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tipsy.skipsy 16th Dec 2011 20:44

you must come up with a download all button for all the maps & charts & other data.

Avgas172 17th Dec 2011 20:46

you must come up with a download all button for all the maps & charts & other data.
What he said......Good idea! (do you guys get any sleep?)

Shagpile 17th Dec 2011 22:04

What he said......Good idea! (do you guys get any sleep?)
No probs - I'll chuck it in for next release!

Geeks don't sleep!

rjtjrt 17th Dec 2011 22:27

One of the best parts of Ozrunways is the attitude of the developers.
Instead of defaulting to a reason why they can't do something, they default to finding a way of doing it.
Very impressive.

VH-XXX 17th Dec 2011 22:33

Do you actually NEED a download all button?

Unless you're flying a Citation around the country probably not. Remember it costs the OZRunways guys for bandwidth and will keep costs down if you only download what you need.

A better idea might be a "favorites" option where you select the maps you want once off and it downloads those ones each time a map update is required.

Ditto on he attitude of these guys. No empty promises and airey-fairey ideas on something that will never come to fruition.

hillbillybob 18th Dec 2011 07:41

when the new updates come out a button that grabs all the maps that you had for the previous cycle would be a winner

Power 19th Dec 2011 11:13

Found an issue with the search function on the airfields tab. If I go to the AIP tab and use the search function, then revert back to the airfields tab, the airfields tab search doesnt work, I have to re-start the app to get it to work again.
On Ipad2 with 5.01 and latest ozrunways.

VH-XXX 20th Dec 2011 00:51

Was alerted to an issue on the weekend.

If you have a few waypoints in the plan, then add in a waypoint it will modify the green flight path etc, but when the waypoint is removed again it will break the flight plan and you have to re-do it again.

no oil pressure 27th Dec 2011 09:36

Hi All,

Just wondering if this app/iPad combo is up for the rigours of everyday flying use. I like the look of the application and am very tempted in going for an iPad. I'm just wondering if it will replace my trusty Garmin 96 that I have used for ever and a day?

bradleygolding 27th Dec 2011 09:46

Hi Folks,

Is there any way that you can orient the maps to the direction of travel?


triton140 27th Dec 2011 23:53

Originally Posted by bradleygolding (Post 6922318)
Hi Folks,

Is there any way that you can orient the maps to the direction of travel?


Just tap the location symbol (the circle with the four tick marks inside that you press to centre the map on your location) in the lower left twice - if it's blue, then it's North up, if it's magenta it's track up.

Power 16th Jan 2012 10:03

download all button please

tipsy.skipsy 17th Jan 2012 00:05

The Mighty Creators of the realm OzRunways - Please bless us with the gift of a DOWNLOAD ALL button. :8 :} You gave us 2.6 ---- all we ask for is a download all button for all the maps and charts and all other data.

VH-XXX 17th Jan 2012 01:10

Unless you are piloting a Citation X I can't see why you would need a download all button?

Perhaps a "favourite" maps set up would be better where I can select my 5 favourite maps or similar and press download all favourites.

Remember if everyone downloads all every time an update comes out it puts massive strain in terms of bandwidth and costs into the developers, thus he subscription costs would have to increase.

tipsy.skipsy 17th Jan 2012 02:59

Unless you are piloting a Citation X I can't see why you would need a download all button?
VH-XXX , the DOWNLOAD ALL button feature has been requested because there is a need for it. Maybe there can be an option for both i.e.

select multiple / select all - download multiple / download all option.

for all maps and data.

baswell 17th Jan 2012 03:01

Guys, it's still on our list, but we reckon we have more important things to still do! (Like more stability and planning features.)

We'll get to it, promise.

VH-XXX 17th Jan 2012 03:07

VH-XXX , the DOWNLOAD ALL button feature has been requested because there is a need for it.
Understood it has been requested, I just don't know why anyone would NEED every VTC, VNC, inset and DAP for the WHOLE country.

The select / de-select option certainly seems logical.

Good idea to not have "download all" unless you are on wireless otherwise you might have a huge data bill coming your way!

tipsy.skipsy 17th Jan 2012 07:28

Guys, it's still on our list, but we reckon we have more important things to still do! (Like more stability and planning features.)

We'll get to it, promise.

baswell ,

1) when can we expect a major update ?

2) when can we expect a minor update ?

3) are you planning to include NZ / PNG maps and data ?

Shagpile 18th Jan 2012 12:01

**drum roll**

I wrote a download-all button today! Will be in next release which will be AWESOME (we've just spent all week day & night coding to add a bunch of new cool stuff).

PNG maps: I don't have any that are not copyright Commonwealth Australia.
NZ maps: AirwaysNZ aren't playing the game yet. Still bugging them.

Expect a major update in a few weeks hopefully. More work/testing needs to be done on our new stuff before release.

tipsy.skipsy 18th Jan 2012 18:04


HURRAY we are getting a download all button !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :}

Thank you , Very Much !!

