View Full Version : Heikkis' Silhouette Challenge

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Lightning Mate
29th Aug 2011, 18:59
No way!!!

Silhouette very wrong!!

Check tail for a start!!!



29th Aug 2011, 18:59
:{Just a quick guess LM, what are your findings?

29th Aug 2011, 19:06
This is the picture I silhouetted.

I obviously made a lousy silhouette and for that I apologise.:O

But, Volpar Turboliner it is.


Lightning Mate
29th Aug 2011, 19:09

You have control mate. :ok:

29th Aug 2011, 19:12
Nyet, the order is correct...:E

Lightning Mate
29th Aug 2011, 19:18
I posted #2004 immediately after #2002. :ugh:

29th Aug 2011, 19:22
P: Forum clock handles posts funny.
S: Forum clock warned to straighten up, fly right, and be serious. :E

Lightning Mate
29th Aug 2011, 19:24
Nyet, the order is correct...


Croist Min.........:uhoh:

Ah have heed enuff of dees time crip. :zzz::zzz:

29th Aug 2011, 19:49
Had to go out for a while; back now, but heading to the kitchen.

Looks like the infamous "Prune Clock Bug" has been upsetting things again!!

Not the best silhouette skwinty(as you admit), but obviously good enough for irishair2001 to ID the Volpar Turboliner correctlly :D, as skwinty confirmed in Post #2000. Got anything to post irishair??

29th Aug 2011, 19:51
Moar, Irishair2001, Moar!!!:ooh:

Lightning Mate
29th Aug 2011, 19:52
Ah have heed enuff of dees time crip.

Wossa Oirish for dat?

Q: how do you confuse an Irishman?

A: put him in a round room and tell him his lunch is in the corner


We are all waiting irishair2001 - the floor is all yours.:ok::ok:

Lightning Mate
29th Aug 2011, 20:12
At 2111:

Currently Active Users are LM & irishair 2001.
Last post by skwinty at 20151.

This site is a complete mess!!!!

:ugh: :zzz::zzz::zzz:

29th Aug 2011, 20:46
:ok:Thanks guys ,but as i have said before ,i have not been able to manage to post anything on SC,so if anybody wants to take over my OH ,please be my guest :D

29th Aug 2011, 20:50
:=Actually LM the way to confuse an Oirish Man is to stand 3 shovels against a wall and tell him to take his PICK, :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

29th Aug 2011, 23:00
As no takers for the OH, here's a quick one for the night shift:


Skwinty, your silhouette was perhaps not perfect but good enough, and well recognisable as the Volpar....other than an exaggerated kink in the nose couldn't see much wrong with it. All I would ask is that you try to make them a little larger...if the image is a low resolution you can enlarge it using Paint...or at least that's what I use.

30th Aug 2011, 11:08
OK. Can I start the ball rolling? this is a 70's design, probably Czech? Clues are welcome:)

30th Aug 2011, 11:12
Trucky, nice to see someone having a go:ok:

Not Czech (but is is a European design), and not from the '70's. Try the 1950's.

30th Aug 2011, 11:14
IAR 827 of Romania?

Lightning Mate
30th Aug 2011, 11:28
Good afternoon Ken. :)

Some of us are busy.

Yours reminds me of the Ambrosini F4 Rondone somewhat.

30th Aug 2011, 11:35
I meant the 823. Yeah Ii know I was wrong but I'm sure you'll agree now that I am 'less wrong'!

30th Aug 2011, 11:54
Blume Bl.502

30th Aug 2011, 12:20
Good afternoon gentlemen :)


Yours reminds me of the Ambrosini F4 Rondone somewhat

Good call I recon mate :D:D

30th Aug 2011, 12:29
Good call I recon mate :D:D

I think so too having now seen the Ambrosini.:ok:

Lightning Mate
30th Aug 2011, 12:35
Looks as if Ken is having to do some w o r k .....

This post was made at 1345 Prune time!!!

30th Aug 2011, 12:47
Been working, so first opportunity to take a look.

LM, not the Ambrosini F4 but you are very close :ok:

Not the Blume or IAR823.

30th Aug 2011, 12:52
The Ambrosini F7 Rodone it is David:ok:. Early version with the F4 tail. This particular aircraft still flying today.


Lightning Mate has control

Lightning Mate
30th Aug 2011, 12:55
It must be the F7 then.



Lightning Mate
30th Aug 2011, 13:08
Thanks Ken.

Simple typo on my part. I found the photo above and there was no mistaking your silhouette and the background detail.

Here's an interesting ship....


30th Aug 2011, 13:15
Dan Wright Nemesis NXT?

Lightning Mate
30th Aug 2011, 13:25
Looks similar but no.

30th Aug 2011, 13:39
Unlimited Air Racer

by Hal Dantone

Lightning Mate
30th Aug 2011, 13:41
Another good try mate.

Isn't that one designed as a two-seater?

30th Aug 2011, 14:00
Last offering before I go home.

'Osprey GP-5' Super Sport Racer Reno

30th Aug 2011, 14:04
Yes, the Intrepid is a 2 seater.:cool:

Lightning Mate
30th Aug 2011, 14:04
Got there!

Your thread. :ok:

30th Aug 2011, 14:10

Lightning Mate
30th Aug 2011, 14:11
Go home fast!

