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The Abu Dhabi Britannic

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The Abu Dhabi Britannic

Old 21st Oct 2005, 13:24
  #61 (permalink)  
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he isn't as bright as he likes to think he is
Alas, I am undone......

Hurrah for ATCO1962, He has just condensed about 4 pages of endless harping on....
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Old 21st Oct 2005, 13:38
  #62 (permalink)  
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Me little okker, the UAE authorities would welcome you back in a heartbeat. They will have a permanent position waiting for you at their Al Wathba facility. Don't think that the salary is great.

As ANSA said "classy way to go Mate". What you going to tell your kids when they ask "what did you do in the Gulf war Daddy?"
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Old 21st Oct 2005, 14:00
  #63 (permalink)  
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Hey cheery, why don't you create a few more identities and keep agreeing with yourself over and over?
What you going to tell your kids when they ask "what did you in the Gulf war Daddy?"
I'll put on a welsh accent and tell them some lies. I learned at the foot of a master
ATCO 1962
A couple of things
imprint on your minds is the need to be in a position to walk whenever things aren't going your way
Serco bond you for 2 years, so it might be a long wait to get yourself out (although it is not unknown for poeple to be so disenchanted that they buy their way out of the bond). Also, ATC is not, generally, easy to switch jobs at the drop of a hat. Nor is it easy to change countries with a family.
much of the hard-time moaning comes from those who've burnt their bridges long ago and have nowhere else to go.
I beg to differ. I found those that had nowhere else to go never moaned, and almost existed in a state of self-delusion about how good everything was, precisely because they had nowhere else to go (or are trapped by the money). The "moaners" are inevitably people who have left, because they have the freedom to speak.
Don't just follow the money trail; there are other good reasons why you may want to come here. Whatever happens, enjoy the process and walk if and when you have to without rancour.
Top advice. You'll also be a lot happier if you go in with eyes wide open.
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Old 21st Oct 2005, 14:21
  #64 (permalink)  
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Tall lion and others considering coming to AUH Acc these are the bare facts (which is really what this thread is about)

* As far as coming here for lifestyle goes, that may have been the case to some extent when they used to have a full compliment of 32 controllers, but not any more, they have a shortage and it will get worse, and those here are working more hours to make up the gap-----bottom line there is not enough time to have a lifestyle because you are either working or sleeping oh yes or working

* For some of the single (or otherwise inclined) staff this may not be too big an issue, but for those with families/kids the lifestyle thing is a myth and as the cost of living rises rapidly its eating into what little is really left, which the way things are going is not going to be a lot

* Accommodation....well I for one HATE apartments and did not envisage leaving a 4 bed home on acreage and moving into a dung heap apartment, we should be on a similiar parity to other expats so should be a villa, Serco made it out like it was the Ritz, NOT!! Again if you are single maybe not such a big deal.

* Schooling here is expensive and if you want to send your kids to a second rate school fine, if you come here you want and should expect your kids to get the best education available and not have to pay for it.

* workwise the rosters here suck big time and in the REAL world would be considered UNSAFE and I am sure ICAO would agree. A lot of the staff in the UAE ACC are fatigued, and it is only a matter of time until a major occurence happens.

the risk management here is nil and the MIS management ot the ACC is rife. Because of the roster which infringes on ones free time frequently and the ever reducing conditions of employment. The one thing we dont want CAT is more people coming there as will not help with getting the pay and conditions improved. Remember we are not talking about 1st world country here it is still classed as somewhere between 3rd and 1st world and the pay and conditions should reflect this and they dont. I also believe that they never will.

I agree with those who have said come here and have a look, but make sure you come during Ramadan and during mid summer so you can really get a feel for reality, but dont bother speaking to any of the supervisors or Serco managers or GCAA as they will just piss in your pocket.

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Old 21st Oct 2005, 14:31
  #65 (permalink)  
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it is often said that a Welshman's truth follows a curve.

Haws twyllo mahban na gwrachan.


if the roster is like as it was before we then worked/attended about 33 hrs total a week averaged over a calender month.

Not a lot compared to what other highly qualified, i.e MBAs etc, expats do for comparable salaries.

I think that if you took this to the media and they published your salaries in comparison to the general public they would nail you as whinging and not working hard enough.

HAY MSL management consultants have done numerous controller studies in many countries on this. Check them out.

