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7th Jul 2015, 11:07
It's highly recommended.
I was like you before joining, I just wanted to be vaccinated for the 2 mandatory ones. But when I went to the clinic and the nurse asked me where I was going to be flying, she printed a list of all the vaccines I should get, and that was exactly the same as the one provided by flydubai.
Don't forget we go to many different places, and we have layovers in countries like Bangladesh, Uganda,...
Also, some of the vaccines are combined, so for 6 or 7 vaccines I only got 3 or 4 shots.

7th Jul 2015, 17:09
Hello Guys

I've been fortunate to make it to the holding pool in FZ!! But now it feels like I've been waiting since eternity to get a joining date...
Would really appreciate any information about the average waiting time for Non-TR FO.


Vortex Thing
8th Jul 2015, 14:00
Guys and girls.

Re vaccinations, you basically want to get every single thing that you can a) b is legal and c) your home country will give you.

Most of us have the standard DTP i.e diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough) and tetanus. I know every EU, US, ANZAC, etc country has those from childhood.

MMR (Measles, mumps, rubella) again standard for all Western children.

Typhoid, cholera, TB and HiB you should have had as a child wherever you are from.

Hepatitis A & B. C is only for blood workers many countries ONLY do A as standard ask specifically for the combined shot A & B to get both.

Pneumococcal, Meningococcal & Varicella vary country by country but EU recommend Meningococcal prophylaxis as Meningitis A, C, W & Y. Don't skimp and just get the AC or ACW.

If you haven't had Chicken Pox by the time you are an adult you want to get the Varicella done.

The must have is Yellow Fever don't forget the booster to make sure it is valid for 10 years.

The ones I haven't mentioned are:- Shingles only for older pilots like >60yrs old. Influenza (again country and age dependant) and last but not least Japanese Encephalitis (JE). Rabies well we all know it isn't really a vaccine it just delays the onset of symptoms until you get the real deal so useful if your in the jungle or half way up a mountain but pilot wise you only need it if you going outward bound on hols.

People often neglect the JE but the reality is some of the salubrious locations as mentioned by flydream mean you don't get it directly but can the insects or ticks carrying the thing arrive on the plane next to you on stand in somewhere like Colombo and you could be the lucky one/unlucky one.

I personally two of our pilots both British who have been hospitalised with Dengue fever.

Malaria is just pot luck as most of the drugs you need to be taking for almost a week before going and sometimes a week after coming back and we just don't spend long enough or even know when we are going to have that sort of prep. To that end just trying not to get bitten is the best solution.

NaTHNaC | Website Homepage (http://www.nathnac.org) is the British Reference

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (http://www.cdc.gov) if you want it dumbed down ;)

Get you, your spouse and your kids everything that they will give you under the sun. It simply is not worth it vaccinations save lives and you do not want to be ill out here unless you have to.

Personally, some of the places we go to have bad things, some of the places we go to are cross over airports/hubs for places with really bad things and we live in a place where 70% of the pax landing in DXB are going somewhere else so disease from all over the world comes does a 3/4 day layover with pax and crew mixes in our malls, hotels, restaurants etc.

Just ask anyone with kids what its like at the start of term when everyone returns to Dubai from all over the planet with the latest strain of lesser spotted lurgi!

Re joining dates. It is as alluded to in three posts below. When they want you they want you, when they don't they don't. Basically some pilots interview on DDay and start on D+45. Some have waited as long as 2 yrs to even get a start date.

It is not necessarily even in order of anything be that chronological, alphabetical, experience, country or origin. There is not rhyme and reason. It is just how they do business. Get used to it for those who have done Africa you will remember TIA. Well here delete A and insert ME to get TIME. If there is one thing they don't care about it is your time. You only matter when there are not enough pilots, you don't matter, your family doesn't matter and the quicker you get that the better life is here.

Good luck!

aka the aviator
9th Jul 2015, 10:59
Thank you very much Flydream and Vortex

I went with your advice and took everything doctor would give me :)

11th Jul 2015, 14:11
Hello everybody, i'm following PPRuNe since years, but i've been in the shade all the time .
Could anyone please give me an update about the guys whom are joining flydubai via the cae cadet type rating course?

How many during the last months?

Do you know anything about the numbers of people joining through this course for the future?

Last but not least: I have a medical limitation. Is this still an issue for the GCAA?

Many thanks

Please guys, also private messages, if you'd prefer

13th Jul 2015, 23:32
So this is my first post:confused:

Interviewed back in March/2015 got an acceptance letter 2 weeks later stating to just hang tight about a class date, didn't hear any thing till last week of June. An acquaintance of mine got a aug class date, i got a sept class date and another buddy of mine got a nov class date. Sounds like they are running them quiet frequently this time around. :D


14th Jul 2015, 15:07

I also passed my interview in March as NTR FO, in the holdingpool ever since. Till present day, no word from them whatsoever.

Patience is a virtue...


Vortex Thing
15th Jul 2015, 07:16

Most of us on here who are current fz pilots are here to help, except Old King Coal he is here as the party Chief Whip.

For us to do that though you need to give us enough information to answer your question.

Re your medical limitation as an example, if your limitation is that you have one leg and therefore can only do crosswind landings and engine outs using left rudder the it is likely the GCAA will view this as an issue. On the other hand if your limitation is that you need to wear glasses for reading only then they likely won't care quite so much.

The others of you re start dates. This is how business is done here. If you can't take a joke, a wait or a poke in the eye with a sharp stick then don't join. Some people get interviewed and are sitting in a sim in Dubai 3 weeks later for some with the exact same experience, background and situation it takes 2 yrs. It depends on what list they pick up and when, what colour underwear they put on in the morning and if there is or isn't a picnic or route launch lunch that day with the invite sitting over your name in the list.

Do you really think that your start date is as important as that last nice looking bhajee?

The more luck you create for yourself the more you will have. Making your contact aware that you have nothing more important in your life, you are sitting with baited breath awaiting the aviation equivalent of the rapture so that you can transcend into the light and will be available at 30 mins notice to start will put you in a better postion than saying sorry I need more notice.

Though it is the case that most reasonable employers expect you to honour your commitments where you are as a demonstration of how you will conduct yourself here. This is definitively not the case here. Basically they don't care about what you do as long as you drop everything, trousers included for them when they ask, as often as they ask and do not expect the courteousy of the reach around or even the taxi fare home afterwards.

15th Jul 2015, 09:03
Many thanks for your post, I appreciate it.

I really don't care about the environment and work conditions in FZ. I'm reading Flydubai's thread since months or maybe more, i'm aware about all the good and bad things, i've been in Dubai and other cities of the middle east, i have friends working down there, and filled the rest, it looks like a dream place for me.

When to start it's not a problem for me, if they are going to say, "ok, you'will start in 2017-18, that's great, means that i'm hired.

Here's my details:

Just licensed, with 200 hours flying time.

Actually i have two medical limitations, TML (time, 1 year instead of 2) and OML ( only as or with a qualified copilot, means that i can't fly with a pilot that holds an OML limitation). Seems that the GCAA is following the EASA rules since a few months, but FlyDubai's medical limitation policy it's a different issue.

I just need to figure out how the things are working, because since today, i know 4 guys that have attended the type rating course with CAE. Two of them are in ( 1 years and a half ago), one of them had been called for the selection process, but he failed ( 1 year ago, and he spoke about an unfair process), and the last one (Janaury 2015) has never been called for the interview.

Everything about a possible assessment is under my control in terms of study and preparation. The problem is " will i ever get the call from FZ"? :confused:

15th Jul 2015, 20:23
Ladies & Gentlemen,

Any change for some insights on the CTC selection process. On the latest pilot site forum, someone mentioned that there is only joystick computer based exercises.. Anyone can fill some info in please. Thank you.

16th Jul 2015, 03:15
CTC joystick tests;

Crosshairs - keep them centered the joystick inputs are extremely sensitive
It also goes in to a series of non command sense (reverse inputs)

Counting - audio plays a woman calling a number for example 500 if the next number she called was 495 the count would be 5 in this excerise it's your job to click a symbol when the count changes for example 489 now the count would be 6 so the next number you would want to hear would be 483 if it was anything else the count has changed again and they want you to identify when the count has changed.

Shapes and colors - in this excersie you will get an audio prompt stating a colour and a shape for example blue circle.

You will see 3 different shapes in different colors red blue green and yellow when you hear a prompt of a shape and color that matches what you have you must click on it.

The final stage is a combination of all 3 you need to keep the crosshairs centred whilst having the counting prompt and the colors and shapes.

I have heard but not sure that the most important task during the combination excersize is keeping the crosshairs centred. It shows that distractions won't affect the aircraft flight path and the primary objective is to keep the crosshairs centred. Aviate navigate communicate.....

If you pass this test you will go on to the interview (if interview is in UAE Final interview)

Prior to the joystick excersie you will have participated in the group excersize.

Top tip hear is to not argue your points and don't take too much of a leading role, a good idea is to go around the table one by one and each give your opinions on the task at hand.

The recruiters couldn't careless about the outcome of your discussion they are assessing your comms and body language only.

With regards to the interview, firstly congratulations your another step closer to this job. The questions are very simple a positive attitude and a loyal tone will go along way.

If you clear the interview, get ready for the simulator. It's all manual flight raw data.

They are assessing your basic flying skils and scanning. You will eventually be given the automatics to get set up for the approch. You will normally go around and lose an engine in the process.

If you have not made it expect an email within 7 to 10 days if after 2 weeks you have not heard anything you can expect good news. In some cases as long as 3 weeks...

With regards to start dates it depends on company.

As of now just 1 more -800 is due for deliver in August/September time that will complete the intial order for 50 B737-800.

There will be a long break until May of 2016 when the additional order for 11 -800 will start to arrive each month untill mid 2017 when the first -8max will start to arrive.

18th Jul 2015, 08:47
I have not read much about the final interview in Dubai, has anyone failed or what are the main reasons to fail that one??

I know it´s more or less like the one in CTC with some more focus on moving to Dubai and how we will adapt to that.

27th Jul 2015, 17:55
It will be 3 weeks for me awaiting a decision. Fingers crossed I hear something this week.
Do you get an email or a letter in the mail?

28th Jul 2015, 06:35
Email more than likely...

30th Jul 2015, 04:45
I received a starting date in November! Can't wait to start!
I was wondering... with all the complaints with EK, max hours, minimum days off, not getting their annual leave, not getting what they bid for, etc. EK pilots are looking for a way out.
What's the situation with FZ? People happy? Are you getting what's promised?
Anyone else received November as a starting date?
See you soon in Dubai!

30th Jul 2015, 04:56
Congrats cccc!!!

High Energy
30th Jul 2015, 12:32
Congrats cccc, welcome! With regards to your questions. flydubai folks are not really happy now. An extreme amount of work and short of staff in both seats. Meaning even the most senior captains/fo's are getting crappy rosters, no requested days off (and no requested flights) and between 90-100 block hrs a month. So no hope for any junior pilot, regardless of your seat. Most people seem to be on 8-9 days off a month and lot's and lot's of night flights and alternating shifts with 18-30hrs rest periods.

It's becoming unbearable for most is what I hear/see. And quite a number of people are now starting to vote with their feet. You can't really compare our ops to EK's ops but the net results seems strickingly similar. The main benefit we seem to have over EK is that we get our full leave quota and close to where you want/need it. Unlike EK.

30th Jul 2015, 14:07
Yes cccc, our one step above EK is that we choose with reliability where our 42 days of pay cut are placed in the calendar! Why is annual leave a pay cut? Seriously, vacation is a pay cut? At flydubai it's a pay cut because so much of your monthly salary is based on flight pay. No flight pay while on forced leave. If it's a benefit, it shouldn't be counted against your minimum days off or hurt your salary. And yes, those 8 days off minimum are reduced by 2 for every week of vacation! Come on down, you'll love Dubai's new gas prices, 5% DEWA housing fee, and my personal favorite......SALIK!:ok:

Pilots are leaving, period. Yes, some are staying because they cannot return to their home country for any miscellaneous reason and don't want to do EK or QR long haul. However those that have options are exploring them with a little more urgency these days. BTW, if you think you can escape FZ after a few years to EY or QR guess again. Permanent ban on going to those carriers. Even to get hired at EK is a bit of a trick after min 3 years at flydubai. It wouldn't surprise me if a permanent ban was put in place to include EK. Anyway, just be aware. Everyone that's accepted a job at flydubai has either been out of a job at some point or escaped from some place much worse. Just don't say you weren't warned because if you come on a flight with me I have strict policy of "quit your b!tching" because we are all living in the same pool of sewage trying to keep our heads away from the floaters.:mad:

1st Aug 2015, 19:20
Flydubai launches flights to Eritrea:

flydubai set to launch flights to Eritrea as African network grows - ArabianBusiness.com (http://www.arabianbusiness.com/flydubai-set-launch-flights-eritrea-as-african-network-grows-601038.html)

2nd Aug 2015, 09:32
And yes, those 8 days off minimum are reduced by 2 for every week of vacation! :mad:

That would be pretty normal though? If by chance you had four weeks leave on a monthly roster where would you put the 8 days off?
If you took just the weekdays and had the 8 days off e.g weekends around the leave you may or may not expect a lower leave entitlement than 42 days?
I thought from previous posts things were on the up at Fly Dubai with the PBS or is it purely down to Numbers of crew and quart out of a pint pot ...😡

3rd Aug 2015, 17:20
My current company operates the same policy on pay, So you are down pay when you go on holidays. But on the bright side, at least you can get holidays!

