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27th Nov 2007, 21:16
Completely agree - to say that Flybe have no commitment to MAN is simply crazy. They've spent a fortune since the BACon acquisition getting things back on an even keel. Next year is about consolodation and given the current state of the industry, I don't blame them.

Remember that the majority of aircraft delivered over the coming 18mths will be one for one swaps with E145's that leave the fleet. As the majority of these 145's are operating full schedules it leaves very few aircraft with which to expand. It's not gonna set the world alight but look at Jet2, a mass of expansion a couple of years ago and now re-trenching.

Sustainable growth is a much better way forward.

andy mach 1
28th Nov 2007, 15:40
Some more summer 08 flights are avialable via their booking engine.
No new ones but Bordeaux and Perpignan showing as 3x week also Prague onlt 4x week ,May & June anyway have not had time to check all way through although nothing is loaded into the timetable section yet.


28th Nov 2007, 16:23
Employees at Manchester Airports handling company RHL have been give 90 days notice. If the restructure is successful there will be a reduction in posts totalling 188 from 327 employees.

These 188 employees will either be redeployed within the airport group or made redundant.

For the remaining employees their T & C's will be even worse then they are now.

They will be required to work a 41 hr week plus 4 hrs contractural overtime paid at flat rate = a 45hr week before overtime payments.
No extra payments for working a bank holiday.
No sick pay for the first 3 days of sickness.
Sick pay for industrial injury 3 months full and 3 months half after 1 years service.
If you leave the company within 6 months of joining will have the cost of their uniform and training deducted at £400.00

Looks like the fat cats are screwing the workers again!!

Extracts from the MAG Goals and Values

To be a good employer-ensuring that each individual understands what is expected and is treated with respect !!!!!

Cost: Spending money on things that really matter

(obviously their employees don't come under this catorgary)

tgwu stn
28th Nov 2007, 17:59
Is Ringway Handling part of the Penauille Servisair Group?
Sorry to hear your bad news.

28th Nov 2007, 19:26

Welcome to the REAL world!!


28th Nov 2007, 20:55
No. It is a subsiduary of Manchester Airport Plc

bmi expat
28th Nov 2007, 21:03
When the summer season kicks off properly for bmibaby on 16th June all destinations will be daily, except PGF which will be 6 times a week (no op Tuesday) and Manchester will be back up to four aircraft.

Also there are gaps in the schedule each day in which to place the "exciting new routes" that are coming for Manchester.

14 loop
28th Nov 2007, 21:37
I believe the only reason this is happening is because Jet2 haven't made as much money as they expected from the MAN base in 2007.

There was alot of leased-in capacity (at MAN to keep the schedule) and one suspects their yields fell to prop-up the load factors.

Hence Summer 2008 is looking thin from MAN - a surprise? No! Loads of competition in the North-West (from LPL) have made times tough for Jet2 there whereas at LBA they can sustain routes a plenty.

However it ain't just Jet2 feeling the pinch; Flybe to Bergerac and Limoges gone from MAN as a result of RYR from Speke....discuss!

29th Nov 2007, 10:16
What about the six flights operated by GB Airways from Manchester - when easyjet take over in March will the flights be transferred to Gatwick or Liverpool ? or will BA keep the routes from Manchester.

Concerned about this as we have flights booked from Manchester to Cyprus and travelling with two small children so taking off from another airport is not an option for us.


29th Nov 2007, 10:41
Re GBAirways, the timetable will operate to October 2008 as scheduled.

Ian Brooks
29th Nov 2007, 16:36
The above has received a well deserved update and imho a very much easier and more friendly lay-out
By doing a search on a particular destination you can check up to 3 days in advance
The time table info is nice as well


29th Nov 2007, 16:52
DWLPL, so that means EZY will operate from MAN, to at least the GB destinations, until Oct 08 ? So, if I wanted to book a GB route ex MAN, for say next September, then I would book on the EZY website (eventually) ?

Mr @ Spotty M
29th Nov 2007, 18:10
The last time l looked it was GB flights would be operated as normal till end of summer 2008 from LGW.
No decision as yet on the GB routes from MAN.

29th Nov 2007, 18:23
Thats what I thought ! i.e. MAN GB flights would be honoured until EZY took over early next year, but this is the first I have heard that flights will continue through the summer until October. Flights are bookable until that date on BA.com - showing operated by GB Airways with a BA flight number !!

Is this confirmation, albiet unofficial, of EZY staying at MAN, that everyone seems to want ?

Surely they wouldnt keep things going for just one summer season, would they ?

29th Nov 2007, 20:00

Did the purchase of GB Airways involve the aircraft?

If so it could be a FlyBe situation using the ex aircraft

until the end of summer 08 - or transferring the ops

to another departure airport (Gatwick) via a BA shuttle

or can you cram a 320/321 load onto a 319 (I know its

Easy but!!!).


Mr @ Spotty M
29th Nov 2007, 21:02
What l am saying "eggc" is only from LGW after the buy out.
NO decision on easyjet operating out of MAN as yet.

Momentary Lapse
29th Nov 2007, 21:04
On the updated MA website, I see the accounts for 06/07 have disappeared...:hmm: Perhaps the revelation that the GCX's salary had gone down not up that year was too much.

29th Nov 2007, 21:17
"Mr @ Spotty M" I am not disagreeing with you - you tell it as I thought it was...but that is not what DWLPL suggested in post 1264 - hence my questions.

29th Nov 2007, 21:31
DWLPL, so that means EZY will operate from MAN, to at least the GB destinations, until Oct 08 ? So, if I wanted to book a GB route ex MAN, for say next September, then I would book on the EZY website (eventually) ?

The way I read (FT?) it was that the schedules that GB announced will be operated up to the end of the summer 2008 period., the winter 07/08 period as a BA franchise with GB and then the summer schedules as easyJet brand.

But the EZY website quotes "easyJet will co-operate with British Airways to ensure a smooth and orderly transition for customers. To this end GB Airways will continue to operate all routes under the British Airways brand until March 29th, 2008 after which flights will operate under the easyJet brand."

On the other hand EZY does not mention MAN anywhere other than GB operates exMAN now. They only ever mention Gatwick, slots and aircraft.

29th Nov 2007, 23:29
The GB Airways/easyJet MAN saga was one of the queries in one of last week's Sunday tabloid travel Q+A. I think the answer was any firm decision is to be made in January, but flights definitely running up to the end of the winter season.

30th Nov 2007, 00:02
but flights definitely running up to the end of the winter season. Is that Winter2007 or 2008? :E

30th Nov 2007, 13:12
Baggage handlers face redundancy


MORE than 180 baggage handlers face being made redundant in a pre-Christmas jobs shock at Manchester Airport.

Bosses say they need to make cuts at Ringway Handling Services because it is making a loss in a `fiercely competitive' market.

But union leaders have slammed the `appalling management' of the firm and say the proposal to cut 188 posts is `a disgrace'.

They say the 139 workers set to remain with the company under the proposals would have to take up inferior contracts, seeing them lose between £50 and £80 a week in wages.

Steve Grieves, of the union Unite, said: "Our members are committed to Manchester Airport. We intend to fight to reduce the redundancies to a bare minimum, and to protect the terms and conditions of our already lowly-paid members."

Ringway Handling Services is an independent subsidiary of the Manchester Airports Group (MAG) and serves a number of airlines and handling agents. It is one of several baggage handling firms operating in the terminals, but is having difficulty competing against big global operators.

No alternative

The group says several key contracts have been lost and it has `no alternative' but to reduce the size of the business.

A 90-day consultation is now underway with workers and union leaders.

Mr Grieves said: "You have to ask why Ringway Handling is not making a profit. It's always had enough business. The workforce is always fully employed and they win awards for the service they provide.

"But Ringway Handling has had 10 managers in nine years and, every time there is a problem with the business, they decide to restructure or cut the wages of the employees." An aiport spokesman said: "The baggage handling market is fiercely competitive with many airlines having multi-site deals across the world with global handling agents making it difficult for smaller companies like Ringway's baggage handling business to compete.

"For this reason, the Ringway Handling has been making a loss for some time. Although we have been working hard to secure its long term future, several significant contracts have been lost. We are therefore left with no alternative but to reduce the size of the business."

:( rampman

30th Nov 2007, 14:44
How does Mr Grieves explain the phenomenal growth of Flight Support then?

They're hardly a "big global operator"...

30th Nov 2007, 18:20

In defence of Ringway, Flight Support provide a full handling package unlike Ringway who sub contract all over wing handling out to both SAS and Flight Support at Manchester. This makes Flight Support a more attractive prospect as its better for an airline to deal with one point of contact for everything rather than two. :rolleyes:

Momentary Lapse
30th Nov 2007, 18:43
And the over wing bit is more glamorous and a higher profile than the under wing bit, if by that you mean passenger handling rather than baggage etc.

Sadly, competing against global companies with global economies of scale will always be hard. RHSL is a corner shop (service but higher price) versus Tesco (global domination, cheaper, but without the personal service).

Setting aside the personal suffering of those poor guys n gals who've worked their socks off to keep delivering a good service for so long, MA shouldn't be in this sort of market. It diverts attention from their core business of growing their airport (which they need to give plenty of attention to at the moment).

30th Nov 2007, 20:10
with respects RHS are the Union not a major shareholder?? Heard from a friend, but not sure if true?

.....if so is this not a slight conflict in interests, leading to the workers, well getting screwed?

30th Nov 2007, 23:55
Flight Support do not do sub contract work for Ringway. They got BE fair and square, on their own merits.

1st Dec 2007, 17:54
3 flights per day showing for SOU from April 08 on OAG


Momentary Lapse
1st Dec 2007, 20:25
Ideologically, why would a union own shares in a company? Not to mention the conflict of interest at pay review time.

I believe RHSL and RHL are wholly-owned by MAG, who these days are mostly owned by the banks anyway, since they mortgaged the shop to buy EMA and BOH at market value (based on profit multiplier and mortgaged on EMA and BOH) plus hefty premium (to block any other bids, mortgaged on MAN, which until then was debt-free).

2nd Dec 2007, 15:35
A cursory glance at the revamped website would tell you:

"MAG is publicly owned by the ten local authorities of Greater Manchester and is privately managed on their behalf, gives us a unique insight into the value our business brings to the regions of the UK.

Our shareholders are:

The Council of the City of Manchester - 55%
The Borough Council of Bolton - 5%
The Borough Council of Bury - 5%
The Oldham Borough Council - 5%
The Rochdale Borough Council - 5%
The Council of the City of Salford - 5%
The Metropolitan Borough Council of Stockport - 5%
The Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council - 5%
The Trafford Borough Council - 5%
The Wigan Borough Council - 5%"

Fuel Boy
2nd Dec 2007, 17:57
By Christ its' been windy here, so much so it managed to spin a TOM 737 through 90 degrees, on std 200.

I belive it hit a baggage belt which helped it to stop:ouch:, just as well. The nose gear looked to be at limits but not sure.

Does anybody have more news on this error of judgement?


