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15th Oct 2019, 22:17
So the Kurds have joined forces with the Syrian army to repel the Turks.
So you now have Russia supporting one side while actively seeking to support the other, how does that work?
For the Russians and the Soviets before that, anything that creates chaos and destruction makes space for them to seek their own ends - which likely is dominance in the region. It works whenever the west lets them get away with it.

Easy Street
16th Oct 2019, 06:46
For the Russians and the Soviets before that, anything that creates chaos and destruction makes space for them to seek their own ends - which likely is dominance in the region. It works whenever the west lets them get away with it.

I’m no fan of the Assad regime, but equally I’m not convinced that assisting a UN-recognised Government to reassert control of its territory fits the definition of ‘creating chaos’. There has been chaos for sure, but the Russians didn’t create it. Most importantly, they have exploited it effectively because they had a clear and realistic end state in mind.

At the outset of the Syrian civil war (four years before the Russian deployment) General David Richards, the UK’s Chief of Defence Staff at the time, advised that Western support to the opposition should be ‘all’ (i.e. topple the regime) or ‘nothing’. Anything else would, in his view, have simply prolonged the suffering of the Syrian people to no benefit for anyone. Time has proven him to be absolutely correct. But his view was dismissed by those in control of national security policy as ‘purist’. The ingrained realism of most military officers seems to be unwelcome in circles dominated by idealistic foreign policy specialists, to the recent detriment of Western strategy. (See his autobiography ‘Taking Command’).

16th Oct 2019, 16:01
Nukes appear to still be in Turkey


16th Oct 2019, 17:56
I’m no fan of the Assad regime, but equally I’m not convinced that assisting a UN-recognised Government to reassert control of its territory fits the definition of ‘creating chaos’. There has been chaos for sure, but the Russians didn’t create it. Most importantly, they have exploited it effectively because they had a clear and realistic end state in mind.

At the outset of the Syrian civil war (four years before the Russian deployment) General David Richards, the UK’s Chief of Defence Staff at the time, advised that Western support to the opposition should be ‘all’ (i.e. topple the regime) or ‘nothing’. Anything else would, in his view, have simply prolonged the suffering of the Syrian people to no benefit for anyone. Time has proven him to be absolutely correct. But his view was dismissed by those in control of national security policy as ‘purist’. The ingrained realism of most military officers seems to be unwelcome in circles dominated by idealistic foreign policy specialists, to the recent detriment of Western strategy. (See his autobiography ‘Taking Command’).

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, as implemented by idealistic foreign policy specialists in LIbya, Syria, Serbia etc.
What is disheartening is that after more than a decade of disasters, there is still no one who questions the wisdom of the policies.

16th Oct 2019, 23:59
Nukes appear to still be in Turkey


Bit of a beat up I reckon.
I would just love to see what happened if Erdogan even remotely attempted to use a couple of B-61s as bargaining chips.

18th Oct 2019, 15:51
The road to hell is paved with good intentions, as implemented by idealistic foreign policy specialists in LIbya, Syria, Serbia etc.
What is disheartening is that after more than a decade of disasters, there is still no one who questions the wisdom of the policies.

To question means you are supposedly appeasing an enemy that MSN will make up and claim you are supporting.

Same MSN stays quiet while Western weaponry is handed over to the same people who hack people to death on camera or bring down aeroplanes or buildings with people in them.

If Western intervention was about bringing peace / democracy and helping countrys to hold onto it. It is easily supported but seems only there to do bidding of others so people can make billions from it.

19th Oct 2019, 22:37
Is there any evidence these bombs are still in their bunkers?
I'd think no sensible leader would have left them there after kicking Turkey out of the F-35 program.

​​​​​​​And where might we find a sensible leader? Not within 300 feet of the White House.

20th Oct 2019, 10:09
Turkey's air force dropping white phosphorus and napalm?

21st Oct 2019, 03:23
To question means you are supposedly appeasing an enemy that MSN will make up and claim you are supporting.

Same MSN stays quiet while Western weaponry is handed over to the same people who hack people to death on camera or bring down aeroplanes or buildings with people in them.

If Western intervention was about bringing peace / democracy and helping countrys to hold onto it. It is easily supported but seems only there to do bidding of others so people can make billions from it.
There is no need to watch MSN. I wouldn't take news from one source anyways. I like variety. There are plenty of news outlets, both in US and in many countries that are credible.

What I am proud of, is Murdoch. An Adelaide boy, who took over his dads local low-volume newspaper called The News. He then made his name in the UK and is now the right wing puppet master of the world, through his publications and Fox News. He's telling Trump what to do. You have to love that. Even Barr went hat in hand to him recently.

22nd Oct 2019, 06:57
Turkish trained Nazis troops........


3rd Feb 2020, 12:56

Turkish soldiers killed as battle for control of Idlib escalates

Six Turkish soldiers and at least 13 Syrian government troops have been killed as the two sides traded fire in Syria’s Idlib province, in a significant escalation in the battle to control the country’s last opposition stronghold.

Turkey sent a large military convoy across its southern border into Idlib overnight in an effort to stem the bloodshed caused by a ferocious regime assault on the areaunder the cover of Russian airstrikes........

Artillery shelling on Turkish positions near the flashpoint town of Saraqeb early on Monday caused six casualties and injured seven more soldiers, the Turkish defence ministry said, adding that 30-35 troops fighting for Bashar al-Assad had been killed in retaliatory attacks. The war monitor the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights put the number of Syrian dead at 13, while the Syrian state news agency reported zero casualties.

The Turkish military maintains 12 observation posts in Idlib to monitor an earlier ceasefire agreement that has since collapsed. The defence ministry said Turkish forces were sent to Idlib as reinforcement and attacked there despite prior notification of their coordinates to the local authorities. The claim was disputed by officials in Moscow, who said Ankara had failed to notify the Russian military about troop movements overnight in Idlib and that the Turkish troops were hit by Syrian fire that was directed at “terrorists”, a reference to al-Qaida-linked militants west of Saraqeb.

While Turkey has intervened militarily in Syria three times to date in cross-border operations against Islamic State and US-backed Kurdish-led forces it regards as a terrorist threat, Monday’s clash was a rare direct confrontation against Assad’s troops and allied militias........