High Energy
3rd Aug 2015, 17:36
It's quite normal to loose pay when you are earning most of your income on a 'productivity' basis. It doesn't really matter as you will make it up in the other months. As long as you fly close to the maximum hrs per year it is what it is. I'm up at 850hrs already for the last 12 months. And that's almost double what I was used to at other airlines.

PBS is not working like we pilots want it too because we are soooo short of crew. PBS is there to assign work and the company policy seems to be to understaff us and get the maximum out of each and everyone. PBS is not a given right to a better roster but a tool to make life better IF the numbers add up. And they don't. If there is 'excess fat' commercial will just add flights and they will have to be staffed. So the senior guys take a hit too and everyone complains. It will only get better if the number of pilots in both seats go up big time. And I don't see that happening anytime soon...

6th Aug 2015, 18:15
So does this mean more additional Workforce for the move to Al Maktoum or will they manage with the existing workforce?

A link to the article

Flydubai to begin flights from Al Maktoum International Airport - Emirates 24|7 (http://www.emirates247.com/business/economy-finance/flydubai-to-begin-flights-from-al-maktoum-international-airport-2015-08-04-1.599191)

High Energy
6th Aug 2015, 18:51
It's only a small move initially to free up capacity at DXB and to provide choice for pax who prefer the DWC catchment area. Only 10 flights a day currently. Biggest issue is standby callout timing that realistically need to go to 90'. That and crew transport between DXB-DWC. No need for extra crew.

6th Aug 2015, 23:03
Hate to say this, but our PBS isn't not only working because of the shortage of crews. It ain't working (for 75% of people) because there is MASS manual intervention and it's not pure PBS. Only the very top (top 50 or so) are being taken care of on PBS - even though this month and last hasn't been too kind to them either (so I hear). For everyone else, PBS doesn't make one bit of difference. I think for one to think that the 'PBS' actually has an effect on our work life is just being delusional.

By the way, we are short of crews too...... Big time.

14th Aug 2015, 19:59
Any more movement on the holding pool? Is there anyone left from the March Selection waiting for a start date?

16th Aug 2015, 19:28

I was recently offered a class date with FZ to start in December. While I'm super excited for the opportunity (I have family in Dubai, so it will be nice to be around them), I want to make sure I have gathered as much info as I can to make the most informed decision.

My background is flying corporate Jets in the USA. Our training program at my company is, very relaxed, for lack of better term. And that's exactly what's concerning me now!

How is the training at FZ? What is the wash out rate? Do they give you more sim if needed? If someone can describe their experience with the training department, I would greatly appreciate it

High Energy
16th Aug 2015, 23:18
Welcome mate. The initial CAE typerating is very relaxed. The groundschool pace is high but the sim I found no problem at all. The instructors are nice and in line with the company ethos, not out there to trick you or fail you. They want you to pass. When I did my initial I didn't hear of anyone not passing. The flydubai trainers are good guys and also nice and normal.

17th Aug 2015, 04:01
Thanks for the quick reply.
I'm hearing similar feedback from other guys that have joined recently. So that's certainly good to know. I'm not lazy by any means but still, this is a big move and I want to make sure I'm well prepared for what's coming.

Any thoughts on the GCAA written test? I've gathered some study guides but it sure would be good to hear about other people's experience


17th Aug 2015, 05:32
just to be honest I know of a few who didnt pass the INTIAL training...

It is written in your contract that if you fail the training for any reason you become liable to repay the 24,000 dollars training bond.

Be confident in your ability before you commit, I agree they want to see people suceed but they take no prisoners.

18th Aug 2015, 04:27
To those of you who are coming out to Dubai, or hoping to, and are wondering what the training's like. In one word - minimal.

It's just enough to get you on the line, and not much more. Yes it's fairly relaxed, but not in a good way. The whole type rating, and even the simulator sessions for already typed pilots are all contracted out to CAE, who are much more interested in just making sure they get paid than how well you know the 737 and FZ's procedures. So expect just enough to get through and not a lot more. All of the aircraft systems, for example, is CBT as opposed to a classroom. I know of no-one who looked back on their training and thought "wasn't that great?!"

95% of the useful stuff I've learnt has been on the line. Our training (actually much more checking) department contains some great people, but they don't teach the type rating, and are kind of stretched when you get on line.

Most people get through CAE's type rating, because it's in everyone's best interests. But don't expect to know very much at the end of it. Especially as you're trying to settle into Dubai at the same time. That can be hard enough!

18th Aug 2015, 08:02
I second what jetstreem said.

CAE is the only possible provider of 737 TR available in Dubai, and they know it. Their training is very week and disorganized, a lot of confusion within CAE about content, different CBTs with conflicting info about systems, pretty much a mess.

For whatever its worth, one of the NTR candidates on a class ahead of mine did not make initial training due to lack of basic flying abilities. He was given several additional training sessions but finally didnt make it.

18th Aug 2015, 15:35
Yep, as said above. You'll probably make it through as long as you can get the basic flying & some procedures right. CAE want you to pass (they're getting paid), FZ need the pilots, so most people get through. Don't worry about that.

Just don't expect to actually know much about the plane or the company!

In some ways the new cadets actually get the best training, because they have so long with the line trainers. But guys with some experience - not so much.

20th Aug 2015, 13:57
Correct me if i am
Wrong but is it not fact that everything you need to know about 737 and company is on the docunet app? And is more a case of not enough time in the schedule for detailed reading rather than poor

I dont think CAE are that bad personally

22nd Aug 2015, 17:43
You'll learn enough of the procedures to get through, but agreed, technical knowledge & even just where to find everything in the FZ manuals are distinctly lacking at the end of it.

Some of the instructors are good, yes. I just don't know anyone who can actually recall anything useful from the CBTs. Maybe it's just not my favourite style of learning. I'm sure it is the cheapest though.

25th Aug 2015, 03:04
Any word on September Rosters? I heard the cabin was released yesterday....

25th Aug 2015, 07:30
Not yet, but it would appear they're gonna be HOT!!😆😆

nosmo king
25th Aug 2015, 08:23
Could have been worse, it could have been a rooster!:)

2nd Sep 2015, 21:37
With the new lower requirements is it possible to move from FZ to EK?

4th Sep 2015, 05:15
EK still insisting on three years with FZ

4th Sep 2015, 17:15
Is FZ planning to modify hiring minimums as EK did, or they get enough low experience F/O's from their CAE program?

If applying for Non Typed F/O, does FZ takes pilots that come from a corporate aviation background?


5th Sep 2015, 09:28
You just need 2500TT and full ATPL. They don't care about your background.

6th Sep 2015, 14:51
Who said you just need 2500 hours? Is this wishful thinking? ( that is probably the case also for EK threads that some people tend to think that the recruiters are crying to find pilots). In my opinion they are not that desperate as many people would like to think.
Just for your information I have more than 4500 total time, more than 2000 on 737. I applied 2 times in last 2 years, I did not get a single reply.

6th Sep 2015, 16:14
Thanks Transport Jock, you gave me a good tip. I will try calling them and see what happens. By the way do you think I have more chances if I apply directly or through their agency? ( and if through agency which one? i heard they use 2 or 3 agencies).

6th Sep 2015, 17:19
Thanks a lot !!

7th Sep 2015, 12:47
Try Istanbul much easier to reach and free accommodation, transportation by the agency.

10th Sep 2015, 09:08
Hello guys, anyone here who gave a pre-assessment at Emirates-CAE recently?

Any input would be helpful, thanks!

12th Sep 2015, 05:32
Hi folks, has anyone given FD in IST.. Inhave my assessment in next 2 weeks.. Got a mail 2 days back to do online assessment designed by cut-e.. Just did that now need to do online video interview before going IST.

Any idea what to expect in IST.. Any help would be appreciated

14th Sep 2015, 17:28
Do they still have recruitment in Istambul?i can't find any agency to apply with...

15th Sep 2015, 04:11
Try to contact MECCTI.

15th Sep 2015, 04:43
Hi folks, has anyone given FD in IST.. Inhave my assessment in next 2 weeks.. Got a mail 2 days back to do online assessment designed by cut-e.. Just did that now need to do online video interview before going IST.

Any idea what to expect in IST.. Any help would be appreciated
Hi, Ldggrup. I just did the video interview. I'm going to attend the assessment in IST. I asked someone about it. He didn't give me further information just told me to be cooperative with others and don't be too competitive. Everyone qualified would be recruited. How do you prepare for it?

15th Sep 2015, 10:47
Thank you Camel

15th Sep 2015, 11:01
I was just doing from latestpilot jobs.. But it doesn't day it is for CTC or IST.. I had no idea that we had to do online assessment.. I was surprised so just wondering what else to come..
When are you going to IST??

From what I heard the sim is like any OPC.. They make u do everything from abnormal engine start to evacuaction.. Airport being used is MCT OOMS MUSCAT.

First Take off would be without FD and have to intercept a radial outbound.. Airworks.. Come back to MCT.. Do visual landing.. Takeoff N-1 and then ils aprch, go around , vor apprch land evacuation...

15th Sep 2015, 17:40
The sim I've heard is as same as you said.
Nothing else before going to IST.
I will be there on 22. Then spend a few days for sightseeing.
C u in IST :)

28th Sep 2015, 20:46
Any news from IST ? sim was difficult ? how many were U?

29th Sep 2015, 08:34
Hi guys.. Just came from IST so just writing my experience..

Before you go for assessment you need to do online assessment.. They dont give you pass or fail for that. In the mean while you should get simulator package which has the sim profile, approach charts, checklist.. Make sure you print them and take it with you on simulator day.

I was given WOW hotel. Its a 4 star hotel very close to IST airport.. Free shuttle from airport to hotel in every half hour or 10 lira by taxi.. 10 Lira ~ 3 USD.

Next day pick up was at 0830 and took is to simulator place just 2 mins away.

You start with introducing yourself to fly dubai and meccti.. We were 5 in total.. After that we were told to go wait outside.. They called us in again after 5 mins for group excercise..
1 excercise was that you are a group of board of directors of fly dubai what will you all do to plan the growth as 1 aircraft per month is joining the fleet.

2. You are on boat what will you take with u to survive.

There was another one something similar.

Then they send you out again and call you after 10 mins.. From our group only 3 go for the next round..

Next round is interview.. Asking about yourself, stories from your flying experience.. Like when did u fly with a capt who was not nice and what did u do about it.. A time when u had disagreement in cockpit.. Things like this and it continues for approx 45 mins.. Very relaxed.. You can ask questions.. Interview is done by 1 capt and 1 HR person.

When everyone was done with the interview and results were declared.. Out of 3 now its only 2 of us for the next day.. They checked and took photocopies of all our documents.

Day 2. Simulator was scheduled from 1200-1600 but as were only 2 so we started a bit late.. Around 1300.. Sim was exactly as given in the package and is all raw data.. Non precision they want you to use vor/loc v/s instead of lnav

They said if we pass we would be in holding pool and joining will be after April 2016.

I hope this helps..

30th Sep 2015, 18:09
Thanks Ld

So,again that idiot exercises...u are lost i a Island!etc etc

Do u have any idea why the other guys fail?
Any advice?

1st Oct 2015, 15:57
Hi mate,

The 2 guys failed in group discussion because (i think the reason) one of them never agreed with what we all were saying and kept on saying this is the same excercise we do in our company crm so i know these things are top on list blah blah.. Very irritating guy.. The other guy was due to unable to speak english..

In my suggestion just be normal.. Dont speak too much or just dont be too quite.. Dont try to impose your decision.. Its all about team work.. They need pilots so if you all perform good, all get hired..

