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Those with a frozen ATPL

Old 18th Jan 2002, 23:36
  #1 (permalink)  
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Question Those with a frozen ATPL


Okay, you've just signed your soul to the devil (bank manager) to get that 60 grand and gone and done the training at OAT for example.

I'm gonna sound really arrogant for saying this but haven't easyjet just ordered a hell of an amount of planes and min qualifications for a pilot with them is a frozen ATPL and a starting salary of around 25K.

Why are none of you lot applying to them or am i just very thick and missed something very important?


Kempus <img src="confused.gif" border="0">
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Old 18th Jan 2002, 23:45
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Probably many have applied, but with a lot of experience out there on teh street for grabs, I think easyJet can afford it (at the moment) to recruit F/O's with more experience then 200 hrs. Don't take me wrong, I was taken on with hours like that, but that was before 11/9, things have changed...

From a company's point of view it could make more sense to take on more experienced pilots as they will be able to fill those vacancies in the left hand seat shortly better and quicker then having to wait for a low-hour pilot to build up his/her hours to sufficient standards for command. Just a thought...
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Old 23rd Jan 2002, 01:51
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Check out their website guys. The truth is there in black and white. 1500hrs plus a rating. I have an oats fATPL-MCC, all in course and accom 14 months, £75K.

I've applied over and over to every airline I can find. For the last 6 months. Of the 50 or so people I know from Oats 4 have jobs.

It sucks so badly you need your brains tested if your going to enter into this disaster zone.

But you know what they say theres one born every minute.

Oh... If your giving your cash away, can I have some please because I'm broke.
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Old 23rd Jan 2002, 15:55
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Thanks for posting, 4 out of 50 employed from, reputedly, the best course available; now that's a scary statisitc. I'm guessing that at least a couple of those had friends in a position to present their CV's to the right people as well.

I'm considering taking the same route as you, but I'm very worried about having to lay out 10 years worth of savings AND taking on a loan.

We get to read motivational postings from those who've made it (I'm certainly not knocking them, they keep me hoping!), but not many from those who've just achieved a frozen ATPL and are struggling to find that first job. I always assumed that was simply because those that found a job stopped reading the wannabes forum. Please keep us informed of your progress, and any news you hear about the other 50.

Good Luck, I hope something turns up for you in the very near future, and that we'll be reading a motivational story from yourself.
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Old 23rd Jan 2002, 19:10
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Thank for your response. I dont want to be seen as a gruppy old maggot. I'm not, I'm hopeful as anyone else. . .That me, the other 400 UK fATPLers(re-BAPLA Conference)plus the X number of Europeans and commonwealth hopefuls.

I could have bought a bigger house, or a new porsche, ferrari, etc. And a still have job a decent income in a good company.

. .All I have is a little blue plastic book that nobody wants and an empty bank account.

For those who are puzzled call OATS yourselves and ask for list of those who have found jobs in the last 12 months.

This is not just since september.

I tried finding out what happened to all the old students. . .Nothing its a void,

Yes the odd lucky one got through from approx '96-'99. Now NOBODY and AIR LINGUS are about to dump another 80 Pilots. Thats got to knock out RYAN AIR.( The only low hours recruiter left).

Surely if your going to spend £75K it worth doing some research. I did in 1998-99, I was told it was rosey by everyone, friends and airlines.

Look whats happened now!!!

(£75K..... you will its the odd extra hour or two, accom, food ,supplies. You'd be amazed how it mounts up. and nobody finishes on time. I was 2nd out of 12.)

. .If I had any idea it was this tough I wouldn't have done it.



But still they'll be folk with dads money lining up to blow it.

But if its yours, as mine WAS, think very long and hard, because you'll sacrafice everything for it!

and finally PLEASE, PLEASE,PLEASE DONT BORROW THE MONEY.. .I know guys whose parents borrowed against their homes.... and their whole families are now in jepardy.. .I'm serious, its true.

You have been warned.
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Old 23rd Jan 2002, 21:11
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Oh my GOD!! You're really getting scared now mate - I'm in the process of filling out my application form to go to OAT at the end of April. I got my Class 1 last week so am just waiting for the certificate now.

