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12th Nov 2009, 05:08
Wow first of all congrates to all those who shall be going to the training.
I am wondering if it is really that much easy to become a cabin crew in Qatar airways :) ?
I am 17 and I am from Pakistan but residing in Saudi Arabia. I have plan to join any domestic airlines in Saudi Arabia from the next year as I would have turned 18 :cool:. After working there for two years, I shall apply for Qatar airways but I really dont know how to apply from Saudi Arabia. If i apply online and I get shortlisted, will they call me to come to Doha?
Moreover the age criteria for Emirates, Qatar and Saudi airlines disappoints me as Id have to wait for so many years. Isnt it like Qatar airways take me as a cabin crew if Im only 18 or 19?? :hmm:

12th Nov 2009, 07:55
if you are under 20 they wont take you.. however, if you are 19 and you are going to turn 20 in the 6months following the OD then they might consider you.. i think that they take applicants over 20 because of their alcohol serving policy.. but im not sure.. maybe somebody else can give you a sure answer..

hey usagi and starbitee you guys are graduating soon? so 7 weeks have gone up this fast? i still remember that we were in the same situation (waiting for clearance) and you guys are almost done with training.. anyways, good luck for the exams to both of you!! :}

tired of being here
12th Nov 2009, 08:23
just think twice before coming here its not that easy, i finished my training and flying now for 4 weeks, my life is like hell you cant imagine how rude and mean people are in here and iam not talking about the passangers iam talking about the crew it self, i have to admit i had a really good time in the training it was really fun and all my batch mates are really nice and i was looking to start flying like crazy but now iam really think to resign , i will just give you a simple example happend during my flight yesterday; i was standing in the galley (plane kitchen) after we done the lunch service and i was helping in clearing the carts w through the garbage away and one crew who is a senior than me grab my jacket and yelled at me WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE GO OUT and pushed me away!! just for more clarification iam a girl and he was a guy i reported him to the CS (our supervisior onboard) and he told me it was a miscommunication and he is ok! that is the smallest thing i can tell YOU REALLY CANT IMAGINE

12th Nov 2009, 08:49
hey tired_of_being_here.. these are things that happen when you are at work.. i have had many bad experiences too while working in a restaurant.. just like yours, crappy team mates who push you around and make you feel so inferior.. but these people are idiots.. you shouldnt care bout them.. i know you have a feeling of vengence and that you wana knock the guys teeth out.. but forget him, koz he isnt worth your time.. everywhere in the world, in the service industry there is this kind of behaviour.. but something i can tell you from experience is that the more you go through these situations.. the stronger you come out from them.. "if it doesnt kill you, it makes you stronger.."

12th Nov 2009, 09:21
Hi all, I'm thinking about applying to QR and was wondering a couple of things. What is it actually like living in Doha? Is it expensive? What are your living conditions like? Is it a very strict airline to work for? Is there things to do on your days off? Sorry I know its a million questions but thought I should know before applying.
I have applied to EK and EY and I have had no response at all. I have an interview with TCX on saturday but I would much rather have a job at a bigger and better airline.
Thank you very much.x

Nick Paradise
12th Nov 2009, 10:18
Hie dear..
No am a guy.. Am leaving my country on the 21th this month.. I got all my confirmation today. They gave me a phone call.. Thats not really too far and has got loads of stuff to prepare. OMG..

12th Nov 2009, 13:04
:eek: :eek: :* w t F?! :bored:

weeell, this is refreshing :rolleyes:

i don't know how you handled yourself not to give him back the same, but it's sad that you have to go and tell to the supervisor like some suckup or geek... i'm not telling that you are that, don't get me wrong, i'm just saying that it is terrible that you & other colegues have to be in this position, and even don't get a backup from anyone. i mean, you could stand up for yourself - and got fired. :rolleyes: i don't know how i would take it, probably got sacked. for not obeying the senior :hmm: who could even hit you.
you must have been traumatised and shocked.

i don't know... if you have a higher goal, stick up and withstand some more time and in the meantime, you cuold be applying for some of the UAE companies, etihad or emirates.

good luck, and stay cool!

12th Nov 2009, 13:51
OK I shall wait till i turn 20. But as there are no training institutes in Saudi arabia so I wont be able to get any training prior to applying :S I hope training before applying isnt that much necessary..:rolleyes:

12th Nov 2009, 14:16
Training prior to applying is not necessary at all, so don't worry ;)

12th Nov 2009, 14:38
and what about experience?

12th Nov 2009, 15:32
Hello guyzz

I finally got my e-ticket and my e - visa... O my god...I was supposed to travel on the 13th November.. But i am actually travelling on the 14th November.. But training starts on the 16th NOvember.. All those with the same training date, Please pm me your real name so that we can easily recognise each other through our badges..
I have loads of question for you guyss.. I have never travelled before.. I heard that you are not allowed to carry liquid stuff in your handbag..
But, i have a liquid kind of foundation.Its like a moisturiser.. Can i carry it in my handbag??? And my moisturiser?? and mascara?

Take care

12th Nov 2009, 16:52
Sanakhan, you don't need either experience as a flight attendant. Me myself have never had a job related to aviation, and here I am in the recruitment process :)

@ Hostess: Hey girl, don't stress, everything is gonna be fine for sure! :)
About liquids, you can carry them on your hand luggage as long as they are contained in 100 ml or smaller packings. The maximum amount of liquid you can carry on your hand luggage is 1 liter. So maximum would be 10 x 100 ml bottles/packings. All the containers must be within one closed transparent re-sealable plastic bag (such as a re-sealable freezer bag or zip top bag) which itself must not exceed 1 litre in capacity or 20cm x 20cm.
Hope it clears your doubts! ;)

12th Nov 2009, 20:30

I`ve just read that you are joining another company in the Middle-East. Well done, congratulations!

Do not think that cases mentioned above only happen at Qatar Airways!!!

And my opinion, yes, it was nothing. It`s not worth to report it or even think about it! What do you expect as a junior crew??? Yes, support: you will get it on your supy flights. After that: you might come across with collaguages who act superior. What can you do? Report them. Well, you can see how effective it was in this case! In addition, you will be `the one who reports his collaguages`. I don`t think anyone would consider your opinion during probation...

You need to keep your mouth shut and try to deal with the situation. You shouldn`t be very sensitive. That`s the reality. Complaining is a waste of time! Complaining in the galley is even worse: it can backfire easily. Complaining could go back to your Cabin Crew Manager even.

She should have talked to the crew first, NOT the senior. She should have been more tactful asking him: Have I done something wrong? Oh, sorry about that. Can you, please, clarify. Are you all right because you look so stessed! Can I help you something?

It takes around 6-12 months to get used to the job, the place and find good friends. If you survive one year, you will survive everything.

13th Nov 2009, 11:49
I heard that you are not allowed to carry liquid stuff in your handbag..
But, i have a liquid kind of foundation.Its like a moisturiser.. Can i carry it in my handbag??? And my moisturiser?? and mascara?

carry them in small amounts only, or to be safe just put all your liquid stuffs in your check in baggage. only small amounts of liquid are allowed to be in your hand baggage because some liquids contain flammable ingredients. mascara is fine, but liquid foundation or moisturizer only depends on its amount. I suggest put enough makeup before boarding the plane, and just keep your liquid makeups in your check in baggage. just bring a powder in your bag. :)

have a safe trip :)

13th Nov 2009, 12:59
Well thought I'd take a look back here and Mari I just have to say that I always enjoy reading your posts, always concise, to the point and telling it the way it is. Once again every comment you have made relating to this current issue is spot on!! Sydneyblogs there is a plethora of information within the previous 2,000 odd posts which cover every aspect of life in Doha and the job. Good luck to all who are still waiting for clearance.

14th Nov 2009, 00:44
Hi people, Qatar are hosting an open day this month in Auckland, I have sent off my online application but heard nothing yet. Have any kiwis out there had an invite yet? :cool:

Also is it true that male and female crew are seperate in training? :(

Nick Paradise
14th Nov 2009, 01:56
Guys, Hostess is leaving us for doha today.. Join me to wish her luck as its her first air trip and have a nice trip too hostess..

Always be happy where ever you are. Hey am going to be in doha in a week's time too. So exciting!!

Hostess keep us updated.

more important keep in touch dear

See you soon:ok:

14th Nov 2009, 05:30
I am SHOCKED at peoples attitudes here..."just accept it you are junior crew....what were you expecting?.....etc etc"!!!

There is a thing called respect...what happens in Qatar is a total lack of and major bullying! The problem with Qatar is no one has the balls to stand up against it! I was there, saw it all and always stood up for myself and made sure that those people who were guilty of such were dressed down and taken from the pedistal so that they never attempted such petty and cowardice behaviour again!!!

My opinion is if a crew member is rude to me, then they have the ability to be rude to the passenger so you go straight to the CS or CSD and you advice them as such....because if the passenger complains it will be the CS or CSD who gets in trouble first (especially of the pax doesnt mention the name, they will go straigh to the incharge) so as a cabin manager and people manager it is up to them to deal with the said person and deal with it correctly! None of this "cultural misunderstanding" bull!

I have now been working for BA for many years...I NEVER see that sort of disrespect to crew. New crew are dealt with kid gloves and supported 100%! If there is a problem the entire crew generally soon hear about it and make sure that the culprit does not get away with it before the trip ends....rarely will it ever go further then the Jetty (which is how all ADULT situations should be dealt with) but if it does happen to go further then you know that person does not belong in the job!

Sadly Qatar Airways is full of little Hitler syndrom (basically crwe thinking they are the Chief! LOL!) and it will only be weeded out by the strong and righteous!

14th Nov 2009, 09:52
http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/infopop/icons/icon14.gif Ive reached the final interview
Ive reached the final interview for qatar airways cabin crew in rome italy last week in the 9th of november in sheraton roma, and it was one to one interview, with two sweet ladies they were too gentle and kind persons, asked me many questions about my family and my experience in customer services and why i wld like to join QR ,and then they asked me to send them my new new pics ,full lenght ,pasport size foto , a copy of my last diploma , they said to me to wait from 2 to 3 weeks to get the answer and to start my medical only if i get a positive email from them .
The day after i did a new pics and i sent all what they asked me to send and i they replied me that they get my files and from that day i have to wait another 2 weeks , .... i cant sleep at night waiting the result , is anyone here in hold like me ?

