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7th Apr 2009, 13:07
the new routes are cs - tl - isa return twice daily (weekdays) with an addition of ccy stop once in the morn and once in the arvo.. Also hear the bne isa bne 737 service having very light loads and to be replaced by the 400 (one off 20 pax on the 1079). possible venture cairns gove. no direct info etc so feel free to trash bag it but that is what "I" have heard. Take it how you will. Also got the july email, got enthused then read "considered with market conditions at the time".... means jack sh!t in other words. I can still see the elusive carrot/rainbow though..

17th Apr 2009, 06:49
Due to the ongoing economic outlook, QantasLink has made the decision to place pilot recruitment on hold until at least the 1st of July 2009.
From the 17th of April, QantasLink will no longer be processing new applications to the Direct Entry Program. Applications currently in the system will continue to be processed, however at a slower rate:
" Applicants invited to psych testing will be able to finish the psych testing and move to the awaiting interview group (subject to passing assessment)
" Applicants awaiting an interview position will continue to wait in this group until testing resumes.
" Applicants invited and booked for Sim/Interview/Medical will be allowed to continue and move to the Active Hold group (subject to passing assessments).
" Applicants in the Active Hold group will continue to hold, until ground school positions become available.
Pilots are encouraged to keep there applications up to date so when recruitment restarts a full evaluation of all applications can take place.

Wicked shimmy
5th Aug 2009, 07:09
I’m told Qantaslink may recommence the traineeship. Any truth in this rumour?

5th Aug 2009, 07:36

8 words 8 words 8 words

5th Aug 2009, 09:40
8 Words?????

5th Aug 2009, 10:14
Sounds Like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:ok:

5th Aug 2009, 10:42
You might be waiting for a very longtime.
Like a snowflake's chance in hell, my friend.
They'll put your application on the holding file.
Not in the foreseeable future, but who knows.
Still some new Q400s arriving progressively this year.
Everyone is being urged to use all leave.
Best of luck with your career in aviation.
How's that for a guess at eight words?

18th Oct 2009, 23:42
2000 hours tt
500 multi????

19th Oct 2009, 10:17
no one has any ideas???

Friction Nut
19th Oct 2009, 20:56
Not sure that too many people would be privvy to that info given there hasn't been any solid recruitment for nearly a year now. But I dare say that those numbers you quoted are are reasonably accurate. Anyone joining in the next intake, whenever that may be, will have at least that, I am sure.

23rd Oct 2009, 21:57
Just wondering if I were to do the phyc testing/inteview with Qlink (if given the chance) would this hamper my chances of securing a test date/inteview with Qmainline? (assuming one of these days they start hiring again)

Horatio Leafblower
24th Oct 2009, 03:44
I know a guy getting recruiting Emails from QLink reminding him to update - I am sure you are all getting them - he has 4500 TT and 1300 Multi

24th Oct 2009, 04:44
... would this hamper my chances of securing a test date/inteview with Qmainline?
Now that's hilarious! :ugh:
phyc testing
You might want to brush up on your spelling or attempted abbreviation skills.

2nd Nov 2009, 08:13
Overheard a QLink pilot (FNQ) on CTAF saying there was going to be a ground school starting early December. Heard anything?

2nd Nov 2009, 21:06
QantasLink Recruitment: Attention (http://qantaslink.bfound.net/list.aspx?CoId=189&rq=4)

3rd Nov 2009, 11:08
anyone got any psych test tips / interview questions for Qlink?
Baronite i would just get the ball rolling on all applications

3rd Nov 2009, 11:20
Psych test was stupid but I passed it. Felt more like a English comprehension test than anything. Then the maths was statistics and pie graph stuff. Tips, all I did was the practice tests on the shl or whatever website.

3rd Nov 2009, 11:40
anyone got any psych test tips / interview questions for Qlink?

If all else fails go with B. Apparently its the new C. See C was replaced in the late 90s for A which before the 90s was D when it wasnt E or B. :E

3rd Nov 2009, 18:41
So has anyone had any emails regarding interviews/sim as yet? I got an email saying update application by 25th OCT if still wanting to be considered, anyone else get that one?

4th Nov 2009, 01:51
Ok I know the information I want is in here somewhere but I can't bear to troll through this thread all 5 million pages to find it and the search engine is too difficult for my education level so here goes..

Is the SHL psycho evaluation for QLink also the same one Jetstar and Jetconnect use..ie does SHL retain your results for future applications?

(Just a stingy pilot that can't abide forking out 171 clams for an online exam:eek: over and over)

4th Nov 2009, 03:07
It is valid for 12 months.

4th Nov 2009, 06:53
thanks KSA5223, yeah did the practice SHL tests. Quite unnecessary. Just gotta work up the guts to sit the actually SHL test. Might do it tomorrow. What do you mean you passed? you got greater than 50% and it tells you or you got contacted by qlink to do the next stage of recruitment (interview)?

4th Nov 2009, 07:57
hey built. Can't remember exactly, pretty sure It was via email from qlink about a week later I think saying successful in the psych testing and yeah next stage. But this was through the traineeship which went tango uniform not long after I got the email. :} I did not have the 250 multi at the time to go direct entry.

12th Nov 2009, 10:51
So, has anyone been contacted for stage 3 testing yet?

12th Nov 2009, 19:26
Has anyone else here been a casualty of the qantaslink lotto employment process? Each time I get offered a position for testing via email and respond all the spots are taken! :ugh:

What really puzzles me, whilst I'm out being a good employee, working hard, the email is sent out. I get back from my job, reply to the email and miss out each time.

12th Nov 2009, 19:39
Yep, happened to me, and now my application is apparently not competitive. Lucky the eggs are not all in one basket.

12th Nov 2009, 20:59
If you have a number call them.:ok:

12th Nov 2009, 21:38

I was overseas when I was applying and exactly the same thing happened. Must have been all the guys with email on their phones. Hang in there, You'll get it.


12th Nov 2009, 21:44
yeah I know someone who has just been told the same thing. Reapply in two years. and that was after being told earlier this year he had made it to the interview stage. Had a fair few hours too.

Can I ask what experience levels you have Zoomy? PM if you don't want it up here.

12th Nov 2009, 23:45
I am in the same boat, my story is:-

1. Applied for D/E employment with Qlink just over over a year ago
2. Completed on-line psych at the time.
3. Offerred several interviews - later advised all testing positions taken.
4. Received an e-mail about a month ago asking me to update my details, which I did.
5. Received another email shortly afterwards asking to confirm my interest in the job by replying with Name/ARN, which I did.
6. Waiting...

I know of two friends that have recently been asked to complete on-line psych testing. Another friend with far more experience than me who had previously been offerred an interview has just been told he is not competitive, reapply in two years.

Has anyone been offerred an interview lately?

Mr. Hat
13th Nov 2009, 00:32
It happens in Jet land to my friend alll the time. Don't worry one door shuts another opens.

13th Nov 2009, 03:40
Yep Ground school in Dec. Good luck! ;):ok:

13th Nov 2009, 04:47
I think you will find guys that alot on the December ground school have been on the active hold file for 12-18 months and quite a few have considerable twin turbine experience.


13th Nov 2009, 09:39
Yeah had the same thing happen. Competetive, then next round not competetive and so on... i wouldnt take it to heart!

13th Nov 2009, 22:31
Hi All

Its good to see the system is starting to move, all be it very slowly, again. So does anyone know if it is likely that the commercial cadet program may make a come back after all the high time guys are sucked back up?? Best of luck to the guys that start ground school in Dec.

Cancel Speed
22nd Nov 2009, 00:32
Hi all,

I did the SHL test online a few weeks ago. Does anyone know what the average time is before I might get a reply.


22nd Nov 2009, 08:57
I'm kinda wondering the same thing......

23rd Nov 2009, 04:04
I heard within a matter of days when I did it at the start of the year.

6th Dec 2009, 03:33
Hi All

The question I have. If unsucessful or 'not competitive' for the traineeship, for whatever reason, would this then hamper your chances of an application as a direct entry first officer, once you meet the minimum 'direct entry' experience?

From what I can gather these are two seperate streams or recruitment traineeship and direct enrty.

Look forward to the responses.


6th Dec 2009, 10:24
Probably not. It should show you have a continued interest in the company.
As with any recruitment and selection process, there will always be cases of seemingly good people missing out and vice versa.
As others have said, sometimes it appears that what they want is a little mystifying and not fully explained in the selection criteria.
Good luck and get some experience and keep trying.
The supply and demand situation can change rapidly.

21st Dec 2009, 00:10
For all those having trouble securing a spot in the testing, there will be plenty of spots feb/march next year.

21st Dec 2009, 00:41
I did the SHL test online a few weeks ago. Does anyone know what the average time is before I might get a reply.

Took over around 6 weeks for them to tell me I had progressed to Stage 3. But no date set for Sim/Interview as yet. Not sure how long I will be waiting at this stage either.

Anyone know much more about how many positions they are looking to fill and by what dates?

21st Dec 2009, 02:47
8 positions already filled in December, another 25 to be filled in January.

21st Dec 2009, 08:54
Could someone please tell me what the salaries are like for a F/O and Capt for Qantaslink.

Thank you

21st Dec 2009, 09:05
For sunstate employees, first year f/o $54821, capt $84261 on the classic series. Q400 drivers $58603 and $90158 for f/o and capt respectively.

21st Dec 2009, 20:01
How do some of you know the courses and number of positions available when the hiring people at Qantaslink don't know yet?

Global Xpress
21st Dec 2009, 22:05
3 Capt recently resigned, moving to VB. Expect a few more in the coming year, also to Pornstar.:ok:

21st Dec 2009, 22:26
There wasn't any brick wall until Julia Gillard put one up on the 1st of July until it was removed again on the 3rd December by a combined effort from the AFAP and Qantas. The road is clear again for internal transfers *cough*, I mean total resignation, loss of benefits and re-employment :ok:

22nd Dec 2009, 00:02
Perhaps a little bit of the company spirit might be good for that cough, or to ease the pain.

