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16th Feb 2024, 15:56
Hi everyone, how long does it normally take for the application to be deleted from the portal after final interview?
When was your final interview? I had my interview on 05/02, but still haven’t heard back from them.

17th Feb 2024, 12:45
Hi everyone, how long does it normally take for the application to be deleted from the portal after final interview?
from 2hrs to 2weeks

18th Feb 2024, 00:53
When was your final interview? I had my interview on 05/02, but still haven’t heard back from them.
It was last week. Is your application still in portal?

18th Feb 2024, 13:31
It was last week. Is your application still in portal?
Ya, still active.

19th Feb 2024, 00:21
Ya, still active.
if the application is still in your portal you should be fine.

20th Feb 2024, 08:49
Does anyone know what questions they ask in the Initial Interview?

20th Feb 2024, 14:31
Hi there. Newbie here. Have a few questions to ask about the program.

1) What does a cruise relief pilot do actually? Why can't they fly? I thought a pilot was supposed to fly an airplane, like a uber driver, no? (There is no job description on the job ad)
2) I am in LGBT group. Is the program GAY FRIENDLY? Will they kick you out when they found out that you are gay? (Sorry but HK still does not recognise same sex marriage)
3) Will they allow you to hook up with anyone during training? Like, if you hook up with a stranger or your classmate and get caught, will they kick you out straight away? or they just don't care?
4) The medical test, do they care about your sexual history or background? Do they care if you have STD, STI or not?

There is so little information on their website, no job description, and the requirements are so vague. Any insight would be appreciated!

24th Feb 2024, 01:58
Anyone have any ideas on how the ICAO will be done, considering that I have no experience at all when it comes to communicating at an aviation type level? I will be doing my ICAO test on the 28th and I feel like I am too unprepared for it looking at the tests that will be done

27th Feb 2024, 09:12
Hi everyone, how long does it normally take for the application to be deleted from the portal after final interview?
Have you heard back from cx?

28th Feb 2024, 03:11
Flipthebird, there you go.

SO Guide. Part 1. Introduction and Despatch

The Ultimate SO Guide
By Second Officers X, Y and Z.


Ever dreamed of soaring among the clouds, pushing the throttles forward as you accelerate 400tonns of metal down the runway? Watched aviators navigate the skies, arriving with a firm touchdown some fourteen hours later and wonder if that could ever be you? Remaining calm as you’re confronted with an emergency requiring all your knowledge and skill to be applied in just the right sequence to save the lives of your passengers and crew?

As a Second Officer, you can forget all that. Your function is to eat any food not consumed by senior crewmembers, prepare the bunks for the real pilots and stare into darkness knowing that if anything actually happens which require the last bit of decision making or actual pilot skills, you’re on your way to the back of the cockpit as fast as you can say “sandwich?”

Since your job doesn’t really amount to much, the company hasn’t bothered to write a job description for you. The only place you’re mentioned is when describing your place in the food-chain; squeezed in tightly between the ISM and the safety pilot. In real life, mind you, you’re below the ISM, the captain’s wife, all first class passengers, as well as any positioning aircrew. If you want some respect as a result of your fancy title and giant hat, the 19 year old stationed at L5 is your best bet. Anyone wearing black, blue or purple uniform is above you, and if it wasn’t for the fact that there are actually two pilots required in the cockpit, you’d never see any of them from takeoff to landing.

So we’ve written this guide to help you along in your new role as a Second Officer. With the ink still wet on your P2X rating and your hat still looking like a nuclear mushroom cloud, reading the following pages will at least let you pretend to know what you’re supposed to be doing.


Sign on time is 70 minutes prior to departure. You’d be an idiot to actually show up 70 minutes prior to departure, giving away your newbie status immediately. As a Second Officer, you’re expected to be there early enough to stock the flight documents bag with all the essentials; ear plugs, sanitary wipes, moisturizers and covers for the headsets. You’ll ultimately be blamed if a missed NOTAM causes any problems down the line, so you’re also expected to memorize closed taxiways and shortened runways for airports you’ll never see from your windowless seat. You should retrieve the DDG from dispatch if there are any ADD’s raised, and be prepared to wait outside the circle as the rest of the crew huddle in secrecy to discuss any implications the DDG might have. Once they’ve finished, you take the DDG back to dispatch without a clue as to what just happened.

This takes us on to the flight documents. Gross-error checks are big part of the operation, and just like real pilots you’re expected to make your own little notes on your own little paper in your own non-standardized way about the flight. Make a note of the estimated ZFW on your paper, and when the others decide on how much fuel to bring, add that to the ZFW. You now have your very own ramp weight, and after deducting any taxi burn you should be able to estimate your TOW. A further deduction of trip-fuel should give you the landing weight, which as the SO has no meaning to you what-so-ever.

Some captains, having recently completed a CRM course, might ask you about relevant NOTAMS or weather of concern. But most don’t. Keeping your mouth shut, your back straight and your eyes down will make you look the role of a seasoned SO; not expected to provide any useful information and not deemed worthy to share any with.

As the “briefing” comes to a close, expect the ISM to approach the table having finished her own separate briefing for the cabin crew at a different location. You have no idea what she has told her crew, and in the best CRM fashion she has no idea what we're expecting from the flight. She will smile, introduce herself to the Captain, and shake your hand.

With everything set to go, your job is to collect all the paperwork, less the Initial Dispatch Message and Crew Currency Sheet. Place them in the flight documents bag and carry them to the aircraft like the junior crewmember you are. If the captain wears a jacket, put on a jacket. If he wears a hat, put on your hat. And off you go to board the bus.

28th Feb 2024, 03:12
SO Guide. Part 2. Boarding and Pre-departure


Once on the bus, it’s customary to introduce yourself to the girls if you haven’t already done so. A big wave while stating your name is just fine, and expect a synchronized greeting in return. The girls sit in the back, while you take your seat somewhere in the first two rows. Once the bus gets rolling, expect the Captain to make a “briefing” to the girls, which includes the flight time, the weather at destination, the taxi-time and the procedures to be used for opening the cockpit door. Any query for questions at this stage will be met with silence.

When arriving at the aircraft, enter the aircraft via the L2 staircase; not the L1 leading to first class. An engineer or refueller will approach the captain with a water sample, and the operating FO will hand the refueling record to the same guy with either flight-plan fuel (minus X tons standby depending on your fleet) or some other fuel figure unknown to you on it. Climb the stairs to the door leading into the jet bridge, preferably behind the captain as it’s common courtesy to let him enter the aircraft first.

Making your way to the cockpit, the magazine rack looks very tempting. Try not to let the girls see you grabbing the last copy of The Economist, Newsweek, and Car and Driver, and depending on whom the captain is it might be a good idea to keep them out-of-sight until the first fuel-check is complete and you're sitting in deafening silence over Indonesia with the poor sod who's been nominated RQ.


Once arriving on the flight deck, the first thing usually done is a read-through of the aircraft log. Most captains will work their way from the front to the back, highlighting any noting exterior damage to be verified on the walk-around by the RQ. SADDs, PADDs and ADDs are reviewed, with any open items requiring DDG dispatch. As a second officer, you merely observe this process and are seldom asked for any input or comments. Once the log review is complete, the RQ departs the flight-deck for the walk around leaving you with three all-important tasks; making the bunks(744 only), eating the sandwiches and performing the safety-checks in accordance with FCOM 3. Performing the safety checks should take you 2-3 minutes, leaving plenty of time for the sandwiches and bunk-making. Take note, however, that making the bunks is catch 22. Almost all captains, increasing with seniority, expect you to make the bunks. Some captains, however, expect you to be on the jump seat observing every entry made into the FMCs, and will reprimand you for preparing the bunks when there’s “real work to be done” (like watching the back of someone’s hand punching fingers into a keypad you can’t read below a screen that you can’t see for reasons you can’t know because the ATIS and final ZFW are lying face down above the throttles.) Make the best of it.

You’re usually done making the bunks about the same time as the RQ returns from his hike around the aircraft. He’ll often take the middle seat, although FOs waiting to hit the bunk at clean speed might offer you the seat. Once seated, you’ve now got ages of time to enjoy those tasty sandwiches before it’s time to complete your final task; checking the fuel figures.

The engineer will bring the fuel order form to the flight deck once refueling has been completed. This can’t be done before we’ve received the final ZFW, which means checking the final fuel load is one of the last things we do before departure. Your job will be to verify that the expected upload matches the actual upload. Add the sums of all the liters (or US gallons) uploaded from the fuel receipts, multiply it by the specific gravity to arrive at the total upload in tons. Compare this with the expected upload, allowing +2t/-1t of discrepancy, and at the same time compare the actual fuel distribution in the tanks to the pre-calculated fuel distribution tables found in the overhead console. Pass the fuel-records to the skipper and let him know you’ve checked them to be correct.

Once this is complete, you’re all done. Sit back, fasten your belt and try to stay awake. The final visit to the cockpit will be done shortly by the gate-agent, who provides the captain with the final passenger number and load-sheet edition. She’ll close the cockpit door on her way out, and as soon as the L2 door shuts the guys in the window seats will ask for a pushback.

28th Feb 2024, 03:13
SO Guide. Part 3. Taxi, cruise and landing

Taxi, Takeoff and Climb

If you’re sitting in the middle seat, it’s expected that you open the Jepps and follow what is going on via a third set of charts. This, of course, would require you to actually know what departure they’re going to fly and what speeds have been briefed. Unfortunately, you were probably tucking in the sheets on the Captains bunk during that part of the briefing. But normally, reclining in the seat behind the captain, just try to keep your eyes open while reminding yourself why you’re even there in the first place.

