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10th Oct 2021, 06:59
Yes, night dead heads have stopped. There are still some day dead heads. The bidding and swopping was stopped because of system abuse. Another system was introduced assigning flights fairly disregarding seniority. Safer in my opinion as you won't have a new captain and a new FO flying into the night to Russia in snow or to India at night in the monsoon season. We now have more experienced guys doing more of these flights and not just the cushy European layovers. Off day bidding returns from 1 November.

10th Oct 2021, 08:32

So new captains will not fly nights to Russia or moons on season in India ? That is written down the at they will not be doing this till they have experience? I thought DECs were experienced? If the company has so many FOs with experience why are they now hiring DECs? It looks like if you join as an FO you will never upgrade in flydubai. So you are now assured of 3 preferred days off a month?

10th Oct 2021, 08:39
transport jock

Because I know how much you love flydubai. I want to highlight all the rubbish you talk about pro company.At the end of the day it is a dangerous airline. It has had 1 hull loss and nearly a second in its 12 year history. I want to highlight this to new guys. My best advise is to pick up the phone of someone you know and call a current flydubai pilot. None of my friends in flydubai recommend joining. They have learned nothing from their mistakes in FZ.

10th Oct 2021, 08:41

Yes new captains will still fly these routes but less so because high seniority pilots will share the load. New captains will not be as fatigued by flying a lot of night duties. It's not written down, it's part of the fair assignment roster which was implemented. FO upgrades will start soon and you will upgrade in time.
Days off is seniority based so you're not guaranteed them. It feels as if you're clutching at straws here.. 🤦🏼‍♂️

10th Oct 2021, 08:44
Prospective joiners.. Please don't listen to this guy. He obviously has some beef with the company and is trying to bad mouth it.

10th Oct 2021, 09:08

here are the facts!

10th Oct 2021, 10:33
Was the missile test part of the online assessment? Struggling with my track pad when practicing for this test.

10th Oct 2021, 10:53
BS… FZ is good job. Been here for a couple years, no complains at all. My advice to anyone willing to come to middle east is, beware that rules and benefits are always changing, bear in mind no Unions, associations whatsoever, if you put this in your head, you ll be happy here, if not, you gonna end up on social media trying to blame the company for your unhappiness.

10th Oct 2021, 11:03
737 CL

55k Dihams (15k USD) 70hours, all allowances included

10th Oct 2021, 11:36


maybe this one ?

10th Oct 2021, 11:38

So you have been in flydubai since the max got grounded and the start of the pandemic, how would you have any idea what flydubai was like before this or has been say for the previous 6-7years?

10th Oct 2021, 12:12
Guys any informations about bidding system pre-covid, was there any chance to get 4 offs in a row per month? Thank you!

10th Oct 2021, 13:02

Can you share the online interview questions please?

10th Oct 2021, 13:11
Hello Guys , l
Can anyone help me regarding the online aptitude test as to how to go about it, I got just 3 more days to finish the assessment . Any advice would be very helpful. Thank you. Cheers. "

10th Oct 2021, 15:53
So it seems that you will get the interview link only if you reach a minimum score at the aptitude tests.
any confirmation about it?

10th Oct 2021, 16:05
Yes it appears this way . IF you do not get an interview link in a few hours , you failed the test

10th Oct 2021, 16:09

EK has had a hull loss and it almost happened again recently if it weren't for an instructor in the jumpseat shouting thrust. Are they an unsafe airline?

10th Oct 2021, 19:58

Any tips on the video interview they have sent? Which kind of questions are they asking

10th Oct 2021, 20:18
Just completed the online test and got the video interview link about 10 minutes afterwards. Any information about the questions asked during the Video Interview? Thanks!

11th Oct 2021, 00:13
Hello Sandson. Any input on the online assessment test. Can the test be done on an iPad. And how is the
difficulty level please. Thanks.

Low Pass
11th Oct 2021, 04:07
Hi all,

Great to see some recruitment happening around the world. I am a redundant 737 left seat driver.

Applied for DEC and within 5 hours invite to aptitude tests. 10 mins after submitting aptitude test invite to Video Interview.

I would much appreciate some information on the questions asked during video interview.

Many thanks (Look forward to shouting you a drink)

11th Oct 2021, 04:11

The online test is not as difficult as the LPJ one, specially the "complex control" which is the Missile Test. In regards to the ipad i really don't know. i did it in my pc to avoid compatibility problems

11th Oct 2021, 05:36
Hi. Any guidance on how to prepare for the tests? Cheers. Any help would be appreciated.

11th Oct 2021, 06:29

Many thanks sir. Most certainly appreciate your reply.

11th Oct 2021, 10:09

It is really 3 questions with 3 min for your answers. Easy peasy.
The questions are always the same: why FlyDubai? Why pilot? Something about CRM.

11th Oct 2021, 10:12

Emirates operate something like 400 wide body aircraft. Compare flydubai to and -100 fleet in a 3rd world country and it’s up there with lion air per movement. Compare it to any other Middle Eastern low cost carrier? by all means join, just to let you know you have been warned.
https://www.wsj.com/articles/shots-fired-at-flydubai-flight-landing-in-baghdad-142234189 (https://www.wsj.com/articles/shots-fired-at-flydubai-flight-landing-in-baghdad-1422341895)

11th Oct 2021, 10:24
Old King Coal

Or this that never made any papers! As I say ask current pilots, search carefully. Look at the previous posts from transport jock and his hyenas all about flydubai and recruitment agenda.

On Guard
11th Oct 2021, 10:50

We get the message. Can we leave it now?

11th Oct 2021, 11:06
Er no because this is an open pilot forum and alternate views are available. Not least to probably warn futilely that fz is a toxic airline with a less than impressive safety record managed by some Olympic level sociopaths who all in their own way contributed to the tragic aforementioned hull loss. Still, none so blind etc. Personally I would rather drive an HGV than work for those muppets again.

11th Oct 2021, 11:48

and why should care about something I never lived, and why new joiners should care about things that’s no longer happens? Tell me? Living in the past it’s gonna make u depressive my friend.

11th Oct 2021, 11:56
FZ has pros and cons like any other airline.

Current pay figures for Captain is 11200US$ fixed allowance + 54US$ for every block hour flown + 2.4US$/hr layover allowance.

Current FO pay figures is 8200US$ + 36.5 US$/ block hour flown + 2.4US$/hr for layovers.

These are reflective of the deductions all the crew are currently facing which looks like is here to stay.

The rosters are currently a mix of day/night trips with anywhere between 1-4 layovers and an average of 11-13days off. Monthly average hours flown has been gradually going up from 40-50/month in peak summer to almost 60-70 at the moment.