Speaking on Monday, the Turkish president said the operation in Idlib was ongoing and reiterated a warning to Assad’s backers in Moscow not to stand in the way of the Turkish action. “Those who test Turkey’s determination regarding Syria’s Idlib with such treacherous attacks will realise their mistake,” Recep Tayyip Erdoğan told reporters before his departure from Ankara for Ukraine.

Vortex Hoop
3rd Feb 2020, 17:53
Same MSN stays quiet while Western weaponry is handed over to the same people who hack people to death on camera or bring down aeroplanes or buildings with people in them.

Which Weaponry is this out of interest? Which people?

4th Feb 2020, 06:59
Vortex Hoop

I should imagine the reference is to Saudi Arabia and Tornado, Typhoon, Paveway, Brimstone etc etc etc...

Vortex Hoop
5th Feb 2020, 01:08
I don't remember the Saudi Govt using western weaponry against us?! The 9/11 hijackers may have been Saudi but it wasn't state-sponsored. I know they have been a bit naughty in Yemen but I am confused over the poster's logic...

5th Feb 2020, 21:33
I know they have been a bit naughty in Yemen but I am confused over the poster's logic... Don't be confused; there isn't any. ;)

6th Feb 2020, 18:24
For those interested:
Military Aviation related things happening (https://twitter.com/i/events/1225211010199375872?s=13) in Syria; initial reports indicate an air raid.

7th Feb 2020, 06:20

Turkey fires on Assad’s forces battling for key Syrian town of Saraqeb

Turkish artillery has fired on Syrian regime troops that are fighting jihadists and other rebels in northwest Syria as Ankara is sucked deeper into the last stages of the civil war.

A battle between Assad forces and rebels has been under way for two days in and around Saraqeb. The town, east of the city of Idlib, is an important point on the main highway from Aleppo to the south of Syria. Regime forces, backed by Russia, entered Saraqeb on Wednesday and their assault brought them close to a Turkish observation point. Turkish forces inside the compound, which was established to monitor the now failed ceasefire in Idlib province, hit regime positions with artillery. Rebels used the bombardment as cover for a counterattack, driving the army out of town.......

President Erdogan has strongly criticised the regime offensive in the “Idlib pocket”, which covers Idlib province and slivers of Latakia and Aleppo. He has demanded that President Putin, with whom he agreed the supposed ceasefire in 2018, restrain the regime. Instead Mr Putin has ordered Russian jets to support the offensive. Yesterday Russia admitted suffering fatalities among its ground troops. Iranian-backed militias including Hezbollah are also fighting on the regime side. The jihadists and other rebels are gradually being pushed back. West of Saraqeb, the regime forces are a little over five miles from Idlib, the last provincial capital in rebel hands........

On Tuesday Mr Erdogan gave the regime until the end of the month to withdraw. An exchange of fire the previous day had cost eight Turkish lives. However, Mr Erdogan appears to be preparing for further confrontation, with Turkish reinforcements said to be pouring into Idlib from over the border.........

Meanwhile Israeli airstrikes are hitting bases used by Iran, Assad’s other main ally.

7th Feb 2020, 07:33
My guess is that Erdogan has at least a double aim here. The mass exodus of refugees towards Turkey being caused by the final Syrian push is the first and obvious one, and easier for him to articulate, but Idlib is the western end of that total corridor he wants to create south of his border with Syria, a permanent east-west DMZ or bufferzone several miles deep..

7th Feb 2020, 14:07
Igor Konashenkov, an official Russian Defence Ministry spokesman, accused the Israeli military of "using the presence of civilian airliners as a shield against Syrian anti-aircraft fire" during air combat operations.

BBC - Russia says plane 'almost hit' by anti-aircraft fire in Syria (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-51411860)

9th Feb 2020, 14:53

Turkey threatens to hit back as Assad advances in northern Syria

...........Yesterday Turkey’s defence ministry said it would strike back at regime troops and allied militias if its military posts in Syria’s northwest Idlib province were threatened, echoing President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s ultimatum last week that Assad must withdraw to a previously agreed ceasefire line before the end of February.

Erdoğan’s communications director, Fahrettin Altun, said the escalation in Idlib – which led to the deaths of eight Turkish military personnel (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/feb/03/turkish-soldiers-killed-battle-syria-idlib-assad) on Monday – was unacceptable. “We cannot tolerate what has been unfolding in Idlib. We will seek accountability for our martyrs,” he told a Turkey-Syria media forum in Istanbul yesterday. “Bashar al-Assad’s place in the future ... is not the presidential palace but the international court of justice at The Hague.”........

Turkey has intervened militarily in Syria (https://www.theguardian.com/world/syria) three times in operations against Islamic State and US-backed Kurdish-led forces it regards as a terrorist threat, but has never attacked Assad’s troops and allied militias. Since Monday’s rare clash between Turkish and Syrian government forces, Ankara has urged Moscow to convince its Syrian allies to end the Idlib offensive. A Russian delegation was set to meet yesterday [Saturday] with Turkish officials to discuss the situation.

Ankara has sent in 350 vehicles with commandos backed by armoured vehicles to beef up its 12 observation positions since Friday, state-run Anadolu news agency said, after officials reported that three had been surrounded by regime troops.

“Despite their cooperation in several areas in Syria there are unfortunately many glaring communication issues between Ankara and Moscow,” said Dareen Khalifa, a senior Syria analyst at the International Crisis Group. “Russia and Assad are still pushing ahead with this offensive despite the fact Ankara has reiterated its red lines because they underestimate how vital stability in Idlib is for Turkey. Keeping the border shut is a huge national security concern”.........

11th Feb 2020, 07:05

Erdogan’s 5,000 Turkish troops face Assad in Idlib

Turkey deployed thousands of troops towards the last significant front line of Syria’s civil war yesterday, threatening a direct confrontation with Assad regime forces who are advancing against jihadists and other rebels.........

