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Chu Chu
8th Feb 2022, 13:20
I knew it was a mistake asking Gertrude and Kev to push it out of the hangar.

8th Feb 2022, 13:32
"That's the last time I try to fly through a tornado!"

- Ed

8th Feb 2022, 14:39
Got the idea from the Indianapolis cars, off set so they automatically bear left....
Well I went to Kwik Fit and they sorted mine
( Other tyre companies are available )

8th Feb 2022, 14:41
Well Bae designed it we only make it to spec
Later they discovered the draughtsman was Mr Mcgoo...

8th Feb 2022, 14:46
Major Gant suddenly remembered to think in Russian

8th Feb 2022, 16:36
“I just knew we should have used TWO wing bolts…..”

Dan Gerous
8th Feb 2022, 19:21
And for the mud movers, the wing also acts as a wire cutter.

https://cimg6.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/900x663/oblique_wing_unique_plane_72d7a61b4acbf62e6ceee0a7d66e56ee30 c5d239.jpg

Dan Gerous
8th Feb 2022, 19:22
I think Dassault should reconsider calling it the Guillotine.

Buster Hyman
9th Feb 2022, 04:12
Australias version of the V-22, the Ozpray

9th Feb 2022, 06:46
In Australia the problem of getting the Supersized Surfboard to the beach is finally solved

9th Feb 2022, 08:31
Sack the rigger!

9th Feb 2022, 08:37
That was one hell of a birdstrike.

9th Feb 2022, 08:56
Upon seeing this picture Busby Berkerley had a great idea for his touring stage show, The dancing girls were not so sure..

( Or Michael Flately )

9th Feb 2022, 08:57
Problem solved when due to congestion at Heathrow, the size of the aircraft stand is reduced

Self loading bear
9th Feb 2022, 09:24
Early Boeing attempt to flip the wings for the 777X

9th Feb 2022, 10:10
It was never going to work, as the rotor blades would hit the rudder assembly.

9th Feb 2022, 10:26
Slew Slew The Barney Magroo..

9th Feb 2022, 10:31
" Pirates of the Caribbean Mobile Plank Service . We come to you distance and time no problem "

9th Feb 2022, 11:13
Lead realised that his wingman had taken his instruction to execute a horizontal scissors a bit too far.

9th Feb 2022, 11:16
A freeze frame a moment before the catastrophic vertical fin failure of the latest DARPA gyrocopter prototype revealed a fundamental design problem…..

Chu Chu
9th Feb 2022, 11:40
The latest in anti-AAA technology. Works on the same principle as dazzle camouflage.

Chu Chu
9th Feb 2022, 11:43
Friar Bill kept forgetting his shaving device when he visited neighboring monasteries, so he developed one that could quickly be sent after him. Of course, he had to wait several centuries for the jet engine to be invented, and make a few compromises on size and configuration. (Or maybe there's a simpler explanation?)

9th Feb 2022, 13:32
Not a Caption … I’ll have a pint of whatever Chu Chu was drinking. 👍

Self loading bear
9th Feb 2022, 15:38
Clever decoy to disguise a complete rationalization of Nazca lines on the ground.

9th Feb 2022, 15:46
" its a b*gger to fly, but great for crosswind landings"!

9th Feb 2022, 16:17
Well no actually, I got the idea from the premise if you give enough Monkeys, enough Typewriters eventually one of them will produce the Complete Works of Shakespeare

9th Feb 2022, 20:50
It flies great but it screwed up every nav in the RAF as they were used to navigating by the little red and green wingtip light to show they were on course.

9th Feb 2022, 20:55
Note to the design team, a fore and aft folding wing to allow compact hangar storage would be fine if the bloody retaining system was fit for purpose.

9th Feb 2022, 21:04
Well we did tell you the designer you hired was a bit of a crank.

9th Feb 2022, 21:20
The pilot's politics were decidedly right-wing.

- Ed

Chu Chu
9th Feb 2022, 22:46
The original requirement was for a rotary/fixed wing, but only the "/" survived the budget process. Seemed appropriate somehow.

10th Feb 2022, 04:57
Excellent captions coming in, please keep 'em coming.
Judging about 24 hours hence, so you can have a fresh photo for the weekend.

10th Feb 2022, 07:30
“Did I notice what on the walk round?”