The last task which may be assigned to you prior to takeoff will be obtaining a new RTOW if any significant weather changes have occurred since they entered the takeoff data at the gate. Now you’ve got to mobilize yourself from complete apathy to vigorous engagement in a matter of seconds, finding the latest ATIS, remembering how the ACARS actually works, and re-enter the data which you haven’t entered since, well - Never. Because the change was not given until just before takeoff, we don’t have a lot of time and the RQ FO steps in to save the day. New thrust figures are subsequently derived, the V speeds fall out and are rapidly reentered, and seconds later the jet rumbles down the runway. As the centerline lights turn from white to alternating reds the aircraft is rotated and the sandwich tray you’ve heroically been trying to finish launches off the back of the desk and hits the wall in a loud crash, while the padding for the escape hatch (744) falls to the floor resulting in a significant rise in cockpit noise during the critical phase of flight. At this point, shrug your shoulders to the RQ and hope that the skipper didn’t have a(nother) heart-attack.

After the takeoff has been completed, it’s not unusual to hear the DEFO ask for flaps up during a turn while accelerating through the clean speed. As a result, expect either strong buffeting or a strong reprimand. The latter is more enjoyable, rest assured.

Once clean (and out of the buffet), ask for the clipboard and start doing the arithmetic of modern aviation. After you’ve added together all the individual leg segments to the departure time, you should be presented with an expected arrival time. Once complete, you’re once again free to relax and enjoy the tranquility of the modern flight deck.


At top of climb, you either hit the bunk or climb into the seat for the next X monotonous hours. Once you’re in the seat, you’ll probably be performing the function of PM as you’re getting the worst rest (SO, remember?), and with the captain taking the good rest the only guy left for you to fly with is the poor guy who’s been nominated as RQ. He can only perform RQ from the right, and since you’re not allowed to “fly” the aircraft from the left the only possible outcome entails you doing all the paperwork, radio work, and staying-awake work. Touching the heading bug or pressing the "level change" button is years beyond your qualification level, even though the guy sitting next to you (who only joined about 6 months ago) is "relief command qualified" and should theoretically be capable of protecting you from your own incapable self.

Once you’ve got the seat and pedals adjusted, it’s time to start the paperwork. But not before missing a radio call because you can’t find the microphone since you’ve never actually been in the seat without a headset on. Even if you did, you still don't have a clue as to what the Chinese controller is saying. But not to worry, most don't. Reply “Roger. Maintain FL[XXX]m, report [next FIR border waypoint], estimating [FIR border waypoint] at [xxxx]. That should safely get you through most of China, Mongolia and Russia.

Now, start the paperwork by doing a fuel check, noting the difference between the totalizer/calculated totals and the expected total on the CFP for a certain waypoint. Note the difference on the CFP, and compare this figure to the takeoff fuel. Once every hour, you’ll do a new one. It might be a good idea to mark these off on the CFP so that you don’t forget amongst all the other important things you’ll be doing, but we're confident you'll figure that out all by yourself.

When you’ve managed to ascertain that we’re not going to run out of fuel just yet, it’s time to “put the steps in.” By itself, the FMC will calculate the optimum FL based on the aircrafts current weight and speed, and subsequently display this figure on the VNAV cruise page. However, the “optimum” flight levels stipulated on the CFP are based on aircraft weight, aircraft speed and forecasted winds along the routes. It may not always be smart to step up into a 50kt headwind to save a few kilograms of fuel due to weight. Therefore, you must manually enter the steps as found in the CFP into the FMC. This should update your arrival time to a more correct figure, which is further improved once you’ve entered the expected STAR and approach into the FMC. When the ISM calls up and asks you for the expected arrival time, you’ll hopefully have finished this and be able to provide her with an accurate ETA. Keep in mind that the service schedule onboard is built backwards from the arrival time; screw this up and you’ll be drinking coffee sweetened with saliva and cyanide.

With the initial fuel check being completed, the steps entered and the expected arrival set up, you’re now looking forward to several hours of complete and utter boredom. You are, as a matter of historical tradition, expected to know where the hell you are, for which the Jeppesen enroute charts do wonders. If you ever actually manage to locate yourself on one, get a highlighter and mark the spot, because the chances of doing that twice are next to none. Your best bet for maintaining situational awareness is to print the maps off the route briefing pages on IntraCX, and keep track of the airports listed in the NOTAM list as you progress. Along with the magnitude of information available to you in the AERADs, this should be plenty to keep yourself oriented as you cross Continents and Oceans.

Apart from updating the CFP, there is really nothing else to do. Your trusty RQ will fly the aircraft single-pilot, get all the weather, and make any decisions which may or may not need deciding. You are truly being groomed for the responsibilities that lie ahead. With nobody expecting anything from you, there is no need to deliver.

About halfway through the flight, wake the guys up and creep into a nice, warm bunk.

Descent and Landing

Expect to be awoken from the bunk either by someone shaking your foot at TOD or by your own eardrums popping as the cabin equalizes during the final descent. Exiting the soothing comfort of the dark bunk, you’ll stumble down the stairs into bright daylight still wearing your pyjamas and earplugs. The guys are all wearing sunglasses and configuring for landing as you notice the toiletries have been removed from the bathroom and you can’t find your toothbrush. So you put on your uniform, run water through your face and pop a piece of gum before taking your seat and strapping yourself in as we descend on the glideslope and drop the landing gear. You’ve probably never been to the airport before at this stage, but what does it matter? After touchdown the airplane makes its way off the runway and taxis among all the other jumbos on its way to the gate. You’re still wondering where we are as the aircraft docks and the PF cuts the engines and turns off the seatbelts. Time to work.

“Pass the Charts, Gentlement” is your statement at this stage. Taking over the charts and the mini-jepp, you meticulously place them back in the binder in numerical order, making the extra effort not to put them back into the departure airport. You then unlock the cockpit door before removing all the garbage, magazines, newspapers and water bottles and placing them outside the cockpit. Retrieving your jacket and hat, you exit the cockpit and comb the upper deck for earplugs, toothbrushes and socks to take home as presents for your girlfriend. Once the real pilots have shut down and secured the aircraft, everyonel exits the aircraft in an orderly fashion, making sure to thank all the girls you can’t remember the names of.

Now, get on the bus, check into the hotel and get some sleep, watch some porno and drink plenty of beer before doing it all over again on the way home.

Do this for 4 years straight and you just might become suitable to move into a window seat.

28th Feb 2024, 06:16
Have anyone recently did the panel interview? Just had initial interview today and HR have mentioned about the panel interview. Would love to know more what kind of questions is involved for the tech side of things.

28th Feb 2024, 08:55
Thank you so much for pulling it out Hardrod. Much appreciated. Also big thanks to AKOTA for going chapter and verse about the job as well. To someone who doesnt know much about the job and the industry, this has been really helpful for sure, at least I have a full picture about what a Second Officer does at Cathay Pacific. No wonder why people keep warning wannabies to think twice and thrice before joinning. This is definitely for the hardcore aviation fan, because only those can survive the initial painstaking and boring work life.

One more thing. I have noticed the interview process is getting much faster and easier, many testings have been eliminated such as JKI testing, Ravening reasoning, Flight Planning, Group Activites and Flight Grading assessment. Also, the ICAO English Proficency no longer administrated In-House. Is it because they cannot find enough people so they have decided to simplified the process to make things easier? Or they just don't have the budget to conduct all sort of testing anymore? I'm really curious to know.

For me, I am a local, born and bred here, but I am not a big fan of Cathay, I actually don't have a thing with Cathay at all, I always fly on Emirates or Singapore Airlines or Qatar, they have much better services, better quality in terms of In-flight experiences, and I find that their pilot skills are so much better than CX.

But sadly I am not a Singaporean, nor UAE citizen. Friend of mine told me a little bit about British Airways Cadet Pilot Program, since we now can move to the UK and apply for BNO visa, I will keep researching on it as well.

28th Feb 2024, 12:54
I've received panel interview invite today for next week, anyone recently gone through it? any info and insight can share across?

29th Feb 2024, 06:15
Have you heard back from cx?
I got invited for medical exam next month.

29th Feb 2024, 10:15
Thank you so much for pulling it out Hardrod. Much appreciated. Also big thanks to AKOTA for going chapter and verse about the job as well. To someone who doesnt know much about the job and the industry, this has been really helpful for sure, at least I have a full picture about what a Second Officer does at Cathay Pacific. No wonder why people keep warning wannabies to think twice and thrice before joinning. This is definitely for the hardcore aviation fan, because only those can survive the initial painstaking and boring work life.

One more thing. I have noticed the interview process is getting much faster and easier, many testings have been eliminated such as JKI testing, Ravening reasoning, Flight Planning, Group Activites and Flight Grading assessment. Also, the ICAO English Proficency no longer administrated In-House. Is it because they cannot find enough people so they have decided to simplified the process to make things easier? Or they just don't have the budget to conduct all sort of testing anymore? I'm really curious to know.

For me, I am a local, born and bred here, but I am not a big fan of Cathay, I actually don't have a thing with Cathay at all, I always fly on Emirates or Singapore Airlines or Qatar, they have much better services, better quality in terms of In-flight experiences, and I find that their pilot skills are so much better than CX.

But sadly I am not a Singaporean, nor UAE citizen. Friend of mine told me a little bit about British Airways Cadet Pilot Program, since we now can move to the UK and apply for BNO visa, I will keep researching on it as well.

No offense but if you did read the whole damn thing you would have found the article yourself. Problem with newbies these days is, they don't read, they just don't want to do the hard work, similar to the hook up culture.

No money. Low budget. No qualified applicants. ****ty pay. If they don't lower the standard, how could they meet their time-to-fill target (KPIs)? 40 cadets from the Mainland? You can forget about that.

Running an In House ICAO test costs money. Easiest solution is to outsource it. You pay the vendor, IAE for instance. They run the test for you. And the company can just sit here and collect the report. Save time. Save money.

