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13th Apr 2017, 20:02
Your right, it is like a seashell except all I can hear is a Nimrod in cruise

13th Apr 2017, 20:23
"My pet budgie's got in here !"

13th Apr 2017, 20:26
And from that day forth, his name was "FOD".

14th Apr 2017, 06:40
Sorry Dr FOD - there's still no sign of Ms Wayward Body.

14th Apr 2017, 07:24
Pilot Report: "Plank in number one engine"

14th Apr 2017, 09:02
No, no silica gel packs up here

14th Apr 2017, 09:08
Apparently one of the blades is rubbing. I'll start it up, you see which one it is, and put a bit of chalk on it.

14th Apr 2017, 18:16
"I'm sure I left my spanner somewhere about here !"

14th Apr 2017, 18:43
Do we still need to file a bird strike report? I'm pretty sure it's a bloke...

Big Pistons Forever
14th Apr 2017, 18:53
Ahhh, Mr Bloggs, I see you have applied to become an Air Force mechanic. A word of advice, get another picture to put on your resume.......

Big Pistons Forever
14th Apr 2017, 18:55
The United Board of Directors wishes to announce that Mr Munez has chosen to be reassigned to a position better suited to his talents......

14th Apr 2017, 18:56
Smoothie Operation for Pilot's breakfeast since galley blender broke.

Big Pistons Forever
14th Apr 2017, 18:57
I give up ! What do I do with that idiot ?

Well I hear there are 3 openings in the Chicago Airport Police Department.....

14th Apr 2017, 22:43
All he was asked to do was count the blades, too much like counting sheep by the look of it.

14th Apr 2017, 23:26
The sound of the whirling blades reminded Sledge of his Mum's Cake Mixer and how he got to lick the blades.....sadly he was about to become the makings of a Meat Pie.

15th Apr 2017, 00:08
As a redneck, Bubba was used to road-kill stew, he wondered if air-kill pigeon pie tasted any sweeter: I guess he will never find out.

15th Apr 2017, 04:08
After the demands of the National Curriculum that maths should "become more like real life",other school subjects follow, and gym equipment is redesigned.

Here a student is lifting his chest off the floor by stretching his hands towards his feet.

Note how the hi-viz jacket and heavy-duty trousers and boots are more realistic than traditional gym kit.

Penny Washers
15th Apr 2017, 09:05
Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance did not seem to adapt very well to jet engine work.

And Joe's Tai Chi positions were never going to get him out of the air intake again.

Perhaps he should try some yogic flying with reverse thrust?

15th Apr 2017, 12:12
"I dunno what came over me !"

15th Apr 2017, 12:16
"The Captain told me to lie here to see if his new First Officer would spot me on his walk-around !"

15th Apr 2017, 12:21
....now if this photo was paired with the one of the bloke peering down the tailpipe...

Tailpipe "Can you see it?"
Fanblade "Nope...not yet...shine your torch a little to the left"
Tailpipe "OK......is that any better?"
Fanblade "Erm...nope...I still can't find my toasted cheese sandwich"
Tailpipe "Well how long did you cook it for?"
Fanblade "Oh about 45 seconds"
Tailpipe "Well there you go then...it will be ashes by now and blown out the back here....try again and cook for 10 seconds next time"

Pontius Navigator
15th Apr 2017, 13:48
"Yes, when the sh^t the fan the bypass keeps it out of the works, I can see that now"

15th Apr 2017, 14:53
Lowly "other ranks" assume the correct position as the Captain does his rounds.

15th Apr 2017, 15:03
F/O "Sir...I know that engine had a little birdstike last flight, you really don't have to kiss it better"

Buster Hyman
15th Apr 2017, 22:54
I said show him the cowling, not cowering!

16th Apr 2017, 07:57
Judging time will be this evening, more or less.....do your worst, you naughty lot! :E :D

And Happy Easter everyone!

Pontius Navigator
16th Apr 2017, 08:50
The new super large bypass fans needed to pass a more robust test than frozen chickens

16th Apr 2017, 09:43
"Frozen Chicken my ar*e. This one's a real turkey!"

