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Old 26th Mar 2005, 05:05
  #41 (permalink)  
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Prince of Dzun,

Your portrayal of the Japanese as an Imperialistic evil "Nippon Empire" is out-dated...I guess you forgot how many US troops are stationed in Japan and how long they've been there. I was just hanging out in Shibuya last evil empire, no war drums beating...just a bunch of "gangaru girls", Starbucks and hip-hop music blasting through the nightlife...any American would feel right as home. This issue has nothing to do with "Nippon Empire". Those rocks in the SEA OF JAPAN are adjacent to newly discovered natural gas both Korea and Japan want the action.

What I find fascinating is that all these people complain about the Japanese then they go right out and buy a Subaru car, Mitsubishi TV and Sony Playstation.

Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury.
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Old 26th Mar 2005, 06:17
  #42 (permalink)  
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You make it sound so simple but I wonder how you would feel if you were Chinese or Korean or Russian and the Nippons were living on your doorstep and iritating you with their false claims and modified version of history. How would you react if they [ the Nippons] came out with an official historical text book that said that 7 Dec did not happen . Perhaps you did not learn about this as it's just possible you had the same teacher that didn't tell you about the East Sea

Prince of Dzun..
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Old 26th Mar 2005, 07:31
  #43 (permalink)  
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Dude, I'm from the United States...a place where they still hang people of color in the deep south if your in the wrong want to see racism at it's finest, then take the Delta NRT-ATL flight and hang out in Georgia for a while.

Japan has it's problems, but it's not an imperialistic country and it never will be. Did you read the news? The new CEO of Sony is a white guy from the United much for keeping the bloodline pure. I think Japan is definatley heading towards being more multi-cultural. Especially with the population decrease and the upcomming labor shortage. Go to Tokyo, Osaka and Fukuoka and look at all the foriegners.

I understand your point...but it's somewhat misplaced. I would understand your point if you were mad at the United States and your from the middle east. But being mad at what the Japanese did in WWII is a bit puzzling. The war is over and the Japanese are now hanging out listening to hip-hop, and hiring white guys to run their companies...that is a fact.
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Old 26th Mar 2005, 09:44
  #44 (permalink)  
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Yeah man, . . . . white guys (pale face - says the red_men, with forked tongue and all)

Why NOT the brown neighbors???

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Old 5th Apr 2005, 01:50
  #45 (permalink)  
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Prince of Dzun

It is clear to me that you hate Japan and the Japanese.

Regarding your post on
The Nippon empire is up to its old tricks of stealing real estate
did you actually research this, or have any knowledge, or is the fact that Japan is involved in a dispute enough proof for you that they are in the wrong?

A quick google search revealed the following to me:
They are again laying claim to the Korean Island of Tokdo which lies midway between Korea and Japan in the East Sea.
I think you are right about this one, it probably should belong to Korea. Japan has offered to go to the World Court with Korea over this (as Japan currently has possession) but Korea refuses.

Note East Sea which is the correct name it should not be called the Sea of Japan.
Not quite sure where you get this from. South Korea wants it to be called the East Sea, Nth Korea wants it to be the East Sea of Korea, everyone else seems pretty happy with what it has always been called, the Sea of Japan. The Koreans have only been trying to change the name since the 1990s. The Chinese really dont want it to be called the East Sea, as that name is already in use to refer to the sea surrounded by Mainland China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

The Russians will not yield to their claims re the South Kuril Islands
Well three times Russia has signed treaties stating that the islands belong to Japan and that Russia will hand them back. These are the Japan-Soviet Joint Declaration, the Joint Compendium of Document on the History of Territorial Problems, and the Tokyo Declaration. All three were signed by both Russia and Japan. As both countries agree, the only question remaining is when. The Japanese claim was considered one of the strongest in all the world for disputed territory.

And lastly
the Chinese are in no mood to tolerate much more interference around the Chinese Island of Diaoyus.
This one is easy. The status of the Senkakus is clear. Japan first claimed the uninhabited and unclaimed islets in question in 1895 to use their rocky outcroppings for maritime navigation aids. China and Taiwan have expressed interest in the islands since only 1968, when a United Nations Economic Commission for Asia report suggested there may be petroleum deposits in the seabed near the islets.