The company has canceled all the forced unpaid leave for all the flight crew from 2022 and hiring is expected to be in full swing according to the desk riders.

11th Oct 2021, 12:11
I heard about applicant number for FZ, over 20,000 applicant for DEC and FO, is that true guys? Amazing number, it show how bad is the industry and it’ll take many years to recover unfortunately :(

11th Oct 2021, 12:35
It is possible, they were looking for Non Rated and rated applicants, the questions is how many of them are current and rated on 737NG...and if these applicants will have priority over non rated ones or not...

11th Oct 2021, 12:50
Turbulence or whatever your name is you could not be more wrong about me. Apart from the fact I have been married for decades and never repeat never have anything to do with social media let alone denigrate my SO on aforesaid medium. Just because you don’t like hearing the facts you resort to insults hiding in traditional cowardly fashion behind your keyboard. It beggars belief that one can make wildly inaccurate assumptions about people when in reality it is a failure to recognise the truth. I certainly left fz a long time ago but recognise the chaos, incompetence and malevolence which ultimately led to many innocent people losing their lives. If you want to work for them, feel free, I let go a long time ago but I don’t forget. Deal with it. I won’t be replying to any more of your puerile drivel.

11th Oct 2021, 13:07
Thanks Bettigio. Is there any deadline to submit those 3 answers by any chance. Trying to work out logistics here.

11th Oct 2021, 13:27

From a personal experience of working at FZ for many years, I happen to agree with Desertboki and olster. The most toxic company I have ever worked for. The cabin crew and fellow pilots were awesome.

11th Oct 2021, 13:38
Any info about the allowance for schooling? Either pre or post COVID works.

11th Oct 2021, 13:42
Thanks what to do. I agree ref fellow pilots and crew, a very good bunch. Fz also wins my gold medal for toxicity. I have only contributed here to enlighten the unwary but deaf ears I guess. Cheers.

11th Oct 2021, 13:45

Me too what to do, when I worked there I made many friends, the crew are awesome people. I still have lots of friends working there. The company itself is toxic and the scudule will lead you to an early grave as they have got rid of AIMs. Does anyone else think turbulence FL360 and transport jock are the same person. Lol . Another posters on all things flydubai hehe. I would love to hear old king coals take on the company.

11th Oct 2021, 15:14
Does anybody know after the video interview what there will be next?
I completed it 2 days ago waiting for what is coming next

11th Oct 2021, 15:38
What after video interview? How much time it takes for next round? Does the video recording interview email confirms successfully cleared aptitude test??

11th Oct 2021, 16:37

If truth be told, you remind me of someone I hope never to share a flight-deck with.

Maybe you could somewhere else to express your opinions. The P (professional) PPruners do not exactly seem to be interested!

11th Oct 2021, 16:53
Lol likewise John, I hope you get the job in flydubai and it lives up to all your expectations.
I have posted articles from newspapers with the links to read. What I have said is factual correct. It’s not my opinion.

11th Oct 2021, 17:00
Guys can someone who attended to online interview share the questions with us please? We all know that it’s not limited to LPJ ones, thank you, aptitude test is more easy than lpj so dont worry lpj is more than enough. Good luck

11th Oct 2021, 17:28

It's hard to understand your point. Are you actually suggesting that my opinion is invalid because (according you to you), I haven't worked at many companies? If that's the case, you are wrong and your comment is ridiculous.

11th Oct 2021, 18:07

There will be a further video interview requesting you to do 25 pushups in Speedo’s while you recrete several QRH memory actions during the process..

11th Oct 2021, 18:18
😂 100% what happens

12th Oct 2021, 01:21

happy to do that also. Anything to leave my current company.

12th Oct 2021, 01:49
For those interested interviews will take place in November.

3 choices are available to attend interview and sim etc.

Or Dubai...

Confirmed ticket with Emirates is provided plus hotels.

12th Oct 2021, 04:17

How do you know this?

12th Oct 2021, 04:32
Are they going to use a Boeing sim for the NTR applicants?

12th Oct 2021, 05:53
Hi guys,
I read all the recent posts (7th October onwards) searching for some information on what to expect during the online aptitude test. I found only one test so far that somebody mentioned (missile test). Would somebody be kind enough to share what to expect in that test. I just want to be little prepared since it's been ages that i sat down for an aptitude test. Anybody who attended this test care to share?

P.S. thanks for sharing the latest pay information.

Many thanks.

12th Oct 2021, 06:37
Hi midgit,

Have they taken this post down? Can't seem to find it?

12th Oct 2021, 07:52

can you share the questions you had in the video interview? It would be very helpful.

12th Oct 2021, 10:26

Why aviation as a profession? Why Fly Dubai? What can you bring to the flight deck team?

Good luck.

12th Oct 2021, 11:57
I have just revisited this thread after a prolonged period not looking at pprune.
I am now in my 13th year with Flydubai and can honestly say that I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here.
I have never had a problem with management or anyone else for that matter.
If you do your job properly then you have nothing to fear.
Even if you mess up...so long as it was not deliberate or grossly negligent then you will find the safety department very understanding and sympathetic.
Yes.....there is a good deal of night flying to be done, but since the bidding process has been suspended, then the more senior guys like myself have to do their fair share.....I don’t like it, but fully understand the rationale behind it.
It is true that our terms and conditions have been eroded somewhat since the pandemic, but I think the company's response to the current aviation crisis has been better than most.
Of course this is Dubai, so your employment rights are not what you would find in the EU, and the company can virtually do as they please with your only recourse to resign if you don’t like it.
If you can accept that then I believe that you can truly be happy here and would have to go a long way to find a nicer bunch of guys (and 'gals') to fly with.
BTW, I am nothing to do with management and am just a regular line Captain.

12th Oct 2021, 12:13

Many thanks for a constructive and fair input from the front line! Could you be so kind to advise where your recurrent training normally takes place. I presume DXB?

12th Oct 2021, 12:19
Yes, all recurrent training is conducted in Dubai.

12th Oct 2021, 22:53
What questions have folks been getting for the online interview?

13th Oct 2021, 04:17
Scroll 4 posts above yours...

13th Oct 2021, 04:35

yeah you are quite right on some points. I will just amend

management is toxic, it might be, never saw any of our chiefs face by face in 4.5 years, so for me, I don’t care if they are toxic, because I don’t deal with them.

ACNs are quite reduced and no changes in manual anymore…. Before it was crazy, yes.

