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16th Apr 2008, 06:29
Sounds like a pretty good deal at the end of the day!

I'm quite interested in ot myself but I don't have Yr12 Maths! Does anyone know it this will be detremental to my application?

Thanks for any assistance.


16th Apr 2008, 11:51

Any of you plank drivers out there have any information when they will stop this QL traineeship, how many pilots are they planning to take? Will it be over in 6-12 months or longer?

The reason I ask is i fly helicopters at the moment, I also have a CPL(A) with 250+ hours fixed-wing TT, 70+ ME, PIC time on Single Engine Turbo-prop.... No MECIR and am working on getting the ATPL's ?

In fixed-wing world what's more important to get first the MECIR or ATPL's ?

Any info would be great, good on the guys who have gotten in already.... sounds like a decent gig...... keep us informed on life in the FL sipping coffee... I get nose bleeds over when i go over 500FT!!! :E

Feel free to PM me any details...... cheers boys.:ok:

16th Apr 2008, 23:06
ausflying, Fifthleg - I am in the same boat as your guys. Psych deadline on the 11th. Still no word yet. :(

charlie uniform mike
20th Apr 2008, 11:53
Anyone heard anything for sim and interview yet???

Mr Cat
20th Apr 2008, 22:37

I was in the sim and interview process a few weeks ago, and after alot of preperation I was accepted into the course. I was speaking to the boss of the program and he has informed me that the process will be running for at least the next 12 months. Over 850 people have applied now and they only have the resources to interview 75 a month MAX (so I have heard).

I only say this because I remember what it was like to be waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting.......... only to think that you will never get your chance. You will get your chance, but you should be prepared to wait and be patient. Remember, you may not get it for another 6 or 9 months but they will give you one.

From my encounter's so far, they are VERY fair and provided you perform to their minimum standard and impress them, and they have a need for you, you will be given a go. Dont be mislead however. Its not an easy process. Yes they are desperate for pilots, but think of it this way. Interviewing 60 - 75 a month, for the following months course which can only accomodate 15 (approx). They arent taking anyone. I found the process quiet challenging and involved.

All the best everyone.

20th Apr 2008, 22:50
Have any of the guys from the first batch ie. March 10th finished the traineeship yet to go to Syd? Should be getting pretty close!

21st Apr 2008, 05:49
hey i have a interview next month does anyone that has done the sim/ interview have any extra advice?

21st Apr 2008, 05:53
Charlie Uniform Mike. I got called on the weekend, that was for the 11th of April Psych Test deadline. Pretty excited!, and was a pleasant surprise. :)

Bort Simpson
22nd Apr 2008, 03:22
the first batch have finished and are in Syd doing the endo/ground school. Word is that the third group are due to start on the 5th of May. Apparently some of those are still completing their instrument ratings. Not 100% on that tho...

22nd Apr 2008, 03:41
Did the online stuff with deadline of the 11th as some others.
Just got the call to come for interview and sim.
I have ATPL's, Degree, Instructor Rating.
They said that they would send me information about the sim ride within 10days.
Has anyone who doesn't have Instrument Rating been in the sim?
what did you do?

charlie uniform mike
25th Apr 2008, 01:29
Hey guys just found out that they will be doing the sim sessions in the Q400 sim. Sounds like awesome fun! :ok:

25th Apr 2008, 02:44
I have my day on the 6th of May
Very nervous have not done any IF for 8 years
And am not the best at interviews
fingers crossed
Charlie Uniform Mike ...when did you find out they are doing the sim ride on the Q400

25th Apr 2008, 04:22
The sim sessions are in a 747-338 - the Q400 simulator next door is going full time with conversion training............

25th Apr 2008, 04:46
Stormynights, I recommend you fly as much IF as you possibly can before your sim ride. The standard they are looking for does not vary, and no allowance is made for recent experience. It matters not if youve been flying on instruments six hours a day, six days a week for the six months leading up to the sim check, or if you havent flown in six years.... you're all tested against the same benchmark.

25th Apr 2008, 05:23
not easy to do out here in the sticks (Jabiru)
will just have to read up and hope i remember how it goes

charlie uniform mike
25th Apr 2008, 06:52
I believe they are now doing the sim ride in the Q400 sim i know before they werent but things may have changed. I heard about this only yesterday.

25th Apr 2008, 07:52

With all due respect, that does not sound correct. There is a PPRUNE post above from someone who has no CIR, and yet they are going into the sim. They are looking for ability to adapt.

25th Apr 2008, 08:21
To be more accurate, the simulator check is done by a training captain who only has the barest details of your experience.

If you dont have an instrument rating, he'll know about that, but he doesnt know if you're IFR current, or your experience.

His comments are passed on to the interview panel, and these are the people who look at your logbook and can take into account recent experience.

As for being in Jabiru, even flight sim on the computer is better than nothing!:ok:

25th Apr 2008, 10:39
I don't want to burst any bubbles here but please!!!

QFLink are interviewing people that aren't even instrument current, and by a fair margin it seems. Either there will be some major allowances made or some people are in for a serious reality check. Not the least QFLink management.

Make no mistake people, IF currency is a skill, and like all skills even the most adaptable need to be familiar if they are to be considered proficient! Obviously do your best, but maybe things on the recruiting front are just a little worse than we all believe it to be!

25th Apr 2008, 10:44
Well i hope that works for me
all my flying has been Vfr since i got my MECIR
glider towing and up untill recently thats all i have been doing
have the flying skills but is that enough

27th Apr 2008, 05:16
Anyone else got there check and interview on the 6th ?

27th Apr 2008, 08:53
Hi All

Just wondering, according to the Qantas website:

Qantaslink Trainee minimums are passes in yr 12 maths & english, with tertiary studies an advantage.

Qantaslink direct entry just require HSC (no mention of maths or english).

Qantas Mainline need passes in yr 12 maths & english OR a degree of any discipline.

I have a degree, but I didnt pass yr 12 english (how can shakespere help you fly an aircraft?). However, I am Australian born and bred. I dont have a second language, English is the one and only!

My question is: Would Qantaslink turn me back for the trainee program due to my poor yr 12 english?



27th Apr 2008, 09:30
Butterfingers, I have no idea how shakespere, nor shakespeare helps you fly a "plan" either.

But my believes are that the Year 12 passes are only there for those that don't have a degree.

27th Apr 2008, 09:41

just noticed my spelling error.... how ironic!

27th Apr 2008, 10:47
Gday Guys,

Would be interested to hear from any of the guys that have been to Melbourne or are in Melb at the moment completing their training.

How did you find/are you finding the course?

I believe it is a pretty intense course. How are you enjoying the course, how are the facilities, accomodation etc etc.

Im sure that there are lots of interested people that would love to hear all about it.


27th Apr 2008, 12:46
Butterfingers - If you have a degree, it's a fair assumption to make that you have passed your HSC or VCE.

If you're in Melbourne, I assume you passed VCE, and that in itself guarantees you passed year 12 English. You dont have to have done very well in it - under the victoria system, simply turning up to every exam and handing in every assignment means you pass.

There's a lot more to "english" than shakespeare, too:ok:

27th Apr 2008, 15:11
If you're in Melbourne, I assume you passed VCE, and that in itself guarantees you passed year 12 English. You dont have to have done very well in it - under the victoria system, simply turning up to every exam and handing in every assignment means you pass.

Actually, I don't believe turning up to the exams is compulsory in the VCE. You can still pass assuming you've completed all the in class assignments (called SAC's when I did it). Attendance to the exams only provides you with a study score.

27th Apr 2008, 23:57
Lasiorhinus, I actually did my schooling in Adelaide, so no VCE. Also, I got into uni as a mature age student, so school marks were not relevent, I just had to pass the entry exam.

28th Apr 2008, 13:46
As others have speculated, time must be approaching where the first (if not second) group are getting close to the end of the 'traineeship' part of the process.

My curiosity is to whether anyone has not been accepted into Qantaslink. If you read the bumpf on both the Qantas website and on the FAQs, the traineeship is no guarantee of Qantaslink employment - it merely gives you the minimums to be considered for employment.

It would be interesting to know if/how/why they would let you get to the end of the GFS course, refuse to accept you for a job, then send you the bill for the traineeship. Can anyone enlighten me? Does anyone else see this as a potential issue?

On one hand it would seem silly to get someone that far (and assuming they haven't stuffed up the GFS course or otherwise bollocks something up) only then to say thanks but no thanks but on the other, they would appear to be well within their rights to flunk all/any at that stage if they feel like it at no cost to themselves other than the loss of a slot.

I'm in the position of being 'on the list' for GFS but haven't yet seen the full paperwork. Anyone got any goss? Did anyone get legal opinion on the deed?



28th Apr 2008, 21:59
Sorry I can't give you an answer on that one UndereathTheRadar, but welcome to the wonderful world of airline (especially QF) people management.

Couple of years ago a collegue of mine was sitting on the infamous Qantas hold file. After 12 months of uncertainty, they finally called him up. He had to jump through a few repeat hoops and with that sucessfuly completed, was litteraly days away from an offer. Then nothing! After some weeks a letter arrived stating that there were now a large number of applicants superior to his and he was now no longer competitive. Gone, done and dusted! No amount of phone calls or emails could get him any answers. Chr!st, he even had a mate in Check and Training! Some time later he was accepted by CX. Their gain was most certainly QF's (and Australia's) loss. This sort of behaviour is typical of the contempt that has been shown to pilots over the years.

The reason for not offering a garrentee of employment is just another way of QF management hedgeing their bets. Keep em' guessing and in their place. God help us if they (pilots) ever think that we really need them!

Having said that, unless a candidate of the traineeship fails the program, or shows some obvious undesireable traits, I am quite sure that QFLink would in fact employ them at the end. These days they need all the pilots they can get!

Mr Cat
29th Apr 2008, 00:05
Underneath The Radar,

Mate have another read of the deed. It clearly states that if QF arent happy with you and dont offer you employment at the completion of GFS, no bill will be given to the applicant. i.e. in the case that they dont want you, you dont need to pay the money back. You only need to pay it back if you withdraw on your own accord or leave before the four year bond is completed.



29th Apr 2008, 01:30
People are getting Qantaslink and Qantas mixed up!!