Momentary Lapse
2nd Dec 2007, 18:49
Yes the shares are owned by the 10 local authorities, as they have been in the same proportion since 1986.

But the banks own the company in the sense that they hold large "mortgages". If at any time they foreclose, for example there's a profits or income downturn and MA can't make the payments, then MA is er goosed, to use a technical term.

You might think you own your house, but if you can't meet the payments then you'll be sat on your cases on the pavement before you know it.

Until MA bought EMA and BOH there was no debt and they owned everything. Now, they are very highly geared: they borrowed 100% of the purchase price of EMA and BOH and a further sum, almost as large again, secured against MAN, which until then was more or less debt-free.

2nd Dec 2007, 19:03
Thanks for you're concern and obvious support Mickeyman. One thing Dongle78 left off the fairly substantial list of terms and conditions that Ringway staff(that stay on) will lose is all ramp staff will lose over a thousand pounds a year from their wage packets. This is another example of the people at the bottom paying for the mistakes of their management.
I can only assume Mickeyman agrees with new conditions people will be forced to work under. Perhaps we'll see small children cleaning chimneys or working in mills, manual workers don't need all those H&S rules do they, staff are easily replaced!! I know it's far fetched but taking terms and conditions off people is not progress and staff are being backed into a corner with this "more for less" contract.
I should imagine Mr Cornish will get a pat on the back and a large bonus from our caring boss Mr Muirhead once he has overseen the total destruction of Ringway Handling. It would seem that the senior management of our shopping centre/airport just want to be landlords given the fact that they are currently trying to offload other parts of the business too.
Finally, I hope nothing like this happens to Mickeyman. I am not daft i can see the business is not healthy, years of inept management have seen to that. We as workforce are prepared to change the way we work to move forward but to ask a hard working staff to give up their terms and conditions is wrong.:*

3rd Dec 2007, 17:00
RE: GT/EZY situation. GB will continue to operate flights under the current BA franchise until the end of this winter (2007/08). After that, a decision has still to be made regarding this. There are currently legalities regarding LPL and the contract that EZY has there. There is a possibility, albeit a slim one, that EZY will not continue flights out of MAN. There intention however, is to open MAN as a base and this has long been a desire. If EZY do open MAN, the current GB flights will operate as per usual for the summer 2008 season but thereafter, EZY may decide to use the slots for other, more traditional, EZY routes.

Lord Toofouright
4th Dec 2007, 23:18
Been thwarted by Somerset house regarding the name change to Lord Tootreeright as they say it's positive discrimination against all Tootreelefts and that Magnetic variation should have been taken into account at the time of the bestowing of my honours!!! - Has the world gone mad?
Anyway to the matter in hand:-
I have heard from a reliable source two pieces of news, one good and one not quite so good.
The not quite so good news is that Air China MAY be scaling back their operation at Manchester from Three services per week down to Two per week next summer.
The good news is that Jade Cargo may be starting a B747F service, twice per week come Springtime, via Budapest
Lean Green frieghter machines!!:)
Nice for piccies.:ok:
Lord 24R

5th Dec 2007, 14:20

Obviously Dongle78 was not bothered about loosing the
grand and thats why he didnt mention it!

As your name suggests you are only employed to load
and so are not as important as you seem to think.
From a mangement point of view your expensive
employment can be seen to be surpluss to their
requirement now that there are plenty of cheaper
options available.

It makes no difference if you are in a union or not these
days the outcome will be the same........

In the strive for efficiency the management hold all
the cards..............and may have dealt you a
terminal one (sic).

Happy days..........


5th Dec 2007, 14:37
from another forum

One of our captains aparently was sat next to one of EZY's legal team on the shuttle who informed him that the LPL legality has been settled out of court and that 11 routes have been applied for by EZY ex MAN

could easy have a future then?

5th Dec 2007, 17:53

would be my guess.....

5th Dec 2007, 17:53

yes I am bothered about the cuts in pay !!

I just did not have that information at the time of posting.


What a nice guy you appear to be ! :ugh:

5th Dec 2007, 17:54
The not quite so good news is that Air China MAY be scaling back their operation at Manchester from Three services per week down to Two per week next summer.

Lord (how much did you pay?) Toofouright. My understanding is that it is China Airlines (Taiwan) that are going from 3 to twice weekly, not Air China. Can be an embarrasing mistake confusing these two airlines when talking to the Chinese !! :\


Scottie Dog
5th Dec 2007, 18:28
Good evening Suzeman.....

It looks as if we might be working from a similar script!!

As to easyJet it would be good to see their establish a base at Manchester. Certainly they are better known than sme of the other LCC and would hopefully breathe new life into the airport; it's services and investment.

5th Dec 2007, 18:28

would be my guess.....

Pretty much what I was thinking except LIS and AGP. AGP is heavily served and a daily service probably wouldn't be enough to compete efficiently and after just launching flights from LPL to LIS can't really see this one working being on either.

What about LYS and LEI?

Also, which terminal? T1? Will anybody react? FR from LPL?

Look out MAN! Orange is the new colour!:D

5th Dec 2007, 18:33

5th Dec 2007, 19:09
It would be good to have some decent competition on BCN so Easy would be welcome on this route as far as I'm concerned...... I've just booked for March with ZB and what I paid was hardly what you would class as a "low fare". Still, thats bad news for me and good news for ZB I guess! :{

Goes without saying that if they started MAD, SXF and LIS these would be very welcome seeing as they've all slipped off MAN's departure boards over the last year.

5th Dec 2007, 19:42
Well if the SXF route does come off then it's mixed news.

Easy have already put up their fares on the LPL-SXF route this winter with the cheapest fares doubled. Bad news for competition and choice. I'd still rather see AB again at MAN.

The futures a sort of murky orange colour from here.

5th Dec 2007, 19:42
Goes without saying that if they started MAD, SXF and LIS these would be very welcome seeing as they've all slipped off MAN's departure boards over the last year.

And would be welcome!

LS and WW - watch out! The big boys are arriving and from what we have heard, aren't going to be taking any of the punches!;)

Does anybody know how many aircraft they plan to base? Surely somebody from the inside is reading this and is ready to burst? PLEASE!;)

It is starting to make sense now. When they announced flights from BHX to the ski airports afew months ago, I questioned why not MAN aswell? Weel, I think we may now be seeing the answer!

5th Dec 2007, 19:47
Are we not jumping the gun on EZY at the moment.

To more mundane things.

Has anyone heard anything Re:

BD to SOU I reported above.

What new routes WW may have in mind

What Zoom are up to.

Also anything more about possible routes to Africa reported last year

5th Dec 2007, 19:49

What has the Royal Horticultural Society got to do
with it?



5th Dec 2007, 19:57
What Zoom are up to.

Not sure, time is going on now and seemingly still no commitment to a summer 08 schedule from MAN. Would eat my hat if they didn't stick around for a bigger slice of the Canadian action now AC are off the scene..... but we all know this industry, stranger things have happened.

5th Dec 2007, 20:08
Well, the BD flights are only a matter of time away. Expect the route to be announced within 7 days. As you say, it is already in the OAG engine. Will this effect BE or are they too strong on the route?

Currently, OAG is showing twice weekly for ZOOM while TCX/TS will operate:
MON 13:30(TS) & 14:45(TCX) A310/B752
TUE 15:55(TCX) B752
WED 12:00(TCX) B752
THU 13:30(TS) 14:35(TCX) A310/B752
FRI 14:15(TS) 16:35(TCX) A310/B752
SAT 13:30(TS) 15:55(TCX) A310/B752
SUN 13:25(TCX) 13:30(TS) B752/A310
All are obviously codeshares and will be used mainly for Canadian Affair.
Flyglobespan will be weekly (Tue) for next summer to YHM with B752 (I think!)

WW probably will be shi**ing themselves with an EZY base looking very likely.

May see LS long haul from MAN and NCL according to other threads.

And according to the Airliners, VS are looking at PVG (Shanghai) 3x weekly. Can only see this as a rumour.

Air China due 2009

CX due next summer:rolleyes:

AirAsiaX also very likely to join the airport. Unless STN pull through MAN could see Kuala Lumpur on the departure board quite soon. Nothing to do with MUFC being sponsored by AirAsia or anything like that!:oh:


5th Dec 2007, 20:48
CX due next summer

We live in hope that one day this ongoing saga will end with the arrival of a pax service on the tarmac here at MAN!

Anybody remember the Kuwait Airways rumour a little while back? Usual thing where an exec from the airline suggested MAN was "up there" on the list but nothing seemed to happen....ever likely to see this one happen?

5th Dec 2007, 21:46
Plenty more I think.

Was thinking particularly of KQ who who were reported as considering starting last winter through CDG and had I believe the slots then let them go then as not unusual nothing

6th Dec 2007, 10:24
CX due next summer

We live in hope that one day this ongoing saga will end with the arrival of a pax service on the tarmac here at MAN!

Not a snowballs chance in hell.:zzz:

6th Dec 2007, 12:39

would be my guess.....

You see i would have gone for :

TLS, BFS. GVA, LYS, MAD MXP. :):):):)

6th Dec 2007, 12:57
Come on Easymanager where are you when we need some info?:}

6th Dec 2007, 16:26
"CX due next summer"

...surely MAN would be better chasing Oasis HongKong ?

As I seem to recall the last time CV operated the fares were 30% higher direct from Manchester than they were from LHR ...even AFTER the cost of a connecting flight down there !

CX would be eaten alive by the Emirates fares structure etc

6th Dec 2007, 20:30
CX would be eaten alive by the Emirates fares structure etc

I don't know about that. CX cover a lot of places EK still don't go to, especially feeding into KA at HKG and their mainland routes. While I haven't seen what EK charge these days as I have no intention of using them, a colleague who does says they are not as competitive as they used to be.

Besides the fact that service wise CX are in a different league to EK so it's not really comparing like with like, especially up front.

Anyway it's all somewhat irrelevant as they won't be coming according to spannersatcx, and I tend to believe him more than the one who posted they were, again.

6th Dec 2007, 20:42
How many times have we heard the CX story? I'll believe it when i see it!

I personally think that as long as CX and BA are in the One World Alliance nothing will change CX wise at MAN. BA get the majority of their passengers on the shuttle flights to LHR from One World Alliance airlines. Therefore, i doubt we will see CX in the near future.

6th Dec 2007, 21:25
Maybe we'll see CX again if the Tories get in next time and Mr Gummer ends up doing well in government..... that way all MAN-LHR flights would be banned so CX may just consider reinstating a direct pax flight to MAN ;)

6th Dec 2007, 21:40
and Qantas

6th Dec 2007, 22:37
Not too sure if Easy will announce MAN flights for S08.

However, they have today announced BHX-GVA daily with EasySwiss for S08, first of many routes (hopefully for BHX & MAN)


7th Dec 2007, 11:20
Last night, a two year old Air Blue passenger managed to get onto the main baggage belt in Terminal 2 and was subsequently dispatched down into the baggage system. It was 30 minutes later when her parents realised she was missing and by which time she had passed through 2 x-rays and a lot of heavy machinery including pushers and tip trays which rotate at speeds of up to 40mph. Her journey was only halted when an item of clothing got caught up in the belt. Miraculously, she escaped with only minor cuts and bruises. Apparently she got onto the baggage belt via a check in desk which had been left switched on and unattended. Manchester Airport is currently conducting an investigation and no doubt the Dft will get involved too. She was very lucky to survive.

