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15th Apr 2020, 08:05
Hoskins doing training to show his 10 year daughter he too can do the splits

15th Apr 2020, 08:08
Max Whitlock doing his National Service tries to keep up with his training schedule

Buster Hyman
15th Apr 2020, 08:10
Nutty limbering up for Mardis Gra.

15th Apr 2020, 08:40
The search for the recruit who stole the Warrant Officer's swagger stick continues.

Buster Hyman
15th Apr 2020, 08:41
Serves you right for stealing Nutty's Viagra!

15th Apr 2020, 09:07
Da, Da, ve will soon have you ready to take on ze vorld Leap Frog record, Da men are already getting in zer positions.

15th Apr 2020, 09:13
The North Korean Army ensures its officers understand what is required of female recruits.

15th Apr 2020, 09:17
You put your left leg in.. your right leg out..... you do the hokey cokey and we turn you about....

15th Apr 2020, 09:19
Ya it is the May Day parade.... and von know what von goes collecting in May?..... Nuts!

Dan Gerous
15th Apr 2020, 09:40
"You must have some funny Geese where you come from, to learn to march like that".
"I'm from Chernobyl!"

15th Apr 2020, 10:23
Remember you are on a day trip to Salisbury from the Bolshoi. Your code name is 'Nutcracker'

15th Apr 2020, 10:28
Having over starched the Sargent pants, oh how the recruits laughed

15th Apr 2020, 10:28
Backbone insertion ceremony for new recruits from the Snowflake generation...

15th Apr 2020, 10:30
The prisoners walking by realised the guards minds were not on their duties.

15th Apr 2020, 10:32
The back half of the Pantomime bull wondered where the front went. Was told mad cow disease and he was next. ....

ivor toolbox
15th Apr 2020, 11:54
Right, that's it Boris, it's time for Yuri to have the boots now.


15th Apr 2020, 12:31
Nein...no Nutloose here, just a big cavernous asshole..Helloooooo Buster...buster...buster..buster.....

15th Apr 2020, 12:32
https://cimg6.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1024x739/funny_military_tranning_picture_af36e8ba1cb695b3d1e6cbd55754 7e949ff523bf_a924be52b985925b3bfed83b31b68d70db4f3c3b.jpg

15th Apr 2020, 12:45
"You'll be grateful for this training when you're fighting in the trenches."

15th Apr 2020, 12:46
"Nearly there, but don't waste any time! Your colleague is still waiting for his kicking."

15th Apr 2020, 12:58
You do realise this Human Subbuteo will never catch on, they could actually play the game properly..

15th Apr 2020, 13:17
Don't worry comrade...we will find the joker who put all that Viagra in your coffee, and also the sleeping tablets in Boris's coffee!

(Damn, I was beating to it in post 2505!)

15th Apr 2020, 14:19
Hamstrung hamstring.

- Ed

Buster Hyman
15th Apr 2020, 14:35
Russian remake of Das Boot was a little lost in translation.

15th Apr 2020, 16:45
At the Regimental dinner oh how they fought over the Chicken Wishbone

15th Apr 2020, 16:52
England Rugby Coaches take Jonny Wilkinson to a army training camp. It's all in the follow through they explained

15th Apr 2020, 16:56
Cough, It's all for the Regiment they explained to Major Ingram

15th Apr 2020, 17:41
Swivel 13 degrees left, think I have reception, yes Vera Lynn coming through

15th Apr 2020, 18:18
Ok now show us where it hurts

Ascend Charlie
15th Apr 2020, 19:35
During the prostate check, it should be the doctor wearing the gloves, not the patient.

15th Apr 2020, 21:32
This is what 2 Metres isolation looks like.

15th Apr 2020, 21:39
"No mate - its stuck. You'll have to go to Joint Operations!"

15th Apr 2020, 21:52
"Unhand me, you Cad!" cried Murgatroyd, as he tried to get a leg over on Sylvester.

