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im going in
14th Dec 2009, 19:24
Ringwayman / Scandic

As Captaintrigger states, G-SMAN or G-EOMA will replace G-DIMB on the Air Med lease, there are no plans for a 3rd 330.

Hamburg 2K8

When did Monarch have a 13hr delay? I cant find one.

15th Dec 2009, 13:05

BA have cancelled my LGW-PFO in September and am looking to cancel and book Monarch due to the days of the week the flights operate.

LGW-PFO for september, can anyone tell me the aircraft due on MON3468 and MON3469?

Used to be an A300. Also, are any A330's due to operate any LGW-PFO's?



15th Dec 2009, 13:26

still down to be an A300 both ways. No plans for an A330 on PFO at present.

Spotter LBA
15th Dec 2009, 16:11
I hope your not as tall as I am. Flown with MON on the A300 four times and have made a promise never to fly on those ac of MON again!! I think its called how many people can you cram on a plane!?!?:yuk:

15th Dec 2009, 16:27
Flown with monarch numerous times on various aircraft types always found them to be a first rate outfit, which no doubt why there still going strong after 40 plus years

Spotter LBA
15th Dec 2009, 16:46
Smudge the cat.

I too have flown on Monarch several times on nearly all of their ac types. As an airline goes I too have found them to be ok but just not when you are on one of their A300's!!

15th Dec 2009, 16:56
I suppose if your some gangly oversized mutation then perhaps legroom may be a problem however for people in the normal size range i dont think there any worse than the rest tbh

Spotter LBA
15th Dec 2009, 22:09
27 to 28inch seat pitch????? I think you will find that the A300 layout is far worse than most curent charter airlines flying around Europe! Have you flown on the MON A300 recently Smudge the cat?

15th Dec 2009, 22:30
Have you flown on the MON A300 recently

Yeh .. cosy ... very cosy... Every time I breathed out, I blew the wig off the guy in front :)

Easy Ryder
16th Dec 2009, 22:18
Sorry Smudge the legroom on the 300 is abysmal.

I work for them and i wouldnt sit as pax on that thing

17th Dec 2009, 10:16
I think the A300 is a great aircraft to fly on, i flew on one to lanzarote from Manchester i had no problem there and back. The other person is right you all want top class for peanuts.

17th Dec 2009, 17:04
What equipment do MON fly on the MAN-LCA route in January?

17th Dec 2009, 17:16
equipment ???....whats all that about? you mean what type of aircraft i assume... so why not say just that :ugh:
Homepage (http://www.plainenglish.co.uk/)

17th Dec 2009, 17:23

`Equipment` is a term used widely within parts of the aviation industry describing aircraft types..If you look in timetables the words `equipment varies` appears frequently :rolleyes:

And on the subject of A300`s the seat pitch (another technical term) is lousy. Personal experience and it wasnt a cheap flight price I paid either.

17th Dec 2009, 17:35
Boloxs, its a aircraft /aeroplane/airplane,.... equipment my arse

Ian Brooks
17th Dec 2009, 17:51
That wasn`t called for smudge, why don`t you accept you are wrong graciously
A good example is BA timetable for shuttle flights which may be a different
type on each day and it says in timetable EQV ie equipment varies

Ian B

17th Dec 2009, 17:57
Currently using A321 aircraft or equipment or my arse, take your pick.

17th Dec 2009, 19:10
Oi cat, this is a non techie forum if you dont mind, equipments just fine, keep all you technical pilot /engineer speak for somewhere else, aircraft/aeroplane indeed :eek:

Drink Up Thee Cider
29th Dec 2009, 12:38
Anyone else spot that Monarch are suddenly 4/1 favourites to be next to go? What's all that about? :bored:

Next airline to go bust? Betting (http://www.paddypower.com/bet/novelty-betting/current-affairs/next-airline-to-go-bust)?

29th Dec 2009, 12:44
It has Thomson Airways at 14/1...

This is the company that is owned by TUI - the world's largest travel corporation which is ridiculously big. The UK is it's second largest market - I hardly think they would let that airline fall down the pan...

It also has BA likely to fall ahead of Aer Lingus - again, something I find hard to work out...

Looking through them all there do seem to be some eyebrow raisers but I wouldn't take any notice of them.

Drink Up Thee Cider
29th Dec 2009, 12:55
It has Thomson Airways at 14/1...

This is the company that is owned by TUI - the world's largest travel corporation which is ridiculously big. The UK is it's second largest market - I hardly think they would let that airline fall down the pan...

It also has BA likely to fall ahead of Aer Lingus - again, something I find hard to work out...

Looking through them all there do seem to be some eyebrow raisers but I wouldn't take any notice of them.

Completely agree, but only last week when I looked (prompted by a thread elsewhere on here), they were 50/1. Hence my use of the word 'suddenly'. :confused:

29th Dec 2009, 13:36
I guess they don't know what the shareholder structure is at Monarch.....

29th Dec 2009, 13:56
Does anyone know the shareholder structure at MON ! Been a mystery to me for years, something about the mafia ?? :eek::eek:

29th Dec 2009, 14:07
Try searching on Sergio Mantegazza...he's down to his last $2.4bln according to Forbes...:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

29th Dec 2009, 15:22
as long as its not that elia bloke..............bloody kiss of death he is :*

luvly jubbly
29th Dec 2009, 16:03
Tell me about it :rolleyes:

Gizza job mate.............. Merry Xmas Elia!:mad:

29th Dec 2009, 16:11
Looking at Paddy's odds I would say they have a strange view of this particular market.

29th Dec 2009, 16:12
Just a Rumour, but...............

A friend of mine, a Capt in the IT business, told me Monarch are paying for fuel with cash.

Must admit I was surprised to hear this. Is it total bollox or is there even a grain of truth?

I always thought they were backed by very dodgy but wealthy backers.

My IT pal said things were not as easy for these backers due to changes in EU law which made money laundering activities more difficult, not that I'm suggesting anything like that is going on here!:ooh:

29th Dec 2009, 17:02
That would be 'cash' as opposed to 'bananas'?!

Yes MON pays for fuel with cash, usually by bank transfer! Like most Airlines MON also hedges fuel and currency! MON bought an awful lot of US$ at 2 to the pound!

I've yet to raid the bar to pay for fuel! And I'm not expecting to either!

29th Dec 2009, 17:26
I can't decide which of the points under discussion is most fatuous....

1) That Monarch are a money laundering vehicle because they're owned by Swiss-Sicilians. I see that racial (racist?) stereotyping is alive and well on pprune.

2) That a bookmaker has changed the odds in their "Novelty Bets" category, for no discernible reason. The category that incidentally includes Airforce One "Going Bust"!?

3) That someone's unnamed friend that works for another, unrelated and unnamed, airline is spreading malicious and unfounded gossip about cash fuel payments.

Whilst none of this gossip bears scrutiny, it does cause upset to the families of the people whose livelihoods are being so glibly talked down.

Some respect please.

29th Dec 2009, 17:29

What is a “a Capt in the IT business”?

“My IT pal said things were not as easy for these backers due to changes in EU law which made money laundering activities more difficult, not that I'm suggesting anything like that is going on here”

Well, if your “Capt in the IT business is correct”, then it looks like they have sorted out the money laundering in quite an easy way, nice wad of readies, must look like Harry Enfield and “loads-a-money” when the fuel turns up!

Out of interest BarbiesBoyfriend, how much have you placed with Paddy Powers on this one?:mad:

29th Dec 2009, 18:39
I believe that the thoroughly distasteful Paddy Power bookmakers business requires a licence to conduct its activities in this country. Perhaps the time has come for our industry to bombard MP's with demands for their licence to be REVOKED. A libel suit filed by a wealthy person (such as a certain Swiss-Sicilian) would be helpful too. Perhaps this would encourage obnoxious bookmakers to behave with a measure of responsibility in future. Threaten their wallets ... they'll understand that.


29th Dec 2009, 18:49

'Capt' is short for Captain.

'IT' is short for Inclusive Tours

Re Paddy Powers. Nothing staked thankyou.

MANAGP. By 'paying Cash' he meant 'money now or no fuel'.

Surely not?

Like I hinted at earlier, got to be bollox, right?

edit to add that I know rumourmongering is punishable by death in wartime, but just remind me what the 'r' in pprune stands for, again?;)

29th Dec 2009, 19:36
Now announced are the Turkey flights:

Luton - Bodrum 2pw
Luton - Dalaman 2pw
Birmingham - Dalaman 3pw
Mancester - Antalya 2pw

And increases on

Gatwick - Bodrum 2pw to 3pw
Gatwick - Dalaman 7 to 10
Manchester - Bodrum 1 to 2
Manchester - Dalaman 5 to 8

As has previously been stated, these may be at the expense of flights to Eurozone countries, especially Spain.

