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18th Dec 2011, 06:34
Had anyone here applied for SYD base and received any communication?

18th Dec 2011, 08:53
Has anyone applied for BNE base and heard i've applied a month ago now... Freaking out!!

18th Dec 2011, 13:36
I originally applied for SYD base 6 weeks ago on old system, withdrew that application and applied for MEL last week, the next day a recruitment officer filled out a SYD application for me on the old system, i called them to ask and they said it was nothing to worry about, that they were organising people from the old system for the final round of assesment some time next month, then the next day i got a email from them saying i would be contacted in the next few weeks in regards to my application. im so confused, i dont know if its worth the bother any more they just seem to be messing us around...:ugh:

19th Dec 2011, 00:54
It must be very stressfull for you not hearing anything? Would be annoying. Must say is is very unprofessional of them to keep people waiting. I know that they would have heaps of applications but surely there must be a better way of organisation. Be strong you will get the position and I will be joing them next time.

Have a great Christmas

19th Dec 2011, 01:45
Same here guys, haven't heard a thing and yes it is very frustrating. It's just one big mess at the moment with the websites. Goodluck Dicko17, and Marly I have full faith that you will :)

19th Dec 2011, 03:10

A also applied for BNE base in Nov and have not heard anything. Do not expect to hear until after Christmas.

19th Dec 2011, 04:02
I hate to say it guys but I think you are all panicking about nothing. They are running the new and old websites concurrently, you haven't been forgotten. To those of you complaining about the wait, please bear in mind that Virgin has been pretty quick with these rounds of recruitment. In the past with many airlines I applied with I have waited months to hear anything! I know it's hard but you need to go on with your lives and hope for the best. It will happen eventually and when it does you will love every moment.

20th Dec 2011, 01:05
Hi all,

Seems as if the recruitment for MEL base is well underway.

Do you think I am too late to chuck in an application today?

Good luck to you all :)

20th Dec 2011, 09:11
Hey Court k,

Not too late at all :) It is all taking a while and many of us haven't even heard since applying about 7 weeks ago. So go for it! :ok: Good luck

20th Dec 2011, 09:44
OMG have you not heard from them, it must be killing you.
It would be so frustrating
As they say no news is good news

I wish you would hear something

20th Dec 2011, 10:50
Marly, I wish I would hear too! and I need a job now more than ever - I just couldn't deal with my last one or the awful people there so I've just left. I want to have a good christmas, just be happy and maybe the new year will hold something better for me. You will be the first to know :)

20th Dec 2011, 20:52
It's been six weeks today since my Assessment day, and about 4 1/2 weeks since I last heard from Virgin..the wait is awful!

21st Dec 2011, 11:00
For those that have been lucky to attend an AD this week, any low down on the current recruitment/training school process (or time-line)?

Thanks in advance


21st Dec 2011, 13:05
7 weeks ago I also had my interview roughly, I wish they'd just contact my references or something. Beginning to think we won't hear anything till Jan now. I too am so stressed out in my current job, would be such a good Xmas present just to hear something. Fingers crossed we all hear some good news soon xx

22nd Dec 2011, 06:33
Hello all... Anybody here who attended AD for Melbourne on 20 and 21 Dec? It was relaxing and a nice day. Merry Xmas to all and 2012 is going to be AMAZING for us wannabes xxxxxxx

24th Dec 2011, 09:58
Can anyone find the link to Virgin Australia's current EBA? Have been looking for an hr and I officially give up......:ugh:

24th Dec 2011, 11:12
Home | Fair Work Australia (http://www.fwa.gov.au)

Search for agreements, virgin blue - and wala


27th Dec 2011, 06:42
Hey everyone, OK I AM OVERLY STRESSED HERE :ugh:! had my interview on the 21st Dec in Citigate Melbourne got the news back that I was successful to the next stage which was the verbal reasoning test :cool:, I done that however I think I screwed it up, has anyone sat that test here beside myself?? I sure hope that doesn't hinder me from progressing!!:suspect: what do you guys think?? do you think its based on passing or just part of the procedure? when i talked to the recruitment lady about it she said not to stress about it however when it came to doing the test its so overwhelming with the all that royal English Language LOL. Let me know what you guys think yeah. ;)

27th Dec 2011, 10:31

I did my Verbal Reasoning Test before I attended the AD and I also thought I had screwed up and messed up my chances but.. I ended up at the AD and I am now starting GS in January...

How do you think you screwed up?

I am sure you'll be fine :)


28th Dec 2011, 05:50
Hi guys, I know it's just after christmas and totally understand that Virgin are tremendously busy at the moment, but does anyone at all have a clue as to when the rest of us may hear something? Pretty much all of the wannabe friends I have made on here have all either been rejected or proceeded onto melbourne's last assessment which was on December 20th. A week before that I received an email stating that I would know the outcome of my application by the end of it. I have STILL not heard a thing. Why would they send that then? :confused: I am patient, and whatever will be will be. But honestly, why has everyone heard back but me? I don't even know whether I'm being considered or not :( Hope you all had a lovely christmas! Any light shed would be much appreciated :ok:

28th Dec 2011, 08:18
The wait must be very painful for you, hopefully you will hear something. I have put in another application ( withdrew the unsuccessful one and they let me put in another application for next time Perth is advertising)
This time not going to stress over it if it happens it will happen. I think I knew where i messed up the last application in one of the questions it says provide an example and I missed it off - not reading the question properly.

Will keep everyone posted on how I go. Fingers crossed for everyone :)

29th Dec 2011, 03:08
Anyone starting ground school in Melbourne of the 16th of Jan??

29th Dec 2011, 08:51
I have just been emailed by virgin to say that they have been given a new recruitment website as a Xmas present and that they are inviting me to renew my application on this website.

Nothing about my applications status or whether it has been rejected or not. Can anyone shed some light on this or has received the same email..

Thanks !

29th Dec 2011, 09:29
I'm in the same position as you but for SYD. Had my AD on Dec 20, then did the verbal reasoning on the weekend. I found it challenging too so fingers crossed its not a crucial part of the process. :hmm: They told us if successful there are 2 GS scheduled for SYD in Jan - on the 9th and around the 30th. Just a waiting game from here! Can anyone tell me what the medical involves?
Good luck everyone! ;)

29th Dec 2011, 09:40
Yeah i did the AD day in Sydney, passed that then had to do the verbal reasoning test. Still waiting for an outcome!! Its horrible waiting. Know what you mean by the royal english!! Stressed about the test. Hope to hear soon as they want me to go to GS on 30thJan and know I need to give notice

29th Dec 2011, 14:11

Fingers crossed for you! I see on Seek Perth Base is holding another Assessment Day on the 12th/13th Jan. Best of luck :)

29th Dec 2011, 16:17
Thanks highflyer11 did not even see that cos the date advertised said the 9th dec I thought it was the old add. Just had a look at it and not working those days. Glad I re did resume and application. Fingers crossed , they Are hiring a lot of staff.

29th Dec 2011, 21:35
I have done the same thing regarding the application!!!
I had a mental blank re-answering the questions anybody like to enlighten me as to what they want (think last time my app was O-T-T so this time I'm keeping it simple)
Fingers crossed I get invited to the next AD - maybe see you there Marly? High flyer11 are you already working for Virgin or are you going thru the process???

29th Dec 2011, 21:49
Hey Shelbs,
Going through process i went to the AD on the 21st so waiting to hear back. My advice is just to be yourself in writing your app because at the AD a lot of people went home who were already flying with Skywest/Alliance etc so no one really knows who they are looking for. People i assumed would go through ended up going home :( good luck!! :)

29th Dec 2011, 22:21
Marly I didn't notice that they're hiring again either :) Melbourne is also having another assessment date in January (yipee!) I really hope that this time I will either get rejected or progressed! I am not going to touch my application at all :p Just leaving it, and seeing what happens. Good luck Perth people, hope all your wishes come true!

29th Dec 2011, 22:28
I guess it depends on what they are looking for on the day!! I'd never assume I'd make it thru even though I have experience in the role - having the experience can be a double edged sword. Sometimes its good but other times bad (i went to an alliance interview & had more experience than their cabin manager so i think in that case it went against me hehe)
Good luck hope you get the job :)

30th Dec 2011, 03:33
Kept mine simple too - but also mention that the first female flight attendent was a nurse and that airlines have found in in there interest to hire nurses as cabin crew. So never know might help me, This time really talked up about that I can use my nursing skills to help them and the passengers. So keeping my fingers crossed and the nervous wait begins again. ;)

30th Dec 2011, 04:05
Marly your skills as a nurse will help you without a DOUBT. Keep trying and you will succeed! Question for everyone though - because I was neither rejected or accepted the last two recruitment months, do you think I am still going to be considered for this upcoming one?

