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1st Aug 2016, 10:52
One question that I have is: the people that pass the entry exams are they super mega clever you know like they can multiply super large numbers in one second and so one... Or are they just simply aviation enthustiasts with a suficient intigence that allows to multiply with time, a pen and a paper.( I am one of those 2d option)Sometimes they're neither! :)

1st Aug 2016, 22:37
What do you mean?

4th Aug 2016, 18:01
When I went to do my Phase 2 at Eurocontrol the controller told us that Eurocontrol was responsible for Eindhoven approach. I might be wrong, but I'm almost sure about this.

4th Aug 2016, 19:59
Oh so you also tried in Eurocontrol :)?

4th Aug 2016, 22:03
I did, but I failed Phase 2.

5th Aug 2016, 12:49
What do you mean?
You don't have to be passionate about aviation to be an atco.

5th Aug 2016, 15:33
When I went to do my Phase 2 at Eurocontrol the controller told us that Eurocontrol was responsible for Eindhoven approach. I might be wrong, but I'm almost sure about this.

Definitely not. MUAC doesn't control any airspace below F245. Eindhoven is a military airfield and controlled by RNLAF using the same system as MUAC but from a remote location.

7th Aug 2016, 19:12
Hello. I would like to ask a few things that are bothering me.
1. Are the checkpoints of DART in the FEAST test positioned just like in the skytest?
2. Is density of the air traffic similar, compared with skytest's level 3 and the real thing?
3. I do not find it comfortable at all, when a new aircraft appears with the same altitude and the absolutely same spot, where my aircraft is. Is that a bug of the skytest? New planes are getting from nowhere which leads to catastrophic end.

22nd Aug 2016, 09:49
Has anyone been invited for Phase 2 yet?

22nd Aug 2016, 11:54
Has anyone been invited for Phase 2 yet?

Unlikely to be any progress just yet...it's August, outside the ops environment the place is like a ghost town.

24th Sep 2016, 10:56
Where is multipass used? I can clearly understand that Romania is one of the places, but where else?

1st Oct 2016, 20:15

does anybody know where I start with retesting after two years?

At that point I failed or do I have to do all tests again?

Thanks in advance!

2nd Oct 2016, 11:29
Hi. So I'm interested in taking the Feast test..I searched through the comments but I haven't find what I need..my question is.. is there a website or something where I can do some preparation/simulation for this Feast test? Thank you!

10th Oct 2016, 11:44
There's plenty of discussion on the topic earlier in this thread.

11th Oct 2016, 10:51
I will have my FEAST 1 test in Switzlerland on Thursday but apart from "look into older threads "or "use the search function" there's not much information on FEAST 1 here in the board, and those older threads either don't contain information on FEAST 1 or they say there's nothing to prepare for.

Well, I would appreciate it to know what I should expect. Will there be specific physics questions? Or math exercises?

How about mental calculation?

12th Oct 2016, 08:00
Even the English Wikipedia has an extensive article on the contents of FEAST. It really is easy to find the information you want, all it takes is some initiative. Those other threads are correct, by the way; you can't prepare for a test that tests largely innate abilities. Get some quality rest the night before, eat a nice breakfast, try to relax. If you have what they're looking for, you will pass the test. Simple as that.

14th Nov 2016, 14:01
Hey everyone!

I am just curious if there is anybody who has passed or ever faced Phase 2 of their testing? I mean the one which is going after FEAST 2.

14th Nov 2016, 14:55
Hey everyone!

I am just curious if there is anybody who has passed or ever faced Phase 2 of their testing? I mean the one which is going after FEAST 2.

For Eurocontrol at MUAC?

15th Nov 2016, 19:10
For Eurocontrol at MUAC?

Yeah. Exactly.:ok:

3rd Jan 2017, 13:43
maumau92, I presume you have also advised MUAC that you have taken FEAST previously? Did you pass?
can you help me with the DART test?

6th Jan 2017, 10:18
Hi is anybody going on exams to Maastricht this month? ;)

7th Jan 2017, 17:26
Yep, I will be there on Jan 19th and you?

8th Jan 2017, 09:51
Hello to all of you,

Regarding this Multipass test,

Do you know if it has something to do with the SDM Test ?

Is the Feast stage 2 still comprises of the DART or are there any additions ?

Looking forward to a prompt reply !

8th Jan 2017, 11:26
On 19th too! :)

8th Jan 2017, 14:39
On 19th too! :)
Seems that private messages do not work here, drop me an email to [email protected] to get in touch :)

13th Jan 2017, 18:55
Anybody an idea when the next class will start?

14th Jan 2017, 16:19
I will be there too on 19th!:-) I'll send you an email

14th Jan 2017, 22:55
Any of you guys know if you fail the FEAST test with one ANSP can you apply to others?

For example, fail at NATS, can you try again with Ireland or Belgocontrol or Eurocontrol, DFS etc?

Does each ANSP only count the attempts at their selection process including FEAST?

15th Jan 2017, 14:10
Any of you guys know if you fail the FEAST test with one ANSP can you apply to others?