22nd Dec 2009, 00:15
Why do people give Qlink so much crap about 'mainline progression'. Don't you people want to fly turboprops, not just airliners your whole life..

22nd Dec 2009, 00:55

Qantaslink, itself is an airliner. There's no different between the flying on a Dash 8 then on, say, B737...etc

Pilot, and people in general, usually want to see a progressive career. Why else would someone wants to fly a twin when they are flying a single? Or, why would someone wants to fly IFR when they've been flying VFR?

I think having a progression system in Qantaslink to Jetstar, or Mainline is actually GOOD for the company. If you stay with the company as a captain for a certain amount of time, you get an automtic look-at by jetstar/mainline, and instead of jumping through hoops, they can just look at your FT9s. This sure gives people the incentive to stay in Qantaslink, instead of going to Virgin, or other carriers.

22nd Dec 2009, 04:34

Not really too sure what you mean by that? Are you saying I lack company spirit and should believe that years of service in one Qantas group airline shouldn't count towards years of service in another Qantas group airline when in the end, the Qantas group is one employing us all anyway?

Death Pencil
22nd Dec 2009, 21:18
3 Capt recently resigned, moving to VB.

Global Xpress, any idea which base they're moving from? :E

23rd Dec 2009, 05:36
Sorry for the misunderstanding.:confused:
It was a very tongue-in-cheek and facetious comment, probablly a little cryptic and ambiguous, agreeing 100% with you.
I have heard of 10 recent resignations. Just wait until after the bonus gets paid.
The trainers will soon be busy.

23rd Dec 2009, 05:50
Ah right, no problem.

Yep, bonus time will be very interesting. I guess from there it'll just be a matter of how fast people can fly the coop.


Hugh Jarse
23rd Dec 2009, 06:59
A couple from SY (that I know of) about to resign, with quite a few others from both SY and ML with upcoming interviews. Good luck, guys. :ok: You'll enjoy the guaranteed minimum 11/12 days off in 28. It will allow you to reconnect with your family/significant other :}

Enjoy the true career progression ;)

I heard Horse is one of those going post-bonus, Dragun. I had a lot of laughs with him when I was an FO.:}

23rd Dec 2009, 08:35
Whats the go with being asked to reapply in 24 months after sitting on awaiting sim/interview. Do you think I should keep updating application or is that being cheeky. I have heard that in the past people in the same boat have been contacted with a come back an see us email.

Any clues from anyone would be great.:ok:

23rd Dec 2009, 09:20
I've heard a funny number of 15+ might be leaving after the bonus. This includes both sides of the company.

Hey Listen!
Horse is a great man! Miss flying with him! Best wishes to the man:ok:

Global Xpress
23rd Dec 2009, 09:29
Death Pencil, suspected VB recruits from SY base, as Jarse said also. Was unaware of the ML guys however?? Of course nothing confirmed in writing to the company til after the Jan 2 pay day:ok:

23rd Dec 2009, 09:54
Hugh it will surprise me if that isn't that case :ok: Agreed though, one of the funniest captains I had the pleasure of flying with before I switched seats. Will be sad to see him go.

23rd Dec 2009, 14:36
I'll be buggered Hugh', Horse is moving on. We've had a couple already over here at DOM 3 go. One of our captains, a good friend of mine, leaving after nearly 20 years! All he wanted was a little more respect and a lot less sh!t.

I think these guys are just the tip of the iceberg. If 2010 is even half as bad as 2007-08, then serious flight cancellations are just the beginning. :sad:

24th Dec 2009, 04:47
If my company offered me guaranteed progression in either jetstar or mainline after 5 years service as a captain then I would sign up straight away. I wouldn't hesitate for a second!

What does my company get? a guaranteed captain for 5 years and a happy and motivated employee. What does the Qantas group get? Experienced pilots to fly their jets who wont piss off to other carriers.

Enough said

24th Dec 2009, 23:12
8 positions already filled in December, another 25 to be filled in January.

Were those positions for sim/interview or ground school?

25th Dec 2009, 07:21
ground school

26th Dec 2009, 07:54
25 to be filled in January

Aren't courses usually run with EVEN numbers?!
(so everyone is paired up in the sim)

6th Jan 2010, 06:11
So has anyone gotten a position on the January Ground School as yet or are these positions yet to be filled and more interviews to be undertaken shortly?

6th Jan 2010, 06:39
What is the start date you have?

6th Jan 2010, 08:34
Certainly no more on the latest roster which takes us to mid feb, not with sunstate at least. Maybe feb now for next round?

6th Jan 2010, 19:44
start ground school mid Jan.

7th Jan 2010, 01:58
Got an invite for pysch testing yesterday. Anyone else wanna get in touch if they have got an invite aswell of late? Might be good to chat and share info with someone who is at the same stage? Chew the fat?

7th Jan 2010, 03:03
I got an invitation for the SHL online thingymajig yesterday. Infact, i got 2 emails, both identical - neither of which had the attachment giving me info on the testing.

Give up now i hear you say?..... NEVA!

The Hill
7th Jan 2010, 08:19
Yep, got an email with the invite and no attachment, and a strange request for $181.50....ppfffftt.

16th Jan 2010, 01:38
I also got the same double email minus the attachment. Emailed with the problem and had the attachment sent monday morning. Looking for practice tests to do online at the moment. Already done the SHL one and was a little slow in the numerical thing.

16th Jan 2010, 06:27
Already done the SHL one and was a little slow in the numerical thing.
Wouldnt worry about the time, just make sure you are getting the questions you do correct. I believe it is a matter of quality, not quantity.
I didnt complete either test, yet passed through to Stage 3.

As for the Emails with no link, they did that to me several months back, the second one contained the link though. Strange! :confused:

16th Jan 2010, 09:39

I think 777 means he didn't get to finish either tests.


16th Jan 2010, 11:25
I think you will do really badly in comprehension, and the inability to sit back and digest data before making a decision (if that actually has a name).

17th Jan 2010, 08:57
anyone know the number of pilots Qlink has forecasted?

will they take trainees in preference of direct entry?

17th Jan 2010, 10:02
ive read more helpful stuff scrawled over the inside of a casino toilet.
You are going to love the sim centre.... :E

18th Jan 2010, 02:24
Carambar was on the money Politically Blonde, i didnt finish either test.
Verbal Reasoning is not particularly easy and unless you read the paragraphs a little more carefully than you read mine you will struggle.

Oh, and blonde moment or not, insinuating that someone is a liar like that is rather rude and will not serve you well in this industry. Try to be a bit more careful... :=

Good luck for your Psych testing whenever you do it. :ok:

18th Jan 2010, 03:42
FYI I've done a few psychometric tests in my time for diff reasons and I don't remember finishing any of them off. As someone put it earlier, its about quality not quantity.

Good luck mate. :ok:

Global Xpress
18th Jan 2010, 04:35
45 FOs for the year, direct entry taken over trainees (trainee program currently defunct).

18th Jan 2010, 04:53
Thank you Global Xpress,

Thats what I wanted to hear!

18th Jan 2010, 09:57

45 DEFO's? Now let me see...

Tiger...?Not to mention the demand from REX when 30% of their pilots (all Captains and upgradeble F/O's) depart for greener pastures over the next few months. 5 gone in the last week alone!

Better start competeing for pilots. Oh that's right, we don't compete do we. My bad, better start those schedule reductions then. :E

18th Jan 2010, 19:17
Time will tell P.B.

Are you sure you're not living in a different GA to one I'm observing?

Also, just because someone has the mins, it doesn't necessarily mean they will work out. While we're on that subject, what are the mins down to now?

The margins are thinner than some people (especially certain airline managers) think. Whatever happens though, 2010 will be entertaining. Best of luck with your application. :ok:

18th Jan 2010, 21:31
Speaking of psych tests, does anyone happen to know if they have an expiry date? I did mine last year and was told I had made it through to the next stage but then the crash hit and Im hoping I don't have to sit it again. I also didn't finish my psych tests so tend to agree with what has been said previously.

18th Jan 2010, 22:09
I think it is a two year validity periiod.

19th Jan 2010, 11:07
On the subject of whether or not cadets will be taken on before DEFOs, i know of one cadet ( who was culled when the cadetship ceased last year and has bare min CPL and IR) that in the last week has been given a start date for ground school. Seems they arent too interested in hiring experienced drivers.

19th Jan 2010, 11:40
Woki, two questions;

1. Could you please clarify what you mean by 'experienced'?

2. Are you suggesting that because they hire one low time traineeship candidate, that they no longer have any desire to hire anything but???


19th Jan 2010, 21:28
3. What about the guys who started in December (6 weeks ago); all of whom had well over 2000TT, and included SAAB C&T captain?

19th Jan 2010, 21:38
The current course apparently has a mixture of both direct entry with "experience" (for j3 that means people with ATPLs or have the pic/icus time to activate their atpls and who are just short of tt or night) and trainees that just have the bare cpl and ir. The majors are starting to hire with numbers of >200 in the next 12 months and are looking at the regionals for their source of pilots. The link must be sweating atm (or maybe not) as it's starting to look very bottom-heavy with inexperienced pilots who if the icus program isnt approved (and there are doubts that it ever will be) will be scrambling to find direct entry captains or face the inevitable of reducing schedules.
What about the guys who started in December (6 weeks ago); all of whom had well over 2000TT hmmm eapilot where'd you get those dubious facts from?

19th Jan 2010, 21:56
hmmm eapilot where'd you get those dubious facts from?

