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5th May 2022, 15:45
Well, this is gonna take more than one page of A4 to describe what happened for the Insurance company ...

5th May 2022, 18:45
Later the AAIB summarised the accident may not have happened had Mr Branson been a Training Captain ...

5th May 2022, 23:00
You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off.

5th May 2022, 23:01
Brace brace brace… ooohh err.

5th May 2022, 23:02

6th May 2022, 00:26
Only 400 copies of the Hannants build yourself a Cessna 150 magazine to go…

6th May 2022, 00:29
Despite attempts to reduce weight, Cessna were unable to shorten the take off run.

6th May 2022, 00:30
Red Bull log an official complaint against some of Mercedes F1 design changes.

6th May 2022, 00:31
It’s not as reliant as a Robin, but it sure clears cyclists and pedestrians out of the way.

6th May 2022, 00:33
Delboy updates Rodney’s company van.

6th May 2022, 00:42
The old saying "If it looks good....it will fly good!" proved to be correct.

Chu Chu
6th May 2022, 00:49
Hoskin's cunning plan to eliminate induced drag overlooked a small detail.

6th May 2022, 04:51
Just got to get 88 mph and we will catch the DeLorean

6th May 2022, 06:09
Hoskins attempt to redesign the wheel finally shows promise

6th May 2022, 06:11
Yes Mr Depp, after Ms Heards testimony this is all you have left, oh and please can you hand in the shirt off your back??

6th May 2022, 06:14
Sir Clive's first design for the C5 was roundly derided, so he went off to redesign it to a much better personal transport machine.

6th May 2022, 06:15
No i don't think the Queen will use it during the Platinum Jubbly celebrations

6th May 2022, 06:19
After some troubling substitutions by Mr Guardiola he is made to fly back to Manchester separately by the Board. Perhaps he has lost the trust of the Club??

6th May 2022, 06:22
As temeratures rise due to climate change, Hoskins has to take drastic action to keep engine and pilot cool.

6th May 2022, 12:26
Not a caption - judging approx 1900 UK time or so, depending on my workload :)

6th May 2022, 13:40
I need Red Bull* it will give me wings.....

*Other beverages available and far better tasting.

6th May 2022, 14:26
Pilot's Report: "Suspect engine missing"

Engineer's report: "No evidence of engine missing. Almost everything else IS."

6th May 2022, 15:36
It must be a European aircraft because its powered by a Continental.

6th May 2022, 15:44
Onlooker amazed asked ...How the hell did you managed to land that successfully? ?
Pilot replies. ..Fortunate design, the fuel is not held in the wings.

6th May 2022, 15:45
Please tell me Pilot, what's the Lotto numbers tonight??

6th May 2022, 15:47
Well the ' Bitch in the box ' said this was the best way home...and who was i to argue with Alexa...

6th May 2022, 17:38
OK Judging time....Honourable mentions to....

Hydromet for - "Well, Hoskins, you seriously exceeded the G limits, but at least you managed to land the bits that were left."

Kiltrash for - Anyone seen Doris? ? My Wing Walker? ?

ShyTorque for the classic - Pilot's Report: "Suspect engine missing" Engineer's report: "No evidence of engine missing. Almost everything else IS."

But the CST this week goes to SLXOwft for the subtle- "Not being ex-RN Brad Hoskins had never previously been confronted with the reality of 'fitted for but not with'."

CST on way in something *with* wings :)

7th May 2022, 19:06
Caption waiting for picture...
Andytug finally gets back from Brighton wondering where it all went wrong for his team 😊

7th May 2022, 22:07
Though he has since realised dog sleigh teams had no place on a Brighton beach.

8th May 2022, 00:47
Apologies for the delay I am now back on frequency.

Andytug you are too kind.

Here is my humble offerinhg,


8th May 2022, 01:05
Bloggs over did the Curry Eggs and Theakston Old Peculiar again!

8th May 2022, 02:16
Can't you read, Hoskins? It says the area within the lines must be smooth and clean.

Ascend Charlie
8th May 2022, 02:27
"I told you to blow the DOOR off!"

