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22nd Jun 2008, 15:41
I know this might be a very sensitive question to some, but I can't help to have a second thought when I searched for VB uniform, and saw some Virgin Blue crew photos. almost all of them are caucasian, blonde and if not brunette. It appears that VB has this 'image' that they want and likes to promote. Just wondering if any VB crew knows any asian crew working for VB (a good friend of mine didn't make it but I hate to think it's due to her skin color or her specific looks) have I just discovered some silent racial statement from RB - tall, blonde, caucasian?

23rd Jun 2008, 00:56
Discriminative comments like that are unacceptable. DJ hires many types of people, different ages, backgrounds etc. If you look at our advertising since we started we have had many different people shown. We are all Australian. Maybe your friend was not successful as she didnt fit their criteria.

Tray Juggler
23rd Jun 2008, 01:31

I wouldn't be too concerned and i don't think that you've uncovered some hidden conspiracy. If i recall correctly, i've seen a person of Asian origin in some form of Virgin Blue promotional material. I also have a friend who is decidedly Asian looking who was offered a job with DJ.

It's just like any other company: When advertising their company, they are going to use staff who are pleasant on the eyes, regardless of race/gender/etc.

I think i'm in the same boat as you (trying to move from the Middle East to Virgin Blue). Coming from the Middle East, we should both be quite used to airlines who openly discriminate on the basis of gender and appearance (particularly our one, large friend who seems to have a preference for blonde females), and glad that if we get offered jobs with DJ, we won't be working in such a context.

Good luck with your application!

23rd Jun 2008, 08:29
I've not seen any discrimination of that sort at VB. In fact one of the recruiters at my recruitment day was Asian, and plenty out there online. They don't hire for looks they hire for behavioural competencies. Cabin crew is not an easy job and requires a great deal of concentration and focus throughout the whole day. You are continually examined and appraised so that's why the bar is so high. Many very good people don't get jobs, not because they're not good people but because they don't have the full set of competencies needed to do the job well.

23rd Jun 2008, 10:27
So don't be lead to beleive that they hire on a certain image. Sure the commercial ads present to us attractive caucasian women, but to an extent thats what Richard Bransen is about, not the recruitment team though. I Believe on the day, you as a person and the vibe you are sending out on the day is what matters. Being immaculately groomed is looked highly upon as well.

KittyBlue, I do not beleive ek412syd's genuine query was in any way discriminant. So please don't be quick to shut him/her down and say its unacceptable. The query was harmless and had no malice. Being of a different ethnicity, its only natural to wonder about these things as I have before.

wirgin blew
24th Jun 2008, 07:22
ek412syd: there are many nationalities covered at VB but not many s.e.asians so fair point about your concerns.
The adds are real staff working at VB who come in on days off to be in the ads. One of the blonde's you are referring to perhaps, is actually a mum who is about to have her second child so, so much for the stereotypes. One of the Captains in the ads allegedly has to stand on a box to be taller than the girls.
The age of crew is from 18-50, male/female, straight/gay/other so I think VB is well away from the blonde, caucasian image that you have in your mind.

Goodluck with your application. We will certainly know who you are if you get in.

24th Jun 2008, 22:45

I really need to ask you something

I really would like to know what does the Virgin Blue Medical consist of????
I have hurt my foot really badly and..I really dont want this to affect the workout/ or the Medical Examination..

Pls reply thank you

25th Jun 2008, 00:17
Melody23, Be sure to call the medical centre prior to the examination and find out. Just be honest and say you ahve hurt your foot.

When you see the doctor, he will test your strength in your arms, push, pulling. Squatting, reaching, you will be poked and prodded. I can't really see if a sore foot would affect you, but if your foot is seriously hurt, make sure you tell him first hand so he can diagnose that you'll be good as gold by the time you get your job.

I had the flu at the time of my medical, so I was afraid that could affect my results. But i hadnt taken any codeine at the time and i told the medical centre prior to my examinations AND on the day as well. having the flu affected my breath-holding exam in the medical, but was given lee-way because i wasnt feeling well.

Best of luck, Don't stress

25th Jun 2008, 00:35
I've had a few Pm's requesting more info about the VRD. I thought I would type up my own tips. I know some of it seems a bit 101-Interviewing-tips but hope you bear with me. Its some of the things I would have liked to have known prior to the day, but at the same time, I made it through without knowing some of these things, so it just goes to show, its all about being your happy self. Hope some of you take away something from it to get yourself more prepared for the big day.

I suggest:

*Smiling - If you can't do it, practice in the mirror to your facial muscles are sore (make it natural looking!)

* Not wearing a suit jacket - keep it to a shirt and tie for a smart yet casual appearance (Unless you look super spunky in the jacket and not too stuffy)

*Be friendly, talk to whomever is next to you, doesnt matter what you talk about, as long as you are talking, everyone is in the same boat as you (think about it, if you're standing there quiet and alone, you'd LOVE for someone to speak to you so you can feel like yourself and not some hermit!)

*Don't sit there quiet before the activities begin, mingle mingle mingle
**Learn the names of people on your table

Tell Us About Yourself
*Be proud of your experiences and life (when you talk about yourself, include some personal stuff to make known you're real person and not just a person made out of work experiences, e.g I spoke about my new kitten i had just brought home few days prior to the VRD- Don't use this bit as if it was an interview, tis meant to be light and easy going - (Virgin wants happy people!)

**Group Activities
*Don't be overbearing when having a group discussion, let others speak
- But do have a point of view on matters, and when it comes time for group presentation, have your own point you would like to highlight on the matter (either make it funny/light or personal and touching(nothing too corny please!...And if you can't do either..Be articulate and speak up smile and look at the group assessors in the eyes- If the opinon/point was reached with another applicant, mentioned his/her name- give credit when its due!...shows your unselfishness and ability to work as a team ))

*Don't umm and errr - Just listen to the question at hand and mention any relevancy it has to your previous roles and the roles as cabin crew

*Don't use TOO much hair product (Guys) (I'm assuming for girls, Don't use too much make up? Natural beauty is more preferred I'd take a guess)


If you get to the 2 -1 interview stage & Role Play & Multiple choice Test

*Smile more, you made it! (Even hug someone if you feel comfortable enough, its a complete 'YAY' feeling, allows you to be yourself more) (Do this after the people who were cut have left)

Congitive test (Multiply Choice test)
Is quite easy, 30 questions, 30 mins (most finish before)
Read it thoroughly, answer accordingly

2-1 Interview
*pour yourself a glass of water provided if nessecary, and ask if the interviewers want one too (Use their names, Remember their names!)

*Don't be afriad to say you're nervous, *but do mention you're excited to have come that far as well!

* Bring Two copies (or more) of your resume so both interviewers can view your resume if they choose (They read through your WHOLE resume, So know you prevous roles inside out!) (know why you want to be cabin crew too!)
--You are given an outline sheet at the beginning of the day, READ IT!, everything relevant to the job in answering the questions to cabin crew and your expectations of the job and role you play is on this sheet if you read it properly.
- The interview is quite standard, so scratch up on your interviewing skills I guess

-Be confident
-Learn the name of person in the scenario they are setting up (as if it was a real customer service role you were in)
-Be sympathetic
-Offer solutions (offer alternatives to a problem to bring great customer service)
-Do not pass the buck onto someone else (e.g pretend to call up a manager etc etc is a no no, this is your individual role play, find the solution yourself!)

Thats about the gist of it. Goodluck to all who have VRD's coming up. Anymore questions, just PM me.

chicken or fish 2
25th Jun 2008, 07:08
Does anyone know when the V Australia Ground schools will start?

Do you know if they will be in Sydney or Brisbane?

Thanks guys

25th Jun 2008, 09:42
Wow.. Its sounds pretty full on hey!
Gosh feeling a bit nervous..Ok Ill call my doc!!
Hopefully Ill be ok Im on the waitlist for training thank gosh!!

25th Jun 2008, 20:23
Kittyblue, Airbornesoon, JJ melb, Wirgin blew, Tray Juggler - thanks all of you guys for contributing your thoughts on VB. like JJ melb, I never want to create any type of tension here, but only being an honest individual to share my doubt on certain aspects of VB, which now is been answered constructively by all of you. I certainly agree that VB is fair with every single applicants and view them beyond the physical appearance which is also the reason why my friend and I've applied. again I hope I did not cause anybody's anger in raising my ignorant question. I hope to see everybody oneday in VB that's only if they get back to me :)

Wirgin Blew, I'm delighted to meet you in VB! and hope we become friends too! :)

Tray Juggler
25th Jun 2008, 22:12
Hi ek412syd!

I don't think anyone thought that you were attempting to stir the pot, so don't worry about that. I know i certainly didn't. The quick replies were simply to keep your hopes up. We all know how annoying the wait can be, and all those ridiculous thoughts that go through your head whilst you wait for confirmation one way or the other.

Best of luck!

wirgin blew
30th Jun 2008, 04:05
SYD base is up and running and recruiting for either S/H or L/H. Personally I would go S/H as it is actually a job atm not just something down the track. Rumour has it that at the last VB SYD recruitment day 80 people were invited 40 showed up and 20 were suitable. So if you are keen get that resume in there and cross your fingers that they call you.

The recruitment dept are a mysterious lot at any airline and nobody knows what system they have if any.


1st Jul 2008, 03:19
hi everyone!
i was just wondering if anyone knew if there were any syd ground schools start dates confirmed? i had my medical ( which was all fine) a good month ago and havent heard anything since! The wait is killing me!

chicken or fish 2
1st Jul 2008, 04:55
I think you will get a phone call in the next two weeks. I've heard Virgin are calling people who have done the medicals and marking them down for a training school without a starting date. In 2 weeks time they should have starting dates.

