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Most embarrassing thing to happen to you inflight...

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Most embarrassing thing to happen to you inflight...

Old 8th Nov 2007, 22:33
  #41 (permalink)  
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Just the other day we were boarding as you do (DOH!) and i was by the overwing exits to make sure i have ABP's bla bla bla... Anyway this very, VERY tall gentleman comes straight to those rows but he was walking a bit funny, like he had a disability or something. So here am i thinking "here we go again..." and said as he was sitting : "Excuse me Sir, i'm affraid you can't sit here, if you could chose any other seat?". The man bewildered asked me "Why?" and i said "Well the law is that no impaired persons can be seated in the Emergency Exit rows and i see you have a bit of trouble walking...". The gentleman just looked at me as if i have just slapped him and his entire family and then showed him the finger and stood up properly (HIS HEAD WAS TOUCHING THE CABIN'S CELLING!!!!!!!!!) ans said "But i'm perfectly fit love, i'm just walking like this so i won't bang my head against the overhead lockers"
Having hear that, all i wanted to do was to crawl under a stone and stay there for the rest of my life, i was so embarrassed
LOL - perhaps you should have done a Basil Fawlty and stuck to your guns - with appropriate mimicking of the gentleman's "silly walk" - getting yourself deeper and deeper in it ...
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Old 9th Nov 2007, 12:01
  #42 (permalink)  
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Pokergirl, that was the funniest thing I've ever read here in PPrune.....I can only imagine: Oh, the embarrassment!! very funny.
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Old 9th Nov 2007, 16:23
  #43 (permalink)  
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I was working as a hosty for Qatar airways and as they hate to see us all having a good time, the only thing to keep us sane were the lovely ozzies/south african helicopter piolt/oil rig workers and their infamous house parties with vodka on tap. Well, i didn't wanna be rude and call it an early night so I stayed up drinking til 6 in the morning, I had to fly to khartoum at 10am!!!! I didn't sleep, had the shakes and stuck my fingers down my throat before the minbus came to pick me up pre flight. i felt totally ****e. I manged to survive the outbound flight but as we were landing into Khartoum which seemd like a lifetime, swaying and circling, i was strapped into my jumpseat at R3 on the old A300 facing a lovely looking arabic woman who was concerned...I looked at her, she at me, i gagged, looked out the window, scurried around me to find a sick bag, scurried behind me to look, couldn't move, everyone was facing me as i was aft facing jumpseat...I though holy **** im gonna puke all over the uniform and the lady in front..i mimicked that i was gonna be sick and low and behold the kind lady grabbed her sick bag and i puked so much into the bag..then wiped it off with the tissue she gave me AND she took the full bag off me when we landed so i could do the landing announcement, (prefer brits to do the english announcement so that was me then !) god i never drank and flew again!
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Old 16th Nov 2007, 20:18
  #44 (permalink)  
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I work for a really fun airline.
A colleague once burped on direct PA while a really nice senior taking a breath during her welcome announcement.

During the welcome announcement we often try to make the Senior laugh and jump in the rubbish bags like a sack race in the back galley or wave with the fire gloves - on our feet... - passengers are facing forward (-:
A colleague once took the tube on the lifejacket as if she were sucking ...

I once sat in front of the PAX before take-off and the woman in front was cramped to the seat, not too scared to be a useless ABP though... and a man at the window was imitating her. I sat there looking serious and did a sign of the cross. The whole first row burst out in laughter.

Once I was doing a sales announcement for the duty free and ended up saying: We have very nice perfumes as CK, Dior and the seductive Ange Provocateur which will make anyone ... ahhh ... horny

During another duty free announcement I wanted to say: We have perfumes for your wife and even toys for your dog and ended up saying: We have toys for your wife and dog
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Old 19th Nov 2007, 20:17
  #45 (permalink)  
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Walking down the aisle on a BKK flight spotted something on the floor bent over to pick it up my skirt ripped all the way up to my bum ran to crew rest whipped my skirt of started sewing furiously all when we where in the middle of descent. Then found out there cctv in crew rest

Smacked my head on trolley when I was double ending. Spilled a bloody mary all over a pax

Forgot pyjamas on a SYD flight for crew rest had to borrow a big 6ft 5 romanians!

I was the worst hosty ever. Needless to say didnt last long lol
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Old 20th Nov 2007, 15:54
  #46 (permalink)  
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I am guessing that with your user name you work for the same airline as myself.

If you did any of the things that you have mentioned in your post on one of my flights, I would have you in with an OPM faster than you can burp on direct PA.

