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Huey Incident ?

Old 20th Jan 2004, 14:11
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Huey Incident ?

Fact or Fiction:

Rumours are abounding in the SA flying fraternity that the Cape Town based Huey experienced an engine failure over the week-end!

Any truth to all of this?
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Old 20th Jan 2004, 15:27
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ENGINE FAILURE.....You should have seen it.

It was really spectacular.

Over the sea,no floats,20 foot above the waves in a howling SE,full of thrill seekers,no life-jackets.

Man,you should have seen the look on peoples faces as the pilot pulled off the most unbelievable recovery.

Unbelievable story as well.

What I do know is that they had a compressor hiccup,and as with all PROFESSIONAL companies,SAFETY came first,and as a result the Huey is being looked at and the pilot is tanning topless on the beach untill the Huey is deemed fit.

Well done to them for putting safety first and not the money as some of the other chopper geeks in Cape Town do.
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Old 20th Jan 2004, 16:20
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Sounds more "lucky" than "professional" to me.
Over the sea, no floats, 20 foot above the waves in a howling SE, full of thrill seekers, no lifejackets
Very, very lucky....
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Old 20th Jan 2004, 16:43
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Fact of the matter is that the Huey was sabotaged!!!! I interviewed the owner yesterday, and here is his side of the story. From the horses mouth.

For the first time since operations began during December 2002, the Huey slept out on the WIN pad at the Waterfront last Friday night. The reason for this I understand, was that it was scheduled for an air to air film flight at 07.00am Saturday.

Apparently the owner and the engineer arrived at 06.00am, pre-flighted the machine, and took off for the Delta 200, where it was to be joined by the film ship. After some 20 minutes of uneventful flying, it was agreed that a landing will be made in order to discuss further filming. On approach to the landing site, the pilot encountered what he thought was a compressor stall. He shut down the engine after landing, and instructed the engineer to inspect it. The Inlet Guide Vanes were inspected, and the engineer noticed something sinister. It appeared that the engine had ingested some foreign object, as the damage to the IGV's were evident.

The pilot then decided not to fly the helicopter, but to arrange for road transportation on a low bed back to base. Whilst the aircraft was being prepared for road transportation, which meant removing the main and tail rotor blades, an opposition helicopter landed there and inquired what was going on. Approximately 1 hour later, the Huey Club started getting calls from newspapers, magazines, pilots, aviation companies et al, as a rumour was doing the rounds that the Huey had crashed killing all 16 on board, and stories ranged from engine failure to total loss etc. Elvis even went so far as to fly the press out to the site in his LongRanger, teling the pilot John Eccles to hover close around the Huey, therefore blowing it full of sand and dust. Now if that is airmenship, I don't know. It again proves to what lengths the Huey opposition wil go to to shoot it down. When John Eccles was phoned by the owner last night, all he could say was to "speak to my boss". The actions are bordering on total idiocy. Maybe it is to be expected from the kind of people one is dealing with here.

Anyway, the Huey is back in its Culemborg hangar, free of any damage. The engineers have opened the engine, and it is an established fact that the engine ingested a foreign object. Sabotage has not been ruled out, as a piece of metal bar (Not an engine part) about 10 mm thick and 15mm long, had been found embedded in the rear section of the turbine wheel housing.

Very strange indeed!

In the mean time, The Huey Club has been contacted by the press, the TV, the Police on information regarding this occurence. It is clear from the calls received, that the opposition h as once again decided to go overboard on the issue, and to sensationalize it as much as they can. Little do they know that any publicity is good publicity.

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Old 20th Jan 2004, 22:34
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I am now totally convinced that there are some really sick people out there in this industry. Real mental cases. Not eccentric cases, true mental cases. Thank God these people do not fly helicopters and transport passengers, as one can only but wonder what will happen if the "brain" disengages!

One cannot comprehend that a compressor stall due to the ingestion of a foreign object can create so much sensation in the Cape helicopter business. You have no idea how many people have phoned me about the Huey's landing in the Delta 200 last Saturday. Unbelievable!

