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27th Jan 2010, 20:42
now word is 16 wide body a/c for GF. already people resigning and more on the way, only 2 e jets for this year on trial basis and 22 a320s, it seems M Majary doesn't know what the f*****k he doing or hes just not in control of anything.
Bah cant afford to sack one more CEO so soon and no replacement available to take the job with the mess GF is in right now.
the way things are going and to continuous plan Cheng's is just causing many disruptions that GF cant afford. good people wont stay for the unknown even if it means take a break at home for a few months till they get a solid career somewhere else. this M Majary is just gambling with GF and its great staff who are GFs only good asset right now.
i spent some wonderful years at GF and its all because of the people that i work with nothing els, it hearts to see thing reach to what they are because of bad management.


Sky Daddy
27th Jan 2010, 21:52

When you retired, we thought that we got rid of an absolute grumpy old man but seems like you have found a perfect new plate form to play your old VHS tape again and again and now you have recorded some new misinformation on it just to provoke the expate F/Os.

My advise is to relax and live on beautiful Amwaj Island Happily ever after.

T O G A Boy
27th Jan 2010, 22:09
Well said Hunter320.:ok: Gulf air has some real loyal pilots that have stuck around when the airline needed them badly..Now the airline is rewarding them by putting them in dire straits which they cant take anymore. Patience has run out and everyone i know is leaving, local and expat. By the looks of it this f #:mad: n Majary dipstick has screwed up big time. He couldnt get a deal finalised during the airshow (even tough he has a share in Embraer which is a fact), and is now trying to prove something. These embraers are nothing but merely a waste of money just like the 777s. They will end up paying more money ( which they cant afford now) and then realise that the idea of embraers was a total shamble.
Many of the good loyal and hardworking pilots have already resigned, some of them new captains due to this crisis. It would be an investment for other airlines to get hold of them. Does'nt the management realise what is happening. I'm pretty sure they all do, but no one has the balls to stand up and talk. Everybody is scared to lose their seats..Soon they will have no seats and then it wud be tooooooo late.
Majary thinks that the problem of GF is the same as RJ. GF has different pax with different demands, has different geographic location, has a different history..By the looks of it, it seems that Majary has been paid by a third party to put the final nail in Gulf air's coffin, which with the help of our current managers, is succeeding..:ugh:

27th Jan 2010, 22:37
i am unapologetic for being the conspiracist or sciolist but just listen to yourselves. gf has really stuffed this up, in particular management. if the effect of my comments causes f/os to retìnk where gf is taking their careers, then i am extremely unapologetic! as is correctly mentioned, even bahrainis are leaving! how reassuring must that be for the expat looking for a stable career so far from home?

28th Jan 2010, 04:54
from what i know, majali and the board of directors cant reach to an agreement..
from what i know alot of clashes and arguments are going around in the upper management

T O G A Boy
28th Jan 2010, 10:12
Heard that QR will be in Bahrain recruting. Any truth out there. Thinking of applying since i know for a fact that the greener pastures are next door..

28th Jan 2010, 17:15
QR will be at the Movenpick on Saturday the 30th from 8am...

Good luck!

And on Jan 29th also from 8am

28th Jan 2010, 21:42
Gulf Air must reduce its costs. We operate 30 ish aircraft with around 5000 thousand employees. We were a legacy carrier at one point but the time is now to reduce costs. The flight crew are operating at the maximum. Ryan air for example (although they are a low cost carrier) operate 32 employees per aircraft. We have to shift from a legacy carrier mentallity to a low cost carrier mentallity (we must have a network to take the regional pax somewhere). The fact of the matter is we have to reduce managment. The embraer aircraft are cheap to purchcase... dont know about maintenence or durability in the desert. Generally speaking, a low cost carrier runs with fleet commonality... for a variety of reasons (training, sims, parts maint etc.) We cannot afford to run with deep pockets like Abu Dahbi and Qatar. We could however, keep fleet commonanity and remain airbus with all pilots CCQ on all types which would maximise air crew utilization and minimize training costs. Run with 319 LRS to develope potentional markets in Europe and Africa in line with the "Bahrain business friendly" model. Rebuild the airline and the country.

28th Jan 2010, 23:05
couldn't agree with you more. factual, impassionate, reasonable arguement.
all the more reason for expat f/os to leave the company. it's a dead end for their careers.

29th Jan 2010, 01:57
Majali and the new strategy.

When Majali took the office in RJ, it was a typical over staffed, under achieving government venture. The key word at the time was privatization. He was brought in to turn the airline to profitability as a first step towards privatization, the strategy he employed at the time worked, RJ stopped loosing money, started making profit, and was privatized.
At the time , I was not able to see that it can be done in Jordan, It was done, it worked.
Now I can not see that the same strategy is going to work in Bahrain; for many deferent reasons but, it seems that I am not the only one who can see that, the entire pilot community in Gulf air seems to agree on this one.

One of the key elements of his strategy was to get red of the excess load. In Jordan , he took the bull by the horns, his tactics were aggressive, open, and direct. In Bahrain, he is taking a moor scuttle approach. The result is just the same, pilots are fleeing Gulf air just as fast.
As pilots, each one of us has his own limits, when he pushes me up to my limit, I quit.
There was a good book called : who moved my cheese, a nice little read about changes life throws at us, an un welcomed change that we have to deal with, it basically teaches us how to deal with changes that we don’t like.
I would love to work for an airline that is heading in the right direction, is gulf air going in that direction? I don’t think so but, I was wrong before and I can be wrong now. The question now is not wither or not gulf air is heading in the right direction, at this stage of my career, I have deferent worries, if I was a f/o in my twenties, by all means, I will not take chances, I will do whatever is in the best interest of my career and family. I am approaching my retirement, I can afford to make mistakes of judgment at this stage of my life, so, I will stay until he pushes me up to my limit.
Good luck every one, safe flying.

T O G A Boy
29th Jan 2010, 08:05
Fantastic MKDar... U said it. In other words his tactics are not working here and pilots are fleeing as easy as running water. Soon he wont have anyone flying and this already ailing airline will have grounded aircrafts due to shortage of pilots.............

29th Jan 2010, 19:51
I kind of figured out Majali. An autocrat coming from the Hashimate Royal family ( well , close enough) , pampered to take the CEO of Jordanian at some stage of his career (which he eventually did) , intelligent man , hard worker and sensible enough to understand the politics of his job. I was tempted to believe that he very well be the RIGHT MAN for the job in GF and might very well turn the fortunes of this ailing airline. A few short months later, I regret to say , Not Really !!.

It is not his plans to turn the airline into regional, (although I personally disagree with it) that is the problem . Whatever the others attempted, did not work, so , he has to take change strategy , and take some risks . After all , isn’t that why is he here ? for change ?

The major problems are much bigger than one CEO. It is Gulf Air culture created by those people around it. From the owners (the Government) , to the ill-functioning management and the demoralized (not to mention those excess loads) staff. What future does an organization has while it is politically manipulated, where the majority of the staff have little or no confidence in the airline’s future, bad mouth the management and each other, corrupt elements still roam around the corridors and held hostage by some incredibly deep pocketed filthy rich neighbors ??

Hell, the Operations department was always immune from the politics of the country, but even in that sensitive area the managers are politically appointed. I guess the expat staff would be excused for NOT noticing that. Apparently, to run an Operations dept in Gulf Air , you need to be politically acceptable , supported by the right party and be the right religion!! Regrettably, a single Majali cannot or is not willing to do anything about that.

30th Jan 2010, 06:44
once again, great comments. but not reasons for f/os to hang around. maybe that is exactly majali's plans....get rid of expat pilots on their own free will without having to play the bad guy and firing them. rather, blame it on natural attrition. but guess what? even the locals are leaving the sinking ship. who in the right mind would want to fly for gf based on the current restructuring plans that unfortunately make sense but counterproductive to their flying careers? consider the ambitious expansion plans of the neighbouring airlines. how wrong could the timing be?

31st Jan 2010, 00:48
Interview with Talal Al-Zain on Youtube.

Last question at the end is about Gulf Air.

YouTube - Talal Al-Zain Discusses Bahrain Wealth Fund, Gulf Air: Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZ0Lt6Jjh0o)

Dessert Aviator
1st Feb 2010, 11:21
Anyone who went to this weekend's QR recruiting drive care to give any feedback. :ok:

1st Feb 2010, 13:03
It wasn't a recruiting drive, it was by invitation only..( and no I wasn't an "Invitee")

1st Feb 2010, 18:27
Any news on the body count of Majali's excellent leadership?

T O G A Boy
1st Feb 2010, 18:51
Too many to count..He's done a great job so far. NOT.
what surprises me the most, is that the fleet office doesnt even have a word in all this mess. They are just being lead along.
Unless of course there is a surplus, then in that case their mission is getting accomplished wonderfully.
So sad to see all these good pilots, locals and expats leaving.

1st Feb 2010, 19:06
TOGA i agree with your sentiments. but i am tired of hearing about the poor fleet office. they choose to be there and are choosing to participate in this in a way that reduces communications lines and pisses everyone off even more. also i heard from one FO forced to go on EMB that they are telling people if they refuse they resign. not sure how true this is but that does not sound like they are being led along to me! anyone can confirm this????

T O G A Boy
1st Feb 2010, 19:25
Desert i heard that as well, that if they dont go, they resign. when i meant led, i didnt mean it in that sentiment. all i meant is that the Fleet Office is witnessing a big amount of resignations and none of them has the courage to stand up for their pilots, who have sacrificed a lot during their long tenure with GF. I do feel sympathetic with the fleet office as they are merely following orders, but in this present day and age, a fair and a just manager wouldnt follow any orders blindly, knowing that the outcome is severely destroying people's livelihood.:=

1st Feb 2010, 20:43
ok then who is issuing these orders? seems to me like usual everyone say just folling orders well who? i would assume Majali is just saying get it done, therefore someone is operations is spearheading this whole thing. my point being operations chooses who gets transfered where and by what policy. and this is a prime example of how they view us.

1st Feb 2010, 21:49
where the hell is the pilot support amidst all this crap?

1. no word from the chief pilot. all fleet office correspondence has only been by dfo capt falamarzi.
2. no word from fleet capts dhaffer and the most useless of all, fleet capt nader al shehab. obviously looking out for their own positions.
3. ftoc pilots ali al binali, saeed darya, frank whitehouse, spyros panousos, nothing but a toothless useless dog, at least a real dog barks. this one doesn't bark, doesn't bite, doesn't even yelp. useless group!
4. the silence from the above says one thing.....bend over pilots. let them have their way again and again and again and again.

2nd Feb 2010, 03:32
Lets have a reality check;
Gulf air is a business, not a well fare venture.
CEO’S are about numbers, numbers of aeroplanes, numbers of pilots, and numbers of hours to be flown.
Numbers about yield, numbers about expenditure.
Businesses are NOT about pilot support and pilot well fare.
Sure, CEO’S do talk about employees well being and all but, that’s all what it is, talk.

The fleet office is doing what they are told to do, which is exactly what we as pilots do, we are told to fly from A to B, we do it, in the best way we know how to.
Gulf air now is about shrinking, cutting cost, not expanding. How would we do it if we were in their shoes?
It is un fortunate, people do loose their jobs, lives get missed about, lots of crap fly around, but life goes on.
It becomes the individual responsibility to take care of his own well fare, not the institutions.
We have seen it happen all over the world before, the only deference is that there, they have unions. Personally I have never worked in an environment of unions before, some say it’s good, some say it’s bad.
I believe that it is up to each individual to take care of his own good. If it does not work in your best interest, go some where else, every one is hiring around , it’s painful, frustrating , even un fair but, hey, who said that life is fair any way?
If I sound pragmatic, it’s because I am, romanticism has never put bread on the table for my kids.
One last note, when a similar thing happened in Jordan years ago, at some stage , Majali had to raise pilots salaries by 93% overnight, he lost more pilots than he thought he would! I’m not saying this is going to happen again but, hey, if there are no pilots to fly whatever equipment he offers, what do you think is going to happen?
I did not intend to offend any one in my post, all what I am trying to do is : a reality check.

2nd Feb 2010, 04:32
o tottally agree ceo's are not talking all about us and they should not be worried. my concerns are on how the operations have implemented their objectives. facts are that we are changing yes and there will be pain but, the way operations implements the new strategy is more important to ME. be realistic ceo is not telling operation to threaten pilots and move them around like slaves with no real concerns. this whole Embraer adventure has been tough but handled with more CARE and CONCERN minimal damage could have been done! most people i chat with are accepting that we need to do something. my whole issue is yet again fleet office and adove have taken the stance that we will decide with no imput or even options from anyone else, and i do not mean on type of aircraft i mean how it is all done. guys lets be honest some would leave anyways but why push even more out for no good reason???? and some of there leaving will be bahraini!!!!!

2nd Feb 2010, 04:36
Well said MKDAR.Cheers:ok:

2nd Feb 2010, 05:30

Finally, someone with some reality.
I do agree with DesertHawk though. Some communication from 'our' guys wouldn't hurt.

