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16th Jan 2012, 14:22
United States Navy to test latest Roll on Shoot off Ferry and F-18 will judge results.


16th Jan 2012, 14:46
Evel Knievel waited for the carrier to turn into the wind first.

16th Jan 2012, 15:15
The promised disciplinary action for out-of-date car passes was quite drastic.

16th Jan 2012, 15:34
US carrier ops have been severely restricted since the flight deck crews insisted on their right to drive to work. Funding for the court case was provided by McDrive, who now have 14 outlets on every carrier.

16th Jan 2012, 18:04
Superfluous puctuation mark in new Dublin Airport construction contract results in world's first "airport/car park".

Dan Gerous
16th Jan 2012, 18:27
C'mon guys, there's only one of them, we can take him.

Courtney Mil
16th Jan 2012, 18:44
Oh, Squeaker. That is good.


16th Jan 2012, 23:04
In the latest remake of the Blues Brothers Jake and Elwood were pretty certain they could get away from all the cop cars in their gov surplus F18

17th Jan 2012, 04:53
Honouring the 'special relationship', the newest carrier was named the USS M25.

17th Jan 2012, 09:28
The new good(s?) ship PFI Britannia earns her keep while the Royals are not in residence

son of brommers
17th Jan 2012, 09:59
Boris was left wondering how the procurement bods had managed to overdeliver on the replacement Woolwich ferry http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR32H3Vo23YDw4QkOy4mBqceUH14n2NRs3ZOLlm3LP-OIrokNgaAg

19th Jan 2012, 15:33
The captain was secretly hoping that the arrangement of white & silver cars spelled out something really insulting in Persian.

19th Jan 2012, 16:05
Overheard during a politician's tour of the of the USN's newest Carrier....

"Yes Ma'am!...Our power plant has the power of 3,500 automobiles....why do you ask?"

Canadian WokkaDoctor
19th Jan 2012, 16:32
This wasn't what the F-18 pilot meant when he told the MTO to get him wheels at 12 O’clock!


19th Jan 2012, 17:19
"That's copied Ops - now locked-on to the Japanese infiltrator in the 12th row."

19th Jan 2012, 21:07

As usual there were some corking entries gents, and I liked Canadian WokkaDoctor with "This wasn't what the F-18 pilot meant when he told the MTO to get him wheels at 12 O’clock!"

and Son of brommers with "Boris was left wondering how the procurement bods had managed to overdeliver on the replacement Woolwich ferry", both of which are Highly Commended.

In the runner-up place is Siggie with "Honouring the 'special relationship', the newest carrier was named the USS M25" and Squeaker with "Superfluous puctuation mark in new Dublin Airport construction contract results in world's first "airport/car park"."

But the winner this week is my very old friend and rotary aviator Toptobottom with the simple but effective "What time did they say the movie starts?"

Take it away TTB.

20th Jan 2012, 11:38
Congratulations Bottomtotop :p

21st Jan 2012, 14:52

Many thanks old bean and apologies for the delay...

In transit now but will post a new piccie very shortly, once back in civilisation :p

21st Jan 2012, 16:33
Back in harness... thanks again AA.

OK, let's try this bad boy!! Judging at the end of the week, unless it dries up beforehand :ok:


21st Jan 2012, 16:45
Bloody contact lenses, always falling out.

21st Jan 2012, 17:20
It was a very cruel trick to roll poor and hungry "Blind Ginge's" bread loaf down the ramp and then tell him they had just arrived in dispersal.

21st Jan 2012, 17:31
Ok.... Steady steady steady... Parliament below, flush the toilet....

21st Jan 2012, 17:32
Ryan Air introduce third class

21st Jan 2012, 17:46
"Hey Muckers! What's the RSM doing at me Bird's Flat?"

green granite
21st Jan 2012, 18:43
LAC Bloggs decided to take planking to new heights.

21st Jan 2012, 19:42
"You can see my home from here"

21st Jan 2012, 20:40
The new indoor BBQ was going really well until Bloggs' Burger caught a draft...

Arm out the window
21st Jan 2012, 21:23
This "Jo Frost Naughty Step" disciplinary system's working rather well, don't you think?"

21st Jan 2012, 21:23
"Ginger? Oh, ignore him. He's got a thing for Pippa Middleton".

Buster Hyman
21st Jan 2012, 21:59
Yes, I find that when I make them assume the position at the edge, they push back harder...

21st Jan 2012, 22:56
Drastic measures were called for to maintain C of G when the loadmaster cracked open the crews pie allowance.

21st Jan 2012, 23:11
'Whose idea was it to play catch again?'

Buster Hyman
21st Jan 2012, 23:42
"Yes, it's clearly photoshopped. You can tell by the lighting & the fake prop spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnn...........

22nd Jan 2012, 03:50
It's OK guys, break out the B&H, there's no sign of Customs.

22nd Jan 2012, 07:33
"Are you sure it's absolutely necessary to apply PX24 EVERY time the ramp is lowered ... next you'll have me go down to the stores for a tin of striped paint."


"A former Chinook Crewman can't get out of the habit of doing a "look around" before landing."


