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10th Jan 2010, 17:39
Hi guys,

Just wondering if anyone has heard anything on Melbourne base as yet? or heard anything from word of mouth? apprently i heard from one of friends who works for Virgin Blue that they have put a stoppd to melbourne applicants and are not recruiting anymore for melbourne like they did for Brisbane Base aswell? im not 100% sure if this information is correct, but has anyone heard the same? or if they know roughly when they will get in contact with melbourne applicants?

please let me know

thanks guys!

11th Jan 2010, 02:18
FINALLY - even though it's not what I was hoping for, they sent this:

Thank you for your interest in applying to join the Virgin Blue Cabin Crew team.
Unfortunately due to a change in our businesses operational requirements, we longer have a need to recruit candidates for Brisbane based Cabin Crew.
There will be positions advertised very shortly for Sydney based Cabin Crew on www.virginblue.com.au (http://www.virginblue.com.au/) . Should you be interested in a Sydney basing we welcome you to apply.
We appreciate this news may be disappointing, and we sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Thank you once again for your interest in the Virgin Blue Brisbane Cabin Crew role.

11th Jan 2010, 06:07
Unfortunately due to a change in our businesses operational requirements, we longer have a need to recruit candidates for Melbourne based Cabin Crew.
We will be conducting some Sydney based Cabin Crew recruitment in the near future. When our recruitment needs are finalised we will be in contact via email to "Invite you to apply" for the Sydney based positions. Should you be interested once you receive this email you will only need to click on the link to apply.
We appreciate this news may be disappointing, and we sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused.


11th Jan 2010, 07:36
Yeppers. I got that email today too :( Will for sure apply for the Sydney base though whenever it comes up.

11th Jan 2010, 08:37
Yes I got the same e-mail today as well, disappointing that they are no longer recruiting for Melbourne Base anymore.

Does everybody receive the same e-mail who all applied for Virgin Blue Melbourne Base? Or only the people who have been short-listed?

Thank you for your interest in applying to join the Virgin Blue Cabin Crew team.
Unfortunately due to a change in our businesses operational requirements, we longer have a need to recruit candidates for Melbourne based Cabin Crew.
There will be positions advertised very shortly for Sydney based Cabin Crew on www.virginblue.com.au (http://www.virginblue.com.au/) . Should you be interested in a Sydney basing we welcome you to apply.
We appreciate this news may be disappointing, and we sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Thank you once again for your interest in the Virgin Blue Melbourne Cabin Crew role.
Kind regards

The Recruitment Team
Virgin Blue Airlines Pty Ltd
www.virginblue.com.au (http://www.virginblue.com.au)

11th Jan 2010, 09:34
Got the same email...:ugh:

11th Jan 2010, 10:00
This just all seems quite strange to me? One minute they decide they need crew for these bases, the next they aren't required? Something doesn't seem right, and I'm sure they're up to something - what I don't know. Surely they need to put crew into those bases somehow? Only other thing I can think of is they're just transferring more and more of the flying to SYD base, thus removing of pairings/overnights/need for crew in BNE/MEL??

12th Jan 2010, 06:07
You would think now that Virgin have multiple bases, they would be better off NOT making their recruitment processes base specific in the initial phases. In the past when I have applied for other airline jobs, they have asked you to list your preferences for which base you would like to work in, rather than advertising for a specific base. That way the recruitment department have more flexibility and there are less disappointed applicants.

13th Jan 2010, 23:25
Is there any point applying for SYD if I want to stay in Brisbane?

14th Jan 2010, 05:18
RE: Your Cabin Crew Application

Thank you for taking the time and effort to apply to join the Virgin Blue team! We are continually overwhelmed by the interest and enthusiasm that people show in joining our company and would like you to know that we sincerely appreciate your interest.

We are delighted to have had the opportunity to review your application. However, after careful consideration your application has been unsuccessful. On this occassion we will not be progressing your application any further.

We continually have ongoing recruitment needs and therefore invite you to keep in contact via our website Virgin Blue Home (http://www.virginblue.com.au). Should you be interested in any other employment opportunity, please submit your application online.

Thanks again for your interest in Virgin Blue and we wish you the very best for the future.

Kind Regards,

The Virgin Blue - Cabin Crew Recruitment Team
[email protected]
The Recruitment Team
Virgin Blue Airlines Pty Ltd
Virgin Blue Home (http://www.virginblue.com.au)

Does this email mean I cant apply for 12 months as per usual? It's a bit confusing because it says if another opportunity comes up please apply online, but usually you cant apply for 12 months after being rejected.
I am a bit gutted, after waiting so long to hear from V Aust then to be told to apply for VB Syd and then get rejected straight away. Sucks! guess i shall keep trying.

14th Jan 2010, 05:26
Log in to the VB recruitment site and review the original application you made for that position. Does it say if unsuccessful you can't reapply for 12 months? Did they say anything about it at the interview?

14th Jan 2010, 12:40
So I got that email everyone else got, saying that I was unsuccessful for Melbourne, but was welcome to apply when they opened Sydney applications soon. Today I log on and see these Sydney applications are now open, and there is a question on there that asks if you have been unsuccessful for the Virgin Blue Cabin Crew position within the last 12 months. Which I have been obviously, but in that rejection email they said I was welcome to apply for Sydney when it came up. Do you think it's not a matter of 'you can't apply for any positions for us for 12 months after you've been rejected' or simply a matter of them wanting to know if you've been applying all over the place and how keen you are?

I think I'll just put in an application anyways.

15th Jan 2010, 01:53
The email that the MEL applicants received was only stating that VB was canceling the MEL recruitment, not that we were unsuccessful, therefore you still meet the criteria to be eligible to reapply for any position within VB.

16th Jan 2010, 04:43
Hi everyone!
I'm new to this site... I'm extremely interested in becoming a flight attendant for VB and have wanted this career ever since I was really little.
Just recently I applied for the SYD base CC position and I am wondering what is the 'blue star referral program' I saw on the application? How does one become apart of it? And would it help my applications in the recruitment process?
I know its probably a silly question, but If someone could answer that'd be great! :)

16th Jan 2010, 07:23
Oh cool, thanks firyice!

16th Jan 2010, 16:13
Hi BlondeHostie (http://www.pprune.org/members/318728-blondehostie)

In answer to your question about the Virgin Blue - BLUE Star program,
what basically is that Virgin Blue Cabin Crew can basically offer to cabin Crew who are already employed by the company to Blue Star a friend who wishes to apply for Virgin Blue Cabin Crew in any base.

So for example if i was employed as a Cabin Crew member for Virgin Blue and just say that i knew you and you were a good friend of mine, and you were intrested in appying for a postion as Cabin Crew what i could do is Blue Star you, so in other words

Im recommending you to Virgin Blue, saying that "Yes i have no doubt that you would be excellent as a Canin Crew etc etc etc...

and then what happens when you write there name on the aplication when your appying, a conformation e-mail will get sent to me (eg:)
and i would have to fill out a questionare and answer some questions abut YOU
eg: How is BlondeHostie (http://www.pprune.org/members/318728-blondehostie);s personality
why attributes can BlondeHostie (http://www.pprune.org/members/318728-blondehostie) bring to Virgin Blue team
How long have you known BlondeHostie (http://www.pprune.org/members/318728-blondehostie) for? and what relation ship do you have with him . or her etc..
some basic questions like that. so yeah thats pretty much it!

apprently its good if you have been blue stared, apprently helps your chances out heaps and they look at those applications and take them seriously. i know a few freinds who have been blue stared and has helped them out like a charm so yeah! goodluck hope this has answered your question.

17th Jan 2010, 05:28
Thank you so much for answering my question flya123, I thought it was something along those lines!
Looks like I really need to get to know a VB flight attendant hehe... I wish I knew someone who could 'blue star' me, I want to work with VB more than anything.
Has anyone applied for the SYD base in FEB?

17th Jan 2010, 20:42
You don't need a blue star to get in, plenty of people get hired without one. What you will need though is the kind of background they are looking for and the right qualities....:ok:

17th Jan 2010, 22:46
Is it worth applying for VB SYD if I want to stay in Brisbane? What are your thoughts?

18th Jan 2010, 00:09
Apply in Syd if you want to stay in Brisbane? No. Because you will only be offered a position in Sydney and then will either need to move to Sydney or reject the job offer. I think you will be wasting your time to be honest. If you want to be in Brisbane wait until they recruit for Brisbane base. Transfers to other bases are only available when there are vacancies in those bases. So if you start in Sydney and go on the transfer list it will be the same wait as if you just stayed in Brisbane and waited for recruitment there to happen.

There are no backdoors for getting into Brisbane base, so just apply for there directly.

18th Jan 2010, 00:14
Hi Airborne ... thanks for your honest help. Much appreciated!

19th Jan 2010, 02:17
Hi, VB SYD recruitment days are next week, 27/28/29. I'm going on Friday, it's my first one and i am really excited! How long does a typical recruitment day take?

19th Jan 2010, 02:39
I did the VB Assessment day in Dec. Whole thing took about three hours! I went to an Assessment day two years ago and that was a full day so these assessment days are much more streamlined.

Just be yourself, smile and be friendly with the other candidates. Make sure you dress in smart business attire with your hair and makeup done immaculately.

Good luck!

19th Jan 2010, 02:43
By the way ... the email they sent out that said they no longer need to recruit CC for BNE ... does this mean "ever again" ???

19th Jan 2010, 03:58
the email they sent out that said they no longer need to recruit CC for BNE ... does this mean "ever again" ???

Possibly. BNE was Virgin Blue's first Cabin Crew base, and is somewhat the 'senior' base, with lots of good trips compared to other bases - not saying MEL & SYD don't have good pairings also.

There is always people on the transfer list to transfer to BNE base, and it would seem now when the need to recruit for BNE arises, they plan to activate the transfer list and fill vacancies that way, and recruit directly into other bases, namely SYD.

This is what I have heard, and what seems to have occured recently. Things always change though, and obviously if they don't have enough crew on the transfer list that they need then they'll have to recruit directly into the base.


19th Jan 2010, 07:46
I've never heard of any crew wanting to transfer to BNE because of the pairings...:rolleyes: Transferring because they want to live there, return there because they used to live there, have family there yes....because they like the rosters...no. What constitutes a good trip is very individual. BNE & MEL have a lot of 4 day trips which is something I don't want. Pairings are forever changing as well. Not everyone wants a transfer to BNE...:ugh:

I don't think it will ever be a case of no recruitment in BNE ever again. Not unless they intended to close the base, which they are not. Every month crew leave for various reasons and they will have to replace them. There won't always be enough crew on transfer lists to cover this and it won't always be in the company's interests to effect transfer lists either.

It's happened before that people have applied for a different base to get hired thinking they will transfer later. Only to find recruitment in their home town occured a few months down the track and they couldn't get a transfer back there. Transfers are always conditional on operational requirements and at your own expense.

19th Jan 2010, 19:03
Thanks again for the helpful info Airborne, I'll resist applying for Sydney and hope something opens up at BNE again.

19th Jan 2010, 22:02
Hi, am new to this forum, have been with VB as CC for over a year now in Sydney, just want to say good luck to all applying :). Sydney base is great and I'm not sure why there are a lot of rumours out online saying otherwise. Have mostly heard its due to our rosters or there is just such low morale there that people continually resign. It's not the case at all, just know the bidding system inside and out and you will be fine. I have got about 90% of what I have wanted from day one. If you need to make some extra cash, bid for overnights only and you can expect 6-10. Up to 15 if you are ejet trained. If you want weekends off, bid for that and you will mostly get day trips but most of your weekends off. But it's the same for all bases, you can't have everything and most people who are dissapointed have bidded for too much and have outbid themselves. Anywho hope this info has been helpful, once again good luck :).

19th Jan 2010, 22:54
Hi all,
Just had a phone interview and received an invitation to the Group Assesment Day next Wednesday morning.... anyone else going?

20th Jan 2010, 01:01
Thanks for sharing your positive experience with VB in Sydney. It's great to hear! You are right, so many posts are very negative. I'm starting on the 8th of Feb so all positive thoughts are especially welcome!!

I was worried about the overnights with the Sydney base but it seems that it should be fine. I'm happy with about 8 or so a month, give or take (that is what I am doing in my current job). Thanks again! :)

20th Jan 2010, 05:06
Hi all,

I'm currently in the process of emigrating from the UK to Sydney. I currently fly for BA based at LHR. Would love to fly for Virgin Blue, and had a message about the telephone interview today.

I've just arrived back in the UK to try and "sort" out some loose ends, thus not back in OZ until the begining of February. I've also made it through to the medical/ASIC stage for Jetstar Casual Cabin Crew(via Altara).

Like the idea of the bidding system, and would love weekends off. Just wondering how many days off one gets at DJ; and whether the 2009 pay award has been simplfied? If anyone could PM me details of pay, and travel benefits I would be most grateful.:ok:

Good luck to everyone that applies!

20th Jan 2010, 07:48
has anyone heard anything from sydney base? i know there was aplications and they were recruiting in december 2009, same as melbourne base.. but however they decided to not recruit anymore for melbourne base. then they said in the e-mail that was sent out that however shortly sydney base will be recruiting on the VB website. Aplications opened on the 13th of january 2010 and then said they were closing on the 17/01/2010

but now on the website if you have a look says applications close on the 24 janaury 2010. so has anyone heard anything back either emails or phone interviews if so let me know? or will people start hearing back after the applications close on the 24th jan? a few people have said they had the phone interview but just wondering when did they apply? thanks

20th Jan 2010, 09:04
A friend of mine had a phone interview today for Syd base. She applied sometime between the 13th and 17th Jan. This was her first application. They'll probably keep phone interviewing tomorrow and Friday also, so don't lose hope. I believe the assessment days are late next week. Let us know if and when you have done the phone interview. Good luck!

21st Jan 2010, 15:04
Hi guys, just wondering a few people are getting calls for sydney base applications that were advertised from the 13th January 2010 for Sydney base... I'm just curious to know all my friends that have applied live in melbourne but none of them have recieved an e-mail / phone call from Virgin Blue. Are they calling all people who live in Sydney first and then moving onto melbourne applications who have applied for Sydney? or...?

has anyone on this forum that has applied for VB Cabin Crew from the 13th onwards recieved a telephone call for an interview thats from Melbourne do let me know please thanks and good luck to everyone else that has applied... flya123 :ok:

22nd Jan 2010, 03:57

I had a phone interview yesterday as well, I applied roughly the same time - also my first application. How long after the interview would you normally receive an assessement day if at all?:)

23rd Jan 2010, 03:04
Did they invite you to an assessment day during the phone interview??

It seems that if you don't get an invite on the phone you won't get an invitation to the assessment day.

I was offered a place during the phone interview, but two friends who did the phone interview too, were told to watch their email for further information and an unsuccessful email arrived at their inbox within the week.

I don't want to seem negative, however that seems to be the trend. I'll cross my fingers for you anyway though! Good luck!

Virgin Blue has an ad in todays Sydney Morning Herald for Cabin Crew recruitment. Ad states that they want to get you flying ASAP.

They must want some fresh applicants I guess.

25th Jan 2010, 04:20
Hey Wannabies,

I had my VRD day in Jan and have been really fortunate to make it to the Training stage.

Is anyone else going to the CC Training in Feb?

BorneToFly :p

25th Jan 2010, 04:37
Are you starting on the 8th of Feb? If so, it's you, me and dom27 so far. Any others???

25th Jan 2010, 04:51

My Training starts on the 15 Feb. Hmm that is really strange. One week after the other? This is for Sydney base right?


25th Jan 2010, 04:55
That is weird, one week apart. They did say they were Planning on holding four ground schools for Sydney. Anybody else got any other information? Anybody else on either of these ground schools?

25th Jan 2010, 05:48
hi i was in dec recruitment and i am starting on feb 8th as well.....nervous but looking forward to it....

25th Jan 2010, 23:28

Im also starting on the 8th, cant wait and will see you there!!

Any other wannabes out there feel free to send me a message for advice, tips ect

See you on the 8th,


26th Jan 2010, 10:40
Hi everyone,
That is so great that you are all starting your training. Congratulations! I applied for the CC position on the 25th of Jan. I received an email from VB saying they have received my application.
Just a little concerned that there sounds as if there will be assessment days this week. I really hope that I get called.
Is there anyone else out there in the same boat?

26th Jan 2010, 11:06
Hey Bornetofly I start on the 15th aswell :)

26th Jan 2010, 15:59
hey guys, has anyone from melbourne heard anything for Virgin Blue cabin crew sydney base for current applications jan/feb thats been invited for a assessment day? either the 27 / 28 or 29th?

26th Jan 2010, 23:51
Hi All,
I Applied to VB in Nov.

About a week later once i applied to V aust.. i pretty much straight away got the 'no thanks' email from VB.

I was a little confused, as i had a blue star reference and i always thought that guaranteed you an invite to RD?

Anyway, a few weeks ago, V Aust said they had finished recruiting but sent me an invite to apply for SYD base VB Cabin crew.

I tried to do this - but didnt let me... assumed it was because i had been rejected.

However, i just tried deleted my previous application from the staff cv site..then it let me!

Can anyone shed any light on this for me..... is there any chance i could get a phone interview?

I know plenty of people less qualified than myself and have gotten jobs recently with virgin, perhaps they just dont like me.. and apparently VB are recruiting like crazy at the moment!!

Good luck to all those who have applied! :)

27th Jan 2010, 03:21
With airline recruitment, it's less about qualifications and more about personality fit. If you tick all the boxes with regards to working experience and required certs then it's most likely going to be your answers to their personality fit questions. Don't take it personally, even though it appears to be, it's probably more a case of you being a better candidate for a different airline than not being good for cabin crew.

Apply for more airlines than just your first choice because sometimes we really don't know what's best for us. Often we find ourselves working in a different space than we first imagined only to discover it was the best possible choice and we almost didn't consider it. :ok:

Mr 1A!
27th Jan 2010, 11:26

I also have made it through for SYD base and will be starting 15FEB :) Another ground school to get through but it will be different doing it here at home...

See you there for those who made it so far... and those who have not yet... keep trying and don't get put off if its something you really want... I tried a few years ago and got knocked back for some overseas airlines but finally got it and now this is my second airline as cabin crew.... :}


28th Jan 2010, 04:29
So all of you joining us, have you received your contract and EBA information, and what do you think about your new starting wage of just 38k?

28th Jan 2010, 06:28
DJCCGuy, that's a pretty sour thing to say to new recruits, considering you, (presuming you're DJ crew) the incumbent cabin crew would have been the ones voting for the EBA that these new guys will be working under.

And as a starting salary for an airline in Australia, I think 38k sounds pretty good, and i've worked for 3 airlines in Australia

28th Jan 2010, 06:54
I tend to agree with flitegirl. Not a bad start. Sure I'd like more.... but it is on par with the airline I currently work for.

28th Jan 2010, 07:32
I'd be stoked with $38k as a starting wage! Way more than what I do now!

28th Jan 2010, 23:55
Yes the base wage is less than I expected...however there are other benefits like 6 weeks holidays, 10 days off in a roster.....there is also the opportunity to make extra with any overnights...I think most people that apply for cabin crew don't do it for the money - its the experience.....I feel so lucky to be given the opportunity to work for Virgin Blue as there are many people that don't get the chance....and Virgin Blue is slowly taking over the domestic market and becoming the favoured airline....Even if I do this job for only one year, it was worth it for the experience and the fact that i can tick another to do box off....so at the end of the day the money doesnt faze me

29th Jan 2010, 06:57
It's on again for MEL guys! good luck to all:D

Dear xxx
We would like to thank you for your time and effort in previously applying online for the Melbourne based Cabin Crew position. The Recruitment Team have received an update from Crew Planning advising the need for more cabin crew to be based in Melbourne and we would love to hear from you! If you are still interested in the Cabin Crew role for a Melbourne Base position, please click on the link below.
If you are still interested in this roleclick here (http://www.bfound.net/j81890/) to APPLY NOW!
Please ensure you read the information carefully before submitting your application.
Applications close: Tuesday 2nd February @ 23:59 EST
If you experience difficulties using our recruitment website please click on the 'Help' button. Please do not respond to this email.
Information provided by the Virgin Blue Group in regards to our Recruitment Process and Recruitment Days is subject to change at anytime.
We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Kind regards,
The Recruitment Team
Virgin Blue Group

29th Jan 2010, 09:43
Do you reckon it would be worth applying if I want to stay at BNE?

29th Jan 2010, 21:15
If your not willing to move to Melbourne, I wouldnt bother applying for it...From reading the forums it seems that a transfer would take a while as there are waiting lists, and commuting looks as thou it would be a hassle especially with early starts and reserve days....remember that they advertised for Brisbane not long ago and then it was cancelled, no doubt Brisbane will come up again soon, after all it is there main base...hang in there for Brisbane base...good luck

30th Jan 2010, 07:45
Just remember that if they recruit you for a particular base it's because they want you in that base. Not because they want to transfer you somewhere else. Transfer lists are for people with a genuine need to move to be with family or follow their partners etc. Not so crew can get a backdoor entry into somewhere else. Be patient and wait for your preferred base to come up, it is the fastest way to get there.

31st Jan 2010, 19:35
Did anyone else receive email to re-apply for Melbourne Base??

31st Jan 2010, 19:46
Hi Every One,

Just want to know does any one know what email address you use to contact VB about positions? Under recruitment process they say to contact via email...I can't find email contact?

31st Jan 2010, 20:04
Email is below.

Didn't you just start with Tiger? Is it that bad that you want to leave already?

cabincrewrecruitment @ virginblue.com.au
(remove the spaces before and after @)

1st Feb 2010, 04:58
I received an email from VB inviting me to reapply for the MEL position. I also received a txt message via my phone telling me to check my email for the message. I was quite surprised and pleased that they took the time and money to notify applicants this way especially since it was such a let down when they previously canceled the recruitment.

Let the waiting game begin! :D

1st Feb 2010, 05:02
Well I hope they do the same for BNE!

1st Feb 2010, 19:21
Hi firyice,

Are applications closing 02/02/2010??

2nd Feb 2010, 02:46
Hi everyone,

i went to a Recruitment Day in Syd last week. Just wondering if anyone knows how long you typically have to wait before you hear anything?


2nd Feb 2010, 08:24
Hi LadyJ1,

Yes, the application did state that the applications closed on the 2nd of Feb. Did others/yourself receive this same email? I'm hoping that the process will be short and sweet but the industry doesn't seem to work like that. Hopefully BNE applicants will get the same email. Fingers crossed to everyone that applies.

2nd Feb 2010, 08:31
hi highUp!

I had my vrd last week in sydney too! Haven't heard anything yet though. They did say within two weeks so fingers crossed we hear soon :) feels like I've been waiting for years! Good luck!

2nd Feb 2010, 23:43
Hi everyone,
I know some of you have already gone for your VRD last week in Sydney. I was just wondering if anyone who has applied, but not heard yet, has any info re other VRD's?
I applied before the applications closed, and VB sent me a confirmation of receiving my application.
I heard rumours that there my be more ground schools allocated for the coming months. I really hope so!
Conrats to all starting ground schools in Feb. Keep the dream alive!!!!!:D

3rd Feb 2010, 07:18
I've just returned from travelling overseas for six months and think I might have just missed the cut off date for Virgin. Do you think if I applied now I could still be in with a chance?


3rd Feb 2010, 07:58
There's no longer a link to apply for Cabin Crew, so I think you have missed the boat. Someone correct me if I'm wrong?

Keep an eye out on the website and here (someone will probably post it), they may open applications again, you never know. Good luck

3rd Feb 2010, 19:18
Yeah I don't think you're able to apply unless there's a link on the website. Otherwise they would have all of us applying all the time!

3rd Feb 2010, 23:45
I would not be too dissapointed if you missed out this time. Rumour out online is that they want SYD to eventually be their biggest cabin crew base and at a recent unplugged session, the man running the day quoted more than half of all cabin crew so I would expect recruitment will take place again in the not too distant future. With that being said, I do hope we get a new crew room soon lol. It's too tiny as it is atm, with all these new crew coming online, it's going to be packed!

3rd Feb 2010, 23:49
That sucks! I want a Brisbane job! Tell them to stay in Brisbane :p

8th Feb 2010, 01:39
Hi ellie8,
I have also applied for the SYD Cabin Crew position. I haven't received anything back as of yet either. I did receive the email saying they received my application, but nothing else.
Good Luck!

8th Feb 2010, 05:32
Hi everyone,

I've recently applied for MEL base CC which closed on the 2nd of February. Has anyone received 'the phone call' yet? Or heard any news about Assessment Days?

8th Feb 2010, 08:23
Hey Guys I start with Virgin Blue on the 15th, Good Luck with the February Applicants :)

9th Feb 2010, 03:17
Hey everyone!
I applied for both Sydney and Melbourne bases in January... I have not heard anything as of yet, does anyone know if VB get back to you with whether or whether not your application has been successful or not...
Aaand, do you usually hear by phone call or email?

9th Feb 2010, 03:19
Yes, you should receive an email notification either way, whether you were successful or not. Good luck!

9th Feb 2010, 11:12
Well as I wait with baited breath and chew my manicured nails to the bone I wanted to know who else is out there waiting to hear back from VB regarding their recent CC interview in SYD? By the way good luck to all applicants!:ok:

10th Feb 2010, 05:39
Heyyy they called me to tell me I was successful to the next stage, They will then email you after they finnish the phone call with you, If you are unsuccessful they will email you not call you.. GooddLUUcckkk :)

10th Feb 2010, 07:01
Hey Sydneyshowgirl I went to the open days on friday 29th January. Still havent heard anything as yet. I hate the wait also. They said two weeks which is this friday. Best of luck for you and me......

10th Feb 2010, 09:20
Ali2305: congratulations first of all!
Just wondering if you could tell me when you did your interview? I did mine on Jan 29th and I've heard nothing as yet..

Thanks :)

10th Feb 2010, 10:33
Hi, I did my RCD on Tuesday this week. So I haven't been waiting as long as you guys......but I seriously think this will possibly be the loooooongest 2 weeks ever! Any suggestions on how to pass the time?

11th Feb 2010, 01:01
Hey Raunelle, My recruitment day was on the 05th of january, they called me to notify me I have been successful to the next stage on the 15th of january which the next step is the medical, My medical was on the 19thand they offerred me the Job on Wednesday 20th Of January, It was a quick process because training starts on the 15th of feb.... Goodluck to you :P

11th Feb 2010, 05:26
I've been invited to the medical. I'm going tomorrow and my references have been called. Fingers crossed!!!!!:)

11th Feb 2010, 07:17
I think a congratulations is an order for you sydneyshowgirl! If you have received a call to attend a medical then you pretty much have the job (unless there is any major issues).

May I ask how long did the whole recruitment process take? From the time that you applied till the stage that you are now currently at.

11th Feb 2010, 09:42
Congratulations SydneyShowGirl! Good luck!
Great news for me, I had my phone interview for VB Melbourne base this afternoon and she invited me to the assessment day too (Tuesday 16th Feb). I am so excited, she told me only a select few are attending. Is anyone else going to be at this assessment day? :)

11th Feb 2010, 10:47
Thank you! Wow the whole process has been amazingly quick.:confused: I applied on the 17th of Jan 2010, did the phone interview around 2 weeks ago, RD this week and having medical this week.

12th Feb 2010, 00:08
Congrats Sydneyshowgirl :) :ok:, Im so Happy for your well done :)

13th Feb 2010, 07:21
Hey Angel
Just be yourself, they will ask you normal questions like Why do you want to become a Cabin Crew member for Virgin , and customer service questions and What do you think a role of a cabin crew is, But seriously just be yourself and be confident .... Good Luck with it, and let me know what happens

Chef de Cabine
14th Feb 2010, 23:46
Hi everyone.
First time post but I have been lurking around the forum for a while. I just got an invite to the Melb RD this Wednesday!! What do you guys think about earring s on men during the interview. I have two small studs, one on each ear, and not sure if i should take them out.

14th Feb 2010, 23:53
Hey Chef, I would definitely take them out if I were you. Better safe than sorry.

15th Feb 2010, 00:20
Sorry guys if I am repeating this question.
What is the normal dress code for the VB interview? formal suit means with a jacket??
Got call for cabin crew interview this week.

My last reply was deleted. Not sure why?? Pl let me know if I am doing something wrong here. am newbie.

15th Feb 2010, 01:44
Hi alwmi

I've had posts deleted and it is because you speak in txt...they don't like it...very frustrating at first...:rolleyes:

15th Feb 2010, 02:07
Yes wear a business suit with a jacket, for guys pants, tie, long sleeved shirt and jacket, shoes polished and no earings etc. Girls, matching suit with pants, skirt or dress, closed in shoes, matching bag and hair neatly done, with makeup and stud earings, only one or two rings on your hands, no necklaces or bangles etc and if you wear a watch make sure it's not a sports watch or anything with too much bling. Just remember you can never over dress for an interview! Good luck to everyone in Melbourne :ok:

15th Feb 2010, 03:55
Hi Every One,

I received an email to call VB for telephone interview....I have been trying to call all day with no luck...does any one have any suggestions?


15th Feb 2010, 05:58
Hi Chef de Cabine (http://www.pprune.org/members/321134-chef-de-cabine),

I'll be seeing you there on Wednesday. As for your earrings...I recommend that you keep them at home for the day. Any visible tattoos should also be covered. Its only 1 day and this is the job of your lifetime. Keep it clean. There are enough things to be nervous about on the day without having to worry about presentation. How exciting!!!

15th Feb 2010, 06:12
I am getting a bit concerned!

I applied to melbourne VB base in Dec and then go the thanks but we dont need you email as many who had applied for Melb did around the 17th of jan.i decided not to reapply for SYD as a second pref as i really want to live in Melbourne.

then i got the email to say that melbourne applications are now open again for Melbourne and they closed on FEB 7th..now with all these people getting invites to a RDay this wed im getting very worried ive missed out completely..:{

is anyone else in the same boat?

do you think they could be donig another wave of RD's for melbourne soon?

I really hope so!!

anyone out thereknow anything they can share? :confused:

15th Feb 2010, 08:07
Hi All

I finally got onto vb late this arvo...she is calling me back tomorrow for phone interview. Hopefully I'll go ok and get to RDay on Wednesday, there are not many places left apparantly...

This will be my first telephone interview so I hope I go o.k. Fingers Crossed :)

16th Feb 2010, 01:16
Hi does anyone have an idea of how long after the medical it takes to hear anything?

16th Feb 2010, 03:11
Hey LadyJ1 how'd you go with phone interview?

16th Feb 2010, 05:16

They do say within 2 weeks after your medical, however im still waiting to hear back from mine i had my medical 2 weeks ago tomorrow :ugh:
Hope you find out soon!

16th Feb 2010, 09:42
Hi Flyawaywithme,

Oh dear, it seems as though it's not as quick as I thought! :confused:I think they have a couple of GS starting shortly so I'm hoping we'll be there.

Have you tried to contact them to see how it's all going?

Also when did you do your RD? Mine was last week in SYD and I did the medical the same week. References have been checked so I'm now waiting and feeling like throwing up from the nerves!:yuk: I'm also carrying my phone everywhere (and I do mean EVERYWHERE!) LOL! Would hate to miss that all important phone call.

Good luck

16th Feb 2010, 09:58

Hahahahaha! you sound like me! My phone is always right with me.

Well, it sounds like you're going through the stages very quickly :)
I was thinking the same thing as you, i was thinking of calling too but im not sure either. I think if i dont hear anything by Friday i will call. I really dont think you have anything to worry about though, i know that Syd base is priority so you will move through quickly. I had my RD about 3 weeks ago! Ahhhh!!

If you decide to call please let me know what happens, as will i :)
Good luck!

16th Feb 2010, 10:18
It took them 2 weeks and a couple of days to get back to me after my medical. They phoned to offer me a job, so keep your mobile phones with you. Ground school started approx. 5 1/2 weeks after that. Hope that gives you an idea of how long you may wait (of course could be different!). Good luck to both of you!! :)

16th Feb 2010, 10:38
Hey SydneyShowgirl,

Phone interview went well, I got through, have RDay tomorrow... little nervous, fingers crossed :D

16th Feb 2010, 11:51
Wow that was quick, phone one day, RD the next! Good luck tomorrow, it truly is an amazing day :), not at all scary (I thought they'd be really tough and mean). The recruitment team are lovely and so are the other hopefuls. Just remember to smile, chat, ask questions and be yourself. Also there are no right or wrong answers, just draw on past experience and be confident.;) Sending my best wishes to you and please let us know how you go. By the way is this in MELB?

16th Feb 2010, 19:08
Thanks SydneyShowgirl for your wishes...yes it is in Melbourne..looking forward to the day hope the Comprehension Test is o.k. :)

16th Feb 2010, 22:11

Thanks heaps for that info, i thought they might have forgotten about me!

Congratulations what base will you be at??

Good luck everyone!!!

16th Feb 2010, 22:34
Agghhhh I got it!!!!! I start GS on the 1 March. Anyone else starting then?

16th Feb 2010, 23:28
Congrats SydneyShowgirl....:D

16th Feb 2010, 23:31
Yay!!! Congratulations SydneyShowGirl!!! That is amazing news! I had my interview yesterday for Melbourne based Cabin Crew.
I was just wondering how long your interview lasted, and the sorts of questions they asked you. I think I was in there for around 30mins... I really hope I get the job too, i've wanted this for so long! :)

17th Feb 2010, 00:43
Congratulations to all of you! You must all be so excited :ok:
I still haven't heard. I applied 25th Jan and they sent an email saying they received my application. I'm still waiting with baited breath by my phone and computer. I hope I hear something soon.
Is anyone else in the same boat?

17th Feb 2010, 01:18
Sydneyshowgirl, Congratulations!!!!

Wow you start Ground School in like one week! Amazing! :ok:

17th Feb 2010, 06:38
there must be someone who knows if there will be more RD's for melbourne coming up..

I re applied on the 4th feb and havent heard a thing yet..!!

like others I am `checking my email and phone like a razy woman!!

help does anyone have the same situation or know anything?

17th Feb 2010, 07:07
Hi, my first post, so congratulations to all those who have been accepted and good luck to everyone else.

I applied for SYD base on 17th Jan, receivd phone call on 5th feb (just over 2 weeks) then played anxious phone tag up until today. had phone interview today, lasted for 25min (they will go over your resume with you, ask about your duties/roles and why you left, they will then ask you ?'s about why you want to be CC and work for VB) if they are happy with all your answers I got offered an RD over the phone for next Tuesday.

Hopefully this gives you guys and guys who are still waiting some info on what to expect.

Can anyone tell me though what to expect at the RD?

Many thanks

17th Feb 2010, 07:24
Hey I know the waiting is killing you all (me included until this morning) but don't worry they'll be in contact soon. Apparently they are super busy at the moment so they are trying to catch up with everyone ASAP.

Also thanks for your continued support, this forum has been a wealth of information and help. Good luck to everyone going through the recruitment process. I really do honestly wish that we'll get to work together in the near future. Take care and let me know how you get on.

17th Feb 2010, 22:26
Just wondering if anyone knows the exact process for phone interviews, I had mine yesterday and was told she was going to collate everyones answers and phone back succesful applicants with a interview date...

If they dont ask you initially are you not succesful?? Im so upset I may have blown my chances :0(

Any advice would be so appreciated

17th Feb 2010, 23:57
Hi Lollicious,

from my experience at the end of the phone interview they invite you to a RD...if you are not successful they will send an email a day or two later..

Good luck, maybe they are doing the invitations to RD's a different way.:)

18th Feb 2010, 01:17
I suspected from what I have read on here that was the case...

I think that a phone interview is quite intimidating and rushed but I guess all you can do is try your best and hope you click with the interviewer.

I am pretty dissapointed because that 15 min conversation is your chance to sell yourself and I wasted it....

thanks for your help..

18th Feb 2010, 05:24
Just wondering if anyone knows if its policy to only offer RDs over the phone after the inital interview or has anyone heard back at a later time??

Im so sad to think I have blown my only opportunity

18th Feb 2010, 05:49
Hey all, just wanted to let you know I got fitted for my uniform today! It was so cool, I ended up getting 2 skirts as the dress looked like a sack and the pants were gaping at the back. Four shirts, the beautiful red woolen trench, the creamy light trench, a red jumper, my belt and 2 pairs of shoes! We'll get our uniforms later during training, but I would of loved to have taken them home now. It's a great uniform and I'll wear it with pride.:)

How is everyone's progress so far? When I spoke to the recruitment team yesterday they did mention that they had a lot to get through, so don't panic if you haven't heard anything yet. Easy for me to say:rolleyes:, but I can assure you they are working through all applications as quickly as possible.

18th Feb 2010, 10:05
yeah i know its a lovely uniform comppared to alot of other airlines its very smart and fucntional too.

thanks heaps for the words of encouragement ! i only hope you are right and they are taking their time to get through applications etc.

i really want melbourne base..if I am even lucky enough to be invited to an assessment day..!

i dont konw if having previous flying experience is a good or bad thing in th is case? who konws what they are after this time..

once again thank you ..you giv eme some hope..:ugh:

18th Feb 2010, 10:20
good luck everyone I have an RD next week for sydney base, waited about 2 weeks for phone interview.

19th Feb 2010, 01:11
Does everyone get asked during their phone interview or has anyone been asked after?

I am so excited for all the gorgeous sounding people who got through I just want my misery of waiting to be over and know if the interview was a waste ....

19th Feb 2010, 03:31
Hi Lollicious I love the name, very cute!

I'm not sure how the invitation to RD works, but I was asked at the end of my phone interview if I could attend and they gave me a couple of different days and times to choose from.

Perhaps they do it differently each time to keep everyone guessing?!? Don't worry if you didn't get it this time, there will be other intakes at VB and others. Apparently Qantas will be doing an intake soon (I have a CC friend there who mentioned it), so I'd carefully watch the web site everyday.

19th Feb 2010, 05:37
Thanks for your reply lovely

I thought that was the case, Im sad that I missed this opportunity but I guess there will be other opportunities!

You must be so excited and I am trully thrilled that such a nice person is achieving their dreams

21st Feb 2010, 11:13
hi all...
just reading all your posts and thought i'd add my input!
i applied for the syd feb position on the 21st.. received a phone interview which lasted about 15mins on friday (19/2). I think (and hope) all went really well....
I asked the lady how long the recruitment process took... and she said that once you send your resume in your shortlisted and make it to the phone interview. Then she said I will recieve an email before the end of the week either inviting me to RD or not, and from there they will call 2 referees, then a medical and then your invited to training.

So lollicious... dont be disheartened just yet... because maybe they're doing it different... like i said.... the lady said that i will recieve an email before the end of the week...

fingers crossed!!!

21st Feb 2010, 23:13
Thanks for that, I hope so still no email either way so Im really anxious. Wish I could just know either way!


22nd Feb 2010, 07:20
Hi everyone,
Well I just wanted to let you all know that I finally got my phone interview this afternoon. I am going to the RD this Wednesday in Sydney.
Is anyone else out there going this Wed to the morning session?
Well, now I am frantically running around getting my hair cut, preparing my documents etc.
I am really nervous, as this is my first time doing this, so any tips would be really appreciated.
I hope to meet some of you, if you are coming this Wednesday.

Good luck to all those who are still waiting, your time will come!!!!!!

22nd Feb 2010, 08:32
i need some advice!!!

so reading some of the older posts compared to the newer posts, the recruitment process seems to be a little different. it appears that not long ago you had to wait the week to find out if you were successful to RD.. rather that straight after the phone interview.

so i was thinking? could it possibly be that because there are obviously more females than males applying, if the males sound decent, they make it throught straight away? and then the few EXCEPTIONAL girls as well?

as for everyone else there is a wait? cause surely not every every person could get an offering over the phone? if all the initial people got offered a place at RD then there would be no places left at the end.. right?

i guess i'm still trying to be hopeful.

your thoughts would be appreciated...

22nd Feb 2010, 23:21
Im trying to be positive too but it seems the majority of people get straight through instead of waiting, I had my interview last wednesday and I still havent heard either way and its crushing.... :ugh:

23rd Feb 2010, 00:19
Hi Guys,

Had RD today for Sydney Base. It's hard to believe other posts about what to expect when your so nervous....but seriously It was actually alor of fun, yes you are nervous, but everyone else is also nervous and the VB staff recognise that aswell.

Tips: always smile, talk to lots of people, participate fully in activities (but dont go over the top and allow other people to also speak).

Comprehension test......read some paragrahs on airlines safety and circle correct answer.

Interview (behavioural questions....you do need to have specific examples from your work history).

Above all be yourself, there is no "1 type" of person they are looking for. Dont be something which you arnt.

Good luck to all.

23rd Feb 2010, 05:37
I got in!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck to everyone that is going through the processes! Best advice i can give is to just be patient! I know how hard it can be :)

Meanwhile i am sooo happy right now!!!

Good luck everyone!!!

23rd Feb 2010, 09:31
Hooray for flyawaywithme, well done it feels great doesn't it? When do you start gs and where are you based? Perhaps we'll be flying together soon :}

I start on Monday, am sooo nervous.:\ PM if you like.

23rd Feb 2010, 12:00
Hi All!

I also was at the VBRD in SYD today! Tue 23 Feb! So Surferboy we were at the same VBRD!

Fingers crossed!

One of my references actually called me at 3pm saying that VB had called him! Wow that was quick! Only a few hours after the RD! Thats got to be a good sign...right? :8

Any thoughts?

23rd Feb 2010, 20:53

Thank you so much and yes it feels amazing! No more waiting!! lol
You will be fine at ground school, i can understand why you would be nervous though, its like your first day at school again :) I will get nervous leading up to my gs.
I just can't wait to have my fitting :D....


Thats great news that they have already called your references that was really quick!! Good luck!

26th Feb 2010, 02:12
Hey wannabes,
Had my phone interview recently and got invited to an assessment day at the Virgin village in BNE. BTW I got asked at the end of my interview if I wanted to attend

is anyone going to the BNE base assessment day on the 5th March at 8am?

26th Feb 2010, 02:44
Since when are they recruiting for Brisbane? I haven't seen anything on the website?

26th Feb 2010, 02:51
got an invitation on Feb 17th asking if I wanted to apply. It was open from the 17th-21st

26th Feb 2010, 02:56
I check the website every single day and never saw anything? And I emailed them only a couple of weeks ago to see when they would be recruiting for Brisbane and they said they would not be sure. Sorry I don't mean to sound like I'm whinging, I'm just really upset that I might have missed out on my number one choice. Are there any other PPruners out there that saw it?

26th Feb 2010, 03:12
Ahh yeah I thought it was weird because they hadn't had it listed on the website. It looked like it was by invite only but I still had the option to 'email to a friend' (which I did) and they had their phone interviews yesterday as well.

I applied initially for the DEC09 BNE recruitment that got canned if thats helps?

26th Feb 2010, 03:19
Yeah I got canned from the DEC09 BNE too. Man I'm sooooo frustrated.

28th Feb 2010, 21:00
I was wondering about the phone interviews. Do they let you know when they're going to call you, or do you just have to be ready in interview mode when they do? I work full time and am worried I'll get called while I'm at work.

Also, does anyone know if they still do the Blue Star Referral Program?

28th Feb 2010, 21:15
Hi ilana182,

They just call you however I wasn't able to pick up my call so they emailed to say they had been trying to contact me. In the email I had a number to call them back on...so that was good gave me time to be ready for interview. I was invited to Rday at end of phone interview.:)

Flying Ranga
1st Mar 2010, 05:09
G'day all,
Just in case you hadn't spotted it already, VB Syd base is recruiting with a close date of 11MAR10 at 1800 AEDT.

Good luck to all those that apply.

1st Mar 2010, 12:52
Are there people out there from the Feb recruitment stage that are still waiting to hear/ Should I assume that If i have not heard anything by now that I was unsuccessful? As now March recruitment is being advertised?

Anyone with any info would really appreciate your comments views.