1st Oct 2015, 21:42
thanks Ld Good luck...

2nd Oct 2015, 03:23
I 2nd what ldggrup said. However if you have terrible People skills or poor English, there's probably not that much you can do now to prep for interview. Most difficult individuals probably aren't aware of it.

On another note I'm curious what are FZs overnights. I know of khatmandu, dar Es Salem, Prague, and Budapest. How are hotels at the various locals?

2nd Oct 2015, 07:24
Hey guys!

Can someone confirm the rumour about agreement between FZ and EK, QA, EY regarding poaching? I heard 3 years with EK and what about others?
As for me, 3 years is ok but if it is permanent for other airlines, it's a concern :(


High Energy
2nd Oct 2015, 08:31
After 3 years you can join EK. Whether or not that is a smart choice is a different matter... You can not join the other ME airlines, full stop. People tried the others and got through to be later told 'go back to flydubai.'

But nothing is forever in the ME. When they need you everything is possible. They'll bend the rules to suit them. So timing and luck is everything.

3rd Oct 2015, 09:10
Thanks HE!

few more questions

1) I've got 3 kids. Is it somehow real to find a school/kindergarten which will be completely covered by allowance with no need to pay extra?

2) How do you get the car at the beginning? Rent or buy? I know EK gives smth around 17K at 0%.

3) Is there any bail if i am type rated?


3rd Oct 2015, 09:50

I'm joining in November.

I'll answer number 2.

In the beginning you can get around or by taxi or rent a car. Rental is about 1500dhs. Once you pass the linecheck, you can buy a car. Get a loan with the bank. But they will only give you 80%, the other 20% you need to have.

This is what I've been told.


4th Oct 2015, 05:52
There's also Dhaka and Entebbe. Hotels are ok.

4th Oct 2015, 07:45
You should advise the catch that the bank loans come with - if you don't make it through training or for that matter at any time cannot pay off the loan in CASH ( the asset cannot be used as collateral) , you will be prevented from leaving the country until such time the loan is settled ! Possible jail .

So take a big loan and
1) flunk out - jail ( whether in the country or actual prison),
2) resign - jail,
3 ) get fired - jail,
if the loan is not settled .

4th Oct 2015, 12:52
I would strongly recommend not getting into loans until your probation period is over, 6 months after released to the line.

Wait until your first SIM check at the 6 month mark, then go get your ride.

4th Oct 2015, 14:06
Vortac1 is absolutly right. In case something goes wrong you might find yourself in a situation that you're not able to leave the UAE.

5th Oct 2015, 10:37
Hi guys and thanks for the infos. I have the assessment in Dubai 10-11 November with CAE for FlyDubai 737TR. Anyone those days? Please write. In the briefing is written that I'll have advanced Compass test. Does anyone have a link for training that's worth in' thanks a lot!

5th Oct 2015, 12:49

Where did you send your application?


6th Oct 2015, 20:42
Are uniforms supplied in training? My short sleeve shirts are a little worn and I'm trying to decide if I should buy some before heading to training. Also what color are pants, socks, and shoes? I'm assuming black.

6th Oct 2015, 23:21

Are you serious? :ugh:

7th Oct 2015, 04:53
Check with your mummy. First time away from home?

7th Oct 2015, 08:38
Hi Florens
When I did mine in Southampton I used the latest pilot job.com, you have to pay a bit but I found excellent and it really helped me a lot, it´s quite good, actually it´s harder than the real one so it will prepare you very good, also all the stages are in there, not only that, personal interview also.

I did mine in June then in July I went to Dubai now waiting to join, I guess starting of 2016 because a few days ago I got an email asking my earliest available date.

7th Oct 2015, 13:45
@ migair

Did you use the joystick as normal or inverted!? Tks

7th Oct 2015, 14:40
I used inverted because I found it easy, I try both and finally I decide that, but the real point is practising and seeing how does it work, a couple of guys that went to SOU without preparing they really suffered when it started with number and forms and all of that mixed.
For me it was worthy the few bucks I paid for it.

7th Oct 2015, 16:14
Anyone left here from the pool who interviewed earlier this year? Im swimming since May, Still no sign :(

8th Oct 2015, 15:26
I'm still in the pool, but that's because I told them a March/April start would work best for me. (Kids can finish the school year in Canada before moving.) I did the final interview in July this year.

8th Oct 2015, 18:59
@Mig, sure the practice stuff is good.. But in the actual test with CTC- do we get them inverted or normal? Tks

8th Oct 2015, 19:51
What to do and Late Tonight, yea I'm serious. Thankfully someone emailed me some answers, but is this not a forum to ask questions about FlyDubai for new hires and potential employees? I'm starting soon and am trying to sort out what I should pack.

At my current job in the US, I had to buy all my uniform up front, and then if I needed additional stuff it was reimbursed. I've been told that at FlyDubai the uniform is given to the employees. Maybe that is how it works outside of the US.

I searched this whole thread, and couldn't find any info saying the pants are Navy Blue. This information is useful to me because now I won't pack my black work slacks. Considering we only get to bring what can fit in checked bags, and 3500 AED worth of shipping expense, it's important to me to decide what to pack.

A lot of people getting hired have never been on FZ nor have they seen a FZ crew. Hence asking questions that may sound dumb.

9th Oct 2015, 07:48
All the required uniform is provided by Flydubai with the exception of the brown socks (which are only worn by the most pedantic of trainers in any case). :ok:

9th Oct 2015, 10:45
I'm not 100% sure right now, but I think it was inverted, basically it was like flying the plane, if the FD bars are up and to the right you have to pull and turn right, but I cant remember right now exactly.
That part is easy but the number sequence, forms and colors can be comfy sing if you have not practice before.

9th Oct 2015, 16:36

Not to important for the reasons to apply or not. I don't care about any uniform. But do you guys have a uniform jacket, tie and winter jacket?? I can only see pilots with no jackets and ties.... Can you guys were your own jackets or is the policy very strict??? Tks

High Energy
9th Oct 2015, 16:46
No jackets, ties, caps, no nothing. Just short/long sleeved shirts. They give you a pullover for winter ops and a pair of gloves. Onboard the aircraft are 2 winter ops high viss jackets for the turnarounds. It's not strict, people are relaxed and if you want to wear a jacket you could in theory wear it at an outstation or during deadheads. You do hardly see anyone wearing non company provided clothing though. There is a Uniform Standard Manual for those loooong nights if you do get bored.

9th Oct 2015, 17:09
Thanks for the info! If they don't provide jackets outside the aircraft ops, they can't really complain about uniform policies... I guess the less items the less hassle... Although you would think that a Middle East carrier would like proper grooming.

High Energy
9th Oct 2015, 17:33
You'd think that BUT these uniforms are actually very practical. We might not look like a Hugo Boss advert but I personally prefer what we have now over all this 'we must look better than everyone else' b*s. Just get the job done and look like a taxi driver. 😁

For over a year there's been lot's of talk about new uniforms but we'll wait and see. We'll always be the last to know anyway. Most of our flights are round trips but more and more layover and deadheads are creeping in. We rarely see our passengers. We go in-and-out through HQ and when we need to go stretch our legs/toilet the curtain gets drawn.

9th Oct 2015, 17:49
Same like all the other short haul carriers... are you guys doing a lot of 2 sectors or also 4 sectors. With the amount of days off it seems like new joiners fly everyday of the months.

High Energy
10th Oct 2015, 05:06
Most days it's just 2 sectors. Depending on your seniority and preference it could be a 4 sector GCC trip as well. All our 4 sector days are either day flights or 2 day and 2 evening ones. Those are basically 10+hr duty days for 4/5 block hrs. Some people prefer them because they are too junior to get descent day time flights and would otherwise end up with a lot of night flying.

As a new joiner don't expect to see much day light for quite some time. The expansion has stopped untill April 2016. From then onwards it's 1 new aircraft every 5 weeks if I'm not mistaken. We get told very little, if anything, about the companies plans. It changes all the time anyway.

10th Oct 2015, 21:27
@High Energy

Do the new joiners get the "war zones" all the time or get they divided equally?

11th Oct 2015, 02:39
Lived and based in RAK, for 8 years.
Loved it.

High Energy
11th Oct 2015, 05:00
It depends. Some more senior guys actually quite enjoy those. Others choose them because they are day time flights. For very juniors I'm guessing it's mostly around min days off and many nights, long or short flights.

Nothing is done equally in my opinion. It's just seniority based.

11th Oct 2015, 06:45
Thanks High Energy! I think it will be tricky to get the required pilots with the new orders. I believe that the rosters at the moment are already demanding due to shortage or let's say too many aircraft...

I think all carriers can do a lot more and also be less diplomatic about the future plans. But I guess that's just where aviation is going in general...

High Energy
11th Oct 2015, 16:54
We're not short of pilots, we just have too many flights to cover. :ugh: I'm not making this up.

11th Oct 2015, 18:35

I believe that last phrase probably was said by someone in the HR...

Things are all the same, all over the world. Seriously, amazing ! :}


13th Oct 2015, 06:26
A quck one,

do you guys have controlled rest policy?

Thanks in advance to those answering, you help a lot

High Energy
13th Oct 2015, 07:21
Yes we do thank god! Max 40 min then awake 20 min without duties to be 'all refreshed' 30 min before TOD.

13th Oct 2015, 08:24
thru CAE Dubai/India 737 type rating, you can also find a page on fb Vulka

13th Oct 2015, 08:39
thanks Migair54, I'll check on it. the CAE girl told me that the next course will start on 17th November.
but tell me something, is working as a pool, not pass or fail? I did an assessment in Bucharest for Blue Air last month and I got in group V, is the same with Fly Dubai? Thanks

13th Oct 2015, 10:14
You do every stage as pass or fail, if you pass all of them, last one is the interview in the FZ office in Dubai, if you pass that one you are in, but then you have to wait for the starting date.

I think for me it will be JAN or FEB next year but they never say anything even if you ask they will not answer with a date, but I think they have a list and everyone has a number and they go by order every time they prepare a course.

Recently they were asking everybody in the pool earliest available date in 2016, and some people that did the interview recently have been told that they will start most probably MAR or APR 16.

Next year FZ is getting few new planes (11 I heard) so they will really need a big number of pilots.

13th Oct 2015, 16:56
It's the same thing as Blue Air in Bucharest, they told me I'm in group 5 and will start probably between May - June next year. I got a subscription at latestpilotjobs as you suggested and now I'm training on it. tell me one thing please; did you used a joystick for the ILS like game or arrow and if arrows were inverted? thank you very much, have a great day!

High Energy
14th Oct 2015, 06:21
For those waiting on a start date, the next new aircraft to arrive is around Apr/May 2016. Currently a slow expansion, see it as a consolidation. Expected to add 15 new routes in 2016 compared to 22+ in 2014 and 2015. RUMOR has it flydubai has deferred deliveries of some of the remaining NG's on order (11) to wait for the MAX in Q3 2017. IF TRUE, that would mean a very slow year next year and it slows everything right down. Again it's a RUMOR...

Plans change here by the second though.

19th Oct 2015, 17:24
Dubai: Flydubai reported a Dh147.4 million ($40 million) half-year loss on Sunday, citing weak demand on Russian routes and the suspension of services to Ukraine, Iraq and Yemen.

The airline also said a strengthening United States dollar has also put pressure on its profitability. The dirham is pegged to the dollar.

Revenue for the first six months ending June 30, 2015 rose 8.7 per cent to Dh2.2 billion ($600 million). A year ago, Flydubai made a profit of Dh53.1 million ($14 million) and revenue of Dh1.88 billion ($515 million) in the first half of 2014.

In statement on the Nasdaq Dubai, where it has a listed $500 million sukuk, the airline said the “changing economic landscape” has put pressure on newly established routes.

Flydubai has launched 18 new routes so far this year.

The airline pointed to weak demand out of Russia, where the economy has staggered over the past 18 months due to the impact of western sanctions and the falling oil price.

However, flydubai said a “dampening of demand” from Russia and former Soviet states “is expected to be temporary” and there is “further opportunity” for the airline to open new routes across its flying radius, which is about six hours.

Flydubai launched two new Russian routes so far this year, bringing its Russian network to ten destinations. Flights to Ukraine, except Odessa and Kiev, also remain suspended.

The airline said it is also facing challenges in the Middle East with conflicts raging in Iraq and Yemen.

“Expanded military activity in the north of Iraq has disrupted the company’s operations and saw flights to Arbil suspended at the beginning of the year restarting towards the middle of the year and flights to Sulaimaniyah remain suspended,” the airline said.