16th Apr 2017, 21:28
It's OK, the liney is wearing his "remove before flight" tag.

17th Apr 2017, 02:48
Buster was over the Moon when he heard he was going to meet a big Fan!

Buster Hyman
17th Apr 2017, 04:27
Well blow me down...

Pontius Navigator
17th Apr 2017, 06:09
Come on sunshine, suck it up

17th Apr 2017, 06:49
Bloggs hoped that the squeeze, bang and blow would be more enjoyable.

17th Apr 2017, 08:10
Alright chaps, it's judging time.
Honorable mentions:

-ShyTorque with:
Pilot Report: "Plank in number one engine"

-Big Pistons Forever
I give up ! What do I do with that idiot ?

Well I hear there are 3 openings in the Chicago Airport Police Department.....

And the CFS Trophy goes to....

Why can't we use frozen chickens like everyone else?

Well done, everyone! :D:D

On a side note, I'd like to ask the Mods to let our esteemed member Nutloose back in. CapCom just ain't the same without him.

17th Apr 2017, 12:25
Blimey, what an honour! The Coffman Starter Trophy now has pride of place on my mantlepiece...

See what you can do with this one (courtesy of a well-know global mapping website:

Bonus points to anyone who can work out where this rather unusual aircraft was spotted.

17th Apr 2017, 12:30
The downsizing of the airline industry continues apace!

17th Apr 2017, 12:36
After the first departure attempt the experiment using velcro as a fastening system was declared only a partial success.

Buster Hyman
17th Apr 2017, 12:51
Irans new stealth jetliner unveiled.

On a side note, I'd like to ask the Mods to let our esteemed member Nutloose back in. CapCom just ain't the same without him.
Hang on...what have I missed???

17th Apr 2017, 13:28
I seems Capt Bloggins has stumbled upon a wormhole!

17th Apr 2017, 13:32
"Uh, Mr Ford, please phone the tower. This time you're really in trouble..."

Nutty got banned a week or two back...:{ Dunno why...

Buster Hyman
17th Apr 2017, 13:42
Breezy Jet.

Ok, ta.

17th Apr 2017, 13:45
Nutty! As we all have!

Irans new stealth jetliner unveiled.

Hang on...what have I missed???

17th Apr 2017, 14:48
Hoskins, I told you that choosing the alternate in Area 51 was a bad idea....

Pontius Navigator
17th Apr 2017, 14:51
The new USAF Tanker in the half finished cloak of invisibility paint

Pontius Navigator
17th Apr 2017, 14:54
Kim Fat Uns aerospace industry demonstrates their invisible paint scheme, sadly it wasn't ready for Uns surprise celebration party.

17th Apr 2017, 14:58
How are those USAF drivers find the tanker now?
They could barely spot it when it was highly visible...

Buster Hyman
17th Apr 2017, 15:03
Tired of smart arsed Twitter comments, Boeing reveal Trumps budget Air Force One!

Monarch Man
17th Apr 2017, 15:25
Ok sir..that's fine, now cover the other eye....

Aww **** now I know why the inviso paint Del Boy was selling was half price...

"Why are we taxiing in circles?"

17th Apr 2017, 15:36
The pilot is a wing commander - they don't trust him with the whole aeroplane!

17th Apr 2017, 15:56
The Bird in a Biplane strikes again ?

17th Apr 2017, 16:05
Denver International Airport (KDEN) ??

17th Apr 2017, 16:09
"United apologises, but the front end and left wing of the aircraft was required to fly a standby crew to another location."

17th Apr 2017, 16:10
"Cloaking device malfunction. Cloaking device malfunction......"

17th Apr 2017, 16:11
British Airways makes further cuts to its European service standards.

Penny Washers
17th Apr 2017, 16:32
Pilot to Co-pilot:

"Hey, Bud, which planet are you on?"

17th Apr 2017, 17:24
"Hoskins, you've got the chop !"

17th Apr 2017, 17:35
"I think you overdid the split-arse turn, Hoskins...."