10th Feb 2022, 08:32
Having discovered what has become of their invention, Wilbur and Orville turn in their graves as the Aircraft flies over.

Chu Chu
10th Feb 2022, 10:51
The wing categorically denied all allegations of bias.

10th Feb 2022, 11:08
Well it flies better since we removed the engines off the wings.

10th Feb 2022, 11:22
When the aircraft was modified for Carrier Ops, slight redesign was needed for hanger space

10th Feb 2022, 11:24
Well yes we did fly this over Scotland in 1990, and it's still being discussed on Spotter / Mil Forums

10th Feb 2022, 11:25
Leigh-Mallories big wing comes to fruition

10th Feb 2022, 11:42
Some girls like the scissor winging , not all but some

10th Feb 2022, 11:48
Is this what is meant by pass the port?

10th Feb 2022, 11:49
Leigh-Mallories big wing comes to fruition

You haven't got a leg to stand on if you think that will win... :p

10th Feb 2022, 11:49
John Snow test flies his swingometer.

10th Feb 2022, 11:56
It suddenly occurred to Hoskins that pressing the “Parking”:button whilst in flight to see what it did was, perhaps, not the brightest moment in his career….

10th Feb 2022, 12:05
You put your right wing in, you put your left wing out, you put the stick to neutral then you shake it all about...

10th Feb 2022, 12:06
You know the fast jet pilots are not going to like this....we are asking them to fly rotary wing!

10th Feb 2022, 13:31
I know it was something called " Area rule " but i'll be dammed if I can remember what it was applied too

10th Feb 2022, 13:32
Nutty's classroom doodle from when he was 45 is brought to life

10th Feb 2022, 13:36
Thunderbird 17 prepares to mate with Thunderbird 17a and provide a Ariel platform to help land the stricken Fireflash airliner on its maiden flight
( now I'm reduced digging up long forgotten episodes of International Rescue )

10th Feb 2022, 21:01
Anything could happen in the next 30 minutes

As if they could not make right hand circuits more difficult than they need to be ,

High risk complaints about all the straight in approaches at smaller airfield where they expect circuits and patterns to be flown in absolute compliance with published procedures . It would be a brave soul that would attempt a high G break midfield in that pre bent kite .

Self loading bear
10th Feb 2022, 21:57
https://cimg6.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/900x663/oblique_wing_unique_plane_72d7a61b4acbf62e6ceee0a7d66e56ee30 c5d239.jpg

The NASA AD, for a slanted wing pilot was frowned upon by the early Wokes.

11th Feb 2022, 00:14
Bollox, the bottom half of my X Wing has fallen off..

11th Feb 2022, 06:06
Many excellent entries, making it hard to pick a winner.

In third place, a tie, Treaders with Edwards, this is NASA 805, there seems to a problem with the yaw string... and Orac with It suddenly occurred to Hoskins that pressing the “Parking”:button whilst in flight to see what it did was, perhaps, not the brightest moment in his career….
In second place, Buster, with One tree! There was just one tree in this desert & you hit it! Good luck finding another one to straighten your wing! Buster also gets an elephant stamp for bringing Hoskins into the game early, with his #8040,
But there can only be one winner, and that is....
drum roll...
Chu Chu, with If we make the aircraft into an X, maybe the navigator will be able to put it on the map.

If we can find where to send it to, the CST will be sent on an indirect course to you. Please paint an X on the footpath outside your house.

Chu Chu
11th Feb 2022, 12:45
Thank you very much, Hydromet.

There were a lot of great entries on that one. My personal favorite was ORAC's, because it reminded of the time my wife tried opening the console on a rental car with the parking brake button. (It released as soon as I tapped the brake; I never would have figured it out if she hadn't 'fessed up.)

Along the same lines (or not . . .), I'll give this photo a shot:

11th Feb 2022, 12:52
If Ikea made aeroplanes....


No, it says 'ere that we should have installed part F before part D, well that's bleedin' obvious innit?

11th Feb 2022, 12:56
Customs were slow to realise that the tip-off about cigarettes being smuggled behind a hidden panel was a hoax…..

11th Feb 2022, 13:24
This reminds me of Ethel, all fur coat and no knickers

11th Feb 2022, 13:24
They were looking for a carton of Camels , in the wrong place

Looks like it was eaten by Moths and Tigers

11th Feb 2022, 13:25
Ohh hang on, it says here it's in for an oil change...

