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John Hill
2nd Aug 2013, 05:54
Near Port Augusta?

dubbleyew eight
2nd Aug 2013, 06:00
true that area to the west of port augusta looks very similar but no sir it is nowhere near port augusta.

John Hill
2nd Aug 2013, 06:17
Shark Bay WA?

dubbleyew eight
2nd Aug 2013, 06:27
John this isn't about seaplanes.
you gotta name the airfield.

certainly a lot closer than Port Augusta as a guess.

dubbleyew eight
2nd Aug 2013, 06:28

John Hill
2nd Aug 2013, 06:35
Well then, how about Denham?

Lego even made a model of the place!

..complete with a PL-12!

dubbleyew eight
2nd Aug 2013, 06:59
Sir you have just won a virtual cupie doll and the need to discuss with Airclues as to who puts up the next airfield challenge.

Well done John.:D:D:D

Denham is on the side of Shark Bay in Western Australia. It is a fishing and tourist destination on the way to Monkey Mia.
In the nearby Hamelin Pool are the oldest living structures on the planet. Stromatolites are 2,500 million years old and predate the evolution of animals.


that is the airfield off in the background.

John Hill
2nd Aug 2013, 07:06
Thank you, thank you, but I could not have done it without my friend Google and your Stro.... clue!

So who is next to post an airport?

John Hill
2nd Aug 2013, 07:12
What the heck! I will put up an easy one, it has almost certainly been done before..


dubbleyew eight
2nd Aug 2013, 07:12
I jumped in because Airclues couldn't get a slide into electronic format.
so I defer to him.
John if you can't post a challenge airfield I'll give you another.

south island or north island?

John Hill
2nd Aug 2013, 07:13
OK, hope this sorts itself out, everyone please be aware that Airclues still has an option to post one of his.

John Hill
2nd Aug 2013, 07:16
It is on the Mainland. (as we call it)

dubbleyew eight
2nd Aug 2013, 07:36
I just looked on a block of cheese in the fridge.
mainland cheese. company address in Auckland.

so the small island is the mainland and the big island is the other one.
ok got it. :ok:

how about Taupo?

John Hill
2nd Aug 2013, 07:43
Sorry, not Taupo.

Never believe anything those Orks tell you, the Mainland is aka the South Island!:)

dubbleyew eight
2nd Aug 2013, 07:56
an old photo of Milford Sound Airport?

John Hill
2nd Aug 2013, 07:58
Excellent! View up a side valley not the usual view towards, or from, the Sound.

dubbleyew eight
2nd Aug 2013, 08:01
I was using the googleometer to find a photo of Timaru and in the list was a shot of milford. not quite the right angle but with a long valley off into the distance that looked a possibility.
definitely a SWAG. (scientific wild arsed guess)

dubbleyew eight
2nd Aug 2013, 08:06
well this photo was taken on a 42 degrees C day.
it was a famous gold mining area in its day.


the Cherokee in the shot took off from Newman 20 minutes before me and I beat him in.:ok:
apologies to the poms who may never have seen the sky before.

John Hill
2nd Aug 2013, 09:30
You have got me on that one!

Obviously still in WA by the flag on the pole and enough water to keep the trees and grass green. Also looks like Air Services Australia radio masts so there might have been a FSS there in the past.

Nope, no ideas at all!

dubbleyew eight
2nd Aug 2013, 09:39
it is within bladder and fuel distance of Newman.

in the middle of town is a park and in that park is a little steam engine.
it is about 115 years old and is the only Haine St Pierre locomotive imported into Australia. Haine St Pierre being the famous Belgian locomotive makers.

the local aboriginal people are Wadjarie. wonderful people really.

c'mon you poms it isnt that hard. (deliberately not easy though)

dont be fooled by grass in the photos. we make a lot of use of bore fields in the arid climate.

John Hill
2nd Aug 2013, 09:48
Maybe those clues are too good? How about Meekatharra?

It was the green plant life that made me look NW of Newman.

dubbleyew eight
2nd Aug 2013, 09:53
Sir that is your second Qupie doll. congratulations.:D

the poms arent doing too well are they. thank heaven we arent from Canada.

over to you.

yes that is the refuelling apron of Meekatharra Airport. once a thriving gold mining centre with regular airline flights. the airport is maintained by the local council in rather superb condition for the one private flight a day that usually passes through for refuelling.

John Hill
2nd Aug 2013, 10:01
Thanks, but you practically told me the name of the place!

It was 1969 when I was last in WA and I doubt I will ever be back but I sure enjoyed the experience. I took a slow train to Geraldton from Perth and flew back on an F28 of MMA(?) Then went south of Perth to Albany and later got the train to Sydney, via Adelaide.

Those poms should be in the office any time now as it is coming up to 11 a.m.?:E

I declare Open House, bearing in mind that Airclues has got a turn owing to him.


dubbleyew eight
2nd Aug 2013, 10:09
open house! cant miss that.
here is a wet one for the poms.

2nd Aug 2013, 11:05
Rottnest Island, WA?

But, if I read you correctly W8, you're declaring Open House so here's one from me:

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/Blithering/why_zps4bb14525.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/Blithering/media/why_zps4bb14525.jpg.html)

dubbleyew eight
2nd Aug 2013, 12:41
Dora you are absolutely correct on both counts. so the Qewpie doll goes to you.

I'm assuming that your photo is in colour and so this is england?

dubbleyew eight
2nd Aug 2013, 12:45
Dora you cunning bugger.
The use of false colour nearly had me.
that is Maylands Aerodrome in Perth. Once the home airfield of the Royal Aero Club then phased out as an airfield and used as The police advanced driving school.

dubbleyew eight
2nd Aug 2013, 13:11
while we are waiting for evidence of english life....

let me introduce the GAFA. this the name given to the cultural intrigues and stunning landscape of the large interior of our continent. Gafa is said as a word but is in fact an acronym of a fairly frustrated description. It in fact translates as "the great australian F**k all", testimony to the fact that the greatest navigational landmark out near the horizon is bound to be the shadow of a cloud.

this airfield is somewhere in the gafa.