30th Aug 2011, 14:15
I drive a modified supercharged Cooper S so I will give it a go.:E

Lightning Mate
30th Aug 2011, 14:15
Girlie car mate. :E

30th Aug 2011, 15:04
No, it's ghey, blows everything else off.:rolleyes:

Still OPEN HOUSE as I am going to be busy for a while.

Lightning Mate
30th Aug 2011, 15:07
I see evansb out there.....

Got anything mate? If not I have.

30th Aug 2011, 15:57
Good afternoon / evening Mate :)

Back for a couple of days. What's up?

Lightning Mate
30th Aug 2011, 16:00
No takers!!


Lightning Mate
30th Aug 2011, 16:10
Welcome back Reg. :ok:

Nothing's wrong mate - I didn't want to appear a hog!

30th Aug 2011, 16:14
Maybe one of the some 60 Slignsbys……

Edit: my post above was after your challenge, so the time machine is still coughing…..

Scrap the Slingsbys

Reinhard Cumulus 1951

Lightning Mate
30th Aug 2011, 16:54
Reinhard Cumulus


This particular one was 1953.

Your thread. :ok:

30th Aug 2011, 17:13
I know Ernie. He wasn't me :p

Thanks Mate, here is yours to crack in a speedily manner


Lightning Mate
30th Aug 2011, 17:19
You are the slowest wingman in the West!!!

They called you Ernie you know.

......and he flew the slowest fighter in the West..........

30th Aug 2011, 17:26
Evening Reg....your's is an interesting looking machine. Trying to work out what the lump is under the fuselage....American?

30th Aug 2011, 18:04
Skytrain, yes, American.

Sorry for my slow, just grilling Irish rack of lamb…..

30th Aug 2011, 18:19
:eek:RegDep ,you mean a rack of Irish Lamb :ok: lol

30th Aug 2011, 18:45
Irishair, my first language is not English (nor Irish), but one of my first preferences is Irish lamb. I'll leave the details to the experts :). Whichever way, the outcome was perfect. Need to go back for seconds….

30th Aug 2011, 19:06
Curtiss Wright CW-22 / SNC Falcon?

30th Aug 2011, 19:14
Skwinty, correct.

I have it as Curtiss-Wright CW-22 but it is the same, I believe.

Over to you skwinty! :ok:

Edit: I see you edited it so there you go! :D

30th Aug 2011, 19:25
Thanks RegDep,
Try this one, should be easy.:hmm:


30th Aug 2011, 19:45
Evening skwinty....the Vultee XP-54.....?

30th Aug 2011, 19:45
Evening skwinty,

I do believe that's a Vultee XP-54 "Swoose Goose"

Just got in and going to get something to eat now, so Open House please if correct.

Edit: Snap!! well done Ken :ok: (I shouldn't have stopped to ask for the OH)!! At least both answers came AFTER the Challenge post :rolleyes:

30th Aug 2011, 19:56
Hi SincoTC and skytrain.

skytrain has control.:ok:

30th Aug 2011, 20:21
Thanks skwinty...and well done Trevor.. just pipped you at the post:)

Here's the next challenge:


30th Aug 2011, 21:22
Is it a Robin Alpha ?? Not sure which one as there seems to be a lot of them! There's a similar angle shot in Wiki of an HR200/100

The horizontal tail looks about right, but I haven't found one with that aerial wire!

Will have to ask for an Open House if it is please, as I'm off to bed soon for a 5am start tomorrow!

Good to see you're light on again Reg :ok:

30th Aug 2011, 21:48
Evening Trevor...not the Robin Alpha or the HR200/100. You are very close:ok:, but this is an earlier design, originating from the late 60's, and quite different in its appearance.
Edit to say, I think the wire aerial is a red herring as others of this mark do not appear to have one.

30th Aug 2011, 22:02
Back again Ken,

I wasn't entirely convinced about the Alpha, so I just had to have another look!

I found this photo that rather looks like the one you used:

Photo Unknown Robin HR.100/210D Safari D-EHPL (http://www.planepictures.net/netshow.php?id=213767)

the caption says it's a Robin HR.100/210D Safari

But then again, the photo of the Ambrosini I found after LM posted, was your picture, but the Italian website captioned it as an Ambrosini F4 Rondone, I should have zoomed in as it had F-7 painted on the cowling!!

Really off now so OH please if it's correct this time!

30th Aug 2011, 22:44
Got there in the end Trevor:ok:. Yes, its the Robin HR100/210 Safari, a variant of the original HR100/180 Royal of 1969.

