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Air Transat is hiring pilots

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Air Transat is hiring pilots

Old 27th Dec 2005, 21:48
  #21 (permalink)  
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I know some non french pilots at AT too. But are fluently bilingual. Never said it was impossible, just not easy. As far as the language police go, they do act very much like those WWII (nazi) guys. They have input into anything regarding language. Sorry, that's the best way I can describe them. Sorry if it offends someone in the Quebec government. It has nothing to do with AT. You're not trying to tell me how to be politically correct are you?
I understand your new contract is quite good. Some of my info regarding the old contract came from long-time pilots at AT, so I guess things have changed recently. Good to see.
Old 27th Dec 2005, 22:12
  #22 (permalink)  
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It's not about being politcally correct or not, it is just in the use of the word, related to the context.
It's all good to have an opinion but some people may not understand it the way you are trying to explain it, that is it, that is all.

Look what happened about a month ago when Min. of transport Lapierre used the term nazi talking about le Bloc. and see how far it went.

I do understand Quebec can be pretty strict with language, which in a way i can understand, we live in a bilingual country and laws are there to make sure companies, people respect the use of both official languages.

The only hope is that they will hire qualified people who are just waiting ( for some of them ) to fly again after they've been furloughed or new ones that are willing to make a dream comes true after the many hours they spent getting their licenses.

And i don't see why, if they do hire unilingual, they wouldn't give them the opportunity to learn the other official language. There's a program that permits you to learn another language (related to the job) and it is 75% refunded by the company if you succeed in the language class.

We'll have to wait and see how it goes and i will get the infos about how their hours are calculated when crew sked calls me for a flt. And since they are getting a new contract, i guess some of the things will change.
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Old 27th Dec 2005, 23:20
  #23 (permalink)  
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The language police are the same people who go around the province of Quebec ordering businesses to post their signs in french. They are the same people who prevent some kids from going to english school. I could go on but I really don't want to go there as politics should have no place here. As for AT, they can set what ever standards they like. French preferably? What that really means is preference to french pilots. Many of your customers are from Ontario. Yep, this is a beautiful country we live in.
Old 28th Dec 2005, 02:04
  #24 (permalink)  
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You know when i moved into this country, i did realize how sensitive was the language issue. I lived in Switzerland and with four official languages, i never felt so much tension compared to Canada. ( Why don't they teach both languages in every school throughout Canada?)
I have lived in different parts of Canada and I enjoyed the time i spent.

I beg to differ on the fact that they only hire pilots who speak french. Language of aviation is English, isn't it? So they have no choice than hiring people who are able to speak english,right?

If their requirements are they want candidates to be bilingual, let's be it. But, on the other hand, i would encourage people who are unilingual to apply as well, since you never know until you get a straight answer from a recruiter itself who'll tell them if they are suitable for the job or not.

Good luck to everyone who applies and in the hope that some will be happy to fly.
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Old 28th Dec 2005, 15:01
  #25 (permalink)  
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Anyone have any info on terms and conditions? I´ve tried a search and can´t come up with anything.

PM me if you´d like.

Thanks in advance.
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Old 28th Dec 2005, 17:19
  #26 (permalink)  
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Yes, it would be great if Canada could adopt the Swiss mentality. I know three of the four Swiss languages you speak of. Unfortunately, in this country, adopting just two languages hasn't worked very well. I never said AT hires french pilots ONLY. I still maintain that AT PREFERS french over english. I have heard some of your pilots on the radio and believe me, they know just enough english to almost communicate with atc. I have heard better english from Air France pilots. I'm not too sure of the numbers, but if out of 300 pilots, you have ten or twelve english ones, you have a long way to go. Nothing wrong with that I guess(?).

Last edited by brucelee; 29th Dec 2005 at 14:57.
Old 28th Dec 2005, 20:06
  #27 (permalink)  
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Judging by the sentiment in this province, amid a very strong desire to be their own country, the leaders of the seperatist parties want to put Quebeckers back to a unilingual entity. They want no part of English or English Canada. If you don't think so, you'd better come and live behind enemy lines for a couple of years.

Don't worry about Language Police in Quebec, the Liberals have a Francisization Policy and you'd better learn French if you want to live in Quebec.

For my dollar, let 'em go. But, on our terms. Not there's. While we still have a chance.

Trilingual countries only work if you're surrounded by French, German and Italian and your border dimensions are that of PEI.
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Old 28th Dec 2005, 20:53
  #28 (permalink)  
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A harsh but true reality of Canada. Well said.
Old 29th Dec 2005, 18:57
  #29 (permalink)  
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I had the chance to live in YYZ ( that i miss) and also in YVR. And i never felt uncomfortable because of my "accent" when i speak english.

In a way, i can understand that they are "scared" to loose their language.But since the laws are under the Napoleon code and not the common law, they still kept some french models ( in term of laws).

Maybe they don't want to become like Louisiana where Cajun is spoken by the older ones while the young generation tend to go to English only. ( Correct me if i'm wrong).

Well i don't know how it is in others airlines but what are your hiring practises?

IMHO, it would be better if the hiring was based on your flying experience.

So far, even if you think, Brucelee, that our pilots are just ok with their english, we still go from A to B and this is what matters.

Happy new year everyone
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Old 29th Dec 2005, 23:28
  #30 (permalink)  
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The way you talk shows your intolerance and racism.I am not a separatist,I live in Quebec and have lived all over Canada.

Most of us here want nothing to do with separatism but when we hear stupid red neck rethoric like yours you make us reconsider.


I used to respect you because I think most of your posts here were fair,balanced and informed......but by your comments in this thread I am starting to believe you are just as anti-french as hewillneverlearn.You disapoint me.

Keep being arrogant and racist and un-informed and you will give the separatists fuel for their fire....you might think you dont need us but wait and see how things go downhill the day after a yes vote for all of Canada.

As for Transat prefering french pilots,tell me oh just tell me Westjet doesnt favor anglos from out west?How many Quebequers at WJ?

What about the old Canadian .......What about AirBC?
Canjet...they dont favor maritimers?Etc...

Stop making it a big deal cause all you guys favor other guys from your area and background.
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Old 30th Dec 2005, 00:56
  #31 (permalink)  
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Thanks for the response.

With all due respect, I've watched with understanding, patience, and tolerance for the best part of 50 years.

In a country the size of Canada, we've plenty of room for those who choose to live here and I see no reason they shouldn't come. I've listened sympathetically for years to La Belle Province with it's je me souviens attitude, thanks to De Gaulle and Parizeau, Levesque and Bouchard. Not to mention the FLQ, Peirre LaPorte and the Trudeau War Measures Act. The whining from this province NEVER ENDS!!! This province is costing Canadian Taxpayers zillions to capitulate, has done for decades. The Gomery Commission proves a lot. Just the tip of the ice berg and Canadians are slowly catching on.

One day, English Quebeckers will as well.

The Unions have already stated they are going after Charest in the next election because of his 'cuts'. Responsible Gov't in Quebec hasn't got a chance.

Call me a racist, a bigot, whatever you like. (I have family that are French Canadian who'd love to hear this) Doesn't phase me in the least because I know what goes on in this province as you surly must. This Province, which "je me souviens pas", is run by mafia, bike gangs and labor unions PLUS idiots who want to lower the voting age to sixteen. (I wonder why? Might it have something to do with a referendum in the days ahead???)
Yeah. The likes of Duceppe don't want a free vote in Parliament over gay marriage because it has already been dealt with. (I agree) But this is the same guy who has no trouble working with the PQ to have another Referendum????? That, my fellow Canadian, is called hypocricy. The PQ and the Bloc will have as many referendum as they need until they get a YES and won't put it to rest until that day!!! Full STOP.

Like you, I've also lived in a number of places in Canada. I've also served my country. As far as Canada is concerned, for me, I no longer see Quebec as part of this country and in the final analysis, do we really need Quebec to be Canada??? Or would we all be better off and happier with a divorce? Maybe M. Duceppe is onto something.

I see it this way. If a member of the family has had enough and wants to move out on his own. Fine. That day may come. If Quebec wishes to have a referendum and YES is the outcome. That's fine too. But like any member who leaves the family it can pay it's own way in the world and not look to Mom and Dad or the family to pay. Simple, eh?

What do they want to see next? We English Canadians as their 'domestiques'??? Is that what they want Quebeckers to remember?

Whatever happened to the Beautiful Province? Too lame?

C'mon, say something with substance. Even if it's provocative, it gets the discussion going.
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Old 30th Dec 2005, 03:22
  #32 (permalink)  
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Sorry to dissapoint you but this is a topic that unfortunately usually gets out of control. Just for the record, in my 27 years of flying, no other airline has made bilingualism an issue. None of those companies you mention ever stated "english prefferably" on their requirements. Anyone who had the experience could be hired. Get my drift? The only one that has a bilingualism policy is AC because we are the flag carrier and based in YUL and because of politics. If I am arrogant and a racist, you've got to dig a little deeper for the truth my friend. I only respond to the racist tactics that the language police use in PQ. My best friends and coleagues are french and I happen to speak it quite well myself. That means I made an effort to learn it. Is that arrogant and racist? And just for the record, my Canada does include Quebec. Although I doubt the rest of Canada will be in trouble if we ever separate as you suggest. Your emotions are clouding up your thoughts. I only fight for equality. If it came across as something else, sorry.
When AT hires english-only pilots at the level that AC hires french ones, we'll talk.
Old 30th Dec 2005, 23:52
  #33 (permalink)  
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Sorry, but I do agree with Brucelee, I think emotions are running a little too high here. You talk about "rednecks", well I was born and raised in the supposed redneck territory of Alberta and I am anything but a redneck! I know what it is like to painted with the same brush, not nice and what is needed is undertsanding and a willingness to learn and talk! I applied with A.T and Big Red and stated publicaly that I have not spoken French in nearly thirty years but that I am more than willing to relearn it. Funny because as an older adult, I want to learn and be fluent in at least four languages, a far cry from when I was a kid in school.

Anyhow, think about it and all the best to you and everyone in the new year.

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Old 31st Dec 2005, 02:48
  #34 (permalink)  
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Brucelee, Willieverlearn and others,

OK emotions did get the best of me and I apologize for using the term redneck as you are correct in saying that I dont know you....so please accept my apologies.

Having been called a frog more times than I can count makes me a little testy....

I am a born francophone Quebequer and a fervant federalist who happens to love Canada and so do about 60% of us here in Quebec.
I fight and argue with the separatist any time they spew their ignorant banter,I have walked in the pro-canada rallies and all that good stuff.

I have lost many a night's sleep worring that this wonderful country could break apart.

The problem with that is that having worked in Ontario and Alberta I have come to hate the blattant anti-quebec racism as you guys lump us all in one category:separatists.
Well at least 3.5 million of us are on your side and when I hear willieverlearn say you are tired of us and we should just go....well you insult all of us who are here fighting for Canada.

I have had talks with fellow crewmembers from the english provinces who are all convinced that we are all a bunch of wackos and as you so nicely put it:why dont we just go away..

It's nice that you guys speak french or are willing to learn and I truly admire you for doing it .

Just dont forget you have friends here who want the same things as you OK?
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Old 31st Dec 2005, 07:42
  #35 (permalink)  
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Hi Guys there is certain thing that you have to know in the history of AT and why they may prefer peoples speaking both languages
First AT was started by about 10 ex Quebecair pilots who were french Canadians and some of those had try before to join AC or Wardair, or CP
But in those time 1970/1980 even AC had only about 10% of french Canadian
I remember one day even myself I received an answer from Wardair that they had more suitable candidate. Yes at that time they were hiring some pilots with Cessna 310 time and I was only a Convair 580 captain ......
So this is why those pilots, when they decided to start AT they said it will be a Cie for the French Canadian because they were not welcome in the others aviation Cie
I d ont know if it is the same thing now in Canada because me I left a long time ago
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Old 31st Dec 2005, 16:33
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I don't like being painted with the same brush either (Redneck); I could only hazard a guess that it is a very small sector of this province’s population. But it would appear that just like separatists they seem to get the press and it would appear that they believe they speak for all of us; well they don't and I would remind people that when we sit back and say nothing we give them that power or belief. So speak up whenever the opportunity arises and let those people know that they do not speak for everyone. There are some really terrible things in the world, but ignorance has to be one of the worst, it leads to so many poor human qualities like hatred, war and so on.

For me if I am fortunate enough to secure employment with AT or Big Red I would be all too happy to become bilingual again and then maybe a couple other languages too. After all aside from being in the air one of the reasons I chose this career is to see the world and meet the different people in it and what good is it if you can't communicate with them!
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Old 1st Jan 2006, 14:45
  #37 (permalink)  
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...so, are you saying you're now declaring yourself to be a 'separatist' who works for AT???
...and that...
any former Wardair A310 pilots who don't speak French shouldn't waste their time applying?

je me souviens
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Old 2nd Jan 2006, 02:26
  #38 (permalink)  
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Re: Air Transat is hiring pilots

Originally Posted by Willie Everlearn
...so, are you saying you're now declaring yourself to be a 'separatist' who works for AT???
...and that...
any former Wardair A310 pilots who don't speak French shouldn't waste their time applying?

je me souviens

Willie Everlearn;

I think you're trying to stir the pot here... Lindbergh767 simply tried to explain why some french Canadian pilots are felling some resentment towards their anglophone peers and as you can see, it dates back a long time... Are they right? One could argue that they have a bit of a valid point since when "back in those days" you couldn't get hired by AC or CP if you had a name like Tranchemontagne or (insert any french sounding name here). Was he saying that he is now a separatist working for AT? Maybe you should reread his post...and Meaw's last one too, very carefully, you could EVERLEARN a thing or two about us!
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Old 2nd Jan 2006, 20:30
  #39 (permalink)  
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Re: Air Transat is hiring pilots


I get the impression Lindbergh767 is no longer in Canada and I certainly understand what he is saying and agree that, back in the day, that was pretty much the way it was. At what point does that fact change? Or, does TS keep the resentment (je me souviens) alive by placing this kind of advertising on their website?


I wouldn't mind working for TS because I know it's a good cie to work for. That said, let me first apologize to CGTSN for going off in a direction I truly didn't want to go but it's the idea that TS would include Bilingual as a requirement for pilots. (???) That's their business, for sure. But, it only serves to eliminate a number of suitably qualified young men and women who might otherwise come to learn more about this province, it's culture, and language or whatever but that doesn't seem to be of concern to TS. It certainly isn't a concern for the Bloc or PQ. It also only serves to further reduce the pool of those pilots who might be available to TS. Whatever?

Let's think about this for a minute.

If you're a Fireman in Montreal, Blanc Sablon or Trois Riviere, it's probably a good idea if your Bilingual. In fact it is probably a good idea if you speak French and maybe a little bit hinglish, but, a pilot??? Are you joking?

The pot I AM trying to stir is 'thought'. Not revenge (the French vs English kind). Which really lights off the emotions. Specifically, the HR write up of the TS First Officer Requirements, which read:

"Canadian airline pilot's licence (not a Quebec airline Pilot's licence) or foreign licence validation "
"Canadian citizen (not a citizen of Quebec) or in the process of obtaining landed immigrant status in Canada (not Quebec)"
"Bilingual (French and English)" for a basing in Toronto.

When I read drivel like this, I read foreign pilots who can speak English and French preferred over Canadian pilots who speak only English (the official language of aviation despite Pauline Marois's opinion) in preference to foreign "licence validation".
You must be kidding!
How, in gawd's name, did ALPA ever buy into that??? (It's an american union. What do they know about Canada and the pilot situation up here?)
How did the Transat pilot's themselves ever buy into that?? (rhetorical question)

I can see bilingual as a "desired" or "preferred" criteria but not a requirement. What gets MY goat is the notion people would actually admit on a public forum they'd learn French to satisfy that REQUIREMENT. As a Quebecker, does that not disappoint you that someone would actually wait for a pilot job posting to actually reveal publicly their motivation for learning YOUR language is the possibility they might get a pilot position with your company??? From my perspective, you learn French because you realize two languages are better than one. N'est pas?

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Old 4th Jan 2006, 18:57
  #40 (permalink)  
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Re: Air Transat is hiring pilots

....a few facts and to get this string back on track:
Salaries range from 62K-102k for F/Os and 103K - 159K for Captains.
There are 9 pay scales each lasting 1 year.
Training pay of 500$/week to a maximum of 60 days. Transat does not abuse the 60 days.
Layover inactive days are not considered days off. I have been with Transat through 3 contracts and this has never been a policy. 11 days off a month at home base (12 if you are on reserve)
To apply on line go to airtransat.com and click on "about" and then on "careers" and there will be a selection there to apply on line. Unfortunately for the individual inquiring about the pilot position the opening and application deadline closed this morning and the internet link has been suspended.
Further to your discussions on the French language issue: I am an anglophone Transat pilot and am in a position to comment on the experience at Transat. It can be best summed up by saying that every airline has it's share of "special" people and Transat is no different. Yes at times during my career with Transat I have had some difficulty with some people because of my inability to speak french. At first I was taken aback but soon realized that even if I could speak french that would not change the fact that these "special" people would still be "special". If I was fully bilingual I probably still wouldn't want to socialize with these few individuals. I am working on a french language course but find it very difficult (maybe I'm special). I will continue to plug away at my course and am sure that the tolerance, good will, respect and comradery that I experience with my co-workers will continue. I am sure that other airlines with diverse cultural mixes also, at times, experience trying circumstances.
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