29th Dec 2009, 19:47
BHX has lost Murcia to make way for Dalaman.

Also Mahon seems to have lost one weekly rotation
and Palma but Arrecife, Fuerta and Las Palmas are
also increased to at least twice weekly.

Due to the longer sectors some re-timings are required
on a couple of days due to the one schedule aircraft
also operating IT's or night Ibiza.

At present BHX is still four based with 3 dedicated to
schedule and sometimes the 4th one as well.

Goldtrail were showing Monarch from BHX which would
require a 5th based but this is not confirmed as yet.


29th Dec 2009, 20:16
Barbies BF.

You said this

Just a Rumour, but...............

A friend of mine, a Capt in the IT business, told me Monarch are paying for fuel with cash.

Must admit I was surprised to hear this. Is it total bollox or is there even a grain of truth?

I always thought they were backed by very dodgy but wealthy backers.

My IT pal said things were not as easy for these backers due to changes in EU law which made money laundering activities more difficult, not that I'm suggesting anything like that is going on here!

Your posts will never be taken seriously again!

29th Dec 2009, 21:07
Hello people does anyone know what aircraft will be operated on the Bodrum route out of Manchester next year.;)

29th Dec 2009, 22:55
Paddy Power whatever they are? are talking and making 'Estimations' in an Industry that they will never have any knowledge or maybe any 'Commercial' interest in so they should = STFU!

Why is a Bookmaker who runs sh*ty downtown betting shops compelled to make and create unfounded illinformed rumours?

Unless P Power (Being Irish) is a supporter in FR?

I Don't think MON/ZB has come all this way in it's lifetime to fail just because we are all 'Groomed' into thinking 'Everybody' is in a recession - That's completely wrong.

Some companies actually make more profit when there is a 'So called' recession.

(There wasn't a recession on Boxing Day when all the Nutmegs went shopping and spent record amounts)

There may be certain cutbacks in Aircraft & staff, But I should hope MON/ZB will be around for many years to come.

If not then the UK Airline Industry would be definately finished!!

30th Dec 2009, 14:19
If i had to put my house on a airline surviving the current climate it would be monarch, they must be one of the most cash rich airlines out there, plus there a first rate operator with a very loyal customer base

30th Dec 2009, 16:05
cash rich.... ? who was telling you ?

30th Dec 2009, 16:34
Cabin Crewe

Google "Rich list" plus "Sergio Mantegazza". :E

luvly jubbly
30th Dec 2009, 16:51
As I have just found out the hard way, just because the owner is cash rich, it doesn't mean he's gonna throw all his hard earned at a failing airline.....

(No suggestion here that MON are failing... Just making a point that rich owners does not guarantee survival!)

I hope it's Paddy Power getting things very wrong........

30th Dec 2009, 18:06
Talk Radio Europe today announced that a certain Dublin based bookmakes had lowered their odds of Monarch going into recievership to 4 to 1.

It is causing some concern amongst the ex pats in Spain.

Any views ?

30th Dec 2009, 18:10
Just making a point that rich owners does not guarantee survival

As Flyglobespan has proved.

30th Dec 2009, 19:49
Just burnt 30+ tonnes of fuel not once was I asked for cash. Did well on the crystal glass collection though.;) Those fuel companys nearly make as much as those bloddy Bankers.:E

30th Dec 2009, 20:36
Tiger Woods Specials Betting (http://www.paddypower.com/bet/novelty-betting/novelty-bets/Tiger-Woods-Specials?)

Paddy Power are interested in publicising their site nothing more..............MON will probably be 50-1 next week.

Hence its why you get bets like who will Sponsor Tiger Woods next...........Pfizer at 12/1 or Playboy at 10/1.

As to their origins .............think some people need to get a grip, its pure business on their part.

30th Dec 2009, 21:14
terryjoint...Monarch aren't going anywhere so there's no need for any alarm in the ex-pat community.

TSR2...Dalrymple in the same league as Mantegazza???
What an insult!!

30th Dec 2009, 21:30
Paddy Power have been laid to lose just £7,000 that Monarch are the next to go bust according to the Times. At 50-1, it would take just one bet of £140. Instead PP claims they have had 100 punters betting on Monarch, so an average stake of just £1.40 each.

What a load of tripe and mischief making and a thoroughly distasteful market to be running given the current climate. Still I guess some like to revel and profit from others misery. Glad I shut down my betting account with them some time ago :rolleyes:

30th Dec 2009, 21:58
From their own website:

Chairman Paddy Power PLC. Nigel Northridge

Nigel Northridge was appointed as a non-executive director in July 2003 and as Chairman on 1 January 2009. He was the Chief Executive of Gallaher Group Plc up to April 2007, when the company was sold to Japan Tobacco. Nigel is also senior independent director of Aggreko plc and a non-executive director of Thomas Cook Group plc and Inchcape plc.

And hiding in the middle of their spread:
40/1 Thomas Cook Airlines

Imagine that!

30th Dec 2009, 22:42
Imagine that!

And seeing as TCX has subbed out around 10% of its capacity to Monarch next year, I guess they must be going under too. Get on at 40s lads quick. A £200 bet should make them favourites :ok:

30th Dec 2009, 22:42
Wind your neck in a bit or read the thread more carefully. I make no comparison whatsoever between Dalrymple and Mantegazza.

My point was simply to use GSM as an example of the statement by Luvvly Jubbly that having a rich owner is no guarantee of a companys survival.

This is not meant in any respect to reflect negatively on Monarch Airlines.

31st Dec 2009, 14:53
Bmibaby are now the favourite at 7/2. Monarch next at 9/2.

31st Dec 2009, 15:08
And chairman Nigels other finger in the pie, has seen it's odds lengthen to 50/1
Who would have thought it?

31st Dec 2009, 15:10
I only wish the airline i work for had the stability , punter loyalty, and resources MON have, ive heard next year their busier than ever, cabincrewe, do a bit of research the company has some very serious cash behind it

31st Dec 2009, 15:23

"Bmibaby are now the favourite at 7/2"

End of quote

Obviously PP's ignorance knows no bounds.

Here's to all employees of ZB and WW for 2010 and the least said about PP the better.


31st Dec 2009, 15:34
The idea of making money out of the misfortune, actual or potential, of others, is reprehensible and despiccable.

I an not a gambling man, never have been, I've seen the misery it causes, but if I were I would boycott Paddy Power. I hope those responsible for running this 'book' end up on skid row.

And my best wishes to Monarch's employees, past and present, a great airline with which I've had the pleasure of many flights. Long may you continue to be one of the finest airlines in the skies!

stormin norman
31st Dec 2009, 16:43
Just a shame paddy power didn't have its own country going bust at 2/1 fav

They would have cleaned up.

31st Dec 2009, 21:09
And to think that once upon a time Paddy Power meant something quite different !!
Happy and prosperous new year to all Prunners

1st Jan 2010, 13:38
The idea of making money out of the misfortune, actual or potential, of others, is reprehensible and despiccable.

Errr isn't that exactly what the whole gambling industry is about ?:rolleyes::rolleyes:

And bringing it back on Topic don't airlines charge a lot for last minute fares for people who rush home to see loved one before they die................... I just find it funny that people are giving huge publicity to a gambling site where less than £1000 will be bet on this whole topic.

Blighty Pilot
2nd Jan 2010, 10:17
I think a certain PP owner might be waking up with a horses head in his bed :ok:

7th Jan 2010, 10:27
Have monarch picked some MOD work up? i was at brize the other day and saw one of their aircraft on the ramp, if so is it some of the work that globespam were doing until their sad demise, i would have thought from a MOD point of view a reliable highly professional outfit like monarch would be ideal for trooping work, globespam must have been a nightmare to deal with.

7th Jan 2010, 11:17
They have been doing work for the MoD since they started operations in 1968 with two Britannias so not that surprised to hear of one of there aircraft at Brize. Cheers

Egon Maybach
12th Jan 2010, 18:49
Those people playing the 'Billionaire' defence will do well to remember (or find out if you don't know) what SM told the board last year :oh:

12th Jan 2010, 21:30
@Egon Maybach

Would you care to enlighten those of us who weren't there or who haven't heard anything?