Pontius Navigator
17th Apr 2017, 17:44

The build was going well, only another 480 issues from buildyourowna330.co.uk

Pontius Navigator
17th Apr 2017, 17:45
There was a slight delay in building as Amazon was later delivering the 3D ink

Pontius Navigator
17th Apr 2017, 17:51
After an unscheduled overnight stop at John Lennon Airport the crew realised airport security left something to be desired.

17th Apr 2017, 19:23
"Keep the trim hard over ... she'll go."

BTW [again] ... KDEN

17th Apr 2017, 19:25
"Captain! Captain!!! Where are you?"

17th Apr 2017, 19:26
The Iranian Air Force carelessly revealed their new semi-stealth bomber.

17th Apr 2017, 19:39
Current ructions in the airline industry split responsibility for the aircraft between the Captain and the Purser. It's not long before an unforeseen consequence occurs.

17th Apr 2017, 20:03
The merging of Ikea with Airbus had some unforeseen consequences.

Pontius Navigator
17th Apr 2017, 20:51
The 3D printer was half baked again

17th Apr 2017, 21:13
"Your Honor, my client respectfully submits that no passengers were de-boarded."

17th Apr 2017, 21:55
The leasing company just called. Apparently we are behind in our payments!

17th Apr 2017, 22:34
"Hoskins, how many times must I tell you not to set the cockpit clock to a new time zone till we're on the stand?"

18th Apr 2017, 00:22
Qantas insisted they had not suffered a hull loss, as there was still 51% remaining.

18th Apr 2017, 00:23
Cactus 123, hold short of Taxiway Bravo, give way to the A380 on your........oh never mind.

18th Apr 2017, 00:27
While Airbus construction methods relied on prompt delivery of various modules from individual suppliers, in this case, airline delivery schedules had been a tad optimistic.

18th Apr 2017, 00:32
When you said we operated on a wing and a prayer, I thought you meant metaphorically.

18th Apr 2017, 00:37
Blohm and Voss were still coming to grips with airliner design.

The Nr Fairy
18th Apr 2017, 07:45
Well to be fair, it wasn't visible when we were on the ground and looking at it from the right viewpoint...

18th Apr 2017, 09:14
Ladies and Gentlemen in rows 14 to 65...I apologise for the slightly firm landing.....as soon as I run over to your part of the plane I will get you all to the terminal.
..And thank you for flying EasyJet...we value your custom!

18th Apr 2017, 09:38
"Did you carry out a pre-flight external, Co?"

"Nope - I am going to wing it!"

Penny Washers
18th Apr 2017, 09:59
"Just in time" manufacturing methods can sometimes give rise to problems.

However, a spokesman said that he was entirely confident that the flight would be departing on schedule.

18th Apr 2017, 11:11
The procurement office had not realised that the BOGOF offer had expired the day before the contract was signed.

18th Apr 2017, 11:40
I knew we should not have built an airport which straddles the International date line!

18th Apr 2017, 11:46
It's not Philadelphia airport, by any chance?

Buster Hyman
18th Apr 2017, 12:11
Were the Lithium-ion batteries in the forward hold?

Pontius Navigator
18th Apr 2017, 13:06
Captain - Scotty, the Iridium crystals canna take it, we'll havta cut the power before she blows

Buster Hyman
18th Apr 2017, 13:23
Och! Now the wee Transporter beam cannae take it!!!

18th Apr 2017, 16:22
"I blame the White Ants !"

18th Apr 2017, 16:25
"You should never have let little Johnnie get hold of that hacksaw !"

18th Apr 2017, 16:56
I say again ... KDEN :)

18th Apr 2017, 17:40
BAE delivering to budget and reminded MOD that specs never said plane would fly.

18th Apr 2017, 18:21
I say again ... KDEN :)
Nope. The same website (name rhymes with "Frugal Caps") does show some very spooky ghost aircraft at KDEN, but thay all appear to be complete.

Not Philadelphia either :)

18th Apr 2017, 19:33
"This is Las Vegas McCarran Operations. A complaint has been received that you violated the airspace over Area 51 on your approach to the airfield....."