Try getting a job in a Chinese based company, then you will understand how CX operates these days.

Isn't Air China considering to buy more stakes from CX?!

1st Mar 2024, 03:29
Hi everyone
Has anyone here re-applied recently after the frozen period? How long did it take for you to receive contact from HR?
Heard that people re-applying these days waited over a month and still got no contact. Planning to re-apply again soon.

Thankss for the help

1st Mar 2024, 17:12
I got invited for medical exam next month.

Hi Lasi, can I kindly ask you if you had any flying experience before? Many thanks.

2nd Mar 2024, 09:24
No offense but if you did read the whole damn thing you would have found the article yourself. Problem with newbies these days is, they don't read, they just don't want to do the hard work, similar to the hook up culture.

No money. Low budget. No qualified applicants. ****ty pay. If they don't lower the standard, how could they meet their time-to-fill target (KPIs)? 40 cadets from the Mainland? You can forget about that.

Running an In House ICAO test costs money. Easiest solution is to outsource it. You pay the vendor, IAE for instance. They run the test for you. And the company can just sit here and collect the report. Save time. Save money.

Try getting a job in a Chinese based company, then you will understand how CX operates these days.

Isn't Air China considering to buy more stakes from CX?!

Ah I see. Yes. I applied a week ago, then received an aptitude test after few days, so fast. I did not even take the cover letter section seriously, just wrote some stuff and "blow water" that's it. Think they just "Open this eye, close the other eye" Going to mess with them a bit. I mean if I made it to the end and they offered me the job, I just say, oh, I'm not interested anymore, bye bye. Afterall I have nothing to lose. loll

2nd Mar 2024, 09:38
On the surface: It's a fully sponsored program, that means you don't have to make any down payments upfront.

The catch is:
A) You will given a training loan which amounts for 1 million hkd, and you will need to pay back by providing services for a minimum period of 6 years. By then, the loan will just go away.
B) You ARE NOT entitled to pilot allowance for the first three years of your employment which total of 504,000hkd, that accounts for half of the training fees.
C) No salary will be paid to you during a year long training. However, you will be given some allowance while you are trained in overseas. Again. this is not a full salary!
C) Based on the current pay system, after you are offered a position as SO1, your monthly salary is dependent on the hours you flown, the more hours you fly, the more money you make, similar to the pay system as Flight Attendants. (That's why they have pilots who deliberately taxing at a slow speed in order to bill more hours)
D) P2X is the flights hours created for cruise relief pilots. It is not internationally recognizable. If there are 2 SOs on the flight, your hours will be slashed by half. Refer to CAD54 if you wanted to know more.
E) No housing allowance will be given to you. You need to figure out how to make a living on a 33k ish salary in Hong Kong. (Hence many SOs or even FOs have a second or third job)

So clear. I wish CX HR would be so transparent with information as well. Sadly they were not. Look at CX cadet pilot page and BA future pilot page. Big difference. And CX called itself Premium Airlines? lol Thank you trigonometry.

Few questions. How many flight hours required to promote to FO1? Also, they now hiring Direct Entry Second Officer, Direct Entry First Officer, maybe Direct Captain too? With so many new experienced pilots joining, will they take away the flying hours, then delay the whole promotion time?

2nd Mar 2024, 20:55
So clear. I wish CX HR would be so transparent with information as well. Sadly they were not. Look at CX cadet pilot page and BA future pilot page. Big difference. And CX called itself Premium Airlines? lol Thank you trigonometry.

Few questions. How many flight hours required to promote to FO1? Also, they now hiring Direct Entry Second Officer, Direct Entry First Officer, maybe Direct Captain too? With so many new experienced pilots joining, will they take away the flying hours, then delay the whole promotion time?

I don't know where people keep getting the idea that the promotion to FO1 is based on hours accumulated, as it is not. Promotion between SO and FO is based solely on how many people are in front of you, how much training resources CX has, and whether CX actually wants to upgrade. You can accumulate 1,000 hours as an SO, or even 5,000, but none of that matters.

As to the other question, yes to DESO, yes to DEFO, maybe to DECN. If they hire DEFOs and DECNs, it will delay total promotion time. Available positions will be limited, as are the amount of trainers to train you. New "experienced pilots" aside, the amount of cadets going through the system has created a bottleneck in training, which is the real reason why freshly graduated cadets have to serve as a ground staff at the airport before receiving training for their P2X ratings.

3rd Mar 2024, 13:36
I got invited for medical exam next month.

Hey Lasi, do you mind sharing when you did your final interview and how long it took for you to receive the invitation?

3rd Mar 2024, 13:44
Hi Lasi, can I kindly ask you if you had any flying experience before? Many thanks.
0, just few hours of trail flight.

3rd Mar 2024, 15:13
No offense but if you did read the whole damn thing you would have found the article yourself. Problem with newbies these days is, they don't read, they just don't want to do the hard work, similar to the hook up culture.

No money. Low budget. No qualified applicants. ****ty pay. If they don't lower the standard, how could they meet their time-to-fill target (KPIs)? 40 cadets from the Mainland? You can forget about that.

Running an In House ICAO test costs money. Easiest solution is to outsource it. You pay the vendor, IAE for instance. They run the test for you. And the company can just sit here and collect the report. Save time. Save money.

Try getting a job in a Chinese based company, then you will understand how CX operates these days.

Isn't Air China considering to buy more stakes from CX?!

complaining about hook-up culture omegaLUL

3rd Mar 2024, 23:53
I don't know where people keep getting the idea that the promotion to FO1 is based on hours accumulated, as it is not. Promotion between SO and FO is based solely on how many people are in front of you, how much training resources CX has, and whether CX actually wants to upgrade. You can accumulate 1,000 hours as an SO, or even 5,000, but none of that matters.

As to the other question, yes to DESO, yes to DEFO, maybe to DECN. If they hire DEFOs and DECNs, it will delay total promotion time. Available positions will be limited, as are the amount of trainers to train you. New "experienced pilots" aside, the amount of cadets going through the system has created a bottleneck in training, which is the real reason why freshly graduated cadets have to serve as a ground staff at the airport before receiving training for their P2X ratings.

I'm surprised!! I thought there was a clear road map to promotion given the large number of SOs existed in the system!!

If that's the case, how will they decide who's eligible to move up the rank? By appointment? See who has better relationship with / who is loyal to the Manager? Like how Beijing hand picked the Chief Executive? That would be so messy, so chaotic and so unfair.

Thank you, Boulanger. This has been really helpful!!

4th Mar 2024, 01:59
Hey Lasi, do you mind sharing when you did your final interview and how long it took for you to receive the invitation?
It was earlier last month. Got invited in around a week. Not too long.

Carlos Pang
4th Mar 2024, 11:29
Looking for Study group to join for upcoming technical interview, Please PM

5th Mar 2024, 02:35
I'm surprised!! I thought there was a clear road map to promotion given the large number of SOs existed in the system!!

If that's the case, how will they decide who's eligible to move up the rank? By appointment? See who has better relationship with / who is loyal to the Manager? Like how Beijing hand picked the Chief Executive? That would be so messy, so chaotic and so unfair.

Thank you, Boulanger. This has been really helpful!!

Yeah, you'd figure an organization as large as Cathay with 77 years of history would actually have a road map. You'd also figure that given their job ad on their own website, which goes from Cadet -> SO -> FO -> Captain that your career would be in straight line. It isn't a straight line. The cause? Probably corporatism and a lot of corner cutting.

Prior to COVID and the large contractual cuts the cockpit crew endured, moving up the ranks was reasonably assured. There was a thing called "bypass pay" where every time the company hires an external FO in front of you, you would still get FO pay. The CAD also had it written down that pilots should not be expected to hold the P2X rating for more than 5 years. There was also a seniority system that spanned across all the fleets, where being the most senior SO generally ensured that you are next in line for a promotion. Post-covid, all of that is gone. There is no bypass pay, the written rule from the CAD mysteriously disappeared, and the seniority system became a fleet-based seniority where your career prospects depended on which fleet you were lucky enough to get on. Plus you have to serve as a ground staff for two months because of a self-induced training bottleneck as a result of the company chasing away half their cockpit crews. Oh, and they also try to lure you to Hong Kong Express because of their self-induced training bottleneck.

How they decide people move up the ranks these days does seem a bit arbitrary. To be fair, they can't deviate from their engineered fleet seniority too much, but if you join as a cadet and subsequently an SO, this is all you have to hold on to.

8th Mar 2024, 02:01
I've just finished panel interview, anyone recently did it know how long to wait for the medical email? Thanks.

8th Mar 2024, 11:07
I've just finished panel interview, anyone recently did it know how long to wait for the medical email? Thanks.

Til Article 23 Bill gets pushed through, which will happen in lightening speed.
Looks like HK Govt and CX are working together - silent/punish anyone who is up against them.

As it happened: Hong Kong Article 23 bill readings advance in Legco, with lawmakers set for marathon meetings over weekend to push forward legislation

9th Mar 2024, 08:38
I've just finished panel interview, anyone recently did it know how long to wait for the medical email? Thanks.
it usually takes 2 weeks but it may vary,
would you mind sharing what kind of questions u were asked during final? Do u have flight experience?

10th Mar 2024, 14:24
Does anyone know what questions they ask in the Initial Interview?
1. Self intro
2. Why want to become pilot? Why not take PPL?
3. Why leave your current stable job?
4. What do you know about Cathay Cadet programme? E.g. Duration? Final outcome after completion?
5. Duties of SO?
6. Current fleet of Cathay?
7. What models SO cannot fly?
8. Career path as Cathay pilot?
9. What is your career goal?
10. Difference between HKIAA cadet program and CPP?
11. What will you do if you fail?