2nd Aug 2013, 17:18
Top o' the morning to you fellas. Ya ...wwwww ... nnnnn ....
Cricket going to your colonial heads is it ? Plenty time left ...

Forrest WA 31S 128E. How very appropriately named.;)


John Hill
2nd Aug 2013, 19:56
That would be one of those 'IFR' fields.

I follow railway.

2nd Aug 2013, 20:25

I thought you were supposed to await the poster's confirmation before posting your own? So although I should have "the con", I declare Open House.

My posting was Maylands WA, closed in 1962, although the Royal Aero Club of WA moved out in 1960 (I started learning to fly with them at Perth Airport - Guildford - in 1961, so I just missed out). Speaking of the RAC of WA and Maylands:.

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/Blithering/VH-ROGwithVH-AMBandVH-WRWMaylandsWA1691954Goodall_zps8ec135b0.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/Blithering/media/VH-ROGwithVH-AMBandVH-WRWMaylandsWA1691954Goodall_zps8ec135b0.jpg.html)

There's a connection here with your Forrest entry (LFH, it's named after Sir John Forrest, explorer and at one stage Premier of WA, not the environment it's in) - the hangar and guest house at Forrest were built by West Australian Airways in the 1930's for the overnight stop in their Perth - Adelaide service (flown with HP Hercules). Now WA Airways were taken over by Australian National Airlines, note the evidence of their previous ownership of the Maylands hangar...

dubbleyew eight
3rd Aug 2013, 03:05
sorry Dora I waited and I waited.
there was something about the way the street pattern was truncated at the river edge so I searched google images to see what Maylands actually looked like and found your exact photo.

so good to hear from the poms again :-)
I was beginning to thing you guys thought the blue stuff carcinogenic.

Yes Forrest Airfield, one of the most strategically important airfields in the country.
From Kalgoorlie you fly out about 50 miles and pick up the trans continental railway and follow it 300 nautical miles to Forrest. everyone does it.

Dont ever fly from Ceduna and think that you will just intercept the railway and follow it back into Forrest. The ballast used on the rail to the east of Forrest is the same colour as the surrounding ground and it is ever so easy to fly right past the railway line without ever seeing it. There has already been one fatality of a guy missing the railway and running out of fuel in the simpson desert.

as dora says "open house"

dubbleyew eight
3rd Aug 2013, 03:46
the penalty for being slow...

this airfield is in western australia

3rd Aug 2013, 08:06
Oh grrr W8!

It's at S28 41 31 E117 45 48, just west of the Great Northern Highway between Mt Magnet and Payne's Find, but I'm damned if I can find a name!

dubbleyew eight
3rd Aug 2013, 08:12
Dora you old sausage you've got it.
when I looked at the shot after returning home on that flight I identified it from the erc-low as the Nalbarra mine site.

since the poms are still in paralysis at the blue stuff (it isnt photoshopped guys it is real!) you have the call.

(just to nark the poms a bit more. when the nipper and I were in england for his medical we were in fits watching the weather on the telly. blue sky is such a rare thing for the poms that they actually plot where it is and where it moves across the country. :D )

3rd Aug 2013, 10:51
W8 - I didn't think of the ERC-Low, but there's nothing on the current WAC chart.

OK, here's one:

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/Blithering/DH84AMLBSN1069_zps2324533c.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/Blithering/media/DH84AMLBSN1069_zps2324533c.jpg.html)

dubbleyew eight
3rd Aug 2013, 11:02
the old chewing gum field Queensland?

there is just something about those gum trees in the background that tweaks a memory.

3rd Aug 2013, 11:08
Not Chewing Gum Field. The clue is in the construction of the hangar....

dubbleyew eight
3rd Aug 2013, 12:02
well AML is owned by the RAAF Museum, RAAF Williams Point Cook so maybe some hangar at Point Cook?

I've never seen a RAAF hangar in masonry.

3rd Aug 2013, 17:13


3rd Aug 2013, 17:56
Well done BSD! It is indeed Busselton, WA, now being rapidly encroached by suburbia...

It was one of a whole series of coastal airfields developed by the RAAF as part of their 1940 expansion program. However, the concrete block (blast proof?) hangar construction is unique, only seen at Busselton or Bairnsdale Vic.

Over to you, BSD.

dubbleyew eight
4th Aug 2013, 02:45
I've only ever seen and flown out of the new airstrip at Busselton.
where are these old hangars? they must be in part of the town I haven't seen.
or they've been demolished.

4th Aug 2013, 05:05
Wow! Didn't really expect to get that one. Firstly "Open House" - just checked the list, my nearest-to-hand photo is on the list and has been done already.

Recognized the plane and then remembered that hangar to be honest, landed there on 10/12/1975 -firespotting for Airwork Australia who had the Forests Dept. contract to operate the fire spotting in WA, then in it's infancy; It was my first flying job.

Whilst waiting for the call to get airborne again, wandered into that hangar to find the Dragon in the photo and a vintage Bonanza. The Dragon was wonderful, like stepping into a timewarp to find it there. Pretty sure it went up to Jandakot a couple of years later.

I understood the strip had indeed been built by the RAAF and was used in the war as a training base for Lockheed Hudsons.

Just looked at Google Earth, boy I see what you mean by encroachment; in 1975, there was NOTHING there. Nearby was a farm strip and a wonderful old character who flew an unlicensed, unregistered Cessna. He proudly told me he didn't have a licence, had only had rudimentary lesson himself but nonetheless flew all over the South West of WA. Carried out all the servicing himself. After all, he said, if you can look after a Caterpillar D9, a Cessna is easy!

