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Qantas Australia Interviews - Anyone heard back yet?

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Qantas Australia Interviews - Anyone heard back yet?

Old 19th Oct 2004, 11:25
  #141 (permalink)  
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Good on you, SocialFlyer.

Look very, very carefully at ANYTHING QANTAS is offering at the moment.
They are out to destroy the conditions that so many of you have aspired to for so long, using YOU for THEIR own greedy multi-million dollar bonuses.

This topic is receiving plenty of airing on the Dunnunda & Godzone (Australia & New Zealand) D & G Reporting Points forum right now...click here
Potential QANTASCABincrew
to get more of an insight of the events.

Don't let the bright lights blind you - chances are, if you join QANTAS now, you are going to be used to fcuk other CC in the short term, and YOURSELF in the future.
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Old 19th Oct 2004, 12:17
  #142 (permalink)  
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Congratulations SocialFlyer on making the decision that is best for you.

We all know how hard it is to get an offer, it must have been hard to say no to your dream. But I believe there are bigger and better things to come your way. No-one can pay the mortgage on a promise of a maybe and hopefully good sense will also win out for the ones with stars in their eyes.

Good luck to you for the future.

It's time that QF realised that these are real people they are dealing with. Gone are the days of accepting anything just to get the chance to fly. If only they could see what we see.
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Old 19th Oct 2004, 13:22
  #143 (permalink)  
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Once so Proud

Once ,I was so proud to work for Qantas.Crew to Pax ratio was great..you could actually stop and talk to people.P/C was something special.The aircraft were pristine,hardly ever broke down,hardly ever any delays.We actually had the resources to do a great job.The QANTAS name was established in the 60`s and 70`s and those who came after built on that solid foundation.
Oh what a mess we have now....Less crew,apalling product.breakdowns(international departures down to 82% ontime...Qantas figures in staff news),no innovation except the mantra of cost cutting.
Once as a new recruit you were valued....Now you are nothing more than fodder to be lied to and deceived.I know the world has changed(that`s progress)but we have here is a total lack of effective change management.Talk to your employees,be inclusive and you want need any strikebreakers.
The problem is Hassell,Grant and Dixon won`t be here in 3 years but most of the 35,000 staff will be.We will bear the brunt of the carnage that these intellectual bankrupts will leave behind.
The long suffering public get it in the neck again.I wonder if the triumvirate of managerial idiots has actually spoken to to the family in row 65 to see what they think?
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Old 21st Oct 2004, 01:35
  #144 (permalink)  
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amongthestars and some interesting info!!!

Hi there,
( amongthestars )
wonder how u were able to be advised that u were successful for the position when ASIC clearance takes minimum 4 weeks, were u ASIC cleared prior? For instance working for Federal Police? Customs?



I got some feedback from someone working as CC for QF yesterday, thought I would toss it at u all, sounds strange yet does make sense.

He reckons that absolute non suitable people for the position were placed in a pile " Definitely do not hire" or something of that nature.

Then 3 priority lists were made, much the same as I posted b4 u may recall (but that info was from someone else).. The people that QF felt were strongest in the ass day process and would like to work for QF long term on many contract style basis have not been contacted yet, and won't be contacted for some weeks. The list that was their 2nd priority were contacted first, they have had their medicals and many have completed training in Syd and or about to start. These people have been hired as guinea pigs for the strike breaking and will eventually be tossed out due to the poor relations from CC L/H permanents.

Once the strike ( if they have one ) is over and QF know how many ligitimate contracters they need, they will be notified closer to the date of the sintended strike date and soon after and the permanents will treat them a lot better knowing they r not strike breakers.

Could not explain the 3rd list rerally well.

Don't start accusing me of bringing this to the table, these r not my thoughts, I don't quite understand it totally, but does make a little sense.

What u guys think???b
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Old 21st Oct 2004, 03:30
  #145 (permalink)  
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Thumbs up Social

Good on you SocialFlyer!
It takes real balls to do what you have done.

I pray you will get a better opportunity in the near future.
I truely feel you have done the right thing.

