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21st Jun 2008, 11:04
These contracts are GONE. The way Harris and his twerps have done it there is no way these guys will trust QF for a VERY long time.
They lit the fuse under the 'bridge of trust' when they flicked the 8 earlier this year. Now they haven't just burned their 'bridges' they have blown them away like a nuke went off under them!!

Dr Itzfukt
21st Jun 2008, 11:05
Wouldn't have a clue scab watch but I reckon it's time for a career change. I feel it blowing in the wind. Might just go and shave my ballbag, it's a bit hairy. I feel like going bald for a while. What do you reckon? :}

21st Jun 2008, 11:30
So why dump the contracts to a third party?

I think everyone is reading too far into this with some of the crazy rumours flying around. Qf have more than likely dumped foreign operators short term (whilst industrial action is on) in a vain attempt to fix a very poor dispatch reliability problem, then back to norm once all is over. Obviously they are getting desperate.

What they don't know is the little effect this will have on their very big and growing problem. (Apart from upsetting their customers of-course, and possibly opening up the aircraft maint labor market a bit more in SYD). Once again, a very poor understanding of the maint business on behalf of management.

Either way this allows us all to do what we love most, and that is to concentrate/focus more on the condition and quality of our own aircraft.:ok:

21st Jun 2008, 11:36
oh and im not a :mad:troll or PAF as someone suggested earlier.... now im pi$$ed.

21st Jun 2008, 11:45
MH and DC, you are making it too easy for us! Keep up the good work boys. World youth day, 2008 Olympics, Christmas (if we make it that far)...... It's shaping up to be one hell of a show. Slow and steady wins the race!:O

UP D Date
21st Jun 2008, 12:18
Sit back and enjoy the ride boys, this is only just starting to get interesting!! The last acts of some desperate buggers to save their sinking ship!!!! ....... and attempt to save face with the board....:}

21st Jun 2008, 12:24
Thats right Mr D.Date, and another thing, the working relationship between QF engineering and QF Engineering management is now dead and buried. That is plain and obvious for all to see. There will never be any constructive co-operation between these parties. This now bitter and festering relationship will only go upon their removal, and this is now inevitable.

21st Jun 2008, 12:33
Anyone know why the meetings planned for next week were cancelled??

It would be handy to have a notice issued from the Fed Sec accordingly.

tail wheel
21st Jun 2008, 12:37
Who are the SCABS in boros?


You know we can't, the clues are here, don't ask for more.

Couldn't have said it better myself!!! :ok:

No name, not even initials.

You can pass what information you wish by PM but, you can not post any personal information in this thread or on this forum!

This thread has generally been very well self regulated. Don't change that now!

Tail Wheel

21st Jun 2008, 12:45
Anyone know why the meetings planned for next week were cancelled??It would be handy to have a notice issued from the Fed Sec accordingly. Saw one on the bench at work yesterday.

21st Jun 2008, 13:41
I think you are 100% correct, Im agree with you , thanks.

hi-speed tape
21st Jun 2008, 20:00
One of the real positives to come out of this current management debacle, is to finally have the "puss" sucked out of our ranks, with the likes of Gitley being exposed for what they really are

BLF Goon
22nd Jun 2008, 00:43
might be a bit off topic at the moment, but i hear a certain DMM in FNQ is offering type training on the the space shuttle. does anyone know what the tail payment or grade is for this new rig. and would also like to know what the allowance is (ie how many rubles) for a posting on the ISS?

Im not sure if i would do a posting but maybee just a few trips.
Its good to see the Cairns dmm's are being proactive in getting extra work for us.we will be doing the space shuttle work just after we get Jet*A320 contract.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

another superlame
22nd Jun 2008, 00:59
What airlines contracts have been tossed away?

I believe JHAS is doing Air Van in the short term who is doing the others?

I wonder how far FOG will let this this whole situation go, it cant be good economics to get rid of work that pays money while having to foot the bill of annoyed and delayed passengers.

I bet the investors who FOG loves so dearly wont be loving him in return at the moment

22nd Jun 2008, 01:01
not sure you guys should be worried about shuttle training or rates of exchange for international space station. Pretty sure that the chosen few will be ex-SYD HM or ex-AC. Just a thought.

mister hilter
22nd Jun 2008, 01:12
My thoughts exactly Alan. Time for BLF to drink a 'goon' rather than think of outer space (might be a replacement). Ask the local J* staff about getting 320 contract and they will laugh at you. Seems their management are spinning them similar stories that are in conflict with local QF DMM spin. Try the sandpit - ask mo man, he may know.

another superlame
22nd Jun 2008, 01:19
From sickofqf
Umm, and who exactly is going to do these contracts..........oh that's right, appropriately licensed engineers who the likes of Emirates, Cathay, AMSA etc will recruit..........from where exactly........

These other companies are reluctant to take on Qf staff because of the baggage they bring with them. Cathay will only take you on as an AME ans AMSA well good lick trying to get in there.
The truth is you will have to have something they really need or you wont even get a mention.

As with JHAS don't think that you will walk straight in with a 20k pay rise.
They don't have a presence in Sydney yet and to the big operators they are an unknown risk.
I have a mate with JHAS in Tulla and he says things are not running as smoothly down there. Since the A380 didn't come there way they have no idea what they are doing.

The while scenario is a sh1tfight.

22nd Jun 2008, 01:25
Mr Hitler,
Sandpit sounds like a great option but im not sure about drinking goon there.I heard there is no cask wine available before 5.:{

22nd Jun 2008, 01:26
Good info to have ANOTHER SUPERLAME,
Maybe the whole maint scene in aus right now is a complete debarcle.
It would be good to have some posts of up to the date info regarding other maint providers as it becomes known-that way we are not being led to believe stories that arent fact.

22nd Jun 2008, 01:28
sh1tfight that we as LAMEs can only benefit from. Who will maintain all these a/c? Who has the qualifications? Where is the next generation of US? Nowhere 'cos no c**t is training us. So we would appear to be in a seller's market. 5% and no less.

22nd Jun 2008, 01:29
:mad::mad::mad::mad::}:}No training and so many people leaving the industry.:eek:

another superlame
22nd Jun 2008, 01:34
from what my mate reckons Qantas is using JHAS as a bitch, giving them some wrok to keep them happy, J* asked them to do 330 turnarounds as J* has no 330 coverage, but apparently JHAS told them top sod off unless they sign a contract, they want longterm work rather than scab work.

So unless QF and JHAS are doing some under the table dealings nothing much seems to be happening. They are scratching for work so much that he and half of his crew were sent home due to a lack or work due to a lack of planning.

I find that hard to believe but stranger things have happened

mister hilter
22nd Jun 2008, 01:35
Wolverines, the fact that there is more than one of you should increase your intelligence, BUT.
To beat the 5 o'clock curfew, you must buy more than you will drink in one session, thus having enough to last you when you wake up. Once you have lived through Ramadan in a muslim country then you will understand this

mister hilter
22nd Jun 2008, 01:41
By the way, it's hiLTer not the way you spell it. What should we do if there is no training? Leave the industry and tune pianos?

another superlame
22nd Jun 2008, 01:45
About the lack of people being trained I agree but I also wonder about the lack of qualified LAMEs. There are not that many LAMEs positions around at the moment and the ones that are there they want you to already be fully licenced for the types thay operate.

J* and Qantaslink are 2 prime examples. QF haven't taken anyone for years so they dont even rate a mention.

JHAS promise training to everyone that gets a job but it doesnt happen.

The real shortage is sheeties not LAMEs.

And Mr Hilter if you do leave the industry it can be hard to find a job because all of our qualifications relate to aviation. They dont mean much in the real world.I found this out first hand after H245 shutdown.

It didnt matter how many licences you had or how many years of service at the end of the day they meant nothing in the real world.

So you either need to retrain or take a huge pay cut. Unfortunate but realistic.

22nd Jun 2008, 01:58
Sadly I agree with you. It means either change industry or relocate. However there seem to be people wanting our skills, if you can commute from your home (family). Good luck.

22nd Jun 2008, 02:19
Just got the gos for SIT only, all customer airlines handled by ACS SIO finished as of 2400 tonight. Supposedly for the foreseeable future, as if they would ever come back anyway.

Troop movements to hang's starting tomorrow A to K to go first, don't know if everyone is going or whether they are going right back to the old day's of small terminal crews for the transits and sending hangar crews for the day stoppers etc. Shouldn't say too much might give the morons ideas.

My guess is that the airlines will post their own certifiers and move to other companies for arms and legs or full handling if and when. British will be the most inconvenienced I think.

The Black Panther
22nd Jun 2008, 02:31
BIT Customer contracts canceled Manpower about now ~40 surplus
SIT Customer contracts canceled manpower about now ~ ?? surplus
MIT ?????
PIT ?????So Upperlobe, how much surplus manpower do you estimate will be moved back to base maint or SDT?

22nd Jun 2008, 02:34
Black Panther, I don't know the specifics just got off the phone to a couple ex work mates who still work in ACS SIO and I've reported what they said.

Acute Instinct
22nd Jun 2008, 02:46
Rumour has it, SIT to give up 3 avionics, and 16 mechanical to us for the day. No info on what licences being sent. Do they need to do their local area procedures? How long will it take for them to find their tool boxes? How up to speed will they be with the tasks at hand? 16+3, Geez, 3000 odd hold items, better late than never. Guess we wont be doing tyre pressure checks for a while.........No offence SIT brothers, but be sure to take 5 if you are unfamiliar, its the law, check your privileges.

22nd Jun 2008, 02:48
I could be wrong…
I’m pretty sure all the QF contracts with the customers require 2 weeks notice to cancel.

So even though we are just finding out now, Qantas would have notified the customers about their decision 2 weeks ago.
The actual decision to cancel the contracts was made ages ago.

22nd Jun 2008, 02:51
Likewise, as much pain as the line guys are currently causing, I believe that they won't realise just what pain is until they contract out their line maintenance.

Hmmm, just like MHs brilliant idea to get rid of Rockwell Collins IFE contractors because of their higher labour rate. In come IASA with a lower labour rate, employed the former RC guys on lower money, then robbed QF blind on parts! Charged QF $hundreds for a part RC (the manufacturer) charged $80, for a part that are replaced in their hundreds. Do the maths. And MH was surprised twhen the IFE contract cost went up, not down. MH, you're a WINNER! :}

22nd Jun 2008, 02:52
How pointless is that!

Not even one person per crew. It won't make a bit of difference.

Except for lost revenue. :ugh:

22nd Jun 2008, 02:54
How up to speed/familiar will they be with the tasks at hand?

Just spoke to one SIT LAME. He has a licence on a hull type QF don't fly, but should. So most of his work is for customers. He reckons he wont be too useful in Base! :}

22nd Jun 2008, 03:05
Well it just keeps getting better, just been told by the SIT Lames that MC hassaid they wont be changing their stance on the wages policy....Waterfront Dispute - here we come!!!

22nd Jun 2008, 03:07
All that has happened is M has snuck in his little
precinct idea a little early.
Don't worry boys, it will be the
usual QF disaster
Maintain the Rage

22nd Jun 2008, 03:37
Just a bit more Bugger in their Buggery campaign.

22nd Jun 2008, 03:54
Our esteemed leader stumbling from one disaster to another, at least it's in common with his resume, another knee jerk reaction, get the band aids out mh.

UP D Date
22nd Jun 2008, 06:13
19 blokes is'nt even enough to start one 'A' chk at base.....will help us find all the defects we're missing on the ones we're doin currently though:}

22nd Jun 2008, 06:24
Just wanted to have a rant about where QF has got to. I started in 1967 as a snork, and was brought into the fold by guys who had pride in the company as well as pride in their work. I was shown repeatedly that near enough was never good enough, learnt to wirelock without twisty pliers (using them got your lockwire cut and you redid it). I was happy and proud to work for QF. The last 10 years have killed everything except for pride in my work and trying to pass on 40 years of tips and tricks. At the moment GD and his Brownshirts will not be happy until there are none of us left. Even reducing unit costs by 40% over the past 2 years does not rate a productivity increment. It is buggery by a thousand cuts. It is time for the board to wake up and realise the only long term sustainable future for the Co is to get rid of the man at the top, who does not have the nous or CDF to realise that a happy and proud workforce can deliver on time, on budget serviceable aircraft. The Tsunami of change we need is FOG. I will be happy with 3% if we can rid the company of the dry rot who have no pride and no integrity

Syd eng
22nd Jun 2008, 06:33
So what is the notice required for the SIT boys to be given a change of roster? Are they still working their current roster to be moved over to Base? Or are they being moved to crews in Base? Thought it would have been 7 days at least. Does that mean they can chop and change our roster when ever they like now with this as a precedent?

22nd Jun 2008, 06:44
The terminal guys haven't EVER voted on our 12 hour roster so CANNOT by LAW be made to work it. :eek:

That is my understanding. :cool:

FEDSEC ? Your thoughts?

22nd Jun 2008, 09:12
It's just another step down the gutter.

Good bye QE, forever.

triple bogie
22nd Jun 2008, 09:31
We are all brothers in this campaign, let's not start fighting amoungst each other!!!!!!!!!

22nd Jun 2008, 09:44
well this is just great.... lost my bolt on!! woo hoo
send me to the sheds... you wont get a pinch of effort out of me. Ill be spending the day snagging the shyte out of what ever i can get my hands on.....
Whats the rule on transferring between cost centres??? movement forms etc... gee i hope i dont hurt myself because i am forced to work in a place i am not familiar with.... could be legal action in the wind.
M lost the plot!!! :mad: :mad:

Dr Itzfukt
22nd Jun 2008, 09:49
I'm with 71TRIDENT - Get rid of the current board and QE Management and I'd settle for 3%.

Also never trust a person with 2 given names. They might steer you in the wrong direction!

22nd Jun 2008, 09:51
Just a bit more Bugger in their Buggery campaign.

Very true SC,
It does seem like they want to bugger the acs lames at the least.
Getting rid of some of our long term customers and friends has made
the lames so much more polarised. Good work acs management just
got another 15% who did not vote yes for pia to seek retribution.
Many of these staunch company can do types are not happy at all.
Tensions are high, I'm really concerned the auro of uncertainy acs
management has thrust upon us is now a safety issue.

