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20th May 2021, 02:41
In a bid to bolster numbers the RAF arm the Link Trainers.

20th May 2021, 03:04
Converted from the early versions of hydraulic mechanical bull , apparently still has the various smells of tourists ,strippers and Bullseat Artists

Maybe they can last more eights seconds sitting internally rather than hanging on bare back of the unconverted hydraulic bull .

20th May 2021, 05:21
It was such a dog-eat-dog atmosphere at Matthew and Son, staff armoured their office chairs...

20th May 2021, 05:30
As the Circus rolled into town, little Johnny persuaded his dad to upgrade his chances at the duck shooting gallery

20th May 2021, 05:31
Knife crime against pensioners in London SE5 had became so rife, Heath Robinson designed the Camberwell OAP Defence Gun Emplacement Runaround (CODGER) - part mobility scooter, part shopping trolley and part instrument of divine retribution.

20th May 2021, 05:32
Martin Bakers first attempt at a Zero - Zero seat.

20th May 2021, 05:33
Red Bull breaks your wings...

20th May 2021, 05:34
Captain Old Fart DFC and Bar gets set to take out the village e- scooter miscreants

20th May 2021, 05:36
Farmer John, pops up from the Cattle trough to stop the Rustlers.

20th May 2021, 05:37
...calls to his wife to bring more hot water for his bath, and waits for the shower to be designed

20th May 2021, 05:40
Shouts to the man pushing him....
" Slow down, just over flown the Jaguar."

20th May 2021, 05:43
At the Annual Duxford Show all the aircraft are pushed out the hangers to be proudly shown to the paying public

Hoskins was not happy he drew the Line..Sorry Link
Hanger 2 complained this was still " work in progress "

20th May 2021, 06:10
"Bl**dy Cherokees again!!"

20th May 2021, 06:44
Boris rolls out his last-ditch attempt to control the Indian variant of Covid 19 in Bolton..........

20th May 2021, 07:09
The Transport Secretary is pleased to announce the shake up of British Rail by providing individual carriage pods.

20th May 2021, 07:11
Well we designed the new fighter round the surplus mine coal wagons when Maggie closed the pits.

20th May 2021, 07:14
On the Golf range Hoskins get a new job collecting the balls. The owner explained this way we got round the requirement to close during collections for employee safety.

20th May 2021, 07:16
Winkle logs type no 489.

20th May 2021, 07:42
Fred and Barney develop the Aerocar. Well it is only 1,000,000 BC.

20th May 2021, 09:01
While flying under bridges is a ripping wheeze, you should draw the line at canal bridges, Hoskins.

20th May 2021, 09:42
It's the RAF's attempt to recoup some of your training costs, you need to put a shilling in the slot.

20th May 2021, 09:42
Bob takes his bog to war...

Don't tell him..

20th May 2021, 09:45
We call it the Vickers fun bus.

20th May 2021, 09:51
Smithers knew war was not fun, but deep down he knew he was in for a rollercoaster of a ride.

Dan Gerous
20th May 2021, 10:08
The rail tracks at RAF Leuchars came in handy when going on leave.

20th May 2021, 10:09
Private trains were to be allowed on HS2 and Heath Robinson had just the thing to ensure the track ahead was clear...

Dan Gerous
20th May 2021, 10:10
BAe Rep "... and for reconnaissance you can operate a drone from his head".

Dan Gerous
20th May 2021, 10:12
Plywood for the airframe, and 2 ply for the crew.

20th May 2021, 10:16
How Fred Perry developed such a formidable forehand...

Dan Gerous
20th May 2021, 10:18
BAe Rep still on his sales pitch, "...and for short field performance you can use tail gunner RATO, Recoil Assisted Take Off".

20th May 2021, 10:19
Q Branch had produced many extraordinarily useful gadgets for his missions but even 007 was at a loss to know how to put this device to good use...

20th May 2021, 10:28
Trouble is, after every burst we have to wheel him back from St Pancras.

Ascend Charlie
20th May 2021, 11:01
The cleaners always hated going in after Cholmondoley had sat there going "Ttthhhhpppppp...dakka dakka...ttthhhhhppppp..."and filling the cockpit with spit and other precious bodily fluids.

20th May 2021, 11:06
Bernie the Bolt goes on holiday...