12th Mar 2024, 02:54
Hi guys and gals, I need a piece of advice. I have recently done my final and it went really well, much easier than my previous interviews with iBanks. Now I'm waiting to be contacted with regards to the medical test, BUT, there is an issue. As I am reading stacks of older posts, I realized there are so much I’ve missed out, particularly regarding the job, the current work environment at CX, promotion and salary.

I am a 26 years old guy running an E-commerce business, which generates an income about 60k/month, I am also a yoga teacher, I teach yoga on the side, which also generates a healthy income as well, together, I am making about 100k/month.

The problem is, if I did sign up on this cadet pilot program, I will have to give up my two other jobs, going away for a year with no income, then coming back to HK only to work as what you guys/gals call cruise relief pilot, or, "babysitter" as some of you might call them, then getting paid with 33k a month, does it worth it?

So many of my friends in the banking and financial sector told me NO. They think I could use the money to invest on a second citizenship, or invest on the property market, and fly as a hobby. They think I would be so stupid enough to even think about joining CX. But I still want to get some advices from the pilot community. So any advice/insight would be much much appreciated.

Feel free to PM me as well. Thx!

13th Mar 2024, 08:02
Hi guys and gals, I need a piece of advice. I have recently done my final and it went really well, much easier than my previous interviews with iBanks. Now I'm waiting to be contacted with regards to the medical test, BUT, there is an issue. As I am reading stacks of older posts, I realized there are so much I’ve missed out, particularly regarding the job, the current work environment at CX, promotion and salary.

I am a 26 years old guy running an E-commerce business, which generates an income about 60k/month, I am also a yoga teacher, I teach yoga on the side, which also generates a healthy income as well, together, I am making about 100k/month.

The problem is, if I did sign up on this cadet pilot program, I will have to give up my two other jobs, going away for a year with no income, then coming back to HK only to work as what you guys/gals call cruise relief pilot, or, "babysitter" as some of you might call them, then getting paid with 33k a month, does it worth it?

So many of my friends in the banking and financial sector told me NO. They think I could use the money to invest on a second citizenship, or invest on the property market, and fly as a hobby. They think I would be so stupid enough to even think about joining CX. But I still want to get some advices from the pilot community. So any advice/insight would be much much appreciated.

Feel free to PM me as well. Thx!
What's your passion man ? If you have to consider money don't join. You can get your PPL and CPL yourself if you are infact making 100k a month then you can keep earning your 100k a month. Apply direct to cathay after

13th Mar 2024, 12:20
Hello guys, I am now 21 year-old and I am planning to apply for the cadet program of Cathay Pacific next year. However, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism after experiencing 'thyrotoxic periodic paralysis'. Fortunately, after a month of medication, the condition has already been under control and the thyroid activity has returned to normal level.

I am deeply concerned that such medical history will affect my application of the program. Although controlled hyperthyroidism isn't a disqualifying condition for Medical Class One according to ICAO, I have heard from some aviation influencers working for Cathay that candidates with certain medical history will still be disqualified despite the acquisition of Medical Class One. Does anyone know what kind of medical history is unacceptable to Cathay? Thank you so much.

13th Mar 2024, 16:22
Hi guys and gals, I need a piece of advice. I have recently done my final and it went really well, much easier than my previous interviews with iBanks. Now I'm waiting to be contacted with regards to the medical test, BUT, there is an issue. As I am reading stacks of older posts, I realized there are so much I’ve missed out, particularly regarding the job, the current work environment at CX, promotion and salary.

I am a 26 years old guy running an E-commerce business, which generates an income about 60k/month, I am also a yoga teacher, I teach yoga on the side, which also generates a healthy income as well, together, I am making about 100k/month.

The problem is, if I did sign up on this cadet pilot program, I will have to give up my two other jobs, going away for a year with no income, then coming back to HK only to work as what you guys/gals call cruise relief pilot, or, "babysitter" as some of you might call them, then getting paid with 33k a month, does it worth it?

So many of my friends in the banking and financial sector told me NO. They think I could use the money to invest on a second citizenship, or invest on the property market, and fly as a hobby. They think I would be so stupid enough to even think about joining CX. But I still want to get some advices from the pilot community. So any advice/insight would be much much appreciated.

Feel free to PM me as well. Thx!

Hire someone to run the business for you, then go away for a year whilst keep getting paid 60k minus labor cost every month. When you are back, expand the team size, and start earning income from your flying job and the existing business. Should give you back the 100k you are making right now. Done.

Question. Is that what you want? To be a slave for 6 years? I don’t think so…

13th Mar 2024, 16:28
Hi guys and gals, I need a piece of advice. I have recently done my final and it went really well, much easier than my previous interviews with iBanks. Now I'm waiting to be contacted with regards to the medical test, BUT, there is an issue. As I am reading stacks of older posts, I realized there are so much I’ve missed out, particularly regarding the job, the current work environment at CX, promotion and salary.

I am a 26 years old guy running an E-commerce business, which generates an income about 60k/month, I am also a yoga teacher, I teach yoga on the side, which also generates a healthy income as well, together, I am making about 100k/month.

The problem is, if I did sign up on this cadet pilot program, I will have to give up my two other jobs, going away for a year with no income, then coming back to HK only to work as what you guys/gals call cruise relief pilot, or, "babysitter" as some of you might call them, then getting paid with 33k a month, does it worth it?

So many of my friends in the banking and financial sector told me NO. They think I could use the money to invest on a second citizenship, or invest on the property market, and fly as a hobby. They think I would be so stupid enough to even think about joining CX. But I still want to get some advices from the pilot community. So any advice/insight would be much much appreciated.

Feel free to PM me as well. Thx!

We have similar background. I'm working as a fitness trainer + IT side jobs and looking for joining the cadet program as well. PM me and leave your contact. We can discuss about it!

14th Mar 2024, 01:51
Hi guys and gals, I need a piece of advice. I have recently done my final and it went really well, much easier than my previous interviews with iBanks. Now I'm waiting to be contacted with regards to the medical test, BUT, there is an issue. As I am reading stacks of older posts, I realized there are so much I’ve missed out, particularly regarding the job, the current work environment at CX, promotion and salary.

I am a 26 years old guy running an E-commerce business, which generates an income about 60k/month, I am also a yoga teacher, I teach yoga on the side, which also generates a healthy income as well, together, I am making about 100k/month.

The problem is, if I did sign up on this cadet pilot program, I will have to give up my two other jobs, going away for a year with no income, then coming back to HK only to work as what you guys/gals call cruise relief pilot, or, "babysitter" as some of you might call them, then getting paid with 33k a month, does it worth it?

So many of my friends in the banking and financial sector told me NO. They think I could use the money to invest on a second citizenship, or invest on the property market, and fly as a hobby. They think I would be so stupid enough to even think about joining CX. But I still want to get some advices from the pilot community. So any advice/insight would be much much appreciated.

Feel free to PM me as well. Thx!


If you are making 100k/month, then you should seriously consider self-funded flying! As you mentioned investing in a second citizenship might be a good idea too! Flying as a hobby, have fun & earning flight hours at the same time, much better than cx in my point of view. Come back and apply for a FO position will land u in a much comfortable position

14th Mar 2024, 08:53
Hello guys, I am now 21 year-old and I am planning to apply for the cadet program of Cathay Pacific next year. However, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism after experiencing 'thyrotoxic periodic paralysis'. Fortunately, after a month of medication, the condition has already been under control and the thyroid activity has returned to normal level.

I am deeply concerned that such medical history will affect my application of the program. Although controlled hyperthyroidism isn't a disqualifying condition for Medical Class One according to ICAO, I have heard from some aviation influencers working for Cathay that candidates with certain medical history will still be disqualified despite the acquisition of Medical Class One. Does anyone know what kind of medical history is unacceptable to Cathay? Thank you so much.

The best suggestion I can give you is to go for a HKCAD Class 1 medical. I agree, it is very expensive, but at least you will know about whether your medical condition will still make you eligible for this role. I wish you will be eligible. But if unfortunately not, then still you will know about it before-hand, and save lots of time that you would be spending for the preparation. I wish you speedy and full recovery of your medical condition.

15th Mar 2024, 08:34
Hi guys and gals, I need a piece of advice. I have recently done my final and it went really well, much easier than my previous interviews with iBanks. Now I'm waiting to be contacted with regards to the medical test, BUT, there is an issue. As I am reading stacks of older posts, I realized there are so much I’ve missed out, particularly regarding the job, the current work environment at CX, promotion and salary.

I am a 26 years old guy running an E-commerce business, which generates an income about 60k/month, I am also a yoga teacher, I teach yoga on the side, which also generates a healthy income as well, together, I am making about 100k/month.

The problem is, if I did sign up on this cadet pilot program, I will have to give up my two other jobs, going away for a year with no income, then coming back to HK only to work as what you guys/gals call cruise relief pilot, or, "babysitter" as some of you might call them, then getting paid with 33k a month, does it worth it?

So many of my friends in the banking and financial sector told me NO. They think I could use the money to invest on a second citizenship, or invest on the property market, and fly as a hobby. They think I would be so stupid enough to even think about joining CX. But I still want to get some advices from the pilot community. So any advice/insight would be much much appreciated.

Feel free to PM me as well. Thx!

Who's your favourite Dragon, DragonsDen? I suspect you are a big fan of the show!

Here is some good news for you.

A) You are young
B) You have money
C) You have a heart and head struggle (You are thinking!)

Believe it or not I was exactly in your shoe before. I went through the whole interview process and I was lucky enough to be offered a place on the program, but eventually I turned it down because, I just don't think I am comfortable with the current state of the company. and the direction they are going. Make no mistakes. It used to be a fantastic program, you got to learn from so many good, experienced pilots, and you got to fly with many high quality of people, the ones that gone through the rigorous selection process. Not anymore now. So that's my decision.

