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Mr Qantas
11th May 2008, 07:53
This is just a desgusting grab for cash from a greedy unionists. You just think you can compare your wages to Dixon well that is absurd when he is the CEO of the biggest airline in the country.

You get more than 3% you also get a level every 4 years so stop feeding each other the sob stories and get on with life! and dont bother talking to me next friday when we pass at the gate remember I gave 40 years to Qf and deserve to give them something back.

11th May 2008, 07:59
Mr Qantas
Ha! Cough Cough you really write great comedy!

The Black Panther
11th May 2008, 08:37
dont bother talking to me next Friday when we pass at the gate remember I gave 40 years to Qf and deserve to give them something back.Just like your name, you speak double dutch Mr Q.
"I gave them 40 years" so after giving them a glorious 40 years now you say "give them something back" ????

Let me get this right.
"I give them a pound of flesh" they deserve more "I will be give them my right arm"

Sounds to me like you are a 747 short of a runway.

Should I give the dog a run as I pass you next Friday. haaa haaa !!

The Black Panther
11th May 2008, 10:54
Not being a big rugby league follower I was surprised by the wonderful words that many a tough league player said about Jack Gibson. He sounded like a 'beautiful human being' that was concerned about the lives of his players beyond the football field. In my journey I have been fortunate to encounter a couple of people with similar a attitude to life. They give more than they can afford to other people they encounter.

Conversely in life, there is always balance and GD fits the bill. His greed evidenced by the package he sits on, the timing of his share option exercises, the failed commission tax advantages he was too happy to expect during the failed sellout (sometimes called a bribe). His parasitic effect of the ground dwellers (employees) of his company. Openly stating he cares little for employees or customers, the shareholder only matters. Causing pain in the men and women ex-SHM and now without doubt he will be once again causing more stress in the lives of families who's bread winner seeks a pay rise comparable to the inflation rate. You wonder where GD would stop if given open slather on 457 visa's or a bottomless wage floor. This remora would bloat up like a tic on profits extracted from the wages budget if given the opportunity.

I doubt we will win this argument about wages policy but the day workers give up fighting for a share of the wealth of businesses is the day we may as well give away our democratic rights to free speech.

It is beyond my understanding that a $22billion dollar revenue company has such a technically dynamic wages policy that adapts to future economic environment that is no more than a fixed 3% yep that's it 3%. Regardless of cash rates, oil prices, local inflation, exchanges rates, forward bookings, skills shortages, aircraft capacity, guess what it's 3% forever. I wish I worked in corporate finance dept.....at wages policy desk.

What you doing Panther? .....
Oh just working on next years wages policy...:ok:

11th May 2008, 12:27
Yes I am listening. I also wish you would stop posting a pipedream outcome that is even less likely than 5% for all. The 3% wage policy is no longer relevant. Managers worked this out years ago.

LAMEs who read this. I just wanted to share with you a story I heard from Base Maintenance from yesterday. A crew were approached to start their shift ten minutes early in order to help the company out with an aircraft that I will assume was late. The senior and his crew started early and didn't even put in for OT.

I know it hasn't formally started yet but crikey, if our members can't work out what is about to take place the game will be over in a flash. An OT ban is not, not, a ban on claiming OT. An OT ban is a ban on working OT.
You don't still start work early, finish late, come in on days off or work through lunch then not claim OT. I kid you all not, this actually happened. Please don't do it again.

the rim
11th May 2008, 12:36
hey fed sec what is the dream tell us we are hearing that we are stopping work from the papers not from you ....whats happening please tell us and what are we going for if 5% is not it

11th May 2008, 12:43
There are all manner of ladder climbers in QF, sad but true.

11th May 2008, 12:43
Yes this type of O/T has been going on for 30 plus years with no claim, that is, the crews that show up at work 30 min early every shift.

It will not happen any longer, neither will crews continue showing up for work 30 min early. 0600 or 1800, no earlier.... especially Seniors.....

Wait for the Brief then show in the office for duties.....

11th May 2008, 12:46
The fact you are discussing it here rather than in direct email to your membership astounds me.
You will be rolled even before your PIA begins. :ouch:

11th May 2008, 12:48
Mr Qantas, perhaps you haven't realised it but Dixon and his cronies were hopelessly compromised to receive benefits from the Sale. They had also failed their fiduciary duty as directors of a company as big as Qantas in not carrying out a proper check into the companies proposing the buyout as to THEIR financial position.
The truth is that had the bid succeeded QA would have had $3 billion stripped from the reserves to pay back lenders and accumulated $25 billion + in debt . All without any significant change in assets.
The equation is simple....... millions to Dixon and the gang, and no value to the share holders......except taking on a lot of debt.
Who wins ??? certainly not the shareholders.!!!
As a shareholder, I think ASIC should be investigating this matter BIG TIME (with jail sentences in mind).
The salary increases asked for by engineers is a pittance when compared to the board's bonuses !!!!!


11th May 2008, 12:53
I'd even give up the 3% they were offering to see that happen and then some.

11th May 2008, 20:51
re your below comment

"I also wish you would stop posting a pipedream outcome that is even less likely than 5% for all"

You are openly saying that 5% is unlikley, so why all the angst, lets just settle please so we can get back to normal lives

11th May 2008, 20:54
Still pushing out FUD Wingers? Your message has not changed one bit since you started posting on this thread.

11th May 2008, 21:30
What was FUD about my last message? please tell me

I asked a logical question, how you can deduce i was spreading FUD by asking the Fed Sec to accept the deal offered given IN HIS OWN WORDS, he feels it unlikely that we will get 5%.

You tell me Mr. Sunfish MBA, your MBA is for Masters in Bullsh*t Artist

Easy for you to commentate from the sidelines and rattle things up , suggest you refrain from posting crap, particularly as you have no stake in the outcome

11th May 2008, 21:54
Spannertwister - We know you are on the same side. The options like your list have all been put to management and they start baulking well before your outcome. eg. 2 levels for all - compared to 1/4 of a level (1 point) for some. We couldn't even negotiate with them a second point or 1 point for all. The 8 points for 2 levels is so far past the brick wall it is not funny. Then you have another 11 inclusions. We just want a simple clear message. 5%. From what I have seen on the inside, it is a more likely outcome.

Stop work meetings? yep, we advised Qantas at 1650 last Friday that there would be one on the 16th. Hope they enjoyed their weekend off. Heard some of them were busy at work.

The fact you are discussing it here rather than in direct email to your membership astounds me.
You will be rolled even before your PIA begins. :ouch:

Our members get notices nearly every day, sometimes 2 a day. This is additional info and I know what is safe to post here. They get direct emails and can email questions in and get rather quick responses. Still think we will be rolled before it begins?

11th May 2008, 23:04
Wingers, you stated in your post (below) that the Fed Sec 'IN HIS OWN WORDS' said 5% was 'unlikely'
how you can deduce i was spreading FUD by asking the Fed Sec to accept the deal offered given IN HIS OWN WORDS, he feels it unlikely that we will get 5%.
You are spreading FUD because the Fed Sec never stated what you have claimed that he has stated. You attempted to misrepresent him.

If you read his post correctly you would understand that the Fed Sec stated that SpannerTwister's wish list (valued at more than 20% renumeration increase) was 'less likely' than the 5% we are asking for. I'll put it into context for you. The statement, 'It is less likely I will win Tattslotto tonight than live to see tomorrow', does not mean that it is unlikely that I will live to see tomorrow.

On a different note, Congratulations ALAEA Exec! 82% is an excellent result. You are taking the fight up to Dix & Cox very well. By enlarge the AME's are very supportive as well. As much as it is possible, all QE workers are united. Roll on 15th May, let PIA begin.

nut turner
11th May 2008, 23:51
:mad:It looks like the Strike Breakers are being introduced to their new surroundings with a third floor manager showing a few around the Sydney base late last night. A few west coast employees were getting TA's sorted out, not to mention a number of supervisors and quasi managers are being asked to stand up and do their bit, seems like Pressganging has ben reintroduced for some unwilling volunteers as well.
It is also rumoured that a number of supervisors who took redundancy will be making a reappearance around the tarmac, maybe they're repaying the favour for getting the 707 back to Longreach. I suppose you can always use an extra 100K to top up your million dollar payout.:=
Looks like difficult times ahead.:(

TID Edit.

The masked goatrider
12th May 2008, 00:06
Say NO to overtime LAMEs. It's easy. Message well and truly clear at the International Terminus today (syd) normally 10-12 on o/t today there is none. Not a single Neddy. Well done.

12th May 2008, 00:39
Well done SIO :D

12th May 2008, 00:47
Rumour has it the a certain exec is getting the flick for causing trouble amongst his mates. Overheard something like "Send him back on the goat that he rode in on......".

12th May 2008, 01:09
The Newport aviation contract has just been upped. It is now 140K for 6 months of dirty work. The MAS expats who want the quick cash are starting to realize that their MAS jobs are gone when they get back. Some quick biccies, no more career. Welcome to the strike breaker world.

12th May 2008, 02:51
Bring them to there knees! Say NO to overtime and watch the wall start to crumble:ok:

The war has begun, time to stick together:}

Mr Invisible
12th May 2008, 03:21
I'm shocked to hear men would give up the stability of long term or for that matter short term employment for a 'Gun for Hire' arrangement. What about their families and their future ?

I'm more concerned about what will happen on the tarmac if the scabs do arrive, it seems that many of my fellow LAMEs feel that physical violence is more than acceptable when someone is trying to steal your livelihood.

This I do not condone but certainly understand the emotion, I do feel very angry and whether on my days on or off I will be willing to help identify and mark these individuals so we can publicly OUT them.
If any exec or reps post here please PM me so I can do my bit as my alias implies I'm very good at hiding in a crowd.

Is there a chance we can keep an eye on the incoming Malaysian flights so as to possibly eyeball any potential strikebreakers ?

What disturbs me most of is that since the ALAEA put the stop on 457 visas used to break an industrial dispute the company has gone out of it's way to hire ex pats, these Ba$t@rds are AUSTRALIANS come to scab, is this not a most UNAUSTRALIAN act ?

I feel ill..................................

12th May 2008, 03:51
FedSec - I'm afraid so. Lockout, followed by individual contract is what I see.

12th May 2008, 04:19
If QF are now offering 140k for 6 months,I see desperation on QF's behalf.

12th May 2008, 04:38
As far as sc@bs are concerned, QF have 2 basic problems. They have not been able to source as many as required, and original sc@bs do not want to renew now that things are starting to hot up.

A couple that have received 'friendly' phone calls have reached their max. 'heat' levels. QF had better hope those that do turn up have a bit more backbone than some of the early starters.

Syd eng
12th May 2008, 05:13
OT SMS's coming thick & fast for Syd BM now. 2 already today for tomorrow. Guess they are getting worried.

12th May 2008, 05:54
Also apparently finding willing participants to conduct higher duties is proving to be an impossible task.:E

Wouldn't want to be the one who caves in.......:=

12th May 2008, 06:10
I have also heard some scabs said “thanks for the money” and have now exited.

Oh OOOO….. Things not going according to plan already.

hi-speed tape
12th May 2008, 06:38
Can confirm that today as of 1600 and 1700 hrs there are members at the SIT staying back on o/t !!:ugh:

Syd eng
12th May 2008, 06:48
These bloke need to have serious help, they are only stuffing us all up.

The masked goatrider
12th May 2008, 06:51
May I suggest that their names and any paperwork be sent through to the ALAEA office? I have heard that they would like a complete record of the coming period recorded so the lessons can be passed down to their children.

12th May 2008, 07:30
When u say from what you have seen on the inside,5% is a more likely outcome-are u able to elaborate,tks.

12th May 2008, 07:49
When u say from what you have seen on the inside,5% is a more likely outcome-are u able to elaborate,tks.

Just quickly, there was a comment made at some meeting that we might get our own way but we will pay for it in the long run as they send more work offshore. I was just thinking about the closure of SHM and how they sent that work offshore anyway so the threat didn't really mean much to me.

12th May 2008, 09:02
Say NO to overtime LAMEs. It's easy. Message well and truly clear at the International Terminus today (syd) normally 10-12 on o/t today there is none. Not a single Neddy. Well done.

Plenty of people in melb dom still don't get it,same heads still rollin in for OT today and over the weekend.Oh it hasn't started yet,the ban starts on the
16th. !!!!

Some people don't get it. Everyone can still put pressure on the company NOW by not working OT NOW.

dr skydrol
12th May 2008, 09:39
The best way to tackle this is slow and steady. Qf will be trying to end this quickly through intimidation and loss of income. A few 4 hour stop work here and there shouldn't create divisions amongst us. If people can't pay their mortgage thats where the divisions will start. however if it gets that bad I'm sure I've heard of a provision in the Superanuation laws to draw on that money if you are that financially F:mad: to save your house. We are in for a long haul now. No OT will slowly catch up with them. And no one taking annual leave costs them $$$ as well. Work to rule follow the maint manual in every step by step instruction. In the end we will get a better offer than the pittance on offer now. Do you think GD wants to go into retirement with industrial action still happening. It may take a year. I havn't had a payrise for 18 months. Another year don't matter.
Don't do anything dumb. Stick together. We aren't asking for the earth.

