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easynick 3rd May 2008 18:50

no, i don't think it would discount you automatically if you get flu alot.

i was referring to infectious deseases which are not cureable, i assumed this is what you meant as you used HIV as an example.

Serdarh 4th May 2008 09:30

i ve called the emirates today . and apparently they got my email address wrong and they ve sent the regret letter instantly :(:(:(:(:(:(

carevna.katerina 4th May 2008 14:32

That's sad. I know what it feels like but if you really want it, don't stop trying! Many people got in after being rejected 3-4 times. They didn't take me 2 years ago, so I tried my luck with Gulf Air, got some experience (and had a hell of a fun!) and tried again this year. Guess what: I was the only one they hired.
Keep your head up and good luck!:ok:


ME_Expert 4th May 2008 23:36

Proud Lebanese
As a responce to your quriosity I will answer your question -

Since I became Grade1, I was doning the business that grew and needed more and more time and it was in another country. When time and involvement needed from me to manage that business grew to the degree that I started calling sick continuously for flights and flying when I have the mood and strong reason, my manager adviced me to resign. Now I am very happily married, having my own business and bright reality; all thanks to people I met in Emirates - as cabin crew or passengers who are now my partners/associates.

You will be surprised to see what the EK standards are related to the attitude. You cant have prosperous business on your own if you are pessimistic. Good luck and save, dont spend all in Zinc club :)

missHolly 5th May 2008 07:46

When u go to either an open day or assessment day the first thing they focus on is appearance. wear a smart suit, tie your hair back neatly and be well groomed. what i found to be a good idea as sometimes, especially at open days there are so many people, I wore a beige suit, wore a red ribbon in my hair and reddish lipstick. (similar to what crew uniform is) this makes u stand out a little more as normally everyone wears a black suit.
SMILE, interact with the other people there.
u will do like most other airlines a group activity, mine was discussing how we would organise a day excursion for a group of children with disabilities. for this they r not looking for right or wrong answers but how u interact with others. the final interview is quite intense, but this is where u need to shine. smile!!! ask questions and be prepared for the questions they will ask,what i found really helpful was i googled interview questions + it gave u a list of popular ones + how to go about answering them. a few i remember are: what r your weaknesses, strengths, Name a time when u were given positive + negative feed back from ur manager in a previous job and how u put their advice into action , name a time when u slightly broke the rules in a job in order to deliver great customer service (be careful with this one as it can't be too against company policies!), why u want to work for Emirates specifically, name a time u had a negative experience with a fellow colleague and how u dealt with this, name a time when u have gone an extra mile for a customer. name a time u have had to deal with an aggressive or complaining customer, what happened and how u dealt with this. Name a time you put yourself out for a colleague in need.
thats all i can remember for now, hope this helps some of you!! they do want these questions answered in detail and do ask for specific scenario's.
As for Dubai yes there are some negative aspects but so far i have had an amazing experience and wouldn't change it for anything and the friends i have made are some of the best friends ever!! your life over here is what u make it, and hey something interesting + different living in the middle east!!! :-) Good luck to u all!! hope i have been of some help! :):ok::):):)

easynick 5th May 2008 18:14

Thank you for those positive words at the end, My joining date is in less than 2 weeks, and when you read this site all you hear is negative comments about everything, especially those of ME_expert!! and some of them get you quite worried, it's not often on here that someone points out all of the positives.

Once again, thanks. :ok:

banica.alex 5th May 2008 19:28

thanks .. for the "very on topic message"
missHolly - I read all the post from this thread and I have to admit that you are one of the few that gave some very important advices in here.

thanks a lot and if you have any other advices to give they are more then welcomed.