Have a good week :)

2nd Mar 2010, 01:12

Have you been to a recruitment day? Or are you waiting to be invited?? I would suggest if you havent been invited yet just re-apply for the current intake for Syd base.
If you have had your rd and you havent heard back i really wouldnt worry, no news is good news right?!

Hope this helps
Goodluck :ok:

2nd Mar 2010, 06:33
hey flayawaywithme...

you seem to know a lot about this whole process... i've had my references checked but i haven't heard anything :ugh::yuk::uhoh:

do i just sit it out and wait???? any help you can give is much much appreciated

2nd Mar 2010, 07:33
Hi Flyawaywithme
Thanks for replying,
The only communication that I have had was the automated reply to say they have received my application form - nothing else -

Checking my emails constantly

Have re-applied for the March opening fingers crossed and good luck to all x

2nd Mar 2010, 23:01
I was at the SYD RD on 23 Feb and I have yet to hear back from them. They did say 2 weeks, so we have to see after one more week, the waiting is killing me too!

They did call all my references though...is that not a good sign?

3rd Mar 2010, 03:06
Hey! i attended the Cabin Crew recruitment day in Sydney the other day and I havent heard anything yet, they said that they will contact us within 2 weeks via email but i was wondering how long on average it takes for them to get back to you??? this is driving me crazzzzyyyyyyyyy!!!!! please help!

3rd Mar 2010, 06:01
Maybe you want to read the VB recruitment thread before you ask the same question 50 other people before you have. Or maybe it's 2 weeks, as you've already been told. :ugh:

3rd Mar 2010, 07:01
Hey everyone.

I was at the same VD as VBhopeful. I received an email earlier this week updating me on my application.

It is fair to say VB are very busy right now and obviously people will progress through different stages at different speeds.

My advice is not to try and compare/read too much into things and from experience VB have always kept true to updating people within the time frames they set....so wait out your two weeks and try not to stress.

As for those waiting to hear at all about their application.....I agree with other comments no news is good news, just be patient.

Good luck to all.

3rd Mar 2010, 08:28

After they checked my references they called me a few days later then i had my Medical and i didnt hear anything for 2 and a half nearly 3 weeks grrr! So dont worry, most annoying thing ever though :ugh:

Good luck keep us all posted :)

Trollytom- you probs wont get an email at all just a phone call so be ready!
Good luck everyone :ok:

Bluefish_au - The waiting game, its torture!!! :} Keep in touch i would love to know how you go ;)

3rd Mar 2010, 11:18
Surferboy. I didn't get any email to update me on my application :(

I know they've called my references. So pain stakingly awaiting a call or email.

These two weeks are going so slow. Can't beleive it's just been a week

Trying to be patient! Lol

good luck all!

7th Mar 2010, 04:14
I'm wondering if it's possible to commute from SEQ?

I'm thinking about applying for SYD and commuting from Brisbane?

Does anyone else do this? How does it work?

7th Mar 2010, 05:01
It would very difficult to commute to Syd from Qld. Sydney recruits are being told to expect daytripping rosters. You will need to be in Syd for 5am sign on 11pm signoffs and standby days. So you would only be able to return home on your days off. Commuting does not count as duty travel so you have to pay the fare yourself. Not to mention the risk of the flights from that port being full, which is high.

7th Mar 2010, 06:12
I have a friend in the Sydney base who commutes to QLD. However, she is renting a room in a share house and only goes home every two weeks or so.

So if you want to commute, I think you really need to have a place down here in Sydney, be prepared to only go home on your days off and wait for your transfer to come through.

If you want a foot in the door, that may be the way to go.

8th Mar 2010, 22:15
Don't know if anyone has noticed, but as of this morning they've added Melbourne to the recruitment site:

Virgin Blue Cabin Crew Melbourne - Mar 10 (http://www.bfound.net/detail.aspx?jobId=83374&CoId=43&rq=1)

Closes 14th March.

10th Mar 2010, 08:52
Hi there does anyone know the procedure if you are unsuccessful in your application to join VB ? Do you get an automated email to let you know that this is the case or do you just not hear back at all?

Also is it standard procedure to wait for the application deadline to close before you hear anything ?

Any advice appreciated

Thanks and have a great evening

12th Mar 2010, 06:19
I got accepted!

Had RD on 23rd Feb, received an email a week later saying i had been progressed and referees would be called shortly. Referees were called on Monday, received phone call on Wednesday asking to go have a medical. Had medical this morning and received THE call this afternoon.

Anyone else start on the 6th April?

Best of luck to everyone else.

12th Mar 2010, 11:11
Hi everyone,
I got the job! I am so excited! :D
This blog is such a great forum for anyone hoping to get their dream job. All your advice has helped me such a great deal, and I am more than happy to help any of you if you have any questions.

Is there any of you out there starting training on the 6th of April in Sydney? If so, I will see you there!

Once again, thank you all for your advice and support, and for those still waiting, sit tight....your time will come.


13th Mar 2010, 23:11
Hi all,

applied on line last tuesday (9/03/2010)

How long before I hear from them? I know there is a big recruitment drive on, but just trying to juggle work etc and it would help enormously to have some idea of a timeline.


17th Mar 2010, 00:59
Sydneysurferboy - I had my RD in Sydney the same week as you! It was a lot of fun actually and all the candidates were lovely.

I was ecstatic when I got an email a few days later saying I had been successful in progressing further and that they would soon contact my referees. However it’s been over a fortnight and they are still yet to contact them!

I am so keen to hear from them… the wait is so hard!

17th Mar 2010, 01:28
NavLites - it took about a month for VB to contact me for a phone interview after I applied online. Good luck!

17th Mar 2010, 11:42
Hey Navlites..I agree with Flyaway, I can take some time, mine took about 3 weeks, but from what Ive heard and red 3-4 weeks is normal. Hang in there and stay positive.

Flyaway, it took over a week before i got an email saying they would call my references and then another week to call my references. It seems to vary, like you found out a few days after, that they were going to call your references. Maybe they are all full for this GS on the 6th and there is no point in calling your references now, when the next ground school might be sometime later.

Stay positive, no news is good news, but agree the waiting is hard, very hard.

19th Mar 2010, 06:28
just wondering if the virgin blue and pacifc blue training schools are the same?

22nd Mar 2010, 11:18
The wait was worth it! I have been asked to attend a medical this week!
Good luck to everyone else waiting for the call, it is a hard wait.

To anyone who has started ground school - how are you finding it?
And on a lighter note, how soon do you get issued with the uniform?

22nd Mar 2010, 14:48
hey cc wannabes
is anyone else on here starting BNE GS on the 12th april? send me a pm or post on here

hey flyaway31
when I went for my uniform fitting the lady said you'll get the uniforms delivered to your GS during the second week :)

23rd Mar 2010, 03:48
My experience was that i applyed ages ago on their website, then it closed 4 weeks later the same add on seek, then closed 3days later, then within a week i had my phone interveiw and am now attending a recruitment day tomorrow!! yay i'm super excited should be fun as :)
Tips tips tips people

23rd Mar 2010, 04:00
You will be fitted for a uniform before you start but you won't receive it until almost the end of GS. Yeah I know....:( But trust me, once you've been living in it day in and out for a few months you'll really enjoy your days off when you don't have to wear it. :E

23rd Mar 2010, 05:23
Hi ash.1111, was the call from Virgin about Brisbane?

23rd Mar 2010, 05:52
has anybody else that applied for MEL heard anything? hating this waiting game!:ugh:

23rd Mar 2010, 10:09
Hi Flyaway, congratulations and I hope it goes well for you!

I have a quick question, do you recieve a call or an email to ask you to go for a medical??


23rd Mar 2010, 10:54
Hoping2fly: They called me and asked me to attend the medical, and then sent a follow-up email with the details of the medical centre etc. From what I have read on this forum most people get a call rather than email regarding the medical.
Are you waiting to hear back from them too? Which RD did you attend?

23rd Mar 2010, 23:44
Hi Flyaway31, did my RD day early March, got the progression email nearly 2 weeks ago, I guess if you don't make it through the ref checks, they would email you fairly quickly??:p

24th Mar 2010, 00:57
Hi Hoping2fly, it seems like the recruitment team are super busy as it also took them over 2 weeks to call my references. I suggest you stay in close contact with your references and ask them to give you a bell if they are contacted. (And if you get the job don't forget to send them flowers to thank them for their great reference!)

24th Mar 2010, 01:35
Hi Flyaway, congrats with being asked to have a Medical...as i said all along, hang in there, it takes time, but the end result may just be worth it. Fingers crossed for you. Keep us posted!

Anyone on here also starting Sydney GS on 6th April?

24th Mar 2010, 11:05
Hey aviate9, I received a phone call at lunch time today inviting me to the recruitment day in MEL on 7 Apr...:)
Dont stress, as from what i recall of the conversation there will be 3 recruitment days in Apr. Good Luck and hope to see you there and anyone else who gets through!:ok:

24th Mar 2010, 12:40
ah im so nervous! i got an invite to the recruitment day in sydney a few months ago but couldnt attend because of illness, so hopefully ill have a chance at these!