31st Dec 2011, 05:21
Hi guys, does anyone know how working as a guest service agent is like?


1st Jan 2012, 01:19
Hi guys, has anyone been given a start date for Perth yet? I still haven't heard anything after being in the holding pool since mid November, starting to think they've forgotten me. Not been given the online test or had refs checked yet, but was told I'd progressed to next stage but had to turn down a November start date and so has been quiet since then. Emailed them 3 times about different things but no reply which I think is quite bad. I also called on Friday and was told I'd get a call back in 10 mins but never received the call? Hopefully I hear something next week, just want to know I'm still in the system!

Anyone know if there's one or two groundschools for Perth? Thanks so much.

1st Jan 2012, 03:06
Is anyone starting cabin crew training in Brisbane on Tuesday and has been able to open the pre course booklet that was emailed? Mine wouldn't open, pm me if you can help out/forward it on.


1st Jan 2012, 03:57
Hey I'm starting in Brisbane Tuesday and have the booklet and was able to open it. It's just a PDF Document. Need Adobe reader or preview if you're on a Mac.

1st Jan 2012, 23:30
Good luck to you both starting groundschool on Tuesday!

2nd Jan 2012, 22:07
Today is Tuesday the 3rd Jan - when most people go back to work after the holidays. I really hope this means we all get some closure soon. Good luck to everyone :)

2nd Jan 2012, 23:11
I just recieved the call from Virgin..apparently my second reference check didn't pass their criteria..so I didn't get it.

Absolutely devastated..as it has been almost 7 weeks of not knowing..happy new year :(

2nd Jan 2012, 23:32
Tashopeful - That's RIDICULOUS! All that waiting, and you also had to fly up here for the interviews didn't you?
I feel so bad for you :( I wonder what your second reference said to change their minds? Makes you realise just how very very hard it is. But you know what, WELL DONE for making it this far. Think of this as a good experience, and definitely apply for others!! Try Jetstar and Qantas. You obviously do have something in you that they're looking for afterall. Determination is everything, and there is always disappointment along the way when you are on the road to a really good thing. Don't give up!

3rd Jan 2012, 00:33
Yeah I flew up from Hobart..and because they didn't send the assessment day invitation until three days before I spent over $500 on just getting there and back.

I don't think I would have heard from them at all apart from the fact I have sent numerous emails. Would just have been nice to know this five weeks ago instead of dragging it out over two months.

I have requested the reference check transcripts because I don't really understand how I can pass all the stages, but one thing that somebody says will change their entire opinion.

Quite franky it's crap.

I applied for Jetstar, and Qantas last year..even turned down an Emirates final interview two weeks ago because Virgin had been so positive about my application..really regretting that now.

I guess I'll just have to wait it out now and see what else comes up.

Good luck to everyone else.

3rd Jan 2012, 02:27
Tashopeful - thats terrible. Make sure you get the transcripts from Virgin. Under data protection rules companies have to give you any information they hold about you if requested to do so.

3rd Jan 2012, 02:34
Thanks. I could only email them about it as I wasn't really in the right place to talk to them about it when they called because I was so upset.

Hopefully they acknowledge my email and don't just ignore me like they have been because they only ever called from private numbers so I can't call them.

3rd Jan 2012, 03:33
I've applied 28th November 2011, still have not heard anything, but a generic email to say that have recieved my application. Dont know if thats a bad thing ...? or is there other people in the same boat as me?

3rd Jan 2012, 03:39
FlyBoy89 I applied beginning of November... and same as you :\

3rd Jan 2012, 22:07
Know the feeling - so can sympathize with you. I had the same **** done to me with Qantaslink! And I turned down my AD invite with virgin as I had positive feedback fromQF & now virgin keep rejecting my applications!! Wtf??? It feels like you have been chewed up and spat out!!They should have rang you & asked if you had an alternative!! Man these airlines need to have more consideration!! But guess they don't need to cause they have thousands of applications.
Try keep positive I know it's hard cause you feel pissed off - took me a while to get the courage to get back into job hunting & the experience made me stronger infact I applied for a job with QF check-in (although the interview was not my finest) I got rejected & I'm like pffft - next!!!!

3rd Jan 2012, 22:20
Try for Qantas or Jetstar, like the earlier posters said. If you got as FAR as the reference checks, you definitely have what it takes!

I must ask - do you think the issue was WHO the reference was, eg not a previous manager, just a colleague etc, or WHAT the reference actually said about you? - "not meeting their criteria" was a bit vague of them to say, although that's probably all they can say.

Does anyone know what the airlines ask their references?

I'm hoping to apply at the end of this year (haven't got quite enough work experience under my belt for me to feel comfortable yet) and am already thinking about who I will use as my references - at this point my David Jones sales supervisor??

4th Jan 2012, 07:18
My heart goes out to you - I bet you felt like a tonne of bricks had fallen on you.
As they say if this does not break you, It will make you. Keep smiling and If you heart is truly up in the clouds as your dream job, you will make it as they did see something you to get you this far.

Keep smiling and stay positive
Emarites are coming back to Australia on another big recuritment - you never know :)

5th Jan 2012, 02:18
try being told 4 days before graduation that u are not cut out for working with a 'certain' airline company, it just happened to me now...i wont mention names, but im gonna try with virgin again as i made it last year to a final interview. i think i have grown as a person a lot since then and learnt the hard way. im not going to give up. Some airlines treat you like scum, so what happened to me was a huge favour. Our trainer at this airline, was a controlling bully. A word to everyone, dont trust anyone, , there is a lot of bad people out there and i mean fellow crew people you train with who if given the opportunity will rat on you. take care everyone.

5th Jan 2012, 03:11
So sorry to hear! Just 4 days before finishing........ what an absolute BUMMER. Did they say why you weren't "cut out"? Good on you though for accepting your faults and not letting it get in the way of your dream. Thanks to everyone for sharing all their experiences, but I certainly have lost all hope with myself haha I'm just not hearing anything, I don't know what's going on and they certainly didn't follow up the email I received over a month ago (that I'd know the outcome of the application by mid December....) It's so dis-heartening. I hope they're more organised to work for! haha

5th Jan 2012, 04:16
Wft does one need to do to get an invite to an AD??? Got invited last year turned it down - sent a very nice e-mail explaining I would rather give my spot to another (due to yet another inconsiderate airline)now I can't even get a F#%*ing look in :mad:
Not worth my time or energy to even try again - obviously pissed somebody off so why bother with such a petty company!! Trying to get back into aviation is proving even harder than it was 12 years ago - :ugh: I'm done!! Think its time to find a new career? I think airlines need to stop treating potential employees like **** like tashopeful waiting 7 weeks for a no or elrehab 4 days before graduation getting told your not suited - we all deserve more than that, who do they think they are???? :mad:
Good luck everybody think this bird hashad its day & time to clip those wings - cannot deal with the BS!

5th Jan 2012, 04:57
I just think they know that they are always going to have an overwhelming response through job applications, and that it doesn't matter what they do..because ultimately it is their choice, and they hold the power.

If I could recommend anything to them, it would be communication because so many people out there just have no idea what is going on..and living in a sense of hope for so long..just to have it broken is disheartening.

Keep trying I guess..there are other airlines out there..albeit maybe not as good as Virgin..but everyone has to start somewhere.

5th Jan 2012, 06:34
Hay Shelbs

Got the same lettler today, do not know what they are looking for, I hope they do.
Next application I am going to pretened that I am absolute airhead that has no clue on anything. Maybe they like young airheads (no offense to the airheads out there) that can't even spell cabin crew member .
They obviously do not want intellegent experienced confident crew members.

5th Jan 2012, 07:26
It must just be Melbourne, seriously haha I mean Marly you have managed to get an answer from TWO applications, in the time that I am still waiting to hear back from my first. And by the way your airhead comment made me laugh!! :) It's what I really need right now, so thank you. But yet again am so sorry to hear :( You seem very genuine and motivated - You would be an asset

5th Jan 2012, 10:05
I also got no thank you.:*
Marly I really like your comment regarding airheads. It is so true! I flew with Virgin on Monday and spoke to the crew and was quite shocked how immature some of the crew were.
Can somebody please tell me how long do I have to wait before I can try again?

