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Old 6th Feb 2003, 22:32
  #21 (permalink)  
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Your advice is warranted, but Id say Cambodia would be no different than PNG, or other similair Struggling Nations with regards to security etc. I myself work in a country that has the highest murder rate in the world, that out ranks countries like South Africa and the U.S.. I wont disclose where I am but, one clue, It is a Major if not the most popular U.S. getaway destination during Winter. Sounds impossible but its true.

Generally I would agree when working in these countries as 772 has said, dont over invest, make sure you use offshore banking or ensure you can transfer your foreign currency out at a drop of hat. With the way the world is going at the moment. Banks and alike are starting to look shaky in alot of these nations. Especially with impending war, take care with your money people.
Argentina for example is in Dire Straits and you cant get your Money from the Banks. Even large Banks in Beunous Airies like HSBC have closed causing mass revolt by the locals.

Despite all that, Id luv to atleast send a resume. Is there a website guys I can use?


Last edited by Sheep Guts; 6th Feb 2003 at 22:43.
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Old 7th Feb 2003, 10:09
  #22 (permalink)  
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Sheepie, I don't want to dissuade you, but they are Qeed up. Those who saw the first post on this thread and bolted in got a start, and most of the FOs are in fact Captains waiting for a hole to crawl into (aren't we all waiting for that?)
I think they'll employ some local Cambodians from Royal Air Cambodge as well, so there will be a long list. The second aircraft is on the drawing board, and business is looking good so far. Singapore and KL are on line as is the only Cambodian port outside PP. Loads are increasing slowly.
Thanks for the advice on offshore banking etc. We new guys to this expat thing can do with all the help we can get to keep the loot from the clutches of Mr Carmody. Increasingly more difficult though - more than 51 days in Oz, and you have to contribute to the losers who refuse to work and want to be carried for their entire lives.
I'll get my finances in order, and the house on the river has reached plans stage. I know there are better waterfronts in the world than the Tonle Sap River, but it's all we've got.
KaptinM, I've finally met the principal financier/partner. Decent bloke. I mentioned your name but it drew a blank stare. Perhaps it's a lesser investor you know. I'll seek him out.
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Old 22nd Mar 2003, 09:10
  #23 (permalink)  
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Any news from any Mekong Airlines drivers on how things are going.

One newspaper report said Mekong were planning a service to HKG from PNH but I have not seen them as yet.

Hope they can hang on a bit longer.
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Old 28th Mar 2003, 13:15
  #24 (permalink)  
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My fuirst time here for weeks, but yes, the HKG service has started, and the loads are good. I flew it last week, and about 80% average,which is not all bad on a 104 seat aircraft. Other routes' loads are picking up nicely, and a full house to/from Siem Reap in the north is not unusual.
It's looking good here. The beer's still sweet and the ladies are still pretty.
I reckon we have about the best looking bunch of FAs anywhere, including the local version of Miss World. She is just magnificent.
Beautiful FAs don't keep an airline in business though, sofull flights are what we need. The publicity machine has kicked in well and hopefully the loads will increase even fjurther.
Word is that we should ghave another aircraft within acouple of months. Heard that AN had a billion bucks in the bank a week before it fell over too, and that they'd be flying 747-400s around the globe within a year, so I'm not starry eyed about it.
We just all hope it keeps on as it is and improved, and indications are that it will. Thanks for the interest.
I just referred to the old post "AN 737 Drivers etc.", and noted that the old warhorse Kap M said that the Khmer pilots, one in particular, had more time flying around Asia (for that read 'experience') than the rest of us put together. That may be so, but let me say that flying is flying. You take off somewhere and land somewhere! Simple as that.
We've all heard the line an instructor who has 3000 hours actually has 5 hours 600 times over. Well all flying is about the same, but maybe airline flying would be a 100 hours 30 times over per 3000 hours.

I heard one of the FOs say a few days back after a near confrontation with an 89er, on the tarmac elsewhere, that these pricks have been trying to con the rest of us saying that 'we'd (we being those who used their heads 14 years ago) never cut it anywhere other than Australia'. Well, for the record, be advised that it's no different than domestic flying in Australia. A little more paperwork maybe, but diverting around a storm is the same, computer plans are the same, controllers are the same with accent variations, instrument approaches are the same, etc., and I could go on forever. There is one MAJOR difference though to satisfy the critics - PAPIs and VASIs, and it takes about 30 seconds to get the drift on that, so international flying is extremely difficult. You don't need to drag in the mystique, smoke and mirrors act to justify your position - or perhaps some do.
There are many drama queens in this industry - you know the types who 'almost' have some major failure on every sector. The good Kap seems to be amongst them.