Upgrade is joke, not really, but you don’t have any training and it can be fast ( I did in 1.3 years), or not, some guys who did the interview at that time, still FOs.

defaulting in UAE, yes, you re right, no mercy, you may end up in jail, but for me is very dumb to move yourself to the desert and spend all you cash here, it’s better not even come, stay with your 5k euros after taxes in Europe and be happy.

yes bidding is gone, but swapping still a light in the end of the tunel, huge loss for the community.

yes the flight deck environment is amazing, and that’s The main point, it’s the people you dealt day by day, keep saying management is toxic is bla bla bla, if you do your job properly you never gonna see their faces.

another point to have in mind is, yes, rules changes without community consent, this is all over Middle East, no unions to fight for our rights. If you come knowing this, you be happy otherwise you gonna end up like our fellow colleagues in this thread.

13th Oct 2021, 06:15
Seems as if the links on the FD recruitment website are gone. Given the huge amount of interest, suppose no suprise

13th Oct 2021, 08:56
Are not, they just added another positions and these went down on the line. Just check where it says, see all jobs positions. Then you will find them.

13th Oct 2021, 09:26
They are indeed still there, but if you click on the job it does say that they are no longer accepting applications

13th Oct 2021, 11:32
Did someone get a call from Flydubai for the sim?

13th Oct 2021, 12:12

5 days from the moment you receive the email.

13th Oct 2021, 13:03

Can't be that quick.... I am quite sure there are more than 500 applicants. It s gonna take a while before they will continue....

13th Oct 2021, 13:49
For the guys who did already the video questions, can you log in and see the questions and then answer them within 5 days or you have to answer them right then?

13th Oct 2021, 16:10
You have to log in and once you press START you answer them straight away.

13th Oct 2021, 17:54
~4.500 applications received… no more vacancies on Flydubai Careers Website

13th Oct 2021, 18:39
Middle East is more like quick sand guys. You'll be tempted to get in but it's not easy to get out. Or it will be too late to do so.
Don't leave your home country jobs, whatever it is. But anyways no choice for unemployed. Good luck !

13th Oct 2021, 22:12
Flyboy is right, do not leave a flying job in your home country! I like the quick sand reference!

Old King Coal
14th Oct 2021, 07:42
Desertboki: wrt I would love to hear old king coals take on the company.Well, I'd love to oblige you, but - five years after having escaped the place - I'm only just finishing my post-FZ psychotherapy counselling & ECT (electroconvulsive therapy). Plus that my team of psychiatrists has warned me to have nothing whatsoever to do with FZ ever again, lest the nightmares, and the foaming at the mouth, and the Tourettes all restart... and they'd be very angry if they found out that I was commenting in here... aside: I'm amazed that I can get a wireless signal inside this padded room and I'll confess that Siri's speech-to-text function has been of great utility (what with me unable to type due to being constrained within this rather strange white suit with its zips & buckles down the back). So, it's probably best that I desist from venting my FZ spleen, just in case I were to say something true but regrettable (and about which it's mostly all been said already, i.e. great colleagues, but...)... oh those voices inside my head, will they ever stop?... "Crewing here. Yes Captain, we're calling you out for night Bishkek. Report immediately"... "Duck & Dive"... "Envelopes of happiness"... "GCAA's 18-30 hour rule"... "But it's legal, Captain"... "Please be guided accordingly".
Ah well, I must (dish)dash as it's time for matron to give me my medication and for gawds sake please don't tell anybody that I was in here, or that nasty man will put those electric paddle things on my head again... I used to be normal you know, before FZ.

14th Oct 2021, 15:24
Good morning laugh . Thx for that .

everyone claims to have "done lots of research " but seem to be surprised when the honeymoon is over .

14th Oct 2021, 17:40
Did someone get a call from Flydubai for the sim?


14th Oct 2021, 20:40
Old King Coal

🤣 thanks for the good laugh!
I had almost forgotten the famous/infamous "please be guided accordingly" 😂

14th Oct 2021, 20:53
DEC or FO? Anyone else received their call?

15th Oct 2021, 00:39
I'm waiting for a call for sim from FD, can you kindly confirm as to when did you apply for the vacancy ? Also what dates have you been given for sim session.


15th Oct 2021, 02:47

Sorry for this post. I didn't realise that there will be a list of tests once I clicked the link.

15th Oct 2021, 05:49

First week of November in Dubai

15th Oct 2021, 07:01
For those that have been called, when did you finish the online interview?

15th Oct 2021, 08:20
Hey peeps. What can we expect on the 2nd day of assessment? I’ve no clue at all. I’ve heard GD/interview. Anything else?

15th Oct 2021, 09:31
Hi guys,
My video interview was on the 12th. No news since then. Hopefully, those who are expecting the sim invitation we receive it soon.

Does anyone know if all the invitations have been sent? Good luck!

15th Oct 2021, 14:16

The instructions (with the list of tests) were on the email you received ..

15th Oct 2021, 14:19

You are talking through your backside . I was reliably informed NO ONE was invited for anything further than a video interview yet .

Stop the B/S

15th Oct 2021, 15:53

Have you done your sim already. In fact has ANYONE at all been invited for sim OR been declined after video interview. Pls share.

15th Oct 2021, 16:08

My friend received a phone call on Wednesday with invitation for the sim in Dubai.

15th Oct 2021, 16:27
can you please confirm his date of video interview completion pls.
And he got a phone call AND email ?

15th Oct 2021, 16:46
Monday I think, phone call

15th Oct 2021, 18:16

And I know for a fact that invitations have been sent for the next phase in Dubai early November

Low Pass
15th Oct 2021, 19:03
Maybe doing FOs first?

15th Oct 2021, 21:45

Well whoever is giving u the info is not true

15th Oct 2021, 22:05
For those who are invited to the sim, medchecks, and day 2 in campus, does FZ covers the expenses (tickets, hotels, etc)?

16th Oct 2021, 00:33
Thanks Jacekgfly. Appreciate your reply.
I suppose he is Captain NTR too ?

16th Oct 2021, 01:46
Anyone care to share a real answer on : after the video interview, how many days it takes to get to the next stage?


16th Oct 2021, 05:19
Can i get the link please

16th Oct 2021, 05:58
Thanks fatbus. I think we should leave it to people, to experience it on their own.
Unfortunately all the negative stuff pointed about any airline in pprune is true (esp for ME) but people choose to not believe it.
In this part of the world, you are just a number, nothing more and nothing less.
Leaving your local job could cause big dent to your future.
It is always not monetary but everything else.

16th Oct 2021, 06:23

Didn't you join Saudia a few years ago? Perhaps a qualifying point that you yourself chose not to believe the info in this forum would check the somewhat self-righteous tone.

