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teacoffee 21st Nov 2007 10:19

HI there
Yes they are EF-hopefully not much longer to wait!!:)

WelcomeAboard 21st Nov 2007 10:21

hi teacoffee,

i assumed they were EF just wandering whether or not LHR or LGW, many thanks for the reply though.

Londonphilou 21st Nov 2007 13:22

WelcomeAboard, EF is only for LHR. At LGW the fleet is called SF. Yes they have been calling people who are in the EF holding pool. I guess there will be more date or dates in the coming weeks. I also had my interview on the 17th of May but in the afternoon. Were you also in the afternoon or morning? I think its just a matter of days now before the rest of us get that call we've been waiting for 6 months. Good luck to all.

WelcomeAboard 21st Nov 2007 13:30


Thanks for clearing that up, i new that LGW was mixed fleet but did not know that EF was a heathrow only term. I was in the morning, i remember it well, i had a fever and a terrible blocked nose, i was on more day nurse and paracetamol than it is probably safe to take!! But the drugs obviously helped since i passed. I assume they may be a chance that we will be on the same training course (if and when of course). Keep me posted if you get a call and i'll do the same.


Londonphilou 21st Nov 2007 14:33

17 May
Hi Phil,

Thanks. As I was in the afternoon, I probably did not even see you although when I 'checked in' there were some people from the morning group leaving. Can't remember the faces though.
Anyway, I am sure we will be on the same course and it will be great as we already have some sort of contact now.
The last thing you want on yr interview day is a bad cold. But you still made it through. I tripped and fell over on the day of my interview in my actual job as I was too occupied looking at the building in front of me! A little bruised but still got through the interview. :)

DMED 21st Nov 2007 14:44

what a stress!

I did the interview on the 17th with Londonphilou and getting very nervous! I am currently living in Spain and working over here and I have changed my details on ba.com/careers and put my spanish number as well as the english. I am taking my 2 handsets everywhere just in case I miss BA´s call !! This is so stressful. When are we gonna get the expected call?

Good luck to all the swimmers!

Londonphilou 21st Nov 2007 14:51

Hi Dan!
Hi Dan,

Glad to hear from you. Its been a long time.
I think we should hear in the coming days or next week. I am pretty sure.
It has been quite stressful especially with rumours that we would not get a course or we are not entitled to be offered the job we applied for, you name it we have heard it! Happy for all of us who have resisted to all this pressure and stayed firm with our long wait.

WelcomeAboard 21st Nov 2007 14:58

when you say stayed firm with our choice of waiting....what choice did we have? I still think that BA could have been a bit better at keeping us informed, if it was not for forums like this we might have all gone mad and be working for Ryanair by now (no offence intended by the way, just hate the airline personnally)

Anyway Dan, even in Spain they will call don't worry.

Londonphilou 21st Nov 2007 15:10

Did we not get an email in July informing us that there would not be anymore EF course in the coming months and that if we did not want to wait, we could take LGW?? And with all the negative rumours circulating, I know some people were under pressure and instead of waiting for their EF course, they have taken LGW or the LHR WW Temp course. I agree BA could have kept us informed more regularly but they did say in their email that they would only be in touch with us if there is any new information. I was not too bothered with that and I only rang them once since that email. I just had faith that it would happen some time before next May. Was happy to wait till then.
Dan, don't worry too much. They will ring you in Spain and if in case they cant get through to you, they will leave you a message and also send you an email so that you can ring them back. I think they allow you some days to get back before filling your place with someone else.

WelcomeAboard 21st Nov 2007 16:47

yes indeed we did get an email, though it was never a choice for me. Shame if people took the other options out of fear of never getting in. Like you i stuck to LHR EF i thought we shall see, if it happens it happens. Though i must admit that i was starting to think that it wasn't going anywhere. Either way i'm pleased to see some movement in the hold pool even if it just shows that the list does exist!!

Azzuri 21st Nov 2007 18:02

Hi all,

Is anyone in the EF hold pool at the morning interview on the 31st May?

I was and still swimming :(



spoon82 21st Nov 2007 18:42

New swimmer here!!
Hi all, new swimmer here!!

Im in the holdpool for LHR EF, had my interview 22nd May 06 and im hoping for some good news soon!!!

One more swimmer in the pool!

spoon82 21st Nov 2007 18:44


IM also living in Spain and am desperate for that call, the waters getting cold now, i dont want to swim anymore.

DMED 21st Nov 2007 21:28

swimming in Spain
Hello spoon82

Where in Spain are you? I am living in Madrid. We could talk and share our waiting hell if you want. Leave me a private message if you want.

Keep swimming!

GODDESS OF DAWN 21st Nov 2007 23:31

New swimmers.....
Suddenly new swimmers are emerging.... welcome...!!

Hang in there ... by the look of things you might all be home dry sooner than expected.... :ok:

I still haven't uncrossed my fingers... they are starting to hurt now ... ouch! :ouch:


teacoffee 22nd Nov 2007 06:46

Morning all

Fingers crossed for a call today!!;)

WelcomeAboard 22nd Nov 2007 09:08

Think i'm getting premature arthritis in my fingers! :ok:

WelcomeAboard 22nd Nov 2007 13:59

The Call

Just thought i'd say it finally happened, they called this afternoon, I'm on the 4th FEB course for EF LHR.

Good luck to everyone still waiting, and check your messages!!! :D

DMED 22nd Nov 2007 14:26

Which Shift?
Hello welcomeaboard!


Which shift did you have your interview in? morning or afternoon? I did the interview on that same day too and still no call !! :confused:

Thanks and congrats again!

spoon82 22nd Nov 2007 14:40

Well done, the wait for you is finally over!!!:)

When did you take your interview???