Last edited by phnompenhkid; 28th Mar 2003 at 13:55.
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Old 28th Mar 2003, 16:21
  #25 (permalink)  
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Hmmm! I detect some anger and bitterness here?
Don't know much about the "kid" but sense he has some problems. Time to forget the past and get a life methinks!
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Old 28th Mar 2003, 18:28
  #26 (permalink)  
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that's my boy AMOS - '89 all forgiven !
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Old 29th Mar 2003, 15:47
  #27 (permalink)  
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No bitterness here Amos, just a well adjusted young fella making his way in life, but it is good to hear that YOU have put 89 behind you after all those negative posts.
One less bitching and whining about a non-event a long time ago.

I love it here, and even if this nice little airline didn't survive, I think I'd stay. The beer is still sweet, and the ladies are still nice (if you have the east-west bent, that is, as I unashamedly do!).
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Old 29th Mar 2003, 19:30
  #28 (permalink)  
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Well, I'm pleased to hear that of luck to you.
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Old 10th Apr 2003, 10:11
  #29 (permalink)  
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Hiya their all and too you phompemboy I enjoy readig sum of the stuff you writs. an hows it all goen? Are any moor jobs going to likly cum up soon? How is yore hose going?
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Old 11th Apr 2003, 09:38
  #30 (permalink)  
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Dexter, don`t believe everything that you read here, phnompenhkid`s spinning all of you a story with his
I'll get my finances in order, and the house on the river has reached plans stage. I know there are better waterfronts in the world than the Tonle Sap River, but it's all we've got.
....unless he has adopted Cambodian citizenship. Land ownership for personal properties, is not available to foreigners in Cambodia

Like a kid who`s just discovered his "willy", phnompenkid has found himself away from home, and out in a big, new world, where - going by his epistles - he feels that he is "King of the Road", after having a little bit of regional flying in S.E. Asia
Well, for the record, be advised that it's no different than domestic flying in Australia. A little more paperwork maybe, but diverting around a storm is the same, computer plans are the same, controllers are the same with accent variations, instrument approaches are the same, etc., and I could go on forever.
and obviously a superior being,
That's the third world mentality.

Did you tell the ex-Ansett F/A`s that you held them in such high regard, ppkid?
I particularly like the attitude the fa's have toward pilots. Nothing like those rags back in Oz.
Charming chap!!! Undoubtedly they held him in high regard as well!!
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Old 11th Apr 2003, 10:03
  #31 (permalink)  
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Kaptin M, I'm sorry but he is right about the Ansett F/A's. Disrespectful lot.
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Old 11th Apr 2003, 12:25
  #32 (permalink)  
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Good ole Kaptin M. Can't resist when he's poked in the ribs.

For your info KM, there are numerous ways of owning property in a country where property ownership is not normally extended to non nationals. A simple one is for a law firm (or trusted individual, but that's not a path I'd choose) to own the property, me to take a mortgage over it, upgrade it with annual revaluations, and have a contract between the parties so that the firm can't trade, sell, borrow against etc. Now I'm sure I'm about to get some more advice about this matter, and I didn't realize that you were also a solicitor. Sorry, international solicitor, or is that a specialist in international property law.

As for just discovering his willy, not likely. I've been travelling the world for thirty years at my own expense, i.e., not crewing and observing the wildlife is a favourite pastime.

International flying. No super human being here, nor does one have to be to undertake it. I knew you'd be the one to try to make more of it than there actually is, and a previous post says just that. Pretty straightforward, and in fact no different than domestic. Sorry, there's a gen dec required!! Bit more water than Lake Eyre, but essentially the same. As I said, flying is flying. Take off somewhere, land somewhere.

Right on Dexter. Extremely disrespectful, even though I did have some good friends who were, and are, FAs. They don't support the rude, disrespectful ones either. It's no big deal - treat people the way you would like to be treated, and mostly it's reciprocated.

