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Buster Hyman
1st Dec 2022, 10:28
The Air Force take Covid seriously

Chu Chu
1st Dec 2022, 10:32
Studies show that every human on Mars will require three support staff.

1st Dec 2022, 10:34
"Geez, they're electrifying everything these days"

1st Dec 2022, 10:36
He said he was going to ride it to the skies, but what's with the spurs?

1st Dec 2022, 10:37
The Pilot's watch was carried by a separate crewman.

1st Dec 2022, 10:44
"He may be a so called Dragon driver, but give me Daenerys Targaryen over him any day."

1st Dec 2022, 10:47
"Dhere goes de man wid his ho's.. "
"It's hose!"
"Dhat too"

1st Dec 2022, 10:54
Trials of a new "Anti-Woman" suit for the Red Arrows.

1st Dec 2022, 10:58
After the Pilots Curry night out with the lads, additional heath and safety measures were required

1st Dec 2022, 10:59
Cyclists in London Clean Air zone still need help with respiratory issues

1st Dec 2022, 11:01
This is how the UK SHOULD have handled Covid cases

1st Dec 2022, 11:24
Ascend Charlie delivers the CST to Confusiuos

1st Dec 2022, 11:28
Go home and change! And don't you dare come to the Flight line dressed like that again!

1st Dec 2022, 11:32
'Ere love, if you want to give him a proper blowjob, we 'ave an air start trolly over 'ere

1st Dec 2022, 11:34
If he has to eject, let's hope it's over an enemy custard factory, otherwise they will see him coming for miles

1st Dec 2022, 11:35

Buster Hyman
1st Dec 2022, 11:44
He came in peace, and said he’s had enough & going home.

Buster Hyman
1st Dec 2022, 11:44
Tom Cruise heads back to the Mothership!

Buster Hyman
1st Dec 2022, 11:46
”Yes, but don’t ask, don’t tell remember!”

Buster Hyman
1st Dec 2022, 11:47
No, this way Skipper! …God, he gets easily distracted by shiny things

1st Dec 2022, 12:58
He says he's looking for his yellow submarine.

1st Dec 2022, 13:00
I can see the advantage of sending these robots into active hot zones, but what about the person carrying the battery pack?

1st Dec 2022, 14:20
The urine receptacle design continued to weight heavily on the support staff

Dan Gerous
1st Dec 2022, 19:24
The next one hear singing "Walk Like An Egyptian", is on a charge


1st Dec 2022, 19:34
Walkies, and be a clean boy.

1st Dec 2022, 19:41
Early skipping trials were not going as planned.

1st Dec 2022, 20:14
The Prime Suspect in the unsolved case of who killed Professor Plum was determined not not leave any DNA at the crime scene..

1st Dec 2022, 20:16
As Darth walked onto the set of the latest blockbuster...

1st Dec 2022, 20:17
The selection committee welcomed Walker28 to the next series of tests...
Sorry Walter... Eyesight not as good as it used to be

1st Dec 2022, 20:22
Liney with hand on hips...Cor look at the ass on that...
Female Technician....well that's what happens when you shove the airtube into the wrong orifice

Ascend Charlie
1st Dec 2022, 20:41
"When they said they were going to ramp up the U2 flights, I thought they meant something else..."

1st Dec 2022, 21:44
Well he looks okay fits the brief, but I just cannot see him in The Village People, where are we going to put him, between the builder and the red indian?

1st Dec 2022, 21:48
Just let’s hope he doesn’t run into that lady in waiting asking where he comes from, otherwise we will have to……

1st Dec 2022, 21:51
Come out here again looking like that sonny, it's not U2 on yer headset you'll be hearing, it'll be UB40...

1st Dec 2022, 21:55
The RAF rolls out its new "Diversity" uniform, which demonstrates that you can't check the gender/racial origins of the wearer.

1st Dec 2022, 22:27
Gosh... that's what I call a PILOT!

Nah, he's come to empty out the OHWDS - on-board human waste disposal system...

Big Pistons Forever
2nd Dec 2022, 03:21
Think bubble over pilots head

I don’t understand, I put this picture up on Tinder and……nothing

2nd Dec 2022, 05:31
Hank really does take his job seriously...All he has to do is ..
Feed the onboard dog..
Drive the Chevy V8 along the runway

2nd Dec 2022, 05:33
James May gets ready for his flight...well I'm told it is James but with that gold visor who knows

2nd Dec 2022, 05:35
At Duxford Kiltrash gets ready for his 70th birthday Cockpit tour present from his wife....none of this Tiger Moth flight crap.