Panama Jack
2nd Feb 2010, 06:28
On a more positive note, Mr. Majali has updated "Hello Gulf Air" after not having done so since mid-October. Hopefully we will be reading from him on a more regular basis.

2nd Feb 2010, 07:52
Well said guys by most of you. I just wanted to comment on Brassplate way of saying things. Talking so imaturely about those 4 colegues of yours is really showing who is the dog here. But let me refrase because a dog is loyal and a good friend. You probably look like something that crawls on the ground. But even that comparison I think is intimidating for the pour animal.

2nd Feb 2010, 12:25
the reason why people dont like this idea is because we have been traumatized by every "restructure program" and they never work.. every new CEO fires a couple of CEO and resigns.... its been happening for a loong time

2nd Feb 2010, 12:42
in this business, chivalry is dead, you idiot. nothing is certain nowadays, but our futures, careers, wellbeing, dependants, finances, all depend on it.
why are these management pilots there in the first place? to earn a lot of money by shafting us, or to lead by example and to communicate to us company directions and strategies from up top?
why was ftoc created? why? to be models there and do nothing? just a feel good outfit coined by management to make us 'feel' like we have a voice when in reality, we ain't ****?
loyalty? gf does not know anything about it, non what so ever!!! yet, they demand it!!! is it too much to get information from these pricks so we can make informed decisions about our lives?
if gf thinks that simply paying us is all they need to do, then it really shows their mentality toward this profession, reducing it to the same level as their girlfriends at seashells.

looking for a new pile of cheese.
:ok:to PanamaJack.

For the rest of us, Who Moved My Cheese by Dr. Johnson is some good, one hour reading material to help guide through these types of crisis. http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/puppy_dog_eyes.gif


Panama Jack
2nd Feb 2010, 14:29
Thanks brassplate.

I think that the FTOC was a noble and well-intentioned move by the former VP Flight Ops (CC) shortly after he arrived. Unfortunately, it was somewhat still-born with only half-hearted commitment by the Company.

I feel it is unfair to hold the volunteer members of the FTOC responsible for these situations. Let me emphasize, they are volunteers. The guys who I know have their heart in the right place and were willing to step up and have their names put on the ballot. Unfortunately, their influence is limited by the goodwill of the Company and from my past conversations with a few of them, meetings with the Company are largely agendas of the Company wanting to talk about its concerns and get their ideas on how to get the rest of the pilots to buy into it, or a discussion with the scope being limited to "how to save money" for the Company.

The real culprit, as I see it, is a failure of the finer art of organization throughout the spectrum of the Gulf Air organization:

1) Top Management has been unable to paint a clear picture and get buy-in on the strategy from it's employees;
2) Middle Management has been unable to communicate effectively, deal with the staff it is charged with as professionals or anything more than pawns on a chess board, and organize the march ahead without creating significant morale issues and creating a surge in resignations;
3) GATU is unable to organize much more than a weekend desert picnic, if that; and
4) Despite unions being legal in Bahrain, pilots, mechanics, flight attendants or any other specialized group is unwilling or unable to organize themselves.

Not exactly anarchy; I am sure that there is some word to describe this type of malaise but I am not sure what it is. In any case, all parties got out of it what they put into it.

My hope is that the situation will approve in the months ahead but, even if it does, it begs the question of how we got ourselves into this mess in the first place.

2nd Feb 2010, 15:59
i can sum it up in a word....proactiveness. in our case, the lack of it. any one of the aforementioned could have sought the required information by simply writing to someone or talking to someone. even information such as 'no information was forthcoming' would have sufficed.

2nd Feb 2010, 18:24
New GF recruitment commercial..

YouTube - Gulf Air Bahrain recruitment tv ad (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4X8pwLxIqM)

Source: FreeBahrain (http://tiny.cc/u3O9U)

2nd Feb 2010, 18:56
It looks like the model the kid has is in Gulf Air colors, but the aircraft type looks like a Caravel. Maybe my old eyes are just playing a trick on me.;)

EK Snorkel
3rd Feb 2010, 11:14
New GF recruitment commercial..

attractive salary, flexible work schedule.....lies lies and bloody lies ...LOL:}

Sir Osis of the river
3rd Feb 2010, 12:00
Isn't a Caravelle at least bigger than an ERJ:E

3rd Feb 2010, 12:39
Caravelle's didn't have wing tips - this looks like a 330 minus it's engines! Which is probably about right for GF! :eek:

3rd Feb 2010, 13:30
A little off topic but nice article here:

ALPA safety chief says basic flying skills are eroding (http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2010/02/03/337982/alpa-safety-chief-says-basic-flying-skills-are-eroding.html)

It's good to see that pilots are starting to look more and more like a bunch of disposable monkeys that majali's can f*&% around with all they want.
Therefore next time you disconnect (If the book and the man beside you allows you to I should say), think carefully, do you still know how to fly the machine? Hehe thx airbus for slowly mutating us into a bunch of useless monkeys

3rd Feb 2010, 14:24

Nader Al Shehab cannot read or write & is speechless & spineless in a corner. Do not expect any involvement there.

Others a litle more articulate but no courage.

This is a no brainer, no hoper. Those who can get out , do so quickly.

Che Guevara
3rd Feb 2010, 19:25
Off topic, but very relevant for us right now, even more so with the recent influx of ....'cadets'.
I never seen hands move so fast to get the autopilot on after takeoff, if you blink you've missed it.

Great discussion on topic in Rumours:

My greatest concern with these electric jets is that when you run out of redundancy and the autopilot is no longer able to keep up, it turns around and says, 'you have control' to the very pilots who's skills have been steadily eroded over time, and in a worse case scenario, skills that perhaps were never there in the first place.:eek:
Welcome to Aviation 2010!

4th Feb 2010, 11:44
just heard something.. the 330 orders wont be canceled/reduced any time soon. they are trying to let 2 different project run at the same time.. basically its parallel working. in which the airline will compare the profit margins made by the narrow body jets(the emb) and the wide body jets (the 330s). based on the results, the airline would decide if he final plan should be given a go ahead or not.

4th Feb 2010, 17:55
Goodbye Mumtalakat, Hello Government!

MANAMA, Feb 4 (Reuters) - Bahrain's sovereign wealth fund Mumtalakat said on Thursday it would transfer its interests in the country's national carrier Gulf Air back to the Bahraini government. "Bahrain Mumtalakat Holding Company, the investment company for the Kingdom of Bahrain, announced today its intention to divest its interests in Gulf Air, Bahrain's national carrier, to the Bahraini government," the fund said in a statement.

Source: iii (http://www.iii.co.uk/news/?type=afxnews&articleid=7738653&subject=general&action=article)

Che Guevara
4th Feb 2010, 18:24
its intention to divest its interests in Gulf Air, Bahrain's national carrier, to the Bahraini government

Did they ever buy anything from Gulf Air? But now they are selling it back....

Panama Jack
4th Feb 2010, 18:45
Yikes! :uhoh: Seems to indicate that Mumtalakat looks at it as a basket case and not something they can work with.

Seems like Gulf Air is afflicted with the text-book signs of "Distressed State Airline Syndrome" (http://books.google.ca/books?id=UnVAfY8J6OcC&pg=PA227&lpg=PA227&dq=Distressed+State+Airline+Syndrome&source=bl&ots=VmFDiTYFBx&sig=B0K-83kUV55X9Ng3nS6hKzmpDI4&hl=en&ei=RyFrS9iaFtm5jAfqifH_BQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CBAQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=Distressed%20State%20Airline%20Syndrome&f=false)

I don't have a good feeling about this.

5th Feb 2010, 02:28

First class inventory has been completely removed from the GDS on all Bahrain-LON/CDG/JED/RUH/FRA/BKK bound flights.

What will happen for the time being is that those pax purchasing full J class fares will get to sit in the F class seats where as C and D class fare paying pax will get the normal business class seats.

Panama Jack
5th Feb 2010, 03:15
Yeah, I hear that as of March 1st, no more First Class. A step in the right direction, IMHO.

5th Feb 2010, 03:21
Yikes! Seems to indicate that Mumtalakat looks at it as a basket case and not something they can work with.

Seems like Gulf Air is afflicted with the text-book signs of "Distressed State Airline Syndrome"

I don't have a good feeling about this.

I don't have a good feeling about this either. Quite inevitable as the government had an admirable goal of recovering the airline from the abyss without having to pay for it with Majali's turnaround plan. I hope they realise that they can't have their cake and eat it too.

5th Feb 2010, 05:58
No first class.. an idiotic move.GF has been demoted to the Bahrain air standard.. now you can say that there is almost no difference between GF and Bahrain air.

a year ago GF used to be known as an ailing airline which was competing with etihad,emirates and qatar airways... now the media reports that the airline is competing with bahrain air,jazeera airways and air arabia. whats next? the Arabian taxi?

5th Feb 2010, 07:14
Another CEO? Another Miracle Strategy Plan? What else?

Panama Jack
5th Feb 2010, 08:32
An article yesterday by Reuters gives a bit more of an insight:

UPDATE 1-Bahrain SWF moves Gulf Air ownership to govt

* SWF moves Gulf Air ownership back to govt

* CEO says investment was not attractive enough

* Says carrier could still be privatized

MANAMA, Feb 4 (Reuters) - Bahrain's sovereign wealth fund Mumtalakat said on Thursday it would transfer ownership of the country's loss-making national carrier Gulf Air [GULF.UL] to the Bahraini government.

"Bahrain Mumtalakat Holding Company, the investment company for the Kingdom of Bahrain, announced today its intention to divest its interests in Gulf Air, Bahrain's national carrier, to the Bahraini government," the fund said in a statement.

Talal Al Zain, chief executive of Mumtalakat, told Reuters an investment in the airline industry did not fit with the fund's investment strategy.

"Given it's in the airline industry, it is not a high-return investment but more of a strategic investment," he said.

"You will never have more than single-digit returns in this industry," Talal Al Zain told Reuters over the phone.

He also said Mumtalakat had fulfilled its role in the design of Gulf Air's new strategy that focuses on regional routes.

Gulf Air was established as a regional airline but has struggled to find its niche. Previous shareholders Oman, Abu Dhabi and Qatar gave up their stakes, after which ownership of the carrier was transferred to Mumtalakat in 2007.

It now competes with regional low-cost airlines such as Air Arabia AIRA.DU and Bahrain Air, as well as with the state-owned airlines of its richer Gulf Arab neighbours that have large fleet expansion programmes. Small oil producer Bahrain cannot afford to plough funds into its state-owned companies to the same extent.

"Given the strategic significance of Gulf Air to the Bahraini economy and combined with the business' significant funding requirements, Mumtalakat's board of directors has decided to transfer its interests in Gulf Air to the Bahraini government," Mumtalakat said in the statement.

Gulf Air has said it expected to post an operating loss of $510 million in 2009.

Mumtalakat has said it wants to improve the transparency and efficiency of its portfolio companies, virtually all of which are in Bahrain, in order to eventually divest them and diversify by investing abroad.

Zain said the Bahraini government may still privatise the airline.

"Eventually the government might still decide to do that, everything can be privatised," he said.

As I mentioned, "Distressed State Airline Syndrome"-- it says it all. At this point the airline has been sufficiently parted-out, with assets such as the training department (the new GAA) having been spun-off as a separate company.

A successful privatization of the airline would require a major overhaul by the Government in order to make it attractive and, more importantly, sustainable. I am talking about things like a complete cultural adjustment all the way from the top government levels right down to the lowest grade employee, accounting transparency, a significant cut in staff numbers, a write-off of debts and a capital infusion. It will be expensive and painful. However, lacking that, I give Gulf Air no more than 2 years survival time as a private company.

At this point MAHABATEN, I wonder whether a more definite resolution for Gulf Air may be in the cards. Of course, I hope to be wrong.

5th Feb 2010, 10:39
So now Mumtalakat have finished raping GF they through it back to the government(they are offically saying that they dont want to be in the aviation business so what about training,engineering & BAS???). Good job Talal & co. So whats next for GF? Who knows & it seems that we are the only ones that give a s***. Things are just going from bad to worse. If you dont already have your cv floating around other carriers then fire up the pc & get typing now.
Good luck

5th Feb 2010, 13:09
For an airline to loose 510 mil a year is too much, specially for the size of GF, i would say the airline will survive, but not in the model it is today. It is changing and will change much more in the future, for those scared of flying the E-Jets, go take a look at AZUL numbers in Brazil, they use the 190/195, first year company is highly profitable, totally solid operations. The aircraft has the performance of a B738 but the break even is a way lower. If GF is bringing the 170 for a start and the 195, plus a mixed fleet A320/330 to maximize it's profits taking down numbers on break even, it will work. Besides the market in Bahrain has changed, competitors are much stronger than GF and it has to focus in some smaller markets. i am not discussing the administration changes or benefits, nor reducing employees number, just a rational re-structuring based on the market and equipment.