5th Jan 2012, 12:48
Applied last week and am wanting to know if they even send out unsuccessful emails anymore??? Haven't got anything email wise but logged into my profile is virgin site and says status: application unsuccessful. So that means I didn't make it through? Will they even email?

I have no idea what they are looking for. I think it depends what type of recruiter looks at applications and just being lucky. As people I know have no people skills or experience and have got the job like that. I didn't get it and have everything they are looking for. Maybe they have enough applicants for this round already.

Would appreciate an email though virgin, also stating when I can re apply. Got absolutely nothing.

5th Jan 2012, 19:46
G'day cobba!

5th Jan 2012, 20:22
You shouldn't live in hope for any job, there are no guarantees.
Move on, there is more than one airline in Australia.
As for airheads, every member of the Virgin cabin crew I've talked to has been able to maintain a normal adult conversation, so I doubt they're all airheads.

5th Jan 2012, 22:46
I've just been emailed an assessment day invitation here in sydney (yay finally) and had to choose a time-slot that was allocated to me in my profile on their careers website. I chose the 11th, anybody else attending on this day? Also, i'm just wondering, for those that have been to one, are they able to give me a lowdown (descriptive please) about it.

Thanks HEAPS !! The 7 weeks wait was worth it, even if i don't get in, being positive helps!

5th Jan 2012, 22:54
im sure i can provide some useful knowledge and i have had my feet a little in the industry. Im not saying all airlines are the same, but im told that virgin and jetstar spoon feed their people hence the airheads present. now this certain airline i just recently was dismissed from a few days before graduation, runs training 'boot camp' style..its a budget airline, take a guess what it is.....from what the trainer told me, whatever age you may be, if you are not 'academically' smart you wont make it and they dont provide help to you, they want to weed you out...its more like handing you a manual of the airline operations and telling you to go figure it out, no practical experience. this airline is on my ban list because its crappola.

as i mentioned before i was on a months on end wait list...these people dont care, you need to abide by their rules. they can be unfair to you, but they wont allow you to make any mistakes. i think the spoon feed comment they made about virgin is taking things too far, im sure virgin treat their training crew in a much more humane way than i was treated..i was made to sign documents when im there bawling my eyes out, no offer of providing tissues to me was made, they threw cheap shots at me, they used other training crew to get information about me...the airline industry is cut throat, if you dont meet to their standards, they will cut you off before you even know it..its nasty. and its funny that they are all about safety, but hiring kids fresh out of school does nothing to enhance safety..

the reason i was dismissed is because i apparently didnt grasp the information fast enough, i was expected to grasp the imformation after being only 1 day in their actual aircraft. this budget airline company can go to hell.

i wanted to send them a email of my unfair treatment however im scared because the lowest human being of a trainer has been in the airline industry for 30 years or so...if i do complain, she will pass word to every airline about me, so i just sit here shutting my mouth in anger at how brutal people can be

5th Jan 2012, 23:04
shelbs, your comments are spot on. There is no fairness in the airline industry. you are controlled. any attempt at fairness leads to dismissal. so im burnt by my experience, but a hell of a lot wiser. why do you think they have so many training groups. because say of a total of 40 in say two training groups, a small percentage will make it. in my situation, we started with 15 people and at the moment prior to exams, its now 6 (and thats before exams have taken place. !

5th Jan 2012, 23:09
I have a lot of experience in the industry.

Word of advise, join the FAAA (union) immediately on starting with any airline. In fact call the FAAA just before your commencement date and ask for an application form.

Its about $10 per week (tax deduction) and they are on the other end of the phone when anything happens (i.e. elrehab) and will negotiate on your behalf if you are accused of something as well as group negotiation of salary and benefits.

In Oz there are two divisions:

Long Haul International FAAA: Flight Attendants' Association of Australia (http://www.faaa.net/)

Short Haul / Domestic FAAA: FAAA Domestic - Flight Attendants Association of Australia Domestic Regional Division (http://www.faaadomestic.org.au/)

5th Jan 2012, 23:20
thankyou very much somewhereat1l
i will say to people that when you are doing training, trust no one. absolutely no-one, even if you think you do. keep people at a distance, there are a lot of nasty people out there who will tell on you..kinda like primary school when someone dobbed on you. people will tell on you for many things, for example if you don't like the trainer, if you don't like the way its taught. be careful. because i complained about the teaching methods and it got me fired because people decided to be teachers pet with the trainer, so spied on us all. if you think, how could people do this to you. it happens and its the way of the world. its funny that im not suitable, but i was dismissed from an airline that told us that its ok to flirt, exchange phone numbers with passengers. I'm absolutely shocked and cannot believe i put months on hold for this ****e airline.

5th Jan 2012, 23:35

Do you think you had the right/knowledge to complain about the training methods? I think ANY AIRLINE trainer would take offence and use their power to get rid of someone who spoke out of line. Certainly don't agree with the flirting or exchanging of phone numbers with pax:= .Maybe this industry is not for you, believe me it can be very harsh at times and you need to watch your back ALL the time.

good luck for the future

5th Jan 2012, 23:40
i have been a teacher for nearly 8 years so i complained about the style of training to other training crew members....combined with stress, fatigue and other things, i was very edgy, and people say things under pressure. when all this happened, id been up at 3am in the morning, until 3 am the next day, and doing at least 15 hrs sleep monday-friday. the training was all completely theory based, which was an issue for me, because i learn in a practical way.

5th Jan 2012, 23:46
goldcoast 1 when you said to watch your back all the time, you are so right. i learnt the hard way unfortunately. the issue is im too nice, im very customer service orientated, i care about people too much. because im not bbitchy or loud like some of the people in my training group that the scum of a trainer loved, because they are like her.... that was a strike against me..they wanted loud people. it doesnt matter that in my past i have saved 3 people ...under pressure , i turn into a safety superhero. the reason was they saw im one of the quiet ones and on face value they just dont want that. under pressure the loud ones can be weak and the quiet ones can be strong. So they discriminated against me.

the only reason i write this , is so people can be aware, that its not all a bed of roses. start of training was all cute and nice. then the scum of a trainer ruined it for me..so i feel relieved and am going to move on from it with a sigh of relief and hopefully onto a better company

6th Jan 2012, 00:17

6th Jan 2012, 00:46
The old saying is so correct

People can be nice to your face but can also stab you in the back

Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer :(

6th Jan 2012, 01:55
marly, very correct. a lot of backstabbing bbitchiness, and people who you think are your friends are not. out of the people there, only two at the end gave me dignity and respect, one person stood up for me and said yes, they wanted to be my friend no matter what. they treated me like a criminal like i killed someone, one of the trainers even said that "i will notice that the people i added on ffacebook are going to delete me'. everybody else would've shat on me, if given the chance. if you do training, just shut your mouth and dont focus on opening up to other people. A lot of people perceive being a flight attendant to be glamorous, cool, you get to meet pilots, blah, blah, . it was nice and shiny and cool when i first started, then reality hits. did i ever get taught to serve coffe, hell no. training will be a shock to the face to many people. you have to learn commands word perfect, and i mean WORD perfect or its a failure. You HAVE to know pilots commands WORD perfect. you have to know EVACUATION drills WORD PERFECT and everything else. its fine if you have a while to study , but after 3 weeks your brain is all over the place and combined with lack of sleep due to study, its more than the body can handle.

anyway i talk about one particular airline, but if any virgin people are out there, can you post how your training was like and what to expect?

6th Jan 2012, 02:02
thanks marley , you wrote that emirates is back in australia, i will check them out :)

6th Jan 2012, 03:12
elrehab - which airline did you start at? PM it to me if you don't want to say on the forum.

You should know that almost every one of the 6 airlines I have worked for require you to know word for word commands and/or drills or some kind. For 6 weeks you give your life to study, study and more study. Once you've passed and online things fall into place.

Flight Attendants are there for safety. Service comes second so don't expect to spend much time on service training at the majority of airlines.