14th Jan 2010, 12:32
Monarch airlines/engineering have provided a steady year in year out profit to the family for the last four decades, theres no way on earth there going to pull the plug just because the whole industry is going through a bad patch at present they didnt become on of the worlds richest families by making daft knee jerk decisions to short term problems, ive no doubt monarch are one of the safest airlines in the UK, despite what a certain bookie thinks

14th Jan 2010, 17:56
I`m quite happy to support Monarch and to prove it i`ve just booked this summers jollies with them flying in and out of Gib:ok:....excellent airline with a long and proud tradition which I`m sure will be around a lot longer than O`Learys bookie :D

Random Flyer
14th Jan 2010, 18:10
Monarch airlines/engineering have provided a steady year in year out profit to the family for the last four decades, theres no way on earth there going to pull the plug just because the whole industry is going through a bad patch at present they didnt become on of the worlds richest families by making daft knee jerk decisions to short term problems, ive no doubt monarch are one of the safest airlines in the UK, despite what a certain bookie thinks

If I was to bet on the next airline to go bankrupt, which I wouldn't as I find the whole betting on airline bankruptcies a bit sick, Monarch are one of the last airlines I would put my money on.

14th Jan 2010, 18:22
Story is a certain northern rival were behind the recent betting on monarchs demise, obviously no idea who their playing with.

16th Jan 2010, 15:34
Did Monarch not fancy taking one of the ex Globespan 767s on lease as replacement for the DIMB and have they got anymore plans for more aircraft coming.:)

16th Jan 2010, 16:51
Obviously they had more sense than to get lumbered with one of those old sheds.

16th Jan 2010, 17:41
i DID HEAR FROM A GOOD SOURCE THAT THOSE ZOOM 767S WERE VERY WELL LOOKED AFTER. G-DIMB due to go in Air Livery hangar very soon for tcx paint as G-TCCA.

16th Jan 2010, 19:49
TCX already operate G-TCCA :ooh:

16th Jan 2010, 19:53
it will be returning as G-TCCB :ok:

Mr @ Spotty M
16th Jan 2010, 20:00
Two of those old sheds that simonchowder, talks about were the youngest B767 on the UK register when flyGlobespan went bust.
MON are not looking at more a/c at the moment as l understand it.

16th Jan 2010, 20:27
Thank you for that Mr Spotty@.

16th Jan 2010, 20:38
Were some not Ex ANZ ? Again, very well maintained

16th Jan 2010, 20:40
Anyone know if Monarch will be basing an A321 at EDI like last year?

16th Jan 2010, 20:56
As far as im aware currently there is no planned based MON A321 for EDI

16th Jan 2010, 21:00
Monarch are operating flights from Edinburgh part week again like last summer but I don't know what aircraft will be based there! :ok:

16th Jan 2010, 21:03
As far as im aware currently there is no planned based MON A321 for EDI

From the Monarch website

If the answer is "yes I would love to", then Monarch has vacancies for you at Birmingham, London Luton, London Gatwick, Manchester, Edinburgh and Dublin Airports.

They will be operating on behalf of Thomsons this summer although it may be an A320.

CC. Can I ask you "What do you have against EDI?".


16th Jan 2010, 21:19
I dont think he/she has anything against EDI but he/she stating the facts that the A/C will probably be part shared with DUB. DUB is having 1 x A321 & 1 x A320 so its sounds very like last year.

Last year one of the DUB 321's would go straight up to EDI on sunday evening to operate Monday, Tuesday & wednesday if my memory is correct.

16th Jan 2010, 21:36
Indeed. Facts are facts. The whole charter operation is up for change at EDI since collapse of GSM. A large part of Thomson prgrams are not operated by MON ( instead by FlyBe, Iberworld and TOM on W patterns and even BA if youd care to check)
Problem with EDI.....????:confused:

16th Jan 2010, 22:07
Monarch will base an aircraft from Monday to Thursday which will operate:

Monday - Corfu and Dalaman
Tuesday - Palma (W Leg with Aberdeen)
Wednesday - Paphos
Thursday - Palma (W Leg with Aberdeen)

A large part of Thomson prgrams are not operated by MON ( instead by FlyBe, Iberworld and TOM on W patterns and even BA if youd care to check)

All of the above flights are operated on behalf of Thomson!

16th Jan 2010, 22:24
Any infomation on the Summer plan for DUB??

Is it going to the usual thursday to Sunday work with W patterns into ORK,NOC & SNN??

I hear its an A320 & A321 this year compared to 3 A321's for S09.

16th Jan 2010, 22:54
Indeed. Facts are facts. The whole charter operation is up for change at EDI since collapse of GSM. A large part of Thomson prgrams are not operated by MON ( instead by FlyBe, Iberworld and TOM on W patterns and even BA if youd care to check)

Actually I don't need to check, I know. The Iberworld flights were never going to happen and have been replaced by a part based Monarch aircraft (Mon - Thu) as correctly stated by A321-100.

The flights are

Balkan - Bourgas
Monarch - Corfu. Palma (x2), Paphos, Dalaman
Flybe - Ibiza, Palma (peak)
Thomas Cook - Palma (peak)
Thomson - Tenerife, Sharm

The Thomas Cook schedule has been decimated by the demise of Flyglobespan. and now have just three flights.

The sole BA flight is to Cagliari (via MAN) on behalf of Sardatur.


17th Jan 2010, 00:10
Hold on a second, I'm not fully understanding this. Thomson have an airline of their own which is currently in the process of laying off pilots, and yet they're contracting Monarch and others to operate flights on their behalf?

Forgive my ignorance but am I missing something? :confused:

UPDATE - answered by exasperated on the next page. :ok:

17th Jan 2010, 00:36
Hold on a second, I'm not fully understanding this. Thomson have an airline of their own which is currently in the process of laying off pilots, and yet they're contracting Monarch and others to operate flights on their behalf?

Forgive my ignorance but am I missing something? Hold on a second, I'm not fully understanding this. Thomson have an airline of their own which is currently in the process of laying off pilots, and yet they're contracting Monarch and others to operate flights on their behalf?

Forgive my ignorance but am I missing something?

If these flights were operated by Thomson in the summer what would they do with the aircraft over the winter months?

What Thomson try to do is balance the utilisation over the entire year and top up peak demand by subbing in additional capacity.

This has been done for many years by ALL the major Tour Operators.

Using EDI as an example, Airtours had a summer presence via Monarch for a number of years until 2010 when it was dropped in favour of buying capacity on Flyglopespan and we all know what happened there :{


17th Jan 2010, 02:53
Thanks exasperated, understood now. :ok:

17th Jan 2010, 11:30
Thomson thankfully have a good balance on how they operate their schedule.

The summer/winter season in the UK and Ireland have a huge capacity difference so alot of operators sub of some work otherwise they would have aircraft laying around for months in the winter.

XL had a good system were they would send several 737's to Sunwing Airlines in Canada for the winter season which is their busy season. And they registered the aircraft in Canada so they could use the sunwing pilots in the summer and a mix of sunwing & XL cabin crew. This reduced costs in the winter but its a complicated system and as we all know it didn't exactly save XL.

Does anyone know the date when G-DIMB leaves the fleet??

17th Jan 2010, 11:49
early/mid april afaik... to be re-registered as G-TCCB

Mr @ Spotty M
17th Jan 2010, 15:53
Should be 21st of April.

17th Jan 2010, 17:59
So a lots of Thomson program operated by others and no full time based MON frame ? Isnt that what I said ....
Noting you didnt answer my query.... Problem with EDI ? :confused:

17th Jan 2010, 19:20
So a lots of Thomson program operated by others and no full time based MON frame ? Isnt that what I said ....

No it isn't. You implied that Monarch were changing the operation at EDI for S10 and it is the same as last year.

Noting you didnt answer my query.... Problem with EDI ?

Yet to find a positive post and I have looked very hard.

Have seen comments about "GLA/PIK total would appear to trounce Edinburgh" and "carriers will now run a mile and cut services as FR muscle in" both of which are factually inaccurate.

Also suggestions of new routes seem to get responses such as "rose coloured spectacles".

Back to Monarch, I think that the planned Tenerife flight by TOM may yet become MON with the "W" with Aberdeen being operated by someone else.


20th Jan 2010, 20:51

Dear Colleague

Last night was another successful night for Monarch as we once again scooped the award for Best Charter Airline at the Travel Weekly Globe Awards held at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London. This is the second consecutive year that we have won this prestigious award, which is voted for by travel agents, and saw us beat off stiff competition from Thomas Cook and Thomson Airways, who were also shortlisted for the award.

In addition, our scheduled product was shortlisted in the Best Scheduled Airline – Europe category, although we narrowly missed out on this to BA.