"Much enthusiasum is shown during the military work up of security arrangements relating to the London 2012 Olympics ... this crew was tasked to determine the optimal vantage point for the Ladies Beach Volleyball venue."


"The Squadron Summer Tailgate BBQ is cancelled when a vital bit of kit is lost."

Best ...


Rather be Gardening
22nd Jan 2012, 09:57
"You know Sarge, you really shouldn't have told Prince Harry that we didn't use safety harnesses because of the magnets in our boots."

Dan Gerous
22nd Jan 2012, 10:18
During a contact ground troops requested air support. The only aircraft in the vicinity was a C130, but this had no offensive capability. The FAC asked if they could at least do a show of force. The pilot lined up on the target, opened the back door and said to the loadie, " I'll bring her in low, you lean out the back and criticise their curtains."

22nd Jan 2012, 10:39
Captain, 'Red Light' here, 'Green Light' appears to have gone.

Krystal n chips
22nd Jan 2012, 11:49
Despite their solemn assurances that the only way to check the ramp latches was in flight, it was beginning to dawn on the Loadmaster that his quips about pet spanner monkeys to the two G/E's had not been well received....

22nd Jan 2012, 20:23
It suddenly dawned on the new Loadmaster that 'Ramp Twister' wasn't infact the norm.

22nd Jan 2012, 22:15
"I'm sorry I dropped the long wait, but I can't see any tartan paint either."

23rd Jan 2012, 12:04
"Hang on a minute, lads. I've got a great idea...."

24th Jan 2012, 01:21
"Right! - We throw the flashbangs on the count of 3...."

24th Jan 2012, 11:57
RyanAir introduce their new door to door service in an attempt to save on airport taxes.. "Ok Mr Jones you are next, please join me on the ramp your house is coming into view"

Canadian WokkaDoctor
24th Jan 2012, 12:57
Not being one of the "old-school" Herc-mates, the co-pilot just couldn’t bring himself to depart the aircraft along with his "special" pax.


Cows getting bigger
24th Jan 2012, 17:41
Mashed off his head, Chuck decided it was time to try out his new wingsuit.

25th Jan 2012, 09:12
You want a harness??
This isn't the Womens' Auxiliary Balloon Corps!

Burnt Fishtrousers
25th Jan 2012, 12:59
"Oh hes always at it ...dropping in on his mum on the way to work."

Runaway Gun
25th Jan 2012, 14:15
Oh he's so particular about washing and drying his hands after Number Two's.

25th Jan 2012, 16:14
Biscuit, Sarge?
Thanks, digestive please. Those ginger nuts seemed to disappear in no time.

25th Jan 2012, 16:30
Top flat 25 Kowloon Terrace was just about to get a visit from the phantom knicker nicker.

25th Jan 2012, 17:48
Sergeant Jock McScrivens had no intention of seeing his pound coin roll away.

27th Jan 2012, 11:29
Yikes - where did that week go..? :eek:

Time's up:

In 3rd place is Fox3's
Biscuit, Sarge?
Thanks, digestive please. Those ginger nuts seemed to disappear in no time.

Runner up is Nuts with Ok.... Steady steady steady... Parliament below, flush the toilet....

But this week's star performer is Rather be Gardening with
"You know Sarge, you really shouldn't have told Prince Harry that we didn't use safety harnesses because of the magnets in our boots."

Well done RBG - you have control..!


Rather be Gardening
27th Jan 2012, 12:28
Thanks TTB. Could Nuts take over for this one please?

27th Jan 2012, 15:30
Ok :) thank you for that, same as before, scores on the doors next week..... pondered using this one , if not liked i will replace it..


Cows getting bigger
27th Jan 2012, 15:55
Its not like the Americans to **** absolutely everything.

Canadian WokkaDoctor
27th Jan 2012, 16:00
Scrogins wasn't listening carefully to his mates when they said they use the camel to ride into town to relieve their "requirements"; not "use" the camel!


27th Jan 2012, 16:15
Jawolsky carefully considered the offer to swap his wife for a camel.

27th Jan 2012, 16:29
Lieutenant Cheeseburger was determined to follow the Hearts and Minds advice of "participating in local sports and customs", though he preferred the "pigsticking" back home in Tennessee.

27th Jan 2012, 17:30
Lt Pprune was beginning to wish he'd worked harder at school, as then he'd be mounting a fast jet, not a ship of the desert.

Buster Hyman
27th Jan 2012, 21:45
Whilst he managed to get the prettiest Camel, Bloggs hadn't anticipated the run up he needed to get the job done.

27th Jan 2012, 22:21
You're right, she is tighter than the wife and better legs, too. The deal's on!

Buster Hyman
27th Jan 2012, 23:47
"Now, watch carefully Achmed. This is why they are called the ships of the desert..."

28th Jan 2012, 01:05
Another hump on the camel makes it a Bactrian.

28th Jan 2012, 01:39
The pentagon budget cuts are starting to bite...

28th Jan 2012, 09:01
Now I know what a camel looks like when it is having an orgasm.

28th Jan 2012, 11:28

"Is that how the enlisted men do it?"
The Sargent replied, "Well sir, they usually just use the camel to ride into town to find the women.

Not original. This is a very old story.