Flydubai has also suspended services to Aden and Sana in Yemen and is rerouting some flights to Africa to avoid the country's airspace, which has seen in increase in flying time and a cut in payload.

Flydubai added 33.6 per cent more capacity in the first half of year 2015, which the airline said negatively impacted its yield by 12 per cent.

Maybe slowing down in Hiring next Year now?

19th Oct 2015, 19:02
Well if they slow down recruitment, then how do we replace the wave of pilots who are leaving? If nobody was leaving I would see the logic, unfortunately, with the attrition rate as it is, i see BIG problems around the corner....

19th Oct 2015, 22:01
Hey what-to-do is it just pilots leaving or is there lots of other department that are quitting?

Old King Coal
20th Oct 2015, 02:49
And, almost as if by magic, a new announcement telling us that it's all seemingly come good again....

Flydubai recovers Dh147 million half-year loss

Airline issues new statement saying first-half losses have been recovered

Published: 13:03 October 19, 2015

Flydubai has managed to recover the Dh147.4 million ($40 million) it lost in the first six months of the year in the third quarter, the airline said on Monday a day after it announced the loss.

Flydubai issued a statement on Monday stating that the first-half losses “have been fully recovered during the third quarter of 2015.” It did not release details of its third quarter financial performance.

Flydubai recovers Dh147 million half-year loss | GulfNews.com (http://gulfnews.com/business/aviation/flydubai-recovers-dh147-million-half-year-loss-1.1602846)

20th Oct 2015, 13:55

In your opinion, how does this translate to you?

Specifically, how does one recover a loss in the true sense?


20th Oct 2015, 15:19
Does this mean we'll recover the bonus? :hmm:

The amazing history of aviation . . .

Old King Coal
21st Oct 2015, 02:16
In the 6 month period between 1st Jan & 30 Jun 2015, i.e. the financial window for which the ‘loss’ was reported, FZ operated approximately 35,000 sectors.

Accordingly, if the figure of $40m (as stated by the press (http://gulfnews.com/business/aviation/flydubai-reports-40-million-half-year-loss-1.1602780)), is to be believed, then that equates to to every single sector, as operated by FZ within that same 6 month period, making an average ‘loss’ of $1,143.

It is for sure, what with a fair part of the Arabian world (and other parts) now being ablaze, that operating conditions are indeed ‘challenging’, and to say nothing of the tanking of the Russian Rouble vs the US Dollar (see chart (http://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from=RUB&to=USD&view=5Y)), but, nevertheless, one does rather have to wonder about some of FZ’s route selections (it might seem as if some of them are chosen by throwing a dart at map of the world, much in the fashion of pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey?!) and it also raises questions about revenue management / yield management thereof.

But, aside from operating losses (i.e. losses attributable and actually associated with operating of aircraft), I seem recall that there was also a rumour regarding some sort of ‘financial impropriety’ (I’m being polite) that might have occurred (uhm, joining the dots, does anybody else remember that ‘Ethical Reporting’ email we all received from GaG on the 11th May 2015?!)… though whether there was $40m worth of ‘impropriety’, we’ll likely never know?!

Now as for how, in a subsequent period of only 3 months, that $40m ‘loss’ has seemingly managed to be turned around, i.e. when trading conditions haven’t substantially changed, is anyone’s guess?

Whilst slashing the size of various pieces of pre-flight paperwork might help the environment, it hardly represents even a tiny drop in the financial ocean. So as to how it was done, one can only imagine that, down in Dubai Marina (deep within the bowls of the good ship 'Rockwell Collins' ), Walter’s meth lab is now cranked up to full production and the revenue from that is what has saved us?! ;)

21st Oct 2015, 04:55
Not saying they can recover a loss of $40m in a few months, but July, August and September - although only a faint memory - seemed to be very busy for everyone, even the senior guys had to do night flights, oh shock, oh horror (some reported fatigued?!).

Just saying that those three months saw a lot of flights and they were pretty busy, the period after Ramadan and the height of summer usually being the High Season here in the Sand Box.

Just my two cents.

Over and out.

22nd Oct 2015, 12:30
Well I do remember the last few months, and busy isn't always productive here at FZ. I flew many flights with under 20 pax. One flight had 0 outbound and not much more on the return leg.

I am led to believe that we need around 115 pax to break even on each flight.

On a recent trip to DOH, the previous FZ a/c was already on the ground when we parked and another landing as we were pushing back. Our pax were no way near 100. In fact less than 50 outbound and not much more on the home leg.

For me, this alone is cause for concern with regard to revenue. But WTF do I know, I'm just a pilot. :ugh:

25th Oct 2015, 10:54
Hey guys,
Anybody here (non-rated FO) with a Nov 22 joining date?

25th Oct 2015, 18:48
Yes there are! I'm one of them.
I've sent you a pm.

27th Oct 2015, 07:45
A little bird tells me that upgrades have been temporarily suspended due lack of First Officers........!:eek:

27th Oct 2015, 10:12
I have also been waiting on a start date since May!
Hopefully something happens soon.

27th Oct 2015, 13:14
Transport jock,

If we were't short of FOs then why are they receiving emails to volunteer to work on days off? More specifically, why are FOs being called on their days off at 1,2, & 3 am to operate a flight before they cancel it?

Doesn't appear that they are that flush with them at all.

With regard to waiting for start dates....... the sims are fully booked and that is where the bottle neck lies with regard to recruitment. Don't forget just how many non rated FOs and cadets that we are recruiting....

Also, I hear from friends in training that there is a recruitment freeze whilst we consolidate over the next few months....

27th Oct 2015, 17:28
If the problem is the simulator why not to outsource a couple of batches of new joiners, there are some very good training companies where they can carry out some help, the same they outsource part of the assessment.

I can imagine that now on most of the FO off duty will switch off the phones, it's insane to call someone at that time.

About the recruitment freeze, when I did my interview at Southampton we were told that we were the last group of 2015, and that was in June, I am not sure if they have called anyone else after that, but I was very surprise to go Dubai and found myself as the only one that day doing the final step.

Does anyone know the current attrition rate?? I heard that is high, same in EK.

27th Oct 2015, 18:05
Not just FO's......captains getting called at 3:00am on a day off aswell!!:eek:

27th Oct 2015, 18:57
Captains too? Must have a "DO NOT CALL" against my profile :O

28th Oct 2015, 06:01
I was told by someone in recruitment that they've got such a hard on for the cadets coming through that they'd favor a cadet over a First Officer. I can totally see why. Financially speaking that is. It's a long term No-No, as the company will find themselves with very few FOs to upgrade in time to come. Or maybe they won't - by continuing to take in DECs.

28th Oct 2015, 20:07
For whatever it's worth, a good buddy of mine (FO) called crew control this week in order to pick up a flight, he tried it for 4 days. Each time he was told there were enough FOs on stand by to cover the little open flying that was available.

Me thinks the shortage is more significant on the left seat...

8th Nov 2015, 15:19
Guys, if you're successful on a screening, such a long time waiting is for non type rated pilots or for everybody?

17th Nov 2015, 13:10
Just wondering, because I read that as well EK is loosing pilots(is that even true?), similar Fly Dubai.

Where do you go after a job like that? Ryanair? Norwegian? Easy?

Same for the EK drivers...

Or is it seriously China? Then a lot are up for a surprise....

Again, I do not want to attack anyone, but I am really curious which airline an EK driver(and EZ of course) finds worthy of his services.

17th Nov 2015, 13:52
Some are going to Jet2 , Ryanair , Norvegian , British Airways , Air France other ( from the USA ) are going back to American Airlines , United Airlines or even some corporate jet companies.
The main thing is that most probably you are just thinking about the net salary that you get here BUT there are other problems that you have to cope with when in the Middle East...
I will not explain as this is discussed in detail in many places on this forum.
Mainly people just want to go back closer to their family and friends , enjoy more cultural events and get away from the extreme heat we have for 6 to 8 months a year.

17th Nov 2015, 15:38

You left out the debilitating rosters.....

Yes it's true, many are indeed leaving for pastures new, but, many would also stay if the rosters weren't so inhumane and unprofessionally administered.

Money means nothing without health.

Flydubai KNOWS that the rosters are bad, they just cannot or will not do anything about it.

17th Nov 2015, 19:09
Thank you to both about replying.

Well, i worked for QR for over 2 years(was DEC there) till I decided Qatar(the airline + country) is nothing for me or my family.

However, I do fly regulary into DXB and there is a clear difference between this 2 countries(probably you have to be in QR first to see a difference here) and for sure between the 2 airlines - point.

I fly now in Europe which is quiet all right but nothing special as the salaries and the state deductions(let's call it tax and social contribution, shall we ;) ) are extremely high without getting EVER anything comparable in value returned. Well, that's the price of "social states" and I am comfortable with that.
BUT - neither one of the famous 2 buckets of the ME are ever getting full, working down here gives at least the chance to make some good money and still paying your social security back home so you get something(not much) upon retirement.

Going back to a lowcost in Europe (or the states) still has the risk that your small base might be shut down from 1 day to another and then the commuting(yep, from there it comes) starts all over again.

As for the mainlines - you will be stuck there as FO till retirement, most likely.

Corporate - did that, doing it right now as well. It is ok, but again, commuting wears you out over the years. No driver that brings you from home to work and back all the time.

Again - I have seen some of the much more ugly sides of the middle east operation(I am sure much worse then EK or EZ can ever be) and I am glad that I made my move out of there back in the days. BUT the grass is not greener(ok, well it is :E, I like European vegetation and riding a bicycle with my kids in the woods) workwise on the other side.
Sure, there are work laws, some kind of union(not in most european countries) but still ways that ANY managment tries to put pressure on you to do THAT flight.
And I have worked once in the LH group and had to discuss with the FOM why they could not send me on my last day of Stby on a 3 day rotation killing all my off days.

Fact is, the pilot job became a ugly one, best if someone is able to squeeze as much money as possible out of it and make it into retirement.

Well, thanks again, I was really wondering where a EK/EZ pilot would go and believe it is the better job.

I understand the family issue and most likely on some stage this becomes the most important issue for a pilot. I was lucky till now and always managed to have my family with me so that was never a really big concern.

18th Nov 2015, 05:50
Commuter0815 ,

you were in Doha years ago , it seems that things have changed quite recently...
Pilots were leaving Qatar Airways for EK or the other company that can not be named BUT recently the conditions have improved and the reverse movement has started.
Also coming to Dubaï for a few days or weeks is totally different than living here for a long term.
I see that it is " bearable " for a few years and after things are a lot more difficult to cope with.
Again there are many factors involved and it depends on where you are coming from , what are your expectations , your family situation , your ability to cope with the driving circus and traffic jams , the multicultural environment etc...

18th Nov 2015, 08:20
You will find the answer to your question on their website in the " about us " career section...
There is a difference if you are type rated or not.
Type rated : ICAO with type rating within the last 24 months
English language proficiency level 4 or above
1500 Hours total time
500 Hours B737 300-900
Non type rated : Same as above for the first 2
2500 Hours total time
1000 Hours on Efis aircraft above 10 tonnes
There are other conditions that you can check on the website for the full détails.


4th Dec 2015, 09:41
Anyone in the pool with a joining date lately??

I've seen FZ has started doing recruitment events again but I'm not sure if they're calling people from the pool or not.


25th Dec 2015, 10:07
Anyone coming for the screening in Istanbul on 25/26th next month?

25th Dec 2015, 11:48
Minnie and Mickey will also be there , have fun....:ok::ok::ok:

25th Dec 2015, 17:04
May i know which agency running the show in Istanbul? All i got now is CTC doing Jan 2016 assesment in Southampton and Sao Paolo. And of course £245 assesment fee that need to be paid

8th Jan 2016, 14:41
Good Day all! I did scroll through most of the 161 pages but wanted to get some updated info on your flying status, if you'd be so kind to reply below.

Flight Hours:
Number of Layover nights (and locations?):
Days Off:
Satisfied / Unsatisfied with schedule:

For non-layover destinations, if you return as a Deadhead do you get flight pay? Because if DH counts as flight time, you wouldn't work many days in a month right?

Muchos Gracias!

Big bang
8th Jan 2016, 16:22
Flight hours: on average anywhere between 85h to 90h, can be a bit less, can be more.
If your roster says 85 block hours, but you have let's say 3 deadheads, you know that in fact you're over 100h (deadheads don't count in your block hours). However you get flight pay for half of your deadhead time.
Layovers: if you don't bid for them, anywhere between 0 and 1 a month.
Locations: bangladesh, sri lanka, tanzania, czech republic (don't think about it if you don't have a high seniority number). I believe Uganda is deadhead now.
Days off and roster: depends on your seniority.