President Erdogan summoned his defence minister, Hulusi Akar, to discuss the crisis, which has threatened open conflict with Syria for the first time in the nine-year war. Russian negotiators are also in Ankara. Fahrettin Altun, Mr Erdogan’s press chief, tweeted yesterday that the Turkish army would “crush anyone who dares to target our flag”.

Last week Mr Erdogan threatened to force Syria (https://www.thetimes.co.uk/topic/syria) to return to the positions it held at the time of a ceasefire agreed in 2018 between Turkey, Russia and Iran. The three countries support different sides in the war but have close relations which they are determined to preserve. In an assault that began haltingly in April and has accelerated in the past two months, President Assad has seized nearly half of the Idlib pocket. The area, which was supposed to be protected by the ceasefire, comprises the province of Idlib and slivers of Aleppo and Latakia.......

Media close to the Turkish leader said that 5,000 troops, 500 of them special forces, had been deployed with tanks, mobile artillery and other support. Ten thousand rebels backed by Turkey have also been mobilised. These appeared to include fighters from the offensive last year against Kurdish positions in northeastern Syria. Turkish-Russian joint patrols in that area have been halted and forces supported by Turkey are reported to have withdrawn from some positions. Fuat Oktay, the vice-president, said Turkish soldiers would remain in Idlib “to give the necessary response to those flouting international law”.........

11th Feb 2020, 19:12

Syrian rebels shoot down Assad helicopter as violence escalates in IdlibSyrian rebels have shot down a regime helicopter amid an escalation of violence in Idlib province that threatens to suck Turkey into full-blown war with President Assad.

The helicopter was shot down today in Nairab, west of the town of Saraqeb, by fighters from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), a hardline Islamist group that is the successor of al-Qaeda in Syria.

Footage released by the group shows the blackened and burning wreckage of the Mil MI-17 crashing to the ground in open land close to heavily damaged apartment blocks. TRT, Turkey’s state broadcaster, also reported the footage.

The group also claimed to have retaken ground from the regime in the same area amid heavy clashes and airstrikes today. President Assad’s forces are pushing into Idlib, the last rebel-held province, from the south, and are using helicopters to drop barrel bombs onto residential areas. The heaviest fighting is currently around the town of Atareb, to the northeast of Idlib city.

Although HTS is not officially among the rebel factions backed by Ankara, Turkey has beefed up its military presence (https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/world/erdogans-5-000-turkish-troops-face-assad-in-idlib-32t7tpmrq) in Idlib since the weekend, moving an extra 5,000 soldiers across the border, and is effectively fighting alongside the group.......


11th Feb 2020, 21:03

Syria war: Government will pay 'heavy price' for attacking Turkish troops

Turkey's president has warned the Syrian government that it will "pay a very, very heavy price" for attacks on Turkish soldiers in north-west Syria.

Five troops were killed in opposition-held Idlib province on Monday, as the Syrian army continued an offensive. Turkish forces struck dozens of targets in response, but President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said: "It will continue."......

Turkey, a backer of the opposition, has sent troops to Idlib under agreements with the Syrian government's allies Russia and Iran - the 2017 Astana and 2018 Sochi accords - that sought to de-escalate hostilities. So far this month, Syrian army artillery fire has killed 12 Turkish military personnel and one civilian contractor.

The Turkish defence ministry said Turkish forces responded to Monday's attack by hitting 115 Syrian government targets and "neutralising" 101 soldiers. However, the Syrian army did not report any casualties.

In a speech in Ankara on Tuesday, President Erdogan said: "We gave the necessary responses to the Syrian side at the highest level. Especially in Idlib, they got what they deserved. But this is not enough. It will continue. The more they attack our soldiers, the heavier price they will pay. We will share these steps with the public tomorrow," he added.

Turkey's state news agency said a fresh convoy of military vehicles and commandos had been sent to Idlib to reinforce Turkish positions there, adding to the hundreds of tanks and thousands of soldiers reportedly deployed last week.The Syrian army later said Turkey was "escalating acts of aggression by targeting populated areas to help terrorists" and that it would respond to attacks.

Meanwhile, Russia called for the de-escalation agreements to be implemented and warned it considered unacceptable "any terrorist activity directed against the Syrian armed forces and Russian military facilities".......

11th Feb 2020, 23:16
So Turkey has handed certain weapons to HTS.

14th Feb 2020, 03:34
And... this may have just been confirmed?

14th Feb 2020, 10:31
I don't remember the Saudi Govt using western weaponry against us?! The 9/11 hijackers may have been Saudi but it wasn't state-sponsored. I know they have been a bit naughty in Yemen but I am confused over the poster's logic...

So Saudi diplomats providing support and meeting with the 911 perps again and again pre 911 was just a mere coincidence.

15th Feb 2020, 06:54

Syrian military helicopter shot down amid tensions with Turkey

A Syrian military helicopter has been shot down over the last major rebel bastion in the northwest of the country, the second such incident in a week of high tensions with neighbouring Turkey. The attack on Friday in a region where Turkish troops and Russian-backed government forces have engaged in multiple clashes came as Washington urged Ankara to look to its western allies in light of Moscow’s actions..........

“At approximately 1:40pm (local time), one of our military helicopters was hit by a hostile missile in the western countryside of Aleppo,” Syrian state news agency SANA said. “This led the helicopter to crash, killing all crew on board.”

It said the aircraft was downed near the town of Urum al-Kubra, where Turkey-backed rebels operate, but did not say who fired the missile. The Turkey-backed National Liberation Front rebel group claimed responsibility in a statement posted on the Telegram app.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the helicopter’s two pilots were killed. Three days earlier, another Syrian military helicopter was downed over Idlib province, killing at least three crew members.

Turkish media blamed that attack on rebels, but the Observatory said Ankara’s troops had fired rockets at the aircraft over the village of Qaminas, southeast of Idlib city. Turkey did not claim responsibility.....


15th Feb 2020, 08:06
So Saudi diplomats providing support and meeting with the 911 perps again and again pre 911 was just a mere coincidence.