18th Apr 2017, 20:03
"It's a perfectly logical solution. Prince Charles wanted to fly in a tanker to Somalia, and the Prime Minister wanted to fly in a tanker to Jordan."

Dan Gerous
18th Apr 2017, 20:20
Say again tower, we were cut off.

Pontius Navigator
18th Apr 2017, 20:39
Gordon: Any word on that flight yet?
Airport Info: Yes sir, she landed safely after she was attacked and fired on by Kim Fat Wun. She came in on one wing and a prayer

18th Apr 2017, 21:13
I told you those laser-pointers are getting a touch too powerful.

18th Apr 2017, 21:48
Telling Staish can't be in 2 F****** places at once proved my undoing., he showed me how its done, size 10s applied can hurt.

18th Apr 2017, 21:49
Untied Airlines at work.

19th Apr 2017, 01:42
Stealth Technology takes an in year budget cut...

Big Pistons Forever
19th Apr 2017, 03:18
Bloggs why are you surprised ? This is a British Airline and like Britain 52 % voted to leave and 48% voted to remain...

Big Pistons Forever
19th Apr 2017, 03:19
The Airplane like BPF, only got an honorable mention.....

Big Pistons Forever
19th Apr 2017, 03:20
Well it was Trumps idea but he got bored and lost interest before it was finished.....

Buster Hyman
19th Apr 2017, 03:54
Is that part of Trumps fleet 'steaming to N. Korea'???

19th Apr 2017, 09:11
Accountants come up with a plan to cut aircraft costs by 50% and flight crew costs by 100%.

Monarch Man
19th Apr 2017, 09:18
If Calsburg made aeroplanes.....

Ascend Charlie
19th Apr 2017, 09:51
You people are so cruel - it's just an airplane with Special Needs.

Dan Gerous
19th Apr 2017, 10:06
United Airlines. If we want you off, you're gone.

19th Apr 2017, 12:20
It proved impossible to release Dr. Dao's grip on the arm rests, so drastic measures were employed.

Burnt Fishtrousers
19th Apr 2017, 12:28
Airbus post Brexit :suspect:

Buster Hyman
19th Apr 2017, 12:32
How the Langoliers should have ended.

Cows getting bigger
19th Apr 2017, 13:38
Google Earth reveals that airports paint tarmac in order to inflate aircraft movement statistics.

19th Apr 2017, 13:42
Not Philadelphia either :)

Just an experiment.....

19th Apr 2017, 14:01
"Well, it was all there the last time I looked !"

19th Apr 2017, 14:04
"Funny - my hubcaps disappeared in just the same way last week"

19th Apr 2017, 15:30
Well they left half of it, so I'm quite confident we're NOT in Nigeria!

19th Apr 2017, 15:39
"They'll be back for the rest tomorrow night !"

19th Apr 2017, 15:40
Some great captions, Mrs P has been wondering what all the laughing is about; this is going to be a hard one to call.

Final verdict, and the reveal of where in Europe this ground-breaking single-engine airliner is being tested, tomorrow evening.

19th Apr 2017, 16:08
"It's the "Wufus" plane - it goes round in ever-decreasing circles until it vanishes up its own @rseole !"

Pontius Navigator
19th Apr 2017, 17:13

Don't you think the drag reduction program was too aggressive at the expense of lift?

19th Apr 2017, 18:35
"Right. That's got rid of the Captain. Ouch, where's my left arm?"

19th Apr 2017, 20:24
There's an Iberia A340 at Bordeaux with the same treatment - and if you look in Streetview, its fuselage has been sliced as well.

20th Apr 2017, 07:14
The new Boeing B368.5 taxies out for it's maiden flight.

20th Apr 2017, 07:16
When initiating breakaway thrust Hoskins, next time go a little easier on the left throttle.

20th Apr 2017, 18:08
"I think it's something to do with the Bermuda Triangle !"

20th Apr 2017, 18:22
Judging time once again. In case anyone's interested (which I rather doubt), the aircraft was spotted at Calgliari (CAG). In a further mysterious twist, at some point during the last 24 hours it has disappeared without trace...