2nd Dec 2022, 05:38
I think painting " Human Angel " on the side of the canopy is taking it a bit too far.

2nd Dec 2022, 09:40
The U2 sky God now regretted rejecting the advances of the female groundcrew as she tightened her grip on the hose.

2nd Dec 2022, 09:45
After last night's Curry Evening, Hoskins makes a damn fine leaf blower!

2nd Dec 2022, 09:58
....and stop calling me 'the Minion'!

Buster Hyman
2nd Dec 2022, 13:23
Daft Punk on tour.

Buster Hyman
2nd Dec 2022, 13:24
He identifies as latex apparently

2nd Dec 2022, 14:04
War department ‘war gaming’ Vlad’s escape route!

2nd Dec 2022, 14:29
Ahhh that, yes, that is Senator Marjorie Taylor Green in the suit testing out her extra thick high quality cotton underwear for fart protection, so she can use a pair as a mask to protect herself against Covid.


2nd Dec 2022, 15:42
This? It's the Battery pack for the Electric Aircraft...oh him? He's the electrician for the wire up... You can't be too carefull with 500Ah up your jacksie

2nd Dec 2022, 15:45
Him? He's the Automatic Pilot...called George
Me? I'm the inflight hostie, to blow him up in case of deflation

2nd Dec 2022, 15:47
The Stigs Aviation cousin get ready to test at Dunsfold

2nd Dec 2022, 17:28
Ohhh him, he’s going to cook Pierre’s sausages, they have a fierce reputation for spitting as they cook.

2nd Dec 2022, 17:30
Ohhh Look, it must be Dorothy, she’s following with the Yellow Pr*cks load.

2nd Dec 2022, 17:34
https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/588x388/image_ddabb29f62a2bf72c0d13d34e1ca2e2a3c5bc241_761bbfd4cbb0a 16d7a6f6ab43ca5c2ed72d61e9e.png

2nd Dec 2022, 18:39
[Barbara Woodhouse] SIT! [/Barbara Woodhouse]

Self loading bear
2nd Dec 2022, 21:00
When the Pope sees this walk bridge he will refuse the air stairs.


As pilots are of same age as airframe the air stairs have been replaced.

Big Pistons Forever
2nd Dec 2022, 21:28
Now that the age limit for airline pilots has been raised to 99 years old, it was felt that some might benefit from a secure cocoon.

Big Pistons Forever
2nd Dec 2022, 21:30
Well the suit would have been more form fitting if he hadn’t had a third helping of the Chernobyl chilli

2nd Dec 2022, 21:45
Spielberg has to keep a tight rain on ET...to stop him flying away on his bicycle...( Undercarriage )

Buster Hyman
3rd Dec 2022, 02:02
"She said no to his advances. That's why he's wearing his Rejection suit."

3rd Dec 2022, 05:01
It’s Joe Biden, he’s running again after NASA designed a life support suit for him.

3rd Dec 2022, 05:05
Captain Powers, your wife says she has some important news for you when you get back, have fun darling

3rd Dec 2022, 05:05
It’s Trump, he’s running again after NASA designed a life support suit for him.

Whats with the box she’s carrying?

Ahhh that’ll be his hair con*

Ahhh that’ll be his fake tan dispenser*

* other options available.

3rd Dec 2022, 05:06
(squeaky high-pitched voice) ..... who's the comedian that switched the oxygen for helium

3rd Dec 2022, 05:11
Now remember Mav you'll be flying so fast if anything happens and you have to eject make sure you ask someone where you are so you can report your location

3rd Dec 2022, 05:12
She is his guide, what with the tinted visor and his sunglasses on he can’t see squat.

3rd Dec 2022, 05:14
Yup, the same goes for even Chuck Yeager, behind every man there is a woman controlling him.

3rd Dec 2022, 05:17
He’s complaining that WE can’t see his watch.

3rd Dec 2022, 06:58
Aircraftwoman: "I don't have to keep up, he has to slow down. If the hose breaks you think I'll be the one with the problem?"

3rd Dec 2022, 07:01
Trials of the new remotely controlled aircraft were promising, but were hampered by a severe lack of range.

Dan Gerous
3rd Dec 2022, 10:28
Somebody tell Jackson you don't need a special suit to do the moonwalk

https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/588x388/image_ddabb29f62a2bf72c0d13d34e1ca2e2a3c5bc241_761bbfd4cbb0a 16d7a6f6ab43ca5c2ed72d61e9e.png

3rd Dec 2022, 10:39
"Is he crew for a U2"?