Three individual Saudi diplomats met the 911 mob - 2 of them were involved in what was probably a legitimate interest as they were funding their studies through a Govt Approved programme IIRC

The other may well have been an Al Qaida operative

That doesn't make it "The Saudi Govt" - whatever Mr Putin would like us to think Racedo

16th Feb 2020, 10:20
Three individual Saudi diplomats met the 911 mob - 2 of them were involved in what was probably a legitimate interest as they were funding their studies through a Govt Approved programme IIRC

The other may well have been an Al Qaida operative

That doesn't make it "The Saudi Govt" - whatever Mr Putin would like us to think Racedo

Yup I can just see it, majority of them being Iranian and 3 Iranian diplomats being involved and Tehran would have been nuked.

But it is Saudi and there were a lot more than 3 contacts and it was ongoing.

But hey keep playing the man rather than deal with reality.

20th Feb 2020, 14:18
Turkish forces has reported that, in response to an air attack which killed 2 Turkish soldiers near Idlib, they have responded by launching strikes which have killed more than 50:Syrian government forces.

20th Feb 2020, 20:52
For ORAC: will be interesting to hear the Syrian side of that story, if it ever gets told.

In other news: first commercial flight out of Aleppo in 8 years. (I guess that's good news?)

20th Feb 2020, 21:01

Russian response here.....


Turkish response here......


27th Feb 2020, 23:42
29 probably more Turkish soldiers killed during their ongoing support of the freedom loving HTS (AQ under another name) in Syria.

All social media is shut down in Turkey and they have threatened to open the borders and let millions of refugees travel to Europe and demanded that NATO supports them. I have a funny feeling that GFY will be the response and any threat against Syria will find Russia standing right beside them.

Erdogan’s press secretary Fahrettin Altun told reporters in the early hours of Friday that Turkey is “responding” to the “illegitimate regime that has pointed the gun at our soldiers,”
Altun even described the events in Idlib as a genocide, saying Turkey will now allow the repetition of “what happened in Rwanda and Bosnia” there.

These would of course be the soldiers who invaded a sovreign country, openly supported terrorists randomly killing people. Strange when he mentions Genocide he forgets the one Turkey perpetrated on Armenians.......... but hey when your country slaughters 1.5 million people it is easy to forget.

28th Feb 2020, 06:18
Number dead now stated as more than 34. Turkish forces have started full scale ground and air attacks in response.

Turkey also calling a full NATO Council meeting today.




28th Feb 2020, 09:16
Number dead now stated as more than 34. Turkish forces have started full scale ground and air attacks in response.

Turkey also calling a full NATO Council meeting today.




Interesting that Russians have indicated the people who died were with HTS (AL Q) units, had not had their positions disclosed to Russian as per agreement to avoid being hit.

Seems like as normal Turkey is playing both sides of the street.

Lyneham Lad
28th Feb 2020, 11:19
Just published in The Times.

After years of alienating his allies, Erdogan has no one to turn to (https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/b0dad8c6-5a20-11ea-8d8f-51ad578bbcfe?shareToken=fda583f810f924d2ae65895f8409c33b)

The danger of claiming to stand alone and proud against the world comes when the world takes you at your word.

Nato was meeting in emergency session this morning and the United States is offering words of sympathy, but after years of aggressively alienating his historic allies it is hard to see where President Erdogan, the Turkish leader, can turn for help today.

He has spent years decrying Europe, spouting conspiracy theories about America trying to overthrow his country, and taking the side of the Muslim Brotherhood against Turkey’s natural pro-western Sunni Muslim allies in the Gulf and Egypt. He tore up Turkey’s sometimes uncomfortable but nevertheless useful friendship with Israel.

He told his followers — and perhaps he believed it himself — that through the mediation of a fellow populist authoritarian, President Putin, he could forge a new axis of influence, a balance of power, in the post-Arab Spring Middle East.

It was a fantasy. President Putin could offer him a certain amount of support against the Kurdish militia — the PKK — and its regional offshoots. But neither of Turkey’s neighbours to the south and east, in Damascus and Tehran, had any interest in allowing Mr Erdogan a voice in their plans for the region, and in particular in their war against Syrian rebels.

Click the link for the full article.

28th Feb 2020, 14:56
Number dead now stated as more than 34. Turkish forces have started full scale ground and air attacks in response.

Turkey has released aerial footage of the retaliatory strikes.


28th Feb 2020, 15:45
So the Russian's role is restricted to providing air strikes, not air cover for regime ground forces? Also no MANPADs etc for the guys on the ground? I know they haven't needed them in the past, but they must have known this was coming to them.

29th Feb 2020, 19:23
So the Russian's role is restricted to providing air strikes, not air cover for regime ground forces? Also no MANPADs etc for the guys on the ground? I know they haven't needed them in the past, but they must have known this was coming to them.

Even embedded Russian reporters are highlighting the impact that the Turkish armed drones are having. Auto translate can be selected on the video.


1st Mar 2020, 14:25
Turkey has shot down two Syrian jets over Idlib.


AMMAN (Reuters) - The Syrian army confirmed on Sunday two of its war planes were downed by Turkish jets after they were intercepted during a combat mission in Idlib province. Earlier, Turkey’s Defense Ministry said one of its drones had been downed on Sunday and that it had shot down two Syrian planes.

Syrian state news media had previously only said that two planes had been “targeted”, adding the pilots escaped in parachutes and were fine.


Sunday, March 1

Regime airport, jets destroyed

Turkey destroyed three air defence systems of the Syrian regime, including one that downed Turkish armed drone, Turkish Defence Ministry said.

It said two regime jets were also downed in volatile Idlib province. “Two SU-24 regime planes that were attacking our aircraft have been downed," the ministry said. Two regime warplanes were shot down by Turkey in Syrian airspace and pilots ejected with parachutes, Syrian regime confirmed.

Meanwhile, Turkish Armed Forces also bombed the regime's Nairab military airport in Aleppo province, rendering it unusable, Anadolu Agency reported.

Turkey launches Operation Spring Shield

Turkey launched a full scale military operation against Assad regime forces in northern Syria on Sunday.

Operation Spring Shield is already yielding results according to Defence Minister Hulusi Akar. He said since the operation began on February 28, 1 UAV, 8 helicopters, 103 tanks, 72 guns/howitzers/CNRA, 3 air defence systems and 2,212 regime soldiers have already been eliminated.