8th Jan 2016, 17:10
Flight Hours: 85-95
Number of Layover nights (and locations?): Prague, Chittagong, Dhaka, Colombo, Dar es Salam, Entebbe. Normally 24-48 hrs.
Days Off: Depends on your seniority, don´t expect more than 8 when you join
Satisfied / Unsatisfied with schedule: very unsatisfied, reporting fatigue is the norm

For non-layover destinations, if you return as a Deadhead do you get flight pay? Because if DH counts as flight time, you wouldn't work many days in a month right? You´re get paid for the half of the flight time on the DH sector

De nada!

9th Jan 2016, 00:15
Hi, also looking for information regarding the following:

- Loss of license
- Life insurance
- How many sick days leave per year?
- Any profit scheme available?
- Do they provide an anual leave ticket or any kind of allowance for it?

Sorry for the questions, but I've been searching in most threats about FZ and could not find information about.


10th Jan 2016, 00:43
Hi! Anyone who has a joining date already? I've been waiting for response from FDB for a few months now but as of today, no response yet.:hmm::sad:

same here, T/R FO

10th Jan 2016, 04:09
did they give you at least an expected month?

10th Jan 2016, 07:12

I myself am one of the ones leaving FZ for a well known flag carrier.
I've been in Dubai 2.5 years as an FO, single, early 30's and have to say I am not leaving because I dislike it here at all. It's simply because an opportunity has arisen that for me and my goals in life I cannot turn down. I think this is the same for many of my fellow friends that are also on the way out to similar places.
FZ has never really been a long term option, nothing about it is. The rosters are steadily getting worse, even for senior FO's, and there has been no attempt at trying to keep people here with regards to other perks that come as standard at most major airlines.
That said the money here is good and the flying is certainly interesting, although I don't agree we should be flying to some of the destinations we do!
Dubai is a fun place to live and I will genuinely miss the lifestyle here. Sailing, Diving, Beach clubs etc..
I think FZ is an airline where you come in, do your work, pick up your pay check every month and try not to complain. Complaining here gets you know where, nothing will change. The crew I've worked with are fantastic and for me this philosophy has allowed me to have a happy time here in Dubai and i'll look back on it with fond memories.

Good luck to all those who apply.
Remember this is just my opinion, hopefully this will help others applying to have a more balanced viewpoint.

11th Jan 2016, 22:01
did they give you at least an expected month?

No, nothing!

13th Jan 2016, 11:27
I am also waiting since may. I have contacted them few times but not getting any useful info.
anybody been waiting longer time?

13th Jan 2016, 16:37
Is this due to delivery of new aircrafts starting in April as there hasnt been much activity in other positions for hiring and also seeing they are not announcing new routes more like cutting routes out of the Network whats going on at FD?

High Energy
14th Jan 2016, 05:55
What's going on? Lots and lots of people leaving. Markets back home are picking up, people tired of the rosters and costs in Dubai.

It is my perception they are cancelling long thin routes as they are heavy on crew hrs and we don't have enough crew. Couple that with a poor performing Russian market.

Something has to be done, big time, to save the upcoming expansion or there will be no one to fly these aircraft, especially left hand seat. This place can be sooo nice with just a few tweaks of the system. It has the potential but so far lacking the initiative.

Lots of talk behind the scenes on how to save this. But talk is just talk...

14th Jan 2016, 11:54
People have been saying the very same thing for well over 5 years now..... "could be a great place to work......".

Unfortunately, it ain't. Flydubai will never be much more than a stepping stone for many young low hour pilots or non rated people that need a 737 rating.


14th Jan 2016, 19:47
So, you believe there will be no improvement on the conditions offered by FD? Interesting times ahead if they just do nothing to stop the bleeding of pilots now that the expansion is due to start.

15th Jan 2016, 01:59
I can't say that there has been no improvement over the last few years, because there has. Unfortunately, those improvements have been in areas where they have minimal impact on our lives.

The areas where FZ needs drastic improvement is scheduling. This has been an issue for the entire time i have been here. If, after six years or so, they are still able to operate with virtual impunity, then it isn't likely to change much any time soon.

15th Jan 2016, 04:41
Just as a matter of curiosity, what's the average upgrade time at FZ for an experienced (4000+) 737 FO ?


15th Jan 2016, 05:48
And where do all the people go?!

15th Jan 2016, 06:37
They go to Ryanair , Jet2 , Air France , some Chinese airlines , Emirates ...

15th Jan 2016, 06:45
Chinese airlines pay an indecent amount of money to PIC in B737 and A320, up to 25-26 grand per month and conmuting, 6 weeks On, 2 weeks Off, other go back close to home, majors in USA or Europe, even Ryanair, Easyjet, Norwegian, right now IB, BA, VS, SAS, TK, Jet2 are hiring pilots, BA is even going to Doha to hire and I think many pilots of EK-EY-FZ could be interested also and pass by DOH.

Right now experience pilots are in be very high deman and it's going to get worse for airlines, shortage is becoming real.

Direct entry pilot ? Longhaul (London - Heathrow T5)-Latest Pilot Jobs-Latest Pilot Jobs (http://www.latestpilotjobs.com/jobs/view/id/1534.html)

15th Jan 2016, 11:11
I would be more than happy to apply if rosters improve a little. As stated before, the prospect of flying mainly night shifts with minimal days off for a few years until seniority really kicks in is not a plus.

Besides the rosters, there are a few more perks that, for me, are valuable that I hope are in place on the package offered by FZ. And I'm not a low hour pilot nor someone looking for a jet rating.

As I said before, in my humble opinion, interesting times ahead for Flydubai.

15th Jan 2016, 11:18
Concerning EK, are the guys(girls) with only narrow body experience are eligible for DEC positions(website says yes, but how is it in a real life). Have there been these shifts recently?

16th Jan 2016, 17:37
Well, I know a guy who applied for DEC with wide body time and not even get a reply.

17th Jan 2016, 05:39
Not too sure where you are getting 8% attrition from, but as I understand it, it's around 12%.

20th Jan 2016, 01:11
Hi, also looking for information regarding the following:

- Loss of license
- Life insurance
- How many sick days leave per year?
- Any profit scheme available?
- Do they provide an anual leave ticket or any kind of allowance for it?

Sorry for the questions, but I've been searching in most threats about FZ and could not find information about.

Anyone willing to share information?


25th Jan 2016, 06:51

Anyone knows what monthly salary to expect as FO with 80hours a month?

(I would appreciate answer from FO currently flying in FZ)

(I read on the website pilotjobsnetwork 42000AED basic + 125AED/hour and this does NOT match what they offered during interview. What they offered is 41000AED incl. flight pay)

Thanks a lot.

Otto Throttle
28th Jan 2016, 13:23
Simply put, PPJN is wrong and your interviewer was correct. Somewhere around the 41-42k mark is about right.

High Energy
28th Jan 2016, 15:17
Current info in AED per month. Hope this helps.

Basic p/m : 25225
Housing Allowance p/m : 15000
Transport Allowance p/m : 2600
Flightpay : 175 per block hr
School allowance 40K primary, 60K secondary for up to 3 kids. Starts from when they turn 3.

Basic p/m : 17000
Housing Allowance p/m : 12600
Transport Allowance p/m : 2000
Flightpay : 125 per block hr
School allowance same as Captain.

Second officers/cadets:
No idea.

Annual leave ticket can be transferred to you as cash. Depends on your family composition and the destination but can reward up to 13K for 2+2 to Western Europe.

No need to mention pay for flying days off as it's peanuts. :=
Expect between 850-900 hrs per year.

Regarding sick. They follow UAE Labour law article .83;

3 Months AFTER your probation ends you are entitled to sick leave. Max 90 days per year. Cumulative or successive, it's 90 days total. You get;
-15 days full salary
-30 days halve salary
-Then no pay.

They may assign you to office duties if you are classed as 'long term sick' or pregnant.
(The meaning of 'salary' is not broken down so difficult to say what they actually mean. Pretty sure just basic salary without flight pay AND allowances!)

No loss of license.
No real profit share as the number will never hit the set out target as the threshold is way too high IMHO) There is a system in place but just forget about it.

-5 days per year compassionate leave.
-Emergency leave will be deducted from your annual leave balance.

31st Jan 2016, 16:39
Are you able to bid from DWC or is it totally random?


31st Jan 2016, 18:26
Or if you are trying to avoid DWC it is possible at the moment. The company only serves 5 cities, and only 2 of those have more than 1 flight a day. No one knows exactly when or how FZ will move to DWC, but rumors lately are that by the end of 2017 the majority of FZ flights will be from DWC. Probably DWC service will continue to expand starting in the summer when aircraft deliveries start up again, but usually we are the last to hear what really is going to happen.

31st Jan 2016, 18:42
How is the leave situation?

I see the guys at Emirates are getting shafted with the leave, not getting their 42 days and are getting unusable blocks of 4 days here and there.

Is it the same here or can you expect 42 days and a few long blocks off a year?


1st Feb 2016, 03:06
No issue for getting your 42 days annual leave YET...
If we end up in the same crewing situation as our big sister EK , WE will have the same problem.
We are in the Middle East and there is no UNION so the company will do what they need to do without our consent...
What , you guys looking to join , have to understand is that the biggest problem here is the terms and conditions keep changing without notice so it is very difficult to make a Wise decision as we never know what the situation will be tomorrow...
There are many things that have changed ( for the worse ) in 6 years.
Medical insurance coverage , loss of licence gone , have to operate from 2 Airports one hour drive appart , the amount of money paid for our annual leave ticket etc...

4th Feb 2016, 20:38
No changes on the positive side?
It sounds like my present employer. Even the crew meals have changed for worse, much worse.

13th Feb 2016, 13:35
Dear All

I am a CPL holder issued from GCAA. I am considering doing a Type Rating on B737NG with CAE and looking for the career oppurtunitites in Fly Dubai. Can anybody advice me on the same and share your experiences or opinions about it. I have been thru all the requirements and finance required but all I am concerned about is it worth?. And what are the chances of being hired after doing the Type Rating program with them.


14th Feb 2016, 12:57
Well said TBL.

Besides with the growing concern of Oil prices you never know.

15th Feb 2016, 13:21
making flydubai work for you money wise is becoming more and more of a debate with increasing living costs going up but the bottom line in what we make staying the same.

The money does need to improve if they are to attract all the pilots they will need in the future.

At present a typical FO housing allowance is 151,200 AED per year this needs to be looked at with the current rental rates in Dubai. A figure of 200,000 is far more realistic for a 2 bedroom aptm

Old King Coal
15th Feb 2016, 14:56
Dubai school fees set to rise:


arabian rancher
16th Feb 2016, 07:39
It is what it is. Much as I don't like to inject any positivity there is no need to pay 200000 for a 2 bed apartment. Large two bed apartments in silicon Oaisis currently on offer for 75000 per year. Depends if you need a sea view in the marina. And it's not a "housing allowance", it's a part of your salary which Flydubai have partitioned to avoid paying the end of service bonus.
Education allowance is an allowance, and as OKC had pointed out it doesn't cover all the school fees, and looks set to get worse as they go up again. Not good news if you are thinking of joining and have kids.

18th Feb 2016, 16:14
The chief executive of flydubai expects another difficult year for the low-cost carrier as tough economic conditions put pressure on yields.

The airline this month reported a 60 per cent drop in 2015 net profit to Dh100.7 million, blaming a stronger US dollar and tough market conditions.

These factors pressured its overall Revenue Passenger Kilometre yield - a key industry measure of the average fare paid by customers to fly one kilometre - and this is expected to continue in 2016.

“This is going to be a difficult year because of the overall economic outlook - there might be challenges with yield,” said Ghaith Al Ghaith on the sidelines of a business conference on Thursday.

The UAE dirham is pegged to the dollar, which has been recently trading at multi-year highs against a number of global currencies, and this strengthening makes tickets booked in other currencies comparatively more expensive.

Passenger numbers from Russia to Dubai fell 22 per cent in 2015, for example.

Mr Al Ghaith said the carrier was trying to boost traffic from its Dubai hub to Commonwealth of Independent States countries, even if there was less inbound traffic from those countries.

The yield in 2015 was also pressured by the airline’s fuel hedging policy, which covered 41 per cent of its fuel requirements, as oil prices continued to slump.

Mr Al Ghaith said the airline would continue to hedge fuel based on opportunities on contractual instruments. The carrier said in its 2015 results it had 16 per cent of its fuel requirement hedged for the next 24 months.

