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Londonphilou 11th Dec 2007 15:50

Difficult to say. I suppose anything is possible. But I think they might extend the offer for another few months if they are 'suspending' recruitment and training for a few months. Who knows! :ugh:

DMED 11th Dec 2007 17:31

i suppose
Hello all

I suppose the opening of Terminal 5 has nothing to do with recruiting new crew. They still are very short of crew and i dont think they will have enough with the few courses they are doing in february for next summer. Where did you hear the recruitment will be stopped between march and june Londonphilou? Is it from a relayful source or is just gossip?

Londonphilou 11th Dec 2007 18:00

Dan, it is from a reliable source as far as I know. They did not say they will stop completely but there WON'T BE MUCH recruiting and training. I suppose they need most staff during that period for a smooth transition. We shall know in the new year I suppose. I don't think there's anything to worry.

DMED 11th Dec 2007 18:08

Well, if they have told you there wont be MANY courses running but there will be SOME... Londonphilou we are the next in the list, so one of the few courses running at the time can be ours... :) I still think they will need to do at least one or two courses between that time...

Fingers crossed !

Flower Duet. 12th Dec 2007 16:01

Customer Service exam!!
Hi ,
Any pointers on what to expect in the exam and is it hard ?
Info appreciated as my head is so full of AVMED/SEP, so a little
nervous about this test.:confused:

TheLastSkaHero 12th Dec 2007 17:18

Dont worry about the final exam you will be fine. There wont be anything on there they havent taught you at some point. An example would be what levels of membership do BA have, and stuff like who is the CEO or IFS manager.

Best of luck to you and everyone who are taking the exams this week :ok:

Flower Duet. 12th Dec 2007 18:03

Thanks for your kind reply...
Just going over my notes, Service recovery etc


the letter 12th Dec 2007 19:34

What is the test at the first day of the course like?

TheLastSkaHero 12th Dec 2007 19:59

You will be tested on the books you get sent out on the first or second day, but the big test will be done on the last day in the morning.

the letter 12th Dec 2007 20:37

And what is the test like? The test which they test you on the books you got from them.

spoon82 12th Dec 2007 23:01

Lhref - What Going On

OK I understand they are short of crew at gatwick but after spending 8 months in the holdpool with no news from BA, i now read on cabincrew.com that people who attended interviews for gatwick THIS MONTH have already been offered training courses for feb 2008.

I see that there are courses for gatwick as late a the 25th feb, so when do BA intend on calling the rest of us:bored: for LHREF

Maybe april, may, but then our offer expires, a year wil have passed since our interviewsĦĦĦĦĦĦĦ


should we be angry

newbagr 12th Dec 2007 23:26

no offence...but why are you angry? Those people are offered LGW courses! and I believe you are one of the few who are holding out for LHR EF....If I remember well, a few months ago BA had asked some of your fellow pool guys if you want to switch to LGW as they didnt know when LHR will be available and the majority had turned it down. Can I just say that today officially the trade unions and BA announced the new agreement which will allow Gatwick Fleet to transfer both to LHR EF and LHR WW. This could mean a decrease in the amount of recruitment for LHR EF...then again it may not...it all depends on the finer details of the agreement...I am sorry you are left in this position but I dont think BA has done anything bad to you....its your choice to wait...good luck to everyone...

newbagr 12th Dec 2007 23:29

BA tend to let new entrants know about their courses about 2 to 2 1/2 months before.. I believe you ve got till may until your offer expires...if i were you i d wait until next year till about feb then i d get worried and maybe consider other options as its unlikely they would call you in april fora course two weeks later...with t5 coming soon,things are getting very busy for the company and i am sure they will have completed recruitment well before april....

Londonphilou 13th Dec 2007 00:25

Spoon82, please be a bit more patient. Don't panic! Its not the first time that people have been left in the holding pool for so long. Its just that our turn has not come up yet and with the shortage of crew at LGW they are doing whats best for the company right now. We chose to stay in the pool and the only thing we can do is to wait. The good thing is quite a good amount of people have been offered their courses already and we are the ones left now.
In the new year we will get our dates I hope. :) Did I mention March? :)

annaspanner 13th Dec 2007 05:01

LHR WW temp
Hi people,Has anyone heard anything further about courses for us ?? XX

G-GMGH 13th Dec 2007 11:42

Lhr Ef
Hey Guys,

Just to let you know I have just received my call from BA Recruitment! I have been in the LHR EF hold pool since May, and my assessment date was 17th May 2007.

I will be starting training on 3rd March 2007. Obviously I'm very pleased, and now looking forward to working hard during my training.

Thanks to those of you who have provided advice and information up to now, and good luck to you all.

Kind Regards,

kikko 13th Dec 2007 13:11

G GMGH Congratulations!!!:D:D what a wonderful news.... I guess was unexpected....:ok:

So now things are moving again ....I hope that it will be really only a mutter of time for all of us ef pooler to get a call....just hope we all may just make it before we "expire"....

teacoffee 13th Dec 2007 13:19

Brilliant news-hopefully we'll all be out of the pool soon! :)

Happy! 13th Dec 2007 13:31

Lhr WW - Anna
Hi Anna,

I haven't heard anything, have you spoken to recruitmeny since last time?


flybee 13th Dec 2007 13:35

BA Hold Pool
hey guys

just received THE call cant believe it so unexpected was thinking we all get the call in the new year. :) start date 3rd march. c u all then :)

G-GMGH 13th Dec 2007 13:38

Lhr Ef
Thanks Kikko and TeaCoffee!:ok:

So the pool is obviously moving again a little, and I hope you hear from them soon, both for LHR EF and LHR WW respectively.

