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6th Feb 2011, 05:50
Ivan.Krazy : I applied for Melbourne Base. Keep me updated on your progress.

6th Feb 2011, 06:08
@ AusGirl78.
I certainly will. I wish you all the best and I hope you can keep me up to date too :D

6th Feb 2011, 09:28
Hi VirginBluGirl,

In regards to your question, sometimes it takes them ages to get back to you, They deal with thousands upon thousands of applications. I applied back in January of 2010, had my interview in May last year and started working for Virgin blue in August/September.... It's a really long process.

I hope you get an interview soon :)

6th Feb 2011, 21:55
Hi RJsyd,

Thank you so much for your reply, it made me feel so much better!
By the sounds of it, it seems like an extremely long process, but will be worth it in the end..
I hope i get an interview soon to, fingers crossed!

Thanks again =)

9th Feb 2011, 06:17
I applied for cabin crew melbourne base. So excited haven't heard anything yet but fingers crossed.
Has anyone else who applied heard anything yet? Or does anyone know how long till VB gets back on if your through to the next stage



9th Feb 2011, 06:52
Hey jeckie_la,
sorry i can't answer your question but i also applied, eagerly waiting!!!
Fingers crossed :)

edit: by the way, to those who applied, did you have much of a customer service background?

9th Feb 2011, 08:33
A colleague of mine who is about to begin ground school for the Perth base informed me that when she is fitted for her uniform she is going to be fitted with the new Virgin uniform. I ahd no idea they were getting a new uniform and am super curious as to what it's like and if it's an improvement on the super casual and super drab red and tan. I hope it is! Would be a good idea to up the ante with the uniform to make it a bit more glam to go hand in hand with the step up in service and such that they are planning.

9th Feb 2011, 11:27
Hi all,

I was just wondering if the "song and dance" aspect of VB recruitment is still part of the interview stages? I know when they first started they would have candidates develop a short routine that often involved singing and dancing, I guess to show "Virgin flair", comfort infront of people, team work and all those things.

Is this still done? Or is the Virgin recruiment process now more akin to Qantas and Jetstar with "standard" role plays etc?

10th Feb 2011, 08:07
Speaking to another VB applicant on another forum :uhoh: and she received an ivitation on Friday to attend an Assessment day this Wednesday (just passed). Apparently there were 2 assessment days on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Her notes didn't mention a song and dance routine but she did mention that there were NO role plays. She was nervous about doing role plays so I'm sure if there was a S&D routine she would have mentioned it.

I haven't heard anything yet and was surprised she received notification of an assessment day so quick as she applied for the Feb 6 cutoff too. Maybe they are going through past applicants. She did mention she had been to a VB assessment day in the past...?????

Sorry to give info 3rd hand..but this is all that I know.

Wishing all applicants goodluck. :)

12th Feb 2011, 06:20
I applied for VB Perth November, I applied the day the applications open and continually updated my information...the applications closed 28th january and I havent heard anything as yet.
I was just wondering if anyone had an interview for Perth VB for the very recent intake.
I understand there has been a ground school going through in January but I am assuming this is for people who have been on hold.
I have been working as CC with Jetstar and have an internal reference with VB so I was hoping and praying to at least get an interview! but i have given up hope!
They usually email a 'thankyou but you have not been successful for an interview' email but I have not recieved that either! any feedback would be great!

12th Feb 2011, 20:54
TrolleyDolly, there are a couple of things to note....

1. Getting into VB is very competitive these days. There are lots of very experienced people applying with years of experience in full service airlines. Not, that, those are the only people hired mind you. But the level of competition is much higher. The rumoured changes and Borghetti are drawing a lot of people in the mid-east back home.

2. You're location says you are in Qld but you're applying for Perth base? The company has had a lot of bad experiences with new recruits wanting transfers back to their home base within a few weeks of coming out online, even though they said yes they were prepared to move for the job. Maybe they are preferring local candidates now? If so then really it was only a matter of time before that happened, too many people saw the recruiting bases as a backdoor to getting into their preferred base. The company wants and needs people who are willing to stay in the bases they are recruited for.

13th Feb 2011, 02:04
Yes i am living in Perth I moved over a month ago but my now Perth address was on my application when i first applied. I orginally planned to apply for BNE base but I assumed there would be a lot of competition and I figured I would have a better chance in PER.
Well iii just have to wait and see, I also have completed a Bachelor of Business Tourism at uni so agin hoping all the little things add up! i was just more curious if they had held the interview days in Perth and i missed out.
Thankyou for your feedback!

14th Feb 2011, 21:38
Hi all.
Has anyone heard from VB in regards to Melbourne base CC. I know it's only been a short time since the applications closed but still waiting eagerly to hear from VB.

22nd Feb 2011, 22:42
Love the new uniform and the business class product.

2nd Mar 2011, 11:21
Hi all,
I am currently in the the recruitment process with VB...I made it past the day and I know they've checked my references...I just a got a call saying the don't have a training date confirmed and that my application has been wait listed and they will call me to progress to the next level which is the medical if a training date is set otherwise if it takes more than 8 months I'll need to re apply....does anyone know how often these training groups are set and if anyone has ever had to re apply because of this...
I also have holidays booked and don't know if I should continue planning them...any advice?

Thanks :)

5th Mar 2011, 07:40
Yes people have had to reapply in the past. There really is no way to tell as one month they may have no requirement and the next need another ground school. That's airlines for you. They might be hiring because they need to expand the base or to replace natural attrition but no-one really knows.

Keep moving ahead with your holiday plans until you hear otherwise.

12th Mar 2011, 04:26

When i got the job with VB it was 9 months from recruitment day to starting, i was on the waitlist for the max 6 months. An insider has told me they have a recruitment freeze on atm so go ahead and plan your holidays.


19th Mar 2011, 16:06
Hi Travelbug66, I also went for an interview back in late 2010, I have been told to expect an 8 month wait also so I am going to continue to travel and get on with my life until VB calls.. I have ever confidence that they will call back around about June or so, keep your fingers crossed and good luck... :)

cptn caveman
24th Mar 2011, 00:41
How do apply for Virgin Blue? Do you just have to wait till they say they are recruiting on their official website or is there another way to send them your CV?

10th Apr 2011, 06:00
Attn wannabees - virgin are currently recruiting for cabin crew in Sydney - applications close on the 24th April - good luck to those applying : )

VB Belle
14th Apr 2011, 06:18
Hi All

I am on the waitlist for the next VB cabin crew training school (Brisbane base) and saw the recruitment for cabin crew for the Sydney base.

My question is if you have been advised that you are on the waitlist, can you apply for another base? :)

VB Belle
15th Apr 2011, 03:23
Thanks for the info ash.1111 ... I thought as much.

Well I want to stay on the waitlist for the base that I went to the RD for ... so I wont be applying for any others.

While I am on this site. Does anyone know if the rumors are true, that John Borghetti has put a freeze on all future VB employment. The rumor going around is that Mr Borghetti wants the best airline, so he is relocating experience staff to their chosed bases. :bored:

Further, that at the moment he does not want to employ inexperience staff, when there is a huge competition between VB and Qantas.

15th Apr 2011, 18:42
I dont know about the Borghetti thing but one thing is for sure. There are always more applicants than places and yes the places go to those people who can best demonstrate their ability to do the job well. Obviously people with airline experience and a great track record are going to have an advantage over someone with no such thing. I've seen it time and time again that some people cant easily adapt to the demands of the job even though they said they could. Saying you can do a 5am start is a lot different to getting out of bed at 3am for the 6th day in a row after a 9hr duty. Some people just aren't cut out for it.

Its also a job that requires a lot more maturity and personal accountability than most jobs. You can't just hide behind your desk with a coffee if you're feeling a bit out of sorts, you're always on show. You're expected to display a level of self control and behaviour that most people will never extend to you, no matter what the circumstances.

25th Apr 2011, 02:04
Is training done in BNE? Ive applied for Sydney Base.

I have just finished up after 6 years with Etihad Airways in Abu Dhabi and time to come home. Have applied lastnight, luckily as applications closed today.

Not sure what to expect with what VB are after, some Airlines prefer fresh meat, and not keen on ex crew. Will wait and see.

1st May 2011, 02:53
Nickvann, Training is done in the Port that you are Based. I believe anyway, I know for SYD that they have their own training centre though

2nd May 2011, 23:36
Hey guys!

I went to the virgin blue VRD on the 20th of april and was lucky enough to get the e-mail that my application was progressed past the recruitment day. SO EXCITED!
Does anyone know how long I should expect to wait before they check my references and send for the medical?
It's been only 10 days since I received the e-mail but it feels much longer!

Thanks for your help!

3rd May 2011, 05:38
Hi was wondering if anyone could tell me anything about Perth base.
What trip to they do? How much to they fly/ overnight?
Does anyone know about salary package for VB?

thanks for your help,


VB Belle
5th May 2011, 01:58
I was wondering ... now that Virgin Blue has become Virgin Australia, and John Borghetti's plan of encouraging more corporate and business class passengers to fly with Virgin Australia is goign to plan... will Virgin Australia now being putting on new staff and starting up the training schools? Or will the staffing numbers remain as is?

I notice that Virgin Australia has lost millions so far this financial year, through the purchased of new aircrafts, implementing new flight destinations and partnerships with other carriers. My question is will Virgin Australia just let all of those people who are on the wait lists, applications to expire within the eight month timeframe.:bored:

5th May 2011, 06:22
On their website Virgin Australia is currently recruiting for the Perth Base. That has to be a good sign doesn't it?
Can't wait till my 12 months is up and I can apply again, so excited about the new name and the awesome uniforms. :-)

VB Belle
5th May 2011, 07:00
I know what you mean .. I also love the new uniform and the name. John Borghetti has really improved everything about Virgin Australia. However, the issue is that I am still on the waitlist (Brisbane base) while all of this is happening and I want to really, really work for Virgin Australia as a cabin crew member. All of this is happening and I have to just wait and wait.

The sad part is that you can only apply for one base and not for any others, while you are on the waitlist.