"We have no intention to confront Russia but we want to stop the Assad regime's massacre of civilians. Our target is only regime forces and elements attacking our troops," he added........


1st Mar 2020, 16:03
ORAC, Some of that footage in the video shows a Turkish Anka UAV being shot down from 0:42.

Some other footage showing the Su-24 Fencer crews after ejecting and in their parachutes.



Su-24 shoot down.


Wreckage of Turkish Anka S UAVs shot down.



2nd Mar 2020, 08:28

2nd Mar 2020, 14:20
Syrian Su-24 shoot down.


2nd Mar 2020, 16:23
Personally I wouldn't be dancing and waving my gun next to the wreckage of a state-of-the-art Turkish drone which my forces had just shot down. Just asking for trouble.

Also, that parachute descent must have been pretty frightening, not knowing who was going to greet you. I assume Syrian and Russian CSAR assets are non-existent? I recall the Russians ballsed-up their last(?) CSAR attempt following the 2015 shootdown.

2nd Mar 2020, 19:37
Personally I wouldn't be dancing and waving my gun next to the wreckage of a state-of-the-art Turkish drone which my forces had just shot down. Just asking for trouble.

It was those friendly Al Qaeda / HTS freedom fighters that were pictured, you know those type that were so loveable on 9/11. They believed they had shot it down.

Russia has now put Russian Military Police with SAA units, making it clear that fire on them then it is coming back at you quickly. Also SAF and RuAF have been very active today with a lot of ground lost being recovered.

US Govt has as expected told Turkey to GFY in relation to any military support. Given Turkey attitude on Incilrik this hardly a surprise and Greece vetoed any Nato agreement.

3rd Mar 2020, 20:17
Also, that parachute descent must have been pretty frightening, not knowing who was going to greet you. I assume Syrian and Russian CSAR assets are non-existent? I recall the Russians ballsed-up their last(?) CSAR attempt following the 2015 shootdown.

A Syrian Air Force L-39 Albatros was shot down today by a Turkish Air Force F-16. As you say a frightening thing to survive the shoot down and not know whose hands you are going to fall into. The pilot Major Husam Meihoub was killed on the ground. The other crew member was rescued.

4th Mar 2020, 00:52
Turkish drone background scarily well presented. Efficient and deadly, especially in coordinated swarm attacks.

Wee Weasley Welshman
4th Mar 2020, 04:40
Swarms of drones:




4th Mar 2020, 14:12
WWW: FWIW: the US and the Chinese have been working on and developing practical drone swarm concepts for at least five years (and likely for a lot longer than that).
That the Turks are developing an organic drone capability and one of their sharp engineers/scientists researched drone swarms while studying in the US is, IMO, good for them, and rough on their various foes.
(The link that jolihokistix provided is good stuff)

4th Mar 2020, 14:26
Did someone say drone swarm?


6th Mar 2020, 16:03
The Turkish military has killed 21 Syrian troops after two Turkish soldiers were killed in Idlib earlier, the state news agency reported on Friday, citing the Turkish defence ministry.

On Thursday, two soldiers were killed and three others were wounded after Syrian government forces opened fire in the north-western Syrian town of Idlib, the Turkish defence ministry said. The statement from the ministry early on Friday morning also said that it destroyed two artillery pieces and two missile launchers.

It came hours after Turkey agreed a ceasefire in the area with (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/05/russia-and-turkey-agree-ceasefire-in-syrias-idlib-province)Russia following weeks of deadly exchanges between the two countries’ military forces in the war-torn region.

The ceasefire deal between agreed between the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, and his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, at the Kremlin on Thursday came into effect at midnight in Idlib.......

8th Apr 2020, 21:22
Both snuck out whilst the world is otherwise distracted.....


Syrian regime blamed for sarin gas attacks in landmark UN report


UN: 'Highly probable' Syria gov't and allies attacked hospitals

8th Apr 2020, 22:54
Who do you believe?

Not having a go at you Orac. The web of truth is twisted.

9th Apr 2020, 21:12
Both snuck out whilst the world is otherwise distracted.....


Syrian regime blamed for sarin gas attacks in landmark UN report


UN: 'Highly probable' Syria gov't and allies attacked hospitals

That well known Assad hater Peter Hitchens has been highlighting this for months where OPCW reports handed to US "diplomats" for their review before publication. Also how the actual experts from OPCW are abused, sidelined and dismissed because they are clear the evidence doesn't match the claims made by their bosses.

6th May 2020, 07:05

Israeli jets hit Iran‑linked research base in Aleppo

Israel has stepped up its bombardment of military sites linked to Iran and Hezbollah in Syria, with a top-secret research base the latest target.

Heavy raids near Aleppo and in the east of Syria on Monday night killed a number of fighters from militias linked to Iran, according to local reports.

The target in Aleppo was said to be a building belonging to the Scientific Studies and Research Centre, one of the two main bases for Syria (https://www.thetimes.co.uk/topic/syria)’s chemical and biological warfare programmes. The site is also thought to be a key research centre for Iran’s missile development programme, and a transit point for the supply of missiles to the Iran-backed Lebanese militia Hezbollah........

The target in eastern Syria, near Mayadeen, was less clear. However, it is on the main route used by Iranian-backed militias to cross from Iraq to Syria. Fourteen fighters, both Iraqi and Iranian, were said to have been killed in the strikes.......

The raids were the fifth and sixth in the past two weeks by Israel inside Syria. Iran has made little response.

3rd Jun 2020, 12:40
Looks like the Russians are back in business, air strike in Syria. (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/first-russian-strikes-in-3-months-hit-nw-syria-monitor/ar-BB14XYt4?ocid=spartandhp)Russian air strikes have hit Syria's last major rebel bastion for the first time since a March ceasefire came into force, a war monitor said on Wednesday. The Russian strikes on Tuesday evening and at dawn on Wednesday hit an area of the northwest where the boundaries of Hama, Idlib and Latakia provinces meet, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

The Hayat Tahrir al-Sham alliance (HTS), led by Syria's former Al-Qaeda affiliate, and its hardline allies enjoy a significant presence in the area, the Britain-based monitoring group added. https://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/470x389/nw_syria_8d3b1ddf56ef073323549ef5ebe9576d72b90e23.jpg
(I dropped in a quick map for context; attribution for original map is here (https://www.worldometers.info/img/maps/syria_political_map.gif)).