However, your choice. Go for it
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Old 21st Oct 2005, 15:32
  #66 (permalink)  
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Remember we are not talking about 1st world country here it is still classed as somewhere between 3rd and 1st world and the pay and conditions should reflect this and they dont. I also believe that they never will.
just like this thread then
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Old 21st Oct 2005, 15:42
  #67 (permalink)  
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Thank you for your posting, well balanced, sensible and (dare I say) truthful.


I found those that had nowhere else to go never moaned, and almost existed in a state of self-delusion about how good everything was, precisely because they had nowhere else to go (or are trapped by the money). The "moaners" are inevitably people who have left, because they have the freedom to speak.
Oh please, who is delusioned now? People who have the freedom of movement are the moaners? Come on now, you are really scraping the barrel on this one. Those with freedom of movement and choice tend to be the ones who get on with there lives, why even bother 'moaning about something that you have left behind?

And what is it not the solution to? Is that an admission that there are things that require solutions? That won't do your recruitment drive any good!
So what you are saying is that a company like Virgin does not continue to look for solutions? Is it only companies that have problems that look for solutions? Once again , ferris, you are showing your lack in knowledge on issues.

Who "relies" on being chucked out? Or doing a runner?
I don't know, maybe you should answer this one? Maybe you were the only one who wanted to leave but had internal pressure to stay, so you get an opportunity and 'voila' you have to leave. That, however, is MY OPINION and should not be construed as the TRUTH.

Yak yak

You are obviosly not at the centre. Full compliment of 32? Just looked at the latest roster, 32 listed there. November oops 34 listed there (2 newies arriving yippee).

I certainly was not made any promises of what Serco offered me when I came out, contract was pretty clear (including the bond). My contract also included the fact that singlies may even share accomodation, so I guess on that little point things have improved . No, don't get me wrong, I agree that the accomodation could be better but I would rather have the cash than a better apartment (came here for the money remember). My palace is at home, not here. The money also needs improving, but hey, if it doesn't then off I toodle to my real home in my real country and know that my time here was an experience. I will also be able to get my old job back at the same level of my peers. I will have no regrets about leaving here as it is still (barely) on my terms.

Hey bathie, just checked out your post, have no clue what the welshie thing is though. You make a valid point on the hours. Just did a quickie of my hours, I'm complaining as I worked 1 hour per week more than you . I suppose this is a FACT and can be construed as the TRUTH.

cat out
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Old 21st Oct 2005, 15:56
  #68 (permalink)  
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Cool Did I tell you I am in the Caribbean!

Howdy sports fans, just stepped off the party boat in the Caribbean and more than impressed by the banter that I have missed whilst sipping rum punches on the deck of our gin palace!

At 80 US cents a minute though I am not going to get a chance to read through all the quality input from all concerned so I will save that until I get back to work

Can I put my Bateen Canteen order in with someone as the Lobster here sux!
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Old 21st Oct 2005, 16:04
  #69 (permalink)  
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Foxy, you sure get around! Where do you get your money from and when are you coming home to Muscat???
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Old 21st Oct 2005, 19:06
  #70 (permalink)  
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32 on the roster, what a coincidence, also the number of overtime shifts required for November. See your email if you don't believe me. 2 newees in November wow in three months time we won't be asked to work the 32 overtimes.
Why are people who are just trying to improve their lot being called whiners? UAE ACC controllers work hard and deserve a better deal because of it.
Yes I was told what number of rooms my apartment would have but here is a few new sentences for the contract manager to learn
"Your apartment is so small that there isn't enough room to swing a cat"
"Your apartment has no laundry would you mind doing your washing in the kitchen?"
"Your apartment is so old and crappy that all those who live their threatened to leave Serco if they did not do something about the condition of it ASAP"
"You will not be able to go in to your elevator at night because there will be vomit or urine in it and it will make you sick if you do"
"The furniture in your apartment looks like I stole it from a garage sale and you will not get any help if you try to improve on it yourself"
Sorry just don't buy this things are great and don't need to change around here thing.
Edited after steam cleared from my glasses

Last edited by sandborne; 22nd Oct 2005 at 03:21.
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Old 22nd Oct 2005, 00:16
  #71 (permalink)  
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If you want to keep opening your mouth and removing any doubt about your lack of brains, go right ahead. You finally got the message about the subjectiveness of truth (and obviously it stung, didn't it!), but now you're at it again!
you are showing your lack in knowledge on issues
I think you are confusing "pursuit of excellence" with "solving problems" in regard to Virgin.
One of the biggest problems at the ACC is the lack of talent in the managers. Witness it on display here in this thread!

Those like Cat are loath to admit there are any problems. The "who is doing the moaning thing" has been done to death; readers can make up their own minds (ps Cat- notice the difference between "there" and "their" - petty, I know, but I think it goes to the core of the 'intellectual rigour' you keep alluding to). But you have to ask questions when things like this are raised
if the roster is like as it was before we then worked/attended about 33 hrs total a week averaged over a calender month
Carefully crafted to mislead. Firstly, why would prospectives care about some roster that USED TO BE WORKED? Neglecting to mention that that roster contained a period of 48 hours continuous standby- YES, you read that correctly- 48 HOURS CONTINUOUS STANDBY, during which you could be asked to work ANY shift! Try doing a nightshift of 9 hours after 10 minutes sleep! Illegal under the CARs, but that didn't stop them. When it was pointed out that the roster was illegal, guess what happened? The person who pointed it out was told to apologise for raising the matter, or he would be immediately dismissed! Note how this standby time is not counted as "attending work" by the truth twisters! So 48 hour standby's continued until the staffing got so bad they just rostered you shifts instead of standby's, and asked you to work overtime as well. Here is what a controller working at the ACC IS CURRENTLY ROSTERED
MMAANNSOOOMMAANNSOMMAANNSOOO every 28 days. Do the maths yourself about how many days off, hours per week etc that is (M 7hrs - because that's what the office staff/managers work- A 8hrs, N 9hrs). Then don't forget about the overtimes you are expected to work in those few days off. Now, Cat, how do these FACTS stack up against your 33/34 hr dribble? Wasn't hard to post a roster, was it?
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Old 22nd Oct 2005, 04:59
  #72 (permalink)  
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Mr Mews, CMD etc
Just checked my own roster. Averages out 41 hours this week, 41 hours next week, 41 hours week after that and so on and so on. Hey look there is a three day break, mark that down for celebration, may even be able to recover from the two night shifts in that time.
I am unable to stop thinking of new sentences for the contract manager to learn so here are two more
"Your roster will, in no way, reflect what your contract with us says that you will do"
"You can get your own apartment if you chose but the 45/65k per year will only allow you to rent a share apartment with three other taxi drivers and their families"

Whinging, not working hard enough? Garbage and said with some spite in my opinion. We work plenty hard thanks and what do you call the general public. It has been proven time and time again that not every one can do ATC. What about safety? Should we work as long as an AUH taxi driver? What is your cut off for safety versus fatigue? If we fill the Nov ot's, for many it will mean seven days on two off.
Tall Lion, I will be posting until the pay and conditions of next year are known to all. At that time I will be putting them up here for review and signing off. Don't make a move until then.
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Old 22nd Oct 2005, 05:17
  #73 (permalink)  
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I must say, days off are what I live for, so I sympathise utterly with the comments about time spent at the face.

How much sick leave are you guys entitled to and when are you "allowed" to take it off? It would seem that there's a valid fatigue problem that any doctor would be happy to sign off on if the standbys are worked as indicated.

What does management think about calling in sick for a standby after a 10 minute pause between shifts?
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Old 22nd Oct 2005, 05:18
  #74 (permalink)  
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What stand by they are rostered shifts and the number of sick days we are entitled to is irrelevant.
Sorry I will explain what I mean about the sick days.
Overtime equals fatigue
Fatigue equals sick days
Sick days equal overtimes
Axiomatic I would have thought.
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Old 22nd Oct 2005, 05:32
  #75 (permalink)  
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Yep, that's understood; a world-wide problem. What happens, though, if every standby didn't show for fatigue reasons?
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Old 22nd Oct 2005, 06:11
  #76 (permalink)  
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Again with the stand by. What stand by?
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Old 22nd Oct 2005, 06:21
  #77 (permalink)  
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ATCO 1962
I think you misinterpreted what was written. Never 10 minutes between shifts, but you used to be eligible to be called in on 1 hr notice, even if that occurred 10 mins after you had gone to sleep (ie. you can never be prepared to work because you don't know what time of day or night you could work).
The standby system is no more. Out of the concern for the staff, you ask? No, not enough staff to run it. Simple as that.
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Old 22nd Oct 2005, 14:26
  #78 (permalink)  
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All right you . I’m taking off the calf-skinned gloves for a while so that I can focus some of my precious time on you
The person who pointed it out was told to apologise for raising the matter, or he would be immediately dismissed!
Your misinterpretation/version of the events is now being put out as “the truth” . What actually happened was you balls’ed up on the CARS. You were told to retract your complaint because you actually messed up on the interpretation of the rules and regulations, went in with guns a blazing and made an arse of yourself. I’m surprised you brought your embarrassing incident up.