Globe Travel Awards 2010: The winners in full (http://www.travelweekly.co.uk/Articles/2010/01/20/32852/globe-travel-awards-2010-the-winners-in-full.html)

20th Jan 2010, 22:21
Well done Monarch , read somewhere today that last year they carried over 8 million punters and this year looks set to be a all time record, nice to see some ones doing well in these difficult times, no doubt the demise of excel and globespam has helped them , ..as they say every cloud has silver lining

20th Jan 2010, 22:59
Back to Monarch, I think that the planned Tenerife flight by TOM may yet become MON with the "W" with Aberdeen being operated by someone else.
Aberdeen will be operated by Air Europa and the Tenerife will be operated by Monarch as suspected.


21st Jan 2010, 11:03
Congrats spotty M, nice to see them picking up that award, also good to

see them doing well generally in these hard times, as said, the over capacity

taken out by the collapse of excel and globespan has no doubt helped

25th Jan 2010, 20:45
As far as i'm aware there are 3 SCCM's on the A330's.

1. Purser
2. No.1
3. No.2

I dont know the payscales and i doubt you will find out on here as alot of payscales depend on length of service etc

1st Feb 2010, 11:14
I hope that Monarch keep the 767 as its an extra long haul aircraft and i think they might struggle with just the 2 330's to do the long flights.:ok:

1st Feb 2010, 11:31
Has anyone taken over the Flyglobespan Falklands contract - is this an oppportuntiy for G-DIMB?

1st Feb 2010, 11:36
Air Seychelles have taken it over and taken on a few
GSM crew as well.

Brian Fantana
1st Feb 2010, 12:17
The Falklands Route is very intensive on crew, and there is a requirement for the a/c to be fitted with some stretchers. Not sure how appealing that contract would be to MON using up the a/c and the crews. They do enough work for the MOD so guess they would have snapped it up if it was viable.
Scandic - MONs long haul has reduced significantly so the 2x 330’s can probably cope with what is left, they are managing at the moment and did so last summer. The 767 is currently in Paris operating for a French carrier and not MON long haul. But I agree it would be nice to see it stay or another one or two turning up :ok:

Mr @ Spotty M
1st Feb 2010, 16:29
Just a quick update on G-DIMB, as of last week TCX wanted it in service for the first week of May.
Only change looks like a/c might be a couple of extra day in for paint, as TCX would like it in TCX colours and not all white as lease return conditions state.

1st Feb 2010, 18:37
Will MON be back in Dub this Summer? Any idea what a/c or for how long?

1st Feb 2010, 19:01
The plan is for 1 x A320 & 1 x A321 for summer ops only.

1st Feb 2010, 19:53
Having a struggle trying to log on to the monarch web site.
Anybody else tried recently.

1st Feb 2010, 20:25
'Monarch is currently offline' is the message I get when trying to log on.

1st Feb 2010, 20:27
Thanks,I received the same message


1st Feb 2010, 20:38
Oh dats down one airframe and one size from last year!! Down from 3 A321 to a 321 and 320.

1st Feb 2010, 21:21
Probably because the Irish economy is one of the most buggered in Europe and the Irish haven't got ANY money left for holidays!

L Met

1st Feb 2010, 21:58
Simon you do make me laugh. Your really like your detail dont you!

We all knew what he meant by airframes.

Yeah it is down from last year but demand is down and is incredibly hard to predict because so many people are booking last minute.

But it is still more than other charter carriers in DUB.

Air contractors - 1 x 737
Thomson Airways - 1 x 320 (normally a SSV 757)

1st Feb 2010, 23:24
Come on chowder some people like to sound all technical even if they aint got a clue what there talking about ,its a spotter thing, give em a break man, you may know what the term airframe technically means a lot dont, however if it makes them happy so what?:ok:
anyway good luck to monarch nice to see there confident enough to base a couple of "airframes":} at DUB

2nd Feb 2010, 10:48
Smudge has come to put someone else down. I was wondering how long it would take. The person who left that comment is not a "spotter".

2nd Feb 2010, 11:05
Ive heard a rumour monarch are planning to expand at Edinburgh this year, is it true ?:ok:

2nd Feb 2010, 18:45
Well done to all the Monarch engineers that keep the big birds flying all year round especially the 757's and a300's cos their getting on a bit but still fantastic to see flying.:ok: Love the A300's great aircraft.

2nd Feb 2010, 19:22
Have to agree scandic, monarchs engineers are without doubt excellent and have a reputation second to none in the business

2nd Feb 2010, 20:46
I'm glad you agree, top notch airline.:ok::ok:

2nd Feb 2010, 22:50
Oh you two are back in this forum then. keep up the good work!

3rd Feb 2010, 14:33
We do our best.:ok:

3rd Feb 2010, 14:39
Posted by SCANDIC
Love the A300's great aircraft

I agree, the A300 is a great aircraft but from the pax comfort viewpoint, not in the 361 seat configuration.

Spotter LBA
4th Feb 2010, 19:27
Unlike Jet 2 engineers then Simon???? :D Glad to see you have left the Jet 2 forum! "Have to agree scandic, monarchs engineers are without doubt excellent and have a reputation second to none in the business"

4th Feb 2010, 21:44

Re your comment re 361 Pax in A300

Have u seen the economy seats in the B787 on the boeing Website ??

They have been designed around The Far Eastern Pax But there again ANA are the Launsh Customer..

Reckon MON would Manage 400 + in B787


5th Feb 2010, 13:52
change of CEO today, with immediate effect?


5th Feb 2010, 15:39
I suppose he is lucky he hasnt gone to live with the fishes :eek:

5th Feb 2010, 18:13
Reckon MON would Manage 400 + in B787
The absolute limit (as determined by door configuration) will be 440 on a 787-8, the Boeing 'default' configuration for one class is 375 seats.

They manage 374 on an A330-200 capable of 406, so with a smallish forward premium cabin, I bet 400 isn't far off the mark.

5th Feb 2010, 21:10
farewell to the worst thing to happen to Monarch in its history, under his regime it has gone from being a tight-knit family to a hotch-potch of journeymen, and numerous good people discarded along the way to fulfil his agenda, if only we could wind the clock back to 2002...

6th Feb 2010, 00:02
Who has been replaced by whom, assuming this is not confidential ?

6th Feb 2010, 09:24
Pity the other joker wasnt made an offer he couldnt refuse at the same time

luvly jubbly
6th Feb 2010, 11:46
So, what was the reason for the sudden departure?

6th Feb 2010, 12:08
I heard he suddenly decided on a career change after waking up to find a horses head next to him

6th Feb 2010, 12:56
"headcount reduction" at Ltn & Man hangers.

6th Feb 2010, 13:46
Would anyone care to forgo the cryptic remarks and spell out what is going on?

6th Feb 2010, 21:35
So tell me chowder, after you have spent all your time trying to kill off Jet2 with your acid postings, is your beloved Monarch about to fall on hard times?

6th Feb 2010, 21:39
Peter Brown steps down as Monarch chief executive

(05 February 2010)
Monarch Airlines chief executive Peter Brown is to step down with immediate effect after eight years in the role.
Monarch chairman Iain Rawlinson will take on senior executive responsibility for the group on a temporary basis while the group seeks a replacement.
He will be supported by the management committee which includes Monarch Airlines managing director Tim Jeans, Cosmos mainstream products managing director Stuart Jackson and Cosmos Tourama managing director Alan MacLean.
Rawlinson said: “Peter has been instrumental in guiding the group through a formative period in its long history. Monarch today has balanced exposure to both chartered and scheduled airline operations, a strong travel brand and a supportive family shareholder base.
“The group is emerging from the very challenging recent period with a sound business model which offers scope for growth in the years ahead.
“We would like to thank Peter for his contribution to both Monarch, and to the airline industry. We wish him the best for the future.”
Brown said he was looking forward to a “new challenge”.

One sincerely hopes this new challenge includes trying to pass a hedgehog through his hoop.

6th Feb 2010, 21:43
Like rats running from a sinking ship?

6th Feb 2010, 21:52
The fact is that its hardly unusual for a figurehead of PB's vintage to be retired off.

Now over to the ubiquitous conspiracy theorists to amuse us all. :ugh:

6th Feb 2010, 21:58
Smudge : Pity the other joker wasnt made an offer he couldnt refuse at the same time you'll have to narrow it down a bit more than that :rolleyes: theres a few Brownite comedians that your comment would apply to.
Heck I think one of them just posted.

luvly jubbly
6th Feb 2010, 22:36
"With immediate effect" is usually used in press releases after a sacking......