14th Nov 2009, 15:43
i can totally understand what youre saying, and i think its really nice of you to take the time and share with the rest of the people on this forum what happened. i would have done the same thing as you, just because youre new on the team you shouldnt be treated like that. as a matter of fact, they should be esp. understanding because obviously youre new and dont know exactly how everything works yet. i would even take that up to the next level because you shoudnt have to resign because of some :mad: likes that. your superiors are supposed to help you out and support you, not bully you. if he gets away bullying people like that hes gonna do it to all new staff, not just you. its absolutely ridiculous, dont take it. stick up for your rights, you deserve to be treated with respect, no matter how short or long youve been in the company for. and btw, i think "sucking up" these things will end up making you depressed so i dont recommend doing that cause you havent done anything wrong. miserable people just looove making other people miserable. hope you feel better soon :O

15th Nov 2009, 13:35
guys ..

i have a question ..
i would like to know if there a specific color or preference for using in the training course ?

they told me that im gonna fly in 28th and i did't get my e-visa or e-ticket so far :(
shall i call and ask or i have to wait ??

what do you advice me guys ?

15th Nov 2009, 19:22
It's the 15th today. You have plenty of time to receive all of those. Be patient.

15th Nov 2009, 20:23
if I had been to an OD 3 month ago to Qatar Airlines and I left my CV and photographs at that time, can I to go to another OD and leave once again the CV. do I have real chance to to be called to the interview, or it should take 6 months from going to the next OD.

thank you in advance for your answer.

16th Nov 2009, 04:54
im just hoping that we are going to get our replies soon.. well at least before the eid-ul-adda festival.. otherwise it seems that it'll take longer to know wats happening.. anyways, happy waiting for those who are new here.. and keep on waiting and have faith for the rest of us who havent been cleared yet.. this wait is starting to get really long now..

16th Nov 2009, 08:12
I hope you and the rest will get cleared soon. Yeah, your waiting time is now getting really long. Have you tried calling them up to follow up? :)

16th Nov 2009, 08:33
yeah starbitee.. its been a long time.. almost 100days of waiting for the ones who are like me.. :( they sent us an e-mail last week saying that our medicals have been sent to the hospital.. so now we are waiting for a reply.. but im expecting that this week or beginning of next week we are going to know whether we are cleared or not.. almost at the end of the tunnel.. (well i hope).. hopefully all of us will be cleared..:ok:

16th Nov 2009, 08:51
after my FI they told me to wait 3 weeks is it true?

HI starbitee

hi when and wher was your FI?

16th Nov 2009, 09:06
ryanair.. hehe.. well after my FI i was told to wait for 3 weeks too.. and i was tentatively booked to travel in september.. :p but it seems that it hasnt been the case for me nor my friends.. 2 of my friends have been cleared recently, 1 has left for doha 2 days ago and the other one is leaving on saturday.. the rest of us are still waiting.. we had our FI in august.. other people here are in the same situation as me.. to be cleared in 3 weeks depends a lot on your luck, coordinator and medical report..

some people are cleared in the 3 weeks time frame.. others have to wait longer.. hope that answered your question :)

16th Nov 2009, 18:22
gauys i did my FI in very last July , and got the clearance in the middel on Octobar so just be patient guys , now they told me im flying to Doha in 28th and so far i did't get my E-visa ...

im so excited guys . cant wait :)

wish you all the best guys

16th Nov 2009, 19:00
my FI was on august 17. :ok:

16th Nov 2009, 21:17
hey guys.

I just had my blood count done today and I have been diagnosed with thalassemia minor, which is a blood disorder for those who descend from italian people (asia, middle east are affected as well). However my doctor said it by no means prevents me from working as cabin crew member since i'm a thalassemia trait carrier only. However my cbc shows a slight anaemia, which my doctor said it is normal and has nothing to do with iron deficiency and there's no way to change that.
my question is: has anyone heard of that before and mostly important does anyone know if that would be enough for me to be turned down even though my doctor said it is ok since i dont have the major one? =\
i'm so worried about that. Help me guys!

Nick Paradise
17th Nov 2009, 15:43
Hey guys,

I talked to Hostess, she reached there safely. she is alrite and enjoying it there big time. She told me its nothing like wats its said on this forum. I mean the negative things. its much more fun. Thats whats she told me.
Anyways am going to experience that next week too as am leaving this saturday guys.

Please all those who are already there pls pm me with your number and name pls
Thanks in advance,

For all those waiting pls be patient. As i always say the fruit of patience is really sweet!!



17th Nov 2009, 17:23
I'm here from the beginnig of October and I must tell you guys it's not like the rumours on the net.
You may find some people that yes will say that is difficult, that the management/trainers/CS/CSD's are a pain in the ass, but don't belive all what others told you. You should trust your own oppinions after being here and after you did this experimenton your own.
I have to recognise that the Company is a very strict one, and has lots of regulations like being home earlier than 03.am, not having visitors in your accomodation after 10-11 p.m.,also grooming IS very important to them, the trainig is quite intens,etc... It's like what for someone is totally unpleasant, may be soooo normal for someone else.Depends of what kind of life you are used with. If your are a party guy,desperate for a drink,smoking,s*x,etc :))) Doha is clearly not for you, but if you understand that is a muslim country, where for them is so normal to have restrictions, and you came here for a career and also for having fun with new friends, Yes Doha is for you.
You can have some sort of fun even here, cause we have pools,gyms, recreation areas, discounts for a lot of things and places, everyone treats you different 'cause you'r a cabin crew,etc ....
So...take the chance and come!

p.s If there are any romanians (or other nationality) that will attend the OD from Bucharest, I wish you all the luck in the world, give your best and enjoy this experience!

17th Nov 2009, 18:30
just woke up and my flatmate told me that I got a phone call from someone named "hostess" and of course I know her as a PPruner. hope she'll call me back. :) glad to know she's now here in Doha. :) I hope more PPruners will come in the next few days or weeks :) heads up everyone :)

18th Nov 2009, 03:40
Can anyone verify this?

Ive been told that for new crew joining QR, they will not be trained in Boeing 777.

It would make a huge deal to those crew whose flights to their native countries are flown with that aircraft.

18th Nov 2009, 08:02
Really?! I thought they train you a couple of months after the initial training.

18th Nov 2009, 08:57

I finished my FI on 10th :)
Waiting like the rest of you....

18th Nov 2009, 09:05
My FI was on 09th of November in rome italy , normally if as they told me after 3 weeks will be about the end of november from 28th hopefully ya rabbi

18th Nov 2009, 11:07
My friends, finally, after the never ending 3 months waiting time...


I'm flying on 29th from Madrid. Also a friend of mine was cleared today... so I wish loads of good luck to those of you who are waiting, specially Kagezen.
And if it's been a long time that you didn't hear from them, try contacting them, it worked in my case, wrote an email asking and get a reply in few minutes.

I'm so nervous and happy same time, can't believe it's finally over :}

Loads of things to do, fix and prepare from now...

I have a doubt, about vaccinations. Do you think I should get them before I fly to Doha?
Could please someone who is already in Doha tell me how it worked for you, if there is an obligation to get them all, sooner or later, and if it is really more expensive there than what it could be in Europe?

I mean... let's suppose within 1 year I never get to fly to for example, Subsaharian Africa, so would I need anyway to get the shots indicated for that zone of the World??

18th Nov 2009, 14:47
congratulations ice! :)
vaccinations are incorporated in your insurance. i never actually had any vaccinations in like the last ten ys of my life so i didnt get any before coming to doha either. now i just asked for hep B (was for free) and they also told me i can get the rest also.
you get trained for the b triple 7 a couple months after your initial training.

18th Nov 2009, 15:28
wow greeeaaattt news!

we should have a pprune reunion here in Doha, let's wait for kage to arrive. *fingers crossed*

vaccines, I've had a few before I left my home country. :)

hope to see you here soon :)

19th Nov 2009, 01:16
CONGRATS ICEANIA!!!!! Hope to meet you once we all get in Doha!

And tnx usagi, I wasnt sure about vaccinations either, now I guess i wont get any in my coutry, I will leave it all for Doha...

so still nobody who will start training on 14th Dec??? :eek:

Nick Paradise
19th Nov 2009, 01:47
Hey hey ice congratulation... After a really long time.. so for when did you get your DOJ? Am leaving for Doha this week.

Hey Kage do not worry even you will get cleared. Mark my words mate next week for sure.!!


19th Nov 2009, 06:52
thanks for the support guys.. now i guess that im the only ancient one waiting on this forum :p haha.. yeah starbitee.. it would be great to get to see you people.. starbitee, usagi, tina.. have you got your roster yet? let us know where you guys are flying.. :)

19th Nov 2009, 09:05
guys I have a tattoo on my left arm and during my FI on 10th November I showed it to them...they seemed ok with it coz my tattoo is not visible when wearing a short sleeve shirt.
last week they called me and asked me to send them a close up picture of my tattoo :sad: I sent it immediately but no reply till date...

19th Nov 2009, 15:30
yeah starbitee.. it would be great to get to see you people.. starbitee, usagi, tina.. have you got your roster yet? let us know where you guys are flying..

AnaAbreu and elizabethbennet are also here :) met them once at the tower. :) tinaflorent and anaabreu are staying with me in the same building. :) ssooo we must have a get together! we will wait for you kage, iceania, nick, etc etc. :) exciting!

i'll be having my observation flights on dec.1 and 2 however the roster is not yet released. prolly by the last week of this month. got my uniforms, luggages, and shoes this morning. :) flying really soon.

goodluck kage. I will keep on praying for you.

19th Nov 2009, 18:53
Hi, well when I have done my CBC I had 5 values less or higher normal range and I was asked to repeat CBC although these values where not so important for doing job as a cabin crew as my doctor said.....

19th Nov 2009, 20:23
congrats ICEANIA!!! waouuuuu!!!!!

I had a mail on sunday telling me to repeat some vaccination so I went to the american hosptital in Paris and the doctor was surprised they asked me to do it again because everything is fine??? someone in the same situation????? I 'm so lost, I loose all my happyness ==> thinking to kagezen who's waiting for so long :'(
:( :( :( :( :( :(
so S.A.D

20th Nov 2009, 04:47
hey lily dont worry.. your tests are going to go on fine.. i mean for me too, the doctors said that i was in good health and nothing to worry bout.. but i was still asked to repeat my CBC.. it happens to alot of people on here it seems.. and something i dont understand.. wat vaccinations did you have to do? koz i didnt do any..

and topgun, im guessing that the important values for the CBC are HB, RBC, WBC and platelets.. im guessing that if you have any of those values out of range (according to the doha doctors range) then they'll tell you to do it again..

20th Nov 2009, 12:02
:confused: i am worried if they will accept me should i make the medical analysis to one doctor or many as in the form a lot of things to do or should i go to a hospital ? some help please

20th Nov 2009, 16:20
Thanks all for the Congrats!! :)

Ryanair1, you should first go to your family doctor. He will fill in the medicals form, when you have all the specialist reports (comming from public heath insurance or private doctors, and even from different hospitals, doesn't care)

The general examinations such as head, face, throath... Those can be done by your family doctor as well.

It is very important that every report is strictly detailed according to what is writen in the form. Then you may get rid of repeating parts of your medicals, and will be cleared sooner.