Qantaslink = QL

Qantas = QF

29th Apr 2008, 01:49
Mr Cat,

Thanks for the info - as I said - haven't actually seen the paperwork.

Krusty - likewise - as 'rosy' as the QL scheme seems, I'm just being naturally cautious!



29th Apr 2008, 02:39

Your point is well taken, but believe me they (management) are all tared with the same brush!

29th Apr 2008, 04:13
I would say there are a few people out there who are a bit more experienced in life and are above the minimums required.

Has anyone of the mature variety been asked for an interview yet??

29th Apr 2008, 04:32
What do you call mature????? I'm mature :O

29th Apr 2008, 04:50
I highly doubt that they would not hire you after going through the psychometric, sim and interview process to finally be accepted. I think they choose people who show that they are capable of achieving and passing the QLink standard. From what I have heard so far, everyone has passed and the first course are near completing the ground school for the Dash 8.

See you third batch boys on the 5th May.

Matt J
29th Apr 2008, 05:10
I've just turned 30 and plan to apply once I've met the minimums and plan to do MECIR and ATPLs ASAP (July or so). Would my age count against me much? I know there is no absolute answer. Of course the younger you are OFTEN the better your chances are but just wondered if people knew something I didn't in relation to the QL traineeship.

29th Apr 2008, 06:36
Hey matt

I wouldn't worry too much about age. They're more looking for people with the right skills and personality etc. My advice get your ATPLS's and MECIR ASAP....can't think of any more acronyms.DAMN!

29th Apr 2008, 09:11
im 38 and have the sim and interview on the 6th of may

29th Apr 2008, 10:50
If anything I imagine they are after the older guys. Less likely to jump ship after 6 months.

29th Apr 2008, 10:56
would suit me for the rest of my flying days

Matt J
29th Apr 2008, 11:09
From the sounds of it age won't be an issue, if anything very little importance compared to the way you present yourself/personality etc. Interesting though because the photo of the 1st lot that got in all looked under 25 and some looked under 21.

29th Apr 2008, 11:47
Hey Stormy, how long from applying to getting your interview date, and if I may ask, what sort of hours are you up to?

29th Apr 2008, 11:54

There are already a number of 30+ folks in the trainee program. Shouldn't be an issue.

29th Apr 2008, 11:54
i applied in january no contact till end of march but has moved quickly since then four online tests and now the sim check and interview

30th Apr 2008, 00:00
I'm 34 and have been accepted - there was another (older) guy on my day but I didn't find out he fared.


30th Apr 2008, 11:02
Can someone please tell me how much time are you given to complete the on-line tests after receiving the invite?

30th Apr 2008, 12:54
Can anyone assist as to what these on-line tests involve?



1st May 2008, 00:07
BF - there was a reasonably concise post on page 4 of the thread which should answer your question. Practice your maths and reading comprehension as much as you can. Also, go to the Qantas web site and track down their psychometric practice leaflet - just concentrate on the maths and verbal only - that will give you a taste of what to expect.

LB - it should be in the vicinity of 10-14 days.

Good luck!

training wheels
2nd May 2008, 01:47
Hey, can anyone confirm that there's no Spatial Reasoning nor Diagrammatic Tests with the QantasLink Psych tests?

2nd May 2008, 02:57
That would be confirmed training_wheels, there is no stupid boxes/patterns etc. Well wasn't on mine anyway!

2nd May 2008, 09:03
the people who are doing the interview in the next few weeks, which have completed the psych test on the 11th of April, would you be able to be so kind as to tell me after you had your interview, and that you have asked, when you'll be starting your course?

My boss and I need to get an idea of how sc*** he is if I leave the place (when i get in *finger cross)


2nd May 2008, 15:55
It is a little unnerving people with so little experience will potentially be 2IC with so many lives in their hands. In terms of being in control of such a large aircraft with its various systems, good training can completely take care of that - after all, military trainees are doing their first PC9 solo after 5 hours on type, after 60 hours in a CT4. The Army dudes are going first helo solo in a jetranger after about 8 hours.
What does concern me, as said before, is the lack of experience in dealing with crap weather, emergencies, diversions etc - the kind of thing all the best training in the world can tell you about but not necessarily expose you to. Its this exposure that comes with experience, previously gained on much smaller aircraft with much smaller consequences... Bring back the bug smashers :eek:

2nd May 2008, 22:04
I disagree, all around the world fresh CPL/IR pilots go straight onto a jet job like a A320 or B737. They are trained as first officers and with the help of the EXPERIENCED captain they will be guided and shown the right path. I take my hat off to those people who did the hard yards up north but hey that era is coming to an end.

2nd May 2008, 23:02
I agree with Kenny. Anyone can be taught to rote learn procedures and sure, people all around the world are being put into the right seat of A320s and 737s with no experience. This doesn't mean they're capable beyond the normal operating procedures of the FCOM.

I'm not saying they can't do the job in a general basis - but I hear line captain after training captain after line captain complain about how the lack of experience in the guys coming through now (including cadets and low time guys) are just making their job harder and harder by the week. Training captains who have become instructors for flying IFR, making radio calls, having to teach crosswind landings in some cases! You can come up with any reasoning you want, but they're the facts straight from the captains these people will be flying with. The aircraft is designed to be operated with 2 pilots...in essence, the captain is not there to "guide and show them down the right path".

Having said that, I think if companies are willing to implement traineeships like these then people would be crazy not to take it. It's definitely a golden opportunity and one that won't last forever.

2nd May 2008, 23:30
Good points Dragun, and most likely the way of thing to come. but what happens when the blind are leading the blind? The larger operators will generaly still have an "Experienced" pilot in the left seat. Not Ideal, but definitely vital. It's the smaller airlines that will and are now trying to come to grips with truely inexperienced crews in the cockpit. No ILS to ILS for these guys.

Low capacity operators like REX have been alluding to low hour candidates that it may be possible for them to log ICUS whilst in the normal course of their duties! Thus gaining one essential component for upgrade. Notwithstanding the fact that CASA would have to come to the party, the Captain ( the real captain of course) of these flights would have to sign off on it. In the current environment, not bloody likely!

hopefully there will be enough pilots left who have seen first hand the grim initiations of the past and protect the travelling public from short sighted management types with even shorter memories.

3rd May 2008, 00:14
Certainly what has been said here makes sense, if they take on the right balance of low timed guys, People with experience - but not enough to meet a minimum requirement, Direct Entry FOs. Then over all safety should not be too significantly impacted. But if every pilot they employ from now on has 200 hrs total time, then I would be concerned.

I applied for this only a few weeks ago, with 1500hrs total time, 100 hrs multi command (all PIC Multi Turbine), ATPLs and MEIR (but not current).

3rd May 2008, 04:01
I applied after the first add in Jan. Did not hear anything until late march when advised by email to do the apptitude tests by early April. Two weeks following this date received a phone call for sim and interview date late may. Sim is Q400 has any one had a go at this one yet?

TT & TIC > 1000hrs ATPL's IREX complete near complete MEIR long time ago.


3rd May 2008, 04:59
Low capacity operators like REX have been alluding to low hour candidates that it may be possible for them to log ICUS whilst in the normal course of their duties! Thus gaining one essential component for upgrade. Notwithstanding the fact that CASA would have to come to the party, the Captain ( the real captain of course) of these flights would have to sign off on it. In the current environment, not bloody likely!

Why not, Krusty? Why would a captain operating in an approved operation refuse to sign off on a co-pilot's ICUS?:confused:

3rd May 2008, 06:49
Did anyone get an email from QL over the last few days inviting them to do the SHL testing.....? - and happen to notice the multitude of others also invited (due to the fact that QL sent the email with all the recipients in the TO field and not BCC)?
Pretty serious breach of privacy I say! :=

3rd May 2008, 07:28
If there are any Brissie pilots going to Melb tomorrow for training PM me.


3rd May 2008, 09:04
Remember flying regionals is Multi Crew.Multi crew allows operators to place a lesser houred pilot in the right seat.All the QL candidates have the aptitude to progress and grasp whats in front of them,they will do well.Don't worry about the passengers in regards of a 500hr TT or 1000hr TT pilot in the right seat because at the end of the day they are tasked and trained with a Captain by them and also "It is just an aircraft".Once a pilot has been drilled in the Sim and has Base and Line Checks periodically,they will be fine.....:D

With correct training and repetition, a human regardless of age will operate efficiently....

I had a friend once who used to say "It is just an aircraft". Him and I used to argue over that and I warned him one day it would come back to bite him. It did the day he died when his aircraft ran out of fuel during take off. He thought there had been enough in it for his flight and hadn't checked properly. As much as it hurt to see that happen, I couldn't help but remember him say all the time "Don't worry mate, it's just an aircraft".

You said "with correct training and repetition". Flying IS made up of repetition with small mistakes along the way which hopefully, if not too big, end up with a rich tapestry of experience. Whilst cyclics form a good basis for emergency situations, being told exactly what to expect in a cyclic and when to expect it don't really make for the real thing. I've experienced a few engine failures and similiar in my time now (both single pilot and multi crew) and I can assure you that I was glad that I had experience in conjunction with good training with which to deal with the situation when it arose.

Krusty - I don't know what will happen when the blind are leading the blind. By that time I hope to be well away from the regional arena but I do feel for the captains of the near future. Operating will become a lot more work and I know many are adding that to the reasons of leaving the company and some from aviation altogether.

I guess time will tell. Good luck to all those applying :)

3rd May 2008, 09:51
For those working in the general aviation sector who has interviews coming up. Have you talked to your boss about it, and how did he react to it?

I am in the bads, as I thought I'll be nice to let him/her know about it so s/he can maybe has a head up on things just in case I have to leave and he's bled without a pilot in the busy season. Only to find out that majority of my flights have been canceled, and given to another pilot. An act of goodness just :mad:over my sorry a$$. Ughk! Even worst is that he asked me whether I know anyone that can filled my place, or that whether I can come back in between interviews and starting (if getting in)... Am i just unlucky? or STUPIDLY NICE!

:\will have to look for a new job if qantaslink doesn't want me. any taker?:sad:

training wheels
3rd May 2008, 10:51
That would be confirmed training_wheels, there is no stupid boxes/patterns etc. Well wasn't on mine anyway!