20th May 2021, 11:11
The birth of the BAe business model began by selling children's coin operated ride machines to the military for billions of dollars.

20th May 2021, 12:31
Obviously photoshopped when in hover mode..., no jet efflux on the ground

20th May 2021, 12:34
Maxim takes his MG37 and plans to upgrade to Big Bertha

20th May 2021, 12:37
Dammit...Missed again,... please can you move the fish barrel closer...

20th May 2021, 12:39
Instructor.... Why haven't you fired??
Student... Sir you said to hold your fire till I could see the whites of their eye's.....He's wearing dark sunglasses.

20th May 2021, 12:41
Right lets see how turbulence affects his aim, on the count of 3 all grab the trainer and shake it...

20th May 2021, 12:44
Is this dangerous to fly??
This?? No its the control for the MQ9 Drone in Afghanistan.

20th May 2021, 13:59
I wanted to fly a Sopwith Camel, and all I got was the hump!!

Buster Hyman
20th May 2021, 14:07
This is our new reconnaissance aircraft. We call it the Box Brownie.
After the Camera?
No, because we s**t ourselves everytime we go up in it!

Buster Hyman
20th May 2021, 14:08
Early rail guns lacked oomph.

20th May 2021, 14:36
[[ caption in search of a photo:

Our very own 351st Air Refueling Squadron was awarded the Gen. Carl A. Spaatz Trophy for being the best ARS in the Air Force!
(RAF Mildenhall Facebook page, May 18th)

slightly sorry to post in the midst of a competition ]]

20th May 2021, 15:22
This? Picked it up at Brighton Pier. Think it was used to scare the Seagulls away from your chips.

20th May 2021, 15:26
Dick said the last thing he remembered was getting The Pigeon in his sights, then Penelope swooped past putting him off his aim. Only later on the walk round he discovered there had been a bird strike.

20th May 2021, 16:16
The escape from Stalag 15 was thwarted by a lack of resources and a big hedge.

20th May 2021, 16:16
https://cimg0.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1280x720/maxresdefault_67436bf6afe90da7d76bb69eb5442b3f0a4c41d7_030ea 1443751d7c6574206dcf6f91f1dca5dc74f.jpg

20th May 2021, 16:18
The Flat Hat Society was formed after attempting to push "volunteers" into their new weapons of war.

20th May 2021, 16:23
Damm think I just shot away my propellor.

20th May 2021, 16:25
In Brooklands, Aircraftsman Prune was found to be stealing a Vimy, one piece at a time.

20th May 2021, 16:29
Policeman on intersection points duty takes red light jumpers seriously

20th May 2021, 16:29
And so son, that's why it's been known as the Guard's van ever since

20th May 2021, 16:31
Things were at a bit of a stalemate because Hoskins refused to put his feet out into the slipstream and pedal.

20th May 2021, 16:38
Wow! This thing handles like it's on rails!

20th May 2021, 16:47
Ordered to patrol the Hindenberg Line, Algy had got quite the wrong end of the stick.

20th May 2021, 17:04
Algie was thankful that when he was posted onto ground attack he never got Jaguars.

20th May 2021, 19:11
Forgot to shake my medicine this morning, should take care of that.

20th May 2021, 19:33
You’ve all heard about the term fuselage? Well this is a fusesmall.

20th May 2021, 20:13
The Central Flying School during WW1 was brutal, when you were chopped, you were chopped.

20th May 2021, 20:15
The Sopwith Camel ejection pod was an unqualified success, except for the wheels which had a tendency to roll it into enemy trenches.

- Ed

20th May 2021, 21:18
Trainee soldier from A Country Which We Do Not Respect: "And when I want to retreat, can I turn my seat around to face the way I'm going?"

-- "Oh, there's no time for that - we retreat facing backwards."

20th May 2021, 22:50
I got this with the first issue of the magazine, only 2 years to go and I will have the whole plane.

20th May 2021, 23:34
Not a caption

For those interested, here's Captain Blackadder having a go in it.

Incredibly realistic flight simulator

21st May 2021, 05:53
VSO off to the left, " I say Mr Hill, it appears your daughter Hazel has sorted guns synchronisation, now if only Ms Shilling could sort the coughing engines..