Do you think that someone burping on the PA is professional? I know it wasn't yourself who did it, but you can bet that pax thought that your SCCM was vulgar and disgusting as they would think that the SCCM had done it.

At all times on the ground you should be vigilant in case there was a need to evacuate the aircraft. If crew are pissing about in gash bags in the back galley it will delay your reaction time in getting doors open and the aircraft evacuated if things went wrong during engine start up.

Also, fire gloves are items of SEP equipment and should be used for their intended purposes only. Are you aware that if fire gloves get wet they will be useless for fire fighting? Galley floors get wet owing to leaky brewers, taps and ice buckets, and if it is raining outside and you are boarding via D2L pax will be bringing rain water inside the galley on their shoes during boarding making the floor wet.

Before you go thinking I am a stuffy old whatsit, I will point out that I am a relaxed and chilled out SCCM who likes to have fun, but some things I most definetely will not tolerate on board!
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Old 20th Nov 2007, 18:41
  #47 (permalink)  
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Long Time reader... First Time Poster...

At my old airline, one fligt after crew rest, I must have had a pretty erotic dream, cause I had to wait a while before going out into the cabin to wait for my excitement to subside.

Get Out Of My Galley... I have read many of your posts, and I am pretty sure I know who you are.

If I am right, you are one of the LEAST laid back and relaxed SCCMs at EasyLGW. Don't worry, no one would even dream of doing something like that on one of your flights. Your reputation precedes you.

In my opinion, Uptight and Over Strict SCCMs ultimately reduce the effectiveness of a crew member being able to perform there duties, and makes a 4 sector day seem like it will never end, resulting in fatigue and exhaustion.

I have flown for 6 years, and started with EZ 10 months ago as a direct entry SCCM. Although many of the crew at Easy are very young, and often play around, they are still highly trained and very compitent. There is a difference between putting a Fire Glove on your head, and endangering the afety of an a/c.

I actually have more confidence in them than I ever had with the crew at my last airline, should an emergency situation arrise.

Get off your High Horse! Get a Life!
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Old 20th Nov 2007, 19:36
  #48 (permalink)  
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If I am right, you are one of the LEAST laid back and relaxed SCCMs at EasyLGW
But you may not be right - that's the point of anonymous forums. Guessing identities is most unwise and generally gets us all nowhere...

There is a difference between putting a Fire Glove on your head, and endangering the afety of an a/c
A distinction that "highly trained and very compitent" [sic] cabin crew may make but not necessarily our passengers - some of whom may expect a slightly greater level of maturity to be displayed than this, and who, frankly, deserve rather more respect.

These last 3 posts (including this one) are moving off topic - shall we get back - by all means start another thread if you wish to discuss leadership styles of Senior Crew.

Regards TS (Old School, Suffer No Fools Wagon Dragon, and proud of it!!!)

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Old 21st Nov 2007, 07:59
  #49 (permalink)  
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  • I was serving an old lady one day and she asked me for a cup of tea. I was being very polite and respectful as she was so proper herself. As i placed the napkin on her tray table i heard a ' oh my....'. When i looked down on the napkin it said '29A F***ING HOT! I was absolutely mortified and grabbed the napkin away and apologised.
(It had been written by a previous crew and obviously been put back in the napkin pile by mistake!) She was a good sport though cause she said 'That's alright dear, i'll have to go and have a look'
  • I had a man ask me for a beer once and with the beer on his tray table to his surprise came a free french manicured acrylic nail. I went and got infills the next day!
  • I also constantly have people tell me that they take their tea 'White and one' and my reply is 'Certainly, do you take milk and sugar?'
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Old 21st Nov 2007, 21:32
  #50 (permalink)  
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Had just started doing a bar service in E Zone Y/C on a two person bar cart.We had massive 2 litre tins of Orange and Apple juice that required opening using the old fashioned can openers that pierced the lid either side in a small V . I usually only opened the tins as required after being asked for that particular juice ..
After 2 or 3 drink orders i had to return to the galley for something .In my absence and unbekn owns to me my colleague working on the other end of the bar had been asked for a juice and had opened the tin .
My first order after returning to the bar was for an orange juice so i picked the tin up believing it to be unopened and started furiously shaking it above my head like a cocktail shaker thereby showering approx 20-30 passengers and my colleague with almost half the contents of sticky orange juice before realising what was going on.I have never seen so much bedlam and wondered what the hell was going on to cause the screams all around me. Some days you should just stay in bed.
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Old 22nd Nov 2007, 01:03
  #51 (permalink)  
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oh i should be sleeping but I cant

mistakes I have made on PA

"would all FAT..... passengers seated in our emergency exit rows or front row bulkhead seats...."

