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Autofly 24th Mar 2003 09:23


I'll reply to your query with a fair dose of salt me thinks ..........:ok:

Alot of PPRuNe members have written about this ...... off the top of my head, have a look at carb's post of the 15/12/02, wannabe1000's addition on the 23/12/02, El Thermidor's post on the 17/01/03, Fancy Navigators post done on the 24/01/03 ........ the list goes on.

Basically the tests are all computer based that are designed to attempt to measure your ability to undertake CTC's course. As mentioned before, if you fail the tests it does not mean you will never be a pilot. Have a read of what other people have said, that will put you in the picture. Put it this way, you won't need your running shoes or swimming trunks for this one:p

AF ;)

SierraEleven 28th Mar 2003 22:36

Hey A.F, thanx for the reply! I'm new to PPrune so I guess it would help reading a little more!!!! So how was your day at CTC?? Any new info not already mentioned.......are they still going ahead at full speed despite this Middle East situation?? I've been waiting two months so far since I sent in my online app......I know......patience, patience!!

richc 1st Apr 2003 00:21

Hiya. I'm off to the Stage 2 selection on 10th April...if any wants to share a taxi from the Lindhurst Park Hotel to Dibden Manor then send us a private message...good luck to all who are going!


SierraEleven 1st Apr 2003 07:03

Hey richc,
I was just wondering when it was that you sent in your online app??

Pilot 1500 1st Apr 2003 16:43

Once you have sent in the initial application is there anyway of changing anything and re-submitting it?

richc 2nd Apr 2003 00:50

SierraEleven...bit of a tricky one really...sent in my first initial application before Christmas which went no further. Sent in my 'second' initial application at the back end of Jan, got a fairly quick response (i.e next day), filled in my forms and got a response within a week inviting me to Stage 2...am now cramming in the psychometric tests, maths and physics revision and crossing my fingers!

Pilot 1500...not aware that once you've submitted the application that it can be changed but as as I've mentioned above, my second attempt got through....persistence has paid off up to now, just going to make bloody sure I perform well on the day!



AlphaCharlie 2nd Apr 2003 16:57

Pilot 1500 - to change things on your application form once you have submitted it, go to the application page on the CTC-McAlpine website, click on the 'click here to apply' button, but then use your application number and password to log-in and you can then view and change your form!


Looking at the various dates for the stage 2, 3 and 4 at Dibden, (on the CTC-McAlpine website) they are split into groups:

1. Stage 2 Tuesday x of May
Stage 3 Saturday x of May
Sateg 4 Sunday x of May

2. Stage 2 etc etc...

If you attend stage 2 of group 1, do you have to go to those stage 3 and 4 dates (if you pass)?

I am going for stage 2 soon but am away for a few days afterwards and so wouldn't be available for those stage 3 and 4 dates - if necessary could I delay going back for the next stage?

sally at pprune 2nd Apr 2003 17:32


Good question - why ask here though? Ring CTC McAlpine and ask Mary; she's a very helpful lady.


SierraEleven 5th Apr 2003 04:35

Hello everyone!
After months and months without any news from CTC the waiting game is becoming a little stale!! I have my PPL and each day consider going ahead at full steam to get my multi/IFR, and eventually reach 200 hours for my CPL (Canadian standards). It is a double-edged sword however......because just in case I EVER get that elusive invite to Phase 2, I don't want to be over-qualified for the cadet scheme. Any advice fellow 'wannabees'??

P.S. To anyone going to CTC for any phase.....PLEASE tell them to update their FAQ section and remove the part that says the entire selection process only takes two-months.....alas, this is definitely NOT SO!!!!!!

Chuffer Chadley 7th Apr 2003 16:57


I certainly wouldn't recommend putting all your eggs in the CTC basket, and twiddling your thumbs in the meantime! I suspect that when you get to Dibden, it will reflect far better on you if you have been working towards your licences than waiting for the phone to ring. Having said that, if you've got something constructive to do in the meantime, that may well be different. Just remember, tho, that even when we get past stage 2 it's still only really an outside chance..... My best advice: Hedge your bets! :cool:

BTw: is anyone off to stage 3 on 28 Apr? Getting quite exciting, all this...


gyni 25th Apr 2003 18:05

Hi guys

Having read the FAQ section of CTC's site with regard to reapplying for those that didn't 'make the grade', I notice that only certain individuals selected by CTC will be allowed to do so. Those selected will be 'notified of this status by e-mail' and 'assessment opportunities will not normally be offered less than six months after the date of initial application'. What I would like to know, however, is if you are advised of this status before the six month period is up and then have to wait for reassessment after the period or whether they wait to advise you of the status after the six months. Therefore, I'd be interested to know if anyone has indeed been given the nod already that they will be reassessed after the period to satisfy my inquisitive nature! If not, I'm guessing that the earliest possible date is the 2nd June....