Clearly Japan is not always right. But nor is it always wrong, like you seem to believe. Here is a link you might find useful before you next post about how bad Japan is.
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Old 9th Apr 2005, 04:54
  #46 (permalink)  
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I am amused at what I can only descrbe as your selective comments. You would make a good politician.

The latest Nipponese tom foolery designed for home consumption only is to designate two specific days of the year to commemorate Japan's claim to certain disputed islands. Their foreign ministry has proposed that 14th January is to be "Diaoyu Islands Day" and 22nd February is to be "Takeshima Islands day" -!!! This latest action is the subject of a diplomatic complaint by the rightful owners of both islands ie China and Korea.

Strange isn't it that the Nipponese are making noises about Russia, China and Korea who they accuse of stealing their pastures but they (the Nipponese) are conspicuously silent about the Mariana Islands which were forceably taken from them by the Americans at the end of World War II. It seems the good old USA has every intention of keeping these islands and Japan humbly accepts the loss. Why is Japan making such a fuss about the actions of its immediate neighbours but does not bother (or dare) to ask big brother to "please give back our Marianas". I wonder how the Nipponese history text books explains this? In addition to the islands issues there is a positive move by China and Korea and possibly Russia to deny Japan a seat on the United Nations Security Council due to Japan's quote" incorrect attitude towards recording history" unquote. Supporting China and Korea are 3 websites running worldwide (sina, sohu and netease) which at last count had 22 million hits recording the names of those who want the historical records corrected. My name is among that 22 million.

Prince of Dzun

P.S. I don't want to overload you so I've omitted reference to (1) the postage stamp dispute (2) the maritime area increase issue and (3) the Japanese census issue that records Japanese mainlanders as residents of Tokdo (Takeshima) island. A blatant lie.
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Old 9th Apr 2005, 06:24
  #47 (permalink)  
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Don't know about the disputes with Korea and China, but didn't the then Soviet Union just grab those 4 Kuril islands at the end of WWII after cynically declaring war on Japan at the last minute ?

I have heard even the Russian residents on those islands would prefer to be part of Japan as evidently they are totally neglected by Russia economically. Japanese sovereingty would bring a flood of services and development.

If you you describe the actions of Japanese as "Nipponese tom foolery" then quite frankly to be fair you would have to describe Korean behaviour as "utter insanity"

I have seen how the Japanese and Koreans relate to each other close up, and by and large they detest each other with a passion!

If Japan really wanted to stir up South Korea they could just grant sovereingty of the disputed ROCKS to the DPRK!
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Old 10th Apr 2005, 09:10
  #48 (permalink)  
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You may wish to call it insanity but another might call it efficacious . If your country had been occupied and plundered for 35 years and the opportunity presented itself for some payback are you saying you would not take it??

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Old 10th Apr 2005, 09:54
  #49 (permalink)  
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P of D,

Which country are you from? What country was plundered for 35 years by the Japanese? Many countries in Asia hate the Japanese, yet, the youth of ALL of Asia tries to emulate Japanese culture. Even USA youth is obsessed with Anime, Sony PlayStation, Japanese car mods from Japan.

You make a point about the Marianas Islands. Why would the USA give back the Marianas when we have TENS of THOUSANDS of troops occuying Japan? It was an unconditional surrender.

I understand your point....if this was 1946. But this is 2005 and we have a world economy now. I know that China and Korea hate Japan, but not the YOUTH. Go to Shanghai, Bejing, Souel or Pusan...again pop culture imitates J-pop culture. Shanghai wants to be Shibuya. The recent popularity of Korean soap opreas, cuisine,movies and K-pop in Japan shows that the Japanese are very much interested in Korean culture. Japan has flurished due to the fact Japan spends very little on defense. If anything Japan is carrying out US policy.