I have decided to engage a public relations expert so that we can once again cash in on the publicity created by our "sleazeball" friend(s) based on worthless rubbish and fabrications. I personally, can not understand why such an event has to be so news worthy. So news-worthy that a television news anchor wants to interview me about the "crash that killed 16 people, the Huey that rolled on its side, the earth that was ploughed up in the Delta 200 on landing, the Main Rotor Blades that chopped off the tailboom, the incident that was not filed with the CAA (I got news for you little Elvis) the helicopter that's been flown in defiance of a court order, the 16 phonecalls made to ATC by a Waterfront operator, a letter hand delivered to an ATC facility by the opposition, and so many , many more bullsh1t stories that have come from total idiots. You tell me if normal people will carry on like this???

For those of you who have phoned about the facts, thanks. To those (and you know who you are) who have spread the most inconceivable bullsh1 t, I really feel sorry for you. You are not normal.

If all goes well, the Huey should be flying again by Thursday.

Last edited by 4HolerPoler; 21st Jan 2004 at 16:25.
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Old 20th Jan 2004, 22:54
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Someone famous once wrote:

"Small minds talk about small things, big minds talk about big ideas". Makes one thinks huh?

I have personally only been involved with the aviation scene here in Cape Town for the past 4 weeks. Its mind boggling to find that no one has anything good to say about the other. Its also a great pity that 4 operators working from such a confined facility in the V&A Waterfront, can not work together or in harmony.

I think the Huey Xtreme Club is a unique concept, and I have no doubt that it has worked well for its club members. People like things different, and the Huey is something different. I would much rather take my family on a Huey ride into the bush than charter a "boring Jetranger" to Cape Point. Different strokes for diferent folkes.

Good luck Huey people. I'm sure you'll get thru all of the negative issues, and grow from strength to strength.
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Old 20th Jan 2004, 22:57
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"Sabotage has not been ruled out, as a piece of metal bar (Not an engine part) about 10 mm thick and 15mm long, had been found embedded in the rear section of the turbine wheel housing."

Competition is one thing but if this came from someones hand then there are some folks out there who should be sitting in the grey bar hotel waiting to see which Bubba they will have to sleep with tonight.
I find it hard to believe, but not impossible, that someone would commit a criminal act just for a few dollars (Rand). It looks like Francois' Piloting skill have saved the day. I have flown with him and he is a "Good Stick". Also with over a couple thousand hours in Hueys, I can say its a pretty forgiving aircraft. The engines however are used to sucking air not metal. If someone is criminally responsible, I do hope the name hits the pages of PPrune.
Lets end this stupidity before someone gets hurt or worse.
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Old 21st Jan 2004, 05:10
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What do you mean "very lucky".

Read what I wrote and properly digest.


As I said,Professional and safety concious.

If you look at any of the photo's on the net,you will see that every smiling gooby is wearing a life-jacket and if you read the inserts,there have been complaints that the Huey flies a bit toooooooo high and not over the sea.

By the way,the last paragraph is believable.

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Old 21st Jan 2004, 14:32
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The BOON & GOON Show

The circus continues.

So the Huey hit the Afrikaans newspaper "Die Burger" today.

I am seriously beginning to believe that Elvis has genuinely got something to do with this whole story.

Why would someone with "no interest" in someone elses business jump in his helicopter and fly his staff and the media out to a location where an opposition helicopter has landed? Then proceed to hover low over it and blow it full of sand. What an hole pilot!! (Just shows you what a pilot will do for money. Shame on you Johnnie) Why would he make 20 calls to an ATC facilty to request information on the flight path of the said helicopter, whether ATC had contact with the pilot of the helicopter, whether a report was filed with the CAA about the "Incident"? Why would the very same man hand deliver a letter to an ATC facility about the occurrence? Are these the actions of a person not bothered about what other operators do? Hell no Sir! I think the actions of this man is obsessive! I do not recall any of his "opposition" flying to the location when his Jetranger was involved in a "forced" landing".

Can it be possible that after all of that, this man is not behind this whole story?

