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-   -   Who will survive this and be here in 6 months ? (https://www.pprune.org/terms-endearment/630488-who-will-survive-here-6-months.html)

gearlever 21st Mar 2020 00:20

Of course, sorry.

Longtimer 21st Mar 2020 00:23

Originally Posted by Pilot DAR (Post 10722413)
Yeah... I take:

The "Who" to be an airline, rather than a person. Let's discuss the airline industry in this thread please. I know we all have our concerns ans beliefs with respect to the virus' effect on people, that's for a discussion elsewhere. Airplanes/Airlines/Pilot jobs here...

So why not moderate and move the non confirming spurious posts to another thread? Sort of sorting out the wheat from the chaff? Or maybe even change the title of the tread? Just saying. :)

ILS27LEFT 21st Mar 2020 00:26

Median age is 63 in Italy

Running Ridges 21st Mar 2020 00:52

Median of what?
@ILS Does that refer to the median age of positive cases?

Assumed it was for deaths, but unless i'm missing something the table data contradicts that, median for that is ~79

Loose rivets 21st Mar 2020 01:11

The "Who" to be an airline, rather than a person. Let's discuss the airline industry in this thread please. I know we all have our concerns ans beliefs with respect to the virus' effect on people, that's for a discussion elsewhere.
Throughout this thread the discussion has veered between the airlines and the pathology. The word Who? Whatever, there's one thing for certain, the hardware needs a fully functional crew. Staff wellbeing is paramount now, the virus and the world's strategies I'm sure are more important than one aircraft operator or another. An aviation site? Yes, but while this is not the biggest threat we've experienced, it is the biggest issue that we've actually had to cope with since the war.

Don't make a fuss . . . it's all the press' doing!? Hmmm, an odd thought about that. During the war people at home could gather together after the all clear. They had a pint and prayed in what was left of their churches. Togetherness - pretty well all they had. Now if anything, the press is helping to keep us apart, which counter to historic crises, is a good thing. But the sad thing is people are succumbing to the need for group comfort - and it could very well kill them. 'Bingo as usual tonight'. Awwww, they're old, they need the camaraderie. Fine, but don't dare call the NHS if you succumb. But of course, they will, and the NHS will respond. They're wonderful in these parts, but should not be put at risk by bewildering ignorance.

Beating my drum again about airborne droplets. In an untypically relaxed interview today, a virologist was answering questions while hugging is mug of tea. One thing leapt out at me was the minute numbers of viruses needed for an infection. It was an unexpected answer - 18, I think. They'd fit in the tiniest droplet. It is a very, very dangerous virus, not least of all because of the long incubation time hiding the danger.

Italy, lovely kissy, huggy and very verbose people are now singing operatically out of their windows. Oh, my. Sir Fred Hoyle would have a lot to say about the mist in the air. Going on his logic, dry or heavy rain is okay-ish, but a drizzle can hold a virus for hours. The air can be long range deadly.

Pilot DAR 21st Mar 2020 03:26

So why not moderate and move the non confirming spurious posts to another thread? Sort of sorting out the wheat from the chaff?
Honestly, 'cause it's work.

Chris2303 21st Mar 2020 04:39

In my not so humble opinion there is not one airline in the world that will grow to it's current fleet, and more importantly personnel, size when and if things get back to normal.

Greg Foran has already said that somewhere about Air NZ

procede 21st Mar 2020 08:30

Originally Posted by Chris2303 (Post 10722504)
In my not so humble opinion there is not one airline in the world that will grow to it's current fleet, and more importantly personnel, size when and if things get back to normal.

Greg Foran has already said that somewhere about Air NZ

In that respect especially Boeing, with it's delayed MAX aircraft which airlines can cancel with no penalty, is in trouble. But I would even stay far away from shares in Airbus and Embraer at the moment. No order is worth anything if the underwriting entity has basically gone bancrupt.

G-V 21st Mar 2020 10:06

Originally Posted by Sholayo (Post 10712383)
And note that Germans do some creative statistics there.
If you had asthma and got COVID19 and then died - they count you as asthma death.
So reality is muuuch worse there.


What is your source? a feeling?

ILS27LEFT 21st Mar 2020 10:08

Yes of positive cases, real time feed in here

Global live data:

Yes Germany is using a different criteria for deaths, this is to reassure population and limit panic however very misleading and it could even be counter productive in the long term. Nobody knows at this stage. Italy is including all deaths due to Covid-19 including comorbidities.

