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-   -   Is Ukraine about to have a war? (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/639666-ukraine-about-have-war.html)

Beamr 11th Apr 2022 19:14

Russkies are building up forces near the finnish border.
Although not quite sure why they are moving those coastal missile systems there.
Geolocated 50km from Finnish border.

Wokkafans 11th Apr 2022 19:40

Wokkafans 11th Apr 2022 20:11

SASless 11th Apr 2022 20:13

The Russians do not want to tangle with the Finns again especially when they are getting their Butts kicked in Ukraine!

The Russians might stick to dealing with this Hornet’s Nest they stuck their head into first.

rattman 11th Apr 2022 20:29

Originally Posted by NutLoose (Post 11213846)
The problem I can forsee is ammunition as the NATO standard round is a different calibre to the ammunition the Ukrainians are using in their ex Soviet tanks, that said all of NATO should be able to supply ammunition for them.

There are various version of the Leo 1, does it say which version we are talking about the -4 an -5 are the newer models

Apparently the plan is that the leo ones will go to western ukraine where supply lines are shorter and ukrianias can train them. This will allow the soviet / russia armor to goto the east where it will be more suitable from a training and logisitcs view

Originally Posted by Tartiflette Fan (Post 11213882)
15 Eurofighters with no night-fighting capability ( unsure if technical or training ) thinking about buying Tranche 1 Eurofighters from GB for spares/other material, or in the medium-term buying another plane;

On another forum we had this same discussion. I suggested there 3 practical options for a ukrainian airforce in the mid term. As you suggest there tranche 1 eurofighters from UK and Swiss, the other options would be some of the 46 FA-18 sitting in hangers in australia, they could be regenerated as there was quite a few flying december of last year, got millions of miles and remote airbases you could train pilots and ground crew and no in the world would know. The other probably way more expensive but better long term is the Kuwaities were apparently looking for buyers for thier super hornets last year.

macmp419 11th Apr 2022 20:42

Originally Posted by Wokkafans (Post 11213943)

Dvornikov enters from stage left with the same script.

B@stards 😡

Wokkafans 11th Apr 2022 20:50

Interesting thread IF the numbers are correct.

NutLoose 11th Apr 2022 21:44

If they have indeed used chemical weapons, I thought that was the red flag for the west to intervene?

Re build up near Finland, wasn’t there something about possible Western guarantee’s prior to NATO enrolment? Though he is struggling in Ukraine so a second front would dilute his force’s? Still the threat is at least tying up Russian forces.

Tartiflette Fan 11th Apr 2022 22:28

Originally Posted by NutLoose (Post 11213970)
IRe build up near Finland, wasn’t there something about possible Western guarantee’s prior to NATO enrolment?

I posed that question a few days ago but no response.

Wokkafans 11th Apr 2022 22:30

NutLoose 11th Apr 2022 22:57

Originally Posted by Tartiflette Fan (Post 11213990)
I posed that question a few days ago but no response.

Here it is


The military organization might also be ready to provide security guarantees to the countries if any potential membership bid angers Russia, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said.

MJ89 11th Apr 2022 23:50


"he believed that Ukrainian personnel with certain unspecified existing skill sets could be trained to operate a Leopard 1 in a timeframe measured in days. "You have to be trained a bit more intensively on the Leopard 1. But if the Ukrainians want the tank, a way should be found,"

SASless 12th Apr 2022 00:25

If Russia has in fact used Chemical weapons against Ukraine Civilians......what should the World's reaction to that be Crime Against Humanity?

Can we just turn a blind eye to it.....just wag some tongues but take no action?

If that is what happens....then what will Putin and his Thugs think they can get away with?

MJ89 12th Apr 2022 00:34

If they used/use Chemical weapons, i say send in the Tomahawks. Like in Syria, plus the french with SCALP

BANANASBANANAS 12th Apr 2022 00:53

Originally Posted by MJ89 (Post 11214010)
If they used/use Chemical weapons, i say send in the Tomahawks. Like in Syria, plus the french with SCALP

I have been reluctant so far to agree with NATO direct action but Putin will just keep pushing the envelope until NATO really has no choice so I think now is the time to act. NATO must demonstrate strength as well as unity. Locate and totally destroy a column of Russian armour in Ukraine with stand off weapons, then tell Putin there is much more to come if necessary.

Buster Hyman 12th Apr 2022 02:28

Originally Posted by NutLoose (Post 11213970)
Re build up near Finland, wasn’t there something about possible Western guarantee’s prior to NATO enrolment? Though he is struggling in Ukraine so a second front would dilute his force’s? Still the threat is at least tying up Russian forces.

Perhaps its his way of keeping NATO out of Ukraine. NATO sees a threat to a member state in the North & deploys forces there. In Put-Puts mind, that's diluting possible forces that could be deployed to Ukraine. The other alternative is that he's gone completely bonkers & just wants WW3 regardless of how he makes it happen. :(

Baldeep Inminj 12th Apr 2022 03:15

Originally Posted by SASless (Post 11214009)
If Russia has in fact used Chemical weapons against Ukraine Civilians......what should the World's reaction to that be Crime Against Humanity?

Can we just turn a blind eye to it.....just wag some tongues but take no action?

If that is what happens....then what will Putin and his Thugs think they can get away with?

NATO will wring their hands and tell Putin he is ‘really really naughty’, but they will do nothing. The spineless and eviserated NATO leaders have already stated that Putin will not be confronted because he has nukes.
Putin can do whatever he wants - NATO is far too afraid of him to lift a finger, and he knows that.
If he has used chemical weapons to slaughter children, nothing will change. NATO and the West will be judged as the people who simply watched.

[email protected] 12th Apr 2022 08:01

All the organisations set up to prevent exactly this happing again - a re-run of Hitler's aggression and expansion - are going to stand by with plenty of platitudes and no action.

Agree with the idea of stand-off weapons to destroy the Russian armour wherever it is in Ukraine.

[email protected] 12th Apr 2022 08:05

With all the revelations about how easy it has been for money to travel from Russia to be washed in the rest of the world, one has to wonder how many senior people in every country have somehow been tainted by association or even directly bribed - it might explain some of the reluctance to act directly if Putin has the threat of exposing financial irregularities over their heads.

After all, the majority of politicians are in the game for wealth, power and influence - see our present lot for a prime example.

dead_pan 12th Apr 2022 09:40

Originally Posted by Tartiflette Fan (Post 11213912)
France - mid March E 300 million gift plus unspecified tonnage of fuel, 60 tonnes humanitarian aid to Moldova and Poland
NL - E 20 million, sniper-rifles, helmets, Manpads
Be - 3 800 tonnes fuel, 2 000 smg, 3 000 assault rifles
Italy - E 110 million gift plus unspecified military equipment
Ireland E 20 million ( noticed while searching that Ireland spends about 0.28% on defence.)+

There may be other donations, but too difficult to search everything

Ok thanks for this.

Dan Gerous 12th Apr 2022 09:40

Originally Posted by [email protected] (Post 11214081)
All the organisations set up to prevent exactly this happing again - a re-run of Hitler's aggression and expansion - are going to stand by with plenty of platitudes and no action.

The UK have upgraded their outrage from appalling, to abhorrent, in light of the allegations of chemical weapon use.

dead_pan 12th Apr 2022 09:51

Originally Posted by BANANASBANANAS (Post 11214011)
I have been reluctant so far to agree with NATO direct action but Putin will just keep pushing the envelope until NATO really has no choice so I think now is the time to act. NATO must demonstrate strength as well as unity. Locate and totally destroy a column of Russian armour in Ukraine with stand off weapons, then tell Putin there is much more to come if necessary.

If this chemical attack is confirmed and if NATO does act (big if), a strike on the unit which launched the attack would be much more proportionate and appropriate IMO. I understand the chemicals were allegedly dispensed from a drone so either strike the unit itself or, if they are operating from an airfield, the base itself.

I keep saying this but if Putin wishes to escalate to pull in NATO, then there's literally nothing stopping him (at least from a military perspective). Why cobble together some half-assed chemical attack when he could easily strike a target in Poland or Romania i.e. a direct provocation? His behaviour to date suggests he's willing to push the envelope to a degree, but appears wary about over-stepping the mark, no doubt aware that NATO could sweep his forces from Ukraine without breaking sweat.

NutLoose 12th Apr 2022 09:51

You could argue targeting those nitric acid tanks to release a vapour over the country side is chemical warfare as well

One hope this is correct :) 100 tanks delivered from Poland.

It also appears a nasty accident befell a railbridge in Russia from Belogrod to Ukraine ;)

That should slow up support.


BANANASBANANAS 12th Apr 2022 11:04

Originally Posted by dead_pan (Post 11214145)
If this chemical attack is confirmed and if NATO does act (big if), a strike on the unit which launched the attack would be much more proportionate and appropriate IMO. I understand the chemicals were allegedly dispensed from a drone so either strike the unit itself or, if they are operating from an airfield, the base itself.

I keep saying this but if Putin wishes to escalate to pull in NATO, then there's literally nothing stopping him (at least from a military perspective). Why cobble together some half-assed chemical attack when he could easily strike a target in Poland or Romania i.e. a direct provocation? His behaviour to date suggests he's willing to push the envelope to a degree, but appears wary about over-stepping the mark, no doubt aware that NATO could sweep his forces from Ukraine without breaking sweat.

If the intelligence is good enough to positively id the launch site/airfield then I agree. But would that be a big enough statement by NATO. I think if we do something it has to be stand off, devastating (but conventional) and quick.

SASless 12th Apr 2022 11:18

The Ukraine President has been begging for Mig-29's and more capable Air Defense systems from NATO....why should this Chemical Attack by means of a drone not be a perfect justification for that to take place?

In the meanwhile....back at the Ranch....President Biden yesterday issued a new Rule for the ATF to impose that would make "Ghost Guns" illegal.

But.....made no public mention or took no action re the Chemical Attack.

Those who have posted about the lack of effective response to yet another War Crime, this one involving the use of Chemical Weapons, seem to be on target themselves.

NutLoose 12th Apr 2022 11:49

I would imagine he would want totally and utterly 100% proof they were used, the trouble is if they were used in Maruipol then getting that proof will be nigh on impossible as it will have dispersed and those effected and the area it was used in may well be in Russian hands by now. I suppose Russian radio chatter confirming it might be enough, they appear to be stupid enough the boast about it.

BTW It appears the UK also sent Martlet missiles to Ukraine ( in secret ) and it has been filmed taking out a Russian UAV

GlobalNav 12th Apr 2022 12:03

Originally Posted by [email protected] (Post 11214082)
With all the revelations about how easy it has been for money to travel from Russia to be washed in the rest of the world, one has to wonder how many senior people in every country have somehow been tainted by association or even directly bribed - it might explain some of the reluctance to act directly if Putin has the threat of exposing financial irregularities over their heads.

After all, the majority of politicians are in the game for wealth, power and influence - see our present lot for a prime example.

Perhaps this is true or partly true. Yet I tend to believe that the astute ones among them are also painfully aware of the complexity of consequences that could arise with actions we want to see. Leaders, politicians or not, are accountable for the welfare of their people and aware of the awful costs that intervention will have..

That said. Personally I want a coalition of western forces to step in, in spite of Putin’s threats and even past atrocities in Syria. Step in now and bear the cost. They will not diminish with delayed action and are inevitable as Putin will continue if not thwarted.

NutLoose 12th Apr 2022 12:15

I agree, If we were to do anything, simply use drones or cruise missiles to stop Russian advances in their tracks, remove their supply back up system and remove their artillery from the equation from within Ukraine borders., the only problem being with the amount of manpads on the Ukrainian side, friendly shoot downs are inevitable unless coordinated well.

Ninthace 12th Apr 2022 12:32

Only 3 casualties reported, no deaths in the chemical attack I believe. Was it just a suck it and see raid to gauge the West's reaction?

Tartiflette Fan 12th Apr 2022 12:55

Originally Posted by Ninthace (Post 11214222)
Only 3 casualties reported, no deaths in the chemical attack I believe. Was it just a suck it and see raid to gauge the West's reaction?

Who can tell, but just delivering a small amount of weak tear-gas (? ) seems far too tentative for this regime

jolihokistix 12th Apr 2022 14:42

Originally Posted by tartare (Post 11213607)
Was reading about the Battle of Kursk last night.
A lot of the action took place near Kharkiv... and in July.
It's looking like this spring and summer may also be a meat-grinder of dreadful proportions.

Following this post I went to our friend Wiki and read up on Kursk. Hundreds of thousands killed. It has stayed in my mind since, as I think it must be occupying some Russian commanders’ minds.

Facing the plains, both sides must have been keeping things in reserve over the past six weeks.

Expatrick 12th Apr 2022 14:51

Originally Posted by jolihokistix (Post 11214285)
Following this post I went to our friend Wiki and read up on Kursk. Hundreds of thousands killed. It has stayed in my mind since, as I think it must be occupying some Russian commanders’ minds.

4 battles for Kharkiv, '41 - 43.

uxb99 12th Apr 2022 14:53

I see a lot of posts on twitter saying this piece of Russian kit failed to explode or, this piece of NATO kit was deployed by Ukraine.
Isn't this akin to the BBC gaff telling the Argentinians their bombs weren't exploding?
If the enemy is failing don't tell them. If we have sent secret kit it's secret for a reason.

Tartiflette Fan 12th Apr 2022 14:55

Originally Posted by jolihokistix (Post 11214285)
F as I think it must be occupying some Russian commanders’ minds.

Do you not think these thoughts will reinforce the notion that " keep pushing in more and more tanks/troops and finally you win " ?

macmp419 12th Apr 2022 15:35

Originally Posted by NutLoose (Post 11214146)

It also appears a nasty accident befell a railbridge in Russia from Belogrod to Ukraine ;)

That should slow up support.



Another explosion heard in Belgorod this afternoon and something under pressure venting to atmosphere.

Edit to add that there is nothing sensitive in the footage.

Geriaviator 12th Apr 2022 16:59

Originally Posted by uxb99 (Post 11214292)
If the enemy is failing don't tell them. If we have sent secret kit it's secret for a reason.

But of course we haven't sent anything other than humanitarian aid. Just as Russia hasn't sent anything other than a liberating force :oh:

Spunky Monkey 12th Apr 2022 18:41

Could it be that it was the spillage of an industrial chemical?
Not sure how Putes would deliver a chemical agent in an area like that. In Syria his puppets would drop it in barrels from a Helicopter.
They aren't going to be that stupid to try and hover a heli over Ukrainian territory.

I hope there are saner voices than on PPrune throughout NATO.
Putes is messing this up plenty well enough that we just need to keep supplying kit.
Yes we could have a victory in 72 hours, however it could all be over 2 hours after that.

If we are to do anything, it has to have plausible deniability.
Or do something outrageous and say - "It wasn't us."

sycamore 12th Apr 2022 18:56

This situation is rather like watching the local `hooligans`tearing up a `high street` near you,beating up old folk,and all we do is give them a few `handbags and sticks to defend themselves...!!!
Personally I`d start by sending a couple of dozen `cruisers North` to take out the RuAF/RuNAF,and associated airfields...It would also stop the `civvy` traffic.Then a `no fly zone` around it.....

Sue Vêtements 12th Apr 2022 19:24

. . . or just put the word "Special" in front of anything we do

Wokkafans 12th Apr 2022 20:06

Ukraine secret service says it has arrested top Putin ally




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