11th Feb 2022, 13:27
Rosie asks “ Why did they send me here ? There aren’t many rivets on this kite “

11th Feb 2022, 14:42
The assembly of an early-model steam locomotive was going swimmingly....

- Ed

11th Feb 2022, 14:55
Stop bouncing it around girls, the nose skid is riding up the inside of my thiiiggghhh...oooohhh.... on second thoughts, carry on...

11th Feb 2022, 14:57
So Buster, how does it feel now you have come out as a Trans.

11th Feb 2022, 14:59
Ok, once you girls have those batteries installed and Mildred has removed the petrol tank, we will move onto fitting the electric motor and propeller.

11th Feb 2022, 15:04
So, did you smoke him a kipper?

11th Feb 2022, 15:10
More dope than you can sniff, all those nice young 20 minuters and all the knicker elastic you could possibly want. What's not to like eh?

11th Feb 2022, 16:43
Two ladies on the right....
Right ladies your final test, change the Baffle Board in situ and you qualify as Gynecologist

11th Feb 2022, 16:46
Think you will find the wing on the previous cap comp

11th Feb 2022, 16:47
Honey, I shrunk the propeller

11th Feb 2022, 16:51
The mechanic at the front waits for the Pilot so she can insert the Cathater before the long flight

11th Feb 2022, 16:53
The Seamstress at Dagenham are seconded to the War effort. As usual being a Ford some parts go missing

11th Feb 2022, 16:55
Be extra carefull with the revamp ladies, our Senior Pilot, Danny 42c, is due up tonight

11th Feb 2022, 17:14
The Walmington-on-Sea Ladies Sewing Circle do their bit for the War effort. Miss Fox pushed herself to the front.

11th Feb 2022, 17:20
"I think it's an Avro 504, Doris, but until Mr. Walker acquires the rest of the bits we can't be sure."

11th Feb 2022, 17:21

11th Feb 2022, 17:23
Emptying the in-flight toilet was not a popular task, but someone had to do it.

11th Feb 2022, 17:24
Delivery of the Blue Circle radar had been delayed yet again.

11th Feb 2022, 17:28
"Keep your knees together, Elsie ... there may be Pilots around."

Self loading bear
11th Feb 2022, 18:19
Fitters having a fit
Feathers all fed up

Ascend Charlie
11th Feb 2022, 18:26
"The pilot said something was missing in the engine...the whole bluddy engine is missing!"

11th Feb 2022, 18:30
What is it that gives you wings?

11th Feb 2022, 18:32
I hear Edna is working on 69...

Ooh yes, tongues are wagging...

11th Feb 2022, 18:33
Ok that’s the weight reduction sorted, tell Tubby it’s ready for his back seat trip.

11th Feb 2022, 18:40

11th Feb 2022, 19:06
Lady on left .,, “That’s a wheel, innit? What now?”

11th Feb 2022, 19:16
The Tena Mk. 1 awaited the essential components …

Dan Gerous
11th Feb 2022, 19:30
This is one strip show they won't forget in a hurry girls.

Dan Gerous
11th Feb 2022, 19:35
You've got the instructions Mabel, what does it say?
It just says to phone the BAe technical hot line on 0345 1000000, calls cost £100,000 per minute.

Dan Gerous
11th Feb 2022, 19:39
You know, this fabric would make a lovely dress, don't you think?

Dan Gerous
11th Feb 2022, 19:43
The knee bone's connected to the thigh bone, the thigh bone's connected to the hip bone... girls, I don't think this is Nursing School.

11th Feb 2022, 20:04
Having been forced down in Vladdiv Vilni Linning Mansc, Dammit, Kyiv the Russian Land Army set to work re engineering Hoskins Aircraft.

11th Feb 2022, 20:05
Knew it was a mistake landing in Liverpool Croydon

11th Feb 2022, 20:10
Right e ho (wo)men, its Friday afternoon, so i'm off for a bit of a jolly to the rugger, be back Tuesday, ish, if Jerry attacks in the meantime don't call me i'm turning off my carrier pigeon

11th Feb 2022, 20:12
Dick Dastardly decides with 4 fillies to impress he had better get in some extra practice with Penelope,
Cries out as he leave the base, " Don't work too hard save some energy for me "

11th Feb 2022, 21:04
"At last! They've found it!", cried Gertrude as she pointed to the G-spot roundel on the fuselage of the WW I stealth aircraft. It was then that Captain Rickenbacker threw his hat into the ring.