Oh, I don't know... possibly by SPEAKING with some of the people in the course? :hmm:

19th Jan 2010, 22:17
First of all I was told there were one or two trainees on the course (correct me if i'm wrong) and yep the others had turbine experience. Ban lifted??? What are you talking about?

Mr snuffaluffagus
20th Jan 2010, 00:17
eatpilot's on the money.

Most of the December course had 3000+ hours. It appears they were hired because of their experience.

Fonz121, psych lasts 2 years.

20th Jan 2010, 00:49
Don't know who started a rumour Q-Link wasn't hiring experienced pilots, but it's laughable
Im not sure how you were able to come to that conclusion based on previous posts:confused: . However, the signs that qlink will be very bottom heavy if the majors take from the link experienced pilots I'd think is worrisome. Most fos I speak to don't have the requirements to activate their atpls and want be able to for a few years. 5 or so experienced pilots on the december course is hardly enough to cover the possible future shortage, as well as the company requirements (this will take about 12-18 months). Eapilot said 'ALL had over 2000tt' I was told that there were 1 or 2 trainees on the decemeber course. My humble apologies to eapilot if I'm wrong.

20th Jan 2010, 00:49
Bo777 you could be talking about the January course as there are definitely a few of the trainees on that who were delayed from last year who still have under 1000 hours TT.

20th Jan 2010, 00:52
I've got 2 mates who are on the January ground course who are trainees. One only has about 400 total time. Psych lasts 18 months btw.

20th Jan 2010, 01:04
Yes could be interesting in the next year or so with vb and pornstar rumoured to be hiring big...but as for commands i doubt the new guys will be looking at commands any sooner than the guys that came in year or 2 ago
due to seniority regardlesd of amount of time....hmmm 2000 hours experience some of whom have spent most of that time in 152 or 1000 copilot hours on comp aircraft but short of command min requirements? I know which one i would prefer as capt....and remember that a lot of the cadets or trainees werent low low time to begin with anyway so many now have a chance for vb and pornstar too. Will be interesting

20th Jan 2010, 21:59
G'day Bo,

There were definately no trainees on the December ground school. I'd heard rumours that trainees are on the January one, and people here seem to agree.

"Ban Lifted". I was looking through a thread the other day and seen the "Banned... Persona Non Grata" under your name. So, obviously I was either wrong or it was temporary or just that thread. Sorry about that.

btw, I agree with

However, the signs that qlink will be very bottom heavy if the majors take from the link experienced pilots I'd think is worrisome. Most fos I speak to don't have the requirements to activate their atpls and want be able to for a few years. 5 or so experienced pilots on the december course is hardly enough to cover the possible future shortage, as well as the company requirements (this will take about 12-18 months)


21st Jan 2010, 02:03
Anyone know when the next ground course will be after the Jan one:confused:?

21st Jan 2010, 08:10
Dont tell me NZers are going to be taking valuable positions with QLink??? :suspect:

Its hard enough finding a gig as it is, stay/go back to your own country! :E

Mr snuffaluffagus
21st Jan 2010, 09:20

Im not sure how you were able to come to that conclusion based on previous posts

I came to that conclusion from the following:

Seems they arent too interested in hiring experienced drivers.

From what I understand it is definitely not the case.

21st Jan 2010, 10:38
but as for commands i doubt the new guys will be looking at commands any sooner than the guys that came in year or 2 ago
due to seniority regardlesd of amount of time....

Dude if you don't have the time (ATPL) you don't get the command, so you get bypassed, in which case seniority doesn't mean sh!t. I would say that newbies with ATPL's will be captains within a year!

That ICUS program still hasn't kicked off.

23rd Jan 2010, 06:18
I came to that conclusion from the following:

Seems they arent too interested in hiring experienced drivers.
You came to that conclusion based on one statement on pprune. Onya :ugh:

Mr snuffaluffagus
23rd Jan 2010, 13:30
Apologies Bo, it sounded like that was the theme of a couple of threads, I must have misinterpreted them. Should've gone to bed and read em agaim in the morning. Remark withdrawn :oh:

24th Jan 2010, 01:30
How did you fare in your psych results all those years ago WannabeQF before you got your thousands of hours and airline experience?

31st Jan 2010, 02:31
"For sunstate employees, first year f/o $54821, capt $84261 on the classic series. Q400 drivers $58603 and $90158 for f/o and capt respectively"

Could someone please tell me if this information is still valid? How many days off on average at Qlink per month?
Sorry if Im rehashing this but my search skills are lacking.

Hugh Jarse
31st Jan 2010, 03:13
You get 8 days off per 28 day roster period, and that's it. Plenty of those are single days thrown in with the "Lifestyle Rostering" system (TM), too.

Qantaslink is no longer a family or lifestyle friendly company. That's one reason why I left, and many of my former colleagues there are looking to do the same.

That said, you'll love the flying and the people you work with :ok: Just don't look at it as a place to finish your career as you'll be sadly disappointed.

My Training Captain once made a fortuitous statement: "The ability of Qantaslink to succeed is only surpassed by its propensity to disappoint" :}

Going Nowhere
31st Jan 2010, 06:10
Sunnies still has an element of 'lifestyle' to the rosters, mainly thanks to the 'requests book'. 8/9 days off, mostly paired up, only usually get single D/O to accommodate requests...

31st Jan 2010, 12:03
Qantaslink is no longer a family or lifestyle friendly company.

With all due respect to Jarse, I think some of us pilots seem to lose perspective. I do a relatively high number of hours in the company, and I am lucky to pull around 110 hours duty in 28 days. That's around 27 hours at work per week. I know lots of people that would kill for those kind of hours in order to spend more time with the family.

While I certainly wouldn't argue that we should be getting paid less and don't deserve any more (especially for us poor buggers who have to pay Sydney rent), I can honestly say I've never worked so easy in my life. And outside those 110 odd hours, I barely ever have to think about work at all.

But I suppose the grass is always greener.

31st Jan 2010, 23:36
I can honestly say I've never worked so easy in my life
That depends what type you're on.

Hugh Jarse
1st Feb 2010, 04:53
Gidday Icarus,

judging by those numbers, you must be on the sustaining fleet, or "Klub Klassic" ;) (similar to Klub Jetstream, before they got rid of them). I'm sure you know as well as I do, that the rosters you're getting at the moment are neither "normal", nor sustainable long term.

Dr. Evil and Mini Me would be secretly spewing that you guys aren't as productive as you normally are :}

I guess what I'm saying is that as soon as things pick up, you'll be back to the regular high hours/no life work patterns. I still have copies of some of my old rosters under the present EBA. Never had less than 55hrs flying and always close to max fortnightly duty. (Including "Admin" over at the Evil Empire) ;)

I suspect the Q400 pilots are working somewhat harder.

Regards :ok:

1st Feb 2010, 06:44
50-60 hours is the average these days. Not sure about the 400, probably slightly less as they travel at "jet-like" speed.

1st Feb 2010, 23:38
That depends what type you're on.

I suspect it has rather more to do with how hard you've worked before.

Good guess Jarse, but I'm actually on Q400. As with all things, the bulk of work ebbs and flows with fleet and crew fluctuations. Different types and ranks will have different rates of effort at various times. Bottom line though, even in the midst of the "pilot shortage" when I was routinely being asked to extend and work on days off, I still wasn't working all that hard in the bigger scheme of things. I'll grant you that some other companies would be better (and I completely accept Hugh's assertions in that regard), but my comparison was drawn in reference to the average working professional.

To clarify, I certainly don't think we should pull a normal working week. Even within the limits of CAO 48/EBA provisions we should be careful to ensure that we are not fatigued. However, to work a professional career at an average of below 30-35 hours per week and claim that you don't have a lifestyle is a bit on the precious side for mine.

Again - the hardest I've worked here (or seen anybody else work for that matter) still ranks as an easy lifestyle in my book.

PS - I would also accept without question that the aforementioned upstairs types are actively seeking and implementing plans to make us more "productive". Don't get me started on meal arrangements.:{:ugh::*

The Hill
2nd Feb 2010, 01:21
Do many of the Syd base crew commute from the Central coast etc? is that even posible with the rostering. Just dont fancy living in Syd paying $500 week for a 3 bedroom sh%tbox

2nd Feb 2010, 05:53
It's possible. A few tech crews and cabin crews live in, or near the central coast. There's no restriction other then having to arrive at work from your first phone call from crewing on your reserve period in 2 hours.

Coming from the north to the airport is a pain because of multiple toll roads and government induced road restrictions. Someone mentioned to me once that for a roundtrip on the toll roads cost close to 25 dollar. However, coming from the south is a more ideal situation. You can get from Wollongong to the airport just around an hour mark, which is more ideal.

2nd Feb 2010, 21:09
Well Said Icarus.

3rd Feb 2010, 02:53

Just after a little more info regarding rostering and especially commuting from the central coast. Would commuting require heading down 4-5 times a week or can you do overnight trips (for added allowances and less driving), is it a bidding system/seniority? Also, how often are you called in on standby days?

Thanks for any info

7th Feb 2010, 22:26
Can anyone actually explain what the term "sustaining fleet" means. I've heard it around the traps. Just wondering what it actually means to the pilots?

7th Feb 2010, 23:31
The 200-300 series is the 'sustained fleet'.

8th Feb 2010, 00:10
Anyone else been invited for Stage 3 in March/April ??

8th Feb 2010, 02:14

"Bottom line though, even in the midst of the "pilot shortage" when I was routinely being asked to extend and work on days off, I still wasn't working all that hard in the bigger scheme of things."

So I would like to ask you this, did you ever have no reserve days, over 155 duty hours per roster and exceed 900 hours flying time doing just Canberra-Sydney return in the q400?