I've been told that he films each arrival and departure of the Huey, how many pax boards the machine, how many disembarks the machine, who pilots it etc. Are these actions of a man minding his own business or what? Maybe he sits at night and watches the videos of how the Huey is destroying his business????

This is also the man that has laid a charge against the Huey owner for public indecency. That after about 5 Huey fans "brown eyed" him.

All I can say that the Boon & Goon circus has hit town in a big way. What next????
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Old 21st Jan 2004, 15:21
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Hi Bert, thanks for your input.

You've been here, seen the operation, flew the Huey etc, and you know how we go about conducting our business. Fact of the matter is that some people can simply not come to terms with the success of the Huey, and are out to malign it in each and every possible way. False allegations and idiotic rumours are just a small part as to what lengths these boys will go. It really sucks!

Just to set the record straight, I was not flying the Huey last Saturday. It was Gary. There was absolutely nothing sinister about the whole exercise. He performed a normal and usual landing, and during the flare for touch down encountered a compressor stall. Well, the rest is history. There were no pax on board, only the 2 crew members. No one got hurt, the machine was not damaged in any way (The nespaper pictures shows that as well) so I personally can not understand the sensation. There must be a reason for it?????

Sabotage is definately not ruled out. We are considering the options at this time. Bear in mind that sabotage is attempted murder, because if I sabotage your aircraft, I'm trying to murder you. THAT is the saddest part of all. Has the Huey now become such a threat that some people have to stoop to these levels?

what next????
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Old 21st Jan 2004, 16:18
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Take it easy Goffel - with the subsequent explanations by Francois et al it certainly appears that (a) the Cape Town scene is not a good one, reminding one of 3rd world taxi hustlers rather than aviators and (b) should the wild accusations have any thruth, the Huey was indeed lucky...
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Old 21st Jan 2004, 19:12
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From Die Burger newspaper (apologies for the Afrikaans, but the story didn't seem to make the other Cape Town papers).

The only 'new' item of interest is that stones were thrown at the opposition helicopter Thank you, thank you very much

BLO het glo vlerke van Stormers se helikopter geknip
21/01/2004 00:40 - (SA)

KAAPSTAD. - Die helikopter waarin die Stormers na 'n oefenkamp in Bainskloof gebring is, is vroe'r vandeesmaand glo deur die Burgerlugvaartowerheid (BLO) belet om te vlieg omdat die owerheid na bewering verhinder is om inspeksies uit te voer.

Intussen het die BLO strafregtelike klagte teen die Huey Extreme-klub ingedien weens dié weiering.

Volgens die BLO is die Huey sedert 7 Januarie belet om te vlieg.

Mnr. Gavin Lewis, woordvoerder van die Stormers, het gister bevestig die span is uit Kaapstad met die Huey-helikopter na hul oefenkamp gebring.

Dit volg midde-in 'n twis tussen twee Kaapse helikopterondernemings nadat een se vlie'nier die ander se helikopter glo met klippe bestook het.

Mnr. Ernest Macdonald, eienaar van Sport Helicopters in die Waterfront, beweer mnr. Gary van der Merwe, voorsitter van die Huey Extreme-klub, het Maandag by Bloubergheuwel klippe na sy helikopter gegooi.

Van der Merwe het gister erken 'n paar klippe is gegooi terwyl Sport se helikopter bo die Huey gehang het. "Hulle het sand en stof opgejaag. Ons het hulle gevra om pad te gee."

Macdonald het gesê sy personeel het Maandag na die Huey naby Bloubergheuwel gaan kyk nadat hulle verneem het die helikopter het Saterdagoggend daar geland.

Volgens Van der Merwe het die Huey se luginlaatstelsel iets ingesluk tydens Saterdag se landing. Hy het besluit om om veiligheidsredes die helikopter per vragmotor na die loods te neem.

Van der Merwe het gesê die klub het in Desember 'n hooggeregshofbevel teen die BLO gekry wat bepaal hy mag die helikopter bedryf totdat die BLO 'n geldige rede gee waarom dit op die grond moet bly. Die Huey het reeds 14 inspeksies van die BLO ondergaan.

Van der Merwe het beweer die BLO het die laaste inspeksie gekanselleer.

Volgens die BLO is inspekteurs toegang tot sommige dokumente van die Huey geweier - (Carel van Dyk)
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Old 21st Jan 2004, 22:42
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Nothing wrong with mooning the opposition

It reminds of an age old Chopper tradition to moon any flypast! Greatest satisfaction though was knowing you had a jet jock behind the controlls

Just been speaking to a colleageu of mine who worked on a free-lance base for some time at the Waterfront in the Cape. Apparently the owner of the Huey, within his first few days of starting business at the Waterfront, approached a whole group of the then pilot and operators who had been standing together. His recollection is that before even introducing himself, the owner had promised to close down, if not buy out all the other operators within a matter of months. And that was a few years ago . My colleague said the arrogant and aggressive approach did not go down too well with all concerned.

So if all is to be believed, it would seem like this could be a slight case of sleeping in the bed (read environment), you make for yourself. Hence the blatant over eager antics of the opposition to slate this Huey and it's operation.

That in no way condones any forms of sabotage; and IF that can be proved to be the case, then I hope they throw away the key !

Congrats to the pilots concerned for putting her down safely.
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Old 22nd Jan 2004, 03:32
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A certain person who identifies himself to someone in the music industry,was last night seen at a certain GAY CLUB called the Bronx.

Now there is nothing sinister about being at a gay club,


To be seen wearing a mini-skirt and fishnet stockings and to be also seen slow dancing with one of his so called pilots,who he was incidentally seen to be kissing such so called pilot.

Now this is the same arsehole who is making threats and sending lots of rumours around the flying fraternity about the Huey.

Who do we now believe.........A cross dressing transvestite who wears mini-skirts and fish-net stockings and who smooches his staff,who is hell bent on destroying the Huey's reputable reputation AND who has a wife sitting at home we believe the guys in the know??????????

I rest my case.
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Old 22nd Jan 2004, 06:41
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"So if all is to be believed, it would seem like this could be a slight case of sleeping in the bed (read environment), you make for yourself. Hence the blatant over eager antics of the opposition to slate this Huey and it's operation."

Arrogance is part of Being a Helicopter Pilot. Some may not like it.................BUT The (possible)item that is (alleged) to have been the cause of the problem, apppears to be not part of any aircraft I have ever heard of. Further that the Atomic Weight of this (possible) item is such that no Huey could suck it off the engine deck even if it had found its way there. Which leads me to believe that someone used his god given Dick Skinners to place it in the engine inlet. This by the way means placing it behind Engine Inlet Covers.
Fcking Criminal is the only answer.
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Old 22nd Jan 2004, 18:20
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The Cape Times published a story on the Huey today. Again all information comes from Elvis. One can only but wonder why?

This is the man that has been driving the fabrications on the Huey.

This is the man that has:

1. Bombarded the CAA with millions of complaints over the last 13 months.

2. Wrote a letter to the ATC requesting information on the Huey "occurrence" "in the interest of aviation safety" so that he can lay the necessary charges.......????

3. Wrote letters to the Minister of Transport and a hundred others in the tourism industry complaining about the Huey.

4. This is the man who operates taxis and refers to the Hueys as "the Mini Bus Taxis of the sky" (Why am I not surprised?)

5. This is the man who doubts the Huey's insurance, but has no insurance whatsoever on his own taxis. (Wonder what will happen to the pax if involved in an accident?)

6. This is the man who films the Huey each day, and alledges that its certified for 9 pax and must be flown by 2 crew. (Rumour has it that he admitted that the Huey has almost bankcrupted him

7. This is the man who have for the last 12 months told everyone he has bought a Huey, but have still not produced it. (The Huey obsession clearly shines through here!! Now the videoing makes sense.)

8. This is the man that has contacted a television news anchor to do a story on TV about the Huey so that he can promote his "Elvis image" on TV, and so that all the "King's" fans in SA can see his "new" implanted sidies.

9. This is the man that has alledged to the News Anchor that the Huey Club and its staff have bribed the CAA, and that the Commissioner and other senior CAA officials are on the payroll of the Huey Extreme Club. (Nice one Gary! Now we know why you keep on flying )

Come on Flying People out there, lets do a poll! Can these actions be regarded as obsessive, or not?

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Old 22nd Jan 2004, 19:16
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From todays Cape Crimes, er, sorry, Cape Times:

Huey and cry over operator's right to fly 1970's helicopter

A BATTLE between two rival Cape Peninsula helicopter tour operators broke into open war
this week when the owner of one tried to stone his rival's helicopter while it was trying to land.

Sport Helicopters and the Huey Extreme Club have been engaged in a long dispute over whether a Huey helicopter - built in the United States in the 1970s - is safe to fly.

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) says it grounded the Huey on January 7 because the Huey Extreme Club would not allow a safety inspection of the aircraft. The club claims the grounding is invalid and has continued to fly the llelicopter.

The stoning occurred on Saturday when the Huey was stranded near Bloubergstrand.

A helicopter from Sport Helicopters flew over the Huey while it was being loaded onto a truck to be taken back to its hangar. The Sport pilot tried to land his helicopter nearby, but had to abort the landing when Gary van der Merwe, the Huey's owner, threw stones at his aircraft.

Ernest Macdonald, who owns Sport Helicopters, says if one of the stones had hit the helicopter's rear rotor, it could have led to disaster. The CAA is investigating the incident.

Francois Marais, vice president of the Huey Extreme Club, says Van der Merwe only threw
the stones after he had motioned to the pilot not to land as he was kicking up a lot of dust, making it hard to secure the Huey on the truck.

The Huey had to be trucked back to the hangar because of a mechanical difficulty Van der
Merwe says he noticed when landing at Blouberg.

There is a dispute between the CAA and the Huey Extreme Club about whether the club is a
commercial operation that must abide by strict commercial regulations. Marais says it is a non-profit club that rents the helicopter from one of Van der Merwe's other companies at an
hourly rate.

The CAA has laid charges against the club for contravening the grounding order.

After the club won a high court interdict against a previous CAA grounding in December, the CAA again grounded the Huey when its inspectors were not allowed to examine it on January 7. Van der Merwe owns seven other Hueys that he hopes to restore and return to the air in the next few years.
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Old 22nd Jan 2004, 23:09
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Got to admit that where there is smoke, there has to be a fire! Excuse the punn

Still can't understand why the SACAA has done an about turn on all of this. Surely it's up to them to clear up this mess, for everyones sake, and pronto,pronto!

Alot of people are dependant on what appears to be a good tourist market down in the Cape! This kind of poor publicity makes our Industry look like an absolute joke! Let alone should a tragedy occur (pray not); and these issues haven't been resolved, then the whole Cape tourist aviation industry and not just the helicopters could be Internationally blacklisted !

Come on SACAA lets sort this mess out.
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Old 22nd Jan 2004, 23:37
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This is an International Forum. You have to believe that Major Travel Companies throughout the world continually search for forums so that they may sort out areas of interest for their customers. It will not take long for the word to get around to steer clear of Helicopter Tours in Capetown.
Heres hoping Elvis has a Deep Pocket or can really play a Guitar......Never met the man myself, but I run into his wannabe cousins every day on the Vegas Strip. Most are about Three Chips short of a Happy Meal.
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Old 23rd Jan 2004, 00:46
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It seems like something out of episode of Dallas! According to everything written on here it certianly sounds like a soap opera. It is a shame however because there are real aviation lovers who will lose out or see their businesses receive a lot of bad publicity as Bert points out.

The two things that I find most serious though are the allegations of sabotage (as that's attempted murder!) and the appaling airmanship of the other chopper who hindered the recovery of the Huey.

Very interesting how a completely different view of events was shown in the Cape does seem rather biased.

I hope for sake of all you chopper lovers that the whole sorry episode is quickly rsolved but somehow I think this is going to run on quite a bit.
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