- Ed

11th Feb 2022, 21:53
The women on the assembly line realised that if they occasionally pilfered a part, they'd eventually be able to build a complete aircraft off site.

12th Feb 2022, 00:27
Mavis, that strange housing just behind the pilot isn't as we thought for R2-D2, it is apparently where we sit the rear gunner.

12th Feb 2022, 00:31
I’ve just had a note from the boss, he says that when he instructed us to get the old bag off his kite, he was referring to Doris, not the fabric.

12th Feb 2022, 00:34
Doris, you have to take turns with Pearl sowing on the fabric, it’s knit one, Pearl one.


12th Feb 2022, 01:40
It’s looking mighty powerful girls, and once we fit the 60hp engine we should easily beat the Jaguar in the ground attack trials.

12th Feb 2022, 03:39
“Push, Ethel……breathe……Oh look, congratulations, it’s a boy!”

Ascend Charlie
12th Feb 2022, 03:52
"I've heard of the Red Baron, but who's this Red Bull who is gonna give us wings?"

12th Feb 2022, 04:11
They say we can have an engine or a gun, but not both. No one's invented the synchronisation gear yet.

12th Feb 2022, 05:06
It's the same every time he goes up tiddly up up ... dismantle the whole darned aeroplane and clean wee wee off every dashed component. That bloody Captain Slackbladder!

12th Feb 2022, 05:47
When you said the RFC were recruiting strippers, I thought of a G String tucked with white fivers and a pole to dance around :(

12th Feb 2022, 05:49

12th Feb 2022, 05:54
Ground crew were left distinctly unimpressed when Airfix were awarded the latest aircraft production contract instead of Afro, Bristol, Sopwith or Vickers.

Buster Hyman
12th Feb 2022, 12:18
George Lucas gets inspired for Jawas.

Buster Hyman
12th Feb 2022, 12:20
No more curries for you Doris! You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!

Buster Hyman
12th Feb 2022, 12:23
Say, where's Emily gone?
Oh, she was missing a spanner, so she's popped across the racetrack to the Epsom Tool shop...shouldn't be long...

12th Feb 2022, 12:28
Ermmm Spitfire, hmmm to blasé, Hurricane, Typhoon, Tempest, so predictable, Sopwith Seagull, damn, already taken, how about RE 8? That will keep the Hun guessing.

12th Feb 2022, 19:36
Cpl Klinger, and friends, continue to look for ways out the man's Army
Well I wasn't expecting. No seriously I'm not expecting, the coveralls are just a bit, ample.

12th Feb 2022, 19:40
The team search everywhere for the Coffman Starter,

12th Feb 2022, 19:42
Lawrence of Arabia later regretted not diverting round the Sandstorm

12th Feb 2022, 19:44
Whatdoyoumean Gerry has aquired 200 cal bullets and I'm the first target
Normally the towed target in unmanned

12th Feb 2022, 19:53
As part of our commitment to you, our highly trained and skilled workforce, we, The RFC , promise to provide you with suitable protective work wear, to ensure Captain Flasheart gets no idea of any ' Hanky Panky '. Of course the Bromide in his tea might also help...

Dan Gerous
12th Feb 2022, 20:04
Damn, I broke a fingernail!
Damn, I dropped a stitch!

12th Feb 2022, 20:39
I hear it’s not the first time you have tinkered with this pilots parts Doris.

12th Feb 2022, 21:19
We just need four screws and we'll be able to finish the job.

13th Feb 2022, 07:04
Something about them needing the motor for the snowblower to clear the runway at West London Aerodrome

13th Feb 2022, 07:06
Like to see Daz, Omo, AND Surf get these stains out
( other detergents are available )

13th Feb 2022, 07:07
Valentines day tomorrow, Doris, any plans??

13th Feb 2022, 07:09
Right, that's reduced the weight to below MTOW. Anyone see any problems with the adjustments we made?

Buster Hyman
13th Feb 2022, 08:18
Carruthers! What are those Women doing?
Maintenance. It's okay Sir, they're all licensed DAME's...

Chu Chu
13th Feb 2022, 10:43
It looks like things are slowing down, so I'll judge this 12 hours from now, EST.

13th Feb 2022, 11:25
Do you think that Jay Blades will turn it into a coffee table for the NAAFI if we drop it round to the recycling centre?