nickedo15 5th May 2008 23:36

see you on the same day nick!!! only a few more days jeeeeeeeee

nikuska 6th May 2008 17:14

Hi guys and gals!
I attended an Open Day and I made it to the Final interview!!!!!:}. I would like to share my experience with you because thanks to this great thread , I was prepared for it.Fortunately there werenīt many people on that day so they made it assessment day. Some of them were dressed in jeans, sweaters or tshirts. These people didnīt get through the first stage. Smile all the time and as you said: be yourself, speak with people there, make new friends and enjoy it as I did.
START: 9 a.m. -We had to fill in the forms about how did we find out about Emirates Open Day and some personal information. It started at about half an hour later. We went inside and the recruiters ( 2 very nice ladies – Christina from Greece and Alana from Australia). They started to present EK and Dubai and were asking Qs like: When did EK start? What other companies are there in Emirates? New buildings and sport in Dubai? Why do you want to be a CC? Etc.)Boys who knew all the info and were speaking all the time didnīt get through the first stage. Then we were watching video about EK and Dubai and after the video section we were asked to give them Qs. I asked them: After the three year contract, is it EK who arranges to extend your visa or should I apply for the new one? Iīve read on pprune that itīs a good Q because it shows that you are planning to develop a career with them.There were some people who didnīt listen and asked the Qs which were already answered by recruiters or in the video. One girl asked if she could take her husband and child with her. Mistakes again...Then Alana asked who was under 21 and who had already attended an OD or FI with EK. Then we were asked to handle one by one our CVs and pictures. They didnīt ask anything at that stage.
1st GROUP DISCUSSION: We were given numbers and they divided us into 2 groups and we were asked to build a new airline and discuss the name, aircraft, etc. Some people were speaking one through another, trying to push their ideas through loudly (of course they didnīt pass this stage). I was trying to listen what they said, I made notes and I said one or two suggestions.Then Christina asked me (I donīt know why) to stand up and present our airline. Donīt look at the recruiters, look at your “colleagues“, speak clearly and loud enough. During this short presentation I also asked my group Qs- Am I right? Did I forget anything? BTW-Iīve read somewhere on pprune that you shouldnīt cross your legs. I was the only one who didnīt cross my legs but the others also passed so I donīt think it really matters.

REACH TEST: We were asked to approach the wall one by one, take off our shoes and reach the poster on the wall on tiptoes (212cm). Alana asked me what was my current job and if I enjoyed it.
INDIVIDUAL PRESENTATION: In the circle we stood up again one by one and we had one minute to present our greatest achievement to the others (it was already my second presentation in front of them). I was speaking about my Master Degree and my scholarship abroad. Then we had a very short brake (after approximately three hours).
1st ELIMINATION: We went back inside and Alana gave us letters as we were leaving the room. I was successful and very happy because half of the people didnīt get through. There were some very nice girls who didnīt pass this stage.Some people travelled thousands of kilometres only to attend this day and they didnīt get through :sad: I really donīt know what are they searching for...I think nobody knows.:confused:
ENGLISH TEST: It was pretty easy for me. There was a story about one CC with 5 multiple choice Qs. Another task was to match the word from the text with its meaning (f.e. reliable, considered, ticking off, take-it-or-leave-it). Then we had text signs and we had to match them with their interpretation (f.e. Take 2 pills 3 times a day. A)You must take 3 pills a day B) 4 pills C)6 pills). We had also cover letter nad again 5 multiple choice Qs. The last task was the essay. The topic was: If I could rule a country, which country would it be and what would I do? I wrote two pages. The whole test was for one hour which was enough.
2nd ELIMINATION: Only one girl didnīt get through the English test. Strange because she lives in England for years. This girl got to this stage although she had a tatoo on her ankle and she didnīt bring her CV. She was writing her resume there with a pen on her knees and she got so far!!!
GROUP DISCUSSION: Again we were divided into 2 groups. I was in the first group (2nd group had a half an hour brake). We were seven in my group. We were given papers with the task and we had to read it loudly : You had an emergency landing somewhere in a remote area.Some of your paxs need a medical care. Choose as a group 5 things you will necessarily need to survive. There were these things: defibrillator, oxygen bottle, mobile, water, food, unknown suitcase, blanket, axe, emergency torch, first aid kit. We chose mobile, first aid kit, water, oxygen bottle and blanket. We had to explain why(they asked Qs - one by one). The boy who was against the othersī opinions didnīt get through. I tried to listen and when I dinīt agree I said: thatīs a really good idea but donīt you think we could choose this because... Then they called us one by one and asked how many languages do we speak and if we have any distinction marks on our body-like tatoo or birthmark or scar. I was really worried at this stage because of my birthmark on my neck but Christina said it was ok. After this stage we had finally little bit longer brake so I could go for a coffee.
3rd ELIMINATION: 6 people had to go home. There were 11 of us who passed and we were said that it was the last elimination before FI so if from this stage we donīt get through, we can reapply only after one year. It was around 4 oīclock and I was already very tired.
PSYCHOLOGICAL TEST: We got a golden package and invitation for the final interview. We could choose the day and time (it was next two days).Mine was the next day.We had to fill some more documents (Qs like : Do you smoke? What religion do you belong to? Are you willing to serve alcohol? Can you swim?etc.). Christina told us details about what to bring and how to dress for our FI. And finally, the psychological test. I must say this was the worst thing because I was so tired that I wasnīt able to concentrate myself. There were 180 questions. There were constantly the same questions but differently asked so I had to be careful to tell the truth. Sometimes I didnīt understand because my brain was burning so I just ticked :uncertain. There were also logical Qs in between but all of them multiple choice, f.e. Clock is to time as tailor to A)scissors B) cloth C) tape measure
Odd oneīs Qs : Which number doesnīt belong to the others: 7,9,13 etc.
This stage really made me sweat although they said there were no true or false answers.After this we could go home. It was 5 p.m. I exchanged the phone numbers with the other candidates because I want to contact them while waiting for the “golden call“ and I went home to fill the documents they gave us.
They also asked us to bring many things like 2 photocopies of passport, photographs (1 full body, 6 passport and 2 casual), photocopies of certificates and letter of employment. Itīs better if you prepare all this things in advance because as it is a weekend I couldnīt bring them with me so I need to send them to Dubai which will extend my waiting :ugh:

FINAL INTERVIEW: Christina (Alana wasnīt there) called me inside 15 minutes later. The girl before me had to do the Raven test (which is something like IQ test). I didnīt have to do it, I donīt know why.I was very nervous but when I came inside, Christina was so nice,that I forgot about my worries. I had a nice time there, we were only speaking about my previous job, I was sitting in front of her behind the table, smiling all the time. She asked me to give her the documents, asked me about my previous jobs and gave me Qs. She always wanted an example. I was thinking for a while, then I gave an example or I said: I donīt think I have ever been in that situation. We were also laughing, at the end she shook my hand, said thank you and I asked her some personal Qs. It lasted only for half an hour. The girl who had to do the raven test was there for one hour.
Some Qs I can remember:
Have you ever had a deadline?
Give me an example of a situation when you had to be diplomatic to your customer.
When you had to say no to the customer
When your colleague dissapointed you
When you did anything extra for your customer, what was it
When you had a conflict with your boss/customer/colleague
When you made a mistake at work and how did you feel
When you didnīt agree with your colleague and did you say anything?

Now I must wait 4 or 6 weeks until they let me know, lol:ugh: I hope this gonna help u and we will meet one day in Dubai. I know it has already been said one hundred times but remember: KEEP SMILING , THEY ARE WATCHING YOU ALL THE TIME AND BE YOURSELF!!!!!Good luck to u all!:ok:

applefigher 6th May 2008 19:39

where did you attend your open day? i attended mine in Dublin on the 26th of April. Going crazy waiting for the call or email.

best of luck

my interview lasted only about 20 minutes and I didn't have to take that test too and the girl before me did. weird huh

:hmm::hmm::eek::E:bored::ugh::{:p:rolleyes: I feel all these right now lol

easynick 6th May 2008 20:23

Just to let you know My assessment day wasn't exactly the same as the accounts above, so if you are going for an assessment day just go with an open mind and be yourself.

The type of people mentioned above who were rejected were the exact type of people who got accepted on my days, so i think it differs each and every day, and depending on location and who the assessors are.