6th Jan 2012, 09:13
I know some of you are annoyed right now, but seriously if it's something you really want to do you just have to keep trying. I don't know many people who got in on their first try. I can tell you I was stuffed around by Qantas for over a YEAR before they said 'no', got no further than the application stage the first time I applied for Virgin, and then eventually got in. About 3 years all up! Not saying it's "right" or "fair" but it is what it is, so either enjoy the ride or get off. As far as training is concerned not everyone gets through. It's hard! I have a degree, and found the sheer volume of information rammed down your throat really hard to take. But if you study your guts out you'll get there. As far as dealing with trainers you may not get along with, you need to deal with them the same way you would with a passenger on the aircraft... keep smiling and keep your true feelings to yourself! If you can't do that during training, maybe you'll have trouble on the aircraft... and trust me you'll have many days dealing with people who are just plain nasty to you. Sorry for the rant, but it just saddens me to see people getting so negative about the whole thing. If you really want it, and have the personality for it, you'll get there eventually :)

6th Jan 2012, 10:54
You have some valid points & I never meant to open the flood gates to the negative natter but it seems a few of us are just a bit annoyed!! But it is what it is & we cannot change the process and your right if we really want this then we must be willing to take the good with the bad! In my case I don't think virgin got my e-mail apologizing so I may be black listed for a no-show on the AD? Cause I have what it takes (have worked with 2 different company's) to be great in the role. Your correct with the training & trainers it's really tough & you got to suck it up & go with it. I do apologize to all for my negativity - I just really want to work as a cc again & thought I'd at least get a chance like many of us. Oh well I must stop & be grateful that I have had opportunities to experience life in the role and in this case it's just not my time to work for virgin & really not sure I'm going to try again?? But for all of the others - don't give up it is really a Great job - tough in the beginning as its all new & can be overwhelming but you get through it and then it will become a truly awesome job that you'll enjoy and love

6th Jan 2012, 11:42
I am going to try again, they will get the hint that I want to work for them if they keep seeing my application. Never know third time lucky. It's something that I want and I always get what I want because I make it happen, by sheer guts and determination. I will be flying for them.

6th Jan 2012, 12:32
Awesome attitude Marly
Guess in a way we make our own destiny & the best things are often those things we have had to fight to get!! In my case I think I need to wait until July cause that was 12mths since I first applied (reakon the email was not read til after the AD & I was put down as a no-show) think i will mention that when I next apply - just weird I did the on- line tests etc passed them both & as always do the right thing by pulling out as I was in the process with another airline and now I don't even get past the First round??? Boy have I pissed them off :rolleyes: lol. Oh well maybe next time 3rd times a charm :)
Time to let it go & see where I end up - may see you in ground school sometime this year hehe

6th Jan 2012, 13:11
shelbs i dont think u were black listed..remember its the airline business, you're just a number and they get thousands of applications.. and dont mention it when u apply, you would do yourself a bad favour. ! i have to wait till about june to apply with virgin as i made it through the final interview last time...though stuffed it up coz i didnt appear confident.

all in all from my year of getting into the airline industry, applied for emirates, got an invitation for an interview, missed it coz i didnt want to work overseas, then i started off with this airline i wont mention, . my training was put on hold for months. in the process i applied for virgin, made it to the final interview. not successful. the next thing i did was apply for jetstar, made it to group interviews, but not to the final. then the airlines who's name i wont mention contacted me for training school. started training school, And as a few days ago my, i was literally terminated from that...alll in all, a pretty s****y year, unfortunate year but hey, i've learnt a lot, been burned, been fatigued, cried, but i'll try to make a come back or maybe its not for me,,,,i guess i will have to see

7th Jan 2012, 00:59
Too true, and guys I don't think we should be worrying about ground school should we get the chance.... It is a little but of hard work for a long term gain of a great career. And so what if the trainers are harsh, you probably won't see them much after completion anyway. It's the people you will WORK with for the rest of your working life that should make all the difference :) It is no different to any other industry, what goes around will always come around. So as long as we are friendly, don't share TOO much and only talk to people's faces, we will be okay. It's just the general rule of people skills I think, which we use everywhere. Good luck to everyone, love the determination! :ok:

7th Jan 2012, 16:04
Hi Emma-Loo,

There is another AD on the 12th of Jan, so i would say next GS would be late Jan, early Feb?

8th Jan 2012, 04:26
Is there anybody out there that is currently working for VA ?

I was wondering if someone could look over my resume and coverling letter and the answers that I am putting on the application, there must be something there that is stopping me getting past the application and not progressing?

It would be truly appriceiated as I really want to work for Virgin


8th Jan 2012, 05:29
Thanks ATEL76

I'm still hoping that I will have contact soon but still have not heard a peep from Virgin. They did tell me back in November at my assessment day that they would be holding another groundschool around January time. I thought my references would have been contacted at least by now though.

All I can now think of is that they are waiting till they have the hopefuls from the 12th Jan AD and then will contact all references for this next groundschool for Perth (20th/21st Dec and any November ones too?)


8th Jan 2012, 12:32
Hey Marly
You could try a different approach? I have an idea that could work but nothing to lose! If you go on the Virgin career page it has expression of interest & it says you can apply for whatever position - what if you register there or if you look at the cabin crew section & the job description there is a tab called refer somebody or something like that - you could get a manager or somebody similar to fill the form in and recommend you?? I am hoping to get a job with Skywest on the ground but if that fails - this is the path I'm going to take. Not sure how helpful this info is....You sound like you so want this hense why last time I didn't attend the AD was to let somebody like you who really wanted it take my spot! I find it amusing now - I was good enough 6 months ago & now won't even get a look in!!! I really hope you get an invite next time around ;) fingers crossed for you ;)

8th Jan 2012, 14:03
Hi Emma-Loo
I have just graduated in the Nov 17 group... Apparently the new group is starting in a couple of weeks time... Which email address do you have for recruitment?

8th Jan 2012, 14:14

PER are currently looking for a huge number of staff.

It is a new base and is expanding very quickly...

Don't be worried... If you are suited to the role, you will become part of the group.


8th Jan 2012, 14:41

My DJ GS was 8 weeks.

I have read your comments and I know that you will not like mine.

You assume that your trainers are there to make your life miserable. They are. How else is the airline going to desensitise you to the pressures put onto you by guests? How about commands? Sweetheart, you will have to evacuate an aircraft in 90 seconds... Those commands have been proven to be the most effective.

Sleep... I'm sorry, but do you realise that CC are required to be fully attentive whenever on duty? Everytime you are on duty, you are an actress... If your trainers feel you can't stand the heat, you're out. Plain and simple.

Sorry to be so harsh, but if you understand the industry, you won't have any issues.


8th Jan 2012, 22:28
Hi, don't know if anyone can help. Had my AD in december, was contacted before christmas to say i was successful with the interviews but had to complete some online assesment which was all done before christmas. Then I was asked if I could dtart on 30th Jan which was all good, just needed to give 3 weeks notice to employer which is today. As to now I have not had any further correspondance regarding medical reference checks etc, anyone know whats going on

9th Jan 2012, 00:40
citiboi83 8 weeks Ground school, is different to me having to learn a whole airline manual in 3 weeks. 8 weeks is bliss. theres a big difference between 8 weeks, verses what i had. fair enough about commands, but learning them in a day without any practical experience is a hard task.

as i'd like to say i dont know what other airlines ground school is like, but mine was all theory based , no practical experiences...only 3 hours to see inside of a plane and having to know it all.

9th Jan 2012, 01:08

Thanks for the insight into Perth Base I hope they are recruiting really soon, I really want to work for them. Hopefully my next application will be the winner have totally pulled apart my resume and kept it simple and plain, (boy does it look boring) (no colour I mean) . Never know third time lucky.

I think I could handle ground school and the shifts when flying - already do horror shift now, late/early still kills, no matter how many times you do them. Don't let me start on night shift. But as you said in another reply you are an actress and you just have to suck it up on get on with the job no matter how tired you are. I work in a private hospital and they are also into making money, so our nursing care has to be different and hospitality comes into it a big way (not like public system). The big smiles and if there is anything I can get you let me know. And boy do they let you know (can you reach that glass of water over to me, my pillow is lumpy, these sheets are itchy and so on and so on.