5th Feb 2010, 14:36
It is nothing about aircraft type or routes that is the MAIN cause here of the losses. We could run 3 airlines with the management staff we have.

About 150 aircraft would meet our ground/office staff requiements. Then the balance would be restored.

Plug the holes with the illegitimate money going out first...

Then there is an airline to salvage.

Otherwise, we all know haaza laa yAHmal

5th Feb 2010, 14:45
This doesn't work. For the expats.

5th Feb 2010, 15:15
oversized figures of people X fleet, not to mention mismanagement. Agreed.

5th Feb 2010, 20:37
This is wake up call for all GF pilots mama mama mia :mad:

5th Feb 2010, 21:53
MANAMA: A call went out last night to protect the rights of Gulf Air employees during its restructuring. His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Economic Development Board chairman, stressed the need to collaborate efforts by the government, parliament, the EDB and the airline's board to speed up the provision of support requirements for sustaining the operations of the company.

This came during an extraordinary meeting of the executive committee of the EDB, chaired by HRH the Crown Prince, to discuss the situation at Gulf Air.

The decision maintains the continuity of Gulf Air as one of the most important economic achievements of the kingdom, a symbol of its connectivity and an enhancer of the global image of Bahrain.

The three points of focus outlined by HRH the Crown Prince as the revamp plan are: securing the rights of employees and protecting their families; financial support for the company to enable it to continue and overcome its crisis imposed by the global downturn; and ensuring complete transparency in the next stage.

Gulf Air chief executive officer Samer Al Majali outlined the airline's furture programmes.

The committee then had a detailed discussion initiated by Deputy Prime Minister Shaikh Ali bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, who backed the importance of efforts to enhance the status of the national carrier.

HRH the Crown Prince directed officials to hold a high-level meeting within the next few days to look into the details of the rescue plan.

6th Feb 2010, 02:45
MANAMA: Parliament will continue its investigations into Gulf Air despite the transfer of its ownership from Mumtalakat to the government, the head of its probe committee said yesterday.
The reason behind the transfer is to avoid the committee, Abdul Haleem Murad told our sister paper Akhbar Al Khaleej.
He claimed Mumtalakat had injected a lot of money in Gulf Air on the pretext of achieving profitability by 2010. (Source: GDN)

6th Feb 2010, 04:45
....and overcome its crisis imposed by the global downturn...

I see they are still in denial then! It really cannot be the Global Downturn that has put GF where it is - IMHO it is attributable primarily to interference, corruption and mis-management by successive so called 'PCE's' & 'CEO's'.

Panama Jack
6th Feb 2010, 08:01
What's this? We are announcing a new destination on de Nile? Luxorious Luxor?

$510 million put into perspective:

Average loss of $1.4 million per day, every day.
A loss of $106,250 USD per employee, per year.

Here is a harebrained, tongue-in-cheek cost-saving idea for Gulf Air and Bahrain. Shut down the airline, send all the employees home. Continue to send monthly paychecks to not come to work. Let other carriers fill any vacuum by serving the routes based on demand and economics. Gulf Air and Bahrain would lose considerably less money than it is now.

6th Feb 2010, 10:34
What's this? We are announcing a new destination on de Nile? Luxorious Luxor?

$510 million put into perspective:

Average loss of $1.4 million per day, every day.
A loss of $106,250 USD per employee, per year.

Here is a harebrained, tongue-in-cheek cost-saving idea for Gulf Air and Bahrain. Shut down the airline, send all the employees home. Continue to send monthly paychecks to not come to work. Let other carriers fill any vacuum by serving the routes based on demand and economics. Gulf Air and Bahrain would lose considerably less money than it is now.
somebody has some issues

Panama Jack
6th Feb 2010, 17:11
I guess I do. And some people are not bothered by any of these issues.

6th Feb 2010, 18:28
I guess I do. And some people are not bothered by any of these issues.
yea but bahrain needs a national carrier.look at it this way, bahrain wants to be one of the biggest financial capital in the world or atleast in the middle east. so what will investors think of bahrain as ":business friendly"if the country doesnt even own a airline. heck Even Afghanistan has its own airline.And if they turn GF into a profit making airline( which seems like an impossible task right now),bahrain could make alot of money out of this airline.plus bahrain would get a good reputation for making an impossible task possible.
remember business is all about taking risks.:)

6th Feb 2010, 19:58
skybeds u are comical. you sound like they have not tried this for the last 50 years. gf will never be profitable and sustainable. the goal should be reducing losses to an acceptable amount. also to TRY and become respectable airline and not a laughing stock which it currently is.

7th Feb 2010, 08:59
Gulf Air needs to do three things to become successful:

Cut out the waste
Put a stop to the fraud and cronyism
Improve the efficiency of the staffWhat is the likelihood that one of these things will happen?
Now compute the likelihood that all three will happen. There's no :mad: way.

7th Feb 2010, 13:55

7th Feb 2010, 14:19
So much to say about these wonderful new A/C's which GF will be relying on for on-time performance.

Like any other aircraft!


7th Feb 2010, 14:47
Gulf Air needs to do three things to become successful:

Cut out the waste
Put a stop to the fraud and cronyism
Improve the efficiency of the staffummmm...but aren't you dealing with Arabs?

7th Feb 2010, 15:11
ummmm...but aren't you dealing with Arabs?They are protected and it includes the good and the bad ones. For the bad ones there is no need to be efficient and/or productive. What a shame, having to be protected by the government to keep their jobs...

A plant in a vase is more productive...


7th Feb 2010, 16:18
Gulf Air needs to do three things to become successful:
Cut out the waste
Put a stop to the fraud and cronyism
Improve the efficiency of the staff
What is the likelihood that one of these things will happen?
Now compute the likelihood that all three will happen. There's no way.

you are deluding yourself if you think that's all it takes to turn around gf. you are simply describing good work ethics that should be occurring normally.

the airline business model, strategy, financial practices and burgeoning staff number is where the problem is.
please open your eyes that simply being a boyscout will get the airline nowhere.
you are correct with one thing, though. the likelihood of the above happening is zero.

7th Feb 2010, 22:53

8th Feb 2010, 04:22

...you gotta wonder why this airline is in the shape it is in!!!!

8th Feb 2010, 05:34
Check it out!

Flight path to privatisation..? (http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.gulf-daily-news.com/NewsDetails.aspx%3Fstoryid%3D270199&ct=ga&cd=_YC0Zk4Z8e0&usg=AFQjCNEnGdgqSvl5BpaEHM8ImF-CPBpIGQ)


Panama Jack
8th Feb 2010, 08:05
While I agree with all of Mr. MacDonald's observations in the article, I worry that the Government of Bahrain might actually attempt such a thing without sufficient "prepping" of the patient. Not unlike early attempts in aviation-- push it over the side of the cliff and hope it will fly. The results would be predictable.


8th Feb 2010, 11:18
You mean the smoking area outside the building's glass doors? Or Costa Coffee?

8th Feb 2010, 14:32
You mean the smoking area outside the building's glass doors? Or Costa Coffee?
LOL i like your spirit ...
so will F class be back ialong with the 333s?

8th Feb 2010, 18:20
I go on leave for a few weeks, return to turn on the home computer and read my daily GF humor thread and low and behold.....
The Zoo is growing restless. More animals are moving about. The Circus is most certainly in town and it's time to start selling tickets.

9th Feb 2010, 04:28
Gulf Air is to get a fresh lease of life to ensure its continuity.
"Being the national carrier, it will always get absolute state support," His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa and His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander, pledged yesterday.
They described the need to ensure Gulf Air continues as a top priority.
"Backing the national carrier is a duty and protecting employees' rights is essential," the two leaders said.
They vowed to salvage the national carrier as they met yesterday to discuss the current plight of Gulf Air.
"Restructuring the company to ensure its continuity and overcome its difficulties is a national necessity", they said.
They stressed the need to back Gulf Air, citing its strategic importance as a key pillar of the national economy and its status as an iconic aviation symbol in the region.
The need to mobilise all official efforts to restructure the airline was highlighted. "Logic and long-standing history covering five decades plead in favour of backing Gulf Air and make such a support a compelling necessity", they said.
They described it as an outstanding symbol for civil aviation in Bahrain and the Gulf and a trademark for promoting the kingdom abroad.
The Premier and the Crown Prince discussed proposals tabled by the Economic Development Board to restructure the company.
The Premier vowed that the government would never let Gulf Air down and would lead it on the path to success.

basically, the airline is not going to be closed down as PJ said so

9th Feb 2010, 06:03
I think there is no real arguement about whether GF will be around in the long run but in what form & will it be a decent company to attract quality staff & work for?

9th Feb 2010, 12:35
You dont have to be a rocket scientist to read between the lines.who wants to buy my cars and furnitures? THIS IS IT GUYS.

9th Feb 2010, 14:20
so, should we rename this thread, "Gulf Air Deterioration"?
Developments begin to sound like a misnomer...

10th Feb 2010, 01:17
Somewhat controversial? :}

Gulf Air loves Israel - Google Docs (http://bit.ly/gulfair)

GAGing in Bahrain
10th Feb 2010, 05:31
A Kodak moment if ever there was one.....:ok:

Panama Jack
10th Feb 2010, 21:15
I hope you're right Skybeds . . . at least let me rephrase that, I hope that Gulf Air will be around for a long time.

A few observations that I would like to make.

1) The GDN (it looks like a quote from the GDN because you don't cite your source) makes for great packaging material or lining on the bottom of the bird cage. For reading it is not all that great, albeit slightly more informative than Mad comic books.

2) The announcements from the Government tend to run hot and cold. One week there is an announcement by a national leader that Bahrainis must face up to the realities of the World, shouldn't expect a welfare state and learn to stand on their own two feet, then a week later there is some announcement on a massive housing or other social project. This week the Government's backing is solid as concrete, who knows what the flavor is next month, next year, next decade? Governments tend to change their views.

3) Either way Gulf Air needs to change sooner or later.

10th Feb 2010, 22:14
Either way Gulf Air needs to change sooner or later.
you can say that again.
if the government is taking interest then the chances for gulf airs survival is more now.
i think we may look at another restructure program in near future as the situation is different now

10th Feb 2010, 23:07
3) Either way Gulf Air needs to change sooner or later.

i think you meant much much sooner than later.

if the government is taking interest then the chances for gulf airs survival is more now.

you are a fool to believe that. a stupid fool.

i think we may look at another restructure program in near future as the situation is different now

yeah right. the fourth one in four years. once again, you are a stupid fool.

11th Feb 2010, 03:53
meanwhile......gf makes stupid fools out of all of us. of which folks like Skybed lead the way.

11th Feb 2010, 05:13
Chill out buddy, every one is entitled for their opinion and they have the right to be wrong. You could be wrong with out being a fool , couldn’t you?
Gulf air is not making a fool of any one, if you think that I am using you and abusing you and you allow me to do so, then you are a fool by choice, aren’t you?
We are no kids in gulf air, we know, or at least have an idea what is going on, if we think that we are being tossed about, then what’s to keep us from getting out?
Last time I checked , there were no chains on my neck and hands.
I am no big fan of skybed or sky nannies to that matter but, if skybed makes sense then I have no problem relating to that.
Safe flying all.

Da Do Ron Ron
11th Feb 2010, 06:48
UNIONISTS have accused Gulf Air of wasting millions of dinars a month on consultancy firms.

They have now urged parliament to investigate the role of at least five companies that allegedly "did absolutely nothing" while bleeding the airline dry.

Gulf Daily News » Local News » CONSULTANTS 'A BIG DRAIN' (http://www.gulf-daily-news.com/NewsDetails.aspx?storyid=270558)

11th Feb 2010, 11:20
Leave brassplate alone - I love his misery-guts rants on here :}

Bombay HF
11th Feb 2010, 12:18
So...Will the King, Crown Prince and the Prime Minister get their checque books out??? Or is this just all talk..again?:confused:

11th Feb 2010, 17:06
So...Will the King, Crown Prince and the Prime Minister get their checque books out??? Or is this just all talk..again?http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/confused.gif

Have a guess.. an educated guess!

11th Feb 2010, 18:24
Top Secrect . Bahrain Air And Gf To Merge Comming Soon, Bahrain Air Will Stop Flying Some Routes From Tommorow,no Compeeting

11th Feb 2010, 21:24

Can you provide further information with regards to your claim? It has always been my opinion that Bahrain (at this time) simply is not big enough to have two airlines competing with eachother on the same routes.

I am pro competition and in the long run it raises everyone's game (at least from the consumer's perspective). However, in this region markets are not perfectly competitive (look to EK, QR, EY and GF), hence it is suicidal to have a competitor on your home turf in the form of Bahrain Air. It just doesn't make sense as long as one airline gets subsidised and the other does not. It is better to simply roll them into one. If you are going to subsidise then you might as well monopolise (to make a return on your subsidy).