Take five
22nd Jun 2008, 10:05
Don't let them rile you with the early precinct.

The workload for tomorrow also has 2 meetings with management with 15 people at each, so between getting transport from the SIT to the hangars and back and the D check inspections at base you will still have a good day.

Oh and don't forget to have lunch at the correct time, check EQ, look up manual references and all the other superflous and time wasting things which you will have to go through.

We all know it is not going to work for them and that they are just kneejerking their way to oblivion.

I just feel sorry for the other operators who have a great deal of respect for the job we do.
Our own managers are certainly proving not to have any respect for us, or the other operators at all.

dr skydrol
22nd Jun 2008, 10:14
Oh what a great tactic management. lets just throw another few $$tens of millions away.I thought you were crying poor. This management has never been into making money for QF. If you thought our contracts were not going anyway you havn't been listening to our management.
Lets not get upset or do anything rash. Stick with our OT bans and wear them down. July is almost here and the TWU will be in it too. The share price is falling!
Remember when we used to rotate between the hangars and terminals. It took months to get up to speed.
Calm yourselves down and stick to our guns. Remember they cannot terminate your employment for taking part in PIA. And seems now when its over those who have been holding out for Redundancy will get their wish now. Plus a few hundred more fed up lame's. Its Sydney Precint brought in early. Don't be alarmed. Slow and steady will win this race.

chemical alli
22nd Jun 2008, 10:15
Sio brothers relax,Before you can turn a spanner in anger at the bat caves,You will have to sign on at the SIO where all of your lockers are.Take your time changing into your uniform as you dont want to take home clothing that may have oh&s issues for your family.(residue grease and so forth).Then read all documentation on sio computers,sign and inspect all transport vechile, logbooks etc, Remember no seat no ride.Multiple trips to the hangars. Ask for a safety contact on reaching the caves of doom,ensure you have been fully inducted and know emergency rally points .Use all manual handling techniques for carriage of toolboxes,then retreat to your own smoko room for breaks for fear of over crowding.Enjoy the hangar lifestyle, fruit whips all round.

p.s i like big tits too

Stick'm up
22nd Jun 2008, 11:03
Who doesn't like BIG TITS?
Enjoy the toolbox meetings and fruit whips at the hangers boys.
Sounds like it's going to be less productive than an Amazing Camping trip.:E

Big M
22nd Jun 2008, 11:09
Sound advice there from Chem Alli. Of course most of the brothers at SIO are generally used to working on their own, looking after themselves and self-certifying. Now that you may be asked to work at an unfamiliar workplace with unfamiliar people, of course you should brush up on those pesky CASA rules and regulations. In fact, it may be a good idea for ALL LAMES to re-aquaint themselves with the regs. (Unlike when the engine run requirements became an obstacle with M A-H putting pressure on QSR & M to remove great swathes of the PM manual willy-nilly, the same can't be done of Australian Commonwealth Law). The text below is from the CASA website. Note that the highlighting is not mine, it's CASA's.

43.21 Supervision by a licensed aircraft maintenance engineer, etc
(1) the person is permitted to supervise the maintenance of aircraft or aeronautical product
only if:
(a) the person holds an aircraft maintenance engineer license, or an AMS-1 certificate, that
covers the maintenance; and
(b) at all material times when the person is supervising the maintenance, the holder of
the license or certificate observes the work being done to the extent to ensure that it is
being done properly and is readily available in person, for consultation.
43.23 Supervision by an employee of an approved maintenance
(1) Subject to subregulation (2), a person employed by an approved maintenance organisation
is permitted to supervise on an aeronautical product not fitted to an aircraft any
(a) that may be carried out under the control of the organisation; and
(b) that, as an employee of the organisation, he or she is qualified to carry out;
(c) at all material times when the person is supervising the maintenance, the holder of
the license or certificate observes the work being done to the extent to ensure that it is
being done properly and is readily available in person, for consultation.

As can be seen from the above, supervision is more than asking a skilled or non skilled person
to carry out a maintenance task and then performing a quick check of their work. Regardless of
the experience and performance of the person ender supervision if they are not qualified under
CASA regulations, they must be supervised, by a qualified or approved person, close enough
to ensure that there are no errors made. the closeness of supervision is dependent on several
factors. these are:
(1) how much experience the person under supervision has.
(2) how much trust the supervisor has in that person.
(3) the complexity of the task.
(4) Whether the next sub-task will cover up the previous work carried out, for example, if a
panel is replaced covering the work.
(5) the importance of the task, i.e. what effect will there be on safety or operation if the task is
done incorrectly.

Note that cost did not rate a mention. the regulations are not interested in the cost of
maintenance, only in maintaining safety.
If any case the person supervising is ultimately responsible to the organisation they are
employed by, themselves and CASA. In effect a lack of proper supervision can result in costly
mistakes and may in some circumstances lead to legal action against the supervisor and their
employer, not just by CASA. A recent legal case (not brought about by CASA) determined that
the supervisor was totally responsible and was not performing their work in this area correctly
(they were working in an adjacent hangar, when the work was performed). this ruling by the
court caused severe penalties to be imposed on the supervisor and the employer.
In the worst instance the supervisor can have criminal charges laid against them, in addition to
a law suit, which is something none of us want to go through. this is out of CASA’s hands but
it must be kept in the back of the supervisor’s mind. this does not mean that the person being
supervised can do what they like; it just means that when blame is apportioned, the supervisor
carries the greater culpability.
this may sound very negative, but good supervision is very important both in a quality sense
and stress levels of supervisory and maintenance staff.
Good supervision can also lead to productivity increases, fewer non-conforming products,
increased customer satisfaction, increased profits and a happier work force.
Remember when you are supervising you are responsible for the work carried out, not the
person being supervised. you should take all steps possible to ensure that during supervision
the person being supervised is guided and checked. you should be available for consultation,
inspection and certification. you, the supervisor, are certifying for the work carried out, by
someone else, so this work should meet both your standards and the regulatory standard.
In Australia we are lucky that supervisors and licensed aircraft maintenance engineers are
professional, enthusiastic, reasonably well trained, experienced and conscientious. Don’t let a
lack of proper supervision spoil your day and our excellent safety record.

22nd Jun 2008, 11:16
Just a thought,what if we all wear overalls? It is sure to create further chaos when persons are sent to other unfamiliar areas who would appear to be those redundant AME's. Ground crews and flight crews would be potentially asking cleaners technical questions. It would also give those SIT boys an excuse to have no idea what was going on whilst they were at base.



Dr Itzfukt
22nd Jun 2008, 11:30
Simple really, if you're not comfortable, don't do it. If you have to, take 5 and really be satisfied with yourself that you are covering all bases.

Take no chances, these snakes will hang you out to dry before you can say: Gee I love QF!


22nd Jun 2008, 11:32
To all the SIO guys.. don't be worried about going to the hangars. Take your time to get yourself up to speed. Remember to take 5 and familiarise yourself with the task at hand. Also..safety before schedule!!

As far as the shift thing goes I was under the impression that the company could move you where they liked as long as it fell within your shift start and finish times.. I know some Base guys who have been seconded in the past to help out at SDT (for example) when the SDT's coverage was low.. I thought they (the company) only had to give the 7 days notice if there was to be a change in the shift pattern. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

22nd Jun 2008, 12:08


22nd Jun 2008, 12:23
Yes, Good luck for those taking pia starting tonight.
nice little stunt by management to deflect day 3&4
but the second wave is comming.

Big M
22nd Jun 2008, 12:30
Wansta, I dare say a smaller font may get the message across. I love how M A-H has been brave enough to lock out all of 6 LAMEs, piss funny. I think you're right about the 'S' Express getting a run. M is paying these blokes the equivalent of 200K per annum and if there's one thing he hates it's a LAME sitting on his arse. LOL. Well I'm sure that those diligent guys in Melb will have plenty of time to commence defect rectification on all those layover aircraft - hell, every aircraft is now carrying plenty of hold items. Oh well just looks like at 0100 you'll have to start entering all outstanding maintenance into the tech logs. Of course one coupon for each item as required by CASA.

R/h eng r/h fan cowl opened for access
R/h eng L/h fan cowl opened for access
R/h engine r/h t/r cowl opened for access
R/h engine l/h t/r cowl opened for access
leading edge slat pdu access panel removed
l/e pdu locked out
l/e pdu canon plugs removed (oops a dual cert required there)
etc, etc, etc

Of course, once you finish at 0200, take a nice, looooong shower after your trying shift. Of course if you feel tired after your shift, OH & S regs stipulate that your employer MUST provide you with a place to rest if you feel you require it before you commence your journey home. Who knows who you might see in YOUR workplace after your rest?? Maybe they'll be wearing balaclavas (it is cold in Melb at this time of year)

Remember that M A-H doesn't have a say in CASA Laws, OH & S laws etc. Do not be bullied, YOUR rights are proteced and so are your jobs under the Workplace relations act.


22nd Jun 2008, 12:30
My understanding was tonight at 2.00 am all A-K lames finish up leaving only L-Z'S

As far as I have been told, now at 2.00 am tonight,all L-Z'S are being sent down to the shed. Obviously to me, the company want a "totally" cleared tarmac so scabs can work unhindered.

22nd Jun 2008, 12:33

SIX Qantas flights from Sydney and Melbourne have been cancelled tomorrow as engineers prepare to walk off the job in three states.
The airline has been forced to cancel another 18 flights on Tuesday, as engineers step up industrial action that threatens to continue for weeks.

The cancelled Tuesday flights affect Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane airports.

Engineers will walk off the job for up to four hours at Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Cairns airports on Monday and Tuesday over a pay dispute.

Qantas has refused to budge from its offer of a three per cent pay rise.

The Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association (ALAEA) is demanding a five per cent increase for engineers.

A Qantas spokeswoman said passengers on cancelled flights had been booked on other flights.

"All passengers have been rebooked on other services within an hour of their original flight," the spokeswoman said.

"There will be minimal disruption to passengers and Qantas has been contacting passengers over the weekend and will continue to do so."

Qantas has taken a hard line over the engineers' action, saying it will do whatever it can to protect its customers.

"There's a range of contingencies, some of which include consolidating our operations and some of which involve alternative ways of getting the work done," Qantas executive general manager (people), Kevin Brown, said last week.

The wages dispute escalated last week after unions claimed Qantas was refusing to budge from its offer of a three per cent pay rise, despite 40 meetings over 18 months.

ALAEA national secretary Steve Purvinas says strikes will continue until Qantas comes back with a better offer.

He said the strikes were not designed to hit services hard and next week's four-hour stoppages would involve half of the engineers on duty at the time.

22nd Jun 2008, 12:36
I imagine they will have a few DR&R's to clear........

22nd Jun 2008, 12:38
(oops a dual cert required there)

Of course, once you finish at 0200, take a nice, looooong shower after your trying shift. Of course if you feel tired after your shift, OH & S regs stipulate that your employer MUST provide you with a place to rest if you feel you require it before you commence your journey home. Who knows who you might see in YOUR workplace after your rest?? Maybe they'll be wearing balaclavas (it is cold in Melb at this time of year)

lol................... :ok:


22nd Jun 2008, 12:45
To the Melbourne Domestic Brothers tonight...May the Force be with you.

To the other Brothers fighting the good fight later today...And with you


spanertwister, do u know if Luke wingwalker is amongst the darkside troops coming to a terminal near you tonight ??? lol

22nd Jun 2008, 12:48
STRESS also Seems to have a marked effect on ones ability to show up for work the following day in a fit state for normal duties. :ok:

22nd Jun 2008, 12:51
Not a laughing matter work related stress,
workers comp and LTWI loss for the managment.
we already have a 'man down' situation.

22nd Jun 2008, 13:08
Not aware of anyone stood down. LAME's at MDT that are left ie the six odd remaining L-Z's have been sent to the hangars, I guess to allow Managers to PEN the overnight checks at the terminal. Hope they don't miss anything!:sad:

Dear Sue,:(

Please be advised that Protected Industrial Action in the following forms will take place on Monday
the 23rd of June for all ALAEA Qantas LAMES (including LAMEs, Seniors, Supervisors, DMMs
and other categories covered by the Qantas LAME EBA);
A work stoppage for all Sydney International LAMEs whose surnames start with letters A-K
from 2000 until end of that shift.
A work stoppage of 4 hours for all Sydney Base Maintenance LAMEs whose surnames start . .
with letters A-K from 1400 until 1800.
0 A work stoppage for all Cairns LAMEs for the last 4 hours of their shift.
A work stoppage for all Melbourne Domestic LAMEs whose surnames start with letters A-K
om 0200-0600. This stoppage is only for LAMEs who commenced nightshift the previous
evening and will not apply to LAMEs commencing duty at 0530.
A work stoppage for all Melbourne International LAMEs whose surnames start with letters
A-K for the frst 4 hours of any shift rostered to commence prior to midday.
The following ban will commence on Monday the 23rd of June and will be ongoing until further
The banning of higher duties carried out by Sydney Domestic Terminal LAMES in acting
DMM positions at Sydney International Terminal. This ban applicable to any Sydney
Domestic Terminal LAME who commenced this form of higher duty prior to the 23'* of June

22nd Jun 2008, 13:14

well, bugger me, imagine that.

22nd Jun 2008, 14:17
You Sound Like Your Creating An Us And Them Between Lame's
Wake Up For Once Lets Work Together

22nd Jun 2008, 14:44
His Mate Don Should Join Him

22nd Jun 2008, 19:23
Can some one tell me what the scab uniform looks like I am an ex Qantas LAME working at SIT and have a new camera that i would like to try out I think a few photos of a scabs would make interesting photos
Good on you guys Im with you 100% if only in spirit :D

employes perspective
22nd Jun 2008, 20:42
fantastic now the ex Syd HM LAME's are starting to look out for you all,hang on a sec weren't they meant to come back as scabs( i guess managements plans are not going to plan)LLLLLL OOOOOO LLLLLLL:ok::ok::ok::ok:

22nd Jun 2008, 22:41
Any idea on who looking after the kiwis?

hi-speed tape
22nd Jun 2008, 22:55
I used to like big tit's. Then I met Muzza !!!