16th Oct 2021, 06:32

No, he said over the phone self sponsored

16th Oct 2021, 08:09
Apologies . Looks like FOs called first

Bit of a deal breaker to pay for international flights / visa hotel and medical . Not interested in that

16th Oct 2021, 10:01
And PCR tests... well that is at least from my country. Now that if we screw up on either day, all those money might be gone for Dubais lil excursion so thats not a "bit" in my book :/ For those trying, wishing you a very good luck.

16th Oct 2021, 14:59
Hey guys,
Does anyone received any invitations on Friday or during the weekend?

My video interview was last Tuesday 12th, and no news since then.

Good luck to everyone!

16th Oct 2021, 16:26

Yep, That was 6 years ago. And hence this wisdom. Does that disqualify me from warning people?

16th Oct 2021, 16:46

Hi, when did you complete video interview and how many days after you received invitation?

16th Oct 2021, 22:19

After I finished the online interview (9/10) I got a email from FZ (14/10) inviting me for the SIM day one in Dubai and second day on FZ campus, they gave me 6 different dates in November to choose from. In the email it was clearly written that they expect the candidate to pay for travel arrangements to DXB (Tickets, Visa and Hotel). Im a FO with 2500h on type.

Will share my experience in this thread, good luck for everyone.

17th Oct 2021, 00:47

I'm sure any advice/warnings from those in the know would be gratefully received by most looking at a move to the Gulf. So prefixing your comments with something along the lines of "As I found out myself" rather than using the condescending tone you do would likely come across more agreeably.

Times are tough so many will look at options they otherwise wouldn't have before covid, offer hard won wisdom but don't patronise them for it. All the best for the future.

17th Oct 2021, 00:57

In my case, its 4 days after I got the "interview complete" e-mail.

17th Oct 2021, 04:10
:ok:Agreed. Not just my experience but several others from many carriers here EK/SV/QR/FZ/WY/KU. My point is UK/Europe and US/CAN has more options now, don't come here leaving those jobs. Some of us are stuck deep in this quick sand. If one has no job then blind rule is "take whatever you get first " applies. Many of my friends have left command(several 1000s of 320/737 pic) and got stuck as widebody FO for years.

17th Oct 2021, 06:55

Yes from January flydubai will hire 12 pilots, 24 cabin crew and have 8 internal upgrade course per month. It looks like huge expansion. All of this while they were unable to pay salaries and meet current contract expensive of crew. I believe there are on going legal proceedings about this.

17th Oct 2021, 13:36
I think they gonna call people depending on few factors
- Currently flying ?
- Currently flying 737?
- Experience level?

I think for them this 3 factors are quite important ....

Not saying they not gonna call others, just be patient, after I put here I was called I got millions of PMs asking for details about how long did it take to get call. Every profile is different, just be patient, your time will come)

18th Oct 2021, 06:59
I think they closed new applications on day 5, so should be at 4500.

18th Oct 2021, 07:39
To those that have been contacted for next steps:

What does your HireVue status show as (when you click the link in the video interview submitted email)? Does it say flydubai have received your completed interview or is there a different message?

18th Oct 2021, 08:14
Mine says just that. No further comms. I'm NTR

18th Oct 2021, 09:05

Was it mentioned the costs would be reimbursed by the company on or after date of joining ?

18th Oct 2021, 14:18
I was wondering do you guys apply if your licences are expired? Do the hr team consider at least arranging a meeting with a pilot who has an expired licence or do they don't even bother themselves ?

18th Oct 2021, 14:31
just get over the fact that you will have to show some commitment if you truly interested in the opportunity you will happily invest that money on yourself and your career

18th Oct 2021, 14:43
To the best of my knowledge FLYDUBAI does not call any candidates and deals with ALL applicants only via email. I know this very reliably from a lot of my colleagues Thru the years in the company.
Whether they have changed that procedure recently is anybody’s guess. However it’s never happened before.
So I think we should all very possibly expect something via email depending on the date of submission of your video interview, as to your next steps.
Cheers all.

PS-And I hear the order is going to be FO TR, CAPT TR, FO NTR AND CAPT NTR.
This is what I heard. What actually happens is anybody’s guess.

19th Oct 2021, 04:38
Hello all. Can anyone share a typical work rythme at FlyDubay? Any rythme in days on/ days off? What's the max days off in a row one can expect?
Many thanks for the info

19th Oct 2021, 07:27
Anybody else got the "invitation" during this week?

19th Oct 2021, 11:04

Well, considering that we he job requirements were valid LPC …

19th Oct 2021, 12:32
Via Email?

19th Oct 2021, 12:39
Yup. Via email .

19th Oct 2021, 13:25
I do wonder how many applied on type. I done my interview Thursday 14th, 2000hr on type and currently flying. I guess they’ve a mountain to get through

19th Oct 2021, 14:17
Second hand information, but they’re targeting Type Rated first, and anyone without Type rating got a rejection

19th Oct 2021, 16:03
Are you meaning a live video interview or the recorded 3 question one?

19th Oct 2021, 18:31
3 questions.

20th Oct 2021, 11:43
I see on another forum, there is a discussion where it was pointed out one Captain was called for a November screening, while a few Captains were called for a mid December assessment. This information is from a paid pilot preparation site. (Pilotassements.co m - found under the flydubai topic)

The poster also stated 2 weeks is the normal timeframe for an invite.

20th Oct 2021, 12:35
Called for mid December?
Do you mean two weeks after you submitted you interview?

20th Oct 2021, 14:33
Thats what was said on the other forum. Just relaying...

20th Oct 2021, 15:20
Thank you very much. I applied as DEC NTR. Completed interview on the 9th.
No news yet………
it seems they are looking at TR first.
let’s wait and see

20th Oct 2021, 15:53
No problem,

They have many aircraft coming. We will most likely get an interview. . As someone said, no news is good news!
Tomorrow is Thursday so effectively the last day of the working week in the UAE.... If we don't hear anything tomorrow, the next possibility is Sunday A.M.


21st Oct 2021, 01:39
It's a common sense that they must target type rated people first..... Combining this with the capacity of their SIM to do the assessment, those NTRs shouldn't expect anything until at least 1st quarter next year.

Anyone has any idea regarding their SIM capacity? Ten years ago, I knew that EK target to do 20 new hire assessment a week. I wonder what is the figure for FZ...

21st Oct 2021, 02:08
Hi Guys
Unfortunately I have missed narrowly HireVue video interview for FZ? Any Idea what to do next? Any chance to reschedule it?

23rd Oct 2021, 05:26
Anybody being called already next week for the sim assessment?

23rd Oct 2021, 05:55
Hi, Im still waiting for their response. I am NTR DEC. I did my online interview on Oct. 18

Lets just patienly wait and hoping the best for all of the candidates.