13th Feb 2022, 11:36
The pilot says he left his ego behind in the aircraft, but as hard as we try, we still cannot find it!

13th Feb 2022, 13:01
Well RFC policy is not to give our brave lads parachutes, so no silk for knickers, so girls, strip off the Irish linen, it will have to do.

Chu Chu
13th Feb 2022, 23:54
With the streets suddenly empty for some inexplicable reason, it's time to pick a winner.

In third place is MPN11,with:
Lady on left .,, “That’s a wheel, innit? What now?”

In second place, ORAC, with:
Customs were slow to realise that the tip-off about cigarettes being smuggled behind a hidden panel was a hoax…..

And the winner is . . . Mr. Hymen, with:
Carruthers! What are those Women doing?
Maintenance. It's okay Sir, they're all licensed DAME's...

I'll send the CapCom trophy along as soon as it grows some wings.

Oh, and almost overlooked, but not quite, the special jeweler's loupe award goes to Kiltrash, for:
Honey, I shrunk the propeller

Buster Hyman
14th Feb 2022, 05:26
Oh, very kind Sir! (As an aside, did anyone get my Emily reference?...asking for a friend) :O

Okay, I think I'll give my usual 'go to's' a rest...have at it Chaps & Chapettes!

https://cimg0.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1920x1080/x_lon_ximil_160421_a6ef65b2543fb1c6e76cbd138f132f5133c10876. jpg

14th Feb 2022, 05:54
Donno who it is we're meeting, they all look alike to me
Thank Mao They have not sent the Duke of Edinburgh, we might get along like friends now

14th Feb 2022, 06:03
President Xi brings the sign language expert to try and interperate what the PM is telling him

14th Feb 2022, 08:04
Chairman Xi steps out of the worlds largest lift.

14th Feb 2022, 08:35
Is this the first time you've stayed at a Premier Inn?

14th Feb 2022, 09:17
Yes I did Buster, the suffragette that stepped out in front of the Kings horse.

Buster Hyman
14th Feb 2022, 09:24
Yes I did Buster, the suffragette that stepped out in front of the Kings horse.
Extra point when judging. :ok:

14th Feb 2022, 09:42
"Which side does Sir dress?"

"Left, of course! Someone go and shoot this idiot"

14th Feb 2022, 10:22
May i present the British Prime Minister, and yes that is a begging bowl he is holding

14th Feb 2022, 10:24
Chairman, may I present Agent Covid, 19 and his successor Covid 23

14th Feb 2022, 10:26
May I present the missing piece of the jigsaw, for you to complete
(top Middle??)

14th Feb 2022, 11:04
Stay focused No 2, we have serious work ahead of us.

Chu Chu
14th Feb 2022, 11:26
I beg your excuse, Mr. Chairman. I didn't see you there.

14th Feb 2022, 11:36
The next contestant for the Elvis Plesley lookalike competition is.....

Chu Chu
14th Feb 2022, 11:37
The Chairman's new ¥900M uniform blends seamlessly into any known background. You can only see it if you are stupid or incompetent.

14th Feb 2022, 11:38
That's it, scratch a little higher and get right into the crack.

14th Feb 2022, 11:39
https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1920x1080/x_lon_ximil_160421_a6ef65b2543fb1c6e76cbd138f132f5133c10876_ 25cfd5cd4d0e2ca8c1e770d66f1b48ce40d5b753.jpg

14th Feb 2022, 11:41
And these are the glorious Taiwanese tailors that made our new camo suits Glorious Leader.

14th Feb 2022, 11:43
And as you see Putin has transferred troops from the East to the West, so now is our time to slip into his country and shaft him from the rear.

14th Feb 2022, 11:44
Try our roasted Bat droppings and Rats tails Leader, they are delicious and will ward off all illnesses.

14th Feb 2022, 13:44
Yes I did Buster, the suffragette that stepped out in front of the Kings horse.

That seems a strange Caption no 2 can you please explain it to me?

14th Feb 2022, 13:46
At Chila's got Talent the next contestant was a ventriloquist
" Gottel le Geer..."
My he's good said Simon ...

14th Feb 2022, 13:48
Guy third left obviously the NORK Spy

14th Feb 2022, 13:51
Steers the Chairman away from the light switch in case he gets the Fire Alarm Panel instead.. Oops too far that's the Air Conditioning controls

( sorry thought it was a picture of ex President Trump )

14th Feb 2022, 13:58
That seems a strange Caption no 2 can you please explain it to me?