12th May 2008, 10:52
I am in hock like every one else , however if your life relies on
OT then you need to have a long hard look at your finances!
You are either really greedy or really stupid.
All an OT ban means that you don't get any extra.
I am really dumbfounded that an OT ban is an issue.
GO HOME , spend time with the family or go to the pub!

another superlame
12th May 2008, 11:02

The vote has barely been counted and there is still no unity. Give it up. Either every one is in or every one is screwed. Don't worry about the scabs QF have trained up to take your places they wont be needed because your ranks are full of scabs already.

You bitch and moan about QE management, well the problem is a lot closer to home.
This whole PIA ballot and vote will be worth nothing until you walk out and take some serious action.

No coming in on a call in. What a pathetic waste of time the last 5 months have been. Walk out. Walk out now and hit them hard. What a phukcen joke.


12th May 2008, 20:29
In todays news:

“Against a background of lengthy EBA negotiations over 19 months, and the union reneging on its ‘in principle’ agreement, the ALAEA is now choosing to disrupt Qantas customers,” said Dixon.

That's not what happened at all???

12th May 2008, 20:49
Dixon is playing the Politician. His argument is fact free.

Qantas invested in new equipemnt and people, not out of the goodness of their heart or any concern for Australians but to make more money.

If he threatens that Australian jobs will be sent offshore, it will be done for no other reason than to make more money

Corporations exist to make more money

Corporations will do anything at all to make more money

From extensive personal and business experience, whenever you hear any company telling the public that it exists to employ Australians, pay Australian taxes, contribute to the growth of the Australian economy, fly sick children to hospital, save baby dolphins, or make a contribution to the community, etc. you are hearing bull****. And the statement is invariably followed by a request for either public money or public or Government assistance.

Mr. Dixons statement falls neatly into this category.

The Bungeyed Bandit
12th May 2008, 22:18
Seen on SYD Tarmac driving around in a training vehicle with a full complement of willing students (alternative workforce) yesterday was the ex Ansett International EIC. Hope he’s happy in his new job as one of the many “Managers for Aircraft Readiness”. He certainly is in good company with the other goons who seem happy to sell their souls to the devil. I guess he still believes his often repeated mantra “It’s only a scam if you’re not in on it”.

Then again he still has along way to go to catch up to the Koala Smuggler from Vth Pod. He’s been flat out utilising his Cert IV training credentials over the past couple of months.

I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired!!!

12th May 2008, 22:19
You are a cynical old an who lives in Toorak, complaining about making money, you hypocrit , Nothing better to do than cry foul about everybody, who really cares about your opinion, we are are democratic capitalist society, if you hve a problem with corporations making money move to North Korea, but you enjoy your Chardonnay lifestyle to much, you are unbeliveable.

And as for the rest of you i read implied tramac threats etc, you make me feel ashamed.

I have made my mind up i am happy with what i get paid, i will be 100% against you and will support QF and to hell with your thuggish tactics,

I too can decided what i want.... and i maybe the only one, but i choose to excercise my democratic right

I will not be part of an environment of implied intimidation regardless of who or what the circumstances are.

12th May 2008, 22:34
Wingers the troll has now outed himself....and therefore can be safely placed on your ignore list. Thank you Wingers, we were right about you all along.

By the way, of course Corporations exist to make money, stop trying to twist my words.

What is nauseating is when they tell us that they exist for some other reason than to make money, as Mr. Dixon himself implied.


He said the policy had allowed the company to invest more than $30 billion in new aircraft and add 6000 jobs at a time other carriers were reducing employment.

.....................and of course make record profits at the same time.

12th May 2008, 22:36
Congrats wingers, I am glad you have made your mind up and exercised your democratic right.

Does this mean you will now shut the f:mad:ck up and stop posting your bullsh*t?

I for one am sick of reading your rubbish.

Let everyone else exercise their democratic right.

Go climb up M's ass and die. :D :D :D

13th May 2008, 00:43
Was speaking to a lot of flight crew last night about our stop work meetings this Friday. The level of support coming out of the rest of the company is unbelievable. To all the flight crew out there thanks for your support and most of all, thank you for now spending that extra few minutes in righting up all those snags:ok:

I had a question for Mr GD, if it's company policy for three percent pay rise a year then why does this not apply to you and the rest of your goons.:ugh:

Oops there goes my phone again asking for O/T, sorry but I'm a bit busy washing the dog:}

13th May 2008, 02:13
Yes I have a question: What happens when the disparity between the haves and have nots becomes too wide and the little people can no longer stomach the rot, nepotism and corruption at the top?

Look to Russia 1917, China 1949, Vietnam 1954 - 1975.

Before you blindly call me a Commie, do a bit of background research. Communism was the vehicle. The people built it and then got behind the wheel and ran over the filthy rich and corrupt. The same thing is happening in the Middle East with "fundamentalist Islam". It is simply an argument between rank greed and abuse of power, and a fairer outcome for all, whether that be property rights, wealth or the will of the people.

The lesson lost in all examples is that if you address the peoples underlying dissatisfaction and exercise the responsibility that leadership demands, instead of using it to feather your own nest, then Communism and fundamentalist Islam, and in our case, industrial action, would not arise.

13th May 2008, 02:32
I wonder why there is the "Strategy Map & FOUR Pillars" if the likes of G.Dicko do not follow them.

Are these company initiates a waste of time?

And what about "Bulling & Harassment" isn't that against the Cardinal Rules"?

How come management can ignore & break company policy, conduct business illegally

& immorally but we get stood down for placing a safety cone in the wrong spot.

NO more O/T.

(what part of NO do you not understand?)

13th May 2008, 03:14
You engineers are pathetic. Cant fight your own battles, so now your going to take the flight crews with you.
Still people doing O/T, on secondment, doing fly away work(ie toulouse)etc.The strikebreakers regardless of what you do are not going to make a difference, it is just some leverage the company is hoping they have against you..Your battle is with management, not the crews, not the public and not the strike breakers.
Cant even get all the LAMEs at QF on the same page, so you are recruiting others to do what they should have been doing forever.(ie, writing up snags, following procedures, using approved data and paper work)
Get some balls and you might actually win for a change...

13th May 2008, 03:43
Does anyone know the internet address for 'The Voice'?

13th May 2008, 03:48
Pathetic:eek: Mate, if you have not noticed the stench of what is going on is not just with us. Everyone is in the same boat that's why we finally said enough is enough. Were standing up for what is right and saying NO. It's trolls like you that undermine what were actually trying to do. But then it doesn’t matter what you say or do because the majority has spoken were all pi:mad: off.

Oww! There goes the phone again.......:ooh: Sorry, can't help washing the car:ok:

13th May 2008, 03:58
NO jetronic, no one has to undermine you, you do a good enough job for yourselves. Hope im proven wrong, only time will tell..

13th May 2008, 04:13
Goodluck to you all. Hope you can return the good days to Qantas and make it a place where people are lined up to get back in..

13th May 2008, 07:39
ops! did I just add lordofthewings and wingers to my ignore list?

chemical alli
13th May 2008, 08:20
before posting on this site and slandering certain individuals for training so called scabs or uber management,just remember that some of these individuals have no choice.it may actually be part of their individual management contract,whilst this in no way excludes them from the brotherhood from which they came,please keep the verbal stoushing to where it belongs.the vote has been counted/time to get your co%ks out boys and compare sizes.screaming eagles all round.work together and you may be rewarded,slander and devide/fall you shall.

13th May 2008, 08:31

No problems to say NO if you were part of the ALAEA during the PIA !!

Obviously you have resigned..

No sympathy for you lot.

You will take the spoils but not share the pain. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Acute Instinct
13th May 2008, 09:13
Chemical Ali,

Have you taken a knock recently. Are you feeling alright. With statements like 'time to get your c*cks out boys' and 'you may be rewarded' and how's this one 'fall you shall'. There's alot of you, you, you about it. What happened to we, we, we. Sounds a bit condescending. Come on Chemical, let them defend themselves. They are big boys who have made deliberate desicions, or been shoehorned in via the club door at the expense of their so-called mates. Bit rich for you to be telling us it is somehow not their fault they now find themselves between a rock and a hard place. Did they think that they were joining the army, yet would never be called to war! It's time for them to cough up. There wont be lives lost, just life long friendships. Lest we ever forget!

P.S. Quote' whilst this does not exclude them from the brotherhood from which they came' Unquote. Your words Chemical. The brotherhood will decide that one. I dare say Friday will be like catching your brother in bed with your wife. Oh, it wasn't his fault, she made him do it! I'm prepared to burn a few friendships on the spot. I hope your not one of them.

13th May 2008, 09:21
To all my fellow Qantas employeesand the engineers in particular,

I fail to vote in the latest ballot as I felt that I couldn't, as I voteted 2 weeks ago wit my feet. after 17 years as an apprentice,ame the lame it has become time to leave a job that i felt I could carry out till I retired.But after all the years of watching the managment cutbacks , rationalizations, efficancy gains,and the (personal opion) destroying of an orginazation that could repair, mod and generally keep flying anything built with ease and a sense pride and purpose. I wish you all, enginners and the rest of the qf staff all the best for the future and will offer all the moral support that I can as I continue my avaition carrer elsewhere.now of to the sandpit!:):):):):)

As a small footnote as it is a rumor network I heard today 26 LAME's from BNE H/M interveiwed on monday for position at Etihad including several snr lames and their backups along with quote a few of the snr lame staff that are fed up with the NZ connection. Apparently they were out and about trying to find out who and where all the lame's where on Monday.:= :D

13th May 2008, 10:03
It's a small industry, we never forget.

13th May 2008, 10:07
club pineapple still don't get it. :=, son please have a word to steptoe.:ouch:

motown man
13th May 2008, 10:21

You are a man after my own heart. I too have jumped in and felt the sand between the toes. Its so revitalising after the dealing with the amazing sycophants at QF. I can really can understand where you are coming from and why you have chosen an honourable option. For your support we salute you.

Ah the sandpit.

Come Friday the "line in the sandpit" will reveal all.

CA you will be on the wrong side of the line. Time for you to grow a spine.

You are one of those who wants to run with the Hares and Hunt with the Hounds!!

13th May 2008, 10:27
Release the hounds...!!!!!!! (Montgomery Burns).

13th May 2008, 10:32
Scab named without fully naming him

Anyone remember someone who left Qantas dock maintenance in melbourne by the name of Tom ??????? Quick memory jog for you all. He dropped a 2 litre bottle of plonk on the hanger floor that he was given as part of his sendoff to virgin ???

He is one of the scabs !!!!!!!!!!

Don't forget this bloke people and what he stands for,someone who called himself your friend is ****ting in your face for the all mighty dollar.$$$$

Filth personified.

motown man
13th May 2008, 10:34

Ragnar Benson
13th May 2008, 10:42

Are you sure it wasnt a 2 litre Jar Of Vics!!!

13th May 2008, 10:47
Look lads, I'm a newby to this, but for christ sake, it has to our best chance since I,ve been a LAME (10 years), to really have some leverage for a reasonable EBA. What we are asking for, to me is totally within reason and doesn't compare to other industries. If for some reason some members work OT or go against the ALAEA bans you are only cutting your own throat and waisting the best oppurtunty we have had in a long time. Stay together and win. If members fall off the band wagon and break the bans then this union will fail to ever have any respect from anybody, let alone QF!!!!!!:ok::ok:

chemical alli
13th May 2008, 11:10
let me respond ,i havent taken any knocks to the head and assure you i am on the rite side of the line.all i was trying to point out is, lets not get into a slanging match and dvide our membership as this is exactly what q wants.
as the song goes, "I am, you are, we are, Australian"
or should i say, " I am, you are, we are, The A.L.A.E.A"

motown man
13th May 2008, 11:43
Chemical Ali,

I cannot recall a time that Lame's have voted with such unity. Either in the last ballot for PIA or with thier feet and leave.

The last thing our association will be is divided although you cant legislate against the stupidity of certain individuals.

The tribal council has spoken.:p

13th May 2008, 11:46
Just curious to know whether QF are able to bring in breakers during pia.for example the 4hr stoppages that are planned

Anulus Filler
13th May 2008, 12:02
Sorry to all, but for nostaglia's sake, I just had to post a link to this picture.

A little over a year ago, these 3 stooges almost single handedly caused the collapse of another great Australian Icon. With GD on the left smiling with such enthusiasm, he thought the $60M was in the bag. Notice the grip he had on Marg. And as for big bad Bob, his fist was so far up Marg,(note his missing right arm), that his puppet was smiling from ear to ear.