7th Dec 2007, 11:57
Oh my god! That's appalling! Poor kid.

Code 100
7th Dec 2007, 13:29
Yet more 'sensational' security failure stories in the national press!

Why was the child not spotted as a living object by the scanners, or at least noticed?

Momentary Lapse
7th Dec 2007, 13:53
There aren't any tip trays in any of MAN's baggage systems AFAIK.

No part in there goes anything like 40mph. The baggage belts are no faster than a travelator (though they don't break down as often :hmm:).

A "pusher" is more accurately described as a "walloper" though, so if that hit her, it'd hurt.

Kids pay money to go to Alton Towers, which is far more of a thrill-ride than the baggage system, so what's the problem for the kid?

The main problem is the security breach. Replace the kid with a terrorist wearing a body belt of explosives .......

7th Dec 2007, 14:10
Gota remember though that the child was only 2. I think a smack from a 'Pusher' would do more than just hurt a child of that age. There are tip trays in the T2 system, I've seen them myself. Not sure about T1/3. A very nasty ordeal for the youngster in any case. I don't recall an incident like this ever being reported previously. Certain not recently. The airport is taking it extremely seriously. Momentary Lapse you are very right in highlighting the security breach which has almost been forgotten because a human life was involved. I'm sure that's where the Dft involvement will come in. The last user of the switched on, unmanned checkin desk has been identified as PIA. So I'm sure Servisair will be getting an earbashing.

7th Dec 2007, 14:21
The last user of the switched on, unmanned checkin desk has been identified as PIA. So I'm sure Servisair will be getting an earbashing.
AFAIK, the handling agent is SAS......:E

7th Dec 2007, 14:31
Bit behind the times there Chiglet! :E Servisair took over the PK contract beginning of last month

7th Dec 2007, 19:03
Volareweb is to scrap its MXP-MAN service from 8th Jan.
it hasn't proved popular since the beginning...very disappointing LF registered on this route so far.

StoneyBridge Radar
7th Dec 2007, 19:10
Catch up Chig old boy ! :rolleyes:

7th Dec 2007, 19:26
Volareweb is to scrap its MXP-MAN service from 8th Jan.
it hasn't proved popular since the beginning...very disappointing LF registered on this route so far.

That is a real shame. Brand new aircraft, excellent schedule and some decent fares. I was looking forward to using them some more in the new year.

I hope they've at least axed Rotterdam as well, the loads on that were even worse than MAN...

7th Dec 2007, 21:06
Does todays statement hint at MAN ??? ...
EasyJet has announced six new routes for next year, as part of its continuing expansion plans.
David Osborne, the budget airline's UK general manager, said: "easyJet will launch 18 new routes over the next few months from our bases across the UK and we will shortly announce further expansion, re-enforcing our position as the UK's largest airline."
The 6 new routes are:
- Bristol to Biarritz
- Bristol to Olbia
- Bristol to Split
- Edinburgh to Nice
- Glasgow to Faro
- Luton to Pisa

7th Dec 2007, 21:30
Paperwork and AMOSS say that SAS is still HA for PIA......:confused:
So just who is EZYs HA.... :E

7th Dec 2007, 23:07
I hope they've at least axed Rotterdam as well, the loads on that were even worse than MAN...

Volareweb will reduce MXP-RTM from daily to 4x week from 7 january

For me too bad load factor and a plane too large for this route (A320)

7th Dec 2007, 23:10
Probably before Christmans Easyjet major annunce of new LGW route

8th Dec 2007, 00:24
CX due next summer:rolleyes:

Cathay Pathetic.....:hmm::hmm:

8th Dec 2007, 10:16
Volareweb - I had my suspicions that this one wouldn't last long, still its a shame to lose any service. The Manchester - Milan route is littered with those who have tried and failed over the years, Volareweb, Alitalia (tried numerous times since the 60's I believe), Jet 2, Lauda Italy and if my memory still serves me correctly didn't KLM UK have a very short lived attempt at MXP? The only success seems to have come from BA then BE.

Maybe this particular route can only sustain one carrier?

Also had an email from Jet2 advising of their summer 08 offering from MAN, reading it confirms suspicions that the likes of SXF, TLS, VLC, BCN, AMS amongst others are not set to return.

8th Dec 2007, 13:48
It's a blessing you don't work for the samaritans!
I do not think I'm any more important than anyone else, though I suspect from your heartfelt reply you believe you are. If you don't work for MAG in a senior management role you should you seem to have everything they look for.
All I want to do is come to work, be paid fairly for what I do(which for the most part I am at the moment) pay my mortgage, maintain my standard of living and hopefully be able to afford two weeks in the sun with my family. I feel that is not much to ask for and we usually manage it. If we have to take all the cuts Ringways management want then things in my family would have to change. Is that the way forward? It obviously suits your "I'm allright Jack" attitude but maybe for once try thinking "out of the box" say like a human being! HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT?
I hope nothing like this happens to you( I should do really- but I'm not like that!) I think we'd hear the whining over the aircraft on all three terminals!
Hope your accountant brings you everthing you asked for, Merry Christmas Mr Scrooge!:(

8th Dec 2007, 15:29
Volareweb launched its service to MAN at very short notice with virtually no publicity at the slowest time of year. Their advance booking window was close to non-existent at launch; its surprising that they had any passengers at all. Whilst sorry to see a MAN service fail, this one comes as no surprise. With business acumen like this, I hope that no manager from Volareweb ever works for a company close to my heart!

8th Dec 2007, 20:56
easyJet have apparently reached an agreement with LPL which will enable them to fly from Manchester as well. The deal basically means that both sides ignore the "exclusivity clause" as long as easyJet services from LPL continue to grow and that expansion at MAN isn't to the detriment of services from LPL.

Announcement should take place shortly. Supposedly three based a/c at MAN to operate BFS x 3 daily and daily services to AGP, BRU, TLS, HAM, PMI, and RAK. Outside-based aircraft to operate daily MAD, LYS, MXP and GVA. Only surprise is no sign of SXF.

Will lead to an interesting increase in pressure on bmibaby and Jet2 at MAN.

8th Dec 2007, 21:05
Well, we know that Jet2 have reduced services already. Their presence at MAN will be reduced further by the arrival of easyJet as I don't see them willing to compete. However, I don't think they will leave the airport completely. They will stick to tried and tested bucket-and-spade routes and possibly increase their sunshine offerings through Jet2 Holidays. There's been a lot of talk recently regarding them starting up long haul flights but personally I don't see it myself. I guess time will tell.

Bmibaby should be ok. They have a nice niche of routes and a small 'fan base' to go with them. If EZY do start BFS then I would say this is their only cause of concern. They won't expand services much out of MAN but I would say this would be the case anyway regardless of whether or not easyJet arrive. Having said that, an article on their website implies that new routes ex MAN are soon to be announced. Any idea's what these might be?

8th Dec 2007, 21:15
Could be a few other carriers watching their backs if the U2 routes suggested by Flightrider come off...... BD with LYS, AB with their HAM service and TOM with their RAK route.

Expect some possible blood-letting with prices on PMI and BFS. Very welcome return of the MAD route too if it all comes off.

8th Dec 2007, 21:39
I take it that if EZY do come they will be dropping the GT routes


8th Dec 2007, 22:24
What is to happen with the current routes from the airport? Will they carry on operating these or will the be withdrawn?

Also, I'm guessing that they will be basing at least 1 A320/1 at the airport in the 3? Operating to AGP and PMI in an A319 is not what we would expect from the 'UK biggest airline' if other operators are using B752 minimum with other types such as A330/B767 in July/August.

Hope we do see them on the MAD route, would probably be able to fill A320s comfortably.

Do we know which terminal the airline will use? T1? Or will MAN try to get them into T3 before the supposed big shake up where locos go T3?

Will be good to see EZY at MAN, just hope that the other carriers stick with their routes and keep competition to a high. We don't want MAN turning into EZY city!


9th Dec 2007, 03:04
Also, I'm guessing that they will be basing at least 1 A320/1 at the airport in the 3? Operating to AGP and PMI in an A319 is not what we would expect from the 'UK biggest airline' if other operators are using B752 minimum with other types such as A330/B767 in July/August.

As ezy only have 2 types of AC, I would presume 319/73 :bored:

Ian Brooks
9th Dec 2007, 07:58
But GB have A320/A321 and what MUFC was saying he presumes at least one of the GB fleet will be kept at MAN


9th Dec 2007, 09:09
If EZY are to come to MAN, will it cause FR to take any action? Will they increase their presence at LPL or maybe look at MAN?

Surely FR don't want to fall behind in the North of England with EZY taking an even bigger stance in the region?

So - could we see more routes from LPL? BLK? New MAN base? Or could we see no reaction from FR - UNLIKELY!

I think we are in for a exciting few months.


EZY base at MAN.
FR retaliation!:D:D

9th Dec 2007, 09:40
Are we going to have a price war in the north west for "bums on seats" with so many carriers on the popular med routes from LPL, MAN, BLK and LBA. Their catchment areas overlap and with the credit crunch will people not be able to take 2nd/3rd holiday. Will the loco market then have to reduce flights and some airlines go out of business?


9th Dec 2007, 10:32
Shame there going but maybe is was the timing of there flights that didnt help either, 1 flight at 20:10 which was late most of the time.

Maybe an early morning flight, then the late night one might have proved better, but with BE putting there new 195 on the route in the afternoon gave them alot more to think about.

9th Dec 2007, 17:33
If EZY come to MAN they are bound to impact on others who operate to similar destinations. Their brand is recognised throughout Europe and it is a good LCC product. Be interesting to see how things develop. Hopefully peak slot constraints won't be an issue regarding any expansion plans as any MAN based aircraft will need peak morning departure slots to ensure full aircraft utilisation for the day.

9th Dec 2007, 18:47
After showing for a couple of weeks BD to SOU no longer showing on OAG. Have they changed their minds again?

9th Dec 2007, 19:01
Easy into Manchester, Then we can expect 15 mins from Gordon Burns on Look North (Manchester) West, the same 15 mins when Jet2 landed at Manchester, a couple of years ago.

9th Dec 2007, 19:11
Didnt realise a local news programme could devote so long to one news item, or could this be a slight exageration.

9th Dec 2007, 19:13
Posts on another site suggest an Easyjet announcement regarding a MAN base could be as soon as tomorrow..... only time will tell I guess!

Easyjet will probably be lauded in with the usual fanfare and news reports (if it happens) much the same as Jet2 was....... bet Easyjet don't screw up a good opportunity at MAN though like Jet2 have ;)

9th Dec 2007, 19:14
It was Look North West , not look LBA

9th Dec 2007, 21:02
Actually I believe it's North West Tonight

9th Dec 2007, 21:36
Yes thank you clever dick

9th Dec 2007, 21:40
It just wouldn't be the same without it!