For someone who loved aviation to hating it in less than a 6 month period, I would say to you that you obviously haven't worked a hard day in your life, inside or outside of aviation. It is dissapointing to see that you hold such opinions. It is people like you who would work for nothing and destroy our 'profession' so you can talk your 'bulls**t'. Some of us are here because we love our job, but we deserve to be rewarded for it as well.

All i can say to you is look back to how it was in the 70's. Whilst I am youngish as well, I cannot believe this ignorance. Recently I was told by numerous FO's that they didn't want a command due to the responsibility and the fact that the money is not good enough. So whilst you say that these hours are not too much, I can assure you I have worked in the past in other industry's over 14 hours a day 6 days a week. Whilst that was a lot of work, this is different from physical work, or no brainer work like so many other people have. If you want that, go and leave Qantas Link and work harder somewhere else. And remember, unless you are pulling 4's across the board at sim, hit the books, do some work in your own time and your 'hours' will pick up, trust me!:ugh:

8th Feb 2010, 06:29

Apparently I have just been served.

The fact that I can't determine exactly what mp32 is on about or how the specifics of his post relate to me in any way does little to ease the sting.

So I would like to ask you this, did you ever have no reserve days, over 155 duty hours per roster and exceed 900 hours flying time doing just Canberra-Sydney return in the q400?

No. That was part of my point. Was that unclear in any way?

For someone who loved aviation to hating it in less than a 6 month period, I would say to you that you obviously haven't worked a hard day in your life

Are you saying this is what I think? Saying so displays an incredible ability to incorrectly extrapolate my stated opinions. I love this job - best I've ever had. My post was in the main outlining just one of the many reasons why. To suggest that I don't know what hard work is without any personal knowledge of me is at best poor form (and in my particular case, grossly offensive). I can remember times when 14x6 would be pure luxury. And no I'm not just talking about physical labour.

It is people like you who would work for nothing and destroy our 'profession'

Where the hell do you get this from? Again - poor form/offensive.

And remember, unless you are pulling 4's across the board at sim, hit the books, do some work in your own time and your 'hours' will pick up, trust me!

Let's just cut to the chase with this one. Why don't you drag yourself down here and watch my every move for a week and then make some sort of informed comment about my work ethic.:mad:

You might even learn a thing or two.

8th Feb 2010, 11:24

With respect to you I must agree that Qantas Link provides a good lifestyle, but please don't lose touch!

You said,

I think some of us pilots seem to lose perspective. I do a relatively high number of hours in the company, and I am lucky to pull around 110 hours duty in 28 days.

This is not many hours, like I said, wait until you do have 155 duty hours on that 28 day roster.

And yes, there were some pilots who exceeded 900 hours on the CB-SY route during its early intervention when Sunstate crew were operating it and where forced to stop operating!

Not to turn this into a slinging match, I must agree that at the moment it is fantastic, but it could turn around where there is no reserve days and on your days off you are exhausted, catching up on all your duties around the home and still being called up to come into work on your days off. History tends to repeat itself!

What I am trying to tell you is that don't believe that 110 hours will stay the same and that this lifestyle will! All the best!

12th Feb 2010, 04:07
What's the time frame atm between Aptitude - Interview? Or at least hearing either way.
Is been a couple of weeks since I sat it and no word yet.

12th Feb 2010, 05:03
there were some pilots who exceeded 900 hours on the CB-SY route

Will Geneva allow that, or did you mean nearly?

Standing Water
13th Feb 2010, 06:19

Did you get an email saying you had passed stage 2?

13th Feb 2010, 23:17
I dont know about anyone else but i had to wait over a month before getting the result of the stage 2 testing then much longer until i was offered an interview, which of course unless you are sitting at the computer hitting refresh on your email inbox to be able to request a date immediately you will probably miss out on... :mad:

Standing Water
17th Feb 2010, 03:41
Anyone moving through the recruitment stages lately?

I have noticed the Qantas Health Assessment has been dropped from stage 3.

Question: Why do they (QLINK) run two AOCs?

17th Feb 2010, 07:00

sunstate and eastern fall under qlink brand....historical reasons as they were separate airlines originally....i imagine one day it will be 1 aoc and 1 seniority list.???

Standing Water
17th Feb 2010, 07:31
Thanks Happy,

I know they work under the QLINK brand, i even remember the days of Southern ...

My question was more relating to the increased costs of running two AOC's... and the benifits for doing so if any.

Will Easterns AOC start collecting dust like Southerns (if it still exists).

I would assume keeping Sunstates AOC would be the easier choice as it has the Q400 plus others on it?

Interesting point regarding seniority lists.

17th Feb 2010, 12:32
Did psych testing late last year, got a sim/interview next month.

20th Feb 2010, 06:08
I know there is a ground school starting March 1st that is already full. Does anyone know of the April or May dates?

20th Feb 2010, 23:44
Out of interest, how long did it take to get the psych testing invitation after submitting an application (a competitive application at that)?

I get the impression things don't move quickly at recruitment.

22nd Feb 2010, 19:05
Realise this has been done so many times before me..............................
Just got the STAGE 2 progression email (psycho testing) :\ :} ) and am wondering if its worth working for QLink?

I read all bad reports from only a year ago, but nothing much new about employee conditions - the other threads have gone off on separate rants!

Anyone in there recently - initial opinions?
Long term options?
How much is Endorsement these days?
Where are you based and how do you find the rosters?

Any help appreciated, and like I said - know this has been asked soooo many times before...

22nd Feb 2010, 22:42
Depends on whether you're looking for a quick command (provided you have the Quals').

Heard that Qlink had to cancel a 6 sector day recently because of a shortage of Captains. Nothing new, and definitely on the increase for 2010. Like their opposition, the 'link have failed completely in it's efforts to retain it's experience base. The "At Company Discretion" incentive bonus to Captains was as ill-concieved as it was cynical. Word has it that as soon as it was/is paid out, the exodus will be on for young and old, well maybe not for the really young.

Point is, if you're a candidate with "real" experience, it may just be the job for you. If you're one of the captive audience of long term right seaters, then make sure you have the food stamps ready!

23rd Feb 2010, 01:17

Issue I am having is being a flight instructor, I really only see SE command, so my MECom is lacking - probably around the 200hr mark...
I have ME ICUS (270hr) and Co-Pilot from RPT ops in a very very small regional from years ago obviously with 2 Pilot Ops...
Hold my ATPL with around 2300TT, but thinking that's not gonna help me at all with so many guys having their 500 MECom Minimums, and wondering what the progression would be like for me?

Feels like (from previous posts/threads) I would be shafted for upgrades even more than some cadets with lower TTimes..!!??!!

Anyway, guess I just wanna know if the cost of getting in/rostering and Pay scale (with a loan to pay that damn endorsement) is worth the time and effort, or going out and getting that magic 500 MECom is the better way to go?

I know people have many different opinions on this, but hearing it from someone who recently got in - with my dilemmas - how they feel they are going?

Any help appreciated!

23rd Feb 2010, 01:34
Hey Sceva,

Its my understanding, that because Qlink hold a high capacity AOC, as long you hold an ATPL you will be eligible for a command. I know one guy in there at the moment (who was a DE guy in the last boom) who is getting bypassed for a command due to not having his night hours.

23rd Feb 2010, 01:38

Yeah I've got PLENTY of NGT Com, comes with the instructing i guess...

The 300's are on the Low cap AOC though, yes.....? So I take that if I want command, I will get it on the Q400's until I get 500 multi command, then they can put me on a 300... Seems a bit silly for company to hire me over someone with 500 MECom in that case - for future upgrades and pilot retainment..?


23rd Feb 2010, 01:47
Someone will have to verify this but I'm pretty sure the 300 is high capacity and the 200 may just slot into the low capacity category. I wouldn't worry about it too much until you had a job lined up.

23rd Feb 2010, 01:50
Thanks for that... Im not getting too excited for the above reasons so far... Take it as it comes though! Gotta be better than what Im doing now though..!? Surely...

23rd Feb 2010, 04:11
If you have an ATPL then all you need for command is 2000hrs Aeronautical exp, 700hrs aeronautical on type, and 1 year in the company. No multi time even mentioned. And all the above can be dropped at the discretion of the company.
But do not expect to join and 1 year later be a Captain, there are plenty folks at the Link with the reqs. to be Capt that have yet to get the tap on the shoulder.
As for the cost, I thought they still ran it as a 3 year bond?

Going Nowhere
23rd Feb 2010, 04:54
A command has recently been awarded to someone in a similar situation Sceva, doesn't have the 500multi, but has an ATPL.

Commands usually start on the sustaining fleet (-200/300).

I thought all types were on the one AOC (High Capacity), so like rmcdonal said, once you have an ATPL, the rest can be waived as required. :ok:

Gen. Anaesthetic
23rd Feb 2010, 04:56

Q'link operates on a high capacity AOC. That's it. There's no other consideration. Even though the 200 is 36 seats it is operating on the same AOC as the 300 and 400 so it is still part of the high capacity AOC.

Thus there is no requirement for 500 MEC. I can tell you this cos I'm one of the guys who has gone in there with less than 500 MEC (but plenty of co-pilot time in other jobs) and I have a command on the 200/300. I did not have to build my MEC up to 500 hours before they awarded me the command.

Personally I like it there. The first thing you have to remember is that it is a company that requires bums on seats and good quality professional crew to make it a viable operation. If you're going to go in and whinge from day one, I'm not interested in having you around. Be part of the solution. That's more of a general comment to anyone, not focused on you Sceva.

But that doesn't mean that you let the company screw you over at every opportunity either, and there are times when they try this. It's how you handle these moments that really determines your enjoyment levels. You can go off and get grumpy and disenchanted or you can get involved and try to do something about it. Personally I often remind myself that each of us contributes in some way to the team's level of engagement. Nothing frustrates me more than people who walk in there and rant in ways that are nothing more than selfish or non-constructive. I suppose you could say it's a bit of CRM on a bigger scale...