There is a GREAT editorial article in Metroplolis magazine (a mag for gaijin in Japan) on how other countries are taught to hate the Japanese. I will find the link....

Also, you are forgetting the amount of US troops in Japan. So if you want to blame anyone on being "imperialistic" blame "ME" (USA).
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Old 10th Apr 2005, 22:19
  #50 (permalink)  
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I know that China and Korea hate Japan, but not the YOUTH. Go to Shanghai, Bejing,....
In the light of events in China, over the past couple of days, you might need to review that statement, Stereolab
There is a GREAT editorial article in Metroplolis magazine (a mag for gaijin in Japan) on how other countries are taught to hate the Japanese.
Sounds like a propaganda mag if it's published in Japan, and pushing THAT sort of opinion.
There`s no doubt that there were UNNECESSARY, vile acts of barbarism committed by the Japanese in WW2 against soldiers and citizens of other countries.
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Old 10th Apr 2005, 23:22
  #51 (permalink)  
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Here is Metroplis website. It's an independent entertainment magazine for english speakers...very popular in Japan (or maybe just here in Tokyo).

The protest was set up by the Chinese Government, they did the same thing when the United States bombed their Embassy in the Kosovo war. Actually, those protest were a lot larger, since we killed Chinese Diplomats.

They want to ban Japanese products, but all the Japanese products are now made in China....hahahahaha!
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Old 11th Apr 2005, 06:18
  #52 (permalink)  
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Please feel free to post all you want, you are unlikely to overload me. The postage stamp dispute you refer to are the stamps that the Sth Korean government issued to piss the Japanese off?

I think you misinterpreted my post. I agreed with you that the Dokdo/Takeshima islands should belong to Sth Korea.
Many things that the Japanese government do seem wrong to me. The recent textbooks that were approved seem to be a bad move. This is causing riots in Korea.

However you seem to take the view that everything Japan does is bad. It appears to me that you will take the side of anyone, about anything, over Japan.
You do not post a very balanced view. You post that you are disapointed that Japan beat Nth Korea in soccer. I suppose Nth Korea is the perfect society in your mind? They are great and Japan is evil?
I suppose you feel it is much safer having China as permanent member of the UN Security Council than Japan. That way they can veto anything that helps a country that recognises Taiwan. Would you support Nth Korea having a seat too?

Some posters (for example Kaptin M) post a balanced view on the frustrations and quirks of everyday life. Some things are good, some bad, others are simply ridiculous.

Why do you only post poorly researched negativeness? Can you tell me, have you ever lived in Japan?
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Old 11th Apr 2005, 12:14
  #53 (permalink)  
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It's not for me to give you a history lesson but it's fairly obvious that you need educating. Japan occupied Korea from 1910 till 1945 a total of 35 years and it took two atomic bombs to dig out their tentacles . Can't agree with you that Asian youth apes Japanese pop culture. From where I sit it is American culture that is being imitated and there lies a very big problem indeed.

At least we agree on the Dokdo/Takeshima islands ownership question and I'm glad you are up to date on the postage stamp issue. Those stamps by the way are known as the "seagulls and flowers" stamps and they caused the Japanese much sucking of teeth. Regarding your assertions I should make it clear to you that I am as one with a third of the world's population (China) in so much as I support their desires to have the Japanese atrocities of World War II correctly documented. Until this is done to the satisfaction of all concerned then they (the Japanese) stand condemned. Their chances of being elected to the UN Security Council are zero because election requires 100 percent agreement from the sitting members and China won't agree. Are you aware that the Japanese language is made up of any number of Chinese characters (known in Chinese as Han Zi)? Ask a Nipponese about this and their eyes glaze over as they don't want to admit to their heritage. It's the same with this recorded history problem.

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Old 12th Apr 2005, 20:21
  #54 (permalink)  
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I think I now understand what you were saying about that old pair of shoes, Prince of Dzun, and I retract my earlier, inappropriate accusation.

When you state "The protest was set up by the Chinese Government" I think you mean the Government facilitated (approved) it. Watching the anger on the faces of the protesters, there's little way you could seriously claim that these people were behaving in that manner beause the Government had decreed them to do so.