I remember the LS launch as if it was yesterday. All these plans - shame it hasn't happened.

Is it still on their website that they made the biggest commitment to MAN with a certain number of aircraft? Was it eight? I'm sure ZB/MON, TCX, MYT, TOM, BE and FCA have more than that in the summer months! And with alot more seats!

Tomorrow - start of a working week, maybe possible although the EZY statement did say in the coming weeks so would be expected anytime before Xmas with maybe a New Year sale?;)

9th Dec 2007, 22:30
I think Jet2 made the biggest single commitment at Manchester in terms of routes offered at launch and that was 9. Previous to that, this record I believe was held by bmibaby who offered 6 routes when they first arrived at MAN. By the looks of things, if the rumours are true, EZY will smash that record!

10th Dec 2007, 00:11
Indeed, everyone seems to be expecting an announcement later today. Kevin Hatton an George Mitchell from GB have a pre planned visit to the GB base at MAN and Mr Mitchell was quoted by several GT crew members at the staff party on saturday that "we would have to wait until Monday". Slightly cryptic.

Ivor Fynn
10th Dec 2007, 15:03
Waited till monday - No announcement keep on waiting!!!!

10th Dec 2007, 15:11
Nope no announcement and was told today the reasons why. Won't go into details as we have been asked not to. Hopefully however, soon rather than later, the announcement we hope for will be made.

StoneyBridge Radar
10th Dec 2007, 15:22
Nope no announcement and was told today the reasons why. Hopefully however, soon rather than later, the announcement we hope for will be made. :oh:

Spoilsport. :mad: Awww c'mon, spill the beans :}

Atleast give us a clue why it didn't happen today. :ok:


10th Dec 2007, 15:33
Sat here all afternoon waiting for the announcement and nowt!!!.....:ugh:...

10th Dec 2007, 18:07
"Nope no announcement and was told today the reasons why"

Lets hope its small issues to iron out rather than the whole thing hitting the buffers. Everybody will have to sit tight again for the time being it seems :hmm:

10th Dec 2007, 20:50
I'm assuming that it's something to do with waiting for the formal clearance for easyJet to buy GB Airways. The enhanced LGW schedules are waiting to be announced I believe.

west lakes
10th Dec 2007, 20:58
As an aside announced on Border TV (Cumbria) new rail service Glasgow - MAN via west coast main line 7 services daily, opens up Carlisle/Penrith etc.

10th Dec 2007, 21:32
My money is on Peel Holdings sticking their oar in at the last minute, to do with their EZY agreement. Once they are pacified then things can happen.

11th Dec 2007, 10:52
No, I can definitely say that the legality with LPL has now been resolved.

11th Dec 2007, 11:07
As an aside announced on Border TV (Cumbria) new rail service Glasgow - MAN via west coast main line 7 services daily, opens up Carlisle/Penrith etc.

This is on Transpennine Express and started on Sunday 9th. They run through Manchester and out to the Airport. There were trains from EDI/GLA to Manchester before under the Virgin X-Country franchise but to get to the Airport you had to change at Piccadilly.

Anorak off ;)


11th Dec 2007, 11:46
I agree MancRy, EZY have 11 slots now confirmed at MAN.

The futures bright... the futures orange!!!!!!!

11th Dec 2007, 12:22
Just curious why some seem so keen to see easyjet at MAN ...do you think they will add new routes ? or just add capacity onto existing routes resulting in LS/MON/WW cutting back their frequencies. If you look at how LS/MON have struggled to get new routes profitable out of MAN what will the arrival of EZY do for their yields...do not see EZY growing new routes just fragmenting existing ones.

11th Dec 2007, 12:23
does this mean EZY are confirmed to arrive at MAN.

11th Dec 2007, 12:30
Just curious why some seem so keen to see easyjet at MAN ...do you think they will add new routes ? or just add capacity onto existing routes resulting in LS/MON/WW cutting back their frequencies. If you look at how LS/MON have struggled to get new routes profitable out of MAN what will the arrival of EZY do for their yields...do not see EZY growing new routes just fragmenting existing ones.

These are the planned routes : - AGP, BRU, CGN, HAM, PMI, RAK

If it has a detrimental effect on LS then so be it, they are a pretend player out of Manchester with many routes not being operated next Summer.

Easy will make a good fist of things (should it happen), if this is what it takes to shake up these so called Lo-Co's at Manchester then bring it on.

Rember though, they can just as easily hand back the slots they have gained in no time whatsoever.


11th Dec 2007, 14:45
There are some glaring gaps in MAN's short haul network. MAD for instance. BCN, FCO are poorly served and there are only one operator on the MXP now that Volareweb are pulling out. Besides, we don't know what the routes are going to be for definite until they are announced.

MAN lost it's big based airline when BA pulled out. I don't believe that BE has stepped into this role and so BA needs EZY in my opinion. True, LS and TOM have sizable operations but these are predominantly to bucket and spade destinations. EZY, I am sure, will deliver services that benefit leisure travellers and business passengers alike.

This Charming Man
11th Dec 2007, 15:32
EZY have 11 slots now confirmed at MAN.

That seems a low number ! :confused:

11th Dec 2007, 15:46
More than WW and LS started off with and twice as many as LS summer 08 though....:hmm:

11th Dec 2007, 16:14
I think he meant 11 routes.

This Charming Man
11th Dec 2007, 16:25
Yep just sussed it , the 'provisional' slot figure is 22 a day (deps/arrs)

11th Dec 2007, 16:29
Easyjet just confirmed that they have confirmed where thier flying. MXP LGW CDG TLS MAD GVA PMI HAM CGN RAK AGP so it looks like the future is bright. They apparently start in Feb 08 on T3

Joe Downie (Easyjet Ops)

11th Dec 2007, 16:32
Has this been released by EZY and GT?

11th Dec 2007, 16:33
so do we have a date for these routes to start... when are the slots valid from||||||???????????

11th Dec 2007, 16:35
Surely Feb is too early? The GB franchise doesn't end until the end of March although they could always bring in EZY crews and 319's in to start off with.

11th Dec 2007, 16:43
The date is the 18th of Feb.
LGW x4
MXP x3
CDG x3
TLS x2
MAD x2
GVA x2
PMI x2
HAM x2
CGN x2
RAK x2
AGP x2
26 Departures and Arrivals A Day. We are also in negotiations with Monarch to see if we could purchase there hangar for maintanance work on the Airbus 319 that will be operated out of MAN.
Thanks Joe Downie (EasyJet Ops.)

11th Dec 2007, 16:44
Interesting. Still nothing on the GB intranet or easyjet.com though.

11th Dec 2007, 16:51
We have agreed with GB airways that we will send down crew's are own maintainance aircraft etc. Hope this lets you in on a little more than you already know. Joe Downie (EasyJet Ops.)

11th Dec 2007, 16:54
Cheers for the info.

11th Dec 2007, 17:02
Easyjet ops manager that can't spell a single word, hmmm :}

11th Dec 2007, 17:05
Without wanting to burst anyone's bubble by stating the obvious, one would presume that if GB has been absorbed by EZY by S08, then EZY would require slots in its name to operate the existing GB routes. :ugh:

It also continues to amaze me that so many people are so keen to see EZY start ops at MAN without any apparent concern as to the inevitable damage this will / would cause to the existing operators such as WW, TOM, LS and BE, never mind the likes of AF and KL - and to the airport's business plan. Continuing to try and grab all of the North West's Lo-Co market isn't going to help MA Plc generate the tens of millions of £££ in revenues it needs to invest in the crumbling infrastructure that continues to prevent it from becoming a pleasant experience for its passengers.

11th Dec 2007, 17:06
RAK twice daily. Seems a bit excessive

11th Dec 2007, 17:14
BillyJoe999 I thought it very strange you would A) Be giving out company sensitive information before Easyjet has announced such expansion, and B) you would be doing it using your name!

SO I checked to see if easyjet even know who you are, and according to the e mail system, you dont exist, and according to Orange Pages (Staff Directory) you still don't exist, so dont talk sh*t!!

11th Dec 2007, 17:15
The date is the 18th of Feb.
LGW x4
MXP x3
CDG x3
TLS x2
MAD x2
GVA x2
PMI x2
HAM x2
CGN x2
RAK x2
AGP x2
26 Departures and Arrivals A Day. We are also in negotiations with Monarch to see if we could purchase there hangar for maintanance work on the Airbus 319 that will be operated out of MAN.
Thanks Joe Downie (EasyJet Ops.)

Hmm, Joe, do you think that you maybee should have waited for an official announcement. Just hope that you dont get charged with insider dealing for releasing company information before the Stockmarket has been told.

Or is it just complete and utter bull:mad:t ???


11th Dec 2007, 17:21
BillyJoe, so not only do you not belong to any staff directory easyjet have, (which means you dont actually work for easyjet) your now telling me we are going to send Easyjet crew to work on the Airbus A320 and A321 aircraft for which they have not yet been trained!?

Come on!!!

Go back to sleep, and keep dreaming sunshine!:=

11th Dec 2007, 17:28
I'm glad I'm not the only one with my suspicions.

As for EZY at MAN. As I have mentioned, the airport needs a large based airline. AF and KL will be fine as they deal with a lot of connecting traffic. KL also managed with BA on the AMS route and saw off LS! As for WW etc, they need to up their game, such is free trade.

11th Dec 2007, 17:31
(BillyJoe999) Joe Downie doesn't exist, therefore I would suggest looking at his posts with a pinch of salt.....or.. not at all, nothing more than a strange chap with to much time on his hands........!

11th Dec 2007, 17:44
Not bedtime yet BillyJoe999 :} ?

11th Dec 2007, 17:56
Sorry to butt in on the Easyjet excitement but i was wonderingif any of you MAN chaps could enlighten me as to who has been given the handling contract at MAN for the MYT/TCX merger? Just been posted today on the Servisair ramp staff notice board that from MARCH 01 2008 Menzies will be doing the handling at E.M.A.Thanks for any info .Us Servisair lads thought we had a good chance of getting it but there you go ,you never know whats round the corner in this ramp handling game!!!

11th Dec 2007, 18:04
The rumour was that the ex-GB aircraft were all going to be consolidated at Gatwick for ease of maintenance and operations, and any aircraft operated ex MAN would be EZY A319s, flying in/out of T1. I think much of what has already been said in the last few postings is very dubious.

11th Dec 2007, 18:06
Not true. The 320's at MAN will be staying, not least for the fact that TFS and PFO (that will be operating for the summer atleast-shud ezy launch MAN) need the range of the 320.

11th Dec 2007, 18:18
"It also continues to amaze me that so many people are so keen to see EZY start ops at MAN without any apparent concern as to the inevitable damage this will / would cause to the existing operators such as WW, TOM, LS and BE, never mind the likes of AF and KL"

As mentioned above I don't think KL and AF need worry too much if Easy come as they have their connecting traffic, also those business pax who require a little more in the way of service will probably still use them.

