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spoon82 23rd Nov 2007 15:25

Reference INfo disaster!!!!
I need help with my reference info!!

Ive been living in Spain since 2000 and have lived in Valencia, Ibiza and now Barcelona, in these almost 8 years Ive gone from job to job, bar work, hotels, season jobs etc and to be honest when I filled in my application I filled in the reference information and to be honest its only about 50% correct.

I wrote a mail to BA asking if I could change the details and I was told I couldnt until I received my contract. Im just a little bit worried because 5 years going from job to job, city to city, Its almost impossible for me to find out contact details for my former employers and some of which I ended on bad terms with a doubt they would give me a refernce anyway.

What happens if I cant provide all refernce info for the past 5 years, with all contact details of my former employers!!! Will they really check every reference for the past 5 years???

Stress in the pool!!!!:{

JenniD 23rd Nov 2007 15:29

Hi teacoffee,

I too had my interview on 24th may, were you in the afternoon session?

Londonphilou 23rd Nov 2007 16:12

Spoon82, do as they tell you. Wait when your contract comes out. I guess provide them with at least one or two reliable referees. If no one is willing to give you reference, you might be in trouble there. Someone else might advise you better what to do. Good luck.

DMED 23rd Nov 2007 16:50

another long weekend
Well... Its almost 6pm in the UK and no calls yet for the guys from May 17th afternoon session. I guess we will have to wait til next week then. And another long weekend ahead without news from BA :bored:

Good weekend to all swimmers!

teacoffee 23rd Nov 2007 17:06

Hi Jenni
I was in the morning! :)

VS-LHRCSA 23rd Nov 2007 21:39

Spoon82, BA are going to need all the information about where you have worked and what you were doing, pretty much to the day. There is no wriggle room as this info is overseen by the BAA and the CAA. Just answer as honestly as you can. You may have to make contact with previous employers to advise them to expect a letter from BA. You will also need to line up some gap referees incase BA need them.

seasick 23rd Nov 2007 23:17

can somebody please help me with providing the questions to me which are included in the reference form which are sent out to your employer?

thanks :)

VS-LHRCSA 24th Nov 2007 04:48

They basically ask the referee to confirm the dates that you have supplied. They then ask if there is anything about your conduct that would prevent you from holding an airside pass. That's pretty much it.

WelcomeAboard 24th Nov 2007 09:20

Spoon, don't worry too much about references, if getting past info from an employer is difficult then get a personal reference instead, someone who can confirm the dates and what you were doing, it does not have to be an employer. However, you can't use personsal references to cover the whole five years i'm afraid. Also the referees have to be different for each occasion (or something to that effect).

Good luck

GODDESS OF DAWN 24th Nov 2007 09:49

Hi Azzuri re phone call
In my case when I received the call from BARecruitment their number was displayed on my mobile, however don't rely on that completely as they could use a "Private Number" to call.

Good Luck !!


WelcomeAboard 24th Nov 2007 14:10

Hi Dawn,

What course are you on??

GODDESS OF DAWN 24th Nov 2007 20:56

Hi Welcome Aboard
I'm on the 21st JAN course. I see that yours is on 4th FEB, so I imagine I'll see you at cranebank.

I'm really excited.... ;)

MMCC76 25th Nov 2007 20:21

Fellow swimmers
Hiya just wondered if anyone had an interview may 21 and is still waiting or had any news?
This waiting is so frustrating but i'm sure it will be worth it when we finally get the call.

spoon82 25th Nov 2007 20:45


I had my interview on the 22nd May, in the morning, which was a monday, I assume you had yours on the SUNDAY???? which was the 21st.

I didnt know they did interviews over weekend!!!

Im sure youll get the call very soon!!

spoon82 25th Nov 2007 20:50

OK I made a mistake, mine was on tuesday not monday!!

So you were on the monday interview then...

This swimming is sending me loopy!!!:\ Think Im gonna sink any minute!!!

DMED 25th Nov 2007 21:33

Can be tomorrow the day...? will we receive the call tomorrow? Please whoever is called tomorrow place a post saying you have been called a.s.a.p. so the rest of the fellow swimmers can know people are being called...

Thanks a lot and keep crossing your fingers. It may not be too long til we are rescued

Londonphilou 26th Nov 2007 00:08

Today is the day??
Guys, hope its going to be today. If so, anyone who had their interview from the 17th of May onwards could get a call. Dmed and I were in the afternoon of the 17th. Im on nightduty now and I don't think I will get any sleep later! My guess is it could happen some time in the afternoon or Tuesday. But I think its almost here..knock knock...:)

spoon82 26th Nov 2007 01:32

this is the week
its 3.29 am (in spain) and I cant get any sleep thinking about you all know what, this weeks gonna be the week when we all get the call!!!!