"Yep - He's close to The Edge".

3rd Dec 2022, 16:07
I thought Close to the edge was a Yes Song??
however back to your normal programme,

If anyone asks LA Centre for a speed check their toast

3rd Dec 2022, 16:09
When your up there the aircraft passing you is the BRITISH Concord .. none of this Euro crap ...

3rd Dec 2022, 16:13
Upon dissembarking the Pilot, realising his assistant was of the female prersuation, suggested she did not view the footage as he flew over Studland... That's for the boys he said..

3rd Dec 2022, 16:15
...and to think the Brits used the Spitfire PR9... How things have changed

3rd Dec 2022, 16:18
Or..and finally. ..better look as I flew over Croydon I think Treadigaph was in the Pub with a female that was not his wife..😄😂

3rd Dec 2022, 16:28

No, it’s just him!

3rd Dec 2022, 16:57
Last orders chaps and chapesses, results at about this time tomorrow.

3rd Dec 2022, 17:08
Obviously photo shopped...I mean have they ever seen the sun In Gloucestershire

Self loading bear
3rd Dec 2022, 17:09
Somebody tell Jackson you don't need a special suit to do the moonwalk

If that is really Michael Jackson, he surely needs a life support suit.

3rd Dec 2022, 17:13
Doctor Who desides the Cybermen are not as fearfull as the BBC portray...

3rd Dec 2022, 17:39
I thought Close to the edge was a Yes Song??

It is... :ok:

Or..and finally. ..better look as I flew over Croydon I think Treadigaph was in the Pub with a female that was not his wife..😄😂

She isn't! :}


He's still in shock... his camera viewfinder accidentally focused on a kilted Scotsman with very shiny shoes...

3rd Dec 2022, 17:42
I thought Close to the edge was a Yes Song??

In a Roundabout sort of way...

3rd Dec 2022, 17:59
Ground Control sees Major Tom get airborne for his last mission ... cue music, please.

3rd Dec 2022, 18:16
Jenny heads off to become a member of the 15 mile high club.

3rd Dec 2022, 19:02
Treadigaph, there's nothing worn under my kilt laddie..
With a nod to Capt Brown...
This is the ONLY type the greatest British Pilot never got to fly

3rd Dec 2022, 19:11
Owing to a miss calculation power usage he found when he finally got to be alone with Alice he could not summon up enough energy to ..... ( Close down..)Zzzzz
No seriously I have to engage Power Saving mode...I bet you say that to all the girls

3rd Dec 2022, 20:25
When Stanley Ipkiss puts on the mask he gets to pull all the girls..

3rd Dec 2022, 21:11
He pulls all the Birds…… Custard.

4th Dec 2022, 01:30
So how does it work?
Simple really, The suit is actually transparent. When the yellow gets to the helmet, she opens the valve, and drains it out.

4th Dec 2022, 01:57
Squeezing the hose was a reliable throttle to the procession

Buster Hyman
4th Dec 2022, 02:03
You wanna see how quick he moves when we fart in his tube!

Dan Gerous
4th Dec 2022, 10:08

https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/588x388/image_ddabb29f62a2bf72c0d13d34e1ca2e2a3c5bc241_761bbfd4cbb0a 16d7a6f6ab43ca5c2ed72d61e9e.png

4th Dec 2022, 14:03

https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/588x388/image_ddabb29f62a2bf72c0d13d34e1ca2e2a3c5bc241_761bbfd4cbb0a 16d7a6f6ab43ca5c2ed72d61e9e.png
This sure beats the S & M party we had at the Yank's officers club!

4th Dec 2022, 14:49
NORAD ask for a practice flight to track Santa. Sure we can squeeze in a elf for the joy flight

4th Dec 2022, 14:51
About the only known publicity picture NOT to feature David Beckham / Meghan Markle ....other self effacing celebs are available

4th Dec 2022, 14:54
..and finally before I watch Senegal play tonight...😊
Neil Armstrong prepares to fly a slow aircraft for training for his upcoming Lunar flight

4th Dec 2022, 15:41
That’s why they call him “Chuck” Yeager, she’s there to suck the vomit from his helmet.

4th Dec 2022, 16:37
In Florida Hank prepares to ride the Vomit Comet.... remembering what happened the last time.

4th Dec 2022, 16:38
Marty, Where we're going we dont need no stinking roads .

4th Dec 2022, 16:40
...and finally, yes definitely Finally...
Looks like we might need double cycle clips.