24th Oct 2021, 09:57
Hi everyone,

I am TR Boeing 737/800-900 and max total of just over 1500 on type. Completed video interview on 20th. Still waiting for response but as far as I understood thu was public holiday and fri is normally a weekend . Let’s wait. Good luck to everybody

24th Oct 2021, 19:02

Just wondered if anyone knows of the package they are offering? Or will it be reduced from their previous contracts?

It seems Qatar are reducing the package on offer and wondered if FZ were doing the same!

24th Oct 2021, 23:13
So far looks like full normal package!

25th Oct 2021, 02:22
Yes . There are reductions . See PPJN

Basic >C19 reducions: 25,225 aed/mo, Housing: 13,500 aed/mo, Transport: 2470 aed/mo, Avg total income (assuming 70hrs): 55,125 aed/mo

housing was 15000 at one point. Nothing major really in the overall package

25th Oct 2021, 07:47
Has Qatar commenced external recruitment of pilots ?

25th Oct 2021, 14:17

Is this FO or CPT ?

25th Oct 2021, 14:36

25th Oct 2021, 17:29
Yes a captains salary in FZ is the same as and first officers salary in Etihad or Emirates such is the cost of living in the Middle East. I would consider all other carriers in both seats even if you have to swap to the right seat which so many have done in flydubai. This will have huge implications when you come to leave/retire as your end of service benefits is based on your basic salary. Basic salary looks to be a reduced package to the current one.So you will be doing the same work as your co works for a lot less money.

25th Oct 2021, 18:30
Man, first of all, neither Etihad or Emirates will hire again in the next years. Second, for most of us who lost the job for this stupid pandemic, we just need to get back in the air, we have to pay bills and feed our family. Things will improve in the next few years, for the time being we cannot afford to be picky. Now I dont care if my collegue get more paid than me. If I was rich, I would considere to go fishing to Maldives, but because its not the case, I just need an opportunity to get back in line, and Flydubai is a really good one. More will come. Please think twice before writting! Cheers and good luck

25th Oct 2021, 21:40
No one has any updates in a few weeks now then? For either TR/NTR FO/CPT.

26th Oct 2021, 01:51
I didn't know that EK and EY FO get paid over 50k/month. This is a brand new info for me.

26th Oct 2021, 02:19
They don’t.

30358 assuming 85hrs (plus 12176 if you buy somewhere there.)

26th Oct 2021, 03:33
Don’t shoot the messenger here ….. however .. News from a “friend of a friend” said Captain recruitment was specifically aimed at specific people they wanted to hire ! Fo recruitment as normal

The plan is to review other Captain applicants for a February start and to be on line by May

As I said don’t shoot the messenger ….So if you applied as a Capt you won’t hear for a few months

26th Oct 2021, 06:35
Well a February start for some employed Captains would mean those on 3 months notice would have to hand there notice in sometime in November!

26th Oct 2021, 07:37
Etihad 35200 aed Emirates 36320 flydubai 25250 all basic starting salaries for captains. Even air Arabia basic salary is closer to 40,000 a month. First officer in Emirates makes 25450 aed a month. EY and EK will be hiring very soon.

26th Oct 2021, 07:46

If you don’t care about the salary and need a job that bad. Flydubai is now recruiting cabin crew maybe apply there as you look at the company as a stepping stone. All airlines in the ME will be hiring in the next few months.

26th Oct 2021, 08:00
transport jock

So when you ask a bank for a mortgage, loan etc what do they ask you? Do they factor in allowances and flight hours ? No they don’t! When you get your end of service benefit under UAE law it is based on your BASIC. This school allowance you talk of does not make sense. If you are collecting that then you will not save a dirham on housing as you have a family. When I was there most guys had to add to the housing allowance from their BASIC salary. I believe housing for a skipper is 155k a year now. Try pay for a villa, dewa, internet in the UAE on that. Do you take it out of the schooling allowance of a kid ? Thought that was for education.

26th Oct 2021, 08:34
I suggest that we clear the video interview and get called for the sims before saving or spending our unearned futuristic salaries … 🙄

26th Oct 2021, 08:45
Rumours are that at least until January they will only call Type Rated.
I am not so that means that I have to wait at least until February or even later 😩
Honestly I consider Flydubai an excellent option. They have some kind of balanced rosters, mix of turnaround and layovers. The money is quite good at least for me. My son is now on his own and me and my wife won’t mind to come back to Dubai till retirement.
But, again, we all are different.

26th Oct 2021, 11:10
Someone here mentioned FlyDubai has layovers... Any info on how many layovers can one expect per month and what destinations have layovers?

26th Oct 2021, 11:27
Thank you very much for response!

26th Oct 2021, 12:16
transport jock

Yes the money and package is amazing in flydubai. Everyone should join flydubai because there is a large diaspora of people with kids aged 19-21 who can claim an education allowance. Emirates don’t pay that! You really are clutching at straws. They did not even pay the BASIC salaries or allowances to loads of pilots/engineers or cabin crew the last year while still operating, You are far from ever giving a balanced narrative.

26th Oct 2021, 12:16
Ok now I know you’re talking rubbish. My mate lives in Dubai, moved last year and he has a 4 bed villa with pool and he paid 140k AED. He is not a pilot.
Company he works for pays him a basic and he gets a bonus on top of this.
When he got his car they asked him his salary and told them his basic and bonus. All they needed to see was last 6 months salaries with the bonus and they took an average.
So yes everything you are saying is BS.

26th Oct 2021, 12:39
*Claps hands.

Well said

26th Oct 2021, 12:53

It is not, do your homework. Pilots don’t earn bonuses per year. They have a variable income from flight pay and allowances. It will not be used to get mortgages or loans. So you have been ill informed. Your mate got a villa in the pandemic for 140k a year. Well that price is way off . As I said 155 is given. And 140 paid. Then you have 2200-2700 (tel:2200-2700) Aed bill for DEWA each month alone on a villa.155-140 or 155-180 with bills is a huge saving to some on this forum. Ask past or present pilots.

26th Oct 2021, 13:06
transport jock

How many past pilots or present agree with you? Lots of wannabe joiners or people with friends that rent villas that get bonuses that do not work in aviation. The friends I made there are happier they left. They went back to the USA Europe and Indian. They have control over their lives with bidding, trip trades, swaps and no night flights. They earn less money the Fz,have less bills and more money in their pocket at the end of the month. Free healthcare in some countries. Along with happiness

26th Oct 2021, 14:12
I did my homework. I have friends that have been living in Dubai for 20 years and love it. I have friends that went to Dubai and lasted 6 months and hated it. I have a friend who lives in AUH. Loves it. She lived on Kensington High street in London, one of the nicest places to live in London but she hated London life.