The Army's Camel
A Captain in the foreign legion was transferred to a desert outpost. On his orientation tour he noticed a very old, seedy looking camel tied out back of the enlisted men’s barracks. He asked the Sargent leading the tour,
"What's the camel for?".
The Sargent replied "Well sir it's a long way from anywhere, and the men have natural sexual urges, so when they do, uh, we have the camel."
The captain said "Well if it's good for moral, then I guess it's all right with me."
After he had been at the fort for about 6 months the captain could not stand it any more so he told his Sargent, "BRING IN THE CAMEL!!!" The sarge shrugged his shoulders and led the camel into the captain’s quarters.
The captain got a foot stool & proceeded to have vigorous sex with the camel. As he stepped, satisfied, down from the stool, and was buttoning his pants he asked the Sargent, "Is that how the enlisted men do it?"
The Sargent replied, "Well sir, they usually just use the camel to ride into town to find the women.

Mach Two
28th Jan 2012, 11:38
Look away, Abdul, he won't be long.

Krystal n chips
28th Jan 2012, 12:08
The assessment for an SF posting was proving difficult for Private Shamburger given that his idea of covert insertion and deep penetration was not quite the same as the rest of the platoons

"Gee Lootenant, didn't you once say your historical roots went all the way back to Norfolk, UK "

Buster Hyman
28th Jan 2012, 12:35
Ahh, so this is what "smoking a Camel" means...

29th Jan 2012, 06:47
Will that be one hump or two?

29th Jan 2012, 08:42
"When my dad was a Texas sheep farmer ... he recommended large wellies for this kind of work"


"Pte Jawolsky demonstrates a Cow Tipping technique rarely seen outside of Texas"

29th Jan 2012, 09:25
... I would strongly suggest you use Velcro gloves next time sir!...

Dan Gerous
29th Jan 2012, 09:57
...10 Riyals, I love you long time...

29th Jan 2012, 15:07
L.Cpl Scroggins's mates misunderstood when he told them that his girlfriend always had the hump while he was sh&*"%ng her!

Runaway Gun
29th Jan 2012, 18:10
"It followed me home Sir. Can I keep it?"

29th Jan 2012, 19:12
None entry

When I said wear protection, a flak jacket and helmet was not what I had in mind...

Buster Hyman
29th Jan 2012, 23:56
Stand back Achmed, here comes the surge!

30th Jan 2012, 12:01
US Researchers have won this year's Ig Nobel prize for showing that camelsh@gging is in fact a climatic climactic preference, not an ethnic one.

Prof "Shagga" Wallaby said "Next year we plan to investigate East Europeans working on pig farms in Lincolnshire to confirm our theory."

The research was sponsored by several Arab nations who had no influence on the findings, oh no. Really. Honest. Would you like a gold Rolex too?

30th Jan 2012, 12:04
Trooper Roosevelt Brown caught proving how strong a role Tradition plays in the 10th Cavalry.

30th Jan 2012, 12:14
No IED's in there Sir....you are cleared to carry on.

31st Jan 2012, 17:41
Looks like this one has prematurely come to an end and has gone all limp, ok last call for any late entries and scores on the door later tonight.

simon brown
31st Jan 2012, 19:11
"You should be a sailor son! ive 'eard most camels are full of Arab seamen"

1st Feb 2012, 05:45
Dummies Guide to Camels

It is better if the novice camel owner learns to mount his camel while it is kneeling. Trying to do so while the camel is standing requires considerable acrobatic skills and tends to annoy the camel if you are not suitably attired...

Buster Hyman
1st Feb 2012, 05:48
So you see Achmed, there's nothing sinister about it. He's just working his nutloose...


1st Feb 2012, 12:01
Will do scores tonight, sorry for being premature, my clutch died last night.

Buster Hyman
1st Feb 2012, 12:18
"My clutch died last night, and a friend showed me how to get her in gear..."

1st Feb 2012, 12:33
Will do scores tonight, sorry for being premature, my clutch died last night.

Probably caught something off the camel....oh sorry, clutch

1st Feb 2012, 12:54
Lt PPrune was wondering how soon he could introduce Fatima to his mother, but at the back of his mind was the old saying "If it flies, f%^ks or floats, it's cheaper to rent."

1st Feb 2012, 13:42
The RSM was incredulous. "Jesus H Christ Sir, what do you think you're doing!"


"I know the training program says "Camel riding", but the intent is to use them as a means of f*&^ing transport! That last word is all-important!"


"Private Pyle, how did I know you would f*&^ this up too?"

1st Feb 2012, 13:50
Camel: "Haha!!! I clenched and made the sucker hang on for twenty miles!"

1st Feb 2012, 17:19
And the winner is..... And I hate to say this...

Buster.... with an obvious intimate knowledge and terminology for this sort of thing, with

Stand back Achmed, here comes the surge!

2nd is

simon brown with

"You should be a sailor son! ive 'eard most camels are full of Arab seamen"

And finally with 3rd place

Shytorque with

You're right, she is tighter than the wife and better legs, too. The deal's on!

So :ugh: over to you Buster :{

Buster Hyman
1st Feb 2012, 19:54
Thanks Nutloose...that must've been a tough call for you... :E


Neptunus Rex
1st Feb 2012, 20:29
"Follow this, Billy Smart!"