8th May 2022, 06:20
Brian's Advent calendar style chuff chart had reached 410 days to go.

8th May 2022, 06:23
Why is there always carrot when you didn't eat any? ?

8th May 2022, 06:26
The crew were first alerted to the burd strike by the strange whistling noise on the flight deck, solved when the hostile sat down and crossed her legs.

8th May 2022, 06:29
With Hoskins being away on holiday, the Base maintainance crew were short of overtime pay, were glad when Hoskins British cousin popped over the pond...

8th May 2022, 06:31
Sully,, told you not to play Chicken with the Geese ...

8th May 2022, 08:11

8th May 2022, 08:13
Hoskins, WingCo would like a word with you about his TV aerial...

8th May 2022, 08:46
Dec 24....Well do you want to tell the Children??

8th May 2022, 10:26
Caption waiting for picture...
Andytug finally gets back from Brighton wondering where it all went wrong for his team 😊

(not a caption)....I assume you're being ironic, Southport FC won 5-0 on Saturday, there are very few Man U fans round here!

8th May 2022, 10:27
"Think you need a little more practice in the sim before we let you practice any more AAR, Hoskins!"

Ascend Charlie
8th May 2022, 10:44
"...It was a birdstrike, sir!"
"Maybe so, but the bird was on a power pole at the time."

Buster Hyman
8th May 2022, 10:55
Someone's missed the memo about it being "static"...

Buster Hyman
8th May 2022, 10:55
"Err, Missy...would you mind asking Mr. Shatner to join us here in the cockpit please?"

8th May 2022, 11:15
Honest Sir....I wuz thinking of me kids....was sat there whistling "Pop Goes the Weasel" and the next thing ya know.....something went POP!

Chu Chu
8th May 2022, 11:56
I knew it was a mistake letting Hoskins put his pigeon loft in the cockpit.

8th May 2022, 12:00
ATC... No No Stand 42 C was yours not 42D... That's for A380's

Pilot in Polish English , Please say again

( ps any experts identify the aircraft please?)

8th May 2022, 12:37
There, I told you the sensor was easy to get too, now about the bet, where is my money..

Buster Hyman
8th May 2022, 12:38
Looks like an A400M Kilty

8th May 2022, 12:39
Ok red line no1 pitot U/S and we will carry on with two and three.

Buster Hyman
8th May 2022, 12:39
What was that?
Umm, nothing…..say, what did you think about the Hotel last night?

8th May 2022, 15:26
The pilot exclaimed to the co-pilot: "Whatever you do, Do Not Press That Bu..."

- Ed

8th May 2022, 16:22
Thanks Buster I see it now

8th May 2022, 17:06
"Cabin Crew, doors to Manual and ... oh, forget that last ..."

8th May 2022, 17:19
I told you the spring loading in that harness release was too strong...

8th May 2022, 17:27
When doing the Okey Cokey IS what it is all about!

Chu Chu
8th May 2022, 17:53
And thus were sardine cans invented.

Self loading bear
8th May 2022, 18:27
( ps any experts identify the aircraft please?)

This is a Repairbus A400M

Self loading bear
8th May 2022, 18:44
multiple choice:
a) the Atlas pivots around the Axis
b) a pitot tube measures airspeed along it’s axis
c) the pitot tube was peeled from the Atlas, accidentally
(multiple answers can be right)

8th May 2022, 18:57
I told you that was not the door handle, I also told you not to pull too hard! Do you never listen?

8th May 2022, 19:00
Adding a ring-pull to the access hatch was not such a good idea after all!

Big Pistons Forever
8th May 2022, 19:07
So Bob, how "World Class " was your fart ?

"Well they say a picture is worth a thousand words...."

Big Pistons Forever
8th May 2022, 19:09
Maintenance Supervisor

Sargent, I thought you were doing an external skin repair, so how come you have ordered new right hand cockpit seat cushions ?

Big Pistons Forever
8th May 2022, 19:11
One out of three ain't bad !

Big Pistons Forever
8th May 2022, 19:13
OH NO !!!, I told you not to let the apprentice near the Sawzall !

Chu Chu
8th May 2022, 19:37
The frangible pitot tube ensures that IAS never exceeds VNE.