ATC Watcher 21st Mar 2020 10:17

Originally Posted by Pilot DAR (Post 10722413)
Yeah... I take:

The "Who" to be an airline, rather than a person. Let's discuss the airline industry in this thread please. ...

As the one that selected this title, I confirm that by "Who" I meant our industry , i.e. airlines , ATC service providers , maintenance, ops, airports aircraft manufacturers,, every entity that will be affected by this unprecedented crisis. Of course it implies directly people , us.. That is what I wanted to discuss here instead of medical /scientific data which we can all find everywhere else.
We hear right now a lot about the airlines , plans and Boeing going down, etc. but every other part or the system is or will be deeply affected .

ATC is really my area of expertise, and I've been there long enough to have seen a few of those crises , including the PATCO strike in 81, so here is my prediction for 6 months from now::

Running cargo ops which seems to be ( at least today , things change by the hour almost) where the traffic will be in the next few months . To maintain this a functioning ATC needs to be in place. Mots of the service providers are privatized or semi privatized , Without the pax revenue, and the traffic down 50 to 90 % , many ANSPS will not be able to maintain a full workforce on payroll. Some countries might ( or will) re-nationalize their ATC but probably then it will be re-sized to the actual demand. That fact , plus a few virus casualties will probably mean that more than half the current controllers might not be longer employed by the end of the year.
But the system will work for the current low demand over the next 6 months.
But after, in 6 months from now ? I will dare to say, based on previous experience, that over half of those send -off controllers will look for another occupation and will never come back . To recruit and train new ones is a matter of years not months.,. so even if we survive that crisis financially and let's say only 10 -20 % of us , people, will be disabled by the virus , our numbers actually valid on the job will be much lower, My point is that, even if the demand is back , the infrastructure might not be there any longer to sustain that and it will take years , it not decades, to rebuild the situation we have left a few months ago ..

Let's hope I am wrong ..

ILS27LEFT 21st Mar 2020 11:06

Air travel
Airlines, ATC, etc will be re-nationalized soon. It is actually good news for the industry.
In my opinion this virus will save the industry in the end as the present/previous model was only based on greed and not sustainable.

In Wuhan for the first time people can hear the birds singing and see the clear skies, I think this virus is Mother nature taking full control back and therefore fixing this broken planet.

hoga 21st Mar 2020 11:29

Originally Posted by derjodel (Post 10712582)
Italy will look like a walk in a park when **** hits the fan in the UK and USA.

Italy took extreme measures as soon as they had first confirmed case. UK and the USA are lagging far behind the reaction curve.

I'm with You. Chinese stats are basically irrelevant. Due to unconscious people in a cocpit (govuk) Health System has been given death sentence as UK should be closed
locked 2 weeks ago. UK is not far behind Italy good case circa weeks .

I-AINC 21st Mar 2020 14:18

Originally Posted by ILS27LEFT (Post 10722791)
Airlines, ATC, etc will be re-nationalized soon. It is actually good news for the industry.
In my opinion this virus will save the industry in the end as the present/previous model was only based on greed and not sustainable.

In Wuhan for the first time people can hear the birds singing and see the clear skies, I think this virus is Mother nature taking full control back and therefore fixing this broken planet.

Totally agree with you.

midnight cruiser 21st Mar 2020 14:33

The question that governments will be asking in the next few days and weeks will be "Is the cure (lockdown and all the damage that goes with it) worse than the disease? (Which we'll probably catch in the end anyway)

The colossal collective blunder was to repeatedly turn a blind eye to the evil cauldron of mixing animal and human diseases in certain parts of the world. That done, the damage is going to be horrific, whichever path we take. The horse has bolted.

Alpine Flyer 21st Mar 2020 14:40

Originally Posted by Uplinker (Post 10712242)
According to the CDC, 3,000 people have died from the Covid19 virus but 20,000 people have died from Flu in the current season.

According to a virologist on the radio yesterday: 1/5 of people exposed will catch Covid19. Only 1/5 of those will display symptoms. So that's 4% of people who have been exposed, by my maths, or 1 in 25. Of those, most will just have a fever and a dry cough.

Time to stop panicking.

Wash your hands - with water and soap - more than usual and take multi vitamins and minerals.