Thanks for that. I was about to go down to the supermarket and look for empty box cartons to practice on. Well, I guess no need to do so, now. :D

Are the practice psych tests from SHL similar to the real thing in terms of depth and degree of difficulty?

3rd May 2008, 12:51
Can't really remember sorry, to be honest I don't think I even did any practise exams, just shut the door and cracked a can of red bull. :ok: must have worked some how...

From what I've been reading and hearing the majority of people don't get it all finished or feel that flash afterwards :yuk: but you can only do what you can (Unless your some sort of robot.)

I didn't even know what I'd got myself into until there seemed to be a never ending amount of random questions, I was expecting the whole stage 2 Sydney testing thing like all other entry levels do...

I'm not even sure if all those exams they send people are the same... But those sample questions and test probably get your brain fired up and going down the right thought process for the real thing anyway.

Good luck.!

3rd May 2008, 23:07
Thanks Dragun, beat me to it!

5th May 2008, 06:18
Gday everyone, just a quick question.

Has everyone that has applied got offered the online testing? And then everyone who has completed the testing got offered the interview? And once done the check ride and interview got offered a place on the training course?

It just seems that everyone who has applied has seemed to pass each stage and then has been offered a place on the course.

Does anyone know of anyone who hasn't been offered a place or not made it through to the next stage? I have heard of guys coming out of the interview thinking they have made a complete fool of themselves and the interviewers rolling their eyes.......but somehow they were offered.

Or do they intend to then weed them out during the training course itself?

5th May 2008, 06:50
Has everyone that has applied got offered the online testing?

I applied a few weeks ago, and haven't heard anything.. As they say on the website you'll get an invitation to do that when you're competitive. So I guess when I'm competitive I'll get the invite.

As far as everyone getting through, what do you base that on? (Just curious) The number of people posting on here that got in is a small number of people compared with who have gone through the process. Some posts ago there were figures thrown around like some 800 pilots have applied, and interviewing around 50 people a month. (or something like that), I don't think QL would have the cash to put 800 people through the training course to weed them out! And I don't think anyone would post on here that they had missed out - well I wouldn't anyway.

5th May 2008, 06:54
Lots of people don't make it past the interview.

It seems that, if you get in, they will tell you before you leave Sydney. If you dont get in, they promise to contact you in the next few days - and then post a rejection letter.

I dont have figures to hand, but less than half of those interviewed are being offered places on the course.

6th May 2008, 06:13
i went for interview in sydney we got told they are now interviewing 22-25 people a week and theres only 14 places a month available
so aprox 14% odds on getting in good luck to every1 interviewing and study up about the company :)

6th May 2008, 06:37
Flygirl, was your sim ride the Q400 or other type?

cheers hope it went great for you!

6th May 2008, 09:00
Guys and Girls,

This is my first post, but hopefuly this may clear up a few queries for you all.
I have just been offered a conditional spot on the traineeship providing I complete my ATPL's (I haven't done any subjects yet) and get my IFR renewal done.
Sim ride was in a 747-300, there was no indication this was going to change anytime soon.
Interview was mainly personallity based (a lot about conflict situations, strenghts etc) with a few questions IFR AIP based, a couple on QL and a few on aircraft (the ones you fly and -8).
I applied in early Feb, completed online aptitude testing by
March 10. Contacted for an interview late March, sim/interview late April and advised of acceptance today.
Ona personal level I am mid thirties, have 300 hrs, MECIR (not current) no ATPL's and havent been employed in the industry for years.
Hope this clears up a few points for you all.:ok:

6th May 2008, 09:20
Yes. Some pilots fail the psych and on your report,
the words, 'DO NOT PROCEED' are printed on.

Other than that, pilots who have yet to have their
interviews are invited for the sim.

So, I'm assuming the psych is pretty important.


6th May 2008, 09:27
Thanks mplyz250, I am in a similar situation to you. Reason I ask bout sim is because I have been sent figures for D8. Should I expect any last minute changes? Did they inform you straight away? Cheers

6th May 2008, 09:52
Oh Ok....I am beginning to see the picture. So I guess there have been people who didnt make it through and some of the stages

Hugh Jarse
6th May 2008, 10:49

For a rumour network we really need to get some facts back into the equation.

The Traineeship sim ride was being done in the 743 sim. It has recently been migrated to the Q400, which is now up and running. Therefore, if you've been sent Q400 data, that's what applies as that is the sim you will be doing your assessment in. You will not be given any last minute changes as that is not the design of the assessment. Memorise and use whatever you've been sent.:) It couldn't be any easier.

MuffinWhatever, the correct terminology we use is NFA = No Further Action, and this is not printed on the results. The results are sent out to the various employers and are reviewed to the individual company standards. I should point out that there is no "pass or fail", merely a grade. Whether that grade is acceptable is decided by the client airline.

If you are unsuccessful in the S&P, you will not get to do the interview or sim.

6th May 2008, 11:10
No I didn't hear straight away. One guy in my session heard the next day over the phone. I recieved a letter in the post today confirming my acceptance.
The Q400 sim has only just come on line so it would make sense they use this for the sim sessions. I would say it would be slightly easier than the 743 as you are not chasing power settings for 4 engines and as the 743 is configured at 180000kg is is probably significantly harder to manouvre than the Q400. If you have been sent spec's for the Q400 then there wont be any suprises.
Best of luck

6th May 2008, 11:50
That does clear things up a bit. Thanks all, will share some info soon either way.

6th May 2008, 13:58
just a quick question about the 'online pysch test' - is it the same as mainline's stage 2 assessment?

If it is, what is stopping someone 'recording' the online test so to speak, and dishing it out to the dudes who are going for mainline stage 2?

i spoke to someone who has been through the traineeship testing and they say that the online test was the same as 'Practice Pyschometric Assessment Leaflet' found on mainline's website under the employment section... :ok:

6th May 2008, 14:46
Hey guys,
Just got back from doing the Interview and Sim in Sydney. The instructor told us he does 3 groups of 5 in the 747-300 per week and they are putting through another 5 per week on the dash 8 for testing. Sim is Lots of fun. If anyone wants to know more PM me. Waiting to hear if i got in now.

Coops ;)

charlie uniform mike
10th May 2008, 06:36
I have noticed it has been a few days without a post of someone with a job offer or a tale to tell? So who recently has progressed through the process whether it be an interview or job offer etc. I would like to hear your stories? :ok:

10th May 2008, 06:39
went through last tuesday and am still waiting to hear
dont know if they post or email the "results"

10th May 2008, 06:56
You'll hear by post within seven days.

10th May 2008, 07:58

For a rumour network we really need to get some facts back into the equation.

The Traineeship sim ride was being done in the 743 sim. It has recently been migrated to the Q400, which is now up and running. Therefore, if you've been sent Q400 data, that's what applies as that is the sim you will be doing your assessment in. You will not be given any last minute changes as that is not the design of the assessment. Memorise and use whatever you've been sent.:) It couldn't be any easier.

MuffinWhatever, the correct terminology we use is NFA = No Further Action, and this is not printed on the results. The results are sent out to the various employers and are reviewed to the individual company standards. I should point out that there is no "pass or fail", merely a grade. Whether that grade is acceptable is decided by the client airline.

If you are unsuccessful in the S&P, you will not get to do the interview or sim.

I think muffin was referring to the report that every pilot under Qantas gets. The report includes the results in sims of all pilots regardless of what position they are in. He didn't say the words result but report which im presuming are different. He may be wrong the the wording of the phrase 'no further action' or whatever but just remember he is talking about
something completely different:}

Good luck to those on the Q400. It's a brand new sim that was installed not too long ago. I can't wait to see the 787 sim when it arrives.

11th May 2008, 04:16
That's nice to hear that the Q400 sim is brand .......

I got a question for those who have already done the interview. What kind of management questions did they ask you regarding the corporation. I am just nervous because I can't find any information regarding their management side.

Thanks in advance,

charlie uniform mike
12th May 2008, 09:42
Has anyone who did there interviews last week heard anything yet? I did mine last week and still havent heard. Not being impatient just would like to know if anyone has heard yet?

12th May 2008, 11:58
nothing yet for me either

12th May 2008, 23:34
I found that the actual online test was comparitively easier than the example test from shl. Maybe they were extremely hard and I was too thick to see it!!


14th May 2008, 23:36
Has anyone who did there interviews last week heard anything yet? I did mine last week and still havent heard. Not being impatient just would like to know if anyone has heard yet?

still nothing for me either

15th May 2008, 00:01
Has anyone with CPL <200 hrs/No MECIR/Only a couple of ATPL's done had a response from QL. Was told about 6 weeks ago that they would be starting to review the low hr/qualified pilot applications by Mid May?

15th May 2008, 03:46
Anybody from the interviews on the 12th heard anythng yet?

16th May 2008, 03:15
Aviator500, I'm in the same boat as yourself, still no word (to be expected). Where did you hear about the review of low hour applications?


17th May 2008, 09:01
anyone heard anything at all about the applicants that have been through in the past couple of weeks ?
does have anything to do with the lame strike perhaps?

training wheels
21st May 2008, 05:14
Has anyone from the May 14 psych test deadline been contacted for the SIM and interview yet?

21st May 2008, 06:43
not yet still waiting...they said 1-2 weeks so guess that from today ownwards

21st May 2008, 09:43
No, I assume they meant 7 to 14 Business days too

So i guess maybe by the end of May.

21st May 2008, 09:54
So whats the numbers break down? Does anyone know how many Traineeships have been offered so far? How about how many people they plan to put through the system this year?

24th May 2008, 05:18
From what I Heard from friends who are in.

the third group of trainees is starting in June. The first and second group have already gone through is back in Sydney for more training.

12-14 trainee per group. one group per month. Not sure how many months they are doing. So, there could easily do 144 applicants a year.:cool:

Going Nowhere
24th May 2008, 06:17
3rd group started in Melbourne 2 weeks ago and the 1st and 2nd groups are in Sydney.

25th May 2008, 01:10
Not sure how many months they are doing. So, there could easily do 144 applicants a year.