Happy days! Loving the WA theme to these latest "Which aerodrome" pics.


dubbleyew eight
4th Aug 2013, 05:13
two hints. not in Western Australia and not on the main island of New Zealand.


4th Aug 2013, 05:40
BSD and W8:

Traces of the airfield do remain, and the southern half of the field is fairly obvious at S33 40 20 E15 19 58. It comprised a N/S and an E/W sealed strips, plus a NW/SE grassed strip:

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/Blithering/Busselton_zps25e6b958.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/Blithering/media/Busselton_zps25e6b958.jpg.html)

The hangarettes were more like blast pens with a roof and doors, the internal wall arrangement is apparent in the lower (roofless) example. The upper hangar is where the DH84 is standing in my photo:

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/Blithering/Busselton2jpg_zps5d1384f9.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/Blithering/media/Busselton2jpg_zps5d1384f9.jpg.html)

It's 45 years since I last flew there, when only the N/S strip was useable - the rest was fenced off. There was an additional hangar (possibly two) in the heavily treed area NE of the plantation. The camp site was west of the N/S runway alongside the road. There was a dispersal taxiway to the north leading to half a dozen earth walled revetments - all bush then, someone's back yard now!

The airfield was built in 1940 and used mainly as a staging base for 14 Squadron from Pearce, who flew maritime reconnaissance patrols in Ansons/Hudsons/Beauforts.

dubbleyew eight
4th Aug 2013, 10:23
Dora next sunny day and I may just take myself for a photo run.

anyway back into it, there is a photer posted....

4th Aug 2013, 20:09
W8 - PM sent....

dubbleyew eight
5th Aug 2013, 01:39
just to tickle along the current challenge.
the airfield was in New South Wales.
the shot was taken by the passenger of a friend of mine a few years ago as he turned finals.
the colours arent photoshopped but are so different from what you would normally see that I asked for a copy of the shot.

word 10 is a better clue than you deserve :E

chimbu warrior
5th Aug 2013, 08:05
Hoxton Park, sadly now closed.

dubbleyew eight
5th Aug 2013, 08:15
Chimbu. spot on the mark. you have the next post.

chimbu you host them on a site like photo bucket then use the image icon in the edit window to post the link.

chimbu warrior
5th Aug 2013, 11:06
I once knew how to upload images......but have had a sleep since then, so better declare open house!

dubbleyew eight
5th Aug 2013, 13:37
this is not in new zealand or tasmania. more in the centre third of oz.


5th Aug 2013, 22:32
Parafield, SA?

dubbleyew eight
6th Aug 2013, 00:11
Dora. indeed Parafield, Adelaide's Secondary airfield. you have the call.

btw thanks for the list of ex RAAF wartime strips in the south of WA.
some photo runs coming up when the weather improves.

6th Aug 2013, 02:01
There was another airfield very close to this, so you'll need a little more than a one word place name:

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/Blithering/Guess_zps47b8fd6a.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/Blithering/media/Guess_zps47b8fd6a.jpg.html)

Lightning Mate
6th Aug 2013, 06:38
Military I assume.

India Four Two
6th Aug 2013, 07:03
Parap/Darwin Civil Aerodrome.

Open House if correct.

dubbleyew eight
6th Aug 2013, 07:09
would it be that area between outer harbour and mutton cove conservation park? there looks to be the vestiges of a racetrack in the area of the right shape.

just found a name. Pelican Point?

John Hill
6th Aug 2013, 07:14
Fannie Bay, Darwin.

dubbleyew eight
6th Aug 2013, 07:20
i agree with john hill. fanny bay darwin.

dudley point drew a blank but east point got an obvious google map.

John Hill
6th Aug 2013, 07:25
Looks like India 24 beat me to it as Parap and Fannie Bay seem to be the same place?:)

India Four Two
6th Aug 2013, 07:38

Looking on Google Earth, I see that the "gaol" is still there and interestingly, the present day roads to the NW, including one called Hinkler Crescent, follow the old dispersal taxi-tracks. I guess Darwin Council wasn't going to look a gift-horse in the mouth, when they were laying out a new suburb in 1946.

The old main runway is now Ross Smith Avenue and the hangar is still there, opposite Qantas Park.

dubbleyew eight
6th Aug 2013, 07:40
dora can correct me but it isnt the civil aerodrome.
the one in his drawing no longer exists.

6th Aug 2013, 07:53
The cigar goes to India Four Two! It is Darwin/Civil (sometimes referred to as Darwin/Parap), closed in the late 1940's. This was the original airfield at Darwin until the RAAF built Darwin/Winnellie (which is the current Darwin) just to the east. It was home to no less than three RAF (not RAAF) Spitfire squadrons in 1945!

Ross Smith Avenue is built over the longer runway, while the hangar survived into the 1970's.

India Four Ttwo has declared Open House....

John Hill
6th Aug 2013, 08:16
I went to Fannie Bay in 1969 and stayed in Fannie Bay for a couple of nights and I recall someone in the Fannie Bay hotel telling me that the airport used to be there.

Is it true the lights were still on and beer being served as that old wooden pub floated over the horizon during the Darwin hurricane?:)

John Hill
6th Aug 2013, 08:22
Another easy one...

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5209/5288942623_ba51bb7284_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/25239206@N06/5288942623/)
P1010009 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/25239206@N06/5288942623/) by aardvark_akubra (http://www.flickr.com/people/25239206@N06/), on Flickr

John Hill
6th Aug 2013, 08:46
First clue, the guy on the left "said" he was from the US State Department.