- Ed

Dan Gerous
16th Apr 2020, 09:20
No you idiot! With your right arm, One Two, Pause Up, Pause, Move.

https://cimg6.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1024x739/funny_military_tranning_picture_af36e8ba1cb695b3d1e6cbd55754 7e949ff523bf_a924be52b985925b3bfed83b31b68d70db4f3c3b.jpg

Penny Washers
16th Apr 2020, 09:50
Ichabod Crane joins the Army.

His buddy, Donald Duck, failed the medical for some unknown reason.

16th Apr 2020, 09:59
I don't mind singing "I'm a little teapot" for the CO's daughter's fifth birthday, but can we forget "Tip me up and pour me out", please?

16th Apr 2020, 10:07
Judging in about 24 hours time, folks, so you can have a newie for the weekend. Keep 'em coming.

Buster Hyman
16th Apr 2020, 10:36
Can we go back to Chess Comrade? I'm a little tired of Twister...

16th Apr 2020, 11:06
When I said fill your boots, that wasn't what I had in mind, well, we'll soon drain that little lot back...

16th Apr 2020, 11:07
and that's the 29 minutes past one o'cock position..

16th Apr 2020, 11:08
is this what you meant by riping me a new one?

16th Apr 2020, 11:09
Constipated? we will soon clear that!

16th Apr 2020, 11:47
The clocks go forward one hour, move the sundial

16th Apr 2020, 11:51
The troops march past and look forward to getting their tennis racquets and going past Smithers and administrating the "breaking the lock down punishment "
Hoskins is made to limber up as his turn next

16th Apr 2020, 11:55
Fed up with the men urinating as high as they can up the toilet wall, the Officers decide the culprits are to clean it up with a cloth tied to their boots.

16th Apr 2020, 11:56
Beckham doing National Service shows the troops just how he scored 'That Goal' against Greece

16th Apr 2020, 12:00
....and if all else fails as the enemy approach you kick them up the ass. As the instructors show to the new recruits

16th Apr 2020, 12:03
As the passengers walk across the Quay side to board their cruise ship, the one at the front gets the feeling they may have been dropped off at the wrong place

16th Apr 2020, 12:47
"And when you retire, you can be a police officer on point duty at a six-way junction."

16th Apr 2020, 12:48
"And when you retire, you can become cabin crew and do the safety briefing on a double-deck aircraft."

16th Apr 2020, 13:51
I told you about turn mid march would cause problems..

16th Apr 2020, 13:52
Well he didn't like it up em...

16th Apr 2020, 13:54
Niet, he is the monkey, I am the organ grinder...

16th Apr 2020, 14:30
The medic has sent a message, your left foot has been diagnosed with Covid-19. So your right foot has to be Social Distanced. If we cannot get 2 meters the foot will gave to come off. Dr the saw. ...

16th Apr 2020, 14:36
The Special Services practice stepping over the trip wire. In training the wire is set to the lowest level.

16th Apr 2020, 14:40
And this is the Salisbury Cathedral manoeuvre. You really must go to see it sometime!

16th Apr 2020, 14:40
Ah Boris, it says " This boot belongs to Clark' we have the shoe thief ...

16th Apr 2020, 15:00
Come on man, spread em, if you were joining the WRAC's, this would be part of the initial recruit assesment..

16th Apr 2020, 15:02
Come on man, spread em, if you were joining the WRAC's, this would be part of the initial recruit assesment..

You shouldn't call then Racks...a rack is something that you screw up against a wall.............

16th Apr 2020, 15:02
yup, just as I thought...Swarfega...

16th Apr 2020, 16:56
This ones anally retentive, put him down as a blanket stacker or accounts clerk..

16th Apr 2020, 17:03
Captain Tom Moore doing his 100 laps of his garden. Slight twinge but that does not stop him

16th Apr 2020, 18:51
"You Putin the Right Leg In
You Putin the Right Leg Out
In, Out, In Out............."

16th Apr 2020, 22:05
Dr Hoskins didn't realise it was a Retinal scan not a Rectinal scan.

17th Apr 2020, 01:39
Ah Colonel Grommit , These are certainly the 'wrong trousers' you are wearing.

17th Apr 2020, 01:44
Ah the 'Soldier trousers, marching assist off' prototype has run out of power. You will find the 500v socket round the back for the mains lead on the ground.