21st May 2021, 05:59
During the hottest summer ever Hoskins gets ready with the water canon to protect his corn field.

21st May 2021, 11:33
Farmer John takes drastic action to protect his Scarecrow from further damage done by....the Crows.

21st May 2021, 12:13
Private Baldrick's only cunning plan of any merit enabled Blackadder to deal firmly with Captain Darling...

Chu Chu
21st May 2021, 12:51
Things seem to be slowing down, so I'll call this one tonight (as silly as it seems to call it that).

21st May 2021, 14:59
First prototype of the 'mobile lounge' favoured at some airports.

21st May 2021, 15:00
"If you can make it work on just one rail, we can call it a 'monorail' and then all practical shortcomings will be forgiven."

21st May 2021, 15:01
Young men always prefer to sit at the front of driverless trains and pretend to be the driver.

21st May 2021, 15:03
"You've not only run over the marshaller, you've got his head and shoulders caught in your contraption."

21st May 2021, 15:05
"When fully developed, it'll be the world's first combine harvester. We just need to add functions for reaping, threshing, gathering, and winnowing."

-- "And lay railway tracks in all the world's grain fields."

21st May 2021, 15:06
Big Bertha....nay Lad this is Lil Burper!

21st May 2021, 15:17
"VNE is 25 mph. The only indication you have of speed is that your cap flies off at 27 mph."

21st May 2021, 15:19
"Wow, that really is a gap that needs to be minded!"

21st May 2021, 15:44
Irish F1 car disqualified for having no wings.

21st May 2021, 15:48
"A green light in the cockpit means your undercarriage is safe to land on, so you're going to be stopping soon. A green light outside the cockpit means full speed ahead. Is that clear?"

21st May 2021, 16:16
VSO has a stint as a Pilot, wonders what's so difficult about this.

Now Payroll General..That's a dangerous occupation. You get the weekly wage wrong there is hell to pay. ...
Did you really think we would give a desk driver a real aircraft?

21st May 2021, 17:34
Combat was going well until the hun deployed leaves on the line.

21st May 2021, 17:37
With the hun on the retreat, Wallace deployed Gromitt to go ahead laying track.


21st May 2021, 17:46
When Hoskins finally reached the end of the training pipeline, he found he had been remustered to Admin (Sec).

21st May 2021, 17:54
Algie patiently awaited the next edition of the Hatchetts Magazine Build a WW1 fighter.

21st May 2021, 18:05
Army Medics trial new methods for mass vaccination against Spanish Infuenza.

21st May 2021, 19:18
The first aptitude test to join the battlespace management branch. Are you gullible enough to believe that you are an extra pair of eyes in the cockpit?

21st May 2021, 19:31
Hoskins mused ... “To think that decades later a new generation could accomplish the same task from a Portacabin a thousand miles away. One can but dream ...”

21st May 2021, 21:00
In a stop gap measure the temporary AF1 for Joe Biden is wheeled out. Due to his age he may not make the planned replacements
Also serves as a final resting place...

21st May 2021, 21:02
Tesla reveal early design for self drive planes. Only cannot outsource the conductor.

21st May 2021, 21:04
....and we bolt on a canopy and periscope and voila a one man submarine.

Chu Chu
22nd May 2021, 00:03
Lots of great entries on this one. Short of the winner, the ones that made me laugh the most (in no particular order) were:

Trouble is, after every burst we have to wheel him back from St Pancras. --Ninthace

I wanted to fly a Sopwith Camel, and all I got was the hump!! – Wensleydale

And so son, that's why it's been known as the Guard's van ever since – Traffic is Er Was.

"You've not only run over the marshaller, you've got his head and shoulders caught in your contraption." – c52

Combat was going well until the hun deployed leaves on the line. – Nutloose

Army Medics trial new methods for mass vaccination against Spanish Infuenza. MPN11

But one entry not only conjured up a improbably funny scene, but did it with style and panache (or something like that). So the coveted trophy goes to Traffic for:

Cholmondeley-Smythe loitered patiently up-sun, just waiting for a careless Hun to be pushed into range.

The trophy will be dispatched shortly -- just need to get the transatlantic rail link complete and recruit a few more pushers for the relay.