Senior PPRuNers will get it.

1st Feb 2012, 20:30
...Nah mate... THIS - is what I call a gun!

(my apologies to Crocodile Dundee)

1st Feb 2012, 20:33
The Bangless Artillery Project seemed to be more about function than form.

2nd Feb 2012, 01:54
Jonesy, I'm not convinced the camoflage is working.

2nd Feb 2012, 02:02
Having noticed that it had turned into nothing more than a willy-waving contest, the Germans were determined not to lose this year's NATO Artillery Competition.

2nd Feb 2012, 02:33
The designers of the new artillery suppressor now know that 'm' isn't the recognized abbreviation for milimetre.

2nd Feb 2012, 07:15
The latest MOD procurement cock-up was a real biggie...

2nd Feb 2012, 09:24
"Biggest load of bollocks I've ever seen" was a comment on the plan, not an instruction, Hoskins.

2nd Feb 2012, 09:44
OK...who left the dustcap on the barrel?

Arm out the window
2nd Feb 2012, 10:26
Preparations for the Human Cannonball Squad were on track, but unfortunately the number of soldiers of the right calibre was limited.

2nd Feb 2012, 11:40

Not to be outdone by the US Star Wars programme the UK Government announce trials on the first Anti Hubble Telescope Interdiction Telescopic System.

Commonly refered to as AHTITS


It's no good skip we can't use it, it must be the wrong time of the month, when you push the barrel in, we keep getting a red light..

2nd Feb 2012, 15:39
"Now Professor Cox this is what we call a Big Bang !"

2nd Feb 2012, 16:01
Lt Grueber was having a field day with his "little tank".

2nd Feb 2012, 16:03
Vot do you mean, Germany kannot play in the 6 Nations Rugby?
Iz this not the finest "tackle" you've ever seen?

2nd Feb 2012, 16:07
"Ah ja, here ve haff a typical case of vot ve post-Freudians call penis envy"

2nd Feb 2012, 16:37
"Woah, Stop, hold your fire! I've just read the manual, the target looks so small because we're looking up the wrong end!"

2nd Feb 2012, 17:21
Listen boys - we've bent over backwards for the noise abatement society and frankly I'm at my wits end wondering what else we can do!

Neptunus Rex
2nd Feb 2012, 17:29
"Be gentle with me?"

2nd Feb 2012, 21:52
"Jenkins ... I told you this would happen if you rubbed too much lubrication on it."

Cows getting bigger
3rd Feb 2012, 10:27
Does my bum look big in this?

3rd Feb 2012, 11:38
Apparently the NATO acronym for the Artillery's new piece of kit is causing a few blushes up the line ... Vector Image Augmented Gun Ranging Apparatus :E

3rd Feb 2012, 12:04
"Right you malingering shower! Get out of that decompression chamber NOW!"

Buster Hyman
6th Feb 2012, 10:02
Page 2 is no place for the mighty Caption Comp! :=

So...Runner up...

"Biggest load of bollocks I've ever seen" was a comment on the plan, not an instruction, Hoskins. Winner this week...

Roadster280: :D
Having noticed that it had turned into nothing more than a willy-waving contest, the Germans were determined not to lose this year's NATO Artillery Competition.

6th Feb 2012, 11:47
Thanks, NutLoose.

I'm off to the left coast on a big silver bird shortly, so Ill post something up tonight when I get there.

Buster Hyman
6th Feb 2012, 12:44
Thanks, NutLoose.

I'm off to the left coast on a big silver bird shortly, so Ill post something up tonight when I get there.


So...over to our runner up then....:suspect:

6th Feb 2012, 14:04
So...over to our runner up then.... :confused:
Surely it should go to second place? :E

6th Feb 2012, 14:50
On a pilots' forum, I think someone should be allowed to use flying as a decent excuse for a short delay.

I can post if you want, though?

6th Feb 2012, 15:05
Fox3 - I think on a caption contest thread, someone can use a little humour! ;)

6th Feb 2012, 15:21
This should keep Buster happy


6th Feb 2012, 15:45
The USS Obama sets new standards in recreational facilities for embarked crew members. The Command Master Chief thought this to be a backward step from the days of the USS New York.

son of brommers
6th Feb 2012, 15:50
The USS Tiger Woods gave a whole new meaning to the term "playing away from home" :mad:

Neptunus Rex
6th Feb 2012, 16:50
"Bogie at 12 o'clock!"

6th Feb 2012, 16:59
Yes, but recovery from out of bounds can be a bit tricky.


Greg Normans new course design needs help, a helipad in the rough?

6th Feb 2012, 17:10
US Navy's "Go Green" initiative gets under way.....

6th Feb 2012, 17:28
Caption Competition winner logs in from 38,000ft to post photo, only to realise he's called Buster Hyman NutLoose. A capital offence, under the prevailing rivalry. I have just one thing to say.


Cows getting bigger
6th Feb 2012, 17:34
"When I said we had a weed problem i didn't mean....... "

Dan Gerous
6th Feb 2012, 18:10
What's the sea state number 1?
It's looking a little rough Sir.

Ha ha, next time some politician gets a cob up their arse about Navy pilots using helicopters to go golfing, we can say it was a proper sortie.

