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21st Jun 2010, 15:10
hello, i was wondering if someone could please tell me what shoes to purchase for ground staff for girls? and where i get them from? and also, in the hair what is an alice band? is that a headband?

thank-you very much.

also, the crew bags are they like handbags? or what are they?

(i will be working ground staff only i dunno if this is different for uniform or bags etc)

thanks so much for your help!


22nd Jun 2010, 02:58
Hey misskellouise,

Virgin Blue has their own shoe range so it is best you purchase the shoes from the Uniform Hanger once you are employed.

The alice band is a head band. In the grooming guidelines you will see there are a few ways you can do your hair and almost all of them involve the black ribbon.

The ground crew bags are like satchel bags. They are not the same as cabin crew bags at all.

Hope you enjoy your new job! :)


I have been given (and accepted) an employment offer and another girl I know and work with has also accepted an employment offer for Perth base. We were both from the first round of recruitment.

There is another round happening with VRD's at the end of this month. Will be interesting to see if they get everything done in time for the upcoming ground school that starts mid next month.


Just think about your previous experiences and being able to provide excellent customer service. Try and think of a time that really stands out.

Also think about team work and when you faced problems/issues and how you overcame these.

When responding you should be using the STAR method. Situation, Task, Action and Result.

Good luck next week!

22nd Jun 2010, 06:49
Thanks so much bubblyguy :)

from what I have read I think I may be stressing about it a bit too much! It seems to be quite a friendly interview.. Just need to get over these nerves!

Congratulations on being offered a position! When was your RD? How long did they take to get back to you?

Are you from Perth?

22nd Jun 2010, 11:04
Just got confirmation for RD in BNE. Can anyone give me some info on the recruitment process. eg. questions, role plays, how long it takes.
Thanks heaps. This is my first interview in 5 years.

I also read that you should know some things about the airport stuff, where is the info sitiuated?

Thanks heaps

22nd Jun 2010, 13:50
My RD was back in mid May.

The RD is great fun. Very enjoyable. Just have a good time, relax and be yourself.

There are stages after the RD and they will run through time frames with you at the RD.

And yeah in Perth. :)

If anyone was to commute at Perth base they would be pretty crazy!

LEE 86
24th Jun 2010, 05:38
Hi all,
I received a phone call this morning regarding a recruitment day for sydney domestic, I will be attending wednesday the 7th of July. There is also a thursday session beinh held.

Good luck to all


24th Jun 2010, 05:38
Anyone know what sort of questions are asked in the virgin blue phone interview??

LEE 86
24th Jun 2010, 05:45
Hey Oz,
They ask if your currently employed?
-what does the roll of cabin crew mean to you?
-what do you think are the most important things about the cabin crew roll?
-what does customer service mean to you?
And if you have flown before, they ask you to tell them the day in the life of your job!

Hope that helps.


24th Jun 2010, 10:19
Hi LEE 86,

was the phone interview for the most recent (June 2010) recruitment for Virgin Blue SYD that closed on the 14th of June? I applied but have heard nothing back yet. Good luck with the RD!:ok:

LEE 86
24th Jun 2010, 10:26
Hi Ellie, yeah it was for that one. I'm sure you will hear soon.

Good luck

24th Jun 2010, 10:43
Thanks LEE 86:) I sure hope so! I have been wanting to work for Virgin Blue for ages. Ive been out of the industry for almost 2 years and am desperate to get back up there! Well done and good luck:ok:

28th Jun 2010, 07:35
Hi snnbne,

have you heard anything form Virgin Blue regarding your application for SYD base Cabin Crew yet? I havn't! I am getting worried as the RD is on July 7th & 8th which is just over a week away! Eeeeek, I want to get an invite soooo badly! Good luck to you:ok:

28th Jun 2010, 08:10
Hey I was wondering when Virgin Blue will recruit more Cabin Crew. I have always wanted to work for VB and I am currently working for another carrier out of Adelaide base. I have 4 months experience as a FA.

Any help would be very helpful :D

30th Jun 2010, 00:53
Hey, im heading to VB RD on the 7th July anyone attending that day too??

I have heard VB RD days are a fun time not like other airlines, so hopefully this is true.

Have you heard any goss on what the day entails??

Good luck to everyone :ok:

30th Jun 2010, 01:11
Congrats Ozflyer26!!! That is awesome! I still havnt heard anything yet:( Did you have your phone interview today? Im not sure what the RD entails other than what ive read on here: reach test, intro to the role, behavioural based interview questions etc. Good luck:ok:

6th Jul 2010, 07:01
Hey thanks for your response! I had my RD in mid May but I still havent heard anything. The only email I got was I made it past recuritment day and VB will be in touch but Ive heard nothing since!! Is this weird???

7th Jul 2010, 11:09
Hey, had my RD today and was in a very small group of only 11, they said that they will be in contact within the next 2 weeks but told me during the interview that they will be contacting my references, and that the next email will be the successful or unsuccesful whether to progress to medical and security checks.

7th Jul 2010, 21:59
Hi there just wondering if someone is in the same situation as me: i applied for the most recent Virgin Blue SYD recruitment on June 12th & got the standard email saying they had recieved my app but i hve heard nothing else no rejection email or phone call. Just thought this was a bit strange as they are holding RD's in SYD at the moment? Does anyone have any insights?

Thanks in advance:)

7th Jul 2010, 23:59
hey ellie,

Not sure what the whole procedure is but i have read through the forums and have seen that they are keeping the assessment numbers to a minimum, the ones over in perth had around 12 people and mine yesterday only had 11, maybe they will be calling you soon for a phone interview. Fingers crossed :ok:

10th Jul 2010, 06:08
Hey Ozflyer26, thanks for the info:ok: Thats weird that they are only having very small recruitment day numbers, I thought heaps get invited? Was it hard? I still havnt heard anything yet, the job closed on June 14th but I am still holding out hope of a phone call soon. :)

10th Jul 2010, 13:02
Hey Kaks,

In the same boat... :( the wait is killing me... i completed my sfa and cpr training
today so trying to stay positive, whilst waiting for an update! Have any of your referees been contact yet do you know?

10th Jul 2010, 13:08
Hi Bubblyguy,

How is your process going? Have you commenced any training yet?
May I ask how long after you received the initial emailing congratulating you on
progressing through the RD were your references contacted?

11th Jul 2010, 12:03
Hey fingerscrossed2,

I got through all the processes and start ground school next week.

Been such a long wait between resigning quite a few weeks ago and starting next week. The recruitment process for me was quite rapid. The longest wait was between submitting the application and going to a VRD.

Hope you guys get through! :)

12th Jul 2010, 23:44
Hi bubblyguy,

congrats on getting through to start ground school with VB, thats awesome. If you dont mind me asking, how long after you submitted an online application did it take for you to get a phone interview/invite to a VRD?


13th Jul 2010, 08:26

Took a month and a half in between doing my application and getting VRD which happened a few days after the VRD invite.


13th Jul 2010, 13:19
Hey Fingerscrossed2

I had a ref 2 weeks after my VRD and a week after I got an email to say I made it past recruitment day and that they will contact me fortnightly to advise. That was 21st May and ive still heard nothing.. STRANGE. When was your VRD?


15th Jul 2010, 02:36
I attended a VB recruitment day on the 7th of July, they said they would be in contact within the next 2 weeks.

Did anyone else attend the one on 7th or 8th and have heard back yet???


19th Jul 2010, 11:48
I did my VRD day mid June, i got an email 2 weeks later saying i had progressed
and would receive fortnightly updates, it was 2 weeks on Friday :( and i haven't heard a thing... :( want this so much its almost pathetic... but really just want
to know where i stand, so so proud of everyone getting through, just wish
i knew if it was meant to be for me or not...

20th Jul 2010, 03:41
heyyy ozflyer, i attended RD in sydney on 7th of july toooo and i havnt heard a thing, getting very anxious. i thought i went well in my interview :O ha ha, actually really really hoping i went well in my interview. alot of friends have gone for jobs and they didnt hear for weeks and weeks so hoping that its a good thing that they're taking there time.. let me know when you hear from them :ok: goodluck

LEE 86
20th Jul 2010, 07:13
I guess it's only the 3 of us who attended VB by the sounds of it. Ill let you both know when I hear something!

Good luck Ozflyer26 and Superflygirl

Waning the job
20th Jul 2010, 07:49
[Text speak]

Read the first sticky thread at the top of the forum.

20th Jul 2010, 08:01
Is there anyone STILL waiting to hear back from their on-line application for SYD base that closed on June 14th??? I havnt heard anything! Soooo confused as to what has happened to my application??? I applied on June 12th! Does anyone know if they will be holding any more recruitment days? Good luck to those waiting on good news regarding their applications:ok:

20th Jul 2010, 09:44
Word is recruitment at VB is slowing up for the time being (not sure how long the delay may be), so this could be why you haven't heard yet. Things change at a moments notice here though so hang in there, I'm sure you'll all hear soon.

20th Jul 2010, 11:38
Yeh I'm still remaining positive, hanging out for that phone call, text, e-mail, letter whatever is coming next!

Guys make sure if you hear anything make sure you update the rest of us.. Would be cool if we all got ground school together!

Hope your all well:ok:

Waning the job
20th Jul 2010, 12:21
tomorrow the within 2 weeks since the RD will be up! so tomorrow will hopefully be the day we get told some good news! :ok:

LEE 86
21st Jul 2010, 01:46
Hey all,

I was unsuccessful, I received the email this morning.

Good luck everyone, today is the day you will hear!


Waning the job
21st Jul 2010, 02:17
hey sorry to hear LEE 86.
I was successful & will be notified in 2 weeks bout what's happening! am finally able to relax a little now after receiving the email.

21st Jul 2010, 23:54
Hey waning

I got an email similar to yours saying that they will be in contact every 2 weeks. Didn't say I was successful but aldo didn't say I was unsuccessful..

Hope to hear back soon :ok:

26th Jul 2010, 11:30

How is the training going? :)

28th Jul 2010, 11:58

Very full on but you just got to commit 110% to it and it will all pay off. :)

Got an awesome group. Can't wait to get in the sky with everyone. The 6 weeks training is a bit full on but we are getting it done (extra week as we are getting extra training due to being Perth so we are trained in everything).

31st Jul 2010, 11:52

Whats the hardest part? Just remembering everything or the actual learning
procedures etc?

I heard the next group are going through mid sept... So hoping so much I will be there! Have you done the melbourne stint yet for training?

31st Jul 2010, 13:37
Hi there
Have just come across this forum, I also have been going through the Sydney recruitment process, attended the RD a few months ago, received an email about 6 weeks ago informing me that Cabin Crew training to commence in September, but have just received another email last week saying it has been pushed to October but will confirm soon, also mentioned that they will not be contacting my referees till just before training starts, anyone else in the same situation? So keen to get started.

1st Aug 2010, 07:39
Hi all,

Do the Virgin Blue recruitment days still involve the whole song and dance routines they did when they first started up, or are they more "refined" now?

3rd Aug 2010, 09:42
flyingroxy, I got that email too... and a few days later they rang up asking me to do the medical. I got the offer in the past week to start in the August/September school. I did my RD back in mid May.

4th Aug 2010, 03:24
Hi thanks for the reply, notice your location is Melbourne, presume you are attending flight school in Melbourne, I am located in Sydney, without being too personal I would be interested in what the medical entails, good luck.

4th Aug 2010, 06:37
[Text speak]

Read the first sticky thread at the top of the forum.

4th Aug 2010, 09:38
This is for the Sydney base, I'm moving up soon. The medical is really basic, basic muscle movement and the drug and alcohol test.

5th Aug 2010, 12:42
[Text speak]

Read the first sticky thread at the top of the forum.

6th Aug 2010, 00:24
Hi again
Thanks for the info, good luck with the move to Sydney & training, still waiting for the confirmed October training date. Would love to hear how the training goes.
flying Roxy

7th Aug 2010, 05:05
hey guys. I recieved my email about being successful past the 7th of july recruitment day and they said they would be in touch within two weeks... that was over two weeks ago now (was suppose to hear by wednesday last week) and i still have not heard anything back :( im pulling my hair out... i did receive an email regarding my first aid cert etc, saying they recieved my docs and they were updating my file but that was all. would anyone shed some light on the situation at the moment with training etc. my referees have not yet been contacted either. anyone know what is going on or in the same situation as me?? i need to give my job at least 4 weeks notice and am worried virgin will just say you have to be here on this date. moving from qld to sydney is not the easiest move either..

7th Aug 2010, 08:19

Lee86 and myself were on the 7th of July session and we both heard back on the 2 week deadline saying that they will be in touch every 2 weeks with an update, i beleive he was unsuccessful from his response in this forum, I however was called on the tuesday just gone to say that i was successful and both my references have been called and i was told ground school dates for Sydney coming up.

I have commitments and have opted for one in October. So rest asure there is still plenty of time for Virgin to contact you and for you to give your current employer notice.


7th Aug 2010, 08:39
ozflyer - thanks for replying so quickly!! :ok:

Did you receive the email saying that you had progressed past the recruitment day? and when is the next training? Did they also ask about medical? Sorry im picking your brain! :)

7th Aug 2010, 09:45
Hi superflygirl,
I am also very eager to get started as I posted on July 31st I attended RD months ago, have had my training start date changed a couple of times, the last email informed me October and they would not contact my referees till around late august/early sept from memory, I am also keen to get the medical appointment out of the way and give my present employer a full 4 weeks notice at least, my last email also informed my i would hear back within 4 weeks, I should hear back in 11 days & counting.

8th Aug 2010, 02:47
Hey, at the recruitment day they said we should hear back in 2 weeks.. On the 2 weeks i received an email informing me they would update me fortnightly on my application. The following 2 weeks (4 weeks after the RD day) i received a phone call saying i was successful. They told me they need to contact my referees and will be in contact with me again soon and told me the ground school will be in October. Nothing about a medical as of yet, im assuming this will be told soon.


9th Aug 2010, 11:13
Hi all
Still waiting, starting to worry a bit now as I have only received emails advising my application is still active with an October start for training, have not received any actual phone calls to say I have been successfull, and my references still have not been called, it seems different candidates are handled differently.:confused:

9th Aug 2010, 12:35
Hey flying roxy im in the same position as you, last email was re October start. I went for the RD in May so its taking a while!

I know what you mean! I cant stand waiting....!

No time frames or anything just they will when they confirm the next ground school.

10th Aug 2010, 12:34
[Text speak]

Read the first sticky thread at the top of the forum.

12th Aug 2010, 10:39
To Roxy and Raz. I know how painful the waiting can be. But as the email you got sent after the interview said, people will be processed at different stages so life just has to go on in the interim I guess.

I've got my fingers crossed for you guys that something good happens soon though :)

13th Aug 2010, 02:16
Hi everyone, I'm new here :) Just wanted to know if anyone here knows of any open days coming up for Virgin Blue in Brisbane or Gold Coast?

Thanks :ok:

13th Aug 2010, 23:12
Tell me about it AmandaUC!

I've been waiting for DJ CC jobs in BNE for ages ... my insider says not to get my hopes us for anything THIS year.

Waning the job
16th Aug 2010, 07:44
RJsyd... Im starting ground school same time as you! cant wait. am so excited! Im moving upto sydney as well! :ok:

19th Aug 2010, 03:02
hey waning the job, congrats! were you in the 7th of july rd. i receieved the email 2 weeks after saying i was successful and they will be i touch within two weeks but i have heard nothing and its been 4 weeks now.. tell me about your process so far, they are definately taking there time...

19th Aug 2010, 05:47
Guy's I PM'd some of you,

Just out of curiousity what is the type of hours/experience you all have the got or are in the process for VB. I personally have not applied as yet still waiting to cross some T's and dot the I's. But 6-8 mths should be in the boat.

Any information on your hours/past jobs would be great. Cheers


20th Aug 2010, 00:20
Hi All,

I am having my assessment day next wednesday for a guest services position for VB.

Can any one tell me what to expect on the day.

Thanks in advance

23rd Aug 2010, 02:11
Early this month on 3rd of August

23rd Aug 2010, 04:39
Waning the job, I am so looking forward to seeing you at ground school! I can't wait to start. I'm moving up at the end of this week too :)

MrsFinal Call
25th Aug 2010, 22:35
Hi everyone,

I had my Guest Services interview yesterday. I think I did well. Now its just a waiting game. The HR lady that was part of the interview said they are back in Brisbane on Friday and they are going to work through the applications as quick as possible. I hope I hear from them soon -good news or bad just so I know whats going on.

26th Aug 2010, 11:08
Hi Blue Raz
It has been 5 weeks today since my last email, as of this afternoon my references have still not been contacted, just wanted to check if you have had any updates. I am probably panicking, training may not start until end of October, a full eight weeks away, as you have probably read on this site it looks as though they have a training school starting in the next couple of weeks. The waiting is not easy.

26th Aug 2010, 23:39
Does anyone know if they will have any more BNE recruitment this year?

MrsFinal Call
27th Aug 2010, 01:23
Hi Willis25
They mentioned that they are in Melbourne for 3 days Tuesday, Wednesday (the day I went) and Thursday this week. They are back in Brisbane today so hopefully we will get some good news soon

27th Aug 2010, 21:20
Hey All

Just wondering anyone in the 11th Oct Ground School received their contract yet??? Ive done my medical just waiting to hear back and receive the contract:ok:

28th Aug 2010, 10:23
I went to an Expo for Aviation Careers last weekend, The believe they will be recruiting for BNE ground crew soon... not sure about Cabin Crew as yet though

30th Aug 2010, 04:03
Hi mrsFinal Call

Did you attend the Melbourne RD for Guest Services on Wednesday?

Hi Wills25

Any luck for your application.

MrsFinal Call
30th Aug 2010, 05:29
[Text speak]

Read the first sticky thread at the top of the forum.

MrsFinal Call
30th Aug 2010, 22:30
Hi Kirsimai,

Yes I did attend the GS interview on Wednesday.

I got a email yesterday afternoon advising that my application has now progressed to the next stage which is references checks! Very nexcited.

Did you attend on Wednesday as well? Morning or afternoon?

30th Aug 2010, 22:37
They're recruiting for MEL Cabin Crew at the moment, closes 1st Sept. Does anyone know how long you have to be at a base before you can transfer (to BNE for example)

31st Aug 2010, 00:26
9 Months before you can go on the transfer list, which is huuuuge! So who know's how long you will wait on the list.......

31st Aug 2010, 03:08

I applied for the guest services position for Sydney part time on the 16th Of August.

I was wondering if anyone has been to an assessment day for the syndey position or even heard back yet?

Can anyone tell me how long they waited before they heard anything after applying?

31st Aug 2010, 06:20
Hi mrsfinalcall

Yes I did havent recieved any emails yet?

I attend the moring session

31st Aug 2010, 21:37
They're recruiting for MEL Cabin Crew at the moment, closes 1st Sept. Does anyone know how long you have to be at a base before you can transfer (to BNE for example)

You've been asking this same question for the best part of a year now and the answer is always the same. But maybe it's worth repeating...

There is no way to get hired into a remote base and be transferred to BNE the day you finish ground school. If you're not interested in living in MEL\SYD\PER don't apply for a job there.

MrsFinal Call
31st Aug 2010, 23:24
Hi Kirisimai,
I was in the afternoon session.
I know they have checked on of my references and they have left a message for my other reference to call them back.

If they havent emailed you yet thats ok - no news is good news right?:O

1st Sep 2010, 03:06
Hi MrsFinalCall

Good on you and good luck for the traning.

Yes have received my thanks but no thanks this afternoon:cool: but have applied for the Cabin Crew already just give it a go never know..:ok:

MrsFinal Call
1st Sep 2010, 03:29
[Text speak]

Read the first sticky thread at the top of the forum.

1st Sep 2010, 06:13
AirborneSoon ... I know that. The question was HOW LONG might I have to live in that city. Thank you to hb78 for the actual answer.

1st Sep 2010, 06:25
Hey!! i received an email about 5-6 weeks ago informing me that the cabin crew training for Sydney will be held in October... i hate waiting!

Has anyone heard anything from them??


2nd Sep 2010, 01:42

Did you apply for the VB Cabin Crew Melbourne?

2nd Sep 2010, 04:45
No I don't think I'll be applying...

MrsFinal Call
2nd Sep 2010, 11:01
Just founbd out VB have contacted all three of my references. Hopefully they went well and they will ask me to go for the medical.

2nd Sep 2010, 11:22
Hi miss final call I was also in the afternoon session on wednesday. One of my reference has been called but the other one is on holidays and will be back next week.

Hopefully all goes well and I progress to the next stage..

Good luck keep posting updates

2nd Sep 2010, 12:15
When is your training date?
Are you in sydney!?

MrsFinal Call
3rd Sep 2010, 00:32
Thanks Narlee - VB have just rang me and advised that I have made it through to the next stage which is the medical. Im going on Monday. She also advised that ground school has been booked in for the 11th October and that they wat to have it all done and dusted by the end of next week. So close now!!!

3rd Sep 2010, 00:56
CAS90, I think there is a bit of confusion. I believe that MrsFinal Call and narlee are referring to Ground Services not Cabin Crew, it all sounds quite similar, hence the confusion...... I'm not sure of any Cabin Crew ground schools coming up, someone else may have a better idea!

3rd Sep 2010, 02:09
Hi all, for anyone interested Virgin Blue are currently recruiting for their SYD base. Applications close September 12th. Good luck!

3rd Sep 2010, 03:30
Well done mrs finalcall that is fantastic news...I am just waiting for my last referee to come back from holidays next week and then hopefully I will get a call to see if I have made it through to the next stage...its good news to here they are trying to get it all done and dusted next week, that means only one more week and we will know if we have been successful or not...

3rd Sep 2010, 04:11
thanks hb78 (http://www.pprune.org/members/279914-hb78).. little bit confusing.

My Training for cabin crew in sydney starts the 11 of october. There just getting the final details together!

Anyone else in the same situation?


3rd Sep 2010, 08:24
Congrats CAS90. Will see you on the 11th, I start ground school then too!!

6th Sep 2010, 03:03
Ahhh awsome!
im so excited! have you had your medical!

6th Sep 2010, 06:33
Hi Mrs Finalcall I got a call today for vb I have made it through to the medical which I have booked for Thursday...If you don't mind me asking how much did it end up costing you so I can be a bit prepared on Thursday????

6th Sep 2010, 06:41

I just put in my application for Sydney based cabin crew for Vb and was wondering how long they took to get back to you if you were successful through to the next stage.

ust so I have an idea of how long I will need to wait.

I am so anxious.

MrsFinal Call
6th Sep 2010, 11:02
Hi Narlee,

Thats unreal. It cost $255.50.

Pretty easy and straight forward.

Good luck xo

6th Sep 2010, 22:34
Hi Mrs Finalcall,

Thank you for that really appreciate it...........If all goes well will hopefully see you in training..........:D:D

7th Sep 2010, 01:13
Jennylee.. be prepared to wait... I applied in feb and didnt recieve a call till 2/3 months later. I am only now preparing to go into training. Just depends on how urgent they need the staff...

All the best!!!:)

7th Sep 2010, 01:40
Thanks CAS90. At least it gives me an idea of what to expect.

I hope I don't have to wait that long.

In my application it asked if I had any commitments in the next three months, so i am hoping that is an indication of how soon they want to recruit.

What base are yuo going to be working at?

7th Sep 2010, 02:02
If i make it through the training i will be based in Sydney...

you based in sydne aswell?
have you worked for any other airlines previously?

7th Sep 2010, 02:15
Hey Guys,

Did anyone else have a phone interview for MEL base today? If so how did you go?

I was so nervous! Hopefully the interviewer saw through that and I hear back from them soon.

Wannabehostie xx ;)

7th Sep 2010, 05:27
Hey CAS90

Yep, medical done and passed... phew! I had my uniform fitting this morning... VERY EXCITING!:ok:

7th Sep 2010, 06:41
Oh wow im so excited! I still havent been told about my medical yet... still waiting on a call.

Do they tell you if you pass the medical straight away? and where do you get the medical done at?


7th Sep 2010, 08:02
The medical was in Botany road. They dont tell you if you pass or fail. However, they did mention that I had initially failed the drug test... I had some neurofen plus the day prior as I had a headache. So they had to send my 'sample' off for analysing. Because of this, the medical cost $302... but, end result is worth it! :ok:

7th Sep 2010, 09:24
Ahh im so nervous!
Btw whats your name ozflyer??
Do you know anyone else in our training?

May I advise that you keep your real identities private, this forum is based on being anonymous which is 99% of the case. I understand the excitement of getting into the school is overwhelming, nerve racking and you need to protect yourself and your position.

good luck and I wish you well, its a great job!

7th Sep 2010, 10:15
Hey Wannabe,

Great news on the phone interview. What sort of questions did they ask? Did they say anything about recruitment days? I have applied for MEL base too.

Time to Fly

7th Sep 2010, 11:01
Hey Time to Fly!

They asked me:
What do I like about my current job?
What does my current job entail?
Why did I leave my last Job?
What do I think is the most important part of the Cabin Crew position?
What do I know about the airline?
And most importantly, Why do I want to work for vb?

They didn't tell me much, they said that they are currently shortlisting people and I should find out within the next 5 days weather or not I have progressed to the next stage.

When did you apply for the MEL position? Fingers crossed you get a call from them soon.

Wannabehostie x

7th Sep 2010, 20:47
Great Wannabehostie. Thats good to know. I thought they would be along those lines. I think i applied on 29 August. You will have to let me know if you here anything else.

Have you been cc before?


8th Sep 2010, 04:52
Doe Virgin contact you via phone or email mostly and do they call on a private number?

8th Sep 2010, 10:38
Hi Jennylee,

I just got an email today to organise my phone interview. That is all i can tell you because it has been a while since i have been through an airline (and especially a Virgin Group) interview process. I will let you know as it unfolds.


8th Sep 2010, 22:05
Hey time to fly,

Was that for Syndey or Melbourne base?



8th Sep 2010, 23:14
Hi Jennylee,

Time to fly applied for MEL base and so have I. I applied back in March and only got notified 2 weeks ago via email about my phone interview and I had it on Tuesday. In answer to your question yes they did call on a blocked number. Apart from your interviews most correspondence is done via email.

T.T.F, no I haven't been CC before. I'm a newbie :O Have you flown before?
When did you book in for you phone interview? I havent heard anything back from them yet.

Wannabe xxx

8th Sep 2010, 23:39
Jenny Lee,
Yep... MEL Base.

Wannabe, I used to fly over in the middle east for 1 year but i have had a year off since. I am havin my interview this morning. Waiting for the call now. I hope it all goes well.

MrsFinal Call
8th Sep 2010, 23:51
Hey Narlee,

How did you go with your medical today.
I still havent heard anything yet. The waiting is killing me. I know VB said that they will let us know by the end of the week if I passed the medical but everytime the phone rings I jump.
Let me know how you go or if you hear anything ;)

9th Sep 2010, 07:00
Hey Mrs Finalcall,

Yeah I had my medical this afternoon, all seem to go well........When I spoke to the lady at vb she said if i could try and get in as soon as possible as then they would have answers by the end of the week.....I am thinking tomorrow could be d day.............fingers crossed for both of us.. keep me posted if you hear anything.........:ok:

10th Sep 2010, 03:59
Woo hoo got my call from vb today offering me a position for guest service...can't wait to start know..very very excited...one month to wait....

MrsFinal Call
10th Sep 2010, 04:39
Yay just got the job.. start training 11 October - yay me

10th Sep 2010, 05:22
Well done mrs finalcall guess I will be seeing you on the 11th.....yay

12th Sep 2010, 20:50
Hi Guys,

I just thought i should share some info that i got from my phone interview.

I had my interview on Friday and was invited allong to the Recruitment Day. I believe they are having 4 sessions, morning and afternoon, on 30 Sep & 01 Oct.

I was told that they are only looking at one ground school for MEL base starting on 8 Nov and goes for 5 weeks (as normal).

Hope this is good news for you.

Good luck. Time to fly...

13th Sep 2010, 03:35
Hi Jennylee,

I also applied for the guest service position closing August 16 th.
Had my phone interview last week and will have the group interview tomorrow.
I am very excited to meet them and hope everything works out.

What about you? Will you be there tomorrow?

13th Sep 2010, 04:17
Hi doud1307,

I withdrew my application for guest services to apply for cabin crew.

I am anxiously waiting for a response.

Do they email you before the phone interview to let you know or do they just call?



13th Sep 2010, 04:29
Hi Jennylee,

I received an email asking me to book for a phone interview.
Then, I had it and the human ressources assistant asked me if I would like to go for the group interview.
I never had group interview before, so I wonder how it's gonna be.

Well, we'll see.

13th Sep 2010, 04:55
Thanks Doud I am anxiously awiting an outcome from my cabon crew application.

I went to a group interview with jetsar a couple of months back if you go into the altara interview thread on this site it will give you some information on what that was like.

Group interviews are mainly group activities and sometimes a test or role play of some sort.

Just be yourself and make sure you participate in the group activities.

let me know how it goes!!!!

13th Sep 2010, 05:20
thanks gor your help and good luck with the cabin crew application.

I will let you know how it went, when I hear back from VB.

13th Sep 2010, 22:03
A big tip for both of you: make sure you proof read any written components of your applications (unlike your posts on here).

14th Sep 2010, 02:21
Hi Jennylee,

Did you apply for Melb Base Cabin Crew or Sydney??


14th Sep 2010, 04:43
Hi Narlee and Missfinalcall,

Congratulations to both of you for getting through. I have a guest services recruitment day this week can you please tell me what it invloves exactly (or anyone else on this forum if you can help). What do they ask you to do and what questions are asked in the interview?

Thank you, really hope you can help.

14th Sep 2010, 05:43

I went to a guest services recruitment today and it was OK.
It first started with a company presentation, then a small test.
After that we did group exercice.
Then half of the group took a comprehension test while the over half started the one on one interviews (about 20min)
The recruitment team was very friendly.
Nothing to worry about, but they have to make a choice and the have plenty of people to choose from.

Good luck to you and hope this help.

MrsFinal Call
14th Sep 2010, 06:16
Hey Joannejo

Its a great day - full on and long but good.

First you go in and sign in and they ask you for your paper work and if you have any travel plans in the next 6 months.

Then you sit at a table with other candidates. There were 3 tables of about 5 in our group. They then talk about the job and the company and ask a couple of questions - anyone can answer them. After that we had to do a group activity which consisted of making a paper plane which materials that they give us. Then we had to present out plane to the groups. After that we did a test to match flight numbers from one side of the page to the other. After that we had a comprehension test which was easy and then had one on one interviews. That was it. Was there about 4 hours.

Good luck - just be yourself. There is no right or wrong answer :p

14th Sep 2010, 07:46

Well the group exercice was the same as Mrs Final call.

For the 2 documents, I received them yesterday by email and if you don't have a printer, they will have some on the table that you can fill when you arrive.

For the clothes, almost everybody wore a suit with a white shirt and some girls had black dresses.

Be yourself and smile :ok:

14th Sep 2010, 07:59
Thank you for being so lovely and answering my questions Doud! Best of luck to you with it all. Please post on here and let me know how you went (good or bad)! I'm sure you'll make it through as you seem like a nice person. I wish I were you right now, with the interview done and dusted this morning. I don't like waiting around, it just makes you more nervous! Anyway, I'll keep you posted with how I go too.

14th Sep 2010, 09:02

I applied for sydney cabin crew.

16th Sep 2010, 01:38
So I had my recruitment day this morning, hooray, I survived :) It actually wasn't too bad....sure everyone was nervous and it was an 'interview' but it was pretty relaxed really. I think the recruiters know what they want and you can't pretend to be anyone but yourself and hope they like you. I think I did well, but only time will tell!

Doud and Mrsfinalcall....have you two heard anything as yet?

Good luck everyone :)

MrsFinal Call
16th Sep 2010, 05:53
Hey Joannejo,

Thats great - as long as you walked out of there knowing you did your best whatever happens you know you gave it your all.
I got offered the position last week so all done now!
Good luck and keep us updated xo

17th Sep 2010, 08:42
Hi All,

I've been confirmed on 11oct ground school, medical done, email and phone call received and even done the uniform fitting but not received the contract in the mail as yet... has anyone else got theirs?


17th Sep 2010, 15:55
Hey ozflyer!

Im starting on the 11th too. Medical and Uniform fitting done! Received Welcome email but still waiting on Welcome pack also, im sure it will arrive this week :) Ive heard it is alot to fill in! What RD Day did you attend, not 7th of july in Sydney by any chance??

Im so excited to start!


18th Sep 2010, 10:52
To all of those who got accepted for the 11th of October training, Congratulations!!! My tips are to study hard and be prepared for what will be a demanding 5 weeks. I just finished week three and have another 2 to go. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

20th Sep 2010, 03:58
Hi all,

I had my interview with Virgin Blue last week and I am all excited and can't wait to receive the answer. But in the same time, I know we were a lot of people and I might not be the one.
So I keep looking for jobs and I have 2 job interviews this week for check-in position.
Does anyone know something about Toll Dnata and Aero-Care? How they treat their employees and if they get any bebefits, since they are not airlines.
Thanks for your help

20th Sep 2010, 07:04
Received my welcome email last friday!
I start my cabin crew training on the 11 of oct in syd!!

Going for my uniform fitting this week!
All so exciting:O

Goodluck to anyone Applying!

Anyone in the same situation as me?

21st Sep 2010, 07:06
Just got my invitation for the assessment day for Sydney cabin crew.

So excited and very very nervous!!!

Anyone else recieved the email who applied for Sydney base?

Also has anyone gone to a recruitment day for virgin cabin crew and can shed some light on the days activities!!

Any help would be appreciated!!!

Onboard PA
21st Sep 2010, 07:59
Me want cookies! (http://www.seek.com.au/job/cabin-crew-sydney/sydney/18173664/29/1/)

Just saw this on Seek. Virgin Blue is advertising for Cabin Crew based in SYD.

Click on the link to view the ad.

Cabin Crew Sydney

Fly a little higher with the company that thrives on fresh creative thinking. Help us continue to reshape and revolutionise the Australian travel industry with our hallmarks of friendly service, fun and flair. Become part of a group of people who embody our unique "can-do" culture. Be a part of the team that gives us our unique competitive edge.

Vibrant, friendly and approachable, our Cabin Crew are the face of our airline. Our team go the extra mile to accommodate our Guests and deliver the kind of service that we’re famous for.

This is your opportunity to become a member of our amazing Cabin Crew Team and fly with the best. As a Virgin Blue Cabin Crew member, you’ll be responsible for ensuring the safety and security whilst delivering our signature Virgin Blue service.

With the role comes an incredible lifestyle. You’ll visit plenty of Australia’s amazing cities as you serve our Guests across our extensive domestic network. You’ll also spend plenty of hours at high altitude in a pressurised cabin so you’ll need to be physically fit and prepared for the toll that the altitude can take on your body.

If you would like to take your career to the next level and be part of our success story, we’d like to hear from you!

If you are a potential candidate visit our website Virgin Blue Recruitment: Attention (http://www.virginblue.com.au/careers) to find out more or click ‘Apply Now’ below.
Applications close 5pm Friday 24 September 2010

26th Sep 2010, 08:11
Everything's gone quiet for a while! Well just thought I'd update you all, I'm going for my medical this week.....so fingers crossed!

29th Sep 2010, 21:09
Good Luck to everyone who had RD in Mel today and tomorrow.... Let us all know how you go!!!

30th Sep 2010, 23:14
Hi All,

have received my contract for Cabin Crew starting on 11Oct - YAY! Anyone else got theirs?

1st Oct 2010, 01:52
hey ozflyer......just had a question for you......sorry not related to your question! but I had my medical yesterday (everything was fine, as far as I know, Dr said I was healthy and whatever)....how long did you wait after your medical before they called you to offer you a job?

Just curious if I can possibly expect a call today or if it's gonna be after the long weekend!


harriet the spy
1st Oct 2010, 03:35
Has anyone been informed about a V Aus ground school starting in late October?


1st Oct 2010, 07:44
Hi Joannejo

for me it took about a week to hear after having the medical. Which base you going for?

Good luck:ok:

1st Oct 2010, 23:27
Thanks ozflyer! It's for Sydney base. I didn't get a call yesterday so I'll just have to wait it out until next week :) I only went to Medical on Thursday so I wasn't overly confident I'd get an answer yesterday.

Have a great weekend! I'll keep you posted.

2nd Oct 2010, 02:32
Joannejo, after talking with a few of the girls from group 144 (just graduated yesterday!!) some waited up to 2 weeks to hear back from them, I got the job offer the day after my medical, I hope to see all of those in the October 11 school on line, best of luck to group 146!

For those of you about to commence training, it'll be the hardest 5 weeks ever, but in saying that, pretty much everyone passes ground school, my whole class did. And you will hear lots of "you've joined the company at a very exciting time", once you finish ground school, you will never look back. So enjoy it and prepare for the ride of your life, because it's just only begun!

5th Oct 2010, 13:08
Hi all, I recently applied for cabin crew virgin blue & i recieved an email today saying my aplication was unsucessful & i will have to wait 12 months to re-apply. Does this mean that even i didnt get through to the inteview stage, I still have to wait 12 months before i send my resume of again? :confused: I felt as though my resume was good enough.. Does anyone have any tips on catching their attention in the application process (Resume) Thanks =]

6th Oct 2010, 06:53
I did my recruitment day last wednesday 29th of September, and i received an emailed saying i progressed past the recruitment day and they will be in touch with me via email to advise the status of my application.

Does anyone know what the next step is?

6th Oct 2010, 10:46
micka, yes you have to wait 12 months, however you can apply for other positions within the company, just not cabin crew in the next 12 months.

Jennylee, the next step is the medical, it may take some time however.

6th Oct 2010, 11:52

The next step is calling your references...if they are happy with the reference checks, they will then call you to invite you to a medical. After the telephone call they will send you an e-mail with the details of the medical centre etc and you have to call to make an appointment.

The medical takes around an hour to complete and is pretty straight forward.

If all is well with the medical they should call you again and offer you a job.

For me, I had a recruitment day.....4 days later they called my references..1 day after the reference checks I got a call and was invited to a medical.....

When I called the medical centre the first available appointment wasn't for 4 days, so I had to wait a few days to go and do that.

My medical was 6 days ago now and I haven't heard anything yet, however, as far as I know my medical was fine so it's just a case of waiting for 'the call' for me now. Hopefully I will get a job, but, as they say...there is no guarantees at any stage of the recruitment process. Also, they say it can be up to a two week wait to hear from them, so I'm being patient because it hasn't been even a week yet.

Good luck. I think times def vary from person to person....but don't worry. The fact you progressed past the recruitment day is a good sign.

Keep us updated and I hope all goes well for you :)

p.s. Thanks for your reply rjsyd last week too! Appreciate it :)

7th Oct 2010, 04:02
Hi Joannejo,

sorry to be a pain but did they specifically tell you they were going to contact references or did they just call references after they sent you the email advising you had progressed.

7th Oct 2010, 04:18
That's fine Jennylee...

No they just called my referees...the only reason I knew they'd called them was that one of my referees let me know they'd spoken to them after they'd called.

p.s. I got the job! They just called me to advise I'd got through the medical and offered me a job and a start date etc. Yay me :)

7th Oct 2010, 05:10
Hey Joannejo,

congrats. When is your ground school starting?

7th Oct 2010, 06:22
Thats awesome Joannejo...


Thanks aswell. One of my referees is on holidays till next week. So they wont be able to speak to her to next week. I hope that they would try again if they can't get through or leave a message

7th Oct 2010, 23:47
I got a "thanks but no thanks" email the other day after applying for VB in SYD last month. I didn't even get a phone interview, and I'm already crew ... now they're advertising SYD again?? I feel a bit devo.

8th Oct 2010, 07:52
Thanks for the congrats everyone :)

Ozflyer, I was offered either 25th October or 1st November so I'm going to take 1st November I think.

Jennylee, they will definitely leave a message/try again for your referee if they don't get through on first attempt. A similar thing happened to me. They only called two of my referees in the end. I know the wait can be a little...well nervous....but.....I don't think you have anything to worry about. Good luck with it all & let us know how you get on.

9th Oct 2010, 07:29
ilana182, you just started with Jetstar a few months ago didn't you? Maybe they thought that you may leave them just as quickly if they invest money in your training and another airline offered you a job? I'm not saying that you shouldn't have applied but just a thought as to why they didn't carry through with your application.....I would try reapplying in a year's time and I'm sure you will get a different result :)

Good luck to everyone else, especially those starting ground school soon. It's a great job, you'll love it! See you online soon!

11th Oct 2010, 04:18

Congratulations to everyone who starts training today!

I was declined back in March for a cabin crew role and i am impatiently waiting for this 12 months to be over so I can reapply.

I have all the certificates and have nearly 5 years customer service experience, and I really do not understand why they didnt even consider me for the first round of interviews.

Does anyone have any tips for when I re apply after my 12 month wait? I dont want to apply to other airlines (I know its picky) but I specifically want to work for Virgin Blue.

Any Help would be much appreciated!


12th Oct 2010, 03:58
2 of my references were called today. the waiting is so nerve racking.

I wonder if they will contact the third reference.

12th Oct 2010, 05:29
Can anyone tell me what the travel benefits are like once you are working at virgin blue? Also, how long do you have to be working before you can book/use benefits?

13th Oct 2010, 00:08

Thats a good questions i would love to know aswell. Can anyone shed soem light

13th Oct 2010, 05:12
Hi All,

Anyone here in this forum who will be starting training on 8th Nov ground school training Melbourne base???

14th Oct 2010, 06:40
ilani182 are you not enjoying altara/ jetstar?

14th Oct 2010, 10:29
No, don't get me wrong ... I love Jetstar! But I've always had a thing for DJ, and would love to work for VA one day!

14th Oct 2010, 21:50
I got the call yesterday I am through to medical woot woot!!!!

Ilana182 keep trying if you really want it don't give up you will get to Virgin!!!!

16th Oct 2010, 13:56
Can anyone tell me what the travel benefits are like once you are working at virgin blue? Also, how long do you have to be working before you can book/use benefits?

From memory, 6 months before Staff Travel kicks in.

The credits provided per year are generally enough for 2 return tickets to LAX on standby ... or a heap of domestic flying. You also get an allocation of sectors for nominated family/friends.

Not sure how it compares with the other airlines.

18th Oct 2010, 00:22
Hi I am 48 and just applied for melbourne base and just wondering whether or not anyone at this age gets recruited.

18th Oct 2010, 00:36
They sure do! The last year each ground school (15 or so) had at least 5 in each ground school 40+, and at least 2 50+. Your age is certainly no barrier. If you impresss, they will hire you.

19th Oct 2010, 23:44
Hi there ....

I applied for a Virgin Blue cabin crew position in January this year, and never got through =(.. it says on the application form that you have to wait atleast 12 months before you can apply for this position again..

My question is, has anyone been in this same situation and applied before the 12 months was up and actually got through?


21st Oct 2010, 02:29
Hey Everyone,

I applied for Guest Services at BNE last week, Just wanted to thank everyone here, everyone helped me get the info on getting the position and now I've applied for my Dream Job

Thanks Again


22nd Oct 2010, 00:59
Not just yet, Applied one week today so here's hoping :-)

Have you heard anything yet?


22nd Oct 2010, 03:21
Hi guys, am wondering if anyone is in the same waiting game that I'm currently in.

Had my medical a week ago for Cabin Crew Sydney base and have not heard anything back from Virgin as yet. Is anyone else in the same situation as me?

Also wondering for current crew or crew currently in training, how long did you have to wait after your medical before Virgin called you?

The waiting is absolutely killing me!:ugh:

22nd Oct 2010, 04:02
Hey VBBoy....I heard exactly a week after my medical. Had my medical on a Thursday and the following Thursday I got 'the' call.

SO....don't worry! They might call you this afternoon or if not it'll more than likely be early next week. You'll get the job....I don't think you can really ''fail'' a medical unless of course you failed the drug test OR you are unable to perform the duties of the role as stated in the original job advertisement. So....that aside...you haven't got anything to worry about. TRY and relax! :)

22nd Oct 2010, 11:43
Vbboy I know how you feel the wait is the worst.I had my medical on Tuesday and I was sick of waiting that afternoon but I got the call this afternoon and it feels amazing. You will get called some time next week. :)

22nd Oct 2010, 19:17

I am in the same situation and it's very tempting to apply now but I'd recommend not to....

If you do they may think.... This person cannot follow instructions...

But if you are from Melbourne they are hiring guest services crew it's on their website at the moment so if you want to consider that to get your foot in the door. I will be!

Best of luck!:)

23rd Oct 2010, 01:27
Joannejo and Jennylee have you guys applied for cabin crew Sydney base? If so have they given you a starting date for ground training yet? Thanks.

25th Oct 2010, 00:00
[Text speak]

Read the first sticky thread at the top of the forum.

25th Oct 2010, 01:49
VBboy i applied for sydney cabin crew and the start day i have been given is the 15th of November!!!!

25th Oct 2010, 04:43
Hi ktl24,

Well done on being invited to an assessment day. It is so much fun.

The assesment day is over one day and with the Sydney recruitment day it was very close to the airport

25th Oct 2010, 08:29
Well the wait is finally over, got the call this afternoon and start cabin crew ground school on 15th November. Thanks to those who sent messages of support, the waiting game was horrible, but now so worth it.:ok:

27th Oct 2010, 04:09
Hey Guys,

Anyone heard about BNE Guest Services yet?


27th Oct 2010, 04:24
Cool, Thanks Ash
Let me know if you do here anything :-)

syd boi
28th Oct 2010, 02:25
hey all,

i went to the VB assesment day last month, and got an email saying i got through next stage, they will call my ref....1 month later they hvnt called!!

does this mean i havent got through :(

or might there be a chnace of me getting through next ground school after 25nov??

thanks for any replys!!!!

28th Oct 2010, 03:11
Fear not syd boi. It doesnt mean you havent got through it just means that they havent contacted your references yet. The process can be slow in some parts.

Just be patient (I know that easier said then done), when they have the need for more crew for the next ground school the process will speed up.

28th Oct 2010, 07:22
Hey KTL24, good work on getting the invite to the assessment day. When this week is it?? How long ago did you apply aswell?

syd boi
28th Oct 2010, 08:12
[Text speak]

Read the first sticky thread at the top of the forum.

28th Oct 2010, 09:41
How did you go? what did it involve? Tell, tell!! I applied on the weekend so hopefully they will have more:ok:

28th Oct 2010, 10:42
Hi Ktl24,

Just attended the recruitment day this afternoon for VB. So what day did you attend the RD. I guess we have to keep positive to see if we are successful or not and to keep checking our emails. Hopefully they can contact us soon instead of waiting. Good luck to you:O

28th Oct 2010, 10:52
Hi Jennylee,

Just seen your posts about you getting into Virgin Blue ground school. How long did it take after your interview for them to call or notify you through email that you were successful?

Hi Ktl24,

There were about 14 or 15 people in my group. The majority of them were from Queensland and half were flight attendants from other airlines. How long did your interview last for? because mine only lasted for about 10 minutes. It felt like it was a bit rushed while telling the interviewees my experience but overall it went well.:)

28th Oct 2010, 11:21
Definitely Ktl24 your not on your own! Because there was three girls on my table that were from Brisbane. Also on the on the other tables they were from Queensland as well. There was 1/3 of us guys from Melbourne.

29th Oct 2010, 06:54
KTL 24, you'd be suprised how many people move from QLD for the job, 3/4 of my training group that moved down from the Gold Coast alone! I was the only one who moved up from Melbourne...

1st Nov 2010, 06:40
Hi everyone,

Just wondering if anyone else has applied for the latest round of Virgin Blue Cabin Crew for the Sydney base? I recently applied and the job posting does not have a closing date on the careers website. Does anyone know why this could be?

Thanks for any replies!

1st Nov 2010, 07:46
It will only show the closing date when its actually closed. They dont usually give you a time fram to submit your application in.. they just open it, then close without notice. I applied for the Melbourne base and now it shows a closed date in "my applications" under the jobs tab in the careers section when your signed in. If you haven't finished your application do it asap before it closes. Good luck!

1st Nov 2010, 07:49
Thank you for your prompt reply, much appreciated!:)

4th Nov 2010, 04:25
Haven't Heard anything Re: ground crew, might be the fact that I haven't finished school, I'm hopeful that i'm in the maybe pile :-) Thanks for your help everyone

4th Nov 2010, 06:06

I am wondering if anyone else wll be starting ground school for sydney cabin crew on the 15th of November?????

4th Nov 2010, 10:30
We do fly with other bases... Today I flew with a Melbourne Girl and later on a Brisbane guy... We do end up floating around.

11th Nov 2010, 10:07
Has anyone else been to a recruitment day this week or last week?

13th Nov 2010, 06:51
hey everyone,

i applied at VB for cabin crew on the 28th october and the guest services position on the 27th of october. i havent heard anything yet and was just wondering if anyone knows if this means i was unsuccesfull or if i just have to keep waiting? does anyone know when they're doing theire recruitment days? have i missed out? the applications for both positions closed on the 29th october and the 4th novemeber.....

any info would be greatly appreciated :)

13th Nov 2010, 07:02
I applied on the Saturday 23rd and still havent heard anything either.. pretty sure they contact you either way if you are successful or not. Havent heard of any other recruitment days other than the 27th, 28th and 29th of October. I would assume they will have more if the job only closed on the 29th.. unless they got enough people from those ones

17th Nov 2010, 05:36
Hey everyone!
I am just new to this website but i thought it may be useful as i currently work for Jetstar but have applied for VB Brisbane base on the 13th November and Perth base on the 16th of November!
I am so excited about the prospect of working for Virgin Blue! Has anyone else applied for these positions? Both were only online for 5 days at the most so im not sure how hopeful i should be as may they are only completing a small recruitment drive! Can someone tell me can i apply for two bases at once or can i only apply for one?
Any help would be much appreciated!

18th Nov 2010, 06:14
The virgin rules are you can only apply for one job at a time. I have made that experience at my own expense applying for more then one job at once. Then if you are successfull great, if you are not the stand down period applies for any other jobs with virgin.
good luck

22nd Nov 2010, 01:45
Hi guys
Has anyone heard back from the Sydney recruitment day's held in October?

22nd Nov 2010, 05:50
Hi everyone,
Just wondering if anyone had heard anything about the BNE base applications? Does anyone know if they will let you know either way, or will they only tell you if you've made it to the interview??
How long does it usually take them to invite you to the Recruitment Day??

25th Nov 2010, 03:14
Hey guys,
Just reading your posts, I went for my RD back in October, 4 days later I recieved an email saying I had been progressed and they would give me fornightly updates. I havent heard anything yet but 2 days ago they contacted 2 of my references! But still nothing! Im trying to be patient but
its so hard when you want something to badly!
Congratulations to all those who are successful

25th Nov 2010, 03:49
Yeah melbourne based! Im impatiently awaiting some news! I guess all we can do is wait! Did you apply for melbourne base?

25th Nov 2010, 04:28
I'm in the same boat as you guys. I had my RD end of October received the progression email a few days later then had references checked. I have heard nothing for a month. I'm from Melbourne but applied for Sydney base. I'll be moving in with a friend from Sydney if I get in. Does anyone know when they are starting Sydney training?? This feels like the longest month of my life. I want this job so much it's not funny. :ugh::ugh:

25th Nov 2010, 04:50
Wow i would love to live in Sydney! Does anyone know of anyone who got an unsuccessful email? Or do we all get thru this stage and they cut at the end?

25th Nov 2010, 05:07
Lisaa that is a great question :ok:
I have been thinking the same thing. From what I have read on here from previous candidates once references have been checked and are good it's safe to say they are then sent to complete a medical. I know they say at any stage we can be unsuccessful but I think they are quick to send out the "thanks but no thanks' emails if you are not what they are looking for.
I'm really not sure but it's a great question and I would love know if we can be cut after a good reference check????

26th Nov 2010, 02:29
Yes you can be cut after a reference check, good, bad or otherwise. They may have more viable candidates than positions. Obviously in that case it's possible to be rejected even after a good reference check. Just like any job, they will take the best candidate for the job, and that may not be you.

Candidates have also been unsuccessful during ground school as well, it's by no means certain that you have the job until you are checked to line and pass your probation period. Anytime in the first 6 months you can be unsuccessful. Something to keep in mind. :ok:

26th Nov 2010, 05:43
Thanks Airbornesoon that's great to know. I guess it's just a waiting game for us then. :O

30th Nov 2010, 01:49
Has anyone heard anything about the ground crew position in Melbourne that closed on November 3rd? I'm ever so patiently sticking out my current job... It's painful! Argh will there ever be a plane at the end of this long tunnel!

6th Dec 2010, 12:36
Hi ash.1111

Congrats on attending an AD.
When you got an email were you able to book in for an assessment session without any problem?
I got an invitation as well but I'm having a problem getting through the booking process... I sent an email and am waiting for a reply.

Good luck;)

6th Dec 2010, 12:43
Yes, I'm trying everyday... By the way, my session will be Mon or Tue only, not Thu. Did you have a choice as well?

6th Dec 2010, 13:16
Oh, sorry I misunderstood. I remember your first post saying 16 Dec.:O
Anyway, I will wait until the last minute. Hope they will contact me.

Have fun and please keep us posted:)

8th Dec 2010, 22:53
Do not shave all over. They are going for a corporate look, you are very young so adding a close shaved look won't do you any favours. I'd go for short back and sides with a natural longer styling on top. :ok:

9th Dec 2010, 04:08

how have you gone with the email?

I also got an invitation for the AD via email, but have been trying to book since the 2nd Dec (when I recieved the email) and have got errors trying each time!!!!

I have also sent them an email to explain this on Monday but havent heard anything back yet :(

I really dont want to miss out! Does anyone know if there is a contact number to call? I assume not... But I dont know what else to do :(

9th Dec 2010, 05:23
Hey everyone
I'm still waiting to hear back from the Syd RD days held in OCT has anyone heard anything back yet?? :cool:

10th Dec 2010, 00:07
Hey Parks_K,

I sent an email again yesterday hoping they reply to me because today is the last chance for the AD I thought. I have not heard back yet...:(
I am in the same situation, keep getting errors...:confused:

13th Dec 2010, 23:25
Ash....don't worry! It really isn't a stressful interview....

My only advice- be yourself. I'm sure you are a lovely person and if you are confident and have the right experience you'll do fine...just don't worry so much or you'll work yourself up to being really nervous!

Do not talk over the top of others...also....when I say 'confident' I don't mean 'arrogant'...some people seem to think if they are the loudest, coolest, 'best', people they will be hired. So not the case from my experience. They choose people who will work well in a team and be nice to others. I'm sure they see straight through fake people...so just be yourself. Virgin isn't what it was ten years ago..the airline is growing up and so is the image of the people who work for them. Happy, NICE people is what it's all about!

Good luck. You'll be just fine :)

14th Dec 2010, 23:14
Hey everyone,
Long time user first time poster I attended the BNE base for Cabin Crew on Monday and looking everyday for updates. Hope everyone went well and fingers crossed!!!:ok:

15th Dec 2010, 08:59
Applications are now open for Guest Service Agents in Sydney if anyone's interested!

15th Dec 2010, 22:39
Hey Ash,
Yeah same chilled, relaxed and just laid back. Just glad to
participate. Our group was really communicative and friendly which made the day go smoothly. :cool: Just tried to be myself which wasn't really that hard to do lol Haven't worked since the AD so just taking one day at a time :ugh:

22nd Dec 2010, 11:22
Hi Creedy I also went to the Monday RD, were you in the morning or afternoon?:)

24th Dec 2010, 00:59
Just wondering if anyone who attended the VB assessment day in Brisbane last week, has had any news??

24th Dec 2010, 23:51

I went on Monday and have not heard anything, however with Xmas now here am not expecting to hear until the New Year. Good Luck:)

1st Jan 2011, 10:24
Hi merosada, waiting to hear as well....I went to the VB assessment day on Tues 14.12.10....two weeks have passed..no email.

3rd Jan 2011, 05:40
Hi All
New to foum so excuse me if i dont get this right. Just checking if anyone has heard back re: Melb base crew that was advertised in Nov. Applied on 27th then applications closed on 29th. Still to hear. Just a tiny bit concerned.

3rd Jan 2011, 06:25
Im new to this too but I applied for the same position in Melbourne and I got an email on the 31st December saying I've been invited to the recruitment day.

4th Jan 2011, 05:55
Hi...just received the "not successful in this round of recruitment email"
my RD with VB was 14.12.10....Congratulations to anyone on that RD!! Was hoping for a "yes" but will keep trying.:(

Did anyone who attended the RD on 13th /14th Dec progress to the next stage? Good Luck!:D

5th Jan 2011, 00:27
hey guys,

anyone apply for Melbourne guest services through VB??
i applied earlier last year but heard nothing then they emailed me mid december saying to apply again because they had so many applicants they couldn't look at them all, and that they're recruiting for that position again (woooo!!) fingers crossed BIG TIME!!!!

5th Jan 2011, 00:51

I attended on the 13th and also got the "thanks but no thanks" email yesterday. Think they did not have a large group to choose from, maybe 60 max.

I too am interested if anyone who attended on the 13/14 Dec has been progressed to the next stage?:D

7th Jan 2011, 08:21

Just wondering what happened at your recruitment day? What should I expect from Virgin Blue? I have been to a recruitment day for Jetstar ages ago and got hired by Tiger not long ago but clearly didnt take it I wanna be paid for training. Any tips would be great as I go for a recruitment day on the 19th of January.

16th Jan 2011, 07:53
HI deebz
I thought my RD with VB went well in Dec 2010...the VB recruitment team made you feel relaxed and they were friendly and professional. But is was not successful.?
- We started off with an intro to the Virgin Blue company by the VB team. Participating in this by reading up on the VB website helped.
- A group exercise where you all have to provide input and participate..not hard.
- Comprehension test which is multiple choice for 30 mins. Read it carefully.
- A interview (30mins) with 2 VB team members regarding your CV and questions relating to specific times in your previous career...giving examples.
Approx 3.5 hrs in total.
Overall not a daunting experience at all.
Good Luck and be yourself.

17th Jan 2011, 08:50
Thanks heaps for the info, much appreciated :ok:
Im not nervous (well not yet anyway) I did get a job with Tiger airways and I managed to stay relaxed on the recruitment day so I prepared for the Virgin one.
Sorry to hear you didn't get threw :uhoh:
Best of luck next time !!!

VB Belle
19th Jan 2011, 08:51
Hi All

I am new to this site and was wondering if anyone who attended the VB RD for cabin crew positions on 14.12.10 in Brisbane have heard anything yet?

I attended the VB RD day on 14.12.10 and I was very happy with the day. On 15.12.10 I received a call from one of the VB Recruitment Officers who advised that I had progressed the referee check stage and my referees would be called.

My referees were called on 15.12.10 and gave over the phone referee checks. Since this time I heard nothing.

I am wondering if anyone who attended the 14.12.10 VB RD has progressed to the medical checks stage or have been offered cabin crew positions yet?

I am going crazy just waiting as I have heard nothing since 15.12.10, I really want to work for VB.:)

21st Jan 2011, 07:31
Hi VB Belle!

I wasn't a member of this site but came across your post & thought i'd better join so I can reply to your post! :p

I also attended the VB cabin crew recruitment day on 14th December, I received an email to advise me they were going to contact my references and my references were called shortly afterwards. That was all back in December and haven't heard anything either so can appreciate your wait.

Did you attend the morning or afternoon session? I was at the afternoon session, I think ash.1111 who posted in this thread a few comments ago was in my interview group too, Ash if you read this i'd love to know if you have heard anything back from VB? Keeping my fingers crossed for all of us!

My friend who works for VB mentioned that their offices in Bowen Hills, Brisbane were evacuated last week due to the severe flooding. I wonder if the recruitment staff are based there? If so might explain the delay in getting back to us, hopefully no news is good news! Good luck all :ok:

VB Belle
22nd Jan 2011, 09:05
Hi Bonnielassie

I attended the morning VB RD on 14.12.10 and a total of 15 people attended on the day. I got a telephone call from VB at 9am on 15.12.10 (only one day later), not an email saying that they were going to be contacting my referees. In some ways I would much prefer an email over a telephone call any day.

In response to you enquiry if the VB Recruitment Team Office is located in Bowen Hills, so if this is true then I imagine it could be another month before we hear anything definitely.

I was speaking to someone who use to be a Cabin Crew Supervisor and she told me that if you indicate that you know someone who works for VB then you will be fast tracked and be offered a job sooner.

Hope you hear soon if you have been successful in securing a cabin crew position.:)

26th Jan 2011, 15:47
I was speaking to someone who use to be a Cabin Crew Supervisor and she told me that if you indicate that you know someone who works for VB then you will be fast tracked and be offered a job sooner.

Totally incorrect. Why would you knowing someone make them put you in a ground school any sooner than otherwise? There was a blue star program where a referral from a VB employee would get you an interview, that's it! You may as well find out now, since you're intent on being crew, that a lot of what other crew tell you is rubbish. It's called galley gossip. :} And once being a CS, does not make the information any more credible btw....

31st Jan 2011, 01:03
Hi all,
Attending GS recruitment day tomorrow second session, haven't received the paperwork that needs to be filled out yet. Said it would be emailed but got nothing???? Anybody got it or in the same boat as me, would appreciate any feedback


31st Jan 2011, 08:09

Just wondering if anyones in the same boat as me, I went for Melb R D, back in Oct, have been moved through to ref checks, received a email in late Dec to say they are just wrapping up ref checks then sending people to medicals, then they checked a ref my last ref at the end of Dec, then havent heard from them this month at all ? Any ideas ?

Cheers :ugh:

3rd Feb 2011, 04:36
Hi All! :)

Just wondering if anyone who applied for Sydney Cabin Crew at the end of last year has heard anything?

I applied in October and the applications closed in November and i still havn't heard anything :confused:.


3rd Feb 2011, 13:05
Has anyone applied for Cabin Crew for Virgin Blue (Melbourne Base)? It's due by the 6th of February and are recruiting. I hope they call me for an interview :)

Looking forward to it and really nervous at the same time. I gotta keep calm LOL