23rd Jun 2008, 00:23
Will there be any obvious tell-tale signs of who is a scab? Obviously, they are not going to wear a big S on their foreheads, but will they have the same uniforms? Same ID cards (I guess they'd have a very recent DOJ)? Everything the same? Any way to tell who the scabs are (from a flight attendant's perspective)?

23rd Jun 2008, 00:43
So is there big delays today?
Lots of Cancellations...

23rd Jun 2008, 00:49
Shares down again!! $3.05

23rd Jun 2008, 00:50
wait till they are below sub $ 3.00

4th of july fireworks will begin.

23rd Jun 2008, 00:51
I,ve been looking at the Flt stats website for some time now to try and get an overview. The thing I don,t get is they seem to now list 450 flts a day yet only 280 depart or cancel
Does this reflect the amount of capacity they would normally have is no longer available ? The site will not let me go back more than 2 days to make a comparison

23rd Jun 2008, 00:57
How's this? Sadly this website removes the formatting but you could probably drop it into excel as a csv format

Date Scheduled Tracked Departed Cancelled 15-30 30-45 45+ Ontime

1/6/08 404 366 349 17 51 22 54 64%
2/6/08 456 405 390 15 55 36 49 64%
3/6/08 491 452 435 17 64 36 66 62%
4/6/08 478 442 389 53 46 36 169 35%
5/6/08 504 461 430 31 89 41 78 52%
6/6/08 526 486 475 11 105 43 61 56%
7/6/08 409 364 359 5 42 30 50 66%
8/6/08 407 367 365 2 28 13 23 82%
9/6/08 486 453 447 6 51 25 41 74%
10/6/08 482 443 430 13 86 52 78 50%
11/6/08 501 452 435 17 69 19 32 72%
12/6/08 502 464 449 15 77 26 42 68%
13/6/08 526 473 452 21 81 65 115 42%
14/6/08 411 371 364 7 45 22 43 70%
15/6/08 457 364 360 4 46 23 24 74%
16/6/08 501 459 445 14 47 18 40 76%
17/6/08 477 439 431 8 43 14 33 79%
18/6/08 499 449 437 12 61 23 30 74%
19/6/08 504 469 458 11 81 40 48 63%
20/6/08 516 472 446 26 69 54 137 42%
21/6/08 408 370 363 7 44 16 52 69%
22/6/08 451 279 269 10 33 6 22 77%
23/6/08 477 31 28 3 8 2 2 57%

23rd Jun 2008, 00:57
Hey BadBoy, post the link and I'll take a look, can non employees see it?

23rd Jun 2008, 01:02
Good work sickofqf, are they all domestic flights?

23rd Jun 2008, 01:19
nope, all flights.


For some reason the QF.com sight hasn't updated it's departure performance since March!!

23rd Jun 2008, 01:23
This will get the home up
The page is AIRLINES SCORECARD under the tab Airlines
You have to register

Long Bay Mauler
23rd Jun 2008, 01:30
http://www.airmech.co.uk/forums/image.php?u=688&dateline=1130445537 (http://www.airmech.co.uk/forums/member.php?u=688)

All this talk of stop works has got me all excited.....................

23rd Jun 2008, 01:44
Good info from the horse is that CASA are getting tired of the ATP count, 18 last week. This is putting pressure on the ATP delagates. This is where QA have no control , CASA has the ability to pull the ATP issuing from QA if things get out of hand. Stick to the PM ask for EA`s for every thing. Too bad if an MEL expires and there are parts available, no grounds for ATP- aircraft sits on the ground. Line stations - Apply MEL's , don't go test ok unable to fault. Crews will start to not take the aircraft if too many MEL,s in tech log. MCC running around putting out spot fires all day will have to get used to it. They will have to get off the fence and choose a side soon , same with IOC.

23rd Jun 2008, 01:45
Thanks sickofqf.

I guess we all now what that can mean?

Good work again and thanks...

23rd Jun 2008, 01:48
CASA, not happy...

From what I heard, aren't they in the pocket.

23rd Jun 2008, 01:48
http://www.airmech.co.uk/forums/image.php?u=688&dateline=1130445537 (http://www.airmech.co.uk/forums/member.php?u=688)

All this talk of stop works has got me all excited.....................

Billy no mates :ok:

23rd Jun 2008, 02:11
Good info from the horse is that CASA are getting tired of the ATP count,

thanks Cranker....best laugh I've had all week....

rumour is CASA have been given so much info on dodgy QF practises they could have shut the place down months ago.........instead they just let the QF policy manual constantly bend and twist around the regs to suit QF.

What was the quote? Something about not doing anything as it would harm the QF Brand ??

ahh, the view from Geoff's pocket must be rosy.

Shares at $3.02 and FALLING.....despite the Saudis INCREASING production!!! :sad:

Negative Feedback
23rd Jun 2008, 03:28
What the .... ??????????
From news.com.au Qantas executive general manager for people, Kevin Brown, said the two parties were a long way from resolving the long-running dispute.

“I don't think that there is a settlement at hand here, for two reasons,'' Mr Brown told ABC radio.

“One is that each time we go to meet the ALAEA they put on strike action, and we've been very clear about this - we're not going to meet with a gun to our head.

“And the second problem is each time he (ALAEA national secretary Steve Purvinas) comes along, the price goes up. The most recent proposal he tabled was for 5.7 per cent. So we are a fair way apart.''

Mr Brown said Qantas had a “whole range of contingencies'' to deal with the disruption, including alternative labour.

But he would not confirm whether that labour would take the form of offshore-trained workers.

Mr Purvinas disputed the airline's claim that the union was being belligerent, saying Qantas needed to be more flexible in its negotiations.

“We had our 40th meeting with them a week and a half ago, and they came in and said, ‘Three per cent - take it or leave it,''' he told Macquarie Radio.I didn't know we had been out on strike action 40 times!!
If what we want is going up each meeting shouldn't we up to about 45% by now.

The Qantas executive general manager for pissed off staff needs to learn what truth is. That individual couldn't lie straight in a coffin.

The crap that flows out of our management's mouths lately is as useful to their cause as the goo spraying from an orifice at the back end of a horse on a custard diet.

They've lost me utterly.

Good thing I like my job and workmates, because I detest the mob I work for.:yuk:

23rd Jun 2008, 03:48
This just demonstrates the nature of the beast the ALAEA has to deal with.
I'm glad they lead by example, we should try using their ethics when doing our jobs.....except for the fact that aircraft would be falling from the sky.

Big Unit
23rd Jun 2008, 03:54
For those who have not heard it yet. (From June 19th).


Now that you are well and truly inspired, back to work. :E:E:E:E

Long Bay Mauler
23rd Jun 2008, 03:58
In modern day terms of corporate communictaions,KB the Executive General Manager for People,is only the 2008 QF version of Dr Joesph Goebbels,the German wartime Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda.

He has a vested interest in relaying infomation just off the mark to the media to muddy the picture being put forward by the ALAEA.His media spin of the situation is partially based of the truth,but he is embellishing the infomation to not quite be the whole truth.

And the scary thing is,HE KNOWS IT..............

He has 1.5 million reasons to put forward the thoughts & wishes of his current Fuhrer GD,because if he gets it wrong,he wont get a better gig than QF when he leaves.

Today the QAN share price keeps bouncing around $3.02 & $3.03.If we keep these types of work stoppages going,surely it will fall thru the $3.00 mark,and upset all those investment banks.Thats where the real pressure will come from to resolve this.

Remember,Patience is a virtue.If we keep persisting to resist,and not go for any long stoppages,and not allow management to escalate the dispute,then we have a greater chance of achieving our objective.


Cop it sweet for now,talk to your workmates and ALAEA reps,and work through it.If the managers get in a position to start standing down large groups of us,then they are on the road to winning.

You will antagonise them more by doing the unexpected.Think of creative ways to add to their frustrations.

Remember,Patience is a virtue.

23rd Jun 2008, 04:06
For those who have not heard it yet. (From June 19th).


Now that you are well and truly inspired, back to work. :E:E:E:E

Link doesn't work

The Black Panther
23rd Jun 2008, 04:10
Link doesn't workIt worked for me.
The lies campaign joins the buggery campaign.

Millet Fanger
23rd Jun 2008, 04:35
You can lie so many times before you start to get exposed. It appears that Mr Brown's time is up. The following extract is from a SMH article written today.
A Melbourne businessman has disputed Qantas's claim that passengers on flights cancelled by strike action today were put on replacement planes within an hour, and with good reason - if that were true he'd be on his way to Auckland by now.Qantas executive general manager for people, Kevin Brown, told morning radio that all affected passengers had been put "on other flights and all of them within 60 minutes of their planned travel".
But the businessman, who missed an important meeting, said the claim was "simply not true".

I wonder if FOG had anything to do with it.

23rd Jun 2008, 04:37
Link works ok-heard all about that 1% super increase yet again!
Its the 1 we are all getting!!
Fantastic title hes got,probably dreamt up by the same clown that reckons we are all getting a 1% super increase.

23rd Jun 2008, 04:48
How many times have we heard about 1 % increase in super ????

Let me reiterate something for management once again.

I am not interested in super additions.

I want real money I can spend today, not something the government has control over until I retire.

Show me the money, NOW

23rd Jun 2008, 05:05
Anyone Know For Sure Whether The Imported Scabs Hit Melbourne Tarmac Last Night ???

Fed sec,are we to expect an update today ??

23rd Jun 2008, 05:34
It was interesting to hear KB's take on how much our action is costing QF.. I'm not surprised though. This is a battle that will involve casualties and neither side will want to let the other know just how much it hurts!

Like others have said...we need to keep our resolve and not be provoked into attack.

I don't think I have have seen the membership so united. The more they push us the tighter we get! Stay strong and focused.. ;)

23rd Jun 2008, 05:44
I don't think I have have seen the membership so united. The more they push us the tighter we get! Stay strong and focused.. ;)
I don't remember ever seeing any group in Qantas so united, especially with so much support from other Qantas workers. And even many in the public are sympathetic:

The businessman said he could understand the dispute between the airline and its workers but "what disappoints me is that the consumers are the ones affected".
He said he didn't like Qantas claiming that no passengers were badly affected.
"I think they need their media division to get it right," he said.
(That's another excerpt from the SMH article above. Link (http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/businessman-angry-at-qantas-claim/2008/06/23/1214073117175.html))

He's not saying "These greedy bloody engineers", is he? Obviously, he'd be pissed off that he's missed his meeting, and I agree with him and sympathise with him totally. But he still appears to blame Qantas more and recognises their dishonest spin. It's a shame there is not another way to take action against Qantas without hurting the travelling public, but unfortunately, this is the only way.


23rd Jun 2008, 05:54
Originally Posted by Bug-a-lugs http://www.pprune.org/forums/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?p=4197376#post4197376)
http://www.airmech.co.uk/forums/image.php?u=688&dateline=1130445537 (http://www.airmech.co.uk/forums/member.php?u=688)

All this talk of stop works has got me all excited.....................

Yeah me too. I havent had leave in ages. If it's the only way I can get away from work, I'll take what I can get.

23rd Jun 2008, 06:14
From news.com.au Qantas executive general manager for people, Kevin Brown, said the two parties were a long way from resolving the long-running dispute.

“I don't think that there is a settlement at hand here, for two reasons,'' Mr Brown told ABC radio.

“One is that each time we go to meet the ALAEA they put on strike action, and we've been very clear about this - we're not going to meet with a gun to our head.

This statement really boils my blood.....how dare KB and QE on a whole tell the public they won't negotiate with a gun to their head!! This is the sad reality of what they have done to us since the advent of collective bargaining.....
Sign up or else.....

-you will lose your backpay (think this might be illegal)
-we'll move heavy maintenance offshore (same old chesnut everytime...and then they do it anyway)
-we'll be buggered by 9/11, SARS, birdflu, oil prices etc (give me a break)
-we will lose the A380 contract to JHAS (sure we will)

and the list goes on.

If you are reading this and you are QE management, please realise we are intelligent, hardworking professionals who love our job and take pride in our work. A slight pay increase to allow for inflation really wasn't asking for much, but now you have a much bigger problem on your hands...a totally disengaged workforce united in it's cause that pretty much will never recover until you are gone....

But then again, maybe that was your plan all along. P*ss us off so much that we want to leave. If so, I for one will never walk until I have a redundancy cheque firmly in hand.

23rd Jun 2008, 06:20
Without a gun at their heads they didn't negotiate for eighteen months.

triple bogie
23rd Jun 2008, 06:39
I know a fair few people at management level in other companies, and their feelings are that any pay increase demand based on CPI is totally realistic and fair.

Stick to your guns


P.S - KB you are a f:mad:g liar !!!!!!!!!!!!

23rd Jun 2008, 06:45
The ALAEA, the Union representing 1,500 staff in Qantas Engineering, has decided to escalate its industrial action against the company with rolling stoppages across Australia today and tomorrow.

The action will further impact our customers and put an additional load on many staff. It is also, unfortunately, typical of a Union which at the time of announcing the stoppages made the nonsensical claim that the main impact would be to inconvenience “people in the planning departments” rather than passengers!

Let there be no doubt. This action will impact passengers, it will impact Qantas and it only adds to the pressure to restructure Qantas in the face of the soaring fuel costs that have changed the industry forever.

All airlines, full service and low cost, are cutting capacity, raising fares, restructuring many areas of their business and laying off staff. The latest example is Air Canada, which has announced 2,000 redundancies and a 7 per cent reduction in capacity.

Qantas is better positioned than many airlines to handle the latest crisis in the industry. Our strong balance sheet is a result of sustained efficiency gains over the past 10 years, investment in new aircraft and product and successfully defending and broadening our key markets.

But no airline, no matter how strong, can survive the fuel increases without significant restructuring. For Qantas these increases alone in 2008/09 will substantially exceed the total projected profit for the current 2007/08 financial year.

So it is critical for our future success that we retain control of our costs. This, in part, means we will stand firm against efforts to break a wages policy that has delivered fair annual increases and growth in jobs in an industry that has been downsizing employment for over a decade.

Our wages policy and our stand against the untimely demands of the ALAEA received total support from the Qantas Board at its strategic planning meeting last week in New York.

The Board emphasised the need, in light of the higher cost base, for restructuring to accelerate.