Now my suggestion to all the LAMES is that when you're feeling like a little inspiration, just look at this link and it will keep you going for weeks. Remember, in Geoff's world it is the 'shareholder' that's the most important product of his buisness model. And why wouldn't it be? With 2,363,000 shares held plus all the other options, that would certainly make this 'shareholder' very important.

You greedy bastard... The sweat of every Qantas employee who only ever gets an average of 3% and less has made this airline what it is today. All that was ever asked for was inflation when the times are good. We are walking off on Friday because you and your managers have shown no wage restraint. Explain this to your shareholders. We are walking off on Friday because you have been unreasonable and two faced with your negotiations!! Explain that to our customers.

To the rest, Choke on the photo....


chemical alli
13th May 2008, 12:03
hope your pen is as sharp as your wit,or at least full of ink

13th May 2008, 12:07
This is all new to me, I started in the 'class of 90' and in reflection of my 18 yrs I can't believe how far down we have come. Slowly but surely qf's wage policies have caught up to me, I have had a gutfull t be honest. so what to do?
Become the person your family would be proud of, Show integrity, Stand up for what is right, look yourself in the mirror after you have made that hard decision! but above all support your fellow lame and the alaea for doing what is right. goodluck to all, together we will achieve

Turbo 5B
13th May 2008, 12:09
It's time to put up or shut up. If you hear someone whinge about taking a bit of pain for the good of LAMES in the future remind them of how they got to where they are at the moment, and then remind them them of why we are where we are now....having to hold the travelling public to ransom to claw back what we had 10 years ago. And that is because of the bunch of pussies that voted down an eba last time only to vote up a worse one when it was offered.
NO MORE PUSSIES!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you sent Murray and Cox, Vincent and the other twats that have taken over QF engineering in the last few years on holiday for a few months would the aircraft would still be maintained, still meet schedule and still be safe and have satisfied customers?
If the LAMES on the ground take a few days off the whole thing turns to ****.
Who is more vital to the company?

13th May 2008, 12:17
I'd have to agree with this one. It seems a self defeting excercise to pay your subs to the ALAEA then turn around and do O/T in face of what the collective has chosen.Lets face it the requests seem modest enough given rising inflation, interest rates & taxation rates .PS I can't let rip on my first posting, bieng a probationary ppruner and all!

13th May 2008, 12:21
Hi All,

Just a small msg off support. I left QF some time back for personal reasons, I did not vote in the PIA ballot as I have no right to now. I am now working in a far off land earning more money than I ever did at QF.

Of course, anyone who works as a contractor in a "Far off Land" is entilted to do as they wish. It is a small world out here, and I can assure history is never forgotten.....

What goes around, comes around, but there are lots of us out here who were offered, refused and wish you good luck...

The "splash":ugh: is backl

class clown
13th May 2008, 13:01
chksatis (http://www.pprune.org/forums/member.php?u=144163)

In these trying times it would probably be wise for you to get your facts straight before slagging off one of the brothers (JS) who's only crime was to assist the engineers from being bombarded with management procedures, thus making our working life a little more pleasant. If you think this guy is a scab or a scab trainer, think again.

Lets stick to the real issues.

13th May 2008, 13:32
Members of the ALAEA, ladies and gentlemen,

We, Qantas LAME's, are about to do battle with a company that have millions of dollars perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars in reserve to fight with. Also the company have employed a few QF oldtimers and some desperate people seemingly willing to sell their souls for some short term cash. GD is also now firmly against us and this alone is making QF Engineering Management believe they are unbeatable!

Well GD, DC and the so called Engineering Management Team, you are about to realise the gravity of the situaton you have created.
100 or so old and partimers cannot run an airline of this size no matter what training you give them, or cash you have put aside.
If this is your only defense you deserve all that is coming, for your incompetance!!

There is no need to worry about the odd person who breaks ranks. The odd person will not make a difference! There is no need to worry about less than one hundred strike breakers, they simply do not have the numbers or the skills to cope!
Lets just give them all plenty to do!

Lets not forget the strength we have, it's impossible to replace us! The local work cannot be taken overseas! It must be done by competent, hard working personnel, willing to work to the extremeties of the law to make it financially viable.




13th May 2008, 14:26
:DTHANKYOU amstrang. Your message should be mass produced and read at this friday's meetings. Up until reading your message i have felt uneasy and pressured due to the unruly company propaganda on this forum and other e-mails. Your reassurance is to the point and put me at ease. I will sleep better tonight knowing that YES was the right answer. THANKYOU.:O

13th May 2008, 14:46
LAME’s on the line know how easy things can turn to Sh*t with A/C delays, even with 1700 LAME’s with good intensions.

Can you imagine less than 100 retired rusty scabs under pressure?
Now that’s what I call priceless.

There was one LAME they got rid of from Perth (lets call him HR for short). His reputation was known all around the network. When he worked for QF he caused so many delays and cost so many millions in A/C damage that QF were glad to see him go. In fact they even tried sacking him several times.

Well he is one of the scabs - and the caliber of the rest will be similar.

13th May 2008, 21:34
good luck guys,

I would love to be amongst you when you give QF management a bloody nose. Many of the guys who went went syd heavy was closed down were asked to be scabs-I don't know of any that signed up and I'm sure everyone supports you guys 100%.

Read Armstrangs post when you have doubts. Stay united and you cannot fail!! They simply have no one else (or not enough of them) that can do the job!!

employes perspective
13th May 2008, 22:54
every ex heavy (h245)person i have spoken to ,are behind you guys and girls,time to belt these bastards.
P.S as for Dixons threat about offshoring,so what,we gave him what he wanted and he still shut as down.HIS WORD MEANS NOTHING.

13th May 2008, 23:22
EBA Bargaining, To haggle.

This company has never bargained with our union.

For a company to blatantly tell their workers that all they will ever get from management is 3% is tantamount to a dictatorship,nothing more and nothing less.

There is no bargaining between the company and it's workers based on productivity gains. All we ever get to bargain with the company about is what we can hang on to.

Wonder how many will get grounded today ???
How many millions will be lost today GD ???

Exercise your Authority people,but above all,adhere 100% to GD's PPM and use it to crush the board in to submission.

dr skydrol
13th May 2008, 23:48
Hello brothers,
No one doing OT will slowly let the work build up and up till the planes are grounded or just run very late.A friend of mine went to book a ticket the other day. There is a recorded msg warning passengers of imminant delays to flights due to industrial action.He bought a ticket on another airline. What a way to run a buisness eh. How long do you think shareholders will allow this before they invest somewhere else.
Hers's a tip. If they ask you to do OT after shift.Say yes no worrries mr manager. Then 5 minutes before you start "sorry I feel so fatigued I have to go home now".They can't dock you cause you havn't refused.
:mad: my balls MR DIXON. You would spend $170 million to break our strike. Yet it would cost $4 million for 5%. You were all smiles when you thought you had the company sold off for your own profit, and again your arrogance makes you think you can break us now.

13th May 2008, 23:59
Do you really think the breakers are going to be running around stressed out trying to kick aircraft back out. I very much doubt it. Have met a few people that have signed on, and they are all happily employed elsewhere, they all support your cause, they would just like to get something out of these pricks also..Remember most of them will be ex QF, guys and girls that were thrown to the dogs from QF management..Would you not do the same.
Most have these people would have also looked at QF LAME history and known that they have never worked, they would have wayed up making this decision and after signing on still are, most will not turn up, some will, and they will still be questioning themselves. But for whatever reasons they are there, they will not make a difference, because they wont have the numbers and they dont give a f..k. They might even help your cause...Wouldnt that be funny....


14th May 2008, 00:38
The strike breaker I mentioned earlier will definitely help our cause. He will probable drive a piece of equipment into an aircraft like he has done on many occasions before.

Anulus Filler
14th May 2008, 00:47

The strike breaker I mentioned earlier will definitely help our cause. He will probable drive a piece of equipment into an aircraft like he has done on many occasions before.

.....Probably ran out of supplies in his shed!!!

14th May 2008, 04:53
I cannot believe after reading all the posts on here that people are still going against the thing we have set out to protect....ourselves, and ourselves in our job. To bring us up to what we should be getting.....5%....and the recognition we deserve for the job we do in keeping these things in the air with the 300-400 people flying in them. Its not a hard ask is it? But it f:mad:kin well seems to be according to the ivory tower people who just stick their ar:mad:e out the window and take a giant sh:mad:t on us! Mind u there also seems to be the people on the floor also who are doing this to us. (Do we need OH&S to put in a study for a stand for them to get up high enough for this? with railings of course)

Come on Boys & Girls lets stick together and we will win this thing......not that it is a win, it should be a given....simple.....

Good Luck to All!

14th May 2008, 05:26
I think the "Alternate Workforce" should start their own PIA

and go for a 100% pay rise just to stick it to Dicko! :ok:

14th May 2008, 05:53
I love reading these self assuring comments and also those comments that are big and bold.

It is good that you are so self assured, i wonder what the posts will be like when that big left of field wham hits....and it will....

I can see comments like: we should have signed! we should have voted no! we should have been happy with our wages etc etc etc

But for now keep the bravado up keep the self assurance up, but also keep an eye out on your length of tenure and associated benefits....see if you can work it out

14th May 2008, 05:58
I love listening to the recorded message on the Qantas sales line warning customers about the upcoming chaos.

I bet virgin are getting a lot more calls this week.

14th May 2008, 08:20

14th May 2008, 08:29
How dare you use the tyre blow out to associate with maintenance...ninemsn

This has no correlation what so ever.......you make me sick to the core...i now know i have made the right decision to abandone your sinking ship.

How dare you ....this is exactly why you will be remembered as the guy who sunk us

14th May 2008, 09:12
There is obviously a lot of emotion building up around this PIA. The action hasn't even started yet. I hope it doesn't get any worse when it gets into full swing. Both sides should refrain from making provocative comments. You may be anonymous here but just consider that, rightly or wrongly, someone else may end up paying the price for the pot stirrers comments on this forum.

Ragnar Benson
14th May 2008, 09:25
If I may I would like to get this thread back to the main game.


I have heard that the Bne Heavy guys are going to leave work early on Friday night to compensate for the 4hrs loss of pay for the stop work meeting.

Guys this is unprotected action. Dont go there.

I can understand your venom but play the game.

Oh and by the way I have heard that our Kiwi brothers in management have asked Mr Huckleberry to take annual leave after injurying himself at work on a door counterbalance rather than register an LTI and cause those poor underpaid managers from losing thier annual bonus.

These guys need to be ridden like a hooker on half price tuesdays.

14th May 2008, 09:26
5%???? cmon, BAE have been getting that every year for the past 4 yrs.....

you deserve more, BAE staff are entering into their ECA/AWA talks now, minimum is 5.5, aiming for 6%

Bolty McBolt
14th May 2008, 09:34
It is good that you are so self assured, i wonder what the posts will be like when that big left of field wham hits....and it will....

LAMEA380 for a troll you don't get it do you.

If QF have a plan to lock us out or sack us all and start up a new engineering company to hire us back under a different award etc. So be it.
What ever your left feild "wham" is!! (wham were a gay band in the 80s, You probably have all their albums.)
I digress. If the above is to happen to the LAMES during this dispute. The dispute will not be the cause of it but a catalyst as it will have been a plan for our future. If the WHAM comes as you say. At least the LAMEs will be able to dictate the terms for our future as the companies hand will be forced, unlike the closing of Heavy maintenance in Sydney which was a slow and painful process akin to death of a 1000 cuts.

BUT I personally do not believe this is what will happen. I am sure selling off ACS is a "wet dream" of the board and will or has been looked at. BUT with the clowns in charge of ACS I can not see not one with the skill or the working knowledge of the ACS work force to make the transition happen and work.
The impostors masquerading as managers on the 3rd floor may have the arrogance or the temerity to talk about it but all should have stayed in their previous vocations where their lack of ability would not be so quickly measured and found wanting.

PIA. What ever happens I am in for the long ride, as we are first union within the company to have a go, and both sides are in unchartered waters so I see rocky times at first then common sense prevailing for if this causes long term disruption to the operation of the company there will be will be losses on both sides. Managers will also have to held accountable for mess and a few put to the sword to appease the gods.
Next union to have a go at PIA, I suspect the company will have its ducks in a row, so again this is our chance.

To add
Have just been informed, one of the QF pilot EBAs is due and so is Jet*. If this drags out over a month QF IR could be fighting on 3 fronts. Do they have recourses to do it?

As someone posted. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired :ugh:

14th May 2008, 09:56
I can hear the padlock & chains rattling.:{:=

Acute Instinct
14th May 2008, 10:00
Wingers, your last post would suggest you are in a spot of bother 1. From a legal standpoint I would suggest you make no further comment. 2. You would be best advised to officially report your position. And 3. Prepare to be evicted from PPRuNe. Gee, didn't your team get it wrong!

P.S. Your right Winger's, I do not condone the alleged threat, I have merely speculated. You on the other hand have imputed yourself into bankruptcy.