MMAANNSOOOMMAANNSOMMAANNSOOO every 28 days. Did the math and this works out to 36hs per week. Your point??? The overtime is voluntary and there has been no lack of takers so far because the money is great. If people don’t want to work, they don’t. Its that simple.
Another thing, check your own spelling before you lash out at others. How sad are you that you pick up on such a trivial little detail. Still no job??? Lots of time on your hands??

Let me say this loud and clear so that we don't have to go through it again.

1)We are short staffed
2)Some of the accomadtion is unacceptable
3)Salaries need to improve

Phew! Got that off my little chest..... Mr. Hyde will now take his medication for the night and all will be well in La La Land tomorrow..

Nurse! Nurse! Pass the Valium....
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Old 22nd Oct 2005, 15:44
  #79 (permalink)  
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I must give you guys one thing : no shortage of humour over there

I will visit next year...allthough it might not be during ramadan, but more in the first half of the year ( no exact dates set ).

I will -of course- make sure I 've got a bridge to cross back, should it be needed. Luckely, I can take unpayed leave for 3 or 5 years ( not sure on the numbers though )... I would have to re-validate, but that comes with the deal.

One thing I've learned reading this -and other threads : wherever I might be going, everywhere there's something to complain about... won't keep me form looking though
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Old 22nd Oct 2005, 23:15
  #80 (permalink)  
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Tall lion

Thats the spirit. As long as you go in with your eyes as wide open as possible, and utilising this type of forum can help, but despite some of the drivel there is some great information as well.

Burj is quite right, most if not all of the accommodation is unacceptable and the cost of living here is and has been rising rapidly for a long time. This is NOT the place to come and make good money and have the lifesyle as well.

We have anal managers here (in fact on most Serco contracts and in most facilities around the world) and I would go far as to say the supervisors as well..(they are not to be trusted and will run to the manager/CATCO and spill their guts, because this is what they are told to do). The ACC contract manager is basically mercenary and only looking after his own skin....to some extent you cant blame him but shafting and intimidating your fellow workers well that is anther story and is unacceptable behaviour. The same for the has-been CATCO, who I dare say has reached his level of incompetence.

The sad truth is that with the locals attemtping to go direct may seem to offer more but in reality once the other "costs" are factored in there is not much difference to the what is reality now, unless you are single

I reiterate that to really attract the best of the bunch they will need to be paying 35,000dhs/ mth + villa accommodation + medical + schooling for kids @ AKS, plus a decent gratuity + 56 days leave and airfares + hire sufficient staff (especially with the new sectors), I figure that around min 36 - 40 would do the job. I can tell you one thing Serco does not want to see a massive increase in UAE ACC salaries as this will really put them under pressure on the other contracts and their staff (incl Bahrain) will most likely riot. The Omanis have reiterated to me that they will only pay the going rate the other gulf states are paying, so once they see this going up this will put pressure on them to put their hand in their pockets. The same will go for Dohar and the poor mans contract on the east coast.

Devise a new roster (this is most important for Safety/risk management - oops forgot Serco and GCAA dont know what safety & risk management is....well gents you better learn quick smart) so that the midnight shifts are the shortest (maybe 6 hrs) as this is also the busiest of the shifts while we are at our lowest ebb (tired).

This will ensure that the crews are relatively refreshed and can enjoy at least 9 days off per mth and the lifestyle that CAN be had here if given the opportunity.

Good luck in your search.

Cat, happy to see you are happy to live in a slum. I for one and I suspect most of the others (except for Seffricans maybe) are not as that is not part of the lifestyle equation - not being forced to live in rubbish accommodation with 3rd hand furniture and beds that have already gone 1,000 miles (with the stains to prove it) from previous couples (both straight and bent) coupling. I guess when you have crossed the sanity line (as said earlier) you cant really complain now can you! Plus bucko you would have bucklies of getting your old job back at home and on comparable salary to your peers, please ... next joke

Cheeryarse.... what ferris brought up with you was a valid issue irrespective of you slanted view. What you are doing there is illegal by the CARs and downright dangerous and would not be tolerated or allowed in the western world and you know it, so dont try to twist the truth to back up your claim. Like I said you have reached your level of incompetence.

Last edited by yakkity yak; 22nd Oct 2005 at 23:36.
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