Lightning Mate
6th Aug 2013, 08:47
Baghdad ?....

dubbleyew eight
6th Aug 2013, 08:59
could only be easy for the photographer :=

is that an antonov?

Lightning Mate
6th Aug 2013, 09:04
Yes - it's the civil version of the An12.

edit - and the poster left the photographers' name on it!

John Hill
6th Aug 2013, 09:21
There you are LM, told you it was easy!

Yes, it is an Antonov, it might be the civil version but it had shrapnel
(?) holes in the back of the flight engineers seat.

These gave us a ride from Kuwait and all they asked for a fare was to use our Inmarsat phone to call home. The aircraft had a hand painted Ukrainian registration and it has been suggested it was one of Viktor Bout's ships.

The next clue, which was not needed, the guys near the aircraft were RAAF chaps.

Your turn.

Lightning Mate
6th Aug 2013, 09:29
Many thanks mate.

Don't leave anything on it next time. :)

I'm going to be out for the remainder of the day so it will have to be OH.

dubbleyew eight
6th Aug 2013, 09:44
we seem to have psyched out the poms so here is one I call the union jack airfield.


dubbleyew eight
7th Aug 2013, 01:07
good grief. I give you a shot with a refuelling tanker and 3 pink bricks in the background and you pick it off the bat.
I give you an airfield and 50 miles of surrounding country and you die.

ok the road beside the runway is highway 1.
the area was once renown for its windmills.

John Hill
7th Aug 2013, 04:42
Macksville NSW?

dubbleyew eight
7th Aug 2013, 04:50
no sir.

gees I'm going to have to make it easy enough that the poms can win.

try South Australia.

this little ALA saved my life one time. we had been flying in from Forrest and had drifted off course without knowing it. the resulting dog leg chewed up valuable time and set us at the destination airfield after dark. we found this ALA on the WAC chart and decided that that was where we were going.
in the impending dark I made a low pass over the strip turned very low over the town and set down on the SE strip. as we rolled to a stop the light vanished. it was like switching off a fluoro light. we couldnt see each other in the cockpit. the guy from the service station came out to check. his first words were "gees you're game this strip hasnt been used in 15 years. I dont think anyone has even maintained it for the last ten."
$30 each for a night in the pub was wonderful after the challenge.

7th Aug 2013, 05:35
Penong, SA?

dubbleyew eight
7th Aug 2013, 05:40
WOOF WOOF WOOF wrote the guide dog. :}:}

Dora has won the air guitar this time. Congratulations mate. over to you.

India Four Two
7th Aug 2013, 05:45

That wasn't easy even with all the clues. It took me a long time to even see the runways in your picture!

Penong, SA.

Why the windmill reference?

Ah, I see Dora 9 cut in front of me in the circuit!

7th Aug 2013, 05:48
It looked so much like wheat belt country I spent hours searching WA!

Next one. Both the building and airfield still exist, the building was once an airline terminal:

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/Blithering/1590010b4_zps209a40d2.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/Blithering/media/1590010b4_zps209a40d2.jpg.html)

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/Blithering/1590010b1_zps74ae9100.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/Blithering/media/1590010b1_zps74ae9100.jpg.html)

Lightning Mate
7th Aug 2013, 06:17
Back in Oz are we by any chance?

dubbleyew eight
7th Aug 2013, 06:19
india four two. as you drove into Penong from Ceduna you passed down a valley that you can see just in front of the wing of the grumman in my shot.
that valley had some sort of artesian water supply under it and it had something upwards of a hundred windmills across it pumping water.
the sight of these windmills as you came down the valley into town was quite something.
when mains power finally made it to town the windmills all went and were replaced by some electric pumps.
on my last drives through the town I have noticed the windmills making a slow comeback. seems the locals miss the charm of the things.
all their touristy stuff is based on the windmills.

Penong is wheat belt country. the South Aussies have pushed the wheat areas out quite a way past Penong now.

7th Aug 2013, 07:07
LM - is there anywhere else? Sorry, yes it is in Australia.

Lightning Mate
7th Aug 2013, 07:11
Prolly somewhere near you then methinks.

Queensland maybe?

dubbleyew eight
7th Aug 2013, 08:46
the grass and hills have a flavour.
never been there, maybe longreach?

Lightning Mate
7th Aug 2013, 08:55
LM - is there anywhere else? Sorry, yes it is in Australia.

To save a lot of time, am I correct with Queensland?

I have a hunch.

7th Aug 2013, 09:19
Not Queensland.

John Hill
7th Aug 2013, 09:25
Are you sure?

See http://www.domain.com.au/Property/For-Sale/House/QLD/Charters-Towers/?adid=2010500906


Same colour scheme!!!

dubbleyew eight
7th Aug 2013, 09:28
ok outback new south wales?

Lightning Mate
7th Aug 2013, 09:29
New South Wales?

7th Aug 2013, 09:59
'Tis Tooraweenah - North of Dubbo. Once landed there when I did RAAFSC

dubbleyew eight
7th Aug 2013, 10:15
I am thankful for small mercies.
tooraweenah it is. the man is a genius. ( I knew you had to have been there)


7th Aug 2013, 10:39
In Pom colour --

http://i1287.photobucket.com/albums/a628/harrymate/img189_zpsb46f35fb.jpg (http://s1287.photobucket.com/user/harrymate/media/img189_zpsb46f35fb.jpg.html)

Lightning Mate
7th Aug 2013, 10:47
That one was done before somewhere quite recently................

7th Aug 2013, 10:48
Aplogies Dora - bit ahead of myself there!

7th Aug 2013, 10:49
Cuefay has it!

It is indeed Tooreweenah, home of Butler Air Transport. As a further clue I was going to post this gem, the hangar was removed to Gilgandra to be used a a council depot after the demise of Butler (in very questionablre circumstances) in 1958. There is a strong possibility that it will be soon re-located back to its original site.