QF... What a disgraceful company you have become.
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Old 21st Oct 2004, 08:14
  #146 (permalink)  
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chinup I'm afraid your sources are totally misinformed. The interview and selection process has never worked that way and never will. There is no such thing as 3 priority lists, that would contravene every EEO law ever written.

Your CC source is out of the loop and is probably only speculating without having any truly accurate information.

Have heard that QF are quite desperate for people to be hired for the three month contracts and have even contacted people who have previously been rejected on previous applications.

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Old 21st Oct 2004, 11:23
  #147 (permalink)  
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I withdrew my LH application today (for other reasons as well as the scab thing).

Just for info though, for any PER people out there, QF recruitment advised me that they were completing my reference checks, so perhaps you may get some news soon.

Not that I agree with the way they are doing things, but I cant pass comment over others actions.

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Old 21st Oct 2004, 12:14
  #148 (permalink)  
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For those of you who were not successful with the QF fixed term contracts its probably a blessing in disguise! As seen on the 7.30 report tonight on channel 2, you would only be used as strike breakers in a volitile EBA. This is proven in the level of training you would recieve as apposed to the usual QF training period, not to mention the intended lack of uniform you would be supplied with.
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Old 22nd Oct 2004, 00:39
  #149 (permalink)  
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A bumpy ride ahead for Qantas (730 report transcript)

A bumpy ride ahead for Qantas
Reporter: Tim Lester

KERRY O'BRIEN: Qantas shareholders attending the airline's annual general meeting in Brisbane today got early warning of some serious turbulence ahead.

The message from chief executive Geoff Dixon was - "fasten your seatbelts, we could be in for a bumpy Christmas."

Despite initial denials, the airline today admitted to the 7:30 Report that it was training contract staff to keep the airline flying in the event of industrial action.

Four thousand Qantas flight attendants are threatening to strike over plans to relocate staff to London to cut costs.

In what could be seen after the emphatic return of the Howard Government as the opening play in a new industrial game, Qantas says it is determined to recalibrate its staff costs to maintain its competitive position.

In a moment I'll be talking with the PM.

But first, this report from business and economics editor Tim Lester.

MICHAEL MIJATOV, FLIGHT ATTENDANTS ASSOCIATION: This current management of Qantas has gone too far.

ERIKA GUTIERREZ, FORMER QANTAS TRAINEE: I think they've behaved appallingly.

They've misled.

KEVIN BROWN, QANTAS HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER: The challenges remain ahead in terms of improving our efficiency and we're not going to take our foot off the accelerator.

TIM LESTER: Lunchtime today - a small group leaves a Sydney hotel in an unmarked bus.

Qantas now admits this is more than routine training.

It's about protecting the airline.

For the Flight Attendant's Union, this is guerrilla war.

Qantas is bussing in unwitting strike breakers.

MICHAEL MIJATOV: What it's doing with these people, playing with their lives, is utterly despicable.

KEVIN BROWN: With their threat of industrial action, we're going to put in place plans to ensure that our customers are protected.

TIM LESTER: They came to the lure of well paid, well travelled work with one of the world's finest airlines.

For now, all they're flying into is the eye of a nasty industrial storm.

ERIKA GUTIERREZ: It's like, you know, an opportunity that most people relish, you know, to work for Qantas and, you know, the flight attendant role is a very sort after role.

TIM LESTER: Sydney's Erika Gutierrez is the first of the Qantas fixed term trainees to speak openly and only because she's since quit the flight attendant's course.

ERIKA GUTIERREZ: I would never do it again, never do it again, absolutely not.

I took a risk in saying that, yes, I would do an 11 month contract.

TIM LESTER: In fact, the 27-year-old says she and others quit their full-time jobs on that promise of 11 months work.

And then turned up for their first day.

ERIKA GUTIERREZ: I've realised what I'd actually had signed up for, which was basically two weeks of training.

Once the training was completed, I would not be actually employed by Qantas, my contract would not commence until 11 December, so that approximately meant six to eight weeks without any work at all.

They also advised that you weren't to actually be employed by anybody else in that particular point in time, and if in the event that there were - there was strike action, then there may be an opportunity for us actually to fly, if not, basically, we would be paid out four week's wages, then on your merry way.

KEVIN BROWN: I'm not aware of that specific case.