I can feel it in my water jeje:}

remember fellow swimmers - when they call - post the news!!!


teacoffee 26th Nov 2007 07:37

Yes please post the news. Have a good feeling this may be the week :)

annaspanner 26th Nov 2007 11:09

LHR WW Happy
Hi there, I phoned recruitment today and they were quite helpful. She said that the course for Dec were all full but there are more courses coming up in January and Feb n which is a more positive response than I've had before.Very excited !!X

Happy! 26th Nov 2007 12:02

WW Lhr - Anna
Hey Anna,

You have just brightened up my Monday.........Thanks for that! Did she defo say that it would be either Jan or Feb then? I hope so! Would be great if we were on the same course xx:)

annaspanner 26th Nov 2007 12:53

Happy Temp WW
No nothing def but said it was for temp WW and she said all courses were gone for Dec and the next courses would for us would be Jan/Feb. Nothing set in stone as Im sure things can change but gives us a rough date to work too.You never know though if someone drops out of an earlier course could be sooner rather than later !!??!! X

Londonphilou 26th Nov 2007 15:36

EF course...
You fellow EF holding pool swimmers , its not happening today for sure. I guess its only Monday and like last week they called people from Tuesday I think. Lets hope its the same this week. Glad I did not stay up all day waiting and managed to sleep after my nightshift. Had the phone next to me though. Fingers crossed for tomorrow or later this week.....get us out of this misery once for good!!:ugh:

MMCC76 26th Nov 2007 19:59

EF Holding pool
Well no phone call for me today so fingers crossed we all start ringing from tomorrow! Again watch those phones, its getting so close!
Anyone who was on the interview monday 21 may in the morning let me know cheers!

kikko 27th Nov 2007 15:30

Ef Hold Pool
.....another day without any call?....
....a watched pot never boils...:rolleyes:

G-GMGH 27th Nov 2007 15:47

Lhr Ef
Hi Kikko, and all other BA holders, or wannabees,

I am currently waiting in LHR EF Holding Pool for my notification (my assessment was on the Morning of 17th May 07).

Unfortunately yes, the wait continues, and another day without a call.

It seems as if the early February courses may now be full, and we will have to wait for additional courses. Lets hope new courses are planned soon!

Good luck to you all!
Kind regards,

Londonphilou 27th Nov 2007 16:01

when when?
Guys, I am really disappointed we have not been called for further February courses this week. Someone who is working on EF already recently told me that there are about 60 people waiting to be transferrred to WW. It could be they already have the 60 to train for EF so that they can move on with the transfer of existing EF cc to WW. That's one possibility. We may also still hear this week or next week as its more than 2 months ahead if they are carrying on with the 11th of Feb as the next course date. Lets hope so.

JenniD 27th Nov 2007 17:26

Think I'm losing the will to live:bored:

spoon82 27th Nov 2007 17:28

Ef Holdpool
Does anyone actually think that we are gonna get the call before our offer expires, if they dont call us now then im guessing its gonna be april if we are lucky, then 6 weeks training, we might start flying by winter next year!!!

Im staring to get pīd off!!!!!!!!!:ugh:

Everythings on hold, just waiting for that call!!!!

the letter 27th Nov 2007 18:52

Can you start training if your references haven't been sorted out? Some people say yes, some people say no. What happens otherwise? Will you be put in the hold pool until another training commences or will they withdraw your offer?

Flower Duet. 27th Nov 2007 18:54

It's worth the wait !!
At Heathrow tomorrow, course is going well and just want to say
if I'm this excited about LGW. You guys waiting for LHR are going to
have it really good. It's a Good Airline British Airways, I know it's been
a long wait for you guys. But once you get in all this anger will go !!

And the trainers are great so so nice.. Fingers and toes crossed about course dates as I have few friends still in the hold pool since MAY..

Now gotta pack for 12 days at Heathrow :)

PS. I'm still waiting for a ref, so the answer is yeah you can still keep your course dates etc.. just get it done before the end of your course.

MMCC76 27th Nov 2007 20:25

EF Holding Pool
I so thought someone might have been lucky today, nevermind! I thought getting the job was going to be the hardest part but that seems like the easiest thing we had to do! 6 months is tough to be patient and i think we've all been that and more, i'm trying to be positive and not think about the fact this could all have been for nothing if we get to 12 months and expire - how rude!
Keeping fingers crossed and good luck everyone!

teacoffee 27th Nov 2007 22:06

hi all
keep positive-I'm sure good news is around the corner! :)

Londonphilou 27th Nov 2007 22:33

Lets all be patient...
Guys, I know we are all very frustrated and also tired of waiting for so long but like the Guiness ad says "all good things come for those who wait"...We have showed a lot of patience and character for over 6 months now and I think it wont be too long before the rest of us get that most important call. The positive point is I think almost or more than half of the holding pool people have got their dates and its just us now that remain. Lets not get too carried away with the worst possible outcome which is very unlikely to happen I think and lets wait that little bit more. We have proved we can do it and that holding pool does not scare us. Together we will be dry with enough towels for all.:)

WelcomeAboard 28th Nov 2007 08:23

Keep the faith
Hi all,

I consider myself very lucky to be out of the EF hold pool and finally on a training course. To be honest near the end i was thinking that it would never happen, annoyed that i got the job yet would never actually fly. But the call did come. I firmly believe that i will be in the air with all of you at some point, in which case i shall buy the first round of drinks on our first stop over! BA's manpower recruiting system is frusting to say the least, but it does seem to work in the end. My advice is don't think about the call too much and chances are your phone will ring (remember CC is the most changeable department in BA, people are always coming and going and recruitment is almost continous throughout the year).

teacoffee 28th Nov 2007 15:43

Trying to be postive but no calls toady. Guess we won't hear this week now :hmm:

JenniD 28th Nov 2007 16:45

I phoned up BA recruitment today and spoke to a lady who was very helpful. To cut a long story short, she said that they will be phoning people who are in the LHR eurofleet holding pool in January.
The wait goes on :ugh:

teacoffee 28th Nov 2007 16:51

Oh I was hoping sooner than that!

JenniD 28th Nov 2007 17:00

I know, me too!!:(

teacoffee 28th Nov 2007 17:03

So did they seem quite definate it would be then?

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