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Ascoteers Multiple Choice

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Ascoteers Multiple Choice

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Old 5th Jun 2003, 17:39
  #21 (permalink)  
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Despite the plan being treated with incredulality(!) by the Int Branch and the fact that the pax have just killed their airport rep and are known mad dirty arabs.....You've just been ordered to fly a 'dumb' aircraft into Kabul/Baggers, pick up these fine chappies and take them on their Haj, do you:

A. Forget about the fact that you're unarmed, security checks will be a lottery and that your insurance will not pay out for acts of terrorism (subsequent BOI will probably blame the aircrew anyway), fly a ridiculous crew duty day, thank your lucky stars that your masters are looking after your every whim and have 'covered all the bases' and deliver the rag-heads with a smile.

B. State that the world has gone mad, 'phone the missus - bid her goodbye (apologising for all the tat in the attic) and fly the mission, insisting that you're armed up to the teeth.

C. Look to your Boss for support, watch as his authority is totally usurped then join the queue at the PVR tent.

D. Thank GOD or Allah that you weren't put in that position in the first place and that you were quite content to do continuous 'nights' in Ops and that the signal from HQ stating that they were content to lose a couple of aircraft (occupants aswell I guess) as an op risk for the sake of PR, was probably a forgery.

The above event was, of course, was untrue.
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Old 5th Jun 2003, 22:47
  #22 (permalink)  
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Sitting on Sector 23 at Swanwick having just issued a clearance to an Ascot off EGDL with a string of crossed out P times do you:

a) expect that the A/C will be airborne soon

b) expect to have to vector an old Herc round the skies just so that it stands a chance of reaching the standing agreement

c) expect to have a phone call from APP to cancel the clearance due to the A/C going tech

d) resign yourself that it wont get airborne until it can get in the way of all the Bristol and Cardiff Inbounds and then tangle with the TMA Inbounds and still not be able to make the standing agreement
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Old 6th Jun 2003, 15:19
  #23 (permalink)  
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For some strange reason you turn right instead of left when exiting the en suite bathroom in your luxury 5-star hotel room and end up naked in the corridor locked out of your room at 0330. Do you:

A. Sleep in the corridor.

B. Knock on a fellow crew member's door and sleep in his spare bed.

C. Use a fellow crew member's room phone to call reception for assistance.

D. Grab the corridor fire extinguisher, hold it in front of you and creep down to the reception desk to get a spare key whilst an entire civvy flight and cabin crew arrives to check-in behind you at the desk.
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Old 7th Jun 2003, 11:08
  #24 (permalink)  
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I took the escape tunnel from Rompers Green in 1991 after 9 fantastic years on both sides of the airfield.

It looks as if absolutely nothing has changed - keep on trucking boys.....(and girls!)
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Old 7th Jun 2003, 15:03
  #25 (permalink)  
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There was an escape tunnel ? My oppos and I were "overlooked" for a day and a half or so at RG and just about tolerated a repugnant, shorta**$% little balding "senior officer" who was also in "sick (sic?) transit Gloria" and thought he owned the place !

We trooped off up North feeling very bad tempered and maybe that was part of the Pschology ? Doubt it, he was an insufferable prat and although he didn't recognise it at the time he was displaying all the symptoms of a death wish. I understand one of his colleagues read his bumps for him before things, including him, got really uglier.

If there's any justice he now runs an hotel in Babbacombe with his vindictive boyfriend.

Surprising, because everybody else there was just brilliant and the scran was A1.
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Old 9th Jun 2003, 17:48
  #26 (permalink)  
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EESDL - Your Haj story was reported in the newspapers back home, it wouldn't have been a very good PR job if it hadn't been! I take it that you witnessed a few last will & testaments that night. PS. What is Arabic for 'Oi you! Stop crapping in the urinal!'

Pilgrim - I have read and re-read your post and I am none the wiser.