Fuel hedging is a contract that airlines use to reduce exposure to volatile and potential rises in fuel costs. If the oil price falls below the hedged level, though, the airline has to take an accounting loss against the difference.

The biggest industry beneficiaries of an price oil slump in the last two years have been airlines with no hedging policies, such as Dubai’s flagship carrier Emirates, which posted a 65 per cent jump in first-half profits in November.

Seems like layoffs might be coming and a hiring freeze?

18th Feb 2016, 19:59
Well, they can always delay the 2016 expansion.
Although, to expand and achieve the pilot numbers to cover the expansion they definitely need to improve the package, especially now that the school fees are set to rise again. What do you think FZ will do?
As I said, interesting times ahead for FZ.

19th Feb 2016, 05:41
Looking at the bad situation with economy in CIS countries I doubt they'll get success in foreseeable future at that market!

29th Feb 2016, 17:44
Tasmanian, that is also my opinion.

2nd Mar 2016, 09:41
With taxes and VAT coming in to effect will the bottom line of our earnings be affected or will we be given an increase to balance the taxes so we still get the same amount in our accounts at the end of the month.

I like many others run quite a tight budget and if a major change is going to affect the bottom line figure I'd rather know sooner rather than later.

3rd Mar 2016, 15:51
Who knows if FZ is already taking it in consideration and increased the flight pay in AED 10 per block hour. I thought it was 165 per hour.

Current info in AED per month. Hope this helps.

Basic p/m : 25225
Housing Allowance p/m : 15000
Transport Allowance p/m : 2600
Flightpay : 175 per block hr
School allowance 40K primary, 60K secondary for up to 3 kids. Starts from when they turn 3.

Hopefully the airline will increase your salary. It will be a shame if they don´t.

My present airline tried do reduce the income in around 7% by cutting in some perks. Everybody start looking elsewhere. Shortly after they reinstated the pay.

High Energy
4th Mar 2016, 04:13
It was increased 2 years ago IIRC. They don't want to raise the basic pay as that has an effect on our end of service benefits. So they increased the flightpay by 10 AED p/bh. It needs to go up again to offset current inflation, lack of basic pay rise and massive hike in local Dubai fees. The 5% VAT coming in 2018 needs a proper basic pay adjustement. People are running away back home anyway, that tax will really not help the company unless a big long term effort is made to retain experience.

7th Mar 2016, 21:10
Thank you very much "High Energy". It helped a lot.

Any idea guys where or how to get a decent and convenient accomodation in Dubai and how much it would cost? (I understood that FZ pays a housing allowance which is an allowance if not fully used then the rest is thrown out of the window, so it comes to get anything up to 150.000AED/y. for FO)

Decent and convenient in this case means standard EU quality 3-4bedroom appartment/villa and good level of security, close to the kids play areas and the beach and airport/s or metro. Don't want to spend hours in traffic jams.

Thank you again.

8th Mar 2016, 02:24
Thank you very much "High Energy". It helped a lot.

Any idea guys where or how to get a decent and convenient accomodation in Dubai and how much it would cost? (I understood that FZ pays a housing allowance which is an allowance if not fully used then the rest is thrown out of the window, so it comes to get anything up to 150.000AED/y. for FO)

Decent and convenient in this case means standard EU quality 3-4bedroom appartment/villa and good level of security, close to the kids play areas and the beach and airport/s or metro. Don't want to spend hours in traffic jams.

Thank you again.

As far as places to live, it all depends on personal taste and affordability, I suggest you start with Dubizzle to get an idea of how much you can spend on housing in different areas and different styles . In regards to the allowance, you get to keep whatever you don't spend on housing allowance, it does not go "out the window". If you want an apartment that will cost you 77,000 AED, you get to keep the rest up to your total allowance for the year (I think it's 154,000 AED total)

With that said, if you're looking for a place with 3/4 bedrooms, it'll definitely be a challenge to find something within FZ housing allowance...

8th Mar 2016, 09:34
DWC doesn't seem to be working and why would it with all connections and the convienience of DXB.

Many flights with 5-6 pax on board I think we had a record the other day and had a total of 2 pax on a flight to DOH

11th Mar 2016, 18:16
FZ changing its strategy of not flying beyond a five-hour radius from Dubai. Will FZ start flying long haul with the MAX?

Flydubai plans expansion in eastern Europe and Africa | The National (http://www.thenational.ae/business/aviation/flydubai-plans-expansion-in-eastern-europe-and-africa)

High Energy
11th Mar 2016, 20:48
FZ changing its strategy of not flying beyond a five-hour radius from Dubai. Will FZ start flying long haul with the MAX?

Flydubai plans expansion in eastern Europe and Africa | The National (http://www.thenational.ae/business/aviation/flydubai-plans-expansion-in-eastern-europe-and-africa)

Even with the current NG we already do longhaul, IMHO. 7 Hours flight time in a 737 is considered longhaul in my books. 😋 I'm guessing they are seeing there is money to be made in Europe. Add the likes of Bangkok/Kuala and maybe Singapore to this and we have some loooong shifts.

12th Mar 2016, 02:54
Even with the current NG we already do longhaul, IMHO. 7 Hours flight time in a 737 is considered longhaul in my books. 😋 I'm guessing they are seeing there is money to be made in Europe. Add the likes of Bangkok/Kuala and maybe Singapore to this and we have some loooong shifts.

That would be quiet the stretch for the 737 Max would it even make it from DXB to BKK/KUL or SIN ? Also they will be competing with EK on those routes will that even be allowed?

High Energy
12th Mar 2016, 16:25
That would be quiet the stretch for the 737 Max would it even make it from DXB to BKK/KUL or SIN ? Also they will be competing with EK on those routes will that even be allowed?

It would be a stretch but the Max has a still air distance that would technically make Jakarta possible, just. Again still air and lots of other variables that need to be taken into account too. I can certainly see BKK as the prime option, as rumored a lot. Planning wise they say decisions on destinations are not discussed with EK but I don't buy that. Workers and migrant routes are typically high density but low yielding routes. I'm gussing more European routes would yield a higher yield and be less streneous on the operation and capabilities of the 737. Connecting Europe to Asia would make sense as does Africa to China. But is the 737 the right plane for that job and does that fit into the companies operational structure?

12th Mar 2016, 17:29
EK and FZ are diferente outfits. EK is a legacy airline offering worldwide connections through its hub at DXB. FZ is a discount airline focused essentialy on a point to point operation. FZ hurt to EK would be minimal while, hopefully, the low fares of FZ will stimulate even more the market. That´s the way I see it.

13th Mar 2016, 01:46

It is not the way YOU see it , that is what the business model is based on.
It is supposed to bring more people to Dubaï whose would not have traveled with EK.
If you look at the history of the destination , you will see that FZ has been flying to a lot of EK destinations , Beirut and Damascus were the 2 first one...

13th Mar 2016, 07:34
Am i missing something? What Luibar says is what we have told.

13th Mar 2016, 12:17
I was just giving my point of view to the query of simba82. I don´t see it as a "real" competition.

Also they will be competing with EK on those routes will that even be allowed?

3rd Apr 2016, 06:05
I am a First Officer with a united express carrier in the US. I applied to Fly Dubai and have been invited tot he assessment in Miami next month. I took the online assessment and video interview as well. Long story short, I am confused about a few things. Regarding the documentation required to bring to Miami, it says you must bring a copy of your last 3 pages of logbook stamped or signed by your employer or certifying authority(FAA). Also a copy of your last PC. If any FAA licensed pilots who went through this process, can elaborate what documents did they take as getting a stamped logbook or signed by my employer is unusual in the US. Also, I am using the latestpilotjobs interview prep and practicing the online games and would like to know if all of the exercises on there will be the same as the CTC or only a few of them will be given to the candidates. Thank you.

3rd Apr 2016, 11:35
Call your training department, they have the paper that lists your last PC with all the "Acceptable" or "Pass" markers. Its a standard document that all airlines have, you just dont see it, we just do our PC and head home, they generate that document automatically.

Print your last 3 pages of your logbook. Start with your Chief pilot, ask him if he can sign them, if not then ask your base manager, if not keep going up the ladder until somebody does.

Not sure if they asked for it or not, but go ahead and call your local FSDO office and get the letter that says you're clean of incidents/accidents, you'll need it.

Hope this helps.

3rd Apr 2016, 12:40
When I came to my interview in the ME, not Fly Dubai, I just had my logbook notarized at my bank in Florida. All good.
I think they just want to see the stamp. Like I said I don't work for Fly Dubai. Might not be the case in the UAE.

Good luck.


7th Apr 2016, 23:11
Heard from a couple of friends living in Dubai (not related with aviation) that Flydubai is about to give a pay rise to pilots. The aim is to stop them from leaving (or at least try)...

PS - This is second hand information from someone who knows someone working there so, please, don´t shoot the messenger :O

8th Apr 2016, 03:22
Fly4Fun , I have no idea where your information is coming from BUT Nothing has been announced yet...
On top of that , even if it is true , it will have to be a significant one and an increase of the basic salary and not a ridiculous 10 Dhs increase on the sector pay as they have done before.
The situation since the crash of the FZ981 has deteriorated a lot and many pilots and cabin crew are looking towards new horizons...

8th Apr 2016, 03:26

Can anyone inform for how long the most senior FO is in the company ?

I just would like to know what's the average time for an experienced FO upgrade at flydubai.

Tks !

8th Apr 2016, 04:29
The most senior FO is here for 6 years , it is not enough to be within the criteria for upgrade you also have to pass it.
We have had some failure and this number may increase with the consequence of the crash of the FZ981...

8th Apr 2016, 06:12
I am amazed that anyone would want to go there.

8th Apr 2016, 06:31
I am amazed that anyone would want to go there.
I'm always amazed that certain european LCC's are able to find pilots.......

8th Apr 2016, 07:05
Think long and hard about this...things are not always what they appear to be...dont let airplane size be any factor in your decision...

8th Apr 2016, 07:28
Odd comment. I would have thought that it was obvious.

8th Apr 2016, 22:59
dubaigong, as I said this is second hand information from a friend of mine not related with aviation, so most probably not that accurate. Maybe it is just street talk.

14th Apr 2016, 17:53
Well, apparently, EK is already on the discussion for the bonus and pay rise. What about FZ?

15th Apr 2016, 23:11
Are the 7 737NG deliveries this year going to get deferred to next year due to the Economy slowdown in Middle East?

High Energy
16th Apr 2016, 05:11
Are the 7 737NG deliveries this year going to get deferred to next year due to the Economy slowdown in Middle East?

No. 8 new NG's are coming with the first 2 here by July 01st. The first one is already on the Renton flightline.
I've not seen a single digit drop in loadfactors since the event. It's just very tight on crew at the moment.

17th Apr 2016, 21:05
No. 8 new NG's are coming with the first 2 here by July 01st. The first one is already on the Renton flightline.
I've not seen a single digit drop in loadfactors since the event. It's just very tight on crew at the moment.

Thanks for the Reply High Energy.Good to know that Load Factors are positive after the sad event.Hoping they increase the hiring now in all Departments as I am looking to get into Engineering side at FD hopefully..

25th Apr 2016, 01:35

Anybody who has got thru into Fly Dubai with CAE type rating programme for B737.

27th Apr 2016, 18:21
Good Day fellow aviators. I am a regional airline pilot in the USA and have close to 3000TT. I just recently successfully went through the CTC screening process and interview process from the pilapt tests and games, and face to face with the HR/Mgmt and the sim. I passed each phase and feel good about my chances. I should expect to get a start or official class date hopefully. Would like to ask my fellow aviators from FZ about the QOL at FZ coming in at this time and how much is the exact pay per month and is the compensation presented enough despite the living expenses in Dubai. And if some pilots are leaving, if one can provide why are they leaving and for which air carriers are they leaving for if known. Would appreciate any input given. Also now that I am done with all of the interview process, if hired, will i be placed in a hiring pool for a future date, or given a start class date and how long can training be from Day 1 to actually flying the aircraft on the line. Thank you.

27th Apr 2016, 19:37
A close friend applied 3 weeks ago to Flydubai as DEC, non type rated. He never heard anything or even got a confirmation email.

Today he send again his application. This time to the Dubai assessment centre. He told me that FZ is advertising for both rated and non rated on several assessment centres. Maybe CTC in Southampton is not getting enough demand.

If Flydubai is not coming with a decent revision on the package and with the Ryanair roadshow in a couple of weeks, the situation can become "interesting" now that the expansion is due to start.

27th Apr 2016, 19:42
A close friend applied 3 weeks ago to Flydubai as DEC, non type rated. He never heard anything or even got a confirmation email.