14th May 2008, 10:26
Getting back to the topic.
Ragnar Benson said

I have heard that the Bne Heavy guys are going to leave work early on Friday night to compensate for the 4hrs loss of pay for the stop work meeting.

Guys this is unprotected action. Dont go there.

Can’t the guys hold their own stop work meeting at any time on short notice ??

14th May 2008, 10:40
Trying to get the threat shut down Wingers:{. Seems the stress is building the night before PIA starts. I hope the moderators see through you masquerade.
Did you at least get a $100 000? I hear the new rate is $140 000!:sad:

14th May 2008, 10:52
The Peter Principle is the principle that "In a Hierarchy Every Employee Tends to Rise to His Level of Incompetence." While formulated by Dr. Laurence J. Peter (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laurence_J._Peter) and Raymond Hull (http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Raymond_Hull&action=edit&redlink=1) in a humorous book which also introduced the "salutary science of Hierarchiology" "inadvertently founded" by Peter, their 1968 The Peter Principle, the principle has real validity.
The principle holds that in a hierarchy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchical_organization) members are promoted so long as they work competently. Sooner or later they are promoted to a position at which they are no longer competent (their "level of incompetence"), and there they remain. Peter's Corollary states that "in time, every post tends to be occupied by an employee who is incompetent to carry out his duties" and adds that "work is accomplished by those employees who have not yet reached their level of incompetence".

Does this sound like QANTAS?

Back Seat Driver
14th May 2008, 10:52
Claims such as those being made by wingers and lame380 are the same as those made by some company pilot tools in the dispute of the year not to be mentioned. All designed to create media interest in how the big bad union stooges were trampling on the little innocent guys. It was all cr@p then, and I'm sure it is the same tactic being used now. I wish we had prune 19 years ago to get the word around.
Prune members that make these outrageous claims and threats here should be binned to protect the thread. Just my opinion.
Good luck to the Ginger Beers, we need you and QF needs you.

14th May 2008, 10:52
rudderless, can you at least get it right it is $225,000.00

14th May 2008, 11:00
First they came for the Flight Attendants and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Flight Attendant, Then they came for the LAMEs, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Lame. Then they came for the Pilots, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Pilot. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me.
With apologies and thanks to Martin Niemoeller. http://www.hoboes.com/html/FireBlade/Politics/niemoller.shtml (http://www.hoboes.com/html/FireBlade/Politics/niemoller.shtml)
I am a LAME and I intend to stand up and be heard.
I am LAME hear me roar.
This time apologies and thanks to Helen Reddy.
Do not waver; there are plenty who want to support us.
LAMEA380, johnnyv, wingers, lord of the wangs, et al, try not to be around when there is not a soul left to speak up for you, as you will be discarded like last weeks trash. Read up on the boss of freight in the USA.

Acute Instinct
14th May 2008, 11:09
Winger's, your hypocracy shall be evident to you when you awaken tomorrow, sober, and survey the damage. I take offence to your threats and propositions, I note A380's unbridalled support, and I sincerely look forward to both of your unconstructive PPRuNe memberships being revoked.

P.S. Took a while for you to get around to deleting the defamatory brain implosion. Not before copies were taken and forwarded to the relevent individuals for their consideration.

tail wheel
14th May 2008, 11:44
I am temporarily locking this thread until the temperature cools!!

A few need to sober up and take a cold shower.

I'll think about re-opening tomorrow.


Tail Wheel

tail wheel
14th May 2008, 16:55
I've reopened this thread but to those who can not conduct them selves in an acceptable manner, don't expect your access to this thread will last very long!!!


Tail Wheel

14th May 2008, 18:39
In these trying times it would probably be wise for you to get your facts straight before slagging off one of the brothers (JS) who's only crime was to assist the engineers from being bombarded with management procedures, thus making our working life a little more pleasant. If you think this guy is a scab or a scab trainer, think again.

Lets stick to the real issues.

In defence of this guy, I was told he actually declined to train the scabs and M blew his stack but he stuck to his guns. Surprising but apparently true.

14th May 2008, 20:06
Well done Tailwheel.

I suggest that posters do a simple check on what others are writing and when they joined PPrune, as it makes it pretty clear which ones are trolls......

...and of course don't respond to the trolls with anything other than facts, otherwise you risk giving journalists something sensational to write about.

14th May 2008, 21:35
I think there could be some forces on the LAME's side. Heavy fog in Sydney this morning. Many flights diverted/delayed. Who could ever of imagined.:E

14th May 2008, 22:16
So PIA has officially commenced today. Whats the story around the ports?

14th May 2008, 22:27
Led to believe some BIG delays in 1 of the ports south of sydney yesterday!!
Anyone know details?? Been told qf9 ran very late.

The Black Panther
14th May 2008, 22:48
Fog in Sydney?
What a perfect start.

Feel sorry for the pax but the argument for the value of our worth has got off to the perfect start.

14th May 2008, 23:25
G'day Fed Sec
Where are tomorrows stop work meetings to be held?

15th May 2008, 00:40
Where are the scabs ?
Has anyone seen one ?

15th May 2008, 00:59
Looks like MEL, SYD, BNE, ADL and CNS are having a lot of delays today?

Come on PERTH, your letting the side down.

15th May 2008, 01:02
from what blackhander asked, FED SEC.
If our stopwork officially starts at 1400 then is it correct to say that we are NOT to leave work till 1400, so therefore actual meeting should not get underway till 1420 or so to allow all to get to venue.
FED SEC can you clarify please?

Acute Instinct
15th May 2008, 02:17
Today has been and will continue to be an operational nightmare in sydney due to thick fog. To view the arrival and dispatch performance, go to the qantas website and view flight info for your port. The roll on delays will unfortunately be immense. Average delay is 4 hours across the board. Is this a message from above?

15th May 2008, 03:02
lol. All chewing in to the QF fighting fund. Wonder how long it will last ????:ok::E

15th May 2008, 03:06
ABC Radio news announced at 1pm that the "proposed industrial action by Qantas engineers tomorrow had been postponed with ACTU backing".

Can anybody confirm?

15th May 2008, 03:16
Fed Sec. SP. Remember we want 5% in our pockets before we call it off!

15th May 2008, 03:23

Thursday May 15, 01:14 PM Qantas engineers drop industrial action

Qantas engineers have backed down from planned industrial action, indicating they will accept a smaller increase to a wage demand.
ACTU president Sharan Burrow stepped in, asking the union to call off its four-hour stop-work meeting Friday afternoon, which would have caused Qantas to cancel a number of domestic flights.
She also said the engineers would be willing to accept a rise somewhere in between the five per cent they demanded and the three per cent Qantas had continued to offer over the previous 18 months of failed wage negotiations.

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WTF- Something we missed. Or media speculation?

15th May 2008, 03:29
From ninemsn web news

Qantas engineers drop industrial action

13:14 AEST Thu May 15 2008
14 minutes ago

Qantas engineers have backed down from planned industrial action, indicating they will accept a smaller increase to a wage demand.
ACTU president Sharan Burrow stepped in, asking the union to call off its four-hour stop-work meeting Friday afternoon, which would have caused Qantas to cancel a number of domestic flights.
She also said the engineers would be willing to accept a rise somewhere in between the five per cent they demanded and the three per cent Qantas had continued to offer over the previous 18 months of failed wage negotiations.

15th May 2008, 03:32
Qantas engineers call off stop-work action

Posted 8 minutes ago
Qantas aircraft engineers have called off stop-work action which had threatened to disrupt domestic flights tomorrow.
The engineers are locked in a dispute over a wage deal, and had accused Qantas of recruiting strike breakers to thwart industrial aciton.
But Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) president Sharan Burrow says she has asked unions to postpone tomorrow's industrial action.
She wants Qantas management to come back to the bargaining table.
"This is not a backdown for these workers, they're prepared to put on the action, I don't want anybody left in doubt about that," she said.
"When I got up this morning and looked at the situation I decided that it would be best for everybody to get a much broader discussion through the unions.
"You can't do that in a few hours."

15th May 2008, 03:35
NOW what's going on ???


Why didn't she wait until AFTER the Stop work meeting !!!

15th May 2008, 03:36
She wants Qantas management to come back to the bargaining table.

Here we go again, weren't we here in February and then QANTAS reneged on the paperwork.

Anulus Filler
15th May 2008, 03:43
To the Scabs and Managers..... Enjoy your free weekend holiday away from home. Hope it ruins your weekend.:}

Dr Itzfukt
15th May 2008, 03:45
WTF is going on?

15th May 2008, 03:51
The stupid thing is that you could have had exactly this 18 months ago.

15th May 2008, 03:53
I can't believe we've been suckered again.
Very much await official Notice.


15th May 2008, 03:55
Lockout was coming.:ugh:

Play the game.:ok:

Big Unit
15th May 2008, 03:58
To the people freaking out - ring the Fed Sec personally. All part of the plan. Dont worry, the OT bans are working already.

15th May 2008, 04:01
Better be part of the plan Big Unit! Because without your inside info, it looks very much like we blinked first!:yuk:

Qantas engineers back down on industrial action

May 15, 2008 - 1:25PM

Qantas engineers have backed down from planned industrial action, preventing the cancellation of 12 domestic flights.

ACTU president Sharan Burrow today stepped in and asked the union to call off its four-hour stop-work meeting tomorrow afternoon, which would have caused Qantas to cancel a number of domestic flights.

Engineers have reportedly indicated they will accept a smaller increase to a wage demand.

Ms Burrow said the engineers would be willing to accept a rise somewhere in between the five per cent they demanded and the three per cent Qantas had continued to offer over the previous 18 months of failed wage negotiations.

The news came moments after Qantas Airways, Australia's biggest airline, announced the cancellation of 12 domestic flights tomorrow because of the planned strike.

The Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association (ALAEA) had suggested Qantas management was preparing to lock out unionised staff and call in strike-breakers.

But airline boss Geoff Dixon said the airline had no such plans.

"We have no intention of locking anybody out," Mr Dixon told ABC Radio before the industrial action was called off. "We have no intention of replacing our workforce. There'll be no balaclavas, there will be no dogs."

But Mr Dixon warned that any escalation of industrial action would be met with a response from the airline.

He would not confirm or deny that the airline had been in discussions with a Malaysian-based company called Newport Aviation, which the ALAEA says is run by individuals linked to Qantas' labour-hire business Forstaff Aviation.

Ms Burrow said she would write to Mr Dixon today, asking him to join wage negotiations at a meeting to be scheduled for next week.

"I've asked all the airline unions to come and meet with us next week as we work out how to support a fair bargaining process for the aircraft engineers,'' Ms Burrow said.

"And in that context, we are prepared to urge the engineers not to take their strike action tomorrow."

The ALAEA had planned two four-hour stopwork meetings, for tomorrow and next Friday, but agreed to Ms Burrow's request.

"Our association has decided today that we are going to postpone our action and that will be until further notice," association federal secretary Steve Purvinas said.

"We're going to have some meetings with some of the other unions that work at Qantas ... and hopefully we'll be able to negotiate an outcome that delivers wages and conditions to our members that they deserve."


15th May 2008, 04:04
Correct,staying at work, if your not to stressed out that is,refusing overtime due to fatigue,stess or the HEMORRHOIDS are playing up or whatever else,hurts them more than a four hour campaign.Think of it as a never ending campaign.

15th May 2008, 04:07
Correct....Stay cool people. All part of the plan I'm sure.

Just stick with the official notices and information coming from your reps.

15th May 2008, 04:14
The news came moments after Qantas Airways, Australia's biggest airline, announced the cancellation of 12 domestic flights tomorrow because of the planned strike.

The news came moments after Qantas Airways, Australia's biggest airline, announced the cancellation of 12 domestic flights tomorrow because of a lack of manpower due to O/T bans........................:ok::ugh::ugh::ugh:

12 flts a day surely must equate to some FAIRLY LARGE LOSSES.

DAY 1 = LOSS $
DAY 2 = LOSS $$
DAY 3 = LOSS $$$
DAY 4 = LOSS $$$$
DAY 5 = LOSS $$$$$


15th May 2008, 04:25
It does show that there are some very BIG Players in our corner.
Lets make it a SLOW SLOW Painful Death for QF Management.
We have waited this long, no point rushing things.

15th May 2008, 04:27
C'mon Fed Sec haven't we been here before?
I seem to recall holding off on action in Dec/Jan just so we could recieve another substandard offer and now we're doing it again.
I certainly hope this doesn't mean it'll be dragged out for another 4-5 months without any forward progress.

15th May 2008, 04:39
Blackhander,it isn't going to do any of us any good to be locked out and make Dicko look good in the media.

15th May 2008, 04:45
Relax Boyz And Girlz!!

Lets See What This Arrogant Management And Our Association Comes Up With..we Can Only Hope There's Some Method To This Madness!!

15th May 2008, 04:51
I too am sick and tired of being sick and tired, please for gods sake do not drop the ball again!!! we have QE in a corner, go for the throat.....

