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Red Ice 27th Apr 2003 20:07

I failed stage four sometime ago!

Was it the end of the world?

Maybe for a day or two!

Moved on stronger, more focused and even more keen to get flying.

Don't speculate, just wait, go along when called up and enjoy the experience. If you don't get in (6 cadets per month makes it),its just one of those things. You can't win at everything but keep your head up and you will succed eventually!


Chuffer Chadley 29th Apr 2003 03:08

That's me out at stage 3- back to the groundschool it is, then!

Didn't want to go to NZ anyway..... ;) :cool:


TRon 30th Apr 2003 01:19

Anyone know the next dates for assesment, just about to send my form back in!.

jmc757 30th Apr 2003 05:36

Does anybody know the minimum age for application. The CTCMcAlpine website says 19, but the Thomas Cook website http://www.thomascookpilots.com states 18. I am 18 currently, but I don't want to apply if it is 19, I would look stupid!! Can't even read the website! Thanks if anyone can help:)


Wing_Bound_Vortex 30th Apr 2003 07:30

Stage 4 is on a light twin ( beech?) sim, the format basically being to fly around ( visual and on instruments i think, but don't quote me ) whilst they throw random maths type questions at you.

The idea being to fly the heading/alt/speed assigned whilst using your spare brain capacity( ! what's that then ;) ) to figure out the question. They're looking for someone who flies the profile correctly over someone who wanders around but gets the right answer. Though if u can do both......

Can't decide if i'm looking forward to it or not.......!


sally at pprune 30th Apr 2003 14:26


The dates are on their website under the stop press section


You need to change your handle to TCA757!

I think the difference is in the varying requirements of the different schemes: some people are sponsored by easyJet, some by Thomas Cook Airlines, some by CTC McAlpine themselves. Without doing your homework I cannot remember the various age limits (I'm towards the other end of the spectrum). If the TCA website says 18, then that's their lower limit. Judging by your handle, you want to apply to them, so go for it :)

I got to stage 4 of the selection. The sim used was a Beech 200, although they did say they might use the B737-300 on other occasions. It was a lot of fun, really nerve-wracking and quite hard. I'd done a little PPL flying before. The degree of difficulty depends on your experience. There was a guy with me who had never flown before and he passed.

Basically, they show you how everything works, then give you a flying task to do. You get to do the exercise a couple of times. They will throw questions at you and ask you to do things in the cockpit other than flying, so you end up pretty maxed-out (I certainly did).

I've done sponsorship selection before. This is the most friendly and professionally run I've come across. I did not resent paying the £160 for stage 2. The rest is free, and I'm guessing that it costs a lot more than stage 2, as there are lots of people involved. Let's face it, there are not many sponsorship schemes around, and most of the others are part sponsorship & require a major contribution from the cadet. This one is 100% sponsorship. The only other 100% sponsorship I’m aware of is BA, and their scheme has been closed for the last 18 months.

I guess if you are not prepared to invest £160 in your future career, then you don't really want it enough. Most sponsored cadets, like a friend of mine who is waiting to start his bmi place, have to find quite a lot of cash. Most people cannot get sponsorship and have to find even more, with pretty limited prospects of getting employment at the end of it all. People who get through this scheme are privileged. All those whom I know and have got through are aware that, are really grateful for the opportunity and regard the £160 as a wise investment. It probably also helps weed out those who are not really motivated.


JayDee 30th Apr 2003 19:03


TRon - there is an assessment stage on 26th May, Im going along to that - anyone else out there going?

zedex7rrrrrrr 30th Jun 2003 22:37

CTC - Fly Glasgow To Bournemouth
I noticed a few people asking how best to get down to Dibden from Glasgow. Southampton airport is obviously the best choice but can be expensive - £280ish. Bournemouth airport is about 30 minutes drive from Southampton and a pre-booked taxi will cost £25 to the Lyndhurst Park Hotel. Chances are you can then share a taxi with other applicants in the morning, just tell the receptionist that when other candidates ask to book a Taxi to Dibden, that you are going too and would like to share.

A return flight from Glasgow (Prestiwck) to Bournemouth can be had for as little as £80 with Ryanair. So all in, transport should cost no more than £150.

Well, I'm off to Stage 3 tomorrow. My nerves have been killing for over a week! I go through stages of saying "I deserve this, they NEED me!" and then switch to "Oh dear, poor me, there's far too much competition. I'll never make it." Right now, I'm feeling reasonably confident, hopefully I'll stay that way and not screw up tomorrow. We'll see!

jonnys 2nd Jul 2003 04:23

zedex7rrrrrrr- all the best mate, hope you get through!

Know what you mean, I've been the same switching from raw and pure desire and the attitude that it is ME that CTC Mc' want...then thinking of the other 2,000,000,000 people who are thinking the same thing!

All we can do is our best, and hopefully NZ is on the cards for the not too distant future!

All the best to everyone taking the tests.

zedex7rrrrrrr 2nd Jul 2003 23:22

Thanks jonnys for the well wishes.

Well, I didn't get past Stage 3. :{

No feedback as yet and I'm not sure we'll even get any but I'm pretty sure I screwed up my interview. Nothing in particular, just nerves causing me to forget to mention just about every important piece of information about myself or fact about the industry that they were looking for. My second interview since the day I was born so I won't be too hard on myself, I'll just get more practice!

Well done to the 3 that went through to the stage 4 simulator assessment, I hope you're now packing your bags for NZ! :ok:

As for me, some serious thinking to be done now. Onwards and upwards!

jonnys 3rd Jul 2003 08:27


Sorry you didn''t get through mate. I'm going down on tuesday for stage 2, and we'll see how it goes. Same as you (again!) only going to be the second interview/selection process I've had in my life, but I've been practising the maths etc, so we'll see!

Will be a great experience though.

All the best to you for one day achieving your dream. If you're anything like me, it means the world to get that elusive right hand seat! Best of luck mate.

TCM 7th Jul 2003 05:50

Has anyone who failed at any stage of the selection process, been advised that they can re-apply (as it states may be appropriate in some cases on the CTC website)? I'm assuming I can never reapply having failed back in February - unless they run out of fresh people (unlikely I'm sure).

Does anyone have any experience of this either way?

Wingover79 8th Jul 2003 21:41

Helpful website
I have just found this on the careers website for the University of Kent. This person reports to have successfully gone through selection and has detailed the process. It might be worth having a look at for those that have yet to take the trip down to Dibden.

All the best,



AlphaCharlie 26th Aug 2003 16:08

easyJet expand deal with CTC-McAlpine
Flight International 26 August - 1 September 2003

Essentially easyJet have awarded CTC a $100m contract over the next seven years to train up their pilots for the A319s. However, the deal also includes more pilots from the CTC-sponsored type rating scheme being placed with the airline, and easyJet have upped the number of cadets it will take from the CTC-McAlpine sponsored scheme from 24 a year to 40 a year!!

This doesn't necessarily mean that CTC-McAlpine will now be looking for more that 72 cadets a year, just that 40 of these will go to easyJet with 4 still going to Thomas Cook.

Its definitely good news though!!

AlphaCharlie 26th Aug 2003 16:32

The thread had gone a bit cold ... was just wondering if anyone had anything to report? Have CTC now been through all the ppruners ... or is there just nothing new to report as it has all been documented here in the past.

Good luck to those applying or going through the tests at the moment.

Wing_Bound_Vortex 28th Aug 2003 21:00

well, i was there a couple of days ago, and a nicer group of people you couldn't hope to meet! All the staff were very friendly and helpful, and made the day as enjoyable as possible.

Given the stress levels during the aptitude tests think we all needed a relaxed atmosphere!

Looking back on it it was actually quite enjoyable, so is anyone who was there on the 26th also a pprune lurker?


MonarchA330 29th Aug 2003 03:18

Just been thru the CTC selection process and have been offfered a place to go to NZ in the near future. Having read everyone else's experiences on here, mine were pretty much the same. Everyone at CTC was incredbly welcoming and kind, really making us all feel at ease. Any questions, feel free to email me.
Good luck everyone!

waffles 30th Aug 2003 04:53

The CTC scheme seems to have been tremendously popular.

I'm one of the lucky one's who is now in New Zealand and provisionally sponsored by Easyjet and I have agreed with all the advice wveryone has provided - the application process is very friendly and professional although there is an element of patience required for many of the applications. I can't add any more advice to the abundance already here.
Some people have been a bit extreme about the mathematical aspect of the application. They are simple questions but a time frame is put upon you so they want fast answers to simple questions e.g. 45+13 - things like that !!!

Degrees are not required but obviously helpful as it indicates that you have the ability to study privately and succeed. One of the very first selected is without a degree !!!

When it comes to flying hours, many of you seem to think they want 'as many as' but on the contrary, they are apparently frowning on people with a couple of hundred hours. They want to train from scratch and therefore the course is designed to do this. there are a couple out here with quite a few previous hours but i'm not sure how many !!!

Some people have mentioned about very few females. There are now two on the scheme. They DO want females but there are very few applying and unfortunately, few passing the aptitude tests apparently !!!

CARB - you're quite well known out here amongst the cadets due to this forum !!! - there is at least one here that went through selection with you (stage 2). Sorry that you were unsuccessful.

If anyone wants any advice - just ask but don't worry if you send off part of an application and you hear nothing for a while - from speaking to others here, the application process is anything between 2 weeks and 3-4 months.


yeboin 2nd Sep 2003 21:08

Well done MonarchA330, thats a fine achievement! I went to stage 2 in mid August, didn't get through and gutted at the time, but i got feedback that was better than i expected so i won't be giving up just yet!

I'd agree with whats been said, the aptitude tests aren't that scary, you do get maxed out doing them, but I don't recall anyone crying afterwards! The maths section I thought was challenging but far from impossible and it was the time limit that got me, I went too fast towards the end (doh) and I think thats where i messed up.

Good luck to anyone applying for CTC and to waffles, Monarch A330 and all those in NZ,well done guys n gals and all the best in your new careers.

Ethansa 3rd Sep 2003 04:28

waste of money
i wouldnt waste my time an effort or place all my hopes on the only....ONLY selection around not to mention sponsorship scheme.
If your gonna get picked. then it dont matter wheather your a self sponsored direct entrant to Easy or Thomas. cos at the end of the day theyll only choose what they want.

Theres a better chance of going to do a self sponsored/funded scheme to get a job that has higher pay than to to linger around CTC's million to 1 chance.

looks more pro too commin on board as a direct, cos otherwise your rightful property of Easy for a long while in the long term.

Good luck to those who apply.

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