If I am not mistaken, I also believe it is the opinion of our current CEO that the setting up of Bahrain Air was a strategic mistake on Bahrain's part. I am not privvy to the loads, nor to how close they are to profitability. However, what I do see is half of their fleet parked on the ramp everytime I taxi out to Rwy30R. The amalgamation of Bahrain Air into Gulf Air would have, in my opinion, the following benefits;

1) Reduce point - to - point competition from Bahrain

2) Bring (relatively) new aircraft into Gulf Air's fleet (a refit would be necessary)

3) Consolidate loads on Gulf Air, reducing losses (this is not given, as other carriers in the region would also be looking to take market share left by Bahrain Air, although Gulf Air should be in a prime position

4) Promote Gulf Air as "THE" airline of Bahrain

I would be interested if anybody could add to the points I have made above (no silly comments please!)



12th Feb 2010, 05:35

Can you provide further information with regards to your claim? It has always been my opinion that Bahrain (at this time) simply is not big enough to have two airlines competing with eachother on the same routes.

I am pro competition and in the long run it raises everyone's game (at least from the consumer's perspective). However, in this region markets are not perfectly competitive (look to EK, QR, EY and GF), hence it is suicidal to have a competitor on your home turf in the form of Bahrain Air. It just doesn't make sense as long as one airline gets subsidised and the other does not. It is better to simply roll them into one. If you are going to subsidise then you might as well monopolise (to make a return on your subsidy).

If I am not mistaken, I also believe it is the opinion of our current CEO that the setting up of Bahrain Air was a strategic mistake on Bahrain's part. I am not privvy to the loads, nor to how close they are to profitability. However, what I do see is half of their fleet parked on the ramp everytime I taxi out to Rwy30R. The amalgamation of Bahrain Air into Gulf Air would have, in my opinion, the following benefits;

1) Reduce point - to - point competition from Bahrain

2) Bring (relatively) new aircraft into Gulf Air's fleet (a refit would be necessary)

3) Consolidate loads on Gulf Air, reducing losses (this is not given, as other carriers in the region would also be looking to take market share left by Bahrain Air, although Gulf Air should be in a prime position

4) Promote Gulf Air as "THE" airline of Bahrain

I would be interested if anybody could add to the points I have made above (no silly comments please!)



get descent cabins ASAP and dont really bother about changing the livery for now because its time to save money. and try not to remove the F class.to stay in competition with other airlines.

12th Feb 2010, 06:45
Bahrain air will not even think to merage with gulf air

all those A/C parked at the east appron , Are making profit to Bahrain air with out flying ,
so can gulf air do that ,

12th Feb 2010, 08:48
Bahrain air will not even think to merage with gulf air

all those A/C parked at the east appron , Are making profit to Bahrain air with out flying ,
so can gulf air do that , who said bahrain air is making profit?
they were trying to combine the combine with GF or something like that a couple of months ago.

Trade Arabia - Middle East business information | Trade news portal (http://www.tradearabia.com/news/TTN_174742.html)

sky beds are old news. no wonder people who use GF first class have been greatly reduced, no AVOD (the TV screen is very unclear),the GF skybeds are outdated

12th Feb 2010, 09:48

all those A/C parked at the east appron , Are making profit to Bahrain air with out flying ,
so can gulf air do that ,

Sounds dubious, since recently cabin crew have taken a pay cut, unpaid forced leave on the table for flightdeck, a/c grounded in KTM for not paying months handling fees, Captain recently had to pay for his own fuel in MHD.
Doesn't really sound like an airline thats making nice tidy profits to me!?!?

12th Feb 2010, 10:00
all those A/C parked at the east appron , Are making profit to Bahrain air with out flying ,
so can gulf air do that ,

was kinda wonderin if bahrain air is realy just a money laudnering outfit. i guess now we know.

12th Feb 2010, 11:01
@Mephistopheles: I doubt the aircraft is grounded in KTM hence BAY is operating for Alpine Air (Instead of the A319) as negotiated before. Bahrain Air aircraft (BAP/BAS/BAT) which are parked are making money because these are not owned by the company but leased by a Sudanese company and operated by Bahrain Air (Blue Nile I think their name is) and they are still waiting for the AOC. Mind you, these aircrafts have an intra-gulf restriction with a maximum of 3 hours flying time. Mostly BAS on the BAH-DXB-KRT route.

12th Feb 2010, 13:12
G-FULL, unfortunately the a/c was operating a sheduled Bah Air flight back to Bah but was refused permission to depart by Nepalese Civil Aviation due to non payment of landing & handling fees.

Dessert Aviator
12th Feb 2010, 13:37
I was in KTM yesterday, the Bahrain Air aircraft departed shortly before us no sign of any other a/c stuck there:ok:

12th Feb 2010, 16:50
I read this forum every couple of days,together with others in which I am more involved.
Thank goodness I am not on the payrole as I would be suicidal by now!

As a GF punter I have a major worry - I have a quarter of a million FF miles which I would like to use to treat my family in C or F in 2011.
a) do you expect to be still open for business ?
b) will you still be flying from LHR ?
c) will you still have premium cabins.?

Che Guevara
12th Feb 2010, 17:07
a) Yes
b) Yes
c) Rumoured J only

All information given is subject to change without prior notice or warning. ;)

12th Feb 2010, 17:17
sky beds are old news. no wonder people who use GF first class have been greatly reduced, no AVOD (the TV screen is very unclear),the GF skybeds are outdated

The million dollar First Class (or Business Class) question:

How can a genuine First Class (or Business Class) passenger fly on an aircraft with NO entertainment (as in nothing at all! Never mind AVOD. They don't even have a semblance of entertainment, not even cartoons!) on a 10 1/2 hour flight???

THIS is the reason GF is losing (or lost) these passengers. And they choose to address the situation by removing F class since nobody's flying F class anyway. Had they only fixed this problem, they could have still maintained a few loyal customers.

12th Feb 2010, 18:15
The million dollar First Class (or Business Class) question:

How can a genuine First Class (or Business Class) passenger fly on an aircraft with NO entertainment (as in nothing at all! Never mind AVOD. They don't even have a semblance of entertainment, not even cartoons!) on a 10 1/2 hour flight???

THIS is the reason GF is losing (or lost) these passengers. And they choose to address the situation by removing F class since nobody's flying F class anyway. Had they only fixed this problem, they could have still maintained a few loyal customers.yea i really agree with you
just read some of the reviews here
GULF AIR customer reviews and Gulf Air Passenger Opinions about Gulf Air product and Gulf Air service standards (http://www.airlinequality.com/Forum/gulf.htm)
. mainly the complaints are delays and bad cabin.. GF lacks the basic element in which they could keep their loyal customers.
just the other day in F class i heard 2 business men discussing why they will never fly gulf air again. untill 2003 gulf air used to get alot of business travellers.but since those delay started and people started missing their meatings GF became one of the most hated airline. but keeping the first class ONLY in the 333s would be a better idea rather than removing it completely because the airline could at least say that they have the first class so many people like ss flyer would still be happy with their gold FF card. and the airline did recieve an award winning best FF deals so why not try to retain that award by keeping the F class in a couple of jets..just to make people happy

12th Feb 2010, 22:09
All information given is subject to change without prior notice or warning.

Sounds like the final paragraph on GF's employment contract :}

13th Feb 2010, 14:20
you nailed it capt hair y balls. the patient died when the last gcc patner pulled out. GF was designed to loose money, it didn't matter then. they were always there to pump in the dough every 6 months. now that bahrain has squeezed them all out, it's hurting to pump in the cash all by themself. remember the old saying - be careful what u wish 4....u might get it.

13th Feb 2010, 14:43
well basically no body knows what is going to happen to the airline...
i guess bahrain i sgoing to give the airline a billion dollar to fix the issue

13th Feb 2010, 17:12
All information given is subject to change without prior notice or warning.;)

I believe Che was making a valid point by insinuation! Under these circumstances at GF, it's becoming increasingly unstable enviroment and unsuitable to do any good business. Every now and then there are new strategies and action plans with a big promise of bringing the company back to the right direction. But it was never ever too long before the absolute opposite of these strategies took place, with some claims AGAIN that this time the correction path to be followed is so god damn clear! Between this and that, there were those blood-sucking bugs jumping on the back of the "secured closets" to finance the plans and to ensure the implementation if the the "righteous strategies"!

By the same token, there are rumours floating up the the air that after handing off the company to the government, the latter will go in the privatization way while giving Mr. CEO a very short time to make a dramatic change very rapidly!! Now if this is really the way they want to play it, it's going to be a very long time until they are out of the dark tunnel, that's if they are to come out of it at all.

Yes my friend Che, you were spot on! :E

T O G A Boy
13th Feb 2010, 20:52
Gulf Air is sinking and sinking much faster than previously predicted. Good friends of mine, Captains and First officers have resigned and many more are to come. such a shame to see GF losing such loyal & hardworking employees. All this to keep Mr. CEO happy with his embraer crap.
The A320 fleet is suffering and will actually suffer more in the coming days due to the massive flow of resignations.
One time or another we thought that a certain ( not far away ) company was abusing human rights. Now GF has surpassed them by their newly embraced terminology , Embraer Or Resign.
I am disgusted by this whole new strategy of forcing people to resign. Its high time that the management, board members and all involved realise that Majali is burying this company alive whilst lining his pockets .

14th Feb 2010, 05:47
Gulf Air is sinking and sinking much faster than previously predicted. Good friends of mine, Captains and First officers have resigned and many more are to come. such a shame to see GF losing such loyal & hardworking employees. All this to keep Mr. CEO happy with his embraer crap.
The A320 fleet is suffering and will actually suffer more in the coming days due to the massive flow of resignations.
One time or another we thought that a certain ( not far away ) company was abusing human rights. Now GF has surpassed them by their newly embraced terminology , Embraer Or Resign.
I am disgusted by this whole new strategy of forcing people to resign. Its high time that the management, board members and all involved realise that Majali is burying this company alive whilst lining his pockets .
as i said the new CEO will make every bodies lives hell... the board of directors dont want to fire him because the airline would be the laughing stock of the middle east... but by not firing majali, the airline will be the laughing stock with their embraer

14th Feb 2010, 11:19
the board of directors dont want to fire him because the airline would be the laughing stock of the middle east... but by not firing majali, the airline will be the laughing stock with their embraer

i guesz you can identify skybeds because your the laughing stock of this thread :ugh:

14th Feb 2010, 13:14
i guesz you can identify skybeds because your the laughing stock of this thread
and your the laughing stock of my A**

15th Feb 2010, 01:56
Now now children - back to bed.

15th Feb 2010, 05:53
yeah, back to your "sky"beds!
sleep tight and hopefully you wake up enlightened and mature enough to be sensible. :)

15th Feb 2010, 06:36
everyone just tell him to pi$$ off in the same way that bahrain pi$$e$ their money away through gf.

running rabbit
15th Feb 2010, 17:00
hey guys,
wats up here in this company. I m new and i just want to know how the plan is, over!:confused:

running rabbit
15th Feb 2010, 17:33
Ten reasons for not leaving gulf air:
1. I always wantet to fly an Umbrella
2. Bahrain vision 2030
3. most exciting destinations
4. nicest cabins
5.modern fleet
6.family friendly roostering kikeriki
7.best health insurance in the (med) gulf
8. biggest 777fleet
9. most beautiful beaches in Bahrain
10.reliable busines plan:ok:

16th Feb 2010, 03:56
Gulf Daily News » Local News » Panel holds key talks on Gulf Air (http://www.gulf-daily-news.com/NewsDetails.aspx?storyid=270905)

so who is in charge? or is gf as it's usual self, a headless chicken?

16th Feb 2010, 16:26
running rabbit - you forgot reason no 11...........that :mad: tasting bottle water they have onboard (yuk):yuk:

16th Feb 2010, 17:39
Heard that there were some auditors from SH&E doing some sort of an inspection of GF, about a week ago.

Any idea on what they had to say? Their report the last time was quite embarassing to GF and I do not see a shift in the standards since then.

16th Feb 2010, 18:05
i bet we wont hear anything from gulf air till march

17th Feb 2010, 10:01
you must be sitting by your computer ready to hijack every meaningful thread that is written in this forum with your dimwit, inane, shallow, immature and downright stupid comments. if you work for gf, then no wonder the airline is in its current state.
you are now on my blocked list.

17th Feb 2010, 13:30
you must be sitting by your computer ready to hijack every meaningful thread that is written in this forum with your dimwit, inane, shallow, immature and downright stupid comments. if you work for gf, then no wonder the airline is in its current state.
you are now on my blocked list.
thank you :)

T O G A Boy
17th Feb 2010, 15:30
skybed, i dont know what you're posting for you have been nailed on my ignore list a while now. But a thing to mention is that in every single page of this thread, one or two members are commenting on your attitude.
All these members cant be wrong, and you right. So grow up and show some respect around here. Your childish attitude and comments have no place here.