I personally have no sympathy for WW and LS especially. They have had ample chance to make MAN their own but have failed to do so with erratic schedules, strange route choices and just lately seemingly wilting commitment to MAN whilst beefing up their other respective bases. Ok to give BE their dues they are trying to straighten out what they got from BACON in terms of equipment and routes but still some strange new route choices in my opinion......lots of French regionals but little else new has been offered so far.

I'm not the biggest fan of loco's myself but I feel Easy's arrival (if it all goes ahead that is) will help MAN move on from from a relatively bleak period in its European network after BA's near total withdrawal from the airport.

11th Dec 2007, 18:20
Exactly, I totally agree.

11th Dec 2007, 18:20
People Im not going to go on with myself but im obviously not going to be in Easyjets Staff directory because im not using my own name. But I do work for EasyJet Operations. That is all I'm going to say on the matter and the details maybe a bit un factual but that is the outline of the plans. Also where did I mention anything about them using the A320 family excpet the A319 I quite clearly stated that they would be sending up there own crew A319 etc. If you would like to see what happens and ignore his then you may. But I thought that you aircraft enthusiats would like a little bit more on the on going situation happening at MAN Comment back if would like...

11th Dec 2007, 18:24
Quality :}

I find it slightly worrying that an Easyjet Ops employee can't even type / spell properly.

*sniffs* I smell a 12 year old kid behind a computer screen :cool:

11th Dec 2007, 18:25
well when were will there be an official announcnment?

11th Dec 2007, 18:27
Expect it soon(hopefully before xmas). It was hoped to be yesterday but it wasn't to be.

11th Dec 2007, 18:28
There should be an official announcement within the on coming week- 2 weeks.

monkey lover
11th Dec 2007, 18:30
BJ999 Dont forget the 5 A380's that EZY have on order that will be based at MAN operating daily..
LGW x 5
AMS x 5
JFK x 1
DXB x 1
CDG x 5

11th Dec 2007, 18:34
Manchester now on the drop down list on the Easyjet site!!

11th Dec 2007, 18:38
Sorry false alarm........Ive just woken up.............my mistake!!

its was Marrakesh !!

Everyone simmer down now............mm

11th Dec 2007, 18:39
lol, I was gonna say.

11th Dec 2007, 18:39
Nice to know you people get to find out info before me because I have no understanding of the A380's coming :O. Nice to see no one else can manage to come up with any more comments. And I believe that Manchester is not yet on the drop down list on the web site. Comment Back

monkey lover
11th Dec 2007, 18:49
BJ999 whats going to happen with the GB routes, will they be operated or dropped. Also how many 319's are planned to be based, looking at your route list and frequencies looks like quite a few. Comment back

Juliet Sierra Papa
11th Dec 2007, 18:56
BillyJoe999 you seem to be right about the dropdown, don't see Man there either...:hmm:

11th Dec 2007, 19:03

Seen as you are in ops can you tell me how you intend to oprate these schedules, will they all be based aircraft, if so how many... ??

Man of Man

11th Dec 2007, 19:31
Like one or two others in the minority who have posted, I'm still a bit puzzled as to why so many people are convinced that EZY will be MAN's saviour and how great it will be for them to kick the a$$ of WW, LS, TOM, BE, ZB, etc. True, a few new destinations and ones which have fallen off the map would no doubt reappear with EZY and be welcomed, but many would surely be duplications of existing services (PMI, AGP, GVA, CDG, MXP, etc). With EZY's substantial clout when compared the most of the competition then no doubt some existing carriers will be forced to pull off routes or in time even pull out of MAN altogether should EZY's presence increase further, therefore reducing competition (which helps keep fares lower) and customer choice.

I'm certainly not anti-EZY by any means, and despite my username have no affiliation with Jet2 either, but I can't help wondering how many people here who are currently wishing for EZY to take over MAN and scoop up slots at the pace they have at LGW may end up turning around in 3 or 4 years time wishing that they still had a similar choice of options and carriers from MAN that they do at present.

An EZY operation at MAN could be great, but just not sure whether an ultimate domination of shorthaul, as some have desired, is the best longterm outcome for MAN.

11th Dec 2007, 19:39
No one has mentioned total domination. A sizable operation would be good for MAN and the EZY/GB staff though.

In response to a previous posters question............Should EZY open MAN the GB routes will remain until atleast the end of Summer 08.

11th Dec 2007, 19:42
Sorry to break up all the excitement, just to answer a question posted by END BAG, Menzies have been awarded the TCX/MYT contract at MAN for passenger handling and ramp and this will commence at the beginning of the summer schedule.

Right, back to the fun & games...

11th Dec 2007, 19:47
BillyJoe999 your not related to easymanager by any chance he too was full of s:mad:t......

11th Dec 2007, 20:53
I think if BJ999 turns out to be correct, you all owe him a major apology! How can you say this is not true?! Obviously they are not going to start all these routes literally overnight! I would suspect, if this is true, that the airline would begin in Feb 08 and slowly increase to full schedule by season change at the end of March.

The date is the 18th of Feb.
LGW x4
MXP x3
CDG x3
TLS x2
MAD x2
GVA x2
PMI x2
HAM x2
CGN x2
RAK x2
AGP x2
26 Departures and Arrivals A Day. We are also in negotiations with Monarch to see if we could purchase there hangar for maintanance work on the Airbus 319 that will be operated out of MAN.
Thanks Joe Downie (EasyJet Ops.)

If working off of these routes I would guess three aircraft to be based at the airport for:
TLS, PMI, HAM, CGN, RAK and AGP by MAN based.
Guessing the rest would be either from the other bases or a mix of both. Would be very surprised to see EZY go 2x daily on RAK though! LGW a surprise! With BA moving more long haul to LHR there may be less demand on the LGW and with competition may mean the airline will pull even more from MAN!:{

It also continues to amaze me that so many people are so keen to see EZY start ops at MAN without any apparent concern as to the inevitable damage this will / would cause to the existing operators such as WW, TOM, LS and BE,

TOM and BE won't be bothered too much by this. BE are mainly UK from MAN but the foreign flights may come undr some pressure. TOM, TCX etc. won't really give a monkeys! They are now starting to go back to their roots in the charter market with more long haul routes. The Spanish and Canary routes may be effected but going to the East med/Egypt where EZY don't venture, why bother?!

11th Dec 2007, 20:57
I just am not convinced by what I read. We will have to wait and see.

monkey lover
11th Dec 2007, 21:00
If EZY complete the purchase of GBairways, I would imagine that the Canaries, Cyprus and Egypt maybe on the orange menu...that might have an effect on TOM/TUi etc


11th Dec 2007, 21:01
They will be on the EZY menu for certain this summer ex LGW (and MAN if they open a base here). The question is, will they continue with these routes after summer? Watch this space.

True Blue
11th Dec 2007, 21:22
I thought from previous posts that Bfs was to be one of the routes ex man. Has that changed or will it come later?

True Blue

Mr A Tis
11th Dec 2007, 21:46
Of course EZY would be welcome to plug the gaps in the MAN routes. However, why HAM x 2 ? when we have Lufthansa & Air Berlin both operating daily & why CGN x 2 when we have HLX ?
If EZY push onto these routes I'd expect AB & HLX to pull off these routes pronto.
We dont want duplications to what we already have, when we have no services at all to MAD, OPO , BIO, TLL, RIX, SVO, SXF, BGO, BBU,SVQ.
If there has to be any duplication, then BCN is probably the obvious.

11th Dec 2007, 22:03
MXP 3 x daily, HAM 2 x daily, CGN 2 x daily, doesn't sound at all like EZY to fly double daily on these routes??

11th Dec 2007, 22:13
Well it seems that Christmas will come early as EZY will announce MAN base, I think that this was the obvious choice for EZY for some time. EZYs commentary with results was Low cost with care and Convenience, and it MAN would fit well with this comment, picking a primary airport (convenience).

I would be very doubtful of some of the frequencies on some of the suggested routes:
MXP x3????
CDG x3??????
TLS x2????
MAD x2
GVA x2
PMI x2
HAM x2
CGN x2
RAK x2????????????
AGP x2

I would suggest that RAK will be 3 per week if at all!
MXP maybe one per day... TLS maybe 1 per day.... CGN def not more than 1 per day.

I heard rumour that IOM will come onto the EZY radar in the near future... so where would be the obviuos destination.. I would have said LPL, so maybe MAN.

If EZY do set up shop at MAN i reckon that they have their sights set on Jet2. Jet2 threaded on EZYs toes at BFS and now EZY have followed them onto some of their routes. So given the negatives stuff around about Jet2 I think EZY will settle an old score!

Should be fun all this competition! Low prices etc!

12th Dec 2007, 08:31

Come on you asked for comments.......How many based aircraft and will all the services be operated by based aircraft......if not where will the additional aircraft be based and in what pattern will they be operating.....

Being based in Easyjet ops this info will be right at the end of your fingertips.

Unless of course you are telling little white lies....but i dont think that for one minute:O

Time to prove me wrong ???


12th Dec 2007, 09:14
Thank you flyZB for your reply.

12th Dec 2007, 12:23
On reading the posts on this and other threads I am beginning to think that the delay on the EZY announcement (whatever it is) may be much closer to home than we think. Could it be that MAPlc are still thinking whether or not they want EZY or and argument on fees etc. I have no knowledge just a thought.


12th Dec 2007, 13:30
I really can't see that being the case. MAplc have snubbed EZY before but that was at a time when they thought that MAN was too good for easyJet and they were relying heavily on carriers such as BA to expand. Since then, the legacy carriers have moved out and I think even the pompous board realise that the arrival of easyJet is good news. Sure, they would rather welcome the likes of Cathay, Thai etc as these airlines create more revenue for the airport in terms of requiring peak slots and attracting more money spending passengers but the airport are perfectly aware that there have been problems with getting these airlines in. I've no doubt in my mind that behind the scenes they've been trying to get more legacy carriers into MAN but to no avail. Anyone on the board with any sense will realise that the arrival of easyJet will help to snatch back a few passengers from LPL and help to expand the airports route network. Plus, they welcomed WW & LS with open arms so I don't think this will be any different.

Momentary Lapse
12th Dec 2007, 13:50
Yeah, the MA Board welcomed WW and LS in under Mr Spooner's stewardship, and things have changed since then.

What did WW/LS do anyway? Undercut and stuffed the legacy carriers, hung around for a bit, then lost interest, damaging their and MA's reputations in the process.

Locos are parasites: they'll strip what they can profit-wise from an airport or route, then leave it for dead, just like they'll be doing to LPL when (if) they move to MAN.

Just like Virgin Money will do to Northern Rock. They'll asset-strip while it's down, and when the share price is back up, Branson and his cronies will make millions, at the expense of NR shareholders and the taxpayer.

Why do people go all gooey-eyed over parasitical companies like EZY/FR/Virgin just because they spend a lot on promoting their brand? They're no better than any other company, in that their sole purpose is to make money for their shareholders. They're just better at self-promotion and conning the public and the industry.