Dan Gerous
8th May 2022, 20:16
I know I said they're packed in like sardines down the back, but we can still use the doors!

Dan Gerous
8th May 2022, 20:17
If Airbus did advent calendars...

8th May 2022, 20:19
A SPAM built aircraft?

8th May 2022, 22:44
When you peel the skin back, all pilots become the same colour!

9th May 2022, 00:25
Hoskins takes "Remove before flight" a little too literally.

9th May 2022, 07:16
Told you not to pop that balloon behind the ' Mouse Catcher Airborne System '

Chu Chu
9th May 2022, 11:25
Bad day: You find wasps in the pitot tube.

Really bad day: A woodpecker finds them first.

9th May 2022, 13:38
Keep 'em coming - ETJ Wednesday.


9th May 2022, 13:43
"Hoskins, next time I say 'give it a gentle tap and see if you can get it working' ......I mean GENTLE !!!!"

9th May 2022, 13:44
Hoskins, when we play golf on the station links, a hole in one means something rather different...

9th May 2022, 13:48
Sir, The storeman is happy to write-off the boots.....
...but not the 8 watches, 3 flying suits, 4 Laptops, two microwaves and fridge freezer you 'claim' were lost during the incident!

9th May 2022, 13:59
Sgt, just leave the co-pilot there for a bit ....we will get him out later when he finally relaxes his grip on the coaming..
.....and hopefully over time the smell will dissipate to!

9th May 2022, 14:14
Good and bad news boss....

Bad news, you're an airframe down for a week or so...
Good News, Flt Lt Hoskins no longer has constipation!

9th May 2022, 14:25
Pppwwwwwwaaaaaaarrrrppp....Ahh that's better out than in, damn, I shouldn't of had that extra hot vindaloo last night, I'm telling you, that fart could melt metal.

9th May 2022, 14:29
That was a seriously Angry Bird, have you seen the damage, that was a bouncing bomb....


9th May 2022, 14:33
Well Homer, multiple dents and red staining, what do you think?

Arrggggghhhhhh Rasberry Ripple Droooollll....

9th May 2022, 15:06
Yes Mr Hunt, for your next movie we have added a couple of extra handholds for you, but don't worry on the final print we can bluescreen them out.

9th May 2022, 15:08
Little before scene what damage to the camera ship was done when Goose ejected. The Air Force said it was just a Bird Strike.. so not to have a serious compensation claim from the family

9th May 2022, 15:10
No seriously there REALLY was nothing on the clock but the makers name

9th May 2022, 15:12
If you think THIS is bad, you should see the other side.

9th May 2022, 15:16
Everybody hits a bird now and then...

Yeah, but in their nest?

(Oldie but goodie...)

9th May 2022, 15:17
" 409 " what's the significance of " 409 " ??
Well 409th different aircraft damaged by Ft Lt Hoskins...think of it as a tally. However that was at last week, look over there, you'll see " 421 " ..

9th May 2022, 15:20
After Rory shanked off the 5th tea he was pleasantly surprised the ball cannoned off a passing aircraft and fell to 5 foot from the hole.
He tapped in for the birdie...
He was left with a Dennis Wise... ( you have to be a golfer to follow that one 😁😁

9th May 2022, 15:56
The Lead aircraft for the Moscow flypast caused the whole event to be cancelled. Hoskinski was last seen in the capable hands of the GRU.

Buster Hyman
9th May 2022, 16:06
"Oh no! They hit the Lavatory"
"...No, they missed"
"Okay...then where's that smell coming from?"

9th May 2022, 16:23
Aw gee....would you look at that....an Irish RAT!

10th May 2022, 04:44
I got his registration number " DoEno1 "

10th May 2022, 12:48
Right, that takes care off Ant Man, the Sequel

Buster Hyman
11th May 2022, 16:02

11th May 2022, 19:26
Damm sage brush, never before seen at this altitude 😁

11th May 2022, 19:28

I was taking some time to reflect on the poor bird that made this possible.