As a virologist responding to the UK's initial plan said: small percentages multiplied by large numbers make for quite large numbers. Percentage-wise, 1% or less of lethality doesn't sound much but if you multiply it by a couple dozen million you end up with way more severely sick people than any country's health system can cope with (there aren't that many intensive care units around). Once you start running out of ICUs you have a lot of dead people in the equation as well. And to most people it make's a difference if Gran died because she was 80+ and "passed away in her sleep" or asphyxiated because the doctors at triage decided that someone younger had better chances of survival than Gran.

Here the government is heavily subsidizing short-time work and is doing everything to boost confidence despite shop/restaurant closures, etc. We get a payout to 80% of previous net and unemployment insurance (boosted with a government contribution) pays for all the time we don't actually work. This is not going to last forever and basically paid for with our own money (as workers pay the largest percentage of total tax revenue) but it helps to keep things going. Fingers crossed to still have an airline and demand once the virus spread has slowed....

crunchingnumbers 21st Mar 2020 15:50

Moratorium on mortgages and loans

Originally Posted by midnight cruiser (Post 10722980)
The question that governments will be asking in the next few days and weeks will be "Is the cure (lockdown and all the damage that goes with it) worse than the disease? (Which we'll probably catch in the end anyway)

The economic fallout will be significant with unknown repercussions in every facet. Why don't some governments do what some small countries have immediately done.

Ask/force banks, credit card companies and all, to have a 6 month moratorium on all repayments and extend as needed until economies get back on their feet. This may bring a much better sense of support than a percentage of pay (or none at all). With current plans tax payers are self funding in effect , if not this generation certainly the next. It's not like lending institutions haven't earned enough in many cases. Deferment seems more practical and allows G'ments to more immediately provide stress relief whilst they work out the liquidity of the financial system for continued support of deferment. God knows they have the financial geniuses amongst them to work that out just as they do when they conjure up funding in so many other ways.

Doesn't solve everything for e.g. renters but for a great number of people it would certainly help.

homonculus 21st Mar 2020 15:58

There are other threads for medical. This is about airlines. My crystal ball is just that but my thoughts are

1 lockdowns will be much longer than we think with clusters on releasing them. It may be Fall 2021 before we have a vaccine and manufacture enough - if the US grabs it all other countries will be infected and infect unvaccinated Americans....

2 Many businesses can bounce back. Banking. Restaurants and other small businesses that just start again. there will be loads of landlords trying to rent restaurant premises

3 After lockdown many of us will question business travel when we can avoid being treated like imbeciles in steel tubes. global warming will become an even bigger panic, and to be fair it will be because the scientists who will resolve it are locked down and lockdown will result in a massive population explosion which is the real cause. so demand for aviation will be weak.

4 There will be massive government debt. austerity will return and taxes rise. This will stifle risk taking and new business ventures, affecting business travel. Increased taxation reduces leisure travel.

5 Bringing machinery and personnel back on line is problematic. Aircraft wont have flown. Pilots wont have currency. Key workers in the training and command chains will no longer be with us due to Covid 19 or retirement and lack of recruitment.

Of course for those in the industry there may be a move back to the good old days. Salaries and terms and conditions of service may improve with shortages, less passengers may mean they are treated with respect etc etc

I shall look at this post sometime next year and see if any prediction is correct.

flocci_non_faccio 21st Mar 2020 16:35

1 lockdowns will be much longer than we think with clusters on releasing them.
If any lockdowns go on for longer than the 12 weeks that's been mooted, talk of which airlines (or businesses of any type for that matter) will survive is irrelevant. We will see civil disobedience on a massive scale, total civil disorder, rioting, looting etc. In other words a total breakdown of society.

The question that governments will be asking in the next few days and weeks will be "Is the cure (lockdown and all the damage that goes with it) worse than the disease? (Which we'll probably catch in the end anyway)
I'm quite sure governments are already asking this question. I think it's pretty clear that the total collapse of the global economic system and the abject misery and untold deaths that it will cause is worse than this virus, at least in its current form. Of course, it's not particularly politically expedient to tell the electorate "Sorry, there's nothing we can do to help if you get the virus. Best of luck!"

crunchingnumbers 21st Mar 2020 17:31

Yes Minister

Originally Posted by flocci_non_faccio (Post 10723100)
If any lockdowns go on for longer than the 12 weeks that's been mooted, talk of which airlines (or businesses of any type for that matter) will survive is irrelevant. We will see civil disobedience on a massive scale, total civil disorder, rioting, looting etc. In other words a total breakdown of society.