If you go along and try to fit the mould, and be something you are not then you will fall flat on your face later in the day when you let your guard down. Or even worse, if you pretend to have qualities that do not come naturally, and you are given the job, only to find out you don't get on well with the job!!

I think part of what they look for is Genuine people, and good all rounders.

Good luck to everyone, and no offence to the posters of the above, your advice will prove invaluable to many people going to assessment days.:D

and Nikedo... see you in 9 days!! woo hoo :ok::ok::ok:

sena 6th May 2008 20:57

Thanks so much for your info. I also did the raven test on my FI and had the regret letter after 4wks:(. Can someone tell me why the raven test, and has anyone gotten the job after taken the raven text?

banica.alex 6th May 2008 20:58

missHolly, nickedo15, nikuska - thank you all again for sharing with us your experience, I'm sure that your info will help a lot of people :ok:

easynick - also thank you for letting us know that not all interviews/elimination criteria are the same, that I would say it's natural. Otherwise everybody would come with their lesson learned from home :=. I have read all the advices from this tread and noticed already that not all the interviews are the same but I still took some very good notice's that I hope will help.

I have my Open Day on 16th of May. Hope I'll do good :cool: .. till then I'll keep taking notice's.

ytayan 7th May 2008 13:17

Final Approval May.23.2008
Hello guys!! i just got my Final approval e-mail from EK this morning!! they told me that my application had gone thru the latest stages, and they recieved the final approval for it, and my DOJ is confirmed to be set on the 23rd of may. they Also told me that they will be e-mailing me the Visa and the Ticket 4 days prior to joining!!!

i heard from some blogs that they will send us pre-courses prior to joining there... is this true??
what will the flight there be like? would the CC know that we are going to be CC?? is there specified seats for corporate use onbaord of the plane for example?!!

cant wait to be there!!!

any1 joining on the 23rd of MAY pleas PM me !!!!

good luck to allz!

nikuska 7th May 2008 14:39

applefigher : I attended my OD in Bratislava. It was strange that there werenīt many people, Iīve heard that there was an OD in January and it was packed.
Well, what can I say...The waiting is horrible, fortunately Iīm very busy so I donīt have time to think about it. Try to do the things to "kill the time":sad: I keep my fingers crossed for u:ok:

Sena : I really donīt know their criterias, itīs changing all the time.I think people whose results from the psychological test are not clear must do the raven test. Iīve read on this thread that it means you will get the job but obviously itīs not true. Iīm so sorry for u.:(Just donīt give up, try it with Etihad or Gulf Air. I will do the same if they donīt take me.

Good luck to u all and congratulation to those who are in !!!!!:ok:

SuperCoolGal 7th May 2008 16:34

this is the first time i'm applying at emirates and they have called me for the interview. kinda scared but anticipating :hmm:

i've read some posts above as reading all of them would take ages. :ugh:

need to ask some questions:

in the reach test, don't they weigh the candidate also (i'm asking 'coz nobody has mentioned it)?

what's raven test?

do the interviewers really have the time to correct all the english test papers? or is that just a formality?

thank you.

leemarlon 7th May 2008 16:48

DOJ...May 30 Any one?
Hi everyone,
I am back again trying to find out if there is anyone had got his/her DOJ confirmed for May 30th? PM me please. :p

There is no corporate seats use...we will be traveling as a regular passengers on board, no worry about that. CC wouldn't know if you are or not going to Dubai for training. Just observe closely how they do their job and how they interact with the PAX.


easynick 7th May 2008 17:38

No they don't weigh you when you do the reach test, that somes in your medicals,

The raven Test is an extra IQ test that they ask you to do if your first tests are not clear results.

yes they mark the english tests, one girl was sent home on my assessment day because she failed her english test.

good luck

SuperCoolGal 7th May 2008 17:49

Thank you!
:) thank you marlon and easynick.

just keeping my fingers crossed.

killian1984 7th May 2008 18:20

recruitment address
Hey guys I need some help. I had my final interview recently and I have to send them my pictures, but I can't find the paperwork with the addresses on to send them to.

Could anyone please PM me the email address and the postal address?

I would be very thankful

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