NZL, it's not the textbooks that are the cause of the problem.
It's the Japanese peoples' continued refusal to admit that their own soldiers perpetrated some of THE most inhumane tortures, mass rapes, and painful deaths of innocent people during the Second World War, and in countries such as China (Manchuria) and Korea prior to then, that is p!ss!ng people off.

Even THEY (the Japs) don't have the courage to come out and say, "That was then, this is now."
There are still families alive today, whose immediate relatives were directly affected.

The geisha of Japan has more than one face. BEWARE!
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Old 12th Apr 2005, 23:21
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The Geisha of Japan?

You guys act like Japan is going to start launching aircraft carriers and attack someone. I understand many of you work in Japan and may have negative experiences with the culture...that's fine.
But making references to the Japanese being "two-faced" is a reference I could say about any culture. This "Japan is the evil empire" stuff is too much.

Politically, Japan has very little power...they do exactly what the United States tells them to do. You guys need to click on my link above and read that article in Metropolis. Japan has done many horrible things in their past, and have been accused of not giving a "full" apology. Well, I know Japan has given BILLIONS of dollars for years to China and Korea for economic aid and reperations.

I'm not defending Japan for it's past, but I will say that China's anger is missplaced and the "Japan" they are angry with does not exist anymore.

Here's an example of what I'm talking about. The Beijing New International Airport: Japan paid for 25% of the costs, yet there was no mention of that from the Chinese Government. I could give other examples financial aid packages. Also, China has replaced the United States as Japan's number one exporter. All this anger towards Japan is for show only...

Last edited by Stereolab; 12th Apr 2005 at 23:31.
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Old 13th Apr 2005, 11:06
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Foreign worker:

Glad you now understand about the "pair of my old shoes left on your doorstep". I doubt if there are many who know what this old Chinese saying actually means. I fully agree with your comments re the anger on the protester's faces and I'd like to think this had something to do with premier Wen Jia Bao's statement on the front page of today's South China Morning Post that calls for Japan to "reflect and face up to history". Also your "the Geisha of Japan has more than one face Beware" made me think that someone should start a campaign to tell all of Nippon that JANUS was not a two faced Roman god but was in fact a two faced Japanese deity.


You have made a lot of pro Japanese statements that seem to me to be way off the mark. I will get back to you shortly.

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Old 13th Apr 2005, 14:14
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P of D,

You do dat. In the mean time, I'll be sippin a Yebisu beer and enjoying some sashimi from the Tsukiji fish market. Of course, I'll be joined by the other foriegners that are having a great time in Japan...including the Chinese, Korean and Europeans that are my friends here in Tokyo.

Come on over and enjoy the party?
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Old 13th Apr 2005, 19:07
  #58 (permalink)  
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Why you no have Japan frend to coming with you Stereolab san?
Eat sushi drink Japan beer but no mix with Japan person. only for the Chinese Korea and Europe people at the party.
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Old 13th Apr 2005, 21:17
  #59 (permalink)  
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Prince of Dzun,

Without touching on the main focus of your disagreement with some of your fellow ppruners, I’m having a little trouble with one of your statements.

‘Strange isn't it that the Nipponese are making noises about Russia, China and Korea who they accuse of stealing their pastures but they (the Nipponese) are conspicuously silent about the Mariana Islands which were forceably taken from them by the Americans at the end of World War II. It seems the good old USA has every intention of keeping these islands and Japan humbly accepts the loss. Why is Japan making such a fuss about the actions of its immediate neighbours but does not bother (or dare) to ask big brother to "please give back our Marianas". I wonder how the Nipponese history text books explains this?’

As a former resident of the Marianas, I can provide a potted history.

First settled in about 1750 – 1500 BC, by the Chamorro people (believed by many sources to be of Indo – Malay origin)

Colonized, in a somewhat lethal fashion by the Spanish in 1668 to 1680 AD.

Sold by Spain to Germany in 1898, after the Spanish – American war, except for Guam which had been invaded by the Americans during that war.