4th Dec 2022, 16:49
Thanks all for lots of great captions again. Was tough to get it down to these three, but here are the results of the Colonel Custard photo:

Third place:
Jenny heads off to become a member of the 15 mile high club.

Second place:
The next one hear singing "Walk Like An Egyptian", is on a charge

Sorry Buster, but Nutty takes it with this one:
'Ere love, if you want to give him a proper blowjob, we 'ave an air start trolly over 'ere

Take it away Nutty!

4th Dec 2022, 17:32
Thanks, surprised as some brilliant entrants, ok try this one.


4th Dec 2022, 17:47
Do you not think we should be building bridges right now Sergei?

4th Dec 2022, 18:05
Here we have the proposed designs for the new ration coupons, this one's my favourite.

4th Dec 2022, 18:11
This is the exact spot where our pilots spotted an enemy pilot dressed in bright yellow.

Its true comrade I've seen the photo!

Ascend Charlie
4th Dec 2022, 18:14
"If you sign here, it will release me from the army, and I can take the role of Uncle Fester in the next series of "Wednesday."

4th Dec 2022, 18:17
Can't beat a good old game of Risk at Christmas. Pass me the dice it's my go next.

4th Dec 2022, 18:26
"No Sergei. Number 3 is yellow!"

4th Dec 2022, 18:27
Another A7 and he gets double deductions!

4th Dec 2022, 18:50
Now these map references are they side bottom answer or bottom side answer? ​​​​​​.

4th Dec 2022, 19:00
“ and our Agents have identified a Christmas Tree here, in this pine forest …”

4th Dec 2022, 19:04
“… and our Great President’s dacha is … here …I think … “

4th Dec 2022, 20:40
We need more rubles to keep going. Let's ban all fireworks here, here and here to make a start.

4th Dec 2022, 20:44
Don't let that that 'orrible lot from PPRuNe get a whiff of this plan. They know too much already, our top agents are watching them closely.

Self loading bear
4th Dec 2022, 21:18
https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/750x540/cee46051_868e_42e2_8990_85bdfd531321_a924b065ca66c3806ce7117 db3d7ae45025ef606.jpeg
Think bubble:

Why does this head set have a microphone when I don’t have a say in anything?

Self loading bear
4th Dec 2022, 21:23
Russia is spying on Western defense fabrication.

Here they are going through Airfix latest Spitfire 1:24 Assembly instructions.

Big Pistons Forever
4th Dec 2022, 21:29
See I told you number 24 had Chow Mein, not rice !

Big Pistons Forever
4th Dec 2022, 21:31
Think bubble for Guy in back

"Here we go again with the crazy frontal attacks on dug in Ukrainian troops".

Big Pistons Forever
4th Dec 2022, 21:32
This is where my new dacha is going.

4th Dec 2022, 21:50
6th floor window. Push Putin. He falls. Dead. EASY

Ok I'll do it, but are you sure I won't get blamed?

Nah, the world will think it was an accident...

5th Dec 2022, 00:12
Be careful when you visit the front line Sergi, Grigov lost most of his hair here, and I lost all of mine here.

5th Dec 2022, 00:16
Graduated hair-transplants given as perks on promotion.

Chu Chu
5th Dec 2022, 00:20
Wow! Only three hours and we're almost finished.

Yeah -- when you re-plan the victory parade every week, eventually you get pretty fast.

5th Dec 2022, 03:21
We've just tested our new precision guided munition, and we're fairly confident it landed somewhere about here.

5th Dec 2022, 05:48
...and we line up as a flat back four and hit them on the break...Well it worked in Stalingrad

5th Dec 2022, 05:50
Damn a six, go straight to jail, do not pass go, do not collect £200...ah well 3 square meals a day over Christmas then...

5th Dec 2022, 05:52
Great game this 2D Jenga...Issue it all to the troops, teaches them to keep their heads down..

5th Dec 2022, 05:54
Great news, Chinese Grand Prix been cancelled again. Now the President wants us to offer Sochi for the replacement race...2 weeks in April when he is on his holidays there again..

5th Dec 2022, 05:57
Proof why the Special Operation is a complete farce, planned by committee by 3 old farts who all have a terminal illness....fear of heights.

5th Dec 2022, 06:06
Now, 23 across - "found in the bottom of bird cages" four letters ending in IT... anyone?

5th Dec 2022, 08:07
Hal 9000 voice... Dr Floydski, you appear stress
ed, shall we play a game??
Doctor Floyd ... oh that would be nice something simple please...
Hal... how about Global Thermal Nuclear war you can be Mother Russia and I shall be the combined forces of NATO...
Dr F...Can we play against a small insignificant country like, oh I don't know, Ukraine?? thank you..