They could - in theory - but remember that the first few groups are made up of those who 'amost' met the DEFO requirements. Subsequent trainees are short of things like ATPLS (and in the future - MECIRs). These all take time to get so I suspect you'll see a hiatius in trainee groups following the intial batches.

The people I went through selection all had MECIR but none had ATPLs (some where part way there) so QL have to wait before we're available to start the GFS course.


25th May 2008, 04:37
so does that mean they dont want you to start the course until you've finished all your ATPL's?

Aussie Indon
25th May 2008, 04:39
Has anyone from the May 14 psych test deadline been contacted for the SIM and interview yet?

Hey guys,

I just got the call today from Qantaslink for an Interview in June but I pushed it back to the 1st of July due to personal commitments and time to renewal my instrument rating.

Anyone else got the call?

Aussie Indon

25th May 2008, 07:25
ye mate i got one for 5th of June, looking forward to it!

25th May 2008, 07:56
Howdy All

I got the call today as well, for the 11th June.

You guys doing the 747 sim?

25th May 2008, 09:05
I also got a call today. Going to Syd, on the 5th of June. Ill probs see you Alexthepilot.

Wicked shimmy
25th May 2008, 11:50
To those guys who have recently been called up for an interview, do you have a MECIR and all the ATPL subjects? Just trying to get an idea of where Qantaslink are at in terms of experience.

25th May 2008, 12:28
hey. I have 230 hours. No MECIR. One ATPL. i really dont know wat their looking for. Real hard to say.

Aussie Indon
25th May 2008, 12:30
Wicked Shimmy

I've got an expired MECIR (Intending on completing an IRT before the interview), 1 ATPL subject completed, 215TT, Degree and not currently employed as a pilot.

Hope that helps :ok:

Aussie Indon

Wicked shimmy
25th May 2008, 14:01
Thanks guys and good luck with the sim ride and interview!

25th May 2008, 15:19
Aussie Indon "expired MECIR (Intending on completing an IRT before the interview), 1 ATPL subject completed, 215TT"

dlx_xlb " hey. I have 230 hours. No MECIR. One ATPL. i really dont know wat their looking for. Real hard to say"

That's so werid. I know two guys that got the call, and they both have atpl and MECIR done. though they have different hours, one i think at 200 and the other at 290 at the moment.


25th May 2008, 15:23
yeah, who knows really. Maybe your mates did real well in the psych testing. I got told my psych test results were good. I really dont know what QF Cadetships and QL are really looking for in their candidates. I hear people are being given conditional spots. Meaning if you complete ur ATPLS and MECIR, your in..

25th May 2008, 21:42
hey guys I have MECIR and all ATPL subjects completed. dlx_xlb ill be seeing you soon then! haha

training wheels
26th May 2008, 01:10
The people I went through selection all had MECIR but none had ATPLs (some where part way there) so QL have to wait before we're available to start the GFS course.


I thought one of the aims of the traineeship is to get the ATPL subjects done at GFS? This is from the Qantaslink FAQ's.

1. What does the Trainee Program consist of?

Depending on pilot qualifications the Trainee Program will consist of:

o Instrument flying bridging course - 10 hours
o Crew resource management course - 3 days
o Multi crew course - 30 hours
o Pilot in command flight time - "top up" to provide Trainees with a total of 100hrs in command
o Initial issue Command Multi Engine Instrument Rating, and
o ATPL subjects

And yep, got the call as well for a sim and interview next month. Sim will be the 743. :ooh:

26th May 2008, 06:50
for those that might be doing sim on the q400, start working out your bicep. controls are extremely heavy..

correction... just above

26th May 2008, 08:03
You might want to check your systems knowledge in regards to the Q400.....

26th May 2008, 10:18
Got the call for interview/sim on the 13th of June.

Anyone else going on this day?

26th May 2008, 12:38
Anyone been offered a spot on the program and then been "washed out" for not being up to the standard or not completing there MECIR, ATPL etc ?

26th May 2008, 22:48
yes I will be there on the 13th. So everyone has the text books out I assume?? How many do you think they have called? There were about 160 people on the psych test email list. Surely not everyone made it through. According to PATS its 90% failure rate on those. So that leaves 16???

26th May 2008, 23:42
lucky us then huh?

Brown Cow
27th May 2008, 01:23
Does anyone know where abouts the information seminar will be held in brissy tomorrow night

27th May 2008, 01:26
Apply on the website and the info of the location will be sent. I believe this is being done so that they are aware of numbers

27th May 2008, 04:21
anyone from the 14th of April psych test bunch got a happy phone call???:ok:

27th May 2008, 06:02
19th of June is my test day :)

27th May 2008, 08:09
Can anyone tell me what time of the day Qlink are having the info session in Sydney this Friday.

Bort Simpson
27th May 2008, 09:45
To all those wondering about where QL is up to with candidates by asking if they have MECIR and ATPLs. Prob not a good indication.

GFS has no resources for teaching ATPLs so that is why some candidates (those without ATPLs) are being given conditional entry to the traineeship. They have to get them done before they can start the traineeship. GFS does however, have the capacity to teach instrument flight and therefore supply a rating to those that can reach the standard. The next few courses will have candidates on them without IR simply because GFS will have available resources to train them during this period. Still, I know a guy with all the requirements starting down there in June.

The real question is not about where they are in relation to accepting pilots with or without MECIR and ATPLs but, where are they going to get all the training captains to do the line training? Or how much down time will the newly endorsed pilots have due to a lack of training captains. 14 trainees per course plus some direct entry FOs. 100 hours of line training is the minimum (as per CASA). Do the numbers!


27th May 2008, 20:41
, where are they going to get all the training captains to do the line training?

Seems to be the sticking point everywhere Bort. These guys don't grow on trees....

28th May 2008, 02:03
As i'm now 18 and about 2 weeks away from my CPL and 1 month from MECIR, I could see how this <i> could </i> be a perfect opportunity.

But this is stupid.

Do Qantas want to single handedly ruin GA in Australia.

I couldn't imagine the general public being too happy about this either.


28th May 2008, 02:34
I don't think they would be any happier once QL starts cutting back on routes because they ain't got enough pilots to fly em

28th May 2008, 04:09
Out of curiosity, how long does it take at QL to become eligible for training responsibilities (assuming all the correct boxes are ticked) after getting a command?? It would be interesting to know how many potential Training Captains there are in the pipeline, as this could have a significant impact on the traineeship (for which I have an interview soon).

28th May 2008, 07:15
There is no minimum requirement once you are a captain as far as I'm aware. You apply for the internal vacancy and are assessed on an individual basis.

Captains don't want training positions because to date, the remuneration hasn't been worth the extra work and responsibility.

Yes, there is a lack of training captains and this will affect recruits across the board, not just trainees. Remember, your base may be allocated in accordance with finding a training slot.

7th Jun 2008, 11:10
have got around 400TT, atpls and MECIR..how long before you hear from qlink on average? how many courses are they running per year anyway?

cheers newagebird

Bort Simpson
8th Jun 2008, 01:09
"how long before you hear from qlink on average? how many courses are they running per year anyway?"

Hi newagebird,
I've had friends not hear for more than a month or two. whilst others have heard within the week. I supose it just depends on when you applied in relation to where they are up to in the cycle of acceptance/interviews etc.

I can't answer how many courses they are going to run, but they have been running one a month thus far. 14 per course at the moment. Study up on your IFR stuff before you go to the interview (assuming you get the call).


15th Jun 2008, 01:20
Hi guys,

Long time since I've checked this thread so I had a read last night. After thinking about some of the questions and comments I decided to post some POSSIBLE answers to some of your questions, mostly concerning what qualifications are more important - M/E-CIR or completed ATPLs. These are not confirmed ideas by anyone just POSSIBLE answers. Apologies for the length of the thread but if you're not interested in the traineeship then you wouldn't be reading this, would you?

When I went through the interview process in the first week of April there had not been anyone interviewed to the best of my knowledge that did not have a M/E-CIR, current or not. Many people including 4 out of 5 on the day I was interviewed did not have ATPLs finished. Since then I have learned that a friend I did an aviation degree with was offered a position with complete ATPL theory but with no ME experience or CIR. He was offered the position about a month ago and he APPEARS to be the first non-CIR pilot to be accepted.

When offered a position in the traineeship without ATPLs or CIR, QL will pay for a portion of the training required to get you to both the M/E-CIR and ATPL theory level. I was given $2000 to finish my remaining ATPLs.
(This was under a conditional offer of 4 months, after which the offer expires)

I would suggest that the CIR pilots without complete ATPL theory were offered positions over Non-CIR pilots with complete ATPL theory first because of the significant difference in the cost for QL to finance the completion of ATPL theory against the cost of a M/E-CIR.

The friend of mine refered to earlier is about to begin his initial M/E edorsement and M/E-CIR in a brand new Kingair C90 at GFS. The estimated cost is in the order of $40,0000. I am not 100% sure as to how much of this QL will be paying for but i believe it is close to the full cost. He is completing the M/E-CIR training before starting the traineeship.

As for the question of do you have to pay for the traineeship if you are not offered a position as a F/O at the end of the program or are terminated before the end of you traineeship I've made an observation below......

I would expect that some if not all of the money would have to be repaid under some payment program with QL. If this does not turn out to be the case I would expect almost all trainees will be offered a position as F/Os at the end of the program. QL aren't planning on handing out $40,000 training packages for the hell of it. Their selecton process is designed to see the best candidates get through so they don't accept and invest in candidates who don't have the skills and knowledge to complete the program and then qualify for a position as a F/O.

So what is most important to demonstrate during the selection process you ask? From my experience and the information I was given at the interview they are looking for candidates who display good IFR skills in the sim flight to the standard of a qualified M/E-CIR pilot. YOU MUST DISPLAY YOU HAVE THE REQUIRED SKILLS TO START THE PROGRAM - the program is designed to take you from this level to the direct entry standard through an accelerated program, then on to endorsement training. Despit what some people have said I CAN confirm that the standard is the same for IFR and VRF pilots, so go and do a few hours of IFR flight in the sim at your flying school with your instructor, especially a few ILS approaches if you've never done one.

I only have 75 Hrs IFR and I found the sim flight relatively easy. Fly the numbers and it will work out fine.