So PP move Monarch to 4/1 and within a month the CEO goes.....
Something smells and it ain't me!:}


6th Feb 2010, 23:47
Luckily for monarch they have the backing and 100 per cent support of one of the world richest families so id happily put my house on them being around for another forty odd years,if any airlines going to survive this down turn its monarch

6th Feb 2010, 23:49
Does anyone know where the rumour that Monarch are looking to buy Jet2??

It was mentioned on the Jet2 forum.

Any truth in the rumour?

7th Feb 2010, 06:44
(Luckily for monarch they have the backing and 100 per cent support of one of the world richest families so id happily put my house blah blah blah.....)

Having a rich owner did not help Globespan did it?

Mr @ Spotty M
7th Feb 2010, 08:00
Yes you are correct, but he is only a mere millionaire, compared with a billionaire.
Difference due to the number of millions. :ok:

7th Feb 2010, 10:13

You have just posted on the Jet2 thread Monarch's last profits were £70000,can you provide a link to the results as I would like to look at the rest of financials such as cash in the bank etc etc?


Mr @ Spotty M
7th Feb 2010, 12:46
Sorry if l am up setting you DADDY-OH!, but as l understand it, my reply to wawkrk, is correct.
I quote from the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Advanced Learner's Dictionary.
Millionaire: Someone who is very rich and has at least a million pounds or dollars.
I did not say he had only a million and was not trying to insinuate it either.
I have deliberately keep away from commenting on some of the :mad: that has been posted on this forum & the Jet2 forum from yourself and simonchowder, plus others who think they know about maintenance, who sadly only have some of the picture.
As for your last post DADDY-OH!, some of it is correct.
The family are in it for the long term as relayed to staff on Friday, looking at a 10 yr plan not just the immediate future.
MON is not going to dump it's B757s any time soon, they have plenty of work for them, for which the cheaper to operate A321 can not do.
Yes some crews will end up being moved and most of that has been in progress over the last few months.
The biggest change is going to be in Base Maintenance within MAEL, with a reduction in staff due to a fall in work coming in.
Yes the family is not going to just throw money away, it wants the company to reduce it cost base and that will be a good thing overall.
Now as for the :mad: about MON buying Jet2 or the other way round it is just :mad:.
I hope that this post clears some of what has been said.
By the way l second what im going in said.:ok:

7th Feb 2010, 13:12
Mr spotty m, are there going to a lot of jobs going as my brother has just applied for a job at luton, thanks

7th Feb 2010, 13:35
I'm going in

I can't see Slimy Chowder's posts as he's on my 'Ignore list' but he's not worth getting het up about. I wholeheartedly agree with you & you have my sympathy as I've been in similar situation, albeit slightly different due to my previous airline's existence WASN'T guaranteed whereas MON WILL survive. You'll be fine.

Mr @ Spotty M

You didn't upset me as much as Tom Dalrymple did by gambling with GSM trying to get £40 million of 'his' money back from EClear. MON buying Jet2 or vice versa is preposturous & was meant as a joke. However IF MON did want to dispose of their B757's, I'm sure Jet2 would love to snap them up because they would be relatively cheap & expertly maintained.

Mr @ Spotty M
7th Feb 2010, 14:20
Thank you for your post DADDY-OH! and good luck at Jet2.
cherrylock, no number announced yet to my knowledge, what job is your brother applying for?
I do hope it is not in Base Maintenance.

7th Feb 2010, 14:55
DADDY O, I didnt realise you had secured a postion at jet 2 ,thats very good news, best of luck

7th Feb 2010, 15:09
Thanks for that renort; my internet searches turned up nothing yesterday. Yes, I was in need of help - many have said that about me before!

7th Feb 2010, 15:20
Thanks guys! As I've said earlier MON will be fine. If a hangar has to be mothballed, it is the lesser of two evils, at least MON won't be put in the hands of the Administrators. The hangars will be full again within a season or two.

Cheers guys & all the best!

7th Feb 2010, 15:43
Well done you DADDY OH!, that is wonderfull news my( hubby was made redundant recently and its horrible) what sort of job will you be doing with JET2?:D:D:D

7th Feb 2010, 16:10

Thanks Cherrylock. I'll be a Captain on the B757/767 fleet.

7th Feb 2010, 17:43
You have just posted on the Jet2 thread Monarch's last profits were £70000,can you provide a link to the results as I would like to look at the rest of financials such as cash in the bank etc etc?

I'm afraid I can't post a link as it was sourced internally from the company I work for (Monarch are NOT about to purchase Jet2, no other Airline or organisation is either. Jet2 is here to stay.)

DADDO-OH! Welcome to Jet2, I'm sure you will love it! What base are you at?

Chidken Sangwich
8th Feb 2010, 15:37
Didn't ZB's number two to TJ bail out about a week ago as well?

Mr @ Spotty M
8th Feb 2010, 16:00
Sort of, she is off furthering her career at Virgin Blue.

8th Feb 2010, 18:03
My other half was saying he was listning to the radio 4 today programme a couple of weeks ago and a big cheese from monarch was being interviewed and he said monarch actually made about 7 million pounds profit last year

ps MR SPOTTY my brothers applied for a maintenance planning job is that base maintenance?

Mr @ Spotty M
8th Feb 2010, 20:10
cherrylock, No that is not Base Maintenance, at what location is he applying?

9th Feb 2010, 14:58
Is there any truth in Monarch keeping G-DIMB for long than expected.:ok:

9th Feb 2010, 16:35
Does anyone know if Monarch plan to lease the ex zoom 757 again for summer season. Have Monarch got any plans for more aircraft in the near future.:ok::ok:

Mr @ Spotty M
9th Feb 2010, 16:43
Right SCANDIC lets answer your two questions.
1. G-DIMB is not stopping with Monarch, it is going into the Monarch hangar in Manchester mid March for its end of lease check. It comes out late April and goes into the Air Livery hangar at MAN to be painted into full TCX colours.
2. Monarch leased a B757 from Astraeus to cover for the A321 that Monarch decided not to get in the end from easyjet. No leases are planned that l know of at this time.:ok:

9th Feb 2010, 16:48
Thank ypu for answering those 2 for me your very helpful.

9th Feb 2010, 17:01
If you put "may" in your first question Scandic it could yet be true.

9th Feb 2010, 17:24
I actually thought that when Monarch got DIMB they might of got a few more 76's especially with MONC/ D being scrapped the other year which was the end of an era.:)

9th Feb 2010, 18:10
Would rather see them get more 330,s tbh

9th Feb 2010, 18:37
If you put "may" in your first question Scandic it could yet be true.

which would be...

Is there any truth in Monarch MAY BE keeping G-DIMB for long than expected.http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/thumbs.gif


The aircraft has a line of flying during May for TCX, so to get this in TCX colours and config in time for May, it will be laving in april as planned.

Its all booked in to Air Livery in April .....

Mr @ Spotty M
9th Feb 2010, 21:09
Thank you Fernanjet, l have been telling people for months on various PPRuNe forums including Monarchs own, that it is bye bye G-DIMB. The next time the a/c lands in the UK it will be a positioning flight from France and will be Monarchs last flight with that a/c.:{

Zippy Monster
9th Feb 2010, 23:53
Sorry if this has been asked; once the 767 goes, will Monarch be continuing to provide the charters for African Safari? Just interested to know if we'll start seeing A300s or 330s through Basel...

Mr @ Spotty M
10th Feb 2010, 04:59
The A330 is currently doing charters via Basel.

10th Feb 2010, 11:36
I actually thought that when Monarch got DIMB they might of got a few more 76's especially with MONC/ D being scrapped the other year which was the end of an era.http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/smile.gif

Have they not ordered the 787? why would they want more 767's too?

Hardly a mass growing market is it really?

Chidken Sangwich
10th Feb 2010, 15:44
B767's - dont forget G-OITF, G-OITG and G-OITL!

B787's - I'll bet that you never see these in MON colours, $1m lease rental a month - I just cant see how these will fit into the charter model.

Blighty Pilot
10th Feb 2010, 17:44
Lease? Who mentioned leasing them? The family have paid hard cash for them :ok:

Why wouldn't they fit into the charter market?? Infact its quite the opposite - high density pax with low operating costs = accountants dream!

Zippy Monster
10th Feb 2010, 18:05
The A330 is currently doing charters via Basel.

The 767 was in again today. Never seen so much de-icing fluid used on one aircraft!!