Good luck!;)

21st Nov 2009, 14:31
Hey guys, I got the OB flights!

My first one is on the 24th and is to MCT-Oman, and the 2nd (25th) is to RUH-Saudi Arabia. Both are in the morning, and I must tell you that I'm so nervous :p! I can't wait to go and see exactly the real thing works!

I'll come back with details!

22nd Nov 2009, 12:42
Hello everybody

how are you all ?? i see that some of the members here waiting the medical clearance like me :D ,, i did the interview on (17-18-19) october in egypt. i received my congratualtion email after 16 days , i sent the medicals two weeks ago and i got nothing sice that :D i was worried untill i read your posts :D waiting is soooooooooo hard:ugh:.

QA told me i am tentatively will leave in december which i don`t think :=, so if anyone has any information , that would be great :)

and congratualtion for all the guys and girls who joined QA and i hope see you soon onboard my colleagues :).

Good luck for you all ......:ok:

22nd Nov 2009, 19:29
Hi, I'm new here:) but already been on several OD! I was wondering if you, or anyboby else, were on OD in Bucharest this weekend and how was the english test and what was the topic for the essay this time? I'm preparing myself for OD in my country!

22nd Nov 2009, 20:10
Hallo and from me:)
I was in Bucharest, really hoping that this time it will work. However, they did not even select me for the 2nd day and I had to go back to Bulgaria:ugh::}:bored: Can somebody give information about the test there?
i guess that I'll have to travel again in December to a nearby country.And I will do it:ok:

22nd Nov 2009, 20:54
Asya, I have a question for you, which two persons were this time from Doha, was it maybe Kristina from Bulgaria? I'm sure that they will have OD in Belgrade in first week in December so come here, we can try together:)

23rd Nov 2009, 05:47
yo meaz, your predictions were right.. i got an e-mail from QR.. i have to repeat my CBC again.. going for the 3rd time now.. is my blood not normal :p i have to do an electrophoresis too.. phewwww... as long as its not a regret e-mail im still happy and taking it positively ;) however i hope that after all that, i'll be able to reach QR and not fall at its doorstep.. people waiting for medical clearance dont worry, it takes time..

23rd Nov 2009, 09:36
No this time were two different ladies. I do not remember their names but one of them was from Scotland, the other one from England.
Yes, I will come if they have OD in Belgrade in December.

23rd Nov 2009, 12:02
Hi, does anybody know what is limit for an eye prescription at QR???

23rd Nov 2009, 12:10

I recently went to EK open day in Sydney and was unsuccessful. Was looking for further opportunities and found QR OD. I hadn't heard of QR before so had a look at the website, everything seemed peaches.

By reading these posts I wanted to find out the 'real' info on working for QR, and it sounds absolutely dreadful! Was wondering if there are any current QR CC(2009) who can give some up to date advice. Am I naive in thinking that rules and conditions may have changed?

If there are any Australians past or present, is it as bad as it sounds?

EK sounded like such a wonderful opportunity, I am wondering if it is worth the time and going to Melbourne for QR OD. :suspect::suspect:Thanks

24th Nov 2009, 11:56
hi any crew here for QR can tell me which is the longest layover for QR routes ?
thanks for help

24th Nov 2009, 14:17
I attended the OD here in Sao Paulo (Brazil) last Sunday. It was my first time and there were about 120 people (not more than that, I suppose). Usual stuff... they showed us a video, talked about salary, benefits, things like that... Then it was time to hand over our CVs and photos... when it was my turn Tanja (a malaysian woman) asked why I had been to Italy and what I was currently doing)... it took about 30 secs, then I went home. When it was about 15h30 she called me and told me to be there next day at 10am.
Next day there are about 40 people only. We did an English test (nothing to worry about) and an essay... the topic was: "Share an experience that you went through that made you grow stronger and take a new direction in life. What have you learnt from this? How can it help you be a potential flight attendant?"
While we were doing the test they called one by one to do the reach test and asked one or two more questions. After 50 minutes we handed in the English test and were asked to wait outside the room for 30 minutes.
Next, they called us back into the room and annouced those who had made it to the next stage.... now we were only 24.... we were split into 2 groups of 12 people each and given two topics to discuss. The first was:
- Pretend you're a flight attendant and there's a passenger who's blind. How would you deal with this?
- Pretend you're a flight attendant and there's a mom with 4 bratty children messing around. How would you deal with this?

We had 6 minutes to talk about these 2 situations... Then we had the next topic:
- Mention 5 things that you're proud of being brazilian and 3 things that you're ashamed of.

We had 6 more minutes... After the group discussion we were aked (again) to wait outside... then they read a list of those who had made it to the next stage... unfortunately I didn't =/ I left the hotel with my soul shattered and wondering what could've possibly gone wrong. My English may not be perfect but it was way better than many others who had passed and I didn't dominate the conversation or stayed with my mouth shut all the time. There were people who didn't listen to others at all, didn't give you room to say anything and others who just wouldn't open their mouth no matter what. And they succeed... One things that I noticed was that when the recruiters were walking around the group and taking notes, they weren't paying attention to what we said at all... many people said unprofessional things such as giving chocolate to the children (without the mother's consent) and made it through... Apparently they were analysing other things, body language I guess... but again it makes me thing where I went wrong, because I didn't act so differently from those who passed... anyway.. next time then =) Good luck for all of you flying to Doha or attending an OD.

24th Nov 2009, 16:05
I applied for Qatar Open Day in London on 28th November but am a bit confused now. On their website they say that you are most welcome to attend the Open Day without invitation letter but after applying I received an automated e-mail that they will review my application and only short listed candidates will be contacted :confused:

So does anybody know whether it's worth just turning up on saturday as they suggest on their website? Or wait them to contact me? It's just the OD is in 3 days so most likely they won't even have enough time to review it.

24th Nov 2009, 16:11
They ment they will review your application for the Assessment day,but in most cases they dont do that. So just go to the OD and hand in your CV with pics.
Good luck

24th Nov 2009, 20:10
How are you guys? I hope you are doing well, I am here again becuase I want to know if one of you here has an illness, I sent my report and i dont know if I am going to be cleared because when I did my tests one of those was out of range and my doctor realize that I have hypothiroidism, so now I am taking medication, I dont know if they accept this illness, please if someone knows something send a reply to me... I am very worried about that... thak you so much

25th Nov 2009, 01:07
same to me here... i found out i have thalassemia which is a blood disorder.. even though it is not serious at all, i dont know if they accept that or not. if someone knows please let me know
good luck fabys

25th Nov 2009, 04:45
hello fabys.. huh, being on this forum for quite some time now.. its the first time that i hear someone having hypothiroidism.. im not really sure whether they disqualify you for that.. but some things that you can think of are.. with this medical condition will you be able to work effectively as CC, does oxygen pressure in the cabin affect you? will the disorganized sleep/wake cycle affect you? well things like that mostly.. hope that everything goes on fine.. dont forget to update us :)

25th Nov 2009, 09:30
there you go ! :)

did you send the CBC yet ?

25th Nov 2009, 09:40
Not yet man.. im wating for my Hgb electrophoresis.. then i'll send everything all together.. im suspecting that i have Beta Thalassemia Minor.. otherwise i might be lacking iron in my diet.. :p do guys know any crew who have this trait and are working for qr?

25th Nov 2009, 11:20
Good luck to those who are waiting for medical clearance...

I am currently waiting for my ticket and visa, and it's getting really stressful. I know since last week that I'm supposed to be traveling on Sunday 29th, but I still don't have my tickets nowadays...
Can please someone tell me if this is the normal way they do, or if I should start thinking that my flight is delayed to next week?

My biggest problem is that I live 600kms away from Madrid, which is the departure point of my flight, so I really need to plan my trip to Madrid with time enough, booking the hotel to pass there Saturday night and so on... Flights and hotels are getting more expensive every hour that passes by... This is getting on my nerves :bored:

25th Nov 2009, 11:58
Hey there ppruners,
does anybody know the questions that are usually asked in the final interview.
Thanks in anticipation

25th Nov 2009, 12:56
:{unfortunately after 16 days of waiting the result of my FI in rome italy they sent me an email informing me that im not accepted OMG i cant beleive :{:{:{:{:{:{:{:{im so so sad and i dont have enough tears to cry :{:{

25th Nov 2009, 14:48
Hi friends!

I just received an email from Qatar saying that my DOJ has been changed, due to delay of my visa issue. I'm flying on 13th December :bored:

In this moment I am sooo tired and confused... I had all my things packed already, and was saying goodbye to all friends and family, organizing everything here........

And now I need to wait 15 more days, double work unpacking everything again... and keeping it ready to pack back within 2 weeks :ugh:

Anyway... I know I'm lucky for having reached medical clearance...

By the way... ANYONE HERE TRAVELING ON 13TH?? :)

25th Nov 2009, 18:33
I am supposed to travel on 11th December if nothing changes and start the training on 14th! Too bad you have to unpack everything now, but I guess we will start the training at same date then?

btw are you a boy or a girl :p

26th Nov 2009, 03:34
Hey guys, I'm kind of new here in this forum... well not so new, i've been reading this since I heard that Qatar was coming to Brazil to recruit again. I had my OD last sunday, made it to the AD on monday, and had my Final Interview today in São Paulo. Just wan to thank you all for sharing your experiences here, it sure helped me a lot getting through the process. Now begins the waiting part...
:bored: hehehe

Cava Queen
26th Nov 2009, 12:02
Don't be disheartened. They say that everything happens for a reason. If it makes you feel any better I had an interview with Emirates on Monday and didn't get to the final stage and I was gutted but I know what it was that let me down.

The important thing is to learn from your mistakes.

Do you think you might know what you did wrong? When can you re-apply? Have you applied to the other ME airlines?

Chin up. :)

26th Nov 2009, 12:05
i'm so sorry to hear that.=( what happened? why can't they accept you? are there any problems? take it easy dear. all the best for you.

26th Nov 2009, 12:22
i would like to thankyou and your support to me and it so kind of both you, i really appreciate that , but i dont know what happen ,,, the FI was excellent and wasnt more than 20 min , i dont know really why :confused:

27th Nov 2009, 03:56
Good Day!

I had my final interview last Nov 15 in Bahrain and told me to wait for 3 weeks.

Supposed to be I will be having my anual vacation this January back to Philippines, what I am going to do? do I have to go for it or stay here in Saudi Arabia to wait for their further notice? Or I can do whatever their advises in Philippines? I don't have any idea since this is my first time to apply for QR..help me.

Another thing, how many months would it take to process all the screenings untill they wil advise you to go to Doha for the training?

Thank you so much...hope you can help regarding this matter.

I need your help.

Best Regards


I am so sorry for what happened.... After reading your message, I got quite nervous, thinking what will happen to me too.

Hope I can make it.

Try again....never think of giving up. You can make it next time!