6th Feb 2012, 18:20
Gives a new meaning to the term foredeck!


Is there no limit to what Tiger will do to get his balls on the green?

6th Feb 2012, 18:22
The good news Captain is that we have shifted all those cars, the bad news.....

Courtney Mil
6th Feb 2012, 18:37
That's just stupid. Where do you operate the jets from? No, seriously. It wouldn't work.

6th Feb 2012, 18:49
The captain called in the First Lieutenant to discuss his career development,

"Most forward thinking young officers do not let the grass grow under their feet... Take a look out the window number one and tell me what what you b****y well see!"

6th Feb 2012, 20:16
"Dear Mom - the Navy sent sent me on this Lynx course. It's quite challenging, but give it a few more days and I think I'll be OK..."


"Admiral's on the Radio Sir - apparently, when he instructed you to design and run a Lynx course, this isn't what he had in mind..."

Thought we were waiting for Roadster's piccie?!


6th Feb 2012, 20:30
World's largest water hazard!

6th Feb 2012, 21:09
...and then Dave said the new Royal Yacht was a perfect way of keeping the second carrier!

6th Feb 2012, 21:30
...and if you hear "FORE!!!", run for the bunker and keep your head down...!

6th Feb 2012, 21:31
Navy officials quick to deny allegations they have adopted a bunker mentality.

Buster Hyman
6th Feb 2012, 22:17
Caption Competition winner logs in from 38,000ft to post photo, only to realise he's called Buster Hyman NutLoose. A capital offence, under the prevailing rivalry. I have just one thing to say.

OH BOLLOX http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/smile.gif
I'm pretty sure that it's in the Rules somewhere...

Thought we were waiting for Roadster's piccie?!

Yes...curse you Evil smiley for not conveying my subtle humour accurately whilst I slept!!!!! :ugh:


6th Feb 2012, 23:26
My pleasure Roadster.. :p
I don't know if this picture is the one we are doing but

Car replaced so back in the game with

The RN to make ends meet were forced to run corporate golfing holidays days.


"Sir, I realise you were seconded to the RAF and during your time you learnt the value of hides to disguise the location of the Harriers, but believe me, this plan is simply not going to work."


6th Feb 2012, 23:26
Let's just go with Fox 3's pic. I was in the chair just a couple of weeks ago, so I'm not throwing my teddy just yet.

BTW - we had this pic before, March 2007. I'll enter the same caption:

"Master-At-Arms, whoever painted that f***ing great "H" on MY golf course, I want his balls in a jar on my desk by sundown."

Buster Hyman
7th Feb 2012, 01:54
"Call the ball!"
"Err...ok...Titleist 5...Titleist 5...where are you Titleist 5?"

7th Feb 2012, 02:29
Oh Strewth! Should I Trap or not?

7th Feb 2012, 03:45
USS Abe Lincoln sneaks through the Straits disguised as the Muscat Golf and Country Club back nine.

7th Feb 2012, 06:30
In an insane attempt to outdo his rival course designers Greg Norman thought, You'll need more than just a "bridge" to get to this "island" green!

7th Feb 2012, 06:55
"Nice bit of Photoshopping, Hoskins, but converting Ark Royal to a floating country club isn't a viable proposal in the middle of a recession".

Buster Hyman
7th Feb 2012, 07:18
"...and for a laugh, we turn her into the wind when they get to the Par 3!"

7th Feb 2012, 10:52
"I say! You Yanks are into this "Bird Farm" thing aren't you?"

7th Feb 2012, 11:18
" This is the captain speaking, it has been brought to my attention several members of the crew are insisting on using the old fashioned head, please desist as you are killing off my grass."

Canadian WokkaDoctor
7th Feb 2012, 11:27
With the flight deck converted to a golf course, the upper decks transformed into a country club and a 5-level gay nightclub below decks; the former HMS Prince of Wales still upholds the finest traditions of the RN!


7th Feb 2012, 12:05
No Hoskins you can't straighten up.....that was the Captains favourite ball and he is not leaving until he finds it in the water hazard.

7th Feb 2012, 21:51
Jeez, Gregs sliced it again, "Hard a port" we will get him finally on the green.

8th Feb 2012, 06:55
XO ... when I said "sod it" ... I was speaking figuratively !

8th Feb 2012, 07:17
Captain: "Hoskins, what do you mean, 'we've got a leak'??!!! Where from exactly?"

Hoskins: "Difficult to tell Sir, but it definitely looks as though we have a mole on board."


8th Feb 2012, 10:12
Two greens sir, but it just doesn't feel right

Buster Hyman
8th Feb 2012, 10:51
"Well, that's very kind of you to try & entice Arnold Palmer on board, but I actually said that after all this time at sea, Mrs Palmer will enjoy a break"

simon brown
8th Feb 2012, 12:30
.."Yes Minister , I know ..

Cost overruns ..yes Minister..yes but..

With the greatest of respect Minister you did intimate you want our surface fleet to be greener...

..No minister I dont know how much its going to cost to re design the JSF so it can land on grass..

..new lawn mower contract with Qualcast i dont know how much thats going to cost the taxpayer either we havent looked into that yet Minister.