10th Feb 2010, 19:15
Cash, you sure? thats a hell of a lot of money to lay out even for them

Fuel Crossfeed
10th Feb 2010, 20:37
Chigden Sangwich - Err well considering the 787 is the replacement for the 757/767 I would say it fits in very well to the charter market. The 787 is a similar size to the 767 and A330 which is the charter airlines chosen work horse for long haul.
Monarch needs replacement long haul aircraft and the shareholding family have bought 6 x 787-8 at a list price of US$900 million, they have purchase rights on another 4. :ok:

Chidken Sangwich
10th Feb 2010, 21:45
'They' also bought between 4 and 6 (can't remember the exact number) 767-300's soon after they were launched but they never appeared in MON colours.

MON already have their longhaul fleet and if you study the consolidation of the big two UK charter airlines and their longhaul fleet replacements there is no need for extra longhaul capacity in the UK charter market.

Saying that 6 787's are coming in to replace the clapped out 757's and A300's in the shorthaul market where realistic capacity at the moment is 180-190 size is commercial suicide, the figures just won't stack up as the 787's will be costing about $650-$700k a month EACH more than an A320/B738.

10th Feb 2010, 21:59
The 787's wouldn't be great in this current market but as with all recessions, they end!

The 787 will be perfect for short/mid & long haul.

Chidken : get your facts right. One of your posts says $1m and another says $650k etc Where are your figures coming from??? Monarch and "the family" are very secretive about financial figures of the airline so no one really knows what position they are in.

Dont for get the amount of MOD charters MON does and contracts for other airlines & tour operators eg : Air mediterranee & African safari

Chidken Sangwich
10th Feb 2010, 22:30

I agree with one thing in your post '787's wouldn't be great in this climate'.
The 787 is the perfect 'longhaul' aircraft as cost benefits are achieved over long distances due to fuel savings, I'm sure this is how Boeing originally marketed the aircraft.

With regard to facts I suggest you re-read my posts as I make reference to lease costs being $1m a month verses that of an A320/738 meaning that they will be about $650k a month more! 787's when launched were being offered at $1-$1.2m a month to lease so my figures are generous!

With regard to a 'few' MOD charters here and there it may have escaped you that the RAF A330 fleet is due on line in the next 3 years. The initial papers (MOD source) state that of the 12 aircraft to be delivered, 9 will be in permanent use and cover 98% (yes 98%) of the UK's troop AND air refuelling requirements leaving the other 3 aircraft to pick up the remaining 2%, so forget any of that business in the civil arena!

With regard to the Air Med lease, can you really see ANY airline leasing in a brand new shiny 787 at 4 times the rate that you can lease a 767 for? I think not!

10th Feb 2010, 22:48
Didnt mean to get you angry chidken.

I understand that the MOD will have their own fleet but MON also do Dutch MOD flights and alot of ad-hocs. Ad-hocs are big money just look at Titan. MON will also be looking at ZB long haul with the bigger long haul fleet. The 787's would probably do them if they happen and the 330's do the charter long haul work.

I hear that the lease rates would be around the $1m mark for the 787's when appear on the market.

I understand that 6 x 787's dont fit in with Monarchs business model currently but i'm sure there will be many changes ahead. Maybe the new Chairman will shake things up! :ok:

Direct VTB
11th Feb 2010, 04:09
Chidken Sangwich

Having flown with the RAF chief test pilot (MOD Source) for their A330 tanker program recently, I know that your information is wrong.... They're only going to have 4 aircraft in permanent use and the other 8 will be flown by civilian operators with the RAF base paint underneath and can be withdrawn from comercial service at any time!! So I think Monarch still have a very decent outlook when it comes to MOD flying.. And also as A321-200 has mentioned for other MOD's....

Tight Seat
11th Feb 2010, 07:34
Chidken Sangwich whats the lease rate on all those exclamation marks you use ?!!!!!!!:8

11th Feb 2010, 08:11
looking at these figures, a 787 costs the company almost as much a month as the money its spending each month propping up the FS pension.:bored:

Nantucket Sleighride
11th Feb 2010, 08:28
Having flown with the RAF chief test pilot (MOD Source) for their A330 tanker program recently, I know that your information is wrong.... They're only going to have 4 aircraft in permanent use and the other 8 will be flown by civilian operators with the RAF base paint underneath and can be withdrawn from comercial service at any time!! So I think Monarch still have a very decent outlook when it comes to MOD flying..

Can he explain how four FSTA will replace 14 VC10/tri*?

As the UK is paying handsomely for this Gold Plated solution over 27 years, they are going to damn well ensure its utilised fully, that includes ALL charter lift going on these AC as long as it meets qualifying criteria, unless Air Tanker want to turn it down, which would even mean tasks that used to operate on RAF C130s would now travel in style, thats the way the contract has been written and thats what we've signed up for.

say goodbye to your current 'lucrative' work, which always ends up being won by the lowest common denominator anyway.

11th Feb 2010, 08:54
Can he explain how four FSTA will replace 14 VC10/tri*?

Probably because the RAF are expecting to have their budget slashed in the next defence review :(

11th Feb 2010, 09:22
Don't forget about those 2 A330 beasts. They will still be operating in MON colours once (if) the 787's arrive. Thats the beauty of MON. Even though its an accountants nightmare, they will still have a FLEXIBLE fleet. The 330's will possibly replace the 300's leaving the 787's to operate to new and existing long haul destinations.

11th Feb 2010, 10:02
All this speculation, it will happen when it happens.

Monarchs older fleets will be replaced (running/fuel cost will force this), how and where the new aircraft are used will be determined by market forces and management at the time.

MOD work will come and go with quite a few of the 330's leased out with a recall clause to civil operators, who will no doubt be asked to crew them in the support role if and when required.

Air Tanker will be flying their tanking patterns and crewing some forward ops such as the Falklands and higher risk destinations with a dedicated fleet.

Both Civil and Military ops are and will still have some severe budget constraints and with fuel costs only likely to rise it won't get easier for anyone.

Thats my take on it.:uhoh:

Chidken Sangwich
11th Feb 2010, 10:29

Firstly an apology, not sure how the 'angry' smiley crept in.

Ad-hoc's in the past used to be big money, but sadly not anymore as quite correctly pointed out by 'Nantucket' above. Titan is a unique product propped up by their Post Office contracts on most aircraft so you cannot draw comparison to normal charter ad-hoc's.

ZB long haul, now that would be interesting, following in EZY and RYR's footsteps...:rolleyes: and I agree will be very interesting to see the new Chairman's proposals for those 787's (should they ever arrive) as you quite rightly mention.

Direct VTB

Sorry that I am wrong,

1 x Cyprus schedule
1 x Falklands Airbridge
1 x QRA Falklands
2 x North Sea Tow Line
2 x Overseas Ops
2 x Ad-hoc

so you are quite correct that only 4 will be used by the RAF in permanent tasks as you can see from the above (my numbers were from someone that actually wrote the requirement, not the 'tail wagging the dog' from the flight deck).

Nantucket - spot on!

Fuel Crossfeed
11th Feb 2010, 11:22
Chidken wrote MON already have their longhaul fleet. What’s that then?? 2 X A330’s a 767 with the A300 occasionally operating.
The 767 is going, the 4 X A300 need replacing sooner rather than later, which leaves only 2 A330’s.
realistic capacity at the moment is 180-190 MON has the A320/1 for that short haul market. MON also has a big market to medium haul destinations. The A320/1 dont have the performance on these routes. MON use the 757 with 228 seats and the A300 with 361 seats on those MH routes.
The 787-8 is a medium / long haul aircraft with a 210-250 capacity (no doubt MON will have the higher figure) That is only 22 seats more than the 757 and 111 seats less than the A300 – MON will be able to fill the 787 easily with the reduction in capacity from the A300.
787s wouldn’t be great in this climate. With all the delays to the 787 program and the later than expected delivery dates I would say the timing will be spot on for MON.
MONs fleet is old, the excellent MAEL keep them up and running but the hole of the LH/MH fleet - apart from 2 A330’s needs replacing. MON has always had flexibility within their fleet the 787 gives that flexibility.:ok:

11th Feb 2010, 16:02
Does anyone have an update on the expected delivery of their B787's.

Prior to the last Boeing delay,the delivery of their first aircraft had slipped to Spring 2013 (from Nov 2010).