Here's a side view which shows its rather distinctive design.
http://www.pprune.org/ HBUUHy8gJCcpLCwsFx4xNTAqNSYrLCkBCQoKDgwOFw8PGiweHBwsLCwpLCks LCwtLCwpLCksLCkpLCkpKSwsKSwsLCwpLCwsLCwpKSwsLCwpKSkpLCksLP/AABEIAMQBAQMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAwEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAACAwABBAUGBwj/xABIEAABAwEFAwgGBgcHBQEAAAABAAIRAwQSITFRBUFhE3GBkaGx0fAGFCIy UsEHI0JikuFDY3KCorLxFRYzU1SD0pOjwsTTF//EABkBAQEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMEBf/EADIRAQABAwIDBQcDBQEAAAAAAAABAhESAxMhMUEEUYGR8DJCYXGh0uEzgtE iUpLi8RT/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/APlDSclcYpZfxUvIwZex4IJU4q6bZQQFMY9CKQnEwmU3bh4qSNFnZMnPicOj zorfaLoiB0dmO9CHRv6EEA57ulYtfmBBMonV8ELm6YBLq0oGclbB5nFCXJV4 yivIGtPFE10JQyz6EMxmgZ8ld87+xKBJ4Ki5A81FTZKEGd6piBvJE6KnOu5o xgEusQoKpvxzTCZHSenzCUyNUUoqOKhS3vxQhyBjRj0ot88MULBuhFgAohUk 5aqOYYkqGqYQSqBvIAVZVKqlQb80IrCIIRuG6UDaWcoF4KI+SGp/CVFR0BTZKY6k2McRhpgkU2aydPJUaBgZWLI0XBAyiMAe9Z6tOJM9A3In18sc FUB2RVjgEBq0UMMJVNoZScfO9BUdGSvMOL1KhjI9aVTZPFVCB16cUtzjBx/NVTMeexUWziMkFhsj8upC1iIVAOKMVMRO7ggFzdEp+eKe+rxSn4pAnKedEN1 XcVBUEEwNCAuVzxQHEFBVZ5lWCpeUEaFJUccUJcgjhBx4IiAhqRPQO5A3FFO 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NtkESb3nmCHkB8DjzrG1Hetpc3lxx61F0eR/Vnz0qJt/H15mMkeuj4gqNtB3noBW5temN/DAH5BWLWz73V+akaMGLn8uTueezvUpucfsxzuHylb/Xm/C7q/NE216U3HoPgtbVMLjDCGu+72nuC7HoxY2PqzWghokNgw4yAJkCQMTG/mlZHW87qbupLfb3/DHQfFap06Ym9jGHqbdtKq04U6bmyAA01JguuiYpkCJE7hik1Kz3D2qDD/ALniwLwlbZtpklloqAHIGo+Rwwdin2WzV2thz3VCcZcXu6BIMBenOGMJd+12 Wm7OmWH7lSnPUXCepZHbMb+sj70fLBYTTrakczXfMBA6y1jle/CB3krjMUz0ail1rLZqIJLsS0SATOPELgba2hUMiGXZ3F3b7KY+xWnL2lzbT6 HVnkuxE7i6Vqm1JNMyy3nb2t/H4hd/0ddUqVWUy1t0nEuhwAAJJyzgHesOz9g16IMBsnMucejIroCz2oQQWAjTPrKT VBjLt26hybiKVBpaT719rZJ4QSscPn/Ay0qN8AudaH2+fZqMGshvghsrrUCeVeHaAFrRzkgArWdKYy7BrOjGm5vH6k9 5STanfFh964O6Qsoe74B+PHrVtrEfZn9/wC5zqUrHzOdXJzeP4j3QEJE/GegR0EkoW1x8A6XE96cy36AdZWdynvXgBt7RxGmHgnMpOIwpgftXpS/7TxiDGsujvRm2ncCek+Kk6lK3gTLE45wP3R+aP1A73dQA8En1p2h/EfFCbU/TtPipuUl4am7OGruv81Dsxm9p61j5Z+naT81YqP8AMqbsd5lDcyxMGTe0nvK s02j7Pb+a55LvJd4oYd8I6QD3ym7BlDol7fLvzQ3huHVKxXn7jHMAEJv/ABFTdgzaz+z2qiOAHSsDg74j1pfJ8Z6fzTd+CZujd5lFzeRCibvwMmmhUIHu mcd5Tadd3w9cIQ/gpf4LjuSxeTmVzGIg8ITKdqgY457z51WQO4JgqYKblS3k/wBbxHsiE0W3GYPYFijnRXudNyoylt9d+72q/XeA61hLwhLhxTclcpPqWh5OBaBzSiFd+94HMFnAUnhKznKXk17z8ZSnOMYvc oH8Fd+dymSM/qoO89aNtmbr2pwn4T2qXTooWAaQCuB5/JMDDopyJ8wgW4DyUIbwjpKebPhmVTaInM7tFVsRyIP9CVfJgadQTzTbqexUQ 3j2IWACB/QK+VHmFH1BuHnoVCvH2URZqjih5TSe1Q1nDyI6FXLO1CKtoOisA8fPSg5U6o XVzqqGEO8lQt7eKz8qhv8AmUQ1zeIQPPEHqQXhoq5TmS4jqnmAhFTn6lRqoX OlCw+UOh61EmebsUVvK2bg0/CiuO0CoPOqq+dQoXM5B/BFyLuHak8odVTanipcvDRyB3x2qCzjUJPKqCoYQue1gH9ULiBv7ykydVQYdV C4gzHBw1yTWu5j0JUTvKDkJ3lUaeX5ur81XrJGiTc4q7vFTiXM9adw6AhFc6 lVdyUy1QXyp1KgqlCSOdW3LJBQeVZ5lfQVXQUEE6K3Sig8VCDxQ4AEqnNKZC hg6ocCSxQhMDunnPglmpOnUVqy2gBhU48JTC/LBVdO4BRkEqAKxTdw7FBRfqqoS0qmsKY2m8quSd5KKWWFCWecU00z5KE0joO tagJjm7VaLHQdaioY0DREBwVluWIV4SubKA/dRA8ELXNRGpwUFh/BEKiEvKGHIht7gqx0SxTdqibTOqKk5ZIiROMY8FRpiEXJ8FeAgIHUrgKi3DA K7qgrlQrbXG8ImlueKhg7jvVWyjX0HYoax07lTTjkimEQHKunsyUvHVW54Ql w88VLhmOvYqe0alC+rh4JTqnOl4Dbg4qXRvSTUO5VDimQcWN0VGPJSeTOOKh oJcNdWHnigFcJT6Jj2YnUoWsdGMTqFqPmp/rPOh9ZwOaoN8hC7pS4F1YnoQ3zPOjhLKiBfUKW4HVNe5LlauXBj8SiuOKilp G1qcymFFFlRNYEYUUREcEZ0UUQWSrYFFEGStZw7dBnMYFWGxGJPOVFFq/BTC6BhxU5TBRRYlAcqZUfVKiigC+c1RMqKIi+TnNXyYVKILDVTc1FFQcqKKK KoqFRRWBQyVHI86ii0FOQPCpRBW5DCiigp3zQDeooqKvKlFFB/9k=