12th Dec 2007, 14:33
Momentary Lapse you are absolutly correct!!

Why do people go all gooey-eyed over parasitical companies like EZY/FR/Virgin just because they spend a lot on promoting their brand? They're no better than any other company, in that their sole purpose is to make money for their shareholders. They're just better at self-promotion and conning the public and the industry.

EZY/FR etc are exactly the same as there competitors like BA, BMI, in which they offer point to point air travel. easyjet offer low prices and the service is reflected. (Still a good service, but you get what you pay for!) the British Airways Brand offers a more refined service and gives you things you might not want, and thus wastes heaps of cash. and the price you pay for your airfare is reflected. That my friend is business, and unfortunatly LoCo's are very good at it, so if Manchester has ANY sense it will allow them into the airport to help generate revenue, allow for expansion and then have the best of both worlds, the money from the loco's and the available slots for the Big Long Haul Carriers! Business is business. feeling sorry for an airport shouldn't come into it!

Don't hate the player!! Hate the Game!!!

12th Dec 2007, 17:55
Viscount702...... you are absolutely right. MAN plc is now the key party in EZY opening MAN. Fact.

12th Dec 2007, 19:00
Interesting. Can you elaborate any further? Is it an issue of MAplc not wanting EZY or is it simply a case of negotiating fees?

12th Dec 2007, 19:47
Very interesting indeed..... maybe all the "anti-Easy at Manchester" folk will get their Christmas wish after all :\

I personally hope Maplc don't squander this chance. For MAN to be left with the current loco's to run a decent European network would be bad news as their commitment is evidently on the downturn (WW and LS especially) as are the number of routes they are operating.

12th Dec 2007, 20:00
Could EZY's arrival at MAN be jeopardised in any way because of this?

12th Dec 2007, 20:02
I would hardly say i know everything or indeed get told everything, but I am confident.

12th Dec 2007, 22:11
EZY would want a substantial reduction in landing fees and associated costs...if MAPLC grant that request,just imagine the reaction from the established carriers paying inflated fees.....MAPLC is in a difficult position....major carriers deserted,only expansion from lo-cost operators and the associated lo-revenue generated.I feel manchester is rapidly becoming a larege scale john lennon operation...just look at T3 ......like a mizzen hut check-in hall and a departure lounge that resembles a working mens club after a members only cheap beer extravaganza........cannot imagine these scenes being enacted under gill thomsons' leadership !

12th Dec 2007, 22:12
I totally believe, as an employee of easyJet, that they will do the right thing. Manchester Airport need to 'wake-up' to what's happening out there. It's all about money, & both-ways, easyJet & Manchester Airport could make alot of money out of this. Once again, despite easyJets appearance as a 'Lo-co' they really are a good step-up from ryanair & I would say, a very slight step-down from british airways (I should know, I worked for them for over 5 years!) but look at the progress we have made as a company over the last few years. I for one am very proud to work for easyJet & whether it be manchester, liverpool or anywhere else for that matter, I totally believe there is a place for them in todays market. easyJet will put manchester airport firmly on the map for all to see, even worldwide, they even get 'airline' in the U.S.A. & I believe another 13 countries. publicity is publicity? the futures bright guys, the futures orange!

Momentary Lapse
12th Dec 2007, 22:31
Ah, SuperStewardess, BJ999 (if he's real) and others: loads of low-post-count people suddenly slithering out of the woodwork to promote EZY at MAN... does this prove my point about co-ordinated brand management?

It's all orchestrated, folks.

And another example of how airlines are in this game for their own ends and no-one else's: EZY wooed LPL with an exclusivity agreement, and as soon as it suited them to negotiate out of it, they did. Is anyone confident they won't shaft MAN in the future? And didn't they do it to LTN as well? When the fee agreement ended a few years ago they upped sticks and moved to STN.

As I've said before, has anyone asked the passengers what they want? No-one here has mentioned them, have they? Do they really want loco airlines starting new routes, killing their rival airlines' routes, then pulling out again just as quick? Do they really want the airport chasing after these airlines instead of focussing on getting the basics right?

I bet the pax would just like some reliability from the airlines, and some decent customer service from the airport, above all else.

I wish MAPLC would focus on looking after the pax they've got instead of chasing dreams of growth all the time.

12th Dec 2007, 22:39

Thank you for the confirmation.

I know that your reply will have surprised many on the Forum but I was not as you will have gathered from my original post.

I have to say that I have mixed feelings about them possibly coming to MAN.

MAN needs someone to give it a boost thats for certain, but not necessarily so as to purely grab back PAX from LPL or anywhere else come to that.

The existing LCCs or Leisure carriers aren't going to be able to do that. EZY have all the right ingredients to do it to the benefit of MAN and wider afield if they are so inclined. They are known throughout Europe as are FR and although people like to hate them they still use them .

It does concern me that like elsewhere they could become too dominant and if they did it could be Bad for MAN in the long run. This is beginning to happen at LGW. The legacy carriers want to be at LHR. So far many have been prevented,that has now changed and they are now leaving LGW for LHR BA will go the same way in time leaving it to the likes of EZY and a few others.

On balance I would like EZY and perhaps FR to come because I can't see MAN getting more PAX as things are at present in fact I think the decline will continue and the legacy carriers which are left are likely to leave if things don't change.

There are many reason why MAN is in the position they now are. Some were in its own hands others not, what is clear is that something good needs to happen and soon otherwise it will only get worse. EZY maybe what it needs now so as to turn the tide, but I also think it needs to look at its wider business interests as well.


12th Dec 2007, 23:38
A few things i would like to point out........

Someone mentioned T3 looking like a working mens club with beer drinkers. Wake up call, airports like MAN have always had lots of passengers who like a drink only now these pax tend to be travelling scheduled rather than charter.

Easyjet also carries some well healed pax. Second home owners for instance who is a target audience for EZY and others. Someone once said....take a look at LTN long stay car park, full of mercs and bmw's. Speaks volumes doesn't it.

Liverpool hasn't been shafted. They will continue to see expansion and this will be reiterated soon enough. Also, remember that LPL didn't keep their side of the contract when allowing FR to expand.

12th Dec 2007, 23:54
Rather have Easy over Ryan anyday!!,just hope Maplc don't go and balls this up!!....................

13th Dec 2007, 08:57
Selective memory can be a dangerous thing.........

Can anyone tell me what is wrong with having Easyjet
at ones local airport??

All these people who are not liking the idea are way
behind with the times.

Lo-co airlines have now been around and established
for many years because...................PEOPLE fly with
them whether YOU like it or not.

Old aviator SNOB arguments have been blown out of the
sky by facts........

I would rather see tarmac filled with Orange than be bare
and under-used.

People are forgetting that MAplc are investing in retail
space at the moment.........so more people using the
terminals means more sales.
Or are we only interested in champagne sipping la-de-da's??
who we can aspire to be like.

If Easyjet do turn up at Manchester just think of all the
terrible people we will have to put up with passing
through the terminals.........or you could get a life!!

This is a business at the end of the day and like a shop -
the more people through the door the more sales
potential there is.

I wish that all the people who are negative/against this
airline have super hols in future via the London airport
with an airline that really cares for its passengers.

It is a matter of choice and price for the majority of
travellers and thats the way it should be.

I have not read anything that bad about Easyjet at
Gatwick and I expect that all the staff like having
a job against the alternative........
MAplc should look to Gatwick to see the blueprint.


one post only!
13th Dec 2007, 09:22
I very much doubt EZY would put the competition out of business and move away from MAN as there is a greater catchement area available in MAN that you can't get to from LPL. I can understand that MAN may worry they might become a northern LGW if EZY grow and find themselves very reliant on them. But I guess that has to be better than fading away into the night!

Also (maybe I am biased as I work for EZY) but LPL haven't helped things. They have stopped EZY growing at LPL while allowing FR to become dominant. Now there isn't much more room to expand there. The growth needs to come from somewhere else. Could well be MAN if its all planned correctly. EZY won't leave LPL. It works to well.

Momentary Lapse, who's rattled your cage?!?!? EZY didn't / hasn't pulled out of LTN at all. Its a large dual base and as far as i know no intentions of it being anything else.

I can't think of one airport where we went in, set up shop, pushed out the little guys and moved to somewhere else for a better deal. If you can push people out and create room why not expand into the vacant space and make more money!

EZY will hopefully bring passengers, reliability and growth to MAN. Got to be good. I think this will be a good deal for both sides. This is not propaganda either. Maybe you hear good things because people like the company and enjoy working / travelling with it. Its not part of some carefully spun web!!!

However I did hear that an EZY319 was seen flying low over a tunnel in Paris flashing its landing lights shortly before a well documented car crash....................................................... .............................!!!!

13th Dec 2007, 09:52
EZY is as much a businessman's airline as a holiday airline. Their original flights were LTN to EDI and GLA, not to Med. sunshine destinations. Go to LTN and you will see hordes of suits coming and going off EZY flights, not just holidaymakers or second-home owners. The days when the likes of BA could automatically count on the allegiance of UK PLC are long gone. If a company can save a packet of money off its business travel expenses, it will send its employees EZY. If you check out EZY schedules, they reflect the demands of the business market. In that respect, EZY is a different animal from FR.

Conclusion: EZY would be good for MAN (if it happens).

13th Dec 2007, 11:37
In effect its the old chestnut:

Northern Man with a very large chip on its shoulder.


13th Dec 2007, 16:22
where is the big christmas tree in Ti this year. All there is, is some excuse for a nativity scene stuck behind Travellex

13th Dec 2007, 19:02
In September TOM said they would be releasing more summer flights. Nothing so far. However some of the flights they advertised for S08 in September from MAN have now gone or reduced. LIS has definately gone. Any one know what might be happening.

Also anyone know when WW will announce their new Destinations From MAN. Could they be waiting for The EZY decision before committing.


14th Dec 2007, 13:44
Singapore Airlines will begin A380 service into Heathrow on 8th February 2008 and are talking to MAN about being the 1st Alternate. No plans to introduce A380 on regular services to MAN in the foreseeable future but SQ327/328 likely to be upgraded to the 3-class B777-300ER next year. Currently selling out the daily 285-seat B777-200ER.

14th Dec 2007, 14:39
Would find it surprising that SQ go to 3 class 773ER, as that would mean a seat reduction. I believe there was talk of a 2 class 773ER, but not sure if SQ will change config from what they have on these frames. Talk was of going double daily on some days, but it can be a pain getting seats on SQ out of MAN.

14th Dec 2007, 14:51
You'll never see an SQ A380 pax service to MAN.

Don't hold you're breath on a 3 class 773ER to MAN either. This rumour pops up every now and again and there is always a chance it 'could' happen but it's unlikely as there is no F market ex-MAN so it would be a complete waste of the aircraft. SQ do not have any 2 class 773ER's.

The 772ER is ideal for MAN and the request for 2 or 3 additional weekly flights is still in but they are short of birds at the moment. What also goes against the request is the current fuel bill with it being the longest nonstop leg on a 772ER ex-SIN.