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/Blithering/1590117b5_zps74bd6903.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/Blithering/media/1590117b5_zps74bd6903.jpg.html)

No worries Cuefay, you have control....

7th Aug 2013, 10:56
Stupid me!!

Here's a replacement then ----

http://i1287.photobucket.com/albums/a628/harrymate/img188_zps447bda4b.jpg (http://s1287.photobucket.com/user/harrymate/media/img188_zps447bda4b.jpg.html)

Lightning Mate
7th Aug 2013, 11:02
You can't do that - Noyade got it and it should be his turn!!

7th Aug 2013, 11:09
You can't do that - Noyade got it and it should be his turn!!

:) It's all good mate! Carry on - gonna have a cuppa and head off shortly.

Cheers gents.

7th Aug 2013, 11:19
Calm down LM! Noyade was the original poster of Laverton on 25 July (as you pointed out to me) - he was rightly sending me up :ok:

Lightning Mate
7th Aug 2013, 11:23
On the contrary.

You posted a challenge and he got it.

Either we play the rules or we don't. So next time someone wins a challenge should the challenger simply replace it?

We are fortunate in that Noyade is an easy-going chap.

dubbleyew eight
7th Aug 2013, 11:26
gee whiz cuefay those radials certainly blow some smoke on startup.
from that angle you'd think the place was being bombed.:E

7th Aug 2013, 11:30
LM - PM for you

7th Aug 2013, 11:41
By Aussies mate:ok:

dubbleyew eight
7th Aug 2013, 12:35
I think it is a bombing raid on Nadzab, Papua New Guinea.

7th Aug 2013, 12:53
Right area - but go West

8th Aug 2013, 08:42
Late start! Further clue - Mitchels.

8th Aug 2013, 12:23
Bombed by 2 Sqn --- now part of Indonesia

dubbleyew eight
8th Aug 2013, 13:43
this is a wild guess bacause I cant find a confirming photo.
cape chater airfield, West Timor?

8th Aug 2013, 16:08
Lautem West, East Timor.

8th Aug 2013, 20:37
Nope guys - think smaller island. Between Indo and PNG

8th Aug 2013, 23:41
As in the film 'The Road To ****?'

9th Aug 2013, 10:44
Sorry, not that chev.

The airstrip was also attacked by 78 Sqn Kittyhawks in Sep '44

Think Moluccas/Kai

dubbleyew eight
9th Aug 2013, 12:33
well certainly an enigma. google has been useless.

the kai islands consist of kai kesil and kai besar.
langgoer airfield is the only name I've found and I found a wartime aerial shot.
certainly not that airfield.

(until now I had never heard of the kai islands.)

ya got me going on this one!

Lightning Mate
9th Aug 2013, 12:44
You might try Kavieng. :)

dubbleyew eight
9th Aug 2013, 12:50
kavieng is slightly the wrong shape

F-4 Lightning Aerial View of Kavieng Airfield (http://pacificwrecks.com/airfields/png/kavieng/wartime/kavieng-airfield-downward.html)

Lightning Mate
9th Aug 2013, 12:56
I was just going on this 1943 target map.


dubbleyew eight
9th Aug 2013, 13:05
can't see a match with kairatoh airfield either.
...but then I havent found a photo.

lighting mate I have noticed a similarity in the layout of kavieng as well.
almost as though the same plan was the basis of a number of airfields.

9th Aug 2013, 13:12
Agree dubble - there's a dearth of information on wartime airfields in the area: such as Langgoer. My own information, and the photo, comes from John Bennett's book High Traditions.

dubbleyew eight
9th Aug 2013, 13:47
got me absolutely Sir Tuft

9th Aug 2013, 18:16

That's very myopic logic. A photo's a photo, no matter what its source. If knowing or owning the source of an original photo was a forum rule, what would be the point? Whilst I said there is a dearth of internet info, some does exist, especially when linked to my clues. The challenge was perfectly valid.
(And from one Pom to Another, please stop dictating -- it's tiresome)


The airfield was the Japanese airstrip at Faan on Kai Kecil

9th Aug 2013, 18:27
I thank thee!

India Four Two
9th Aug 2013, 18:57
(until now I had never heard of the kai islands.)

Thread drift. I have. In the early 90s I was involved in the drilling of a very expensive and spectacularly dry exploration well, offshore Kai Besar.

In Indonesian, besar means big and kecil (pronounced ketch-eel) means small. Obvious when you look at the map.:)

LM, relax, it's only a game. You're not dealing with a HYD 1 or HYD 2 failure!

PPRuNe Pop
10th Aug 2013, 15:33
Please cut out the snide AND abuse, and stay on topic. The 'stuff' offered is not welcome here.


10th Aug 2013, 20:19

Oh c'mon. A little heavy. No abuse here, and only a little picky - unless you've had a PM?

10th Aug 2013, 20:36
Your opinion perhaps, cuefaye, but not mine.

10th Aug 2013, 20:40
So let's move on - under the circumstances, I think it's Open House

John Hill
11th Aug 2013, 02:59
Open house eh?

OK, try this easy one...


dubbleyew eight
11th Aug 2013, 05:01
cuefay's challenge was interesting. in my days of searching I never saw mention of the airfield name Faan even once. amazing the holes in published information. a day seaching in the area of the islands and not a mention.
that's what challenges are all about though.

for John Hill's.
wouldnt happen to be an old Fokker Friendship at your museum?

11th Aug 2013, 05:08
Most definitely not an F.27....

John Hill
11th Aug 2013, 05:08
No, not our F27 (which has gone to Ferrymead some time ago).

11th Aug 2013, 06:01
The MEL for that a/c must be some document!!