You are staging through Akrotiri on the way home with a DAC load and some passengers. Strong headwinds will mean a fuel stop in Italy or France on the way home. It is Bank Holiday weekend and you cannot get diplomatic clearance to arrange that flag stop.

a) Send your PAX to the block/messes and have a couple of days in a hotel down Limmassol, waiting for dip clearance (or the winds to change)

b) Offload the PAX and their bags so that you can make it home in a 'one-er'

c) Get airborne and then feign and emergency and divert to Nice for fuel.

d) er....perhaps you could help us out here Duplo
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Old 10th Jun 2003, 00:02
  #27 (permalink)  
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Flying a military 8 - prop that used to measure waypoint times in days...You are off to Knypoz to try and dry the beast out. But you need to make the Akgroteri window of 1500 shutdown (so the local RAF mob can get down to Arabs before the APC mates). Do you:

a. Make representations to STC to get the dump to stay open an extra 60 minutes once every two months.

b. Nightstop Brindisi and so have a early, but not unreasonably so, start the next day.

c. Land at a French airbase for a v. early start but that's OK 'cos you landed early

d. Flag Nice because your francophile **** of a boss has friends there, even though you get less than min rest after putting the ac to bed, the hotel is next to an autoroute and you have to start-up and taxi before the airport opens so as to make Akkers by three.

Right I'm on a roll now...Sorry to hijack a good Ascoteers thread (is there a good Ascoteer?). Anyway..

The punters love the sound of 4 Griffons giving it large so the squadron puts on a display routine. Do you:

a. Do the high-speed pass (180 kt) into wind and the low-speed (140) downwind meaning any sort of wind down the display line and there's no difference.

b. Spend 3 1/2 hrs each way going to/from Mildenhall's IAT '89 two days on the trot because you can't land as you have no spare brake units and the aircraft has to be towed to and from the runway.

c. Spend any time that you do get at airshows explaining that no this is your real job.

d. All of the above.

God I hated Shackletons.

Last edited by Dunhovrin; 10th Jun 2003 at 00:19.
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Old 10th Jun 2003, 01:28
  #28 (permalink)  
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...they don't bother me

But they seem to have given you Tourettes Spontaneous Backslash Syndrome

Last edited by SirPeterHardingsLovechild; 10th Jun 2003 at 03:10.
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Old 10th Jun 2003, 03:14
  #29 (permalink)  
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Ahhhhhhh - Shacklebombers.....

Went for a trip in a Mark 3 Phase 3 from HMP Kinloss in 1969. We bounced a Noggie trawler at about 250ft in the cold, black, wet night; poor bug.ger was rolling from gunwale to gunwale! Could still hear the engines 2 days later. No H&S in those days....

Got a trip back from Lossie to Leuchars 12 years later in an AEW. Dreadful thing - it would have been quicker to have walked... But amusing as it went boing......boing.....boing all the way down the runway.

But they were useful in filling gaps in the radar horizon. Was Bear-chasing once in the '10 when a Shack picked up the contact way on the beam. We scuttled over to intercept it and nabbed the Tovarichi on their way home. Got some good piccies as well!

I once was asked by a Signaller in a Shack to relay an Ops Normal back to Fishfleet HQ - "Position this, estimate that, ETA Lossie....etc etc" We read it back and added "Was that ETA...today?"
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Old 10th Jun 2003, 04:39
  #30 (permalink)  

Champagne anyone...?
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Talking These should be easy.........

Right then.
None of the following ever happened.
Nor should it.
These are all figments of my overactive imagination.

After a few days in the sun in some distant, beer soaked sunny place you are tasked to return home, empty, with a nightstop in a godforsaken, snowswept, screechingly tragic place. Half an hour after departure a series of dramatic incidents results in you landing, on 3 engines, back at the sunny place. Crew Duty is tight. Could this be another nightstop? The GE is confident he can fix the snag in double time and get you on your way that day.