22nd May 2021, 02:06
Why thank you sir. SInce I'll then have to wait for the gangers to move on to construction of the transpacific rail link, I'm more than happy to throw it open to someone who hasn't had a go in a while. First in, best....etc.

22nd May 2021, 09:02
OK.....how about this one?

https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/576x398/fb_img_1620587912917_16e8a066f37f48f5645b4c776017e94896634e3 4.jpg

Dan Gerous
22nd May 2021, 09:28
I find your lack off faith in the ground crews disturbing.

22nd May 2021, 09:34
Either that Stormtrooper has put on weight or I need new glasses.

22nd May 2021, 09:45
Hey is that David Prowse?
NAA it can’t be, I thought he was the Green Cross Man..

22nd May 2021, 09:47
All I asked for was an upload of domestic water, but the tower tells me he has the divine right to supply its location.

22nd May 2021, 09:48
The force my ass, he’s using that puppeteers rig to control them.

22nd May 2021, 09:51
If he rubs those two sticks together much faster he’ll light those sabres.

22nd May 2021, 09:57
Can you tell the man with the bamboo poles McDonald’s is the next door down.

Chu Chu
22nd May 2021, 10:26
[Not a caption]

You mean Queensland isn't between Germany and Hungary?

Sorry about that, Traffic. I was so worried about putting a wrong name with a caption that I failed to check "location" and made a mistake of continental proportions.

22nd May 2021, 10:28
The job matching database said it would be a good match.

22nd May 2021, 10:38
I haven’t heard anyone talking like that since we were NBC black on exercise.

22nd May 2021, 10:42
Welcome to Liverpool airport, welcome to the dark side.

22nd May 2021, 10:43
This is not the Gate you are looking for.

Ascend Charlie
22nd May 2021, 11:38
"Bring me those passengers, I want them alive!"

Buster Hyman
22nd May 2021, 12:04
"No, this isn't an X-wing. This only has 3 engines"

22nd May 2021, 12:22
No Luke, I said don't go any farther

22nd May 2021, 12:26
Lisbon Airport welcome the first Covid free flight from England. The handler is taking no chances.

22nd May 2021, 12:27
The JT9-d engines are so loud the handler wears all over ear defenders

22nd May 2021, 12:29
JB Cooper holds up a Aircraft for the get away.

22nd May 2021, 12:44
I was sure the Captain requested a Exorcism...
No it was for maintenance to check the headset when they landed...

22nd May 2021, 12:46
Captain to Co pilot. " Why is there a black ghost up in the clouds. Better check the QNH again. "

Chu Chu
22nd May 2021, 13:15
Rejected concept for Air Cav insignia modernization.

Dan Gerous
22nd May 2021, 15:00
Get out the way Vader, or we'll switch the radar on.

https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/576x398/fb_img_1620587912917_16e8a066f37f48f5645b4c776017e94896634e3 4.jpg

22nd May 2021, 16:27
ATC adopts extreme measures to ensure compliance with instructions.

22nd May 2021, 16:38
One is a Intergalactic despot, determined to wipe out all sentient life on the Planet, the other is a man who left his hi viz at home.

22nd May 2021, 16:39
Don't you see the " X" this is a closed runway

22nd May 2021, 17:59
... in an airport far, far away ...

22nd May 2021, 18:35
Do you think this is a appropriate time to ask him where the forklift is?
(cr Airplane the Movie)

22nd May 2021, 18:41
The Star Trek convention lands and is greeted in Las Vegas....
Meanwhile Star Wars 10 opens in Los Angeles without one of its main characters

22nd May 2021, 18:43
Prince Harry promotes his latest TV blockbuster..." The Me You Cant See "

22nd May 2021, 19:10
You will wait here ... until you have received your Covid Test ...

Chu Chu
22nd May 2021, 21:42
Keep your shirt on. I'm not the first pilot that's landed at the wrong airport.

That's as may be Hoskins, but only you could land in the wrong galaxy.

Ascend Charlie
22nd May 2021, 22:39
"Look, Chewy! It's Anakin Skywanker!"

22nd May 2021, 22:43
I don’t care if he is my father, where’s his hi-viz vest?

22nd May 2021, 22:59
Cultural appropriation? You mean this isn't Gatwick?