I'm happy to take that up if she wants to get in contact with me.

MICHAEL MIJATOV: He intends to literally throw these people back on the street.

KEVIN BROWN: On the whole had very positive feedback from the vast majority of the fixed-termers.

TIM LESTER: Today, Michael Mijatov briefed union officials on the dispute brewing between Qantas and the airline's 4,000 long-haul flight attendants, his members.

MICHAEL MIJATOV: I don't think - I know that they've formed a judgment that they will fight for their job security.

TIM LESTER: So they'll strike?


If they're forced to by Qantas they will.

TIM LESTER: They're fighting for a long-term limit on cabin crew numbers based overseas.

Qantas plans to put 400 in London from next June to save $18 million a year.

KEVIN BROWN: There is no risk of job security here and in fact many of the flight attendants have indicated an interest in pursuing this option.

MICHAEL MIJATOV: It is highly likely that there will be industrial action in December.

TIM LESTER: So Qantas has ramped up training of short-term cabin crew.

At its Brisbane annual general meeting this afternoon, the airline told us it will train 700 to 1,000 and will use them to blunt any strikes.

KEVIN BROWN: We're not going to be held hostage to their demands at this point in time.

TIM LESTER: Until now, Qantas has emphasised training fixed term staff is routine, a seasonal practice.

Today, Kevin Brown told me they've lifted numbers in the current flight attendants' program by more than 500 because of the industrial threat.

Strike breakers is an emotive term.

Instead, the airline talks about protecting passengers, but any pretense that this is business as usual has gone.

Qantas is mounting a major effort to take the sting out of strike action.

MATT CROWE, AVIATION ANALYST: If their fleet was grounded, it would be disastrous.

TIM LESTER: Aviation analyst Matt Crowe understands why Qantas feels vulnerable.

MATT CROWE: It's not the kind of industry, for example, like the waterfront reform where you can afford to have several months of strike - that would be suicide.

TIM LESTER: So why take on the flight attendants at all?

Well, Qantas argues it needs new flexibility to compete with airlines that enjoy government backing or simply more industrial freedom.

Only about one-third of domestic competitor Virgin Blue's staff are unionised and the airline deals with just three unions.

Qantas has almost two-thirds unionised and deals with 14 unions.

According to Qantas, Virgin Blue's staff earn 5 per cent to 15 per cent less than its staff.

Not to mention flexibility like Virgin Blue cabin crew and even CEO Brett Godfrey cleaning aircraft.

MATT CROWE: Well, industrial relations is probably the most important advantage that Virgin Blue has over Qantas.

It's the one thing that Qantas can't really copy Virgin Blue, is their industrial relations arrangements.

TIM LESTER: To some extent it has with JetStar, but that's too small a part of Qantas to solve the problem.

The national carrier now wants new industrial flexibility.

KEVIN BROWN: It's going to be essential, our wages bill is larger than the vast majority of Australian corporations' total expenses.

We spend over $2.6 billion a year in employing over 37,000 individuals.

LINDA WHITE, AUSTRALIAN SERVICES UNION: Last financial year the productivity increase of the employees were unprecedented in the airlines' history and in Australia, if not the world, they achieved more profit with less people.

I can't for the life of me see what Qantas is getting at.

TIM LESTER: And Linda White's union representing 12,000 Qantas staff says the airline's search for efficiency hasn't stopped executive salaries soaring.

LINDA WHITE: In 1999 the CEO's salary was about 30 times a professional engineer, so we're talking a person who has engineering qualifications, these days at Qantas, the CEO's salary is about 60 times a professional engineer and that's a staggering growth and differential in such a short period of time.

TIM LESTER: The ASU is also threatening industrial action.

Linda White says now the flying kangaroo is confronting strikes with an alternative workforce, others will follow.

LINDA WHITE: This is going to be common place in this country.

TIM LESTER: Qantas can easily point to other airlines with competitive advantages.

But in one sense, the airline is its own worst enemy.

In a business where bankruptcy is way too common, Qantas recently reported a before-tax profit of $968 million.

It's hard to stir the urgency for change when the bottom line looks so good.

GEOFF GALLOP DIXON, CHIEF EXECUTIVE, QANTAS: Our intention is to look after our customers.