..well of course we'll have to employ groundsmen to fill in the divots after the pilots land?..then theres the watering...and the marquee isnt where it should be besides we havent had planning permission for it yet..

..no no of course there wont be a public right of access, you cant imagine a 16wheeled JSF landing on your picnic now can you..

.Thats a good idea Minister you could sell it to the Americans, afterall we sold our Harrier fleet to them and I know they can operate on grass..problem solved..well obviously we'll have to cut the grass first and tidy up the borders..

..thankyou very much minister i'll look forward to my bonus, very gracious of you"

8th Feb 2012, 15:46
A Flymo sales delegation is recalled from a Trade Mission to the Gulf when someone spots a flaw in the marketing plan :cool:

D John
8th Feb 2012, 17:01
When the USS Ronald Reagan was launched the navy didn't realise that the ex-president expected to move in and spend his retirement aboard ship!



10th Feb 2012, 00:37
Judging 1900Z Friday, as we can't have cap com on page 2.

Ooh, that was a neat trick for getting it back on page 1.

10th Feb 2012, 13:57
Hey Guys;
Bermuda just called - they want their Island back!

Buster Hyman
10th Feb 2012, 14:12
Well yes, creating fake towns to deceive bombers & recon flights did work during the war...but they never went to sea Hoskins...

10th Feb 2012, 16:23
News flash

A News of the World Exclusive
400 Royal Navy personal to be arrested attempting to smuggle 200 tons of grass into the UK

An exclusive from our undercover reporter monitoring Navy phone conversations

10th Feb 2012, 17:59
Third Place


"Dear Mom - the Navy sent sent me on this Lynx course. It's quite challenging, but give it a few more days and I think I'll be OK..."

Second Place

Simon Brown (with the frighteningly realistic)

.."Yes Minister , I know ..

Cost overruns ..yes Minister..yes but..

With the greatest of respect Minister you did intimate you want our surface fleet to be greener...

..No minister I dont know how much its going to cost to re design the JSF so it can land on grass..

..new lawn mower contract with Qualcast i dont know how much thats going to cost the taxpayer either we havent looked into that yet Minister.

..well of course we'll have to employ groundsmen to fill in the divots after the pilots land?..then theres the watering...and the marquee isnt where it should be besides we havent had planning permission for it yet..

..no no of course there wont be a public right of access, you cant imagine a 16wheeled JSF landing on your picnic now can you..

.Thats a good idea Minister you could sell it to the Americans, after all we sold our Harrier fleet to them and I know they can operate on grass..problem solved..well obviously we'll have to cut the grass first and tidy up the borders..

..thank you very much minister i'll look forward to my bonus, very gracious of you"

and this week's winner is....


"Two greens sir, but it just doesn't feel right "

10th Feb 2012, 19:39
But it has 3 :sad:


11th Feb 2012, 21:54
Much honoured. Hopefully this one hasn't been used before. Judging next Friday unless interest runs out of steam beforehand.

(for them's that's interested, this is at HMAS Nirimba)

11th Feb 2012, 22:30
Beags and crew doing a conversion course onto their Squadron's new Transport.

Buster Hyman
11th Feb 2012, 23:58

12th Feb 2012, 02:35
"Ok Gentlemen, as you know we are coming to the end of your IOT course, and therefore it is time for us to fill you with hot air, who would like to go first?"

12th Feb 2012, 02:37
This was not what Pilot Officer Scroggins had I'm mind when the boss said, "Ok guys, let's take an early bath on Friday and all go out and get steaming."

12th Feb 2012, 02:43
The RAF desperate to keep some of the old Sqdns alive transfer 66 Sqn's plate to a Foden seen here at the Sqdn's reformation and hopes no one will notice.

12th Feb 2012, 02:46
Well it looks like a Wessex, it smells like a Wessex, then by God it must be a ....

Buster Hyman
12th Feb 2012, 04:42
1919: Red Arrows first display.

12th Feb 2012, 08:49
Stuffing bodies into a Mini doesn't work quite the same in the steam-punk era

12th Feb 2012, 09:05
MOD procurement department, after the usual delay, releases details of new aircrew transport vehicle.

12th Feb 2012, 10:13
Yep ... variable noise f**k all thrust !

12th Feb 2012, 10:13
"Right, hold tight lads - I'm just turning up the turbo half a notch..."

Runaway Gun
12th Feb 2012, 10:17
"Only another 420kts till I call Rotate..."

12th Feb 2012, 10:29
Slight over exuberance by CFS Trappers on a recent standards check ride !

12th Feb 2012, 11:42
Cap'n Riker, she cannae take much more.

12th Feb 2012, 12:28
Hoskins, Jones ... you're going to need to "flap" harder if we're to get this bucket of rivets off the ground.

12th Feb 2012, 12:51
Drunken joyriding on the SWO's pride and joy was going to cost them dearly...

12th Feb 2012, 13:24
Defence cuts meant 66 (AD) course had to do their Practice Intercepts on traction engines, although it did make the Supersonics a lot easier.

12th Feb 2012, 14:21
"we are never going to get up any speed if you two keep sticking your arms out as airbrakes."

12th Feb 2012, 14:55
Redundant Nimrod crews dispondant at their new mounts soon cheered up when they realised they had facilities onboard for a constant supply of hot pies.