27th Nov 2009, 05:33
hey clark.. i would advise you to ask your coordinator. tell her bout your travel plans and she'll do the necessary arangements.. and to everyone here.. i have a question.. when will the qatar airways office open again after the eid holidays? anyone have any idea? thanks :ok:

27th Nov 2009, 05:52
The eid hoildyas will end on Nov 30. Do you have any idea what happened to ryanair1 who did not get the job? I am just thinking of mine...little worries but I know I will gonna be fine...hoooo...

thanks. hope to hear from you.

27th Nov 2009, 07:27
yo clark thanks for the update.. i'll call them when they resume.. well i guess that even he/she doesnt know, as they dont give you feedback after they have made their decision.. just pray and hope for the best.. :)

27th Nov 2009, 13:05
Hey Ryan,

I did not get through either :suspect:
I got a regret email from them.

27th Nov 2009, 16:02

Sorry for what happened.... what do you think is the problem? How many were you selected and reached the FI? thank you so much....

Best Regards

27th Nov 2009, 16:44
Hello everyone!

I got an email saying to be ready to travel from Zagreb on 11 Dec, but I did not receive any notification on the medical clearance or any more detailed travel arrangement or contract?
Can someone tell me what that means?
And is there anyone else going from Zagreb on that date?

Thanks for your help.

Also, I know this has been discussed before and to great extent, but I can't help but to express my concern about joining QR with the reputation they have on this forum. I know someone will say that it will be what I make of it....but the amount of rumors here and description of some incidents is extremely worrisome...:ugh:

I had a need to say that.

That need has been satisfied.

Thank you. If anyone has something enlightening to say, please do so...

27th Nov 2009, 17:27
Hello Sui Generis!

Quite similar case happened to one friend here of Spanish batch. She recieved the flight ticket and visa, when she even hadn't recieved the contract, neither had she confirmed to agree traveling on that date.
So you should take it as a mistake. I mean, that day of Journey will probably be the real one, take it as you will be flying on that date, but they just didn't organize well to send you first the offer of employment and so on... This may have happened cause sometimes it is not your recruiter who arranges your ticket and visa, but this is done by another officer... Yes, it's quite a kaos...

And if you have recieved the email today, note they are on Eid Hollydays, so it might have been like a quick advise to you for getting ready to travel on that date. Thats good, in order to plan everything, isn't it?

By the way, I'm supposed to start training on 14th Dec, so in case you're a girl, we will be in the same batch :)

Good luck!

27th Nov 2009, 18:03
Thanks Iceania.

It was another person telling me about the flight date and it was several days ago. But it was the flight date they asked me to provide.

It does seem pretty chaotic over there...

And I'm a guy...so we won't be in the same batch....Is batch a group of new joiners in the same training session?

Am not so familiar with the crew member lingo....

27th Nov 2009, 18:34
Anyone knows how it works when we go to countries as cabin crew, do we need visa to enter or we have like a special permission to enter?

Andis it the same if we fly on our own for holidays?

Emma I am sure you know that because you are already working

27th Nov 2009, 22:30
QR will be processing crew visas but they won't be issued to you.

You get into most countries with a 'general statement' which is a form that CS/CSD's hand to ground staff on arrival. In some places like Europe you will only have to show your ID card to get through immigration and sometimes like in Asia you'll have to show your passport ( sometimes you get a once-a-year stamp, sometimes they just look at it and let you go through ).

However, for US and Russia flights you need to apply for a Crew Visa with some waiting time due to seniority issues ( US Visa : 2 years , Russian Visa: until you get a slot at the Embassy ).

When traveling on your own , you are gonna need to apply for any visas you would have to as an independent traveler. ( e.g. Schengen Visa, UK Visa if needed ).

28th Nov 2009, 16:01
hey guys.
i just read that iceania had her DOJ dealyed due to visa issue. here's my problem... my doj is dec 4th. i received ticket and visa last week.. the problem is that they commited an error on one of my visa information. I let them know about that and they said they would ckeck and come back to me... i have everything packed and i'm leaving my apartment on wednesday cause i leave on thursday to doha... i haven't received anything from them yet... will my DOJ be delayed as well? i'm so worried cause i dont even have a place to stay in case they postpone my travel.. =\

28th Nov 2009, 16:24
Hi Lucas,

Note that these days, until 30th Nov, there is Eid Holiday, so the Office will be closed until Tuesday.
I think, if I were you, I would try to make them aware of the situation, without a place to stay and so on... That could make them hurry up a little bit due to the difficult situation. Think about when did you tell them that your visa was not correct, and if they had time since then to start issuing a new visa for you. It's really difficult to know if they will have time enough to arrange it all before thursday...

Also, I think you should start thinking about the small but real possibility of being asked to wait for some more days. So you could start trying to see where could you stay during some days (friends, family, or even hotel/hostel) You know, this is an unpredictable matter... But it will be worth in the end for sure! ;)

Good luck!!

29th Nov 2009, 08:22
one of my batchmates also has problem with her visa, her passport number in the visa is wrong. but she's here. the office changed it when she arrived here so that her other documents will be correct. so no worries, I think you can still go here and be with your batch. it is hard for them to resched you in a different batch, now that you already have your ticket and visa. :)

all the best. :)

29th Nov 2009, 19:42
i ve my interview on 6 dec.could you please tell me the questions that were asked to you in the final interview
thanks in advance

30th Nov 2009, 01:33
@fungus amongus

the interview questions are tailored for each interveiwee. you wont get the same questions for the most part as others.
you will get ones on problem dealing,
how you react to things,
why you left your past job
, customer service questions,
people skill questions,
if youve done any volunteer work then why?

just make sure you make affirmative and positive answers, dont answer in negatives. e.g. do you have any weeknesses = yes, i am sometimes too awesome

30th Nov 2009, 02:19
hey guys
Brazil campaing has just finshed, two cities, sao paulo and curitiba, afterall 27 candidates passed trought the FI. I'm wondering is a lot of people...
Does anyone knows here if they turn down, a lot of people after the finals?
thanks guys

30th Nov 2009, 05:29
There were 12 of us at the FI....well my FI went really well and it came as a shock to receive their regret email :( after 15 days.
But I guess everything happens for a reason :)

30th Nov 2009, 07:02
hey ice.. how are things going on from your side? im sure that you are really eager to fly since they have pushed your DOJ further away..

lucas im sorry to hear that.. but yeah its really troublesome when you have already moved out of your apartement and you'll have to find another temporary accomodation before you fly.. but i think that ice is right, just call them up and tell them bout your probs they might be able to fix it..

30th Nov 2009, 09:42

When did you receive the regret letter....? I am sorry for that...Now I become nervous to what will happen to my application? I had my FI last Nov 15. Hope it will goes well... By the way, are you female? thanks.

Try again...

Another thing, have question to all, My friend asking with me tried also for QR but he did not make it, and he asked me if can be interviewed again by QR even not after 6mos, or should he apply after 6mos like EK?

Thank you so much...

30th Nov 2009, 10:44
as long as he didnt make it to the final interview he can always apply again, no need to wait. but if you have made it to the finals and you have been rejected.. then you'll have to wait for 6 months so that they clear the systems from your application.. Good luck Clark..

30th Nov 2009, 10:47
Hey guys! I've just booked my ticket to go to Melbourne for their OD on the 12/12/09. Anyone from PPRUNE here going? Im so excited and hopeful at the same time! For those who are waiting, do not give up or lose faith. Your turn will come soon!

Keep up the good work :ok:

God Bless

30th Nov 2009, 12:40
Could someone be so kind and come up with a list of the things a new joining crew member should have in their luggage before departing to Doha?

I would really appreciate it...

I apologize if it is written somewhere, I didn't find it....(it's a very large thread alltogether).

1st Dec 2009, 03:21
hey i applied in the open day in egypt i got my first email congrats me and i made the medical test they need and i send it i find another e-mail telling me that i have the graph of my heart (ecg) is not there i send it back but she didnt send me anything even a short email to tell me she will send my file to the medical center i have to wait i dont know when i should travel to start they wrote in the first email that they booked us on the december flight but when and what time i dont know i still dont have anything :ugh: i feel so bad and down :{

1st Dec 2009, 04:41
hi morosuperstar. dont worry if they didnt send any email to you. they are busy... it takes time for them to reply.. the date of joining is tentative. so dont expect that you will join december batch.. once they send medical clearance to you thats the only time that they will advise you the date on joining..:ok: patience.... by the way when is your final interview? when did your recive the congrats email?

1st Dec 2009, 05:22
they send me the congrats e-mail day 4 -11-2009 it was the first email last email was in the day before the feast and i send her what she want i dont know how long exactly this tourture will take ??????????? they make me really nervous everyday i wake up waitting there e-mail and i find nothing i really wish i open my eyes find the ticket and visa and travel to doha to my training class

1st Dec 2009, 05:51
you call them to know your status.

1st Dec 2009, 07:16

i havent get the clearance, before.. now i applied again.. and waiting for their email.. my experience was.. when i send them my medicals last april it took one month before they told me i was rejected, because of my scoliosis.. and they wont reply on your email instantly, i always give them a call to know the update.. they are busy people and for us we need to be PATIENT. i know its very hard, its the only thing we can do. you are very fortunate that youre on medical stage now.. most of us are waiting for the congrats email:ok:... call them if the medicals is 3 weeks over.. but if your medical certificates are not complete it will took longer... in my case 3 weeks plus 2 weeks and then another 1 week before i get the rejection email on my medicals...

faerie flyer
1st Dec 2009, 09:36
As cabin crew for 8 years with some 5 or so as a senior (purser) with EK airline...it sounds a bit strange this situation.
Firstly 'Tired of being here' after just a month flying is neither very positive nor very enthusiastic, is that all just because one person said 'what are you doing? Get outta here?'.
You say you enjoyed training as it was alot more FUN right? Perhaps you were expecting flying to be just that, alot more fun and less work?
TO ALL THOSE POTENTIALS WHO WANT TO FLY....IT REALLY IS DARN HARD WORK! Those who are scared to or are inclined not to pull their weight, you won't last long. Remember airlines like EK and EY will have on-board assessments during your first 6 months following every flight you do. (Going right up to being a Purser too.) So if you're not up to it and think someone else can do 'your bit' you shouldn't bother wasting their time and money training you in the first place as you won't get a contract offer after the probation.

I agree that 'dealing with the person who grabbed you' is not always easy especially if they are more senior than you, but as I don't know what the situation was all about, maybe there was a reason you haven't explained...moreover the fact that you went straight to report the crew member I'm afraid does not put you in VERY good light with ANYONE. It just goes to show that you cannot confront situations. What will you do if a pax does that to you?
I've been held off the ground by a passenger (pax) by my throat, spat at, had broken bottles thrown at me....all sorts of situations...I agree that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but that's why EK want MATURE crew, even if at 22. To avoid silly childlike 'I'm telling the teacher' type situations which just waste time and energy.