The same way I might add as we look after our staff and we'll fly.

And we'll take every measure to ensure we do fly.
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Old 22nd Oct 2004, 09:27
  #150 (permalink)  
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why would Social Flyer have "balls" to deny what is offered. What has been offered, 12 days pay for training at just about unemployment rates, then upon completion told 2 not get work anywhere and be stand by and used as guinea pigs til QF knows the numbers that will strike. Yeahhhhhh right, need real balls to decline this offer. Nobody in their right mind would accept!

Guys if u r really desperate to fly and r very very young, go for Jetstar, they r desperate for crew, I get an e-mail just about every week asking to attend an assessment centre even though I have withdrawn my appication due to work starting with another airline 1st quarter 2005. Heard not so good stories about working for Jetstar, but stick it out for at least 1-2 yrs then put in your express application for airlines like EK that love people with a little experience and love them young. They don't take many over the age of 27!
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Old 22nd Oct 2004, 12:38
  #151 (permalink)  
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So chinup, back with more of your wisdom. It wasn't that long ago you were DESPERATE to work for QF on whatever deal they offered and it was you that said "not everyone wants to fly forever" why the sudden change of heart? What you didnt get in? Oh thats right you are off to EK, now apparently in the first quarter of 2005. Dont be so condecending about Jet*, you wouldnt have a clue.

By the way EK take hundreds of people every year with zero flying experience and furthermore they take people over the age of 27.

You talk so much crap, like your so called priority lists above. Is this the recruitment policy YOU make up in your head and then believe that is actually the case?

I cant wait to hear what you have to say next or who you have spoken to this week!!

Personal Attack & Abuse - 2 Day Threadban -

Last edited by TightSlot; 22nd Oct 2004 at 18:28.
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Old 23rd Oct 2004, 05:04
  #152 (permalink)  
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Unhappy to chinup

I don't know why you care, but, it took a week for paper work to be sent out and Qantas contacted all my previous employers which took about another week. Give and take another few days and the whole process took almost 7 weeks. So that is plently of time to complete security checks.
Oh and by the way that 3 pile garbage your friend came up with is just that, TOTAL RUBBISH. Qantas isn't spending all this money on us for no reason, and heaps of people failed the course and were not allowed to resit, so stop acting like they are not being picky, because trust me they are. Qantas hired who they did because we were the best out of the 20,000 that were intrerviewed, I speak fluent Indonesian, Japanese and have been tested at University NSW and recieved level 6 for all of them. I have worked at some of the finest restaurants in Melbourne and am a black belt in karate. Any airline would be lucky to get me!
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Old 23rd Oct 2004, 06:20
  #153 (permalink)  
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Thanks amongthestars - Intrigued by the thought that Karate might be a CC requirement, but the more I think about it, the more sense it makes!

Just a note to remind you all that normal PPRune standards of respect and restraint apply on this thread, as on all others - Play the ball, not the player.
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Old 25th Oct 2004, 05:29
  #154 (permalink)  
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Working full time/permanent for NJS/QantasLink, like myself, my friend went for the Qantas interviews.

She found out recently that she was offered a position, but found out to start a ground school only a few days from the phone call (on a Sunday).

With only a few days notice, she said she was not interested, as firstly any normal job requires four weeks notice (like ours). In addition, obviously she found out that she'll need to be on standby constantly and may be required to work during 'a strike'.

I'm pleased to see her refuse this to Qantas, and she has now been put on a 6 month 'wait list' for a full time position. Why give up a great deal that she has? Smart girl.

Good on her and others that 'give it' to Qantas... Unfortunately there are people out there who are 'desparate to be a flight attendant' (as a newspaper article put it), and would be a strike breaker no matter what.

I understand why people would want the job, but like some of the posts have said, just try for other airlines, including my company. By being a strike breaker in this situation, you would refuse yourself a job later in future if Qantas gets their way, and the only way they wont is if the strikes do work.

And is it true to my understanding/rumour/and common sense that Qantas will discard the crew helping during the strike once this whole thing blows over? Not to mention their chances of flying with Qantas again are more or less not possible, due to being known to be a scab.