12th Feb 2010, 13:00
I didnt know monarch were owned by one family, they must be incedibly rich if they can afford to splash out 900 million on new planes, is it normal for airlines to actually buy there own planes as i thought they usually leased them

12th Feb 2010, 20:06
All that's been paid at present is a deposit to retain build slots. When the time comes to pay up, the company will decide how to finance them. There are various options:
- borrow money from a bank or similar institution
- use any retained profits within the business (unlikely)
- sell the aircraft to a leasing company and lease them back
- ditto with a bank
- set up a company jointly owned with a finance provider which will buy the aircraft and lease them to Monarch

It's unlikely anyone from Monarch will turn up with a wheelbarrowfull of used notes :cool:

12th Feb 2010, 20:50
I heard that the family are buying the 787's and leasing them to Monarch.

Spotter LBA
13th Feb 2010, 08:55
Similar scenario at Jet2. Aircraft are owned by Dart Group and then leased by Jet2 with the exception of two 737's and one 757. Are the current Monarch A300's owned or leased? I assume these are staying in the fleet until the 787's arrive. If this is the case surely some interior refits are due?

Egon Maybach
13th Feb 2010, 20:16
so is the new CEO really going to be Sergio's beancounter as per rumours on the 2nd floor?

24th Feb 2010, 13:00
This thread is eerily quiet......

Any new info on the summer season??

24th Feb 2010, 13:22
a lot of threads have gone quiet since chowder was given the red card!:)
but your right very quiet
at the mo.

24th Feb 2010, 13:37
Can anyone give me an indication whether the introduction of Ryanair on the Ltn-Tfs-Ltn route has stimulated growth or have they eaten into Monarchs figures.
Have been a loyal ZB fan on this route until our return to sunny Ltn in May, when FR were nearly half the price of ZB, also slightly earlier arrival suited the wife. (Don't want to start any discussion on FR v ZB)

26th Feb 2010, 18:22
Friend of mines a liney with monarch they have been told its a very busy programme this summer

27th Feb 2010, 07:50
not hiring though :(

27th Feb 2010, 09:10
We tried to book for mid august with monarch and theres no seats available at all from man fully booked:\
BTW smudge what the hecks a "liney"??

27th Feb 2010, 10:07
By all accounts bookings are well up on this time last year, cherry lock if your really desperate it might be worth trying jet 2 from MAN im sure they will have seats available:ok:

27th Feb 2010, 10:18
Simon is back!! lol

Ha Ha yeah i hear Jet2 have lots of seats available lol i'm kidding i'm not getting into the whole Jet2 bashing.

27th Feb 2010, 10:28
Hi simon yes i am going to try jet 2, problem is my hubby is a very nervous flyer and he has got it into his head that jet 2 have lots of problems with their planes because there very old, ive explained to him even if they do the planes wont fly until there safe so its nothing to worry about:ugh::ugh:

Mr @ Spotty M
27th Feb 2010, 10:34
A liney is a term used for Line Maintenance Engineers as a posed to Hangar Engineers.
In other words a Liney is an engineer who meets and greets the a/c, day in day out 24/7, on the ramp in all weathers.:ok:

27th Feb 2010, 10:35

he may be worried about flying on a jet2 737 but would be fly on e BA 737?? cause some of BA's 737's are older than jet2's. I wouldnt worry. I would pick Monarch first of course just because i would rather fly with them but thats just my preference.

27th Feb 2010, 10:51
Cherrylock, dont let your other half worry about jet 2 aircraft, they may have a poor dispatch reliabilty record compared to the other operators but the aircraft are just as safe as anyone elses

27th Feb 2010, 10:54
cherrylock...I'm showing lots of availability for MANTFS on Monarch in mid-Aug?

conti onepass
27th Feb 2010, 10:55
nothing wrong with jet2 guys just done a lanzarote return from manchester, done loads of trips with them, never any problems, now that there 757 have new interiors they are well worth going on, so stop calling them, on the other hand ive flown monarch quite a few times and been delayed 9 hours plus on a few of them.

27th Feb 2010, 22:27
Hi, I was just wondering what short-haul flights Monarch's A330 & A300 as well as the B767 are operating out of Manchester throughout the next couple of months, as I was wanting to try and fly on one of these aircraft.

Mant Thanks,

Johnny F@rt Pants
28th Feb 2010, 08:06
Cherrylock, dont let your other half worry about jet 2 aircraft, they may have a poor dispatch reliabilty record compared to the other operators but the aircraft are just as safe as anyone elses

I operated a "nervous flyers" flight yesterday, and we were the 1st one they had EVER had operated by ANY airline that'd gone on time:ok::ok:. Jet2's reliability isn't any worse generally than any other airline. All airlines suffer delays at some time or another, they're frustrating sure, but they happen. It's got nothing to do with the age of the aircraft, they're maintained to the highest standards, and in comparison to all the charter operators they have a lot of time on the ground throughout the season for maintenance to be done continuously. Most delays are outside the control of any airline, and are mostly due to slot's and passengers that insist on turning up late at the gate:mad:, don't bother on one of my flight's, you won't get on:=. By the end of the summer season I'd place a bet that all the Jet2.com fleet are in far better shape than MON/TCX/TOM etc.

28th Feb 2010, 10:44
Is it 2 A321 or 1 A320 and 1 A321 for Dublin this Summer? Cant wait to have the chaps back in Dub again, such jolly capers with the chaps evey weekend.

28th Feb 2010, 11:59
Hi DublinDispatch!

It's one of each this year as far as i'm aware unless more work has been picked up.

So 1x A321 & 1 x A320.

Same thursday to sunday stuff. And i agree with you about the guys & gals there. Great crew to work with.

28th Feb 2010, 17:54
i hear monarch are making a lot of cut backs at the mo and cutting a lot of maintenance jobs,didnt think things were that bad at mon hope things pick up soon.
cherrylock as people have already said not a lot wrong with jet2 or their aircraft, in fact they are one of the only airlines that seem to be doing well at the mo and expanding their fleet.
i see it didnt take chowder long to have a side ways swipe at jet2.

28th Feb 2010, 20:44
The cutbacks at monarch aircraft engineering are not really anything to do with the airline, these cutbacks are required as i understand it due to a reduction in third party maintenance going through the man and ltn hangars

9th Mar 2010, 10:54
Would be interested to know the reasons for Monarch's stops at CDG and BSL on their flights between MAN and Mombasa. Do they pick up or set down pax or cargo at either airport?

Secondly, what was the background on Monarch's charter last weekend to RZE from MAN, and why did it operate from T2?


on time all the time
9th Mar 2010, 12:40
Hi AlphawhiskyRomeo,

The MBA via CDG or BSL is shared by several T/O and one of them which may be the main is African Safari Club. They used to have their own aircraft but got rid of it. They fly out of the uk, France, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. Monarch does some of their work . They used to go MAN-LGW- MBA in the past as well as a straight forward LGW-MBA which is another shared flight.
RZE may be a flight taking hasidic jews on a yearly "pilgrimage" to go and pay respect to one of their important ancestor. If the day is during the shabbat the flight is at night. Monarch has done such flights in the past.

9th Mar 2010, 16:28
Thanks for that.

Wasn't sure if the RZE flight might be a military charter, but it seemed to come back in the next day.

Still unsure of why it went from T2 though.... it was during normal hours. Maybe just because T2 is a shade quieter than T1?

9th Mar 2010, 20:17
New flights announced for Summer 10, Gatwick & Manchester to Santorini, weekly (Tuesday) departures, 5 May to 5 October.

Mr @ Spotty M
9th Mar 2010, 20:50
Yes, but they are charter and not ZB flights.