From the little I can see of your situation I would suggest it's probably a good move. There's plenty happening there at the moment and really, I doubt you will have to wait around for long until you get a command. With your instructing experience you will probably find training roles open up to you one day as well, which are both challenging and rewarding far beyond what you would have experienced now as an instructor.

The disenchantment that you have seen in previous posts is real though. There are challenges in being there, but I think too that the opportunities that it affords you down the track really are very good.

Hope that helps.

23rd Feb 2010, 08:21

Thanks heaps for that info - huge weight off my shoulders in respect to the requirements! Interesting they run the 200's on the High Cap AOC..!

Looking forward to the application processes even more now!

Heard there are challenges but hey, I have 'interesting' challenges everyday and realised a long time ago that's part of the job; figure every company has it's issues!

Thanks again to all for the help and info! Much appreciated!

23rd Feb 2010, 09:19
Why is it interesting the 200's are on a HC AOC? It's the same AOC! Why would you have two different AOC's for the one company, especially when it's only running the one type of aircraft?

Crazy talk.

23rd Feb 2010, 21:16
Hi all,

Just got the call up for the qantaslink psych testing. Can anyone shed some light on the best places apart from psych success to get some information to read. Also any hints, tips and also the difficulty level of the test.

Kind Regards


Mr Whippy
23rd Feb 2010, 22:46
Something for prospective employees to think about:

Do not join the company with the attitude that you will get a command shortly thereafter. This attitude is pervading the company now and it's no fun to work with.

There are plenty of things that could affect progression, need a crystal ball to see all of them. For example if the icus program gets up, those joining the company now with the experience for command will be waiting a long time while bypassed trainees/cadets gain min requirements and move to the left seat.

23rd Feb 2010, 22:58
Hey guys, got stage 3 interview and sim next month and just wondering if anyone can give me a few hints or tips. I've read this whole thread and there are some great comments from guys who've already answered this question but wondering if there's anything they might have missed. Thanks. :ok:

White and Fluffy
24th Feb 2010, 02:26
I hear they are running sim/interview sessions every week until June at this stage! Even if they only take 50% of those interviewed that is going to put some pressure on their training department. I guess it will also start to effect the smaller operators, should be interested to see if a flood of jobs start appearing on AFAP.

Best of luck.

24th Feb 2010, 03:22
Does anyone know if Qlink is likely to continue/restart their Pilot Trainee Program. For those who dont know what it is...

""Trainee program for pilots who have completed their Commercial Pilot Licence, but do not meet the QantasLink Direct Entry minimum experience criteria.""

I'm willing to take the 'Do your time in GA before you get a seat up front in a turboprop' abuse as long as it comes with some info. Infact, I'd be the first person celebrating if GA picks up enough to allow a 500 hr fella like myself to get something decent/get something at all..

In the meantime, Any info of the Trainee Program and if its likely to be restarted is appreciated. WhiteandFluffy - from your lips to god's ears... hopefully lots of GA jobs on AFAP in the near future!

24th Feb 2010, 09:20
Last mention of the Simulator flight i can find was from 2008 so could one of the latest Stage 3 guys let me know what is being used now? Dash or 76?

Also if someone could pm me any details on their panel interview and/or sim session that would be greatly appreciated.

Turbz :ok:

yo man
24th Feb 2010, 09:52
Hi..I'm one of the Q link Direct F/O applicants, Can any one give some idea about followings??

1. When you first join the company as a direct F/O, do u always start from classic Q fleets? or Can you start on Q400 as an initial type? or Is it depend on personal experience or qualifications when you join the company?

2. From F/O, How long do I expect to become a captain in Qantas Link?

3. I have got more than 3000 total flight time including more than 1000 hours turbine time on ATO but I have got no flying experience in Aust..Do you provide any sorts of assistance to get me upto standard flying in Aust? or Is it pretty much as part of the Line Training?

Thanks for your time guys~

24th Feb 2010, 13:39

Ive done the psych test twice now - once for the (now dead) traineeship and also now Direct Entry.

Passed both times - but Im no genius.

You have the option of doing some of the practice exams. These are highly recommended as they give you an idea of how the questions are asked and how the procedure works.

I wont bother rambling on about what sort of tests etc, as the pdf file sent to you explains it all pretty well.

Both the numerical and comprehension tests are timed so just make sure that you have everything sorted before you sit the test. Cell phone off - big glass of water - paper - calculator etc.

Both times I never finished the numerical reasoning test and Im sure that most of my answers were probably wrong!!! But I suspect that they are really looking for someones ability to be presented with a problem and begin to formulate a process to solve that problem within a reasonable time.

If you have the intelligence to pass your CPL and ATPL subjects - youll be fine with the tests.

Good luck mate.


25th Feb 2010, 00:02

Thanks for that, perfect advice for me - about to launch the webpage for the Stage 2 tests!

*Thinking cap on*

25th Feb 2010, 00:07
A: Sim on the Q400 unless it is busy otherwise 767. They will send you an information pack with all the applicable power settings and attitudes for each stage of the sim flight.
1: Most starts are on the 200/300 however if there are vacancies on the 400 and no else in the company bids for it then it is possible to go straight to the 400. Once on the 400 you are frozen on type for 18 months.
2: Time to command ....... how long is a piece of string? Ranges from 18 months to 5 years. By the time you have the required time on type most of the trainees from 2 years ago will have their ATPLs and be ready for command.
3: Line training should get you up to speed on OZ flying, I assume you hold an Australian ATPL?

Good Luck :ok:

25th Feb 2010, 22:52
yo man
I suspect the radio calls/procedures would be the best to study before you start if you do not have Oz experience. One of the points strongly emphasized to trainees is to know their AIPs. Your line training will be thorough, but if you can cut out having to learn new comms procedures at the same time, it should reduce the workload.
Often the only way others, outside the cockpit, can judge you initially is by the standard/tone of your voice on the radio. A few within need to improve theirs.
Good luck

Mr snuffaluffagus
26th Feb 2010, 04:59
In addition to some previous information, Sunstate new FO's are frozen no matter which aircraft they are assigned, 300 or 400, for 18 months from start date or 15 months from check to line. The only difference is the 400 guys are bonded for more $$. So if you are assigned a QLD base, those are the conditions. Not sure about Eastern EBA.

In regards to Command, and to clear some confusion, Qantas Link only operate under two AOC's, Sunstate and Eastern, not multiple AOC's for different capacity RPT ops. From the Sunstate side of things, the 400, 300 & 200 all operate on Sunstate's high capacity AOC regardless of their individual capacity. 500 Multi engine command time is therefore not required to hold a command. Initial command will most likely be on the 200/300 unless all the cards fall your way and everyone above you is frozen on type at the time of your winning command bid.

Haven't seen detail about Eastern's AOC but I would imagine it is also high capacity so as to operate 300's.

Mr snuffaluffagus
26th Feb 2010, 05:42
On the topic of the AOC,

CAO 82.0 sub section 2.1 defines “high capacity aircraft” as an aircraft certified as having a maximum seating capacity exceeding 38 seats or a maximum payload exceeding 4 200 kilograms

Dash 8 200:
36 passenger seats, 2 tech crew seats, 1 jump seat, 1 flight attendant seat = 40 seats

High capacity?? Any thoughts

26th Feb 2010, 05:48
interview process involves pretty much spending an entire day there (9 to 5ish). There are two guys who conduct the interview and they only say their names; they don't say anything about what they role is in the company and they try to back you into a corner every chance they get.

It's quite unprofessional in the sense that they do not provide you any information on the company, when they will notify you; I wasn't even sure if it was sunstate or eastern interviewing me.

26th Feb 2010, 06:27

How long ago was your interview, and how did you go? ...or feel you went?
What were some of the questions that backed you into a corner?

Any help appreciated!

26th Feb 2010, 06:29
It's quite unprofessional in the sense that they do not provide you any information on the company, when they will notify you; I wasn't even sure if it was sunstate or eastern interviewing me.
I found it was exactly opposite of this, 2 guys yes, but they explained who they were and what they did, also they encouraged me to ask them questions about the company to clear up any doubts I may have had. One was a Sunnies Capt. The other was a HR guy who was VERY good at what he did (don't lie to this guy, he will know if you do). Sim ride was an Eastern Capt.
The interview was in 2 parts, personal/ technical. If you think you may have misspoken or wish to clarify an answer then they give you the opportunity to before the tech questions. :ok:
These guys DO NOT KNOW when the company is going to notify you, I doubt that the company even knows as it depends on them getting back all your scores first, also, if anyone else in front of you pulls out or is scrubbed it may bring you forward, and if there are delays in the sim then they may push you back. ETC.

26th Feb 2010, 06:31
Mr snuff,
A high capacity AOC may also operate with aircraft below the criteria. It does not mean it can operate only with high capacity aircraft.
Hence one AOC covers all aircraft in the fleet. Pretty simple isn't it? :ugh:
I thought that had been well explained in earlier posts.

Mr snuffaluffagus
26th Feb 2010, 09:38

Thanks for rephrasing exactly what I said in my earlier post, good job. :ugh:
I am well aware fo what Q Link have on their AOC to cover all their ops including the 200, having flown for them for a fair few years now.

The last post I made was out of curiousity. If it helps you, consider the question seperately from Q Link, is the 200 high capacity or is it not??
Anyone with a useful comment on that question?

27th Feb 2010, 04:05
Getting a bit ahead of myself;
does anyone have the notes they give you regarding PWR/ATT settings for the Dash or 767 Sim flight, or what the flight entails?

28th Feb 2010, 12:04
Also looking for any hints/tips for DE Stage 3 additional to what is on the early part of this thread. Particularly re the Q400 sim - I'm told it's a bit of a handful and very heavy in roll?