22nd May 2021, 23:00
We're all going on a Starwars holiday...

22nd May 2021, 23:02
Dan-Dare meets Starwars...

22nd May 2021, 23:12
Find her, find Princess Layover.

22nd May 2021, 23:13
Give us a drum roll Darth..

23rd May 2021, 02:54
Reckon those Dowsing Rods are reacting to my Bladder?

23rd May 2021, 06:19
The LSO gets a job in civi street finds it difficult to fit in.

23rd May 2021, 06:20
Mrs Hoskins finds her husbands flight sim has finally taken over his life completely

23rd May 2021, 07:29
someone told Darth Vader that even pilots obey the marshaller and the Marshaller Empire was born.


The Force was strong on Luke, but as Darth Vader found out that even pilots obey the marshaller, the Death Star was saved.


The pilots couldn't be bothered with the Force so Anakin turned to the most powerful method in the universe: marshalling.

Dan Gerous
23rd May 2021, 10:56
"Hah, do you think a couple of light sticks will stop us"?
"I have faith in the force, and some chocks for back up"

https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/576x398/fb_img_1620587912917_16e8a066f37f48f5645b4c776017e94896634e3 4.jpg

23rd May 2021, 11:51
Darth gets very cross when Hans Solo strokes his wookie on the flight deck.

23rd May 2021, 12:26
As the British entry for Euro vision returns to blighty in triumph he did not expect such hatred from the Empire

23rd May 2021, 12:27
Pilot..." The Empire? The Empire ? The only Empire I know was on the High Street and closed in 1961."

23rd May 2021, 12:31
Pilot wrote switched off the computer and relied on the force to achieve the mission. However was met with strong opposition by ATC for flying open skies.

23rd May 2021, 12:36
The CAA's latest attempt to halt Aviation in the UK took a sinister turn!

23rd May 2021, 12:56
The Empire Strikes Back almost as often as French Air Traffic Controllers...

23rd May 2021, 13:41
Later Darth wrote a strongly worded note to ACME That they only make Right Handed Light sabres. Did they not know 35 % of all the Sith are Left Handed.. This is grounds for a discrimination lawsuit.

23rd May 2021, 13:51
" In the Air ( drumming ) tonight. "
If I save up my money I can afford a set of drums.


23rd May 2021, 13:52
Sacked Black Stig seeks employment at Dunsfold after being sacked dismissed when he wrote a ' tell all ' book.

(ps MUST remember not to use the same word in the same sentence...oh **** ..did it again..)

23rd May 2021, 13:54
It's not the Stig, it's the Stig's cousin with a boring normal job.

23rd May 2021, 13:58
Vader. .." Well that's a nice trick Yoda "
Yoda..." yes I can be whatever I want to be and here's my Trident "

23rd May 2021, 15:47
Vadar in a deep rasping threatening voice.... " Welcome to Minsk, your safety is our main focus. Your aircraft will now be searched for explosive devices "
" We thanks you for your patience and know you had a choice of airlines to fly with "
Pilot...." will this count against my On Time Arrivals bonus? "

23rd May 2021, 16:25
Having called in the exorcist, attempts were made to finally rid the airport of RyanAir.

23rd May 2021, 16:31
Who's the daddy?

23rd May 2021, 16:31
Ohhh crap, it’s the CAA carrying out a ramp inspection again.

24th May 2021, 06:26
Yes on my analogue Ariel on my helmet I can get 4 channels.
Space TV, NASA TV, Mars Rover TV and Space 1999....

https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/576x398/fb_img_1620587912917_16e8a066f37f48f5645b4c776017e94896634e3 4.jpg

24th May 2021, 06:29
To close for missiles, switching to dark threats of the mind against the week willed.

24th May 2021, 06:33
Pilot thinks, Why is that priest giving us the last rights? on our flight to Vilnius?

24th May 2021, 08:28
Pilot. .." Whew made it somehow after that windshear on finals with 2 engines out, no hydraulic pressure on the green channel and the jack screw collapsed due to no lubrication."
Co- Pilot..." Why is the handler dressed as Lord Vader" ?
​​​​Vader replies ..." Cause they were all out of Grim Reaper outfits..."

24th May 2021, 08:30
He might be an all seeing dark Lord, but if he looked closely he would see the chocks....so telling us to stop is a bit pointless!