Emeritus :E

John Hill
11th Aug 2013, 06:41
What does MEL mean?

dubbleyew eight
11th Aug 2013, 06:57
I'm going to guess Ardmore

a mel is the minimum equipment list. it gives a schedule of what the aircraft can have broken and still be flown.

John Hill
11th Aug 2013, 07:03
Sorry, not Ardmore.

John Hill
11th Aug 2013, 07:05
Once the Poms wake up they will have this one in no time at all!

chimbu warrior
11th Aug 2013, 07:10
That would be the view from the sharp (err, rounded) end of ex-Safe Air Argosy ZK-SAE at Renwick, Marlborough, New Zealand.

Most definitely not an F.27....

Yep, twice as loud!

dubbleyew eight
11th Aug 2013, 07:16
well looking up the list of south island museums ...wigram ?

John Hill
11th Aug 2013, 07:25
That would be the view from the sharp (err, rounded) end of ex-Safe Air Argosy ZK-SAE at Renwick, Marlborough, New Zealand.

I should be really tough and ask for the name of the airport, Woodbourne, but as it is actually across the road I think no one could argue with Renwick.

Over to you sir!

chimbu warrior
11th Aug 2013, 07:28
Due to my lack of uploading skills, open house.

dubbleyew eight
11th Aug 2013, 07:39
chimbu may regret this :E

this airfield is in australia.
it is a gravel strip built to take fully loaded C130 Hercs.
name the town.



dubbleyew eight
11th Aug 2013, 08:55
the airfield was created/upgraded by an ex merchant banker who loved a boags. the airstrip has about 18 inches of compressed limestone as a foundation. methinks it is one of the best gravel strips in australia.


11th Aug 2013, 10:43
Aah Boags - Tassie then?

But a bit dry looking maybe? So SW Oz?

dubbleyew eight
11th Aug 2013, 11:54
no sir both suggestions are incorrect. try further west :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

11th Aug 2013, 21:35
Perenjori (YPJI), Western Australia ?

dubbleyew eight
12th Aug 2013, 02:09
evansb my boy you are correct. you win today's air guitar.

you guys may have realised that the Barwick Airfield sign was a total red herring. when the strip was developed the merchant banker wanted it named after a WW2 aviator, born locally I think. When the council found out what certifying the strip would cost they dropped the idea.
The name remains but is only locally known.

evansb you have the next challenge.:D

12th Aug 2013, 12:10
Thank you. Here is the next mystery 'drome:

dubbleyew eight
12th Aug 2013, 14:45
leinster WA ?

12th Aug 2013, 16:06
Not Leinster. Go east.

13th Aug 2013, 00:59
GE is currently broken but could it be Thargomindah Qld?

13th Aug 2013, 11:40
Dora-9 is correct:ok: You have control.

13th Aug 2013, 20:46
Thank you Evansb:

Here's my next submission:

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/Blithering/ground2011_zps808f2bde.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/Blithering/media/ground2011_zps808f2bde.jpg.html)

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/Blithering/tower2011_zpsc35dc6ef.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/Blithering/media/tower2011_zpsc35dc6ef.jpg.html)

14th Aug 2013, 09:23
Hello all!

Could it be in Italy, more precisely in Sicilia?


Phileas Fogg
14th Aug 2013, 09:39

14th Aug 2013, 09:57
Almost well Googled!

Lightning Mate
14th Aug 2013, 10:17

" Abandoned and Little Known Airfields Italy"

14th Aug 2013, 10:41
Well done LM, Trapani-Chinisia it is. You have control....

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/Blithering/Chinisia2006_zps4363fe17.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/Blithering/media/Chinisia2006_zps4363fe17.jpg.html)

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/Blithering/Me210Aof_III-ZG1inearly1943_zps4162fb08.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/Blithering/media/Me210Aof_III-ZG1inearly1943_zps4162fb08.jpg.html)

Lightning Mate
14th Aug 2013, 10:59


14th Aug 2013, 12:40
Ex- Eastern Bloc?

Lightning Mate
14th Aug 2013, 13:32
No - north Africa.....

Cows getting bigger
14th Aug 2013, 16:48
Sale Rabat, Morocco.

Lightning Mate
14th Aug 2013, 17:45
Off ye go - your thread. :ok:

Cows getting bigger
14th Aug 2013, 18:16
How about this? Should be quite easy.

http://i1103.photobucket.com/albums/g476/Cows-getting-bigger/image.jpg (http://s1103.photobucket.com/user/Cows-getting-bigger/media/image.jpg.html)

14th Aug 2013, 18:48
Kabul ----

If so, Open House

John Hill
14th Aug 2013, 20:03
Sure looks like Kabul, but does the skyline match? If Kabul they have tidied the place up a bit since I was there!

Nice to see the Ariana B727 still apparently operating!:ok:

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3683/9509973221_a84c2aa099.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/58195047@N04/9509973221/)
Afghan0028 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/58195047@N04/9509973221/) by MrJohnHill (http://www.flickr.com/people/58195047@N04/), on Flickr

All the aircraft in this view were wrecks.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7408/9509976147_14e803fc6d.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/58195047@N04/9509976147/)
before1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/58195047@N04/9509976147/) by MrJohnHill (http://www.flickr.com/people/58195047@N04/), on Flickr

Kabul flight information centre, before we started work but you can see at least the new chairs had been delivered!

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5326/9509908653_ae31d07e5d.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/58195047@N04/9509908653/)
Afghan0029 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/58195047@N04/9509908653/) by MrJohnHill (http://www.flickr.com/people/58195047@N04/), on Flickr

That scorch mark on the concrete shows where some chap on a bicycle destroyed one of the Taleban's Migs.

John Hill
15th Aug 2013, 02:48
Are we open house?