We will hold a series of staff roadshows next month. These forums will provide more information on future activities and enable staff to question and provide input.

Geoff Dixon

23rd Jun 2008, 06:45
I posted the following quote from the SMH earlier:

The businessman said he could understand the dispute between the airline and its workers but "what disappoints me is that the consumers are the ones affected".

He said he didn't like Qantas claiming that no passengers were badly affected.

"I think they need their media division to get it right," he said.

It's interesting that the same article (http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/businessman-angry-at-qantas-claim/2008/06/23/1214073117175.html) has now changed and doesn't mention his understanding... The end of the article does mention that Qantas has been contacted for comment. What about contacting the ALAEA for a balanced story?

Nasty Piece of Work
23rd Jun 2008, 06:46
Heard a fair amount of media today on the stopworks, lots of BS from KB who seems to thrive on distorting the truth "we offered them 3% and 1% in super "and from the President of the ALAEA stating that " We apologize for any inconvenience to the Australian flying public but Qantas management are responsible for this debacle as they refuse to negotiate and are determined to inflict a real wage cut on their licenced engineers."

Truth is QF management have thrived on telling lies, distorting the truth and playing chicken little for years when someone or a large group of people stand up to them and tell the truth about their lies they get all shirty and try to bring them down with more lies and distorting the truth further.

When will the general public, the government and the shareholders finally wake up ?

QF management are destroying an Australian icon right in front of you and you all just sit on your hands !!!!!

Nasty Piece of Work
23rd Jun 2008, 06:50
K.Brown says "There will be little impact on passengers"

G.Dixon says " Let there be no doubt. This action will impact passengers, it will impact Qantas"

For F@#ks sake WHO IS THE LIAR ?

23rd Jun 2008, 07:14
A Melbourne businessman has disputed Qantas's claim that passengers on flights cancelled by strike action today were put on replacement planes within an hour, and with good reason - if that were true he'd be on his way to Auckland by now.

The businessman, who did not wish to be named, said he was due to leave Melbourne at 10.45am on flight QF25 but the flight has been rescheduled to leave for New Zealand at 5pm today.

Six Qantas flights from Melbourne and Sydney were cancelled this morning after engineers walked off the job for four hours from 2am because of a pay dispute.

Qantas executive general manager for people, Kevin Brown, told morning radio that all affected passengers had been put "on other flights and all of them within 60 minutes of their planned travel".

But the businessman, who missed an important meeting, said the claim was "simply not true".

"I was literally going out the door when I got a call from Webjet, who I booked the flight through, and then 20 minutes later Qantas called," he said.

"I asked was [the cancellation] due to the industrial action and they said yes.

"I've got a new business and this was a potential client meeting, it was a pretty good opportunity so this is not good.

"It just doesn't look good from my end. Thankfully I can blame Qantas, but I pay for my flights to be on time."

He said when he arrived at the airport this afternoon for his rescheduled 5pm flight, he was told it was cancelled.

He said he was told the plane was due to arrive from Perth, but had been stalled there due to the strike action.

Qantas have now booked him onto a midnight Air New Zealand flight, he said.

"It's been a real drama today. Had they spoken to me to tell me it was cancelled [before I got to the airport] it would have been OK. It's really frustrating.''

He said he didn't like Qantas claiming that no passengers were badly affected.

"I think they need their media division to get it right," he said.

The engineers engaged in strikes in three states overnight and will strike again in Sydney at the same time tomorrow morning.

Qantas will cancel another 18 flights tomorrow but have so far refused to budge from their offer of a three per cent pay rise.

The engineers are campaigning for five per cent.

Qantas has been contacted for comment.

23rd Jun 2008, 07:22
Quote: He said he was told the plane was due to arrive from Perth, but had been stalled there due to the strike action.

Liars once again.

I don't remember there being a strike in Perth last night? Maybe just another AOG classic jumbo that is suffering from not being maintained properly? :(

23rd Jun 2008, 07:23
Ngineer or Mendaero, Can you PM me the list?

23rd Jun 2008, 07:24
Today the meeting had no effect in Cairns.My subordinate notseW and i both worked alog with Qld mngr and ring in scabs.

So its now official Cairns has the most people with the lowest morals in australia.I couldnt get my seniors to work through the meetings but we managed to get a few to work for a little bit of the stop work meeting,i have the employees here wrapped around my little finger. The only incentive we needed was a broken aircraft.

The harassment on me has started,but its nothing like my dad had to endure way back in 89. I hope it doesn't get worse but no matter what happen ill keep scabbing.No one can touch me i have been assured employment with the company for the next 15years.

sniggiH ffoeG

Bolty McBolt
23rd Jun 2008, 07:34

Can someone PM or email me the list also?

hannibal lector
23rd Jun 2008, 07:54
Please PM me a list so i too can put it on the smoko table

23rd Jun 2008, 07:56
Pass-A-Frozo = Fat Controller
Confirmation today that Pass-A-Frozo is the Fat Controller (thats right, big Kev himself)
Fkn hypocrite.....

From another thread. Anyone comfirm. I don't believe it so.

23rd Jun 2008, 07:59
Another bad day at the office for Qantas. Over 30 cancellations, 3 'Return to Gate'. What was the Qantas line - 6 flights canceled. Caught out lying again.

How about the 5 pm flight MEL - AKL, never did exist. Caught out lying again.

How about the canceled PER - MEL flight, does not exist. LYING.

Unfortunately, most of this lying doesn't get out to the public. It is hidden in the FOG!

23rd Jun 2008, 08:00
The esteemed Mr Brown says that 24 cancellations will not affect passengers greatly, they will be accommodated within an hour of their planned departure time. Does this not say that the original schedule was a pile of ????.

PS If you go back through QF history the name Mr Brown is not highly regarded, probably around 1969

Spanner Turner
23rd Jun 2008, 08:04
PS If you go back through QF history the name Mr Brown is not highly regarded, probably aroun 1969

Ooohh 71TRIDENT, I do love a cryptic clue! Just like that other Mr Brown, this one certainly doesn't have Q's best interest at heart and is also running off with 'bags' of cash. Maybe there might be a little something hidden in a locker somewhere! Am I on the right track?


Galley Raider
23rd Jun 2008, 08:32
Please PM the list to me. I need a good laugh at what the asclowns have collected to replace 1500 of the worlds finest.:D

Acute Instinct
23rd Jun 2008, 08:34
Check out this link, need I say more. Crikey Geoff!


23rd Jun 2008, 08:36
It's inspirational to see how we have gone from a fractured group to the united workforce we are now. Problem for GD and down is that engineers deal in the truth and the more GD and his cohorts lie the more offside the entire workforce is. There is little sitting on the fence left.

We are outraged at their lies, we are sick of their greed and we are UNITED in our action.

We are not going to be riled into doing anything but what we are allowed by law and every time they escalate without provocation is another sign that this era of greed and shortsightedness is nearing an end.

After the dust settles fence mending will require a huge shift in management. The current leadership structure at QE with the legacy of this offensive campaign will not have the credibility or the respect of the workforce to move forward.

Dr Itzfukt
23rd Jun 2008, 08:54
Sounds like the almighty are starting to crack, with a leaked sc@b list, PAF's identity coming out and some dirt on KB. What next?

Please PM me the list. I have some people I would like to show it to.


Red Baron
23rd Jun 2008, 08:57
http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:WwLpQaMlJGk0DM:http://www.imagezoo.com/collections/klsvp/public/samples/Dtow0033.jpg (http://images.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://www.imagezoo.com/collections/klsvp/public/samples/Dtow0033.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.imagezoo.com/images/klsvp/tow0033.html&h=283&w=300&sz=40&hl=en&start=4&um=1&tbnid=WwLpQaMlJGk0DM:&tbnh=109&tbnw=116&prev=/images%3Fq%3DCountry%2BBoy%26imgsz%3Dsmall%257Cmedium%257Cla rge%257Cxlarge%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den)

http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:cKHZpnCoNdjtdM:http://bp3.blogger.com/_Qte_FTAxLbY/RzcTn-tHk9I/AAAAAAAABRs/fX6NtenhwFM/s400/jim_carrey_tomrichmond_com.jpg (http://images.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://bp3.blogger.com/_Qte_FTAxLbY/RzcTn-tHk9I/AAAAAAAABRs/fX6NtenhwFM/s400/jim_carrey_tomrichmond_com.jpg&imgrefurl=http://ataricoolkids.*************/2007/11/jim-carrey-karate-instructor-on-in.html&h=400&w=299&sz=42&hl=en&start=64&um=1&tbnid=cKHZpnCoNdjtdM:&tbnh=124&tbnw=93&prev=/images%3Fq%3DJim%2BCarrey%26start%3D54%26ndsp%3D18%26um%3D1% 26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN)

http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:SrOsvrJFxTOQeM:http://www.aerobicsandfitnessonline.com/images/dumb_bell.jpg (http://images.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://www.aerobicsandfitnessonline.com/images/dumb_bell.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.aerobicsandfitnessonline.com/westashley/&h=294&w=241&sz=24&hl=en&start=17&um=1&tbnid=SrOsvrJFxTOQeM:&tbnh=115&tbnw=94&prev=/images%3Fq%3DDumb%2BBell%26ndsp%3D18%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa %3DN)

http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:yOlPVAgvPJeyBM:http://www.ipaw.org/invaders/reed_canary_grass/ReedCanaryGrassC_lg.jpg (http://images.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://www.ipaw.org/invaders/reed_canary_grass/ReedCanaryGrassC_lg.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.ipaw.org/invaders/reed_canary_grass/index.htm&h=600&w=414&sz=27&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=yOlPVAgvPJeyBM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=93&prev=/images%3Fq%3DReed%26ndsp%3D18%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN)

See if you can work out who they are? :E

another superlame
23rd Jun 2008, 09:03
Any chance of being mailed that SC@B list. I would be interested to see who I need to take off my Xmas card list.
I was offered the $100k myself 6 months ago but there are somethings you just dont do, and this is one of them

23rd Jun 2008, 09:16
Red Baron, In order top to bottom. BK, DV, PD and the last ones got me stuffed.

23rd Jun 2008, 09:21
Red Baron....Maybe a brown snake in the grass = MB?

23rd Jun 2008, 09:29
It is just unbelievable that a 4 hour stop work meeting of HALF the rostered staff could bring Qantas to deaths door. The pax are being told the delays & cancelations are because of defects. True statement. Because of the outsourced maintenance” aircraft are just totally unreliable and can not make schedule. Added to this the amount of engineers who have been forced to leave has left Qantas with a major dilemma, not enough qualified staff to rectify the problems created offshore.

Many times this last few months hordes of management teams have bunkered down in crisis meeting for days, been overseas in meetings but not a single skip of a heartbeat, but engineers take a quarter of a shift and only half of them and it is absolute chaos.

Now you tell me, who deserves a merger CPI wage increase?

Anulus Filler
23rd Jun 2008, 09:30
Could someone please pm me the list of low life sc@bs:ok:

Red Baron
23rd Jun 2008, 09:51

Red Baron....Maybe a brown snake in the grass = MB?

Nope it's not MB, keep trying fixitdude your own the right track.

Here's another clue.

http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:yFS8dgIU8guFPM:http://www2.mdbc.gov.au/education/encyclopedia/wildlife/flora/images/Common_Phragmites_Reed.jpg (http://images.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://www2.mdbc.gov.au/education/encyclopedia/wildlife/flora/images/Common_Phragmites_Reed.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www2.mdbc.gov.au/education/encyclopedia/wildlife/flora/common_phragmites_reed.htm&h=315&w=449&sz=70&hl=en&start=2&um=1&tbnid=yFS8dgIU8guFPM:&tbnh=89&tbnw=127&prev=/images%3Fq%3DReed%26ndsp%3D18%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN)

Dr Itzfukt
23rd Jun 2008, 10:03
How the hell does Dixon and his band of muppets think they are going to win this WAR. They know by now the members are not going to back down and believe me things can and will only get worse for them. How do I know? Well when someone has lost all faith in what they used to believe in then they don't give a **** as to what the outcome is. I believe 80-90% of all LAME's now don't give a **** as to what happens to the former great airline QANTAS and will ensure that the current mob of subterranean filth get what they deserve, and if that means the closing of engineering in Australia, well so be it!

Well done ******** in ruining the careers of many good people who were in this industry long before you even knew what a 747 was. Remember management only stay a few years, engineers stay forever.

On a closing note, karma will eventually catch up with you all!


23rd Jun 2008, 10:09
Spanner Turner you got it

23rd Jun 2008, 10:15
I would appreciate those sores names by pm. Just checked and not all smoko rooms have them but everyone would like the info.

23rd Jun 2008, 10:29
To all of you QF employees who are not LAME's and are having to bear the brunt of the war between us and the company..Thankyou!!

Your support is greatly appreciated! :ok:

When next you come to put one in the chamber I hope that we will be able to stand by you as you have stood by us.

Perhaps the spirit of Australia is not yet dead after all..

Likewise to our non-QF colleagues and members of the public thanks also for your support. You can obviously see through the rhetoric and misinformation and understand the reason for our fight. It is unfortunate that you are caught in the middle..

23rd Jun 2008, 10:31
Well when someone has lost all faith in what they used to believe in then they don't give a **** as to what the outcome is. I believe 80-90% of all LAME's now don't give a **** as to what happens to the former great airline QANTAS and will ensure that the current mob of subterranean filth get what they deserve, and if that means the closing of engineering in Australia, well so be it!

What an erudite, intelligent statement you have made! As I have stated previously, as an ex QF lame in the years before most of you perhaps were born, I am on your side! However, it pains me to see that around twenty or less of the correspondents on this thread, out of a total of 1,600 lames resort to personal attacks and gutter language to further your cause. 80-90%, I doubt it. Your vocal majority on this thread amounts to less than 10% of ALAE membership. Yes, MAINTAIN THE RAGE! and let 1989 history repeat itself. Please feel free to call me a "Troll".

23rd Jun 2008, 10:38
I disagree. I have watched most of the LAMES around me grow more and more determined and stronger in their resolve as each day passes. Even those docked in the last round of report back meetings are proud to have contributed. Some who were not even interested in the dispute at the start are now becoming convinced that it is going to be a hard, worthwhile fight.