Today he send again his application. This time to the Dubai assessment centre. He told me that FZ is advertising for both rated and non rated on several assessment centres. Maybe CTC in Southampton is not getting enough demand.

If Flydubai is not coming with a decent revision on the package and with the Ryanair roadshow in a couple of weeks, the situation can become "interesting" now that the expansion is due to start.

Don't forget the "pay to try" policy for screenings. I gave up from FZ when CTC tried to charge me for the assessment.

....Bailling out!!!!

28th Apr 2016, 04:47
After you have completed all phases of interview from the CTC screening, face to face and the simulator, and you receive a email within a day asking for a survey of the whole entire interview process, is that something to be concerned of and expect a no thank you or everyone gets a survey after the interview process is complete.

28th Apr 2016, 11:51
Babydash 83,

I guess that you have made your homeworks before applying for FZ and that you have read evrything available on this website about it...
I also guess that you are aware that one of our Aircraft has crashed the 19th of April in Russia during a night flight.
Since then NOTHING has changed in the company , the company have provided some support for the families of the victims , a pin have been manufactured in memory of the FZ981 flight , the flight number has been cancelled and they are talking about building a memorial...
Fine , do you think this will avoid another accident in the future ?
Don't you think that Something else could be done ?
A lot of pilots and cabin crew have resigned and some more will do it as soon as their escape route will be in place.
The only attempt from the company to try to keep the people from leaving has been a annoucement of a future provident fund system ( no company contribution announced yet , you can just put YOUR money for now ) and a nice increase of 12 Dhrs per hour on the flight pay.
Now , I know that coming from the regional in the USA you would die for a jet rating but make your homeworks , many of your american friends left already back to the US.
Other pilots are also leaving back to Europe to join low cost carrier like Ryanair , Jet2 , Norvegian and some others are joining the Chinese carrier on long haul or B737 , other Middle East carrier manage to attract Flydubai pilots ( Emirates , Qatar Airways , Saudia Airlines )
Wish you all the best for your decision

28th Apr 2016, 16:33
Agreed nothing has really been done regarding schedule after the accident.

I would actually be 100% honest and say I think it's got slightly worse...

I was naive in thinking a hull loss would actually force change in rostering. Sadly not :(

28th Apr 2016, 17:03
And if some pilots are leaving, if one can provide why are they leaving and for which air carriers are they leaving for if known.


Many pilots have left over the last couple of years, I am one of them. I moved up around 50 places per year on the seniority list, which gives you an idea of the turnover. Americans returning to the majors, Brits moving to Ryanair, Jet2 and B.A., Cypriots joining Ryanair at Paphos, etc.

As for the reasons for leaving, I can’t speak for everyone, but the common theme with just about all who had resigned or were planning to leave (myself included) was the dreadful rostering. Plan on 80-90 block hours per month, and if you regard that as industry standard, bear in mind that for junior guys, duty hours will be more like 150hrs per month. Expect lots of deep night flights, random switching between day and night flying, single days off, and rest periods that are regularly between 18 and 30hrs – in spite of what is written in the company OM’A’. Standby duties invariably become a mystery flight to somewhere horrible, often in the dead of night. You will also have the delights of deadheading sectors – possibly 4hrs plus at the back of a packed economy cabin – prior to operating back to DXB.

Put all that together, month after month, and you get fatigue. I’ve experienced it during deep night flying, and it’s bloody frightening. In my time there, fatigue ASRs were averaging 20+ per month, and - assuming you could get a response from those responsible for the roster – they would either try and blame the bidding system or shrug their shoulders and tell you “it’s legal captain.”

Another issue for me was training, or rather lack of it. FZ has some brilliant individual trainers, but the culture – from the highest level – seemed to assume that possession of the 737 FCOM & FCTM meant you should consider yourself trained. There is no extra training given for places like Kabul; you are expected to read the brief and just get on with it. Recurrent sims often focus much more on testing than training.

No doubt at the interview you were asked if you’d be prepared to fly to war zones, and no doubt you said ‘yes’, else you wouldn’t be offered a job. However, the least you could expect is that the company has your back covered with security matters, and I have seen plenty of evidence to suggest that is not the case. To pick just one example, a proactive security department would not have allowed an aircraft to land in Sana’a and promptly be surrounded by armed rebels, leaving the crew to try and negotiate their way out of the situation.

In my opinion, given the punishing rosters, the fatigue, the mediocre training and the ‘adventurous’ attitude to risk, the holes were all lining up, and it was only a matter of time before something really nasty happened. One of the saddest aspects of the crash was that it came as no surprise to me, or many of my colleagues. I made the decision to leave last year, when my wife asked me if a destination I was about to fly to was safe, and I couldn’t honestly answer yes. The tax free salary and five-star lifestyle count for very little if you're constantly knackered and don’t feel safe when you go to work. Having escaped, I am now at a very different airline, whose safety and training standards are as good as anyone in the world, and the contrast with what I’ve just left could not be starker.

I seriously doubt the company culture at FZ will ever change.

29th Apr 2016, 08:59

Have you read this thread at all? You only have to go a few pages back to pick up the general feeling within and towards FZ. Go back a bit further, and you will discover even more interesting facts about life in Dubai and FZ. It's all there.

For years people have been complaining about brutal, and I mean brutal, rosters. The levels of fatigue in FZ are immense. Add to that a hull loss recently and you start to to see the the bigger picture.

My honest advice is steer well clear of this airline. I appreciate that life in the regionals is tough, but this is place is dangerous. I and many of my friends have left or will leave soon. The last 18 months has seen over 120 pilots resign.

Be careful what you wish for and good luck in your choices.

29th Apr 2016, 09:58
Well said.

Just in case the message isn't clear enough, it could just as easily have been me or any of my mates in that aircraft at Rostov. There but for the grace of God.

Even assuming FZ manage to avoid another hull loss, their rostering practices will take years off you. My life in Dubai largely consisted of work, or recovering from work. It wasn't my idea of a quality lifestyle.

30th Apr 2016, 01:27

This new Airline business culture is the same in almost everywhere.

Investors just want to make money, doesn't matter how or how it has been done.

In case of accident the insurance companies cover all losses, nothing to worry about.

No feelings, no emotion, no regrets, no blame feelings, no humanity... this is just business for then. If you leave tomorrow another one will be in your place.

Low cost, high productivity.

All of us are making someone become more millionaire year after year and that's all. They simply don't mind about whatever, they are making a lot of money and that's all.

Sad but true.

3rd May 2016, 21:58
Got an CTC aviation e-mail today. An AMAZING opportunity for the FZ assessment for free in UK. You got it right! FOR FREE...

3rd May 2016, 22:14
The only attempt from the company to try to keep the people from leaving has been a annoucement of a future provident fund system ( no company contribution announced yet , you can just put YOUR money for now ) and a nice increase of 12 Dhrs per hour on the flight pay.

FZ should reduce the weight of the PBS to create a more balanced roster for every pilot and introduce a seniority pay, along with an increase of the basic to face the upcoming VAT.

Lets see what is going to be the company contribution.

4th May 2016, 04:51
Free assessment with CTC for Flydubaï...

Ask yourself why ? After 7 years of operation , they have now to give the assessment for free !!!

Since the loss of one of their aircraft the rate of pilot's resignation has increase and they struggle to get people to join the company so they try by giving the assessment for free.

They also sent to the employee an e-mail to ask them to recommend people they know to join !!!
If they are not happy about their own conditions how can the company believe they will recommend this job to somebody else ???

4th May 2016, 18:57

because they're either too stupid or simply too arrogant......

Old King Coal
4th May 2016, 19:16
what-to-do: That's the whole of Dubai described in a nutshell !

6th May 2016, 09:53
Hi There, can anyone tell me what the Fly Dubai travel benefits are and if they cover parents and in-laws?

High Energy
6th May 2016, 15:58
Hi There, can anyone tell me what the Fly Dubai travel benefits are and if they cover parents and in-laws?

From memory;
With flydubai you can nominate your own family as Group 1, and extended family (parents and in-laws) as Group 2. (4 persons max IIRC but not sure) You can also nominate 5 buddies and you can only change those once per year.

Group 1 is unlimitd flydubai Firm and Stby tickets, Economy and Business class.
Group 2 is 12 Firm tickets only, Economy and Business class.
Buddies are unlimited Firm tickets in Economy only.

Kids <12 only in Economy. Bookings now done online and deducted from you monthly pay.

On Air Arabia and Emirates it's only your own direct family. No parents/in-laws or buddies.
On Emirates it's Eco&Business with ID50 and ID90. We have the very lowest onload priority, even lower than Dnata. Bookings and changes are now done online. Kids <18 only in Economy IIRC. But might be wrong.

6th May 2016, 15:59
gentleman despite all the things said about flydubai, I decided to apply for the airline. So I filled out the online form uploaded my cv and everything and now got an email back stating that I should fill an online assesment, tried to do some research about it and the only thing I could find it's that it tests your personality and english skills? Off course it's only the first step and I know that afterwards should i be invited for a screening I should prepare with latestpilotjobs. Am I missing something? can anyone give some advise?

6th May 2016, 17:24
I was about to apply then I saw this
"He/she will also be operating the aircraft in temperatures as low as -40 degrees Celsius and as high as 50 degree Celsius and will be required to fly at anytime during a 24 hour period subject to GCAA flight time limitations... The employee may be required to operate in environments and countries designated at war zones "

6th May 2016, 17:37
I was about to apply then I saw this
"He/she will also be operating the aircraft in temperatures as low as -40 degrees Celsius and as high as 50 degree Celsius and will be required to fly at anytime during a 24 hour period subject to GCAA flight time limitations... The employee may be required to operate in environments and countries designated at war zones "
I was about to apply then I saw this
"He/she will also be operating the aircraft in temperatures as low as -40 degrees Celsius and as high as 50 degree Celsius and will be required to fly at anytime during a 24 hour period subject to GCAA flight time limitations... The employee may be required to operate in environments and countries designated at war zones "

yes for some all this can be scary but for others can be exiting...doesn't mater but for me it would be a huge step in my career....for people who can choose where to fly I think this is not a good option.... but believe me, some of us are in worst situations!

High Energy
6th May 2016, 21:05
I was about to apply then I saw this
"He/she will also be operating the aircraft in temperatures as low as -40 degrees Celsius and as high as 50 degree Celsius and will be required to fly at anytime during a 24 hour period subject to GCAA flight time limitations... The employee may be required to operate in environments and countries designated at war zones "

Have a good look at our routemap. Many places are either warzones or troubled areas. Kabul, Bagram, Kandahar, Djibouti, Baghdad, Najaf, Erbil, Hargheisa, Gizan, Juba, Port Sudan, Khartoum. Previously Sana'a, Aden, Damascus, Aleppo, Sulaymaniyah, Camp Bastion, Burundi, Kigali. Just to name a few. This should not have been a surprise as it must have been picked up during the prep stage. You will also be asked during your interview if you mind going to these kind of places.

I believe nowadays there is also a online video interview that has to be done. Seems to be a new thing.

7th May 2016, 02:32
Like Otis44 said , some like it and find it " exiting "...
Let him join BUT please once here don't start complaining or I kick you out of the flight deck.

7th May 2016, 13:55
High Energy, I'm wondering why Kigali is on your list. Rwanda is ranked 7th most efficient government in the world (the number 1 in Africa) and Kigali the cleanest, safest, fastest and most liveable city in Africa according to the United Nation ranking in 2016.

7th May 2016, 16:59
In his/her defense he/she does use 'previously' as a qualifying condition.

Despite what Mr. Kagame has done for his nation, political freedom is sorely missing in that country. Definitely doesn't qualify as a war zone at this point of time, but I digress.

Back to the pertinent issue of flying through war zones NOW.

10th May 2016, 05:15
I am set to join Fly Dubai and have just been hit by a family emergency, would like to ask my fellow aviators from Fly Dubai, that if possible can i delay my class or request to be placed in a further class date if possible while i get through this family issue. And should I make this request with the same point of contact who first gave me my training details initially. And what are the chances if my request will be granted and when i say delay my class, i mean by few months. Would appreciate any feedback.

10th May 2016, 22:25
Hi guys, anybody knows what flydubai recruitment team intends for the "license verification letter (FAA / CAA / ICAO)"?

11th May 2016, 06:17
Regards to changing a start date if it was agreed in the first instance that the start date will be delayed I think is okay.

If however you already agreed a start date and now want to change you may get a negative response. But all you can do is ask.

14th May 2016, 05:17
Hi All,
Anyone going for the assessment on the 7th of june in Southampton?
Please pm me.