I'm sure you will hear soon Sharz87......you can always give them a call if you haven't heard by the end of next week. It's also the end of the Financial Year so that may explain the delay...Good luck

1st Jul 2008, 08:49
hey everyone just checking to see how you are all going with your applications

1st Jul 2008, 11:15
I have not heard from VB since last month and my interview was April the 22nd!!!

WOW...... VB must be CRAZY busy at the moment
Because I did not know that it would take this long hey?!!!

3rd Jul 2008, 00:47
Hey guys, does anyone know if VB are looking to open more CC bases in the next year or so?? I thought PER & ADL would be on the radar to save costs!! Curious if any rumours out there that this might happen. Good luck to all waiting for call ups!

3rd Jul 2008, 23:43
hi i had my interview in early may, and i have been receiving updates on my progress, i'm just wondering how long does it usually take? feels like i been on the waitlist forever. lol also does i havn't been to a medical yet. Thanks

wirgin blew
4th Jul 2008, 03:40
Hey guys, does anyone know if VB are looking to open more CC bases in the next year or so?? I thought PER & ADL would be on the radar to save costs!!

Talk is always going on about these things and now that SYD is finally up and running the committee that looks at these things will be working on which port next. So far I have heard of ADL, CBR and PER. All of which have a number of crew overnighting. If CC end up on the pilots EBA, PER would not be required as it will be mainly day trips to and from PER so cancel that one. CBR perhaps as the E-Jet will be flying out of there for a long time to come. ADL always gets a mention because of the fabulous crew facilities but is it really worth it when MEL is less than an hour away.
Food for thought.

PS How many VB CC will transfer to a BNE base for V OZ?

5th Jul 2008, 00:33
I will be in there for the long haul BNE base for sure ... but has there been any word on it as such? I know they've released flights and am hoping that a base will follow...

chicken or fish 2
5th Jul 2008, 01:18
Have a quick read of a post on the V Australia thread. This is a paragraph from Jetstream Surfrider.

"Although there will be Brissy-LA flights as well as the SYD-LAX, there will not be a base initially in BNE, just SYD...,but the aim is to have a BNE base as well. I suppose crew doing a BNE_LAX trip will do a positioning sector from SYD-BNE but I think that they will have to nightstop in Brissy because otherwise they will run out of duty hours...,so it could be a lovely trip!!! I heard at interview the trip should involve 48 hours there".

Anyone else heard any V Australia news?

8th Jul 2008, 22:58
Hey Everyone!

I'm so excited! I have a VRD at the end of this month! 30th of July! woo hoo! I have been reading everyones posts so I'm feeling pretty prepared already! I have a list of questions to ask them as long as my leg so FYI WHEN I get to the interview stage ;) I will be asking if they can give me an indication of when GS will be happening... So when I get back I can give you all some updates! Thouh hopefully you will all have got your yes emails and been tolds waaay before then! :ok:

Bree. :}

14th Jul 2008, 05:56
Good Arvy Ladies & Gents,

I recieved a phone call today from my VB Recruiter..
And was told that both Brisbane and Sydney Training School dates have been cancelled...
(the next one for brisbane I believe was Aug -But now not happening... )

So we/I may have to wait another 3-4 months

Was not sure why but I have been informed due to lack of teachers at the training schools but I cannot be sure...

Sorry for the terrible news.... If anyone could shed some light why?!
That would be GREAT...

14th Jul 2008, 06:47
Ik, that really sucks! :hmm:

There have to be SOME GS's still running though, they're going to have to have them surely for all the new Sydney base CC

Speaking of which any VB Sydney based CC here?

chicken or fish 2
14th Jul 2008, 07:57
I would say it's because of V Australia....they need to train 260 cabin crew during July, August, September and October.

Have any internals from Virgin Blue been offered positions with V Australia yet? Anyone know anything about V Australia ground school dates, layovers, new destinations, new bases, hot goss etc

Tray Juggler
15th Jul 2008, 08:40
Hi everyone.

Does anyone from the inside (or the outside, for that matter), know how big the SYD base is expected to be? Is it planned to be about the same size as MEL and BNE?

How many crew are currently based in SYD?

What are the rosters like? Roughly the same as MEL and BNE? Equal distribution of overnights, etc?

Thanks for your help!

15th Jul 2008, 09:55
Howdy Tray Juggler

Galley FM is reporting that at recent unplugged sessions management have confirmed that the SYD base is being set up as more of a 'day-trip' base, with an expected 1 or 2 overnights per month.

Once again - this is reported by galley-fm

wirgin blew
15th Jul 2008, 10:36
Brissy & Sydney Training Schools...

I can only think that VB has enough crew at the moment. It usually goes in waves. They recruit and train hard to build up the numbers to a certain level then things slow down for a while till people leave and then it starts all over again.

Also due to aircraft being retired in August and the removal of some services not as many crew required so natural attrition will have to occur before more ground schools start.

Air Freight
15th Jul 2008, 11:00
Hey All, Ive been going through the recruitment process for Virgin Blue the past few months and just a few weeks ago completed my medical. Since then I've been waiting for that all important 'Job offer call' and hopefully a date for ground school.

Reading that all Ground Schools for Sydney and Bris have been cancelled for 3-4 months feels like my hearts been ripped out as I've hardly been working the past few months and turned jobs down because I didn't want to start a new position and then leave shortly after for Virgin. I know how frustrating this would of been for the employer.

Anyway my question is... does anyone know how close the affiliation is between VB and V Aus with regards to recruitment? and if close.. what do you think the chances might be of transferring my application over to V Aus? I would actually prefer to work long haul however thought It best to start with Domestic... Any thoughts???

Much thanks :)

15th Jul 2008, 12:55
Hey was reading ur post and in regards to transfering from VB Domestic to V Aus Long Haul... Is not that easy...
You'll have to go through the whole recruitment process again.... Best to get loads of experience with Domestic it'll be good for you! And than apply for International!! :)

Air Freight
15th Jul 2008, 13:11
Hey, thanks for the reply. I kinda thought that may be the case. Im just so keen to start ground school... and the thought of waiting another 3-4 months.... well i think you're probably feeling the same way so at least Im not in it alone!

Tray Juggler
15th Jul 2008, 15:53
Thanks dj_candidate!

Good old GalleyFM pulls through. As much as some of the things heard over the airwaves of GalleyFM are just ludicrous, this rumour about a base with fewer overnights sounds like it might have some truth to it. Oh well, if i get the job, i'll just have to move a little closer to the airport.

What's the average (if it's easy to guesstimate, i suppose it must be a little difficult with the bidding system giving everyone different rosters) number of overnights in MEL/BNE bases?

Thanks again.

15th Jul 2008, 22:51
Tray Juggler

With regards to overnights - My rosters normally have between 6 and 10 (I'm BNE Base)

Some people have been getting only 2 or 3 - and others are getting upto 12-13. But as you say this could be as a result of their bids.

Whilst the extra $$ from the overnights is great. If they do start reducing I know that my expenditure will also be reducing. So for me it's not all doom and gloom.

19th Jul 2008, 11:15

You need to check some of your facts...

1. RB owns a lot more then 1% - he infact owns over 20% & is now VB's largest share holder,
2. JQ did not offer 1500 VR's (that would be half their staff!!) - the QF group is reducing staff by 1500 including the closure of one of many JQ bases,
3. There is no talk that there will only be 2 domestic carriers - no-one expects JQ, DJ or QF to shut their doors - just reduce capacity to ride out the "perfrct storm" as such.

19th Jul 2008, 11:38
Sorry but I just don't buy that anyone from DJ recruitment called you and implied the company was on shaky ground. You might have interpreted a lack of start date that way, but that doesn't make it true. :* An awful lot of what you've posted are your own assumptions, which may in fact not be based on reality. :=

19th Jul 2008, 11:43
Like I said I was uncertain of some of the facts and I do thank you of your efforts of correcting me. Just as a matter of question and correction, can you please inform me of just how much stake Sir Richard does have? I have tried to research and have found less then 25%. (Although I still think this is incorrect.) Pls let me if you have accurate information. Yes the 1500 of the redundancies were across the Qantas group. I wish nothing more for the VB to thrive in the future, believe me!

Tray Juggler
20th Jul 2008, 02:51

I'll apologise in advance if i have somehow misinterpreted what you've written, but why would someone from recruitment reveal information which implies that the company will cease to exist in the near future? Theoretically, that information should be released to the sharemarket (DJ being a publicly listed company), so i don't understand how someone from recruitment would know this information and present it as fact without the rest of the public knowing.

I think that your post was intended as a discussion point. However, i don't really think that it is appropriate for us (outsiders) to be discussing the future of Virgin Blue's thousands of employees in a public forum.

I suppose that you should just be thankful that they've had the decency and courtesy to 'touch base'. MANY airlines around the world wouldn't.

Best of luck with your application and i hope that we both make it on-line at some stage.

20th Jul 2008, 21:58
Is there ANYONE else going to the VRD in Sydney on Wednesday next week? :confused:

I'm really excited about going but seems I don't have anyone to share my excitement with... lol.

Tray Juggler
21st Jul 2008, 00:43
Hi Breeza.

I'm heading to a VRD next week. And excitement sharing begins in five, four, three...

21st Jul 2008, 05:28
ooooh where is your VRD??? What day is it??

28th Jul 2008, 10:49
Welllllllllll I'm off to Sydney tomorrow... I have my VRD on Wednesday so I'm very excited... also starting to get rather nervous, but am sure I'll be fine. Just going to have fun and be myself! If anyone else happens to be going to a RD in the next cpl days good luck, maybe I'll see you there!!! :p

28th Jul 2008, 11:16
Hope it goes well Breeza. I'm sure you will be fab :ok:

30th Jul 2008, 12:47
Well, how did you go? I have being following your posts till your big day, Which was TODAY!
I'm sure everyone here is waiting to hear how you went.
Give us the full story please!!

31st Jul 2008, 01:00
hey everyone, just wanted to see how everyone is going with their applications, has anyone heard from virgin lately? or does has anyone found out if the sydney ground school has a date yet for sep or oct?, hope everyone is well!!!!

Air Freight
31st Jul 2008, 02:10
I was told I would hear by the second week in August as to confirmed dates for ground school (in Sydney). I was also told to expect to start G.S. some time in September. Sooooo only two more weeks..... hopefully.... and I'll know exactly

1st Aug 2008, 02:20

Woo! So I'm back from Sydney!! Sorry guys only got back late last night....

The VRD was great... There were only 15 people there, and here I was expecting 70! We did our group activities and then had a break while they worked out who would be staying...

I was so nervous when we came back, the recruiters were all standing there with our letters and the butterflys went crazy (I was the most nervous then than i was all day!!) We were given our letters, I read the first paragraph and thought bummer, no luck, then read on very excitedly. woo hoo! Made it through to the next round. 5 Girls were unsucessful, I was really excited, but felt really bad for them http://www.cabincrew.com/ccnetwork/smileys/smiley19.gif

The next round was a role play then an interview. I think i did ok... the recruiters certainly do not give much away. But they were all really lovely. I was excited to have made it to the VRD but after the actual day and everything they spoke to us about and showed us I am SUPER SUPER excited now! So just to wait for THAT email...

ALL the people that were there as applicants were awesome as well and I could imagine them all in CC roles so I think I've got some pretty solid competiton, though if I don't make it at least I wont feel as bad knowing how awesome everyone there was and how much we all deserve it! http://www.cabincrew.com/ccnetwork/smileys/smiley2.gif

They were unable to give us GS dates though the GS will be in Sydney. Pay is the same as current EBA (the one up till 2005) but is subject to change following the introduction of the new EBA (due sometime next year hopefully)

Anyone looking for the EBA shld go to www.wagenet.gov.au (http://www.wagenet.gov.au) you will find it there...

Anyhoo... so the wait begins!!

Breeza :cool:

2nd Aug 2008, 09:10
hey can anyoen help me??? i had my interview in april and got to the final round and even went n done my medical in end of june beginning of july dont memba wen and no one has called me its been a month already????? whats going on at virgin???? not even an email like they use to update u every 2 weeks???? i guess im staying at rex longer!!

2nd Aug 2008, 09:20
Just a reminder to everyone waiting on a call from DJ, they have cancelled all cabin crew groundschools until October. CC cource 118 is running at the moment and I believe that is the last one until October.

5th Aug 2008, 03:45
Hey All!

Welllll, I got an email today from VB. My application has progressed following my recruitment day last week, exciting stuff! :ok:


Air Freight
5th Aug 2008, 04:03
Massive Congrats Breeza :D, the hard parts over... now you just have to make sure your referee's are strong and you stay nice n healthy for the medical. It'll take some time but I'm glad you've made it through..(you seem like a hell of a character!:))

5th Aug 2008, 14:24
Very Well Done Breeza, you had it altogther right from the start, What did you do at the interview to impress them? I'm going to try for a major career change, I'm a bit of an "oldie" but I think is worth a shot. Very happy for you and have enjoyed your posts, even thought about you on the VRD and wondered how you were going, "how strange is that"
Best of luck for whats to come. Regards Steffie

8th Aug 2008, 09:00
woo hoo!!! congrats xcite!!! :D

Maybe we'll both be Virgin's together soon! hahahaha!!! :}


8th Aug 2008, 09:51
ahhh whats going on with brisbane?? I am stillllll on VBs waitlist for training
I am SO calling my recruiter on monday and letting her know that Im available to work Melb, Bris or Syd.......
So sick of waitingggggggggggg hey!!!!!!!!!

Air Freight
8th Aug 2008, 10:20
Mass Congrats Xsite! Im a Virgin too, will be joining you for the September 8th ground school... looking forward to meeting and training with you :ok:

9th Aug 2008, 13:28
congrats for starting GS! I had my interview early march and still nothing!!! But i guess you guys can give me heads up on gs school if i get the job still have to wait and hopefully have a medical soon!!:)

9th Aug 2008, 15:12
ok this this my first post but just wanted to say im finally in, had my VRD in march cometime and got a call tuesday to have my medical, so off to the docs i went on wed and friday i got the aok call. i start ground school sept 15. email me at [email protected] if your going to be in my GS. ive already found one person online who was at my VRD and now we are in the same GS so we've become mates. look forward to making tons more.

Leigh :ok:

10th Aug 2008, 05:40
Hey Vbleigh, is the 15th Sept training school for Sydney or for Melbourne? Any word out there when schools will start for melbourne. Heard October, any one care to comment? Thanks for any news

Tray Juggler
11th Aug 2008, 04:52
Hi everyone.

Was at the VRD the day after Breeza and just got my progression email today!

Many more hurdles and hoops to navigate yet, but i cannot tell you how excited i am right now.

To all that have just received training school dates, well done and good luck! I'm sure it'll be worth the wait.

And may we one day end up on either end of a cart together.

Have a great week!

12th Aug 2008, 06:29
ok im now having second thoughts to my accetance to vb..i was told today by someone at work that the company is going bankrupt not sure when but that they will fold over soon..could be a few months? mite not? does anyone know of any info on this pls? cause if so then id rather not change jobs...

12th Aug 2008, 08:48

I'd say that probably is not the case...

see article:

e-Travel Blackboard: Analysts tell DJ to raise fares or go bankrupt; DJ calls analysts "moronic" (http://www.etravelblackboard.com/showarticle.asp?id=78504&nav=130&suc=&cid=&email=&news)=

perhaps this is where the info is coming from and it has gone a little haywire along the grapevine...

Why wld they be spending $$ opening new bases, training new staff etc if they are filing for bankruptcy. :confused:

12th Aug 2008, 10:36
Just another totally alarmist report that has been circulating since fuel prices rose a few months ago. The important point to remember is that fuel prices hit ALL airlines. Analysts just love making alarmist statements because it gets attention. :}

Personally I prefer not to listen to news. I'll worry about that kind of thing when and IF it affects me. :rolleyes: In the meantime I'll get on with life which is what we should all be doing...

14th Aug 2008, 01:16
I got "the" call this morning!!
After my VRD on April 10th I was pretty much giving up on hope but things picked up very quickly for me from last week. I got invited to take the medicals, which I did yesterday, and today I got the job offer!!
To those of you attending ground school on Sept 8th, I'll be seeing you there!!
All I can say is, even if you haven't heard from them in what feels like AGES, don't give up!

14th Aug 2008, 04:47
yay congrats flier!!!!! :ok:

14th Aug 2008, 05:36
hey everyone!
I am part of the group of VB's Newest cabin crew both in sydney and in the network, group117.

I have been flying now for a couple of days and just wanted to say it is absolutely everything I thought it would be and more.

For those of you going through Ground School - ooooh boy what an emotional rollercoaster ride of a psychological experiment/big brother house you are about to embark upon! You will love it I guarantee you and you'll get so close to both your instructors and your fellow trainees. Just keep on top of the workload and read, read, read your manuals and all should be sweet!
Remember though, at anytime through the training you could be 'asked to leave' so take it as another, lengthy, recruitment process -dont drop your game ever!!!

For those that havent gotten through yet - I really hope you do. If you dont get through, dont take it personally at all - you maybe just werent right for them at this particular moment in time.
Try other airlines, build up experience in something else that could pertain to this role and then try again. Just let fate take its course - I preoccupied myself with other thoughts and activities during the painful wait and it really helped and made getting the job that much sweeter!

Anyone wanting any info, advice or tips please dont hesitate to pm me.

Take care guys and truly - all the best - you have no idea what you're getting yourself into if you do get in! wow....

14th Aug 2008, 10:53
Hi All,

Wow what a great source of info this forum is! I am a Flight attendant in waiting at the moment and it looks like it could be a long wait.
I have applied with Virgin Blue online today and can't wait to get to a VRD! On the site it says 'expression of interest' does anyone know what this means? Do I get invited to the VRD from this? I didn't have to fill in much info!?

OMG Xsite, I can't believe you are having 2nd thoughts!! After all the effort it looks like you have been through. I guess there are heaps of people on the waitinglist that would be glad to have your place!! Hey, wanna swap??? :} Gosh I wish I was just on the waitinglist!! I can't imagine that they would be going ahead with ground schools if they were bankrupt......would they? Good Luck with your decision.

Look forward to getting to know some of you better


14th Aug 2008, 23:14

DJ have over $700m in the bank for a rainy day, plus the share price has been going up over the last 4weeks and yesterday was trading at $1.00, up from it's low of 47c 4 weeks ago.

15th Aug 2008, 07:59
To be honest, don't worry yourself about the companies financial position - they're doing just fine. With the package of $50million of cost cutting savings together will lots of other strategies that are being put in place, such as baggage charges etc, they're doing all the right things to ensure the survival of the airline. They aren't about to just let it go bankrupt. The airline is still expected to make a profit this financial year - so it's making money, not loosing it!

15th Aug 2008, 10:05
hey xsite,

well, depending on how you bid for the month, the hours actually arent too bad.

I don't have a sign on later than 4pm and if im not overnighting im back in sydney at least before 10. I have a couple of sign ons in sydney at 0530 and 0600, etc. but im back early afternoon so I still have a whole day ahead of me.

Im really happy with roster but im also happy of working for an airline like Virgin Blue - it's a heaviyl relied upon domestic carrier and it has to operate at all sorts of hours, as opposed to REX. So, If the hours were something that would really bug you than don't changeover to airlines like VB and Qantas, etc. cos you cant get your way all the time, even by bidding for your ideal roster.

Otherwise, you are so damn lucky to be able to get a job with Virgin Blue, it really is a wonderful company to work for.

Let me know how you go...

17th Aug 2008, 05:48
Hey Libra!
Congrats on the job and im excited to hear your loving it so much.
Im about to start GS in Melb in about 4 weeks, Sept 15th.

Can you tell me more about the comment you made about "asked to leave" at anytime? Does thi mean you can still not have a job?

Thanks so much

17th Aug 2008, 13:20
Well done Libra, congrats, interesting comment you made in your previous post, that one can be asked to leave at any stage, Can you give us some more info on this please?

18th Aug 2008, 00:12
What is the fail rate like?1 person per class, or higher/lower?

Tray Juggler
18th Aug 2008, 00:51
To all of those people who are about to start training, hold off the panic button!

I cannot speak for the way Virgin Blue's training school works (hopefully i will be able to soon), but think about it logically.

The job isn't yours until you have passed the training program? That's true. But, that makes total sense. If you don't demonstrate that you know what you need to know, why would they pass you? Would you want to be working with a colleague who you didn't have faith in? If something happens, you want to be sure that the people that you work with know what to do. That's entirely fair enough.

Also, if you walk into training with a bad attitude, and are actively 'breaking the rules', then again, isn't it fair enough that they let you go? Again, would you want to work with someone who doesn't want to be there and/or is constantly doing 'their own' thing? And, on top of all that, i doubt you'll be asked to do anything in training (like grooming standards, behaviour, etc) that doesn't apply to operating crew.

Training may be hard, draining, exhausting. But, i have never encountered a trainer who has tried to make it more difficult than it needs to be. It is a lot of information to retain, but it isn't impossible. They don't want you to fail and they aren't looking for excuses to kick you out.

Just keep the motivation and enthusiasm up and i'm sure you'll be fine. You've got this far, so you are obviously what they want.

Anyway, enough of all this doom and gloom. Training can actually be a lot of fun. I'm great friends with several people in my training class and i can still remember being in fits of laughter for probably 70% of my initial training!

18th Aug 2008, 11:54
Hi all.

Been reading the posts for a while now (Well ever since my VRD) and just thought I would say thanks for all the great advice and comments.

I got offered a place in the Melbourne Ground school starting on the 15th of September. Anyone else in that school, I'll see you there.

Cant wait!!!

19th Aug 2008, 05:53
Hey Everyone,

For those of you following my posts, I've been put on the 'waitlist' with VB Sydney... So only time will tell.

I'm not annoyed about this, I'm seeing it as a positive thing so yay! :ok:

Just thought I'd let you all know!


19th Aug 2008, 13:17
Hey Tazzydevil

I'll be at thet ground school. Shoot me an email or add me on msn [email protected] or drop me a text 0430137567. Looking forward to getting to know as many as I can before GS. Will be heaps of fun. You had ur uniform fitting? Mine was today. Looked so awesome Cant wait.


25th Aug 2008, 14:44
The pass mark required as set down by CASA is 80%. However, if you are constantly achieving 80%, the trainers will be worried about you as there is still 20% of information that you are still not understanding in each topic, and this could be a cause of concern for them as to how you may cope out online. Also, passing the tests also aren't a guarantee that you will pass training. You also need to consistently display the behavioural competencies required of you for the job. For 5 weeks you have no life and your life just revolves around 2 thick manuals, but trust me, all the study and that is def worth it when you get out online.

26th Aug 2008, 13:34
we have a buddy trainer on the flights for the 1st 2 weeks (approx, just under in some cases). And your start date on the flights depends on availability of Buddy Trainers. usually you have a couple of days off after wings night before you have ur first flight.

27th Aug 2008, 00:51
at my VRD for Sydney crew they said to be expecting about 3 or 4 overnights a month...

What is the 'wings night'?

27th Aug 2008, 10:32
When SYD base opened, they weren't actually getting any overnights. THey are starting to get some, but as to the average I am not really sure. I am BNE based and on average I get 8-10 a month, but who knows how long that will last. I am thinking that it will take some time before they drop dramatically and they will never drop to none all together as we will never have a base in every port we fly too.

But as far as I know, SYD do get less overnights than the BNE or MEL port at the moment because they SYD base has far less crew at the moment.

As for getting OOL and BNE, I think they get some but not many from what I know.

Wings Night is where you are formally presented with your wings. Its a night for the crew to let their hair down after training, invite their friends and family along to see them graduate from training. The group also do a small group performance and it is a real fun night. It is definitely the highlight of finishing training.

28th Aug 2008, 08:09
Are there any of you left at Rex now Xsite? Since so many rex crew have come through training recently.

29th Aug 2008, 02:27
airvborne yeah there is heaps left at rex...not all have left....they always recruit too there is a ground school every month....so for someone to get there foot in the door and cant get into the big ones just yet rex is a great place to start.....its great experience and being ur own manager is so much fun....u actually get to interact with ur passengers on a one on one basis....and meet famous ppl too....i muist say frankie j holden is the nicest person ull ever meet...but yeh there is heaps left at rex...wen vb started in sydney there was a bunch who left but since then (back in april/may) ive been the only one to leave rex to vb others have gone to qf and doing other things in life.....but i must say there piltos dissappear heapos qiock because the money for them at vb is far greater then at rex...so for me it will be like flying at rex cause i know a few pilots who are at vb and some that are going....

2nd Sep 2008, 10:29
I am off the waitlist and have passed my reference check..... & going for my medical nxt week!!!
I was Brisbane based but my recruiter told me that Ill be waiting for a position at BNE till July 2009

So I decided to put my hand up for SYD based and YAY.. Best move I have ever done!!!!!

So I start ground school in OCT....So Happy
(I was also told that being sydney based we will not do as much overnighters compared to BNE & MELB) Oh Well!!! Thats life... And things will always change... :)

2nd Sep 2008, 11:33
Well done Melody. I start soon in Melbourne and cant wait as well. Hope your training goes well and maybe we will catch up in the skies.


2nd Sep 2008, 23:14
Thanks Tazzy
MELB!!! Thats fantastic Id loved to move to MELB and be based there but my recruiter would not let me she said its to far... haha

Have fun in your training

I really do hope we meet I bet we will :)

3rd Sep 2008, 01:15
hey alllll, FINALLY i am in and start ground school at the end of sep, syd base!! Is anyone else in that school!! :):):):):):):)

4th Sep 2008, 07:23
well we had our uniform fittings yesterday...how exciting it feels so nice n soft..heaps better then where i work now!! not long to go now!!!! 4 sleeps to go...!!! is anyone else looking forward to monday...whoeva is training with me?

Tray Juggler
7th Sep 2008, 02:34
Good luck to everyone who is starting training in the next few weeks. Very excited for you! Let all of us who are waiting know how you get on!

8th Sep 2008, 02:58

I went for my medical...And I could not stop laughing hehe!!
Also my doc told me I passed :):):):):):):):):) I'm So Happy!!

I am just waiting to hear from my recruiter now... They love to keep you waiting don't they..hehe..


wirgin blew
10th Sep 2008, 23:11
Anyone put their hand up for interest in the PER base transfer? Just wondering how many PER overnights I might be getting if no-one is interested.

10th Sep 2008, 23:14
Morning :)

It is official I am VB Cabin Crew now... I start training on the 13th of October!! I am SO HAPPY.....


10th Sep 2008, 23:18
Congrats Melody!! That's awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11th Sep 2008, 01:56
Thanks Babe!!! Gosh it has been a long time waiting
So worth it..


11th Sep 2008, 03:05
Just curious wirgin, has Perth been announced or are they still in infant stages? the talk is that ADL & OOL are going to happen as well. Any one care to comment. Won't that slash overnights especially for Melbourne crew?

11th Sep 2008, 03:26
I talked with my recruiter which takes care of Sydney, Melbourne & Brisbane...
And she said to me that Brisbane and Melbourne will be have atleast 5+ overnights a months.. Compared to Sydney which will have 3 at the most each month?!!!
But things will always change.... Overnights will come and go (hehe)

wirgin blew
11th Sep 2008, 13:30
Expressions of interest out for PER. Preferably trained on EJet and 737. They are after FC to transfer also so I'm guessing if they get the numbers the base will happen as it would be a pita to be operating two types of aircraft on the other side of the country from your main crew bases. There will probably still be plenty of overnights in PER its just they cant afford to cancel flights if someone goes mid-duty.
OOL has been looked at in the past due to crew living on coast and nothing has happened so not sure about that.
ADL keeps being mentioned but I don't see the point, not many crew overnight there so the savings wouldn't probably be worth it.

11th Sep 2008, 14:18
Virgin Blue's financial position appears to be a bit brighter,this from.
Virgin Blue expands reach to PNG | The Australian (http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,24289938-23349,00.html)

VIRGIN Blue intends to take on Air Niugini as it expands its reach to Papua New Guinea.
The airline has applied to the International Air Services Commission for 900 seats each way, each week between Brisbane and Port Moresby, using Boeing 737-800s operated by Pacific Blue. It told the commission it wanted to start four services a week from November 1 and a fifth within a year. The new Pacific Blue service comes as the airline is expanding into Western Australia to take advantage of the resources boom.
It will also establish a jet crew base in Sydney, eventually basing about a third of its fleet there and creating up to 1000 jobs.
After a bleak period in which its share price fell from $1.16 to under 50c, the future may be looking brighter for Virgin.
Chief executive Brett Godfrey believes a share overhang from a distribution to Toll Holdings shareholders has cleared and oil prices appear to heading down, even if jet fuel prices appear reluctant to follow suit.
Airline stocks generally have been buoyed by the lowest crude oil prices in almost five months.
Virgin shares rose 4.5c to close at 55.5c yesterday while Qantas shares closed up 11c at $3.64.
UBS Investment Research, which rates Virgin as a buy with an 80c price target, said current fuel and currency spot scenarios would see Virgin's earnings move from a break-even position to a $38 million net profit.