I am look forward to a change and to do something different in customer service would be great and hay the added bonus of flying everwhere even better. :ok:

9th Jan 2012, 02:18
hey guys! i can understand its really frustrating to not get told but just hang in there and one day you will get your call =)

i went through the same thing and believe me it drove me crazy! i was constantly checking my emails every half hour, even one time i used my work phone to call my mobile to make sure it was working ok!

in the end i got my golden call and will be training with Qantas (MAM) in a few weeks! i tried all the major airlines.. jetstar (got to final interview), virgin (like many of youse, never heard a word from them), emirates (went to open day, didnt get call for an interview) and then Qantas.

Shelbs - it can be frustrating not hearing from them for AD, its just too bad you turned down the last one but im sure they're just overwhelmed with applications, i don't think they blacklisted you or anything. Remember getting to AD is great but once you get to AD there are about 60 applicants there and they cut it down to about 15-20.. getting to that is the hard part!

i never thought i was able to make it through.. im shorter than the minimum height, my complexion is not the clearest, and i don't think im the prettiest girl. but it was my attitude, personality and experience that got me through it. Just remember to keep your head up high and don't think about the negative thoughts.. keep trying and one day they'll see how determined you are and will contact you.. venting out on here wont do anything.

i see that there are a lot of perth people on here. try the new airline airaustralia.com they're desperately looking for cabin crew for perth base (immediate start as stated on their website) its not a major airline and doesnt fly to many destinations, but it'll get your foot in the door atleast... you gotta start somewhere!

good luck to everyone!

and just remember... if you do ever make it to AD.. don't ever say 'cos im a people person and i love to fly' when they ask you why you want to be CC haha

if anyone has any questions (about AD, final interviews, medicals etc) then feel free to ask me =)

9th Jan 2012, 03:57
has anyone heard anything for Melbourne Base i applied ed of november? still nothing? anyone know when they will roughly contacting people? or how many training groups they will be doing for melb?

9th Jan 2012, 09:36
shame I live in Perth
They are advertising for long haul out of sydney for VA :ooh:

9th Jan 2012, 10:20
Dear elehab

So sorry to hear you had a negative experience with the company and trainers which I also worked for/with.

The 4 week groundschool though very intense I found helped me tremendously not only when I got online but also during groundschool for the company who I am currently with.
It's disappointing you didnt get to make it online and :bored::OI'm sure you would have loved the job and the people. I only left the company after 20 months due to being made redundant following the base closure last year :(

I would hate to think that by airing your not so positive opioin about the company and trainers on this forum that it would hinder you in your quest to get into another airline but unfortunately it just might.

At least you can look at the experience although not positive on your behalf as a learning experience. Now you will know what to expect next time if you get accepted into another airline and do groundschool.

Best of luck with everything :)

9th Jan 2012, 10:26
Hi all,
I have a profile on VA site and want to remove it. I tried but it would only allow me update my profile & change password. Does it mean I can never withdraw my profile?
Thanks for any advise

10th Jan 2012, 05:44

Where is the long haul recruitment ad?

My understanding is they are over crewed due to heavy maintenance checks coming up on the 777's

10th Jan 2012, 06:23
On the VA website, I signed up for the job alerts and it came through to me the other day

10th Jan 2012, 06:30
Thanks Marly, I needed to refresh my browser window.

Weird they are hiring now as I know they are very over crewed!

10th Jan 2012, 07:35
Hi Citiboi83,

Thanks for that info, hopefully I hear something soon then. I've been using the cabin crew recruitment main email and you just don't get a reply.

10th Jan 2012, 12:13
Is there an email other then the general cabin crew one? I'd love to email them cause I'd like to see if they got my email withdrawing from the AD on the 23rd August last year - I find it weird I have applied 3 times since & can't get past the application stage? I would have thought they'd have both on-line test results & I would be given another shot to attend an AD? Do you think if the e-mail was not received I would have been marked as a no show & therefore unsuccessful so I have either 6 or 12 mths before I can re-apply? Any info would be handy cause if it's a 12 mth wait I won't waste my time applying again & again!
How do you get job alerts? On the web page?

10th Jan 2012, 20:53
Shelbs - when I withdrew my application for ground crew last year I received an email stating that I could not reapply for 12 months.

10th Jan 2012, 21:12

I was just wondering if anyone knew what exactly the refer an applicant link on the virgin job adds mean? Is this link to send the job to someone you think would suit the job or who may want to apply for the job, or is it for people to recommend someone who has already applied?
I am just a little confused as at the top of the page it reads "email a job" but the questions that are asked of the person sending the link are that of someone giving a recommendation?
Ha ha maybe it's just to early for me to be thinking this hard!! If anyone could let me know that would be fantastic :)

Have a great day x :)

10th Jan 2012, 21:28
Cheers for that - I figured that was the case - info much appreciated ;))

11th Jan 2012, 00:46
SHELBS !! I have had the exact same thing happen to me. Not sure what the issue is.

11th Jan 2012, 05:34
I do remember reading that if you can't make an assessment day that's okay just re-apply next time the base is recruiting? Oh well time to move on if it's meant to be it will be :O

16th Jan 2012, 02:10
Anyone applied for the long haul international positions? Or anyone had anything back to attend the AD on the 31st? Just wondering and would love to know :)

16th Jan 2012, 03:05
Sydneysider88, I applied on the 11th and I haven't heard anything back yet.

16th Jan 2012, 03:28
I guess applications close 26th jan. and ad is on the 31st so lots of time and people still applying.

16th Jan 2012, 03:50
I also applied for Intenational Long Haul on the 12th......... Fingers crossed to make it to the AD on the 31st!

16th Jan 2012, 04:14
Hi Everyone,
I have been asked to attend at QantasLink Seminar in Cairns, I would just like to know what is involved with the seminar?
And if you are, or know of anyone attending it.
Thank you very much in advance! :):)

16th Jan 2012, 22:27
I attended a qantaslink assessment day back in aug 11 - pm your email & I'll e-mail you @ tell you everything I can remember & my tips for the day ;)

17th Jan 2012, 06:48
Anyone on February 20th ground school MEL Base?

17th Jan 2012, 10:51
my friend wants to know if she can take her camera to take snaps and pics at GS? Id presume not...? but dont know.

17th Jan 2012, 11:08
Just noticed they have brought foward the closing date for applications for Sydney Long Haul.... Now closes on the 22nd. Hopefully we will start to hear back early next week.

17th Jan 2012, 23:59

Can someone please post the link to the Sydney Long Haul recruitment ad? I can't seem to find it anywhere on the VA Careers website!


18th Jan 2012, 00:07

Here is the link you are looking for;

Job details - International Cabin Crew - Sydney | Virgin Australia (http://careers.virginaustralia.com/cw/en/job/492396/international-cabin-crew-sydney)

18th Jan 2012, 05:16
3 International Long Haul VA ground schools schedule this year so far, all are small groups of no more than 15 to replace natural attrition and having a language other than english as well is a great plus.

Good Luck

20th Jan 2012, 02:29
"im sure i can provide some useful knowledge and i have had my feet a little in the industry. Im not saying all airlines are the same, but im told that virgin and jetstar spoon feed their people hence the airheads present."

elrehab, your comments and broad generalizations about the airline industry are offensive. It is clear you really have no understanding of the industry and the companies that you are applying to work for. (Why would you apply for Emirates if you didn't want to work overseas??) I am a cabin crew member (that's 'airhead' to you), and I hope that I NEVER have the displeasure of working with you, or someone like you. In an emergency (life or death) situation we need to rely on our fellow crew, how could I rely on you?
I hope that you find an industry that suits you, preferably one that doesn't require you to work as part of a team, be professional and mature, show respect for others, know your place, and follow rules and regulations. Clearly the airline industry may not be for you. Good luck!

CCrew Wannabe
24th Jan 2012, 08:09
Hey there!

I've also applied in this recent long-haul recruitment session but haven't heard anything yet...prob not a good sign, or do they tend to go through apps in groups or stages?

24th Jan 2012, 23:03
Did anyone go to AD 2 weeks ago here in Sydney?
For Domestic ..
Have you received a response from VA as they said they will let us know in 2 weeks time whether we have progressed through for Medicals .. Waiting is terrifying lol. You know when you just want to know whether you have made it or not after such a long recruitment process lol. Hope to find out soon enough. Good luck to everyone !!

25th Jan 2012, 02:51
... last I heard was that my ref's + medical would be completed ready for a possible Feb 20th ground school. Haven't done either of these yet.