I'm afraid there's insufficient space to acknowledge all the captions that had me sniggering, but my personal highlights included:

Danny42C winning a self-piloted trip to the Bermuda Triangle:
"They'll be back for the rest tomorrow night !"

Buster Hyman winning a flight on the redeye to Boston:
"Irans new stealth jetliner unveiled."

Pontius Navigator winning a free standby flight on United Airlines:
"The build was going well, only another 480 issues from buildyourowna330.co.uk"

Dan Gerous winning a one-way trip to Area 51:
"Say again tower, we were cut off."

The CFS Trophy goes to Andytug with:
"United apologises, but the front end and left wing of the aircraft was required to fly a standby crew to another location."

Andy, you have control...

20th Apr 2017, 18:45
<applause> to Andytug

Signing out for a few days. It seem some medical fellow want to cut a hole in my belly. Back on Monday, I hope ;)

20th Apr 2017, 19:38
Couldn't have gone to a more worthy recipient !

20th Apr 2017, 20:51
Thanks all - and if my phone is co-operative, here's your next starter for ten...

Penny Washers
20th Apr 2017, 21:02
Some spaghetti connoisseurs will go to ridiculous lengths to ensure that their spaghetti is delivered in its natural uncut 'straight off the tree' form.

20th Apr 2017, 21:09
Think flying this Sucker is hard....wait till you have to taxi her!

20th Apr 2017, 21:10
Get dragged off this one and you will be worn slap out!

Buster Hyman
20th Apr 2017, 22:26
Captain. I know you don't like to associate with our Economy passengers, but this is getting out of hand!

21st Apr 2017, 00:56
Cannondale's attempt to diversify into the aircraft industry was a little ambitious, especially as they based their first model design on a tandem rather than a solo.

21st Apr 2017, 01:02
Where the other half of the A330 turned up.

21st Apr 2017, 02:13
It's configured as completely 1st Class. Apparently they object to sitting next to any other passenger.

21st Apr 2017, 02:18
Captain: Take over Jim, I'm just going for a stroll back to the Guards Van to see how the conductors are. I shouldn't be more than an hour or so.

21st Apr 2017, 06:51
"Of course, this is just the prototype. Production aircraft will have a curved fuselage to cope with the new circular runways they're advocating..."

21st Apr 2017, 07:36
Revealed,all the bits Google Earth have been nicking.

Pontius Navigator
21st Apr 2017, 07:52
Of course this is the prototype, the old diehards insistence on wings, engines etc. The next phase will be much, much longer so you will be able to walk from departures to arrivals without the inconvenience of cramped seating and cardboard sandwiches.

21st Apr 2017, 07:56
ATC: "After landing, which turnoff would you prefer?"

Pilot: "All of 'em!"

21st Apr 2017, 08:23
Please can someone call the design office, and explain that's not what we mean by "long haul"?

21st Apr 2017, 08:30
The design for the new Air Force One was quickly adapted to accommodate President Trump's ever expanding "Pinocchio" nose.

21st Apr 2017, 09:18
Viagra airways maiden flight!

21st Apr 2017, 10:01
"...and our cabin crews are fully qualified on roller skates..."

21st Apr 2017, 11:16
"I think someone's been pulling its leg !"

21st Apr 2017, 11:20
"Well, I've heard of stretched fuselages, but this is ridiculous !"

21st Apr 2017, 11:33
If you're lucky and the flight is long enough your meal in steerage will get served but will be cold.

Buster Hyman
21st Apr 2017, 11:33

"What the hell was that?"
"Don't know, but ATC said something about 'expedite'...do you know what that means?"

21st Apr 2017, 11:35
"What's it like to fly a long thing like this ?" ..... "Dunno, really - I just fly the front end and the rest follows on behind !" :ugh:

(said by Bill Pegg, Chief Test Pilot of the Bristol Aviation Company, after landing the "Brabazon" on its first flight in 1950 (?)