12th Sep 2008, 00:04
Hi everyone,
havnt been following this forum too much lately, but i am able to reapply in a few weeks and was wondering if anyone knew whether virgin blue was recruiting for melb base any time soon? any VRD's coming up?

any info would be great

12th Sep 2008, 11:58
Hey everyone!
Congats on your offers! Ive been syd crew now for a few months and it's awesome:) This month we have no overnights for most of us here in sydney but as they say it changes all the time but don't count on overnights! So plan your budget with out overnights and you won't be dissapointed. :)

13th Sep 2008, 06:43
hi everyone!

just wondering, what does the medical test entail? (in as much detail as possible)

Is it an expensive process? I have a friend who just got her meds done for Emirates, and she spent $700

13th Sep 2008, 23:32
I read lots of poeple saying "i spoke to my recruiter" just wanted to get an idea do many or most people call there recruiter as in those people on the waitlist that have not had medicals or references?

Air Freight
14th Sep 2008, 00:52
Firstly they give you a couple of pages to fill out that ask you all about your medical history ie. have you ever been to hospital, if so what for, any medical conditions you have or have had, any medications you have taken long term or are taking etc etc. It's fairly thorough.
Then a nurse will test eyesight, hearing, blood pressure, check height and weight and take a urine sample for drug testing.
Then you will see a doctor who goes through all the information, asks a few questions, and then gives a physical examination. You'll be asked to bend down and touch your toes, You'll be asked to lie down, lift each leg as high as you can keeping it straight. They check for hernia's by getting you to breath deeply while they feel around your stomach, and check heart beat etc Then you sit up, extend your arms straight out in front of you (shoulder height) and have to push up, down, left, right, against the doctors hands. Thats pretty much it.
I did mine In Sydney and It cost about $150 from memory

Hope that helps... :ok:

14th Sep 2008, 06:27
Thanks heaps Air Freight!

Doesn't sound too full on then!

Tray Juggler
14th Sep 2008, 06:51
Hi dyal1!

If you haven't been on the recruitment website in the last few days, they've started accepting applications for Melbourne based Cabin Crew.

Good luck!

14th Sep 2008, 07:11
how is the sep ground school going?

14th Sep 2008, 07:24
hey guys an update first week is fairly ok....next 4 are going to so intense so much studying to do!!!!!!

15th Sep 2008, 09:20
Skybus to airport is easy, you can get a monthly ticket. Need ASIC to get discount. Walking would take you a good 45 mins. Taxi costs about $12. Best get the cab upstairs as the drivers picking up people downstairs get mighty vocal and angry for a $12 Fare.

15th Sep 2008, 09:46
Virgin Domestic is recruiting again for Melbourne Cabin Crew :}

And about transport to the training centre, if its still at Qantas in Essendon (as I believe thats where they do the training..) there are trams going down that road too! (Forget the roads name...) :p

15th Sep 2008, 21:50
Virgin has its own training centre Scooby, only time you need to go to the QF sim centre is for revals.

15th Sep 2008, 22:07
have found from experience that most recruitment days/interviews tend to be held (regardless of what airline) at a large hotel/conference centre in the CBD area of the city they're recruiting for.

Qantas training centre in Ess mostly used for ground schools and re-training

16th Sep 2008, 01:28

Sounds like you may have been at the same VRD with me back on Oct 4th '07, hence not being eligible to reapply for 1 year.
I know I did not perform very well at all that morning, and was not surprised not to make it through to the afternoon interviews.

But, 12 months later, far more prepared and fingers crossed....

16th Sep 2008, 03:52
does anyone have information on Virgin Blue opening a Perth base? Have been reading through some of the previous posts but im a bit confused. Are they just using existing VB crew to do the Perth flights, or will they be hiring Perth crew? Any information would be much appreciated.

16th Sep 2008, 07:23
You can always see when they are hiring externally by checking out their website in the careers section. All available opportunities are listed there. Until you see it there, they're not hiring. :ok:

16th Sep 2008, 11:38
hey rmondo
i actually went to the oct 3rd 2007 VRD so we just missed eachother:sad: but we might have crossed paths at the MAM interview, i went to the may 28th session but know there were two recruitment days following. virgin blue was my first airline interview and looking back i did really bad, i wouldnt have chosen myself if i was a recruiter lol but i have a lot more experience 1 year down the track and know ill will make a far better impression this time around. :ok:

wirgin blew
16th Sep 2008, 13:04
PER base internal expression of interest atm but watch the website for more info as I think its going to have to happen sooner rather than later.

16th Sep 2008, 21:52
Hi Dyal1. Looks like I missed you by one day again. My MAM RD was May 29th this year, and still on hold after having ref checks done.

Maybe our paths will cross at the next Virgin RD - hope so.:ok:

16th Sep 2008, 22:59
Good Morning, So is anyone relocating to Sydney???
Looking for accomodation???

17th Sep 2008, 05:02
Hey Dyal1,
How did you go with Tiger..?

I just received the "thanks, but try back in 6 months" email from MAM.
Will keep my fingers crossed for a RD day with Virgin, and also resubmitted resume with Tiger, though I'm not sure about the stories I'm hearing about having to pay for your training..!!

22nd Sep 2008, 01:07
Hey guys,

Just got an email from VB:

"As you are aware you are currently on our waitlist in the process for Sydney Cabin Crew with Virgin Blue. We are asking for expressions of interest for those of you that may be interested in transferring to the Melbourne Cabin Crew waitlist.
We have a few possible Melbourne Training Schools in the pipeline and we would like to give our candidates that are already on a waitlist preference to progress through our process"

Anyone else get the same email???

22nd Sep 2008, 02:50
I'd be happy for any email at this stage.

MEL would be good...!

wirgin blew
22nd Sep 2008, 02:57
Just remember transfer may take longer than you expect. It can be very frustrating waiting for this to happen.

The next SYD school may happen a week after the MEL one you just never know.

One guy from OOL wanted BNE bad and was convinced after several phone calls from recruitment that BNE wouldn't be recruiting for a while. He took MEL. A week after he started a training group was announced in BNE which he was quite peeved about. 6 months later without a transfer in sight he jumped ship in OOL and left a plane short crewed.

22nd Sep 2008, 16:31
Any melbourne crew here that could give me an idea of how many overnights melbourne does?

VB Flyboy
22nd Sep 2008, 23:33
Hi iam Melb based and have been getting between 10-12 per mth for the last 6 mths but only in SYD and CBR and only doin E-jet trips i am 737 trained aswell but hardly ever work on it. 737 crew dont get many overnites prob 5 per mth lots of crew with only daytrips.

24th Sep 2008, 02:18
RMONDO - Have you tried Jetstar. I believe from a reliable source that they will be hiring again very very soon and applications should be submitted quickly for a quick start date

24th Sep 2008, 03:22
thanks jetsolo,
I was actually in a jetstar ground school early this year but had to jump out before it finished due to a small business I had, and person I had taking over business jumped out at last minute - so had to go back and save business for another day.
That isn't an issue now, but am not eligible for jetstar again till mid Jan '09.

Just received an invite though for a V australia recruitment day in couple of weeks.
Thanks again for your suggestion.

6th Oct 2008, 08:04
As long as you haven't been rejected by the VB Group in the past 12 months then yes you can, since you are no longer in a recruitment process with them. :ok:

30th Oct 2008, 10:25
anyone on here going through the recruitment process with VB at the moment?
This thread has gone quiet recently!

30th Oct 2008, 10:37
an insight you won't get, thanks to the bitterness of old folk

31st Oct 2008, 23:53
I have deleted this post

1st Nov 2008, 04:10
I know I'm spoiling it, and VB says 'its confidential'

It's great that you want to help out others going through the recruitment process, but in order to keep the process fair for all, such specific information such as exactly what the role play scenarios are should be kept to yourself. The role plays are designed to see how quickly one can think on their feet and come up with a solution, and if others are getting the scenarios well before others, it's simply not fair.

Sure, provide information that is of a general nature such as the outline for the day, but think before posting the other stuff...

Good luck! :ok:

1st Nov 2008, 05:44
Hi Scoobydoodoo,

Thanks for all the great info on the VB recruitment day, I'm sure it will come in handy if...no I should say 'when' I finally get an invite.
I have heard that recruitment read these forums, I hope you won't get in trouble for posting the info.

Thanks for the heads up

1st Nov 2008, 07:01
I'm pretty sure recruitment will know exactly who scoobydoodoo is, given the amount of information posted on here. Unfortunately I don't think that last post will help her application much. :uhoh:

1st Nov 2008, 12:41
I Understand Recruitment make the Final Decision But

I have to say I would be amazed if recruitment staff had time to be reading through forum posts on the job, or "would they do it in their own time?" after 20 or 30 interviews, & what if they have 3 Vrdays in a row, you could be talking 60 or more people trying to work out which person they interviewed, then assuming who may or may not have posted, it would be extremely time consuming and certainly not cost effective, having staff making assumptions and not to progress a good candidate on the assumption they think it is that person. "BIG CALL"
I have no doubt, they probably do have a look at the forums from time to time, but to make a conscious decision to try and catch someone out.
I dunno?
Unless someone here, knows who some forumites are, and some of the recruiters, and forwards information on,
Who knows?

1st Nov 2008, 20:30
Its well known that airlines do read these forums and in the past candidates have received "no thanks" emails after posting on here. Whether or not the two are related nobody knows for sure. It's just good personal practice not to post anything on here that you wouldn't say to a recruiter face to face.

1st Nov 2008, 21:55
Hello, why the hell are any of you on here then?!

I thought it was to gain insight into their process!

Let me give you some direction AirborneSoon, DJflygirl, DJCCGuy... log out/delete your account and don't bother coming back onto such forums if you don't wanna know jack.