24th May 2021, 08:34
Pilot " I told the airline that naming this aircraft the Millenium Falcon was asking for trouble!"

24th May 2021, 08:51
"He said he wants Han and the Wookie....... I assume he means Johanes the Steward and Brenda the hostie who ran out of leg wax last week"

24th May 2021, 09:22
Him? Dunno. I have heard he used to be a Lord or some such. Supposedly got busted back to the ranks after that Death Star fiasco a few years back.

Bueno Hombre
24th May 2021, 09:42
Anyone else banned from Ryanair force down discussion on this forum or only me?

Ascend Charlie
24th May 2021, 09:58
"I think he is telling us that Sabre is down, and we need to do manual check-ins."
"Yeah, he looks a little cross."

24th May 2021, 10:20
"Must be a typo Sir, I requested a couple of replacement SARBE's"

24th May 2021, 10:59
MOL won't be letting anybody off until they've coughed up an extra pony for the diversion to Minsk.

24th May 2021, 11:21
I'm not sure what he's saying, but I think he said he wants some wookie, or was it nookie? hmmm.....you better ask the Hosties if anyone is willing to take one for the team...

24th May 2021, 11:25
"Must be a typo Sir, I requested a couple of replacement SARBE's"
I think he was foiled in his request for SARBEs, He doesn't look very epée about it. Perhaps we shoud be en our garde.

24th May 2021, 11:33
Hmmm I'm not sure about the Welcome to the UK part, the rebel green cross is for residents, but the red cross for none residents seems to take you to the darkside.

24th May 2021, 13:16
Lord Vaders Anti Gravity sticks successfully lands the aircraft after the catastrophic mid air collision that severed the fuselage aft of the wings.
Not such a bad lad was he...

Buster Hyman
24th May 2021, 13:54
What the… Surely he’s just taking the Sith?

24th May 2021, 14:06
"Oi Vader, can't you read?...its says Star Alliance...not Rebel Alliance ....you want the star cruiser over there for them!"

24th May 2021, 15:34
The entertaining results from subcontracting Personal Protective Equipment to a company with theatrical links .

This is not the gate you are looking for .....

24th May 2021, 15:54
The stealth trails of the Dark Star Gate Homing System held great promise for Ryan Air Pilots.

24th May 2021, 17:02
Not a caption

how many more captions about the wrong gate are we gonna get

24th May 2021, 17:04
As Lord Vader worked at Las Vagas he was glad to have a Pith helmet for the summer heat.
My what a big helmet you have. Well you know I am 6'12" so everything in proportion
As the 8 am Hooters flight landed no one was brave enough to take on Dave and Marshall the attendants themselves.

24th May 2021, 17:11
Due to Covid-19 in Hollywood, out of work actors have to take whatever employment is going.
" Well I have to pay the child maintenance somehow "

Chu Chu
24th May 2021, 20:34
If we dress in black, no one will blame the White Russians for this.

25th May 2021, 00:03
You are not at this gate, you have never been to Minsk, nothing happened on the flight, you have a full passenger complement, you have never heard of the Men in Black, please look at the Neuralyzer and have a nice day.

Buster Hyman
25th May 2021, 00:58
Not a caption

how many more captions about the wrong gate are we gonna get
"Is that really the Dark Lord?"
"No. You can tell by his gait."

25th May 2021, 01:34
Luke sees his chance to rid the universe of the dark lord, so shoves both throttles through the gate.

25th May 2021, 11:54
OK if you cant beat them, join them.

Although Luton Airport have planned the expansion down to the last detail, it was only when the first aircraft arrived it was discovered that the Gate numbers had not arrived.
Pilot, WTF, he expects me to jump over that Gate?
Once we get the sheep off, that Black Collie dog can shut that Gate.

There done and dusted....

25th May 2021, 13:32
That's a cross dresser. ..
how do you know?
Pink light sabre

25th May 2021, 14:14
Darth Vader can't be that strong or he'd have a heavier sabre...

25th May 2021, 16:52
Who nicked my Table Tennis bats..?
Last time you used them you sent the Fleet up the Clyde.....

25th May 2021, 16:56
Skip, what does ' -..- ' mean ?