Anyway I messaged my mate and he said to get a loan for a car he just had to provide 6 month of pay slips. 3 months he had no bonus because of the pandemic but they took the average.

Yes he did get a deal in the pandemic but they are planning to move to a 3 bed in a few months and will save around 30-40k.

You are clutching at straws saying people that leave Dubai/FZ etc are happier. People as a whole will say they are glad they left blah blah. That’s human nature. Very few say oh I wish I stayed at blah blah. Loads of Jet2 guys I met came from FZ and none actually said they hated it. They saved up enough to buy a property back here in UK and wanted to be back close to family.

No one will be 100% happy. I know a guy that left BA 787 position and went back to EK. He hated BA. Some would say that’s mad. My best mate isn’t interested in any jet job. All he wants to do is fly TP even though the pay as a captain is half what an FO and FZ gets in a year. Maybe less actually (£50k? 250k AED a year). The point is he is happy.
Just accept you hated FZ/Dubai etc but others love it. In fact maybe flying is not for you at all.

26th Oct 2021, 16:22
On a side note & purely out of curiosity, I'd love to know which 737 operator in India is able to keep the people from FZ happy?

27th Oct 2021, 00:56
Majority of guys went NTR DECs to indigo .

27th Oct 2021, 06:31

I agree with him.... there's no perfect company in this world but it's about finding a balance that works for you.
For me, I'm extremely curious who you know that LEFT FZ since we lost our bidding and trip trades/swaps and found work elsewhere where they're happy? We lost these benefits when covid hit and I'd be extremely surprised to find they left in the middle of a pandemic and found better conditions elsewhere...
Free healthcare to me doesn't mean anything. The private healthcare i receive from FZ is better then the free healthcare I received back at home.
To be completely honest if I was back at home during this pandemic I would have been 10x more screwed then the situation i was in the past year with FZ. Did I get Rotational Leave: Yes. Did it suck: Yes. Do I still have a job that paid my bills: Yes.
Happiness is subjective to many different elements. Like I said grass isn't greener it's just a different type of grass.

27th Oct 2021, 07:33
Hi all,

For those people saying money is enough or not atFlyDubai... It depends on everyone needs. I have read someone who says that for a single pilot without family is enough, other with family is ok... someone says that it is enough with or without family,.... it is subjective, and at the end money is not the most important thing. We are suppose to be passional workers, professional pilots. Not "money seekers". I mean sometimes (most of the time) money is not the most important thing. I am a former Captain in a Latin America airline (Expat!) earning about 7000 - 8500 USD monthly, as a CAPTAIN. In flydubai is less than a FO do, but anyway my wife and I we was a happy family there.

We thought to go to Middle East.. maybe Qatar, Emirates, FlyDubai, even China, to make more money... but we was happy there (Happy wife, happy life!) and we decided not to move. I was in a great airline, perfect maintenance and great destinations and layovers.

Thanks of COVID I have a year and a half without flying, waiting for FlyDubai interview at DXB... Now I need to fly anywhere, just to be in the market again. Bad roster at FZ? Wow, a ROSTER!! Not enough money? WOW, MONEY. Night repetitive long flights? WOW, FLYING. And im applying as a FO because I would need to fly 150 more flight tome to apply as a Captain, but I don't mind. I have other options opens and the first to give me the OK, I would go there.

So, my point is that every individual has their needs. If flydubai pays me, would be the best company. Thats my point right now thanks to our friend COVID.

27th Oct 2021, 09:55
As of right now I believe we are trying to fill as FO and upgrade our own pilots and if we can't keep up or provide enough upgrades we would have to resort to TRDEC. The bidding system as of right now is not available.
For me personally I am quite disappointed because even though I am not the most senior I enjoyed flying in the evenings/nights, HATE doing morning flights, LOVE layovers but now cannot bid for any of this. I use to get about 60% of my roster as bid requests.
I know some of my coworkers HATE layovers, LOVE mornings and HATE evenings. The complete opposite from me. They cant bid for what they want either OR swap with me which would both make us happier.
We are all hopeful it gets back to a balanced system in the future! :)

27th Oct 2021, 10:53
Who known about​ recruitment process​ now? I​ applied FO​ TR.​ Good luck for​ all.

27th Oct 2021, 12:50

I understand but I honestly hope they will also call NTR. The advertisement was for both.
Obviously is what I hope but I also understand that internal upgrades have to have priority.

27th Oct 2021, 14:11
I didn’t even know FZ operated a bid system before. I worked for a largish airline (800 pilots) before, our bid system never worked. Once in 4 years I managed to swap. Ha ha ha. Never done night flying but earlies or lates yes. I prefer earlies but only because I had a 1 hr commute so no traffic to deal with. Anyway roster sounds ok to me. Anything more than 7/8 days off a month and no 6 sector days would be a bonus.Do you have to swap aircraft during a shift at all? Also is all training in Dubai?

I applied as NTR. Not expecting anything if I’m honest. 1000s of TR 737 guys/gals around but never know.

27th Oct 2021, 15:41
Anyone knows what to expect on day 2 in dxb?

Aptitude test? Cut-e or PILATS?

Technical interview or only competency question?

Group exercice?


28th Oct 2021, 15:52
Anyone who applied for TR FO and was successful want to share their level of experience.

I applied with 1500 hours on type and received a thanks but no thanks email. Trying to figure out whether my application was not strong enough or simply not enough hours.

Thanks in advance.

28th Oct 2021, 21:39
Sorry to hear that…
I’m TR FO 2200.

They didn’t answer me yet, and I did the online assessment the 11th.

When did you do your online interview(3 questions)?

29th Oct 2021, 12:34
TR FO 1500h got sim in December, completed video interview on 13th oct

29th Oct 2021, 13:55
Heard the company is trying to change annual leave. Bidding twice a year which forces people into taking 21 days in the first 6 months. Highly unlikely anyone will get what they want that have been there under 10 years. Company are so short of crew they are offering to buy back annual leave for December. It looks like no one will get a proper holiday in 2022. No bidding for flights,no swaps and now no proper annual leave. The rosters will be legal 8 days off a month from December. All of this while there is crew still on forced unpaid leave.

29th Oct 2021, 14:42
Yes they stopped playing with the leave as they were unable to crew the schedule the first 6 months. I retracted that leave statement. So they have decided to push the problem down the road. What else is untrue ? It will be interesting to see how transport jock will be selling this with 8 days off a month from December on. To the new joiners best of luck. Please keep everyone posted on here and also disclose the new contracts pay.

30th Oct 2021, 05:34

You should have got something by now. Any regret letter? And how do you think you did on the online tests.
if you did ok and got no regret letter I feel you will get a call for sims very soon. All the best.