9th Mar 2010, 21:57
Hi, I was just wondering what short-haul flights Monarch's A330 & A300 as well as the B767 are operating out of Manchester throughout the next couple of months, as I was wanting to try and fly on one of these aircraft.The B767 is back to Thomas Cook and so not sure if you'll see this operating flights for Monarch again. The A330 is mostly longhaul but you may find it on the odd SSH. Here are the details of the flights operated by the A300 over the summer period as kindly given by someone on a certain other website:

MAN - Scheduled Routes

ZB 0532 07MAY 29OCT Friday PMI
ZB 0546 06MAY 28OCT Thursday ACE
ZB 0548 01MAY 30OCT Saturday PMI
ZB 0564 07MAY 29OCT Friday TFS
ZB 0568 07MAY 29OCT Friday TFS
ZB 0594 02MAY 24OCT Sunday FAO

MAN - Charter Routes

MON1268 28MAY 01OCT Friday DLM
MON1286 06MAY 28OCT Thursday SSH
MON1828 03MAY 25OCT Monday CFU
MON3514 29JUN 28SEP Tuesday HER
MON3588 04MAY 05OCT Tuesday CHQ
MON3722 05MAY 27OCT Wednesday RHO
MON3974 04MAY 26OCT Tuesday HER
MON3978 07JUL 29SEP Wednesday RHO
MON4362 03APR 24APR Saturday SSH
MON4620 29MAR 26APR Monday LXR
MON4952 01APR 29APR Thursday SSH
MON5620 03MAY 25OCT Monday DLM
MON5642 02MAY 03OCT Sunday PVK
MON6586 28MAR 25APR Sunday SSH
MON7106 05MAY 27OCT Wednesday PFO
MON7174 05JUL 04OCT Monday CFU
MON7408 12JUL 13SEP Monday DLM

LGW - Scheduled Routes

ZB 0214 01MAY 30OCT Saturday FAO
ZB 0216 19JUL 06SEP Monday FAO
ZB 0238 06MAY 28OCT Thursday ACE
ZB 0286 30MAR 27APR Tuesday TFS
ZB 0286 02APR 29OCT Friday TFS
ZB 0736 07MAY 29OCT Friday AGP
ZB 0742 01MAY 30OCT Saturday AGP
ZB 0742 02MAY 24OCT Sunday AGP
ZB 0792 08JUL 16SEP Thursday ACE

LGW - Charter Routes

MON1412 09JUL 01OCT Friday CFU
MON1472 04MAY 26OCT Tuesday CHQ
MON1786 02MAY 03OCT Sunday PVK
MON1904 02MAY 24OCT Sunday SSH
MON1934 09JUL 17SEP Friday DLM
MON3286 29JUN 28SEP Tuesday HER
MON3468 05MAY 27OCT Wednesday PFO
MON4176 29MAR 26APR Monday LXR
MON4278 28MAR 25APR Sunday SSH
MON4704 29MAR 26APR Monday TCP
MON5114 01MAY 30OCT Saturday SSH
MON5204 07JUL 29SEP Wednesday RHO
MON5238 03MAY 25OCT Monday LXR
MON5278 02MAY 24OCT Sunday SSH
MON5346 05JUL 27SEP Monday DLM
MON5764 06MAY 28OCT Thursday SSH
MON5796 04MAY 26OCT Tuesday HER
MON6814 01APR 29APR Thursday SSH
MON7014 05MAY 27OCT Wednesday RHO
MON7052 03JUL 02OCT Saturday DLM
MON7208 01MAY 30OCT Saturday DLM
MON7908 03MAY 25OCT Monday CFU

LTN - ZB route

LTN ZB 0871 01MAY 30OCT Saturday PMI

As always though, these things can change according to business demands.

10th Mar 2010, 11:05
Does anyone know where G-OJMR has got to? According to libhomeradar, it was last contacted on the 25/01/10.

on time all the time
10th Mar 2010, 11:24
20 years check for g-ojmr.

10th Mar 2010, 11:48
Thanks for the info! :)

10th Mar 2010, 19:14
Spotty M,

I bow to your superior knowledge, but why announce extra charter flights on the website?


10th Mar 2010, 19:17
Maybe because you can book charter flights and holidays on the website.

10th Mar 2010, 20:12
MON 6524/5 14th /15th March ! I wish it was more Mr.

15th Mar 2010, 22:11
Are Monarch getting any of the British Airways work for the strike dates?

16th Mar 2010, 11:20
The full list of airlines being used to operate BA's flights can be found here (http://www.britishairways.com/travel/flights-option-2/public/en_gb).

No sign of Monarch.

16th Mar 2010, 19:47
Thats because there is absolutely no spare capacity over the weekend due to the on going ski season. During the weekdays, maybe 1 or 2 a/c could have been offered.

17th Mar 2010, 17:10
Monarch have just picked up some BA work by all accounts

Mr @ Spotty M
17th Mar 2010, 17:15
smudgethecat, l hope you are not referring to the flight that "NS" is operating this Sunday?

18th Mar 2010, 10:51
Friend of mine works for monarch, she was saying monarch were requsted to help but just didnt have the aircraft available due to a very busy programme, this must be great though for people like jet 2 whos aircraft just seem to be parked up doing nothing all over manchester airport at the moment

18th Mar 2010, 11:02
The BA link above states Monarch ARE operating flights, as are Ryanair!

18th Mar 2010, 11:14
No spotty im refering to the BA list which clearly lists monarch as doing some of their flying, and yes cherylock it must be good news for jet 2 i hear they are having awful problems with flat spots on tyres at present

18th Mar 2010, 11:50
Pretty sure Czech Airlines, Monarch and Ryanair have been added since that link was 1st put up.

18th Mar 2010, 13:04
thing is its not just jet2 aircraft that have been parked up at man for long periods of time, monarch, thomson,tommy crook,and viking have all had aircraft parked up for days and weeks at a time, sad sign of the times lets hope it picks up this summer for all our airlines.

Ian Brooks
18th Mar 2010, 14:37
Quite common for aircraft to be parked up for serveral days at a time in winter as main programmes are flown Fri-Mon for ski holidays/wintersun therefore Tue-Thur
not a lot going on

Ian B

18th Mar 2010, 16:11
Actuall ph i dont think its all doom and gloom i know monarchs flying programme is up 15 per cent on last year and thompson fly are so busy there actually having to use people like monarch to provide extra capacity, i know jet 2 are going through a bad patch but im sure things will pick up for them soon

18th Mar 2010, 18:26
smudgethecat, l hope you are not referring to the flight that "NS" is operating this Sunday?

Which is what exactly?
L Met

18th Mar 2010, 20:47
Jet2 are not going through a bad patch! they have just chosen too keep the winter program light this winter to save money! they dont pay leesing costs on their aircraft so having the aircraft on the ground is cheaper than flying half full on winter routes! Very sensible id say! this has also given them the chance to refit the cabins and get all the aircraft ready for the summer season maintenance wise! and the summer season is set to be very busy! The BA charters are just extra cash in the pocket for the winter! :-)

Mr @ Spotty M
18th Mar 2010, 21:36
The flight operating on "NS" this Sunday l was referring is listed on our in house system with a BA flight number. This is listed incorrect as it is operating MAN-CDG-LXR-MBA, it is operating in place of the usual A330 flight from MAN to MBA via CDG.
As of this morning when l last looked l did not see any flights listed for BA on our system, not saying that their are not going to be any but l did not spot any. We did not have many gaps, we were operating the normal ZB/MON and a few for the MOD.:ok:

18th Mar 2010, 22:06
cherrylock not sure where you get your stats from but thats good news if monarch are 15% up on last year, but lets face it last year was pretty dire for everyone,thomson laid off a large number of pilots and i think reduced the size of the fleet,
still like i said there is a large number of aircraft from different fleets waiting for the summer up turn, this strike will come as a bit of a bonus to all involved except of course ba.

19th Mar 2010, 09:15
Does anyone know what reg operated the ZB648 on Monday 15th march MAN-LCA? I forgot to get it when I flew. Thanks.

19th Mar 2010, 09:51
Me thinks cherrylock is SimonChowder's alter ego!

Jet2 is NOT going through a hard time, in fact we have just had a better than expected winter, load factors are up etc, now let stop this anti jet2 or jet2 vers monarch simon....er sorry cherry.

19th Mar 2010, 09:52
Sunshine79, G-OZBT :ok:

19th Mar 2010, 10:00
Me thinks cherrylock is SimonChowder's alter ego!

Interesting that a 'cherrylock' is a type of rivet. Is there any way the MODS can check the IP address of the posts from cherrylock and simonchowder?

19th Mar 2010, 10:01
Thanks for that, I didn't see which a/c came in and it was too dark at LCA to see the reg.

19th Mar 2010, 10:12
How dare you suggest im something to do with simon chowder!!! i dont know what your rabbiting on about rivets for, cherrylock is derived from my maiden name which is cherry and my married name which is lock, satisfied?

19th Mar 2010, 13:43

I've got a fantastic deal to Cancun with Thomas Cook and I was about to book. I looked online and the flight that day is with Monarch. I cant chage the time to go so im stuck with booking it or not booking it.

I get really bored and on the last long haul flight i was on (China Airlines) with drop down tvs (also with a ridiculous seat pitch) and I thought they were pretty much non existant now. Has anyone been on either of the planes (a330 or 767) lately and do you have any comments?

Thanks in advance for any replies.

19th Mar 2010, 16:21
Had the hitman on our flight back from TFS on Monday night, very quiet, but signed a few autographs if asked I noticed.

19th Mar 2010, 16:57
Who's the hitman??? bret the hitman heart??? ha ha from WWF??