Oh and thanks to you, I came to know of the ignore button thingy

17th Feb 2010, 16:30
Well Mr Majali is finally climbing down from his high horse since yesterday he sent a letter to King Hamad begging & kissing a**-I guess he thought that cos he's a favored one of King Abdullah of Jordan that he could be a big hero here in Bahrain. Obviously it didnt go as he planned. Also, with the discovery that his brother inlaw is working for Embraer & his shares in the company he is not looking like the golden boy of aviation management anymore.
Congratulations to the guys that resigned in ZRH. Nicely done.
Expect some big announcement next month-not sure what it is cos that is all I have been told.
p.s. Dont listen to the rumors that we are short or we are loosing too many pilots everything is just fine:ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh:

17th Feb 2010, 19:16
If we are not short of crew , then what do you call 90 hours a month every month for the last god knows how many months?
I don’t believe every thing I hear, however, I do believe my body when it tells me I’m working too hard.
Safe flying all

T O G A Boy
17th Feb 2010, 20:08
Mephis, I hope what you're saying is true and not based on mere speculations and wild rumours. But regarding the ZRH guy resigning, i dont think this is true, cause i was in the office and there was no mention about it.
I, however was so sad to see some pics of my good friends and colleagues on the resignation list. Sad to see Gf lose such guys. Enjoyed flying with them and enjoying their company in every sense but C'est la vie.
God help us all with this CEO, who tricked us into misconception and never have I nor anybody of my colleagues witnessed such negative and atrocious atmosphere lingering around the company and the crew alike...:ugh:

17th Feb 2010, 20:15
regarding guys in ZRH. i heard this RUMOR that they resigned. I chatted with one of the FO's that is going there soon. was told there has been no resignations as of yet. who knows what will happen but i can not see these guys resigning, atleast not all of them.

18th Feb 2010, 06:01

Also, with the discovery that his brother inlaw is working for Embraer & his shares in the company he is not looking like the golden boy of aviation management anymore.

this is a cultural norm in this part of the world.

if it can be stolen, steal it.
if it can be bribed, bribe for it.
if it can be a$% f#$ked, just do it.it is not the land of opportunity, just land of the opportunist.

I don’t believe every thing I hear, however, I do believe my body when it tells me I’m working too hard.
Safe flying all
:D you just can not beat the old physiology to tell you the truth, even when they say you are not legally tired.:hmm:

18th Feb 2010, 15:11
Air's lounge bed style Sleeper Seats, available on the airline's A330-300 and A340-200 340-200?????????????
in other words.. no first class for gulf air

18th Feb 2010, 15:38
Yes plan is to do away with F-class on all longhaul flights. Basically it will be 2-class product with a premium cabin offering full lie flat beds etc etc...

Sensible move especially the news that QF is to remove F-class on many of its aircraft inc A380.

Panama Jack
19th Feb 2010, 06:42
Sounds extremely sensible to me. Everybody wins.

Basically, First Class product remains but at Business Class fares. Business Class passengers, in turn, enjoy the First Class style seats which are on par with what other airlines in the region are offering. So both our traditional Business Class and First Class passengers should be quite happy.

Also a pretty cost-effective way to improve standards, as only the Business Class seats will have to be torn out and replaced with what are now First Class-style seats (rather than a complete replacement of all seats foreward of Economy Class). As always, the challenge which remains is delivering a consistenly quality product.

T O G A Boy
21st Feb 2010, 14:59
I agree with all what you said Panama, but how on earth would you expect the passengers getting the best service and products on board, when nearly all of the cabin crew have got their morales squashed. Jobs threathened and shortage of crew on board is on the agenda. The main assets in an airline is not really the products, but those who deliver the products. Having the best products is essential but the way of delivering them is of higher importance.

21st Feb 2010, 20:04
gulf air wont deliver a good product until or unless they get new aircraft.
and those embraers wont help

22nd Feb 2010, 05:49
Skybeds, what the hell are you doing on pprune at 00:04 in the morning, get a life amigo, or an idea of what you are talking about. There are many companies that deliver a great product with embraers. You must be one of those guys that makes the rest of us look like a bunch of brainless monkeys when you go talk to the chiefs....which by the sounds of it is in your nature as well. Do us a favour, stay off pprune, and most of all don't talk to anybody at headquarters, unless you're ordering a costa coffee, we have an image to keep. Thanks :ok:

22nd Feb 2010, 10:58
Skybeds, what the hell are you doing on pprune at 00:04 in the morning, get a life amigo, or an idea of what you are talking about. There are many companies that deliver a great product with embraers. You must be one of those guys that makes the rest of us look like a bunch of brainless monkeys when you go talk to the chiefs....which by the sounds of it is in your nature as well. Do us a favour, stay off pprune, and most of all don't talk to anybody at headquarters, unless you're ordering a costa coffee, we have an image to keep. Thanks :ok:
who said you guys are brainless monkeys.. you guys are obviously brainless idiots :ok:

22nd Feb 2010, 15:59
Hi guys,

Just heard a rumour that head of Gulf Air Club has been dismissed for allowing a political meeting in the club !

Anyone know whether this is true ?

22nd Feb 2010, 16:56
It's in the GDN...........so must be true!! ;)

22nd Feb 2010, 21:28
A Saudi newspaper says 25 A330 orders are still in the works with the first delivery in March. Could anyone confirm as there was no mention in the Bahraini news papers.

Bahrain Lover
23rd Feb 2010, 06:19
This news in an Arabic newspaper yesterday, will post link when I find it.

New Gulf Air Embraer pilots basic salary exceeds BD 9000 + overtime + free transportation and calls + min 4 star hotel accomidation.

Co Pilots get BD 6000 basic

23rd Feb 2010, 06:55
I saw today in Gulfair Medical Clinic some new E-jets pilots doing admission exams...Who cares about first class or others minors issues.

Che Guevara
23rd Feb 2010, 07:31
New Gulf Air Embraer pilots basic salary exceeds BD 9000 + overtime + free transportation and calls + min 4 star hotel accomidation.

Where do we sign up?

23rd Feb 2010, 07:42
i wonder if Gulf air in the mid's of it's crisis is hiring new pilots? Are you guys sure about that? Are you sure about the salary, why the company would pay almost 40% more than the market in the region?
Some misinformation is running...
Changes are going to make the difference in the near future, and the company will succeed.

Wish you guys luck.

Chuck Y
23rd Feb 2010, 08:04
I think that the BD9000 goes to the recruiting company(which may or may not have something to do with our CEO) & they pay the pilots' basic with GF paying allowances & housing. It's crazy to pay so much when I'm sure that rated guys can be gotten from all over N & S America for peanuts. But then who would make the commision/or benefit there own business if things were done for purely economical factors?

23rd Feb 2010, 09:45
now a days is not so easy to get new pilots, job market is rising again with china and some other carriers in middle east on hunt for manpower, North america and europe you may find a bunch of guys, but hard to bring them... south america... no availability anymore... there is a boom of companies there and the dollar is low as the euro... so the pay here is not really a good choice to leave everything behind.

The company should do all the efforts to keep the good and loyal pilots it has, there is a high cost to pay for each they loose, double if you have to hire and prepare a new one to fulfill your open roster...

23rd Feb 2010, 13:01
PIA Pilot assaulted by steward at Bahrain airport

A member of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) flight crew has been accused of physically assaulting one of the airline’s pilots while their aircraft was in transit at Bahrain Airport.
Both PIA and Bahrain authorities have launched an inquiry into the incident, which was reported in Karachi-based tabloid The International News.
A copy of the pilot’s statement was obtained by the newspaper, with claims that he was “showered with punches after a barrage of verbal abuses” when the PIA flight PK-289 was at Bahrain Airport on 13th February.
The incident was apparently fuelled by a disagreement over problems with the cockpit door operation. The accused was eventually offloaded at Bahrain Airport by the station manager, after which the flight was dispatched to Lahore.
“This sudden unprovoked physical and verbal assault threw me in a shock initially as I was sitting on my seat and not expecting such a rash act of criminal assault on me,” stated the pilot, Captain Shahab Anees.

PIA pilot assaulted by steward at Bahrain airport | ArabianSupplyChain.com (http://www.arabiansupplychain.com/article-3717-pia-pilot-assaulted-by-steward-at-bahrain-airport/)

24th Feb 2010, 13:58
what the hell does this have to do with gulfair?

24th Feb 2010, 15:36
Qatar Airways embarked on its 2010 global expansion programme with the launch of scheduled flights to the southern Indian city of Bangalore.
Bangalore, the State capital of Karnataka, becomes the first of several new route launches being planned by Qatar Airways during 2010.
Scheduled flights are set to be introduced to Copenhagen on March 30; Ankara on April 5; Tokyo on April 26; Barcelona on June 7 and Sydney at a date to be confirmed, together with a raft of capacity increases on many other routes worldwide.
The launch of daily flights to Bangalore takes Qatar Airways’ Indian capacity up to 71 services a week spread across 11 key points – Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Ahmadabad, Hyderabad, Trivandrum, Cochin, Kozhikode, Goa and Amritsar.
Home to India’s largest IT software industry, Bangalore also has some of the country’s most affluent colleges and research institutions with numerous public sector companies across the aerospace, telecommunications and defence industries.
“This new strategic air link fosters a stronger partnership between India and the State of Qatar and further provides excellent connectivity through our flights to rest of the world via Doha,” said Qatar Airways chief executive officer Akbar Al Baker.

qatar airways took the Bangalore route just when gulf air dropped it..maybe it could bring profit to the airline

24th Feb 2010, 18:47
Unfortunately Gulf Air is historically a disaster in management...


GAGing in Bahrain
25th Feb 2010, 03:45
http://www.gulf-daily-news.com/source/xxxii/342/images/bnew2.jpg MANAMA: Bahrain plans to privatise the country's loss-making carrier Gulf Air within about a year, after its turnaround programme bears fruit, said Economic Development Board chief executive Shaikh Mohammed bin Essa Al Khalifa.
Bahrain also plans to privatise other public services, from hospitals to waste management, as it seeks to diversify its economy from oil and build up a viable private sector and a tax-based economy.
Management of the King Hamad Hospital, currently under construction, and of petrol stations owned by Bapco could be tendered to the private sector at the end of the year.
Contracting out management of postal services and waste water treatment was currently under study.
Gulf Air, which said in November it expected making an operating loss of about $500 million in 2009, plans to return to profits by focusing on regional routes and cutting costs.
"The intention is to privatise but if you're going to privatise something, people want something that doesn't have a hundred-tonne anchor weighing it down," Shaikh Mohammed said.
"It will take realistically a year."
The country is also planning to phase out subsidies in the long run to relieve public finances, a sensitive issue that has sparked protests, said Shaikh Mohammed.
Ending petrol subsidies is the biggest bone of contention, and Shaikh Mohammed said these would not be touched any time soon.
"Fuel prices are not going up any time soon," he said.
Bahrain plans to target other subsidies, including on electricity, to only the needy instead of all consumers, but that would be a gradual process taking some years, he added.

25th Feb 2010, 06:36
Look around...

Information Sessions for Experienced First Officers

Emirates employ highly skilled and successful Flight Deck Crew from around the world. We are currently recruiting experienced and technically proficient First Officers to fly our extensive international route network. The First Officer position offers an exceptional opportunity for ambitious pilots to develop their career on one of the youngest high-tech fleets, with one of the fastest growing and most profitable airlines in the world.

Emirates will be conducting information sessions in Bahrain during March. These sessions will provide more information on Emirates, our selection programme, the benefits of living and working in Dubai and details of our remuneration package.

Please note that spouses are welcome to attend.


Mövenpick Hotel Bahrain
Muharraq Town 224
Kingdom Of Bahrain

Wednesday 3rd March

Mövenpick Hotel Bahrain
Muharraq Town 224
Kingdom Of Bahrain

Wednesday 3rd March

To apply to Emirates, candidates must have a minimum of 4000 total and 2000 multi-engine jet hours (preferably with MTOW of > 55 T), ICAO ATPL and ICAO English level (4 or above). We will provide candidates with a round trip ticket to Dubai from an Emirates destination to attend our Selection Programme.

For further information on all aspects related to flying for Emirates and to apply online, please visit emiratesgroupcareer s.com (http://www.emiratesgroupcareers.com/english/Careers_Overview/flight_crew/default.aspx?cid=149140)

25th Feb 2010, 18:18
is gulf air trying to be the laughing stock of the region?

25th Feb 2010, 22:59
Nope...The do it without trying..it is a well practiced gift.

26th Feb 2010, 17:16

Look around...

Information Sessions for Experienced First Officers

Emirates employ highly skilled and successful Flight Deck Crew from around the world. We are currently recruiting experienced and technically proficient First Officers to fly our extensive international route network. The First Officer position offers an exceptional opportunity for ambitious pilots to develop their career on one of the youngest high-tech fleets, with one of the fastest growing and most profitable airlines in the world.

Emirates will be conducting information sessions in Bahrain during March. These sessions will provide more information on Emirates, our selection programme, the benefits of living and working in Dubai and details of our remuneration package.