23rd Jun 2008, 10:42
In regards to GD`s latest. How much money did it cost to fly the board to New York including hotels etc, to discuss something thats happening in Australia I wonder? F*&^ING hipocrits!
PS Don`t forget to tell ALL the foreign operators that there is a strike on, at SIT on Monday & Tuesday also. Wouldn`t want a/craft waiting off bay, would we. Heard the saying, couldn`t organize a p*&s up in a brewery.

Negative Feedback
23rd Jun 2008, 10:42
Selectively quoted from News.com. (I've learned from the QF manager of disenchanted staff). The latest Trends in Australian Public Opinion (http://assda.anu.edu.au/aestrends.pdf) report, which charts the changes of voters’ opinions over the last 20 years, shows Australians have also become more supportive of increased social spending and trade unions.

Big business is now seen to be more dangerous than unions, according to new data.

A hangover from the pro-business era in the 80s may be the reason why Australians now have less fear of unions and want more money in social services, said Australian National University (ANU) political scientist professor Ian McAllister.

Professor McAllister said the fall in people seeing trade unions as a threat had nothing to do with Labor being in government.

“It’s something that’s happened irrespective of which party’s in government, so it’s what we call a secular change,” Professor McAllister said.

“In the 1980s, people were seeing trade union leaders in the mass media, and they saw them as being the bogyman.

“Now there are very few strikes, very little industrial disputation and they tend to see more people in big business acting badly.”

He said people were growing tired of the focus on market reforms and wanted more social reforms.
To reinterate in the style of the QF manager of poorly-managed people.:suspect:

"Big business is now seen to be more dangerous than unions."

"People in big business acting badly"

And I'll "refine" it one more time 'cause our management can't cope with more than one phrase or concept at a time,

"Big business is dangerous and acting badly"

Jethro Gibbs
23rd Jun 2008, 10:48
Whats happened with the avalon qantas LAMES it seems a bit quite what and what not are they doing.

23rd Jun 2008, 11:39
Would very much appreciate that "list" PM'ed to myself to share amongst the throng at tomorrow's stop work meeting. Thanks in advance.

Patience my friends, we will prevail. To the few out there who still don't get this fight and continue to go above and beyond to get these a/c out on time and be seen as a hero- you sicken me to the core. Thanks so much SAA for supplying us with these individuals- NOT!

P.S. Not all of them are bad eggs mind you.

23rd Jun 2008, 11:44
I wonder what nonsense Mr Brown will dream up for the media after tonight
and after tomorrows pia.
This management has lost the plot and any sense of being reasonable.
Let's hope they wake up and talk turkey soon.
It would be a bugger if the remaining 75% of lames get their turn to
have a 4 hr pia. So there's another 6 days like these. :ouch:
They are in trouble if each lame only needs to take one 4hr pia to
cause such pain, for so long, lol.
All lames push together now, they are getting weak in the knees.

Anulus Filler
23rd Jun 2008, 11:45

P.S. Not all of them are bad eggs mind you

Are you sure? Not in my dealings with them.:\

D.P. Gumby
23rd Jun 2008, 11:52
Have a read of this article.


Especially his (FOG) view on Shareholders are a greater asset to this company than his own work force and customers.

I spend a lot of time, for instance, talking to unions (editor’s note: QANTAS is one of the most unionised companies of its size in Australia, with around 16 unions active in the company), saying that, unless we continue to transform this business, we have no inherent right to survive. Of course we won’t collapse - that is ridiculous – but, if we don’t reward our shareholders, they won’t give us the funds we need to grow. I sometimes get criticised for this, but I have always seen shareholders as our most important stakeholders. I know some CEOs say look after your customers, look after your employees, and the returns for shareholders will follow. I do the exact opposite. We wouldn’t have staff or customers unless we had shareholders who were willing to invest in what is not the most attractive industry at present, and I am constantly stating that message to our staff.
I'm sorry GD you wouldn't have an Airline without AIRCRAFT, COMPANY ROUTES to fly, PILOTS, CABIN STAFF, GROUND STAFF, CATERERS, CLEANERS, BAGGAGE HANDLERS, MAINTENANCE ENGINEERS, a host external personnel (Financial Institutions, Refueling Companies, Travel Agents etc...) , and last but not least PAYING PASSENGERS.

Once all of the above are working in harmony and aircraft take off and arrive at their allotted destinations safely and on time, we have a successful Company. Just relying on Share holders money to prop up a company is a recipe for disaster.

Yes Shareholders are important to the business, but don't forget what the business is all about. If we take a hit they take a hit, if we profit well they will profit well. That is the gamble any investor takes when they buy shares.

At this present rate, this management will end up with:

NO - AIRCRAFT, COMPANY ROUTES to fly, PILOTS, CABIN STAFF, GROUND STAFF, CATERERS, CLEANERS, BAGGAGE HANDLERS, a host external personnel (Refueling Companies, Travel Agents etc...) MAINTENANCE ENGINEERS, and last but not least PASSENGERS.

For GOD SAKE somebody on the Board stand up and do something NOW before we just turn out the lights and shut the door on this once proud and successful company.

88 Years down the toilet because of one mans EGO. FOG

23rd Jun 2008, 11:53
G'day all,

Haven't been able to do a notice today guys. Had to fly back to Mel from Cns this arvo and then put the kids to bed.

I was able to arrange a letter to Qantas for further stoppages this Friday. Details tomorrow.


23rd Jun 2008, 12:24
For the update Fed Sec

There are some very good points posted on this thread but they should be posted straight to bexley, not for the world to see.

Some thing the world should see, is the support we have for the boys n Girls in the Bexley Bunker as they are doing the hard yards,Your exec, reps etc are volunteers , but you are the union they are only a small part of it .

So if all the non posters (lookers) who sit on the fence could do one thing, show your support. Now is the time to tell the bexley bunker .

THANKS GUYS FOR GIVING A **** because I would not VOLUNTEER to do your job

We are the union
We are beside you (not Behind you)

Remember boys nGirls loose lips sink ships

PS I love my PPM
:E I could not find a goat symbol so this will have to do

Big M
23rd Jun 2008, 12:26
FedSec for PM

And Father of The Year. :D :D :D :D

You lead and we'll follow. (As has been the case so far)

Patience boys, just about to kick off a new financial year - nothing like having your bonus smashed in the first part of a new year - there'll be some unhappy snouts shooed away from the trough at this rate. Keep those planes safe.


Take five
23rd Jun 2008, 12:34
We will get our long awaited, and just, pay increase.

And after that they will have to provide us with the tools, training, facilities and parts to service our aircraft. The way that they should have provided in the past, because we will not, ever again, put up with the lies and promises that have occurred in this campaign by management to destroy us and our trade.
We will remember this as a lesson learned, not to ever in the future be complacent about our values and what we should expect of our leaders.
We, at this moment in time have the power to realise our goals and ambitions.

I’ve been here for a long time before their arrival and I will be here long after they are gone.
There is no way that they will make me leave this fine company, if that is their intention.
I hope they rot in hell for their greed and mismanagement.
Stay strong and stay together.
We will be rewarded.

23rd Jun 2008, 12:38
Hello Chaps any chance somebody can pm me the crusty list?

Big M
23rd Jun 2008, 12:42
Just a reminder for those that need it (don't think there'd be many LAME's that need reminding) however maybe some of the lookers on may need some re-assurance that our pay claim is neither unreasonable nor excessive in any way, shape or form.

From Q annual report 2007 (Public Information)

Kevin Brown total salary for year 05-06 = $1,657,223

Kevin Brown total salary for year 06-07 = $2,270,050

Percentage increase for 1 year alone = 36.9%

David Cox total salary for year 05-06 = $1,260,294

David Cox total salary for year 06-07 = $1,894,874

Percentage increase for 1 year alone = 50.4%

Current official CPI figure for previous year = 4.2%

Lames asking for 5% increase to base pay, no more no less. We are NOT asking for 5.7% or any other ridiculous figure plucked out of the air by that ugly head of 'people' (what a joke that title is).
Of course if anyone doesn't think a LAME is worth a measly 5%, why is it that those shadowy figures who must be hidden away are being paid the equivalent of $200,000 per annum to do nothing?

:yuk: :yuk:

D.P. Gumby
23rd Jun 2008, 13:15
Anyone heard how our other operaters went today after TG dropped then in the poo on Friday

23rd Jun 2008, 13:16
Disagree To Hotdog

Everyone I Know Has Had A Gutfull!

Cheers To Everyone United, The Fight Goes On...

Maybe 5%

Maybe If We Were Paid For The Licences We Have And Aren"t Paid For!!!!!!!

Maybe Times Have Changed And Its Time To Stand And Fight!

Maybe If We Are Gauranteed A Heavy Maintenance That Was Here In Australia That The Lames Before Us Built To Continue,and The Right To A Fair Go Heard To Continue The Great Tradition We Have Built Which Is Engineering Excellence And Pride In What We Do.
Maybe Hotdog The Vocal Minority Is Right?

Cheers To The Alaea;)

23rd Jun 2008, 13:17
Hi all. Some news from one of my fellow sparky coits in Brissy.

Tonight, in hangar 3, it has been reported that the shift manager, RW, was seen asking LAME's to do overtime. All refused and it seems they will all be docked 4 hours. Haven't confirmed this as yet. Can anyone?



23rd Jun 2008, 13:22
Can we vote for something that involves 3 percent plus the heads of a select few managers displayed on poles out the front of the bases?:8

23rd Jun 2008, 13:35
That's some thanks having negotiations with them.
i'm sure the victimised lames have the full support and
respect of the union.
What is wrong with these assclowns running the show.
Smells like the old buggery campaign to me.

23rd Jun 2008, 13:36
Will post the info at http://qantascampaign.wordpress.com

Keep up the good work guys. We are doing whatever we can to support.

In Solidarity,

NUW Members

23rd Jun 2008, 13:38
Does it seem that all the leaked e-mails are the start of the ivory tower starting to come apart.

23rd Jun 2008, 13:42
hi guys, keep up the good work. was fortunate enough to point out a few cabin defects to 2 of the engineers on 74 yesterday. they were very happy.... even happier when other cc pointed out a few more. so nice to see happy staff, all working together for a safer work enviroment. very different from the usual glum faces (alea and cc). i will be working hard in the future to put more smiles on faces in the future. oops, found another defect. bugger! FOG

23rd Jun 2008, 13:42
Lol! FOG! I get it! Ha!

Gee, you do go on Gumby! Hope you don't talk as much as you type! have to poke out my own ears with a #2 Phillips!!!!!!

Anyone know what happened in SIO today regarding handling of Foreigners?

23rd Jun 2008, 13:44
Kevin Brown made it clear in his radio interview on the ABC that the magical $360,000,000 figure is how much it will cost Qantas over the next 3 years if all 38,000 staff were to get an additional 2% pay increase.

Now, if QF were to continue to make $1.5B profits each year for the next 3 years, that is $4.5 billion in profits!!! $360 million is not much out of that $4.5 billion, and it is a totally justifiable figure.

It's interesting how figures can be twisted and tailored to be misleading...

PS: If I were docked 4 hours pay just for refusing to do overtime, that would make me sick :ok:

23rd Jun 2008, 14:15
If I were docked 4 hours pay just for refusing to do overtime, that would make me sick

How can a company legally dock someones pay after they have already worked the hours, for refusing to do overtime? Overtime is voluntary, isn't it? Am I missing something here?

Did Australians really vote in a government (think JH and workchoices) that brought in a law that lets a company legally steal from it's employees?

23rd Jun 2008, 14:44

23rd Jun 2008, 16:48
I like the new FOD (F*** Off Dixon) program!!



23rd Jun 2008, 17:18
I saw an interesting thing early this morning at tulla. I'm not a qf employee but at about 0200 I had to go and retrieve some non qf ground equipment from the C10 area. Over on an adjacent bay there was half a dozen people standing round the nose gear of a 767, pointing, looking etc, to us it looked like they were recieving instruction. (transits?) One of the group quickly broke away and came striding towards us full of purpose. He was security, had one of those vests. We all thought this is unusual! When he realised that we had nothing to do with qf and had every right to be there he stopped and stood off watching, waiting for us to go.
Midnight training sessions at tulla??
Watch your backs, don't underestimate the clowns.

23rd Jun 2008, 19:31
Question : Can you be docked 4 hours pay for refusing overtime even thougt you have worked your normal shift, I thought that this would be illegal. If so go seek legal advice and start threatening to sue the
bast:mad:, even send letters from solicitors just to scare,GOOD ONYA BOYS:D

23rd Jun 2008, 21:16
I'm puzzled about a few things.......


The ALAEA, the Union representing 1,500 staff in Qantas Engineering, has decided to escalate its industrial action against the company with rolling stoppages across Australia today and tomorrow.

The action will further impact our customers and put an additional load on many staff. It is also, unfortunately, typical of a Union which at the time of announcing the stoppages made the nonsensical claim that the main impact would be to inconvenience “people in the planning departments” rather than passengers!

Since when has Qantas Management, and especially you, cared about Passengers? You have publicly stated that all you care about is Shareholders...And what could possibly inform your new found concern for the workload of your staff at the coalface? Is the Leopard changing it's spots?

Let there be no doubt. This action will impact passengers, it will impact Qantas and it only adds to the pressure to restructure Qantas in the face of the soaring fuel costs that have changed the industry forever.

All airlines, full service and low cost, are cutting capacity, raising fares, restructuring many areas of their business and laying off staff. The latest example is Air Canada, which has announced 2,000 redundancies and a 7 per cent reduction in capacity.

True, and whatever the outcome of the LAME EBA process, Qantas will restructure exactly like the other airlines, won't it?

Qantas is better positioned than many airlines to handle the latest crisis in the industry. Our strong balance sheet is a result of sustained efficiency gains over the past 10 years, investment in new aircraft and product and successfully defending and broadening our key markets.

But no airline, no matter how strong, can survive the fuel increases without significant restructuring. For Qantas these increases alone in 2008/09 will substantially exceed the total projected profit for the current 2007/08 financial year.

So it is critical for our future success that we retain control of our costs. This, in part, means we will stand firm against efforts to break a wages policy that has delivered fair annual increases and growth in jobs in an industry that has been downsizing employment for over a decade.