25th Jan 2012, 03:42
Hey. I know what you guys mean about waiting. I had my AD 13th Dec, was called on 23rd Dec to complete an online test and asked if I could start 9th Jan. I said I would love to but unfortunatly i need to give correct notice to my current employer. They sayed thats ok, so we will look at a 30th Jan start for you. I said that was fine. With just 2 weeks before they called saying sorry they hadn't contacted me but had been busy with christmas and stuff, but someone would call me mid next week (Last Wednesday) regarding medical and reference checks and then a possible start date for Feb (Or the next G/S) Oh and look I am still waiting and have no one to contact about!

25th Jan 2012, 04:43
Yes, Yes Yes - YYEESS

Virgin are advertising for Perth Base again - Assessment day 9th and 10th of Feb.

Hopefully third time lucky - I have had an application in since the 9th of Jan waiting for a new recuritment day. Hopefully they will give me a chance this time.

I have also got applications in for other airlines Perth is really going through a growth spurt - yeah WA is catching up with the rest of Australia.


25th Jan 2012, 06:12
Hi guys, I'm afraid it's an endless waiting game. I have now been waiting 2 1/2 months after I turned down a start date back in Nov. wish I'd just started now, they told me the same thing that I'd go into a GS in Jan but still no word. I have been offered another position starting 20 th feb but really want Virgin, as I've already waited this long.

Emailed them again today to try and get some word on when the GS will be but not holding my breath as they never get back to you.

Just trying to stay positive I will hear somethink next week..

25th Jan 2012, 06:24
it must be very frusrating for you, hopefully you will here something, but if not good luck with the other position. :)

25th Jan 2012, 06:28
I know. I Don't understand why they give us "Possible Dates" and then hear nothing. Wouldn't it be better for them to say nothing at all?

25th Jan 2012, 11:42
Hi sydney ppruners, I attended an assessment day about 2 weeks ago, got a call 3 days later to do online assessment then the following business day got an email re reference checks and then got a call last Friday re medical, did that yesterday and got a call yesterday afternoon to start groundschool next Monday. In saying that I did tell them I could start ASAP and didn't require much notice, perhaps if you put on your application that you need more time they will get around to you soon for the feb ground schools.

Goodluck and keep waiting you never know what they are doing sometimes you wait months then randomly it all happens so fast

25th Jan 2012, 12:15
Everyday, I'm hoping I get that call... I am beginning to give up hope though. Just keep putting it down to their not being a GS yet in Perth, over east seems to be moving but not Perth.

The advise I can give is if you get offered a position, take it straight away. I turned my November start date down due to a business trip that was booked and didn't want to leave my employer in the lurch and also I wouldn't of given enough notice. This time I will just go.

Hope we all hear soon.

25th Jan 2012, 20:34
Which recruitment person have you had contact from?

26th Jan 2012, 03:21
Anyone heard back from the recent International Recruitment (sydney), or done their online assessment and heard back? Apparently had to be done by this arvo. Just wondering if anyone is going to the assessment day in Sydney on the 31st already??

Would love you know, I guess will be finding out soon I guess, if not tomorrow, monday.

Regards :)

26th Jan 2012, 05:58
Hi Sydneysider88, I'm waiting to hear back as well. Did the online assessment, which was really odd. Verbal reasoning at that degree of difficulty for a cabin crew position is just not necessary. I'm thinking they probably had a lot of applications and that was a good way of culling. Hopefully, we'll hear back tomorrow as Monday isn't much notice for a Tuesday assessment day. Good luck with it!

Do you know, is LA and Abu Dhabi the only international destinations VA fly to out of Sydney?

26th Jan 2012, 22:28
Hi KK1000
Did you get the confirmation for the Domestic cabin crew or international ? Also congratulations!!!

27th Jan 2012, 00:33
I am totally on the fence as to if I apply for Virgin AGAIN!! I was thinking of a total career change but not sure cause I love love flying & working as a cabin crew member.
I have been out of the industry for about 5 years & keep getting drawn back to Virgin?? Is there anybody that can give me a bit of insight into what it's like working for them? have only worked regional & I guess I'd like to know is it better & what are the positives (I'm well aware of the negatives & am choosing to focus on the positives!)
Any help would be great cause I need to decide today or tomorrow cause I need to enroll @ Tafe Monday.

27th Jan 2012, 03:44
Hey Sydneysider & Skywards,

Im applying for MEL base. I just did that online assessment too for Domestic crew. Very over the top. I cant imagine you would have to get 100% on that one. How long ago did you apply?

Does anyone have any news/dates regarding Melbourne assessment days or ground schools...


27th Jan 2012, 04:32
I also applied for Virgin long haul. but my application still says application acknowledgment. kinda lost hope now after reading the last few posts :(
good luck to the guys that did get through. you'll do great!!

27th Jan 2012, 07:16
Me too, pretty surprised I'm certain I did terribly in that online assessment! I went with the afternoon session-have another interview in the morning so had no choice. I have run assessment centres and personally I don't think there is any difference in your chances of getting through-so pick whatever suits you best and when you think you will perform at your best. Congrats and continued good luck!

Time to fly...I applied on the 20th, and the applications closed on the 22nd and then the same as sydneysider. I'm glad you thought the assessment was crazy too-no chance I got even close to 100%, think I was just lucky! Best of luck with it.

27th Jan 2012, 08:47
Everyday, I'm hoping I get that call... I am beginning to give up hope though. Just keep putting it down to their not being a GS yet in Perth, over east seems to be moving but not Perth.

Hi Emma, several girls I used to work with got offers from Virgin for the PER base, apparently the next ground school commences Feb 2.

27th Jan 2012, 10:19
I have just been invited to attend an AD for virgin international in Sydney this Tue . Has anyone been to an AD or know what i can expect ? I am flying from melboune for the day and hope it will be enough .... So how is the recruitment process for international ? AD then interview then medicals ?

I appreciate any info . Good luck to everyone !

Fafi xx

27th Jan 2012, 12:24
I guess the questions were more weird than anything... I remember when i went for Qantas 4 years ago we had to answer about 500 questions... it was like answering the same question but asked a different way... I am much happier answering 30 questions instead.

I have been to two Virgin recruitment days. One with V australia a few years ago (got the job but turned it down for Etihad... what a mistake!!) and one with DJ in 2010. They all seem to run the same...

1. Introduction
2. Company Profiile
3. Group Activity
4. One on one interview

They are forever watching you. Some say they there might be a "candidate" in the group with you who is actually an assessor... so just make sure you are not too "relaxed"... Just be yourself but professional. If you can tell you're not youself, they can too. And just get involved in discussion as you would normally.

Good Luck!!!!

PS: if things have changed since... be sure to let us all know...

27th Jan 2012, 13:16
Hi Regional flyer, thanks for the info. I will be trying to contact recruitment again Monday and see what's going on then, I feel as though theyve forgot me a and maybe they have. I will be gutted if I've waited 3 months nearly for this GS and they haven't even contacted me...

27th Jan 2012, 22:32
hey , do u reckon if i just rock up to the assesement day without a invitation they would tell me to get lost? as i have previous airline experience and missed the application online , only just found out about it? which hotel is is it at in syd?

28th Jan 2012, 00:31
They will mark off everybody's names that were invited, at the one I attended they even went through the list of invitees to give us an opportunity to hand in the necessary paperwork and to briefly introduce ourselves. They'll definitely know if you weren't invited, and will ask you to leave (as with the majority of cabin crew 'recruitment days', it is exclusively invite only).

29th Jan 2012, 00:55
Regional flyer what paper work do we need ? My invite didn't state anything ...

29th Jan 2012, 01:13
When I did mine (this was about 4 months ago so maybe they've changed it since), I received an email with a reference form to fill out, and an extra sheet that we had to provide basically the same information as the online application. They provided these on the day too, for anyone that didn't fill them out prior, so I wouldn't stress about it :)

29th Jan 2012, 02:08
Oh great thanks Regional Flyer ! I was worried thinking passport pics etc etc ! Did you do yours for international or domestic ?! Can you tell us s little about the process ? :)

29th Jan 2012, 04:15
Hey fafi, I did mine international AD a while back as well, but I also received an email with attachments. If I were you I'd double check, even if they do have spares for you to fill in when you get there I personally think it looks pretty rubbish to not turn up with the forms ready to go - be as prepared & organised as possible! Also, there will be a list of stuff you need to bring with you - can't quite remember but something like RSA/1st Aid certs (or proof you have them booked), passport, etc.