Please note that spouses are welcome to attend.


Mövenpick Hotel Bahrain
Muharraq Town 224
Kingdom Of Bahrain

Wednesday 3rd March

Mövenpick Hotel Bahrain
Muharraq Town 224
Kingdom Of Bahrain

Wednesday 3rd March

To apply to Emirates, candidates must have a minimum of 4000 total and 2000 multi-engine jet hours (preferably with MTOW of > 55 T), ICAO ATPL and ICAO English level (4 or above). We will provide candidates with a round trip ticket to Dubai from an Emirates destination to attend our Selection Programme.

For further information on all aspects related to flying for Emirates and to apply online, please visit emiratesgroupcareer s.com (http://www.emiratesgroupcareers.com/english/Careers_Overview/flight_crew/default.aspx?cid=149140)

GFA Bloody wednesday :}

26th Feb 2010, 19:41
most folks are fedup of this gloomy uncertain future. at least with ek you have job security, stability & there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
to make a basic business model you should have a well re structural plan and job security which GF doesn't hold.. its obvious that people are going to abandon the airline

surfer of desert
27th Feb 2010, 05:06
Bahrain to privatise Gulf Air

Bahrain: Thursday, February 25 - 2010 at 09:24
Shaikh Mohammed bin Essa Al Khalifa, chief executive of Bahrain's Economic Development Board, has said the kingdom plans to privatise Gulf Air within about a year, after its turnaround programme bears fruit, Reuters has reported. 'The intention is to privatise but if you're going to privatise something, people want something that doesn't have a hundred-tonne anchor weighing it down,' he told the news service. 'It will take realistically a year.'

So I guess we have only 1 year to look for a job!!:bored:

27th Feb 2010, 09:42
dont these sheiks talk to each other? sh mohd will turn gf around in 1 yr, then sell it.

mumtalakat chairman talal zain (tz) held a briefing with gf staff last wed(23/02/10). he answered questions from gf staff(gf) as follows:

gf: why is gf in financial trouble?
tz: the ex gcc patners "raped" the airline
gf: when will gf turn around?
tz: 3 yrs
gf: why should we believe you? we heard this before
tz: because i dont steal and majali is very good
gf: you handed gf over to govt last week, why did they throw it back to mumtalakat?
tz: that was a smart trick i did to get financing from govt.
gf: after 60yrs, why is gf getting small embraers while everyone else is getting large aircraft?
tz: because we bahranis are sophisticated people we don't need to have tallest building in the world....blah blah blah
dont worry the airline is in great hands :ugh:

T O G A Boy
27th Feb 2010, 17:41
Tragic as it seems, GF wont close down but would shrink to an unbearable size when next doors' are expanding. Gf has been dealt like a yoyo.
As for the pilot community there, I have heard from reliable sources that with the amount of resignations, they will be soon forced to recruit DECs.
Just food for thought

borrowed light
27th Feb 2010, 19:45
Heard the same thing.Even if it is just a rumour it wont be long before it becomes fact.I should think that most FOs worth their salt will be attending the EK road show and why not?The future really is looking bleak for GF.It would be interesting to see how many captains would go to EK if it was DECs they were looking for.I would be waiting in line for the doors to open.

Chuck Y
27th Feb 2010, 19:55
DEC positions opening up soon in Etihad. Emirates possibly the second half of 2010. So don't worry guys there are still plenty of options to get out of this doomed airline.

28th Feb 2010, 12:33
GF is going through the same thing when Dose came.
reading between the lines, this time its more serious. from the sound of it, GF is closing shop very soon and they are just trying to buy as much time as possible. 4 330's and a handful of 320's and maybe a new debt free name is the way its going to be able to privatize it.

its such a shame to see this Airline die like this.

loosing its great people is a big blow.

Mr. Magary : GF employees have names and families and a great wealth of experience, their not just numbers as your dealing with them right now.

Shame on you.

Bahrain Lover
1st Mar 2010, 04:47
MP warns of 'mass resignations'

MANAMA: Bahrain's national carrier Gulf Air faces mass resignations by its pilots.

"There are 20 resignations submitted by pilots to the company to date," MP Shaikh Abdulhalim Murad claimed.

He said a rival airline company was benefiting from Gulf Air's woes and had interviewed its 46 pilots, describing the potential haemorrhage as a "real boon".

Shaikh Murad, who is also Gulf Air probe committee chairman, described the alleged mass resignations as tantamount to a "big crime". He also deplored what he called a "brain drain" which is bleeding the national carrier.

"Gulf Air is losing its best national competencies while corrupt gangs continue to thrive on public money," he said.

He also criticised "contradictory statements" issued by the government, the Economic Development Board (EDB) and Mumtalakat.

"Mumtalakat chief executive said Gulf Air would be transferred to the government before announcing that it would remain under the company's authority," he said.

He also cited the EDB chief executive's statement announcing the privatisation of the national carrier within a year although such plans were previously denied.

He blamed what he called a "mess" on "random policies and hasty decision-making". He also criticised the government for failing to co-operate with the probe committee.

"Sixty questions addressed to Finance Minister Shaikh Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa remain unanswered to date," he said.

Shaikh Murad accused the government of "procrastinating to gain more time", with two months left in the fourth legislative session.

He also accused Gulf Air officials of sowing fear among employees, speaking of the need for 1,500 lay-offs, the majority of whom are Bahrainis.

1st Mar 2010, 10:34
not needing to mention some of the unjust decisions made like reducing the retirement benefits making them less useful especially for those employees who worked hard throughout their years in GF.

1st Mar 2010, 11:00
not needing to mention some of the unjust decisions made like reducing the retirement benefits making them less useful especially for those employees who worked hard throughout their years in GF.thas gulf air for you..the harder you work for the airline, the harder they will try to kick you out!

Che Guevara
1st Mar 2010, 23:18
not needing to mention some of the unjust decisions made like reducing the retirement benefit

Care to expand on that, maybe you know somethng we all don't?

2nd Mar 2010, 10:42
@ Che Guevara
If u served with GF the required number of years u were entitled to:
10&11 staff:
2 id50 or 90 tickets on j and y classes
one foc ug to jc subject to availability
plus u r allowed to buy discounted tickets on other airlines which have reciprocal agreements with GF
ur children are not entitled to anything

12+ staff
UNLIMITED id 50 or 90 tickets in all cabins (FJY), spouses, and children till they reach 23 years
plus FOC tickets + discounted tickets on other airlines.

This old scheme was in itself unfair -as i said before- due to the huge gap in benefits between g11 and 12 staff

G10 and 11 staff:
2 id 50 and 90 tickets on ECONOMY class only
and no upgrades on the FOC tickets

still get the unlimited id 50 and 90 tickets but only j and y classes.

So now the benefits scheme became more unfair, especially for grade 10 and 11 staff.

My suggestion is to go back to the original deal, or review the whole scheme again and make it more fairer. Instead of these huge gaps in benefits, there should be a gradual increase in these as the employee works his way up in the company.

Che Guevara
2nd Mar 2010, 16:14
Thanks for your explanation, I did not realize they had changed the ticketing entitlement for retired staff in such a way, not that this is a surprise these days sadly. However, it looks like first class is on it's way out anyway, if that's any consolation....
What I thought you were getting at was the end of service benefits which many are lookling at right now.


muppet in the sky
2nd Mar 2010, 16:15
Source Arabian Business.com

Gulf Air facing mass pilot resignations - Transportation - ArabianBusiness.com (http://www.arabianbusiness.com/582704-gulf-air-facing-mass-pilot-resignations)

2nd Mar 2010, 17:01
Mass resignations
Source Arabian Business.com

Gulf Air facing mass pilot resignations - Transportation - ArabianBusiness.com (http://www.arabianbusiness.com/582704-gulf-air-facing-mass-pilot-resignations)
so whats new?

2nd Mar 2010, 19:03
What's new? Numbers. A lot of pilots.

2nd Mar 2010, 21:37
what reasons are there to remain in gulfair?



everyone knows the indicator of a good airline is the retention of pilots. management would have you think otherwise.
when pilots continue to endure deteriorating conditions in a career that is increasingly unstable, unrewarding and abusive, is it such a surprise to see pilots flee in droves?
as a member of parliament has correctly stated, this level of mismanagement is tantamount to a criminal act. heads must roll from the very top, NOT FROM THE PILOTS RANKS.
there is no more excuses, gf management. the finger is pointing at you as the culprit to this airlines demise. CUTTING CREW NUMBERS simply will not do anymore to cover up your lack of strategy, lack of vision, lack of planning and general stupidity.

3rd Mar 2010, 11:49
Flydubai has announced it will start double daily flights to Kuwait City and Muscat in March, bringing its total destinations to 13. Ghaith Al Ghaith, the carrier's CEO, said 'a strong GCC network is at the heart of flydubai's strategy in this region so Kuwait and Oman were natural choices as our next two destinations'. He also said 2010 would be 'a very busy year of route announcements for the carrier'.

could gulf air compete with jazeera, air arabia,bahrain air,fly dubai, nas air form ksa and fly sama.....
its pretty obvious if GF wants survive, the airline should try to aim for places away from the GCC for now..

5th Mar 2010, 06:18
So, the Babyliners are definitely on the way. In fact, probably arrived in BAH by now? Link:

Photos: Embraer ERJ-170-100AR 170AR Aircraft Pictures | Airliners.net (http://www.airliners.net/photo/Gulf-Air/Embraer-ERJ-170-100AR-170AR/1661177/M/)

5th Mar 2010, 06:28
Two for now, two early/mid summer, then???

"where's the head on the falcon?"

5th Mar 2010, 07:01
Want a good laugh? Read the latest pointless drivel from Mr M on mygulfair.com

Do not assume that everything you read is fact unless it is a direct quote from an official Gulf Air a spokesperson or myself and more importantly don’t let rumour and speculation interfere with your focus.

It would be nice if we heard at least a tiny sqeak from Mr M more than twice a year. Otherwise we have nothing to go on but rumors.

...I will provide you with as much clarification and information as possible. The key to success for us as an organization is strong communication...

Maybe he should at least read what his secretary writes for him before sending it out or is he so blindingly arrogant that he can't imagine that all the rumours & BS being spread around are a direct result of HIS poor or lack of communication.

5th Mar 2010, 08:46
'Head on the falcon'?

Symbolizes the headless chickens in the Pink Palace! :ok: Even the third floor realized that there was no 'head' and so they changed the title of all the 'Heads' to 'Senior Managers'.:}:}

(Actually a small one at the middle of the emblem - but it is hardly noticeble.)

5th Mar 2010, 10:26
Not only does this negative publicity damage the company’s reputation....

damage to reputation? gf doesn't need any help in doing that all by itself. what about real damage to the company by crooks, managers, and ceos?

but now is the time for us to take back control of our reputation and question the motives of the people who constantly criticize us and what we are striving to achieve

there will never be control of reputation until all the crooks are weeded out, starting from the top. the only criticism pilots make are why our careers are being jeopardised by fatcat planners and unproductive overpaid managers?

Do not assume that everything you read is fact unless it is a direct quote from an official Gulf Air a spokesperson or myself and more importantly don’t let rumour and speculation interfere with your focus.

do you take us for idiots? we see what happens around us with our own eyes. we'll be the judge of that, you condescending prick, not the bullshiez propaganda that gf spins.

Each and everyone one of you is employed by Gulf Air because of the skills you offer that will help drive this airline forward to become an airline we can all be proud of, which is commercially sustainable and dynamic airline

ahh so they do recognize our skills....for now.....until there's too many of us.
nope, there is nothing....nothing to be proud of this airline!!! some would say 'but we're the oldest'. i say we have nothing to show for it.

I will continue to hold a bi-monthly majlis and provide updates via Hello Gulf Air to keep you informed on the latest news, developments and achievements of the airline.

don't ever speak your mind at the majlis. you will be singled out as an upstart, or you will be shut down immediately, or embarrassed. don't trust them for a moment because they will not reveal anything to you.
majali's only reason for this latest excuse of a letter is the embarrassment the media is causing him.

5th Mar 2010, 17:27
The 2 E170 arrived today from Brazil after a 2 day delivery flight. They are sitting on the Tarmac pending press display on Monday. A9C-MA and A9C-MB for those who are interested.

5th Mar 2010, 20:46

borrowed light
6th Mar 2010, 09:29
Have it on good authority from the Pink Palace that our esteemed CEO - Mr M - pushed for the registration letter 'M' as a lasting memorial to himself. Does this man's ego know no bounds?

6th Mar 2010, 10:58
why did they make the 320s color look like rust . but the emb with the real golden color?

6th Mar 2010, 11:36
Desert sun may be? :8
Anyway night pictures under airport lights make plane shine increase.

Da Do Ron Ron
7th Mar 2010, 06:54
Heard last night that a dozen or so FlyBe pilots are in Bahrain to assist with training for the new EMB's, just in time for St Paddys Day and not a drop of Guinness on Fantasy Island ....