17th Apr 2020, 01:45
In the background Smithers suffers a similar fault

Buster Hyman
17th Apr 2020, 02:59
Lt. Gruber had a bad reaction to, what he called, a target rich environment.

17th Apr 2020, 05:09
At the Inter Regimental Athletics meet, Gruber and Gastov were volunteered for the High Jump, Well that's what the Colonel said.thought Gruber, As Gastove realised the equipment truck had failed to arrive

17th Apr 2020, 10:52
Some excellent entries here. The Shoot early, Shoot often award goes to Kiltrash, and the EEO award to Buster for his #2489, but the CST has been kicked along to Treadigraph for ...

"Backbone insertion ceremony for new recruits from the Snowflake generation..."

17th Apr 2020, 11:15
Many thanks Hydromet, found it on the doorstep and the sanitiser is drying off... Have a crack at this over the weekend, folks.

https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/800x539/afghan_12_4_13_custom_5b3d997e0d920d58224d97eacecbc311281e4c d3_s800_c85_22ff6af38a6aa229a24c5638157cc399cdafaa8a.jpg

17th Apr 2020, 11:27
look, I don't know how much you guys eat...but we will need to empty those portaloos more often!

17th Apr 2020, 11:32
Normally when one volunteers to help the NHS one is given a task suitable. What was your last job again?.
Assistant to Dianne Abbott

17th Apr 2020, 11:34
At Camp Bastion the Spitfires in Crates are moved.
"They told me there were no engines"

17th Apr 2020, 11:35
Well I read the weight as Pounds not Kilogrammes

17th Apr 2020, 11:40
Gents, you know the camp rules, anything over a kilo has to be lowered by hand.

17th Apr 2020, 11:47
Don't blame me, blame the science.

17th Apr 2020, 12:01
Sh*t Happens...

17th Apr 2020, 12:04
Well that's the trebuchet idea back on the drawing board...

17th Apr 2020, 12:06
I don't like the cut of his jib..... what..

17th Apr 2020, 14:17
"You didn't think it snowed in Afghanistan? Why do you think the crane's painted white?"

17th Apr 2020, 14:21
What do you mean it's our fault, we told you to lower the jib?

17th Apr 2020, 14:26
You know that ringing bell wasn't installed to call you to prayer, but to let you know the bloody load was too heavy to lift.

17th Apr 2020, 15:38
What Harry was really called over for during that interview

17th Apr 2020, 15:39
Ah that's alright then, it belonged to the UN not the US

17th Apr 2020, 15:40
While moving the Generals portacabin it was discovered that Hoskins did not know his left from his right.

17th Apr 2020, 15:42
Hoskins confidence was clearly in excess of his ability, (again)

17th Apr 2020, 15:44
Someone's gonna get dragged over the Coles for this one.....

17th Apr 2020, 15:45
The troops had relied on the crane to get the satellite dish high enough to get the Superbowl. Hank was in real trouble this time as it was the Janet Jackson Wardrobe Malfunction year

17th Apr 2020, 15:46
....my last job, ? Well I was a crane trainer at Whipsnade

17th Apr 2020, 15:49
" See the size of that rat?
Dang scared my Bull (dozer) "

17th Apr 2020, 16:36
“Well first the good news...the brakes work really well!”

17th Apr 2020, 18:27
"How the hell are we going to shift that pilot's wallet now?"

17th Apr 2020, 19:15
Motor Pool added on F1 Brakes again I see

17th Apr 2020, 19:16
Racing across the desert, hand brake turn and hitting brakes is ok is a Humvee, maybe not a crane.

17th Apr 2020, 19:16
Fffffing pothole not fixed yet I see.

17th Apr 2020, 19:17
Told you guys to pack light.

17th Apr 2020, 20:24
https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/800x539/afghan_12_4_13_custom_5b3d997e0d920d58224d97eacecbc311281e4c d3_s800_c85_22ff6af38a6aa229a24c5638157cc399cdafaa8a.jpg

Now if you would back up against the Portaloo's, the firing squad need some long distance shot training

17th Apr 2020, 20:25
Nah, missed me, do you want me to stand closer to you?