SincoTC has declared Open House

Lightning Mate
31st Aug 2011, 07:22
Morning / morgen / evening. :)

We have not had one of these for a while.


31st Aug 2011, 07:32
Good morning to you Mate :)

Lightning Mate
31st Aug 2011, 08:14
Busy sleeving.....

31st Aug 2011, 08:27
Not me :(.

one of these

You mean motor gliders?

Lightning Mate
31st Aug 2011, 08:29
Yes I do.

(also preparing the Christmas Special)

31st Aug 2011, 08:57
That picture taken at Turweston?

Lightning Mate
31st Aug 2011, 09:01

I'l try to find out - standby.....

No - it's in Belgium mate.

31st Aug 2011, 09:15
Its a Schwammle HS-3 Motorlerche I believe?

If so will have to be Open House

Lightning Mate
31st Aug 2011, 09:20
Bingo!!! :D

Pity mate, but it's OPEN HOUSE again.

31st Aug 2011, 09:30
Boohoo :{

My PERFECT site is silent about it, but somewhere else I see that it is a motorised version Schleicher Ka-4 Rhönlerche II . . . .

And, of course as always, the web is full of its pictures…...

Lightning Mate
31st Aug 2011, 09:44
Just been engaging in banter on the Military thread. :}

Got anything Reg?

31st Aug 2011, 09:49
Just been engaging in banter on the Military thread.

When your adrenalin level is back or close to the safe level, please make a stab at this one, too:


Lightning Mate
31st Aug 2011, 09:51
Looks like it's time to go to Aerofiles.

31st Aug 2011, 09:54
You might Mate, but what a pure waste of time.

Took a look at Military. Did not see much adrenaline there, though :ok:.

Ridge Runner
31st Aug 2011, 10:05
Hi Reg! Would the "step" in the top of the fuselage actually be the wing? RR

Edit: I'd say its a re-engined Junkers?

31st Aug 2011, 10:10
"On top of the fuselage" is an antenna - behind the challenge aircraft is another aircraft.

Why re-engined? This aircraft came with at least seven different engines.

Lightning Mate
31st Aug 2011, 10:10
A good day so far - please standby.....

Lightning Mate
31st Aug 2011, 10:11

Something like a W33 or W34.

31st Aug 2011, 10:14
Something like a W33 or W34.

Very much so.

Junkers Ju W 34, a Swedish individual.

Over to you Mate :D

Ridge Runner
31st Aug 2011, 10:19
Nah, G23 or 24

Edit: oops .....:\

Lightning Mate
31st Aug 2011, 10:57
I have just realised it's been done before. :\

Would you like me to withdraw it and submit another?

31st Aug 2011, 11:04
Do another one if you feel like it. No point in declaring Open House :).

Lightning Mate
31st Aug 2011, 11:08
Thanks mate - this one is straightforward...


Ridge Runner
31st Aug 2011, 11:23
Its a ruskie, I think. Can't remember the name

31st Aug 2011, 11:28
OGEE wing on Douglas F5D-1 airplane

Lightning Mate
31st Aug 2011, 11:30
To answer all three of you:

Not a Douglas

Lightning Mate
31st Aug 2011, 11:30
Not a home-built

31st Aug 2011, 11:31
Manned or not manned?

Homebuilt Delta Five . . .

31st Aug 2011, 12:01
Heading to bed and had a quick look at SC.


http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/8113/images1875120.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/200/images1875120.jpg/)

Open house if so.

Lightning Mate
31st Aug 2011, 12:06
Nice call mate. :ok:

Another pity - Graeme has asked for OPEN HOUSE.

Lightning Mate
31st Aug 2011, 12:23
I do not wish to be greedy.

...posted at 1332!!!!!

31st Aug 2011, 12:26
Post another then, I am sure you have a full pylon! :ok:

31st Aug 2011, 12:33
So the rest of us should starve?:)

Lightning Mate
31st Aug 2011, 12:41
Do you want straightforward or very extremely difficult? :E

Ridge Runner
31st Aug 2011, 12:42
ah ha.. I see it is listed simply as "BiCH-26". Ah well... RR

Where's your next then, eh????

Ridge Runner
31st Aug 2011, 12:43
so why has my latest post appeared earlier than my previous?

Mods - when is this going to be sorted out?