The last thing we want is for this thing to drag on for another 5-6 months by that time the strike breakers will be part of the daily picture as many of us will go somewhere else , this is how many of us feel.
FO MH DC GD....... Go and stuff someone else's backyard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


15th May 2008, 05:00
5% or bust.

another superlame
15th May 2008, 05:06
Once again you are being bluffed.
All by one fat lesbian this time.
Even the head of the unions is afraid of PIA.
So once again there will be 3-4 months of crap followed by a big fat nothing.

This is the softest campaign of industrial action ever.
You QF LAMEs wouldn't know unity and power if it hit you in the face.
I bet you get 3% again. And then they will close the place anyway.

15th May 2008, 05:11
I agree, I have not gone this far to accept less than 5%.

15th May 2008, 05:15
If QF management come to the table again and offer pretty much the same as before without budging on 3%,I for one remember voting for 2 day stoppages. At the very least a 4 hour stoppage.

Time to call their bluff.

Lock us out,they are the ones who will call us back to work.Then it should be 10% for pissing us off.:E:E:E:E:E:E:E:E:E:E:E

15th May 2008, 05:19
81% in favour,we voted with our feet and our balls,the members are behind you.

Call their bluff.

Protected action remember.

15th May 2008, 05:20
%5 or nothing, sick of this sh:mad:

Will stick together but if we've been bluffed man we will be p:mad:ed

Tensions here at work are reaching boiling point:\ Maybe if QF stuffs us around we should have a snap strike.

Fed Sec WTF is going on

15th May 2008, 05:24
lol at 68000 plus views and building,one would certainly think this is a fairly hot topic.

15th May 2008, 05:36
Dont forget the computers in the HR dept!!:mad: they must be overheating....

Smile and wave clowns


Bolty McBolt
15th May 2008, 05:58
Chill out guys. I am sure this is all part of the plan.

Remember at the start of this week we did not even know we were having a stop work meeting. Now the meeting that we did not know about has been postponed..I say, lets be calm and watch the game get played.

I am sure this is part of a tactic. e.g. If you were scab and had to fly in from another country, being this is now Thursday they would have had to be here by now ready to work Friday... How many who etc... Lets wait and see. :ouch:

ACTU president Sharan Burrow has asked the union to call off its four-hour stop-work meeting planned for tomorrow afternoon, which would have caused Qantas to cancel a number of domestic flights.
She said the engineers would be willing to accept a rise somewhere in between the 5 per cent they demanded and the 3 per cent Qantas had continued to offer over the previous 18 months of failed wage negotiations.

Message for Sharan Burrow.
5% is not a bargaining point. It is the point. To stick your beak in now after 18 months at the 11th hour so you can grab some headlines is appalling at best
Go climb back under the rock you came from.

15th May 2008, 06:09
Relax fellas. The intent of the PIA was to bring Management to the negotiating table. If this happens on day 1, so much the better. SP knows the target value of the deal. Dixon has made some very inflamatory remarks in the press over the last week. Lets see what he has to say now that the union has stepped up to the line and the ACTU is facilitating an outcome. Sharon Burrows is doing her job, only those present at the meeting will know what she has to say. SP has links to the ACTU and this is in some way why we should embrace those links in the future. Perhaps the Government is using Sharon as a conduit to get a deal done without stepping into the fray itself. Who knows and who cares as long as we get an acceptable deal. Lockouts would been a threat. There are not enough "alternative workers" be they management with licences or "privateers" to cover a national lockout. Perhaps a local one but that would have brought on the perception of the MWA dispute. Given that Howard left his mark on that IR debacle, Rudd would want to stay away from that as much as possible. Word is that QF are very close to parkng domestic aircraft against the fence due to Maintenance checks running out of time. Our overtime bans alone would hurt the company significantly. Life style changes are a personal issue for many. Lets do our job to the best of our ability and act in a professional manner at all times. Let SP and Sharon do theirs and let our professionalism support their efforts. Until an agreement in principle is signed, our PIA will remain in force and the sole purpose of the PIA is to achieve a reasonable deal, not to bloody noses or to remove management.

Stay cool. Stay calm. Support your executive and your peers desires for a better deal.

15th May 2008, 06:11
On the surface, it might well have been untimely for Sharan Burrow to appear on the scene, but it's definitely a plus to be publicly seen to want to negotiate rather than engage in what might be construed as bulldozing actions.
The PIA is still active and all the other actions provide the kind of things that will stress Qantas management big time. These are cumulative in their results and are more damaging than a 4 hour stoppage that also upsets the public.
Relax, guys. There's lot to go and a lot to do yet. !!!

15th May 2008, 06:14
Play the game boys!
I hear scabs have broke there contracts in MAS. MAS not happy now. QANTAS now paying scabs and their accom, travel etc. Whats better their the scabs are outed.
Current score
Scabs 0 (short term cash but had to trade their sole)
Qantas 0 (minus a few mil)
ALAEA 3 (still a full paypacket )

15th May 2008, 06:17
Not happy :*

15th May 2008, 06:19
I know you mean well, but dont try and pre empt what the union may or may not be doing. You never know who might be reading. Big HI to QE management/HR

I know it's taken the ACTU a while to comment, better late than never!!

15th May 2008, 06:20
good points rudderless

15th May 2008, 06:25
For those posting in haste just stay cool. We know exactly what we are doing. Latest notice.

After a meeting today with ACTU President Sharan Burrow, we have decided to take the responsible decision of postponing our stop work meetings planned for Friday the 16th and 23rd of May. Sharan has advised that she will be writing to Geoff Dixon calling for further meetings of the parties with ACTU guidance. We were more than happy to take the responsible approach considering a number of developments in the past 2 days. The PIA Overtime bans remain in place and must be adhered to by all members.

With the huge amount of publicity regarding our dispute, we have taken stock of where we sit tactically and are pleased with some of the results of this week’s events. For those concerned about lockouts, the bad press regarding strikebreaker labour has forced the following public statement from the Qantas CEO -

“We have no intention of locking anybody out,” Mr Dixon said

“We have no intention of replacing our workforce. There'll be no balaclavas, there will be no dogs.”

Malaysian Airlines have approached us for assistance to help them identify their employees who may have abandoned employment or broken company policies by accepting Newport Aviation contracts. Over the weekend we had reports that the $100,000 6 month wage for strikebreakers had been increased to $140,000 due to the reluctance of LAMEs to accept the contracts and this may have created a divide within the alternative workforce. Strikebreakers would be aware by now that there is intense media scrutiny of their movements and they may find themselves identified through the media. We understand that a number of strikebreakers have withdrawn their services.

Our office has received some calls today from members complaining that they heard of the latest developments from the press before we had issued a notice. Quite simply, if a notice had been issued first, we would have lost our advantage in the public relations battle. Members will continue to receive ALAEA advice and notifications when they need it.

Press reports that the ALAEA has backed down and are now talking about the acceptance of a lesser offer are false. We are seeking a 5% pa wage rise and your continued pressure from overtime bans will assist this process. Now is the time to remind Qantas that they have been overzealous with their redundancy programs and rely too much on our goodwill to keep Qantas planes on time. Goodwill should flow both ways and until it does, ours has been withdrawn. Members should continue to expect the unexpected.

Today’s decision was a significant move in winning public and political support for our objectives. Members should be aware by now that this dispute is not taking place in a vacuum and will not be won overnight. The ALAEA is receiving advice and support from all quarters and will continue to play our cards at the right time.

Federal Secretary

15th May 2008, 06:32
With you all the way Fed Sec, just frustrating not knowing whats going on.

So I guess it's situation normal, all fu:mad: up!!!!

Any reason this hasn't mad the nightly news yet

15th May 2008, 06:37
Once again you are being bluffed.
All by one fat lesbian this time.
Even the head of the unions is afraid of PIA.
So once again there will be 3-4 months of crap followed by a big fat nothing.

This is the softest campaign of industrial action ever.
You QF LAMEs wouldn't know unity and power if it hit you in the face.
I bet you get 3% again. And then they will close the place anyway.

Take a chill pill dude. The alaea have scared away half the scabs.

15th May 2008, 06:37
I for one applaud your efforts:D:D:D and i am sure others will follow.
Thank you for your calming words of wisdom i can put my fl*methrower away now........The pilot light is still on though!!!!!

Its a game and we have the ball well and truly in the opponents 18 yard box and are getting ready to kick.....

15th May 2008, 06:44
For anyone wanting to check the facts they need only logon as a member to see the notices.
This should be the first thing to be doing if you want info.
There, you will see the number notices posted on this dispute and they are almost daily.!!!
I think the Fed Sec has attempted to keep all of us informed as soon as practical, so relax guys, don't get too excited over today's events.........:cool::cool::cool:

15th May 2008, 06:55
I fully support you guys but I wouldn't put to much faith in the ACTU taking instructions from the government to your advantage. The last thing the government wants is a wage breakout so I wouldn't count on any support from them for your 5%. The ACTU may be different but after waiting so long for their side to get back in to government they may not be too keen to get everybody 5% as well (of course they would be happy with 5%, but not the message it sends to everyone else).
I do believe in a profitable company with the board getting MASSIVE pay rises that you do deserve way more than 3%!!!!
It will be interesting to see the next move!
Best of luck in improving everyones working conditions!!!

15th May 2008, 07:10
Check out this article from Crickey.com


Glenn Dyer writes:

It's all rather amazing: the Qantas board and senior management, after nearly selling out the company and shareholders by endorsing and actively promoting the failed $5.45 a share offer from Airline Partners Australia, rewards themselves very nicely for doing their job and managing the company.

They've gone and paid themselves more for the 2007 year, despite ignoring rising concerns from shareholders that the company was being given away too cheaply.

The high pay is dominated by increased cash bonuses to the two executive directors, CEO Geoff Dixon and Chief Financial Office, Peter Gregg.

Mr Dixon, was paid $6.7 million, up on the previous year's amount of $5.3 million. His pay was boosted by a cash bonus of $2.9 million, compared to around $1 million the year before.

That bonus because of the 53% rise in earnings, the 11% higher revenues and 8% rise in costs and from the sharp improvement in passenger numbers.

This is a board and senior management which had to be forced to provide trading updates during the bid which showed clearly the rebound in Qantas' fortunes and it was only an act of greedy stupidity by a New York hedge fund which sunk the offer when it was closing in early May.

The 2007 Qantas annual report reveals that directors have capped the volatile past 12 months (of their own making) by giving themselves a $2.2 million pay rise. That's $13.26 million, or up 21.8% on the pay in 2006.

The impact of this heady combination on Qantas' bottom line was something Dixon, Jackson and the board tried to hold back from the market during the bid.

Dixon had told a press conference in August that had the APA bid gone ahead he would have been "richer": how much more money do you need than the $6.4 million in total he received in 2007?

Chief Financial Officer, Peter Gregg, received $4.1 million in total remuneration, including a cash bonus of $1.49 million. He was another who threw his lot in with the buyout gang led by Macquarie Bank.

And another member of the Qantas management group involved in the bid was the head of airline ops, John Boghetti. He's not a director, but the annual report shows his total remuneration was $4.08 million, including a cash bonus of $1.38 million.

Departing chairman, Margaret Jackson, took home $592,000, compared with $534,747 previously, despite her strong recommendation in favor of the failed bid.

PBL boss and Qantas non-executive director, James Packer, has been rewarded with $136,350: that's money he didn't need after PBL got a $3 million tax credit from selling 50% of PBL Media for $1.5 billion.

15th May 2008, 07:48
Excellent skills yet again,we have shown yet again that we are professionals
and immune to threats and name calling and whatever else they want to do.
Have a look at the support our executive are getting-must be somewhere near the 81% that the vote showed!
If the association believe that SHARAN BURROWS stepping in is good news-then so do we.We believe what we are being told,we believe in our professionalism and show it every day and we believe we are worth a FAIR wage rise.

salary sacrifice
15th May 2008, 07:50
Nice move today. If we the members don't know which way the 'ball' is going to spin, what chance have the opposition?

15th May 2008, 08:33
Well, I must say, when I read the news that "Ms Burrow said the engineers would be willing to accept a rise somewhere in between the 5 per" and worse still, something along the lines of Engineers accepting 3%, I was blown away. However, I thought I'd wait for a response from the ALAEA before making a judgement.

I'm glad I did. Once again, the media has proven themselves as completely obsessed with mis-reporting! Lets see how things go next week!

15th May 2008, 09:20
Duck and weave, duck and weave... nice work. keep it up.

Acute Instinct
15th May 2008, 09:51
This is a game of chess. Today the ALAEA took a pawn and a bishop. Then quite unbelievably, whilst the players were away from the board taking a break, almighty god filled it with fog and delays. Upon return, Qantas was disorientated by lack of foresight and sent their Queen Dick out to investigate, all the while telling untruths in an attempt to sway public opinion. Then wham! The realisation hit. He was out front with his pants down..... Back he retreated to fight another day. Perhaps lamenting his non adherance of one simple law of combat. Better to keep you mouth shut and be thought the fool, than known it. DC could have told you that! Right Mr B.... Public relations disaster personified. Oh look, here comes another one! Its called tomorrow!