17th Apr 2020, 20:26
From inside the Portaloo.... Call me a medic.... PLEASE....

17th Apr 2020, 20:28
I would give the one on the left at least 15minutes with the door open....

17th Apr 2020, 20:30
2 of our more popular contributors having sneaked off to the loo for some man love...." Did the earth move for you too?"

17th Apr 2020, 20:58
" Hang on a minute lads, I have a idea"..

17th Apr 2020, 21:29
"That's the set?"

- "Yep."

- "What are we meant to do with it?"

- "Turn and face the audience, and sing Oh What a Beautiful Morning."

17th Apr 2020, 23:06
"Let me give you a tip, Abdul..."

Ascend Charlie
17th Apr 2020, 23:57
On the set for the re-make of "Gunfight at OK Corral", the extras are unimpressed with the casting of the Wyatt Earp character.

Buster Hyman
18th Apr 2020, 03:04
Guy in Black; "There's a smell in there that's gonna outlast Religion!'

Ascend Charlie
18th Apr 2020, 03:26
"You wanna know why the crane couldn't cope? There's some heavy sh!t going on in there!"

Buster Hyman
18th Apr 2020, 04:22
I think the guy in the cubicle next to me needs help! You should've heard the noise I just heard!!!

18th Apr 2020, 06:34
We put the blue ones there so that we could take the p*ss out of the driver!

18th Apr 2020, 06:38
Attenborough voice

""and here we have the crane approaching the unsuspecting load, quietly, stealthily and having measured the weights and balance POUNCES. It was at this point realisation set in he had bitten off more that he could cope with. And as we leave the scene we do not expect the crane to have a good day""

18th Apr 2020, 10:11
"The challenge was to change a wheel on the crane without using a jack, and here is a photo of the winning entry."

18th Apr 2020, 10:11
Who let Ellie Hoskins drive.......

18th Apr 2020, 10:12
Viewers have often wondered how it is that in Scrapheap Challenge, a scrapheap is always found to contain the bits required to make an item. Here we see a crane conveniently dismantling itself for the contestants to find and rebuild.

Dan Gerous
18th Apr 2020, 10:14
Anyone know where the nearest AA call box is?

18th Apr 2020, 10:14
Looks like we have overdone it with the Sherry.


18th Apr 2020, 10:17
It's a Knock-Out

"Oh deary deary me, Weston-super-Mare have overloaded their crane and it's toppled over. I've never seen anything so funny in all my life, but hey! here's a team meeting and the Captain doesn't look like a happy man. Perhaps they'll salvage one or two points."

18th Apr 2020, 10:21
No buy, test drive, brakes ****.

18th Apr 2020, 10:28
Abdul watched too many Brake test fails on utube so he tried it.

18th Apr 2020, 10:30
If I can do this with keys of crane, give me keys of Hunveee :) then have some fun.

18th Apr 2020, 10:31
10kg bag limit on Ryanair fail.

18th Apr 2020, 10:36
Oh Well. There goes another idea for the next series of Robot Wars.

18th Apr 2020, 11:54
OK, we made a bridge across the Berlin Wall* but unfortunately, our end isn't on the ground so we can't get over it.

*Other walls still exist

Buster Hyman
18th Apr 2020, 14:43
You know...if only we had that really flexible Russian Soldier, we could've worked out the tipping point.

18th Apr 2020, 15:08
"And what you're telling me is, the body of the crane represents an airliner, and the jib is what you're calling an Air Bridge - what good is it, exactly?"

18th Apr 2020, 15:18
Well there I was, Underslung a Chinook and Sasless asked, "what does this lever do?"

18th Apr 2020, 16:09
You were only suppose to blow the bloody doors off..

18th Apr 2020, 16:10
Well I thought a portcullis was a stupid idea anyway..

18th Apr 2020, 16:14
Well there goes the mobile minaret idea, how’s the muezzin? He did sound several keys higher towards the end..

18th Apr 2020, 16:45
We can't all get into that little blue box. and why do you call it TARDIS?