In equal third place: Hydromet: Can't you read, Hoskins? It says the area within the lines must be smooth and clean.
and 622: Sir, The storeman is happy to write-off the boots.....
...but not the 8 watches, 3 flying suits, 4 Laptops, two microwaves and fridge freezer you 'claim' were lost during the incident!

In second: Self-loading Bear: This is a Repairbus A400M

However the winner of the CST is....

Chu Chu: Bad day: You find wasps in the pitot tube.

Really bad day: A woodpecker finds them first

PS. PM sent

Chu Chu
11th May 2022, 22:10
Thanks, SLXOwft.!

I promised myself I'd never post a foreign politician, but seeing this the day I won CapComp felt like fate. (And anyway, it's two foreign politicians :))


Apologies in advance for any obvious references I miss when judging.

Self loading bear
11th May 2022, 22:31
Foreign politicians?

Big Pistons Forever
11th May 2022, 22:45
Rowing is just like running the country, going forward while looking backwards

Big Pistons Forever
11th May 2022, 22:46
I don't need a life jacket I can walk on water.

11th May 2022, 22:51
Does Anyone know how to sail the ship of state?

11th May 2022, 22:54
Pas de la Rhone que nous!

11th May 2022, 22:55
And this is how most single men try to immigrate into the UK!

11th May 2022, 23:30
Well it's better than the barbed wire canoe I'm usually in when I'm paddling up that other well-known creek.

12th May 2022, 00:39
See there....proved to them I do not have just one Oar in the water!

Buster Hyman
12th May 2022, 03:20
I don't care if people think it's a stupid idea. We promised to take us further away from Europe & I'm jolly well going to deliver! Now, hook up that rope to the pier! These favorable Atlantic winds won't last forever!

Buster Hyman
12th May 2022, 03:21
Do you think the Aussies will get the AUKUS joke when I row into Sydney harbour?

Ascend Charlie
12th May 2022, 03:38
Boris: "Stroke! Stroke!"
Her: "Boris, I am the cox, I am the one who says that."
Boris: "I know my cox, and I tell you I am having a stroke!"

12th May 2022, 07:16
Johnson talking rowlocks, as usual.

12th May 2022, 09:44
See, I told you Climate Change was important. We'll have to change the address to 10 Drowning Street...

But Boris, this is the Serpentine!

12th May 2022, 09:55
Boris evaluates new Border Farce Immigrant Interceptor (BFFI)

12th May 2022, 10:35
You misheard me, I didn't say "Row ya Punt"


12th May 2022, 10:38
Well, you wanted to visit the Moskva

12th May 2022, 10:41
So Boris, what is it like being a rudderless leader?

12th May 2022, 10:42
Well, I'm used to being up the creek .....but no idea what these bits of wood I'm holding are for!

12th May 2022, 10:45
All this water, all we need now is some whisky to add a splash of it too and possibly some cake.

12th May 2022, 10:46
I hear you Swedes love a good meat ball or two...

12th May 2022, 10:48
Come in No10, your time is up.

12th May 2022, 11:18
Excellent idea Liz, get the Blob back to their offices in Whitehall, then flood the place!

12th May 2022, 13:13
Well if we had given you a life jacket, we would of had problems keel hauling you..

12th May 2022, 13:14

12th May 2022, 13:15
If Labour had run the Titanic and If the Conservatives had ran the evacuation of Titanic

12th May 2022, 13:17
Prime Minister we have a splinter group in Sweden that oppose you..
Tell me about it, they're sticking in my arse, you really need to sand these seats down,

12th May 2022, 13:44
Awesome, Prime Minister!

Oar some? If I oar any more I'll get jolly tired!

12th May 2022, 14:45
I bet that's the first time the conservatives have pulled together in a long time.

12th May 2022, 14:45
Thar...he blows.......

Buster Hyman
12th May 2022, 14:54
"No Boris, I will not call you Capt. Jack Sparrow!"

12th May 2022, 16:34
The Owl of the Remove and the pussy cat went to sea in a beautiful varnished boat...

Self loading bear
12th May 2022, 18:34
Boris used to pull together on the right wing,
https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1094x600/090ef298_9c8d_4fde_949e_c8058326f5e5_c2da6abe33275f2b4105b7f e9f852f5428682c83.jpeg

Now he is paddling in the middle.