Now I don't have sufficient time to engage you right now, so it over and out till your next foray into making a fool of yourself.
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Old 11th Apr 2003, 13:41
  #33 (permalink)  
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...and I didn't realize that you were also a solicitor. Sorry, international solicitor, or is that a specialist in international property law.
Hmmm, I have never made any such claim, ppk - you appear to be one who is too quick to jump to conclusions. Perhaps that was the reason for the handle you generally are that way inclined.

International flying...... I knew you'd be the one to try to make more of it than there actually is,
Your VERY limited regional experience to a few ports in S.E. Asia hardly qualify you to pass comment on international flying, ppk. Possibly after you have operated into Europe, the States, Africa, etc, and little farther afield than Phnom Penh - China - Hong Kong, you MIGHT hold some credibility.
A lot more GROWING UP to do yet, kid.

So how about a reply to Dexter? (And other interested parties), instead of merely crooning about YOUR superior abilities. Are you willing to divulge whether any up and coming jobs are going to be made available to NON-scabs?

Loved your second last sentence,
It's no big deal - treat people the way you would like to be treated, and mostly it's reciprocated.
in light of your previous all-encompassing"pearls of wisdom",
That's the third world mentality. They go off like a fire cracker when challenged.
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Old 12th Apr 2003, 16:03
  #34 (permalink)  
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KM, you have a rare ability to miss the point. ALL flying is the same - take off somewhere and land somewhere. Operating to a few regional ports in SE Asia is no different from operating to a lot of ports in Asia, America or Europe. Got it this time around. I recall it being the same as international flying in C404s many years ago - take off somewhere and land somewhere. Maybe I have to say it again for those incapable of absorbing it.

I guess you operate to MANY ports internationally, and that qualifies you as a REAL international pilot. I make no pretences - I'm a pilot, and I don't differentiate between domestic and international. I can do each. I suppose it adds to the mystique if youcan tell people at a party that you're an international pilot. What happens when they ask 'Is that a regional international pilot, or a REAL international pilot?' I suppose you answer that you're a REAL international pilot. It's a little like being asked if you fly freight or passengers, the questioner thinking that pax flying is a higher class of flying. I don't believe it is; give me a freight job anytime.

Your query Dexter - maybe there will be more jobs with expansion and that's planned. I don't recall you asking if there would be jobs for non scabs though to which the kap alludes. Your petty prejudices again KM.

Whilst on the matter of scabs KM, you wanted to be one, but were rejected or have you conveniently forgotten that. I know, I know, you withdrew your application without intimidation or coercion from anyone - bull$hit. Perhaps it's time to remind the readership once again. There were none so committed to the cause as those who applied and were rejected, and there were a number of those along with yourself.

If you want more home truths, let me know, because there is nothing much worse than somebody who wanted to let the cause down and because he was rejected became a pillar of support for the rebellion. Very sad.

You've conveniently ignored the property in PP issue. There are ways to circumvent the system, and I've done it. Anybody can, so if you too would like a Tonle Sap waterfront, I can put you onto an American solicitor who can arrange all for you. There are many worse places in the world to be.

No I don't believe you did claim that you were a specialist in international property law, but you were commenting as though you were, when you have little or no knowledge of the real situation.

Let the games begin.
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Old 12th Apr 2003, 20:09
  #35 (permalink)  
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Hey PPK you sound like the bloke I used to fly with who had an 'Asian' edition of the special info book. How is the cat population of smalltown Victoria?
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Old 12th Apr 2003, 21:14
  #36 (permalink)  
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Time for YOU to put your {USD's) money where your mouth is, kid!!
Get a sworn Statutory Declaration to support your accusation of,
"Whilst on the matter of scabs KM, you wanted to be one, but were rejected or have you conveniently forgotten that. I know, I know, you withdrew your application without intimidation or coercion from anyone - bull$hit.", scan it, and when you've done that PM me, and I'll give you an address to send it to.

I'll give you 14 days, or whatever reasonable period YOU are willing to publically nominate here.

So what will it be? Public slander? Or a falsely sworn Stat Dec? I'm sure with your worldly knowledge, you are fully aware of the consequences of each!
Let's see how big your balls are.

As for the simplistic,
ALL flying is the same - take off somewhere and land somewhere.
you really DO show your total ignorance of international flying in areas such as overflight clearances, redispatch planning, and other subtleties that would be too much to expect your childlike, simplistic mind to take on board.