You also must display to them that you pick up any mistakes and that your standard of flying progresses throughout the flight. Its amazing to see how fast this happens when a decent job is on the table.

The candidates who didn't get through in my group were those who didn't do well in the sim. From out discussion after the interviws were finished were all pretty well even pegged in the interview, however if you display the wrong characteristics, its home to wait for rejection letter for you.

For more information on what the interview entales see my post on page 12. It is very informative.

One other question that caught my eye is the concern for the high number of training captains required to sign off such a large number of relatively inexperienced pilots.......

When I was in sydney for the interview our group was told by Nathan Jaffan that the traineeship is not just to facilitate QL with a flood of F/Os, but is also to allow current F/Os with the requirements for command, to step up into these positions relatively quickly once the trainees are on-line with QL. Nathan also mentioned to the group that they expect that the trainees that stand out from the bulk of the group will be offered command positions within 18months - 2 years subject to them meeting all the requirements for the position. It is important to note here that QL is taking delivery of 12 Q400s mid 2008, with options to purchase another 12. This will require as many new captains as new F/Os.

It is also my understanding that the line training is conducted as an approved training course as per CARs, and a line check is conducted at the end of the training, after which time the pilot may fly on-line as a fully fledged F/O. Maybe someone in Sydney curently doing there line training could confirm or elaborate on that?

It is interesting to note that one of the sim instructors requested to train the trainees was a Qantas Cadet who finished his training at GFS around the same time as me in 2007. I believe he is delivering ground school for the dash8 and company ops. however I haven't confirmed that yet.

Again, my apologies for the length of the thread. Please don't give me a hard time about it. After all we are here to share information about the topic and I've taken the time to do it for your benifit. I've already been offered the position and gone throught the process, and I just want to see as many people as possible get the same chance as me.

I hope eveyone is getting the news they want to be, and i hope everyone currently in the program is enjoying it.

If anyone has any other ideas or POSSIBLE answers to these questions, impart them to the wider audience please!!!!!:ok::ok::ok:


15th Jun 2008, 03:56
Great Post Jackson, lots of good info there.

15th Jun 2008, 07:25
Just wanted to give some info to clear up something I read relating to the following quote.

"GFS has no resources for teaching ATPLs so that is why some candidates (those without ATPLs) are being given conditional entry to the traineeship."

As a past student of GFS, (especially non biased, based on the hrly rates they charge) I can vouch that GFS have the resources (however stretched those rescorces may be) to teach, and indeed do run ATPL classes for all ATPL subjects.

Studying ATPLs at GFS is based on the swinburne university schedule, which is 4 ATPL subjects per year split into two semesters. The swinburne degree is loaded with loads of other subjects and requirements and it is impractacle to study only ATPLs at any one stage in the degree.

As for Qantas Trainees with a 4 MONTH conditional offer it is not possible to complete all, or even one ATPL class at GFS in 4 months, so there is certain truth to what Bort Simpson said.

No bad intentions Bort, Just wanted to clear that up.


15th Jun 2008, 12:20
Gday people,

I put a Qlink application in a few weeks ago and got an email back requesting an online psych test. Anybody done an online test yet? Just want to know what to expect.

Thanks guys

15th Jun 2008, 12:26
Has been covered on other threads - search could be your friend but here it is anyway -

Some examples off the QF website - http://www.qantas.com.au/infodetail/about/employment/QTests.pdf

Tests are conducted by a company called SHL - google them and there are practice online tests there as well.

15th Jun 2008, 12:31
The friend of mine refered to earlier is about to begin his initial M/E edorsement and M/E-CIR in a brand new Kingair C90 at GFS. The estimated cost is in the order of $40,0000.

Erm I hope there is one too many zeros in that figure!

Even so 40k....wtf?:ouch:

15th Jun 2008, 12:37
Thanks puff,

Im aware of all that, but as of recent, only a week or so ago, the psyke testing component is done via the internet. Just wanted to see if anyone has done an online test yet, and what the G O is.

Cap'n Arrr
15th Jun 2008, 12:37
40k sounds about right for inital ME/ and CIR on a kingair.

Lots of fuel being burnt there!:ok:

Cap'n Arrr
15th Jun 2008, 12:50
I'm fairly certain all the QLink trainee testing has been online, although I was under the impression direct entry still had to go to syd to do it

15th Jun 2008, 12:58
Reading the mega-thread on the Traineeship, everyone's had it online since about february...

15th Jun 2008, 14:13
$400000, Ooops, must have been a bit trigger happy on the keyboard. thanks for the pick up! Pretty amazing deal isn't it!

15th Jun 2008, 15:39
Baby Kingair....., how many flight hours?

Alice Kiwican
15th Jun 2008, 22:50
Anyone got an idea why trainees can do it online while direct entry have to go to Syd?

Cap'n Arrr
15th Jun 2008, 23:16
Hmmm, would expect a kingair 90 to be just under 2k / hr

So that would be a little more than 20, which doesn't sound right for an initial and a CIR (CIR would have to be 20hrs, initial I would expect around 10 depending on his capability)

15th Jun 2008, 23:37
Well its changed now apparently, caus I applied for direct entry F/O and got an email requesting an online psych test.
Sorry I should have said from the start that it was for DE not cadet.

16th Jun 2008, 01:45
Just curious to know if anyone who applied at the beginning of May have heard anything back yet? Also, why is it that some people hear back within a week and for others it takes months? I know this has probably been answered before but this thread is HUGE! Ta :)

Paul Alfred
16th Jun 2008, 11:41
The guy that did the Roadshow Chris Torta told us it takes him a long time to sort through all the apps...he is the only one doing it! I applied initially in April and only just got a Psych test email. He also told us no news is good news...if they didn't want to keep your app in the system, they would have let you know about it earlier.

Cheers, PA :ok:

17th Jun 2008, 01:20
I suppose all those that applied got the email today about the changes to the way applications are being processed.. What did they used to do before now?

As in were invitations sent out purely on date of application if you met the minimums rather than most competitive to least competitive?

17th Jun 2008, 01:22
Hey guys,

In regards to the email Chris Torta sent out today about updating your application, I'm assuming that one of the questions refers to 2 unit mathematics, not general maths, as per qantas requirements?

Sucks if you've passed english, loving the yes/no answer!

Can anyone put me in my place?



17th Jun 2008, 01:26
Thanks for that PA! :ok: That's good to know! by the way, I just got an email from QLink saying that they want people to update their apps by this Thursday if u haven't been called for testing yet. Hope it won't take too much longer...


das Uber Soldat
17th Jun 2008, 01:49
It will be interesting to see what they classify as competitive. It may help to paint a more real picture of this 'pilot shortage' we're in. It would be interesting to see the data on the range of qualifications and experience being submitted to them in these applications.

I'll post here if I get the yay or nay.

17th Jun 2008, 02:23
It would be interesting to see the data on the range of qualifications and experience being submitted to them in these applications.

I've got about 1400 hours Total Time, 120 Multi with MECIR (not current), and all ATPLs. So I guess we wait and see what happens after Thursday.

Paul Alfred
17th Jun 2008, 11:27
Again, referring to the roadshow talk....Chris said there were over 900 applications at the start of the year. They were expecting a lot of PPL's that didn't meet the specs but were surprised to find nearly all apps had the basic requirements. Since then, they have slowly been working down the hours chain. A month or so ago they were looking at 700 TT hour pilots. In the same breath he also said that a pilot is on the trainee course with 10000 hours and one other with the bare min :rolleyes:Personally, I think the whole thing has probably got to big, hence the latest email and app updates...maybe an attempt to re sequence the apps and start the sorting process again.

Cheers, PA ;)

das Uber Soldat
17th Jun 2008, 12:25
I've got about 1400 hours Total Time, 120 Multi with MECIR (not current), and all ATPLs. So I guess we wait and see what happens after Thursday.

I'm pretty much in the same boat as you mate, tad less total, 1200.

Good luck to both of us eh? :)

Matt J
18th Jun 2008, 01:00
There is no point guessing how they pick out people but it seems it's not as simple as most TT MECIR and ATPLs win (highest flying credentials). If someone got in with bare minimums I wonder how they got picked out? I have a bare CPL and expect to get an email with bad news soon. Will have to wait and see though.

Mr Cat
18th Jun 2008, 01:51
Matt J.

Dont speak too soon mate. I just finished course three down in Melbourne and start the Dash ground school on Monday. There were two bare CPL holders in that course, of which they needed to do additional flying to bring their total command time to 100 hours. It is possible. Just put your head down and work hard mate.

Good luck.

18th Jun 2008, 05:19
Hi Everyone....just two quick questions. For people who have done the training course in Melbourne.

1. Could you provide a quick run down on what happens on a day to day, and also what tests are the trainees expected to sit and pass.

2. Do you know of any trainees who did the course but were not offered a job at the end and the circumstances why.

Thanks for that guys.

19th Jun 2008, 10:48
Hopefully someone can help me, I have applied for qantaslink, and the email I got back from recruitment was thus:

"Thank you for your application for the position of Trainee First Officer with our organization.

Please check that you have completed all the required information relating to your Work History, Education, and References.

Please check that you have completed all the required information by reviewing all links located under 'My Details' and ensuring that you have no outstanding tasks requiring completion.

Thank you again for your interest in employment with us."

I went back over my details in the application and found everything filled out ok, with no blank areas etc.

Am I missing something on my application?, or is this a generic email from them?



19th Jun 2008, 14:09

1. The first 2 weeks is pretty much self study time on IREX theory, get up to date on it because you have an exam the first week. The 2nd week you will be introduced to MCC training material, you will study this for your sim sessions and there is also a exam at the end of the 2nd week.

2. As far as I know, everyone has graduated and successfully completed the training. I do not think QLink would go through all this with much expense to want to let you go. Then again, if you dont put the hard work in your digging your own grave.

Like Mr Cat said, put your head down and work damn bloody hard. Reap the benefits of this great opportunity.

Mr Cat
20th Jun 2008, 00:47
Hi all,

Check out the July / August edition of Australian Flying.

It sums up the traineeship perfectly !


21st Jun 2008, 06:19
"Check out the July / August edition of Australian Flying.

It sums up the traineeship perfectly !"

The read is very positive and so is the feedback from the interviews with 2 of the students.