7th Mar 2010, 09:49
The shipment of the black stuff supposedly arrives at the port on the 11th March!

7th Mar 2010, 17:23
I've recently starting using GF as a way of getting back to the UK, and down to the Far East, whilst avoiding EK's crazy prices out of DXB. I read some of the comments about GF on here with some trepidation before I used them.

But. I have to say, the J class product is really pretty good. Yes, the IFE needs an upgrade (and I have had picture problems on some channels and some screens) but the seats are extremely comfortable, and the standards of catering are amongst the highest I have ever seen on an aircraft - it knocks EK catering and SQ catering into a cocked hat, and dear old VS may as well give up....

Timekeeping on the twelve or so sectors I have done has been fine, haven't lost my bags, gives me my VS miles and tier points, and all at fares that are crazily low - return DXB-BKK was a shade over 4k AED in J, and I got the former First Class sleeper seats both ways. Can't fault that!

All I would fault, apart from the IFE, is the cabin crew tend to be a bit invisible - all of them, oddly, except the flying chefs, who seem to spend a lot more time patrolling the cabin than the 'rank and file' crew. And none of the cabin crew seem very keen to enforce pax discipline - phone calls being made on the runway, pax standing up during the taxi etc - but that seems to be a feature of travel in the Gulf...

Good luck guys, and please stop knocking the product. It ain't perfect, but it is better than most J classes, and a helluva lot better than some posters on here seem to think.

For the record, I am not employed by GF. I have never been employed by GF, or even applied to GF, and I am not job hunting!


Che Guevara
7th Mar 2010, 18:09
Nice to hear a positive comment for a change! :ok:

Rumour is that all the J class seats will all be changed to the now existing F type seats with an upgrade in the IFE etc., so this may well suit yourself and hopefully many others in the not too distant future, assuming the rumour is correct.


7th Mar 2010, 18:11
Funnily enough, I was told that today by one of the crew on an A340... all the J class seats being replaced with sleeper seats, updated IFE. Great! :ok:

8th Mar 2010, 19:00
at least GF isnt extending the Y class.. instead theyr just extending the J class..
so will it be the 2 class configuration for the 333s?

9th Mar 2010, 05:58
From what I was told, all of GF's Airbuses will become two class - they are merging the old J and F together into a new product, called Falcon Gold. The plan seems to be that if you buy a discounted J class ticket, you get the J class seating, and if you buy a flex J class ticket you get the beds up the front - but the food and service are the same.

No one seems to have told check in though - I went both ways in row 2... and I paid a cracking fare!


9th Mar 2010, 08:06
MANAMA: Gulf Air yesterday pledged to offer a "new dimension" in Gulf travel after the addition of two new aircraft to its fleet.
The national carrier took delivery of the two 67-seater Embraer E-170 AR aircraft on Thursday that will be deployed on routes, including Larnaca, Istanbul, Athens, Erbil, Baghdad and Muscat.
The aircraft made its inaugural flight to Larnaca yesterday following a Press conference at the Gulf Air lounge at Bahrain International Airport.
Speaking at the ceremony, the airline's chief executive officer Samer Majali explained that the addition of the aircraft - with a further two expected to arrive in the summer - would provide Gulf Air with the flexibility to introduce a greater choice of destinations for time-conscious business travellers.
"My aim is for Gulf Air to serve every Arabian capital and regional capital with at least two services everyday," he said.
"This objective can become a reality with the size, reliability, comfort and unbeatable economics of regional jets like the ER-170.
"This brand-new 67-seat airplane is fitted with luxurious interiors furnished with all-leather seats and no middle seating, offering exceptional comfort in a two-class configuration.
"The introduction of these jets reinforces the pioneering spirit of an airline which has always been known for bringing new concepts to Middle-Eastern travellers and reinforces our reputation as the airline with the largest network in the region," he said.
The aircraft's highlight is a state-of-the-art entertainment system which offers up to 3,000 video and audio titles at the touch of a finger.
It is part of a long-running plan to rejuvenate Gulf Air's aging fleet, most recently with the addition of seven Airbus A-320s and retiring older planes such as several Airbus 340s.
Mr Majali told the GDN that Gulf Air had always traditionally looked towards utilising capital leasing (or lease-to-own) when acquiring aircraft.
However, with the recent additions of two Embraer E-170s and seven Airbus A-320s they had chosen to utilise the operating leasing option instead.
"Gulf Air has traditionally paid the pre-delivery payments of around 20 per cent and financed the rest, gaining control of the jet at the end of the leasing period," said Mr Majali.
"However, now we are looking towards utilising operating leases instead, which means that at the end of a lease you are not faced with trying to get rid of the plane.
"For example, we are leasing the two Embraer aircraft on a three-year contract and when that concludes we simply return them; it means that you don't build up your liabilities which can be a problem," he added.
Mr Majali revealed that Gulf Air was planning to mix the use of capital and operating leases to ensure that it continues to increase its fleet without leaving itself open to owning a number of costly and aging aircraft.
"We're facing a battle at the moment with our Airbus 340s because there's no market for them," the chief executive officer admitted.
"We're going to have to sell them at rates which we're not happy with because the bottom's fallen out of the 340 market as it's an older airplane which is expensive to operate and maintain.
"If we look at a 50:50 mix between operating and capital leases it gives us the flexibility of bringing in new aircraft quickly without going through the lengthy full-evaluation process needed for a permanent solution.
"It also gives us more time to carry out a full evaluation of the Embraer C series and the Airbus A-318 and decide by the summer a permanent solution of up to 10 aircraft," Mr Majali added. [email protected]

i bet that mr M would still choose the Emb C series..... even though the 318 will have a lower operating costs. as we know that most GF staff are more familiar with the airbus family

Whispering Giant
9th Mar 2010, 08:14
Only problem I can is - there's NO Such thing as a Embraer C series !!! there's a Bombardier C series.

Also the Embraer's arrived very late on Friday night and not Thursday as reported.

You'd have thought the Journo would have checked all his fact's before reporting it and setting it into print.......

Che Guevara
9th Mar 2010, 09:00
even though the 318 will have a lower operating costs

Sorry, but that is simply not the case, in plain English that's BS.

9th Mar 2010, 11:33
I wonder how he explains some A318s were scrapped last year if they were truly economical.

T O G A Boy
9th Mar 2010, 14:01
another food for thought...

http://simpliflying.com/2010/gulf-air-and-kuwait-airways-up-for-sale-do-the-brands-stand-a-chance/ (http://simpliflying.com/2010/gulf-air-and-kuwait-airways-up-for-sale-do-the-brands-stand-a-chance/)

Chuck Y
9th Mar 2010, 15:10
Privatising after a year? Even before Mumtalakat took the only possible profit making parts from GF I couldn't imagine anyone willing to put 100fils into this cesspit of corruption & thievery. Just look at all the new Director & Head positions being announed & many of them sound seem to be duplicates of each other,just another excuse to give some extra allowanaces(BD1200+ minimum) to a select few. All this while they are getting rid of cabin crew(without regard to company records) & in the process of sacking some of the low paid employees within the company. Looks like Mr M & co are on track for proving to us that it is always possible to be better thieves than the previous CEOs.
At least Mr M's shares are almost at a a year high & are climbing slowly upwards & should get a boost when we place an order in the summer.

10th Mar 2010, 05:02
Bahrain Tribune dated 09/mar/2010 stated Mr, Majali saying that no resignations by pilots in GF because of E-170 or the restructuring plan, and this is baseless information what the MPs are saying that GF is loosing 52 of its pilots.

i cant believe Majary can just stand there and deny what is true to the public, unless he has no clue of what is really going on....

10th Mar 2010, 05:59
i cant believe Majary can just stand there and deny what is true to the public

I assume you know what majary means in Arabic??? ;)

10th Mar 2010, 06:24
Dude, I just noticed! LOOOL

i cant believe Majary can just stand there and deny what is true to the public
I assume you know what majary means in Arabic??? http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/wink2.gif

10th Mar 2010, 11:24
Flybe supporting Gulf Air E-Jets’ entry into service (http://www.shephard.co.uk/news/laranews-net/flybe-supporting-gulf-air-e-jets-entry-into-service/5854/)

10th Mar 2010, 14:15
Very strong rumor that Samir Majali will be out of the door after F1

10th Mar 2010, 14:24
Very strong rumor that Samir Majali will be out of the door after F1
why? the parliament and majali are getting along well..... heard it but id like to see it first..

10th Mar 2010, 21:13
you skybd,
are you even a PPL holder?:mad:

10th Mar 2010, 21:16
BTW,do you know any thing about the parliament?:mad:

Chuck Y
10th Mar 2010, 21:54
It seems there already problems with Mr M's new purchase! On the first days operation of the aircraft that he claims will rescue GF they had to leave behind numerous passenger bags in Auh, Mct & Lca. The Ist flight this morning had to be changed to 320 since there were so many pax booked. So when will someone admit that this is not the aircraft for us?

T O G A Boy
10th Mar 2010, 22:48
Chuck Y everyone knows that these pieces of junk are not for us. But wouldnt you let such things happen when there are serious transactions under the table.
It is a fact not fiction about the bags being left behind. Had to come on different flights followed by a lot of pax complaints. That is not what Gf wants at this stage. They are barely buoyant and deflating the final piece of their flotation device.
Time for the management under Majary to stand up to the truth and salvage what they have left.
Good luck to them and to a company, that has never experienced such negativity amongst its pilots, crew and ground staff, during its entire history.

11th Mar 2010, 11:11
when you are obviously lining your pockets like Majali is with his stupid embryo jungle jets, you make a fool out of the ultimate owners of gf.

gf should have learnt from the lessons of the crap condition of the leased royal jordanian a320s and a321s.

yet, they continue to:
1. allow one of THEM to run the company, then
2. allow him to continue dealing with royal jordanian, profiting them and himself.

11th Mar 2010, 11:46
It always amazes me that otherwise intelligent human beings rapidly drop 100 IQ points & sucker themselves into believing GF & it's corrupt management will ever change. It doesn't matter who fills the positions they will always screw the company over & in the process fill their own pockets. This will remain true until the day that our sun goes supernova so don't waste time thinking of things that are as fundamental as the laws of nature.

Che Guevara
11th Mar 2010, 14:25
Rumour running around that RJ is going to do our maintenance, anyone else heard this?

borrowed light
11th Mar 2010, 14:59
Gulfairs new strategy.......its like re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.It really is too late to change the inevitable outcome.All Mr M is doing is speeding up the process.Abandon ship before its too late.

11th Mar 2010, 17:52
Rumour running around that RJ is going to do our maintenance, anyone else heard this?

First they want to do Local MRO

SIA Engineering and Gulf Technics to set up MRO base (http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2010/01/22/337486/sia-engineering-and-gulf-technics-to-set-up-mro-base.html)

Middle East boosts its MRO footprint (http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2010/02/20/338559/middle-east-boosts-its-mro-footprint.html)

Thent they want to expand the Airport over a period of 30 years LOL (probably dead by then)

Bahrain airport plans two new terminals | Aviation | AMEinfo.com (http://www.ameinfo.com/211679.html)

11th Mar 2010, 22:34
so the gdn says.

MANAMA: Gulf Air is unlikely to be privatised in the near future, but the carrier now has a strategy in place to make it a success.

That was the message from an economic seminar on the outlook for Bahrain hosted by BNP Paribas at Capital Club, Bahrain Financial Harbour, yesterday.

"The government's privatisation committee looks at a lot of options across a range of business but no-one wants an airline with an anchor weighing it down," Bahrain Economic Development Board chief executive officer Shaikh Mohammed bin Essa Al Khalifa told delegates.

"Privatisation is not on for now," he said.

"Will it be in the future? That is up to the owners and they are the government and Mumtalakat, who both hold a 50 per cent stake in the airline.

"The ownership will remain as it is until they make a decision to change that.

"Mumtalakat has done what it could for the airline and it is now time for the government to play a role."

Bahrain is an extremely transparent economy and that is why there is such an open debate about Gulf Air, Finance Minister Shaikh Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa said.

"Many airlines have a problem at the moment but we have the right board in place, the right management and the right plan for the future and we deal with this publicly.

"We are implementing a strategy that we believe will leave us with a much better airline.

"Gulf air has been a challenge because it has gone from four national owners to three, to two and now to one.

"Our strategy is to develop the airline as a carrier that serves people coming in and going out of Bahrain, not as some sort of hub for people passing through," he said.

"Our strategy is to offer connectivity for the banking community, the business community and the people of Bahrain to support the economic needs of the country and its people.

"We are confident that we will be successful now that we have the strategy in place," Shaikh Ahmed added.

STRATEGY.....a most overused, misunderstood and unimplemented word in gulf air. i've heard that word ever since coming to this place. every god damn ceo and chairman has used it without ever knowing what the strategy really is. it just sounds good to include in statements. makes them sound smart and responsible.
but the only smart thing they have done is robbing the company with increasing prowess.
every manager who uses the word STRATEGY should be sacked on the spot.
the only strategy in place is increasing managers and/or shuffling different managers around the departments.