15th Jun 2020, 08:25

Hellfire R9X still active in Syria...

19th Aug 2020, 07:01
Confusion over whether they were shot down or collided. I would have thought they’d have been procedurally separated in height operating in the same area.


Two US drones collide and crash over Idlib, Syria, defense official says

19th Aug 2020, 07:52

Russian General Killed, Two Troops Injured in Roadside Blast in Syria

A Russian major-general was killed and two troops were injured in Syria Tuesday after vehicles they were traveling in were hit by an improvised explosive device (IED), the Russian Ministry of Defence has announced.

The blast was said to have taken place near the At-Taim oil field, about 15 km outside the city of Deir ez-Zor, with the Russian convoy said to have been hit while returning from a humanitarian action........

19th Aug 2020, 18:06
Confusion over whether they were shot down or collided.
I would have thought they’d have been procedurally separated in height operating in the same area.
Two US drones collide and crash over Idlib, Syria, defense official says (https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2020/08/18/two-us-drones-collide-and-crash-over-idlib-syria-defense-official-says/) \
Procedural separation is no guarantee of collision avoidance.
Friend of mine died in one such collision in 1991 off of the coast of San Diego (https://www.vpnavy.com/vp50mem_04dec98.html).

18th Apr 2022, 15:09
While pushed off of the front page, there are still things going on in Syria (https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2022/04/15/us-military-changes-explanation-of-attack-on-base-in-syria/) ...(The picture with the article shows M2A3 Bradlys: so 'boots on the ground' in Syria remains a reality if those are still there (reported to have been delivered in January of this year, off loaded from C-17's. <= Aviation Content! :ok: ).
The U.S. military says explosions earlier this month on a base in eastern Syria that injured several U.S. service members (https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2022/04/07/four-us-troops-injured-in-rocket-attack-on-base-in-syria/) were not, as it originally reported, caused by artillery or another form of indirect fire. Instead, it is now believed the April 7 attack was carried out by the “deliberate placement of explosive charges” by one or more individuals at an ammunition holding area and shower facility on the base, according to a statement issued Thursday by Combined Joint Task Force – Inherent Resolve (https://www.militarytimes.com/global/the-americas/2022/04/11/for-americas-security-aid-programs-who-will-run-the-show/), the command that oversees U.S. military operations against the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq...The reference to “deliberate placement” of explosive charges on the base appeared to raise the prospect of infiltration and a lapse of base security, or perhaps even to an insider attack.
The U.S. has several hundred troops in eastern Syria as part of its effort to counter the Islamic State group (https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-army/2022/04/14/isis-member-convicted-for-role-in-americans-deaths-including-an-ex-army-ranger/).
"Clever saboteurs" or "inside job" :confused:

Saw a few other items on the web about the Russians slowing or canceling their troop rotation in Syria thanks to their attack into Ukraine. That would (oddly) mean that an area for cooperation between Russia and 'The West" as regards Islamic State (who are not quite done in Syria, if the linked article is accurate) gets scuppered (if true) in the near term.
Granted, I am not sure how much cooperation has been ongoing of late between 'the West' and Russia in Syria, but I would have thought that DAESH/ISIS/IS (whatever you wanna call them) would be a common foe regardless of how much one likes, or dislikes, Mr Assad.

6th Jun 2022, 06:11
Erdogan isn’t calling a “special military operation”, but you get the idea…


There are Unconfirmed reports that the renewed Turkish Invasion of Syria has begun, Armored Columns being supported by Air Assets and Artillery are Claimed to have crossed the Turkish Border into Northern Syria moments ago, Kurdish Forces are reportedly moving to intercept.

There are also reports that Kurdish and Syrian Military Forces have created a Unified Command in order to Hold-Off a Turkish Invasion, this creates a worrying situation since Russia supports the Syrian Government, this could put Turkish and Russian Troops in Open Hostilities.…


Russia Raises Military Alert in Syria Over Turkish Operation


Turkey Calims to have “Neutralised” 16 “terrorists in Northern Syria

3rd Jul 2022, 21:46
Heard this on the radio Friday morning, have seen very little coverage since.
Israeli jets did a daytime raid along the Syrian coast just north of the border between Syria and Lebanon.
No comment from Israel what they were shooting/bombing a"largely controlled by Russia"There was no comment from the Israel Defense Forces, in line with its policy of not generally commenting on air raids in the country.

Quoting a military source, SANA said the missiles were launched by Israeli fighter jets over the Mediterranean Sea, west of the north Lebanon city of Tripoli, at the Syrian town of al-Hamidiyah, south of Tartus. According to SANA, “poultry farms” were targeted in the airstrike, and two civilians were hurt. Their conditions were not immediately clear. Damage was also caused to the site. Syria often claims targets of Israeli strikes as being non-military.

4th Jul 2022, 08:23
Someone was launching drones aimed at the offshore oil drilling rig (s) over the weekend

21st Nov 2022, 18:11
Turks have launched air strikes into Syria and Northern Iraq, with the usual target - Kurds- as their object (https://www.military.com/daily-news/2022/11/20/turkey-strikes-syria-iraq-week-after-istanbul-bombing.html).
Rationale: bomb attack in Istanbul last week. ISTANBUL (AP) — Turkey launched airstrikes over northern regions of Syria and Iraq, the Turkish Defense Ministry said Sunday, targeting Kurdish groups that Ankara holds responsible for last week’s bomb attack in Istanbul. Warplanes attacked bases of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, and the Syrian People’s Protection Units, or YPG, the ministry said in a statement, which was accompanied by images of F-16 jets taking off and footage of a strike from an aerial drone.