Few quotes from the mag that caught my eye.
"Qlink kicks a goal, new trainee progam brigdes the gap"
"To be honest, if Qlnk didn't take this initiative, we'd be competing with every low cost Asian carrier that's about to hit Australia and take all our youn commercial Pilots - they've just got no-one to fly their aeroplanes."


21st Jun 2008, 07:06
"Qlink kicks a goal, new trainee progam brigdes the gap"

Unfortunately Rawrawhammer it does nothing of the sort. few of these trainees will be ready for command any time soon, and most will not be ready for years! While the article may all seem positive, it is more likely the product of substandard journalism. I think you will find that all the hype is a result of the spin fed to them by QFlink P.R.

The real game lies with the retention of experienced Captains. Without them and the few remaining upgradeble F/O's, even the most professionally run traineeship will fail to achieve a positive outcome.

MR 777
21st Jun 2008, 13:23
Totally agreed Krusty!

21st Jun 2008, 15:35

Journalism or not, the AF mag has always taken the Pilots side when it comes to the employer.Renumaration issues aside, feedback from the students themselves was good so far which is most credible and the program seems like a great opportunity not only for the young guns but for the older cats too.I totally concur with what you said in regards to captain retention, no expirience in the cockpit..command upgrade but this may just have bought Qlink enough time to fill the gap for a while without raising the pay and maybe enough time for the "Pilot shortage" to calm down back to the GOOD OL' DAYS!:ugh: and then I'm sure we all know there will be no such thing as Pilot retention issues anymore.It will be one of those magic times we can look back on unless ofcoarse someone digs a hole and finds some oil on ayers rock!

21st Jun 2008, 23:15
Hi guys,

I got this as part iff an email from Qlink

2. If your MECIR was completed in New Zealand (even if it has
subsequently been converted to an Australian MECIR), that you successfully complete the Australian IREX.

From what I have read I was under the understanding that we would do the IREX as part off the first two weeks at the training course. Prehaps they are now trying to redure the time frame off the training course?

Secondly in order to self study this from home would Bob Taits book be enough as well as the Airservices documents? Prehaps someone could enlighten me to confirm that the IREX is just a writen exam and does not include having to do the intial MEIR flight test!


22nd Jun 2008, 00:36
From what I have read I was under the understanding that we would do the IREX as part off the first two weeks at the training course. Prehaps they are now trying to redure the time frame off the training course?

Looks like they've updated their FAQs on their website. This is what it now says re: MECIR and IREX;

21. If I am selected for the Trainee Program and I do not have a MECIR - will I require a pass in IREX prior to commencing the Trainee Program, if selected? Yes - You must have achieved a pass in IREX prior to commencing the program. However you can still progress through the Trainee selection process prior to having a MECIR as MECIR will be completed as part of the program.
So, you'll need to have done your IREX before starting the trainee program (if selected).

Prehaps someone could enlighten me to confirm that the IREX is just a writen exam and does not include having to do the intial MEIR flight test!


Confirmed, IREX is "just" the written test.

22nd Jun 2008, 00:39
Mr T,

The Aus IREX is a three and a half hour written examination of approx 40 questions requiring a 70% pass.

The Bob Tait book is great but you will need to have a close look at the AIP ENR 1.5 (know it back to front) as well as the CAOs 20 - 92.

(as much as I hate :mad: ASL, their website lists all of the other ref documentation required for the exam).

Best of luck


22nd Jun 2008, 04:28
Thanks guys,

I was just struggling to understand why I needed to do a IREX when I have a NZ MEIR that has just been converted over to a current Australian MEIR!

22nd Jun 2008, 04:43
The IREX you do as part of the traineeship, is NOT the CASA version. It is an inhouse exam designed to test your knowledge and practical application of IREX theory. Their test is roughly 20 questions, 80% pass, closed book.

22nd Jun 2008, 05:01
Which sounds nigh on impossible for someone who passed IREX a number of years ago and hasnt flown IFR since :E

Good luck on closed book tests!

22nd Jun 2008, 14:11
Good luck on closed book tests!

Isn't that every flight? have yet to crack open the jepps mid flight to check a technicality.

Know you stuff, simple....

22nd Jun 2008, 21:27
Well said carbon.

Some realities of professional pilotage.

23rd Jun 2008, 02:41
Seems to be a problem trying to do IREX if you already hold a CIR. I've just been to the ASL website to book it and it denies my request citing "CASA has declined request to sit exam due to the fact that you already hold a CIR" (or something to that effect). Hmmmm, what now? QFL's flight training seems to have the phone off the hook or they're fielding lots of calls. We shall see....

23rd Jun 2008, 06:01
How can you hold a CIR without having done the IREX?If you have done both and hold a CIR and you are refering to the traineeship IREX then read again. "The IREX you do as part of the traineeship, is NOT the CASA version. It is an inhouse exam designed to test your knowledge and practical application of IREX theory. Their test is roughly 20 questions, 80% pass, closed book."

23rd Jun 2008, 08:48
How can you hold a CIR without having done the IREX?

As a NZ CPL under the trans tasmen agreement we can convert our NZ CIR to an Australian CIR at the same time as converting our CPL. Therefore we Kiwi's who do this gain a Aust CPL/CIR.

Qantas Link have requested to all Kiwi pilots who have been given a conditional offer that as well as completing the other conditions (ie. ATPL subjects) that we also sit the Casa/ASL IREX exam, even if we have managed to convert our NZ CIR to and Autralian one :ugh:.

Why I ask...

23rd Jun 2008, 09:17
Yep it sure is frustrating, already having the letter of conditional entry and completing the requirements, now this too.
Also those that have done NZ ATPLs have to do Aus ATPL Law aswell as the IREX!:ugh:
Wonder if they will fly us to Oz to do it:D

23rd Jun 2008, 09:52
Bloody kiwis quit ya bitchin count yerself lucky you dont need a visa!

23rd Jun 2008, 10:26
if thats the correct vernacular. What you all are failing to see, is that it may be ILLEGAL for us to do the IREX. I have tried to book the IREX, without the "bitchin" and cannot. I am denied access to the exam by CASA because I already have a CIR.

What some people (including the ever literary desmotronic) may not realise, is that the TTMRA states that licences and ratings MUST be recognised by both sides... so if MR desmotronic wishes to get a job in NZ, then he cannot be denied the equivalent licence.

I have no problem with doing the IREX. I have done most of my commercial flying in Australia and have completed the AUS atpl's in met, law and human factors with the rest to follow shortly. It would merely be an extension of the work I'm already doing.

What I am trying to say is, is that CASA may not be allowed to let us sit the exam in question if you have already coverted the NZ IR over to the AUS Licence because it conflicts with the very core intention of the TTRMA agreement.

I am therefore thinking, that QFL may be only able to recommend prior study of the IREX syllabus to facilitate their training program.

If you already have the Aus CIR, login to ASL and try to book the exam, you will see what i mean - denied dude.

23rd Jun 2008, 10:38
Bloody kiwis quit ya bitchin count yerself lucky you dont need a visa!

Isnt life great!...

23rd Jun 2008, 10:40
Australian aviation desperately needs high calibre immigrants like you Gunn Knutt. Good luck. If you had your ATPL's you could be applying to mainline.

23rd Jun 2008, 10:44
Ha ha touche Mr T.

Cap'n Arrr
23rd Jun 2008, 12:15
Just a sidenote, but I was under the impression that, if you so desired, you could resit a CPL exam if you wanted a better mark. Just noone does it, cause if you fail you lose the licence.

Would suggest speaking to CASA, and if no luck there speak to QLink again.:ok:

MR 777
23rd Jun 2008, 14:49
Just noticed this on qantaslink's recruiting website;

Stage Two: One day of assessment involving a Psychometric Assessment. The assessment is computer based and is conducted in a dedicated testing room by Qantas Airways on QantasLink's behalf. A non-refundable fee of A$195 is charged by Qantas for the Stage 2 assessment. Progression to Stage 3 is determined by the competitiveness of an application following completion of Stage 2.

Does anyone know how long this has been in place? Are they not sending out testing to be done online any more?

24th Jun 2008, 00:59
Thanks desmo, I'll take that as a compliment. PS I have the KIWI ATPLS which expired a long time ago.

Anyway, here's a hypothetical. If someone has used the TTMRA and gained an equivalent licence (Aus or NZ) and is asked to do the IR law exam of that county. From what I read earlier, if they fail, they could lose their rating. Where does that leave the TTMRA - an internationally negotiated document? If Aus or NZ were cancelling peoples licences, then the TTMRA is pretty much null and void.

It all hinges on the fact that licences and ratings (that exist in both countries) MUST be recognised. And I would presume that carriers on either side of the Tasman would have to play ball.

24th Jun 2008, 02:11
I can see their reasoning behind wanting to sit the IREX, and ATPL law, because under the TTMRA, we can fly in aussie without even understanding the differences in rules and procedures. There are things we can do here in NZ, that you can't do in Aus, I think from one a night visual arrival is something we are legally allowed to do here, but (stretching my memory) is something you can't do over there.

I converted my licence when I was in Aus on holiday 6 years ago, and did some flying out of Parafield with an instructor just to get myself schooled up on the differences in procedures and rules. But never flown in Aus since. So I don't think sitting the IREX or ATPL law too big of a deal - they could ask you to pay for yourself to redo you IFR currency flight test in Australia as well as NZ before you enter the programme to make sure you're up to speed with things in Aus.

My one question is for the NZ cadets, are Qantaslink going to pay for us to do the DGA endorsement, it is a minimum requirement for them, but we don't have DGA procedures anywhere in NZ, and is not an endorsement we can have on our MEIR.. Not that I'm worried if I am successful, I'll still have to fly to Aus, to get my ME-CIR current anyway, because keeping your NZ licence current, doesn't mean your Aus one is either!

But to those NZers who have got in, well done - do what they ask, because the other option is to stay at home and beg Eagle for a job - no cadetships or opportunities like that here.

24th Jun 2008, 21:08
I too understand the reasoning behind the request. I would probably want it too if I were them. Most of my serious:hmm: commercial flying was done in Aus and there are some pretty subtle (but important) differences between the two. Unfortunately it may not be legal to ask that of the Kiwis or any other pilots from a country with a similar agreemant. It may have to be done in house - which they already do. We shall have to wait and see I guess.

Either way, keep studying. The harder you work, the luckier you get.

Paul Alfred
25th Jun 2008, 02:41
MR 777

Maybe ppl were getting their mates to come around an help them get through it......cheating themselves if they did that!

A shame if we have to now spend the hard earned cash on a trip to Syd for the test :{ It also might mean those stupid cubes are back in :ugh:

Fingers crossed its still online!



25th Jun 2008, 03:58
That statement was on their website when I went through in march. I did the online testing and i'd be willing to bet that you will to. Good luck:ok::ok::ok:

MR 777
25th Jun 2008, 07:06
Cheers, I hope so!

25th Jun 2008, 11:31
Just wondering how long it takes from when you first apply, to when you get the invite to do the psych test? (Obviously, providing you meet the criteria)

26th Jun 2008, 01:43
I'm keen to talk to any NZ pilots who have been accepted into the Qlink traineeship. Just wanting to talk about exams to be sat, notes etc. I have some ATPL's and IREX, Aus Air law to sit before starting in December. Send me a message. Cheers :ok::ok:

das Uber Soldat
26th Jun 2008, 02:02
Has anyone heard anything post the June 19th cutoff regarding the compeditiveness of their applications? It was applicable to all those who had applied but not commenced any of the online testing yet.

26th Jun 2008, 02:06
Hi chaps, anyone out there got any practise papers relating to psychometric testing phase?


and yes, got the thing off the Q website..

26th Jun 2008, 11:26
Not yet but Dave Morgan did say Air NZ were to start a cadet type program through third party providers in the next year.

Air New Zealand is to establish an aviation academy to develop and nurture home-grown pilots, cabin crew, engineers and specialist airline management staff.
Air New Zealand General Manager Airline Operations and Safety Captain David Morgan said planning was well underway for the Air New Zealand Aviation Academy.
Captain Morgan, who is also Air New Zealand's Chief Pilot, said the academy was being set up to ensure the steady flow of local talent into Air New Zealand and other airlines within the Asia Pacific region.
In the highly competitive aviation industry, Captain Morgan said it was important to ensure that Air New Zealand had the best people available to support its future growth plans.
"The academy will form the basis of Air New Zealand's long-term commitment to continuing to build a world-leading airline through a highly skilled and motivated workforce which sees real career prospects and a future in New Zealand."
"We already operate a very successful training school offering engineering, tourism and travel programmes. This is an opportunity for us to build on that and create in New Zealand an internationally-recognised and accredited aviation academy that will meet the future needs of Air New Zealand and other airline operators in our region," he says.

27th Jun 2008, 02:10
Anyone on the course now or completed it recently know if it is worthwile/required that we purchase our own AIP/ERSA/DAPs/ERC/TAC/PCA ??
I'll need them for the ATPL law but its a lot to spend for possibly a one off! :confused:
Thanks in advance .

27th Jun 2008, 02:20
I've heard the practice QF test and the practice test on the SHL website are good, but yeah I am wondering the same thing...is there any other material out there that we can practice from? I'm worried about the maths :uhoh: Will it be all statistical with percentages and ratios?

Also, is it true there's no diagrammatic reasoning? No cubes and pattern sequencing? If this is the case my christmases have come all at once.

Sorry about all the questions. Would really appreciate some help! :)

27th Jun 2008, 04:39
MotionPotion, you are correct, no cubes, command sequence, patterns etc. Just maths (yes lots of stats and tables :ouch:) and comprehension. Google should reveal some useful samples, not exactly like what you will get in the tests, but useful in getting the brain used to doing calculations quickly and accurately (both very important). Somewhere around page 4 of this thread (I think) there is a post outlining times and number of questions for each test. P.S. get a calculator with big buttons and display :}

27th Jun 2008, 09:08

At the road show seminars they said that with Psychometric Assessment, you will initially do it at home online, but to stop you from getting 10 of your smartest mates around to help you, when you do get to stage 2 they will give you a smaller version the assessment to see if it matches with the one you did at home. And I’d say your chances would be slim of progressing through if the results don't match up!

27th Jun 2008, 20:38
if thats the case, why even do the tests from home? Why not just do them on the day? Are you sure they re-do the tests, looking at the sequence of events from an email i have regarding a stage 3 day. There is no mention of that. Just a Sim ride and a panel interview.

Also anyone else on for the 8th of July? Be could to catch up for a chat at the hotel the night before.

28th Jun 2008, 00:22
Thanks Boundary Layer! :ok: I hope it's painless. Can't stop worrying about the maths!

Anyone got an idea why some of us are being called for an interview before doing the psych test? :confused: Probably to get through people more quickly I suppose...

28th Jun 2008, 00:31
Just a quick note on the pshycometric testing. I have been through the process and through the interview stage. The testing is all on line, stage 1 is selection form the applications you submitted, stage 2 is the online testing if you are considered competitive.
Note that since day 1 the website has stated that there is a $195 fee involved with this and you complete this in Sydney. That is not the case and to the best of my knowledge the majority of the applicants since about late Feb-Mar have done the online testing.
The best way to answer these questions is by yourself and as quick as you can, this way QL wil get a better idea of who you are. There are about 140 questions in one part which relate directly to your personality and how you operate, handle stress, etc. There are other sections which are about comprehension and a mathematical section which requires quick calculations.
There is NO WAY to try and cheat this online testing. You can get 10 of your smartest mates with you when you do your testing, but if you are successful in making the interview after cheating on your testing, the results will stand out like dogs balls to the interviewers in the 45min interview when your responses to their in depth questioning DO NOT match your profile from the online testing.
Don't cheat your self, there really isnt much you can do here but be honest and try your best. Certianly practice the mathematical sections of practice testing if you can, but you can't fudge the personality section.

28th Jun 2008, 03:11
Hi guys . Curious with the amount of pilots being put off due to high oil prices .
11,500 expected to be laid off in the US alone with the first 2000 aready gone . Does Qantas link really need to be taking guys with no experiance anymore i mean it is only a matter of time before VB and J* layoff guys with virgin making a media statement yesterday stating there cutting flights ( though no job cuts yet ) . Apparently job applications around the globe are soaring with some pretty experianced guys in the market .

Things will only get worse in my opinion and i belive qanats link traineeship guys will be back in GA pretty quickly ( hope not for there sake )

Have i got the wrong end of the stick ? Anyone care to elaborate?


Paul Alfred
28th Jun 2008, 11:22
brns2....mate, your lookin fine for Direct...experience required

Experience (Direct)

* 700 hours total flying time.
* 250 hours Command or Co-Pilot of multi-engined, fixed wing aircraft
(excluding ICUS).
* Turbine experience is desirable but not compulsory.

It wouldnt matter if you applied for both even...at the end of the day, the only way the Capt will know if your Direct or Trainee is if he asks ya!

Put your Apps in and just put in it that your completing your ATPLS.

Cheers, PA

Paul Alfred
28th Jun 2008, 12:17
mmmm....I may be going out of my depth now because I'm only just at the Multi stage myself (I have 750TT, 560 PIC NO TWIN)...I have spoken to a few company owners who have all said to be the most competitive you need a lot of PIC on twins...its your decision mate...personally I would still put the apps in...by the time its processed and you finally get to the initial training, you could have another 100 hours PIC up your sleeve...you also meet REX Reqs.

Good luck.

Cheers, PA

Alice Kiwican
1st Jul 2008, 05:35
Just curious has anyone been through the direct entry F.O interview process recently and if so how long after did you hear one way or the other if you got in? Everyone seems to be talking about the traineeship and it seems to have gone all quiet on the direct entry front.

1st Jul 2008, 07:22
Alice, from my perspective as a direct entry FO applicant, the direct entry scheme seems to be full on.

There were at least 3 x Stage 3 days in June and now 3 in July being the 3rd, 11th and 17th.

I believe you hear either 2 weeks or 3 weeks after Stage 3 if you progress.

BTW my Stage 2 was done on the internet. I think I was one of the first?

I hope this helps you. :ok:

1st Jul 2008, 11:06
Not quite UFLA I got a range of dates for my stage 3. 3rd, 11th, 17th and 24th. Good Luck! :ok:

1st Jul 2008, 16:25
Hi guys...just a quick question for the people who have done the training course or are in the process.

Does your MECIR have to be current or recent? I am not quite sure of the appropriate terminology. For example prior to starting the course would I have to have flown the NDB in the preceeding 90 days, and the ILS in the last 35 days, with total 3 hours of IF time?

Or would it be enough if I had sat my MECIR test in Jan this year but done no IF flying since then?

And has there been anyone out there who has been not been offered a spot with Qlink after completing the training course?

Feel free to PM with your replies.

1st Jul 2008, 22:07
you dont have to be recent before starting the course as long as you have 3 months left on your MECIR on the day you start:ok:

2nd Jul 2008, 04:02
UFLA....so did you already finish the 3rd stage?....i got an email giving a whole bunch of dates for direct entry....july 17, 24...aug 7. 14. 21. 28.....thats a lot of interviews.....i chose to go in on aug 7th.....i'm looking for any type of heads up regarding the sim or interview....i.e.....is the interview technical based or HR based....? any info that anyone has would be great.....:ok:

2nd Jul 2008, 06:09
Hi Surf. I am doing Stage 3 later this month. I was incorrect before and 24 July was avbl to me too.

If you have indeed been ALLOCATED the 7th August them you would have been given this info with that email. Like about 20 pages of various documents and pdf's for dr's etc. also what the sim ride consists of including the appropriate approach plates, speeds, configurations etc. My sim ride is allegedly to be in the Q400 sim. Looking forward to that!

This is my 3rd attempt at jumping through the flaming hoops with Q'link. :eek: So they can't say I am not interested... :ugh: The interview has some tech questions, "When can you make a visual approach" etc. Same as your CIR learning. Questions about your flying, difficult questions eg about your stuff ups etc. They can really ask you about anything, and do!

I am happy to forward on the details if you want to message me with your email address.