(this is NOT the caption picture!)

Self loading bear
12th May 2022, 18:41
This one might need some background googling:

Swedish Prime Minister think bubble:

”I thought I would have a press event with heavy metal band System of Down.
Now I ended up with a softy from Downing Street, that certainly does NOT rock my boat”

12th May 2022, 18:48
OK so it's ONLY going to be one from me as I'm on Mobile Data in France in my campervan. ..up a mountain ... trying to speak English local dialect LOUDLY. ..

" So if you take out £1m life insurance, jump overboard, Fake your death , Grow a beard and.live in Panama all your problems will just go away? " ... Said Boris to Greta...hmm good idea...

Dan Gerous
12th May 2022, 18:48
Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a...what's that rumbling noise?


12th May 2022, 18:56
What do you mean? You say I have to snap this single oar in two before I can row the boat?

12th May 2022, 19:05
“NO, Boris!! That’s Snake Island over there!!”

Buster Hyman
13th May 2022, 03:49
"....One Ping only Vassili!"

13th May 2022, 06:48
And we will all pull together, our <<<<<<<<<< between our knees!

13th May 2022, 07:27
Meanwhile, the Grauniad reports of a row brewing in the Cabinet.

Buster Hyman
13th May 2022, 07:37
Are you sure this is Virgin Voyages Boris?

13th May 2022, 08:55
FFS Boris!! ....the oars only work in the water, now do it properly!

13th May 2022, 14:28
I hadn't the heart to tell them we bought it at Ikea and we still have all these screws left over..

13th May 2022, 14:29
https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/760x329/image_f818af00d928a18af062a9a655a6acadf0e70743_c07e159762125 08338ac417805437e1885cd996b.png

13th May 2022, 14:31
Don't worry we're sending out Uncle Albert to rescue them.

13th May 2022, 14:32
Funny, I always thought the arse end was at the back.

13th May 2022, 15:51
No, A straw boater is totally different.

13th May 2022, 21:16
The RN celebrates the 40th anniversary of the sinking of the Belgrano.

13th May 2022, 21:42
Can I put in a mileage claim for this?

13th May 2022, 21:43
Not punt you cloth-eared tripe-muncher , I didn’t say I wanted some Swedish “Punt” and anyway this is a rowing boat , so I will row all I want with whomever I choose to argue or row with .

13th May 2022, 21:44
The inaugural launching of Bloaty McBoatface 11

13th May 2022, 21:47
Don’t worry Prime Minister, that heavy anchor we tied to your legs is simply to stop us drifting when we get to the photoshoot area.

13th May 2022, 21:56
Oh phucing h3ell! The paparazzi have caught us even here! How do I explain it to Carrie?

13th May 2022, 22:01
Oi! Reporter! This was not pre-planned, we are 2 meters apart, there is no cake or curry in the boat, no rules have been broken, and Carrie knows I am here!"

14th May 2022, 00:42
You idiot! I wanted a girl who peddled it 'round town, not one who paddled it 'round the tarn.

14th May 2022, 01:41
No Cockleshell Hero this guy!

14th May 2022, 03:44
"Row row row your boat gently up :mad: creek
Starmer's caught with trousers down, isn't life a shriek!"

Ok, Liz, now a verse about Putin...

"Pole pole pole your boat gently like a punt...."

14th May 2022, 04:03
"...I’m the last man left in the Air Force,
It’s quiet-but, that apart
There are plenty worse off, for example
The Only Sea Lord, for a start
He was called out last Wednesday evening
(Joint Ops with the Army, my oath)
But their rowing boat sank in the Channel
Which obliged me to rescue them both..."

(Grateful acknowledgement to whoever wrote that wonderful poem)

14th May 2022, 05:56
The PM finds a cheaper way to fly to Rwanda for a meeting....

Dan Gerous
14th May 2022, 11:39
Hurry up you fat oaf, or we'll miss eurovision

14th May 2022, 12:57
At least he only got caught with a pair of Oars this time!