30th Oct 2021, 07:51
i was waiting for an answer the whole week since people in this forum already got an answer, positive or negative…
At the moment, still no answer at all.
The online test wasn’t the best ones I ever did but there wasn’t a disaster either…
I ll keep you guys updated when the call me (if they do)…

Good luck to all

30th Oct 2021, 09:38
As long as the online tests weren’t a total loss, it should be ok. The online tests are very often a data gathering exercise, with the same being repeated in real time later on. So don’t bother too much. However they take psychometrics quite seriously I hear.

1st Nov 2021, 03:32
I’m an A TR Captain with 6500 H and did the video no one yet contacted me ? Do you guys have any info

1st Nov 2021, 08:31
Don't quote me but I think FZ might conduct sim checks in countries where there is a significant amount of applicants.

1st Nov 2021, 13:24
Hi guys,
I did my interview two weeks ago for the FO TR position. However, I have been reading many candidates who did their assessment later have been called to continue the hiring process in Dubai.

I still didn't get any positive or negative feedback. Any clues? Trying to figure out what's going on.

2nd Nov 2021, 09:06
They already started with sim sessions and interviews.
hopefully someone will update us

2nd Nov 2021, 11:51
Are you sure that sims have started for assessment ? As per my knowledge sims for assessments haven't started yet. Kindly confirm.

2nd Nov 2021, 13:56
It's starting on 9th of Nov.

2nd Nov 2021, 14:35
So because the sim assessments have started do I assume if we haven’t been contacted after the video interview by now then we will not be invited to the next stage?

2nd Nov 2021, 15:54
I​ agreed with​ you​ about​ this​ assesment are​ passed.​ Everything now​ silent and​ quite long time to​ consider or​ choosed lucky one.​ But​ I​ hope another chance coming soon.
Good​ luck​ to​ all.

2nd Nov 2021, 16:40
Today three ex ek 380 FOs had the interview. Yesterday the sim.
as soon as I get more info I will post it.

2nd Nov 2021, 16:44
Thanks for the update. It seems FD is gonna give preference to EK over the others.

2nd Nov 2021, 18:30
FZ hiring ekEK saves on admin time . Not to mention some familiarity with Dubai ops . Makes sense to me.

3rd Nov 2021, 06:54
Those being called for assessments, have they got any breifing package ? Example about the rounds they will be going through while at Dubai and if the simulator session will be happening or not ?

3rd Nov 2021, 11:25
Day 1 simulator. All raw data, 45 mint / candidate.

Day 2. Competency interview. Aptitude test. Group exercice (used to be)

Day 3, Medical check in a private clinic. You are free to book it (free) whenever it suits you. It must be done.
Anyone knows if they use cut-e or Pilats in dxb?

Is there a technical (TR guys) interview?

Is the Group exercise still happening?

3rd Nov 2021, 12:01
Earlier simulator used to be on the last day, seems like they have changed the format. They haven't even declared the results for many batches which did their assessments in Feb / March 2020. Very confusing state of affairs.

3rd Nov 2021, 19:11

What’s cut-e / Pilats please …

3rd Nov 2021, 19:52
there are two different software for pilot aptitude test. Cut-e is the online one you do after you apply. Pilats, (or something like that) was used in Dubai before covid.

4th Nov 2021, 04:36

sorry to hear if you are in this boat. I’d recommend emailing recruiting team if you haven’t and I’m sure you will receive reply or result.

4th Nov 2021, 05:38
Did you get positive results or you are asked to wait further?

4th Nov 2021, 08:38
I am in the same boat. Finished sim assessment on 25th feb 2020.Waiting for results. Mailed them couple of times.Everytime same reply. Wait for results...

4th Nov 2021, 12:55
Guys !
i’ve finished the video interview 3 weeks ago and i have received Nothing since Then.

4th Nov 2021, 14:45
Hi Guys,
Anyone have any information change today? In my submission at career' flydubai pages had change update from my interview date to Nov,4 2021. I'm not sure anything update. And hope they have answer positive, negative,or wait further.
Good Luck to all.

5th Nov 2021, 09:24
sorry could you explain?

6th Nov 2021, 01:02
You guys shouldn't worry too much. They can do limited amount of SIM assessment each day. Since hundreds, if not thousands, applicants had taken the online tests, I believe invitation for the assessment in Dubai will happen in sequences of priority for months to come. Just sit tight and relax, it's not gonna be quick.

6th Nov 2021, 07:49

Nothing to worry. People not successful during the online test and "video interview" already received the "We regret to inform bla bla bla" email.
If you didn't receive anything (me neither), means we are still in their pool.
As far as I know (internal sources), they are already full until December. We must wait until January 2022 the earliest. My guess? Spring 2022.

6th Nov 2021, 08:25
I think you are absolutely right. I completed my interview on the 10th and nothing yet. I applied as NTR DEC. Do you know someone who got the “regret” mail?

6th Nov 2021, 08:36
I read above that someone posted he did revive the email: thanks, but no thanks…

9th Nov 2021, 10:19
If anyone finished the screening in DXB, could share the experience over there? Any tips would be highly appreciated. Cheers

10th Nov 2021, 10:12
I see real estate in Dubai is on the up and up. This will push rent sky high as well as the cost of living.Anyone thinking of joining I suggest you watch this market before signing up or you will find a large chunk of your so called salary spent on this. Flydubai are still not paying their contractual agreement on allowances. Amazing that the take home pay 12 years ago was way 25% higher than it is now.

Guided accordingly
10th Nov 2021, 14:28
Desertbok , Are you LHS /RHS ? Where did you get the 25% reduction in pay from ?

FZ paying 10% less than contracted amount, transport allowance - 5%. Rostered 68 hrs flying for Nov, my total income is 10% down ?

Agree on housing though. Rental market is going mental, my landlord looking for 20% increase rent to renew tenancy contract ..

11th Nov 2021, 07:12
Your assumption that rent was half of todays value 12 years ago, is incorrect.

11th Nov 2021, 14:23
Guided accordingly

15 years LHS. So you are telling me all in you are getting 60-65k a month,like the good old days? The A scalers joined nearly on the same salary as Emirates captain less the pension. I guess if you think you only managed 10% you were not shown the door for reasons unknown for a year.. Maybe you avoided the selected group of pilots that were given random forced leave in 2021. What would the average total income be for this year ? I doubt it’s 50K a month . That’s 23% since 2009. I agree with with the rent. It was never half 10+ years ago. However most pilots with family’s had to subsidise the rent with their salary just to have a villa 5-6 years ago and they were captains. Those days are returning.