26th Mar 2010, 21:15
They're recruiting AGAIN in Sydney! Man, what do us Queenslanders have to do to get a recruitment drive up here? :)

27th Mar 2010, 00:27
Not sure if its just me but they seem to have merged both VA & VB
Cabin Crew for this round. :confused:
They state both VA & VB in the advert????
Sounds like the start of something....:suspect: or they just making less paper work for themselves.

27th Mar 2010, 01:28
Maybe they are doing it that way because we all apply for everything (well I know I applied for VA and VB) ;) and it will make life easier for them to assess the candidates together. When I had my phone interview they asked me what I would prefer, VA or VB, but that I could only be in one recruitment process at a time. It is so time consuming to go through all the applications so perhaps it will make the process more streamlined- and easier for them to get back to everyone more quickly. :ok:

27th Mar 2010, 01:34
Hi Tyman I noticed that as well! I agree with Bluefish its probably to streamline things but also agree it does close the loop on people applying for one if they were unsuccessful for the other. I think its a smart move for the Virgin Blue Group and will save them time, meaning everyone should hear back faster!!!

28th Mar 2010, 23:14
Yay I passed the medical and have been offered the job! I am so happy! I can't wait to begin my new career :) Anyone else start Ground School on 19 April?

29th Mar 2010, 01:55
Hi all, recived a phone call last week to attend RD on the 7th April. They said they would send details of where the event will be. Has anyone else got the call to attend RD for Mel and received an email?

29th Mar 2010, 02:23
Sounds like there are many of you that are successful....Congratulations....you will love the job its awesome, study hard at ground school and enjoy the learning process.....this is one of the best jobs i have had....see you out online soon and good luck.....;)

29th Mar 2010, 03:07
arghhhh I am so worried :(
I received a call on Friday from Virgin Blue for recruitment for the Melbourne base she had asked if I was able to talk at which I wasn't able to at the time and asked if she could call me back in an hour which he said sure and it is now Monday and I still haven't received her call back :(
I am so worried I have ruined my chances. Has anyone been in my situation and did they call you back? If so how long after did they call you?
I really do hope I haven't ruined my chances as this is my dream job :(

29th Mar 2010, 04:23
Er...what's wrong with you taking their number and then calling them back? If you want the job it's customary to put in some sort of effort. :hmm: Employers don't generally chase after candidates, they expect you to do that.

29th Mar 2010, 05:46
Hi Everyone,
I just have a question if anyone can help me out does DJ hire it's own Ground Crew at BNE Guest Services (Check-in) specifically? I have been reading up and seen that there is companies like Aerocare and things that provide ground services? Does BNE have it's own VB staff for Ground crew

Also I have noted from looking at the Cabin Crew ads, just to see what the job descriptions are like, that there is a 12 month exclusion period once you have been told your application is not being taken further... Does that apply when you are going for ground crew?

Thanks in advance

29th Mar 2010, 11:41
Congratulations and welldone flyaway. The wait was all worth it. Im getting excited now, 1 week before i start GS.

30th Mar 2010, 06:57
Hi all, received my email details for RD in MEL on the Wed 7th April.It also states that another email will be sent shortly with three forms that wou need to fill out and bring with you.

31st Mar 2010, 06:02
YAY I was worried for nothing I got a call back today and was successful and will be attending a RD next Friday for Melbourne YAY Im so nervous yet so happy they called ARGHHHH YAY :)

1st Apr 2010, 09:53
Sydneysurferboy (or anyone attending Sydney ground school) can you give me an idea of attendance hours? Is it 9am-5pm from Mon - Fri or do we train on some weekends too? Just asking because I haven't received my Welcome Pack in the mail yet but I have a wedding to attend one weekend and wondering if I can still make it!

3rd Apr 2010, 04:46
Hi, the hours are pretty much Monday to Friday 9 - 5 ish, however you will have one week where you start at 5pm and finish at 3am! That said you should be able to make it to the wedding. Just remember every Monday is exam day and you need to pass. Good luck, ground school is amazing and you'll have the best time, meet lifelong friends and wonder how the hell you made it through!:confused:

5th Apr 2010, 07:37
Hey Guys,
I have the recruitment day coming this Friday and cant wait YAY
Does anyone have any handy tips or what the day is about and any helpful questions they might ask so I know to prepare.
Thanks in advance guys :)

5th Apr 2010, 18:29
IhaveaplanVB, yes DJ do have their won ground crew in BNE. At the moment thiugh most recruitment is done through a contract with Westaff, then after 6 months you can apply direct through an internal vacancy when advertised on the internal intranet.

6th Apr 2010, 07:46
ANstar, Thanks so much for that I have to wait til the end of this year at least though... When you apply with Weststaff can you opt only to Virgin Blue? Because they would be the best company to work with as I'm told. also you say most? does that mean there is a chance that a job may come up on the recruitment site for ground crew (Guest Services Agents) directly into Virgin Blue? and also you said at the moment... Does that mean the contract may change in the next year and they go back to hiring their own staff?
finally is the recruitment just done through weststaff (Interviews, Hiring etc) or do you work for weststaff?

Thanks so much for your help... it's greatly appreciated

7th Apr 2010, 12:17
SydneyShowgirl: Thanks for the info! That's reassuring, and I'll make sure I behave myself at the wedding so I can also fit in some study!

chulz84: Congrats on making it to RD! Just make sure you give yourself plenty of time to get there on Friday - at my recruitment day we were given 2 different addresses (one via email and a different one over the phone). We also weren't given a floor number so you had to use your smarts to track down the correct floor.
You can also do a search of this thread for more advice but the basic thing to remember (and it's been said millions of times before) is to be yourself.:O

8th Apr 2010, 05:17
Hi all, I attended the RD in MEL yesterday Wed 7th AM session and my references have aleady been called. They said they asked a lot of questions. I didnt know that they would be calling so fast. Now I just have to wait to see how it progress from here. So nervous!!!!!

8th Apr 2010, 06:42
hey all,
had my vrd today, was so nervous! really good day though..not too sure how i went though, i was myself so i hope thats what they're after :)
They did say they weren't limited by the number that they could recruit for MEL base, although obviously there may be a wait for ground schools, but expected things to happen very quickly. Noticed alot of ex tiger and aerocare crew as well!
Now the waiting :ugh:

8th Apr 2010, 11:49
Hey flywithme6... congratulations, sounds promising :), just got back to brissy tonight!!! was good meeting all you girls down there on wed!! let me know how you go...

Sky Angel
11th Apr 2010, 03:33
Hi Guys,

Am applying for Perth based crew. Curious to know where the ground school training is held and how long it goes for ? Do you get accomodation provided for you ? Any help would be great...

11th Apr 2010, 03:48
I felt so good to read your messages, I'm so jealous :{ I need your helps and advises about the recruitment. I wanna know that how long after you guys had submitted your application and VB give you a call back? I applied for Sydney based and the job just closed couple days ago. I only got an email which asked me about preference required. So, I replied back but OOpss I putted my nick name in and sent (So silly) A day later, they send me another email that they didn't have my nick name on the records and also me about name and surname on the application. Is this mean anything?:sad: I'm hardly sleep of the last 2 weeks and keep checking my email every hours. If anyone got time to answer, please explain the details that how they did contact you. Thank you so much and Good luck with all the best :D

12th Apr 2010, 07:34
Received the call today to attend medical some time this week. Its all happening so quickly, since RD was only last Wed. GS looks to start on the 3rd of May

13th Apr 2010, 02:20
Virgin Blue are currently recruiting Domestic Cabin Crew for BNE base. Closes April 20th. Just checking, you only have one application submitted at the one time right? Ive applied for SYD but was considering withdrawing that & applying for BNE but wasnt sure which application to go for....Is BNE a more competitive base to get into? I dont want to miss out on an opportunity to fly again! Advice anyone...Good luck:ok:

13th Apr 2010, 03:07
Thanks for the heads up ellie!

Apparently BNE are pretty competitive, they only take a few people at a time from what I heard. Good luck!

13th Apr 2010, 12:34
Perth Base is totally brand new sky angel. I'll be very surprised if they have training facilities or very much at all planned so far. They'll throw something together at the last minute though.
You defo wont get accommodation provided as it should be your home base already.
Training goes for 5 weeks.

13th Apr 2010, 12:50
Does anyone know currently how many overnights MEL crew are getting at the momeny? Just a rough guide.

14th Apr 2010, 12:56
Hello there how are you? it's Corey from Tassie I was at the interviews on the 8th how did you go? have they called you back for a medical?. As for me they haven't due to the fact I had my refresher for my first aid this week so I doubt very much I will get a phone call thats why I went in with not having my hopes up. I do know that others have already been called to go and have the Av medical. Let us know how you go
Corey :)

15th Apr 2010, 05:53
Had my medical yesterday an now its just a wait to hear back on a start date for ground school! Fingers crossed!