I'm not sure why you applied the program in the first place, but, as some of the members have pointed out, you could train somewhere else with your own money, in your own time table, then apply for the DESO position. That way you do not need to worry about the 6 years bond, the training loan etc. And you get to get paid with pilot allowance right off the bat. When you have the experiences, it opens up a lot of doors for you. Bottom line is, you need to be absolutely clear about what you are looking for in the first place. That would save you a lot of troubles.

Good luck!

18th Mar 2024, 17:25
Thanks for all your comments and suggestions. Really appreciated. To the ones who sent me PMs, sorry, the admin won't allow me to read those messages unless I have made 3 posting, I will respond to you later.

My ex girlfriend is a singer, but she has a commercial pilot licence, whenever we traveled to the US, she would rent a plane and take me to the sky. It was fun. She knew about the cadet pilot program but she no interest to join because she thinks she would be far better off to be a passenger than an employee. She was making about 120k/month just by teaching singing, I think she's making even more now, much more than me.

For me, the real reason I applied is totally because of a former colleague. He applied the program a while ago and he made it, I was like, a guy who doesn't have the confidence, who can't even speak English well, is going to be a pilot? If he can do it, I can do it as well, so I applied. I even bet with my friend if I did get an offer, he is going to pay me 10k. Looks like he is lossing. hahah

Honestly, the loan and bond is not a problem, the problem is the job. Why would I go through all the hassles and troubles just to sit there and monitor the flight? I don't think I can watch movies, or listen to Music in the cockpit, just like other passengers are doing at the back right? Imagine just sit there, 15 hours from HKG to NYC, and then 15 hours NYC and HKG. This is a torture. Nah. My life is too short. No need to torture myself. Maybe I should do what my ex girlfriend did before. Get the license myself, and fly whenever, where ever I want..

18th Mar 2024, 17:40
I have been following a Southwest pilot on youtube, and she has so much fun being a pilot. After reading past posts, does not look like CX SO will be like her....

20th Mar 2024, 14:43
yes, how about ...can I have your tg? WhatsApp ?
may you pm me your tg? my account is new created, it cant pm others. I am really interest in HKIAA program, want to get advice from you, thank you.

21st Mar 2024, 09:53
I have been following a Southwest pilot on youtube, and she has so much fun being a pilot. After reading past posts, does not look like CX SO will be like her....

You don't get "the fun" you are looking for with Cathay. You certainly wouldn't get to fly short haul with P2X. Best to stay out of the program as far away as you can.

Check it out if you can read Chinese. Was released yesterday.

https://hk.news.yahoo.com/%E5%9C%8B%E6%B3%B0%E4%BA%BA%E6%89%8B%E7%9F%AD%E7%BC%BA%E6%9C %AA%E8%A6%8B%E6%9B%99%E5%85%89-%E6%A9%9F%E5%B8%AB%E3%80%8C%E7%88%86%E9%90%98%E9%A0%82%E7%A1 %AC%E4%B8%8A%E3%80%8D-102728249.html

21st Mar 2024, 14:02
may you pm me your tg? my account is new created, it cant pm others. I am really interest in HKIAA program, want to get advice from you, thank you.

Ask in this thread for info


27th Mar 2024, 02:57
I've just finished panel interview, anyone recently did it know how long to wait for the medical email? Thanks.

can you share what were the questions asked? were them scenario based? thank you

28th Mar 2024, 00:00
PM me

1st Apr 2024, 06:09
Hi, Interested? I have some questions I can share if you want?

1st Apr 2024, 06:11
Hi there. Just wondering if anyone here who is not a Hong Kong citizen but a foreigner who managed to enter the Cadet pilot programme for CX?
Can you share your experience on it.

1st Apr 2024, 09:46
Hi guys,

Just curious what are the chances for an AUS national (22yo) with a CASA PPL license to be considered for the CX cadet programme?

Finished all cpl theory and currently in the process of completing atpls. Clocked just over 150hrs in the logbook.

I understood I only need "the right to live and work". But have there been any recent occurrences where CX has fully funded a foreign national?

Any insights are much appreciated.

Clear skies and tailwinds!

I am not a HK / China resident or PR for either of those countries. I applied and got invited for an assessment.

The HR did request for additional documents from my end after I submitted my application though. Who knows?

1st Apr 2024, 20:50
I am not a HK / China resident or PR for either of those countries. I applied and got invited for an assessment.

The HR did request for additional documents from my end after I submitted my application though. Who knows?The following lines are from the assessment email:

Before starting the assessment, you must present one of the following for verification:

Hong Kong Permanent ID Card (if applicable)
China Resident Identity Card (if applicable)
Passport with a valid visa to live and work in Hong Kong (if applicable)

Please note that failure to do so will disqualify you from taking the assessment. 

2nd Apr 2024, 08:06
Taxi, Takeoff and Climb

If you’re sitting in the middle seat, it’s expected that you open the Jepps and follow what is going on via a third set of charts. This, of course, would require you to actually know what departure they’re going to fly and what speeds have been briefed. Unfortunately, you were probably tucking in the sheets on the Captains bunk during that part of the briefing. But normally, reclining in the seat behind the captain, just try to keep your eyes open while reminding yourself why you’re even there in the first place.

The last task which may be assigned to you prior to takeoff will be obtaining a new RTOW if any significant weather changes have occurred since they entered the takeoff data at the gate. Now you’ve got to mobilize yourself from complete apathy to vigorous engagement in a matter of seconds, finding the latest ATIS, remembering how the ACARS actually works, and re-enter the data which you haven’t entered since, well - Never. Because the change was not given until just before takeoff, we don’t have a lot of time and the RQ FO steps in to save the day. New thrust figures are subsequently derived, the V speeds fall out and are rapidly reentered, and seconds later the jet rumbles down the runway. As the centerline lights turn from white to alternating reds the aircraft is rotated and the sandwich tray you’ve heroically been trying to finish launches off the back of the desk and hits the wall in a loud crash, while the padding for the escape hatch (744) falls to the floor resulting in a significant rise in cockpit noise during the critical phase of flight. At this point, shrug your shoulders to the RQ and hope that the skipper didn’t have a(nother) heart-attack.

After the takeoff has been completed, it’s not unusual to hear the DEFO ask for flaps up during a turn while accelerating through the clean speed. As a result, expect either strong buffeting or a strong reprimand. The latter is more enjoyable, rest assured.

Once clean (and out of the buffet), ask for the clipboard and start doing the arithmetic of modern aviation. After you’ve added together all the individual leg segments to the departure time, you should be presented with an expected arrival time. Once complete, you’re once again free to relax and enjoy the tranquility of the modern flight deck.


At top of climb, you either hit the bunk or climb into the seat for the next X monotonous hours. Once you’re in the seat, you’ll probably be performing the function of PM as you’re getting the worst rest (SO, remember?), and with the captain taking the good rest the only guy left for you to fly with is the poor guy who’s been nominated as RQ. He can only perform RQ from the right, and since you’re not allowed to “fly” the aircraft from the left the only possible outcome entails you doing all the paperwork, radio work, and staying-awake work. Touching the heading bug or pressing the "level change" button is years beyond your qualification level, even though the guy sitting next to you (who only joined about 6 months ago) is "relief command qualified" and should theoretically be capable of protecting you from your own incapable self.

Once you’ve got the seat and pedals adjusted, it’s time to start the paperwork. But not before missing a radio call because you can’t find the microphone since you’ve never actually been in the seat without a headset on. Even if you did, you still don't have a clue as to what the Chinese controller is saying. But not to worry, most don't. Reply “Roger. Maintain FL[XXX]m, report [next FIR border waypoint], estimating [FIR border waypoint] at [xxxx]. That should safely get you through most of China, Mongolia and Russia.

Now, start the paperwork by doing a fuel check, noting the difference between the totalizer/calculated totals and the expected total on the CFP for a certain waypoint. Note the difference on the CFP, and compare this figure to the takeoff fuel. Once every hour, you’ll do a new one. It might be a good idea to mark these off on the CFP so that you don’t forget amongst all the other important things you’ll be doing, but we're confident you'll figure that out all by yourself.

When you’ve managed to ascertain that we’re not going to run out of fuel just yet, it’s time to “put the steps in.” By itself, the FMC will calculate the optimum FL based on the aircrafts current weight and speed, and subsequently display this figure on the VNAV cruise page. However, the “optimum” flight levels stipulated on the CFP are based on aircraft weight, aircraft speed and forecasted winds along the routes. It may not always be smart to step up into a 50kt headwind to save a few kilograms of fuel due to weight. Therefore, you must manually enter the steps as found in the CFP into the FMC. This should update your arrival time to a more correct figure, which is further improved once you’ve entered the expected STAR and approach into the FMC. When the ISM calls up and asks you for the expected arrival time, you’ll hopefully have finished this and be able to provide her with an accurate ETA. Keep in mind that the service schedule onboard is built backwards from the arrival time; screw this up and you’ll be drinking coffee sweetened with saliva and cyanide.

With the initial fuel check being completed, the steps entered and the expected arrival set up, you’re now looking forward to several hours of complete and utter boredom. You are, as a matter of historical tradition, expected to know where the hell you are, for which the Jeppesen enroute charts do wonders. If you ever actually manage to locate yourself on one, get a highlighter and mark the spot, because the chances of doing that twice are next to none. Your best bet for maintaining situational awareness is to print the maps off the route briefing pages on IntraCX, and keep track of the airports listed in the NOTAM list as you progress. Along with the magnitude of information available to you in the AERADs, this should be plenty to keep yourself oriented as you cross Continents and Oceans.

Apart from updating the CFP, there is really nothing else to do. Your trusty RQ will fly the aircraft single-pilot, get all the weather, and make any decisions which may or may not need deciding. You are truly being groomed for the responsibilities that lie ahead. With nobody expecting anything from you, there is no need to deliver.