And I'm sure there are one or two recruiters who weed through here- but certainly not in their work time, and most likely in their personal time at home!

Having several of my friends done ground schools, they were warned about posting on such forum sites... and two of them continued- nothing happened!

Unless they recruiters are super smart IT nerds (in which case, why on earth work a CC job when you can earn three times more in the corporate world..) they're not gonna be able to track me down through my ISP and laptop- they're not privy to those sorts of information, they're not the Federal Police.

Besides, as steffie said, they've been recruiting several days in a row, in several different states. If I get in or not will depend based on my performance on the day and NOT what I do in my personal time (such as post here).

Hell, I could be a gay loving, gang-bang f&*$ing groupie- if thats where I get my kicks, they can't descriminate.

They'd be hard pressed to nail this to my name "scoobydoobydoo, where are you?"

LOL you must think me a fool, as if I would give exact specifics of dates/places/numbers didn't you think I changed it slightly at the very least?

So anyway- if you don't like my insights, either skip over reading my posts in future or skiddadle entirely :ok: (<----doesn't have an icon with a middle finger, unfortunately...)

Ungrateful a-holes...

2nd Nov 2008, 03:50
Hey Scoobydoodoo,

You need to calm down a bit there. All I said was ... "I have heard that recruitment read these forums, I hope you won't get in trouble for posting the info"
I wasn't having a go at you in any way. I actually thanked you for the info.:*

2nd Nov 2008, 04:49
djflygirl - have just seen on the VB website that they're recruiting for Sydney based cc. Good luck, I hope you get an invite!

2nd Nov 2008, 09:18
My apologies DJflygirl- you are right, and I am sorry.

2nd Nov 2008, 11:11
Who is information to be kept confidential from,
Does that mean you can't tell your mother, father, siblings, cousins etc?

Don't worry, we can all wait 30 years then scoobydoodoo can tell us the true story under the "freedom of information act"

After all scoobydoodoo didn't tell anyone, he typed a "blurp" on an internet site

3rd Nov 2008, 10:27
Hey all did my medical last week anyone else for melb base do the same?

3rd Nov 2008, 21:57
Macciatto - I wish I was up to the medical stage! I had my melb vrd last week and am waiting to see if they call my references!
When was your vrd? Any idea of GS dates coming up?

4th Nov 2008, 05:40
Well done macciatto :) Tell me though do they get you to go naked at these VB medicals? I'd feel very wary having to do that...

4th Nov 2008, 08:36
Yes the recruiters do read these posts... and this site is blocked by the company too!!!

They take things like this seriously!

4th Nov 2008, 09:07
I'm confused... KittyBlue you claim they read these forums, but that the company has blocked the site at work... interesting- does that mean they read these forums in their own private times at home?!

.... wow, talk about having a very busy social life!

And I don't mean to sound rude, but what are you basing these remarks on- are you a recruiter/friends with one? :suspect:

Coz I dare say they don't.

4th Nov 2008, 09:23
Access to certain sites is available through particular logins, for those who need it. I used to have access to a specific login when I helped out in the department many moons ago. They do check out these sites.... some people place way to much info on here, even the cabin crew trainers check out things on here for the successful ones going through training.....

Sad i know.... just like the VS crew and facebook!!!

4th Nov 2008, 10:04
That's very wrong if they base their decision of someone's possible progression entirely on an assumption that they make as to whether or not a potential candidate is a pprune.org member posting on a specific VB thread!

Seems too farfetched and as though they'd be wasting their time too much otherwise.

Besides, I am hearing otherwise from my friends who work at VB as CC but then again you say you helped out in a department that allowed you to have a login with access to this site... anywhoooo :p

4th Nov 2008, 13:29
As for recruiters reading it as long as u respect there wishes of keeping the recruitment process confidential and ur just discussing things of public knowldge im sure thats ok?

Thanks dying to fly... did you get a email yet saying your application has progressed to the next stage you will here from us in 2 weeks?
My VRD was June I heard that GS will be december exciting!!

Scooby you dont have to get naked just down to underwear... It was all fine

5th Nov 2008, 00:03
wow this forum went from no one writing for ages to lots of problems!!

5th Nov 2008, 03:08
macciatto - no it's only been a week so no progression email/rejection as yet! Everyone left at the end of the day had so much potential, so I don't feel too optimistic, but fingers and toes are crossed!

5th Nov 2008, 03:20
Hey Guys,

I start my ground school in SYD this Mon (10/11) is anyway booked in for the same training?

I had my unifirm fitting last week, and they told me there is another 2-3 training schools starting in SYD before Xmas!

5th Nov 2008, 22:10
I got the rejection email yesterday; a week after my VRD :(

6th Nov 2008, 20:17
Just for all those non IT nerds out there, your IP can be traced by ANYONE.


6th Nov 2008, 20:26
LOOOOOOOOOOOL Dr Phil... I'm having relationship troubles with my gay partner, he just doesn't seem that interested in me when in comes to the bedroom... what do you recommend?? I think flying and being away from him would make his heart grow fonder... any other suggestions?:confused:

7th Nov 2008, 07:19
I don't think I could suggest anything better for him, than for you to go far away.

By the way I heard there is an unsolved mystery in a small town somewhere, you and Shaggy better get on it.

9th Nov 2008, 02:08
hey everyone =)
just wondering if anyone else out there is starting their melb ground school on dec 8th?! :O

9th Dec 2008, 06:05
Hi All!!

I was wondering if anyone can give me any info on Melbourne Ground School for VB???

Does anyone know when they are commencing??

9th Dec 2008, 06:07
Do you mean ground schools for training up cabin crew?

9th Dec 2008, 06:13
That is correct... :ok:

9th Dec 2008, 06:24
Breeza check private messages :ok:

9th Dec 2008, 06:34
I went to the VRD Oct 29 in Melbourne, and the people who got through the day are yet to get their medical letter etc, still in the reference stage.
Haven't heard of anyone getting a GS as yet

4th Jan 2009, 22:44
are they still hiring??!!

5th Jan 2009, 01:03
I've heard of one person having an VRD back in April 08, who was offered GS in January.

I, myself, was at an VRD in December 08 and was told to expect ground school in March.

Sounds like there is some movement going on. These things always seem to go in cylcles.

wirgin blew
5th Jan 2009, 02:36
Always hiring especially MEL and now SYD. The turnover in these two ports will always be there. With the majority of the crew female and between 25-35 many are getting pregnant and off to have babies never to be seen again. Some leave for greener pastures, some get the boot and some can't fly due to medical reasons. The consensus is that there is probably 15-20 resignations a month which means on average a gs a month in MEL.
SYD is still growing but once the novelty of day trips wears off the turnover will be much the same as MEL.
Keeps the trainers busy and gives the wannabes a chance as well.

5th Jan 2009, 03:22
Do SYD not get any nightstops then? Is it all day trips?

5th Jan 2009, 04:08
Syd get nightstops. Not sure if that will continue though as more crew go over to the E-jet fleet.

13th Feb 2009, 10:32
i received another email today stating i am still on a waitlist. has anybody who attended melbourne vrd on oct 29 got a groundschool start date yet? i wonder how far down that list i am....trying to be patient!

4th Mar 2009, 03:55
Today I received this email;

As you are probably aware, the current economic situation is having an affect on the job market here in Australia and has consequently impacted employment opportunities within the Virgin Blue Group. We have implemented a recruitment freeze throughout the organisation and have decided for this reason to close the Expression of Interest database for Cabin Crew opportunities.

What does this mean to you? We will keep your contact details and once recruitment activities are projected we will be in contact with you to advise that we are accepting applications for the role of Cabin Crew.

Looks like everyone is being affected :(

2nd May 2009, 07:55

I was wondering if you know when they will be taking expressions of interest again, as i have been trying to find where to apply on the website, obviously virgin have removed the link!!!

Thought you may know something more!

Thanks in advance.:)

16th Jul 2009, 22:28
Hey people,

I've been hearing reports VirginBlue may start a small scale recruitment drive for one or two ground schools based in sydney or melbourne towards the end of this year (2009).

I work in the middle east & am keen to come home. I hope they still continue to hire crew on their current EBA as I'm aware they are in negotiations with the company & FAAA now.

Anyone have any insight?

xoxo :):):)

16th Aug 2009, 12:42
how's everyone doing...

well i've applied fopr the guest services role with VB (applications closed 11th august) and now i've been invited to the VBRD being held on Wednesday 19th aug....

i wonder hw it'll be... i'm a nervous wreck already:( ...

i've gone thru most of the threads and everyone just keeps emphasizing tht it'll be fun....:eek:
anywho's.... it's still keeping me awake at nights just wondering...lolz....:sad:

BTW: is anyone else going to be there?????

18th Aug 2009, 09:39
Hi every one, I am going to have interview with Vrgin Blue very soon, it is for guest service position though...Any one knows what are the group activities topics? highly appreciated :)

14th Sep 2009, 10:17
Hi M K,
I was at the recruitment day. Have you heard anything yet??

10th Oct 2009, 08:55
just wondered if anyone has heard if there is movement in the camp at VB re cabin crew recruitment..ive heard a few rumours ( yes rumours !!) that it will maybe be january 2010 for melb and syd bases ...can anyone shed any light on this?
I have a few tech crew friends over there and they say things are picking up big time with the introduction of new short haul international routes..ie Puhket and Bali

4th Nov 2009, 10:59
Gossip CONFIRMED....


12th Nov 2009, 12:59
Hey Guys,

Virgin blue was just recruiting for cc syd base. If anyone hears back please post..

12th Nov 2009, 15:07
Ok guys, so get this V aust is hiring. im currently working for an airline in the uk and have been here for 3 years and will most likely be moving my current flight forward (arrive 25/12) to make the interview which no doubt will be before this, so im taking a massive risk JUST for the interview. can anyone tell me how the interview day goes. i need the complete low-down ie questions, what kind of tests, what kind of senarios, of the day to help me prepare as much as i can for it!

i have had rejected take offs, medical emergencies, tech issues resulting in unschedualed night stops and everything else thrown at me while being with this company so i know i can use that as examples. but i just need to be completly prepared for it. i know the general stuff, but if its possible, does anyone have the specifics.

another thing ill need to renew is my 1st aid cert, so its all going to be happening for me in the span of a month!!!


19th Nov 2009, 12:33
Hi All!

Could anyone shed some light on what to expect for the VB Sydney Assessment day?

Also....is there anyone currently working for VB based out of Sydney that could answer the following:
i) Most common routes to expect dept Syd?
ii) How many overnights a month on average would you expect?
iii) Are you only based on the E-jet or on other aircraft as well?
iv) From what I understand from the phone interview your salary after training consists only of:
base salary (incl grooming allowance) + overnight allowance + super....
is this correct or do you get a other DTA type allowances as well?
v) Average fortnightly/monthly pay?
vi) Do you get to do any international routes i.e Bali, NZ etc.

Your help is greatly appreciated!



19th Nov 2009, 16:55
Hiya, did you apply for virgin blue syd base through the website a couple of weeks ago? Just wondering if you did because I also applied but have no invitation for the recruitment day so just wondered if you had then I would know I was not sucessful!

20th Nov 2009, 05:53
Do you get invited to a recrutiment day after the phone interview? Or is it done at a time after the phone call?

Has anyone been called yet?

21st Nov 2009, 11:26
Yes I would be interested to know if anyones been contacted!Only seems like one person at the mo!

21st Nov 2009, 20:26
No word here yet either......

21st Nov 2009, 22:05
I wonder how many of us here applied

24th Nov 2009, 07:04
Message left on my phone today regarding phone interview...... Will ring back tomorrow. Anyone else get a call??

24th Nov 2009, 10:57
hi guys,
just wondering if virgin blue or any division of virgin will be recruiting for a brisbane basing anytime soon?
Thanks :)

25th Nov 2009, 16:25
No call for me:sad::sad::sad:

26th Nov 2009, 06:10
Hey guys,
VB cabin crew member here. How is everyone going with there applications? Anyone getting any interviews coming up? Its an amazing job.
All the best everyone!:)

27th Nov 2009, 00:39
Hey guys, I had a phone interview the other day & now have an interview in sydney on the 2nd of december. My mate has an interview on thursday 3rd in syd.

Anyone else going?


27th Nov 2009, 03:41
Hi there,

Good luck guys:ok: Please let us know your assessment process;)

Hey Flyhigh12,

I heard a rumor that DJ will hire a lot of new people this time.:confused:
Do you think the company needs a lot of cc now or maybe they want to put people on active hold list ??? Any information which you can give us would be appreciated.

28th Nov 2009, 06:10
hey Ozcat,

If you have applied for Sydney Base, I dont think they will be an active waitlist. They want to expand the base as it is at present the smallest. So I don't think there will be much of a wait time. But don't take my word for it I am not 100% sure. Which base has everyone applied to?
Make sure you all let me know how you go.

1st Dec 2009, 01:19
Any idea when VB will be recruiting for Melbourne again?

1st Dec 2009, 07:30
Honey, having worked for jetstar for 4 year I can tell you I'd rather be working with the virgin group. Virgin group are amazing to work for.. Plus you don't want to put all of your eggs in one basket so to speak!
Deff go to the interview. Any interview experience is good experience!!

1st Dec 2009, 22:56
FYI - VB is short in all bases and are using CS as CC for Dec and January to fill the holes - an expensive exercise in the long term. I would expect to see massive recruiting now that EBA is in place which includes new lower entry salaries for newbies.

2nd Dec 2009, 07:35
I hope they call me soon then!

It really feels like airlines don't care at all for those people who apply who have never done it before, even though we have all the requirements asked of us and heaps of life and customer service and travel experience.

2nd Dec 2009, 15:28
I got my rejection email from VB today...was kind of expecting it but still so dissapointed:(

2nd Dec 2009, 15:38
Ive just noticed VB are now recruiting for BNE and MLB now...Im from brisbane so that would have been perfect for me!!!Is there literally no point in applying again? In my email it does say

We continually have ongoing recruitment needs and therefore invite you to keep in contact via our website www.virginblue.com.au (http://www.virginblue.com.au/). Should you be interested in any other employment opportunity, please submit your application online.

So obvioulsy the waiting 12 months before reapplying doesnt apply when you dont get through to the RDs. So would there be any point in applying again or should I just accept defeat?

4th Dec 2009, 06:59
Yeah I recently applied for the Melbourne base position and it said on the application that you should choose carefully the base because you can only apply for one. So now that I've applied for Melbourne but Brisbane is still listed on the page I'm not even bothering applying for that one.

5th Dec 2009, 14:58
Hi there,
just wondering if can someone please shed some light on the difference between pay per year/month between v australia and virgin blue??

Big Hairy Potatoes
6th Dec 2009, 09:20
You arekidding me people!!!!!

If you really want to work for VB and you say it is your dream, Live a little and just take a position in a port that you don't want. Just get in and then apply for a transfer. I was told in my training it was harder to get into VB than Medicine at Queensland Uni (in relation to applications versus positions available). If your offered a job have some balls and take a chance. You'll love living outside of your comfort zone. You don't know what it's like until you try it.

To be eligible for a transfer, you need to be in the position for 9 mths and have high performance and no performance management issues. If a position is available it's pretty streamlined.

Your probation (6mths) will fly and your 9 mths will come up in no time and if you have to stay for 12 mths, big whoop.

You are going to work for an airline for gods sake. You will get staff travel and get $$$$ for free flights to go home and see your family. They can even use it to come and see you. You can also bid for overnights in your home city.

Virgin want people who want the job, if you tell them you are willing to move anywhere for the job, you'll have a better chance.

I read posts from people on this forum that they rrrrrreally want the job. But when push comes to shove and they are offered a job, they turn it down and then whinge. Get with it people.

Here endith the rant.

7th Dec 2009, 03:12

Has anyone here heard back yet from the sydney cabin crew recruitment last week?

7th Dec 2009, 09:46
i haven't heard anything yet

11th Dec 2009, 08:40
I agree- You MUST take a port that you do not want to get a foot in the door- especially if it is YOUR DREAM JOB!!! This industry is highly competitive and if you want it you can't say no- especially now in the global recession! For e.g. I just spent 2 weeks wages to fly to Perth and back for one night from Queensland just for a hold file interview- thats how much you have to want it to get it! Good Luck everyone! :ooh:

11th Dec 2009, 09:35
hey guys fyi - i did a phone interview for V aust, passed and the lady said to me that i need to go for the interview on the 16th dec, unfortunately could not make it, but she put me on the list for Virgin Blue Syd and told me that 1st week of jan they will be holding face to face interviews. as for the MELB and BNE bases, these will be conducted END of JAN!

hope that helps

11th Dec 2009, 11:41
keep getting emails from V saying they appreciate our paitence etc and we will be in touch..but still havent had phone interview!

as for melb base cabin crew does anyone have any ideas as to when they may interview ?

I would be grateful for any info!

cheers :-)

12th Dec 2009, 06:16

is anyone else up to the medical stage from the sydney recruitment?

Im doing my medical on monday :ok:

13th Dec 2009, 21:55
Has anyone heard anything back from Virgin BNE?? I applied but haven't heard a think and it closed a week ago.

14th Dec 2009, 00:43
Scratch that, just got an email to say they are still reviewing applications.

15th Dec 2009, 05:39
Ok so I applied for a cabin crew position out of the blue on a whim basically for something to do and Virgin have granted me a phone interview for the Brisbane base.

I now find myself quite keen on the idea and am wondering what to expect from the phone interview. I had one previously for Qantas UK which went really well but I cannot remember what was asked at all. (I made the Heathrow interview but couldn't be there like I thought I would be sadly)

I imagine it is full on especially since the number of applicants will be huge, but any pointers would be much appreciated.... :)

15th Dec 2009, 05:47
Congratulations Daniel! I applied for BNE Virgin but haven't heard anything back yet ... when did they contact you about the phone interview?

15th Dec 2009, 05:52
That would be today at 1:23 PM.....

I have only previously considered an international crew position, but am actually quite excited about the prospect of having a real go at this one. So badly want to leave my present job haha!!

good luck with getting your email too!

15th Dec 2009, 08:52
Most Virgin Blue Domestic crew now operate and layover flights to Bali, Fiji, Phuket and Wellington. So although it's short haul international, it's still international.

15th Dec 2009, 16:05
Hi, guys i've applied for Virgin Blue Airlines Cabin Crew based in melbourne, a couple of weeks back has anyone heard anything back via email or telephone yet?

15th Dec 2009, 17:52
I also applied for the Mel base and haven't heard anything.....no email, nothing!

I was getting concerned since the BNE applications seemed to be getting some sort of acknowledgment, even if it was just in email form.

Can only remain positive that i haven't received the "thanks but no thanks email".

15th Dec 2009, 19:48
If anybody else has heard anything from Virgin Blue melbourne base for applications that closed on the 7th dec please let me know either emails or phone interview thanks

17th Dec 2009, 10:46
me too..:hmm:

18th Dec 2009, 00:55
So, has anybody else heard anything back for Virgin Blue Melbourne Base Applications that closed on thr 7th December 2009?
either via telephone or e-mail if so please do tell thanks

18th Dec 2009, 04:37
Hopefully everyone that applied for Melbourne Base hears before Christmas!!
Fingers crossed!!