Capt Claret 18th Jan 2012 20:25

As the risk of appearing ungrateful, like VH-XXX I too would prefer a favourites button for charts.

Please. :}

Shagpile 18th Jan 2012 22:37

For downloading or accessing? Comment on the best idea for accessing:

#1 Most commonly used maps are highlighted in the list so they grab your eye.
#2 Most commonly used maps are brought to top of each category.
#3 Add map to favorites button and have a fav submenu alongside TAC,VTC etc.

Problem with #3 is it adds more buttons and makes the app more complex and we don't have that much space left to add more buttons...

VH-XXX 18th Jan 2012 22:56

I think we're both talking about downloading of our favourite maps Shags.

If I'm based in Melbourne, I need Melbourne VTC, VTC inset, VNC, WAC and Planning Chart south, plus ERSA.

I have no desire to download "all" of the maps if I only need those ones. a. it takes a fair while b. uses my bandwidth c. does you no favours.

As I said earlier I can't see the need for ALL of the maps.

Maybe if there was a checkbox or similar next to the maps I wanted to download I could pre-select them once off. Any additional ones I might need for a trip, I just download them individually or select the checkbox next to them.

I also talked to Bas about another feature I liked. Rings around CTAF's or similar set to a specific distance that I need to worry about them in if I'm cruising past. The Garmin 296 does this - you can set a 10 mile proximity ring around an airport for example. Otherwise if I'm travelling from airport A to airport B and I pass alongside airport C, unless I click on airport C to see the distance, I have no way of knowing how far from it I am.

Capt Claret 18th Jan 2012 23:25


#3 works best for me. Though if you can accommodate XXX's suggestion of a (mostly) one-off check box to select favourites, that'd be better.

I rarely travel south of a line CNS-PER, so may never need southern charts but I want access to them if & when needed.

VH-XXX 18th Jan 2012 23:52

Oh dear, welcome to the world of I.T., I've possibly been talking about something completely different!

#1 or #2 I'd like, great idea. I've noticed when you are changing maps that you can scroll down and miss the correct map without realising, so good idea. Or #4, Maybe even say the top 5 frequently used maps could appear at the top of the list when you press on maps.

All of my other comments around favourite maps were specifically around downloading of maps, in the download section. In theory though if you had a checkbox in there for downloading favourites, then maybe those maps selected by checkbox could then be highlighted in another colour in the main map selection pop-up if you chose option #1 or alternatively they could appear at the top of the list as per option #2 or #4.

tipsy.skipsy 19th Jan 2012 00:00

#1 or #2 I'd like, great idea. I've noticed when you are changing maps that you can scroll down and miss the correct map without realising, so good idea. Or #4, Maybe even say the top 5 frequently used maps could appear at the top of the list when you press on maps.

All of my other comments around favourite maps were specifically around downloading of maps, in the download section. In theory though if you had a checkbox in there for downloading favourites, then maybe those maps selected by checkbox could then be highlighted in another colour in the main map selection pop-up if you chose option #1 or alternatively they could appear at the top of the list as per option #2 or #4.
:confused: super confused please simplify

baswell 19th Jan 2012 00:20

How about this:

Every time you hit "download" on a map, we remember this, automagically adding them to favourites.

At the top of the screen, there will be a button "favourites", which shows the list of favourites and a "download favourites" button, which does just that.

You can also "swipe to delete" on the favourites list.

The advantage of doing "auto favourites" is that we don't need to add any new buttons to add favourites and clutter up the interface.

So at the next map cycle, you can quickly download all the same maps you downloaded this time.

Capt Claret 19th Jan 2012 00:31



Did ya have a good 'oliday?

added 'cause a thumbs up weren't enough.

VH-XXX 19th Jan 2012 00:38


Yes Please!

tipsy.skipsy 20th Jan 2012 07:39

OzRunways - Slow + Inaccurate
Firstly it is a very good effort , :D

Secondly , It can be improved a lot - and surely needs a lot more work.

My "Totally Personal Opinion" on OzRunways ,

Here's what I did ,

1) Full Retore of my iPad 1 64Gb 3G. ( Now runs IOS 5.0.1)

2) Only non-deafault app installed is OzRunways.

3) Made sure the only app running is OzRunways.

My Experience with the software.

1) It is a very good effort , nicely put together.

2) I felt it to be slow , less responsive.

3) Takes too long to update the maps's charts etc

4) Once all the maps are downloaded it takes a bit longer than I like to load and be functional.

5) The stability of the software is not good - the app kept on crashing at intervals during the 1 month trial.

NOTE :- This post will be edited by adding more experiences of mine with this software in the future.