21st Apr 2017, 11:42
"They tried the tandem wing idea in the "Flying Flea" in the Thirties - didn't work too well !"

21st Apr 2017, 11:46
"Your First Officer looks knackered - what's the matter with him ?" ...... "He's just done the walk around !"

21st Apr 2017, 11:48
"Its mother was frightened by a dachshund !"

21st Apr 2017, 12:08
Ryanair take advantage of a long-forgotten law allowing discounted landing fees for biplanes.

21st Apr 2017, 12:19
"It's a long story .... !"

21st Apr 2017, 12:39
"Well, we were messing about with this "superglue", and we thought it'd be a bit of a lark ........ !"

21st Apr 2017, 12:43
"We bought one - and got one free !"

21st Apr 2017, 14:11
'Push-me-Pull-you' Airways inaugural flight takes to the air...

21st Apr 2017, 17:05
Well it was an A330 until the cleaners started polishing it with their cloths.

21st Apr 2017, 17:22
"Hoskins - it's not really there - you've been at the LSD again !"

21st Apr 2017, 17:59
Pushing-the-envelope thinking after a Senior Executive mentioned to the design team that an express train is a quarter of a mile long.

21st Apr 2017, 18:08
"We tried to corner the Economy Class market by giving the punters a decent seat pitch length !"

Pontius Navigator
21st Apr 2017, 19:01
The Foreign Secretary was unconvinced and still thought they should have bought Bendy Airbuses.

21st Apr 2017, 19:58
The new BoeinghumpedAirbus flies.

Dan Gerous
21st Apr 2017, 20:17
What goes round comes round. We're back to bi-planes then.

Dan Gerous
21st Apr 2017, 20:21
They're taking the cargo conversions a bit to far

21st Apr 2017, 20:30
That was a hell of a jolt, do you think someone tail ended us? I don't seem to have rudder control.

Pontius Navigator
21st Apr 2017, 20:34
It was the boys' first cut and shut but they didn't get the cut quite right.

21st Apr 2017, 21:44
A380: design sketch version 0.1

21st Apr 2017, 21:46
Now we know where the missing front half of the aircraft in the previous caption comp went...

Buster Hyman
21st Apr 2017, 22:51
After Brexit, the EU told Britain they could only take anything that would fit in one aircraft. Boy are they in for a shock!

21st Apr 2017, 23:08
Harrison Ford parking on the runway...........again

Buster Hyman
22nd Apr 2017, 00:50
John Holmes Air.

Pontius Navigator
22nd Apr 2017, 08:49
A380: design sketch version 0.1
I said do a design SKETCH not a design STRETCH.

22nd Apr 2017, 12:14
"Why bother with a tow cable ? Just stick 'em together !"

22nd Apr 2017, 14:58
The word quickly spreads that, given the typical fitness level of police officers, passengers are safe in the back rows of the plane.

22nd Apr 2017, 15:23
John Holmes Air.Buster, that is very naughty!:ok: (Not a caption)

Pontius Navigator
22nd Apr 2017, 15:28
So, first we had safe life then we had fail safe. Now we have true redundancy for ETPOS, two spare engines and a spare pair of wings.

Monarch Man
22nd Apr 2017, 18:34
Is that a aeroplane? Or are you just happy to see me?

Dan Gerous
22nd Apr 2017, 21:16
Surely you can't be serious?

Yes. And stop calling me Shirley!

Dan Gerous
22nd Apr 2017, 21:20
It's the latest attempt by NK to get a Ballistic Missile to the USA.:eek:

Buster Hyman
23rd Apr 2017, 02:41
Bugger! Every time the Skipper gets excited, I have to re-do the loadsheet!

23rd Apr 2017, 12:16
"I think they're doing a stereo version !"

Dan Gerous
23rd Apr 2017, 12:42
Trump pimps airforce one

Pontius Navigator
23rd Apr 2017, 14:59
Take off checks, attitude, ERECT . . .

Pontius Navigator
23rd Apr 2017, 15:35
Take off checks, attitude, ERECT . . .

23rd Apr 2017, 15:35
We think the drawings must have got jammed in the fax machine...