I'd gone to say 'fatengers' instead of 'passengers' for some reason but my correction was worse.

I was once trying to say:

"Whilst yourselves and the cabin crew are preparing for our landing."

I ended up saying:

"whilst yourselves and ourselves, i mean ourselves and yourselves, or do I mean yours no, ours no.. yours," etc (it went on for a while before I thought to stop PAing the whole aircraft. Thankfully we were 30mins out so nobody really listened except my colleagues who just fell to the floor in fits!

I think someone has already done worse but I find myself having full conversations with mothers before looking at their babies saying how cute they are then realising I am staring at a breast as well as a baby.

Colleague once wheeled a trolley into a very strategic part of my body in the middle of service - I was in so much pain I had to sit down then and there in the middle of the cabin I did get a lot of sympathy.

So many more but I'l leave it for now for my memoirs!
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Old 22nd Nov 2007, 12:22
  #52 (permalink)  
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Angel Another "i just want to crawl under a stone and die"

Finished the Safety Demo, starting securing the cabin... Noticed that an arm rest wasn't down between a couple... Smiling, i bent over saying "can i have the arm rest down for take off?" and when trying to reach the arm rest (some pax look at you bewildered when you say "arm rest" and then look around confused like saying "what's she on about" bless them) i managed to smack (HARD) this boy (he must've been round 12yo) across his face. After going balistic saying "oh my god i'm so sorry, are you ok, oh my god i'm sorry, you sure you're ok, do you need anything..." I looked around to see MUM's reaction ( she was sitting across the aisle) and the whole cabin was laughing.... I thought she'll get up and slap my brains out. Fortunately she started laughing with her son. Needless to say that the family of 4 had free drinks and numerous apologies...
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Old 29th Nov 2007, 06:43
  #53 (permalink)  
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it was bad...

well i had dropped something on the floor while doing a beverage service so i turned around and while i had bent over to pick it up i farted in a resting ladys face! i was so morrtified that i just walked a way. lol,,,

just the other day i had to use the lav so i just walked back there and saw the lav was unlocked and not being used so i just swung the door open,,, only to see a lady's face stareing back at me while she was peeing! it was horrible but we wond up laughing together about it later so it's okay now. lol
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Old 2nd Dec 2007, 04:16
  #54 (permalink)  
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These are priceless! I'm glad I'm not the only one to have these things happen...

Well two really embarassing moments come to mind.

The first was more embarassing to the poor gent I did it too...

I was B F/A on a 737-300 working in the aft galley. We were well into our flight and had about another hour to go so I was sitting on my jumpseat reading. Now the lavs on our 73's are quite pungent and I routinely bring along some deodorant spray to help alleviate the smell. Well I was heavily engrossed in my reading when I was overcome by a wave of stench coming from the lav so I simply reached into my bag, grabbed the can of deodorant, reached around behind me (I didn't even look first), opened the door and sprayed a hefty amount of spray.... right onto this poor man who had forgotten to lock the lav who promptly let out a rather unhappy cry... I was dumbfounded... I just held my hand there for a moment having never encountered this situation and completely unsure what the proper thing to do was. I just removed my hand closed the door and promptly went up to the forward galley to try and explain what had happened... My crew nearly wet themselves laughing at me.

The second was a personal disaster I still get cold sweats remembering... I was the middle F/A on, again, a 737 and we had just finished up boarding. I REALLY had to use the lav and decided to do so quickly before we started the demo. I finished up and took my position at overwing. During the demo I noticed several people in the aft rows giggling and being disruptive to the point it was about to ask them to stop when I noticed where their attention was directed too... In my haste to take my position I had forgotten to zip up my fly and was flashing my privates to the aft cabin. I nearly died right there... thankfully I was wearing my jacket and closed it in a vain attempt to regain what little dignity I had left... thankfully we were only going PHX to LAS... but it was the longest 45 minutes of my life!!

More stories!!!
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Old 4th Dec 2007, 08:39
  #55 (permalink)  

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"During the demo I noticed several people in the aft rows giggling and being disruptive to the point it was about to ask them to stop when I noticed where their attention was directed too... In my haste to take my position I had forgotten to zip up my fly and was flashing my privates to the aft cabin"

[x] Wearing underwear is advisable.
[ ] Not wearing underwear is ok.
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Old 18th Dec 2007, 00:33
  #56 (permalink)  
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I once opened the first overhead locker in the club cabin to get something out, and one of my high heeled shoes came flying out and landed on the pax's dinner tray! IN CLUB! Never again will I stow shoes in an overhead locker!!
LOL, if I was the pax, I would have taken the shoe, cleaned it very carefully just to make sure there is no more food on it anywhere, and then offer to put it back on your feet before you land.
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Old 21st Dec 2007, 06:56
  #57 (permalink)  
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I have recently started flying on an additional aircraft type which has a small step into the flight deck.
During my first week of flying I was coming out of the flight deck with some rubbish and forgot the step. Needless to say I went flying into the fwd galley area covering the front row with rubbish and old coffee cups.
Well I was absolutely mortified as you can imagine... but to make matters worse my crew rushed up the ailse to see if I was ok.
By this time the whole cabin was interested in what was going on. I had hurt my knee really badly, so I ended up sitting down for the rest of the flight with an ice pack on it.
As we were disembarking, all the pax kept asking if I was ok.
Fortunately it was only a bad case of a bruised knee and deflated ego
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Old 21st Dec 2007, 11:05
  #58 (permalink)  
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I remember when i started my flying career, i was young and innocent 19 year old and the first male cabin crew to be taken on by the small airline. So naturally all the cabin crew thought be great fun to have fun..so one particular i remember walking up and down the aisle after boarding closing overhead lockers, with the pax smiling at me. I smiled back. Thenn they would start giggling and pointing. By this time i was getting more paranoid - made sure i wasnt 'flying low' which i wasnt. This went on and on after take off until the 2 elderly MAAS called me over, and whispered i had something on my back - and lo behold there was a little yellow sticker saying
' CREW USE ONLY' - the pax just burst out laughing and the senior with them.

Only a week later again during boarding the capt cam on the pa to do his welcome speech. This was the 1st time i would be flying with this certain capt. He went on with all the usual stuff until he came to introduce the senior and myself. Except he forgot he was flying with a male no2 now and introduced us both as the 2 very attractive flight attendants in the back - then he realised his mistake and tried to backtrack...i think it was ..you had to be there to see the funny side, hehehe.

Another time was when i was made upto a senior. It was a busy friday afternoon with 6 sectors. Our a/c was late in and after a quick t/a we had closed up, with a full flight comprimising of hen parties, rugby team, some SAGA 50 - 90 holidaymakers etc on a short hop to DUB.
On a toss of the coin the no2 would read the pa whilst i would perform the demo. After aplogising for the delay etc..we went ahead with the demo. Pax were little grumpy but heyho.
All was going fine until the lifejacket - as i went to pull on the red toggles i noticed at the last minute it wasnt the usual demo jacket[ in such a rush to get away, didnt notice]
And low behold the jacket inflated, i jumped back with surprise, the no2 didnt knw what to say, pax burst out laughing, and clapping and me as red as a tomotoe laughed so much i was crying, took us all 5 minutes to get some regain composure. In the end after disembarkation in DUB the pax congratulated us all for a memorable flight getting off all smiling!

Another incident - which is bound to have happened to other crew is during boarding and checking boarding cards. I usually welcomed pax onboard, by saying afternoon sir/ gents/ madam/ladies etc.
But at times i did get it wrong - usually by welcoming a gentleman onboard only to realise at the last minute it was actually a lady - so many times that has happened - and thankfully none of the ladies heard apart from one, who got offended!

And there is always the chance during the arrival p.a you forget where you are and welcome the pax to the place they have just left or another london airport or even a airport in an entirely different country, for exmaple.......

Ladies & Gentlemen, welcome to Liverpool...i mean, dublin ..i mean manchester...sooo many times - and thats at the start of a duty!
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Old 3rd Jan 2008, 05:30
  #59 (permalink)  
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shower anyone ?

A new crew was on the cart doing the drinks service, at that time we had large bottles of 7up and coke.The rack holding all the drinks was designed to perch half on and half off the end of the cart,however on going over a bump in the carpet the rack suddenly fell off the cart.
All the drinks scattered and the large bottle of 7up was spinning round on the floor,lid off and spraying all the passengers like a freshly shaken bottle of champagne ! All the passengers were literally climbing up the "walls" to escape and the poor crew just stood there mortified !

I once offered a member of the ruling family a "fast track card" so that she would not have to queue up at immigration ! Doh, she very politely said she thought she would be ok !!
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Old 30th Jan 2008, 18:31
  #60 (permalink)  
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I once asked a lady sitting by her self, who seemed to be struggling to do her seatbelt up (she was a larger lady) if she needed an extension seatbelt She didnt look too pleased and quietly said no.. and i quickly walked to the back galley to hide :P
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