OAT have drastically cut down their courses. What was one new course evry 4 weeks is now one course every 3 months it seems! The last entry was in the first week on Jan and the next is the end on April and the next one after that planned for July/August!

So I'm aiming to go in April and shall work my ass off to do the best I can. I must admit that mummy & daddy came into some money and are funding most of it but I am having to pay it back and have saving of my own of approx £8K.

It is a gamble to go at the moment but I figur ehtat I shall be graduating in summer 2003 and hopefully things will be better for the job market by then. I guess with uncertainty, I shall try and work harder and try to be a cut above the rest even in my small class of 18.

If it all goes pear shape then I will at least know that I am in a better position than before and not working in some crummy office in Manchester! I have always wanted to be a pilot and will have achieved my life ambition! I also know that I will be at the best school at Oxford so will hoepfully have peace-of-mind on the course. Won;t an OAT education stand me out from the crowd?

If it's really unlikely I will get a job in Europe then I could go work for BWIA in Trinidad, West Indies. I was born there, some of my family are there, my uncle is the chief pilot and I could get a great type rating on their MD-80s and Tri-Stars!!

What do you think? What else can I do but gamble on the outcome of a job at the end of it? If it matters at all, how old are you? How did you do on the OAT course?

Am I really risking it all?

Cheers mate.
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Old 23rd Jan 2002, 22:22
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If thats the case why go to OATS at all? To fly for BWIA surely you will need the Trinidad and Tobago licenses to fly the type no matter what contacts you have. The market here doesnt look like improving for the 200hr cadet. Go to the sun, fly, get 'that' job and with the fortune you will save buy a house in Trinidad. No one will hand it to you on a plate over here believe me.

Good Luck.

MAX <img src="cool.gif" border="0">
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Old 23rd Jan 2002, 22:32
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I've got a note from,Easyjet this week. Everyone outside flying says to me why don't you get a job with Easyjet or Ryanair, they're looking for people. The truth is, that these companies and all the others are inundated with CV's and applications, probably in the hundreds, with many pilots being type rated and experienced. I've 1500hrs+, Impeccable CV, and the only route I'm finding to these interviews, is by networking. A CV or application just isn't enough right now. So I'm sure there are and will be jobs, but realise that however good you think you are, competition is fierce at the moment, and getting noticed takes a bit more than 400hrs and a bit of fancy flying, which by the way will not be half as fancy as someone with 1000hrs+. So good luck, but be realistic. As they say down the job centre, getting a job is a full time job in itself, and at this moment in time, I think thats very true.
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Old 23rd Jan 2002, 23:29
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Just quickly I'm in my early thirties. Not the best age to be setting out on a new career I know, but its my life ambition too. Thats my only hinderance if it is one. I know many airline personnel coming from a related industry. I did very well on the course. They like to get you through in as shorter time as possible and I did. 20's 30's 40's. Same story were all up ....creek. All of my BA friends got their jobs but the later courses didnt. I think LIngus and BMI dropped all their cadets, this was well after my time, so I could be inaccurate.

the guys who've pulled off jobs crept in before september. Not the best of the best, good alright, just managed to be on the top of the application skip and made good of interview.

You maybe right about it being better in 2003, who knows.

Theres just so many god dam experienced pilots out there now, let alone the steam of newly qualified like me.

All I can say is you and others have a window into my world and of my fellow student and I'll post the straight facts as I receive them.

Remember, you havent spent it yet. And you're doing your research the choice is still yours.
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Old 7th Feb 2002, 04:05
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I must congratulate Spang. Finally a person such as my self who have been thru OATS and spent a mere fortune - in excess of 75K and nothing more than a plastic book to show for it.

To all those who are considering starting an ATPL course, I would reiterate Spangs comment. Do research!! Ask the awkward questions, like how many of your students have got jobs recently, because I'll tell you it's hardly any.

And like Spang said it's not down to how good you are either. I know of people who have recently got jobs with with an Irish carrier who I would go as far as to say where OK pilots - failed the odd flight exam & ground school, but most definatly not the good or great students. Yet the ones who never failed a flight exam or ground school and have gleaming reports are still strugguling even after sending out 50, 100, 150 etc CV's.

The OATS name is far from as good as it used to be. For example look at the Ryan Air application, they no longer ask where you got your FATPL from!

One point/question I would make here (and any one considering to off load a vast some of money should be asking is - whats the first time pass rate for IRT's? At Oxford it's rather low. As things currently stand OATS statistics are bring down the National average!!

The last comment I would like to make is this. Even though I had some good times at OATS, if I had to do it all again and I know what I know now, then no I would not do it at Oxford.

Each to your own. You pay your money and you wait and see.
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Old 7th Feb 2002, 07:16
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Well here's my story..

I did my course at OATS.. finished in Jan 2000. My course overran considerably.. mainly due to the fact I kept being bumped so the sponsored students could go first and that my twin instructor wasnt part of the old boys club at OATS. . .I spent the best part of £75-80k once you take into account accomodation, food, extra hours, other living expenses etc. I was and still am fortunate to have very supportive parents and

OATS were ****** all help after my course, they had my cash, I had my little blue book from the nice people at Gatwick and that was that.

OATS do "promise" you that you'll easily get a job after graduation.. I know of a some people that got jobs, plenty that didnt.

All I would advocate is that you do your research very thoroughly.. the tiny benefit you may get from going to OATS is outweighed by the huge extra cost...

If I had my time again I WOULD have done things differently.

In my personal experience most Flight Training companies/organisations treat their customers badly, I have been the victim of a few, but also fortunate to find a few that treat their customers well and dont try to trick you in any way.

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Old 7th Feb 2002, 14:43
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Spang, Mag check, Looney...... and me!

Dito all the comments made by the afore mentioned above. I went to OATS all guns blazing and full of belief. I also sat in front of the TV at OATS on 11/09 and slowly realised that I would be going back to my old job, baring some minor miracle.

I, like many, paid for the course myself. Graduated in Oct 2001 and am lucky enough to have my old employers take me back. I'm 31 and not getting any younger. I sit here and worry about losing my currency, re-sitting my IR, and waiting for the endless pools of experience which is currently available to run out so that the airlines will finally consider someone like me.

Depressing, I know, but for all of you considering a jump into the 'wild blue yonder'. Go for it! I did have a fantastic time. Work your bollocks off and make sure that you get a first time IR pass and over 85% av. in your ground exams. It may help you to get a foot in the door. (and lets face it everything helps!). There is no quick or easy way, no magic formula to get your licence (read some of the comments on this site and you can plainly see that). Its a combination of many; right place, right time, right person, right grades, know the right person........etc.

Just for the stats. Out of my course 9 were BA and all were put on hold indefinatley (this was the same for the course before). Another 9 were self-abusers, and needless to say job less. The last person I heared of getting a job from OATS and self-abused was from a course graduating somewhere back in Jan 2001 and was hired within a month.

I do believe those starting now will be in a better position than me and my colleagues. the market will have picked up, and there MIGHT be prospects straight out of OATS! I do remember when I first started the airlines kept coming around OATS looking for new pilots........oh, if only.
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Old 7th Feb 2002, 22:02
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Wow,. .I feel like topping myself having read this thread. Before I do, I have a few comments

I have FAA and now, IAA licenses (just finished the IAA ones). I have 1,200 hours and I can't find work in the US. I work as a flight instructor, but I'm tired of that and ready to move on if I can. Having just got the Irish Licenses, I'll send out resumes to anyone who'll take them and see what happens. It at least gives me a sliver of hope.

There are days when I'm fed up and think I'll never get there. There are other days when I'm out flying on a sunny day and I realize that choosing to fly was the best thing I ever did and I'm certain that I will find that job I want, that I will beat out the thousands of other candidates looking for the same job. I find some baby step to take to help me keep moving forward and keep the dream alive.

I've been broke for five years because I chose to fly. The dream seemed closer until 9/11 - another on a long series of set backs.