About halfway through the flight, wake the guys up and creep into a nice, warm bunk.

Descent and Landing

Expect to be awoken from the bunk either by someone shaking your foot at TOD or by your own eardrums popping as the cabin equalizes during the final descent. Exiting the soothing comfort of the dark bunk, you’ll stumble down the stairs into bright daylight still wearing your pyjamas and earplugs. The guys are all wearing sunglasses and configuring for landing as you notice the toiletries have been removed from the bathroom and you can’t find your toothbrush. So you put on your uniform, run water through your face and pop a piece of gum before taking your seat and strapping yourself in as we descend on the glideslope and drop the landing gear. You’ve probably never been to the airport before at this stage, but what does it matter? After touchdown the airplane makes its way off the runway and taxis among all the other jumbos on its way to the gate. You’re still wondering where we are as the aircraft docks and the PF cuts the engines and turns off the seatbelts. Time to work.

“Pass the Charts, Gentlement” is your statement at this stage. Taking over the charts and the mini-jepp, you meticulously place them back in the binder in numerical order, making the extra effort not to put them back into the departure airport. You then unlock the cockpit door before removing all the garbage, magazines, newspapers and water bottles and placing them outside the cockpit. Retrieving your jacket and hat, you exit the cockpit and comb the upper deck for earplugs, toothbrushes and socks to take home as presents for your girlfriend. Once the real pilots have shut down and secured the aircraft, everyonel exits the aircraft in an orderly fashion, making sure to thank all the girls you can’t remember the names of.

Now, get on the bus, check into the hotel and get some sleep, watch some porno and drink plenty of beer before doing it all over again on the way home.

Do this for 4 years straight and you just might become suitable to move into a window seat.

Hi! How many years to wait to have the right to touch the control and do takeoffs and landings? Anyone knows?

fujiwara tofu
3rd Apr 2024, 13:45
Hi everyone,

I would like to know the cut-e aptitude test hand eye coordination test will be like the one on pilot assessment.com or like the Missile Game one?

4th Apr 2024, 17:53
Hi everyone,

I would like to know the cut-e aptitude test hand eye coordination test will be like the one on pilot assessment.com or like the Missile Game one?
It's similar to the pilotassessment.com, but I will say the real test is easier.

4th Apr 2024, 23:55
Hi! How many years to wait to have the right to touch the control and do takeoffs and landings? Anyone knows?

Variable. Expect 6 years or beyond. Some SOs are approaching to their 7 years mark and still have NO CLUE about promotion, but that's the beauty of this monopoly, full of uncertainties, insecurities, and the unknowns.

5th Apr 2024, 02:43
Was able to take the assessment yesterday. The HR person just ask me for my passport which I showed.

She did not ask for further information like 'visa' or rights to work in Hong Kong.

5th Apr 2024, 04:42
Variable. Expect 6 years or beyond. Some SOs are approaching to their 7 years mark and still have NO CLUE about promotion, but that's the beauty of this monopoly, full of uncertainties, insecurities, and the unknowns.

Six years? WTF?? HR told me 1.5 years on average. She said situation changed. She said company don't allow SO to remain SO for more than 2 years now. Did she lie? Anyone knows?

5th Apr 2024, 12:08
Six years? WTF?? HR told me 1.5 years on average. She said situation changed. She said company don't allow SO to remain SO for more than 2 years now. Did she lie? Anyone knows?

I've not heard of anyone becoming FO in 2 years. Who was the HR person that told you this?

6th Apr 2024, 01:27
Six years? WTF?? HR told me 1.5 years on average. She said situation changed. She said company don't allow SO to remain SO for more than 2 years now. Did she lie? Anyone knows?

I don't work for this outfit anymore, but I remember clearly the day of my interview years ago when HR told me an average of 2 years, and it ended up being 6-7 in reality. Be very skeptical unless you can see such assurances in writing. Also, I don't see how she can get an accurate average when they only just started upgrading people last year with a significant training bottleneck.

This said, they are desperate these days, and even their requirements for DEFOs have dropped significantly. The time to upgrade will probably drop, but that's all affected by how many people are in front of you to upgrade, and how many DEFOs they take in.​​​​​ You also need to hope single pilot in the cruise doesn't start becoming a thing in the next half-decade or so.

8th Apr 2024, 09:20
I've not heard of anyone becoming FO in 2 years. Who was the HR person that told you this?

I can't remember her name. I just called the number which I found it here on pprune and they transferred my call to that HR that I spoke with. She just keeps telling me to apply apply apply which is weird.

8th Apr 2024, 09:27
I don't work for this outfit anymore, but I remember clearly the day of my interview years ago when HR told me an average of 2 years, and it ended up being 6-7 in reality. Be very skeptical unless you can see such assurances in writing. Also, I don't see how she can get an accurate average when they only just started upgrading people last year with a significant training bottleneck.

This said, they are desperate these days, and even their requirements for DEFOs have dropped significantly. The time to upgrade will probably drop, but that's all affected by how many people are in front of you to upgrade, and how many DEFOs they take in.​​​​​ You also need to hope single pilot in the cruise doesn't start becoming a thing in the next half-decade or so.

I see. Yes, I saw people on LinkedIn got upgraded in 2 years but it was many many years ago. I think the HR I spoke with use the outdated figure to try to entice me to apply. As my friend at Michael Page said, they are all sales people. No wonder. Thanks for your help!

9th Apr 2024, 03:10
I see. Yes, I saw people on LinkedIn got upgraded in 2 years but it was many many years ago. I think the HR I spoke with use the outdated figure to try to entice me to apply. As my friend at Michael Page said, they are all sales people. No wonder. Thanks for your help!
Never heard anyone could get upgrade in 2 years, the shortest upgrade time I know so far was about 2 years and 3 months from SO to JFO.

9th Apr 2024, 14:10
Wow interesting…..

13th Apr 2024, 02:39
Awful idea here but let say you work for Cathay for a few years as SO then you find a company they will give you TR and FO job. They you work for a few years as FO for the experience. Can you return to Cathay and join the FO as you have hours or are you viewed as a traitor and get black listed and ignored? truly an awful idea but the idea of 7 plus year as SO is not a great prospect.

13th Apr 2024, 05:30
Awful idea here but let say you work for Cathay for a few years as SO then you find a company they will give you TR and FO job. They you work for a few years as FO for the experience. Can you return to Cathay and join the FO as you have hours or are you viewed as a traitor and get black listed and ignored? truly an awful idea but the idea of 7 plus year as SO is not a great prospect.

Two things. One. You can always quit, anytime, as long as you pay back the training loan, or else, CX will chase you to every single corner of the world to make sure you pay back every single penny they spent on you. Two. Whether they will hire you back. Noone knows. Common sense tells you they will be very skeptical on your return, unless you are made redundant.

Verity Jane
16th Apr 2024, 03:48
Hello everyone just a question about the aircraft types they normally put SO on these days?
is it the A321 or other aircraft types that they have?

17th Apr 2024, 03:13
Hi all,

has anyone had this before?
so i had my initial interview yesterday and didnt hear back from Cathay since.
My online application is still there but the "action" button is no long available. is this a sign that my application gonna get deleted soon?

18th Apr 2024, 07:30
Hi all, I am new here.

I would like to ask how long an applicant shall wait to receive the reply/email from Cathay that instruct them to apply for the ICAO test after the date when he or she made the application (Day 0)?
I heard some received next day (Day 1) after they applied (Day 0), some may take around a week, but also heard some weird case that they received nothing after a week/ weeks and their portal were 'clear' later (Don't know what happen to them!).

19th Apr 2024, 03:27
Does anyone know if Capt. Dave Hodges still with Cathay? I met him few years ago at a job fair but I forgot to ask for his contact. Anyone knows his whereabout or has his contact information please let me know. Much appreciated!

19th Apr 2024, 07:08
for my whole application process timeline:

ICAO: 2 weeks after application
computer based assessment: 5 days after receiving ICAO
initial interview: on the day after computer based assessment
final interview: 1 week after initial interview
medical assessment: 1 week after final interview

hope it helps

19th Apr 2024, 09:07
So ICAO English is prior to computer based assessment now?

19th Apr 2024, 14:01
HI all! I got a question about the tattoo policy about CX. As I got a forearm tattoo can only cover with long sleeves shirt, is that acceptable for CX medical assessment?
And I am going to do the laser tattoo removal if I pass the technical interview. Any suggestions? Thank you!!

19th Apr 2024, 18:42
Hi all, I am new here.

I would like to ask how long an applicant shall wait to receive the reply/email from Cathay that instruct them to apply for the ICAO test after the date when he or she made the application (Day 0)?
I heard some received next day (Day 1) after they applied (Day 0), some may take around a week, but also heard some weird case that they received nothing after a week/ weeks and their portal were 'clear' later (Don't know what happen to them!).

Cathay Pacific is an Equal Opportunities Employer. Personal data provided by job applicants will be used strictly in accordance with our personal data policy and for recruitment purposes only. Candidates not notified within eight weeks may consider their application unsuccessful. All related information will be kept in our file for up to 24 months. A copy of our Personal Information Collection Statement will be provided upon request by contacting our Data Protection Officer.

So this is how people looking for jobs these days - completely ignore the things on the JD. Said it all.

20th Apr 2024, 04:45
So ICAO English is prior to computer based assessment now?
both sort of come in the same time, and need to do it in parallel tbh

20th Apr 2024, 05:18
Hi mate,

I was on the same initial interview day as you, and I still haven't received any news from CX.

May I know if there have been any updates from you, please ?

Hi all,

has anyone had this before?
so i had my initial interview yesterday and didnt hear back from Cathay since.
My online application is still there but the "action" button is no long available. is this a sign that my application gonna get deleted soon?