Good luck!

29th Jan 2012, 06:54
What colour are the ties for both inflight and ground crew? Pants are grey yeah?

29th Jan 2012, 07:03
Cabin crew are purple, ground crew are red! Grey pants for both

29th Jan 2012, 22:52
I Am freaking out now because I have re checked it 5 times and there is no attachments at all ??!! What should I do ? Email them ? I don't want to look un prepared :(

30th Jan 2012, 00:14
Hi all.
As you can see from my previous posts my application has been all over the place for Sydney. Does anyone have any contact details eg E-mail address to contact Sydney Recruitment? Please PM me if you have any details

Thanks in Advance

30th Jan 2012, 00:43
Maybe someone else attending tomorrow can confirm whether there should have been attachments??

If so,. I would also flick a reply to your confirmation email just asking for them to be re-sent and hopefully they will get back to you.

Don't panic though, on my AD there was plenty of time in the morning. If someone else can confirm that there should be attachments just arrive a bit early & explain the situation, they will have copies for you to fill in (though don't spend all your free time filling in forms - make sure you're being chatty with the other applicants as well!!!).

You'll be fine!

30th Jan 2012, 00:55
Thanks so much flyawaywithva, and eveyone else , I really appreciate it ! Is there anyone else attending tomorrow ? It would be great if as suggested someone could confirm if there is any additional documents needed for tomorrow ?

I did send them a quick email and now I'm just waiting for a reply ! :)

30th Jan 2012, 01:10
No one I know has received an attatchment email. Nor I. I received an email today with a confirmation of tomorrow, but nothing attatched. I would not worry about it. If they wanted people to have it and have things printed, they would have sent it by now, as it seems no one has it.

They will have everything organised tomorrow.
Im not going to worry and stress about it. I have all documentation anyway ready to take.

Good luck all.

30th Jan 2012, 02:49
I sent them an email this morning asking about it - and they answered me with an email containing all the documents that i needed .

Please find attached documents to assist you to prepare for your VA Cabin Crew Assessment Day.
- Standard Requirements form
- Reference Details form
- Aviation Security Identification Card information sheet
- Information handout
Please bring along completed copies of the Standard Requirements form and the Reference Details form to your VA Cabin Crew Assessment Day.
Please also bring a copy of your Resume and a photocopy of your passport.

Hope this helps .

See some of you guys tomorrow , good luck :)

30th Jan 2012, 06:40
Crazily enough I just got invited to the Melbourne AD on Wednesday. This will be my 4th AD (Third in 2 weeks) I have the MAM tomorrow which I declined last week but the re issued my invite which surprises me.
Virgin would be fantastic to work for however, so I will give it a shot.

If I don't receive an email tomorrow with my attachments, I guess I'll contact them, but I have ample copies of my docs from all the other AD's I have attended.

30th Jan 2012, 06:44
Hi Rochelle,

Congrats on the AD. I have received my invite for Wednesday too. It looks like things are moving quite quickly....


30th Jan 2012, 06:53
It certainly does, I wonder how many they have invited did you select the morning or afternoon time slot?

I'm guessing there is probably 40 per allocated time? (that seems to be the going number amongst other AD's)

Time To Fly, is this your first AD?

30th Jan 2012, 07:07
Are your AD for international or domestic? I wonder how many intl. positions there are?

30th Jan 2012, 07:49
I've just gone for Domestic SydneySider88.

I think it would be fun to possibly have a few over nighters here and there, see a bit more of Oz even if it is only the terminals :hmm: and see how I go.
I guess with these companies opportunities arise in the future.

You went for domestic also didn't you?

30th Jan 2012, 07:53
I went for international. :)

30th Jan 2012, 09:13
I will be there in the morning. 40 seems like alot of people. The last DJ recruitment session I went there was probably only 20... if that.

SYD sider... Domestic for me too... Ultra long haul flights are long gone for me...

Rochelle... When did you say you could start? How much notice do you have to give?

30th Jan 2012, 11:44
It is so interesting - since I applied for Virgin beginning of November last year, I have already managed to get through the recruitment processes with TWO other airlines.... yet with Virgin have heard absolutely nothing. Bit frustrating......if the others can do it why can't they haha I have no idea whether I should just write up a new application or keep floating in the system! :confused:

30th Jan 2012, 18:55
Hope89 I have bee through Jetstar and Tiger and had two invites to MAM and received my invitation to Virgin AD also. It all moves pretty quickly once they get to your aplication with all of them I have found (Virgin no different)

Heading to MAM today, will be interesting to compare all 4 AD's after tomorrow!

31st Jan 2012, 00:37
Waiting for the third time to see if i get throught the initial application stage. It is so frustrating this waiting.
It is so hard to have to keep applying as every other industry feild that I have applied for I got the job - so I guess I am not that fabulous, just to show that there are so many applications and they can pick and choose who they want. Hopefully this time will be the winner as I completely pulled apart my CV and covering letter and the answers on the application page.
Hopefully soon I will hear some good news. :)

31st Jan 2012, 01:05
Oh I have no doubt that once the ball gets rolling it all comes together quite quickly. But what I mean is that other people on here from different bases have managed to put through 2 more applications and been knocked back for both whereas I still haven't heard a thing from my very first one! I'm beginning to think I've been lost or something. But Good luck Rochelle - you obviously have what it takes! And Marly you can do it :)

31st Jan 2012, 03:08
Time To Fly - sorry I missed that yesterday, 2 - 3 weeks I have said however once I have my GS dates for my other airline it could be almost immediately given i got a spot with Virgin.

Thank you Hope89 - you seem to also!

31st Jan 2012, 04:45
alliance airlines currently have an add on seek for perth based cabin crew,might be worth applying?
im not sure what their like to work for? anyone know much about conditions for alliance?

31st Jan 2012, 06:53
How did you guys go at the Sydney AD today? Did the recruiters give any hint of when a ground school might be?

31st Jan 2012, 11:15
A friend of mine said Alliance and Skywest are wet leasing to DJ due to increased demand.

31st Jan 2012, 23:40
Just Completed the MEL AD. It was a really good morning actually. The day goes a little like this:

1. Complete and hand in paperwork
2. Introduction and Information
3. PA speaking activity (on board PA)
4. Individual problem solving activity (goes for 2 mins max)
5. Break for 20 mins while the assessors decide who goes through
6. Those who remain have a 1 on 1 interview (goes for maybe 15 mins)

They have said we should hear within 2 weeks if we get through to the next stage. Fingers crossed. Ground Schools will be for Feb & March by the looks of things.


31st Jan 2012, 23:45
Time to fly, was that Domestic?

GS in March for VA Int. LH. We were told yesterday.
Day was exactly the same yesterday for us all.

Good luck all.

1st Feb 2012, 01:19
Hey syd sider.

Yeh, it was for domestic cabin crew.

1st Feb 2012, 03:41
Virgin Atlantic is still sort of separate I mean same group as virgin group? So If you're in long haul you can't / don't fly on virgin Atlantic to the uk hey?

1st Feb 2012, 04:19
Time to fly I wish I had read this before I headed in! Ha ha but I definatly agree it was the least nerve racking of the 4 AD's I attended. Friendly recruiters and over all a high class of applicants most from airline backgrounds!

Goodluck TTF!

CCrew Wannabe
1st Feb 2012, 04:44
Has anyone who applied for the current BNE domestic recruitment drive had an invite to the AD as yet?

1st Feb 2012, 04:54
I'm waiting to hear back about Perth, but reading old replys, it could be a few days before till you hear something

1st Feb 2012, 05:27
Does anyone in virgin know, which position or who flies to all other destinations international, say cook islands / Pacific, all over US, NZ, Asia etc?

At the current International recruitment someone said its mainly LA/Abu Dhabi apparently? But im sure you could get on flights elsewhere from say BNE or MEL?

does that mean you wouldnt get to fly anywhere else even if you bid? Can you opt to fly out of another base? Dont know how it works sorry :confused:

I guess long haul is stricly long haul yeah? I wonder if you can do SH and LH? but then you would have to train for other aircraft i guess.

1st Feb 2012, 05:57
Hey Syd Sider...

If you have applied for internatinal position with SYD base you will only be doing LAX and AUH. It is basically the old V Australia. All other destinations are either done by domestic crew or pacific blue crew...