18th Apr 2020, 16:50
Anyone got the phone number for the AA?
Abdull's drunk again

18th Apr 2020, 16:54
In the Afghanistan F1 when the crane lifted Vettels car it was found Ferrari had cheated

18th Apr 2020, 18:35
I said Right hand down not hit the brakes, who taught you to drive, Hoskins.

18th Apr 2020, 18:36
Grab Camel by nuts it stops, grab Hoskins by nuts this happens, learnt today, Hoskins not camel.

18th Apr 2020, 18:38
Stupid Peasant fool, don't you know anything................... as they all laugh.
Yup, don't invade Afghanistan, oh so clever people.

18th Apr 2020, 19:31
Who said that there was a shortage of PPE? Looks like P*ss Poor Engineering to me!

18th Apr 2020, 20:17
The judges of BGT decided that Abduls magic trick of the disappearing Jumbo Jet was absolutely stunning, unfortunately there was some collateral damage

18th Apr 2020, 20:22
David Blaine was entertaining the troops with the glass box and crane trick when there was a unexpected gust of wind

18th Apr 2020, 22:37
Ornithologists delighted in a photograph of the exceedingly rare "Whoopsing Crane".

- Ed

Ascend Charlie
18th Apr 2020, 23:08
Evel Knievel's cousin, Howfah Kanawful, didn't realise that he should have had the crane jib DOWN when he tried to jump the shipping containers.

19th Apr 2020, 07:23
At the JCB Tractor delivery centre, the training course for new operators uses this slide as a example of why you should not travel with the jib extended. Especially under a rail bridge

19th Apr 2020, 09:46
Well done, lads, you've just invented the vertical take-off crane. Now you've got 15 minutes to do a vertical landing."

Penny Washers
19th Apr 2020, 13:56
"I'm sorry, mate, but none of us can believe that these really are the Pearly Gates. And why are you dressed all in black?"

19th Apr 2020, 15:07
I said to leave no stone unturned. I said nothing about turning cranes over.

Buster Hyman
19th Apr 2020, 15:40
Ok, we'll need something bigger for the Air Force wages crate.

19th Apr 2020, 17:57
Sorry Buster but YOU were the one that told us your weight was 9st for the Bungee Cord settings....

19th Apr 2020, 18:00
The opening scene of the new James Bond movie did not go at the Stunt Double had hoped

19th Apr 2020, 18:04
Don't think you would have won that Conker Championship with out extending you arm so much..

19th Apr 2020, 18:08
On the carrier the arresting wire engine was set incorrectly. The rebound ended up in Afghanistan

19th Apr 2020, 19:21
We're trying to make trigonometry fun, and you idiots have spoiled my right-angled triangle - in fact, it's not even a triangle any more.

19th Apr 2020, 20:02
We're trying to make trigonometry fun, and you idiots have spoiled my right-angled triangle - in fact, it's not even a triangle any more.

Sine of the times, Mate!

19th Apr 2020, 20:46
But surely the Tyre pressures should be checked with all wheels off the ground?

20th Apr 2020, 06:18
Judging this evening, circa 9pm BST...

20th Apr 2020, 07:38
Damm, only came in for a oil change and Hoskins drove it into the inspection pit

20th Apr 2020, 07:45
PCSO is called into investigate a slight fender bender, finds no one will identify the culprit

20th Apr 2020, 07:47
Well there goes the No Claims Discount

20th Apr 2020, 08:46
BBC NEWS | UK | England | Gloucestershire | Cranes to be reintroduced to UK (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/gloucestershire/7911784.stm)

Cranes are to be reintroduced to the wild.

20th Apr 2020, 09:33
To destroy buildings, you fire a rocket from the mobile rocket launcher. You do not - do I really have to explain this?

20th Apr 2020, 10:17
Marine on right " But how did you know it was me driving it?"
"Well" said the Chief "The trail of wool from the snagged jumper kind of led us to you!"

Penny Washers
20th Apr 2020, 11:33
Sine of the times, Mate!

It was that squaw on the hippopotamus that proved to be the tipping point.

20th Apr 2020, 12:38
It was that squaw on the hippopotamus that proved to be the tipping point.

Going out on a tangent!

20th Apr 2020, 13:38
Sorry, it was never meant to lift so many PI's into the mess..

20th Apr 2020, 13:39
I can't be telling you Porkie Pie's, Pork is forbidden....

20th Apr 2020, 20:04
Time ladies and gentlemen, please! Boy, do I miss those words...

OK in time-honoured reverse order:

Third is Surplus with

“Gents, you know the camp rules, anything over a kilo has to be lowered by hand.”

Second is NutLoose with a weighty pun:

“Someone's gonna get dragged over the Coles for this one.....”

And the CST holder for the next few days is Racedo:

“Looks like we have overdone it with the Sherry.” Well done Racedo, the CST will be left on your doorstep by a volunteer – apologies for the smell of bleach…

20th Apr 2020, 21:26
Oh gee shucks wow :), will fill it with 4 XXXX, tastes same as bleach.

Ok throwing it open as time pressure stops me from finding a decent one.

20th Apr 2020, 22:36
Well done Racedo :) I will await whatever someone throws up.. I’ve had my fair share of image posts..

Buster Hyman
21st Apr 2020, 05:39
Here's a quick one. Just a day or two, or if someone has another, let me know & I'll finish it sooner. :ok:

https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/960x640/aussiekill_960_640_acd0b6c317b4dc6b10c8d1ee48b4617b39952535. jpg

21st Apr 2020, 06:06
Damm Nav, Bombed Darwin,...again... City thanks us for the improvements however

Sorry 'bombed Invercargill.' City thanked us

( lived there for 6 months was not impressed 😑)

Ascend Charlie
21st Apr 2020, 06:07
When the Kiwi said "G'dye" on the radio, I thought it was a Jap saying "Banzai", so I shot him down.

(Note for Kiltrash - an Oz flag needs the big federation star on the left)

21st Apr 2020, 08:01
Hell, his Boomerang certainly won't come back now!

21st Apr 2020, 08:19
..and following his Landing on Guam, Hank was given a Darwin Award.

21st Apr 2020, 08:21
"It was for a raid on a sand-paper factory".

21st Apr 2020, 08:55
I told the barsteward about kill stealing before we set off, and what does he do.... he jumps in to claim my zero just as I had it on fire and going down, so I scored a duece, he won't do that again...

Penny Washers
21st Apr 2020, 08:59
After the war, he went on to found Specsavers.

21st Apr 2020, 08:59
(Note for Kiltrash - an Oz flag needs the big federation star on the left)

Note to Kiltrash the NZ flag has one less star, they are both wrong.

21st Apr 2020, 09:10
Dammit Hoskins bombed Pearl Harbor. Tries to hide the evidence

Buster Hyman
21st Apr 2020, 09:14
Note to Kiltrash the NZ flag has one less star, they are both wrong.
Note to all. It is supposed to be an Aussie flag but...you know...it was also an Allied aircraft too... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald_R._Johnson

21st Apr 2020, 09:40
Packer denied being a double agent....

21st Apr 2020, 09:44
(not a caption just a comment)

In the fog of war Blue on Blue was unfortunate

21st Apr 2020, 09:47
Chuck admitted that aircraft recognition had never been his strong point.

Ascend Charlie
21st Apr 2020, 11:21
"Ah carries these li'l bino-claws round mah neck so's ah kin ahdentifah whut ah's shootin et! Nevah missed wun yit! (Patooie!)"

21st Apr 2020, 11:22
The Americans didn't know about "Where's Wally", they played "Where's Bruce" instead.

2nd Lt Johnson often wondered why they named his aircraft 'Mr Magoo'

21st Apr 2020, 11:56
That was the Sheila I nailed on the way back from Rangoon.

ivor toolbox
21st Apr 2020, 12:26
And that's the one I got the Silver Star for....


21st Apr 2020, 12:47
Yes they're this years competition scores, that's the ONE Buster won....

21st Apr 2020, 12:52
"Yeh, sorry about the one in the middle...but a kill is a kill!"

21st Apr 2020, 12:54
"Kills? Well, sort of, they're the nationality of the mothers of my babies!"