Try reading 8630...All will be revealed in a 3 star fashion ;)

14th Feb 2022, 16:04
Ah, a face you want to hit with a shovel … someone already beat me to it, though.

14th Feb 2022, 17:01
Try reading 8630...All will be revealed in a 3 star fashion ;)

Not a caption

that also seems a strange caption. Obviously something FAR to highbrow for little ' ol me 😊

14th Feb 2022, 17:03
The new Chinese Submarine is shown to the press. On seeing this picture the British Def Sec is amazed at the amount of space on their Boats... well they are midgets

14th Feb 2022, 17:05
On the ' Leveling up Tour ' the British PM finally makes it to London, ....Chinatown

14th Feb 2022, 17:07
Chairman Xi is startled to find that the Host of This is your life is no longer Eammon Andrews

14th Feb 2022, 17:10
Flunky..Well arranged marriages are all the rage in the West, so don't show any disappointment

14th Feb 2022, 17:16
A rare partial image of 'Dominic Cummings' before the MSS & PLA sent him to replace the original, in a succcesful operation to infiltrate and undermine the UK government.

14th Feb 2022, 17:29
A PLA general demonstrates how to operate the 'eagle eyes' of a new bigger than life-size Action Man, one of which is to be placed in every office in China - to remind the people "Xi's watching you!".

14th Feb 2022, 17:32
Pooh Bear and Piglet off to play sticks with some long March sticks

14th Feb 2022, 17:36
These uniforms are shrink to fit , you just need to stand in front of the instant sunshine for a perfect fit .

14th Feb 2022, 18:31
https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1920x1080/x_lon_ximil_160421_a6ef65b2543fb1c6e76cbd138f132f5133c10876_ 25cfd5cd4d0e2ca8c1e770d66f1b48ce40d5b753.jpg

14th Feb 2022, 18:32
They've got everything except No27, there is a shortage of bat at the moment...

Dan Gerous
14th Feb 2022, 18:33
Guy in middle.
"Yo Bitches, what's up"!

14th Feb 2022, 18:35
Guy left foreground is thinking: "Oh my god, they just stepped in that...should I tell them?"

14th Feb 2022, 18:37
"Sir, there's a tailor here wearing his latest proposal for our new camouflage clothing"

"Well tell him I can't see him!"

"Very good, sir - shall I give him the contract?"

Boom, tish......

14th Feb 2022, 18:49
“And there on that screen you can see the Russian skater being disqualified … oh, sh1t …”

14th Feb 2022, 18:51
“… and this camouflage also works in snow, if it snows, and if there’s a lot of snow you get buried in it, so it always works, and in the Summer… “

Xi: “Kill him , NOW.”

14th Feb 2022, 19:06
"As Head of the Focus Group, you're not very good"!!!

Chu Chu
14th Feb 2022, 19:49
You call this digital camouflage? My fingers are just as conspicuous as ever.

14th Feb 2022, 20:43
May I introduce the British Foreign Minister, straight from her wonderfull visit to Moscow....
Xi...laughing. ..stop it your killing me ...

14th Feb 2022, 21:44
Honey, I shrunk my arms

Chu Chu
14th Feb 2022, 22:03
Ah, finally a uniform. I've always been four better than Commander Bond.

15th Feb 2022, 02:16
I wish these two jokers would hurry up, I’m bursting for a piss.

15th Feb 2022, 02:17

15th Feb 2022, 02:18
Im sorry, but I don’t care who you all are, we require a tie in this establishment.

15th Feb 2022, 06:00
There, I present Ms Peng ShuaI to prove your Deputy did not have her ' Bumped Off '

15th Feb 2022, 08:01
Good news about Covid, the West have relaxed Invasion restrictions

Chu Chu
15th Feb 2022, 12:08
Ahead of Glasgow, China clads itself in green.

15th Feb 2022, 12:12
https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1920x1080/x_lon_ximil_160421_a6ef65b2543fb1c6e76cbd138f132f5133c10876_ 25cfd5cd4d0e2ca8c1e770d66f1b48ce40d5b753.jpg

15th Feb 2022, 12:14
“The Decorators contacted Mrs Johnson for suggestions .. what do you think?”