15th Apr 2010, 12:11
Hello, im new to this but i was wondering if your able to help me. I have been looking on the computer for days on how to get a job with Virgin Blue working at the check in and customer service etc. How did you get through, I have looked everywhere. Thank yous :)

15th Apr 2010, 21:02
Hi Missy ange

You just need to go to their website, click on career links, current opportunities and see what they are advertising..Don't think they have any adverts for jobs you are after at the moment...:)

19th Apr 2010, 07:53
Hi everyone!

Long time reader, first time poster here.. :O

Anybody else applying for the BNE Cabin Crew positions??!

19th Apr 2010, 10:27
Hi Flora

I applied for BNE

Sky Angel
23rd Apr 2010, 03:27
Thanks Plane girl 2009

So Virgin Blue basically does there training in the same city as your base is ? Eg- sydney base train in sydney, Perth base will train in Perth ? :)

Does anyone know how many crew they are looking for for the Perth base and when it's planned to start ?

Cheers :)

25th Apr 2010, 12:48
Hi everyone,

ive been invited to the SYD recruitment day, which is on wednesday SO NERVOUS :ugh:..

just wondering can anyone tell me what tto expect? what kind of questiones do they ask ?.. what are they looking for?

any help will be much appreciated :)

26th Apr 2010, 04:41
Yes Perth will have it's own training base. Looks like school will start around about June this year. :)

3rd May 2010, 20:28
Has anyone heard from BNE recruitment? I got an email a week or so ago saying that they are still going through applications.

coffee or tea
5th May 2010, 08:49
Just had phone interview for Sydney base hope i have given them the right answers huh! was not prepared...:ooh:

coffee or tea
5th May 2010, 11:48
Hi Shortfinal737,

Oh yeah thanks anyway!...but i was not prepared at that time. Just hope and pray. She told me that I have to wait for their email regarding the interview/recruitment day in Sydney. Keeping my fingers crossed.:)

Good luck to you too.

6th May 2010, 01:26
Just had a phone interview for BNE and I have been invited to the Monday 10 May Recruitment Day!!

So excited! I was soooooo unprepared for it and it just totally caught me off guard, but she said I answered all the right Qs. Already got the intro email, just waiting for all the forms and everything now.

Best of luck to everyone else!!!! :8

7th May 2010, 01:26
That's awesome Flora! Congrats ... I still haven't heard a thing. What questions and answers were they? Anything I can prepare for?

7th May 2010, 06:24
She just went through my work history and asked what my duties in each position included and the usual "Why do you want to be cabin crew?".

Hope they have called you by now!!

7th May 2010, 06:25
Nope, nothing :(

Did they offer you different Rd days or was there only one?

7th May 2010, 07:02
hi huys, I had a phone interview yesterday for Virgin Blue sydney based cabin crew and she invited me to the RD next week. I have just been offered a position with jetstar though! She put me on the waiting list for the next RD interviews for sydney but If im enjoying Jetstar then?????????
goodluck guys!!!!!

7th May 2010, 09:42
Monday 10th or Tuesday 11th.

8am-12pm or 12pm-5pm.

7th May 2010, 23:42
Im over the moon, I got the job !!!!!!
syd full-time :ok::D:):):):):)

Livin the dream my career starts now ! BRING IT ON
good luck to all im on cloud 9 hahahaha

8th May 2010, 03:53
Hey Tyman,

congrats have a wonderful career with VB.:ok::ok:

Let us know what the VB family is like.:)

11th May 2010, 02:00
Hey Flora how did you go at the BNE RD?

11th May 2010, 06:49
Hi Guys, I applied for Auckland based Pacific Blue cabin crew. I got my email on March 24 saying that I had made it past the recruitment day and that they will be contacting my references over the coming weeks, I still havn't heard a thing. A friend of mine from the recruitment day has heard. It has been almost 6 weeks. Should I be worried? My references havn't heard a thing, the waiting is making me sick. :hmm::eek:

15th May 2010, 08:53
Hi guys, I had a phone interview for Perth base today, RD is this Tuesday.. anyone else going on Tues?

16th May 2010, 11:31
Hey dude dont worry it can take its time but once they've contacted your references you'll probably get an email with dates and times for you to have a full medical check. Once this is done and you've passed your bound to get another email stating when the next training course starts so dont worry mate you'll be in like the rest....see ya online!!!

17th May 2010, 14:07
Hello, I had a phone interview last Friday 14th for Perth Base and was told that it will be about a couple of weeks away until a date is set for recruitment? But just seen a post saying that recruitment day is tomorrow Tue 18th. Anyone else heard anything about this?


20th May 2010, 23:07
hi everyone,

I was invited to the RD day a few weeks ago for sydney based VB CC, turned it down for work and yesterday they sent me another RD invite for the Sydney based positions. There is a VRD in sydney on the 18th and 19th june. Anyone get the same email???

It's ironic that I am due to start GS for Jetstar Casual SEQ based CC on the 21st June.

WHAT DO I DO?????????????????

25th May 2010, 11:50
As VB crew & knowing how many ex Jetstar crew we have & hearing the comparisions, GO TO THE VB RECRUITMENT DAY!! No one I've spoken to has regretted leaving Jetstar for VB.
I'm presuming you'll be casual with Jetstar? VB positions are full time.
Lots of exciting things happening at VB now & in the future with our new CEO.
Good Luck!

Lewis AAC
30th May 2010, 01:02
ADL base has been a rumour for ages and everyone is starting to talk about it happening in 2010. Any truth to it?

2nd Jun 2010, 00:31
i would consider fulltime VB over casual JQ, if you want definate cash flow coming in each month. casual JQ is hard to make ends meet sometimes but if your only looking for 10-15 days work a month then thats the job for you. Otherwise go virgin

go to the VB recruitment day on 18/19 june, but still say yes for JQ casual, start the ground school, if you get word that you've made it to VB, just leave, then you still have JQCas to fall back in if you dont make VB. Theres absolutely no commitment to the JQ casual you can leave at any time.

4th Jun 2010, 11:44
Anyone going through the Perth recruitment at the moment that was in the first round and did their medical this week heard if they are accepted???

Hopefully hear something early next week. So wish they contacted me today lol. :)

Fingers crossed!!! :)

Also good luck to all those doing the VRD at the end of the month for the 2nd round of intakes!!!

4th Jun 2010, 20:58
Hey benjamin1991 (http://www.pprune.org/members/327980-benjamin1991)

I fly for Pacific Blue and you don't be tooooo worried, i know the next training school for this recruitment isn't starting until like october this year (though don't quote me!) So there is plenty of time between now and then... but i know excatly how you feel!! I was very much feeling sick when they were recruiting me. If they have told you they are going to check your references take that as a very very good sign!!!!!!
Let me know how it goes, feel free to ask me any questions and hopefully i'll be seeing you in the sky in the very near future!!!!!!
You will love Pacific Blue, we are a very friendly bunch who enjoy having a good time :)

10th Jun 2010, 16:00
Does anyone know when the SYD RD is going to be held (ie. this month [June] or next)?

Also, what activities - in general - are conducted throughout the RD? Does anyone know if VB are recruiting a lot of Cabin Crew for SYD on this occasion?

And lastly, how long after the closing date should one expect to hear back from VB Recruitment Team if successful for RD?

Cheers for the responses in advance!! :ok:

11th Jun 2010, 07:27

The VRD includes a reach test, presentation, group activity, English comprehension test and an individual interview.

Good luck with your future VRD!

15th Jun 2010, 10:15
Anyone else here get the position for Perth Cabin Crew?

Can't wait to start ground school next month.

And good luck to those with VRD's at the end of the month. Hopefully someone else on here will also be in the ground school coming up! :)

16th Jun 2010, 05:38
Hi Guys,
Just a quick question - I am currently going through recruitment. . . I applied months ago, and only now is my application being processed.

While I would LOVE to work for Virgin Blue - within in the next 12 months by husband will need to move to Melbourne for work (My application is Sydney based.)

Just wondering if anyone who currently works for VB could shed some light on base transfers? Im assuming as with my current airline you must first pass your probationary period to apply for one, after that how long does a transfer SYD-MEL usually take?

I will be very greatful for ANY advice.

Thanks :)

16th Jun 2010, 22:41
Hey guys

So the VB applications closed a few days ago, did anyone here apply for the Sydney based positions if so have you heard anything so far??:ok:

17th Jun 2010, 09:01
I applied Ozflyer, and have heard nothing yet :)

18th Jun 2010, 06:28
[Text speak]

Read the first sticky thread at the top of the forum.

21st Jun 2010, 02:18

I applied for VB SYD also. Havnt heard anything back yet either. I think they ring first then invite you to a RD if you are successful in the phone interview. Good luck!:ok:

21st Jun 2010, 03:50
Is anyone still waiting to hear from VB Perth???

21st Jun 2010, 04:59
Hi everyone I'm new to the site and have my RD for Perth next Wednesday :) SO EXCITEDD!
Can anyone give me tips on what sort of questions they will ask in the interview section of RD? I know its all about past experiences but i have trouble remembering things on the spot!! hehe
Goodluck to all other applicants!