Buster Hyman
12th Feb 2012, 20:32
Guy front left: "Right. Water's boiled...who wants a cuppa?"

12th Feb 2012, 21:42
"Get on to MT Control immediately, Hoskins, and tell them we want something better for a crew bus".

13th Feb 2012, 07:04
As the date of the first Grand Prix of 2012 approached, some teams were still struggling to understand the aerodynamics of their car, and decided that they needed more engineers to study the problem

Rather be Gardening
13th Feb 2012, 07:49
Alex Salmond decides not to tell the rest of the SNP just yet that while they now had ownership of the trainset, so to speak, there wasn't a lot of it.

13th Feb 2012, 08:46
After the England full-back gifted the opposition a couple of soft tries on Saturday, new coach Stuart Lancaster decide that a change of sponsored car would send the appropriate disciplinary message

13th Feb 2012, 11:49
Ahh.. the smell of Chestnuts roasting on an open fire... ahh arrhhhhh arrrghhhhh arrrrgggghhhhh, Sh*t that's hot..

13th Feb 2012, 12:26
Due to budget cuts the passing out parade flypast at Cranwell was going to be even lower and slower than normal

13th Feb 2012, 20:51
"Oh dear" said the captain.

"Forgot to check the crew list before we set off ....too many Nav's again!"

Runaway Gun
14th Feb 2012, 00:44
"Feel those V squares hitting against your open palm boys? That's the famous Two knot breast!"

Krystal n chips
14th Feb 2012, 05:26
The Shackleton O.C.U. was noted for it's innovative simulator training....


Sadly, when M.o.D Procurement placed an order with F. Dibnah Transport they missed the vehicle spec in the small print...

15th Feb 2012, 06:29
Last call for entries...

Buster Hyman
15th Feb 2012, 10:39
The "Scrap & Buy back" scheme for the HMS Ark Royal was disappointing.

16th Feb 2012, 09:20
This judging business is harder than one thinks, however:


Yep ... variable noise f**k all thrust !

Runner-up (though at the speed of the Foden that doesn't require much running):

Drunken joyriding on the SWO's pride and joy was going to cost them dearly..

Winning this round:

"Right, hold tight lads - I'm just turning up the turbo half a notch..." :ok:

16th Feb 2012, 09:31
http://S3700018 (http://pjsavillebradshaw.webs.com/)

16th Feb 2012, 09:42
Many thanks Oceanz - I thought that last one was beginning to run out of steam... :E


Lets try this one:


Think this will be quick, so judging on Sunday evening GMT :ok:

16th Feb 2012, 10:25
Ok lads, the RSM wants Crunchy Nuts for breakfast and that's just what he'll get

Buster Hyman
16th Feb 2012, 10:36
Upholding the tradition of the Sir Walter Raleigh Regiment....


Screw this chivalry lark, she's in pants!

16th Feb 2012, 10:46
The Air Force fly over "it" ... The Navy sail round "it" ... but the Army still insist on lying in "it" ... so pleased to see traditions are being preserved :E

16th Feb 2012, 11:10
Private Scroggins was determine that in future he would go private to get his ischuria treated instead of relying on British Army medical treatment.


"So you bunch thought I was extracting the p*ss, well Gentlemen, this IS extracting the p*ss".


16th Feb 2012, 11:32
'Of course there is no favouritism here'.....The colonel was pleased to quote as his daughter went through basic training

16th Feb 2012, 11:34
The "Preparation for marriage course" starts off with the easy phase of training.

Buster Hyman
16th Feb 2012, 11:48
She barely noticed the speed humps, much to the troops' disappointment.

Runaway Gun
16th Feb 2012, 12:11
The squad quickly regretted talking her into playing watersports.

Rather be Gardening
16th Feb 2012, 12:51
"Yes guys, I'm wearing stilettos. And unless someone owns up to widdling inside the tent last night, I'm going to do a little tap-dance next".

16th Feb 2012, 13:04
To the guy in the middle ... "Where's your helmet soldier ?" :E

16th Feb 2012, 13:51
"This female superior position crap makes me feel dirty!"

16th Feb 2012, 19:48
"Did someone just follow through? :yuk: "

16th Feb 2012, 20:25
So which of you guys is Walter Raleigh?

16th Feb 2012, 22:14
Brace yourselves guys, big berthas coming next.

16th Feb 2012, 23:24
The words of the troop sergeant rang in their ears "Right lads, who's up for a dirty weekend?"

17th Feb 2012, 03:51
I thought Officers got promoted by climbing on the backs of their troops?

Arm out the window
17th Feb 2012, 05:43
"Right, you men lie down to make a human dam wall, and we'll reinforce that with a dyke running along the top."

17th Feb 2012, 07:27
So now you know what happens when we run out of sand bags ...

17th Feb 2012, 07:53
Auditions for the re-release of The Bodyguard were on track and on budget

17th Feb 2012, 10:33
RSM: Glad I finally found a use for all you planks!

17th Feb 2012, 12:17
The Cranwell DS just hadn't got the hang of how to do a river crossing.