Cows getting bigger
15th Aug 2013, 05:11
Cued aye is correct. They have tidied-up a bit since I was there.

Lightning Mate
15th Aug 2013, 06:32
Far East somewhere?

15th Aug 2013, 06:50
Bhuket before it became Phuket?

John Hill
15th Aug 2013, 06:50
No, not Far East.

John Hill
15th Aug 2013, 06:54
No, not Phuket.

15th Aug 2013, 13:30
Funafuti ???

John Hill
15th Aug 2013, 19:39
Funafuti is close, about 2500kms.

15th Aug 2013, 19:57
majouro ???

John Hill
15th Aug 2013, 21:00
No, not Majouro..


15th Aug 2013, 21:38
Rarotonga, Cook Islands? Bin there -- I think. OH if so

15th Aug 2013, 22:23
Hmmm, think I'll take a poke a bit further north - Aitutaki?

John Hill
16th Aug 2013, 00:04
Siftydog, you have control. Aitutaki it is.

16th Aug 2013, 06:49
Sorry for the delay - we're just groaning of bed here in Western Europe. I'll have a scratch around for some old slides, meantime it's OH.

I'm guessing that was an Air Raro bandit in the cockpit photo? The runway certainly looks like an upgrade on 20years ago. If my memory serves me the RNZAF flew a B727 in some moons back, it was big news.

Incidentally, how far from the epicentre was that quake felt in NZ this evening?

John Hill
16th Aug 2013, 07:30
I dont know what aircraft that picture was taken from. The runway is quite an upgrade from my time there too, 40 years ago.

The shakes were (are) felt from Auckland to Dunedin although we didnt feel anything here in Ashburton. They are still going on.

chimbu warrior
16th Aug 2013, 11:20
Definitely a Bandeirante cockpit.

18th Aug 2013, 07:53
siftydog has declared OH.

Not as exotic as Kabul, but here goes:

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/Blithering/Another_zps3f616a3f.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/Blithering/media/Another_zps3f616a3f.jpg.html)

dubbleyew eight
18th Aug 2013, 07:58
Amberley Qld?

no If I had a better guess I'd say it looked like Bandianna but it appears too flat for that.

18th Aug 2013, 11:33
Not Amberley.

I suspect that the runways at Amberley were built simultaneously with the rest of the base.

dubbleyew eight
18th Aug 2013, 11:50
an old shot of oakey in qld?

dubbleyew eight
18th Aug 2013, 11:55
nah the google earth map points to an old shot of Forrest Hill Wagga Wagga.

18th Aug 2013, 13:12
Wagga Wagga NSW it is!

It's all yours, W8...

dubbleyew eight
18th Aug 2013, 13:26
havent got one at the moment so open house.

18th Aug 2013, 13:47
Guess where?..

dubbleyew eight
18th Aug 2013, 14:37
its a ripper.

is this hawaii post war?

18th Aug 2013, 20:13
Kai Tak, Hong Kong?

19th Aug 2013, 13:42
That's what I thought, although the runways look a bit wide. Is that Prince Edward Road on the extended line of the runway? (Not 31). If so the picture may have been taken about early 1949, the aircraft parked look like C46's and C47's of CAC and CNAC. The black hangar with aircraft parked outside looks like HKAEC. After the Communists took over mainland China, the said C46's & C47's were subsequently parked, weatherproofed, rendered unflyable and typhoon proof by fitting spoilers at one third wing chord. How nice it was on a Sunday morning to stroll across the runway to the tower cafe and breakfast on tea and toast. Of course, if it isn't Kai Tak, I've used up some valuable brain cells.

19th Aug 2013, 16:01
Apologies, forgot to say O/H if correct, haven't worked out how to post pictures, promise to buck up. LXXIV

19th Aug 2013, 21:14
Yes, it is Kai Tak, Hong Kong BCC.

19th Aug 2013, 21:23
Apologies, forgot to say O/H if correct


I believe that Dora-9 has the floor.


19th Aug 2013, 22:21
Thank you Dave, I was about to start clamouring "MINE MINE!"

Here's one, still a current airfield:

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/Blithering/wheres_zps9f1622f8.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/Blithering/media/wheres_zps9f1622f8.jpg.html)

Lightning Mate
20th Aug 2013, 06:37
The aeroplane on the right looks like a Mitsubishi G3M, so I guess we're looking at a WW2 Japanese airfield.

20th Aug 2013, 07:00
G'day LM:

WW2 Japanese airfield - yes (actually the very prominent Hinomaru on the "Tabby" in the foreground - at least I think it's a "Tabby" - sort of give it away).

Not in Japan though...

Lightning Mate
20th Aug 2013, 07:03
Well, 'prolly a USAF attack on an airfield in the Philippines then.

Lightning Mate
20th Aug 2013, 07:33
I've just Goggled "Mitsubishi G3M under attack Philipppines"

It comes up with Nichols Field and the attacking aircraft is an A20.

Mind you, t'internet is often wrong.

20th Aug 2013, 07:48
A cigar to Lightning Mate! It IS Nichols Field, which now forms the NW corner of Ninoy Aqino International Airport (Manila). The layout of the three old runways is readily apparent on Google Earth...

Lightning Mate
20th Aug 2013, 07:53
Thanks for the cigar Dora - scotch next time please.

Unfortunately it will have to be OH. :\

20th Aug 2013, 10:04


20th Aug 2013, 10:56
RAAF Ansons of 4 SFTS, Geraldton WA (if I read the nearest serial correctly as W2085)?

If I'm right, Open House....

20th Aug 2013, 20:30
That's the one mate, well done! :ok:

Open House.