12th Mar 2010, 06:59
"Our strategy is to develop the airline as a carrier that serves people coming in and going out of Bahrain, not as some sort of hub for people passing through," he said.

So they want mainly to serve the local traffic. And prey tell what percentage of the Bahrain population can afford to travel in the first place, and how many people are really traveling just to purely do business in Bahrain and then go back?

12th Mar 2010, 10:13
3 board members are leaving us. Mr Kanoo, Mr Habib & Mr Al Moayed. But will it make any difference to GF?

12th Mar 2010, 12:37
So they want mainly to serve the local traffic. And prey tell what percentage of the Bahrain population can afford to travel in the first place, and how many people are really traveling just to purely do business in Bahrain and then go back?yes thats true.... i bet 90% of GFs passengers continue their journey onwards to other countries other than bahrain

Panama Jack
12th Mar 2010, 17:06
Sounds to me like a prudent adjustment of the strategy. Oops, did I say "strategy?" I didn't mean to say "strategy." Oh chute, I said "strategy" again. Oh well, what other word to call it other than "strategy?"

In any case, concentrating on origin and final destination traffic for Bahrain is more visionary and intelligent, IMHO, than a strategy (oops, that word again) of Bahrainis subsidizing Pierre and Francois in Paris who are looking for a dirt-cheap flight for a 2-week holiday of debauchery in Pattaya, Thailand. If a significant percentage of the Bahrain population can't afford to travel in the first place, then they can ill-afford to subsidize Europeans or Indians doing the same.

12th Mar 2010, 17:42
Iraq buys ten 787 Dreamliners | Aviation | AMEinfo.com (http://www.ameinfo.com/226288.html)

Iraq has signed a deal with Boeing to buy 10 787 Dreamliners on behalf of its flag carrier, Iraqi Airways, the National has reported. The contract was reported on Boeing's orders and deliveries website this week, although the deal was apparently concluded on December 22. The aircraft are worth a total of $1.7bn at list prices, but after standard discounts the Iraqi deal is probably worth $1.1bn, the newspaper reported, citing Avitas, a US-based aircraft valuation firm.

meanwhile, a war torn nation places these orders.....a war torn nation!!!!
iraq probably payed some individuals from bahrain for gf's orders of 787s.
sound familiar? the first 777s in the gulf were actually for gf but they sold that order to ek, most likely at a nice price benefiting only a couple of individuals.
once again, gf has been instrumental in helping the regions airlines get started at great expense to it's own expansions, options, airline, economy and many more areas which will be very damaging to bahrain directly and indirectly.

Panama Jack
12th Mar 2010, 18:30
That's great news. So maybe Iraqi Airways will be hiring soon! :ok:

12th Mar 2010, 22:59
you get my point, pj.

13th Mar 2010, 08:38
meanwhile, a war torn nation places these orders.....a war torn nation!!!!
iraq probably payed some individuals from bahrain for gf's orders of 787s.
sound familiar? the first 777s in the gulf were actually for gf but they sold that order to ek, most likely at a nice price benefiting only a couple of individuals.
once again, gf has been instrumental in helping the regions airlines get started at great expense to it's own expansions, options, airline, economy and many more areas which will be very damaging to bahrain directly and indirectly.
well its obvious that GF didnt sell their orders yet.because GF 787s are due to 2016 (and the leased 787 will arrive in 2012)but the iraqi airways will get the 787s in 2019.

Da Do Ron Ron
15th Mar 2010, 05:50
Now why am I not surprised :bored:

It's in the GDN so it MUST be true .....

Gulf Daily News » Local News » Parliament probe into airline ends (http://www.gulf-daily-news.com/NewsDetails.aspx?storyid=272880)

15th Mar 2010, 12:00
well....they need to change, and want to change....without wanting to change. very smart!

15th Mar 2010, 15:46
Any Ops updates on how the jungle jet is on the line?

Che Guevara
16th Mar 2010, 13:49
I hear one carries the passengers and the other follows behind with the baggage. :)

16th Mar 2010, 22:58
stupid fools allowing MAJALI to get away with this. lining his pockets, his brothers at bahrains expense.

17th Mar 2010, 02:50
Should be good for the upgrades though... 3 Emb flights to do 1 Airbus flight... triple the crew!:}

17th Mar 2010, 08:57
Should be good for the upgrades though... 3 Emb flights to do 1 Airbus flight... triple the crew!http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/badteeth.gifgreat job majali! nice "restructure plan"
well he should know that same "restructure plan" doesn't really work for all the airline

17th Mar 2010, 13:35
24th March - Gulf Air's Official 60th birthday!!! Happy Birthday GF :D

17th Mar 2010, 14:08
24th March - Gulf Air's Official 60th birthday!!! Happy Birthday GF :Dnice nick :)

I dont understand how an E70 can be used for a route such as BAH-ATH which is nearly 4 hours long in flying length. If this was the idea then ATH should be suspended because its pointless flying such a plane on this route when EK/QR/EY offer a better product with a larger aircraft.

Also the cost of operations for a 70 seater aircraft to fly a 4 hour sector is very high and should be un-viable for a low yielding route such as ATH itself.yes it seems pointless.. but installing state of the art entertainment system on the embraer is also pointless..they need those IFEs on 330s and 320s.
Those embraer were meant to fly on domestic routs.. a smart thing to do would be having something like a shuttle service to kuwait,qatar,doha,UAE ,muscat and some small airports in oman.

17th Mar 2010, 16:14
When will someone form the board or senior management stand up & tell this Jordanian thief that his whole plan is BS & to get his thieving a** out of Bahrain. His latest caper is to send to A320 to KTM even through we have a code share with Saudia which gives them 100 seats per flight,regardless of aircraft type, to sell? So with the 320 going there we can only sell 20 seats,not to mention the lost cargo capacity.
The Jordanian thief has also been going frequently to Doha! Maybe he's making a deal with Akbar???

18th Mar 2010, 18:40
I just heard GF are somewhat considering to acquire 10 more of those jungle jets!! :}

18th Mar 2010, 20:03
olbie, the fact is the we are loosing on almost 95% of our routes & it has been that way for a long time. So what are the boys that are paid the big bucks going to do? Another fact is that leaving 20+ bags behind each flight will not have any effect on our looses no matter what aircraft is used on that route. The only sensible thing is for GF to throw in the towel & get rid of all the overpaid managers & excess staff then maybe Bahrain could think about opening a tiny low cost carrier.

19th Mar 2010, 06:52
olbie, the fact is the we are loosing on almost 95% of our routes & it has been that way for a long time. So what are the boys that are paid the big bucks going to do? Another fact is that leaving 20+ bags behind each flight will not have any effect on our looses no matter what aircraft is used on that route. The only sensible thing is for GF to throw in the towel & get rid of all the overpaid managers & excess staff then maybe Bahrain could think about opening a tiny low cost carrier.
it would be really stupid if bahrain gave up an airline with a 60 years of brand and experience..... well i think your one of the pilots who got sacked

Dixons Cider
19th Mar 2010, 10:09
60 years = old tired and full of rot.

Take it out the back and shoot it.

Panama Jack
19th Mar 2010, 15:19
That's interesting olbie; I seem to remember seeing some figures over a year ago showing DAC, MNL and I think KTM being the top performing routes financially for GF. Not so much on BKK-- due to relatively low-yield traffic. Pretty much convinced me that we would at least be left with serving DAC, after all of our other longer haul routes disappear.

19th Mar 2010, 17:00
Slightly off topic, but I have a mate who is considering applying to Gulf Air (he has good experience on the A319/320 with a few thousand hours of flight time on the Bus).

Can anyone indicate what schedules are like on the A320/319 fleet? Are pilots worked like slaves on that fleet vs. longhaul fleet? He is also looking at Qatar - how would conditions/schedule for Gulf Air compare to those on Qatar's A319/20 fleet?

19th Mar 2010, 17:43
The word is no more expat F/O at Gulf Air . Thats one of the things the new administration is copying from RJ. If there is no real growth and limited attrition the numbers just might work.

19th Mar 2010, 21:29
Rumor has it a whole lot of captains are going to Oman Air.

20th Mar 2010, 05:07
why would Saudia NOT fly it with its own metal? Because at the time of the agreement, they didn't have the appropriate equipment to fly the route, the 777 was too big, MD90 didn't have the range. There is traffic consisting of Nepalese farmers heading to Saudi, but they were generally bussed to India to get flights, the idea of the direct service was to serve them, having GF code share also made sense as vacation traffic from Europe could also be picked up.


20th Mar 2010, 13:12
a little off the topic but this was the worst time to cut the LHR flights . Hundreds of pax are now using middle eastern airlines to travel instead of british airways.:ugh:
but i agree with every one on flying the 320 to KTM... i remember that this is the most profitable route .

20th Mar 2010, 21:07
My country my airline. and we left behind by everyone, read this

Oman Air plans to add six more new destinations to its service

Sat, 20 March 2010
#attachments { display: none; }By Conrad Prabhu - MUSCAT — Direct flights between Muscat and Dar Es- Salaam, the administrative and business hub of Tanzania, will be launched on June 1 this year as national carrier Oman Air prepares to resume air links to East Africa after a break of several years. The move is expected to provide new impetus to tourism and commerce between Oman and Tanzania, given the longstanding historical and cultural ties between the two countries.
Direct air services will also come as a boon to the thousands of citizens and residents of the Sultanate with close family and business ties to the spice island of Zanzibar, for whom travel to and from Dar Es-Salaam these past few years has often meant inconvenient connections or lengthy transit halts. Starting June 1, 2010, four flights per week will be initially operated between Muscat and Dar Es-Salaam.
In fact, Dar Es-Salaam will pave the way for new African destinations to be added to Oman Air’s network in the future, according to a senior airline executive. “Dar Es-Salaam is our first East African destination and we plan to expand our network in Africa in future years,” said Philippe Georgiou, Chief Officer — Corporate Affairs, Oman Air. “As part of Oman Air’s expansion programme, a geographical diversification element is part of its strategy.
Additionally, with the historical links between the Sultanate and the Eastern African countries, it was only natural that Oman Air starts flying to those destinations,” he noted in remarks to the Observer. The direct flights, Georgiou said, will have beneficial implications for tourism and business travel between Oman and Tanzania. “As per the mission statement of Oman Air, we drive inbound discerning tourism into Oman.
We believe there are huge opportunities in Tanzania and East Africa to attract affluent travellers to come and visit Oman, whether for business or tourism purposes. We believe a direct flight between Muscat and Tanzania, at a starting frequency of four times a week, will certainly encourage and promote both destinations for commercial and tourism development.”
Oman Air has been rolling out new destinations at a fairly aggressive pace, having launched new direct routes between Muscat and Paris, Frankfurt, Munich, the Maldives and Sri Lanka in recent months. In addition to Dar Es-Salaam, the national carrier also plans to add Kuala Lumpur, Kathmandu, Lahore and Islamabad to its network over the next few months. Services to Milan (Italy) are planned for the later part of the year.

20th Mar 2010, 21:49
Hey SkyDive6 (http://www.pprune.org/members/323008-skydive6) you are not yet even a PPL and you have already start urguing with lots of experience pilots (read your posts on gulf aviation) just curiousity? do you relate to the Alansaris?

Che Guevara
20th Mar 2010, 21:55
'state of the art' jordanian cpl

Yeah right, probably better to give that one a no comment. :sad:

20th Mar 2010, 22:02
hey CRUIZE, the closets I got to aviation was doing GAA/OAA programme entrance assessment. I haven't got PPL, CPL, or ATPL, and for sure I haven't even been on flight deck!

I never argued with anyone here, I was on quest for answers TO BE OR NOT TO BE, and eventually I madeup my mind and decided to to the Ab-Initio Programme and quit working for the Bank. As for the Ansarias, I knew one racist f*cker from that family.

21st Mar 2010, 08:36
Nice article here from iata, majali has a little bit to say at the end as well...good excuse for him to bring in the embrios. Looks like he's holding his ground, while the bus is being pumped out of toulouse and going to other companies, keep a look out for asia those of you that are jumping ship. Best of luck to all

Recovery moves onto firmer ground (http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2010/03/19/339680/recovery-moves-onto-firmer-ground.html)

Chuck Y
21st Mar 2010, 18:21
Good riddance to that piece of s*** Al Banna. Seems like he got what he deserved in the end but he is trying to bring a few others down with him-what else would you expect from such an honourable human being!
Any news on when that smug cockroach Majali is getting his marching orders?

22nd Mar 2010, 07:01
Stormchaser - heard this particular rumour has been refuted and even publicly denied by the CEO; any 'real' news from the palace this morning?

22nd Mar 2010, 13:24
well that teaches him for causing nothing but misery at HR.

Chuck Y
22nd Mar 2010, 20:24
I wouldn't put much in Majali's word. Remember he also came out in the press & said people were NOT resigning due to his plan & the embraers.