Good luck to all. :rolleyes:

2nd Jul 2008, 09:43
With regard to direct entry and traineeship they both end up in the same boat, its just traineeship just takes that little bit longer if, you dont have all the requirements, 100PIC, MECIR and ATLP's. Then once you have completed ur type rating and ground school, they put you as a training FO for a period of time, then your checked to line. But obviously if you went Direct entry you would already have requirements and you would only do ground school CRM..etc and then type rating then line check. Personally id say apply now as it is a great opportunity and u wouldnt want to miss it. And also to my knowledge the sim ride is easlier for traineeship due to the fact that many applicants dont have MECIR, where as direct entry they expect you to have experience flying on instruments. With basing, Cairns is the hardest to get a basing there due to the life style and none of the pilots want to leave, Mildura is similar, but sydney, melb and canberra have plenty positions...

correct me anyone if i have said anything wrong...

Going Nowhere
2nd Jul 2008, 10:18
No slots in MEL either, with a small list of people waiting for a slot to open up.

2nd Jul 2008, 20:18
what about slots up in brisbane?

3rd Jul 2008, 10:20
Highflyer you're completely wrong about the sim being easier for trainees. I have an instrument rating and when I did my sim it was on the 74 classic, their assessment was matched with the direct entry guys (ie. we did exactly the same thing ILS, NDB inteception etc.). Infact speaking to various direct entry guys the trainees infact probably had the harder yard stick as we had to manage 4 engines instead of two (D/E up until recently been doing their sim assessment on 767).

As for basings, BNE and SYD are in greatest demand. Cairns and Canberra in demand but not as great as the aforementioned. As for Melbourne, it is very stable and Mildura (welllll lets face it who wants to move to Mildura...apologies to all the Mildurians :))

I know this is a rumour network but would be good if ppl get their facts right before publishing on here.

3rd Jul 2008, 10:54

Did you end up getting a BNE base?


3rd Jul 2008, 13:27
Happy Bandit...

4 engines instead of 2!! WOW! You're hardcore. Exactly what extra did you have to manage? Except for 'managing to push/pull all four at once!

And just a little curious, apart from the engines, what made it harder?


3rd Jul 2008, 15:44
Traineeship sim ride doesn't even come close to the DE sim....

If the trainee's were expected to pass the same sim the DE guys do, hardly anyone would get through!

4th Jul 2008, 07:01
heard a rumour today that direct entry is going to be slowly phased out (or reduced) in preference for the traineeship, to hold onto their pilots for longer.
anyone know if there is anything in this, or just BS?

4th Jul 2008, 23:08
With the Traineeship Sim ride. are we talking about simple intercept bearings to and from? or flying any required sectory entry for the ILS16 at ML? Acutally really looking forward to the sim ride. But the bloody SHL tests, omg, just did a practise run. I did seriously poorly, and looking at doing the required qantaslink one tomorrow.. ANyone know of the SHLs practise tests are harder than the ones for QLink?

These kind of tests really wind me up..

Cap'n Arrr
5th Jul 2008, 02:19

I know people who've done both sim rides, the trainee sim is in no way harder. The D/E sim is the same as the trainee one to start with, but where the trainee sim ends the D/E guys have to go around and come back for another approach (NPA). May also be some extra handling involved.

I know this is a rumour network but would be good if ppl get their facts right before publishing on here.

5th Jul 2008, 09:12

my only advice is do the practice stuff on the web, do a quick search on google or try a site called psychometric success. only concentrate on Numerical abd Verbal reasoning. Half a dozen guys who have done the tests have stated there is no cubes or shapes. THEN GET A REALLY REALLY GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP.

Don't wind yourself up to much, it aint too bad


das Uber Soldat
6th Jul 2008, 01:20
Whats the story re people who applied but were not tested before the 19th June. Anyone been told if their application is or is not compeditive yet? Been quite a wait.

6th Jul 2008, 02:39
Whats the story re people who applied but were not tested before the 19th June. Anyone been told if their application is or is not compeditive yet? Been quite a wait.

Still waiting.....

6th Jul 2008, 03:54
Rowboat, Hauptsturmfuhrer and others. You will not hear anything until Q'link want you to start the next stage. This could be soon or never. You will not be told how competitive you are. Who knows what order they interview in...

Just hang in there. They are getting through quite a few of us at the moment so hopefully it won't be too long.

6th Jul 2008, 04:19
You will not hear anything until Q'link want you to start the next stage. This could be soon or never. You will not be told how competitive you are.

Here is the email I got from QL about the traineeship. (bolding has been added by me).

All applications must be updated by close of business Thursday 19th June for the review to take place. Any changes after this date will not be reflected in the new testing schedule. It will be communicated if you are competitive or not. This process will give everyone a clearer understand of where they stand in the recruitment process.

6th Jul 2008, 04:24
My apologies Empacher. Airlines doing the right thing and not keeping applicants in the dark?? I am glad I am sitting down!!

6th Jul 2008, 04:27
Ha ha! Yeah, I guess we'll just wait and see what happens..

You do get quite used to being told one thing and the opposite is what's happening in this industry!

6th Jul 2008, 05:49
aviation times for spare parts and hearing back from airlines rule of thumb: "Double it and add 10%"

6th Jul 2008, 06:26
Holy :mad:!!!!!!!! I just did the psych test, and it was horrible! I skipped quite a few questions and will be lucky if I get more than 5 right I reckon:sad: I practiced so hard and it's so disappointing that I got to the real thing and it feels like all the effort I put in was all for nothing.

Did anyone else find the numerics hard?

6th Jul 2008, 10:40
did the psyche test thinking that this was gunna be really hard and it bloody was! verbal was my area..i think i did ok in numerical. I hated the personality part but motivation was a piece of cake. The sim rides great, the bloke who handles it is a really nice guy and you'll enjoy your time at the jetbase. No hard intercepts, just intercept inbound track and then track outbound for vectors to the ILS.

cheers newagebird

6th Jul 2008, 10:42

Your not alone. I just finished the online assessment and found the numerical section particularly difficult ie :mad: hard. (Only finished about 75% of it tops).

Like you I put a lot of work and preparation to ready myself for it only to feel a little depressed about my performance.:{

Its going to be gut wrenching few days waiting for the email or phone call.

Only time will tell.


Paul Alfred
6th Jul 2008, 11:06
May I ask lockers and newagebird...when did you guys get an email saying you were stage 2 successful for the Psych testing?

Cheers...and I'm sure your did fine....if you look back through the posts you will see similar responses to the testing and ppl got through ok :ok:



6th Jul 2008, 11:19

Thanks for your comments.:ok:

I received the email from QL on or about the 26 Jun. The exam needed to be completed by midnight tonight (06 Jul).


Pablo E
6th Jul 2008, 11:24
I can understand that competitive applications may still be in the waiting game since updating three or so weeks ago.

Has anyone received a non competitive response yet?

Or are we all just sitting in limbo here?

das Uber Soldat
6th Jul 2008, 13:14
from everyone i've talked to, limbo seems to be the current situation. not a single person has received a response yet.

6th Jul 2008, 13:31
I know of a few people, myself included that have been up to sydney since the review of the applications. ATPL 1500TT MECIR. Were told that they are scaling down the intake.

Paul Alfred
6th Jul 2008, 22:25
mmmmm :confused:rising fuel prices....less tourism :( other bases with guys/girls siting on the ground waiting for a slot :uhoh:

Chin up guys...we'll be right :rolleyes:


Capt Mo
6th Jul 2008, 22:46
Im also in the group that needed to have the online tests completed by midnight last night and I found them quite difficult, even compared to the practise ones on the SHL site. If the numerical wasn't bad enough, my calculator which had been fine all day decided it wasnt going to work just as the test downloaded! :ugh::eek::mad: :{

I ran around, couldnt find another calculator, managed to reset the one I had and lost 3 minutes (we had 19 to start with I think), and found myself feeling a little tense for the remainder of what was a tricky test.:sad:

The interview and sim are tomorrow so hopefully I'll feel a little better about that!

All the best to everyone waiting for that email.

Capt Mo:ok:

(p.s 1000TT/MECIR/ATPLs for anyone wondering)

7th Jul 2008, 04:38
hey paul alfred

weird as it sounds..i was one of the few who was told to attend the sim/interview before i did the psyche which was due on 6th july. dun ask me why but everyone in my interview group was in the same situation.


Pablo E
7th Jul 2008, 09:12
Sounds like the competitive applications are very slowly getting a look in, and the rest will keep their lives on hold indefinitely until QLink have filled all available trainee slots.

And then and only then, they might let the remaining applicants know that they were unsuccessful with their application. May aswell keep the maybe's waiting, just in case a better applicant applies tommorow.

Sorry for the pessimism, getting a little jack of the wait!

I'm sure that I am not on my own here.

7th Jul 2008, 09:55
It is tough getting into the traineeship program and getting harder as I understand. I was fortunate and did get in and I cannot recommend enough to spend some dosh and get some good sim practice.

Matt J
7th Jul 2008, 11:30
Getting harder, how so? Expected standards on tests (sim, psych) harder? Not doubting, just wondering in what way. Are they more willing to let more candidates slip through now? eg in months gone by kept a higher % then they do now.

8th Jul 2008, 10:09
Yeah this really is getting ridiculous. I'm one of those that applied in Feb08, have knocked over 4 ATPL's since, have degree but basic CPL and low hrs. Would be nice to know if you are competitive or not (been many months now).....which is unlikely if no MECIR. And if not, at least know so you can get a move on with other opportunities...:ugh:

Matt J
8th Jul 2008, 10:16
If they are accepting candidates on the condition that they get all 7 ATPLs done before they go to Melbourne that means they could take about 2 or 3 months (shortest time generally taken to get all 7) to get those candidates down there. If someone had no MECIR they could only take 4-6 weeks to get it. It would seem weird to cut off someone with no MECIR if they could get that MECIR in less time than someone getting ATPLs. Assuming that people pay for their own MECIR. We can only wait and see. I heard that some without MECIR got in. I am not certain though.

9th Jul 2008, 01:09
If anyone DEFO's in Melbourne are considering a sim ride before going to Syd, PM me... :cool:

11th Jul 2008, 01:35
Sim sessions being postponed indefinitely. :(

Looks like the economic climate is starting to have an effect, coupled with a lot of people applying.