Certainly has put a smile on face!

Good luck to you all.

Kind Regards,

teacoffee 13th Dec 2007 14:16

when was you interview??
getting excited now!

flybee 13th Dec 2007 14:23

BA hold pool
my interview was on the 18th may (morning session) and i know that only 4 got through in the morning......keep ur mob's tight u all.....best of luck ...but am sure u all get a call today or tomorrow....very positive :)

Londonphilou 13th Dec 2007 15:17

Did I mention March yesterday on here??:):):)
I got it too!!!! starting on the 3rd of March!! They did not get through to me as Im away and I called them myself just 10 mins ago. Soooo relieved and our patience has paid off!!
I had my interview on the 17th of May. Well done guys and I hope everyone will hear soon. All the best.

teacoffee 13th Dec 2007 15:35

Well done everyone. Am hopeful should get the call soon!! :)

Azzuri 13th Dec 2007 16:27

Still no call for me :-(
I had my interview on the 23rd May, but have had no call today :-(

Do you think they have forgotten about me??

Should I call them tomorrow and see?



spoon82 13th Dec 2007 17:02

Lhr Ef

To be honest I didnt think there would be any calls before xmas but its great to see BA giving people a nice little chirstmas present.

So there is hope for the rest of us, I was on the 22nd morning interview, and I see people from the 18th have been called.


DMED 13th Dec 2007 19:29

No call?

I did it on the 17th and i have not had got any call nor messages! whats going on? can anyone give me the recruitment hot line to call them tomorrow morning?

Thanks a lot,


Londonphilou 13th Dec 2007 20:04

Dan I cant believe you have not been called yet!! We were in the same group at the interview!
I was and am still, abroad when they rang me but I do not think they left me any message. They rang my work and of course I was not there. I saw someone from the 18th got the 3rd of March while I was on cabincrew.com and thats when I rang them straightaway. I did not bother to check my email or my voicemail from home as I had no message left on my mobile phone. And they told me ctually that they called me earlier. And then I was put through to another person to give me all the details etc. And my phone bill is going to huge but I dont care as far I got the course now. The lady also told me that the course will be 6 weeks long!
I dont have the number of recruitment with me now but go to www.ba.com/careers and select contact, u will see the number. I really hope u get a call tomorrow. Im puzzled u did not get one yet. Surely its on its way. I am sure. All the best.

DMED 13th Dec 2007 20:21


I will call them tomorrow morning to see whats going on

Azzuri 13th Dec 2007 20:41

Number ..

Here's the number mate ...


Good luck and let us know how you get on!


jas99915 14th Dec 2007 00:00

the letter
Hello the letter...

I start my training on the 17th I have been told there is no big exam on the first day about the pre learning stuff you were sent, thats the info i was told anyway... I couldnt believe how many airport codes, i really hope they dont expect us to know every single one.. there were places i never even heard of let alone airport code..:) i done all the insight workbook and the self assessment too, got to bring those on 1st day... see ya soon:)

HZ123 14th Dec 2007 07:50

Do as much research as you can on routes, codes, products and retail items from High Life. The more you can swot up on now, the easier you will find it and it is not difficult but it is intense and busy.

Azzuri 14th Dec 2007 08:39

LHR EF Hold Pool
Hi guys,

Just called BA Recruitment to get an update on things ... they were unable to confirm when I would be called for a course, however she checked the numbers on the 3rd March course, and she said there wearn't that many people on the list, so could mean a call soon ....

The wait continues :-(



DMED 14th Dec 2007 08:47

Hey guys,

I just called recruitment and explained that people who were after me on the list had already been given a course date and I hadnt and she told me that we were being called by different groups of people and maybe thats why I hadnt been called yet. She confirmed my name was on the list though and thanked me for my patience. So, i guess i will have to keep on waiting...

kikko 14th Dec 2007 08:59

DMED hope you get your call soon!..Today
I hope what she meant was that the list is already compiled in order of assessment date and that the timeing of your call does not follow necessarily in that order...Do I make sense?..

DMED 14th Dec 2007 09:31

hope so kikko cause im gonna end having a heart attack...

Happy! 14th Dec 2007 09:59

Lhr Ww
Hi all,

I just got 'the call'.....Start date march 10th, what a fab christmas present. I'm sure it won't be long now till we're all flying high. Have got my fingers crossed that you all hear something soon :) xx

spoon82 14th Dec 2007 10:41

Lhr Ef
Happy ---- well done!!!

May we ask the typical question, when was you interview???

Fingers crossed DMED get his call today because he should be the next in line!!!

Once again well done, and heres to the rest of us still swimming!!:)

DMED 14th Dec 2007 11:28

i dont understand
i dont understand whats going on
I called this morning and nothing. I had a missed call in my uk mobile and when i returned the call the number does not exist. I called ba again and nothing: I have to wait.Now, someone has been given course on March 10th... and I still waiting for a call... is it because they need to call a foreign mobile number? is it because i am cyrrently living in spain? I dont understand whats going on... Can anyone tell me the number that appears on their phones when ba calls?

Thanks from a desperate swimmer

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