Exactly how were efficiency gains made and are they sustainable? Didn't the sudden demise of Ansett hand you profits and efficiencies on a platter? Do you really believe that the Qantas product stacks up against Emirates and Singapore offerings, especially for economy passengers? How has Qantas defended it's market except by lobbying the Federal Government to freeze out much needed competition in the International segment? How is Qantas in control of costs when it awards it's senior management massive pay rises every year while keeping it's staff wage increases lower than the inflation rate? By the way, is that fair?

Furthermore, if the price of oil were to fall by $50.00 (as some say it will, when the speculative bubble finally bursts), would you immediately award your employees a pay rise and cease restructuring? I don't think so.

Our wages policy and our stand against the untimely demands of the ALAEA received total support from the Qantas Board at its strategic planning meeting last week in New York.

The Board emphasised the need, in light of the higher cost base, for restructuring to accelerate.

I'm glad that the Board is united. Was anyone at the Board meeting impolite enough to suggest that if the demands of the ALAEA are untimely, isn't it because you refused to negotiate for Eighteen months? We know that you are going to restructure, you aren't suggesting that if the ALAEA accepted your 3% offer that you won't? Aren't you going to raise fares as well, just like other airlines?

We will hold a series of staff roadshows next month. These forums will provide more information on future activities and enable staff to question and provide input.

Since when did Qantas value the input of it's staff into management matters? By all accounts here, the staff are the last people to be recognised, let alone valued. They are simply part of the "cost base" aren't they?. What will your roadshows do except spread more fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) among your already demoralised and disengaged workforce? Or is that their real purpose?

Please explain?


23rd Jun 2008, 22:08
A roadshow, you have got to be kidding! Somebody please arrange for a DETOUR sign to be erected immediately.

dr skydrol
23rd Jun 2008, 22:23
Foreign Operator Contracts
Does it really matter who authorised it ? Another great decision in the list of many from QE management.What these short sighted idiots don't realise they were subsidising QF's maintenence. Tens of millions of dollars thrown away.They've kicked an own goal I reckon.:ugh::ugh::ugh:
Share price closed $3.03 yesterday :eek::eek: and falling !
Our Cheif has kicked every employee in the nuts with his comments. Why don't you just retrench us all and the shareholders can come in and work for you if you think we are so useless. Wake up board rid us of this self serving dictator. I used to be so proud of this company and not my union.
Now I am a proud ALAEA member and work for a company in peril. So this is the thanks we get (engineering) for giving this company its brand name. I can't remember the 'rain man' wanting to fly on QF because of the management. Will the name ever recover. Not with this current management.

23rd Jun 2008, 22:49
Last year I watched the FOG pass through the hangar at Longreach, I could almost see the ghost of AB turning his back.

Unfortunately, Qantas has no "Spirit" anymore, probably the last fifteen years. This has been coming for some time and the point was made loud and clear by the bowtied one that QANTAS is a brand + the board & himself and that's it.

23rd Jun 2008, 23:00
Could someone please PM me the scab list.

As someone who told them to shove the 100K, I'd love to see the type of person from my former "workmates" who would stoop that low.

Sometimes I wish I was still there just to be involved in the PIA.

I'm yet to meet a traveller who doesn't sympathise with the cause of the LAME's.

I even had someone sitting next to me in BDT reading the paper and commenting how full of sh1t GD was.

I had to chuckle.

Even the travelling public can see through the rhetoric.

Maintain the rage


dr skydrol
23rd Jun 2008, 23:16
Just dropped the kids at school. On the way listening to today FM Kyle was telling G Fenech he was flying up after work to watch fight. Geoff warned him to check his flight if he was travelling on QF as lots of cancellations. I guess there won't be much of a share price soon to share. All over 2% :ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh:.
BUGGERY- intercourse via the anus,committed by a man with a man or a woman. Still illegal in this country I think.
Uniform store now issuing leather chaps for all QF personal. Sorry management I'm not that way inclined. I LIKE BIG TITS !

The Black Panther
23rd Jun 2008, 23:19
Mr Dixon said he had the full support of the Qantas board on the issue.Is this the same board that recommended the Equity partners buyout offer?

Reality check GD.
95% of engineering staff are totally disengaged and estranged. Efficiency level, near zero. Likelihood to improve after dispute is over, near zero. Estimated recovery in efficiencies +5years minimum (not likely while current QE management remain in place)

Maintenance redundancies, scab force, overseas maintenance etc. Very costly while this occurs the budget is being eroded by basically two maintenance bills. Contingencies to remote MRO's cost fuel to get there, no revenue from ferry flights and inevitably cost more time and resources to get the aircraft back to a standard that operating pilots and our regulator requires. The outcome- a very inefficient use of resources and a bad result on the income statement under expenses.

The customers. It's very well for GD to say "we're not budging" but what about the customers. They pay to be transported from A to B at this time. Tell your customers this dispute will last months not days. See how long they stay around. Just as Ansett was Qantas's savior so could Qantas be Virgin's savior.

The politicians. Since Qantas is now a commercial airline it is unlikely we would see the essentials services bill exercised however the government would likely exercise the "Open Skies" policy.

The Shareholders: Once again how long will shareholders stay around with funds in a company that has disengaged it's work force. TWU union EBA is approaching as is long haul crew. Guess what? Fuel, electricity and mortgages aren't going back and all workers will demand a FAIR AND REASONABLE PAY RISE.

The options:
1. Dig your heels in and use the "We'll all be doomed if we pay our workforce a reasonable wage"....[while we are gluttonous with our own rewards].
Possible outcome:
1. Qantas wins over the workers and only pays them 3%. Workers return to work and gladly work overtime and get the company back to providing A level service and engineering efficiencies. Likelihood (1%)

2. Union and Qantas find middle ground after some time [with arbitrator intervention] both with a bad resentment. Likelihood (20%)

3. The disputes drags on for months. World Youth days arrives with the airline almost collapsing under the pressure of heavy load bookings for this event. TWU EBA arrives and demand 5%. Qantas starts another stoush. More disruptions for customers. Share price falls below $2.90. [The shares price is now in takeover territory however government policy will likely save it's ar#s] July goes by and the engineers continue to just work there normal required hours and the Olympics arrive. Qantas crumbles in and GD is disposed by institutional investors and substantial share holders. On the 1st August engineers lift overtime bans as do the TWU. GD is gone along a long list of management. The investors have spoken and now the repair process begins (Likelihood 79%). Oh so slowly.

Qantas engineering will never be the same. A career in aircraft maintenance engineering in Australia has been dismantled by one man. One man who failed to see the consequences of his tunnel vision attitude toward shareholders. One who disregarded the value of his workers and one who failed to respect the customers for without a product and without customers shareholders tend look for other investments. We are not a bank. We are a brand and without brand equity we are dead.

23rd Jun 2008, 23:20
Qantas shares opened on the ASX today at $3.03, exactly half what it was 52 weeks ago, ie, $6.06.

23rd Jun 2008, 23:21
In a letter to staff yesterday, Mr Dixon said the Qantas board had met in New York last week and urged executives to hold the line against the "untimely" demands of the Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association.

How is it possible the board cannot see that a wage claim to try to catch up with cost of living is not by any means unreasonable especially given the increases that upper managament have received in the last 8 years?


23rd Jun 2008, 23:31
Just found an interesting quote from Lord Chesterfield that sort of sums up the situation quite well I think:

There is nothing that people bear more impatiently, or forgive less, than contempt: and an injury is much sooner forgotten than an insult.

Torque It Up !!
23rd Jun 2008, 23:36
:ugh:From The Australian...today

maintenance work done overseas, in a move that threatens to inflame the dispute disrupting the nation's airports.
As airline passengers prepared for more turmoil today after more than 20 flights were cancelled yesterday, Qantas said it planned to have overseas engineers in the US and London permanently conduct maintenance work on its fleet, reducing work available for Australian engineers.
After the engineers' union threatened more disruption after today in support of its 5 per cent pay claim, Qantas chief executive Geoff Dixon revealed American engineers at Los Angeles International Airport had completed two full maintenance inspections - known as A-checks - on Qantas jets in the past 10 days.
Mr Dixon told The Australian that it was the first time that full inspections had been completed in Los Angeles and the airline was planning more full A-checks in other major cities - believed to include London - where Qantas jets had major downtime.
Qantas also hoped to increasingly use engineers based atAvalon in Melbourne, who arenot part of the current dispute, to undertake maintenance inspections.
"I will confirm that we are now doing A-checks in Avalon and LAX (Los Angeles) and we are looking at other options," Mr Dixon said.
As well as using overseas ports to work on its international fleet, Qantas again yesterday brought in a team of non-union management engineers to work on domestic planes.
In a letter to staff yesterday, Mr Dixon said the Qantas board had met in New York last week and urged executives to hold the line against the "untimely" demands of the Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association.
The union's rolling stoppages forced disruption to more than 20 domestic and international flights yesterday, with at least a further 18 flights to be affected today when action is taken in Brisbane and Perth.
The association's federal president, Paul Cousins, said the union would consider more stoppages if Qantas did not shift from its offer of a 3 per cent pay rise.
Mr Dixon told staff the industrial action would affect passengers and "only adds to the pressure to restructure Qantas in the face of the soaring fuel costs that have changed the industry forever".
International airlines, including Qantas and its Australian rival Virgin Blue, have been forced to review their operations to cope with soaring aviation fuel costs as the global oil price passes $US130 a barrel. Qantas, which says its fuel bill will rise by $2billion in the coming year, and Virgin Blue have increased ticket prices and cut back some routes to offset the higher costs.
Company sources said the increasing use of Los Angeles airport was designed to "send ashot across the bows" of theunion.
"We've done partial A-checks (at Los Angeles) before but we've never geared up to do full A-checks, which means they will no longer be done in Australia, it will be permanent," one company source said.
"If we can get it done elsewhere, it obviously means it is less work for their members."
Another source said Qantas was committed to sending more work offshore and, where necessary, bringing in foreign labour, while the union continued to take action.
But Mr Dixon again ruled out trying to replace the workforce en masse, in a repeat of the tactics used by Patrick Corporation's Chris Corrigan in the 1998 waterfront dispute.
"There is no suggestion we're here to do a Patricks," he said. "We're not geared to do it and we have never tried to be geared to do it."
The union has attacked the company for refusing to shift on its 3 per cent offer.
It says the company has the capacity to lift its wage offer, given the significant profit it will record this financial year.
But Mr Dixon said the airline would not back down.
"We have had what I regard as a very sophisticated and fair wages policy. We are not going to change it now, particularly not in the current environment," he said. "You just couldn't contemplate our wages policy changing when we are being hit with such a huge increase in the price of oil."
ACTU secretary Jeff Lawrence said he was unimpressed by Qantas threatening to move maintenance offshore, saying it contradicted the airline's previous claim that it wanted to keep as much maintenance work in Australia as possible.
"They need to establish their bona fides for that," Mr Lawrence said.
"I think the ALAEA members are key people for Qantas. They are some of their most highly trained, skilled people. They're essential for the operation of the airline and I think they're entitled to be treated with respect.
"Some of these issues are raised from time to time but I have got no reason to believe that Qantas are not interested in continuing to have maintenance done in Australia.
"We are still talking to them about increased capacity for maintenance of some of the newer aircraft in Australia.
"There needs to be a realistic position taken. The fact is, given the shortages of licensed aircraft engineers around the world, that's not going to be a solution to Qantas's business."
Mr Lawrence urged Qantas to resume negotiations with the engineers, claiming the company's strong profits should allow it to offer more than a 3 per cent pay rise.
"I think there is the potential for a settlement there and when you look at the profits that Qantas have been making and the (wage) settlements that have been around the place in a number of industries, a 3 per cent wages policy is unrealistic," he said. "I can therefore understand that the ALAEA isn't prepared to settle for that."
He said he did not know if the union would shift ground on its 5per cent pay rise demand.
"I think what we need to do is explore options," he said.
"The union never said they're not prepared to sit down and talk about options and ways in which it can be achieved. But, at the moment, the last discussion that was had, there was a pretty substantial gap there."

Thx GD:ugh:

24th Jun 2008, 00:03
Where is the Labor Party standing on this issue. Cmon Fed Sec what about some support from Bill Shorten and Greg Combet.
This is the industrial relations system Private enterprise wanted. Surprise, It ends up in a bitter conflict. Sounds like we have slipped back to the 1890's. Take some lessons from the shearers and more recently the wharfies boys hang in there.
I want every one of you to e-mail your member of parliament for a return to a fair and workable industrial relations system.
DO IT FOR YOUR KIDS! Do it for what kind of country you want them to inherit. That's why your working at the despotic airline anyway isn't it.
Stick it through, remember some out there walked away from $100,000 for you and the principle of solidarity! (so don't whinge about being docked 4 hrs pay)
This is an ideological fight Australia can't afford to lose.
Look at your DMM or Manager if they have been appointed in the last 5 years. Do they look like they have the capacity for a decent fight are they weak gutless and opportunistic.
You Will Win. Decency will triumph in the end.

24th Jun 2008, 00:33
Qan 2.990 3.000 2.990 -0.040 -1.32 3.010 3.030 2.950 7,695,066 465 23,066,243

24th Jun 2008, 00:46
The puppets (managment) in melbourne have come down heavy on the brothers in heavy maint. Threatening interviews and letters with intent to terminate their employment, all i will say is you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink.

Stick to the cause!!!:mad:

24th Jun 2008, 01:15
But what is important is the shareholders!...... :ouch::hmm:

dr skydrol
24th Jun 2008, 01:55
Sending more work offshore
Nice try chicken little look at the scoreboard today shareprice at $2.96 :eek: and falling. Soon there won't be much price to share. Is your UNFAIR wage policy really worth destroying this company. Spirit of Australia eh :mad:OFF.

24th Jun 2008, 02:07
Mr Dixon said the airline would not back down.
"We have had what I regard as a very sophisticated and fair wages policy.

"3%, take it or leave it. Sounds pretty sophisticated and fair to me.
Unless you're a manager of course, then it's "Screw your workers, sell your spares, cancel training etc etc and we'll give you a bonus."

24th Jun 2008, 02:10
“Mr Dixon said the Qantas board had met in New York last week and urged executives to hold the line against the "untimely" demands of the Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association.”