The ministry cited Turkey's right to self defense under Article 51 of the United Nations Charter in launching an operation it called Claw-Sword late Saturday. It said it was targeting areas “used as a base by terrorists in their attacks on our country.” Turkey said it was seeking to prevent attacks, secure its southern border and “destroy terrorism at its source.”
The airstrikes came after a bomb rocked a bustling avenue in the heart of Istanbul on Nov. 13, killing six people and wounding over 80 others. Turkish authorities blamed the attack on the PKK and its Syrian affiliate the YPG. The Kurdish militant groups have, however, denied involvement.
Ankara and Washington both consider the PKK a terror group, but disagree on the status of the YPG. Under the banner of the Syrian Democratic Forces, the YPG has been allied with the U.S. in the fight against the Islamic State group in Syria.

14th Jun 2023, 20:31
HH-60G Chinook down in Syria.
22 personnel, no fatalities reported, some flown to Landstuhl after the crash.
Reported to have been "shortly after takeoff"
Also from the various reports, takeoff was during the hours of darkness.

14th Jun 2023, 21:15
HH-60G Chinook down in Syria.
22 personnel, no fatalities reported, some flown to Landstuhl after the crash.
Reported to have been "shortly after takeoff"
Also from the various reports, takeoff was during the hours of darkness.

HH-60G Chinook?

That can only possibly be half right.

15th Jun 2023, 07:05
22 in a HH-60 would be a bit crowded, but doable in a pinch.

6th Jul 2023, 20:53
It would appear that "HH-47G" was not spelled correctly. Oops.

In other news, USAF F-22's heading back to Syria. The Russians and Americans are giving each other a hard time over issues in Syrian air space.
F-22 stealth fighter jets are back in the Middle East as a US commander warns of 'buffoonery' by Russian pilots (msn.com) (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/f-22-stealth-fighter-jets-are-back-in-the-middle-east-as-a-us-commander-warns-of-buffoonery-by-russian-pilots/ar-AA1dtD3s?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=21be7445a76242e6a7ebac6fef26d29a&ei=17)

US Air Force F-22 stealth fighter jets were redeployed to the Middle East in mid-June
Their redeployment comes amid repeated cases of aggressive flying by Russian air force pilots.
That reflects the history of tension between the US and Russia in the region, especially over Syria.

The US Air Force's top commander in the Middle East warned in June of increasingly aggressive actions by Russian fighter pilots over Syria. It was only the latest warning of such activity, and it reflects a long history of contentious interactions between US and Russian forces in Syria that will persist amid broader tensions, experts say.

Lt. Gen. Alexus Grynkewich, commander of US Air Forces Central Command, said on June 21 (https://www.state.gov/special-online-press-briefing-with-lieutenant-general-alexus-grynkewich-united-states-air-force/) that Russian fighter pilots are behaving more aggressively over Syria and suggested it might be "a way to compensate for the fact that they have had to move capability and capacity out of Syria in order to support the war in Ukraine."

Speaking to reporters last month, Grynkewich pointed to a mid-March incident in which a Russian fighter jet struck an American MQ-9 Reaper drone, forcing it down in the Black Sea.

The pilot was rewarded for that action, proving that Russia encourages such "unprofessional behavior," Grynkewich said. "So any time you have an air force that has fallen so low on the professional ladder that they're giving medals for buffoonery in the air, you've really got to wonder what they're thinking."
The F-22 redeployment is "part of a multifaceted show of US support and capability in the wake of what I would deem increasingly unsafe and unprofessional behavior" by Russian aircraft in Syria, Grynkewich said, arguing it was necessary because of Russia's increasing "unprofessional behavior" and its pilots "flying in a more assertive manner against us."

7th Jul 2023, 08:42
Speaking of which…. (Video in link)


​​​​​​​A U.S. Air Force MQ-9 “Reaper” Drone was Buzzed and had Flares dropped on it by Russian Military Aircraft earlier today over Syria; this is the 2nd Incident to occur involving Russian and U.S. Aircraft over Syria in the last 48 Hours with yesterdays Incident taking place in a claimed Russian “Restricted Zone” near the Iraq-Syrian Border and involving 3 Russian Su-35s dropping Flares and using their Afterburners on the Drone.

7th Jul 2023, 15:22
It would appear that "HH-47G" was not spelled correctly. Oops.

In other news, USAF F-22's heading back to Syria. The Russians and Americans are giving each other a hard time over issues in Syrian air space.
F-22 stealth fighter jets are back in the Middle East as a US commander warns of 'buffoonery' by Russian pilots (msn.com) (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/f-22-stealth-fighter-jets-are-back-in-the-middle-east-as-a-us-commander-warns-of-buffoonery-by-russian-pilots/ar-AA1dtD3s?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=21be7445a76242e6a7ebac6fef26d29a&ei=17)

You mean MH-47G thats what the Nightstalkers use..


31st Aug 2023, 15:21


A Jordanian airstrike has been reported overnight near the town of al-Ghariyah in the Suwayda province.

The strike targeted a farm that was likely used by Syrian regime/Iran-tied drug smugglers.


31st Aug 2023, 17:28
And there was a recent Israeli hit on an airport as well.
Iran warns Israel that it will face retaliation for its airstrike on Syria | AP News (https://apnews.com/article/iran-hossein-amirabdollahian-israel-syria-aleppo-airstrike-0b8a08d8b3b4595799e5f405a09633b6)On Monday, an Israeli airstrike damaged Aleppo's airport, putting the runway out of service. The airport has been targeted several times this year, including two attacks in March that also put it out of service.

Israel has carried out hundreds of strikes on targets inside government-controlled parts of Syria in recent years but it rarely acknowledges or discusses the operations. Often the strikes target Syrian military forces or Iranian-backed groups.

5th Oct 2023, 22:57

In case anyone missed it:

A U.S. fighter jet shot down a Turkish drone over NE #Syria earlier today -- I've had that confirmed by a senior U.S. official.….



6th Oct 2023, 15:17
Appears the Turks did not take too kindly to that.
Turkey Escalates Syria Airstrikes After US Downs Its Drone - Bloomberg (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-10-06/turkey-hits-kurd-militia-in-syria-after-us-downs-its-armed-drone?srnd=politics-vp#xj4y7vzkg)

October 5, 2023 at 10:22 PM CDT Updated on October 6, 2023 at 6:47 AM CDT Turkey intensified airstrikes on America’s Kurdish allies in Syria after the US shot down a Turkish drone in the region, a rare instance of two NATO allies coming into conflict and which led the lira to weaken. Turkish air raids targeting militants in northern Syria add to tensions between Ankara and Washington. They have been at odds over American support for armed groups ...
American commentator: With Friends like Turkey, who needs enemies?
Turkish commentator: With Friends like America, who needs enemies?
Kurdish commentator: while you two bicker, we're still fooked.