15th Feb 2022, 13:55
Poor bloke, singing and dancing like that; he does not realise that it is HIS firing party.

15th Feb 2022, 14:01
His "Do the joik! Watch me woik!" antics got Sum Ting Wong sent directly to "dance" camp.

- Ed

15th Feb 2022, 14:37
Xi: I have this little voice in my head saying 'Go and die, you irritating grovelling flunkey'. In fact, I might just arrange that, as this Olympic crap isn't going brilliantly.

Chu Chu
15th Feb 2022, 15:52
Stop calling me "they"! If you hadn't noticed, Mandarin is already gender-neutral.

15th Feb 2022, 16:49
“Why she wear the Fox Hat? Does Truss not know where she is?”

15th Feb 2022, 17:31
At the fairground the House of Mirrors did cause some mirth by distorting the reflection.

15th Feb 2022, 17:35
May I present the Green Partys candidate for the forthcoming General Election. The results are in the carefully guarded box behind you
Oh and in a first 115% Of the registered populace have voted ...

15th Feb 2022, 17:53
“… and, this is the British Trade Representative, formerly known as Prince.

15th Feb 2022, 18:13
Blast! I SHOULD have gone to Specsavers...

15th Feb 2022, 18:14
China's first Stealth General fools the camera's autofocus...

16th Feb 2022, 03:08
No 2, that is what happens if you continue to wear the old "analogue" camoflage

16th Feb 2022, 06:37
The 12 good men and true in Prince Andrews case re enter the court room and are ready to deliver their verdict.
Lawyer whispers to DoY.. it don't look good mate.

16th Feb 2022, 07:58
"This is our latest satellite image from Britain. The chap in the garden is a top man in the RAF..."

16th Feb 2022, 09:02
Oh, very kind Sir! (As an aside, did anyone get my Emily reference?...asking for a friend) :O

Okay, I think I'll give my usual 'go to's' a rest...have at it Chaps & Chapettes!

https://cimg0.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1920x1080/x_lon_ximil_160421_a6ef65b2543fb1c6e76cbd138f132f5133c10876. jpg

It's still unknown who supplied Kamila Valieva with the drugs at the Winter Olympics!


16th Feb 2022, 09:13
May I introduce Mr Dominic Cummins whose continued drip feed of information is destabilising the British Government. So we can reduce our armed forces
Look it's a WORK meeting when I say it is

16th Feb 2022, 11:15
Ahh, good morning Air Marshal Turner, when your invitation says dress code informal, it generally means that one should be wearing some.

16th Feb 2022, 18:40
“… and this space programme man who dumped spent rocket on dark side of Moon. Good way to reduce landfill, eh?”

16th Feb 2022, 20:59
...and the meeting turned distinctly frosty when Nutty met Buster...
( hmm could be a great idea for a movie )

16th Feb 2022, 21:10
https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1920x1080/x_lon_ximil_160421_a6ef65b2543fb1c6e76cbd138f132f5133c10876_ 25cfd5cd4d0e2ca8c1e770d66f1b48ce40d5b753.jpg

One day, all this will be yours...

It already is you dimwitted b*****d...

16th Feb 2022, 21:24
May I introduce the British intermediary who can arrange a Honour and Citizenship all for approximately £10-£12m in a brown unmarked envelope, It's a " charity donation " to the Family you understand

17th Feb 2022, 04:41
Happy feet! I've got those hap-hap-happy feet...

17th Feb 2022, 06:39
Yes, I've got you a slot on the UK's best loved soap as a vicious inscrutable despot, hope your not being typecast

Buster Hyman
17th Feb 2022, 07:30
Okay folks. I think we've had just about enough of the Tin Pot Emperor!

In Third place, with the "Bat outta Hell" award, we have Treads:
They've got everything except No27, there is a shortage of bat at the moment...

In Second place with the "Great Wall" award, (it goes on & on & on...) is Nutty (Would've been third but got an extra point) with:
Stay focused No 2, we have serious work ahead of us.

But our winner of the CST, brought to you by the "Wuhan Culinary Standards Association" is Dan with;
Guy in middle. "Yo Bitches, what's up"!

(That made me chuckle...internal, inappropriate accent n all!) :}

17th Feb 2022, 14:18
Damm to late with my afternoon offering, so will keep it for another day.
( bet you'll can't wait )

well done Dan

17th Feb 2022, 18:05
Congrats from me to Dan a deserved winner :)

Dan Gerous
17th Feb 2022, 19:18
Thanks for that Bro.