21st Apr 2020, 13:10
Ahh that one... it was an ex Jaguar pilot I believe.

21st Apr 2020, 13:13
Look, even God did something different on the seventh day.

21st Apr 2020, 14:37
Johnson's record was somewhat unusual, 19 Bijin and only 1 Backpacker.

21st Apr 2020, 15:02
"There are some occasions where taste overrides one's duty".

21st Apr 2020, 16:00
And here is the weather for the next twenty days.... it will be sunny, sunny, sunny, sunny, sunny, sunny, overcast with smoke from the burning outback. sunny, sunny. sunny..........

21st Apr 2020, 16:02
Most of them were bombing raids over Port Moresby, ahh, that one... . I went down with dysentry and it was a bombing raid over the elsan.

21st Apr 2020, 18:49
Bondi Beach; Banzi Beach...they all sound the same.

21st Apr 2020, 20:45
We sunk a Jap carrier with 19 Zeros on board But my wingman got caught in my strafing run. So I claimed the lot

21st Apr 2020, 20:54
""I've been sent over from headquarters"
"From Headquarters? what is it"
"Well its a big building with Generals and Admirals but that's not important right now" "I am looking for Amelia Earhart"..

21st Apr 2020, 21:43
Well it was like the Little Bighorn, bad guys circling the good guys, so I aimed for the middle and took all the bad guys out.

Buster Hyman
21st Apr 2020, 23:59
To paraphrase Nutty, I'm ending my quickie....

Runner up, Shytorque with
"Yeh, sorry about the one in the middle...but a kill is a kill!"

But the winner of the quickie is Treadigraph with the Capt. Obvious award, but still funny...
Hell, his Boomerang certainly won't come back now!

22nd Apr 2020, 05:26
Aw thanks Buster! As the previous, previous winner, may I throw it open or perhaps Racedo has something up his sleeve now...

Buster Hyman
22nd Apr 2020, 06:10
You nailed what actually happened too.:ok:

I guess people have a lot on their mind so, take care Captioneers!

22nd Apr 2020, 08:25
If I may be so bold as to chip in with another quickie while we are stuck to our keyboards


22nd Apr 2020, 08:45
SHARK! .........

22nd Apr 2020, 08:46
The USN finally decides how to get rid of Corona Virus from their carriers.

Buster Hyman
22nd Apr 2020, 08:55
You can tell they're USN...the bombs are missing the carrier...

Buster Hyman
22nd Apr 2020, 08:56
The start of another episode of JAG.

Buster Hyman
22nd Apr 2020, 08:57
The synchronised diving team needed much work...

22nd Apr 2020, 08:59
POTUS announces a state visit to one of his ships.

Penny Washers
22nd Apr 2020, 08:59
The ship's cooks announced that all they had left in the store was tins of beans.

"Abandon Ship" was the only possible course of action.

22nd Apr 2020, 09:00
Man in blue shorts, second-right: "Let go of my hair!"

22nd Apr 2020, 09:02
Woman on right thinks too late: "I've just remembered these shorts become transparent when wet."

22nd Apr 2020, 09:23
The 2020 Olympic Diving competition gets underway,with lock-down inertia self-evident and social distancing still in vogue...

22nd Apr 2020, 09:54
When 3 Somali pirates captured USS Minnow, the crew was forced to walk the plank.

22nd Apr 2020, 10:28
Facing a recruitment crisis, the Navy invent a giant vacuum cleaner to press gang unsuspecting holidaymakers.

22nd Apr 2020, 10:40
At the end of the USS Nimitz's annual Families Day, loved ones begin to swim home...

22nd Apr 2020, 11:25
And that Ladies and Gents is how the USMC do Colonic irrigation!

22nd Apr 2020, 11:47
Oops, navigation error. Sailed on a reciprocal bearing and are close to the North Pole, not the Equator."

22nd Apr 2020, 14:03
"A reminder to all ships company, when participating in the afternoon water sports legs must be kept together to prevent confusion with the bosuns whistle"

22nd Apr 2020, 14:28
Mid-voyage on another USN cruise from Guantanamo Bay.