But at the end of the day, whether I make it or not, I'll have tried. I am a pilot now, damn it, and I always will be. Best of all, I'm on the inside of the fence, I get to roll down the runway, even if it is in a 152, and launch into the magnificant sky. I'm the envy of those on the outside of the airport perimeter fence.

I think of the alternative - never having persued my dream, and it's unbearable.

So stop complaining about things that are out of your control and do something about it. Find a way to keep flying, keep adding hours, keep your skills current. Keep sending resumes. Keep meeting people, keep trying, keep the dream alive. If you really want it, you will get it; that more than anything, I believe.
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Old 7th Feb 2002, 22:45
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Ok, this is not meant in any derogatory sense to you guys who have put yourself through the heartache, but what I find absolutely mind boggling having read these stories, there still appears to be people out there willing to stake £70k on an ATPL from a particular "institution." Surely there is enough evidence in these stories alone to suggest maybe you swallow your pride and get your ATPL for half the cost by doing the back-to-back modular route?!. .You still end up with your little blue book at the end of it, within the same time frame, but without making you destitute while you repay £75K!

Just a thought, but this time last year I had arranged to go to Jerez January 2002. I re-hought my plans and decided to pocket £30K, and hopefully obtain a license with the other £30K.. .That boils down to the fact that I'll be able to afford a lot more beers than you guys who still feel the need to shell out £75K!
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Old 7th Feb 2002, 23:01
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Hi People

One quick question. What and where is Jerez?

I thank you


And before any of you say it I know that's 2 questions.

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Old 8th Feb 2002, 01:46
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Bae Systems has a school in Jerez, Southern Spain. Top equipment and very well organized but expensive...

hope this answers

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Old 8th Feb 2002, 03:52
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<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

they've got a little map
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Old 8th Feb 2002, 17:48
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Well said Seatrumpeter!

To those guys who recently (2000/01) graduated OATS, I remember when you guys were bright eyed bushy tailed chaps who managed to cobble together a small fortune for a CAP 509 cse with a shiny rhs in a jet at the end of it.

At the time I thought it all sounded a bit unrealistic and now I guess we know it was, even without our mate Ossama bin-Liner.

However, determination nearly always pays off, so hang in there. Consider, as I did, the flight instructor route to that 1000 hrs where airlines actually consider your cv. Crap pay but good fun, capacity/skill building, keeps you current and shows prospective employers that you really are determined. An instructor rating is £5k, peanuts compared to £75k, and there are still jobs around.

Worth a thought? <img src="wink.gif" border="0">
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Old 8th Feb 2002, 18:14
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Bae is alot cheaper than OATS. Your Flying, groundschool, first attempt at exams/flight tests, accomadation, food (some free beer on very special occasions!) AND your graduation meal (which I am looking forward to the most!) is all included. Add money for the weekends (which are a hell of alot cheaper than in England, drinks are half the price and three times the measurements!), parties, toiletries and the occasional hair cut. And another 10% on top of that as your Contingency/final reserve/Alternate what ever you want to call it and you will be sorted! . . If I remember correctly then there has been around 4 courses joined since september (about 12 per course I´d say) and another course turning up next week. . . I am very pleased so far, we had some BA cadets from Oxford and Michigan to do their LOFT course, if I remember correctly, and they loved it here.. . There are still Airtours (sorry, My Travel!), BA, Aer Lingus, Bruk air and Air Malta cadets here, but I don´t beleive they have got their jobs at the end of the course. I have heard of quite a few people getting jobs since 11/09 but not enough to be comfortable with. Hope this was of some use to someone! wingman
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Old 8th Feb 2002, 18:35
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Well wingman, you certainly brightened up my Friday. Not all doom and gloom. Good to hear.. .Great to hear cadets still there - know of any more on the way? I know, I know, unlikely but you never know.

Just in case you are missing north European weather, it pissing down outside with winds blowing up a storm and it's not very warm either.

Barney,. .What does that £5K get instructor wise? If I had say an integrated couse under my belt, would that instructor course be for teaching PPL or more?

[ 08 February 2002: Message edited by: BillyFish2 ]</p>
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