Had this in my cap com folder for a while, so have a go at this one.


17th Feb 2022, 19:22
If Honda built pilots they would be the best automatons in the world.

17th Feb 2022, 19:23
Errrr, I think the suits are empty and they have retired to the bar.

17th Feb 2022, 19:26
Sit down in all this crap, are you serious?

17th Feb 2022, 19:28
Hoskins lurked in the background, as #5, hoping nobody would recognise him in the flight gear.

17th Feb 2022, 19:29
Ok, gents it’s like musical chairs, 4 seats, 5 pilots….. on your marks, get set…..

17th Feb 2022, 19:32
What you mean there’s no pee tube, I am bursting…

17th Feb 2022, 19:47
We need to social distance in these suits - are you kidding?

17th Feb 2022, 19:49
We heard you needed to check on certain troop movements Mr President... we're ready...

Chu Chu
17th Feb 2022, 20:00
No, No, No. I said today's mission was Jerusalem, not Jerusalema.

17th Feb 2022, 20:03
No!, It’s gold tops that indicate the quality inside, you have it upside down to milk the point .


17th Feb 2022, 20:04
Evidence that the B52s have been hard pressed and cut back recently.

17th Feb 2022, 20:07
Gold = Star ship command
so no one wants the Red shirts

17th Feb 2022, 20:07
Mav, YOU can be my wingman

17th Feb 2022, 20:12
Like the Navy Admirals, , after cutbacks we have too many pilots
Fed up with pilots using MB to get out of trouble, The Airforce rules " The Captain Goes Down with His/Her ship...Suddenly there are retirements,

17th Feb 2022, 20:12
Dont take your eyes off The Weeping Angles

17th Feb 2022, 20:16
Are you sure this is Farnboro? Look over there it clearly says, Welcome to Blackbush

17th Feb 2022, 20:18
SR71's are joined on the ramp by a True 6th Gen Stealth fighter....

17th Feb 2022, 20:29
Ok, sod the scramble, which T**t forgot the ladders…

17th Feb 2022, 20:30

17th Feb 2022, 20:57
Paint the Aircraft black but the Pilots wear Hi Viz. ?

17th Feb 2022, 21:32
We come in peace, it’s the follow up that will blow the sh*t out of you.

Buster Hyman
17th Feb 2022, 21:59

Buster Hyman
17th Feb 2022, 22:00
Fire it back up Frank. There’s no intelligent life here…

Buster Hyman
17th Feb 2022, 22:05
“Goals in life? Hmmm. Well, when I’m done with these, I’m looking forward to flying 737’s to Milwaukee.”

Chu Chu
17th Feb 2022, 23:01
With its contract up for renewal, Lockheed sends a team of suits to Washington.

17th Feb 2022, 23:51
Fire it back up Frank. There’s no intelligent life here…

we’ll leave Australia behind and try the U.K….

Buster Hyman
18th Feb 2022, 00:42
we’ll leave Australia behind and try the U.K….
Are you sure? The sign says Gatwick.

Ascend Charlie
18th Feb 2022, 01:43
Lego launches its new model line

18th Feb 2022, 01:57
NASA launch the new baste in a bag flying suit.

18th Feb 2022, 07:10
Jonny ' no mates ' asks why always me ?

18th Feb 2022, 07:11
As the Sun goes down, and in the morning we will remember them

18th Feb 2022, 07:13
CIA rush the SR71 back into service to overfly Ukraine

18th Feb 2022, 07:13
Typical, you wait Decades for one and two show up together

18th Feb 2022, 09:04
Despite a full search of the base, no trace of an intruder in disguise was found by the police before the photoshoot took place…

18th Feb 2022, 10:48
EasyJet consider purchasing high-speed passenger jets.

18th Feb 2022, 11:29
All that glitters is not gold.

18th Feb 2022, 11:30
It was going to be because the lady loves Black Magic, but we had to change to All Gold to be seen to be PC.

18th Feb 2022, 11:53

18th Feb 2022, 12:32
The mear winshield washers get a bit above their station
After the extended 36 hour flight the Honey Cart operatives take no risks

18th Feb 2022, 12:34
If that's the size of the darts hate to think of the size of the board