5th Dec 2022, 09:25
Meanwhile the PPRuNe moderators pour over Treadigraphs last effort but can find no way to ban it on grounds of indecency

5th Dec 2022, 09:27
In the Kremlin the Russian equivalent of Johnson, Van-Tam and Hancock pour over the latest covid-19 data looking to turn a bad situation into a catastrophe to deflect the thoughts of the citizens from the " Special Operation "

Buster Hyman
5th Dec 2022, 10:21
Yes, I see this is a list of Generals, and yes, I see that you have circled who should go to the front next but, I’m wondering why I don’t send you two?

Buster Hyman
5th Dec 2022, 10:23
No you idiot! I said bring me Penicillin! I’ve been poisoned!!!

5th Dec 2022, 12:37
Nyet! Venti Latte is not possible. You can have a cup or mud though, we seem to have a lot of earthworks around churches these days....

5th Dec 2022, 13:09
As the Kremlin searches for new sources of funding.....

"No Sergei. Liverpool Leicester will not be a no-score draw!"

5th Dec 2022, 13:10
No - you use Tangent and not Cosine to calculate the height of a church steeple..

5th Dec 2022, 14:02
“There? I thought it was ours?”

”It was.”

Self loading bear
5th Dec 2022, 17:14
Be careful when you visit the front line Sergi, Grigov lost most of his hair here, and I lost all of mine here.

In same line:
Perhaps we should ask the Dutch to search for our lost battles, In 2014 they recovered more than we hoped for

5th Dec 2022, 17:21
Look Ivan, when i said "Watch my Arse" I did not mean for you to taker it so literally!

5th Dec 2022, 20:48
As the results start to pour in for next year's Presidential Election, Putin's team congratulate themselves on another great victory...

5th Dec 2022, 20:50
The Generals find absolute proof that Ukraine attacked their own critical infrastructure with captured Russian munitions in an attempt to garner additional help and sympathy from the West.

5th Dec 2022, 20:53
The Generals plan to allow Crimea to unlawfully invade Russia so that World sympathy will mean the Soviet Eurovision entry will win in 2023...

5th Dec 2022, 20:55
As the Kremlin searches f
or new sources of funding.....

"No Sergei. Liverpool Leicester will not be a no-score draw!"

Showing my age now...

No no the ball is definitely just there in this picture...

5th Dec 2022, 20:59
At the weekly General's 'territories we've captured' meeting Sergei was quick to realise that the other end of his pencil didn't have an eraser on it.

5th Dec 2022, 21:00
https://cimg0.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1199x674/image_e3b4809b5344c6806bfd93c45c556f6fd6dbff1f_8cdbc9336c2ac 356ece82acb8437c5e003413a6b.jpeg

6th Dec 2022, 06:39
Look how much sympathy Netflix have garnered for the Sussex's....Think they can do the same for our President?

6th Dec 2022, 06:44
https://cimg0.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1199x674/image_e3b4809b5344c6806bfd93c45c556f6fd6dbff1f_8cdbc9336c2ac 356ece82acb8437c5e003413a6b.jpeg

"Fantastic!, so this is the land that has been captured for the first 100,000 KIA's of ours! What is the scale?"

"Twelve inches to one foot General Shoigu!"

'Excellent.... "

6th Dec 2022, 07:43
Right, while Treadigraph's in Penzance and distracted, we'll invade Croydon. We must be able to win there.

But Comrade, Croydon is a cultural, fiscal and intellectual desert.

Oh... does it have a Cathedral?


Ok, how about invading Luton then?

6th Dec 2022, 08:51
But drawing a moustache on the photograph of the President is a capital offence!

6th Dec 2022, 09:03
Right, so it's agreed, our three escape tunnels will be code named Tom, Dick and Harry.

Buster Hyman
6th Dec 2022, 10:28
Nyet! As you can see, it’s impossible to do! You need a second chop stick!

Buster Hyman
6th Dec 2022, 10:29
A Weevil? An Ant?
I don’t care, just kill it and get back to work!

Dan Gerous
6th Dec 2022, 10:45
I'm an invader get me out of here.

6th Dec 2022, 11:06
"No, you must delete some. This list of Christmas Cards is too long ... and expensive."

6th Dec 2022, 11:08
"Laa Laa, why is Po sulking?"

6th Dec 2022, 11:10
Vlad has ordered us to capture this hair transplant clinic this week.