Penny Washers
23rd Apr 2017, 17:35
The International Dachshund Club has finally got its own dedicated transport.

Bonsai trees will be installed at 30 foot intervals down the main aisle.

23rd Apr 2017, 18:12
Confronted with a strike in their nose and tail factory, Boeing engineers came up with an innovative solution.

23rd Apr 2017, 23:41
Designer - " DAMM- forgot to divide by 2 "

Pontius Navigator
24th Apr 2017, 08:03
Running a cross over production line presented certain issues, not all of which were resolved.

For sale, fully fitted aircraft cockpit for conversion to flight SIM use.

For sale, tail plane empenage, many uses, apply Scroggs Aerospace.

Ascend Charlie
24th Apr 2017, 10:36
In this case, First Class really does arrive before the rest of the yobboes. They are in a different time zone.

Pontius Navigator
24th Apr 2017, 12:55
And of course with this configuration we have the armoured door between first class and cattle.

Buster Hyman
24th Apr 2017, 13:04
After a few Months, Boeing abandoned the idea of using arrestor hooks at major airports...

Pontius Navigator
24th Apr 2017, 16:40
Ok, ok, stop pushing it

24th Apr 2017, 20:34
"It's a case of 'Déjà vu' ...!"

24th Apr 2017, 21:02
Calm down, everybody. These two planes were a good mile apart. There's a small one quite close, and a large one a mile behind it and a bit higher. The small one has a sky-coloured fin.

Buster Hyman
24th Apr 2017, 22:25
I've heard of brown nosing in the airline industry, but this is ridiculous!

Chef Bruz
25th Apr 2017, 21:06
The experimental narrowbody airliner prototype still managed to carry 400 pax, in a single row...

26th Apr 2017, 07:28
Trials to find a replacement for boom AAR were not going well.

Pontius Navigator
26th Apr 2017, 07:41
Air Miles foray into the long haul market lifts off for first time. The next stage to a mile long aircraft is expected next April.

26th Apr 2017, 11:07
Boeing were desperate to sell large aircraft to an airline whose CEO had said they would by widebodies "over his dead body".

26th Apr 2017, 11:55
During the industry slump the sales department figured out how to move more units.

26th Apr 2017, 12:50
We set it up for "just in time" manufacturing, but someone misread the timetables, and wing and fuselage assemblies turned up too often. We didn't have the storage space, so............

26th Apr 2017, 12:55
You know those shows on tv, where after the ad break, they repeat most of what happened prior before moving on? Unfortunately, we hired one of those producers to make our assembly line training videos.

26th Apr 2017, 14:15
Well the Captain and the stewardess are already in the mile high club, so they are trying for the mile long version!

26th Apr 2017, 16:00
I've flown a lot of commercial long-haul, but this is getting silly.

26th Apr 2017, 16:14
"Well, I reckon you can't have too much of a good thing !"

26th Apr 2017, 16:37
"Thai Airways requested a Siamese Twin !"

Pontius Navigator
26th Apr 2017, 17:27
"Is the back end airborne yet?"

26th Apr 2017, 17:39
Sheesh, this is a long flight...

26th Apr 2017, 18:25
"Mains on ! ..... "Which set ?"

Pontius Navigator
26th Apr 2017, 18:33
Remind me again, which is No 2?

26th Apr 2017, 18:36
Google's move into the aerospace industry was widely regarded as being a step too far...

Chef Bruz
26th Apr 2017, 21:07
"So if you sit right in THIS back of the aircraft you get a MUCH longer ride..."

Ascend Charlie
27th Apr 2017, 06:12
This stretch was needed to carry more chemtrail juice, because the stupefaction of the world was taking longer than expected - though Trump's election showed that it IS working.

27th Apr 2017, 13:56
"I know I said 'Close Line Astern', Hoskins - but not so close as that !"

27th Apr 2017, 15:51
It was still unclear which was longer; the aircraft's fuselage, or the latest round of the caption competition...

27th Apr 2017, 17:18
The Cockpit will be in the Boneyard long before the Capcom Judges in Row 419 show up!