Any advice much appreciated with repayment in the form of beers on offer.

28th Feb 2010, 20:31
very very heavy in roll. Like nothing i've flown before. power changes induce large amounts of yaw followed by roll also. Rudder trim MUST be used quickly. Power in the low range is touchy. So be careful making adjustments from say 26 trq to 15 trq, only a small touch. try walking them up/down gently. Very stable on approach, IVSI very good. If you've flown a glass G1000 you'll have no trouble here. You're only doing 180 kts around the area, so if you've come from something fast, its easy as pie.

Interview, know JEEPS IFR section. ILS minima. A/C you fly. Etc. Nothing new there, and not all that hard if you're a good pilot. The behavior stuff is a different story. Very very hard to cover all the possable answers at home. Just do as much as you can, and hope to hell they ask you the ones you have an answer for. If you feel strongly about something, stick to your guns. Its important you as a professional has their own ideas and if legal and safe should stick to them.

Good luck.

3rd Mar 2010, 00:27
interview process involves pretty much spending an entire day there (9 to 5ish). There are two guys who conduct the interview and they only say their names; they don't say anything about what they role is in the company and they try to back you into a corner every chance they get.

It's quite unprofessional in the sense that they do not provide you any information on the company, when they will notify you; I wasn't even sure if it was sunstate or eastern interviewing me.I can't comment on the interview for the Training program as I was direct entry.
Not really sure what interview you went through but I would have to agree with RM. I found the whole process very professional.

I was interviewed by an individual from recruitment and an Eastern F/O, the sim was completed by an Eastern Check & Training Capt.

In the end it does not matter who interviews you, if you are successful you will be employed by QANTASLINK. The only difference is that you will operate under the appropriate AOC for your basing.

As far as the interviewers not telling you much about the company... they don't. But why should they? IT IS AN INTERVIEW!!!!! if you want to join the company don't you think you should learn about the company first? I was asked questions on what I knew about the company and I was able to answer them (that could be why I now work for the company).

The best advise for the interview I can give is to put the work in. Study IFR procedures, CAO req's, Climb gradients and ofcourse learn the company (Chief Pilots name would be a good start).

Good luck to all that are applying or interviewing, it is worth it when you are on the inside.

3rd Mar 2010, 05:16
Texan Pilot,
An excellent response.
To be slightly nit-picky, a high capacity AOC does not require a chief pilot. Our "chief pilot" is the manager of flight operations. Semantics I know, but possibly a good point to know and saves being tripped up in an interview. It may also show that one is aware of the differences involved compared with a low capacity operation, as has been discussed at length on this topic.

3rd Mar 2010, 20:25
Anyone got a yes or no from the feb interviews and sim yet? Or referees been called? Sux waiting..........

3rd Mar 2010, 22:56
I cant imagine ppl waiting too long for a response as I know first hand how short we are. Most of us are working hard at the moment!!!

3rd Mar 2010, 23:46
have heard there is an April and May course.

has anyone been offered a start date on any of these courses?

Captain Stoobing
4th Mar 2010, 06:34
"if you are successful you will be employed by QANTASLINK" was quoted by Texan Pilot.

As it stands today Qantaslink is still just a trading name for several separate business'. Any pilot commencing employment receives a letter from "Qantaslink.......Sunstate/Eastern.

If any pilot were employed by Qantaslink as a company no one would have to resign to transfer between separate AOC bases, ie Brisbane to Melbourne.

One poor fellow just did 2 years on the SSA seniority and has had to resign and join the bottom of the EAA seniority list to move to Melbourne. A real pity.

Being referred to as "Old and Crusty" by some cabin crew, I have been here a while and long enough to have a balanced opinion. I have to say its a great job, definately not Eastern or Sunstate anymore, but thats OK. You won't retire rich in this job, but you will have half days at home, the odd reserve day and be around enough to plan for your retirement in other ways................IF you are smart with your money. I work hard sometimes but no where near that of my friends outside of aviation who regularly do 12 hour days in the office job they have.

Many should remember that this is not about flying planes, its about what flying planes can do for your life so you don't have to fly planes. Don't get me wrong, I like my job, and I adopt a professional attitude everytime I strap myself to the plane, but its just a job, and it provides money to do other things that I would rather be doing.

If you join soon, please just enjoy the job. I have and many many others have since day 1.

Capt Stoobing. ( Does anyone remember the love boat anymore? )

Hugh Jarse
4th Mar 2010, 08:29
Capt. Stoobing. Your daughter was quite cute back in the 70's ;)
Long time, no talk matey. You don't return my calls any more.... :confused:

Somebody of your experience and capability is wasted over there, Stoob. You would have so much potential at the place where so many of your colleagues are leaving Qlink to go to. Even in Brisneyland :}

Qlink was a great job, but the last Eastern EBA was the killer for me. It gave me no time with my family and lots of single days off (useless).

It's a single man's/aerosexual's job now. I work to live, not live to work. So I left. No regrets, apart from missing my former work colleagues (such as yourself).

Capt. Stoobing old and crusty? What are you, Stoob? 30? Must be the cadets calling you that, Shaggs :}

The rest of you enquiring about recruiting: I did it for 8 years till 2008. For the last couple of years it was for Qlink as a group, and even Jetstar. Unless it has changed, we were recruiting for both Eastern and Sunstate, with successful candidates being offered positions in whichever airline needed crew at the time.

For the aerosexuals among you wondering about the HCAOC - EAA and Sunnies went to that for the -300 back in the early millennium. Greater than 36 seats. The whole fleet is covered by this, regardless of whether it's a -200 or -400. End of story. If you don't have the requirements for a command under that AOC, best you get out into the big wide world and get "some air under your arse" until you do.

The world doesn't owe you a living :ugh:

Stoob, I have 16 days off in the next roster. 12 days are long weekends (4 of). I never got more than 1 weekend (2 days off) at Qlink. All-over, this is a far more family-friendly job.

We need at least 100 new pilots this year..... Could you be one of them, Stoob?:ok::ok:

Horatio Leafblower
4th Mar 2010, 13:35
Jarse was a bastard when he was recruiting... and that PC-7 sim... holy crap!!! :eek:

Glad you enjoy the new job Jarse :ok:

Bang Bus
4th Mar 2010, 22:30
This is a section of an article in the Cairns post today
Cairns Airport security 'lax'- Local Cairns News | cairns.com.au (http://www.cairns.com.au/article/2010/03/05/97465_local-news.html)
" The points Mr Henning made about Cairns included:

 Access to the general aviation area was "dead easy".
While there were security patrols, armed guards were required in specific areas.
The Dash 8, a commonly-used aircraft, was "critically vulnerable" because it could not be locked, had a weak point in its cockpit door and was easy to fly.
Airport staff were not trained in security awareness, were unable to identify security risks or knew how to deal with a security problem.
Security checks on people who had access to the tarmac, particularly construction workers, were not stringent and there were lax procedures over security identification tags.
"The Dash 8 is like driving a Hyundai car. You start it up and it’s easy to fly, just like driving a car," Mr Henning said."

Maybe someone should let our training department know, we can bin the cyclic program and get some late model excels instead.

Hyundai "JET LIKE SPEED" lol hopefully a confidence booster to all the guys applying that thought it may have been challenging, I worked bloody hard to get here and spent a truckload of dosh myself and all along I should have just bought a car.:}:}
Another gem from a journo with NFI.

4th Mar 2010, 23:05
Ha love it!!!! I also love the bit about security. Given the fact that we have had to apply for asic encoding, I get picked up from security on my can of deodorant, and every door I go through I often have to explain my reasoning for being airside.....ironic isnt it!

5th Mar 2010, 01:37
Can anyone tell me if Qantaslink will be recruiting for Sydney based FOs?

Hugh Jarse
5th Mar 2010, 07:33
Hullo Horatio,

I don't think I was a bastard per se. My attitude was that the candidate had the job, until such time as he/she flew his way out of it in the SIMEX. I always tried to give a bit of training to those having difficulty, in order to get them over the line, but time sometimes precluded that.

"Is that you in there, Horatio?"

From memory you finessed the box to a suitable standard. You may have been "Fat Bastarded" on the day, however. Quite a few candidates fell foul of him in the interview (perplexingly). If you weren't multi-degreed then it was tough for candidates to get through the interview side of it. To fly a Dash for Christ sake :ugh:

The best thing they did was get rid of him. He's now the problem of a somewhat more westerly based company....

The new job is fantastic. Thanx for asking. Much more time at home with the family is the way to go!:ok:

The security review at CS is a laugh. IMO it is sensationalised to cover people with vested interests. The flight deck door is locked on the Dash on an overnight. All have hardened doors, as required by legislation. So how could somebody pinch one? To start one would require specific knowledge of switching and lever positions, and is NOT like a Hyundai, as the writer claims. He probably has never sat in one, let alone flown one.:}

As for placing a b-o-m-b on board (you can't say bomb on an aeroplane) (in the cabin at least), the cabin crew do a full security check on first flight of the day. The Captain checks the baggage compartments.

Finally, why would anyone be bothered flying an aeroplane into a building in Cairns, for goodness sake?

9th Mar 2010, 07:29
Can anyone tell me whether or not Qlink are still operating any 100's? I didn't think they were but I swear I saw one today.

Wing Root
9th Mar 2010, 07:40
100s no, 200s yes (mainly for Lord Howe)

9th Mar 2010, 07:41

Where has he moved, can u PM hugh jarse?

9th Mar 2010, 07:48
Thanks wing root, must have mistaken a 200 for a 100.

Horatio Leafblower
9th Mar 2010, 08:44
From memory you finessed the box to a suitable standard.

How very kind of you to say so :ok:

14th Mar 2010, 08:40
I am getting the feeling that Qantaslink isn't the way to go if you have a young family and want a family friendly lifestyle. Though maybe that is aviation in general and not just Qlink?

Mr snuffaluffagus
14th Mar 2010, 12:26
I haven't read all the posts, so I'm not sure which ones have lead you to that conclusion. I can say from personal experience that Qantaslink is great for someone with a young family and looking for a lifestyle job to suit. I work roughly 11-12 days in each 28 day roster. Perfect for someone with 2 young kids. A third of those days would be 4 hour duties, even better. I spend far more time with my kids than any other dad I know, just the way I like it.

14th Mar 2010, 12:27
If you want a 9-5 job, then go for it. Traffic each way and every weekend off.
If you want to fly , you may/will probably have to work some non- standard hours and on public holidays and weekends.
No-one is forcing you to fly RPT. The choice is yours.
You may well get to see a lot more of your family on an airline roster.
I remember being one of the few fathers dropping off and picking up my children from pre-school and primary school, and maybe the occasional Christmas gift opening in the afternoon or non-alcoholic bubbly.
We have a roster request book where you can, within limits, be off when you need to for special events.
What is your definition of a family friendly lifestyle, and are you prepared to compromise?

14th Mar 2010, 12:37
On second thoughts, was that a rhetorical question? This one is.

16th Mar 2010, 01:22
Just completed the stage 2, got all the english completed and just over half the maths..anyone else get a little over half way and get through...starting to 2nd guess my performance..cheers

16th Mar 2010, 01:59

Typical to only get about half way through the maths, i did and got through

16th Mar 2010, 02:04

That sounds pretty normal mate.
When I completed the numerical reasoning test - I only managed to complete the first question before rolling in the foetal position and crying whilst calling out for my mother - and i passed!!!!

16th Mar 2010, 06:07

I just did it and i too was very worried. Am crossing my fingers very tightly!! :sad:

Only got about 3\4 through the verbal and a bit less on the numerical.

Anyone else find it hard to be consistent on the behavioural qestions by the way? :confused:

Man that was NOT a fun process!! :ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh:

Good luck all!!

16th Mar 2010, 06:15
Hey everyone! I know that there are courses starting in April (which is full) and May, but does anyone have any idea if there will be future courses happening in the later months of this year? Can anyone shed some light on how long this recruitment drive will go for?
Any info would be appreciated! :ok:

16th Mar 2010, 08:20
thanks all..and good luck to those who are invited to Stage 2 and beyond...

16th Mar 2010, 10:25
Anyone been offered places on the May course yet? How long between stage 3 and the call? And what bases are they offering?

16th Mar 2010, 23:31
Fellow QLink Process Followers,
Any ideas on a "normal" timeframe from successful completion of Phase 2 and an interview offer? Email says it is based on the competitiveness of your application. With just under 4,000 hours and turbine command time am hopeful of a clean shot.

Thanks to anyone who may be able to help.

17th Mar 2010, 07:23
If you have successfully done your stage 2 you should get an offer to come and in and do stage 3. Which are currently filled until the end of may. So i guess the next dates will be June/July?
Once you get the email, its first in best dressed.

17th Mar 2010, 08:58
Thanks for that, keep on the waiting game!

20th Mar 2010, 01:53
Has there been any word from inside the airline that the traineeship maybe started back up in the next couple of years? I have the total hours and 500 command for direct entry FO, but don't have enough M/E Time.

20th Mar 2010, 07:01
Has there been any word from inside the airline that the traineeship maybe started back up in the next couple of years?

Hard to say. :(

All I've heard is "more recruiting" for more FO's. Whether that's from the DEFO available people, or from a "traineeship" I don't know.

However, I'd be thinking that Qlink can fulfil thier current training spots from DEFO's.

That is current! What that situation may be like in the next couple of years is anyones guess.

It may even be different later on this year, depending on how the latest recruitment drives from DJ, J* and CX affect us, and what sort of EBA we can get over the line this year.

Doesn't help much, but hang in there.


31st Mar 2010, 09:21
Don't get your hopes up about direct entry or a traineeship anytime soon. The Qantas cadets that have been left out in the cold for the last 24 months have been called up for Dash 8 endorsements for potential placement at Qlink. The list runs 53 deep at least...

31st Mar 2010, 09:36
A mate starts his Dash groundschool on Monday. About bl@@dy time too. VH-FTS is right. Large backlog. :sad:

31st Mar 2010, 11:56
Can we have a show of hands of people who are currently on active hold with approx time on active hold?

I would have thought the QF cadets would be mixed with GA direct entry recruits to give a mix of experience levels coming into the company.

31st Mar 2010, 19:22
*hand up* plus three mates.

Minimum experience 2500 pic

Just ****es me the cadets are getting a look in when others jump through all of the hoops career and application wise then suddenly it all comes to a grinding halt. Good strategy though for Qantas as they have somewhere to send all of the cadets and Qlink can solve any crewing issues for a long time. These guys will be in the RHS for a known period of time waiting for their A380 SO seat to come up and the bonus is they'll pay for the Q400 endorsement themselves they are so desperate.

Never been a cadet-basher before but starting to feel a little jaded.

Standing Water
31st Mar 2010, 21:15

How long was your mate waiting after interview + sim before getting the call up with a start date? Does he know the type 400 or 3/200?

I have heard of people getting a knock back letter one week after stage 3.

I have heard people getting a ground school slot 2 weeks after stage 3.


I feel your pain. The link will still need future captains and they wont get them from cadets waiting for their A380/B744/A330 slot. I would expect a mix of experience is getting into QLINK. People that will be long term FOs and people that can be captains sooner rather than later. Seniority numbers considered.

How long have you and your mates been on hold?

I am aware of two Qlink captains now working in the virgin group. I am sure there are more...

1st Apr 2010, 01:58
The CURRENT group of Mainline cadets that are going in (MAR/APR) were actually originally booked for QLink courses well over a year ago... but they were told to wait when everything came to a grinding holt. The vast majority of them HAVE been out there in the industry either instructing or flying charter around the bush. Many future cadets have not been as successful in finding work due to declining economic conditions.

QLink initially fund the full cost of the endorsement, and then upon starting employment the cadet pays back 50% of the endorsement cost. Rather than being bonded for 3 years as all direct entry applicants are, cadets are only bonded for 2, before they roll into Mainline. They pay a 'fee' essentially for leaving early.

Don't worry, at this stage QLink will only be bringing small numbers of Mainline Cadets in at a time... mixed with direct entry which will continue. As has been said, QLink want a mix of experience levels.

Traineeship program has been terminated.

1st Apr 2010, 04:50
OhForSure, your info sounds credible - where does it come from?

1st Apr 2010, 14:16
The top...

3rd Apr 2010, 05:11
A few questions regarding the time frame between interview stages that I couldn't find clear answers to in previous posts.

1: What is the time interval between clearing stage 2 and receiving a call for stage 3?
2: What sort of time do they give you to organise time off from work and appear for an interview?

Thanks in advance for the answers.

Standing Water
3rd Apr 2010, 06:43

It varies. Mates have been different to me but all around similar time frames.

1. About two to three weeks.

2. Two to three months.

3rd Apr 2010, 06:50
For the Direct Entry Stage 3 I have been given about 2 months notice.

For the traineeship about 1.5 years ago they rang up and said "Can you be here in 20 minutes????" LOL

7th Apr 2010, 11:15
Is QantasLink still offering 457 Visa's?

8th Apr 2010, 02:51
Don't think anyone other than the Department of Immigration and Citizenship can offer a visa!

Although there were a couple last year, given the near complete reversal in the employment situation since the last visa was granted, I can't see DIC being happy with 457 visas in the foreseeable future. That said, you never know how quickly things are going to turn around in this industry!

8th Apr 2010, 04:16
Anyone been given a start date recently?

8th Apr 2010, 07:21
Don't think anyone other than the Department of Immigration and Citizenship can offer a visa!
Yes, but it is known as ENSOL: Employer Nominated Skilled Occupation List.

So, if QantasLink is not willing to sponsor an individual for such a visa, DIC will not "offer" it...

4th Jun 2010, 05:17
So nobody has checked the QL bfound website today? I can't believe it's past 3pm and no one has said anything!

Who's gonna be the first...

4th Jun 2010, 05:40
Nope, everyone's too busy on the Jetstar site.

4th Jun 2010, 05:52
Understandably, I'd much rather spend $85k than $10k...

4th Jun 2010, 06:05
Oh, but the shiny allure of a jet engine...only to get paid as much as a QLink FO anyway.

Are we really that short of pilots in the medium-future that Qantas has to now run three cadet shemes? Whispers a while ago of Virgin doing the same. Probably bullocks but interesting times ahead.

4th Jun 2010, 09:35
What a joke. Paying to be an FO when there are plenty of DE guys.

4th Jun 2010, 20:28
Is there anyone out there who had previously been accepted then put on hold? If so, are these people being taken up or is it back to the start of the line?


Tee Emm
5th Jun 2010, 01:16
Get out in the real world, get the experience and move on to some solid multi command. Sure there are risks, both financial and even personnel. But we've all done it, and in much tougher times than now.

The real world? Advertisement in today's Weekend Australian June 4-6.
Australian Government Secret Intelligence Service wants an Assistant Director-General Information Management and Technology. That person will contribute actively to the broader strategic leadership of ASIS as a member of its senior leadership team etc.

SALARY: $151,463 to $166,174 plus super plus executive car.

A Qantas A380 second officer is reputed to pick up a cool $180,000 a year and an F/O $280,000 a year for swanning around the world staying at the best hotels and monitoring a computer. Eventually they become captains at $380,000 a year plus perks.
Is it any wonder there is no shortage of would-be cadet pilots forking out big bucks to learn to fly and eventually reaching the dizzy status of monitoring the radios from the jump seat of an A380. They would be crazy to spend their parents money being ripped off at a dodgy flying school on a battered C150 only to spend the next few years flogging a Cessna 210 around Arnhem land to build up hours to get into the jump seat as a computer programmer in an A380...