There are ways to circumvent the system, and I've done it.
We ALREADY knew that!!
As the adage goes, "a leopard never changes its spots."

I'm waiting for that Stat Dec, kid.

Last edited by Kaptin M; 12th Apr 2003 at 21:45.
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Old 13th Apr 2003, 14:10
  #37 (permalink)  
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KM, You know as well as I do that is now not possible. All records of that nature are either destroyed or in the possession of the administrator. Be assured the evidence is solid, but not now available.

As for circumventing the system, I'm merely pointing out that it is accessible to anyone, and I can't imagine how you know of any other incident where I've circumvented the system.

Oh, you think that of 89! Is that it? No circumvention there. Jobs advertised; nobody employed in those jobs, all having resigned, so I applied just as you did, and I was ACCEPTED.

Now I'm sure you'll say that they would have taken just anybody, but that wasn't true. Wine salesmen, bland characters, and many others were also rejected early in hostilities.

Now back onto the issue of REALinternational pilots versus international pilots versus domestic pilots. Once again you miss the point. I thought one of average intelligence may have deduced that if I thought the PAPI issue was about the most difficult item to transition, then overfly clearances etc would rate behind that in importance. You may work for an organization where the pilots have to chase up that sort of info, but I don't. It's done by the flight planning contractors, and if requested, we merely read out a number. That is difficult!!

Perhaps I'm never going to cut it as a REAL international pilot because I don't think things such as those are major issues, but just another small part of doing the job. Maybe it's because my watch isn't big enough, or my dick not small enough. Who knows???

Incidentally, can you give me a few tips on the use of highlighting, cutting and pasting quotes etc. I'd like to make my posts stand out a little more just as you do.
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Old 13th Apr 2003, 15:36
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" Be assured the evidence is solid.". In that case present it in the form of a sworn statement, witnessed by a Commissioner for declarations, or a Justice of the Peace.
Alternatively, contact the person who was Brisbane RFM at that time - "The rat with the gold tooth", as one of your ilk nick-named him prior to going to Hong Kong with Transcorp - or his secretary, and have them sign a Stat Dec confirming what you have said.

What I am about to say to you, phnompenhkid, is cause for YOU to take legal action against ME:
the accusations you have made against me, namely,
Whilst on the matter of scabs KM, you wanted to be one, but were rejected or have you conveniently forgotten that. I know, I know, you withdrew your application without intimidation or coercion from anyone - bull$hit.",
are entirely false, and without substance.
You, "sir" are a LIAR
So which is it to be? A sworn statement from YOU?
A Stat Dec from TRWTGT or his blonde secretary (or both)?
Or YOU taking legal action against me for calling you a LIAR...oh, I said it again!!

Your persona has lost ALL credibilty in ALL areas, unless you are now willing to follow up one of the preceding choices.
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Old 13th Apr 2003, 16:02
  #39 (permalink)  
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You know Kap, you have written at least six things about me on these forum, based on supposition, that were totally in error.

You have also printed "Facts" that were totally wrong and, when this was pointed out to you, just blustered and name called (It's a FACT!! My accountant TOLD ME!!). In that particular exchange, you did, after yelling and screaming, work out that you didn't know the difference between a Singapore dollar and an Aussie one, and ammended you figures from outrageous back to simply grossly in error.

Now you want to be believed beyond doubt about facts from that year. For years you gave the impression that only the lowest scum would have even CONSIDERED re-applying, and that anyone who did was only giving into GREED!!! Is that why you did just that? You admit you applied? What was your motivation? Are you the only one who ACTUALLY "did it for my family" while ALL the others were scum who gave in to GREED!!!

Now you claim to have withdrawn your application. Fine, wether you did or not, you can't be a little pregnant. You broke the AFAP directive and deserve your place along all the others. I just think it was a little wimpy to make the decision, make the bold move, then bottle out and put your family through the tough times you have related (I take it they supported you re-applying?).

You claim to have a wittiness. Well, get HIM to do the stat dec thingy above.

Unfortunately your penchant for seeing "FACTS!!!" only as they suit you means YOUR credibility is not sufficient to be taken at face value.
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Old 13th Apr 2003, 20:27
  #40 (permalink)  
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PPK you seem to have hit a raw nerve with the Kaptin. My only question to the Kaptin is how can anyone with a pseudonym be slandered?
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