Why did he have to “urge” the executives? Did they doubt their fearless leader?

24th Jun 2008, 02:16
Can't believe how "untimely" our demands are!!

......when did that last EBA run out again??

24th Jun 2008, 02:22
FedSec and pals. Thanks for the sacrifices you guys are making on our behalf. And to the members who have been docked, I'm happy to chip in to ease the burden. Reps, when are you passing the tin around? I've rung FW on the number provided in the Notice and he tells me the reps will be asking for contributions. So how about it?

Also, a question for the executive: why do we still have an A330 crew? I know they've promised training for AMEs and LAMEs, but that's something they simply had to do anyway, didn't they?

24th Jun 2008, 02:44
Good on ya FOG,

Send the damn 'A' checks to LAX. All you are getting is an 'A' Check. Nothing more and sometimes less......

Seems the last one that went up stayed for 2+ days for the non-osip check...:ugh:..oh, and the 100+ hours of Boros that are in Sydney right now with ANOTHER 2 days of ground time.........:D:D

Shame no-one will get to any of the osip what with the three grounded 767's !!!!

OGE must be the longest TRANSIT in history :ugh::ugh::ugh:


oh and this on the news.com.au comments site........check out the "name" :eek:

Geoff Dixon says 'A' checks are being done in LAX and Avalon and taking 2-3 days for just that basic work. What Geoff doesn't tell you is it is the absolute minimum inspections required to keep the aircraft legally flying. These aircraft then come back to Sydney and sit on the ground for several days so the Sydney boys can do all the unfinished work and the, now huge, amount of deferred defect repairs. All this for a check that usually has taken less than 24hours in Sydney. ( before the defects built up due to lack of staff) So basically, NO, the work cannot easily be sent overseas, a check that takes UNDER 24 hours cannot be done efficiently in a port 18 hours flight away. That's 36 hours of non-revenue time! FOG
Posted by: FOG of Mascot 12:27pm today
Comment 82 of 83

24th Jun 2008, 03:06
I have it on good authority that K.B reads this thread and others to keep abreast of happenings/sentiments of the troops etc (and no doubt looking for an opportunity to persue an individual legally if the opportunity arose).

So K.B with regards to your drivel on radio this morning the previous offer that was agreed to in principal by the ALAEA reps in Jan 08 was nothing more than that. The reps dutifully brought that offer to the QF ALAEA members who overwhelmingly rejected the offer when it was presented to us for many reasons which have been done to death previously in this thread.

The ALAEA reps then dutifully relayed this message back to you.

So get it straight and stop telling half/untruths in the media, at no stage did the QF ALAEA members accept the crap offer that was never actually tabled in the first place without major altertations to the supposed in principle agreement with the ALAEA negotiating committee!:ugh:

Obviously been groomed by GD how to manipulate the media better than DC.!:E

24th Jun 2008, 03:09
"osip" Overhaul or Specified Inspection Periods, would not have been known to FOG because his Sycophantic Highly Incompetent Tosser (like the acronym?) managers don't know what it is either. "We are here to manage you, we don't have to know how it works and you will do it our way or else we will send work o/s and shed customers".

Bit like him saying, I got my car serviced, but next week they have to change the oil & filter, change the plugs, rotate the tyres, fit new shocks, do the injectors, change the brake pads and coolant, but hey I got the car serviced didn't I?


24th Jun 2008, 03:26
Hi Magoo31 I agree with your comments below could someone PM the crusty to me as well!


poison pen
24th Jun 2008, 03:40
What's all the fuss. We have only banned overtime so we can spend time with our family and friends. We have also only had 3 x 4hr stop work meetings, 2 x 4 hr ( only half of the LAME'S) stop work meetings and look at the airline hurting.

The biggest cost it seems is that Qantas has to battle with is our good will towards the current management. GD is looking stressed.

Let's all stay together and look out for each other. Solidarity always wins in the end.

Bolty McBolt
24th Jun 2008, 03:46
A checks in LAX LHR and FRA

Have all been tried before. BIG DEAL
It has never been worlds best practice to do “A” checks etc away from a hub city. As you lose scheduling flexibility, If your “A” check aircraft does not make sched for its departure time in LAX its PAX in hotels for the night. If it was a hub city e.g. SYD We may be able to get another aircraft serviceable in time.

LHR - QF have dumped BA for the handling contract, so you can only imagine the frosty reply from B.A. stores when we go cap in hand to ask for some RR parts e.g. Core fairings etc
FRA. (-10 in winter) The hangars belong to Lufthansa are V expensive to use and some 2 hours is lost each way towing the aircraft from terminal to hangar. Does not leave many hours in a day to achieve much and has been tried before.

The aircraft usually returned to SYD with parts that were on a short-term loan from the MRO.
If “A” checks are done in the cities listed above effectively, a substantial amount of spare parts will have to be positioned in these ports.
Here is weakness in the QF plan.
As we all have experienced in recent times that spare parts are not in plentiful supply so to achieve anything they must BUY more parts? or sprinkle what little parts “supply chain” have across the network. This will only weaken supply chains ability to support the fleet and affect another group of manager’s annual bonus.

The funny thing is that upper management seem to think we have no idea how the operation works, what impacts scheduling, or the infrastructure required to do maintenance at a level that provides fleet reliability. Veiled threats of sending work overseas are no threat at all, what a farce and I suspect it may sway some public opinion back to our court.

Lets keep up the good work as a new financial year is looming…..

24th Jun 2008, 03:52
Reading with interest and backing you gentlemen all the damn way!
Dixon, your career dissipation light just went into overdrive.
Yours in solidarity, QCCLH. :ok:

24th Jun 2008, 04:01
Can someone please PM the list to me also, thanks

Long Bay Mauler
24th Jun 2008, 04:18
http://www.royandhg.com/clubbuggery/rhg5.jpg"So Roy,where can the kiddies can find more information about those engineers with the crusty date fingers?"

"Well HG,their first port of call would be to check out MENDAEROs webpage.This can be easily found by clicking on his name where posted."

24th Jun 2008, 04:22
If I was a Qantas shareholder today, I'd be rather worried about the possibility of the company suffering very long term damage as a result of this dispute simply to protect the ego of Management and the Board.

I get this very strong feeling when I listen to Mr. Dixon that this is a PERSONAL matter as far as he is concerned.

What irritates me is the constant threats to send work overseas at the drop of a hat.

Gentlemen, if QF management actually thought they could save money by doing maintenance overseas before now, don't you think they would have done it in a heartbeat?

Does anyone seriously think that your pay offer is going to tip the financial scales towards overseas work?

These type of decisions (other than your bare A checks) require very long logistical analysis and planning, not to mention contract negotiations that take months.

Of course their are companies that would be happy to contract for your entire maintenance and logistics needs - but they aren't cheap, and once QF loses it's engineering capabilities, the prices will go up and up.

24th Jun 2008, 04:35
Passengers stranded as Qantas flights axed

Daniel Emerson
June 24, 2008 - 2:13PM

Scores of Sydney-bound passengers are stranded at Perth Airport after arriving to find their 11.45am flight cancelled.

Rose Bay woman Natalie, who did not want her last name revealed, said she had not yet been told how she was going to get home after Qantas flight QF580 was scrapped.

The airline is reeling today from a series of strikes by engineers over pay.

"We registered online yesterday for email alerts of delays and cancellations but we didn't receive any from Qantas," Natalie said.

"Getting to the airport to find your flight has been cancelled is unacceptable."

Natalie said some of her 11 colleagues, in Perth on an events management assignment, had worked for 24 hours straight on their project and were desperate to get some sleep.

"But no one's told us anything," she said from Perth Airport. "There's only one person at a desk and [all the passengers] look very angry.

"We are lining up, trying to check our bags in but we might have to stay overnight. We don't know."

Qantas has been contacted for comment about the cancelled flight.

Earlier today, a spokeswoman warned that further cancellations on top of the 18 expected today were possible.

But she said passengers would be notified in any event.

"We have currently cancelled 18 but we are saying further cancellations and consolidation may be required as the day progresses," she said.

"We are monitoring the situation and contacting all affected passengers."

She said "consolidation" referred to juggling flight schedules, for example combining two half-empty flights into one.

Qantas engineers are campaigning for a 5 per cent pay rise but Qantas is steadfastly sticking to its offer of 3 per cent.

This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2008/06/24/1214073218525.html

24th Jun 2008, 04:42
Qantas chief target of YouTube campaign

Jonathan Dart
June 24, 2008 - 12:15PM


Amid strikes and cancelled flights, Qantas chief executive Geoff Dixon is the target of a campaign on YouTube.

The video features a person dressed in Qantas hat and uniform, with his voice digitally altered and wearing a mask of Mr Dixon.

"This will be the first of a many part series that is going to be the FOD program - the F--- Off Dixon program," the actor says.

"As you can see I'm wearing the appropriate apparel on my head and no doubt there are shirts out there with the FOD symbol on it.

" If you see any one of the employees wearing hats like this or shirts, just remember - FOD program."

It comes as engineers walked off the job for the second day causing 18 flights to be cancelled, after wage negotiations between Qantas and the Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association fell apart.

The union is asking for an annual wage increase of five per cent, while the company is asking for three per cent.

"The unions are trying to bully me into a place where I don't want to be, with a five per cent increase of their wages," the actor says in the video.

"I think it's suitable they only get three per cent and I think three per cent is quite sufficient even though I did take a 21 per cent increase in my wages from 2006 and 2007, but don't worry about me."

This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2008/06/24/1214073209245.html

The Black Panther
24th Jun 2008, 04:43
Gentlemen, if QF management actually thought they could save money by doing maintenance overseas before now, don't you think they would have done it in a heartbeat?Spot on Sunny.
The parallel is a trucking business operating out of all the major cities in Australia. They have a dispute with there maintenance staff and then threaten to have the trucks serviced by the bush centres.{no disrespect to our bush mech's this is about distance and logistics}. So they drive there vehicles to Longreach, Bourke, Shepparton and The Alice because labour is cheap. Forget about the supply chain, operational requirements, tech services not to mention other essential logistics. Are these mob for real?

Just move the bar up 1%, the opportunity cost of this fight is climbing.
.....and all we are doing is working our regular shift with a few 4 hour stoppages.

Is anyone home in Coward Street?

24th Jun 2008, 04:47
Maybe somebody in management needs to be reminded on what is involved in negotiation.
Sure there is somebody that could pass a few hints but would they take any notice.
Almost convinced-NO but stranger things have happened.
Wont hold my breath.

24th Jun 2008, 05:09
What hope has Dixon got when his engineering management
call the NRMA when their company car has a flat tyre. :rolleyes:

The Black Panther
24th Jun 2008, 05:10
Just heard VR's rescinded in Brisbane.
Surprise Surprise. Never had enough engineers to do work anyway and there were 7 or so sparkies on the list.....Who don't we have enough of ...duh!

I doubt the guys on VR would have got excited but once again you have to ask about some of the sh#t they comes from the managers. Now the new Ops manager is making a great name for himself. His first scalp was getting rid of Thai. He was outsmarted by Sydney though who got rid of the hole show. It's a race to the bottom.

24th Jun 2008, 05:19
Cant find yotube linkys? any help?

24th Jun 2008, 05:24
Just woke up after another night shift ,got home,slept like a baby.No guilt! for the dramas that are unfolding within the QF network.My wife thinks that us engineers are a strange bunch.Going to work at the moment excited,dayshift or night shift,it doesn't matter,waiting for the next instalment of this saga.She has noticed the change in my attitude on days off.Not cranky just calm,relaxed and generally chilled out since the o/t ban started.Even though people are hurting with no o/t ,if we get the payrise we deserve that will cover any money that has been forgone with the o/t bans.Everyone hang tight, should'nt be long to go.With a few EBA's from different sections coming up for negotiation in the next few months QF managers will have to decide whether they want to run an airline,or run an airline into the ground.
I also believe the longer this goes on, the punters out there who fly with QF will see this not as a Union dispute with QANTAS but a QANTAS dispute with their unions
(Any chance I could get the alternative workforce list PM'd to me.):ok:

24th Jun 2008, 05:28
What an erudite, intelligent statement you have made! As I have stated previously, as an ex QF lame in the years before most of you perhaps were born, I am on your side! However, it pains me to see that around twenty or less of the correspondents on this thread, out of a total of 1,600 lames resort to personal attacks and gutter language to further your cause. 80-90%, I doubt it. Your vocal majority on this thread amounts to less than 10% of ALAE membership. Yes, MAINTAIN THE RAGE! and let 1989 history repeat itself. Please feel free to call me a "Troll".

Hotdog,your summation of current events is a simple matter of arithmatic.
Believe me when I say,agreed there may only be a "VOCAL" minority on pprune of less than 10%,but I can assure you the vast bulk of the 1600 hundred lames you mentioned are of the same belief.
For example,how many of those same 1600 hundred lames have broken rank and worked overtime, against the executive wishes,less than a handfull I would guess.

As someone else pointed out in the media the other week,

We are still being paid. LOL :ok:

24th Jun 2008, 05:55
Thanks sickofqf;)

24th Jun 2008, 06:05
Some interesting developments in Perth today guys.

The manager has learnt what "call me back in 5 minutes" means.

It actually means, you call within 5 minutes. If you don't the union instructs its members to walk off there and then.

24th Jun 2008, 06:19
Rose Bay woman Natalie, who did not want her last name revealed, said she had not yet been told how she was going to get home after Qantas flight QF580 was scrapped.

The airline is reeling today from a series of strikes by engineers over pay.

"We registered online yesterday for email alerts of delays and cancellations but we didn't receive any from Qantas," Natalie said.

My deepest apoligies Natalie for missing your flight etc and I mean that sincerely.

