay was cheaper than buying a new anchor.

Dan Gerous
4th May 2023, 18:59
Close hatches, dive, dive, dive.

4th May 2023, 19:17
Designed by Thomas Andrews and built by Harland and Wolff, the Tanktanic proved to be as unsinkable as its predecessor.

- Ed

Chu Chu
4th May 2023, 22:27
I’ve always said that was a handsome tank. But I never expected it to pull a Narcissus.

Buster Hyman
5th May 2023, 04:20
Okay, seeing that it's Fri-yay!!! Let's move it along for the weekend...

Honorable mentions to the A-team. AUKUS, & Coronation entries!

In third place with the "I assume you mean the Red ones" award...
Scousers getting rid of the evidence.

Runner up with the "Measuring ones envy" award...
Throw it back, it's only a six pounder...

But the winner, with the "Topical & Chuckle able" award is...
Russia recover their latest batch of tanks out of storage.

5th May 2023, 04:37
Phew! A mention at last.

I've been brushing my teeth religiously, and liberally applying pitstop recently, so that must have done the trick! :}

5th May 2023, 11:46
Caption waiting for picture...
Buster has a cunning plan to keep Nutty from dominating captions ..🇳🇿

5th May 2023, 12:42
Ok, try these Russians.. and Thanks Buster.. :)


Buster Hyman
5th May 2023, 13:12
"Incoming HIMARS? Is that like a new email Sergei?"

Buster Hyman
5th May 2023, 13:14
"The recruiting Officer said I would go straight to Grind'r, but it won't log me in!"

Buster Hyman
5th May 2023, 13:15
"They said it was the latest military kit, but it's nothing like the photos on the news!"

Buster Hyman
5th May 2023, 13:15
"According to Googleski Mapski, this should be Kyiv!"

5th May 2023, 14:09
This is amazing, I just hit the Kremlin with a drone controlled from my phone.

Wow, so did I.

Chu Chu
5th May 2023, 14:32
The Ukrainian esprit de corps remained high; the Russians were just phoning it in

5th May 2023, 15:05
Soldier: "Wow! Putin has just sacked me for incompetence!"

Officer: "Me too... in fact the entire military has been sacked! He says if you need something doing properly..."

Together: "I'm the last man in The Kremlin, I sacked everybody last week. The generals were all bloody useless and not of the calibre I seek..."

Buster Hyman
5th May 2023, 15:17
"I got called up because they can't find any Nazi's in Ukraine. Apparently, we're the only ones that'll recognise them!"

5th May 2023, 15:44
Oh look! We're the PPRuNe caption contest this weekend!

5th May 2023, 15:55
Soldier on left wonders why he has a red target on his helmet, soldier on right wonders if anyone in the changing rooms noticed he has red lip stick mark's on his c*ck

5th May 2023, 15:57
The England Football Fans at World Cup 2018 send pictures back home of their tourist purchases.

5th May 2023, 16:00
Look Sergie, at these Western Grannies just dying for strong virile Russian husband's...
You fool Ivan, that's Theresa May ..

5th May 2023, 16:01
Nope 007ski can't find Salisbury Cathedral ...let's just knock on that door and try the handle and ask a local

5th May 2023, 16:04
Mines bigger than yours..

5th May 2023, 16:05
At Kiyv Madam Tussauds the tourists think this is appropriate attire

5th May 2023, 16:27
Two of Russia’s finest look up how to say “Welcome to Moscow!” in Ukrainian.

5th May 2023, 16:35
Soldier on left demonstrates hands free urination...

5th May 2023, 17:16
Says our UBER is a white Mercedes and its here..

5th May 2023, 17:19
This Airdrop is a great way to share pictures ..
Looks up..AIRDROP..panics and runs away

5th May 2023, 17:20
Later regretted walking in the cycle lane ... https://cimg6.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1300x866/image_efa8ee889e699d58c0f87653fde6f75f5c65a3eb.png

5th May 2023, 17:23
This Social Media is a great way to link up with other lonely hearts..now where's the clock at Waterloo

5th May 2023, 17:41
"I can't understand a word of it. Don't they speak Cyrillic over there?"

Dan Gerous
5th May 2023, 18:30
This app on ADSB is brilliant. Just type in your location and it will tell you if there are any incoming missiles.

5th May 2023, 19:33
What star sign are you?


Lemme see... "A new window will open for you later today. You may find it presents something of a headache initially but this will swiftly pass." Wow, I wonder what that can mean?

6th May 2023, 00:29
"Targeted advertisements are bad enough, but what's this incoming?"

Big Pistons Forever
6th May 2023, 00:49
Wow the General is sure a nice guy. He gave me his helmet and his phone. I will order some Pizza.

6th May 2023, 00:51
They all stopped whatever they were doing for today's exciting new episode of 'Master Chef from the Front Lines' with Prigozhin and invited guests.

6th May 2023, 02:22
"This Amerikanski just bid $5 on Ebay for a General's cap."
"Doesn't he know that for $10 he can have a General."

Buster Hyman
6th May 2023, 02:58
The Wagner recruits went downhill after the initial batch!

Dan Gerous
6th May 2023, 08:47
I'm seeing nothing on ebay what about you?
Nah there's f*** all camo gear on Amazon, and you have to watch the sizes on Ali Baba, they're always smaller than stated.

Dan Gerous
6th May 2023, 08:49
Hey, Just Eat are using drones to deliver to the front lines. Borsch anyone?

Chu Chu
6th May 2023, 10:45
I never question orders, but why are we crashing our drones into the Senate?

And why do they keep spelling it R-E-I-C-H-S-T-A-G?

6th May 2023, 13:07
"This Coronation coverage is rather good. And they have very nice uniforms, unlike us."

Chu Chu
6th May 2023, 13:23
Typical. I volunteer for a "suicide mission" and they send me to Moscow to fly drones.

That's funny. They told me the same thing.

6th May 2023, 13:49
"Hey Sergei, given we're running out of artillery shells, why don't we catapult pigs into Kyiv? It seems to work on here?"

Buster Hyman
6th May 2023, 14:42
Do I swipe left or right?

6th May 2023, 15:13
Got this from Del Boyski... no guarantee no workee

Same here

6th May 2023, 15:14
So just how do I turn off Location service.....

6th May 2023, 15:15
My back pack contains the spare Lithium Ion batteries...keeps my back warm..

Buster Hyman
6th May 2023, 15:18
"Yes Biff"
"Do they even celebrate Halloween here in Kyiv?"