Chu Chu
14th May 2022, 14:29
It looks like the tide's starting to ebb on this one, so I'll aim to judge it around 0100 Harpsund time.

14th May 2022, 14:57
Boris wondered if christening it Moskva was actually another stupid decision.

"Keep Calm, and Carrie On."

14th May 2022, 19:23
Finally back in civilisation. ..So now onto Gib ... I can get my UK Pension sent there, knew the Chancellor did have a use after all ...

14th May 2022, 19:24
Whatdoyoumean I'm rowing against the tide?? Of public opinion ...

14th May 2022, 19:30
That's OK PM as we're outside the British 12 mile limit your safe from UK jurisdiction , now I hope we show up on that Supertanker Radar...
Del Boy voice. ..Rodney!! the steering jammed ...
( cr Miami Twice )
Is that a periscope sticking up between your legs or are you just pleased to see me..

14th May 2022, 19:36
Boris, my feet are getting wet. When you drained the bilges earlier, did you put the bung back in?

14th May 2022, 21:23
I thought you said a couple of whores.

Chu Chu
14th May 2022, 23:30
No one mentioned the Treaty of Örebro. but lots of great entries, as always. Or come to think if it, those two facts may not be entirely unrelated . . .

In third place, I have Nutloose with: "I hadn't the heart to tell them we bought it at Ikea and we still have all these screws left over."

In second, Big Pistons Forever with: "I don't need a life jacket I can walk on water."

And the winner is . . . wait for it. . . SASless with: "At least he only got caught with a pair of Oars this time!"

The trophy will be along as soon as I find a paddle.

15th May 2022, 09:30
0536. hrs here upon learning of my temporary possession of Mr. Coffmans Trophy.....and am about to take the boat out and attempt to fetch home some fish for the Mr. JR Mewing and Commodore Frady's dinner.

Upon my return about Noon I shall post a photo....unless I wind up sweatily involved with a pair of either Oars or Whores then I shall be a bit late on that ETA.

15th May 2022, 14:53
Try this one....

https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1280x720/poster_fbaab63a57d149a7ad3b85ebbb9ec991_5768533ef098d49ce848 6548e104954c82e6b427.jpg

15th May 2022, 15:12
Huey, Dewey, Louie, Phooey, and Unca Donald discuss the slashes in Scrooge McDuck's defense budget.

- Ed

15th May 2022, 15:12
Now... I know I had the keys when I left my room...

15th May 2022, 15:43
I’m telling you, it’s impossible to play pocket billiards, I don’t know how they do it..


15th May 2022, 15:44
So finally an all female crew………. You are all females aren’t you..

15th May 2022, 15:46
And when we pull the strings in our pockets we can scatter the soil all over the sports pitch.

15th May 2022, 15:51
You put your left leg in
Your left leg out
In, out, in, out
You shake it all about
You do the hokey cokey
And you turn around
That's what it's all about

15th May 2022, 15:59
So, he said he envisaged me in an apron and I told him flat that I have all the apron I need at work.

15th May 2022, 16:01
I told you, didn't I, but you just don't listen... that was the last rest stop for 300 miles.... where are you going to find a gas station out here? Tell me! Well.... ?

15th May 2022, 16:25
Right Girls....what happens on an RON stays within the Crew!

15th May 2022, 16:28
And finally, next time when he asks have you got your ear muffs girls, don’t burst out giggling.

15th May 2022, 16:39
I'll ask you again! Which of you three superglued this helicopter to my ar5e?

Chu Chu
15th May 2022, 16:44
Are you sure that's all that's leaking? It doesn't look orange to me.

15th May 2022, 16:46
Iro... irritate, no, irriga, no, iraqui... dang, nab it!

Just call it a Huey, Sarge...

15th May 2022, 17:27
OK, I just want to know who left that used tampon hangng there, and I'll say no more about this incident.

15th May 2022, 18:29
Don't blame me, Camber, Portobello Tenby, Slapton...they all look the same to me...
(for those not of a UK persuasion, these are all sandy beaches )...said Po Harry Wales in his early days

15th May 2022, 18:33
...well always look on the bright side of life. ..you could be a civil servant ...