25th May 2021, 17:00
During the War, a secure means of communicating with the inbound aircraft is finally found. Now just have to work on the range problem. .

25th May 2021, 19:37
Mr. Vader fails in his attempt to dance the Village People's YMCA.

- Ed

Chu Chu
26th May 2021, 00:11
I think he's cross.

Why do you say that, Hoskins?

Well, the light sabres form the Greek letter chi, which has the same pronunciation as the word "angry" in Mandarin.

26th May 2021, 02:03
He says if we stop here they will eventually score it.

26th May 2021, 05:45
Pilot looking out the darkened window...
" Don't think the CIA are messing about with this rendition flight.."
Cabin PA ..." Welcome to Prestwick, be here to re fuel, and before you ask NO you cannot get out to stretch you legs "

Buster Hyman
26th May 2021, 06:38
I told you it was odd to be escorted down by Tie Fighters. Is this Belarus or Betelgeuse?

26th May 2021, 10:22
The LSO grades each landing, ( crash in Hoskins case ) out of 100. Anything less than 25 gets the Death Stare.

26th May 2021, 10:29
Bert thinks every day is May the Forth
Star wars meets Groundhog Day

26th May 2021, 11:48
Having completed his ROSO, Luke followed his wallet and swapped his X-wing for a T-tail.

26th May 2021, 11:56
"Ignore him....stay on target!"

Chu Chu
26th May 2021, 12:00
Landing is scored a ten (on a scale of one, two, five, ten).

26th May 2021, 12:03
He looks cross...

26th May 2021, 16:23
"Taxi for Lord Vader".

26th May 2021, 20:53
Him making that Cross sign it sure aint the Dracula fellow!

26th May 2021, 21:05
School crossing patrol in Gibraltar stops the traffic to let the children cross.

Chu Chu
26th May 2021, 21:44
The Dark Lord summons forth Brood X.

Chu Chu
26th May 2021, 23:55
Cummings lays a curse on No.10.

Ascend Charlie
27th May 2021, 02:08
The crew of the jet came to a stop, because they were laughing - the front of Darth Flasher's costume was open, he was naked underneath, and it must have been a cold day...

27th May 2021, 09:33
[not a caption] Starting to slow down now so judging later tonight GMT, once I get shopping trip out of the way :(

27th May 2021, 09:52
"You do not know the power of the Air Side"!!

27th May 2021, 10:51
Wait there, we'll push you off stand with the first 'andy tug...

27th May 2021, 20:43
Having tracked down the person that's been having an affair with his wife, Mr Vader challenges him to a duel.. None of these namby pamby single shot pistols...it's the 20th century

Buster Hyman
28th May 2021, 02:35
Having tracked down the person that's been having an affair with his wife, Mr Vader challenges him to a duel.. None of these namby pamby single shot pistols...it's the 20th century
In the Cockpit however, Take Off power is selected and that was the end of that!

28th May 2021, 06:57
OK, the judges have deliberated, given the UK nul points as usual, and decided....

Honorable mentions to:

Traffic is_er_was: "Him? Dunno. I have heard he used to be a Lord or some such. Supposedly got busted back to the ranks after that Death Star fiasco a few years back"

Frostchamber: "No Luke, I said don't go any farther"

Nutloose: "Hmmm I'm not sure about the Welcome to the UK part, the rebel green cross is for residents, but the red cross for none residents seems to take you to the darkside. "

And the winner is.......

Wensleydale: "You do not know the power of the Air Side!".

The trophy is on its way, but definitely not via Ryanair and avoiding Belarus.....

28th May 2021, 07:10
Thanks AT.


28th May 2021, 07:25
Prince Harry and Friends get back to barracks after a Jolly Boys Outing.

28th May 2021, 07:26
1946 the Red Caps Motor Cycle Display team give a show at Earls Court.

28th May 2021, 07:27
OK boys that's the wheel changed, now next time don't forget the jack.

Buster Hyman
28th May 2021, 09:46
The Mein Camp Follies!

Buster Hyman
28th May 2021, 09:46
Fritz always knew he was the third wheel.

Buster Hyman
28th May 2021, 09:47
Next time Otto, you get in the side car. You've clearly lost the Battle of the Bulge again!