I have until August 2011 before my application expires, so maybe in the next month or few months I might get the call to have my medical check done and then be employed. Keep your fingers crossed for me. :)

5th May 2011, 11:08
Hi people
I am new to the site.
Just wanted to see if anybody can help me with a few questions regarding Virgin Australia's recruitment process? Where do they do the training schools and how long does it take? I am in the process of finishing my application for the Perth base. Just need some information before I submit it :O

5th May 2011, 14:23
Hi could anyone tell me anything about Perth base.
Do they overnight any where? How many days in a week do they fly etc?
Also interested about the pay structure...
Any idea about promotion in the company.
Really appreciate your answers!!


6th May 2011, 00:11
Hey guys,

Just wondering if virgin blue is gonna put the recruitment on hold as it became virgin australia?
I went to the VRD in sydney 2 weeks ago and received an e-mail the next day saying that my application was progressed past the recruitment day but nothing since then...

Does anyone know anything?

8th May 2011, 10:59
i just saw an add for Perth base... they are looking for crew now!

9th May 2011, 02:48
There is quite a bit of recruitment going on. Don't think BNE will see any recruitment any time soon but lots in PER and a bit in SYD and MEL.

For those interested about PER crew... PER crew are the only ones that in their initial training do both B737 and E170/E190 together. You need to be dual endorsed to be in PER and also you will be "wet lease" trained so you can do Bali and Phuket flights along with the Christmas and Cocos Islands routes.

As you can do everything except A330 you will go all over the country and of course to the above destinations. To be honest I think PER crew get the best flying on the network and some of the layovers are fantastic.

Can't really say much more than this but good luck in the application process if you do go for it! :)

9th May 2011, 04:16
In regards to perth base do you know how many nights away at a time you can be?
As well as do they layover in MEL or SYD?
Anything about promotions within company? Any pay structure that you know of.
Thanks for all your information....!!!!

9th May 2011, 05:07
The EBA that all Virgin Australia Cabin Crew (domestic and wet lease VB crew) are under states that you can have up to 15 overnights a roster (28 day period).

Yes, MEL and SYD are layover destinations for PER crew.

Promotions... Obviously there is Cabin Supervisor but you need to have the experience and skills neccessary etc etc...

All details regarding pay and conditions can be found in the EBA which you can find at Fair Work Australia - http://www.fwa.gov.au/documents/agreements/fwa/AE872622.pdf

9th May 2011, 05:28
thanks a lot for all the information....!!!!!
So a trip can last up to 14 days?

VB Belle
10th May 2011, 06:29
Hi All

I was advised by a Recruiting Officer in February 2011, when Virgin Australia was Virgin Blue, that I was on the waitlist for a cabin crew position (Brisbane).

However, I see that there is a recruiting drive for cabin crew for the Perth and Melbourne bases.

My question to all of you is, should I withdraw my interest with Brisbane and apply for the Perth and/or the Melbourne cabin crew positions? Hoping to secure a place on a Recruitment Day? Should I just be patient and wait until I get the call to go for a medical check?

Does anyone think I am getting my hopes up, because there will no further placements with the Brisbane base. That my chances are better applying for Perth and/or Melbourne.

I am chomping at the bit to work with Virgin Australia. It does not help my desire to work for the airline, when there is all of this positive media coverage and I have to just sit and wait. What do I do????:ugh:

10th May 2011, 07:00
Hey Belle,

Do you mean you were successful after medical etc and been offered a position waiting next ground school? Or are you just waiting for the next recruitment day?

Of course if you were at MEL or PER you would obviously need to move. That would need to be an important factor in your decision.

Brisbane will certainly have opportunities eventually, it is only natural, and I know some staff have recently transferred there but it may be some time till that comes up.

I would ensure you speak to a recruitment officer because you make any decisions such as removing your current application for Brisbane. :)

10th May 2011, 14:03
Belle, if you want BNE base, be patient. A ground school will come up quicker than you might think. Things change daily here, but definetly wait for your chosen base.

Bjorn77, trips are maximum of 4 days (3 overnights). EBA allows for a maximum of 15 per roster period.

VB Belle
11th May 2011, 03:56
I have taken off the information I originally provided, as I was provided with the wrong information. Thought I should not have incorrect information on this site.

11th May 2011, 12:21
Hi guys.. once again thanks for e input guys... For those already at VB any ideas about how hard and how long it takes to be upgraded to cabin supervisor role? Thanks Bjorn

16th May 2011, 04:19
CS promotions are different in every base, there are some in BNE who have been waiting for 5+ years (great people too!). Other newer expanding bases (SYD) can be a year or two.

Having said all that however, nothing is set in stone and as always things change on a daily basis.

18th May 2011, 02:39
Does anyone know when the next GS is scheduled in sydney?

VB Belle
20th May 2011, 01:02

I was wondering if those who attended the Brisbane RD for Domestic Cabin Crew (in December 2010) have been asked to do a medical check? If they have, have you been success in securing a Cabin Crew position?

I have heard nothing since being advised (in February 2011) that I am on the waitlist for the next training school in Brisbane.:bored:

21st May 2011, 04:13
Hey guys, just wondering if anyone has received a telephone interview & or e-mail being successful for Virgin Australia Domestic Cabin Crew Melbourne Base (http://www.bfound.net/detail.aspx?jobId=96743&CoId=43&rq=2) ?
Applications are still open till Sunday 22nd May! Not sure if they usually start calling people after applications close and or before.? Cheers.

22nd May 2011, 00:35
Hi there, from my experience- no they will not start calling people until after application closing date. I guess this gives them time to go through all applications and contact the best suited applicants. I wouldn't expect a call until at least 2 weeks after application closing date for a telephone interview (if successful in your application)....if you make it through telephone interview- they usually ask you to attend a recruitment day at the end of the conversation...if you make it through recruitment day..then it's reference checks....then another phone call to have a medical.....then job offer.
They don't take so long to make it harder, simply they just have rediculous ammounts of people apply and it's such a big company it'd be a tough job with timelines etc. The staff at Virgin are great though- nice, fair people.
It's a long road so try and be patient and think about something else. Also...if you make through recruit day, unless you have a really bad reference (who would really write down a person who'd give them a bad one?) or fail the drug test or whatever at the medical- they almost always offer you a job...so.....wait until after recruitment day before you really start thinking too much! good luck!

23rd May 2011, 03:58
So applications on the Virgin Australia have now closed, if anyone has recieved a telephone interview and or e-mail let me know please, and what questions they have asked cheers.

23rd May 2011, 09:40
Hello everyone,
I applied for Cabin Crew Melbourne base and am just worried cause I dont have a passport yet. They said on the application that I must have a passport but I couldnt continue if I ticked no and i really want this bad. I have all my passport papers ready to go and I could show them the recipt if they do need one but I dont want to waste 200 bucks on a passport if I didnt get the job. Does anyone know if you need your passport on recruitment day? and if you loose your chance if you dont have your passport yet? I feel really bad for lying on the application

24th May 2011, 00:20
Seriously....just get the passport! they only take a week usually to post out to you after lodging at the post office. You'll use it within the next 10 years (I assume you'll go overseas at some point in 10 years????)
I can't remember if I took my passport to recruitment day or not.....but......it seems a silly thing to be worrying about so just go and get it. One less thing to think about, surely?

24th May 2011, 00:22
Has anyone applied for PER base & heard anything? I received an email saying I had progressed past the interview stage and they had called my references last week so now I am just waiting I was wondering if anyone has been asked to do medicals yet?
As to MEL recruitment Im not 100% sure but with the PER interviews I applied on the 8th of this month and received an email for interviews on the 12th even though the applications closed on the 22nd as well. And it seemed like they weren't doing anymore interviews after that week, so maybe MEL is the same but maybe not. If you have missed the interviews I was told that PER & MEL bases are going to experience the most growth so im sure in the next few months they will recruit again so I guess its best to submit applications super early.
Also with the passport a girlfriend of mine didn't have her passport but she just brought along proof that she had applied so i am sure that's fine!

24th May 2011, 03:02
Hey guys. Not sure about PER recruitment but I received the recruitment day email this morning for MEL base. Is anyone else attending the june RDs?

24th May 2011, 04:02
Hi TrolleyDolly... what gave you the impression there won't be any more interviews for Perth even though applications only closed on the weekend? :)

24th May 2011, 09:04
oli90, & or others, when did you apply, was it for the applications that closed on the 22.05.2011 ? i applied on the 18/05/2011 - i have not got a e-mail as yet or a telephone interview.? but have been blue stared.. Just wondering if anyone has applied in that timeframe, and does it work alphabetical order.? cheers

VB Belle
24th May 2011, 11:51
I received a call today advising me that I had not been successful in securing a CC role. Eventhough I had been waitlisted for a domestic cabin crew position Brisbane base since February 2011.

I attended the RD back in December 2010, progressed through the referee checks, received a phone call advising that I had been waitlisted and now I get the disappointing news.

I was told that all of the applications were looked at and it was concluded after all of this time that I am not suitable.

I am going to phone tomorrow and ask them to explain the reasons as to why after five months they think I am not the right person for the role.

I think they have mixed my application up quite frankly.:(

25th May 2011, 01:50
I applied feb this year I'm pretty sure so if you applied in the may intake I would say you will get a phone interview in the next month or two. I don't know if the application selection progress goes by alphabetical order. I also have a !luestar referral but as we all know the aviation industry is very unpredictable.

25th May 2011, 04:15
I applied for Melbourne which closed on Sunday afternoon. I recieved an email on Tuesday saying I was invited to an assessment day. Which is end of next week.
The last time I applied I got the email saying sorry but we have recieved to much interest so apply next time. So if you dont have an interview just keep apply it really is the only option!

cptn caveman
25th May 2011, 04:42
I applied for Virgin last week but haven't heard anything yet but have been invited to a Jetstar assessment day next week.
VB Belle- that sounds really unfair!

25th May 2011, 09:33
Hi Flyboy,

I put my application in for Perth Base on the 20th of May and i Haven't heard anything yet. I hear it takes about two weeks after closing date before they contact you. ;)
Let us now if you hear anything.


25th May 2011, 09:45

Does anyone know if you have to have your RSA before the interview (well thats if i get an interview) or can you get that afterwards?
I have first aid and passport ect...

Thanks guys :ok:

26th May 2011, 01:37
No, you will just need proof that you are booked in to do it.

Good luck, hope you get an interview:)

27th May 2011, 06:03
I applied for the Perth base too, on the 20th of May as well, and have yet to hear anything. I don't think it's necessarily going to be two weeks or so before you hear anything. It's different for everyone. I work with someone who applied early in may and she was called within an hour of applying and asked to attend an interview. That being said because we have applied very close to the closing date perhaps it will take longer for them to contact us if and when they do. I am trying not to get my hopes up that they will call - even though I have flying experience it doesn't matter - I know they have knocked back people who have experience - you really can't know what they are looking for and it varies from applicant to applicant and interviewer to interviewer I reckon. So I'm trying not to think about it (although it doesn't stop me constantly checking my emails!)

cptn caveman
27th May 2011, 11:24
Yesterday I received an invitation to a choice of 3 days for the assessment day for melbourne base. Anyone else going?

27th May 2011, 23:52
Cptn caveman I will be attending the friday morning session in Melbourne (:

28th May 2011, 07:37
hi anyone could tell be about the process at VB first is RD then ref check followed by medical. is there anything else after you get through to medical?
Does anyone know if there is a training course planned for PER base any time soon?


28th May 2011, 08:51
Hey...no there is nothing else after the Medical...that is the final stage of the recruitment process....you will get a call after the medical to advise if you are successful and ground school start date (if there is one planned) and they send you an email with all the info you need and post you out an Orientation pack in the mail.

28th May 2011, 12:47
hi thanks for your reply Joannejo,
Just wondering if you complete your medical after how long do you get a job offer? When do you actually sign the job contract?
And would you know by when do you need the first aid course completed?

Thanks B

30th May 2011, 00:13
Hi no problems...after the medical I think it was around 5 days when I got the call and the job offer...I had my medical on a Thursday and I think they called me around the Tuesday of the next week. They then post you the orientation pack in the mail within a couple of days and within that pack is your contract which you read over, sign and post back to them. The first aid course, I'm not sure to be honest. I assume you will need to have completed this by the time you sign your contract...or perhaps by the time your ground school starts? Just do it as soon as you can and then it's done...it's an easy course.
Hope that helps!

30th May 2011, 12:09
hi guys, i got a virgin interview this week in melbourne. i also have a confirmed traning with tiger airways (although they've put my july 4th training on hold. am so annoyed) . anyway, can anyone tell me about working with Virgin Airlines, i know its better than tiger, are the staff pay, benefits really good and as they have partner airlines, is that a good step to working with other airlines..

anyway any thoughts about working with Virgin, much appreciated from anyone. thanks!

oli 90, im attending the june recruitment day on wednesday june 1st. in melbourne although i dont have the venue yet. it says TBA

i also have a thing to add about airlines in general. I really hate the waiting game. If they are after professional loyal people. Then how about airlines get their act together and be honest to people. I dont know how virgin is like. But tiger airways told us that the two training dates were 30th may and 4th july. i choose the july one i have to quit my job and tell my employers. in saying that had they told us that the 4th july training wasnt confirmed then i wont be in this position where i already told work that im gonna quit in a month and now im stuck. At lleast now i have a chance with Virgin. But i've read of people waiting for months on end. We all have to live somehow and and pay bills and we cant sit at home waiting and be at the beck and call of airlines that play with us. Now Virgin contacted me today (Monday 30th) for an interview choice on Wednesday (1st) Thursday (2nd) or Friday (3rd). i Chose wednesday, but its still all too very soon. We're expected to come on an interview at short notice, yet play the waiting game come interviews, training etc. Not very fair at all.

I guess im all new to the airline business. Tiger airways was the first airline cabin crew job i applied for. But i trusted their word on what they said about the training dates.. Now im really not going to trust any airlines word.

does anyone know what you need to bring to the virgin interview, they havnt emailed me the stuff yet

30th May 2011, 22:21
Perth Cabin Supervisor Positions

Virgin Australia is recruiting direct entry Cabin Supervisors for Perth base. Does anyone know what type of flying Perth base does, overnights etc and predominantly what aircraft?

30th May 2011, 22:52
Not sure about direct entry for PER CS.

But the PER CC do alot on internal WA flying, also a fair few overnights in HKT, DPS, CCK

Aircraft 737 mostly

31st May 2011, 03:53
how many nights away would you be on average per month?
what are this layover destinations?

31st May 2011, 05:03
in reply to your post i would advise being adaptable, dont come into the airline industry thinking that things will be done the way you want, to be honest in massive companies such as Virgin Australia and Qantas your just a number you may be the face of an airline but they work you hard and expect a lot. Everyday things change such as schedules and dates and if you love the job and want it you need to be flexible and accept it.

and just while im here reading your other posts on emirates etc: this is meant to be a supportive forum not one telling people that if they dont get in a third time to stop trying .... emirates isn't like tiger (standards are higher) a lot more people apply and they are a lot more picky in who they choose.

Good Luck with your interview but if you don't get it, yet really want it keep trying!!!! it's a competitive industry ... :)

31st May 2011, 16:49
tinkerbell 200

im really being realistic. I have a lot of experience with middle easterns and especially middle eastern men. A company run by middle eastern men (emirates) well , they are very image based. And of course they discriminate. Emirates hire older people over 30. Yes they do. My friends friend made it. But shes an extremely attractive 35 year old woman. Why do you think they ask for casual pics of potential recuits if they make it to the interview stage. Does providing casual pics really matter? To tell you the truth (me) a person who loves photos and have a portfolio of professional pics, and thousands of other artistic style pictures, it honestly really put me off and made me depressed for the moment. And this is coming from a person that has numerous upon numerous glamour professional model pics to present to a company such as emirates.

So, will they choose me because i look hot? maybe, i have years upon years of customer service experience, and can answer any question confidently, but its an extreme turn off for me to be chosen based on looks. thats why i feel comfortable applying for airlines that arent as strict and choose a whole range of people based on merit.

i wouldnt change myself in order to join an airline.,

thanks for wishing me luck. i would prefer virgin australia over tiger though, but i go in later today with the knowledge i have a job with tiger. so im all cool with that , am not stressing :)

advice to people is not to stress. keep applying for jobs even if you have got a job with an airline. always search for better. My tiger training has been put on hold. But im going to go for other interviews with other airlines. i might even go to emirates in june 11th, if anything just to see how they run it all. open yourself to other possibilities and just go and experience it all.

2nd Jun 2011, 08:20
Anyone else starting GS in sydney on the 14th of june?
So excited!!

2nd Jun 2011, 13:05
anyone made it through the melbourne interviews ? June 1st-3rd June? i made it through the interviews. just waiting for the results. Fingers crossed. i prefer to work for Virgin out of all the airlines i've applied for here in australia.

Charlie P
3rd Jun 2011, 03:43
I've gone to the Thursday interview and passed the first half.

How did your second half go?
Have they asked you at the end of the second half about the time frame in order for you to notice your current job?
They asked me so I said two weeks. But then I thought, if they want us to start to train at the end of this months, we have to be cleared all the medical and all that jazz, how it is possible if I need two week notice?

I hope it won't affect their decision making...

Best of luck to you too!:ok:

Charlie P
3rd Jun 2011, 12:00
Hi Everyone

Has anyone attended the AD on 1st-3rd Jun in Mel?
I went on Thursday block and I have been told that by not having RSA with me (or booking reference) is a disadvantage.
I've promised to get it in one week, and quickly I booked for it and got RSA today.

My question is,
1:is any of you in the similar situation (did not have certificate/proof of booking) ?
2: has anyone heard back from them in regards to further process i.e. Reference check or no thank you letter?
3: should I tell recruitment team/HR that I have RSA now?(does it help?)

This waiting period......Super nervous...
I've read the forum and so many of you got the dream job and so many of you still challenging to get it.
Very inspiring!

Fingers crossed to all of us-wannabes!!:)

3rd Jun 2011, 13:58
charlie P

employers usually need 2 weeks notice. i told them i can start ASAP even though i work at the moment. my boss is pretty cool. she knows im applying for this job. im really anxious and i do hope i have passed the interview (i went on wed). if so, i want to do the training by the end of the month...i have my fingers crossed.

i have all my certificates. But if you do them ASAP, perhaps send them an email telling them you have completed it. It wont hurt to tell them and im sure they read the messages. I sent them a message last Tuesday in regards to the Assessment day location in melbourne and they kindly responded to my message straight away really.

All the best to everyone..i think we will know by 2 weeks .i dont think medical takes that long to do

Charlie P
4th Jun 2011, 03:09
Hi elrehab

Thanks for your respond!!
I just sent an e-mail to the recruite team. I guess over the weekend, I should Not expect any respond till next week:O

I should have said ASAP in regards to the notice like you, elrehab.
I have accumulated annual leave that I can use so technically I'm allowed to use it before I leave:)
Your boss is a very understanding person! Lucky you!
My boss doesn't know yet. Its a big company so I'm sure me-leaving the company don't effect much impact (I can let my customer know, and should be fine. ). I hope she will understand the way your boss does too when I tell her.

So hard not to think about this whole process. I was trying to watch a movie at home last night but I ended up reading all the threads on this web sites. :O
Can't help it!!

Well, all I can do is to pray and crossing my fingers!!

Apart from elrehab and I, has anyone gone to the interview??
How did yours go?

4th Jun 2011, 05:40
Hey Guys, so i know the frist round for interviews were, Wednesdy 1st, Thursdy 2nd & Friday 3rd June. I still haven't heard anything myself as yet, no phone interview and or e-mail for a invite to a assessment day!
I applied around the 19th May before applications closed on the 22nd may., just wondering does anybody know if they will do more invite days coming up or just the one's that were last week in June.?


Charlie P
4th Jun 2011, 08:15
Hey elrehab

Thank you for your reply.
I emailed to recruite team regarding my RSA certificate.
It's better to notify than been rejected because they think I don't have a certificate!!!

How did your individual interview go?
Mine was very straight forward.
Previous threads said a lot Of People took twenty minuets but mine was overall ten mins or so???
Maybe I just felt fast, questions were 4of them and I answered completely.
Hope I didn't answer too short.

Did you hear anything back from them?
I don't think they will send or call any response before this weekend.
(HR is closed I suppose) sooooo exciting!!!

Has anyone gone to MEL AD 1-3rd June round???
How did you guys go??

Fingers crossed to all of us!!!!

Charlie P
4th Jun 2011, 08:28
Hi flyboy

I applied on the 15th and received my invitation to AD on the 26th via email.
I'm not sure how it works but as far as I have read from previous thread, if you are not applicable, you should be receiving a "thank you but no thank you" email.
So I guess, since you haven't received anything from them, I believe there should be some hope??
I'll cross my fingers for you too!!!!

5th Jun 2011, 12:11
[Text speak]

Read the first sticky thread at the top of the forum.

6th Jun 2011, 03:49
Has anyone that applied for the Perth base heard anything yet? I know its only been 2 weeks since applications closed but this waiting is driving me nuts :ugh:

6th Jun 2011, 10:59
It seems the people who applied for the Perth base right at the beginning of the recruiting phase were asked for interview quickly (interviewing around the 12th and 13th of May) and given positions before the closing date for applications had even passed. I know at least 3 people who did this. They're starting ground school on the 9th of June. I also know people who applied right before the closing date and haven't recieved anything, even those with experience in aviation already under their belts, myself included. Seems they got all the numbers they needed early on in the recruitment period and have filled the June 9 ground school already for Perth.
I have heard that they want to do another ground school in September so maybe in a few months we might be lucky enough to be contacted!

7th Jun 2011, 05:36
Hey guys, has anyone else heard anything for Virgin Australia - Melbourne Base applications.? For any other upcoming interviews in June?
Im still yet to here something via email and or telephone, havent been told if i am successful or unsucessful for this matter.

I know there where interviews Wednesday 1st June Thursday 2nd June and Friday 3rd June 2011. A few of my friends got an interview for those days.

I also here that Virgin Australia - for Melbourne Base will be continuing to assessment days for the rest of June.? Not sure, as my friend who is Cabin Crew Supervisor advised me of this. I have been blue stared, which should automatically get an invite and or phone call but still waiting.

Let me know if you guys know anything else, or have call backs / emails or in same boat


7th Jun 2011, 15:23
flyboy, im still waiting for my interview results.im getting sooo impatient. we were told theres a training session at the end of june. if i get through, i soo want to be in that group. im getting very anxious

8th Jun 2011, 07:18
virgin emailed me today and i didnt get it..oh welll...how did everyone else go? well now i've got to wait for tiger's next training date as i got through for that last month...i feel im gonna wait forever as they put on hold the july 4th training . the airline industry is annoying me greatly..

8th Jun 2011, 11:14
hey im in the same boat as you. I applied for Melbourne Base on the 19.05.2011 - a couple of days before the applications closed on the 22.05.2011!

I have also been blue stared by my friend who is a cabin crew supervisor melb base!

I dont have my first aid & or rsa but ppl do get selected, and you need to bring it on the first day of training if you are successful.

I have not heard anything via email or telephone. not even that thanks but no thanks lol!

So i guess it is a waiting game! However as you may be aware they had 3 recruitment days going. Wednesday 1st June, Thursday 2nd & Friday 3rd June 2011.

I hear that they will be running more throughout the end of June!

I'm over it lol.. if i get a call YaY - if not ahhhh well not meant to be i guess! thats my moddo!

as from my friend told me the questions are based around the

S T A (http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=l&ai=BCc_qFFjvTYuCD4yKkgWNsaH4CZun9aMCy9G4sirAjbcBgOowEAEYASCB kowQOABQnvSZF2ClwKOApAGgAd3AjeIDsgEOd3d3LnBwcnVuZS5vcme6AQk0 Njh4NjBfanPIAQHaAUJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnBwcnVuZS5vcmcvbmV3cmVwbHku cGhwP2RvPW5ld3JlcGx5JnA9NjUwMDU0MCZub3F1b3RlPTGoAwHoA7wB6APG CPUDAAAAQA&num=1&sig=AGiWqtzn3ZujQNOHe2WWY--dj_Q4CIXxlg&client=ca-ib_employment_sede_1&adurl=http://www.flyeasa.com) R format

why do you want to work for Virgin
Why do you want to be CC,
what dont you like about ur job
give us a sitution for a difficult customer, how did u handle it etc.

8th Jun 2011, 11:59
Hey angelfire

The STAR method is :-
S – Situation, background set the scene
T – Task or Target, specifics of what's required, when, where, who
A – Action, what you did, skills used, behaviours, characteristics
R – Result – Outcome, what happened

its what most companies use for interviewing process questions. you follow that form you will be sweet.

9th Jun 2011, 03:07
I applied on May 20 and got an email today inviting me to an assessment day. I'm so excited! I had lost all hope since it had been so long!

9th Jun 2011, 10:38
Congrats Tainlovestofly (http://www.pprune.org/members/328683-tainlovestofly)
Thanks for your reply, I guess all this waiting has paid of for you :D good luck with you interview as well! But I guess I will just play the wating game too now, I do hope I hear something soon though even a no thank you letter! ha ha

Charlie P
10th Jun 2011, 10:07
I've got a call yesterday and now I'm up to Medical Exam-The Final stage!!

I'm super nervous.
I've already handed in my resignation letter (GS starts on the 27th) so I better pass the healthy check up!!!

Fingers cross!!!:O

Charlie P
15th Jun 2011, 02:18
Has anyone attended the medical exam after the most recent recruitment day in Melbourne?
I have been advised to go and Ive gone.
On the phone with recruitement team regarding to the medical check, I've been told that the GS is starting on the 27th this month.
Has anyone got confirmed to go on that day??

I'm still nervous even though there is nothing to be nervous about since medical check is a medical check---nothing you can do about it:rolleyes:

Charlie P
17th Jun 2011, 05:11

Is anyone starting the Ground school in Melbourne on the 27th?
Ive got the GC yesterday and I have been told to start the ground school on the 27th.
Is anyone on the same boat as me??


6th Jul 2011, 01:29
I assume all new hires will be endorsed on the A330 - have all current Virgin Blue crew been trained on the Airbus?

Does anyone know how many crew they operate the A330 with?

12th Jul 2011, 01:18

No and no.

Only a handful of crew are trained to be A330 endorsed and no ground schools learn A330 at initial.

Most initials are B737 only. Perth initials are the only schools that have B737 and E190 (E170 almost gone) endorsed at the start.

The current complement of cabin crew is 10 on the A330.

12th Jul 2011, 13:45
Just wanted to clarify about Perth base,,, Would like to know on average how many nights are you away per month. I have a child and just wondering how it can work out and if you are away a lot during the month.
I understand training is very intense, do you know how many hrs per day it involves?

Any idea also about salary for Perth base?
Thanks for your help and input!


14th Jul 2011, 04:57
If you have a child then you will really need to consider.

You can bid for all day trips and see what the computer spits out into your roster but of course you could be on Cocos Islands for 4 days (company does provide mobile as normal mobiles don't work there but costs a bit and you only get $10 credit to use).

Under the agreement you can be away up to 15 nights in a month.

You also need to consider the high number of reserve shifts (both at the airport and at home) that you can get to ensure adequate coverage as the base isn't that large yet and if they call you out you can often only have 2 hours from time of call to the time you need to be at briefing.

I suppose it depends how mature your child is and how much support they require from you. The last person that joined us with a child resigned after approx 2 weeks of flying.

For training it is now 8 weeks I am told from the latest groups. Normal day hours and then you will go to Brisbane or Melbourne for around 10 days to do most of your practical training.

Salary is exactly the same as all other bases. I have linked the agreement previously in this thread. It is located at http://www.fwa.gov.au/documents/agreements/fwa/AE872622.pdf

Hope this helps!

19th Jul 2011, 08:40
People with young children find this job difficult. In fact, even people without commitments find the lack of lifestyle freedom onerous to a degree. Unless you have a partner who can take care of your child on short notice it won't be the job for you. As much as you can bid for certain things it's never guaranteed and you have zero control over what you will be required to do on a standby duty.

22nd Jul 2011, 09:16
thanks for your info... yes i agree its very demanding with kids..
Especially if you are away many nights at a time )-:

22nd Jul 2011, 23:12
What the others are saying about having children and flying is correct. If you get an interview for Virgin or already have one just go. You will find out the most up-to-date information from the company regarding Perth's flying schedule and what layovers are going to look like. Then make an informed decison regarding your family and the job.

As mentioned training is intense and you have alot of revision you need to do at night. If you want to fly why not try other airlines that either don't overnight or have a shorter initial training period.

23rd Jul 2011, 07:28
Hey.. do you know how long is training for?

23rd Jul 2011, 10:29
You need to go to the interview if you are successful to that stage and ask Virgin directly their plan for training, overnights etc. Perth is a new base. You will need to find out where they are holding training as well.

The reason you need to go to the interview is if invited, it is the only opportunity you are going to have to speak to Virgin directly. Asking questions and listening to Virgin's presentation on the role is an important part of the day. The assesment day is not only about them assessing you but you also assessing your commitment to the job and deciding if it is for you. They would be happy if you walked saying thanks but no thanks at the interview if it's not for you, then leave half way through training.

23rd Jul 2011, 10:48
Hey guys

Just got an email from the Virgin recruitment team and have booked myself an interview on 27th July. Anyone from Brisbane doing this interview too? I just want to know what their interview process is like.. your insight and knowledge would be much appreciated.

Thanks :D

23rd Jul 2011, 11:34
am also booked in for the 27th am session ;)

23rd Jul 2011, 23:07
Working for small regionals can often work out better for people with kids. The jobs not as high profile but the smaller network can afford you more certainty and balance in your job. To be honest, working small aircraft can be a real joy too. Being a mainline flight attendant is actually quite a demanding job as the airline requires a lot of flexibility from you, the workloads are higher and you'll be required to work anywhere on their network, which spans the entire country.

24th Jul 2011, 02:51
thanks for your advise...i think in an airline it depends on how many nights away you are at a time and how often. i know for example there is a lot of mothers flying in qantas, i am not sure about there flying patterns but when i use to fly as passenger a lot of crew had kids. maybe at VB you are away more nights at a time.

24th Jul 2011, 04:17
It is a demanding job, however many Virgin crew are parents and successful crew.

It all depends on your personal situation and your work ethic. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.

You can certainly bid for work patterns that suit you and while you are not guarenteed anything, you eventually work out how the bidding works best for you.

Go for it. :)

24th Jul 2011, 08:28
You also need to aware that you can only bid for the pairings available from your base. Perth is very different to east coast bases in terms of pairings, especially with regard to the multiple-day trips.

24th Jul 2011, 09:10
how is it different? appreciate your informations!!

25th Jul 2011, 01:04
Hi all, you got an interview for Brisbane base for the 27th? Are they recruiting now? The website says 'accepting inetrest'...just wondered. Also, does anyone know when they will be recruiting for ground crew again? In Mel/Syd or Bne? It says 'accepting interest' but I wondered if they were actively recruiting at the moment?

25th Jul 2011, 06:59
hi, can anyone tell me when virgin will be recruiting in sydney?

25th Jul 2011, 08:24
When they put an ad up in their careers section on the website, you definately know they are recruiting then.....:ok:

25th Jul 2011, 09:38
True airborneSoon.....however.....what is the difference between 'accepting interest' and 'recruiting now'...does accepting interest mean SOON to be recruiting...OR.....does it mean they are actively organising the recruitment assessment days etc and contacting people?

25th Jul 2011, 10:30
Hope this help explain what Expression of Interest means:)

Re: Expression of Interest: Domestic Cabin Crew - Sydney

We have received your expression of interest and placed your details on file within our recruitment database. To ensure your expression of interest remains current it would be appreciated if you could please update your application at least every month.

Our site consists of personal detail pages, as well as areas to input key elements of your CV. If you would like to apply for an open vacancy, you may also need to complete a job specific application form.

25th Jul 2011, 11:10
Accepting interest means not recurring right now but sure stick your cv on file if you want. Recruiting now means we are calling people for recruitment days. not so hard....

25th Jul 2011, 21:51
Thanks for the replies. That was what I assumed, I guess it just didn't make sense to me that someone has been invited to an interview when the website currently says ''accepting interest'' only.

27th Jul 2011, 09:31
Hey Joannejo, they are currently doing assessments today (27th) and tomorrow 28th in BNE, 2 sessions today and tomorrow, totally different from recruitment days in the past, I didnt make it through but good luck to those who did ;)

3rd Aug 2011, 09:20
I applied for the Perth basings that were being recruited for at the end of June and have heard nothing either way. How long do they usually take to get in contact and that said, do they also let you know if you're unsuccessful in even getting to recruitment day phase?

Thanks :)

5th Aug 2011, 01:25
Hi Guys,

I applied last week for Sydney Base as website stated Accepting Interest and I received an email 3 days ago from Virgin Australia Recruitment to complete a further online Assessment online. Which was a timed 17min read and answer module. I dont know about the results but I will be getting future correspondence from Virgin Australia.in the next day or 2.

The Virgin Australia Rep who called me advised they will be doing Sydney Assessment this month but just need to complete the assessment and wait on a call/email from him.
Lets wait and see.

5th Aug 2011, 17:02
I too did the 17 minute test thingy the other day and today recieved an email inviting me to the recruitment day on Thursday the 11th of August for the Sydney base. I have booked in a time to go but am cautious to book a flight over there from Perth for it, as I was unsuccessful after having an interview for the Perth base in June, and thought that this meant I couldn't apply for any Virgin position for another 12 months. Since I still recieved an invitation to the Sydney RD does this mean it is only PERTH that I cannot apply for again until a year has passed? I don't want to buy an airfare to Sydney and back if I am going for a RD I am not eligible for. But surely the recruitment office wouldn't have sent me an invitation for Sydney if I wasn't eligible?

Does anyone know the deal? Can you help?

Also, does anyone have any info on the Sydney base? What's it like? How big is it? Where do you typically fly to if you're based in Sydney? Are there many overnights? What aircrafts are you endorsed on?

6th Aug 2011, 01:01
It's 12 months for any position, any location.

Sorry to say there is not much of a reason to head to Sydney and go to the recruitment day.

6th Aug 2011, 02:45
Well that's what I thought! I wonder why they invited me to the Sydney recruitment day then? A glitch in the system and someone didnt realise I had only recently been unsuccessful in Perth? Is there someone I could call to confirm for sure? I don't even know where to start looking for a number...

6th Aug 2011, 04:45
Because they outsource for the site on which you apply, I get the feeling that they don't cross check things like how long since you've applied before sending an invite. But I've definitely been told 12 months for all positions

6th Aug 2011, 06:49
Hi Guys,

I have been invited to the assessment day on Thursday, I have something on in the morning and am trying desperately to move so I can be free in time to attend. Does anyone have an idea or general educated estimate as to when the GS would be? I just have one project at my current job that I would like to see all the way through from my original idea to being implemented. Is everyone booked for the 1230 to 430 session?


6th Aug 2011, 06:58
Simply not true, recruitment is going on now and they are starting new ground schools consistently. There is not a 12 month wait despite what some say, I am at the training centre this week and can confirm there is recruitment and ground schools ongoing.

6th Aug 2011, 07:13
We're not talking about GS dates. If you do not pass a Virgin assessment day, you're required to wait 12 months before interviewing again for another CC position

6th Aug 2011, 22:14
Hi all,
Congrats on getting invitations for the Recruitment days :) I assume this is all for Cabin Crew? Does anyone know when they will be recruiting for Ground Crew again? Heard any rumors? Anyone got any information?
Thank you.

6th Aug 2011, 22:54
[Text speak]

Read the first sticky thread at the top of the forum.

7th Aug 2011, 12:23
Sorry, forgive my ignorance but what is a sticky thread.

7th Aug 2011, 23:49
The rules for this forum....

"Text speak" (aka SMS language, Textese, txtese, chatspeak, txt, textspeak, txtspk, txtk, texting language, or txt tlk) is the substitution of characters for words - e.g. u for you, r for are etc. etc. and the abbreviation of words e.g. pls for please, thnx for thanks etc. etc.


9th Aug 2011, 01:50
Looking for anyone else that attended one of VA's July recruitment days in Sydney.

I have been advised that I progressed from the assessment day to reference checks which would take place "immediately or within the next few weeks" - just over 3 weeks later and none of my referees have been called.

Is anyone else in the same position? Has anyone progressed further? And (getting a bit ahead of myself) any rumoured dates for ground schools?

Just to clarify, VA = VAustralia, the international (LA, Abu Dhabi) carrier.

9th Aug 2011, 03:44
Hi There flyawaywithva,

I attended a Recruitment Day in July as well. I have received the same email, but 3 weeks later have heard nothing, and none of my references have been contacted either!

Is there anyone else out there who attended a V Australia Recruitment Day in July 2011 and progressed through to the reference day? If so, have you heard anything since the last email 3 weeks ago?

9th Aug 2011, 12:41

I also attended an assessment day in July and also received the same email regarding references.... they havent been contacted and i havent heard anymore! But they did advertise for the job again shortly after our assessment day.. maybe they are recruiting more?! Hopefully hear from them soon... nice to hear there are others going through the same!!

10th Aug 2011, 21:02
Next VA ground school is scheduled for Sep 5th and is a small class of only around 12 for this intake. More recruitment days will be held in August.

10th Aug 2011, 23:59
gday cloudtraveller,

have the people on the 5th September Ground school already been notified? Were they taken from a hold file or will they be from the July?August recruitment days?

11th Aug 2011, 01:18
Hi Cloudtraveller,

The 5th September is for VA, not DJ??

I would guess that attendees have been notified already :confused:

You say more recruitment days will be held in August, do you know what that means for us July guys and gals? If the Sept training group is small couldn't they have added a few more of us (if they really liked us!)? I don't know how it all works but it seems strange that they have been recruiting if they already had a bunch of people on hold and have no more gs planned. A month seems like an awfully long time to be waiting for them to call and do reference checks.

Not really sure how it all works behind the scenes, I am just super, super keen & hoping for good news soon!!

PS. Moderator - I think we need to split VA & DJ, especially as DJ are now know as "Virgin Australia", is this possible?

11th Aug 2011, 01:24
Hi cloudtraveller,

Is the September ground school for Domestic or International? Is it for V Australia or Virgin Blue?

Are you attending this Ground School? If so, how long from your recruitment day until you heard that you were going to the Ground School?

Thanks so much for the info!

11th Aug 2011, 01:43
Hi Cloudtraveller,

Yes, please clarify whether the 5th September g/s is for VA or DJ.

I would guess that attendees have been notified already http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/confused.gif

You say more recruitment days will be held in August, do you know what that means for us July guys and gals? If the Sept training group is small couldn't they have added a few more of us (if they really liked us!)? It seems strange that they have been recruiting if they already had a bunch of people on hold and have no more gs planned. And a month seems like an awfully long time to be waiting for them to call and do reference checks.

Not really sure how it all works behind the scenes, I am just super, super keen & hoping for good news soon!!

PS. Moderator - I think we need to split VA & DJ, especially as DJ are now know as "Virgin Australia", is this possible?

11th Aug 2011, 17:45

So I applied for a Guest Service Agent position, does having a planned holiday in the coming months would lessen my chances of being hired? It's only a two week holiday.

I'll be attending my interview next week, can anyone who has been through the interview process spill some details on what kind of questions would be asked?

thanks! :ok:

Virgin Australian
12th Aug 2011, 11:01
Hi everyone

I'm a long-time reader, first-time member of PPRune. I'm interested to watch the developments of VA (International) Cabin Crew recruitments as i'm keen to one day pursue my dream of being International Cabin Crew for VA.

I applied in June 2011 (where applications were extended to July) and really believed that I had a good chance. I'm still yet to hear any feedback on my progress and am being hopeful that 'no news is good news' ...

I had all minimum requirements fulfilled with previous and current Airline experience - the only thing I did not posses was Arabic Language skills. I understand that this recent recruitment was seeking Arabic speaking applicants, so i'm hoping that perhaps they are prioritizing an Arabic speaking applicants and that I'll be considered in a future recruitment.

Is anyone else in a similar situation? Or has everyone here that has been successful in progressing to interview stages etc also NOT had any Arabic Language skills?

13th Aug 2011, 13:47
Hey Virgin Australian,

I'm in the same boat as you, but I don't have any previous cabin crew experience. I applied for the V Australia International Cabin Crew (Arabic Language Skills) position in July and haven't heard back as yet. I think you're right in saying they're most likely prioritising for Arabic speakers first.

I'm going to submit an application for DJ as well - would be ridiculously happy making it to either domestic or international!

All the best with your application. :)

13th Aug 2011, 14:28
To all aspiring applicants, I'd like to point out that the plural of aircraft is....aircraft. There is no such word as 'aircrafts'. :ugh: Aircraft's is a word and refers to something belonging to an aircraft such as....the aircraft's wings.

14th Aug 2011, 09:19
There were several non Arabic speakers at the July assessment day, and I know that at least 2 of them have progressed to reference checks.

Good luck

LEE 86
16th Aug 2011, 04:04
Hey Everyone!

I had my RD last Thursday morning and made it through the whole day. We started with 15 people and after the first cut we were left with 7. Such an amazing group of people, we had so much fun.

We were told that we would be contacted within the next 2 weeks with the progress of our application!


Has anyone else been to RD in SYD recently? Would love to hear from you.

Good luck to everyone! I wish you all the best.

LEE :ok:

P.S. They are recruiting for a talent pool, just incase you were wondering.

16th Aug 2011, 06:14

LEE 86
16th Aug 2011, 06:55
The 11th August SYD RD was for DJ (domestic)


16th Aug 2011, 07:43
I just got the email for Virgin Australia (DJ Mel base to avoid confusion) about the online assessment & am wondering if anyone can tell me whether this means assessment days are upcoming, or if this is standard procedure & doesn't signify anything with regards to the stage of your application?
Thanks :)

LEE 86
16th Aug 2011, 09:30
Yes, assessment days are on the horizon. The day after my assessment was due, I received my invitation to the recruitment day. (I received the invite for the test on the 2nd Aug, test due on the 4th and I received my Recruitment Day invite on the 5th.) Very quick!

A few people at my RD didn't do the online assessment, because it was hard to find a computer with the correct programs to run the assessment. They were still invited to the Recruitment Day, they were just asked to do the test at the end of the day if they made it to the final interview.

Hope this helps,
Best of luck


18th Aug 2011, 15:57
i had an interview with virgin this year, made it to the last stage, but didn't get through. is the online assessment thing new as i never had to do that.

@dy1ng_to_fly, did you make it through with Tiger airways. if so, i might see you on ground school training.

LEE 86
19th Aug 2011, 00:40
How long did it take them to give you a "No" after your final interview?

It has been just over a week for me and I'm going crazy! I hate waiting, but I'm staying positive.
Still very excited!

Sorry you didn't get through! Don't give up.


19th Aug 2011, 03:44
My first interview with DJ, it was one day short of a fortnight before the "no"

Just got the email from Virgin - invited to the recruitment day next Wednesday the 24th in Melbourne, yay!!

19th Aug 2011, 11:42
Lee , it took about a week , then they sent me the unsuccessful email. but its okay, i'll be training with Tiger Airways soon. good luck to you !

i think virgin seem to be very picky, there would've been about fourty or so for the recruitment day and only about ten of us made it through to the final interview. We all kinda looked the same..like they were going for a certain look... Im assuming they choose a few out of every recruitment day , hence the reason why they seem to have quite a few recruitment days...

I Just Want To Fly
19th Aug 2011, 12:47
I can assure everyone that it has nothing to do with you looking like a certain type. There are simple levels of behavioral competencies which you must meet in order to progress.

For example they are looking at:
Team Work
Interpersonal Skills
Personal Drive
Problem Solving
Personal Grooming/Appearance

That is all.
If you achieve the required level for each of these, you will get through.

One of the most important ones is Interpersonal Skills. If you are able to build a good rapport with the recruiters then you have made it 50% of the way. If they don't like you it means that you have not been able to build that rapport.

It's pretty much the same at any airline! Good luck to everyone!

19th Aug 2011, 13:10
While I certainly think there are many more important things considered, I think anyone who claims that Virgin (or most airlines really) don't factor in looks is kidding themselves. Virgin is a brand and they convey a fairly specific image

Virgin Australian
20th Aug 2011, 02:51

Whilst in the early days of 'Virgin Blue' they were quite infamous for hiring a certain look (young, gorgeous, blonde etc), times have changed. After successful lawsuits against Virgin (Blue) Australia they have since become a lot more diverse when recruiting. If you have flown with Virgin Australia lately, you'll find a very diverse crew of all ages, sizes, ethnicity and so on.

Basically, if you have the passion, right attitude, confidence and meet the expected requirements of the job, you need not worry about how you look! :}

20th Aug 2011, 03:33
Going from my assessment day I'd say that looks are only important as far as your presentation is concerned.

20th Aug 2011, 04:20
I think you will find that looks, and age for that matter, have once again become a focus for Virgin. Why else would they now be taking photos of people on Assessment Days, they never used to do that??

21st Aug 2011, 06:57
I think you'll find if looks were important they would ask for a photo when you apply (as Qantas do!). Having recently been through a ground school I can guarantee there was a very wide age range, and some of us weren't exactly model material :} As previous posters have said work on your interpersonal skills and how you carry yourself on the day and you'll do well :)

21st Aug 2011, 08:43
well im sure there must be something in regards to the people they choose. quite a few of the ones that made it to the final interview with me for Virgin were teachers like me. in saying that, the people who interviewed us were pregnant so i made it known my love for children..so who knows, im sure they have an agenda on the day...

21st Aug 2011, 13:31
Hello All !

I applied for Virgin based in Perth about 4 weeks ago, got a email. Last Tuesday asking to do online assessment however, my computer wouldn't work :oh: but, received another email last friday which invited me to an assessment day which is in 2days! I'm so nervous but excited :) I have worked for a regional airline beore. I love flying I hope I do ok !
Can anyone tell me how many reserve days you get a month roughly ? And how long is the max time you are away from home ?

Thanks all good luck to all of you :)

22nd Aug 2011, 00:14
Very glad to read your posts "flyAwayWithVA"

I also received the "we will contact your referees as early as today or at some stage in the next few weeks" - and similarly, my referees have not been contacted, nor have I heard anything else from Virgin.

Presumably Arabic speakers would be on the said Sept course. Were you able to verify that a course is taking place and those attending have already been contacted?

I'm taking a stab in the dark, but I think you and I may have been chatting for much of the morning on the day???

22nd Aug 2011, 00:25
Ive got a sister who's Sydney based. Some months she has no reserve days others she has 4. Longest trip she's been away on would be 4 nights, with an average of around 12 overnights a month. Hope this gives you a rough idea

22nd Aug 2011, 01:32

You take the total to at least 4 of us waiting on the reference checks, it's nice to know we're not alone.

Didn't ever get clarification about the 5th Sept g/s - it might have been DJ for all I know. I kinda hope so...

22nd Aug 2011, 02:10
Thanks for confirming flyawaywithva :)

Knowing there are others in the same boat makes it feel real again. It is a shame that we are all in the dark. I will be sure to keep a watchful eye on this blog now.

22nd Aug 2011, 06:00
Thanks so much for my reply! Also, does anyone know if. Groundschool is still based on east coast ? As I heard bout year & a half ago that if your Perth based you go over east for training ... thank-you :)

LEE 86
22nd Aug 2011, 07:50
Hi all,

This thursday will be 2 weeks since my recruitment day, and I still have not heard anything. Going a little crazy!

As far as I'm aware, I am the only one on this site that attended that interview! Am I wrong? Please let me know if you were there and if you have heard anything. If you don't want to post it send me an email, would love to hear from you.

Good Luck to everyone going through the process with Virgin, I wish you all the best!


22nd Aug 2011, 14:45
Beckwa, most of the ground school for Perth base is done in Perth. You will go to Melbourne for about 10 days to practice evacuations (and actually see the inside of an aircraft!) a couple of weeks into your training. Good luck! :-)

23rd Aug 2011, 14:31
Shortfall737- thanks so much for reply ! Had assessment day and interview 2day so now the dreaded waiting game I'm crossing fingers ! :)

24th Aug 2011, 00:59
Is there anyone out there that can give us an idea of how long it took VA do do their reference checks after you got the email saying you'd reached that stage? A group of us have been waiting over 5 weeks (the email said they check immediately or within the next few weeks). I think we've all sent follow-up emails but have had no reply or communication at all since that last email 5 weeks ago!

24th Aug 2011, 12:30
im crying a river over this applications business, i know its technically the hardest part. I feel i am getting no where and i dont know what more i can do and ive just found online on a website for Cabin Crew that 'if you have not finished high school you should not bother applying because they wont accept you' Ive got my year 11 equivalent, cert III in hospitality, 4 years experience in hospitality and OH&S training and am about to do a Flight Attendant pre-training course.....do thing this will be ok....or should i give up?
Honest opinions are welcome, thanks!!!!!

24th Aug 2011, 12:38
Honest opinion is do not give a cent to a cabin crew prep academy. It's absolutely unnecessary, and entirely useless. Most people who get jobs as cc have never done one of those courses. As for the high school thing, check the individual recruitment sites of the airlines themselves. Unless they state it's essential, you will be fine. :ok: just checked the virgin requirements and it seems youre fine.

You will however need to demonstrate....