Cheers for any replies!

El Thermidor 25th Apr 2003 21:22

Off the top of my head, the entry ages are 18 to 26. There is (or at least was) a general policy of not allowing reapplication, with a couple of exceptions. If a candidate was to apply when he/she was 18, but rejected, they may be allowed to reapply after they've, well, grown up a bit, to put it bluntly. Mary used to run the BA scheme, so she's probably sick of seeing the same old applications.

They may, of course, run out of good wannabees, and contact some of the 'nearlies'...(Go on! You know it makes sense! :ok: ;) )

speedy688 26th Apr 2003 02:44

Just bear in mind that there are quite a few nearlies that failed at the last hurdle (i.e. the sim test) so they are going to be top of the list for re-application I would think, and I would presume re-application for them would be re-doing the sim test and not the whole lot again. Don't quote me on it though, its just what I've come to gather from being there!

Fancy Navigator 26th Apr 2003 05:15

I might sound a bit cynical.... but I think they are simply making a lot of money on our back.... 160 odd Pounds for a testing day on computers.... been there, done it.... They are even sending brochures to flying clubs now....! a jooly good trade, eh?
Well, I suppose it is like betting, 'cause you never know, you could be picked up..... bet £160, and you could become an airline pilot!!! 1 chance out of 10, 100, 1000, 10000????
Honestly, how many people do you think went through stage 2??? Approximately, 15 per week, so 300 (if not more) since December: 300 times £160 = £48,000 :p nice, ain't it???

The other thing is that a lot of people do not pass their test, yet they are very good pilots.... Where is the trick there??? If you are a pilot yourself and have talked to an instructor or an airline pilot, they will tell you these tests are c..p. I've heard someone failed the aptitude tests for the army twice, yet they are now a BA 747 first officer, and above all, a top class pilot!!! On the other hand, I heard that some of the guys who had passed this kind of aptitude tests were totally useless once in an aircraft !!! Ahh ahh...

To conclude, this is just a lucrative game for CTC.... You dream of being an airline pilot, they make you dream of it.... a dream that cost you £160 and at the end of the day, even if you are a good pilot, you are not even selected to stage 3.... THIS IS NONSENSE !
Keep playing the game....
:) ;)

speedy688 26th Apr 2003 09:03

Fancy Navigator, about two months ago I felt as bitter as you but maybe you will change your opinion when you finally make it through a sponsorship selection!:ok:

WhiteDevil 26th Apr 2003 16:48

hiya guys,
i have been reading this forum over the past fews days and it seems that anyone applying has a very slim chance of getting through. Is it 6 applicants out of 300 that actually make the grade with CTC? I guess the BA sponsorship scheme is the same and so it Britannia's but as the saying going, if you dont play you cant win :ok:

Some of the comments on here have been putting me off applying to CTC because of the slim chance, but then i realise i need to be the best of the best to get through this scheme. The down side to that is that i can have good grades but if i cant handle the simulator i dont get the job anyway... :*

Applying to all the schemes sounds like a good idea, but then if rejected by them joining the RAF to fly and coming back to the commerical aviation industry when i have my hours built would be the next big idea...

Can i assume from your post you have been accepted for training with a sponsorship scheme? If so well done and good luck ;)

Wishing everyone luck who is going to CTC in the future...


Fancy Navigator 26th Apr 2003 16:54

no, I am not bitter, speedy668. I went over it ;)! Was just talking about it to my instructor (and he concurred) the other day 'cause the club had received a brochure on the Scheme..... it just gives you the feeling that at the end of the day, that's what happens....they take the money, and that's it ! Would not it be fairer and more democratic if the selection was free or cheap (£10 for example)? This way, they would show they are really interested in the potential of people, not their money.
Anyway, just wanted to put forward this point of view....
Cheers :D :cool::cool:

No. 2 26th Apr 2003 17:44

I was just wondering if anyone's done the sim ride can they let us know what's involved and how they assess you? Not much has been said about that on this thread yet:confused:

jonnys 26th Apr 2003 21:41

I second that..!

Any info on the sim ride would be useful (if I am ever fortunate enough to get that far..!) What a/c type is it done on (737?) Is it a full motion hydraulic job or static? What kind of manouvers are you expected to carry out? ...best get watching those 'how to fly a 737' videos..!

Best of luck to all you guys and galls going through the process.

speedy688 26th Apr 2003 23:02

Fancy Navigator,

Fair enough. I'm not being funny with you and I can appreciate it does get expensive. You have to apply for any sponsorship opportunity and try and forget about the cost. Once you are too old to apply for them you might regret not taking every opportunity that came along.

I've spent thousands over the past 6 years or so; applying for various sponsorships (cost of tests, hotels, travel etc) and thats no joke!

To everyone with doubts about applying, keep trying. You should at least get better with more experience, increasing your chances for future sponsorships.

Good luck to all applying for CTC!

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