Big Pistons Forever
17th Feb 2012, 14:50
The Recruits thought the DS was kidding whe she said "if you keep goofing off I am going to walk all over you "


How did the chick(en) get to the other side of the road ?

17th Feb 2012, 18:58
Are you sure it was a good idea to give Officer Cadet Nancy Sinatra this exercise to lead?

17th Feb 2012, 19:11
"Well, Minister, the RAFCAM annual budget doesn't run to individual echocardiographic investigations nowadays. So we do this instead. It's a bit rough and ready but it seems to work".

Buster Hyman
17th Feb 2012, 22:14
"...and she's cli-im-bing her stair-air-way...to Wrexham...."

Big Pistons Forever
17th Feb 2012, 22:58
"...and she's cli-im-bing her stair-air-way...to Wrexham...."

I think we have a WIIIINNNAAIR ! :D:ok::}

18th Feb 2012, 18:08
Some good ones, but is that it already?! A quick shudder and it's all over...?

Last call for entries; judging tomoz http://i851.photobucket.com/albums/ab71/prooner/judge.gif

18th Feb 2012, 18:23
Men are like carpets,

lay them properly the first time and you can walk all over them for years

18th Feb 2012, 19:51
See.. By getting them with all different tonal values and stamping on their plums, I can play them like one of those fancy tap dancing keyboards you see on TV

19th Feb 2012, 04:53
Kate ... when you said "let's play pontoon lads" ... this isn't quite what we had in mind !

19th Feb 2012, 05:23
One minute they're shouting for equality, the next minute they don't want to get their trainers wet.......


19th Feb 2012, 18:15
Judging time!

In 3rd place is NutLoose with: Private Scroggins was determine that in future he would go private to get his ischuria treated instead of relying on British Army medical treatment.

Runner up is Buster's:
"...and she's cli-im-bing her stair-air-way...to Wrexham...."

Winner this time is CoffmanStarter, with:
Kate ... when you said "let's play pontoon lads" ... this isn't quite what we had in mind !

Well done CoffmanStarter - take it away!! http://i851.photobucket.com/albums/ab71/prooner/number1-smiley.gif

19th Feb 2012, 18:55
Thanks TTB ... my first time on the winners podium :eek:

Hope this offering works for everyones creative juices !

Judging this coming Thursday 19:00z followed by tea and medals shortly thereafter ...


Kind regards ...


19th Feb 2012, 19:02
You'll never get fighter pilots to wear that, Sir. Shades won't fit:cool:

Buster Hyman
19th Feb 2012, 19:17
Resistance is futile.....

Cows getting bigger
19th Feb 2012, 19:24
Does my head look big in this?

19th Feb 2012, 19:29
The Irish Air Corps Research Branch reckoned if British Apaches were the Bee's using Monocles....the Duplex Monocle would be just the ticket!

19th Feb 2012, 19:41
Help! Help! I've gone blind.

========== or ===========

You think YOU'VE got cataracts!

19th Feb 2012, 20:58
Looks interesting Mr Fox-Talbot! Can you tell us why you've called it camera obscura?

19th Feb 2012, 21:14
"And you want £100k for a 20% stake?! It's a great idea - you can watch porn, it detects the missus approaching from any angle, BUT it doesn't dispense cold beer and for that reason, I'm out..."

19th Feb 2012, 21:44
RAF trial cybersex for the troops..


" Yes Sir it converts your brain waves into an image and projects it onto the screen..... Errr hang on Sir, we seem to have a problem, nothing is coming through"


Redundant RAF Navigators are now being actively recruited to work on Google Street.


"Ok Sir, that's the helmet fitted, we just need to add the glove to monitor heart rate and perspiration, then insert the rectal probe to measure Sphincter Flutter and we are done".


"And the visor fits where?..... ahhhh"

Runaway Gun
19th Feb 2012, 22:22
Jenkins went to extreme lengths to prevent the Boss noticing that he forgot to shave that morning.

19th Feb 2012, 22:28
If you want to fully engage with the twitterati you have to engage with them fully!

19th Feb 2012, 22:45
"It is really built from several xbox controllers and runs on a cut down chinese copy of windows 95, ohh the carbon fibre trim, that we added to make it look expensive so we could justify the 250 k price per unit".

20th Feb 2012, 00:25
Introducing this Halloweens hot item

''Franken Pilot''

20th Feb 2012, 00:40
"I was made in Germany for the boxheads originally"


"It's the new ACARS, Automatic Crewman Aural Response System, basically it works like that old toy GI Joe system where you pulled a string out of it's back and it spouted out commands, on this version, you punch the buttons on his head and he says stuff like, How many sugars do you want Boss? or Yes Sir no problem or can I carry your bags Sir, a really useful piece of kit, this is the Mk2 version with the enlarged blinkers.."

Big Pistons Forever
20th Feb 2012, 00:40
One Cadet Pilot to another.

"When they said Instructor Pilots had eyes in the back of their heads I thought they were kidding"

Buster Hyman
20th Feb 2012, 02:03
"Well done Luke. You've just taken your first steps into a larger world!"

20th Feb 2012, 03:06
The Daily Star classifieds had previously disappointed Bloggs, with his $20 investment on x-ray specs, but whilst his latest set had cost a little more, early results were promising.