VS2BA 22nd Nov 2007 16:27

Hi everyone,

I had my interview on 25th May and am also in the hold pool! Keeping my fingers crossed for a course date soon as I have also been offered a Service Co-ordinator role at Silverjet but decided to take my chances and wait for BA as they are definately my first choice.

Now that things are finally moving I am just hoping that there are courses after February 20th as I am on holiday until then and there is no way I can re-arrange it...

It would also be great to hear how everyone who has been on line for a couple of months are getting on, are your rosters/wages/SBY etc as expected?

Good luck to everyone and keep us posted!


kikko 22nd Nov 2007 16:58

Welcomeaboard and VS2BA


It HAD to happen and.....IT HAS HAPPENED!!!:ok:

VS2BA wise choice...I had my interview on the 25th as well...If you can't go before the 20th I 'll be happy to take your place if they haven't called me yet;)....
Hope there will enough courses in FEB to accomodate us all,in the mean time the wait continues so lets keep everithing crossed!

Londonphilou 22nd Nov 2007 16:59

Well done..
Well done WelcomeAboard!
I had mine on the 17th of May too but in the afternoon together with Dmed and I suppose we are going to be called very soon now. I was not expecting a call today to be honest and I was thinking its going to be Monday or Tuesday for a new date. Lets hope it is so or even tomorrow. :)

DMED 22nd Nov 2007 17:02

Lets hope it is tomorrow, if not... will it be next week ;-)?

Fingers crossed!

Londonphilou 22nd Nov 2007 17:13

VS2BA, I think there's a possibility they might offer you the 11th or 18th Feb if they are carrying on like that. After waiting for that long, are you going to say no? You might have to wait another few months for new dates to come out or even none. The decision is yours but if I was you I would cancel the holidays even though if it means you lose money. I would not want to go through that wait again and being put back in that very cold sea...

VS2BA 22nd Nov 2007 17:37

Hi Londonphilou,

After reading the latest posts regarding course dates I am thinking the same but there is no way I can cancel the holiday unfortunately so if the 18th Feb is the last EFLHR course I will miss out :ugh:

Hopefully there will be enough vacancies to fill courses until the end of Feb/early March and I will be okay...it would be awful to miss out now after waiting all this time...fingers crossed!!

DMED 22nd Nov 2007 18:06

is the last course on February th 18th?
Hello VS2BA

Why do you say: "If February 18th is the last course..."? "Has anybody mentioned that is gonna be the last course?" Well, if it is they still need to call people to fill the 11th and the 18th courses so thats good news for us swimmers...

Keep on swimming and hoping...!

Londonphilou 22nd Nov 2007 18:59

Dan, we don't know when is the last course. Its just we are talking about the possible dates as VS2BA has a holiday booked. We will get our course dates soon...Dont worry and we all will!

VS2BA 22nd Nov 2007 19:39


I am hoping that there will be a few more courses after Feb 18th as if not I will be stuck in the hold pool forever...keeping optomistic though!

Nobody has mentioned anything about when the last course will be but I have a holiday booked so am keeping everything crossed that there are enough vacancies to fill courses until after I get back on Feb 20th!

Good luck everyone and keep us posted on dates and how you (not so) newbies are getting on so far!!!!

WelcomeAboard 22nd Nov 2007 21:13

Hello all.

Interview was on the 17th May morning session. I'm sure that the call will come to those waiting. They called me early afternoon, so don't think that early morning is your only chance.

Azzuri 23rd Nov 2007 07:07

Hi WelcomeAboard,

Well done on getting the call!!

When Recruitment call does their number display on your mobile or does it appear as "Private Number"?



teacoffee 23rd Nov 2007 09:08

Had my interview am on 24 may so hope & pray gonna be called soon :)

DAVY BOY 23rd Nov 2007 10:11

LGW Recruitment
Hi Everyone,

I've been offered a cabin crew assessment with BA LGW,
unfortunetely I am working on both dates offered and am
unable to swap my day off!!! I've emailed recruitment who
advised me to keep an eye on the website as new dates
will be released. Has anyone else been in the same situation?
I hope this doesnt effect my application!!!!

Any advise would be appreciated,


Londonphilou 23rd Nov 2007 10:52

Assessment Dates..
Hi Davy Boy,
My advice to you is you need to log on may be a few times everyday and check out if there are new dates as when they finally come out, they might go very quickly before you even realise. If you are not getting any luck, you need to call them and not email. Good luck.

DAVY BOY 23rd Nov 2007 11:32

LGW Recruitment
Hi Londonphilou,

Thankyou very much for your advise, I will keep checking
the website!!!!!

Thanks Again

Londonphilou 23rd Nov 2007 12:54

EF pool..
Guys, I think its going to be next week now. Nothing so far unless a miracle in the coming hours. Lets start again on Monday...destination 11 Feb. :)

spoon82 23rd Nov 2007 13:21

Lhr Ef
May, June, July, August, September, Ocotber, November

I think we have all waited long enough now, im tired and cold, pass me a towel I wanna get out of this pool!!!

Heres to good news next week!!!!

teacoffee 23rd Nov 2007 13:29

Pray for a miracle :)

Londonphilou 23rd Nov 2007 14:23

EF pool
There wont be any need for a miracle! Its just a slow process and everyone's turn will come sooner or later. Another batch next week and so on...there will be enough towels for everyone...Once we are dry and done, there's no way back...

seasick 23rd Nov 2007 14:44

has anyone seen what the questions in the reference (business) form are? because i would really like to know them. if anyone has them, please pm me!

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