I'm quite sure governments are already asking this question. I think it's pretty clear that the total collapse of the global economic system and the abject misery and untold deaths that it will cause is worse than this virus, at least in its current form. Of course, it's not particularly politically expedient to tell the electorate "Sorry, there's nothing we can do to help if you get the virus. Best of luck!"

Stage 1 - Nothing is going to happen
Stage 2 - Something may be going to happen but we should do nothing about it
Stage 3 - Maybe we should do something about it, but there is nothing we can do
Stage 4 - Maybe there is something we could have done, but it's too late now


torvalds 21st Mar 2020 18:56

Originally Posted by crunchingnumbers (Post 10723152)
Stage 1 - Nothing is going to happen
Stage 2 - Something may be going to happen but we should do nothing about it
Stage 3 - Maybe we should do something about it, but there is nothing we can do
Stage 4 - Maybe there is something we could have done, but it's too late now


yep, that sounds about right

perhaps the next stage is
Stage 5 - standing by until the next "event", then return to Stage 1

Longtimer 21st Mar 2020 19:27

Originally Posted by Pilot DAR (Post 10722492)
Honestly, 'cause it's work.

I used to moderate a forum so I can understand :)

Chris2303 21st Mar 2020 21:03

Originally Posted by homonculus (Post 10723066)
3 After lockdown many of us will question business travel when we can avoid being treated like imbeciles in steel tubes. global warming will become an even bigger panic, and to be fair it will be because the scientists who will resolve it are locked down and lockdown will result in a massive population explosion which is the real cause. so demand for aviation will be weak.

Especially since a lot of businesses are working from home and using Skype and other such tools for their meetings. The longer this lasts the less chance of returning to what we currently see as normality as the emergency measures will have become normality.

a1anx 21st Mar 2020 21:39

Originally Posted by midnight cruiser (Post 10722980)
The question that governments will be asking in the next few days and weeks will be "Is the cure (lockdown and all the damage that goes with it) worse than the disease? (Which we'll probably catch in the end anyway)

The colossal collective blunder was to repeatedly turn a blind eye to the evil cauldron of mixing animal and human diseases in certain parts of the world. That done, the damage is going to be horrific, whichever path we take. The horse has bolted.

You could be right. The particular part of the world to which you might be alluding is a clear and present danger.

ILS27LEFT 21st Mar 2020 21:48

Going back to the past
Working for a national carrier used to be a privilege whilst dignity was guaranteed through good working conditions and decent salaries. Same for working in a major hotel or at any airport. Working conditions used to be fair, work life balance was not even an issue. Generally speaking working was a pleasure and workers in the travel industry and hospitality were generally very happy. Aircrafts were rarely full as the price of an air ticket was affordable only by a minority. Flying was a pleasure, happy customers together with happy pilots and cabin crew. Happy ground staff, dispatchers etc basically a nice industry to be in. If this virus will mean going back to nationalization of carriers then I am happy. I will not miss the present race to the bottom where the newest airline workers are modern slaves, overworked, stressed and underpaid. It is time to reconsider the present model as capitalism has clearly gone too far. The real problem is not Covid19 in Italy. The real problem will be the rest of the world, e.g. Africa for a multitude of reasons but then also some of the richest Western countries like the USA where extreme capitalism has created a society on the edge and this virus will be the 1st real test and we will soon find out if such a greedy and unfair system can sustain a crisis of this magnitude within such a polarised society where the few very rich are surrounded by millions of very poor. An economic downturn of unprecedented magnitude could trigger civil unrest. This is why huge cash injections by governments will be absolutely necessary to avoid a full meltdown in the economy but also to avoid civil war.
In 6 months only those helped by the governments will survive. All the rules of standard capitalism are out of the window since around 2 weeks ago.