6th Oct 2023, 15:32
Syrian military graduation ceremony hit by drone attack, some say 115 dead amongst the recruits and families.

Syria war: Dozens killed in drone attack on graduation ceremony - BBC News (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-67017010?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA)

6th Oct 2023, 16:05
Oh dear. How sad.

8th Nov 2023, 23:26
The fun continues in Syria. Various Iranian proxies are getting some iron raindrops delivered.
From ABC news.
The U.S. military on Wednesday said American warplanes struck a weapons storage facility in eastern Syria that officials said was being used by Iran-backed militants responsible for dozens of drone and rocket attacks against American troops in the region over the last three weeks.

It was the second such strike in the past two weeks.

"Today, at President Biden’s direction, U.S. military forces conducted a self-defense strike on a facility in eastern Syria used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and affiliated groups," Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in a statement. "This strike was conducted by two U.S. F-15s against a weapons storage facility. This precision self-defense strike is a response to a series of attacks against U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria by IRGC-Quds Force affiliates. The President has no higher priority than the safety of U.S. personnel, and he directed today’s action to make clear that the United States will defend itself, its personnel, and its interests.

"The United States is fully prepared to take further necessary measures to protect our people and our facilities. We urge against any escalation. U.S. personnel will continue to conduct counter-ISIS missions in Iraq and Syria," he said.
"Between October 17 and November 7 ... U.S. forces have been attacked at least 40 times," Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh said on Tuesday.

More than half of those attacks came after Oct. 27, when U.S. fighter jets struck two weapons and ammunition facilities in eastern Syria that officials said were used by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and affiliated groups
So far, 46 U.S. service members have been identified with signs of traumatic brain injuries, or minor wounds such as perforated eardrums, tinnitus and rolled ankles, Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder told reporters Monday.

Most troops have returned to duty, but two were taken to U.S. hospital facilities in Landstuhl, Germany, for further examination and care, Ryder said.

In a statement following the Oct. 26 American counterstrikes, Austin blamed the Iranian regime for the attacks on U.S. forces, and vowed further action if the aggression were to continue.

"Iran wants to hide its hand and deny its role in these attacks against our forces. We will not let them. If attacks by Iran's proxies against U.S. forces continue, we will not hesitate to take further necessary measures to protect our people," he said.

"Part of any good defense is a good offense, and to respond to the near constant attacks by Iranian-backed and directed groups in a manner that deters further attacks," said Mick Mulroy, former deputy assistant secretary of defense for the Middle East and an ABC contributor.

14th Nov 2023, 22:43
Explosions reported near the U.S. Embassy in the “Green Zone” of Baghdad, Iraq; this is 2nd Attack on US troops in the region within the last 24 hours with an attack haven taken place against the Conoco gas fields in Eastern Syria earlier yesterday morning.

14th Nov 2023, 22:43
Explosions reported near the U.S. Embassy in the “Green Zone” of Baghdad, Iraq.

This is 2nd attack on US troops in the region within the last 24 hours with an attack haven taken place against the Conoco gas fields in Eastern Syria earlier yesterday morning.

15th Nov 2023, 12:39
Explosions reported near the U.S. Embassy in the “Green Zone” of Baghdad, Iraq. Just like the good old days in the 00's ... almost makes me nostalgic. Almost. :p Same stuff, different day.

5th Jan 2024, 07:49
Aircraft of the Royal Jordanian Air Force have reportedly conducted at least two waves of airstrikes on warehouses and facilities linked to Iranian and Assad-backed smugglers, near the town of al-Ghariyah al-Gharbiyah in south western Syria.


Jordan says it foiled plot by Iran-linked drug smugglers

AMMAN, Dec 18 (Reuters) - Jordan's army said it foiled a plot on Monday by dozens of infiltrators from Syria linked to pro-Iranian militias, who crossed its border with rocket launchers, anti-personnel mines and explosives.

State broadcaster al Mamlaka said the army blew up a vehicle laden with explosives as it resisted the biggest armed cross-border operation to smuggle weapons and drugs in recent years.

The army earlier said the infiltrators had fled back across the border after injuring several army personnel in the latest of several major incursions since the start of the month that has left one Jordanian soldier and at least a dozen smugglers dead.

Intelligence sources said Jordanian jets launched rare raids into its northern neighbour Syria against hideouts of Iranian-backed drug smugglers in retaliation against the smuggling operation. read more (https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/jordan-strikes-iran-linked-drugs-smugglers-southern-syria-sources-2023-12-18/)

They said the bombing targeted homes of leading drug dealers and farms that intelligence showed were safe houses for the heavily armed traffickers who have also used drones to drop their hauls.

Earlier officials had said the Jordanian army was considering conducting pre-emptive strikes inside Syria against those militias linked to the drug trade and their facilities in a bid to stem what they say is an alarming rise in cross-border incursions.

Jordanian officials, like their Western allies, say that Lebanon's Iran-backed Hezbollah group and pro-Iranian militias who control much of southern Syria were behind a surge in drug and weapons smuggling.

"Jordan knows the country that stands behind this. It's Iran that is sponsoring these militias. These are hostile military actions against Jordan on its territory," said Samih Maayteh, a former minister briefed by officials on developments.

9th Apr 2024, 13:59

NOW: Pascale Sleiman, who was kidnapped earlier this week, has been found dead in Syria.

He was a prominent leader within the Christian anti-Hezbollah Lebanese Forces Party. This is a serious conflagration waiting to happen — all eyes on Lebanon.

Official story right now is that Sleiman was attacked and abducted by a "Syrian gang." Who exactly this is pinned on in the coming days will be of the most consequence.

Lebanese Forces calls Pascale Sleiman's killing a "political assassination." No mention of Hezbollah in the statement.