Do you:

a) Encourage him to work as fast as possible to get you on your way

b) Volunteer crew members and yourself to assist with the removing of panels and various other engineering tasks to help him out.

c) Recheck all your planning figures and refile flight plans so that as soon as he's done you are ready to go


d) Loaf about in the air conditioned crew room watching the GE working like a mentalist in the blazing heat. Congratulate him (through clenched teeth) on completing the task and trudge slowly out to the aircraft in the hope that crew duty will expire. Leap with joy when the ever resourceful loadmaster then announces that the inflight catering has not been kept at the appropriate temperature for the last hour or so and that, in accordance with the clearly published regulations, he must re-cater before flying again. This will take ages. Suggest a 24 hr delay to help him. He and everyone else agrees that that is probably a good idea. Repair to hotel bar.


Whilst on a very brief detachment to an American/NATO airbase you and your crew (and everybody else for that fact) experience a rather major earthquake.

Do you:

a) Join the large burly marine types walking up and down the road sobbing about, er, the ground moving somewhat.

b) Find a vehicle with a flashing light on and charge about up and down the road for no apparent reason with all the other vehicles with flashing lights?

c) Rush about seeing what help you can offer to all the people who haven’t been injured.


d) Realise, that with all the power off i) all the beer is going to go cold and ii) all the frozen inflight rations are going to defrost and that the immediate solution is to vacate the now fractured building for a large barbeque and booze up. Invite passing sobbing marines to join you however they turn down the offer assuming that you must either all be in shock or be British or something.
When the Class Six later opens for “emergency supplies” proceed there directly; note the yanks purchasing duct tape, candles, torches, matches, signal flares and survival blankets. Note that your trolley appears to be stacked only with beer…. Turn down the subsequent offer of Post Traumatic Earthquake Counselling Sessions.


Whilst sweeping a pair of F3 aluminium pursuit ships across the states you are diverted into a quiet Colorado town as both jets have gone u/s there. Upon arrival it transpires that the spare part required to fix the sickest jet is in the back of your aircraft fitted to a spare engine. The engineers get to work:

Do you:

a) Watch as the part is removed from the engine, fitted to the sick jet and you then saddle up and get on your way with the minimum delay.

b) Watch as the part is removed from the engine and fitted to the sick jet. There is then a period of testing and paperwork required so a brief nightstop is required.

c) Watch as the part is removed from the engine and fitted to the sick jet. There is then a period of testing and paperwork required so a brief nightstop is required. A few minor technical snags delay the departure the next day but you all eventually get on your way just within crew duty.

d) Watch as the JENGO is told that he can’t remove the required bit from the serviceable engine because that will mean that engine will then be unserviceable and that will ruin all the stats back in the UK. Watch as UK says the part will be AOG’d out and you’ll be away within the next 24. Note that it’s Thursday. Part arrives in Los Angeles late on the Friday. It’s a military part so has to be Customs checked. No customs over the weekend. Spend the weekend staggering about Colorado. Part is eventually customs cleared late on Monday. Handlers say that it’s on it’s way to you.
Tuesday, nothing appears. Series of phonecalls reveals that the part is going by road. Expect it the next day. Nothing appears the next day. More phonecalls. Transpires that part has gone by road……to Nellis. Note that you are not in Nellis. Next day (1 week later now) UK agrees part can be robbed from engine that has been sat in the back of your aircraft, 20 metres from the unserviceable jet for the last 7 days. With the end in sight and the jets now serviceable, you almost die laughing when the movers phone to tell you that they’ve punctured the aircraft skin with the forklift whilst reloading your aircraft………


I’m sure there’s more out there waiting to be made up………………
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Old 10th Jun 2003, 22:38
  #31 (permalink)  
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Moving 150 Edinburgh based soldiers from the Athens of the North to the green damp place across the water, do you:

a) Lay on something large and comfortable to fly the boys from Turnhouse to Aldergrove?

b) Lay on a few noisy uncomfortable things to fly the boys from Turnhouse to Aldergrove?

c) Insist on a 5.00 am report time at Lyneham to board a few noisy uncomfortable things - thereby necessitating a ghastly overnight coach journey, no sleep and more aggro between the Light Blue and the green?


d) Insist on a 5.00 am report time at Lyneham to board a few noisy uncomfortable things - thereby necessitating a ghastly overnight coach journey, no sleep and more aggro between the Light Blue and the green .... and then land at Edinburgh on the way past (never did find out why). Approximately 650 miles travelled in 24 hours for a net gain of 6 miles.
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Old 11th Jun 2003, 02:49
  #32 (permalink)  
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Lets hope that someone from @rsecot ops is reading these posts, as its mostly their fault.

How’s about some RAF Regt chaps who are PAX from Kabul, slipping (twice) through to Lyneham, approx 21 hours on Albert (25 hrs chock to chock) then a coach ride from Lyneham to Catterick!!
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Old 12th Jun 2003, 02:21
  #33 (permalink)  
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(This is hard work)

I'm going to drip feed this thread until you lot cheer up and stop bickering.

This one from a Navigator chum of mine.

In the cruise @ 24000' with one engine shut down due to prop low oil light. A second engine has fluctuating RPM which you can't fix. Do you...

a) Relight the shut down engine to avoid a 2 engine situation

b) Carry on and hope for the best

c) Find the nearest available diversion with suitable crash cat, runway length, etc

d) Get the rate sheet out and select a diversion for the best night out!
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Old 12th Jun 2003, 04:13
  #34 (permalink)  
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You are at a USAF base in the deep south for an airshow and your hosts have laid on some beer by a swimming pool. There are various other aircrews with you including the Blue Angels. the tannoy announces a Tornado Alert, do you:-

1. Follow the lead of the Blue Angels who do a rapid formation departure.

2. Hang on a bit because you have never seen a Tornado for real.

3. Dive in the pool

4. Carry on drinking the beer and take only a passing interest in this black whirly thing noisily going by a few hundred feet away.
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Old 12th Jun 2003, 18:45
  #35 (permalink)  
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Its 43 degrees C outside and you are about to depart a foreign s hole for somwhere much nicer. You line up on the excuse for a rumway with a very impatient local operator in his Russian built deathtrap champing at the bit behind you. As you advance the thottles, the Take Off Configuration Warning sounds. Do you:

a) retard the throttles, come to a clear the runway, taxy back to the ramp and investigate the problem risking being stuck in the s hole?

b) retard the throttles, clear the runway, investigate the problem from within the cockpit thus claiming another lunch allowance?

c) have a quick scan around the cockpit to see if you can see what caused the warning to trip, then press?

d) press?
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Old 13th Jun 2003, 00:09
  #36 (permalink)  
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Definitely option b!

Then recycle flaps, slats, speedbrakes and TPI and try again. If the TOCW test is OK, it's probably a fault with the 'interrupter' unit - the thing that makes the horn go 'beep - beep - beep'. Can also be set off if the cabin alt warning input is tits. I know this because I once aborted at 90 KIAS for a TOCW warning once during a 93% FTOT t/o (when the throttles are NOT inside the inhibited range). We came to a halt and discovered that 7 other crews had experienced this snag - but not one had bothered to snag it. W*NKERS!!!! 'twas indeed the cabin alt warning circuit which was causing the spurious fault warning!

Last edited by BEagle; 13th Jun 2003 at 00:36.
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Old 13th Jun 2003, 00:32
  #37 (permalink)  
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Its B with the addition of pull the appropriate cb
(Any BA guys here remember Box B payments?)
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Old 14th Jun 2003, 04:45
  #38 (permalink)  
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Albert on Tour

Yes, there is indeed someone from @rsecoat ops reading this and having secured my escape chit I'll be in touch with your desk officer recommending you as my replacement !!!!! You're just the sort of ill informed tw@t who might actually learn something from endless 12hr shifts trying to get a quart out of a pint pot!
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Old 14th Jun 2003, 05:15
  #39 (permalink)  
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How did you manage to tunnel out, Speccers? And where are you going next??
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Old 14th Jun 2003, 05:48
  #40 (permalink)  
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Oooooh, somebody's tired!

PS. You cannot get a quart out of a pint pot. As long as you keep trying you'll make @rses out the lot of us.
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