Ridge Runner
31st Aug 2011, 12:43
By the way, we had the BiCH-26 back in February!!

Lightning Mate
31st Aug 2011, 12:44
RR & skwinty - are you unable to post?

Lightning Mate
31st Aug 2011, 12:46
Call me Dafty mate.

I checked the list under Cheranovsky. :\

31st Aug 2011, 12:50
Lightning Mate, give us the worst case scenario.:ouch:

Lightning Mate
31st Aug 2011, 12:50
OK then. This took 90 minutes to draw.....


...posted at 1400...!!!!!

Ridge Runner
31st Aug 2011, 12:50
RR & skwinty - are you unable to post?

Reluctant due to the timing issues! RR

31st Aug 2011, 12:56
Go Lightning Mate, my quiver is empty.:O

Lightning Mate
31st Aug 2011, 13:59
How are you guys doing?

31st Aug 2011, 14:07

Italian, English or American?

Will continue the search when I get home.:cool:

31st Aug 2011, 14:07
I asked for a worst case scenario and that's exactly what I got.

Found nothing so far.

Russian or French?:hmm:

31st Aug 2011, 14:11
OK, so what have we got?

Gull wings
A pusher
Four-fin canard
The pilot laying in a canvas "hammock"
Radiator above the pilot's head

What else…..

Lightning Mate
31st Aug 2011, 14:12
Neither mate. :\

31st Aug 2011, 14:18
Tea time.....I guess your latest is on everyone's fabourite website David!

Lightning Mate
31st Aug 2011, 14:20
Not this one mate.

31st Aug 2011, 14:32
See my #2110

Not this one mate.

Can confirm that :(

Lightning Mate
31st Aug 2011, 14:34
Gull wings
A pusher
Four-fin canard
The pilot laying in a canvas "hammock"
Radiator above the pilot's head

sort of
no - in a seat
no - at the front

I do have a very old photograph of it on the ground if you're interested.

Also the original diagram artwork from which I did the silhouette.

31st Aug 2011, 14:38
Let us have the picture first…..

But this is not from Romania and Vlaicu ?

31st Aug 2011, 14:45
Hah I knew.

1909 Avioplan
Country of Origin: Romania Designed and built by Rodrig Goliescu

31st Aug 2011, 14:45
See my #2117

Lightning Mate
31st Aug 2011, 14:48
Please standby.....


But this is not from Romania and Vlaicu ?

Do tell me more....

Lightning Mate
31st Aug 2011, 14:56
1909 Avioplan
Country of Origin: Romania Designed and built by Rodrig Goliescu

Sorry - didn't look up.


Your thread. :ok:

31st Aug 2011, 15:05
Thanks Mate!



A bit hairy silhouette, but need to go now for about 30 minutes, so didn't start fine-shaving.

Ridge Runner
31st Aug 2011, 15:30
What's that rather masculine thing hanging under the fuselage, Reg?

31st Aug 2011, 15:36
That's the stairway to heaven.:ok:

31st Aug 2011, 15:40
I think both of the above. A supportive member…..

31st Aug 2011, 16:03
Fairchild 22?

Fairchild 24 ARGUS III.

:mad: Fairchild made lots of aircraft.:hmm:

31st Aug 2011, 16:39
Fairchild made lots of aircraft.

Agree. They did. But not this.

Fairchild 24 ARGUS III.


31st Aug 2011, 17:04
Evening Reg, no obvious signs of power in your challenge. Are we looking at a glider?

31st Aug 2011, 17:21
Hall Aluminium Monoped?

If so will have to be Open House.

31st Aug 2011, 17:23
It is not a glider. There is a 120 hp Ranger in the conventional place. The propeller was missing (or otherwise invisible) in the original picture.

31st Aug 2011, 17:59
Duplicate post

31st Aug 2011, 18:01
What is on the wing? Early crop sprayer?


31st Aug 2011, 18:27
Yes, it is the Hall Aluminum Monoped, the one which killed Mr Hall himself.

No idea what are the slat-looking things in the Aerofiles picture. Those were not present/visible in the picture I used.

Skytrain has requested Open House

31st Aug 2011, 20:37
Try this one.

Something for the night owls.:hmm:


31st Aug 2011, 21:25

G'day skwinty! Any chance yours is this with the guts and skin on...?

http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/2292/img060ux.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/191/img060ux.jpg/)

31st Aug 2011, 21:33
Unlikely...but if it is, open house. :)

31st Aug 2011, 21:42
That's the ticket mate.

A 1928 Cessna AW:ok:

OPEN HOUSE once again

31st Aug 2011, 23:26
Here is the next challenge:

1st Sep 2011, 06:08
Farman Sport "Carte Postale". This 1926 aeroplane was the result of combining a Farman David fuselage with part of a Farman Goliath .

1st Sep 2011, 06:23
skwinty is correct. The Farman Post Card. Your turn.

1st Sep 2011, 06:27

Lightning Mate
1st Sep 2011, 07:30
Good morning Reg and skwinty. :)

Are you bored?......


1st Sep 2011, 08:08
Good morning Gentlemen.

Not bored. Just brewing more coffee…..

Presuming that the rhinoceroid thing on the nose of the challenge is part of the cowling, not of the right wing…..

1st Sep 2011, 08:09
Good morning Lightning Mate and RegDep.