gearlever 21st Mar 2020 22:02

Spot on ILS27LEFT :D

568 21st Mar 2020 22:14

Originally Posted by ILS27LEFT (Post 10723431)
Working for a national carrier used to be a privilege whilst dignity was guaranteed through good working conditions and decent salaries. Same for working in a major hotel or at any airport. Working conditions used to be fair, work life balance was not even an issue. Generally speaking working was a pleasure and workers in the travel industry and hospitality were generally very happy. Aircrafts were rarely full as the price of an air ticket was affordable only by a minority. Flying was a pleasure, happy customers together with happy pilots and cabin crew. Happy ground staff, dispatchers etc basically a nice industry to be in. If this virus will mean going back to nationalization of carriers then I am happy. I will not miss the present race to the bottom where the newest airline workers are modern slaves, overworked, stressed and underpaid. It is time to reconsider the present model as capitalism has clearly gone too far. The real problem is not Covid19 in Italy. The real problem will be the rest of the world, e.g. Africa for a multitude of reasons but then also the richest Western countries like the USA where extreme capitalism has created a society on the edge and this virus will be the 1st real test and we will soon find out if such a greedy and unfair system can sustain a crisis of this magnitude within such a polarised society where the few very rich are surrounded by millions of very poor. An economic downturn of unprecedented magnitude could trigger civil unrest. This is why huge cash injections by governments will be absolutely necessary to avoid a full meltdown in the economy but also to avoid civil war.
In 6 months only those helped by the governments will survive. All the rules of standard capitalism are out of the window since 2 weeks ago.

All so very true.
I would also like to add that in times past there wasn't "social media" AKA "self gratification" and the media was headed by editors who were well versed in art of journalism, not some Muppet incapable of stringing to words together.

b1lanc 21st Mar 2020 22:20

Originally Posted by crunchingnumbers (Post 10723152)
Stage 1 - Nothing is going to happen
Stage 2 - Something may be going to happen but we should do nothing about it
Stage 3 - Maybe we should do something about it, but there is nothing we can do
Stage 4 - Maybe there is something we could have done, but it's too late now


Thank you Humphrey - best darn series on the tele ever!

wilsr 22nd Mar 2020 04:46

Those who seem to think this virus is relatively innocuous should look at the live statistics:


Those of us who are past "a certain age" are feeling VERY vulnerable.

Sqwak7700 22nd Mar 2020 05:26

It is time to reconsider the present model as capitalism has clearly gone too far. The real problem is not Covid19 in Italy. The real problem will be the rest of the world, e.g. Africa for a multitude of reasons but then also some of the richest Western countries like the USA where extreme capitalism
Sorry, but you are wrong on so many levels. The US does not have “extreme capitalism”. Bailing out industries that went heavily into debt by purchasing their own stock, is the opposite of capitalism. That is a form of socialism or fascism.

The problems in the airline industry, or pretty much most industries in the US, is that government has removed the moral hazard and risk. Bankruptcy protection, ”too big to fail” all that crap is NOT capitalism. And you don’t know what capitalism is if you believe otherwise.

Capitalism would let those businesses shut down and reorganize, and creative destruction, which is fundamental for capitalism and free markets to work, would result in better companies that are stronger and prepared to handle such an event like the one we are seeing.

Has Air Koriyo or Cubana ever made the list of dream companies to work for, or set the prime example in air service excellence? Thought not.

Hopefully the world will take this opportunity to get rid of the central banking and fiat currency experiment, as well as get rid of these bloated, inefficient bureaucratic governments. Two of the most efficient countries at dealing with this outbreak have been Singapore and Hong Kong. Both have minimal tax rates with small but effective governing, which is run more like a business than a political circus (for as long as China can keep out of HKG).

So don’t blame Capitalism, it does not exist in Europe or the US. Blame the corrupt, crony politicians that reduce your spending power through inflation while restricting your freedoms and bailing out their buddies in corrupt corporations. Some of these government clowns spend over 30 years in “public service”, with nothing to show for it except making life harder for people with real jobs like you and I. I say to them, get a real job. They would not last 1 week.

Sorry for the rant. Just hate seeing the innocent getting the blame when they aren’t even in the room.

Smooth Airperator 22nd Mar 2020 07:47

It's the ugly face of capitalism. Just as socialism can have an ugly face. But it all boils down to the old adage 'Absolute power corrupts absolutely' - the truest thing ever said in the history of mankind.

torvalds 22nd Mar 2020 09:28

Originally Posted by Sqwak7700 (Post 10723649)
Sorry, but you are wrong on so many levels. The US does not have “extreme capitalism”. Bailing out industries that went heavily into debt by purchasing their own stock, is the opposite of capitalism. That is a form of socialism or fascism.

The problems in the airline industry, or pretty much most industries in the US, is that government has removed the moral hazard and risk. Bankruptcy protection, ”too big to fail” all that crap is NOT capitalism. And you don’t know what capitalism is if you believe otherwise.