15th May 2022, 18:48
When queried why Ms Hoskins had taken off in Chinook and returned in a Huey. ..replied, .. well it was all grubby and I put it through a hot wash...

Ascend Charlie
15th May 2022, 19:15
"Darned election campaigns, they pull us out of the kitchen, dress us in flying suits, and take pictures to show how inclusive they are. Should we give them a Browneye?"

Chu Chu
15th May 2022, 20:35
I know -- let's paint it pink.

No, then might end up on CapComp. Imagine what the jokes would be.

Dan Gerous
15th May 2022, 20:57
Will the cyclic align with our cycles?

15th May 2022, 21:43
And please Jane stop stroking the collective lever, the autopilot cannot cope.

15th May 2022, 22:01
Well, errr, ummm, the thing is....thanks for volunteering, but you need to know that,, ahhh, the VIP co-pilot is err um sorry, Prince Andrew!

15th May 2022, 22:30
"...and he got a real shock when I told him I had a bigger chopper than him!"

15th May 2022, 23:02

15th May 2022, 23:05
So did you, you did didn’t you, how was he?

16th May 2022, 00:44
I did not push the Emergency Cargo Hook Release on purpose...I am just not used to wearing Comboot Bats!

16th May 2022, 03:13
I heard you got a posting on the new Lakota but turned it down for these, why?
These vibrate…

16th May 2022, 05:44
When the Boss said that I was in "Q", I didn't realise that it was for him.

16th May 2022, 07:02
Look, I definitely saw a spider in there........

16th May 2022, 07:06
The Lynx effect!
(For overseas viewers ....a catchphrase from a UK deodorant advert)

Dan Gerous
16th May 2022, 09:58
Sorry, I meant to say strap in.

Ascend Charlie
16th May 2022, 10:19
"Who was the mongrel who super-glued our boots together??"

16th May 2022, 12:09
My boyfriend says I'm all torque these days...

16th May 2022, 12:48
OK Shirley, where did you last see the keys since they're not in your pocket..............

Buster Hyman
16th May 2022, 13:05
I know Sarge, I’m sorry but,,,it’s just that those oscillations on idle, well…phwoar!

16th May 2022, 13:05
Shirley was having to remain mum....as the Key Party had not turned out as she had hoped.....regretting the Lady Typhoon Pilot had gone off with the Chinook Pilot.

Buster Hyman
16th May 2022, 13:08
I know Ride of the Valkyrie is iconic, but I thought mixing it up with I am Woman would be a morale booster!

16th May 2022, 13:26
Clunk click every trip refers to your seat belt, not your love balls.

16th May 2022, 14:40
Move over Top Gun 2 . Chicken Hawk 2 , the Chicks version is promising to be a real chopper of a movie . Guaranteed to make you cry . A simple story of girls and their choppers far away from home . Not as gay as Top Gun 1 , but filled with tear jerking moments that will make a grown man cry.

16th May 2022, 14:46
Why they called it multi glam i'll never know..

16th May 2022, 14:47
Damn, this stuff just does not work well with suspenders..

16th May 2022, 15:03
What would be more challenging flying while wearing seven inch stilettos or Red clown shoes in Bozo Bojo size ?

16th May 2022, 17:20
"So, what say we form a Display Team and call it the Green Arrows?"

16th May 2022, 18:01
It was so sexist, when they handed out the call signs I thought I might get “maverick” or “goose” or something along those lines, but I was given “duck” and when I asked why, they said well you f*ck a “duck”…

Dan Gerous
16th May 2022, 19:16
Stay round this side, out of sight girls, otherwise they'll rip the piss out of us on Pprune


16th May 2022, 19:20
When we requested small arms, we never expected them to be attached to a small woman..

16th May 2022, 21:13
They tried calling her bouncing Betty , not because she goes off if you step on her , but because she never slows down in turbulence . Hence the moniker bouncing Betty . Then the moon rose and nobody spoke of it again .

16th May 2022, 21:15
We can’t leave yet, bitching Betty hasn’t turned up.

16th May 2022, 21:55
Our task is to visit Kier Starmer so he can be shown what a woman is and then he will be able to define one at the next labour party conference! Any Questions?