Patience my friends, have faith, be logical, and enjoy the ride, this bully is going down on the count of five!

15th May 2008, 11:03
Haven't been on for a while - have been on training.

Now which analogy will I use first?

3 wickets in the first over but the Captain still says we can get 500?

Dropped the ball on the kick off, but there's plenty of time left?

Kicked an own goal?

Faltered at the first hurdle?

Choked on the putt?

How embarrasing.

Not one rank and file LAME has any clue what is going on. No notice of any meeting. A late cancellation? The ACTU?

A ploy?

Absolute rubbish and you guys know it. You can post your justifying support, but you and I know that the Fed Exec was whacked PUBLICLY by the ACTU (probably at Rudd or Gillard's instruction).

Burrows DID say LAMEs will accept a lesser deal than 5%. The ALAEA Notice of tonight directly contradicts that. Would that have happened if the ALAEA and the ACTU were working together? NO WAY!

Just fanciful.

What will happen now is the ACTU and Qantas will settle a deal at less than the 5% the muscle men said we should get.

Fed Sec and Fed Pres will sit and do as they are told.

How much will Rudd do to stop a 5% flow on to all big unions around AUS?

I'd bet a fair bit.

We are now in very big trouble.

The good news is with that incredible display of incompetence, there is no way the Fed Sec will ever represent the people in a political role. Wonder what career now? Maybe he can work in Malaysia! (I smiled when I wrote that).

Good night tough guys. You are the ones who fit the dictionary definitions on the other thread.

Acute Instinct
15th May 2008, 11:15
Trustee, that's your opinion and you are entitled to it. But hey, credit where its due. This guy is like the Pide Piper. 81% of unwavered support over 6 months. Peaked at 87% mind you. Perhaps, like the rest of us, you can here the tune of fairness and justification he is playing. If so, there is just one thing for you to do. Put your hands on the shoulders of the colleague marching in line in front of you, and dance to the tune. You know its right. May even get you to heaven. On second thought, maybe not.

15th May 2008, 11:17
Your post will get what it deserves-NO RESPONSE.

15th May 2008, 11:17
Proposed Industrial Action by LAMEs

You will, of course, be aware of the proposed protected industrial action to
be taken by the Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association (ALAEA)
in the course of their enterprise bargaining negotiations with Qantas
Management. Overtime bans and stop work meetings have been proposed as part
of the industrial action due to take place over the next two weeks. Given
the seriousness of the situation, I thought it best to contact all AIPA
members and outline my approach to these events:

1. The ALAEA Claim is Economically Sustainable
At a time of record profits, record passenger numbers and favourable fuel
hedging arrangements, Qantas Management can afford to pay the 5% claim being
made by the ALAEA. During strong economic times such as these, the LAMEs are
entitled to be recognised for the contribution they make to the prosperity
of Qantas.

Put together with the fact that there is an ongoing shortage of skilled
engineering labour, the 5% claim appears very reasonable.

2. The Use of an Alternative Workforce
Earlier today, the ALAEA publicly announced that Qantas Management had been
recruiting "strike breakers" for use should the proposed industrial action
go ahead. Qantas CEO, Geoff Dixon, responded that he intended to use Qantas
staff to deal with any disruptions flowing from stop-work meetings to be
held tomorrow and next Friday. However, Geoff Dixon also said that he
reserved the right of Qantas Management to use whatever means necessary
should the dispute escalate beyond the current proposed action.

AIPA has publicly called on Qantas Management not to take any action that
would escalate the dispute, including the use of any alternative workforce.

The reputation and record of Qantas is built around a close collaboration
between its pilots and engineers. Any change or threat to that relationship
would be a matter of significant concern for AIPA and its members.

3. Our ALAEA Colleagues
No doubt this is a very stressful time for the elected officials of the
ALAEA and LAMEs generally. Please bear this in mind as you go about your
work and continue to treat our engineering colleagues with the respect, care
and dignity that they deserve.

With best wishes

Capt Ian Woods
AIPA President

p.s. I have just been informed that tomorrow's proposed industrial action
has been called off and that ACTU President Sharan Burrow has written to
Geoff Dixon proposing further talks between the ALAEA and Qantas Management.
AIPA supports this call and would welcome further talks.


United we stand,...................................................

15th May 2008, 11:20
Tustee Well said, absolutely on the money.

Its all over Comrades, you voted for PIA twice , got over 80% and both times stopped at the last moment

Wow, that is some mind boggling strategy, wow wow and more wow

Acute Insect has been relying on some Kasparov chess stragtegy and he will contribute a great deal to this mind boggling master strategy. He cracks me up

Well done, i reckon 2.5% should do the trick

15th May 2008, 11:27
Not hard to work out where u2 come from!!
Some bitterness there from last association elections-huh.

15th May 2008, 11:31
Oh No. Trustee has scared me.
Especially when he used “bold” printing to write “very big trouble”

My mummy sometimes tells me I’m in very big trouble and I cry.

Now which analogy will I use for trustee and LAMEA380

If you can’t run with the big dogs, stay on the porch and be quiet.

The masked goatrider
15th May 2008, 11:44
Ha ha ha, having fun are we Geoff,

Anyone who thinks the entire events of the last 24 hours weren't carefully planned and orchestrated, think again. Why do you think the asn never issued a notice with meeting venues? They were never going ahead. Maybe next time.

Sharon Burrow take over the negotiations? fat chance. She was off to her next press conference within an hour, does anyone honestly thinks she sits down to nut out the finer points of these agreements.

So what has been achieved today.

Scabs scared off. tick
Dixon publically rules out lockouts. tick
O/T bans in full force with heat taken off. tick
Support from other unions. tick
Favour in public eyes. tick
Favour with Govt. tick
Massive cost for flight cancellations on Fri. tick
Scabs losing their Malaysian jobs. tick

Cost to the ALAEA members for this stunt. zero
Bring on tomorrow. Have heard some nice little business cards from the scab training courses may be appearing.

15th May 2008, 11:56
no worries with me with todays decision. to me this isn't about money. i for one am sick of the contempt these fools treat us with. I wouldn't mind seeing this mob being dragged through the media for months. i want to see gd and cox justify why their nest is so feathered after the rubbish that has happened in the last 12 months and we're still asking for a wage increase less than the cpi.;)

15th May 2008, 12:23
Brilliant work Bexley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You guys know your stuff!!!! :D

Talked with a friend today who knows little of our
current battle. She said our boss GD comes across very arrogant
and appears to dislike his staff. Have heard this from quite a few
outsiders now. That public perception cant be good for QF.

Take five
15th May 2008, 13:26

Pardon my cynicism, but here are my thoughts on the battle so far.


This is what A380 meant with his threat about length of tenure (your rights not to have your job terminated by the company)

We are just bringing this matter to a head, a little before QF could have a seamless transition to overseas MRO's.

Reasons – Cost savings now, no super, no employee benefits, cheap overseas market for checks at the moment, but wait till QF have no infrastructure at all to fall back on and then see how the contract price rises. No foresight and what do they care about the future, the current management won’t be there.

Just look at the plans and decisions so far.

* Get rid of engine overhaul. Why do we now only produce one D4 a year out of SYD engine line and why are all the 737 engines coming out of down south, derated

* Get rid of Major Maintenance and D checks, after assuring us that this would never happen. The ageing aircraft are just not being maintained on overseas checks to the same standards as they used to be in Oz.

* Stop licence training. Just pretend to the shareholders that training still exists. This is coming back to bite them now with lack of A330 coverage

* Cut the workforce back to where it is unsustainable. Why do you think the overtime bans are affecting them so much.

*Don’t spend money on the resources needed to get the job done. Substandard tooling and equipment

* Make the PPM so awkward that everything becomes unworkable, wingwalkers etc, just to cover their arses and attract more bonuses for no LTI’s. It’s nice to work safely but it has become ridiculous and absurd.

* Get rid of other operator contracts as quickly as possible thereby incurring no penalties when you outsource. Thus allowing new companies to start up and take over our traditional business and profit.

* Split the troops up, and keep them competing and bickering with each other and so pissed off with the whole system that they will be willing to leave and not regret it.

*Get everyone on AWA’s and if that is not possible, cut their wages by stealth.
If QF could have stuck us with AWA’s after the election,and after the Libs got back in, they thought they would have had a cheap workforce.

I am sure that they are starting to realise that there is a global market for our abilities after their scab hunting episodes of late, with very few takers.


JAL needed parking space at Base to change some wing to body fairings on their AOG broken aircraft.
Several parking spots available but, oh no, you can’t have one. We’ll move you out to the boonies at bay 92, where there are no stands or equipment etc.
I believe that the JAL rep was horrified and so were the engineers involved.
I thought that there was meant to be an IATA support clause for AOG aircraft support in other countries.
I’m sure if one of our planes broke in Japan they would support us with the dignity and respect which we used to command, and offer us every assistance possible.
I believe it was very embarrassing for everyone present.
The protests will probably never reach our CEO, the Japanese are too polite ( But they do talk to each other and have very good memories.)

One more instance of a management who are totally out of touch with our company and our reputation.

GD has stated that he is not concerned with his staff and our customers, but only with shareholders and their shares, of which he has 2,500,000.

No wonder he is only concerned with shareholders.

Is that self interest or what?

15th May 2008, 18:09
Today was a master stroke and only the first move.

We threw the dummy and Dixon grabbed for the ball to find a hand full of air and his whole team moving into their secret attack position..........

We now know who the scabs are, we know they also have no malaysian contract to go back to not to mention possible legal action by malaysian Airlines for breach of contract. $100k should solve that one boys. Their names are already on a list which will circulate the world to ensure they will struggle to ever work again in this industry.
Gents, if you are reading this I suggest you scurry back to MAS and apologise profusely, that way they might not sue you for every penny of that blood money. It really makes sense financially to bugger off.

We now know how many "management" engineers QF have at their disposal for the line stations. We also know exactly how many of those gentleman have blatantly 'falsified' their licence renewals when stating they have exercised the privileges of their licences in the preceding 2 years........it's been happening for years.......but believe me, CASA will be watching and the fine is a doozie!!

We also know how desperate they must be when a single licenced "manager" is sent to Perth......fat lot of use he'll be, he hasn't seen a log book in over a decade let alone actually hold a spanner!!

Finally, proof of todays small victory is the change in rhetoric from CEO has-Been who will shortly crawl off to retirement with his battered tail between his legs. For weeks he has been sprouting how he will NEVER budge from 3% plus 1% super. Tonight 3+1 has become the 'framework' for his negotiations with Ms Burrows..............

The wall is becoming quite full with writing and it ain't good reading for M and his dopey band of unimaginative a-licks.

....THUD.....is that the second salvo being loaded by SP.........???

Good to see the ame's are mostly refusing OT aswell, just the kiwi propellor head in base yesterday. Thanks to them all, we will remember them when their EBA time comes, and any LAMES who don't support them then will be counseled.

Keep fighting the good fight and keep filling those drr pads........no plane should fly within 3 hours of sched!!

And just remember, before you whine about lack of information.........daily updates are pouring from the bunker..........and if the last exec were still manning the controls we'd already be sitting on 3% and wondering where all our remaining conditions had gone!!!

15th May 2008, 20:11
A question to think about re the changing landscape

Could there be a chance that there is a new player in Aviation maintenance??

lets for the sake of the argument call this new player Newport Aviation

Could it become a major player in outsourced maintenance both here in Australia and Elsewhere ??

Gees am not sure, nah probably not, but wouldnt that be interesting, perhaps you should all start registering, you never know i mean you could all be needing jobs soon,

But nahh , the ALAEA master strategy will surely bring QF to its knees

15th May 2008, 20:44
I heard Mr. Dixon on ABC radio yesterday, to put it mildly, I was unimpressed. He refused to confirm or deny the Newport Aviation allegation and he waffled on about QF dealing with "a lot of contractors and agencies". Three times the interviewer tried to pry this out of him.

He also repeated the allegation that the union had "reneged" on an agreement struck in February. You could hear the contempt for his workforce in his voice, which to me is unsurprising because the Board and his senior management is populated by narcissists (The media has now woken up to this phenomena and now terms them "Industrial Psychopaths") who care not a jot for the "little people" that work for them.

BTW, brilliant post by Take Five, and that bit about positioning JAL at stand 92, much to JAL's displeasure, is a classic narcissistic ploy by someone who now feels much more important as a result.

15th May 2008, 21:10
Huge workload coming up in Melbourne base this week,with everyone feeling ill and fatigued,no one working OT,however will they cope ????:ok:

Ring Ring Ring Ring. I'm sorry,we are not home at the moment,if you'd like to leave your name and number we'll get back to you as soon as possible.