20th Apr 2024, 06:22
Cathay Pacific is an Equal Opportunities Employer. Personal data provided by job applicants will be used strictly in accordance with our personal data policy and for recruitment purposes only. Candidates not notified within eight weeks may consider their application unsuccessful. All related information will be kept in our file for up to 24 months. A copy of our Personal Information Collection Statement will be provided upon request by contacting our Data Protection Officer.

So this is how people looking for jobs these days - completely ignore the things on the JD. Said it all.
I don't think that a candidate who is qualified for all the entry requirement will not be invited for the ICAO and Cut-E assessment, especially this is his or her first attempt. On the other hand, I heard that the time waited for receiving the invitation email for ICAO and CUt-E is different but usually candidate will receive this several days after submitting the application.

That's why I have such question,and would like to see anyone has similar condition.

But, anyway, thank for your reply that just copy the official statement again.

20th Apr 2024, 11:30
HI all! I got a question about the tattoo policy about CX. As I got a forearm tattoo can only cover with long sleeves shirt, is that acceptable for CX medical assessment?
And I am going to do the laser tattoo removal if I pass the technical interview. Any suggestions? Thank you!!
🙏🙏anyone have suggestions?

22nd Apr 2024, 22:47
CX Alternatives

Few days left. British Airways is now taking on Cadets application til April 26th. 6 years bond. Fully funded by BA.
BNO visa gives you right to work and live in the UK. 100 spots. Highly competitive. Worth for a try tho.



You'll be 17-55 years of age to apply and 18 years of age to start training
Six GCSEs grade A-C or 5-9, including Maths, English and a Science or equivalent qualifications
Fluent in English (and, if applicable, have achieved ICAO Level 6 on completion of training). For non-native English speakers, you will need a certificate proving you have achieved International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Level 5.5 overall, with no less than 5.5 in any individual area (Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking). This must be the Academic test, not General Training
A valid passport which permits unrestricted worldwide travel
Your height must be between 1.57m (5'2") and 1.90m (6'3"). If you’re taller than 1.90m, you may submit an application, but may be required to undergo a functionality check
Able to obtain and hold a UK CAA Class 1 medical with no restrictions and meet British Airways medical criteria
Before training starts, you must have completed referencing and pre-employment checks to the satisfactory standard and supply satisfactory UK and international Criminal Record Checks
Have the right to live and work in the UK without sponsorship

Detailed FAQ - See PDF

Do I need IELTS 5.5 to apply?
You don’t need this to apply. If you are successful, you would need to obtain this before commencing your training.
Can any of the selection stages be done remotely?
All the selection stages will be held in person at Heathrow.
I have higher education than GCSE, but don’t meet the GCSE requirements, can I still apply?
You will need to meet the GCSE requirement as advertised to apply, regardless of any other qualification you may hold.
Will preference be given to those with A Levels/Degrees?
You need to meet the GCSE requirements as detailed in the application criteria. Further or higher education are not part of the application criteria.
I have a foreign passport with the right to live and work in the UK, can I apply?
As long as your passport allows you unrestricted worldwide travel, you can apply.

24th Apr 2024, 11:38
for my whole application process timeline:

ICAO: 2 weeks after application
computer based assessment: 5 days after receiving ICAO
initial interview: on the day after computer based assessment
final interview: 1 week after initial interview
medical assessment: 1 week after final interview

hope it helps

initial interview takes place on the same day as computer based assessment? both via MS Teams?

25th Apr 2024, 03:02
CX Alternatives

Few days left. British Airways is now taking on Cadets application til April 26th. 6 years bond. Fully funded by BA.
BNO visa gives you right to work and live in the UK. 100 spots. Highly competitive. Worth for a try tho.



You'll be 17-55 years of age to apply and 18 years of age to start training
Six GCSEs grade A-C or 5-9, including Maths, English and a Science or equivalent qualifications
Fluent in English (and, if applicable, have achieved ICAO Level 6 on completion of training). For non-native English speakers, you will need a certificate proving you have achieved International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Level 5.5 overall, with no less than 5.5 in any individual area (Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking). This must be the Academic test, not General Training
A valid passport which permits unrestricted worldwide travel
Your height must be between 1.57m (5'2") and 1.90m (6'3"). If you’re taller than 1.90m, you may submit an application, but may be required to undergo a functionality check
Able to obtain and hold a UK CAA Class 1 medical with no restrictions and meet British Airways medical criteria
Before training starts, you must have completed referencing and pre-employment checks to the satisfactory standard and supply satisfactory UK and international Criminal Record Checks
Have the right to live and work in the UK without sponsorship

Detailed FAQ - See PDF

Do I need IELTS 5.5 to apply?
You don’t need this to apply. If you are successful, you would need to obtain this before commencing your training.
Can any of the selection stages be done remotely?
All the selection stages will be held in person at Heathrow.
I have higher education than GCSE, but don’t meet the GCSE requirements, can I still apply?
You will need to meet the GCSE requirement as advertised to apply, regardless of any other qualification you may hold.
Will preference be given to those with A Levels/Degrees?
You need to meet the GCSE requirements as detailed in the application criteria. Further or higher education are not part of the application criteria.
I have a foreign passport with the right to live and work in the UK, can I apply?
As long as your passport allows you unrestricted worldwide travel, you can apply.

Not sure if we should thank the HK Government or not, because if it wasn't them, the UK government wouldn't bother to change the Immigration policy for us, and we would still not be eligible to apply, even though we met all the requirements except working rights. Reading on their website, I can immediately notice the difference between CX and BA recruitment. Clear, concise, transparent, educational, and informative, it's like heaven and earth comparing with CX. And the Standard, something that is missing at CX.

Cathay's door is always open because they are desperate, but BA does not. I would encourage everyone that meets their academic requirements to give it a try.
Having rights to live and work in another country did not come easily.

More info on this thread https://www.pprune.org/professional-pilot-training-includes-ground-studies/653787-speedbird-pilot-academy-funded-60.html

26th Apr 2024, 10:26
Hi mate,

I was on the same initial interview day as you, and I still haven't received any news from CX.

May I know if there have been any updates from you, please ?

I failed... obviously.
i thought it was a system bug but after asking around, i found out normally after each round, if u pass, u will most likely receive an invition email for the next round within 2 hrs or so, latest by the end of the day.
except for the final round, normally it takes 3-4 weeks.

i received en email on friday saying that i failed the initial round. try again after 3 months.
i guess the actions button was a sign of ur application getting deleted. lol

keep ur head up and hopes up mate, can always try again after 3 months. :)
this 3 months can be a good thing, for u to be fully prepared, right? aint a bad thing for the long term!

26th Apr 2024, 16:27
Hi Guys,
Just learnt about CX opening for their cadetship. As a UK (British) Citizen, just wondering if we are eligible to apply with only unrestricted right to live/work in the UK?
I've found it's not completely concise from various sources online.

27th Apr 2024, 04:33
I am not a HK / China resident or PR for either of those countries. I applied and got invited for an assessment.

The HR did request for additional documents from my end after I submitted my application though. Who knows?
bro may i ask did you apply for cadet or second officer?

27th Apr 2024, 06:55
bro may i ask did you apply for cadet or second officer?

applied for cadet

28th Apr 2024, 20:38
for my whole application process timeline:

ICAO: 2 weeks after application
computer based assessment: 5 days after receiving ICAO
initial interview: on the day after computer based assessment
final interview: 1 week after initial interview
medical assessment: 1 week after final interview

hope it helps

Just wanna ask what is the ICAO assessment like, if you practiced for it do you mind sharing? Thanks

29th Apr 2024, 06:59
Not sure if we should thank the HK Government or not, because if it wasn't them, the UK government wouldn't bother to change the Immigration policy for us, and we would still not be eligible to apply, even though we met all the requirements except working rights. Reading on their website, I can immediately notice the difference between CX and BA recruitment. Clear, concise, transparent, educational, and informative, it's like heaven and earth comparing with CX. And the Standard, something that is missing at CX.

Cathay's door is always open because they are desperate, but BA does not. I would encourage everyone that meets their academic requirements to give it a try.
Having rights to live and work in another country did not come easily.

More info on this thread https://www.pprune.org/professional-pilot-training-includes-ground-studies/653787-speedbird-pilot-academy-funded-60.html

BA focuses on quality of their cadets whereas CX focuses on cost cutting, money, money and money, and that's why CX uses many tricks to make sure they can get as much as they can out of you, including COS18, three years pilot allowance being taken away, working at the airport as Customer Service, P2x rating etc..Welcome to Hong Kong!

29th Apr 2024, 07:22
Just wanna ask what is the ICAO assessment like, if you practiced for it do you mind sharing? Thanks

depending on which organization your test is with, didn't really prep much for it, more just like listening and speaking.

29th Apr 2024, 08:59
I failed... obviously.
i thought it was a system bug but after asking around, i found out normally after each round, if u pass, u will most likely receive an invition email for the next round within 2 hrs or so, latest by the end of the day.
except for the final round, normally it takes 3-4 weeks.

i received en email on friday saying that i failed the initial round. try again after 3 months.
i guess the actions button was a sign of ur application getting deleted. lol

keep ur head up and hopes up mate, can always try again after 3 months. :)
this 3 months can be a good thing, for u to be fully prepared, right? aint a bad thing for the long term!

Hi mate,

Sad to hear that.

Just wanna know, did they deleted your application before you received the email? Or just the action button disappeared?

29th Apr 2024, 09:35
Whilst BA has just closed the door, Easyjet is now on the look. Check it out. Keep in mind, for Easyjet, you do need rights to LIVE and WORK in BOTH UK & EUROPE.
https://www.cae.com/civil-aviation/become-a-pilot/our-pilot-training-programmes/generation-easyjet-pilot-training-programme/#:~:text=Your%20course%20includes%20aircraft%2Dtype,an%20Air bus%20A320%20across%20Europe.

For those who don't want to be a Monitor Pilot/Cruise Relief Pilot/Babaysitter at Cathay, get your academic qualfication sorted out. You just need 6 GCSEs/HKDSEs, Grade A - C to get to the door. BA isn't going anywhere. BNO Visa isn't going anywhere. Stay put. Get yourself ready for the next intake.

1st May 2024, 07:31
Hi fellow aviators,

I am a HK citizen holding FAA CPL, MEIR, and CFI, with approximately 300 total flight hours. My last flight was in 2021 as the past few years haven't allowed me to fly due to COVID. I'm currently in the process of applying for the CX Cadet Program. I've heard that applicants with flight experience are often tested on their technical aviation knowledge during the initial interview. Considering my 3 years break from active flying, I'm eager to refresh my knowledge and ensure I'm well-prepared before submitting my application.
Did the initial interview heavily focus on technical aviation knowledge? What resources or study materials other than PHAK would you recommend for studying the technical part of the interview?

Any insights or guidance would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance!

2nd May 2024, 01:34
For those who don't want to be a Monitor Pilot/Cruise Relief Pilot/Babaysitter at Cathay, get your academic qualfication sorted out. You just need 6 GCSEs/HKDSEs, Grade A - C to get to the door. BA isn't going anywhere. BNO Visa isn't going anywhere. Stay put. Get yourself ready for the next intake.

Thanks for the info Hardrod! Did not know British Airways has a free cadet training program as well, I always thought you had to pay X amount of money upfront. They must have changed it somehow. Sadly I missed the deadline, and I havent got all 6Cs in my DSE, thankfully their cut off age is 55 so I still have time, plenty of time lol. Do let us know when the next intake happens again!

6th May 2024, 08:53
Did you guys need to do a psychometric test online? What kind is it? CUT E?

15th May 2024, 05:15
hey everyone, i’ve just received an invitation to do the computer based assessments. i’ve practiced the cut-e tests but would like to improve my scores so any tips or tricks?? also if anyone has information on the work-related behaviour test it would be greatly appreciated. for background i only have about 25 hours of flying experience.

15th May 2024, 09:51
hey everyone, i’ve just received an invitation to do the computer based assessments. i’ve practiced the cut-e tests but would like to improve my scores so any tips or tricks?? also if anyone has information on the work-related behaviour test it would be greatly appreciated. for background i only have about 25 hours of flying experience.

Hi, you based in HK? may i know if the initial interview is to be scheduled on the same day right after the computer based assessments? thanks!

15th May 2024, 15:27
I sat for the HR interview on 13th May 2024, just received an email today saying that my application didnt make it to the next stage and was deferred to 9 months. I can reactivate my application in 3 months time.

anyone experiencing this or is it just me? Kinda sad as i really wish i can go for the next stage

15th May 2024, 17:56
For those who didn't pass the initial interview and plan on re-applying again or anyone who is in the selection process, do you guys wanna create a group chat together where we can all share our interview experiences or resources to prepare for the interview in 3 month time again?

Heres the discord server I just made: c3thwTmTj7 (thats the code to join)

15th May 2024, 22:53
For those who didn't pass the initial interview and plan on re-applying again or anyone who is in the selection process, do you guys wanna create a group chat together where we can all share our interview experiences or resources to prepare for the interview in 3 month time again?

Heres the discord server I just made: c3thwTmTj7 (thats the code to join)

Hey jason,

thats a great idea. May I know if you receive the same kind of email like me?

Thank you for attending the initial selection process for the Cadet Pilot Programme.

We have been impressed with your enthusiasm and have enjoyed hearing about your aspirations however, after reviewing your performance, we regret to advise that you have not been selected for further consideration at this time. Your application has therefore been deferred for a period of 9 months.

Should you wish to re-activate your application, kindly contact us at [email protected] in three months' time, from the date of this letter and we shall endeavour to review your application, with a view for you to re-commence the Cadet Pilot Programme selection process.

Additionally, kindly inform us of any changes in personal details and flying qualifications during this period by updating your Flight Crew application via the careers link of www.cathaypacific.com.

We would like to thank you for your interest in Cathay Pacific, and in the meantime we wish you every success.

15th May 2024, 23:23
Hey jason,

thats a great idea. May I know if you receive the same kind of email like me?

Thank you for attending the initial selection process for the Cadet Pilot Programme.

We have been impressed with your enthusiasm and have enjoyed hearing about your aspirations however, after reviewing your performance, we regret to advise that you have not been selected for further consideration at this time. Your application has therefore been deferred for a period of 9 months.

Should you wish to re-activate your application, kindly contact us at [email protected] in three months' time, from the date of this letter and we shall endeavour to review your application, with a view for you to re-commence the Cadet Pilot Programme selection process.

Additionally, kindly inform us of any changes in personal details and flying qualifications during this period by updating your Flight Crew application via the careers link of www.cathaypacific.com.

We would like to thank you for your interest in Cathay Pacific, and in the meantime we wish you every success.

Hey, mine was deferred for 6 months and the rest are the same.

19th May 2024, 23:54
im based in AUS but have HKID. I believe the initial interview is on same day but mine is on 22nd so will have to update.

20th May 2024, 03:05
Hi aviators,
I just completed the ICAO test. Taking the CUT-E next week and prepping for upcoming interviews (HR and Panel). Anyone interested in forming a study group? We can share resources, tips and practice questions. DM

20th May 2024, 07:28
im based in AUS but have HKID. I believe the initial interview is on same day but mine is on 22nd so will have to update.

does the Cute invitation email mention interview to be followed right after?

20th May 2024, 10:33
Hi! I have done the Computer Based Assessment recently and I was wondering how long does it usually take for Cathay to get back to me to do the initial interview?

20th May 2024, 11:21
Do CX tend to email or call to notify the final outcome of the final interview?

20th May 2024, 11:27
there's a discord server above which there's a few of us inside that share out experiences and resources
u can join if u want

c3thwTmTj7 <-- code to join

20th May 2024, 12:05
Do CX tend to email or call to notify the final outcome of the final interview?
most people i know got called by cathay for final interview, however i was emailed so i guess both?

21st May 2024, 01:14
they wouldn't tell you the outcome of final interview. They will either call you (i guess if you're in hk) or email (if overseas) for medical check, meaning you've passed the final interview.

21st May 2024, 01:33
Is that still the current procedure? Because when the HR lady called me for medical check, she repeatedly said that my final interview result was still under review.

I did my medical check almost a month ago and did not hear anything from them so I called, the same HR lady said my final interview result was still marked as "under review" and normally it should be out in 1 to 2 weeks.

21st May 2024, 02:58
Is that still the current procedure? Because when the HR lady called me for medical check, she repeatedly said that my final interview result was still under review.

I did my medical check almost a month ago and did not hear anything from them so I called, the same HR lady said my final interview result was still marked as "under review" and normally it should be out in 1 to 2 weeks.

how long did you have to wait to hear about the medical check after you completed your final interview?

21st May 2024, 02:58
they wouldn't tell you the outcome of final interview. They will either call you (i guess if you're in hk) or email (if overseas) for medical check, meaning you've passed the final interview.

On the other side, is the rejection via email as well?

21st May 2024, 03:03
how long did you have to wait to hear about the medical check after you completed your final interview?

About a week. And the medical check was in the next week

21st May 2024, 12:14
Hello! I will probably be starting training in June and would love to meet any fellow cadets. Pls DM me!

22nd May 2024, 00:28
On the other side, is the rejection via email as well?

Yeah, rejection will only be via email and the 'clear out' on the application portal

23rd May 2024, 00:24
Hello! I will probably be starting training in June and would love to meet any fellow cadets. Pls DM me!
Congrats! Which course are you attending?

23rd May 2024, 16:42
people keep saying their application is 'deleted' or 'cleared out', but what does that mean, like it doesn't even show up on the portal page?

24th May 2024, 00:45
people keep saying their application is 'deleted' or 'cleared out', but what does that mean, like it doesn't even show up on the portal page?

So the portal, normally you will see your application on the main screen after logged in, with the Cadet Pilot Programme and the 'action' button. In case of unsuccessful application, the cadet pilot programme profile tends to dismissed and there will be 'nothing' on main page. if it make sense

24th May 2024, 06:22
Congrats! Which course are you attending?
Thanks! I've been told it's the integrated course, but yet to receive the formal offer.

24th May 2024, 17:58
mine was 1 day

25th May 2024, 21:18
So the portal, normally you will see your application on the main screen after logged in, with the Cadet Pilot Programme and the 'action' button. In case of unsuccessful application, the cadet pilot programme profile tends to dismissed and there will be 'nothing' on main page. if it make sense

Had my final interview about a week ago. Went on the portal, my application is still here but 'action button' is missing. Is this a bad sign?

27th May 2024, 00:51
Thanks! I've been told it's the integrated course, but yet to receive the formal offer.

Same here, when is your course starting?

28th May 2024, 00:51
Most likely late June! How about you?

28th May 2024, 12:16
I did my medical check last Tuesday and an extra eye exam on last Wednesday. But still I don’t receive any call / email about further actions.

I want to know it there anyone have the similar situation or did the medical check recently?

becoz I am so worried and stressful these days

29th May 2024, 00:04
Most likely late June! How about you?

Mine is early August

29th May 2024, 01:44
I did my medical check last Tuesday and an extra eye exam on last Wednesday. But still I don’t receive any call / email about further actions.

I want to know it there anyone have the similar situation or did the medical check recently?

becoz I am so worried and stressful these days
i did my medical in mid-April and haven't heard from CX since, talking about being worried and stressful :')

31st May 2024, 09:14
Mine is early August
pm-ed u