5th Jun 2010, 01:54
And that explains the Jet*, Virgin and Qlink schemes how?:mad:

5th Jun 2010, 08:07
Been out of the game for quite sometime now, over 5+ yrs, now in my 40's. Do you think there is much chance of getting a look in for the Qlink cadetship, even though i meet their requirements. Also do you older guys with families even think it is worth it. I do have a family to think about.

5th Jun 2010, 17:57
I know that there was a guy in his fifties that got through last time the traineeship was running

6th Jun 2010, 06:36
If you wanted to progress onto a Qantas second officer role would the turboprop time at Qlink be enough to meet the '1000 hours turbine' experience required?? or is turbine specifically only jets, not turboprops....?

6th Jun 2010, 06:39
Qantas don't require 1000 hours turbine.


But while we're on the topic of Qantas....if they ever decide to recruit again, is the old system of not recruiting from Eastern/Sunstate still in place or have times moved on from that?

6th Jun 2010, 06:41
1000 hours First Officer time on turbine RPT operations,

is one of the conditions, unless you have 500 hours command

6th Jun 2010, 06:47
:ok: Shoulda read it myself before posting!

Based on the wording there, turboprop time would meet the requirement.

6th Jun 2010, 07:05
schweet thanks!

7th Jun 2010, 01:50
So now this scheme is back up and running, what happens with all those who got conditional offers last time? I'm not one, but know quite a few who got the offer and some who even left their job to fulfill the requirements only to be left out in the cold...one should be a little skeptical if offered anything this time around.

7th Jun 2010, 03:50
The current view for those concerned:


13th Jun 2010, 00:58
Qantas Trainee programme lists minimum requirements as all ATPL theory passes. Most of the people I know in NZ with CPLs up to 1000hr GA pilots have no ATPL subjects. Is this the same for OZ?

ie: for someone with CPL or even someone with up to 1000 hrs to apply for this, they'd need their ATPL subjects. Now, if you haven't done any of them and you decide to do them part time while working, and do them at a rate of 1 every two weeks, we're talking about 14 weeks...and realistically it will probably take a significantly greater amount of time..So effectively you either do them full time which would involve binning your job (which is probably not an option for those of us who like food or shelter) or you take the next 6 to 9 months to get your ATPLs part time if you want to apply...or can you apply and tell them you'll have the ATPLs done by the start date of the course in the event you get accepted?

It sort of limits the applicant pool in my mind...while you're busy charging the cadet for this that and the other, why not offer an ATPL theory course (at a price of course...this isn't Cathay we're talking about...) as well and that way you widen the applicant pool, presumably being able to pick 'better' cadets? Can anyone shed any light on this situation?

13th Jun 2010, 01:59

Last recruitment of trainee's without ATPL's didnt end so well, as everyone was running around trying to get their subjects done in a short amount of time. So they changed the minimum requirments, but who knows just apply and see what happens.

Anyone heard anything from them yet?

13th Jun 2010, 02:36
There is a big culture difference as far as ATPLs go between NZ and Australia.

In NZ the ATPLs are something you (generally) need for airline command only. In fact, as there is a flight test requirement, which in 99% of cases is done as a part of a command upgrade, and if one was to do the exams too early the credit may even expire before that person gets a chance to make command. The result would be either having to re-sit them all or to pay out of ones own pocket for a check ride in a pressurised aircraft.

In Australia the ATPL subjects are (generally) needed for even an F/O position at the smallest of turboprop operators. I don't know why, but that's just the way it is here. Perhaps sometime 100 years ago we were stung with a lot of people that simply weren't capable of passing the exams. Who knows! Australia also has a smaller percentage of (ex)instructors amongst the pilot population, so the brush-up on aviation knowledge is probably useful for many. Although, once again, that brush-up would probably be a lot more beneficial closer to airline time then it is for all those doing the ATPLs as a follow-on immediately after getting a CPL.

I think there should be a two-tier ATPL system. One set of exams for freshly minted CPLs and one set for guys that already have the hour requirements for the ATPL!

13th Jun 2010, 06:37
haileybury777 & glekichi

Thanks for the info. So pretty much most of the australians applying for the cadet scheme will have their atpl subjects then?

For anyone who's interested-latest ASL 'newsletter' talked about the large numbers of New Zealanders going over to Oz to do their ATPL exams because its more convenient as there's no flight test. CAA/ASL are working ''closely'' with CASA to 'sort the situation out'. Whatever that means. I'm guessing that route will be off the cards for NZers soon or the CASA lot will get ATPL flight tests for you fellas. Anyone with more info please do let on..Sorry about the the drift off topic.

Ours is not to question why....

training wheels
13th Jun 2010, 07:27
Hueyshuffle, you can quite easily do the Oz ATPLs by distance learning with AFT. I did all seven this way and although it took sometime to get through all of them, you can do it at your own pace which is convenient when you're also working full-time. Check out their website; Advanced Flight Theory (http://aft.com.au/)

There's no hurry to get them all done, mate. There are two more intakes for the Qantaslink traineeship in 2010; one in September and another in December. So take your time and enjoy the subjects. They're a lot more interesting than CPL theory. Flight Planning was my favourite although it can be a little tricky. Enjoy! :ok:

13th Jun 2010, 10:34
The thing that i'm wondering is: what are the real prospects of actually being employed by Qlink soon after completion of the 6-week course? The wording states "a graduate will be offered a First Officer position in QantasLink upon a vacant position being available". That could be straightaway - or it could be a couple of years. While it does seem the industry is picking up, how much immediate need for these new FO trainees will Qlink have? Ie: are there many if any vacant positions now or in the near future?

Also if you look in the faq on the program website, it states: "Upon successful completion of the Trainee Program, Graduates will be offered employment opportunities with QantasLink on a competitive basis, as employment opportunities arise."

How competitive? I wonder how many positions there will be available on each course vs how many FO slots are expected to be available.

14th Jun 2010, 02:11
I thik you will find that the airlines are "hedging their bets" by setting up training organisations. These things take time, and they are now in a position to quickly train pilots IF and When they may need them.
They also have contacts with potential pilots (but no contracts).
This is a big step forward, and what they should have always done. I think provisional contracts with potential trainees is the logical next step, but this won't happen while there is a surplus of applicants.
The previous "obscene lottery" system has almost destroyed GA by flooding it with transient low time pilots and "ICUS" sellers.
What happens in GA usually flows on to airlines, and they are now faced with lots of pilots who want to be "transient" and use the operation as a stepping stone to bigger things. (just like GA)
So airlines are obviously looking for ways to keep pilots and reduce training costs by bonding pilots and using low time F/O's.
If anyone knows when the next burst of airline expansion will occur he wil be able to get lots of big fees from the airlines. They don't know either.

14th Jun 2010, 14:06
Declaring my vested interest up front - I was one of the batch of original trainees accepted into the scheme and given a conditional acceptance - the ONLY condition being that I had to complete my ATPLs in 3 months. I dropped everything and achieved this, sent off the results and then received a letter stating that the scheme was on hold and we would be contacted when it restarted. This makes me one of those screwed by QL who want us to a) go back to square one and re-apply and b) if we are re-accepted, do so under different terms and conditions.

Add to this past behaviour by QL, the changed conditions:
- you pay up front
- they are under no obligation to give you a job (competetive process, if and when)

and you appear to be putting up $18k in a complete gamble that something might happen in the future.

I'm sure plenty of people will apply, most (?) will get the job they want but be certain that when you sign up, you may be in for an expensive bill for 6 weeks of training that gives you nothing.


20th Jun 2010, 00:28
Undertheradar - thanks for the warning mate

Col. Flagg
23rd Jun 2010, 00:16
I know there has been much said about the J* cadetship. I was wanting to know if anyone had applied and heard back from the Q-Link Cadetship?

"Nobody can get the truth out of me because even I don't know what it is. I keep myself in a constant state of utter confusion."


Matt J
23rd Jun 2010, 02:08
I heard back by email this morning and missed out on this intake. I have low hours and little recency but I had the minimums. I would be interested to know for those who got past the application stage what sort of hours etc they have.

23rd Jun 2010, 02:30
Got a response this morning as well, same as mattj i have low hours aswell, but meet the minimum requirement.

Col. Flagg
23rd Jun 2010, 02:57
Seems to be a common theme, low hours but have the minimums.

23rd Jun 2010, 04:46
Last Traineeship, in 2008. People with Bare CPL's were getting interviews.

People with bare CPL's MECIR and ATPLs also got through..

What they are looking for this time around looks like a bit more experience...

I applied, got the email today.... Met all minimum requirements...

I wouldn't consider my Total Time low though..

23rd Jun 2010, 05:26
It's competitively based....in the first couple of rounds last traineeship course most had at least 1000 hours with MECIR and ATPL's then as the rounds progressed obviously the experience level wasnt as high and some infact didnt have instrument ratings. From what I have heard there will only be a handful of applicants in each round this time so obviously the more experience one has the greater chance. Best of luck to all apply!

23rd Jun 2010, 07:03
Doesn't seem it will be as big as the 2008 traineeship this time around...

But yeah happy bandit that makes perfect sense..

The Hill
23rd Jun 2010, 07:24
I missed out on getting an interview and i have ATPL, 3500TT, multi-turbine command and a degree. Apparently i didnt reply quick enough :ugh:

23rd Jun 2010, 07:32
The Hill... I think direct entry, would be better for you?

Matt J
23rd Jun 2010, 08:50
The Hill, did you not get your application in on time? I don't see how you could have applied late? Wasn't it just a matter of getting it in before the cut off date then you couldn't even if you tried?