14th Dec 2007, 15:57
Whilst the Easy-fever on here seems to have died down (for this week at least ;)) I'm going to ask for thoughts / possible news about a route which I'm surprised hasn't been reinstated since the 90's, and that is MAN-Moscow.

I know relations are somewhat "cool" between Russia and the UK just now but it does seem odd that there isn't even a 2x or 3x weekly serving this route. I know SU operated this route for quite a while, mid/late 80's to mid 90's as I recall with a mixture of equipment until they finally withdrew the service. The proposed Transaero service a couple of years back ended up being a non-starter and never actually got off the ground. Obviously we are all aware of CX's past intention to link MAN-SVO until that hit the buffers too.

Anybody on here think there is there any possibility, or better still, heard any rumours / possible news that a carrier (Aeroflot, Rossiya, Transaero etc) might want to fly MAN-Moscow again in the near future? Also what is the current state of bilateral restrictions on this route?

All thoughts, observations and comments much appreciated!

14th Dec 2007, 17:15
MAN-Moscow won't happen because bmi will jump all over it again, like they did last time.

15th Dec 2007, 12:08
EZY fever could be back with a vengence very shortly. :)

Ian Brooks
15th Dec 2007, 12:24
According to another site it will be Monday PM at earliest or do you know more?


15th Dec 2007, 13:44
Apologies for no October round-up, but straight on to the November round-up!

Let's start with a dropped route: Luxembourg. Strangely, even though no non-stop services operated, the number of passengers acutally increased to 4500 with VLM's extra MAN-LCY-LUX rotations. So I think we know who was flying most passengers to LUX when there was "competition"!

Other new routes- Centralwings "only" 1400 to Krakow (Skyeurope had 2200 last year) but Warsaw saw over 2000 passengers (300 more than when LOT operated last year). Volareweb's impact can be shown as the number of passengers to Milan fell compared to last year, even through it theoretically should have risen given more capacity available! Thomsomfly to TEl Aviv with over 4000 passengers (77? per flight, almost seems ideal for El Al 737 operations?!).

Icelandair did well with 20% increase in numbers; the Irish routes show Shannon, Waterford and Cork as gaining. Sun Air to Billund did nicely as well with 2000 passengers but bmi to Lyon is not doing as well as could be expected as it's not attracting the numbers BAConnect did. Turkish showed strong growth to average around 116 pax a flight (wonder what the impact of today's A330 will have on December's figures!)

Long-haul wise, bmi appears to be doing very well to the Caribbean; Las Vegas saw 6 fewer passengers. Middle East services continue to impress (Emirates up 12.5% to 40000 passengers which is 330 pax per flight, Etihad up 30% to 12500 which is 208 per flight and Qatar had just under 12500 passsngers: 1st time EY beaten QR at MAN?). Singapore Airlines carried just under the same number of passengers as last year (14000). Destination USA saw gains to Atlanta, Newark, Chicago, Orlando and Philidelphia. JFK probably down due to less capacity on offer. For Pakistan, it's the same as before since Air Blue started: Islamabad thriving whilst Karachi and Lahore seeing fewer passengers combined.

15th Dec 2007, 14:02
very interesting facts, how about domestic stats ?
curious really from my point of view as to how WOW are doing on the routes they run from MAN?

15th Dec 2007, 14:12
MAN-Moscow won't happen because bmi will jump all over it again, like they did last time.
bmi have Russia rights now so why would they complain again?

15th Dec 2007, 14:44
Bit more difficult to weigh-up whats happening as some routes appears to not have full month figures i.e. I daresay VLM carried more than 100 passengers in the entire month to London City!

Those routes that appears to have full reporting, starting specifically with WOW: Bristol shows 0 passenger (was 2800 last year), Newquay has 880 passengers (down form 3500) and Plymouth about 3500 passngers (1800 last year) and Cardiff with 0 (down 1400). Probably needs some adjusting to "correct" figures.

Eastern's resumption on Stansted shows under 1500 passengers (the route shows 7000 fewer passengers) which I reckon make 35% to 36% loads. Heathrow down 3000 passengers to 83000 and Gatwick down 5500 passengers to 40500. To Scotland: all routes increased (biggest rise is to Edinburgh). bmibaby shows a 2000 passenger fall to Belfast Aldergrove. Flybe's other routes show Exeter increasing with Southampton decreasing. Isle of Man and Jersey also show increases.

15th Dec 2007, 14:47
Interesting stuff as always Ringwayman thanks for the information. Do you have any updates on LN and RB figures? I'm always quite interested in how these "odd-ball" routes are performing.

I think last set of figures prior to these suggested RB were down by a considerable amount of pax, is this still the case? I believe they are back up to 2x weekly now but the new timings are somewhat bizarre to say the least.

Round two of Easy-fever looks like its just around the corner.....get ready folks :)

15th Dec 2007, 15:02
LN = 1100 passengers, almost doubled. RB decided to be a game of darts as they had 501 passengers (up 65 from last year!) and SV shows only 640 passengers to Riyadh - nothing showing for Jeddah or Geneva?!

Has it been mentioned that VG is doing much better than expected to Antwerp? If not, it has now!

15th Dec 2007, 18:11
bmi have Russia rights now so why would they complain again?

Because people wouldn't bother shuttling to LHR to connect.

Scottie Dog
15th Dec 2007, 18:13
A year ago I posted the question of whether 23L would be getting an ILS and I am sure that a positive response was received - in particular from Lordtoofourright; who claimed the 05R ILS was ex LHR.

Now I can not find anything in the archives, as ILS and 24L is too short a search item. So, can anybody give an update as to whether it is still in the plans?

As has there been any futher news with regards to the proposal for a new control tower?

Right I'm off for a really relaxed evening - and hopefully a win on the lottery - and hope to have lots of responses before the subject of easyJet raises its head again early next week! :ooh:

15th Dec 2007, 18:27
At an ATC presentation to The Aviation Society Last week, it was suggested that the preferred location for the 60 meter high tower is next to the fire station on the old met office site, this would be a bit strange as I was under the impression that all this area was set aside for a new taxiway.

15th Dec 2007, 23:12
An extract from MAG Team Briefing 12th December 2007

GCEO's Brief (The Fat Controller 'Geoff Muirhead')

East Midlands and Bournemouth already have low-cost growth profiles and good progress is also being made with regards to Easyjet basing aircraft at Manchester!!

15th Dec 2007, 23:15
Any idea why I can book an evening flight out on a Friday in June and back on a Sunday (SN2182/1) but not in July? Are Brussels cutting this route back, or has it just not been uploaded yet? :confused:

Edit: even more confusion - the June flight will be operated by FlyBe according to the Brussels website!

16th Dec 2007, 02:28
Excellent progress is indeed being made re: EZY aircraft at MAN.

Ian Brooks
16th Dec 2007, 06:59
the evening flight does indeed stop for a while over the summer period but does return
I can only surmise that this is due to low demand as happens quite a lot in Europe over the summer period


16th Dec 2007, 07:28
EZY cabin staff flight announcement last week MAD to LGW flight "check website for great new routes from lgw ema man and ...."

16th Dec 2007, 11:26
In the past a few of MAN's European carriers have tweeked their flights and reduced frequency for a short time during the summer to reflect lower business demand. Its usually for about a month they tend to do it, I recall Finnair and Scandinavian doing this in recent years.

Are we definitely expecting an Easy announcement next week then? :D

16th Dec 2007, 11:43
EZY cabin staff flight announcement last week MAD to LGW flight "check website for great new routes from lgw ema man and ...."

I am not saying this didnt happen but i would be very very suprised, EZY are a stock market listed company and anything that can effect the shares price must be announced through there broker to the market....No doubt whatsoever that a new base at Manchester/Expansion would have to be told to the market first.....Easy would be looking at all kind of investigations from the FSA if they made an announcement like this through the P.A. of one of there flights before they told the market.

Make no bones about it....the first place that the announcement willl be heard will be through the stock market.


16th Dec 2007, 11:56
Not always the case.

16th Dec 2007, 15:52
The announcement crew have to make is:

"LGW Gatwick UK
Thanks to our acquisition of GB airways, we have some stunning new destinations on sale this summer. Departing from
London Gatwick and Manchester, we plan to offer even more including The Greek Islands (Crete, Corfu, Rhodes),
Egypt, The Canary Islands, Malta, Cyprus and Morocco"

This Charming Man
16th Dec 2007, 19:45
I would very surprised if they announce anything next week. A P.R person told me that these types of announcements get lost in the Christmas hype etc.It would be more likely to be in the New Year.

16th Dec 2007, 19:50
Something will happen before the xmas......I am sure.

16th Dec 2007, 19:57
Latest rip off is the withdrawal of the 0161 489 3000 switchboard number and replacement with Premium rate 0871 xxxx numbers and 0906 for flight info!!!

16th Dec 2007, 19:58
Use the internet or teletext then.

16th Dec 2007, 20:02
very handy if you are inthe car

16th Dec 2007, 20:03
Well i imagine costs of running a phone line outweigh other sources of information, someone has to pay for it.

16th Dec 2007, 20:20
I would very surprised if they announce anything next week. A P.R person told me that these types of announcements get lost in the Christmas hype etc.It would be more likely to be in the New Year.

I would have thought that IF they are to start in the first quarter of 2008, they would want to get the flights on sale ASAP so an announcement sooner rather than later would be desirable. Traditionally, people start thinking about holidays during the festive season.

And if they do it right they can be part of the Christmas hype ......:)


16th Dec 2007, 20:23
Effectively, many, if not all, summer 2008 routes are already on sale..........ironically through BA.com.

16th Dec 2007, 21:34
Supposedly three based a/c at MAN to operate BFS x 3 daily and daily services to AGP, BRU, TLS, HAM, PMI, and RAK. Outside-based aircraft to operate daily MAD, LYS, MXP and GVA.


I am assuming that you are talking about the ex GB routes being on sale.

IF the above list posted earlier is anywhere near correct, then there are still plenty of seats that are not yet on sale :}


StoneyBridge Radar
16th Dec 2007, 22:15
Anyone & everyone wanting the cheaper alternative to call the airport, use this.....



16th Dec 2007, 22:44
Don't expect a huge range of routes to begin with. The vast majority of the programme would largely reflect that of GB's for summer 08.

16th Dec 2007, 22:48
Mancry have you got insider information here? Or are are you just guessing?

16th Dec 2007, 23:31
Scottie Dog and anyone else interested,

An ILS for RWY 23L is on the wishlist but more pressing is an upgrade to CATIIIB for the existing ILS on 05R. What is planned (subject to funding, which is currently not approved) is for the present 05R ILS to be relocated onto 23L and a new CAT IIIB installed on 05R. I can confirm that the existing05R ILS is not ex-LHR but was bought new via RACAL (now THALES), it is a Navia model 7000. Ideally we will do this prior to withdrawing CAT III capability temporarily on 05L-23R during the planned major refurb 2009-10. The big cost of upgrading any runway to CAT III is not ILS but lighting.

Ian Brooks
17th Dec 2007, 00:01
Manrcy you seem to have changed your ideas since the other day?


17th Dec 2007, 07:10
It's all there in this mornings Manchester Evening News. Five a/c at Manchester by 2010 and ten at Liverpool.

17th Dec 2007, 07:53
Judging by the Article it does'nt seem that any new routes are likely until next Winter!!.............................

Scottie Dog
17th Dec 2007, 08:05
Shall we just all wait for an official annoucement by either MAG or easyJet.

That would be far more informative - and possibly accurate - rather than taking the word of the MEN.

17th Dec 2007, 08:24
Hot off the press from easyJet e-mail recipients:

Hi Everybody

Today we have announced a massive expansion of our operation in the North West of England, with more aircraft going into Liverpool John Lennon Airport (LPL) and the opening of a base in Manchester International Airport (MAN). This will make us the biggest airline operating in the North West, carrying four million passengers. This is fantastic news for easyJet, our guys at the LPL base and means we shall build upon the talent and customer base that GB Airways has established in MAN.

Our proposed purchase of GB Airways, which was announced in October, has given us the opportunity to expand faster in the North West. With the strength of the GB Airways operation in MAN and our long-established base in LPL, I am delighted to tell you that we have chosen to further invest in LPL and continue GB Airways’ successful MAN enterprise. These two principal airports in the North West have an enormous catchment area and by 2010 we shall have 5 aircraft in MAN and 10 in LPL.

17th Dec 2007, 08:55
The full story from the MEN

Discuss in no more than 100 words.....:}

easyJet for Manchester launch

Dean Kirby

BUDGET airline easyJet is to begin flights from Manchester as part of a massive expansion of its services in the north west.

Planes carrying the airline's famous orange and white logo are set to lift off for foreign destinations from the airport for the first time late March.

Bosses at easyJet say the move, which is subject to approval by regulators, will make it the north west's biggest operator.

By 2010 it aims to be carrying nearly four million people a year from the region including about 1.4m from Manchester to about 40 destinations.

The move, predicted by M.E.N Business in October, follows easyJet's swoop for GB Airways, which operated a British Airways franchise from Manchester.

The announcement also marks a massive coup for Manchester Airport chiefs , who have been in talks with the low-cost carrier.

Rowena Burns, commercial director of the Manchester Airports Group, said: "We have been talking to easyJet for two years, and they have been keen to start services for a while.

"They offer a fantastic range of services for passengers and they have always been impressed by the quality of our operation.

"Manchester Airport is the jewel in the crown of the North West's economy and this announcement reinforces our position as the premier airport outside London."

Ms Burns, who announced last week she is moving to a senior role in the private sector after more than a decade at MAG, added that easyJet coming to Manchester was "very special" and "very dear" to her heart.

GB Airways operates six routes from Manchester including Tenerife, Cyprus, Malta and Crete. It employs 79 staff at the airport and carries 290,000 passengers a year.

Its two planes based at Manchester would be re-branded in easyJet colours and three more aircraft would be added by the low-cost carrier by 2010.

GB Airways will continue to operate all routes under the British Airways brand until 29 March.

Then, subject to regulatory approval, the GB flights will start to operate under the easyJet brand.

All customers who have booked to travel with GB Airways next summer will be given the choice of flying with easyJet at the same times or else receive a refund.

Passengers are expected to see the biggest benefit next winter when these five aircraft are expected to starting tapping into the wider easyJet network.

GB Airways will be fully integrated into the easyJet business model by then, subject again to regulatory clearance.

Bosses at easyJet, founded by the entrepreneur Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou, plan to carry up to 1.4m passengers a year from Manchester on about 15 routes by 2010.

They are also planning to increase the number of easyJet aircraft based at Liverpool John Lennon Airport from eight to ten over the next three years.

By then, easyJet will have 15 aircraft in total operating from Manchester and Liverpool, offering flights to the 8m people living within an hour's drive of the two airports. The airline hopes to provide a total of 4,000 jobs across the region following the expansion.

Mike Campbell, easyJet's people director, said the airline recognised the "strong demand" for low cost services from the North West.

He added: "The GB operation at Manchester provides us with a great base on which we can build to tap into a new market.

"easyJet remains committed to our base at Liverpool and, by launching additional operations from Manchester, we can make it even easier for everyone in the North West to access easyJet's services from their local airport, giving customers the opportunity to explore Europe for less."

Willie Walsh, BA's chief executive said in October that the company's franchise system had outlived its purpose and said the airline had turned down the chance to buy GB Airways.

BA will also end a similar arrangement with Loganair from next October and begin a codeshare agreement with the Scottish carrier.

Flybe acquired British Airways' regional airline business, BA Connect, in March this year.

Going loco
17th Dec 2007, 09:14
"Bosses at easyJet, founded by the entrepreneur Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou, plan to carry up to 1.4m passengers a year from Manchester on about 15 routes by 2010"

Pretty much what Jet2 offer at the moment.

When you take into account the massive consolidation at MAN amongst the tour operators and throw in the fact the some of the 1.4m passengers will be existing GB, then in terms of net growth it will all be lost in the roundings. Worse still, it looks as if Peel aren't quite the mugs people think. Getting EZY to target Jet2's and bmibaby's key money routes at MAN and then picking up the surplus at LPL could be a master stroke.

Whichever ever way you cut it, EZY will have a bigger slice of the pie in the North West and less competition only ever leads to one thing. Less passenger choice and higher fares

Curious Pax
17th Dec 2007, 10:40
Getting EZY to target Jet2's and bmibaby's key money routes at MAN and then picking up the surplus at LPL could be a master stroke.

Agree with much of what you say, but how do you deduce that EZY will target LS/WW's key money routes? If the routes mentioned last week as being planned in addition to the ex GB routes are correct then there is little overlap. What will be interesting is the timetable for starting things up. It does sound as if there won't be much more than the GB routes next summer, but we shall see. It also sounds as if Peel's price for ignoring the exclusivity clause was LPL having at least double the EZY capacity compared to MAN.

17th Dec 2007, 11:07
Looks like the lo-cost & lo-service days are over...

Stand by for high-cost & lo-service now EZY have a potential near monopoly on European flights.

This is a bad news for consumers as fares will rise due to lack of competition.

The futures $***€, now the futures orange.

Momentary Lapse
17th Dec 2007, 12:17
Another nugget in the MEN article that no-one's mentioned, so I will.

Rowena Burns, easily the largest and most effective brain of MAG's executive directors, is leaving for a senior role in the private sector.

Given her and her partner's close links with Mcr City Council, that worries me on behalf of passengers and airlines. She was always the council's "person on the inside" whose main job was to keep the idiots on track.

With her gone, the main shareholder loses that inside link.

With her gone, MAG loses a lot of talent and expertise.

With her gone, MAG slides further downhill.

Good luck Rowena. MAG will miss you.

17th Dec 2007, 14:24
Taken from the RYR thread....

according to radio merseyside ryanair have called news conferences in both liverpool and manchester tomorrow (18/12) "to announce their largest ever expansion".

Unreal !!!

Scottie Dog
17th Dec 2007, 14:33
Now Ryanair expand too


RYANAIR, Europe’s largest budget airline, is set to announce a major expansion of its Manchester services.

The move by the Irish carrier comes hours after MEN Business broke the news that easyJet will begin operating out of Manchester early next year.

Dublin-based Ryanair, led by the charismatic and outspoken Michael O’Leary, currently operates flights to Dublin and Shannon from Manchester.

It is understood that the airline will be doubling the number of flights and launching new destinations in the coming months.

After the sale of BA’s Manchester-based regional airline BA Connect to low cost carrier Flybe this year, Manchester has become a major battleground for budget airlines.

In addition to exsisting players Flybe, Jet2, and bmibaby, the addition of easyJet and the expansion of Ryanair, will give passengers huge choice and should lead to ultra-competitive pricing.

17th Dec 2007, 14:37
This is unbelievable......two major announcements within the space of 24 hours!!!!:eek:......keep em coming!!

Let the guessing game for the routes begin!!

17th Dec 2007, 15:36
bbc radio manchester broadcasting from manchester airport - becky want 2pm wednesday

17th Dec 2007, 15:38
Probally not ib16uk but when there is little choice you're forced to take whats on offer.....

However..... maybe Ryanair will come to the rescue and keep prices low (even though I'm even less of a fan of MOL)

I wonder if MAG told the EZY boys that MOL was waiting in the wings too?

Anyway, I suppose we need to play guess the routes now and take bets on who'll be around come xmas 2008.

17th Dec 2007, 16:10
are they planning to base a/c ???

17th Dec 2007, 16:27
Routes - nothing been mentioned...........will be interesting to see if EZY really DO keep the ex-GB services and it will be interesting to see which services FR will offer also, probably to destinations hundreds of miles away from the nearest shop but hey, its more destinations I suppose.

17th Dec 2007, 16:39
I wonder if MAG told the EZY boys that MOL was waiting in the wings too?

If FR have already applied for slots, this will have been known to EZY and all the other airlines at the Slot Conference. Airlines often apply for slots to test the water and sometimes they get returned as they decide not to operate. Remember EZY a couple of years ago. Seems like FR had a back up in case the EZY scenario came about...:E

I reckon we will see FR operating in from European bases to start with but who knows what will happen in the future. :confused:

Rowena Burns, easily the largest and most effective brain of MAG's executive directors, is leaving for a senior role in the private sector.

Given her and her partner's close links with Mcr City Council, that worries me on behalf of passengers and airlines. She was always the council's "person on the inside" whose main job was to keep the idiots on track.

With her gone, the main shareholder loses that inside link.

With her gone, MAG loses a lot of talent and expertise.

With her gone, MAG slides further downhill.


This news was in the MEN business pages last week. And who is to say that an another "inside link" isn't already in place? :ooh:


17th Dec 2007, 19:18
Well this is just great.

As the rumours that some of the worlds major intercontinetal airlines starting services subside, and they seem more like distant dreams every day, we are instead greeted with the news that not one but two LCC's are intending flooding MAN.

A very sad state of affairs indeed....

17th Dec 2007, 19:21
I expect RYR will announce BRE MXP and more SNN services, but what do i know ??

Momentary Lapse
17th Dec 2007, 19:30
On the subject of Rowena Burns, this link, the transcript of when Geoff, Rowena and a.n.other presented evidence to Parliament's select committee on transport in 2003, shows how their prediction of the future turned out to be wrong, Wrong, WRONG!

5-6% growth every year, anyone?

If you fancy a laugh, read on.


17th Dec 2007, 19:33
Interesting move by FR, wonder whether this "announcement" tomorrow is simply expanding their services from Ireland into MAN or something more substantial?

Sounds like Easyjet are aiming to grow relatively steadily out of MAN going of what was announced today....... are FR going to steal the day?!

17th Dec 2007, 19:49
GB crew at MAN have had the press release from today since Friday. We too expected more aircraft sooner however this is an "atleast" figure. For example MAN could have 5 aircraft next summer and 10 by the end of 2010. For the time being, EZY will be ok as they will be operating to completely different destinations. After next summer, things will be clearer and potentially very interesting.