Buster Hyman
28th May 2021, 09:48
We're just keeping up with the Jones's....

28th May 2021, 09:52
Zem Cherokees are after me, but I'm sinking a happy songggg!

28th May 2021, 09:53
We hear Zer Steve McQueen has jumped zer barbed wire fence... any sink he can do...

28th May 2021, 10:11
Fritz was unfamiliar with tricycle gear.

28th May 2021, 10:17
Friday at 10 am, the Bank Holiday starts here...

In Dagenham.... Cologne

28th May 2021, 10:19
Well it was a 4 man bomber crew, But Fritz did not make it back, so the drinks are on him.

28th May 2021, 10:22
Schnapps gives you wings... whoaaaaaaaaa!

28th May 2021, 10:26
News spreads like wildfire when it was reported that Unteroffizier Harvey was skinny dipping

28th May 2021, 10:27
Maverick discovers Hoskins was putting speed humps in the runway...

28th May 2021, 10:29
In Monte Carlo, Herr Bottas discovered the wheel would not come off, that did not deter him however, he just redistributed the weight.

28th May 2021, 10:50
I think Hermann just farted...

Chu Chu
28th May 2021, 11:06
Nein, Nein, Nein, Herr Obersturmführer. The motorcycle may have been leaning left, but we were leaning right.

28th May 2021, 11:46
Karl is only smiling because he is sitting on the sidecars machinegun.

28th May 2021, 11:47
Vot dust 2 Vorld Vars and von Vorld cup mean?

28th May 2021, 11:48
Bit late on der round out, Fritzkins.

28th May 2021, 11:48
vatch zer manhol cover, zer may be a Corbyn under it.

28th May 2021, 14:46
It was obvious that Lieutenant Gruber had been at the Schnapps again.

Chu Chu
28th May 2021, 15:52
Fritz, Franz, and Otto share happy memories from the days when there were Schweinfurt bearings for all three wheels.

28th May 2021, 15:59
Hold my Beer.....watch this!

28th May 2021, 16:18
Oh Helmut! We have zer leans because Reichsmarschall Göring has fallen out...

Dan Gerous
28th May 2021, 18:53
Holy ****, look guys, there's Steve McQueen up ahead.


28th May 2021, 19:25
On ' The Repair Shop ' BBC 1, 4.30 Weekdays the team reconstruct a sofa and make a speed attempt.

28th May 2021, 19:27
Look lads, three Berlin Double Decker busses watch this..
Well did seem a good idea after 10 Schnapps

28th May 2021, 19:28
Double Decker Bus driver
'Look Evil Kineval and 2 friends on a motorbike...watch this.. '

Chu Chu
28th May 2021, 19:46
Deutsche angle.

28th May 2021, 22:35
https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1600x182/relative_major_and_minor_keys_example_2_0ace977eeb8cf3887b76 3cd0796df6acb219a5c9.jpg
OOMPAH, OOMPAH! An a one an a two an a tree:

Roll out ze barrel, ve'll haff a barrel of fun.
Roll out ze barrel, ve've got the blues on the run!
Zing boom tararrel, sink out a sonk of good cheer:
Now's ze time to roll ze barrel, for ze gang's all here!

- Ed

28th May 2021, 22:39
Ve call this der Dresdner bank.

29th May 2021, 00:40
Having the same girlfriend was becoming a bit complicated but it saved on travel expense.

Buster Hyman
29th May 2021, 02:28
Whoa! We're so used to having Goering as a counter weight....

29th May 2021, 05:29
Still working out zee bugs in the early trials of the hydrogen powered motorcycles , the hydrogen tanks act like little zeppelins on hot days .
oh the humanity of it

29th May 2021, 06:57
Observer asks, ' why the rush? '
' Well don't want to be captured by those Ivans so off to claim asylum with that nice Mr Churchill '
Her husbands home early
Someone put a Panzer Tiger in my little tank.

Chu Chu
29th May 2021, 10:34
The new commander said he was building the unit into a lean machine.

29th May 2021, 10:45
Next time ve put Hauptmann Zeppelin on zer back.

29th May 2021, 10:54
I said we could slope off early, For gawd sake, don’t make it obvious.

29th May 2021, 10:55
My licence is for motorcycles only, I haven’t passed my sidecar licence yet.