Capitalism would let those businesses shut down and reorganize, and creative destruction, which is fundamental for capitalism and free markets to work, would result in better companies that are stronger and prepared to handle such an event like the one we are seeing.

Has Air Koriyo or Cubana ever made the list of dream companies to work for, or set the prime example in air service excellence? Thought not.

Hopefully the world will take this opportunity to get rid of the central banking and fiat currency experiment, as well as get rid of these bloated, inefficient bureaucratic governments. Two of the most efficient countries at dealing with this outbreak have been Singapore and Hong Kong. Both have minimal tax rates with small but effective governing, which is run more like a business than a political circus (for as long as China can keep out of HKG).

So don’t blame Capitalism, it does not exist in Europe or the US. Blame the corrupt, crony politicians that reduce your spending power through inflation while restricting your freedoms and bailing out their buddies in corrupt corporations. Some of these government clowns spend over 30 years in “public service”, with nothing to show for it except making life harder for people with real jobs like you and I. I say to them, get a real job. They would not last 1 week.

Sorry for the rant. Just hate seeing the innocent getting the blame when they aren’t even in the room.

Exactly the case.

ATC Watcher 22nd Mar 2020 09:45


An economic downturn of unprecedented magnitude could trigger civil unrest. This is why huge cash injections by governments will be absolutely necessary to avoid a full meltdown in the economy but also to avoid civil war.
You are probably right on many points but I do not buy (yet) the civil war scenario, at least not in our democracies.

We tend to focus on UK and US here , but for me it is the other areas of the world which will be the most problematic. You can force people to say home and queue 1m from another to buy food in Germany , UK and possibly in parts of the US. But this is absolutely nonsense in Africa or even parts of India and Brazil to take only 3 examples. The social distancing is and will not be working here . That is the real long term worrying part, as then millions of people will try desperately to come where the food and the hospitals are ... You liked refugees from Guatemala. Afghanistan or Syria..? this will be on a totally different scale ...
On an optimistic note , in Italy the average age of deaths is 80 ,we not have the numbers for China , but it is also high age I was told. ( although probably less because life expectancy among poor Chinese in Wuhan is less than in Rich Lombardy ) ..
and the recovery rate is still above 90% , so , yes the world will be very different next year , with less old people around , but economy will restart , differently . but frankly I do not see a civil war coming up as long as there is enough food around and immigration is addressed and contained...

Pilot DAR 22nd Mar 2020 12:21

Posters.... I have deleted some recent posts, which really had little or nothing to do with the aviation industry. This is not a forum for discussions about health, society, nor political effects of the virus. Sure, those are each very worthy topics for discussion, just not here!

Please, before you click "reply" read what you've typed; does it center on the effects of the virus on the aviation industry? If not, please reconsider your post. This thread will not drift to being medical nor political centered...

One of your moderators...

Longtimer 22nd Mar 2020 14:36

It is amazing that some people want funding denied to certain airlines because they spent money buying back shares and then engaged in rewarding their brass. Somehow those folks seem to forget that those very airlines employ a large number of employees who, if the lack of funding causes the airline to fold, will lose their jobs. Seems like "cutting off your nose to spite your face" :ugh:

jan99 22nd Mar 2020 15:14

What's wrong with bankruptcy? New owners (the creditors) and new management. The airline will carry on, with most of its employees, if there is enough business. Otherwise not or pared down. As it should go in capitalism.

Longtimer 22nd Mar 2020 15:21

Originally Posted by jan99 (Post 10724127)
What's wrong with bankruptcy? New owners (the creditors) and new management. The airline will carry on, with most of its employees, if there is enough business. Otherwise not or pared down. As it should go in capitalism.

The history of airlines closing down does not support your theory.



jan99 22nd Mar 2020 16:44

If the business of a particular airline is not viable then the airline ends indeed. Assets are sold. Employees must look for work elsewhere.
The government can support employees to help tide them over, but bankrupt companies must be let go. That is how it is supposed to work.

WhatTheDeuce 22nd Mar 2020 16:57

Can you think of any reasonable way of an airline to remain profitable in this crisis?

We are not talking about mismanagement or incompetence - it’s simply a question of the country trying to hibernate critical infrastructure and tens of thousands of jobs.

dogsridewith 22nd Mar 2020 17:21

Decades ago, the biggest business in my area went bankrupt. Then the principals bought it back at the bankruptcy sale.

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