Invaded by Japan in 1914, in alliance with Britain, France et al, as a part of World War One.

Administered by Japan under a League of Nations Mandate from 1919 until Japan’s withdrawal from the League in 1936, then on a de facto basis.

Invaded by the US and its allies in 1944.

Administered by the US as a Trust Territory of the UN until 1976.

Since then legally an independent Commonwealth in association with the US.

I fail to see where anywhere in this process the Marianas were ever Japanese ethnically, historically, legally or morally, other than as an administering power for 17 years, and twice briefly as an occupying power.

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Old 14th Apr 2005, 01:36
  #60 (permalink)  
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Read Capt Snooze posting re: the Marianas. Did you do any research or thinking before posting? So far most of your posts have just not stood up under scrutiny. I researched your post, and agreed with you about the Dokdo/Takeshima islands. Did you research mine (or even yours) and come to any new conclusions re: the Kurils and Senkakus/Daiaoyus?

I can imagine that China will veto Japans bid for a permanent seat on the Security Council. China is after all the country that vetoed peace keeping for Macedonia and Guatamala soley because they recognise Taiwan. A very judicial use of their power.
Do you not think that the country that provides the second largest amount of funds to the UN should have some say in how it is used?

Permanent council membership for a defeated power should not be viewed as a reward for that country, but as a necessity for the U.N. organization. Inclusion passes no judgment on the issues of the past, but is aimed at rejuvenating the organization so that it can better deal with the issues of the future.
Denying Japan permanent council status would hurt Asia at least as much as it would hurt Japan. Asia is a far less cohesive region politically than Europe (with its not-half-bad European Union). Boosting Japan to the top council tier would increase the region's clout in the U.N. Whatever their differences, Asian nations have many problems in common -- from currency stability to regional epidemics to nuclear proliferation. This is why Japan's Security Council seat is not South Korea's, or China's loss, but Asia's gain.

Beijing should weigh very carefully the cost of vetoing the application of Japan, with which its international trade is now huge. For more than a decade, China's leadership has wisely prioritized economic development, with impressive results, in large part by never allowing its eye to be diverted frivolously from the prize: "to get rich is glorious," to coin a phrase.

Do you have any knowledge of textbooks in China? Chinas involvement in the Korean War is dismissed in 1 sentence. Completely absent is any mention of Chinas invasion and colonization of Tibet. Also there is no mention of the 1962 attack on India, or the 1979 attack on Vietnam.

Those who live in glass houses....?

Again I ask, have you every lived in Japan? Your statements and knowledge of Japanese people seem to reflect that you have no experience of Japanese people. Of course Japanese people know that most of their written language is made up of Chinese characters. No, the Japanese eyes do not glaze over. It is not an issue with them. Many people tell me that the Chinese readings are much harder than the Japanese ones. There is no problem admitting that the writing came from China.
I assume you are referring to the Japanese when you say the Nipponese. Nipponese is not considered an appropriate way to refer to the Japanese. Either you have lived in Japan and know that and want to be derogatory, or you have not lived in Japan and dont really know what you are talking about.

I live in quite a conservative rural area. We are not far from the big city, but there are not many foreigners here and most people are very traditional Japanese. Everyone I have talked to is embarrassed about the war. They understand that it happened, and they dont really understand why they committed these atrocities. They do not understand why the government is not making the textbooks that reflect this.
I was expecting a much more conservative closed society when I came here. I cannot say how it was 10 or 20 years ago, but in my experiences the people are thoughtful and repentent. I was playing sho-ji with some old ladies the other day. They understand that Japan is an island nation and they were discussing if it is more likely that the Japanese originally came from Korea or China. These ladies were all over 60 years old.

Most of the problems I have living in Japan are the rigidity of rules and the bureaucracy rather than the actual people. Took me two hours to open a new bank account last week cos I have 2 middle names. The computer prefers 2 names total, can handle 3 but flipped at 4. But of course all 4 names are on my id so muct be used.
Day to day life can be frustrating, but where is it not? and I do really enjoy it here.
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