MilFlyer 20th Jan 2012 08:30

You should be trying AvPlan. Australian flight planning app / moving map for the iPad. More reliable and capable in my opinion. It's available in the ITunes App store. You can also purchase the subscription online at a substantial discount.


tipsy.skipsy 20th Jan 2012 08:40

Thanks MilFlyer ,

I have tried AvPlan but IMHO ,

It faces a lot more issues with responsiveness and the interface , AvPlan developers put a reasonable effort in improving the stability of the program.

I would like both the software developers to improve the performance / stability of their software a lot more.

I personally prefer the user interface of OzRunways over AvPlan.

MilFlyer 20th Jan 2012 08:57

Perhaps it's a 'what you're used to thing'. I prefer the AvPlan interface. Must say AvPlan is reliable-never had it quit yet and works great with my external GPS

sprocket check 20th Jan 2012 09:11

iPad 1 Tipsy? Almost 2 generations behind...

The CPU in iPad 1 was great for its time, and OzRunway I am sure does't get much testing by the developers on a dinosaur.

OzRunways=heavy GPU usage, heavy math usage, high cpu load overall and network, GPS, BT to boot. Don't forget all these devices, be it Apple, Samsung, etc have a useable life (technology-wise) of around 2 years max.

my 2 c

tipsy.skipsy 20th Jan 2012 09:38

sprocket check

I know , I live in the dark ages when it comes to technology. I had bought the iPad and rarely used it till I discovered OzRunways a few months ago.

Pre-OzRunways Discovery , it was just movie , music , books surfing on the iPad.

Post-Ozrunways Discovery , the iPad got a daily workout for about a month till the free period ran out. :\ so now being a Tech Dino , to make the best of what I have.

iPad 1 + OzRunways ... hoping to make it work to its best.

Still I don't see why iPad 1 can't handle OzRunways on it own superbly , if it is the only application running.

VH-XXX 20th Jan 2012 09:47

I find a big difference between mucking around with it at home or getting it out for a quick fiddle when flying, versus mounting it on the windscreen and using it as it was intended and letting it do its' thing over a longer flight. Both apps seem to get a little confused sometimes particularly if switching between screens and rushing things, but much better on the iPad 2 and crashing is far more un-likely.

One chap at my airport was complaining about Ozrunways saying it was crashing and doing silly things, however once I saw him using it I noticed he was doing silly things, like accidentally clicking on the scratch pad, accidentally clicking on flight plans etc. Not saying that's what you're doing but it reinforces my point of letting it be and doing its' thing.

One thing that also tends to happen is you accidentally click on things if you are manually handling the iPad versus having it mounted on the windscreen or kneeboard.

tipsy.skipsy 20th Jan 2012 10:41

It always has been on the knee board after the 3rd flight.

the knee board improves the experience. I have always made sure that I accidentally do not press anything / button.

after taking precautions like these still I feel it needs a lot of improvement when it comes to performance and stability.

I would really like to see more features such as download all button , but I would prefer stability and performance improvements to happen as a priority over feature addition.

lurker999 20th Jan 2012 11:34


I wont speak for the devs but i suspect oz.runways is optimised for the latest revision of the hardware. at this point the ipad 2

the difference in processing power between the 1 and the 2 is huge.

the 2 has double the RAM. the processor jump is 2X. the GPU, well that's a completely different class, a couple of generation jump.

"Apple states that the CPU is twice as powerful and the GPU up to seven times as powerful as its predecessor, the Apple A4" AnandTech - Apple iPad 2 GPU Performance Explored: PowerVR SGX543MP2 Benchmarked

there are many apps that will not run on an ipad 1 that run happily on a 2. just like there are apps that run happily on a iphone4/4s that will not load on an iphone 3.

tipsy.skipsy 20th Jan 2012 12:05

OzRunways 2.0 has come a long way since its predecessor , but the iPad 1 is still an impressive piece of hardware and used by many OzRunways users " I assume ".

My request / hope is to persuade the developers of this software to make sure that it runs perfectly fine on all available hardware including iPad 1.

Shagpile 20th Jan 2012 21:12

The CPU in iPad 1 was great for its time, and OzRunway I am sure does't get much testing by the developers on a dinosaur.
Actually I only have an iPad1, and Neil & Bas own both.

The thing that crashes OzRunways after a lot of heavy use on iPad1 is the available memory. With only 256mb, probably 100-150mb usable, it is a miracle that we can even get this sort of app running. Firefox uses probably quadruple this amount just reading news.

When it starts running low on memory, iOS sends a bunch of messages to your app telling it that it is getting low on memory. OzRunways kills all the non-visible views until all that is left is what you're looking at.

Now here's the killer; I've done extensive testing & OzRunways has zero memory leaks yet the memory usage still goes up after using for a while. I suspect that the Apple drawing routines have a bug which I'm still investigating. There may be a way around it (different way of drawing) which I'm going to be trialling shortly.

-> Download-all button [done]
-> Choose maps only where you are [done]
-> Download all favourite maps [I'll write this week].

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