Not any more.:ok:

1st Sep 2011, 08:12
To #2145

I meant the top, but as you say bottom, I presume that one is a radiator……

(I have looked at the Computers and Troubleshooting forum, and they are as pissed as we are of the time stamps, but no solution…. At least they have a Mod and an Admin working on it….)

Lightning Mate
1st Sep 2011, 08:16
Presuming that the rhinoceroid thing on the nose of the challenge is part of the cowling, not of the right wing…..

Do you mean at the top or the bottom?

1st Sep 2011, 08:19
To #2147

Hallo HP, welcome back. Yes, we have ;)

1st Sep 2011, 08:25
Let's add another layer to this timestamp mess by adding another post... I'm back! :)
Morning all, hope you've had good fun in the meantime!

Lightning Mate
1st Sep 2011, 08:35
Sorry guys - "database error".

I meant the top, but as you say bottom, I presume that one is a radiator……

The top is indeed the cowling.

The radiator is central and in front of the gear main struts, and is slightly V shaped.

Nice to see you again HP. :)

Lightning Mate
1st Sep 2011, 08:43
Not a Curtiss and certainly not a racer.

1st Sep 2011, 08:51
A Curtiss racer?

Lightning Mate
1st Sep 2011, 08:52
Nowhere near mate.

post timed at 1001!!

Lightning Mate
1st Sep 2011, 08:58
Not American, but whether it is European depends on who you talk to. ;)

post timed at 1008

1st Sep 2011, 08:59
Many things point to something like Breguet Bre 19 TR.

Anywhere near?

Nowhere near mate.

OK, but somebody has cut the front of the Breguet and pasted it together with someone else's tail…. Someone in Japan???

Are you alluding to something behind the big water or a big continent from France?

Lightning Mate
1st Sep 2011, 09:04
All my posts are going back 10 minutes in time, so keep scrolling UP guys.

1st Sep 2011, 09:05
American or European?

1st Sep 2011, 09:19
Ach, so it is Russian :ok:

…if you talk with me ;)

Lightning Mate
1st Sep 2011, 09:24
Ach, so it is Russian http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/thumbs.gif

Yes Reg....

Ridge Runner
1st Sep 2011, 09:26
Timestamps? Let's see where this one goes! :)

Edit: seemed to be okay!

1st Sep 2011, 09:43
To #2161

LM, is it the Polikarpov PM-1 ??

Pretty obvious question…..

Civilian or military was probably what Mate expected. Anyhow, as I already thought at Breguets, it WAS bigger than the first glance lets you beleive….

Lightning Mate
1st Sep 2011, 09:44
So far, nobody has asked what to me is an obvious question.

1st Sep 2011, 09:44
See my post on the previous page, posted after TC's response . . .

1st Sep 2011, 09:49
Morning All,

LM, is it the Polikarpov PM-1 ??

Coffee break is nearly over, so Open House please if correct, sorry, but at least there's a lot about this morning :)

Lightning Mate
1st Sep 2011, 09:52
LM, is it the Polikarpov PM-1 ??

It most certainly is TC. :ok:

TC has declared OPEN HOUSE.

Lightning Mate
1st Sep 2011, 10:29
I note that on the AH&N main page it lists the last post as RegDep at 1044.

Work that out!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, it did until this post!!

C'mon RD and HP - post something!

1st Sep 2011, 10:39
Someone said OH?


Edit: D….d, where are the enthusiastic Aaaahs and Ooooohs?

Lightning Mate
1st Sep 2011, 10:47
aaaah aaaah oooooh oooooh.........

s:mad: colour combination!!

1st Sep 2011, 10:51
s :mad: colour combination!!

Yep :cool:

Cool isn't it.

Lightning Mate
1st Sep 2011, 11:09
The prop looks feathered.

Therefore is it a motor glider perhaps electrically powered?

1st Sep 2011, 11:21
You don't see the prop. What you might see is the right-hand wing tip.

Electric may be one option, though…..

Lightning Mate
1st Sep 2011, 11:28
It's a Pipistrel Panthera.

1st Sep 2011, 11:33
Afternoon all, not had a chance to look in until now. Looks like the Pipistrel Panthera?

Edit...ignore me, I see LM was there first.

1st Sep 2011, 11:35
Sure it is the Pipistrel Panthera, the guys are selling it short (deliveries start 2012 for petrol engine version, the hybrid and electric to be expected in 2013).

Over to you :ok:

PS. The background colour was the original one in the picture.

Lightning Mate
1st Sep 2011, 11:43
Thanks Reg.

PS. The background colour was the original one in the picture.

Sounds like another Photoshop tutorial. :E

This one is very easy and I expect skytrain to get it within five minutes....


edit: going out for 15-20 minutes.

1st Sep 2011, 12:01
DC-4E had a triple tail.

Ridge Runner
1st Sep 2011, 12:04
the DC-4E, mate????

Edit: oops, didn't see Skwinty's post!!!

Lightning Mate
1st Sep 2011, 12:19
DC-4E had a triple tail.

It sure did skwinty. :ok:

Over to you - and please not another OH.

Ridge Runner
1st Sep 2011, 12:23
I have one ready if you haven't, Skwinty! ;)

Lightning Mate
1st Sep 2011, 12:26
PM for Reg.

1st Sep 2011, 12:30
All yours Ridge Runner, I am at work so nothing on hand.:ok:

Lightning Mate
1st Sep 2011, 12:32
PM for skwinty as well.