21st Dec 2009, 05:07
rubyslippers01 (http://www.pprune.org/members/291516-rubyslippers01)

Have you already been to the Virgin Blue Assessment for the Melbourne Base recruitment? so you have already recieved a phone call?

22nd Dec 2009, 03:15
Hi ,
I have recently passed my phone interview with Virgin Blue based in Sydney and I have been asked to join them for group interviews on the 6th January.
As expected i am extremly nervous.
I have been wanting to do this my whole life..
What kinds of questions will they ask?
How many people are usualy expected at group interviews?
How can i make myself more prepared?
If i have not yet completed my RSA, but have booked my position in the next course, will this effect me from being succesful in the position?
Please help me.

22nd Dec 2009, 05:22
Hey guys, anyone else been invited to the assessment day on the 12th jan '10 ?? :)

22nd Dec 2009, 05:26
NO!? In Brisbane? When did you get the email?

22nd Dec 2009, 05:32
I had my phone interview last tuesday and was asked on the phone if i would like to attend, and they confirmed it later that afternoon with an email.... have you had your phone interview yet?

22nd Dec 2009, 05:33
No, I haven't had a THING! Just an email a few weeks ago to apologise for the delay, and that they still had lots of applications to sort through.

22nd Dec 2009, 05:53
any one anyone know what the go is for Melbourne Applications? ! has anyone has anyone had any correspondance with VB via phone or email ..if so let us all know!! :ugh: I didi hear a whisper it could be the end of JAN?

I really want to fly outa MELBS...

22nd Dec 2009, 06:10
Nope i havent not heard anything as yet, and a couple of my friends who also applied for Virgin Blue Melbourne Base have also heard nothing as yet!
A couple of little birdie's told me that there doing Sydney / Brisbane interviews first and starting now on Aucland NZ.. and then moving onto melbourne after that. But however i dont know the date or rougly when.. But as far as i know nobody has heard anything from Melbourne base as yet. But if anybody knows any other info about melbourne base for virgin please fill us in..
good luck guys :ok:

23rd Dec 2009, 06:50
had a phone call today from VB asking me to attend SYd interviews early jan..

She was very nice ..

I politely declined as I said mt first preference was for melbs and was that OK ..would it affect me in my application for melb..

I really dont want to have to move to SYD if I can help it..if its meant to be its meant to be..

she thanked me for my honesty..

well at least I konw i was at interview level...good luck to all those people still waiting too!

23rd Dec 2009, 12:32
Wingletts (http://www.pprune.org/members/61278-wingletts)

Firstly congradulations on Virgin calling you! Thats Good!

But if you applied for Virgin Blue Melbournse Base how come the phoned you to come for a interview on the 10th of january in Sydney?

Because i thought if you apply for melbourne.. its all melbourne.. sydney the same.. Did you apply for both or? did they just randomly call you? and what questions did they ask thnx

23rd Dec 2009, 13:56
hey wingletts is that my dear friend who has just moved to gippsland?

24th Dec 2009, 00:05
yep i applied for syd initially, not in the know that they would be opening up opportunities for melb..withdrew my syd application and they still called anyway...

I guess its luck of the draw...who konws fingers crossed for melbs now!

31st Dec 2009, 00:19
hi everyone,

is it possible at all to commute to sydney from melbourne for sydney base? i am aware sydney base are not rostered many overnights if any at all making it even harder to commute. are there any sydney base virgin blue cabin crew who commute from melbourne? if so, whats it like?

your help will be much appreciated :O

31st Dec 2009, 08:05
Did my phone interview for BNE base which I am sure is probably just a means of finding out if an applicant can string 3 words together.....but anyway!!

Have made it through to the recruitment day, but I am wondering if anyone out there has any insight into the REAL wage one can expect to get with allowances included. The base rate would put someone on the poverty line, so I can only assume (and hope!) that what a crew member actually gets is considerably more......

Anyway, hope someone out there has some idea!! :)

31st Dec 2009, 20:59
I'll be joining Virgin Blue, Sydney base, in Feburary!!! So excited!!! Anyone else starting???

1st Jan 2010, 10:39
I am wondering if anyone out there has any insight into the REAL wage one can expect to get with allowances included

As of 08-02-2010 the "Virgin Blue Cabin Crew Agreement 2009" will become active.

Section 3.1.2 Salary
Cabin Crew Trainee:
=$32490.00 total yearly salary
or $1249.60 fortnightly

Cabin Crew Level 1 (from end of ground school till first anniversary):
$33550.14 - Base Salary
$1329.00 Grooming Allowance
$3195.25 Misc
=$38075.00 Total Yearly Salary
or $1464.42 fortnightly

Section 3.2.3 - Overnight Allowance
$103.38 per overnight

Section 6.5 - Overtime
$25.89/hour, Payable on:
days over 9.5hours,
more than 140hours in a roster (less hours on which daily overtime has been paid),
all time worked on a Day Off.

As to how many, and how much ($$) of extras a crew member will recieve - that's too hard for anyone to guess. Base, 737/E-Jet & Roster Bidding will all have an effect.

2nd Jan 2010, 02:30
Thanks for the info DJ Candidate...much appeciated!!

Excuse my ignorance as I have not worked in aviation before. I was wondering if there was any other components to the Salary i.e DTA or block hour payments? I know with Jetstar there is a block hour payment of $12.60/hour. Something like this would make things a bit more manageable?


2nd Jan 2010, 03:46
daniel when did you have your phone interview with virgin and do you know when the recruitment day is?

2nd Jan 2010, 05:12
hi everyone,

is it possible at all to commute to sydney from melbourne for sydney base? i am aware sydney base are not rostered many overnights if any at all making it even harder to commute. are there any sydney base virgin blue cabin crew who commute from melbourne? if so, whats it like?

your help will be much appreciated http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/embarass.gif"

I think you would be game to try. From my understanding you would almost need to go the day / night before if you have an early sign on. If there was ANY sort of disruption you would be screwed. My girlfriend was ground crew for many years and told of countless stories of cabin crew commuting and being left stranded.

turn around
2nd Jan 2010, 06:00
Hey there,

Congratulations!!! I'm also joining Virgin Blue in Feb in SYD. Can't wait :ok:

2nd Jan 2010, 06:06
I had my phone interview last week, and there are a couple of sessions that I am aware of in BNE.....Jan 12 and 14th

4th Jan 2010, 07:34
Hey Guys,
Just wondering if anybody has heard anything about VIRGIN BLUE Melbourne base as yet...? or has any idea of roughly when they will either send out e-mails or conduct a phone interview i heard from a couple of people its mid January they will start but not 100% sure!

4th Jan 2010, 23:03
Hi all,

I am jumping the gun here, but may as well find out anyway....

I am attending a recruitment day for Virgin Blue this month, and am quite excited about it. I am a little concerned about the medical though(not drug related haha)

I am wondering if they test for colour blindness? I am not sure how this would be relevant to the job, but I know from past experience that I WILL fail the Ishihara test.

It would really annoy me if it prevented me from being hired, as I currently work in a casino with colour chips all around me, and it is just not a problem....I was hired even after failing their own ishihara colour blindness test.

If anyone has any insight into this I would really appreciate it, as I would need to evaluate if it is even worth going to the interview day.

Thanks heaps:ok:

4th Jan 2010, 23:56
Am I the only person that still hasn't heard anything from Virgin BNE?

5th Jan 2010, 03:51
I am wondering if they test for colour blindness? I am not sure how this would be relevant to the job, but I know from past experience that I WILL fail the Ishihara test.


Yes they will test for colour blindness.

5th Jan 2010, 06:05
Hi Guys,

Just wondering if anyone out there has heard anything about when Virgin Blue Melbourne Base recruiters will be in contact with Melbourne applicants? or has anyone recieved an e-mail yet or phone call by any any chance?

I heard its mid january, until they finalise all Brisbane and Sydney applicants!

and is it true that now on the interview day you have to do a comprehension test? let me know please

5th Jan 2010, 23:55
Hey guys just to let you know, just received a phone call from recruitment and assessment days for BNE next week have been cancelled :confused:...
they wont be requiring cabin crew in BNE for the forseeable future!! frustrating!:ugh:

5th Jan 2010, 23:58


6th Jan 2010, 01:49
Yeah got the same call today, so pretty disappointed. Seems strange why they would initiate a recruitment drive and then decide they don't need any more crew for BNE. Would have thought they would have a better handle on their staffing numbers.....oh well...on to the next idea for me!!

6th Jan 2010, 05:12
does anyone here know realistically how many overnights sydney base cabin crew can expect to recieve? is it possible to bid for more in a month?


6th Jan 2010, 05:27
I'd be interested to know that too Dom27. Obviously it changes from roster to roster, but what is the average....One a week? One a fortnight? One a month???

6th Jan 2010, 06:26
Oh Crap! I hope that the MEL applications don't have the same fate as the BNE applications. The thing that really sux is that as it seems that no one from the MEL applications have even been called and offered RD, this means that we won't be receiving any calls updating us on the status of the applications.

I hope they at least do us the courtesy of an email.

I'm sorry to hear about the disappointing phone calls that have been received. How frustrating!!!!

Chin up guys, it can only be a matter of time.

6th Jan 2010, 07:13
the overnights seem to be pretty evenly distributed now - so 5-14 a month is typical for all bases, as for anything less, or in between, it would all come down to how you bid and a bit of luck... So that means that you could get none, and you could get max overnights - depending on what you bid for, and a bit of luck.

To be totally honest - everyone I know was somewhat dumbfounded as to why they initiated a BNE recruitment drive in the first place, given their long term intentions.

The cockup that is advertising and cancelling a recruitment day is something you should all get used to if Virgin Blue is where you want to be. No doubt they'd (HR/management) still be throwing high fives around like confetti at the thought of a last minute cancellation, as opposed to addressing why it happened in the first place.