Think about other airlines 'tired', like a low cost, low energy and impact airline and 'Zvvky' please don't suggest EK to someone as immature and un-enthusiastic as 'Tired of Being Here', it's a waste for everyone. Airlines (all) need smiling, genuinely happy to help people FULL of ENERGY.....
Sometimes you need to put on a happy face dispite your own feelings, get in the cabin after a 20 hour shift and still look fab. That's part of the job!
It may seem harsh...but this is nothing compared to what EK management will tell you both on board and off!
This is why during the assessment or interview process, you almost always have a pain in the '#rse' who's provoking everyone, to see how the others' react. Its just a small part of the daily life you'll encounter on board. It's not all silver trays, perfect makeup and layovers to go do what you want. It's more than that. Besides, with the layover times reduced nowadays due to more frequent flights, you'll be lucky to have enough time to shower, sleep and go to local shop before departing. After a grueling flight to Melbourne, EK give it's crew 18 hrs from ARRIVAL to TAKE OFF (not including transfer to/from hotels and pickup 3 hrs prior to departure time). Meaning shower, sleep, a bite to eat, departure!
So no, it's NOT all FUN like at TRAINING COLLEGE!

1st Dec 2009, 14:50
hey hey kagezen!!!! I just read because I'm not going to the forum every day that they asked you to repeat your cbc??? but you can repeat it again and again it will be the same results!!!!! I have the thelessemia too and it's not a sikness, you are born with this!!!!! I can reassure you I pass all the medical test to be flight attendant for european airlines and I had my medical clearance. You are just not allowed to work in an unpressured plane!!! hihi!!!! but nowadays all plane are!!!!!
Don't worryyyyyyyyy!!!!!

2nd Dec 2009, 06:02
Hi everyone, wel I made it a final interview. I did not feel that it went well at all :( Infact I went so blank at one stage I nearly had an outer body experience.

Has anyone out there that is crew ever had a shocking final interview and then been accepted?:rolleyes::D

2nd Dec 2009, 06:53
hey shiny aviator defne shocking.. you mean only blanks? and wats outer body experience?

to lilywings, the doctors arent sure if i have thalassemia minor but they are suspecting that either i have thalassemia minor or i just have an iron deficiency.. but after i have done my tests i asked the doctor for a report and he told me that everything was fine.. this is because i do a lot of sports so my HB levels are normal.. its just that my red bloods are slightly smaller then normal.. and as you are telling me all aircrafts are pressurized now so the oxygen pressure on earth and in the cabin at high atltitude are almost the same so it should not be much of a prob.. and the doc also told me that people suffering from alpha or beta thalassemia minor adapt really quickly to oxygen fluctuations.. so thalassemia minor is not an issue if your overall physical health is good. thats wat the doctors here think of this situation.. dont know bout the doctors in doha though.. hope that they think in the same way.. anyways they have the final say so lets hope that its positive.. :)

2nd Dec 2009, 08:59
Hey hey,
well my thought went out the window and I could not even come up with very good examples to there questions.

The outer body experience - just a blank moment really...kind of like stage fright!

I kept smiling though....maybe that will get me through!

2nd Dec 2009, 11:21
its going to be ok.. i mean, as long as you dont answer anything stupid or make them feel like you arent capable of this job they wont recline you.. dont worry there are so many of us who dont look like professional cabin crew, yet we have still made it through.. so keep on praying that everything will go on fine :) good luck..

2nd Dec 2009, 19:49
Good Day!

I am done with my medical, I got some results from my Dr... I undergone x-ray and it is normal...I would like to ask if mild scoliosis would affect my application in case? Do I have to worry about this? QR gave me one week to process my medical and send to them the results via email or fax.

and another thing guys, the question number 7 in the medical that she sent me, says,
" please ensure that the medical exams point 7 as well as your blood group and rhesus is filled out and left blank" what does it mean?

my tentative month of flying to Doha is on January, is it possible?

thank you so much guys...hope to hear from you....

2nd Dec 2009, 20:01
hi guys...

I would like to ask if I passed the pre-employment medical exam and be received the employment offer, and reach Doha, do I have to undergo another medical again right?

thank you so much.....

3rd Dec 2009, 08:26
yes you'll have to do the same medicals in doha.. some of the people who have moved to doha already said that they had to do the same medicals again.. and scoliosis, it depends on the degree of the curved spine.. from wat has been said here, if your scoliosis is more then 15 degrees then you'll be rejected.. if you dont know the degree then qr might tell you to get it measured..

3rd Dec 2009, 09:33
I'm getting sick here waiting for my Day of journey confirmation!
I already signed their offer of employment but still waiting for my Visa and ticket. They already delayed the date when I had all my things packed last week. I was supposed to be flying on 13th Dec then, but still no answer since then... and I'm afraid they will delay it again.
Anxiety is killing me, seriously... Here unemployed and eternally waiting, start feeling really bad an tired :bored:

Does anyone know if it is normal to receive the Visa and ticket just a couple of days before departure? This is a big problem for me, as I live far away from my departure place...

3rd Dec 2009, 10:08
hi ice.. huh i might be having some bad news.. i mean my friend whose in doha right now.. got her ticket and visa 1 day before her flight.. she was supposed to fly on some date and then qr changed it.. then she got her visa and ticket 1 day before the flight.. its only then that she knew that she was flying the next day in the afternoon.. call them and tell them that you need your flight details at least 1 week before the actual flight.. hope that it works..

3rd Dec 2009, 10:46
Thank you Kage ;) Well I spoke to my coordinator about this, and finally now she told me that we will wait until 9th at the latest to get my visa (this is issued by immigration, not Qatar Airways). So, if on 9th they still don't have it, then they will delay my flight :bored: Will see what happens...

3rd Dec 2009, 14:48

Is there a way to tell what can be an average pay for a cabin attendant in the first 6 months on duty? If anyone who joined recently could PM me or post it here, either way I would appreciate it...


4th Dec 2009, 13:04
hey hey you!!!!! first I don't know if you red all the message here but if you were just accepted to work to qatar and just send your medicals form...trust me you ae a lucky guy if you fly to qatar this month!!! all of us are waiting like 1, 2 or 3 month!!!! it takes a long time!!!
then for your eyes they asked to have a minimum of 8 to 10 8/10 same as 16 /20 ...between 16 and 20 it's ok!!!

good luck !!!

4th Dec 2009, 13:44
Hi everyone!
Lilywings, that numbers 16/20 and 8/10 are for vision accuracy, thats snellen chart test ;)
Atlanticman is asking, I guess, about Ishihara test, which is colour blindness test. I don't think that it will be a problem if you can not see all of the pictures on the book, as long as you can see most of them. My doctor just showed me the first 3 pages, actually. Hope it helps!

6th Dec 2009, 06:16
Hi guys!

Im attending the Melbourne OD on 12 December and Im really excited! Just a couple of things to ask you guys, ideally how long should your resume be? And the colour background of your passport photos/ Full length photos?

Your help and tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks alot!

God bless

6th Dec 2009, 09:12
Background: avoid white, it's written on the homepage. Choose the classic blue or grey for the full-length photo.

CV: One or two pages (very well-structured) as the recruiters won't spend much time to go through your CV. I think you will have to write a motivation letter on the Application Form they give you.

6th Dec 2009, 09:55
hi Everyone! just want to ask if Qatar airways can have Open day in any country/city even if its not listed in there website?

6th Dec 2009, 10:15
Hi Mari

Thanks for your help! I can't for this weekend, Im feeling more excited than nervous I dont know why. Anyway, anyone here who's attending the Melbourne OD?

God bless!

And good luck to all who are attending OD's and wish u guys the best!


6th Dec 2009, 11:54
Hey there everyone, im new in this forum, was just wondering apart from the interviews qns posted here, does anybody know if Qatar cabin crews gets to go for company events such as Dinner & Dance?

Also, is the 10pm curfew applicable during the crew layovers? or is it only mandatory for as long as ur in doha only?

Ive just completed the interviews held recently, keeping my *finger cross* for the email results.hee

6th Dec 2009, 12:29
Hi qantity, I'm not sure if I'm getting what you wanna ask. According to what I undestood, I can tell you yes, there are Qatar Open Days in many countries where Qatar Airways still does not operate any flights.

@ Mr. Curious: The curfew time is only mandatory while you are in Doha. Even when you are on layover on your own country, you can go home and sleep there with your family.

Anyway, a friend of mine who is already there in Doha told me that they actually can stay out of home everyday until 3 am (wasn't this supposed to be only when you don't have any duty next day?). Even some days ago I spoke to her passed 11pm and she was out of home... :rolleyes:

6th Dec 2009, 19:08
hey everybody could plz anyone tell me how long the medicals center take time to decide :ugh: thnx

7th Dec 2009, 04:17
i sent off my medicals on the 19th of october and got medical clearance the 3rd of December
hope thats helpful

7th Dec 2009, 10:12
No, What i mean is will they have an open day even if the date and place its not posted on their cabin crew recruitment events like for example one of my friend told me that qatar airways will have an open day in doha this december but their website doesn't say anything about this. what do you think? :confused:

7th Dec 2009, 10:48
hey quantity i think that all of their open days are posted on the internet.. if it isnt posted then this means that there isnt any openday scheduled for this city yet.. hope this helps :ok:

7th Dec 2009, 11:27
Hey all!

It's been a long time that I haven't logged in here.. Been busy..

Anyways.. I have seen the Ads of Qatar Airways that they will have a CV Submission Day Only here in Abu DHabi.

Just want to ask.. What to wear? Is it the same as the OD?

8th Dec 2009, 04:43

do you need an invitation to the melbourne recruitment day? and if so do you just apply via the website?

or is it an open day where anyone can attend?

thanks for your help:)

9th Dec 2009, 12:45
No you don't, you can just attend... i will be also attending without an invite....i'm not too sure about what to expect but i'm not going to be expecting anything from them since they might be as not so nice as it looks!!!!
but all the best to you!!!!

9th Dec 2009, 14:52
Finally I have my visa and ticket, and I'm flying on Saturday 19th December. So I'm starting the course on 21st. Anyone else starting on the same day?

9th Dec 2009, 14:54
i was just looking through Qatars open-days list in their website
and i saw they are coming to so many countries but i couldn't see any dates.
How do i know what date they will come?
Where can i find that info?

ps. Good Luck everyone i wish the BEST
for everyone!!!!:ok:

9th Dec 2009, 20:07
You must be so excited iceania! What a great Christmas gift haha! Good luck and wish you the best in Doha.