Buster Hyman
6th Dec 2022, 11:41
Baldrick explains his cunning plan to Blackadder…

6th Dec 2022, 11:59
Right so we cut the A303 here, the A30 here and the M5 here....and with the help of our comrades In the RMT here then Treadigaph will be stranded in his holiday Butlins..

6th Dec 2022, 12:04
Well I got the idea from the last days of WW2 when Herr Hitler in the Furherbunker was taking personal control of the fictional regiments and Panzers..

6th Dec 2022, 12:05
Look, the President has sent us a box of white powdered sweets...have a funny taste though of Almonds..

6th Dec 2022, 13:58
"Just because you known where Minsk is on the map, doesn't mean that you can take out the Ukrainian Army with that pencil like the Baba Yaga could".

6th Dec 2022, 14:40
Just Stop Oil protesters plan where to strike next in their ongoing fight with the West's over reliance on the Black Gold...
Yuri, why dont we just turn off the tap in Hut 3??

6th Dec 2022, 16:39
Team "Red Arse" gets in a quick practice session before Friday night's All Kremlin Pictionary final.

6th Dec 2022, 16:52
As Traffic is here …

”If we slot the Speedbird in front of the United, and give the Lufthansa a delaying dog-leg, we can get the Aeroflot in there on schedule!”
”You have missed one critical aspect, Comrade ATCO … this is London Heathrow.”
”Damn, damn, I forgot that!”

6th Dec 2022, 16:54
I will call it Thursday if you all agree, subject to me remembering lol.

6th Dec 2022, 18:42
Nutloose is calling it Thursday Comrade. We need to Putin a sure fire caption winner inside 48 hours or we are sunk!

Dan Gerous
6th Dec 2022, 18:42
The red area is Santa's workshop and the green areas are Xmas tree farms. We can make it look like the Ukrainians did it.

https://cimg0.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1199x674/image_e3b4809b5344c6806bfd93c45c556f6fd6dbff1f_8cdbc9336c2ac 356ece82acb8437c5e003413a6b.jpeg

6th Dec 2022, 18:52
Nutloose is calling it Thursday Comrade. We need to Putin a sure fire caption winner inside 48 hours or we are sunk!
Damn … just as you sank my Moskva”

6th Dec 2022, 19:01
No it's not a tactical retreat, it's shortening the supply lines

Ascend Charlie
6th Dec 2022, 19:56
"OK, now three-across, a word starting with S-H and ending in I-T and is found in the bottom of bird cages?"
"Try SHELLGRIT, comrade..."

6th Dec 2022, 23:00
3 men + 1 observer + IKEA instructions = Disaster!

- Ed

Buster Hyman
7th Dec 2022, 03:39
“Ping Vassilli, PING! Not a pen!”

7th Dec 2022, 04:01
These fine artists pencils come in forty eight colours and make a very nice finish , much better than those old waxy crayons the marines use for drawing .But the old crayons did taste better than the field rations . These artist pencils allow fine detail to differentiate between toilets and washing machine assets for the next offensive shopping expeditions plans and work scope projections .

7th Dec 2022, 04:04
6Ps ; Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance

Ascend Charlie
7th Dec 2022, 05:49
6Ps ; Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance

That's seven, Fitliker....off to the gulag with you.

7th Dec 2022, 09:22
Now the President's going to show the Kirsch bridge has re opened by driving a Mercedes across it....Do you think the Ukrainian can strike twice in the same place??
Think he would notice the large white X on the roof ??

Buster Hyman
7th Dec 2022, 09:32
"Now...we are here, and the President will be sitting...oh, could you move your papers please..."

7th Dec 2022, 09:58
These fine artists pencils come in forty eight colours and make a very nice finish , much better than those old waxy crayons the marines use for drawing .But the old crayons did taste better than the field rations . These artist pencils allow fine detail to differentiate between toilets and washing machine assets for the next offensive shopping expeditions plans and work scope projections .

So you are saying Cornish Jack is a Russian? :E

Buster Hyman
7th Dec 2022, 10:21
"I saw Bob Ross do this....there...Pine trees!"

Ascend Charlie
8th Dec 2022, 01:54
"and this escape route will take us straight to Bali, we can hide amongst the thousands of Russians there!"
"But comrade, they just passed a law banning sex outside marriage!"
"Even though my wedding ring is on right hand, not left, I think me and my girlfriend will be OK. You two, though, might be in some trouble, darlings..."

8th Dec 2022, 09:14
...and so we can invade the Maldives, here look at this relief map...

8th Dec 2022, 10:04
Gentleman at the back...While we're waiting for a decision anyone for Coffee or Tea?