Unfortunately you will be waiting a very long time for an apology from the man at the top because out of his own mouth,

"You are only a customer and do not matter,only shareholders (dwindling by the day),matter"

teresa green
24th Jun 2008, 06:21
Looks like the Engineers are going the same way as 89. (Dare I say it). Dixons attitude is the same as Hawke's, if you don't play the game we will stick the bat up your A#se everytime. A checks now going to the USA, serious, but not as serious as a full phase check, (where the A/C is on the blocks for about 4 weeks) which will surely follow, and that involves a lot of depts, and personnel, think long and hard fellas, you are giving him a reason to totally restructure, and he will take it, and that will go a lot further than the Engineers. THINK boys THINK. Don't end up in the S$#t like we did, really take it easy here, for your own sakes, test the water very carefully. Nobody denies you blokes do a great job, and nobody denies you don't deserve a pay rise, but right now, with the fuel prices going thru the roof and no relief in sight, do you really want to pack up and have to move the family somewhere else, JC I would hate to see you blokes go thru it. ( And this bastard is like a cat with a mouse):sad:

24th Jun 2008, 06:25
Hey ! I'm just new at this guys, but I can confirm that several Mel H/M lame's have been dragged into the office and asked to work O/T.
For personal reasons they declined and were notified that there pay would be docked 2 hours as a consquence.
2 days latter the same guys were handed a notice saying that they would face dicsiplinary action and possible termination of their employment if they refused again.
Welcome to Paradise

24th Jun 2008, 06:28
It actually means, you call within 5 minutes. If you don't the union instructs its members to walk off there and then.

oops, bad luck DICK, no more flights today......

24th Jun 2008, 06:39
Well, well well! Just viewed the list and I must say, I am disgusted to the point of feeling sick at some of the names I saw. Some don't surprise me at all, others made me read twice!

24th Jun 2008, 06:39
I find it very hard to believe a so called top notch "bonus" earning management team relies so much on o/t to aquit so much of our work load.

Avalon guys at least most of us feeling too fatigued by it all to work o/t.

I'm 100% for 5% demand have been with qf long enough to go thru 0% 2 yrs in a row and see roll over for 3% every time to help out poor sar's infected company only to see yet more record profit's and record bonus given soon after.

Time at home with family instead of o/t and 4hr's stop work causing more damage than should be possible. keep up the good work.:ok:

24th Jun 2008, 06:49
20 months wage negotiations have been going for this EBA, send it all overseas, close down engineering, let them do what they like, they are doing it anyway, just like they said Heavy Maintenance would stay in sydney, 3 months later they closed it all down......roll it on and stop winging about the price of fuel - everyone is hurting not just airlines!

24th Jun 2008, 07:00
Have seen this list and looks like Mendero will have a big legal problem, called a chap i know on the list and has nothing to do with this, he is pissed off big time.

Is suggest you idiots get your facts straight or be prepared to pay the consequences, looks like loosing 4 hours pay will be the least of Menderos problems, repeat make sure you are 100%

Defamation, can be costly.

24th Jun 2008, 07:01
You can find the direct links to the you tube video's on page 145 of this thread. Post 2887 & 2888. Very good.:ok:

24th Jun 2008, 07:06
just read this today, though i can find no such video..

Amid strikes and cancelled flights, Qantas chief executive Geoff Dixon is the target of a campaign on YouTube.

The video features a person dressed in Qantas hat and uniform, with his voice digitally altered and wearing a mask of Mr Dixon.

"This will be the first of a many part series that is going to be the FOD program - the F--- Off Dixon program," the actor says.

has anyone seen this vid?

24th Jun 2008, 07:09
Some interesting developments in Perth today guys.

The manager has learnt what "call me back in 5 minutes" means.

It actually means, you call within 5 minutes. If you don't the union instructs its members to walk off there and then.

Call me obtuse, or worse, but I don't get it. Feel free to PM me an explanation that even an imbecile will understand.

Howard Hughes
24th Jun 2008, 07:19
Perhaps a threat of legal action has seen it removed...:ooh:

No, found it! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQQHX0gGeYI&feature=related)

24th Jun 2008, 07:23

Smartest comment yet on this site,

Mr Fed Sec are you saying you stopped the show in WA due to a phone call not being retuned within 5 minutes, wow thats some sort of power if thats the case.

Can you elaborate for all concerned on your post

24th Jun 2008, 07:47
For the lads in Perth ,6pr 882 am is having a Qf boss on Howard Sattlers talkback show this arvo 4-6pm,thought some of you might like to call in and give your side as Im sure the Boss will be spilling some crap !!!
Ph 92211882 get into him !!!
Cheers and good luck ...
Maybe even contact the FED SEC and get him to call and roast him....

24th Jun 2008, 07:49
As Qantas is running a "buggery" campaign may I be so anal to ask is the number 1 considered an "odd" number, or is it a prime number?

24th Jun 2008, 08:00
QF boss on 6pr at @ 1630 , give him a buzz lads ...........:ok:

24th Jun 2008, 08:06
Nah, the buggery is in binary code except that in this case the 1 goes into the 0, if you get my drift.

24th Jun 2008, 08:06
the Mendaero list is gone already! invited readers only... :}

24th Jun 2008, 08:08
C'mon lads, what is going on in Perth. Why did they walk off.

24th Jun 2008, 08:16
Mendaero looks like keeping some legal eagels in business

how do you log in, dont see how he can escape defamation. It is still defamation regardless if you invite viewers selectively.

Syd eng
24th Jun 2008, 08:21
Why has it been blocked?

24th Jun 2008, 08:23
Hi NAS1801, could you PM the list or send me a link i dont seem to be having any joy with Googling Mendaero!


24th Jun 2008, 08:27
Hi NAS1801, could you PM the list or send me a link i dont seem to be having any joy with Googling Mendaero! sorry Orangputi, I have been locked out also. It now requires an invite.

The Black Panther
24th Jun 2008, 08:51
Oh No!!
Where's the ALAEA rep on 6PR.....Couldn't be contacted ?????
Hurry now. ...still a chance..

24th Jun 2008, 08:52
A good response from the guys in CNS yesterday, all walked off the job except sniggi and his subordinate Pastor showbags. Sad day in HOLLYWOOD when Gimmy Tent showed up to keep the show on the go. by the way Pastor showbags, a little bit of advise 'lefty loosy, righty tighty'.
i even managed to drag myself from the net to attend.

can anyone enlighten me on the situaion in PER and maybe a pod cast link to this afternoons interview on the local wireless.

The Black Panther
24th Jun 2008, 08:54

24th Jun 2008, 09:04
6pr Asking for callers after 1700 ,cmon someone put the case forward ,I would love too but I am not employed by QF , perfect chance to give the public the other sides view going begging !!!! 08 92211882......:ugh::ugh:

24th Jun 2008, 09:20
Hey Mendaero,
Why close off the blog's list? Don't we need to know just who'll take the money and screw their "mates" over?

Not many surprises on the list: a lot of has-beens, wannabees and die-hard company men. :rolleyes:

Sad, sad, sad! :(

24th Jun 2008, 09:24
Those youtube videos are gold!!! Mendaero, pls check PM.... requested invite to the ******** page.

24th Jun 2008, 09:34
Segment on the 7:30 Report on ABC right now for anyone who catches this message.

24th Jun 2008, 09:37
Hello chaps, just dropped in to say 'good work". However, some of you could probably post with a little less "sauce" in the 'ol system. Some of the grammar and spelling here is just awful. Proof of true engineers though.

But hey, if you can't have a few swigs to wash away the stress of your days on shift, what's the point of existing.

Now then, I'm none to happy about the company's total lack of tact....

Hang on, got to "take 5" before posting again .......................

OK, five swigs later feeling a bit better now. Actually that was pretty good, might take another "five" .........................

Whoo feelin better now, can't remember what i was goin to post but it was good.. I thnk.

I was going to say something about lacklustre management, foxes in charge of chicken coups, whirring fists of fury beneath the keyboards of certain trolls, lies and verbal diarrhoea from the certain company spokespeople aka assclowns, the subterranean morals of particular listed individuals listed on a list, unless of course they are actually double agents, might reconsider then but they had better prove it soon. :suspect:

.......... Oops, did a safety obs and found my glass was too close to the edge of the table, I've moved it, talked with it, refilled it and guess what? time to "take five"............

Seriously though. "All for one and one for all"

..... and off to watch the 7.30 report

Spaz Modic
24th Jun 2008, 09:41
:ok: So Dicko says the Quaintarse executives are on a wage freeze. Jeez - that's a bit rich from someone who took home more than $6 mill last year. Go get 'em boys from the ALEA. After all, you might as well hang out for your demands because there is no gaurantee Dicko will keep maintenance on the island anyway.:D

Take five
24th Jun 2008, 09:46
Geoff now says we have had a 3 to 4% bonus in the last year. I'd like to know where that is in my bank account. After tax it amounted to $614.00, a little less than Emirates 14 weeks pay bonus, don't you think.

24th Jun 2008, 09:47
Just watched the 7:30 report.... what a liar Dixon is! 3%-4% bonuses??

My neighbours must think I am mad.... "yelling "Bull$it you ar$sehole" at my TV!

24th Jun 2008, 09:56

Sad but true

24th Jun 2008, 10:26
As a previous employee of QF Eng I am disgusted to watch GD as he tries (in vain I believe) to sway opinion as to who is responsible for the current predicament. The average man in the street can see straight through him and from a share holders point of view it's a lot easier to replace the rogue manager than to find qualified engineer's. Good luck in your next career Mr D as this one is fast drawing to a close.

Did anyone notice how wrung out he looked on the 7.30 report tonight? Plan doesn't look to be panning out as planned. The pressure from ever important stock price is starting to show.

Stay strong and united! For those who don't, your short sighted greed and lack of personal fortitude will NEVER be forgotten.

Annulus Filler
24th Jun 2008, 10:37
ABC interview with Geoff Dixon.


Let me know if the link works.


Take five
24th Jun 2008, 10:54
This Is Where We Have Come From.

In Which Direction Are We Going Now?

Is Geoff The Right Man With The Right Values.

I Don’t Think So!

(Not my words but they fit incredibily well)

This is what Qantas used to be about. Circa 1980’s.
I still carry this in my wallet every day.
It’s lucky it was plasticised when it actually meant something that was worth keeping.
I am sure that a lot of people still have this somewhere in their possessions.

The Family.
With The Right Values.

______________________MISSION STATEMENT_______________

*We in Qantas are committed to deliver to our customers the highest quality and the most reliable products and services through a company-wide dedication to outstanding service and pride in our work.

*We are committed to sustained profitable growth to increase our position of strength in the industry, to enlarge our worth and to provide a fair return to our shareholders.

*We will create a working environment that recognises and rewards excellent performance and that provides job security and satisfaction, personal growth and self esteem for all in the Qantas family.
We will achieve this by encouraging clear delegation of responsibility, the exercise of accountability and individual and collective participation.

*Qantas will be seen as the symbol of the best of Australian business - a market leader – profitable, efficient, competitive, innovative and technologically superior.

*As Australia’s international carrier, we will conduct our business proudly and ethically and take a leading role in the promotion of international travel, trade and tourism.

24th Jun 2008, 10:58
Worked a treat Annulus

mister hilter
24th Jun 2008, 11:02
AF, the link works fine.

24th Jun 2008, 11:11
Note GD: ceoforum.com.au: What have you found to be the most important personal qualities in a CEO to effectively drive execution?
GD: Hard work is a given, and the ability to make decisions without delay, once you have the facts. Too often I see a reluctance to decide, not only in our own company but in business generally. You also need to be flexible: if you have made a mistake admit it, make any necessary U-turns, and get back on track quickly.
Flying hazardsDixononCEOFORUM
Well c’mon Geoff admit you’ve made a mistake gives us the 5%, apologise for getting rid of 240 LAMEs in Sydney, bring your aircraft back onshore for Aussie maintenance, give us back training and start hiring more maintenance workers, tell M to get back the customer work he gave away, then tell him and DC to f__k off and get a job elsewhere:D

24th Jun 2008, 11:17
works fine.......... thanks, as I missed the 7:30 report!

Big M
24th Jun 2008, 11:19
http://mpegmedia.abc.net.au/news/aud...3-dixon-iv.mp3 (http://mpegmedia.abc.net.au/news/audio/pm/200806/20080624pm03-dixon-iv.mp3)

Let me know if the link works.


No, sorry annulus filler, your link doesn't work, it only takes me through to an interview with a complete incompetent who lies for a living. Apparently, he claims, I get a bonus of 3-4% a year. I tell you what, I don't want his so called bonus, I don't want his so called 1% super. He can keep them, in fact he can put all those lies in his own pocket. Just increase my BASE wage by 5% (that's all) and i'll be happy.

i.e my basic wage is $60,000.

Increase this by 5% please. This equals a grand total of $1800.00 per YEAR.

Yep, that's correct, a grand total of $34.61 per week.

I don't want your super crap, I don't want your lies of 3-4% bonuses.

Just give me the $34.61 and I'll be happy.

Of course I'll have to give about $9.70 to the taxman, which leaves me with around $25.00 a week to pay for the increase in living expenses since the last time i had a pay rise (start of 2006).

In that time my petrol, childcare, rent, electricity, food, insurance, car rego etc etc etc hasn't gone up by that amount - hell, I'm just being a greedy, recalcitrant, dirty, scummy, striking, union thug who makes it my goal to "hold a gun to the companies head" whilst at the same time "holding the public to ransom". All this whilst I'm on a 24 hour a day, rotating seven days a week roster, up to my eyeballs with old aircraft, nil spare parts, yadda, yadda, yadda and wading through layer upon layer of crap in the form of lean sigma, b-safe, air-safe, form 2000's, local area procedures, four pillars (whatever the hell that is).

Hey Dicko, you'll still get your money and bonus, give the okay for us to have our few crumbs, you can still go away and retire with your squillions while I toil for another twenty years to pay off my debts and get the kids through school. Just give the authority for the company purse to be opened for a nanosecond and a few measely dollars to fall in the way of those engineers - c'mon, it's not coming from YOUR pocket, merely the big, endlessly deep trough you've had that snout of yours in for so long.

You can do it !!


Gen Y
24th Jun 2008, 11:22
Has anyone got the number for People Disconnect?

I think they forgot to pay me my 3-4% bonus we all apparently got last year.

The one Geoff was talking about on the 7.30 Report...


another superlame
24th Jun 2008, 11:22
Wow what great interview. Gotta love that ABC. It is great to have a journalist ask questions who doesn't have to worry about advertising being taken from his network.
It is the first time I have heard someone ask about the economics of OT versus extra staff. Fantastic stuff. Pity it didn't go longer