1st Sep 2011, 12:33
Sorry Mate, OPEN HOUSE:uhoh:

Ridge Runner
1st Sep 2011, 12:35
Try this for size ....

Sorry.. I forgot to shade the wing tip!!!!

Lightning Mate
1st Sep 2011, 12:36
Hey guys - check out this Prune message..

This forum requires that you wait 60 seconds between sending private messages. Please try again in 110 seconds.

Ridge Runner
1st Sep 2011, 12:51
We are in a weird world!!! :)

1st Sep 2011, 12:56

1st Sep 2011, 12:56
RR does this have fixed leading edge extensions or movable slats?

STOL anyways, right?

Ridge Runner
1st Sep 2011, 12:59
yes, STOL, Reg

Ridge Runner
1st Sep 2011, 13:02
Not an Aeronca, Skwinty

1st Sep 2011, 13:09
What about Taylorcraft L-2?

Ridge Runner
1st Sep 2011, 13:27
Not a Taylorcraft, mate

1st Sep 2011, 13:46
Bellanca? Last try until later.;)

Lightning Mate
1st Sep 2011, 13:47
Back briefly.

That gear looks beefed up - for rough field work?

Was it designed from the outset for STOL or modified?

Ridge Runner
1st Sep 2011, 14:53
Not a Bellanca, Skwinty

Beffed-up? Yes, probably. Not intended for rough-field work, though

Yes, STOL as designed


1st Sep 2011, 14:56
A bit geographical narrowing-down, shall we?

Is this from the USofA?

Ridge Runner
1st Sep 2011, 14:59
not a yank, Reg

Ridge Runner
1st Sep 2011, 15:33
ah no... that's just a britsh expression. No clue there! (answer to 2197)

1st Sep 2011, 15:36
Trying to decipher this

Try this for size ....

Apparently very small then :uhoh:.

Ridge Runner
1st Sep 2011, 16:01
off home soon... will call in later... ;)


Ridge Runner
1st Sep 2011, 16:43
Elaborste, Brian. From where?

1st Sep 2011, 16:48
Rubik R-18 ?

1st Sep 2011, 16:59
Better not be the M-28 Dura.

Thats been on already.:suspect:

Ridge Runner
1st Sep 2011, 17:57
Neither the Rubik or the Dura, gents

Ridge Runner
1st Sep 2011, 22:14
Sorry boys, I'm off to bed now. I'll be back on at 0930 UK time tomorrow. RR :E

1st Sep 2011, 23:10
This is as close as I can get:

2nd Sep 2011, 03:35
Another wild guess: Levasseur PL.401 ?

Ridge Runner
2nd Sep 2011, 07:08
Not the Levasseur, Brian

I'll start dishing out a clue or two around mid-morning


2nd Sep 2011, 07:10
ANF Les Mureaux 113?

2nd Sep 2011, 08:20
Mate and Skwinty, Good Morning and so long; i'll be off now for weekend. Take a good care of the thread!

2nd Sep 2011, 08:31
Morning RegDep,

Have a great weekend. I am also going away for the weekend.
Back on sunday evening.:ok:

Ridge Runner
2nd Sep 2011, 08:41
oh dear!!!!!

ANF Les Mureaux 113?

Not the Les Mureaux

.... a bit lonely now!!!!! I might withdraw it!! :(


2nd Sep 2011, 09:11
Try giving us a clue instead.

I am still here for another hour or two.

Ridge Runner
2nd Sep 2011, 09:15
The designer was also well known for another similar machine. I'll get some other clues to send out over the next hour or two... :)

2nd Sep 2011, 09:37
Cheers, I am out of here now.

Ridge Runner
2nd Sep 2011, 10:07
OK mate, have a good weekend. RR

2nd Sep 2011, 10:38
G'day Martin!

No idea mate. :ok:

Any connection with the Aero L-60 Brigadyr?

Ridge Runner
2nd Sep 2011, 11:01
Hi Graeme, hope you are well?

No connection at all.

Clue 2: Conti 90


2nd Sep 2011, 11:05
All good here Martin!

Clue 2: Conti 90

Better clue would be the nationality mate....:)

Ridge Runner
2nd Sep 2011, 11:09
German, mate

2nd Sep 2011, 11:20

Didn't expect that....German, eh....

39'- 45'....?
Weserflug Bf 163?

Ridge Runner
2nd Sep 2011, 11:33
no, no and no, mate


Didn't expect that....German, eh.... And I thought Reg would have got it!

2nd Sep 2011, 11:56

Got me stumped mate. Many built?

2nd Sep 2011, 12:05
Gonna go Martin. Enjoy your Saturday! Don't spend it all looking at a monitor. http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/thumbs.gif

Ridge Runner
2nd Sep 2011, 12:52
You too mate

Just one built

Ridge Runner
2nd Sep 2011, 14:47
Refreshing the minds of those still out there .. if any!

One built
Conti 90
Designer designed anoher well-known and similar machine

Will be on the road at 1730BST... fair warning!


Ridge Runner
2nd Sep 2011, 16:25
I've got to go!!!!!

Its on the web so I'm sure one of you will get it. I'll try to log in later. If not it'll be tomorrow morning.


diesel addict
2nd Sep 2011, 16:36
Sperling ???