22nd Apr 2020, 14:37
After being relieved of duty, Captain Crozier's crew of the USS Theodore Roosevelt decided to look for any sign of Thomas Modly's integrity or credibility. They found a dead starfish.

Buster Hyman
22nd Apr 2020, 15:02
Okay...you seem to have misunderstood planking...

22nd Apr 2020, 16:00
As the air fills with the snap of ankle and leg bones breaking, jumpers are immediately chagrined to learn that the carrier draws only 3 feet at the keel.

- Ed :E

22nd Apr 2020, 22:34
Girl (?) in black Cozzie, "Oh, its true, if you keep it in then it stops me falling"

22nd Apr 2020, 22:41
Hmmm.....I wonder if it’s the wrong time of the month to be going swimming off shark cove.

22nd Apr 2020, 22:51
Like I’ve always said, the US Navy are a right bunch of Lemmings.

22nd Apr 2020, 23:00
I say again.. for tonight’s entertainment we have “A Band on Ship”..

22nd Apr 2020, 23:15
“Oi.....who nicked the lifeboats?”

22nd Apr 2020, 23:59
Like my old Mum used to say, if you don't have nets, then it's curtains.

Ascend Charlie
23rd Apr 2020, 01:21
When the Baptist congregation saw that one of their own (the dude down left) was walking on water, they started jumping down to meet Him.

Ascend Charlie
23rd Apr 2020, 04:44
After the USS Forrest Trump shot down an Iranian gunboat, the medical team jumped into the water to rescue the survivors.

23rd Apr 2020, 08:34
Trump states (not that he's an expert but he is pretty good at just knowing things that the rest of the world takes years of painstaking trial and error to find out), that seawater is a cure for many diseases if it is forced up the nose at high speed.

Dan Gerous
23rd Apr 2020, 09:37
WAIT!!! We only got 3 numbers on the lottery.

23rd Apr 2020, 11:44
HMS Marie Celeste

23rd Apr 2020, 11:47
That's a frogman, not a mermaid!


23rd Apr 2020, 14:05
OK folks last orders please call at 21.00 BST

back to the bottle of white wine in the garden....


23rd Apr 2020, 14:17
What do you mean we left the ladder back at San Diego?

23rd Apr 2020, 14:20
See, I told you she whistles like a stuka on the way down..

23rd Apr 2020, 14:22
Ahh yes, that's her blue note, it's to do with airflow over her "gun port" apparently.

23rd Apr 2020, 14:53
When Big Bertha went over the side....the sudden list caused the OOD to sound the Collision Alarm!

23rd Apr 2020, 16:03
The 2020 remake of "Dive Bomber" with Fred McMurray's role played by John Goodman and Errol Flynn by Tom Daley...

23rd Apr 2020, 17:07
Whilst satisfying his rubber fetish and squeezing his ring, Buster was also pleased to find he could satisfy his upshirting fetish at the same time.

23rd Apr 2020, 17:10
Feeding time.

23rd Apr 2020, 17:11
A target rich environment.

23rd Apr 2020, 17:14
Showers out again............

23rd Apr 2020, 17:15
Hoskins promised Brenda they could have a foaming bath together............... her visions of bubble bath disappeared as she realised something got lost in translation.

23rd Apr 2020, 17:16
Went in smelling like fish, comes out smelling like fish.

23rd Apr 2020, 17:36
Bert showed the crew his party trick, levitating out of the water on the power of a fart.

23rd Apr 2020, 19:50
"A reminder to all ships company, when participating in the afternoon water sports legs must be kept together to prevent confusion with the bosuns whistle"

Earns First Prize to 622.Take it away

( I was hoping for a quip about Hoskins and his first F35 landing on the QNLZ), however we did get a Abandon Ship comment ….

24th Apr 2020, 06:34
Many thanks, Ok lets try this one then:
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcSDj6zDMDpjVUubprLQ9SrfPLugKCRq2fccRuLns 4zKdeKjnU6h&usqp=CAU

Buster Hyman
24th Apr 2020, 06:40
All in all you're just a....another brick in the wall.

Buster Hyman
24th Apr 2020, 06:41
We're just one brick short of a wall Mr. President.