Understand what you're doing. Don't stuff up years of award bargaining, as it'll be your loss in the future for sure. Good luck.

Last edited by Galley Power; 25th Oct 2004 at 09:57.
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Old 25th Oct 2004, 10:15
  #155 (permalink)  
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20,000 interviewed hah, what nonsense!

Only 17,280 on the data base, figure that out...processed u perhaps mean.....no interviews just assessment ( process ) centre. No interviews were needed, every horse and donkey has been asked to work for QF.....I told u about the priority system and it makes ABSOLUTE SENSE. So all you guys that want a contract career with QF and did not want to be a scab and strike breaker, you will hear within months, I'm sure of it.

GALLEYHAG....EK take people above 27.... u don't say, read my post darling

u really are in la la land. What cost, $400 pay a week pay the trainers use the facilities at night time. Of course they will train and have standbys, and by the way u DON"T GET PAID TO BE STANDBY READ YOUR CONTRACT. In the even that permanent Qantas employees decide to take industrial action, we will call upn you and with subsequential 3 day trainings, you will agree for employment to commence. WOW, work for a few days, go back on the dole and then the real candidates will be pulled from the shortlist and interviewed PROPERLY and given uniforms PROPERLY and not be given code names PROPERLY and get on with their work mates PROPERLY.

Count the masses that QF r saving if they need to ground flights, so theoretically it won\'t cost them anything.

I\'m referring to among the stars above
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Old 25th Oct 2004, 11:47
  #156 (permalink)  
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Chinup - You do get paid for being on standby.. In the contract you get paid a minimum monthly base rate which is for a minimum number of hours per month guarenteed. Should you fly over the minimum monthly guarenteed rate then a higher rate of pay or form of so called overtime comes into play. However, if you fly no hours per month, 10 hours per month or the capped monthly minimum you get paid the same base rate. Therefore, yes for being on standby or not flying at all you will still receive a wage at the end of the month.

Have checked with a friend of mine who is a mangement team leader for inflight with QF and she had a nice chuckle when I explained your theory about the 3 stage or tier hiring. No such animal exists and only those choosen for the 3 month contracts or those choosen but declined the contract will be kept on a shortlist for any future permenant positions. Those not contacted have not been placed on any list other than the rejection list and will not be contacted but will have to reapply after 12 months via staffcv once again. In any case, the chances of those now being put on the shortlist for QF are slim to none of being called to fill full time positions. She has stated that although not in agreement with the companys plans, the LHR base will go ahead come hell or high water and no future positions full time positions are foreseen for quite a few years on the long haul side. Short haul is another story.

Suggest you don't believe everything you hear. Exactly how rumors get started that are in fact only vivid immaginations in someones head.
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Old 25th Oct 2004, 12:08
  #157 (permalink)  
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Hi Chinup

Just letting you know that not everyone was called up to work for QF or to even attend the recent Assessment Centres.

There are still some of us out here on Staffcv with all the right/valid certificates, customer service skills and priority languages that didn't hear a peep from Qantas.

QF can be so confusing when it comes to their recruitment process!

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Old 27th Oct 2004, 07:32
  #158 (permalink)  
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Correct me if I'm wrong or being to general, but everyone who was asked for an interview to be a strike breaker I know apparently had their applications on for around 2 to 3 years on staffcv and did not ever up date it once. In addition, nearly all were offered a scab position. These people include fellow flight attendants, ground staff and general public.

Please verify!

NJS/QantasLink FA
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Old 27th Oct 2004, 10:28
  #159 (permalink)  
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I can't remember, but I was on only a few months. Was not offered the scab position, but I withdrew my appication before i was even told.

Incidentally anyone else wants to wirhdraw? easy just go to your staffcv application and click withdraw application, then u have to fax QF CC Fixed Term Recruitment and give it to them in writing, it is only then accepted as such.


Sorry , u r ight!


Thank God 4 those standing by. Only one thing incorrect on your informative post, everyone will eventually here from QF, make or break it.
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Old 27th Oct 2004, 11:22
  #160 (permalink)  
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Galley Power

You could be right there. My application has been on Staffcv for 2 years but I updated it regularly, especially earlier this year due to languages and work/travel. I haven't heard anything from them.

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