Maturity, especially important given your age but I know they have hired that age group before so it's not a deal breaker.
Face to face customer service skills.
Ability to turn up when required and on short notice, yes they do call at 3am to tell you, you've got a shift.
Reliability, no sickies because you drank too much the night before or were partying etc....
Preparedness, make sure you have all required documentation before you apply.

They are hiring you to deal with people, not write an essay, so focus on how well you can do that. :ok: competition is stiff though. There are many FAs returning from the Mideast with great exp in inflight service and supervision. doesn't mean you won't get a look-in as airlines do want fresh faces as well. Keeps motivation online high o ave people excited about the job.

24th Aug 2011, 13:05
Most of the domestic Airlines for Aus dont state it is essential to have finished highschool - which is a relief.

I know seeing my age, 19 Im still partying and loving life...you have the wrong idea, as much as i love my social life - (dont't really have one when you work in hospitality and work 50 hrs a week) id put work first any day. I am sadly one of those people always keen to work and love doing it and don't it right, very few times have i let down employers so im in the right boat, how ever working on my maturity and learning about air crafts, the phonetic alphabet is stuck up on my wall, people this is no joke!

thanks for the advice, and i don't drink either so i guess im on the right track!

Passport is being process, first aid is yet to be booked as i want it to last through a recruitment process as i don't have $200 to splash around every time i apply for a job :p

why am i finding this so hard then??

24th Aug 2011, 13:52
Because someone on a website has scared you into thinking all FAs are brain surgeons.....:} don't over think it, just do it. I believe you only have to have a receipt for the booking of your certs to attend a recruitment day, as long as they are completed before ground school. :ok:

At the end of the day, if you are the right person in the moment, you'll get the job. Many eminently qualified people have been cut on recruitment days only to be first choice at another airline. Its just the way it goes and no-one can tell you if you'll be hired or not. Only one way to find out....:ooh:

PS - the recruitment process is a walk in the park compared to ground school, which is a 5 week job interview. Never forget that, some people do much to their own detriment. :ouch: You haven't got the job until you've passed probation. :=:

24th Aug 2011, 14:16
Shaye15 congratulations on getting through ! I think i am so nervous because they said we get put into a talent pool ( if successful ) until a groundschool comes up and even then you might not b guaranteed a job ! I wonder how many people maximum are in a ground school ? & how many is there per year ?
Wish you the best of luck

And all of you that are trying to get in ! :)

LEE 86
25th Aug 2011, 00:13

Today is 2 weeks for me since my Recruitment Day for SYD Domestic.
We were told the same thing also about getting placed into the Talent Pool if successful.
I still haven't heard anything regarding making it through to ref checks. How long did Virgin take to let you know your refs will be checked Shaye15? And have they been checked since you revived that email?
Im staying positive and no news is good news!

Good luck to both of you for Perth Base!


25th Aug 2011, 01:18
Shaye15, that would of been really upsetting with qantas when you found that out ! Apparently they only do casual now. It's like if you get that email saying your in the talent pool you probably cant help but get excited and tell all your friends and family then if they decide for you not to be in there awkward ! Lol I guess you could always apply again 6 months later ! One of the girls at my assessment day her friend got into talent pool in June and still hasn't heard anything !

Lee86.. I hope you hear back soon ! Did they tell you within 2 weeks ? that's what they told us.


LEE 86
25th Aug 2011, 01:30

Yeah I was told within 2 weeks, but I don't mind waiting longer if it's a yes. hehe. Shaye15 had to wait almost 3 weeks and got a yes, so im hoping!


25th Aug 2011, 13:15
Does anyone know if you have to provide professional references in the 'My Details' section of your online account/application, or can you provide them only if requested following a successful interview?

Thanks in advance for any help. :)

LEE 86
27th Aug 2011, 02:55
Hey all!

Yesterday afternoon I received my email regarding my refs! YAY I'm through to the next round!

They will be contacting my refs in the next couple of weeks!

Its your turn next Beckwa!


28th Aug 2011, 01:38
Text speak

Read Forum FAQ

28th Aug 2011, 05:54
You guys are getting scared for no good reason...

it depends on when you attended high school. What they are talking about is not whether you did ALL the years of high school, but whether you completed the mandatory years or not. E.g when I was in high school, it was only mandatory to complete year 10, Yr11&12 were optional. Then it became Year 11.

So as long as you have the high school certificate, you should be fine.

If you DIDN'T finish, being able to prove 'equivalent study' or applicable experience should also be okay. Lots of people might not do Year 11/12 but then go on to Tafe or another college to do a course which mostly counts when it comes to this kind of thing (depending on what you studied, of course)

Don't stress about it!

28th Aug 2011, 13:25
Did anyone attend the recruitment day in brisbane on the 27-28-29th july?
and is at the stage where they said they are checking your references, if so send me a message i need to talk! haha

29th Aug 2011, 04:06
Thanks for the advice, I was really so sure that I was in the clear for so long and done all my applications then read that schooling info on a website which stumped me as to weather or not it was true. Not a problem though because it would not stop me anyway, I am much too determined to stop my dreams because of one thing i read online!
Thanks guys :):)

29th Aug 2011, 09:00
[Text speak]

Read the first sticky thread at the top of the forum.

LEE 86
31st Aug 2011, 05:13
Hey all!

So what's happening in the world of Virgin Australia wannabes?

Anyone got any news? I'm waiting for my references to be checked! I received the successful email last Friday! I'm so excited! Also my application on the VIrgin careers website has changed, they added a waitlist application on Monday. So I hope that's a good sign saying I'm still moving forward. Its nice to be able to actually see something happening in my account! Has this happened to anyone else? Its says (waitlist - Cabin Crew - 2011) and then the recruiter's name next to it. Its nice to know iv got a name to my application. This is for Sydney domestic.

Anyone else got some news? Would love to hear from you!


31st Aug 2011, 20:31
Hi All,

I know the difference between 'accepting interest' and 'recruiting now' on the website, but I was wondering if anyone within Virgin knows anything about Melbourne recruitment in the near future? Really keen on Virgin and just hoping there is some recruitment on the horizon :)

4th Sep 2011, 08:53
DJ had at least one recruitment day in Mel 2 weeks ago, so they are definitely looking for people :)

4th Sep 2011, 11:35
Hi there,
I'm currently on the virgin wait list (was at the virgin recruitment day in June) was asked to go through for June 27th ground school but had a holiday booked overseas and was told to wait for next intake. I had a few questions and wasn't sure if anybody could help at all...
Does anyone know when the next ground school in melb is?
Also how do the overnights work? Can you choose how many you can do in a week through the bidding system?
If anyone can help that would be great
Thanks guys,

5th Sep 2011, 00:44
Dates for ground schools keep changing, hopefully should be soon though.

You can bid for layovers and trip lengths when requesting your roster. But as always nothing can be guaranteed. One month you may get no overnights and the next month you will have 12!

5th Sep 2011, 07:00
Hey, I was wondering how long you waited for the first offer for ground school?

5th Sep 2011, 14:34
next ground school for brisbane is the 24th october, confirmed.

LEE 86
6th Sep 2011, 01:05
Does anyone know when the next ground school for Sydney will be?


6th Sep 2011, 03:00
Hey, where did you get that information from? :)

7th Sep 2011, 07:36

Read the first sticky thread at the top of this forum.

LEE 86
7th Sep 2011, 10:19
Can anyone tell me how long they had to wait from receiving your successful through to reference checks email, to them actually being called?

This Friday will be 2 weeks. I know it can take some time. I am just wondering.

LEE :)

7th Sep 2011, 11:10
LEE 86

I waited 6 weeks, they only just called me yesterday to say they will check my references this week. So enjoy more waiting :)

LEE 86
8th Sep 2011, 00:19
Thanks BrisbaneVA,

I kinda thought their might be a long waiting time considering they told us they were recruiting for a talent pool, so no need to hurry. But I didn't think it would be that long! :ooh:

Good Luck with your reference checks! Did they tell you on the phone about the dates for Brisbane's next ground school?

LEE :ok:

8th Sep 2011, 01:40
yeh they sure did, october 24th they start....

LEE 86
8th Sep 2011, 02:30
On your recruitment day, did they say anything about recruiting for a talent pool?

8th Sep 2011, 02:41
so basically virgin never goes into a recruitment with a set number of people they going to hire. So they do the talent pool. They pick the amount they need and then put the rest on hold, they can only put you on hold though for 8 months. so its basically lucky pick.

8th Sep 2011, 03:19
hello! can anyone give me any advice in regards to what it means to be on a waitlist? Have been told my references are going to be called but that was over a month ago... How long can it be for status of 'waitlist' anyone free to put my mind at ease!!!! :ugh: also anyone else in the same boat from Perth?

LEE 86
8th Sep 2011, 03:57
Hey Tina,

Who are you asking? My Recruitment Day was in Sydney on the 11th August.

No refs checked yet! But hopefully soon! They did say within a few weeks.

LEE :ok:

8th Sep 2011, 09:20
im in the same boat... was told my reference checks were going to called and that was august 12 th... its almost a month ago and no calls???? im from perth too!

8th Sep 2011, 09:23
haha oops, have no idea how to use this forum thingy! but yes i was talking to you! im from Perth base though.. vrd day was back in July.. the waiting game! tooo long :\

8th Sep 2011, 09:35
Hi everyone,

Congrats on those who have been successful and good luck to those who are waiting.

Can I just ask - are these training dates, etc, for international or domestic VA?

Was invited to the international cabin crew recruitment day in August but was unable to make it, so Im just (trying to be patient) wondering when the next recruitment day might be, if at all in 2011!

8th Sep 2011, 13:20
To those that are waiting for reference checks, and to aussie2011 - I am from the early July SYD international AD. It's now been over 7 weeks since they said they'd do reference checks within a few weeks and nothing has happened. Just have to be really patient I guess. Good luck!

LEE 86
13th Sep 2011, 01:19
Has anyone got news?

13th Sep 2011, 07:32
I had my RD in Perth 3 weeks ago, made it through to the end and was told we'd hear about reference checks in two weeks - nothing as yet!

13th Sep 2011, 11:45
Still haven't done reference checks. It's been over 2 months :(

I have noticed though that in the "my applications" section there is now a waitlist application in there. I know a few others have asked - does anyone know if this is good or bad?? When I click for more info it sounds like I am on a waitlist for an interview, but I have already been through all that. Now I am in a panic!

LEE 86
14th Sep 2011, 23:27

I received the same Waitlist Application the day after I received my "Successful through to reference checks" email. I spoke to a few of my mates that are currently working for Virgin, and they received the same thing. They all got the job, so it cant be a bad thing!

Has anyone on here received a "UNSUCCESSFUL" after they had their references checked?

They wont ask us for another interview, they might ask for more information regarding our references.

I think they just have a generic waitlist email. I would rather be placed on a waitlist then be told NO. Keep positive.

I'm 3 weeks today and counting!

OK, so I just checked the Virgin Careers website! They are now Recruiting for Brisbane Base Domestic, and recently "BrisbaneVA" has been very busy. BrisbaneVA had to wait 6 weeks, then received a phone call saying they would contact their References with in a week and they have a GS planned for late OCT. One week later they received an email regarding Medical!

I have a feeling our References wont hear from Virgin until they have GS planned for our bases! Once our refs are checked it is going to be a very quick process.

So not until they are planning to recruit for our base will we hear anything. But Brisbane is now recruiting, and I'm sure it wont be long until the others are too.


15th Sep 2011, 06:49
Got my golden call today!
9 weeks of waiting and running around after medicals and referees pays off!
Hang in there everyone! and good luck!

LEE 86
15th Sep 2011, 07:35
Congratulations BrisbaneVA! Its so good to hear something positive on this site!

Did you have a waitlist application put into your account by virgin after your interview?

15th Sep 2011, 09:58
yup sure did, then that turned into a 'on hold' because i got the golden call.

16th Sep 2011, 00:47
Can someone please explain what the eye test for the medical involves - how perfect does your vision need to be (and if you wear glasses or the optometrist says you need to wear glasses), do you fail? I have just been prescribed glasses for computer work, as the bright computer I use for my day job (8 hours a day) has been making things blurry by the end of the day. In the mornings and on weekends my vision is fine so I feel it's just the computer making things blurry, so I wouldn't need to wear glasses while flying (or at all if I changed jobs - I feel my vision is otherwise completely fine). Do you think this will be a problem?

16th Sep 2011, 10:36
No it will not be a problem. They just want to determine that you have sufficient vision for the job. Wearing glasses is allowed, being legally blind may be an issue.

21st Sep 2011, 12:21
Hey Everyone,
I'm new to this site...but was just wondering if anyone knew whether or not Virgin was doing a recruitment/open day anytime soon in Sydney? Thanks :)

LEE 86
22nd Sep 2011, 01:25
Hi DKS278,

Virgin had a recruitment day 6 weeks ago in Sydney, I'm not to sure when or if they will recruit again this year. Keep an eye on their website.

Regarding Open Days, No airline in Australia does open days. We have invitation only recruitment days.

To everyone else! Any news? Today is 4 weeks for me, and still not one of my refs have been checked. Fingers crossed soon!

Good Luck All


23rd Sep 2011, 08:59
Hi does anyone know when recruitment will start to contact people for the brisbane rd being held next wed? I submitted an application just before the cut off just hope it wasn't too late and that there was too many applicants. Is it usual for DJ to contact you a couple of days before the first group interview?

23rd Sep 2011, 10:28
Im new here pls be nice

Can someone pls give me a run down of base salary, allowances, uniform, holidays, sick leave for VAA new hires

how many hrs (block) typically per month and RDO


1st Oct 2011, 06:46
Hi all

Does anyone know, if you are UNSUCESSFUL in your initial application, do they send you an email to advise of this? Or, do they just 'close the application' as such with no correspondence?


3rd Oct 2011, 20:42
They send letter 'bla bla bla' the normal stuff

Note - (most) new hires will be heading towards the B777 as CFO which frees them up for conversion onto B737/Ejet or even the A330

Pay has increased 28% (about time) and now just below Ejet FO pay, way better conditions too. :D

Good luck

RF. :ok:

4th Oct 2011, 03:00
Hi, does anyone know when recruitment will start to contact people for the brisbane base applicants? I submitted an application and it now shows 'on hold' does anyone know exactly what this means...is recruitment on hold in general?

LEE 86
4th Oct 2011, 05:06
Next Ground School for Sydney confirmed 7th Nov! Last one for this year, next GS is planned for early 2012.


4th Oct 2011, 22:17
Hey Lee, that's great news! Ground school is fun. Congrats.
You don't happen to know if that is the last ground school for cabin crew as well as ground crew do you??

10th Oct 2011, 05:04
Hi Lee,

Is that Ground School in Sydney for November Domestic or International? and is it Arabic Speakers, or just anyone?

LEE 86
10th Oct 2011, 06:26
The Ground School in November is for Sydney Domestic.

@ Joannejo - Not sure about Ground Staff, sorry

LEE 86:ok:

13th Oct 2011, 01:36
Hi there, Have you heard anything about when the next ground school will start in Perth?

13th Oct 2011, 04:46
Just a heads up guys - Virgin Australia have now changed the Perth domestic cabin crew status from 'accepting interest' to 'recruiting now.' Applications close 19 October. Good luck!

18th Oct 2011, 00:10
Hi Astrogirl, you mentioned you were at the July assessment day. Was this the same one I was at for V Australia international at start of July? If so, have your references been called yet?

18th Oct 2011, 04:16
Hello SYD VA wannabes.

I've heard that reference checks are being made this week - but has anyone had the medical call?? Any rumours on ground school dates?


18th Oct 2011, 05:56
Just rechecked the Virgin site and there will be two recruitment days next month in Sydney!

LEE 86
18th Oct 2011, 06:31
How do you know about the Sydney recruitment days next month?

My refs were checked last week for Sydney Domestic. Im on standby for the 7th Nov Ground School, otherwise I will go into a Ground School early 2012.



18th Oct 2011, 23:15
Although it says 'accepting interest' for Sydney, if you click into the page it says:
'If your application is successful you will be invited to attend an Assessment Day on 15th or 16th Novemeber 2011.'

LEE 86
19th Oct 2011, 01:01
I just had a look on the website.

I think that is fantastic that they are telling people this, we all know how much it sucks not knowing what they are doing!

This make me feel better, knowing if I don't get November 7th Ground School they are still planning for early 2012 just like the recruiter told me.


19th Oct 2011, 01:22
I agree - it's good to know for sure what's on the horizon! My references were checked for MAM casual (Qantas) the day or day after the assessment day and I'm waiting to hear back from them... Torn!

LEE 86
20th Oct 2011, 00:51
Anyone received news from Virgin?

Virgin is Recruiting Now for Sydney Domestic applications close 25th oct (very short opening)


20th Oct 2011, 02:01
Hi Lee!

How are you? Just a few questions if you don't mind!

So you got the email after the assessment day that you were through to the next stage.

Then your references were called a number of weeks later.

Then a week later you got a call to say they wanted you and you needed to get a medical done?

Then you were called and told you are on the 7th November Ground School waiting list and if your not on that one you will definitely be on the early 2012 one? Is that right?

When did they say you would know whether your on the 7th November school or not, and why couldnt they just confirm you for the November one when you were speaking with them?

Sorry for all of the questions, just trying to work out the processes!!

LEE 86
20th Oct 2011, 06:26
Im good, thanks for asking. I hope this help.

11th Aug - Assessment day
26th Aug - Successful email, Checking my refs within the next few weeks
28th Sep - Phone call from Virgin, Saying when next ground school is planned.
11th Oct - Both Refs were checked

On the 28th when Virgin called me, I was told that I was the reserve for the 7th November GS. If I don't make that one then I will go into a GS early 2012. He said that I may need to go for a medical and was getting me ready incase I did. It's looking like I will be in the GS early next year because I haven't heard anything regarding a Medical, but thats ok. At least my refs are checked.

Hope this helps.


20th Oct 2011, 06:42
Wow, so they told you they wanted you before they'd even done the ref checks!!!

20th Oct 2011, 16:34
Still no updated news for Perth, Domestic from July VRD. Is anyone else from Perth? or if they know when the ground school for perth will be? :sad:

23rd Oct 2011, 04:08
Hi Guys! Firstly good luck to all the Sydney hopefuls :ok:

I didn't think it's appropriate on starting a new thread just for my enquiry, so I'm hoping one of you might know! Currently on the Virgin website all the bases have a closing date except for Melbourne. Does anyone have any idea at all as to when Melbourne may start recruiting? I am getting married in April next year, and am stuck as to when to apply. I would hate to have to cancel my two week honeymoon if that's when Virgin might be doing their ground school. Does anybody out there at all have an idea as to when Melbourne may start recruiting?? Should I still apply now, or wait until after April :O

24th Oct 2011, 00:44
When submitting your application they ask you this question: Do you have any commitments over the next 12 months that would restrict your avalibility for example study, sport holidays ect? If selecting yes please provide additional information.
If they were to have a ground school while your unavalible they would usualy put you on a wait list for the next ground school.

hope this helps!!

27th Oct 2011, 07:00
Hot off the press - VB recruiting like crazy soon - going from 4 to 5 crew on B737 - check the website NOW!

27th Oct 2011, 23:21
Hi I have received an email advising that my application for the SYD base Virgin domestic will be progressed on to the next stage..... on line test to be completed by Sunday the 30th. However when I log on to the careers page there is no task or communication to complete a test??

anybody else receive an email like this? Also if you pass the test you will be invited to attned an assesment day Nov. 2nd.

Anybody have any suggestions as to how to find the online testing?? :ugh:

28th Oct 2011, 00:05

CHECK IF THEY SENT YOU THE LINK IN THE EMAIL, all the info is normally
within that email


28th Oct 2011, 00:08
Yep, all the info should have been sent to you in an email containing a designated username and password for the online test. Good luck!

I had to complete mine by midnight last night and find out today. Excited! :)