God bless

p.s anyone attending Melbourne OD? What documents do I actually need to brign the FI? I have misplaced my diplomas and high school cert but still have my bachelor degree... I hope that itself is enough! :ok:

10th Dec 2009, 03:45
thats great ice!! :ok: this time its confirmed and sure.. hehe.. now you have approx a week to say good bye to spain.. ;) have fun in doha, enjoy the new year there.. :) im really hoping to meet all you people from here in doha..

10th Dec 2009, 08:40
Hi everybody

I'm new here but I read all the messages in this forum from the beginning. It's full of very useful informations and it has helped me a lot while qatar airways was processing me.

I was at the Open Day in London Gatwick on the 11th of July (5 months ago). And I ve just been cleared. I'm very happy. It has been a very long time. I finally might go to Doha this saturday 12th. I have signed all my offer letter and send it back to Qatar last week. But I'm still waiting my visa and ticket.

Then I hope I will get them today because the Qatar Airways offices don't open tomorrow. Perhaps i will have to wait like iceania.

Anyway, It's very exciting and i really look forward to going up there.

Good luck to those who are waiting... It may be very long!!!!!

11th Dec 2009, 09:41
Hello to you all!I am a Finnish girl leaving to Doha the 2nd of January, starting the training the 4th. Anyone else =)?

12th Dec 2009, 05:48
Hi guys!

I attended an OD here in Melbourne. They said they will call us back by 5pm and it's 5:50. Looks like I didn't make it to the next selection round!! Im utterly guttered :bored: maybe it wasn't to be. oh well! For those who are attending OD soon, best of luck!

God bless

12th Dec 2009, 11:22
Please!!!!If you know something about next open day in Egypt!

12th Dec 2009, 19:26
Hi there!

I just sent my medical results, and were all normal...

I am waiting for the next one, which is the job offer if ever...
Can you tell me if waiting will be in a month or after?
I am tentatively booked in January, do I have to resign because I have to serve 30 days to my present employer?

Thank you so much..
Is it true that the training for male and female is separated?

Hope to hear from you all....


12th Dec 2009, 22:36
hey tentitvly means not sure so we all here waitting iam waitting the clearnc i hope i travel soon too :ok:

13th Dec 2009, 10:12
hey hey you!!!!
I'm waiting for now 2month, all my medicals forms were fine here but they asked me to repeated some of them twice so it took time...they said do not resign further more notice so.....
I hope I help you!!!!
Be strong hihi!!!!!:p

13th Dec 2009, 11:32
Hey, I'm quite new to QA and I have a question about postal addresses.. I have tried talking to welfare about this but they weren't very helpful..

I want to order something online but they won't deliver it to any PO boxes, and as I've been told by welfare, I won't receive any post mailed to my accommodation..

Does anyone have any experience with this sort of thing? I have heard though from other girls in my building that if I get it sent to my accommodation that it will be redirected to the office and I'll just have to go pick it up from there, is this true?

Any help would be appreciated :)

Ps sorry if this is in the wrong thread

13th Dec 2009, 16:17
Interesting question, it would be very helpful to know the answer. I usually buy a lot of stuff through ebay, so I will be interested in being able to receive what I may want to buy... Also even if my family wants to send me something I may need from Spain... Whatever...

13th Dec 2009, 17:51
Not to worry, you will be assigned a Pigeon Hole where all your mail whether internal or external will be sent to. If you want to receive packages etc from home there shouldn't be any issues and your family can sent it to the PH. If it is too big to fit in it will be left with the office and there will be a notice in your box for you to collect your package.
The issue I'm having right now tho is that some online companies won't deliver to pigeon holes, and I'm wondering if there's any sort of loop hole or something I can do to get it delivered to me..

13th Dec 2009, 17:56
I would like to ask if I have to worry about if I have Lymphocytosis on my CBC results? this is increase in number of lymphocytes... Anyone who had / have the same diagnosis?

Thank you so much...

14th Dec 2009, 10:21
Hi everybody, nice to meet you! I'm from Odessa city, Ukraine (it's near Russia :)). A few days ago I visited an open day of QA in our city, then I passed their tests and filled in the form. Now my 3 weeks began and I'm waiting for the result. One thing is worring me... My parents just can't beleive that such a great airway company would like to have an employees from Ukraine, it seems strange and dangerous to them. Can somebody, please, tell me if Carrie and Adriana are really working for QA? Where can I check it?

Thank you!
P.S. Hope to get a lot of new friends, so I might see you in Doha! :D

14th Dec 2009, 10:45
Hi layla-Odessa! I know your city and it has a beautiful seaside :)

Of course, Carrie and Adriana work for Qatar recruitment campaign. Please, don't underestimate that much your country!;) Qatar Airways hires flight attendant all around the world, no matter if poor or richer countries. So take it for real and granted hehe...

Loads of good luck!!

14th Dec 2009, 11:38
hi everybody..

how are you ? , i wanna ask you if anyone got the medical clearance without askig him / her to repeat any tests? because i noticed nearly everyone was asked to redo some tests.. so i am wondering??!!

arrrrh waiting is soooo hard :S:S i wish i get mine soooo sooooooooon


14th Dec 2009, 12:33
:O Dear Iceania, thank you so much! I feel safe, but you know those parents... And there were a lot of sad cases when russian and ukrainan girls were taken abroad to make a sex service... here people still scared, so it's hard to beleive to someone who's going to take you to the Muslim country!
Ok, anyway, now we are all calm and waitin' patiently :)

How are you there? :) Do you like the living conditions and what about prices for everyday necessary things?

14th Dec 2009, 13:15
You're welcome laylaOdessa :)
I'm still in Spain, I'm flying to Doha next Saturday, im so excited! :}
I understand that you have doubts, that's sad reality, that many girls are deceived to take them to another countries...
But you can trust Qatar for sure :) I have some friends living there and they are happy.

Prices of everyday things are more or less like western Europe, a bit more for some things (they need to import most of food, as they can't produce many things in the middle of the desert, it gets more expensive...), and a bit less for other things. Also note that Qatar is a tax free country, so that makes a good balance ;)

14th Dec 2009, 16:51
By the way, for those who are waiting their date to fly to Qatar, or even for the ones who are on training...
I created an application in facebook consisting on identifying IATA codes of Qatar Airways destinations. We will need to study and memorize this codes sooner or later, so it can be easier and funier this way... hehe.

I guess I can not put the link directly here, so, in case someone is interested, please send me a private message;)

15th Dec 2009, 08:16
hey wats up guys im reading your posts and i see that there seems to be a prob with letters and parcels being delivered.. it will be really annoying if we cannot receive letters and parcels.. i mean i buy loads of stuff on ebay.. but im guessing that depending on the seller they might or might not post to pigeon holes or watever..

And layla dont worry qatar seems to be a nice place to live as long as you live by the rules..

Clark, if your lymphocyctes are off the charts they are going to tell you to redo your medicals again.. i mean you'll be asked to repeat your CBC only.. but this is just a guess.. im not sure.

One more week to go ice :) dont forget to update us once you are there.. try to look for starbitee and usagi they dont post anymore.. hehe..

15th Dec 2009, 09:31
hey kage!
the only reason for that is we started flying haha :ok:and i think i spend all my free time with sleeping XD so i dont really have time for now.. so far (knock on wood) all my flights were good or awesome.. great crew and nice passengers.. i think im really lucky considering all the bad rumours and all :) i hope itll stay like this too..
good luck to all of you who are waiting! :ok:

15th Dec 2009, 10:00
hehe.. if you wana hear bout someone just call out her name.. ;) hey usagi im happy that you are enjoying.. and for me im guessing that the end of my wait will be next week.. this is when i'll know whether if im flying to Doha or not.. enjoy your flights and fly safe..

btw which countries have you visited?

16th Dec 2009, 18:15
Hey Everybody,

I had my final interview on the 23th of november in Bucharest and I cannot wait to get the answer! The question is that the 3 weeks waiting period is over and Im quiet worried that they had a wrong mail or something by any mistake. (Actually I took extreme care to write it very visible and clear so there should be another reason).
So, I am still waiting, checking my mailbox hundreds of time every day but my mood started to turned down as I really really want the positive answer!!
Any recommendations? Should I still wait? A CCM guide says if the answer is still missing after 3 weeks I have to contact with them trough mail. (but you know, I dont want to seem like pushing/hurrying them..)
Any advice would be appreciated.. Good luck for everyone!

17th Dec 2009, 07:33

you can send them email, because it stated on the final interview pack that they gave us... after 3 weeks you havent recieve any email from them..:ok:

17th Dec 2009, 16:54
Hey RyanGirl, same thing happened here in Brazil, we had our FI on november 25, and the waiting time is over. I advice you to get in touch with them, that's what we did here.
But now the answer is gonna take a bit longer today they had a holiday there, and someono from there told me that sunday they will have another holiday as well...
So I'm guessing that we will receive our answer by Santa... rsrsrs

17th Dec 2009, 18:01
Thank you guys for the answer, really appreciated, now I will write them ASAP to get in touch but surely they are extremly busy doing their selection as they are hiring CCM very aggresively.
Have you got any answer and actually have you had any news about the others that they got it or they are still waiting as well? Unfortunately I cant keep in touch with the people from my AD so I dont know how they are over there.
Tomorrow is a holiday for them but hopefully the next week is gonna be our celebration!

Nick Paradise
17th Dec 2009, 18:48

you remember me!!! Nick.. I am in qatar officially now.. Already half way my training. Its damn lovely here.. nice people. Do not whatever wrong/ negative stuff people say here..

Am loving it here so is hostess...

training is awesome.. My accomodation is nice..

Guys, its really a wonderful experience being here..

20th Dec 2009, 12:28
The Manchaster OD was 2 weeks later then mine.. and they have had the answer.. Why is my mailbox still empty? ... :(

20th Dec 2009, 18:44
any updates ? have you got cleared yet ?

it is almost 3 weeks for me here and things is nice except for too much to study!! so be ready guys!

have got wonderful friends, doha is nice however not much to do but it was the national day few days ago and it was crazy in the streets, they even had an air show it was amazing!

21st Dec 2009, 05:36
hey meaz.. i guess that im still waiting for medical clearance.. but i got a mail from qr asking if im ready to travel in jan.. so hopefully its a positive sign, but i guess that this has happened to a few people here.. they didnt get the "medicals cleared" e-mail.. but they already got their DOJ.. and then i dont know if they have made it to Doha yet.. any person here having a similar story?

Study hard meaz.. im happy that you are enjoying in Doha.. Good luck :)

21st Dec 2009, 09:07
I'm cleared.. pheewwwwwww... finally.. after sooo soo soooo long.. oh yessss.. i can rest now and stop checking my inbox.. to you guys still waiting hold on tight.. to recap, i have been waiting since the 27 of august 2009.. had to repeat a few medicals.. well i had to repeat my CBC 2 times then i had to do an electrophoresis.. therefore.. 4 months of waiting for me.. to all the people who are in doha.. im looking forward to meet all of you.. :)

21st Dec 2009, 09:10
hey hey long time!!!!
I'm in the same situation I havn't been cleared yet but yesterday i got an email if I m ready to go on the 26 of december!!!!
I m so happy right now
but i signed nothing and get nothing yet just an email this morning saying the airport I choose where ok!!!


21st Dec 2009, 10:10
huh dont worry lily clearance is coming soon.. hehe.. i mean i got the same thing as you.. they asked me if i was ready to travel in jan and also to confirm the airport that i'll be leaving from.. then.. a few mins later, i recieved medical clearance.. keep us updated lily.. :)

21st Dec 2009, 12:46
Congratulations to you.... You made it! Cool...

When will be your departure to Doha?

I called the HR and she told me that she will advise me soon right after she got the results from medical department when I will be cleared. She also told me that the training for males will be on january so hoping that I will be cleared earlier...Do I have to believe that? Since you told to your message that you waited for 4 months to get the clearance. Thank you so much...Hope you understand..

So far my medical results were okay.. and I didn't here anything if I will gonna repeat any...finger cross!

I am happy for you!

Be your best always...Hope to see you soon

22nd Dec 2009, 05:37
hey clark.. thanks :) im sure that your medicals is gonna get cleared soon.. just have patience.. i've been waiting for approx 4 months.. so i guess that compared to me you are still good.. now i dont know wat to do.. im still waiting for my job offer and contract.. good luck to all of you waiting.. i know how it feels..

22nd Dec 2009, 09:08
WOW.. see i told you that you'll be cleared soon. thats very short notice.. only a few days left for you to prepare.. well i havent recieved my list yet.. nor have i recieved my offer of employment.. huh im guessing that they will send you wat you have to bring and all soon.. did you get your contract and offer of employment yet? good luck preparing.. :ok:

22nd Dec 2009, 09:37
tehy said i'll receive the contract tomorrow!!!!!!!

22nd Dec 2009, 10:03
hi lily.. well i got an e-mail saying that i'll be recieving the contract tomorrow too.. and my DOJ is 22 jan 2010.. but it might still change.. let us know when you receive something from them tomorrow..

22nd Dec 2009, 12:24
Same situation, FI 4 weeks ago. No answer yet . I wrote an email as well that my 3 week period is over... still deep silence.:confused:

23rd Dec 2009, 10:38
does anyone have a knowledge about the fact that qatar airways pays layover/stayover allowance? if it pays roughly how much? thanks

23rd Dec 2009, 10:51
hey bro congratulations!! i am leving on23 th jan. do you have any knowledge about layovers?

23rd Dec 2009, 11:19
huh bout the layovers.. i heard that in america the crew get 150USD per day for meal allowance.. im not too sure.. im maybe wrong here.. but thats wat i heard the recruiters say..

23rd Dec 2009, 14:11
enginvarol - Good Day! Are you male? When was your FI? How many weeks you waited for your clearance? I am hoping I will be cleared after Sunday the HR said.
Thank you so much! If you are male hope to see you on January training and hope I can make it earlier. Good luck!

Kagezen - Thank you so much! I would like to ask how many days after it took when you repeated your CBC? a week or after? thank... you are almost there and I am sure you will enjoy it. Hope to see you and personally say thanks...

Merry Christmas to all and a bountiful New Year!!!!!!!!
Hope to those who are waiting would receive a gift for this Christmas and finally get there visas! hehe

Thanks to all.

23rd Dec 2009, 14:38
Hi everyone, I attended the Qatar recruitment and got my congrats email a few days ago...I've done my medicals and it seems I have 7 degree scoliosis? Does anyone know for sure how much they allow? They said I would be tentatively fly out in January but I really doubt it after reading how much time all of you have been waiting for the clearance

23rd Dec 2009, 23:24
@ Ryangirl... yes i did as a matter of fact :)

24th Dec 2009, 03:55
7 degrees is acceptable.. over 15 its not.. however, it also depends on your general health reports.. if its good overall then they wont really mind the 7 degrees.. but if you have other problems.. then it might get harder for you to be cleared.. yeah the next batch for the males start in january on the 25th... hope to see you guys there.. :)

and clark for the medicals.. it really depends on how busy the doctors are in doha.. i mean for me when i repeat a test.. my coordinator after 2 weeks tells me that she has just sent it to the lab.. then after this e-mail i usually wait 9 days to get an answer from them.. but this is just wat happens to me.. dont know if it'll be the same for you..

24th Dec 2009, 10:24
hey, i just recieved my contract and offer later.. im leaving on the 23jan same as enginvarol.. i guess that we are going to be in the same class.. Merry Christmas all of you guys and girls.. :}

24th Dec 2009, 17:24
Hello everybody,

I attended the recruitment process for cabin crew in new delhi two weeks ago and got the congratulatory mail tonyt . I am tentatively scheduled to fly in jan 2010.

Any one else from that batch of FIs who got selected from delhi?

Along with the congratulatory e mail, I also got another e mail from qatar which says " CV /RESUME SHORTLISTED FOR A POSSIBLE JOB PLACEMENT".It has an online questionnare to fill out.
I had applied for a first officer's post to qatar as well , so my confusion is about wether its regarding the first officers post or for the cabin crew recruitment.

Any one else from cabin crew recruitment, who's got the second mail?

24th Dec 2009, 18:21
I wish to all of you a Merry Christmas and hope to see each other soon in Doha!
KAGEZEN congratulation, finally you get the answer you were waiting for months...:):):)

24th Dec 2009, 21:11
Jake.O, me too.. i have not got any mails yet.. :( ive written the mail twice to remind them but no reactions. I think it means that i wont be succesful. God, i hope theyve just missed out my address or smth...:suspect:

BTW ..Congrats for everyone whos goin to Doha and Good Luck!

25th Dec 2009, 11:19
Hang in there ya

25th Dec 2009, 15:50
@ Ryangirl, it's very strange you haven't got any news yet. A friend of mine who also went received the email the same time as me. No news doesn't mean necessarily bad news, they will inform you whether you are successful or not...just hang in there!:)

25th Dec 2009, 16:59
@ Ryangirl
hey, have you tried calling the office in Doha?
the girls from brazil received their mail last sunday...
maybe you should call them, to get some information, thatīs what we did here..
Wish you the best,
marry Xmas

25th Dec 2009, 20:43
FINALLLYYYYYY you're coming to Doha. we should all see one another here. :) enjoy your remaining days in your home country. pack all your stuffs soon okay?

hostess and Nick phoned me twice. :)

merry christmas everyone!

26th Dec 2009, 05:17
Thanks guys i really appreciate!! :) and topgun you are coming next.. im sure!! :) hope to see you ppruners there.. :ok: happy new year!! :}

26th Dec 2009, 17:50
enginvarol'S FI at 2nd nov.
we were in the same batch with him

27th Dec 2009, 23:54
Hi Raoni,

have you received email from them??or are you still waiting?please reply.thanks;)

28th Dec 2009, 01:47
Hello Guys,

Anyone here, who did the final interview in Kuala Lumpur this december? Did you already got any answer? Im soooo excitied. Checking my mailbox houndred times a day...:) If you get their e-mail, please let me know.

And congrats to all the other Luckys who are already in!!! :D I really hope to meet you in Doha.:) Please cross your fingers for me! Thanks!!!

28th Dec 2009, 02:19
hi flutterby,

im from singapore too. when did you recive congrats email?? are you from first batch or second batch?

29th Dec 2009, 03:07

Could you please help me? I need some info about the concessionary travel.
In the information material stands that we have unlimited ID90/ID50 tickets, plus 1 free, plus for the parents: one 90 and 50 per person, plus for siblings one 90 and one 50). And what about spouse (husband/wife)?
I only have my mother living, and Im married. May I give my father's tickets or my siblings' tickets to my husband to use them?
If you know anything about this, please help!!!! Thanks! :)

29th Dec 2009, 08:29

how many on your batch got in the Final interview? im from the first batch... how many of your batchmate recieve congrats email.?

29th Dec 2009, 08:48
Hi Everyone

I just had my clearance today, I will be flying to Doha on Feb 20, 2010.
I am so excited to it. They said the training for Jan 25 were fully booked for the male cabin crews. But it is okay for me...

Thanks to all your prayers and support.

Thanks kagezen to your encouragements.

To all who are waiting, you will get your clearance soon.

29th Dec 2009, 10:36
hey clark congrats man!!! see you soon in doha then.. these days im going out to buy my stuff.. looking at my fortune diminishing :P haha.. but anyways life is so much nicer when you arent checking your e-mail or phone every 10mins haha.. once again congratulations :}

and layla.. bout pets.. im not really sure.. firstly, wats a chinchilla? :p and i dont think pets are permited (but you'd better call your coordinator and see) and also maybe the person whom you'll be living with might be allergic to it? well im just guessing here.. maybe actual crew might be able to tell you if they own pets.. :)

and i think.. once again not sure here.. your spouse get 1 ID90 and ID50 ticket per year same as your parents would..

29th Dec 2009, 15:56

I am male, I was tentatively booked on January but they said the male batch on january were fully booked so I am rescheduled to fly to Doha by Feb 20.
I am sure they will give you an exact date, don't worry about it...

Atlanticman I sent you a message.

Another question, when are we going to undergo the medical again once we reached Doha, the day after or during the training also...?
thank you....

Thanks to all.

29th Dec 2009, 16:20
I got my email yesterday! iīm male and attended Madrid openday! Anyone else??? im supposed to be flying in january but it seems a bit too soon to me... i think xray results take a little bit donīt they?? does anyone know where I can have my medicals in MAD??

29th Dec 2009, 16:52

Are you male right? Yes you are tentatively booked on Jan, I had the same also. But my departure to Doha is on Feb 20, so yours will be subject to changes.

After your medical, you have to wait for 2 weeks to be cleared if your medical results are all okay/normal and they will advise you if some will be repeated.
But don't worry, everything will be okay soon.

It might be on February also. see you soon

29th Dec 2009, 17:47
I paid 1000 SR hear, but we have diff currency. Maybe, and you can ask your Doctor if he/she can make it to lower price. The CBC is so expensive here also.

I had an email and also called them and finally I will be flying to Doha by feb 20..
Maybe we are on the same batch or you will go ahead of me. Let us wait for there response to you.

Hope it helps

29th Dec 2009, 18:34
Hi! does anyone have an idea when the Open Day Assessment's gona be in Cebu, philippines?


29th Dec 2009, 19:38

I am from batangas, I attended the interview in Bahrain for Qatar Airways.
Flying to Doha on Feb 20, currently here in Saudi Arabia, cabin crew also. are you?
They already had an open day in Manila, I don't know in Cebu.

But I saw the website, they stop hiring at the moment.