Phuket is usually perth base
Bali is usually pac blue
Samoa is Poly blue
Fiji is pac blue
Cooks is pac blue
NZ is pac blue

Saying that they may pax crew from other bases to operate but it will be the old Virgin Blue crew... not V australia. Sorry is that is not the news you were looking for...

1st Feb 2012, 06:39
Thanks, yes pretty much thought that would be the case.

1st Feb 2012, 08:44
Does anyone have any contact details for Virgin Recruitment as this "We will be in touch Mid Next Week About your medical" which was 3 weeks ago is frustrating me. PM Me please if you have any details.

2nd Feb 2012, 01:47
Hi SydneySider, I didn't end up going to the assesment-pulled out the day before. Was offered another interview in the afternoon that I couldn't pass up! But I did also find out that you only do flights to LA and AUH and I wasn't interested in doing LH if it was to the same 2 destinations repeatedly. How did you go in the assessment?

2nd Feb 2012, 02:01
The day was pretty fun, not what I expected from Virgin, but had a great time. Got through to the end. There was a BIG cull.

Yeah it is only to LA and AUH, but there is career progression within the company I guess after time it gets a bit much, but I am happy with that anyway.

So just see what happens, id love to work for Virgin, everyone I speak to who works for them loves their job and the company.

There is good and bad with everything but its what you make it.

Good luck with your interviews!

2nd Feb 2012, 08:01
I have just been reading some of the older posts - I don't know how some coped with all the waiting to hear something

This is the third application that I have put in and been waiting for 4 and half months. It is killing me.

I feel like a big kid checking my emails and holding my breath every time I see it receiving mail. Then get upset when it is junk.

I am 37 yrs old and this the first time that am doing something for me. Sad isn't it.

Hopefully third time lucky I have my fingers and toes and legs and arms and anything else that I can cross.:p

2nd Feb 2012, 08:50
marly, ive read some of your previous post and definitely feel for you. im glad that you've decided to do something for yourself =)

i know what you mean about waiting for a mail, holding your breathe when one comes though and getting excited only to find that it was junk mail.

the same thing happened to me when i went to my first ever AD for jetstar, i was so excited and loved everything that was told to me at AD, to get through to the panel interview and then being told they will contact us via email/phone had me constantly checking my email every 15 mins.. i could say that it became an obsession lol. so imagine how i felt when an email did come through and they told me i was unsuccessful. i was torn and i cried a little cos i wanted it so bad =/

so when i went to the Qantas AD, my hopes were a little lower.. i knew not to get my hopes up and after the panel interview i hardly ever checked my emails. then to my surprise, an email came through and told me i'd moved on to the security and medicals stage =)

just keep trying and im sure one day you will get in... it may be when you least expect it! i remember reading on here that this one guy tried and applied atleast 15 times before he got it! good luck!!!!

2nd Feb 2012, 09:42
Marly I still haven't heard a THING from our first application 3 months ago! You can just imagine how I'm feeling then. One week before chistmas I FINALLY get an email saying I'll know the outcome by the end of that week.... and um yeah... I didn't. Atleast you never got ignored both times and knew where you stand. It's very frustrating :ugh: I hate it haha

2nd Feb 2012, 10:03
Mangowaffles, your story is a lot like mine but I had experience of feeling devo'd with qantaslink - I did the same & the e-mail ripped my heart out! Glad to hear you got up & tried again with another airline & you were successful - gives me a little hope :O! To be totally honest I had given up but my heart just won't let me give up so I'll keep applying to Virgin until I succeed!
Marly, were in the same situation this is my 4th application & I have yet to be invited to an AD! & were the same age - it would be amazing if we both got invited to the AD & even got the job and trained together - positive thinking but I like mangowaffles am a bit more relaxed & guarded taking a more cautious path ;) we would both be perfect for the job hehe

2nd Feb 2012, 10:41
I am new to the airline industry. Only been to 2 ADs. I knew from day one not to get my hopes up. I don't even worry about the wait. If it comes it comes. No use stressing cause on the end if you don't get it, it's like a double whammy stress ball.
But see what happens. Given the nature of all this you can never know what they want or how you go on the day. You could say some little thing wrong and it's all done.

Just gotta be prepared to wait I guess and feel lucky if it's quick :)

2nd Feb 2012, 11:44
Trust me I am not insane, just the thought of it might come true really excites me, trying not to think about it. When it happens it will happen.:8

3rd Feb 2012, 02:00
Woohoo finally got my GC!

3rd Feb 2012, 02:12
Congrats Marcus2!! You're international/MEL base right? When is the g/school??

3rd Feb 2012, 13:16
Hi guys,

I hope your applications are moving along better than mine. I've still had no contact back from Virgin in regards to refs checks and possible GS. Its now been 3 months since my AD. I really think I may have been lost in the system as I know there was a GS started 2nd feb for Perth and I never heard anything.

I have now reapplied on the new system just in case my details have been lost on the old one. I put a note on the top saying I hAd already progressed to refs checks back in Nov but couldn't start when they wanted me to due to my notice period.

Now I'll just wait and see if I get any contact next week either to have to re-attend AD or to let me know I'm still in ststem anyway.

I will keep on trying and we all have to stay positive!

4th Feb 2012, 00:44
I'd somehow chase it up Emma-loo. If you can. I do know that they do let you know either way when they go through the progress, although sometimes maybe not?
But if you were unsuccessful they would have told you by now especially after months. So it's really strange.

I do know they have had many applicants over the last few months for Domestic and theyve been holding AD's lately as well. I have also heard of people still waiting from November last year, so I guess there are a lot out there.
It is annoying playing the waiting game! I'm in there too, and wont get my hopes up hearing back any time soon.
Even though they told us 2 weeks and when the GS will be, as that could all fall through. So see what happens, anything quicker is a bonus I guess!

But I would try get in contact with them maybe?

4th Feb 2012, 06:25
I have emailed them 3 times and have called them a few times too, I left a voicemail last time on the recruitment guys answer machine too and still no reply. I never seem to be able to speak to an actual person in recruitment to confirm anything. Would just like to know if I'm still on the list.

Maybe I will try and ring again Monday, just dont want to be a pest either ;)

4th Feb 2012, 08:23
That is a hard one emmaloo!

Does anyone have any info on how virgin staff travel works and what you actually get. Is it only for domestic and how can you use it and on whom.

4th Feb 2012, 12:59
Are you waiting for Perth and was told there would be a GS in a few weeks or another base Sydneysider88?

4th Feb 2012, 18:19
For Sydney base. International. We were told around 12tg march for GS.

6th Feb 2012, 01:02
Does anyone know where you go for your Virgin Australia Medical?

6th Feb 2012, 05:32
Just got the thank you but no thank email for the third time.

I would like to know what it really takes to be employed by Virgin?

Oh well there loss - they really don't want professionals working for them and qualified people.

There loss Qantas gain

6th Feb 2012, 06:05
I opposite experience marly. All the people at my AD were professionals, degree holders and with experience, some with or without flight experience. Sometimes they don't want experience.

Keep trying!

6th Feb 2012, 06:12
I'm just thinking that there is something that I am not seeing when I put my application in and they are seeing.
Maybe next time will have to get someone working in the field to have a look.:ugh:

6th Feb 2012, 06:29
I re worded and fixed my resume before applying for virgin and got through right away. I guess somtimes it does make a difference.

6th Feb 2012, 07:59
I tried that, completely pulled apart resume and reworded questions. Any tips would be truly appreciated. Still keen on virgin, but have got an AD for MAM on Friday

6th Feb 2012, 08:05
Can anyone shed some light of what you need to do in your medical for Virgin Australia

6th Feb 2012, 08:08
I finally had contact from Virgin today and got that call I thought would never come! GS for Perth due to start on 2 March and subject to refs and meds I'll be in it yey! Said they'll be in touch again soon, I'm just so glad they havent lost me the system, after 3 months no contact.

I'm trying to not get too excited but I'm finding it very hard lol ;)

Don't give up guys.

6th Feb 2012, 10:16
Yeah I had a call today, reference checks done and have to book in for a medical. Start date 27th Feb for G/S in Sydney

6th Feb 2012, 10:52
Marly that really sucks :( keep trying! And definitely give MAM your best shot. Hmmm... I'm pretty much convinced that I've been lost in the system. It's been months and months and I still have that silly "Application Acknowledgment" status :sad: