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Canadian Aviation Academy

Old 3rd Feb 2009, 20:42
  #81 (permalink)  
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Hi Bombsaway80

this is winto22 , im doing fine thanks and urself , im actually spending alot of time doing my flight training actually if uve been wondering what ive been doing wiht my time , thats the reason im actually here if u couldnt have figured that one out by now ,

it really seems u obviously have nothing better to do with ur time than to speak in a negative manner about this flight school , if u only knew how nobody really care what crap our actually talking on this forum, about this school ,

do u really think we believe that u are going to print something in the national newspaper , ??? u have nothing on this school , and i mean absolutely nothing , i know who u are as well as alot of the other idiots who talk on the forum to try and put down the school ,

i haeve to admit u can moan and groan on here all u want and try to prevent people from coming to this establishment but ur wasting ur time cause people will just find out for themselves like people have been doing and there is no complaints ,

it about positive attitude , commitment , motivation and teamwork ,

have fun wasting ur time along with all ur other time wasting friends on this forum ,

hope u enjoyed hearing from me, bombsaway80 ( by the way what a terrible screen name ) i wouldnt be suprised if u had quite a few other screen names u were working under aswell ,

Au Revior et Bon Chance
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Old 3rd Feb 2009, 21:34
  #82 (permalink)  
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These lads dodge straight forward questions put to them better than the big fellas.
You'd make Bertie proud boys!
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Old 3rd Feb 2009, 22:49
  #83 (permalink)  
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Actually obviously actually obviously actually obviously actually


im actually spending alot of time doing my flight training actually
thats the reason im actually here
it really seems u obviously have nothing better to do with ur time
if u only knew how nobody really care what crap our actually talking on this forum
i know who u are as well as alot of the other idiots who talk on the forum
you type in this forum not talk!

it about positive attitude
have fun wasting ur time along with all ur other time wasting friends on this forum


What an outstanding advertisement you are for your flight training organisation and the calibre of your fellow students. I hope your spelling and grammar skills are drastically improved before you attempt to put a CV together. What an impression you must be making!
If you don’t understand that may be you will this;
What a actually outstandin ad u r 4 ur flight training organisation actually and the calibre of ur fellow students! Obviously actually i hope ur grammar skills actually obviously drastically improved before u obviously actually attempt to put a actual cv together. What an impression u must be actually making obviously!
Mate sometimes it’s better to keep your head down mouth shut and just get on with your flight training, especially when you throw the word idiot around!
Yet again, another numpty from CAA bringing the CAA thread back to the lime light. Your mistakes above don’t say much for the entrance exams CAA conduct!
Does no one in that place have any sense. Keep your heads down get on with your training and away from childish bitching which draws negative attention to your FTO. Someone there falls for it every time.

I am not bombsaway and there is no possible way you could know who I am!
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Old 3rd Feb 2009, 23:02
  #84 (permalink)  
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Its called shorthand, alotaflyin!!!!! People use it nowadays its acceptable in these circumstances. Its not rocket science he's talking about. It's a forum post. It doesn't have to have the best grammar in the world!!! If you had any intelligence you should be able to understand it without any difficulty!!!!! And this forum is not to discuss grammar anyway.....................STICK TO THE POINT!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and about those questions that we apparently seem to be dodging, someone ask them again and we will answer what we can truthfully. That's what we have always done on this forum. I'm looking forward to them!!!!
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Old 3rd Feb 2009, 23:08
  #85 (permalink)  
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Getting back to the point Ivan. When are you expecting to start that amazing flying career with Air Canada or one of those African airlines you said you were promised live on air on a regional Radio station???

Radio stations have archives and a quote during the interview was " CAA have a direct link with Air Canada and have placed pilots with alot of airlines"

PS: short hand is very different from what was typed above and anyone educated enough could realise that!

Finally you are only in that FTO since late last year, any information YOU could provide from before the date you arrived there is simply here say. You did not directly witness what happened there before you arrived! Anything you were told and in turn type here is simple here say coming through a third or fourth party! Your FTO have already shown up how underhanded they are by trying to bride PPRUNE to delete this thread by offering a proposed years advertising. That level of dishonesty cannot be defended under any circumstances.
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Old 4th Feb 2009, 01:05
  #86 (permalink)  
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I never planned to work with Air Canada or an African airline. CAA never claimed to have a link with either, and they don't promise any student that they will walk straight into a job with either. I have a recording of my radio interview, and nowhere in the interview was that mentioned. Maybe you are talking about another interview???? If that is the case, I don't know about any other interviews. All I know is that that quote wasn't mentioned in my interview.

And yes I know what proper shorthand is too.

I don't know what appened at the school before I arrived here, and I don't care. Both myelf and my fellow students believe it's the present that matters, not the past, whether its true or false. My belief is that all that is false. But it's the present and future that matter, and I couldn't have been any more satisfied with what I've seen since I arrived here. As for the proposed advertising matter, I never heard about that until you guys started mentioning it. What is your source of information on that?????

Everybody in CAA have been totally down to earth with us and have been totally honest about everything, from what I've seen anyway.
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Old 4th Feb 2009, 07:48
  #87 (permalink)  
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PPRUNE moderators and admin are the source. Go back one page on this forum and read post number 69. It explains the whole underhanded affair along.
If you are satisfied with your training to date and things are working out well for you and your fellow students over there then good for you. I wish you every success!
The main issue that was taken up here were issues over dishonesty and false promises mainly coming from one source and that was MR Eddie Russell CEO. I like a few others applied long before you and were told a lot of un –truths in order to get people to sign up! That behaviour was unfair and false advertisement. Hell the guy even said on a news paper he was setting up an aerobatic team in the school! There are link on this forum to the PR in the national and regional news papers. I’m glad to see that they are now concentrating on what they can offer!
I’m glad to hear that you were not promised any pretend jobs with airlines and that everything is above board. If everything is going to plan then keep it that way. I will try post a link to the interview on this site it later today!

Safe Flying

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Old 4th Feb 2009, 20:16
  #88 (permalink)  
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I really really really like Winto!

Ok Smartypants, here’s a list of questions that you ought to know the answers to, since you apparently know the entire history of PRI/CAA down to the last detail, and of course you are right about everything.
Twelve questions, twelve answers please!
1.How many students have completed the fixed wing and Helicopter Courses, and where are they now? How many are now employed ‘around the world’ to quote the former CAA website? I’ll give you a clue-2 fixed wing and 4 helicopter pilots. None have found work through or with the help of CAA, and are not likely to either. Also, why were they claiming to have work for students in BC and Alberta when they clearly didn't?

2.Why were CAA claiming up until a month ago that they could get a 3 year open work visa for their students, when in fact they don’t qualify for any work visa programme, and never have? It’s also worth pointing out that they have never even secured a work visa for a qualified student, let alone a job.

3.Why were students promised return flights in 2007 that were never honoured?

4.Why were the police called last year when a certain director showed up at one of the flight schools and proceeded to make threats?

5.Would you like to comment on the allegation that new students were being told to avoid the current students as they were, quote, “a bunch of a**holes”? Really great way to talk about your customers, does wonders for morale too.

6.What about the phone calls that were made to students and their families by the directors, any comment there for us?

7.What about the ludicrous claims by Mr Eddie Russell CEO that a criminal case was being compiled by the Canadian and Irish authorities to deal with us pesky ppruners, and that our ISP’s addresses had been traced?

8.Not only that, CAA then had the nerve to ask pprune to delete the thread in exchange for a years advertising. Pprune, to their eternal credit, told them to get stuffed.

9.Is there an aerobatics team at the school, as claimed in one of the newspaper articles? (stop sniggering at the back!)

10.More of a personal comment, but why were you singing the praises of a company in a radio interview when you hadn’t even been over to Canada? Seems odd to me...Your pal Winto was doing the same thing after a week in North Bay until someone told him to shut his face as he hadn’t a clue what he was on about.

11.O Riordan as an instructor, when did this happen? Is he instructing presently?

12. And finally..........Why are all you lads so bloody gullible?

To be honest I feel pity for you more than anything, you’re obviously trying to show your dedication to the company, and ordinarily this would be no bad thing. However, you’re just doing what others have done before you, and in the end you find out that all the hard work was for nothing and you’ll end up getting shafted by CAA who won’t deliver on what they promised, with management not even bothering to return your phone calls. But that’s the path you’ve chosen, and you’ll learn the hard way.
As for you Winto, great if you know who I am, I couldn’t care less. As for my bad name, it could be a lot worse. Like the guy who swans around North Bay with ‘MAVERICK” printed on his T Shirt, ring any bells? That’s just too sad for words...
But enough of the handbags stuff.
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Old 5th Feb 2009, 00:31
  #89 (permalink)  
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Re: Ivanwhitemac, winto22, etc

Its good to see all well in North Bay (flight school), i have only a two questions:

How much does your course cost from Ireland?
How much does your course cost from Canada?

From what i have seen there is huge difference, don't tell us its expensive to in North Bay.
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Old 5th Feb 2009, 01:03
  #90 (permalink)  
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If you read my last post, you would have noticed the following quote in it:

I don't know what happened at the school before I arrived here, and I don't care. Both myself and my fellow students believe it's the present that matters, not the past, whether its true or false. My belief is that all that is false. But it's the present and future that matter, and I couldn't have been any more satisfied with what I've seen since I arrived here.

I don't know the entire history of CAA & I don't claim to know it either. I only know what I know, and what has been proven to me.

Here are your 12 answers, from what knowledge I know of the place:

1. I don't know for sure how many students have completed the courses, and have found work. I don't care about that. Before I came to Canada I researched A LOT of flight schools, and this one seemed to be the best option. They never said to me that they would guarantee me a job, only that they would try to find me a job when I finish, same as any other flight school. I've heard students from other flight schools complaining about the same thing. One thing I do know is that CAA is not like one of the other schools who rush their students through and have huge classes. CAA treats everyone on an individual basis, which is one of the main reasons why I chose them.
As for them finding work for students in BC and Alberta, I don't know about that & I don't care about it. I never planned on staying in Canada after finishing my training so that doesn't concern me.

2. Again doesn't concern me as I don't want to work in Canada.

3. I don't know about that, doesn't concern me.

4. Don't know, doesn't concern me.

5. I was never told that by any staff member of CAA. I can judge people for myself.

6. Never heard about it. Maybe because certain students weren't putting their full committment into the course, turning up late for flights, cancelling flights??????

7. Never heard about it, doesn't concern me.

8. Same as Q. 7.

9. No aerobatics team as of yet, didn't see that newspaper article.

10. The purpose of the interview was to talk about pilot training, not to sing the praises of the company. So far anything talked about in the interview has come true, and both myself & the other student interviewed are very satisfied.

11. Not as yet, we are managing fine at the moment when it comes to instructors. Not a matter that concerns me.

12. We are not gullible. We only believe what we see & what has been proven to us. We make up our own minds when we hear rumours. We don't fall for anything until we have seen evidence.

There's what I know. I don't care about the rumours, etc. All I'm here for is to train to be a pilot, not to listen to rumours, of which I've seen no evidence. And so far I think the school has been fantastic, the people have been fantastic, & the experience has been fantastic. So far we are on course to finish on time, & I have no regrets of coming to this flight school.
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Old 5th Feb 2009, 01:13
  #91 (permalink)  
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The Rebel,

The reason CAA are more expensive than going straight to Algonquin is because the Algonquin package just includes the basic flight training.
The CAA package includes the flight training along with many extras, which include: transport, weekly food allowance, accomodation, electricity, internet access, monthly social outings (eg. paintball, skydiving, etc.), and more stuff. If you compare it to any other Irish flight school, it's much better value for money. They only include the basic flight training, with no accomodation, etc thrown in & they STILL end up being more expensive than CAA!!!!!!!!!
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Old 5th Feb 2009, 13:57
  #92 (permalink)  
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Re: Ivanwhitemac,

The cost of the course that you are doing is 67,000 euro (100,500 Canadian Dollars approx), if you had gone to the flight school from canada it costs less than 50,000 Canadian Dollars, it does not cost more than a 1,000 dollars per month for food, travel, accomodation, electricity and internet access in North Bay.

So that leaves a difference of 38,000 dollars approx

The CAA package includes the flight training along with many extras, which include: transport, weekly food allowance, accomodation, electricity, internet access, monthly social outings (eg. paintball, skydiving, etc.), and more stuff.

Your monthly social outing must be very good since you are paying 750 dollars for them.

Where have you since the start of the new year?

We are not gullible
Are you really going to tell me you are happy to pay extra 38,000?

I think that before you give advice to anyone to come over to North Bay, you should inform them that its a lot cheaper to go directly to the flight school.
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Old 5th Feb 2009, 14:21
  #93 (permalink)  
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Re: above

Your monthly social outing must be very good since you are paying 750 dollars approx per week for them.
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Old 5th Feb 2009, 16:46
  #94 (permalink)  
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The Rebel,

I don't care if it's cheaper to go straight to Algonquin or not. I chose CAA because it saved me a lot of hassle because if I had gone straight to Algonquin I would have had to have found my own accommodation, food, transport, etc etc. If there's anyone ripping people off it's those other flight schools back in Ireland. I found it a huge advantage when CAA organised everything for me, including my visa. I would have found it extremely intimidating to have arrived in Toronto that first day & to have to find my own way to North Bay, & then find accomodation, transport, etc. The other current students also found that a huge advantage. And they are STILL CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER IRISH FLIGHT SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 6th Feb 2009, 15:41
  #95 (permalink)  
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Re: Ivanwhitemac,

don't care if it's cheaper to go straight to Algonquin
I really find it hard to believe that, and all the other Irish that are there feel the same about been over charged by 38,000 dollars.

That might explain why our country is in such a state financially.

Do you know how bad things are in Ireland now?

1.How many students have completed the fixed wing and Helicopter Courses, and where are they now? How many are now employed ‘around the world’ to quote the former CAA website? I’ll give you a clue-2 fixed wing and 4 helicopter pilots. None have found work through or with the help of CAA, and are not likely to either. Also, why were they claiming to have work for students in BC and Alberta when they clearly didn't?
1. I don't know for sure how many students have completed the courses, and have found work. I don't care about that.
Don't think that they are going to help you either.
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Old 9th Feb 2009, 23:28
  #96 (permalink)  
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I don't know what happened at the school before I arrived here, and I don't care. Both myself and my fellow students believe it's the present that matters, not the past, whether its true or false. My belief is that all that is false. But it's the present and future that matter, and I couldn't have been any more satisfied with what I've seen since I arrived here.
Well that's fine for you, but you can't comment on what other people have experienced since you don't know. Glad you admit it.

I found it a huge advantage when CAA organised everything for me, including my visa. I would have found it extremely intimidating to have arrived in Toronto that first day & to have to find my own way to North Bay, & then find accomodation, transport, etc.
A fair enough point, but was it worth spending an extra 35-40 thousand euro? Where you could have taken that money and spent it on a airliner rating? Is it really that hard to pick up the phone and sort out accomodation, flights etc from Ireland? I would say no, what with this new internet malarky...

One thing I do know is that CAA is not like one of the other schools who rush their students through and have huge classes.
Now this is an interesting point. You are right, CAA don't rush their students through. Usually because the planes weren't online for students when they went up to the school to fly. And do you think CAA would be sympathetic to the students? No, they were told to find their own accomodation and food if they weren't finished after a year, it wasn't CAA's problem. That's treating the customer well isn't it? Hopefully you won't find yourself in the same situation...but then again, that probably "doesn't concern you" since it was "in the past".

Now you are more than welcome to come on here giving your experience of the school (which no one has a problem with, by the way), but it's only fair that you also advise potential students of ways in which they can save money instead of trying to get them to go through O Riordans grubby paws. Then let them decide. Fair?

Hey Winto, any chance you would answer the big twelve questions? I know you're reading this....and none of this "I don't know, it doesn't concern me stuff either". You definitely do know....
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Old 10th Feb 2009, 00:01
  #97 (permalink)  
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The BIG 12 Qs

Sure why not , ill give them a shot :

Q1: Honestly i dont mind how many students have completed the course to date thats not my concern, All i know is that i will complete the course and thats what matters to me,

Q2: I didnt hear anything about a 3 year work permit, all i know is that i will be assisted in obtaining my work permit, ill find out at the time how long its valid for and ill renew it if i have too.

Q3: I have no idea about students being promised return flights in 2007 i wasnt here so i cant comments about that

Q4: I dont have any memory of a police incident as mentioned in Q4

Q5: Well as for new students staying away from old students: The term a**hole i dont know about but , there were a few ex students here who i believe were in conflict and it was best that they remained clear , wheather they were told to do that i dont know im sure the new students can figure that out for themselves

Q6: Dont know

Q7: Dont know

Q8: Dont know

Q9: I believe that the school will eventually be able to provide aerobatics training for stuents who wish to persue that area, As for an Aerobatics Team I dont know about that, i believe its just the training aspect ,

Q10: Nobody told me to shut my face after a week of being here that is a comment blown well out of proportion:

Q11: He does have a FI Rating and does plan to continue instructing i believe

Q12: Were not all gullible we can make our own judgements based on what we know :

Final Statement : My Mavrick T - Shirt i have only met one person in this town since i bought the shirt who decided to be childish enough to make fun of it , i actually dont wear it all the time i got it as a gift and if someone like yourself is gonna have to stoop as low as to make fun of , it just shows your looking for the most irrelevent , idiotic stuff to mention , you really do need to get a life : and if this is your life may GOD HELP YOU
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Old 10th Feb 2009, 13:00
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if someone like yourself is gonna have to stoop as low as to make fun of , it just shows your looking for the most irrelevent , idiotic stuff to mention , you really do need to get a life : and if this is your life may GOD HELP YOU
This coming from the guy who said this.....
hope u enjoyed hearing from me, bombsaway80 ( by the way what a terrible screen name
See what I did there? I used your own statement against you....very clever, no? So maybe you should hold off on calling people idiots...
Pot. Kettle. Black.
And sorry to spoil your dreams, but the chances of you getting a work visa in this present climate are slim indeed. You might have had a chance a year ago, but there is talk of the government freezing all work visa's for foreign students. So the school will be forced to hire Canadian instructors only.
As for question 1, I didn't ask you if you minded how many students had finished, I asked you specifically how many students had finished, and how many were working now. Since CAA are claiming to have hundreds of graduates that are working around the world. And you do know the answer to that, so why don't you answer it and cut the bs?
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Old 10th Feb 2009, 13:37
  #99 (permalink)  
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well thats your opinion , im sure i will get a work permit just fine thanks regardless of the economy,

i dont know of claims of hundreds working all around the world,
regardless if u use the word idiot or not , its probably the most applicable word to some of you outrageous claims, anyway just wanted to say GOODBYE , i really dont have time to play all day on this terrible out of proportion thread ,

good luck with ppruning bombsaway80
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Old 10th Feb 2009, 19:27
  #100 (permalink)  
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Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee.........don't let the door hit you on the way out!

Now another question that has been bugging me. What ever happened to the 3 CAA guys that went to gateway? Did CAA ever find them work in the end? I remember Murt Kennedy coming on here saying they had all been offered work.....
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