QF :{:{:{

US :ok::ok::ok:

sydney s/h
15th May 2008, 21:29
Well if you look at just some of the departures out of SIT yesterday it appears that the go slow is working! Good luck guys!

QF163 Auckland 07:15 10:53 Departed
QF167 Cairns 08:05 Cancelled
QF327 Papeete 09:05 16:06 Departed
QF367 Seoul 09:10 13:17 Departed
QF129 Shanghai 09:25 10:02 Departed
QF81 Adelaide 09:30 10:29 Departed
QF107 Los Angeles 10:20 14:38 Departed
QF127 Hong Kong 10:45 13:42 Departed
LA800 Auckland 10:55 15:20 Departed
QF19 Brisbane 11:10 13:11 Departed
JQ17 Osaka 11:30 12:25 Departed
JQ65 Kuala Lumpur 12:15 13:16 Departed

employes perspective
15th May 2008, 21:33
i just rewarded my staff with a 15% to 26% pay increase for the last 18 months,they are a semi skilled workforce,and my cost has been rising also for that period(transport,cost of capital,rents,new taxes,capital expenditure),but i see my staff as my most valuable asset,oh and at there Christmas party they got a bit more than a $10 voucher.
Before long my staff will be on wage parity with a grade 3 LAME and don't forget they are semi skilled,perhaps in the near future i will be able to offer you guys a better paying position.cheers:ok::ok:

15th May 2008, 23:16
Excellent work SP, PC, WV and others.

- Prominent positive coverage in all major Aussie newspapers and TV networks

- Forced Dixon to become personally involved via a press meeting (Couldn't give a straight answer on Newport Aviation, or if they were going to use sc@bs)

- Kept public on side by not causing too much inconvenience

- Qantas' costs to prevent a fair and reasonable pay rise becoming excessive

- Engaging ACTU and other unions into renumeration negotiations escalates size of headache Qantas now has to deal with.

- First major financial institution has expressed concern to Qantas about the damage this issue is causing.

16th May 2008, 02:50
All this talk of Newport Aviation has got my attention,
wondering why i can't find any internet links to the company.
It seems the business name is already in use as well,


So the only references to them seem to be media reports, hmmm,
now there's a bad smell hanging around this scab hiring affair.

Pist n Broke
16th May 2008, 03:23
Straight off the ABR:ok:

ABN: 14 127 617 396
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ABN statusFromToActive 19 Sep 2007(current)Entity namesFromToNewport Aviation Pty Ltd19 Sep 2007(current)Entity typeAustralian Private Company (http://www.abr.business.gov.au/(a4tdod55mbmoq3zwvpolad45)/entityTypeDetails.aspx?SearchText=19&ReturnURL=abnDetails.aspx%253fabn%253d14127617396&ResultListURL=search.aspx%253fSearchRequest%253dnewport%2525 2baviation%25255e%25252c1%25252c0%25252c0%25252c0%25252c0%25 252c0%25252c1%25252c0%25252c0%25252c0%25252c0%25252c0%25252c 0%25252c0%25252c0%25252c%25252c0%2526amp%253bstart%253d0)Mai n business locationsFromToNSW 213419 Sep 2007(current)Trading name(s)FromToGST statusFromToActive19 Sep 2007(current)Deductible Gift RecipientNot entitled to receive tax deductible giftsACN or ARBN:127617396 [/URL][URL="http://www.search.asic.gov.au/cgi-bin/gns030c?acn=127617396&juris=9&hdtext=ACN&srchsrc=1"]Search ASIC (http://www.search.asic.gov.au/cgi-bin/gns030c?acn=127617396&juris=9&hdtext=ACN&srchsrc=1)
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16th May 2008, 03:41
Firstly, I'd like to congratulate our Executive on the fantastic job they've done so far, okay we had a hiccup with the first round of PIA but hopefully lessons have been learnt.
Secondly, I'd like everyone to think about just what you want from this EBA. Sure, I'd love a straight 5% basic increase (which is certainly no more that we deserve) but with GD worried about the flow on effect to other Unions (a possible $360 million wages blow-out) I'm pretty sure the Company will go as far as it can to ensure this goal is not achieved. This is why I believe we need to be flexible in how we achieve a fair outcome, maybe 3% plus a Level for everyone, the lifting of quota's, 1% Super for all, LAME's start at Level 4 etc Remember this dispute is not about crushing the LAME's, it's about keeping a 3% wage cap on all non-managerial QF staff.
Lastly, I'd like to remind us all to read the ALAEA Notices carefully (and read between the lines where necessary), this PIA O/T ban may well be the precursor to wider action but I think it's pretty obvious that we should all only be carrying out the required duties of a LAME and any goodwill shown towards the Company will just prolong the dispute. Think long and hard before you step into the breach by carrying out Higher Duties and Secondments, we're all in this together, support each other, support the ALAEA Executive and carry out your job to the best of your ability.
Remember there's more than one way to skin a cat (in this case a very fat cat!)

The cougar
16th May 2008, 04:10
Make sure all the Sydney engineers do a quick stopover at admin 1. Take the elevator to the 11th floor and take the fire stairs to the 12th floor. I hear there is lots of glass, it is poorly gaurded and you can have a good look at their crisis responce center! The fat controller is on some serious ulcer medication now.

16th May 2008, 04:17

16th May 2008, 04:18
Good to see some action at last. By being united we will get a better outcome than the silly offer that QF has made.

I will have to agree that LAMEA380 has a piont that there may be a 'new player' out there! And that QF may be entitled to use outside contractors to perform work on its behalf!

But QF would have to first get rid of it's existing workforce, by makeing them all redundant.

The question I have for LAMEA380 is this , considering that QF employ at least half of the country's LAMEs, where can any 'new player' get it's workforce from? Bearing in mind that there is a skills shortage generaly, and QF(or any other company) has failed to train any significant numbers of AMEs over the last several years, the 'new player' would depend on ex QF workforce to join them. The older LAMEs will be looking for semi-retirement jobs and the younger guys will look overseas for the better paying contracts, while others will look at other industries. This will leave QF in a very vulnerable position, one that could cause the company to collapse, all of it's own doing. Now where would that leave the shareholders?

16th May 2008, 04:25
I would be very worried about refusing higher duties unless directed to by the association as part of PIA.
It is part of the normal duties of LAME & Snr LAME especially if on the same day & shift.
You would have to have a real good excuse to say no to it, then continue working as a LAME.
In fact, by doing the higher duty, this takes a LAME off the floor and
further reduces the workforce at the coal face.
If it required O/T or shift change, the answer is obviously, NO, I have plans made.
You don't have to bust your guts working just because you are doing H.D.


take 5 (%)

16th May 2008, 04:51
I have to disagree Shortie, if you are not a Senior, when have you had the appropriate training to carry out the responsibilities of L/H? If you are not confident enough to carry out the position then you don't have to. Of course if you're a permanent actor then you have no choice, I myself have been asked to do this role during a dispute and have simply declined.....they had to get a DMM to step down while the Manager sat in his office, now that causes issues.:ok:

16th May 2008, 05:04
Of course if you're a permanent actor then you have no choice
I thought that was a given in my statement.

For the rest of your comment spot on :ok:.

Refusing higher duties for permanents may come, awaiting the order from Bexley. ;)

16th May 2008, 05:06
LOL, I could handle BL stepping down to a l/hand role,not a problem,he is a great bloke, but certainly not T..y L....r filling the DMM role.

TL has no idea about engineering whatsoever.

16th May 2008, 05:12
I would rather have my actor in charge than a step down manager, or some go-getter trying to impress. My actor fully supports the ALAEA, believes in 'Take 5' (particularly now), makes sure everyone has a new manual printout for each and every job (even if we do have to queue to use the computer), will not take short-cuts, and if feeling fatigued or tired insists we take a break. Yep, I can't think of a better person to be in-charge if the boss is unable to attend due to stress.

16th May 2008, 06:48

I can think of approximately 1700 lames who will be gutted if "newport Aviation" ( who don't exist as a registered company by the way) become the main subcontractor for QF.

$100k every six months will kill us. And it would be so much cheaper for QF of course.........
dude you are getting desperate with your lies and so much more far fetched..........MH is going to fall on his sword after telling DC and GD is was all sorted back in Jan.......trust me, there will be plenty of fall-guys after this debacle is over and when they are gone the "boot laces" will go with them or find themselves back on the floor with a very hostile workforce!!

You will NEVER get willing help or support from us at an aeroplane EVER again.

16th May 2008, 07:13
Good faith by A.L.A.E.A
But Shafted By Management

Fridays good faith by alaea over shadowed by managements hard line tactics to get us offside.
An engineer which had previously applied for a z day this weekend for personal reasons has had it canceled by management due to the overtime bans. This policy by the company is known to every lame by now.

So an alternative was sought by the engineer to have a shift swap with another engineer on the opposite crew who was in the middle of his 4 day break. This would cost the company no money or be in conflict of alaea bans.

But management would not come to the party he was told there would be no good faith or solutions to this problem until the alaea lifted their bans.

This lame try to do the right thing but clearly the company play dirty and expect us to do the same.

take 5
Play Safe

Ragnar Benson
16th May 2008, 08:00
Security Guards with cameras out and about on the Bne Tarmac

Smile for the Camera:O:O

16th May 2008, 08:39
The lack of goodwill can make one terribly ill. ;)

16th May 2008, 09:23
Exactly “Reality.”
Anyone who doesn’t feel 100% should seek a Doctors opinion.
If the Doc says you need a few days off, then so be it.
Just keep letting that annual leave accumulate.
If this is the game QF want to play, then play it their way.
No Goodwill….. but lots of sick days owed to me.

hannibal lector
16th May 2008, 09:30
Be very careful about shiftchanges or the company may decide to enforce shift changes for who they please to fill gaps with 2 days notice ( policy ):=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=

16th May 2008, 10:38
Why does GD keep mentioning fuel prices. Does he expects his workforce to pay for the increases and not the customer??:confused:

Im sure he wouldnt be prepared to pay for QANTAS fuel bill out of his take home pay.
Oh thats it, If we pay for it with a pitiful wage rise and keep profits from falling then he still gets his massive, self appreciating "By God Ive done more for the company than anyone and Ive God damn earned it, bonus"

Whose fault is it that you only hedged 25% of fuel after July. Its not the workers so why should we pay for it????

GD is obviously determined to spend as little as he can on internal infrastructure and employee relations to make the books look good but all this does is build a house of cards

16th May 2008, 10:42
Also Interesting fact, Newport aviation, start up company by founder of another company known to many.


16th May 2008, 21:12
I see Resumedomain is advertising for LAMES with heavy jet experience again. Have a look on seek.com.au

Although if you look at the advertisement closely it is only a contract/temp position.

Gee, I wonder who the employer is??????????????????

16th May 2008, 22:59
Maybe a former HM Mgr KC is the face of Newport not Forstaff

16th May 2008, 23:20

Maybe a former HM Mgr KC is the face of Newport not Forstaff
Today 21:12

71trident, he was involved with the training and reactivation of the group they got late last year. It would seem that after his consultancy with State Rail he was lured in to organise as many LAMEs' as possible, not two years after kneecapping SYD Heavy Maintenance.

Numbskull, you are quite correct in your inference, and it would suggest to me that probably mid way through last week, David Cox has realised "I aint got no LAMEs' in reserve!!!!":eek: I find it quite amusing the reference in the print media to this "group from Malaysia" that have been organised to save Qantas Engineering and keep the network in the air. There is at best 28 blokes, most washed up has-beens and malcontents. This is hardly the Patricks stoush re visited. There is not enough trained engineers.

16th May 2008, 23:55
LAMEs, I have just been asked a question that was also put to me in a different version yesterday. In today's instance LAMEs are being asked to fly oveseas for an engine change. We have said we do not have a problem with overseas postings. We also have a complete protected action ban on overtime for your days off.

In conclusion you do not travel to an overseas posting or aircraft recovey on your day off. You do not accept a shift change to facilitate the company wishes as you have an ALAEA agreed extended hour roster. You do not accept time in lieu as this is not part of any agreement and to put it simply, you do not go unless the outbound travel is on a day that you are rostered for normal duty and you want to go.


16th May 2008, 23:59
Exactly right company spy. The few scabs they have in place wont get many aircraft flying. With the support of the pilots the transit authority scabs will be useless. Dixon doesnt realise that all staff are on our side and will do as much as they can to help our cause. The comment the other day "there will be no balaclavas and no dog's" was only made because there is insuffient staff to replace us.G.D would love to lock us out but cant.He needs us more that we need him. We will stick together and we will win.Lets spend the first few dollars of our well deserved pay rise on a few cold ones.:O

17th May 2008, 01:59
In conclusion you do not travel to an overseas posting or aircraft recovey on your day off. You do not accept a shift change to facilitate the company wishes as you have an ALAEA agreed extended hour roster. You do not accept time in lieu as this is not part of any agreement and to put it simply, you do not go unless the outbound travel is on a day that you are rostered for normal duty and you want to go.