Guided accordingly
11th Nov 2021, 17:47
Hi Desertboki, No, I'm saying I'm presently about 10% down per month, ie down to 52-55k, pre covid was around 58-60k . I have never earned 65K per month here, (never done 100 hrs either) .. not even in the good ole days. Rents appear to be on the up, hopefully the housing allowance will return to the contracted amount soon.

12th Nov 2021, 04:05
Seems FZ have updated their recruitment website. It’s quite comprehensive and lists the recruitment process as well as pay etc.

12th Nov 2021, 08:42
Any​one​ known​ anything update? I​ expected earliest is​ January.​ But​ I​ hope​ before that.
Thank​ you​ and​ good​ luck.

12th Nov 2021, 13:42
Still waiting patiently, I'm assuming the general consensus is if you haven't be contacted yet for a rejection email. You've made it through and are awaiting an interview date down the line, probably in 22.
TR FO, 2000 hours.

13th Nov 2021, 14:21
Nobody is keen on sharing the assessment experience in Dubai?

13th Nov 2021, 22:58
Guys , anyone know what the Bond is for , even for the Type rated? (24000_usd)

They offer me Sim ass first dates on december, I refused, and gives me on the 17 th January , 2700 hours on type.

14th Nov 2021, 05:23

14th Nov 2021, 07:34
Any other applicants struggling to access the jobs page? I can log in, but the page with my submission is blocked or missing.

14th Nov 2021, 07:42
Dear Maryan.When did you finished your online assessment.And which post did you apply for...
And yes as per the information on website,they do have Bond for Type rated.

14th Nov 2021, 07:44

There is a glitch in website as they have updated it.but you will get your submitted application if you try for few times...

15th Nov 2021, 06:38
Went via the original link emailed with the submission. That works.

15th Nov 2021, 08:53

Interesting you passed on the sim. I hope you best of luck. The bond is for everyone who joins the company or upgrades within the company. It is prorated.

15th Nov 2021, 21:15
I did the online ass on oct 17-20 , I just got the call a week ago , FO , as far as I know , they want for the moment FO, they have a deal with their FO for upgrade, maybe they still have no pressure at the moment, but Capt should come as well.

Good luck

16th Nov 2021, 06:15
hi. Congratulations. Can you please tell me when you login to your FD account ,WHAT DATE IS YOUR " COMPLETED ACCESSEMENT "SHOWING under job page.
thank you.
Awaiting your reply.

17th Nov 2021, 16:11
my submission status shows "completed"
i was wondering is there any other status for the submission other than completed ?

18th Nov 2021, 12:12
FD is not looking to hire direct Capts anymore for the time being. They are going to hire FO's and upgrade their existing FO's to Capt position.
unless something drastic changes ( major sudden expansion or mass Capt resignations ), they are going to keep this trend until 2023 atleast.

18th Nov 2021, 13:23
For me,it changed from interview date to Nov 4. Anyone changed same? But until now not thing.
Thank you and good luck to all.

18th Nov 2021, 23:49

Total rubbish

I know two NTR attending interview in late November/December who are already resident in the UAE, having worked for a different carrier pre covid! I also know of one ex colleague who has an interview planned for January who has previously flown the 737 albeit not current.

Edited to include they are all captains

19th Nov 2021, 02:15
Those doing assessments now for Direct entry P1 will most likely be put in holding pool. Captains who did their assessment in 2020 before covid have been asked to either join as P2 or join holding pool for a period of 1 year. This is the latest email sent to many candidates.

19th Nov 2021, 05:45
Is there any update on the FO side?

19th Nov 2021, 05:52
Yes please...anyone?

21st Nov 2021, 23:42
Hello guys I did my online assessment last year and was successful, all set for simulator I goth the call and the covid struck.
anyways I Reappeared and this time and I made it again fortunately.
spoke to someone in HR and got to know that all slots till January are full, and no plans for Feb yet as they are MOSTLY calling type rated for assessments.
Thought to share and good luck.

22nd Nov 2021, 02:44
anyone got an rejection email?

22nd Nov 2021, 04:19

Congrats Buddy but how do you get to know that you are successful. Did you get any email for interview invite in Dubai...

22nd Nov 2021, 04:21

yes I know few friends who got it.One or two days after online assessment.

737 CL
22nd Nov 2021, 10:47
Hi . I haven’t received a rejection mail and I haven’t received the email for the online Video assessment? I’am Type rated on B737 actually flying. Do I have to consider me Rejected ?

22nd Nov 2021, 11:07
Yes. Correct.

23rd Nov 2021, 02:32
737 CL

Have you done online assessment.If you have done it and not received any communication, consider that positive...

737 CL
23rd Nov 2021, 12:21
Hi I have finished the online assessment but I haven’t done the video interview. Are the company sending rejection mails if you fail?

23rd Nov 2021, 12:22
Got invited for assesment in January!

NTR | ATPL | 3000+ | Not current

Once you successfuly complete online tests, the invitation to the video assessment comes immediately. So, if you are 100% sure that you've completed your 1st stage submission, I'm afraid you didn't get through :(

23rd Nov 2021, 12:31
Hi there,

I have just got an invitation for the second half of January. I submitted my online interview on Oct. 16th.
I am NTR, 2700 total time, 2400 Jet, FO.

23rd Nov 2021, 12:41
Hello fellow aviators. Can someone shed light on questions asked during the management pilot interaction round. I heard it was non technical. Just wanted to know what questions were asked.

23rd Nov 2021, 12:55
Good Evening
I was wondering is flydubai sending tickets and visa to candidates to join the assessment in Dubai ?

23rd Nov 2021, 16:13

Hi man congrats, I have completely same criteria with you, just difference is I completed video interview on Oct. 15th. I’m current on A320, did you got phone call or email for invitation and when did you got it? Thanks

23rd Nov 2021, 17:55
Hey guys,
Got an email today for an invitation for the next stage in January, assessment in Gatwick?? Is that possible?
Does anyone got the same invitation?


23rd Nov 2021, 18:08
Yes it's possible. Assessment may take place in LGW or Istanbul or Dubai. They pay for the tickets and hotel. No visa needed (just a stamp in your passport at customs); really straightforward process ;)

23rd Nov 2021, 18:10
Completed interview on Oct 14th. A320 current, 4000tt. Did not receive anything so far after the interview.

23rd Nov 2021, 18:14
Thanks RMP2 :ok:

Eren Gazi Gurbuz
23rd Nov 2021, 18:16
I got also invitation to Gatwick but informed them about visa issue. As I live in Europe with Residence permit but need visa for England. Are you sure that no need visa? Type rated fo completed video assessment on 20th of october.

23rd Nov 2021, 18:23
They do NOT pay for flight tickets and hotel.