27th Apr 2017, 17:54
Well, it seems the natives are getting restless, so the judges decision is......

Honourable Mentions to:

Pasta for "Ryanair take advantage of a long-forgotten law allowing discounted landing fees for biplanes. "

Pontius Navigator for "The Foreign Secretary was unconvinced and still thought they should have bought Bendy Airbuses."

But their slightly left field choice for the CST this time round is....

Penny Washers with "Some spaghetti connoisseurs will go to ridiculous lengths to ensure that their spaghetti is delivered in its natural uncut 'straight off the tree' form."

Penny Washers
27th Apr 2017, 20:41
Well, that was unexpected! Thanks, folks.

Here's a photo - I only hope that the size is about right. If not, can someone re-size it please?

Buster Hyman
27th Apr 2017, 23:10
....umm...the password....right....ummm....hang on....

27th Apr 2017, 23:29
OK, OK, it was me that grounded the ATC fleet...

Buster Hyman
28th Apr 2017, 00:34
In my defence...I didn't think the roundout was that late...

28th Apr 2017, 00:54
So I was a trifle late on judging.....

Buster Hyman
28th Apr 2017, 01:27
All it takes is one prick...

28th Apr 2017, 07:21
"Say you support Corbyn again. I dare you!"

28th Apr 2017, 07:22
"Yes, yes, OK, I had the extra biscuit, can we let it go now, please?

28th Apr 2017, 08:17
United Airlines test their new "Passenger Compliance Procedure".

Pontius Navigator
28th Apr 2017, 09:43
DAMO agreed that there could be a free vote on whether there should be DAC or Pax on the homebound Herc.

Pontius Navigator
28th Apr 2017, 09:46
OK punks, make my day

28th Apr 2017, 10:00
This is how real men shave!

28th Apr 2017, 10:24
Lone civilian hero arrests 50-plus Jihadi fighters.

Chef Bruz
28th Apr 2017, 10:44
You know the penultimate scene scene of the Blues Brothers movie?

It's an 'omage for this...

28th Apr 2017, 11:02
Another Candidate for conversion to Helicopters is notified of his new assignment!

Pontius Navigator
28th Apr 2017, 11:17
"Why me, why is it always me that has to to these jobs?"

"Because you don't have a gun"

Pontius Navigator
28th Apr 2017, 11:54
"OK, I get the point"

28th Apr 2017, 12:15
"All right, so what if I DO read the Guardian?"

Buster Hyman
28th Apr 2017, 12:28
Mike Pence starts to think that being Trumps VP isn't that great a gig after all...

28th Apr 2017, 12:44
Would it help if I said I'm really sorry and I won't do it again?

28th Apr 2017, 12:53
If I duck just as you all pull the triggers, I'll be the only one who gets out alive!

28th Apr 2017, 13:03
US President regrets tweeting that the average member of the gun lobby could not hit the side of a barn at 20 paces!

28th Apr 2017, 13:19
I swear I am NOT Jeremy Corbyn

Pontius Navigator
28th Apr 2017, 13:25
When did you last see your father?

Buster Hyman
28th Apr 2017, 14:16
The order to hold fire until you see the whites of their eyes was proving to be problematic and a little short sighted...

28th Apr 2017, 15:05
The electorate never discovered why the latest SDSR had increased defence spending by 50%...

28th Apr 2017, 15:38
Adam was in grave danger of losing his "apple".

28th Apr 2017, 15:42
"For the very last time - who killed Cock Robin ?"

28th Apr 2017, 15:45
"I say, chaps - isn't this rather overkill ?"

28th Apr 2017, 15:52
"Ooh, stop ! - I'm ticklish !"

28th Apr 2017, 15:55
"They don't like it in 'em !"

28th Apr 2017, 15:57
"Does it hurt ?" - "Only when I laugh !"

Pontius Navigator
28th Apr 2017, 16:00
"For inspection, wait for it, for inspection, PRESENT BAYONETS"

"AS YOU WERE," gulp, "Oops"