Vortex Thing
14th May 2016, 07:27
babydash 83.

To try and give you some perspective on how the firm views people who change their minds. I personally know cabin crew who were refused leave to go to parents funerals.

Please note it is not a mistake in my use of English that the words above are plural. i.e I know MORE than 1 serving cabin crew member who was not allowed to attend a parents funeral.

Your family emergencies are not relevant to flydubai or anyone working in a capacity to care about your arrival. If you have a start date and you try and delay it you personal worth defines the answer. If you are a type rated Captain, then they will wait. Not too long but they will wait. If you are a type rated FO, then they will wait, not as long as a Capt but a little. If you are a non type rated Captain then they may wait if you have a nice solid few thousand hours in similar i.e A320, etc. If you are a non-type rated FO and you put off your start date then perhaps you will get called this year perhaps your start date will go into file 13.

Forewarned is forearmed. You are going somewhere where nobody gives a monkeys about your problems, you fly the plane you go home or you are just another problem that they have to deal with. Pesky things like family, weather, dangerous goods regs, humanity, reasonability and the law serve only as a framework to ascertain what they can get away with doing.

What they can get away with doing is basically anything. The clue will be that people are dead and NOTHING has changed. That should give you some perspective of how important your family crisis is and will be for them.

Good luck VT

25th May 2016, 21:11
gentleman despite all the things said about flydubai, I decided to apply for the airline. So I filled out the online form uploaded my cv and everything and now got an email back stating that I should fill an online assesment, tried to do some research about it and the only thing I could find it's that it tests your personality and english skills? Off course it's only the first step and I know that afterwards should i be invited for a screening I should prepare with latestpilotjobs. Am I missing something? can anyone give some advise.

Fellas, I am in the same situation. Got an invite to do the online assessment as well. Anyone with the latest info on the process, Please advise.
Type rated FO currently on the 73 in the U.S. Thanx.

26th May 2016, 02:46
Completed the online assessment on 5/11 but no word yet. I'm not sure if that means I flunked the online assessment or they just haven't gotten around to it. I'd be very surprised if I flunked because I have taken these things successfully several times already throughout my career.

How long after taking the assessment has others received a response?

26th May 2016, 07:34
" despite all the things said about Flydubai , I decided to apply "
So now you can start to experience how it works , enjoy...

26th May 2016, 09:03
17,18 19 June Assessment Istanbul anyone going? Got confirmation only 1 day assessment directly on the sim for direct entry guys from 73.

29th May 2016, 00:21
Any news regarding new destinations?

Piloto Maluco
29th May 2016, 08:32
Hi folks, do you think that they can accept pilots with 200TT and a valid B737 TR? Or they "oblige us" to go trough CAE for the TR ?! I am asking that because in the US a TR on B737NG costs $14.000 .... thank you guys

Piloto Maluco
29th May 2016, 13:05
Thanks for your reply,

I've seen few LinkedIn profiles for who FZ was the first pilot job, so I am wondering how come they got hired... cause they are very far away of 2500TT and 1000h on jet :/

Vortex Thing
29th May 2016, 15:35
Okay Applicants.

I have had no less than 5 pilots ask me about the selection process and various aspects of it via PM. Most of those pilots are likely asking more chaps than me as their inboxes are now full and so I can't reply to you directly. To this end for all applicants and to be fair to everyone is getting the same answer from me, here goes.

My take on how these things work in life is. You pay whatever is required to give yourself the best shot at passing easy first time.

My take away from being a military pilot back where I started was train hard and fight easy.

First things first. I recommend using the latest pilot jobs website and paying for practice. I didn't use if for FZ (because it didn't exist when I joined, I did use it last year to move to my new airline and it was awesome. I would have paid 3 times the amount it was that helpful!)

How does this apply to you right now. Simples, you don't have to get a joystick if you do not already have one BUT if you do you will be better prepared. Things in FZ selection life work to quotas as well as demand.

Selection via CTC is about a bar AND a quota. So in my experience on average 12 candidates turn up for each selection. 6 will fail by lunchtime on day 1, another 2-3 will fail day 1 evening or day 2 morning. 3, on average, will proceed to final interview and 2/3 will end up being offfered jobs 2 will actually start. THESE ARE AVERAGES. There will be selections when no one passes and some where 8 people pass.

Do you or do you not pay for selection? Well you don't have to but you don't get the job unless you do! Your choice but whinging about the fact that they charge or don't charge is just irrelevant. What's on the table is what's on the table! The reality is they don't care if you join now or 3 yrs down the line when they reduce/drop the charge to apply. If they run short of pilots they may even provide incentive to join. You on the other hand either need Dubai or you don't. If you don't need it then why would you come! If you need it then whatever it costs you to get the job is simply an investment. For Mrs VT and I we paid off all our debts and left with our lives turned around.

So as stated on some selections they pass no one at all and wash the whole group out, if they have just done that there may be a little pressure to get a few passes to justify their existence so you may be a weak candidate on a weak candidate selection base and get through. On the other hand you may be a strong candidate on a strong selection who would have been the top candidate 3 weeks ago but on this particular selction week you went up against 3 ex Blue Angels and 3 ex Red Arrows and they have also filled all the sim slots for the next 6 months.

Now here is the real issue in British Airways or Virgin etc they would still see that you are above "the bar" and put you in a hold pool. At FZ they just don't care because there is a constant stream of applicants stupid enough to think that their life is so bad that the pros outweight the cons of going to FZ. In our case it was a close run thing. However we really really needed the money, just to have any form of future in the UK.

If you are a family with school age children and your wife does not work your choice is simple either live below the standard of the UK or expect to make nothing until you ar a skipper. If you are singly then FZ is a cash cow. Please bear in mind this is my personal standard not necessarily yours. ie I do not think living in a 3 bed in The Springs or Motor City is worth being in Dubai for. If I had to move to Mirdiff I would have moved back to UK. Private school is not a luxury it is a necessity, etc, etc so please take this as what we wanted out of Dubai NOT what you want if you are moving to Dubai from Romania whee the cost of living is 1/20 of that of London.

Moving on.....

You as an individual don't matter as it is just a business, you have no tangible value other than filling a seat they don't care if you can offer 20 times more than another pilot you are either competent as an FO or a Capt and nothing else really matters. So get over yourself, what you have to offer is the ability to give crewing another pawn for thier chess set. It is to this end that though they use a reasonably robust selection procedure purely to mitigate thier training losses rather than for any desire to actually have the best pilots which is something they simply do not care about!

So do you buy a joystick for $50 that you should probably already have and use it for not just this selection but every selection ever in history moving forward and for keeping up your skills practising difficult approaches like Kabul, Sanaa, Addis, etc yourself (because there is no real training only checking) when you are going to happen hopefully take a job paying $10,000 tax free per month. Well if you need help to work that out then you are going to the wrong airline!

You have to speculate to accumulate. You are given nothing and expected to pay for everything and drop everything the moment they say. They are not your employers they are your owners you are their slave. That is the relationship, get used to that mentality and just do what you are told when you are told regardless of whether you agree or actually and proveably know better! They simply don't care, the philosophy is shut up and fly the plane how, where and when we tell you. If you want something different join another airline.

Flydubai Pilot Interview and assessment-Latest Pilot Jobs-Latest Pilot Jobs (http://www.latestpilotjobs.com/interviews/view/subject/Flydubai%20Pilot%20Interview%20and%20assessment)

Everything in FDB is preset and preordained. Just pay the cash, practice the tests and you will be fine.

To the Americans please understand the interview style is British and if you are unfamiliar with this basically it is usual for us to have 2/3 days interview process. It is usual for more people to fail than pass and you are expected to know what you are being asked.

I.e Know the aircraft you a)currently fly and b) would fly at FDB. be able to tell the interviewer about the airline, its history and its likely direction. You need to know where you will fly, who you will work with, what the operation is and does.

It doesn't matter how much they tell you they will give you all info and there is no need to prepare and be yourself what they mean is we want you to be vulnerable and see what you really know. Your job is to make them believe what you really know is everything about the plane, operation and environment and that you want everything on offer.

So technical is technical if you pass you pass and thats that. However with the individual and group interview you must take part actively, be involved without dominating, contribute something useful and in the individual interview your answer to everything is yes!!!

Interviews with British style airlines are not the place to ask about terms and conditions. You ask after you have the job for now if you want a job you just say yes. You are happy to live in the Middle East, you are happy to fly to war zones, you are happy to fly into **** weather with limited support and resources, you are happy to work with people who can barely speak English, you are happy to work in extremes of temperature, you are happy to fly punishing rosters and you are happy that your management will manage but never lead and that you are just a driver who will turn up and do what they are told when they are told.

You answering yes to all questions shows them that, if you start pushing back in the interview expect to not get the job!

Last but not least if you are type rated they expect that you know everything about your plane. When it comes to trg there is 4 sim session, 10 sectors of line trg (usually done in 3-4 days) and then you are on your own with a brand new captain to Afghanistan at 03:00hrs in the morning! It is not a hand holding airline, you have an FCOM and and Ops Manual. You are expected to know what is on each and every of the 2000 pages of manual and will not be taught anything. It is checking and testing not training, don't except any training there is none![/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

Please don't PM unless you need to ask something private, the clue is in the p of pm! If its a general question put it out here for all your colleagues to see. This is after a thread for those in and considering or recently of the leaderless ship that is FZ.

31st May 2016, 20:59
There is no charge for assessment in Istanbul selection via second agency, unlike Southampton. Additionally hotel + transportation is provided.

Vortex Thing
2nd Jun 2016, 14:47
Yes no charge in Istanbul but it is done by people living in Istanbul! So horses for courses. If you are used to a UK style selection get on with it and approach business in the same way ie you see CTC a good environ then I would urge you to go to Southampton. I would love if all things were equal all around the world and all selections run the same by the same poeple but it sadly isn't like that in reality.

At the end of the day the ends is what matters and the means are just the means. This is your career sometimes it takes investment to get a return.

2nd Jun 2016, 15:00
Istanbul assessment conducted by flydubai team not local team. Why to invest to get a job:ugh: but only for rated guys. non rated guys have option to go via CAE.

Vortex Thing
2nd Jun 2016, 15:25
Errm my point exactly you don't want to be selected by the flydubai team you want CTC!

Why invest to get a job! Errm because your career provides for your family and is the most important thing in your life for being able to do just that!

If you have paid £100,000 to get a licence, £25,000 for a type rating and cant/wont pay £200 to get a job that will pay you £7,500 take home as an FO or £10,000 as a captain per month something is wrong with your maths!

If you have been lucky enough to not have had to pay for all that then even luckier for you! And even less cost and thus more reason to pay for interview. Its simple supply and demand! You get a new suit, you get a haircut, you read up and you are just more likely to pass. You tend to get out what you put in in my experience thos who save pennies often find they loose pounds if they are too short sighted.

Has worked for me all my life so just trying to give advice to those who want to do the same. I've already been selected, got the job, got the tshirt, filled my bucket and banged out. I'm just trying to give something back to the profession I love.

I tend to find shortcuts and aviation don't mix unless they are in the OFP to save fuel!

2nd Jun 2016, 18:30
:ugh: Maybe CTC should start an airline.:ok:

4th Jun 2016, 06:50
hi, anybody know will be the comp tests (colours, numbers etc) on interview in Dubai or won't? They say "group exercises". Does it include the tests as well?

7th Jun 2016, 08:32
After doing the online personality questionnaire, I'm asked to make a video interview.. anybody did the same already and could share his experience? Which or what kind of questions has to be answered?

Thanks for helping out!

8th Jun 2016, 20:22
My friends,

Where's easier to pass in their screening and get the job offer: in UK or DXB?

They called me for F.O NTR role interview .. I'm f.o from A320.

9th Jun 2016, 08:44
Why don't you rather apply to air Arabia then? They are looking for a320 crew at all their bases..

They don't hire direct entry F.O's.

For F.O's, there's a Cadet Pilot program in Air Arabia

9th Jun 2016, 14:03
Might as well apply to QR, the unamed airline and EK (if you want to fly a widebody) and if you want to work in the ME.

Better pay, and considering most airlines in the desert have similar conditions, you might as well make more money, unless DXB is where you want to live and you don't want to work for EK...

Also consider why you'd want to go from a a320 FO to a 737 FO (year 1) at FZ?...You could definitely see command earlier if you stay on the a320.

10th Jun 2016, 05:18

I'm sorry, but the question was:

-Where's easier to pass in their screening and get the job offer: in UK or DXB?

Simple and direct please