16th May 2022, 23:36
I’ve told them that we won’t take it until they fit a mirror so we can check our hair and makeup.

16th May 2022, 23:38
Slight problem Sarge, the POH says enter the cockpit, but none of us have a c*ck.

17th May 2022, 00:32
All female flight decks are known as the box office , no sausage required just a good grip for the controls .

Ascend Charlie
17th May 2022, 06:35
"When I started training, I was too rough on the cyclic, so the IP told me to treat it like it was my boyfriend's...well, you know...and suddenly I was really smooth, but all I could see was the floor, not the attitude, and the saliva shorted out the intercom."

17th May 2022, 10:23
I know they said wear body armour, but this damned chastity belt is so bloody uncomfortable.

17th May 2022, 10:35
I thought you said you could read a map?

17th May 2022, 11:13
And with the controller in my pocket I can turn the vibration all the way up to te....oooohhh my God...ohhhhh

17th May 2022, 11:16
Not one, but two navigators on board with a simple trip the the Big Apple.......... can you see can you see the Big Apple? in fact can you see a bloody tree?

17th May 2022, 11:18
I have never seen a weapons drill carried out so fast, from the command, cock, hook and look, you had that poor door gunners trousers around his ankles in under 10 seconds..

Big Pistons Forever
17th May 2022, 15:48
Second person from the left

Aw shucks how was I to know the rotor down draft was going to knock over the mens latrine ?

Last one on the right

Well I bet they won’t Piss us off again !

Dan Gerous
17th May 2022, 15:57
What's wrong Kath?
The guys gave me some money to get the duty free in while we were here, but now I'm not sure if Vuitton handbags and Chanel perfume is what they were after.

17th May 2022, 18:05
“Well, one of you definitely left the toilet seat up!”

17th May 2022, 21:17
Still waiting for issue 1921, the rotor head...

17th May 2022, 21:18
Well no sorry, but I've had to go Commando today. My boyfriends wearing mine

17th May 2022, 21:19
Look, when on exercise always remember to pack your She Wee....

17th May 2022, 21:21
So explain again Camouflage? and why the aircrafts in Green and we're in Brown...

17th May 2022, 21:30
Well all I remember was going for a few drinks with the girls down the Gallowgate one Friday evening, passing the recruitment office and saying watch this...
all I meant to do was a boozy flash of me t*ts and a5se through the window ..
( for Gallowgate insert your local Students booze street ..this one's in Newcastle )

Chu Chu
18th May 2022, 00:52
The Bell of the ball.

18th May 2022, 02:19
The belles of the Bell.

18th May 2022, 05:46
The belles of hell go whoppa whoppa whopp...

18th May 2022, 07:17
( deep sigh..) Always enjoyed flying Bravo November.... till that Nutloose balanced the rotor blade...

Buster Hyman
18th May 2022, 07:39
Remember, make sure the strap-on is tight next time! Now, for Gods sake, get it off the door & unhook it from the Rotor before the CO sees it!

18th May 2022, 08:55
Brenda, I know you have issues but putting on a Pilots uniform does NOT make you a Pilot, now get back to your day job as a Brain Surgeon...
( bet you thought I was gonna tag line it as Get back to the Kitchen. 😁.)

18th May 2022, 08:57
I know you have nowhere to plug in your hairdryer but please next time dont use a $5m Turbine

18th May 2022, 09:12
Sighh, it's that time of the month again..... I have to bring my logbook up to date :(

18th May 2022, 09:13
What could possibly go wrong...I asked Santa for a big chopper with a large girth and I found this in my "Stocking" :(

18th May 2022, 09:15
Right - which of you is a biological woman, who identifies as woman without a womb, who is the lesbian, who is non-binary and who can't make their mind up today?

18th May 2022, 11:43
Right, we've had our photo taken sitting in all the crew positions. We just have to wait on this side out of sight until the man turns up to fly us out.

18th May 2022, 13:13
The absolute liberation of a number two haircut must be right up there with the unbinding of the bun .

18th May 2022, 13:29
"...so I told him 'A helicopter needs a male pilot like a fish needs a cyclic'."