8th Dec 2022, 10:07
Well no i don't think much of this latest Netflix Blockbuster.

8th Dec 2022, 10:15
I do enjoy a game of hangman, but if you don't mind me saying Comrade that one does look a lot like our Vlad.

8th Dec 2022, 18:22
After Agents May, Johnston, & Truss we have to rely on Agent Sunak to stop support for Ukraine??
Could be worse it could be Agent Starmer ...

8th Dec 2022, 18:24
According to this map. Crimea have taken over our oil fields, and need to import coal from Cumbria...

8th Dec 2022, 18:27
...and finally as I'm bored with this picture...
Our best bowler could not even hit the Spaniel with a egg on his walkabout in Luton...
Don't worry Comrade told you we should have recruited agent Warne to bowl the Egg of the Century

Ascend Charlie
8th Dec 2022, 20:26
"This is the list of people who entered the last capcomp, see here that Kiltrash is the most prolific. Despatch an umbrella to him."

8th Dec 2022, 20:38
Ivan an the back has just had word in that NutLoose could be suffering from an aged related memory condition. Results cancelled until further notice.

8th Dec 2022, 20:42
Ok scores on the doors,

Caviuman1 with

3 men + 1 observer + IKEA instructions = Disaster!

Confusious with

Here we have the proposed designs for the new ration coupons, this one's my favourite.

kiltrash with

Damn a six, go straight to jail, do not pass go, do not collect £200...ah well 3 square meals a day over Christmas then...

but the winner is FDR with

Fantastic!, so this is the land that has been captured for the first 100,000 KIA's of ours! What is the scale?"

"Twelve inches to one foot General Shoigu!"


I will send the CST by drone.

My efforts would have been

So I propose our new defence line will be placed here..

But that’s Siberia!

Ok Ivan, we intend to drop you into England to carry out subversive activities.
To build you’re cover we will marry you to a typical English woman, we have selected a London Laundrette manager called Dot Cotton and your codename will be Jim Banning.

Sergei, who is this Dot Cotton Ivan keeps talking about?

https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1280x768/john_bardon_jim_branning615_6ae37eaa74643b98994a72ee6facfb2c bbd10cea.jpg

not think the one in the middle looks like him?

8th Dec 2022, 20:49
Ok Ivan, we intend to drop you into England to carry out subversive activities.
To build you’re cover we will marry you to a typical English woman to build your cover, we have selected a London Laundrette manager called Dot Cotton and your codename will be Jim Banning

8th Dec 2022, 21:03
Perfect facial symmetry for a Picasso Portrait.

9th Dec 2022, 06:30
Time has not dealt Harry and Meghan well, after that documentary
Congrats FDR

9th Dec 2022, 08:25
"can't keep my eyes off of you.... can't keep my eyes offa you... ", "...the best of high visibility.... "

https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/680x889/screen_shot_2022_12_09_at_5_20_23_pm_c1d611662ff087f269f7767 66da21895103724ac.png

9th Dec 2022, 08:44
Keeping an eye on things can be canard...

9th Dec 2022, 08:47
Shere Kahn liked to keep a Gripen things...

9th Dec 2022, 09:53
Caution - Two pupils on board.

9th Dec 2022, 10:09
Mr. Speaker in Parliament was heard to say, "Order, Order, the Eyes have it."

9th Dec 2022, 10:15
When Hoskins was asked to help improve 'eye in the sky'.

9th Dec 2022, 10:17
New paint scheme for the Red Arrows: "On the Lash".

9th Dec 2022, 10:31
The eye of the tiger naannnaaaannaaannaaaahhhhh

9th Dec 2022, 10:36
They're a formation aid, we call them the eyes of the tiger or in deference to the film that used the song, the Rocky Balbo A manoeuvre.

9th Dec 2022, 10:39
It's that "when someone shoves a boroscope up your jetpipe look"

Ascend Charlie
9th Dec 2022, 10:42
"I need to cross some tees, I've already dotted my eyes..."

Buster Hyman
9th Dec 2022, 10:46
"I'll thump him if he calls me Big Nose again!!!"

Buster Hyman
9th Dec 2022, 10:47
So Hoskins...what part of 'low observability' don't you get?

9th Dec 2022, 10:58
They're linked, can you guess the airforce? it's the eyetie's

9th Dec 2022, 11:32
Stereoscopic range finding in a Single Seater??