That is unless you want your section to go to an eight hour roster:ok:

Nice one Bexley boys

Acute Instinct
17th May 2008, 02:03


17th May 2008, 03:53
With regards to the overseas engine change,
DON'T GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is what will really hurt the company.
They don't have enough aircraft as is, and having
one grounded will just add to their pain.
All we need to do is our normal duties and
the fleet will do the rest for us.
Now is the time that QF's budget overseas checks
will come back to bite them HARD.
It's time to make those lying incompetent lackeys
pay for all the harm they have done to ours, and
QF engineering's reputation, all in the name of personnel
Oh yeah, I wouldn't mind a 5% pay rise either as my fuel
costs have gone up as well, and unlike Qf management I
don't have a corperate expense card.
I have to pay for my own fuel and most of my fuel gets
burnt driving to work

chemical alli
17th May 2008, 04:02
Regarding engine changes away or AOG aircraft,what alaea fedsec and murray atwell are saying is dont go, Due to O/T pia bans.
Is this correct ?

Also the threat of 8 hr rosters, Is this across the board or only for the 330 crews ?

17th May 2008, 04:02
Now morale costs have gone up overnight!

Millet Fanger
17th May 2008, 04:11
Chemical - If you are on shift for the Overseas engine change, Yes go. If you are not on shift, you don't go. Simple as that. PIA is for the benefit of all LAMEs, think of the whole and stay united.

Acute Instinct - Absolute exceptional listening. Shows how morally bankrupt QF / QE management are.

17th May 2008, 04:24
If QE management are stupid enough to bring in an 8 hour shift, let them. They can do it anytime they want. Don't worry about having threats hanging over your head.

MH tried that one in Perth, it was he who backed down not the LAMEs.

chemical alli
17th May 2008, 04:24
Guess if you were on shift you would have to have a passport handy, Now i dont remember where i put mine.

17th May 2008, 05:36
If QE management are stupid enough to bring in an 8 hour shift, let them. They can do it anytime they want. Don't worry about having threats hanging over your head.

MH tried that one in Perth, it was he who backed down not the LAMEs.

LOL Let them bring in the 8 hour shift,I'll spend the first 20-30 maybe 40 mins of every day logging on to the company emails.First up,do password resets,15 minutes. Next log on and get an up to date thourough understanding of any and all read and signs and continuos training.

****,sorry boss,did I cause a delay to the pushback,I'm sorry(NOT)

Better fill out the delay report- (30 minutes)

8 hour shift, lol, bring it on.

****,is that my next aircraft thats been standing off at the gate for the last 30 minutes.

17th May 2008, 08:21
please tell me no one has gone to singapore on overtime for the engine change, it will be pretty easy to track who has gone considering the such lack of 330 license coverage in base.

Anulus Filler
17th May 2008, 08:51

On a slightly different note... In true QF management style, it is not really 'cost effective' having the scabs flying around and staying in hotels while waiting in desperate anticipation of the ALAEA's next move. So some bright spark has come up with the ingenious idea of hiring the scabs and keeping them at their home base. Problem is where are they going to come from? You got rid of a heap of dedicated people and most of them with a conscience. Most have moved on and I am sure that when they know they'll be used for scabbing, they will steer clear. I have faith in them. Sure some of them may have already signed up, but they haven't stepped foot in the place,and I don't think that they will have a very likeable work environment. Is it really worth the scab money???

Also, don't be a hero for the Singapore Junket. Stay clear of it and maintain the pressure. These incidents happen for a reason. We must use them to our advantage...

It's got to make you laugh but how often do you get a tailpipe fire in a foreign port needing an engine change? What timing...

Stay home and enjoy your family. The time will never return but the money you can make another day.:ok:

17th May 2008, 09:51
For those interested management are in big trouble, the following has been reported re A330 in Singapore.
Tail pipe fire on start :ouch:
Inexperienced engineer on headset called fire, fire, fire.:rolleyes:
Crew immediately shut engine down but were given no instruction from ground to motor engine to put out fire.:ugh:

Engine u/s with no spares available.:ok:
A large number of composite panels on strut burnt.:=
Leading edge panels burnt.:=
Trailing edge flap burnt, split and delaminated.:=

Singapore response team to aircraft, oh well. :D

Anulus Filler
17th May 2008, 09:56
Great way to open the account!!!!!:ok:

17th May 2008, 10:32
well reported on. i think this may well be a great catalyst for them realising whats going on. think that aircraft will definetely be staying there for a while, especially with singapores limited a330 spares tooling etc. no spare engines, well i suppose they were in charge of engine maintenance a while ago too, coming back to bite them maybe.

Big Unit
17th May 2008, 10:39
Just another example of MH's desire to rid out stations of good QF personnel. Great work MH. Way to fcuk a good company. I nominate MH for an excel award - the guy is a champion :E:E:E:E

17th May 2008, 11:47
Just to touch on the 8 Hour talk from a page back.
When they brought it in in Perth, they needed 10 more guys to make it work.
If they brought it in country wide (with OT bans on) , mate, the chaos would be fantastic.
Maybe it should be us that demand 8 hours across the nation while the OT bans are on.
Any roster guru can tell you, the 8 hour is less efficient that the rosters we are on BUT if you need more proof just think… If the 8 hour roster WAS more efficient than the rosters we are on, wouldn’t MH and Co have implemented it years ago.

17th May 2008, 12:48
No one is going to singapore, no one is going to do overtime, no one is feeling compassionate towards the company! Very soon we will step up the action a peg.
I know you have friends in high places but you need to realise the outcomes of your allegiances. You also have a job to do and you need to advise accordingly. There will be no winners unless this comes to an end quickly. You surely realise this.

It's time for it to end now before it gets out of control, the damage sustained will not be recoverable in the foreseeable future.
Tell Geoff it's over and negotiate a outcome.
I am sure you read these comments and I hope you take note of these words.

17th May 2008, 13:07
maybe you should send a courier pidgoen

dr skydrol
17th May 2008, 13:12

I used to think I was reliant on OT. Now I am enjoying the extra time with my family. All those extra hours I used to work now I've been shown the light. Can't wait till its over and QF try to recoup lost money. I guess they'll take their usual easy prey first "redundancy for non union members"
Mr Dixon I don't know what crap our managers feed you but your airline is in trouble.15 years ago they stopped training and learn't what a mistake that was. MH has done the same stupid thing. NOW IT IS GOING TO BITE YOU !
Sure your lame managers who havn't touched tools for decades can probably carry out a transit check sure hope they don't stuff up or you could be joining that exec. you've left in the cold in prison. Better start lubin up :eek:. Happy retirement failure ! Give us some of that fortune we have helped create. If you don't hurry up we won't be the only union in industrial dispute. Oh dear and the 380 is coming soon this is going to be embarassing for you.

17th May 2008, 13:19
dr skydrol

Just line up the cue

have your RESUME ready, just in case

dr skydrol
17th May 2008, 13:24
LAME380 you gotta stop sneakin over the fence and pumpin the neighbours cat its makin you delusional.

17th May 2008, 13:33
Thanks for the SYD update Dr Skydrol. It’s hard for us out-of-towners to know what’s going on.

So….does anyone know exactly how much it costs to have a jumbo sit on the ground doing nothing ?

17th May 2008, 13:34
good idea, if your serious give me a signpost and the pigeon will be homing in.
It's time.

17th May 2008, 13:38
He Dr

time will tell , the neighbours cat will sing a tue to a famous song called

Green Green Grass

Thats what you must be smokin, with your comrades at the ALAEA


17th May 2008, 13:45
Thats unfortunate.
Opportunity gone.
Look out for the debris!

17th May 2008, 13:59
Mate, how smashed must LAMEA380 be tonight.

17th May 2008, 14:09
Toolpants, VERY PISSED

Am celebrating the ALAEA merger with the AWU, oops sorry let the cat outa the bag


They wana make go to rehab but i say no no no

17th May 2008, 14:10
ex syd int departures...looks like an average half hour delay per flight, 1 cxx (to mel)
ex mel int departures... " " " " 45 minutes " " " , no cxx
wonder how this will look in a few days?
maybe someone could do a daily update here. info at qantas.com....departures

Anulus Filler
17th May 2008, 14:40
LAME 380

...Saturday night and the weed your smoking with your cat must be pretty strong.:zzz:

employes perspective
17th May 2008, 21:12
as an ex Syd Heavy Lame,i would love to be there right now,just to watch all this unravel and watch the management get a bloody nose,but then again who would ever want to work for these pr!cks again

17th May 2008, 22:32
Hey EP
After this prolonged eba negotiations and no result( apart from PIA) there could well be a completely different bunch of managers...watch this space, I'm sure there will be plenty of info on this site about it...happy hunting on the outside

hi-speed tape
18th May 2008, 00:15
All went well at SIT on Sat, thanks to a foreman on o/t prior to shift.:=

18th May 2008, 00:33

Am celebrating the ALAEA merger with the AWU, oops sorry let the cat outa the bag


They wana make go to rehab but i say no no no

Well well well, LAMEA380 you are slipping! Still feasting on those sour grapes I see, you have let your cat out of the bag as well as pumping it. Being a troll for the sake of it, not very smart.

Word of advice to the regular readers here, put LAMEA380 on your ignore list as he has nothing relevant to add to the debate.

18th May 2008, 00:58
I thought SYD ACS was the champion LEAN 767 A check capital of the WORLD.

What has gone wrong, a 767 A check sitting on the deck for 24 hrs and

not so much as the BM check part carried out. :mad:

WHO has done this to QANTAS ?????????? :confused:

What about the 4 pillars (leg 4 Continuous LEAN SIGMA improvements) :uhoh:

oops, the 4th leg of the bridge of trust is crumbling :{

Maybe the new OPS Managers will come down and pitch in to help the boys. (don't hold your breath waiting) :\

17S switch
18th May 2008, 01:13
I love this period of PIA.
Our DMMs are on edge, everyone is asking questions about what is happening/will happen. Time to sit back and laugh, I say. Don't do anything that is not sanctioned by the Bexley Bunker and have a ball.
We will take 5, not 3

Acute Instinct
18th May 2008, 02:29
Let's keep it in perspective. GD has said that a 5% as opposed to a 3% wage deal across the Qantas Group for non-executives will add a $300M burden over 3 years. GD has also said Qantas is to invest over $30B (that's billion) in new aircraft and the rest. So what is the percentage of future investment applied to employees if this pay deal for all in the group was accepted as an ideal investment in Qantas' future. $300M is just 1% over 3years. (0.33% a year, x3) That's right! We are begging, borrowing, and stealing to secure 1% of Qantas' future investment funds to help us get by. To much to ask is it? GD would have us believe that if we rob 1% of the futures investment fund, the entire strategy is doomed to fail. Disgraceful, disappointing. Bad business sense to leave your workers behind. Way behind.

18th May 2008, 02:30
All went well at SIT on Sat, thanks to a foreman on o/t prior to shift.

I trust his name has been sent to the Bunker for the list. If not....WHY NOT??!!

Scabs from outside are bad enough:=, scabs from INSIDE.........:=:=:=:=:=:mad:

Incidently, why oh why would you put LAMEA380 on ignore??? His idiotic rantings are such a good indicator of how well we are rattling the mangement and their dark-cavity fillers......I just feel sorry for his neighbours cat.....it's really suffering....!!!!!

18th May 2008, 03:10
I don't get it. What's the use in investing $30B in new aircraft if you don't have enough skilled people to fix or fly them? I would think that people are as important an investment as hardware is.

18th May 2008, 03:19
These scabs from within, if they are ALAEA members, should be outed.
The rules are pretty simple,


(1) Any member who
(b) contravenes or fails to observe any lawful resolution,
decision or direction of the Federal Executive of which he had,
or ought to have had notice, shall be guilty of an offence against the Rules.

(2) Any member of the Association may make a charge against a member of the Association
for an offence against these Rules. Such charge shall be made in writing
and shall be made to the Federal Secretary of the Association.

(8) The Federal Executive may find the member charged guilty or not guilty of the offence or offences charged.
If the Federal Executive finds a member guilty of an offence against these Rules,
it may fine such member any sum not exceeding annual contributions for any one offence,
may censure or reprimand such member, may suspend such member for a period not exceeding one year,
may expel such member from the Association or may decide to impose no penalty.

18th May 2008, 12:02
The answer is simple...............

The maintenance on these new aircraft will not be carried by QF engineers except for line maint.

Already the current maintenance program is being planned to be moved OS as we speak.
The board does not care who does the maintenance, just so long as it is cheap.
Compliance is another issue as well, and will only be dealt with as the need arises.

18th May 2008, 14:52
Hey ST did you put in a care report about the tool who arrived a plane 5 minutes after he started. If he didn't make himself current he is in breach of proceures himself. May I suggest you write down name of leader and tool and send to alaea they are tracking this kind of counterproductive behaviour.