22nd Aug 2013, 11:09
Just to keep things moving:

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/Blithering/wherei2_zpsa2c7f1b5.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/Blithering/media/wherei2_zpsa2c7f1b5.jpg.html)

22nd Aug 2013, 11:59
Boy...That's a really old photo of :mad: Airport, Rod!


22nd Aug 2013, 12:54
Looks like an airship field to me; not Cardington maybe Pulham?

22nd Aug 2013, 20:16
Chevvron - a long, long way from Cardington.

22nd Aug 2013, 20:49
Carlsbad airport?

22nd Aug 2013, 22:10
Trying to be suitably enigmatic, but it's much, much further away...

23rd Aug 2013, 06:56
Judging by the two comments of two people in the know. I am guessing somewhere down under. A complete stab in the dark Amberley ?

23rd Aug 2013, 08:22
Google Earth is not going to be much help !


23rd Aug 2013, 11:18
In Australia, but not Amberley.

24th Aug 2013, 05:41
A clue: this airfield still exists.

John Hill
24th Aug 2013, 05:58
Hmmm, why does the runway(?) look like it has been painted onto the photo!


dubbleyew eight
24th Aug 2013, 06:36
Dora when was this photo taken?
is north to the top of the photo?

24th Aug 2013, 06:45

No, not Mascot.

Photo taken around 1941, with North up.

John Hill
24th Aug 2013, 06:47
Wynyard in Tasmania?

24th Aug 2013, 07:18
John, sorry I missed this question the first time, no the runway isn't painted on nor is it Wynyard...

24th Aug 2013, 07:28
Essendon Field ?

24th Aug 2013, 07:37
Well done dash7fan! it is indeed Essendon, you have control.

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/Blithering/where3_zpsf99e2bf4.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/Blithering/media/where3_zpsf99e2bf4.jpg.html)

Due to a bit of finger trouble, this GE image doesn't quite align the 1941 white strip with the 17/35 runway exactly (it should).

As a very new FO in Ansett, I flew out of Essendon 1970-1971 (which is where I had the privilege to meet and fly with Emeritus).

John Hill
24th Aug 2013, 07:40
Was that not a railway across the runway?

24th Aug 2013, 09:33
Tks, open house please!

John Hill
24th Aug 2013, 09:48
This one should be easy enough...


This is not a public aerodrome but as you can see it is a place from which aircraft take off and land.

dubbleyew eight
24th Aug 2013, 10:04
is the photo taken looking south?

John Hill
24th Aug 2013, 10:07
West, south west, I would think.

dubbleyew eight
24th Aug 2013, 10:18
well I would think it is what google labels as Curtin Springs Airport. seems about the right distance from Ayer's Rock.

John Hill
24th Aug 2013, 10:19
You put me in a difficult position but I trust you do not think that is Ayers Rock?

dubbleyew eight
24th Aug 2013, 10:24
yes I think it is ayers rock, well uluru if you want to be all nancy about it.
I couldn't quite get the profile to match any of the tourist photos though.

John Hill
24th Aug 2013, 10:34
OK, I will come clean on this one.

That is Mt Connor which is somewhat east of Ayers Rock and this location is NNE of Mt Connor and quite some distance from Curtin Springs airfield, however it is on Curtin Springs station and seeing as it is near my bed time I award you the coconut.

Over to you sir!

dubbleyew eight
24th Aug 2013, 11:03
another in the middle of nowhere...


dubbleyew eight
26th Aug 2013, 08:07
killed it it seems.:mad::mad:

karalundie aboriginal mission about 60km north of Meektharra in WA.

open house you google beaters :E:E:ok:

John Hill
26th Aug 2013, 09:16
You give up too easy, I still had thousands of miles of rail track to search!:bored:

dubbleyew eight
26th Aug 2013, 09:19
you would have been searching :E
that isnt a rail line. its the great northern highway :ok:

John Hill
26th Aug 2013, 09:26
Uggh! Why does it have a parallel track each side?

26th Aug 2013, 09:27
And I was just coming up to Meeka but got delayed by the cricket.

dubbleyew eight
26th Aug 2013, 09:29
the parallel tracks are fence lines :E

John Hill
26th Aug 2013, 09:35
Here is a simple one for you, there is even a clue in it! :E


dubbleyew eight
26th Aug 2013, 09:42
x marks the spot eh :}

John Hill
26th Aug 2013, 09:45
It does?:ooh: I didnt know that.

26th Aug 2013, 09:56
Hi experts,
Does anyone know about the flight dispatcher course organised by air india ?which is DGCA approved. Anyone out there from indian aviation industry please do help me.... the course costs Rs 2 lakh + tax and air india offers 3 months OJT after successfully clearing the DGCA flight dispatcher license exam.
Also please tell me the job prospectus and career growth, I am a Btech Aeronautical Engg. struggling for job in the aviation industry,is this a nice career ? I'll be highly grateful to you.

John Hill
26th Aug 2013, 10:01
Hi infreeworld, maybe you should post your question on this forum

Flight/Ground Ops, Crewing and Dispatch - PPRuNe Forums (http://www.pprune.org/flight-ground-ops-crewing-dispatch-39/)

John Hill
26th Aug 2013, 10:02
W8, you need a clue yet?

dubbleyew eight
26th Aug 2013, 10:13
...and what would the clue be :E

John Hill
26th Aug 2013, 10:20
It will be my bedtime soon so I must give you real easy clues..

first clue..."I found the place very easily":E

John Hill
26th Aug 2013, 10:26
Time is running out for me... here is another clue..

"It is not Gisborne":E

dubbleyew eight
26th Aug 2013, 10:27
i would never have guessed it was in new zealand. I didnt think you had that many houses.:E

John Hill
26th Aug 2013, 10:30
Bed time for me!

No not in NZ!

26th Aug 2013, 17:06
As it has a golf course, must have been a USAF Base at least once in its history. :p