9th Dec 2022, 11:34
Banksey was last seen leaving the Airbase
Skip, knew it was a mistake inviting Banksey to be the after dinner speaker

9th Dec 2022, 11:35
Must be for the female pilots...look at all that mascara

9th Dec 2022, 11:37
Look down shoot down....who needs AWACS...

9th Dec 2022, 11:40
Crew chief...WTF ..Hoskins what have you done.??
Hoskins...But sir you sent me to stores for some Tartan Paint...They didn't have any in stock but suggested a painting by numbers kit would do...

9th Dec 2022, 11:43
After a particularly drunken weekend on detachment at Conningsby the GAF could not look their Aircraft in the eye ever again

9th Dec 2022, 11:47
Apologies to all the children waiting for Santa, but the reindeer pulling the sleigh flew too close to the Aircraft. However the Venison roast came out a treat...

9th Dec 2022, 11:50
The RAF are only to pleased to assist the Farmers watching out for Sheep rustlers in the Mach Loop...gave the spotters a hell of a fright.

9th Dec 2022, 11:53
There's more to this than meets the eye.

Oh dear, that's cornea than the last one!

Buster Hyman
9th Dec 2022, 11:55
Don't shoot until you see the yellow of his eyes!

9th Dec 2022, 12:37
It's our latest night fighter designed to intercept bears, we're calling it the Red Eye.

9th Dec 2022, 12:38
https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/680x889/screen_shot_2022_12_09_at_5_20_23_pm_c1d611662ff087f269f7767 66da21895103724ac_8c6ec0f0de8ed08eca40a1129135cffcb9f8d0b0.p ng

9th Dec 2022, 12:39
And there was the target, staring at me right in front of my eyes.

9th Dec 2022, 12:39
Raf trial new bird scarers.

9th Dec 2022, 13:05
Here comes Captain Birdseye again.

9th Dec 2022, 13:52
What the Edgley Optica might have become with suffice R&D funds

9th Dec 2022, 13:53
Capital Radios latest Eye in the Sky traffic Spotter ..

9th Dec 2022, 13:54
Specsavers descide their gonna need a bigger shop.

9th Dec 2022, 16:26
Little was known of what Percy Shaw went onto do after he patented the Cats Eye...however his son was in the RAF as a paint shop technician ...

9th Dec 2022, 16:27
Ah Captain Cunningham your aircraft is prepared for flight

9th Dec 2022, 16:29
After baking in the sun at Akrotiri, the crew found a perfect surface to cook some eggs...

9th Dec 2022, 18:26
"OK fellas, it's not a joke it's either a Tomcat or a Hawk."

Dan Gerous
9th Dec 2022, 18:27
And like the Kestrel, when it sees its prey it dives straight down.

9th Dec 2022, 19:09
The air-show paint scheme proved to be a real spectacle.

9th Dec 2022, 19:32
Powered by Esso Jet-A1 - 'Put a tiger in your tank'.

9th Dec 2022, 19:34
With this clever invention you'll never forget to stow the reversers.

9th Dec 2022, 19:36
With Rubles so scarce, Putin makes a desperate last effort to scare the enemy.

Big Pistons Forever
9th Dec 2022, 21:10
Giving the ultimate evil eye

Big Pistons Forever
9th Dec 2022, 21:11
The real Raptor

Big Pistons Forever
9th Dec 2022, 21:12
In that last 1 v 1 he was so close in I could see the yellow of his eyes !

10th Dec 2022, 07:08
The pack of Dobermans realised too late it was not a little defenceless kitty they chased up a tree.

10th Dec 2022, 07:10
Bit low on the fly over Woburn Safari park Hoskins?

10th Dec 2022, 07:11
Several World Cup 22 Players that missed penalties should take heed when the coach said they should give the keeper the Eye...

Chu Chu
10th Dec 2022, 14:05
Training target for WC-130.

Chu Chu
10th Dec 2022, 15:05
Hoping to be offered an FAA transfer, Hoskins practiced his response.

10th Dec 2022, 15:05
After batting its eyelashes over-enthusiastically, the aircraft lawn-darted into the ground.

- Ed

10th Dec 2022, 15:12
No, Danuška, they are not for czeching out the other Tiger squadrons male/female* members.

(*delete according to self-declared preference)

Dan Gerous
10th Dec 2022, 18:19
The "See You Jimmy" version of the Gripen being offered to a prospective Scottish Air Force.

10th Dec 2022, 18:50
...and at half time...Cummin on France 😊...but I digress

Mrs Higginbotham later complained to the Base Commander that his pilots were looking at her 16 year old daughter getting in the shower...
Must get the blinds fixed was his response..