You can try Saudi Arabian Airline and Kuwait Airways. Just visit Work Abroad - Overseas jobs for Filipinos posted by Philippine recruitment agencies licensed by POEA (http://www.workabroad.com.ph) website. then search for flight attendant/cabin crew

hope it helps

29th Dec 2009, 19:41
Just wondering, I've only seen fair-skinned girls in pictures of QR and I haven't seen any dark-skinned ones (at least in pictures). Is being dark-skinned an issue for the airlines or something? This question is not meant to offend any one working at QR or to insinuate that the airline is racist or something, just curious as I am dark-skinned and I am planning to apply for QR cabin crew.

30th Dec 2009, 02:49
after 5 weeks waiting I got my congrat mail today... running to get all the medicals done until next week!
Sooo excited!

30th Dec 2009, 02:56
hi raoni,

congrats... you just receive just now?dated today? or yesterday?


by the way are you male or female?;)

Miss Curious,

do you have reply from qatar?

30th Dec 2009, 06:46
travkat.. dont worry bout skin colour.. wats more important to them is skin health.. it doesnt matter on how dark or fair you are.. as long as its healthy.. you are good to go.. :ok:

30th Dec 2009, 10:11
my mail was dated today, and Iīm a male. :ok:

30th Dec 2009, 12:44
Hello evryone,I am leaving for Doha on 20 of February.I made a group on facebook for all the new joiners who leave on the same date or arround for Doha!If anyone wants to join and keeps in touch eachother PM me here i will give you the invitation!!!!:E;)

30th Dec 2009, 16:45
Congratulations Clark! :) I'm from Batangas too, but grew up in Manila and Saudi Arabia. :) see you here in Doha.

Sarah, just keep on checking the qatar airways website, they post the OD dates and venues there. also check IPAMS website because it is the agency that we have in Manila for QR. goodluck :)

30th Dec 2009, 19:58
thanks starbitee! when you're this excited you get all impatient.haha are you leaving for doha already?

Anais Nin
30th Dec 2009, 20:11
@Sarahmanila, patience, patience, :). After lurking in this forum for months, I can now conclude that becoming a cabin crew requires a lot of patience, :)

I've read in a local forum that the recruiters might drop by January next year for an OD but it's not confirmed with IPAMS or in their website yet.

Have a blessed New Year everyone!

Anais Nin
31st Dec 2009, 01:22
I believe starbitee is already in Doha for their training.;)

31st Dec 2009, 02:15
hi ryangirl

any news?? did you recieve any email?

31st Dec 2009, 06:26
Hi sarah

Great to know that there is agency in cebu, go for it.
Hoping that by january they will resume their assessment also in manila.
Are you also a cabin crew?
Good luck to you and thank you...


I sent you a message.. how's the training?
see you soon..

thanks to all.

31st Dec 2009, 16:56
I wish a wonderful new year 2010 to all ppruners, lets all wishes come true, especially these concerning medical clearance, congratulation mails etc!!!!!!;);););););)
I have to repeat CBC, third time from October 2009........ :ugh:

1st Jan 2010, 06:25
Hi there,
i have no luck still as of now. it's been almost 6 weeks of waiting but im still eagerly hoping to receive an email from qatar.

I praying hard that the delay in the reply is due to the fact that perhaps the female training will commence later, which is why only the guys been getting the good news email. but anyhow, its 2010, i hope this brand new year will kick off will a brand new beginning starting with a positive email from Qatar soon. =)

Its been 6 weeks, i really hope a congratulation email will pop up in my gmail screen soon.. applicants will be notified even if the result is negative rite?

2nd Jan 2010, 16:20
Congratulations Kagezen :ok:

2nd Jan 2010, 17:43
I'm already done with the training :) I'm flying for 1 month already. Goodluck!

2nd Jan 2010, 18:21
I sent you message...

Is it the ditching will be held in Emirates Training camp?
I heard it...



2nd Jan 2010, 19:05
yeah, ditching and some other emergency trainings will be done at the simulators in Emirates Training Center. :)

3rd Jan 2010, 05:18
Hi everyone, I'm new here but I've been reading this forum for some time now. I applied as a cabin crew in KL, Malaysia and got my congratulations email last week. Tomorrow will be my medicals at an accredited clinic by IPAMS. Seems there are lots of guys here. I bet we will all train at the same time. :ok:

3rd Jan 2010, 05:59
Congratulations man!

Hope to see you on Feb batch.

How many were you, reached the final interview in KL?
How many Filipinos got in?

Thanks. Goodluck to your medical.


3rd Jan 2010, 15:18

Anybody going for the OD in Skopje, on 23 January?
I am confused, it seems that there are 2-3 Holiday Inn hotels in town and I wonder if somebody has an idea, in which one the interview will take place?

4th Jan 2010, 05:49
Thanks Ahmsha :) how is it going on with your application? and happy new year to you guys i didnt get to wish you people on here.. to those waiting keep holding on :) and to those who have been cleared.. CONGRATS! see you soon in dooowwwwwhaaaaaa!

4th Jan 2010, 09:23
Hey there!

I would like to ask when are you flying to Doha? January 22?

I knew that the training is on January 25..hehehe.
I am traveling on Feb 20 and the training is on Feb 22.


Happy New Year!

4th Jan 2010, 09:29
hey clark, huh im travelling on the 23rd of jan.. will be reaching doha on the 24th in the morning.. training will begin on the 25th.. guess its time to start getting ready to go back to school again :P haha..

4th Jan 2010, 09:43
Yeah! Cool..

Great to know that! So, best of luck and fun fun fun...

You are right, again back to school.hahaha.
Before this, what's your job? cabin crew also? hehe.

Have a safe and pleasant flight to Doha!


4th Jan 2010, 11:15

im from singapore too. waiting for the email... your final interview is 24 or 25? i heard the first batch, 5 of them recieve email and second batch, 3 of them recive email... which batch are you from 24 or 25 nov?

5th Jan 2010, 00:58
Medicals sent!!!
Now the waiting game begins again for the medical clearence...
Until there enjoing a little bit of Brazil, Copacabana fireworks this year were beuatiful hehehehe!!

5th Jan 2010, 08:10
done also with my medicals yesterday, will wait for 2-3days then .... thats it hehehe

wondering when will i fly if the slots for jan and feb are full?

5th Jan 2010, 10:46
I finished my medicals yesterday too!
Apparently Iīll have the results on thursday because tomorrow is the day of the three kings! (Bank holiday due to Spanish Christmas) I canīt wait to send them!!! When do you think weīll be flying to Doha? Iīm male!
Do we get paid during the course? I donīt remember..
Anyone else from Madrid???

5th Jan 2010, 11:42
if i remember correctly.. you get a bonus of QAR2000 when you come to doha.. and at the end of the month you get QAR3000.. im not too sure.. people correct me if im wrong.. good day :)

5th Jan 2010, 11:50
eggward, maybe march or april, thatīs what they told me...

5th Jan 2010, 16:57
oh my thats too long march or april but I was wondering why they are telling me to finish everything as soon as possible in my email if they plan on having me for march or april hmmm?!?!? anyone knows?

5th Jan 2010, 17:17
They tell you to do everything as soon as possible, because they fill the vacancys in the batches with candidates that already have the medical clearence... So do everything as soon as you can, and send them for they donīt postpone your booking...:ok:

6th Jan 2010, 00:09
hey atlanticman, Iīm waiting for the facebook group invitation hehehehe...:}

6th Jan 2010, 12:05
Hi to you all

Just wanna thank you all for the information you have posted, it was helpfull for me.
I attended the OD at Bucharest Romania on 21 of November, receved my congrats mail after 4 weeks and last week I've sent all of the medical reports and now I'm waiting for the medical clearance. I've read that it can take even 3-4 months, but I hope that will not be the case cause I have a friend that left for Doha in November after waiting only for a week for the response from the medical centre.
Just wanna ask if they gave you any reason fot asking you to repeat the CBC or anything else... Is that to be expected in any case or was it a problem with the analyses..

best to you all!

6th Jan 2010, 14:49

Yes I gave 1 month notice to resign, during my final interview they asked me about it and they told that 1 month notice is the standard.

My resignation is effective Jan 18 - Feb 18.

Here in Saudi Arabia it is quite strict, so I have to undergo with the process, I think the same with you..

Hope it helps.

7th Jan 2010, 03:18
hi. i am planning to go to Barcelona, Spain this month for od.:ok: so,want to know how many candidates gather for it and it is quite challengable like asian like me. and how atmosphere they have. honestly,i can't speak spanish at all. but speak korean,japanese,english
what i worry about is i might not be selected by them on first screening.(cv drop) do you guys think it is too risky? thanks. have a nice day all:ok:

7th Jan 2010, 03:29
hey, itīs always risky to do something like that... I went to another city here in Brazil for the OD as well, but worth it, I reached the final interview, got my congrats email, and now Iīm waiting for my medical celarance...
But itīs up to you, the only person who can decide if itīs worth taking the risk is you...
In MY opinion, the one who doesīt take any risks... doesīt get anywhere.
But maybe theyīre gonna have an OD in some place near you donīt you think?:)

7th Jan 2010, 04:01

7th Jan 2010, 13:28
youīre welcome...
any questions, donīt hesitate in asking, here or PVT.
good luck :ok:

8th Jan 2010, 10:13
Yes, I am leaving on Feb 20 and I already submitted my resignation letter to my current employer.

Once QR advised you to resign then that is the time you can pass your resignation too.
Don't worry they will advise you when....


8th Jan 2010, 17:56
Is it true that in Qatar you have to stay at the company accommodation 12 hours before your duty? And that you have to wait 6 months before joining any different Middle Eastern airline?

8th Jan 2010, 20:09
You are always welcome.

If you have questions, just don't hesitate to ask people here, and we will try to help.
Don't worry, everything with you will be alright.
Once you receive the clearance, the job offer is there and some other documents and the important thing is your date of joining and it is written there also you have to resign from your current employer.
Good luck to you!

see you..

9th Jan 2010, 06:51
bout the resignation thing.. at the end of the application form there is a question that QR asks the applicant bout delay.. like how much time after medical clearance do you need to get your things settled before moving to Qatar.. if you have given a delay of 1 month then they'll give you your DOJ 1 month approx after medical clearance.. and if you have said that you can leave immediately after medical clearance then after a few days they will send you the contract and e-ticket.. and something else to keep in mind.. if the training batches are full then you'll have to wait for the next one.. my own example is i have asked for 2 weeks delay.. but i got my doj for 1 month after.. so it depends mostly on the training space availiable. hope this helps.. :) thanks flutterby i really appreciate :)

9th Jan 2010, 09:57
I got another email from QR and they told me to that their doctor "requested" me to "seek clearance" and forward some additional medical documents. What could that mean?:confused:

@ Madelie
For the first 6 months you are on probation. You sign a contract for 3 years, if you leave before that you have to pay back the outstanding balance for the training.