In the highly unlikely event of a correct challenge - open house

Lightning Mate
2nd Sep 2011, 17:44
Refreshing the minds of those still out there .. if any!

I wonder why there aren't..................................

2nd Sep 2011, 22:03
I thought I'd had more time this week-end...
All work and no play makes HP a dull boy...

Hard one this one it looks like... :8
Well, see ya in a few days or so.

2nd Sep 2011, 22:45

Thought I was onto something with the Do-25....but no.

3rd Sep 2011, 07:17
Morning all :)

Good one Martin!! Elusive little bugger this, got me well and truly stumped too :\ !!

And I thought Reg would have got it!

Wondered if that was a subtle pointer to something from Akaflieg Berlin, but if it was, I didn't find it; 'tiz similar to the the fva-18: "primitive crow" from Aachen, but that had a VW engine, wrong tail and we've had it already. A variant of the Sperling, but can't find anything, ditto the Do-25 !!

Obviously missing the killer keyword :confused: !! Maybe Glider towing or motor-glider??

Was this a little known abandoned product of one of the main manufacturers, or an early, possibly amateur attempt from the (German?) designer, who went on to produce the "well known and similar machine" for another company?

Off to work now, will try and get back later :ok:

Ridge Runner
3rd Sep 2011, 10:04
Hi Trevor!!!

Sorry mate, none of the above. It was built and flown. I'm not sure it still exists. There is a photo and 3-view on the net. It didn't lead to anything and was built as a one-off. However, one of the designer's other machines was reasonable successful - one on the UK register - and was revolutionary in its way. Remember the STOL aspect.

I'm out today - family sickness probs - but will log in on the Blueberry later.


Ridge Runner
3rd Sep 2011, 10:15
As I'll be out and about here's a further clue: a side-by-side, two-seater. If anyone gets it while I'm away just move on as I wouldn't want to stall the thread - it never stalls! ;)


4th Sep 2011, 09:34
Good morning. Not had a chance to look recently.
Martin, is it the Zweisitziges Langsamflugzeug LF-2 Kiebitz?

If correct will have to be Open House

Ridge Runner
4th Sep 2011, 10:06
Morning Ken!!!!

Yes, its the LF2 Kiebitz. I think Brian was getting close! As you can see, but was related to the LF1 which was impossible to stall - hence my latest clue.
- Institut für Flugzeugbau und Leichtbau (IFL) (http://www.ifl.tu-braunschweig.de/data/forschung/geschichte/kiebitz.php)

Ken has declared OPEN HOUSE


Edit: where did Brian's post go???????????

4th Sep 2011, 10:11

Great challenge Martin. I found Prof. Ing. Hermann Winter's LF1 but just could not find the follow on.

Ridge Runner
4th Sep 2011, 12:33
Thanks Mel.... Good things are worth the effort and waiting for! ;)


4th Sep 2011, 12:42
Good day folks,
Here is an easy one.


4th Sep 2011, 12:53
Hi skwinty. Is it the Bujon-Croses EC-7?

Ridge Runner
4th Sep 2011, 13:08
Hi Skwinty!! I'm sure we've had this before but I can't remember the name :( M

4th Sep 2011, 13:19
skytrain10 has control.:cool:

4th Sep 2011, 13:21
Ridge runner, the list says no to Bujon Crosse.

Is there perhaps another name for this aircraft?

Ridge Runner
4th Sep 2011, 13:39
Sorry mate, I guess I'm mistaken..... Nice challenge!!!


4th Sep 2011, 13:44
Thanks skwinty....like Martin, I thought it looked familiar but there are quite a number of similar machines, including at least one other with the somewhat unique undercarriage arrangement.

Here's one to consider. Will be offline for a while but will check later.

PPRuNe Pop
4th Sep 2011, 14:40
Gents! A very unseemly bunch of posts, which I have deleted. They deserved nothing less. It is quite easy for me to close a thread if the spat that happened occurs again. Your choice.


4th Sep 2011, 16:03
Just looked in and all appears quiet.
Clue 1...powered by a Hispano Suiza engine.

I was somewhat shocked to read the recent posts (now fortunately deleted) from one particular individual . We may all get frustrated when we can't identify a challenge, but can I remind everyone of the spirit of the thread.....this is a game, for fun, to test our recognition abilities - you don't take it out on others when you don't know the answer. Once any of us resort to abusive posts of the nature I saw when I logged in this morning then it's time for that person to leave the thread.

4th Sep 2011, 16:21
The Nakajima Ki-12 Experimental Fighter?

4th Sep 2011, 16:32
That's the one skwinty, the Nakajima Ki-12 :ok:


Skwinty has control

4th Sep 2011, 16:48

Ridge Runner
4th Sep 2011, 17:11
Thanks Moderator

Gents! A very unseemly bunch of posts, which I have deleted. They deserved nothing less. It is quite easy for me to close a thread if the spat that happened occurs again. Your choice.


However, there was one instigator, he also being the perpetuator. It is therefore in appropriate to tar all with the same brush, despite the sentiments being correct. As is evident, we are all a well mannered bunch!!!


4th Sep 2011, 20:20
Good Evening Gentlemen!

I'd feel bad leaving an Open House without a caller all by itself for the whole night…..


Edit to say that I am retiring now but hope that there are at least sone stabs at this one in the morning when I Shall Return….

Happy hunting, night shift!