I'm pretty sure you're not able to apply to another ANSP that uses the Eurocontrol tests, I'm afraid.

15th Jan 2017, 15:35
Via post on page 54:

Ex1, Ex2, Ex3: as mentioned above, these three are training exercises. You're introduced to the rules and some characteristics of the test, which very briefly sounded like this:
-You'll be given four aircrafts, colored green, which are under your control;
-Apart from "your" aircrafts there will be some traffic that you can't control, as these planes will be colored grey. They will pass through the radar screen without changing their altitudes and headings;
-All aircrafts (controlled and uncontrolled ones) are moving with the same speed, so you can change only the heading and the flight level of the ones under your control;
-The information for the aircrafts' headings and altitudes are given with small numbers next to the green squares that represent each particular aircraft.
-The aim is to get all of your aircrafts through the checkpoints in the correct order, avoiding conflicts. Checkpoints are named CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4 and this is the order you should follow with any of your aircrafts;
-The six small vertically arranged circles on the left of the screen represent the exercise you're currently on;
-The buttons on the right side of the screen are named "LEFT", "RIGHT", "ALT" and "SUM". The LEFT/RIGHT buttons are used to change the heading of a particular aircraft (Clicking RIGHT and entering 315 will make the aircraft turn right to heading 315);
-The ALT button on the screen is used to change the altitude of a particular aircraft. You're only allowed to use three altitude levels 100, 200 and 300;
-You have a conflict when both of these conditions are present: two aircrafts are flying at the same altitude and are less than 2.5NM apart;
That's pretty much all with the exception of the SUM button (we will talk about it in Ex6).

Ex4: the first one of the evaluated exercises. The aim is to guide your four aircrafts through four checkpoints in the correct order. There is no uncontrolled traffic. Your priorities will be in this order of importance:
1)Avoid conflicts;
2)Use less commands;
3)Pass checkpoints accurately.
Ex5: absolutely the same as Ex4 with the same priorities, but this time you have uncontrolled traffic, which makes it more difficult because you have
to avoid conflicts with more aircrafts.
Ex6: includes Ex5, but there is an extra task. You have to put your headphones on. While guiding aircrafts through the checkpoints you'll have to listen to a long sequence of letters and numbers and calculate the sum of the last two numbers you hear. If the sequence goes like this "M K 5 J 3 6 N P Q 8", you'll firstly have to sum 5+3, then 3+6, after that 6+8. The sum has to be entered, using the SUM button on the right side of the screen.

...and last, but not least, some pieces of advice from me:
-When doing Ex5 and Ex6 make sure you keep a fair amount of distance between your aircrafts, because it gets pretty nasty when you are controlling two aircrafts at different altitudes close to each other and you have to dodge two uncontrolled ones, heading your way, again flying at different altitudes. Remember, you can only fly at three altitude levels (100, 200 or 300)!
-When doing Ex4, Ex5 and Ex6 keep in mind the turning radius of your aircrafts (which is one and the same for all of them).
-Keep in mind your priorities!!! The most important one is to AVOID CONFLICTS and, God forbid, collisions. The second is to use less heading and altitude changes. The least important is to pass the checkpoints accurately (there is a certain distance within which you can pass the checkpoint).

20th Jan 2017, 12:41
Anybody going to Maatraich on the 2nd of February for Stage 1 FEAST testing?

24th Jan 2017, 20:54
I got picked for phase 1 on the 2 nd February :)

25th Jan 2017, 16:52
Guys do they provide a refund for the international applicants?

26th Jan 2017, 00:16
Hello everybody, sorry to bust in. I have a small but as i see it, kind of crucial question regarding the Multipass test of the Feast 2 section.

Would it please be possible for anyone to provide a little more details? I would be more than grateful for anything.

Thank you!

29th Jan 2017, 21:22
Is it allowed to use a scratch paper during phase 1?

30th Jan 2017, 00:13

Some say it's bad to have an idea on what the tests cover, since it would allow us to "practice", gain confidence, or stress even more, and ultimately have a bad result in the end. That's definitely true, and I truly recommend you to stay blind on the tests's contents. But this is the Internet (free information), and after all it's up to you if you want to know what the Multipass is. I'll describe it, then. Proceed at your own risk. You don't need any of this to pass the test.

The multipass is kind of an ATC "approach" game. The screen is divided in some areas:

1. The radar: Represents an airport with two main lanes, both ending in a final runway ("Final North" or FN and "Final South" or FS). The north lane has two entry points: A and B, and the final runway (FN). The same happens at FS (D->C->FS). You have also some secondary lanes that, for example, allow planes to change lanes (entering at D but move north, to B, and land at FN). Each plane is represented the pretty much the same way as in the DART.

2. The clock: Everything depends on the clock. It counts the session's time, and everything you have to do depends on it.

3. The strips: You're given a strip for each plane, containing the flight's number, flight level (10, 20, 30 or 40), the route and the timings: it tells you when the plane will arrive at a certain point (for example it enters the radar at A at 0min 30sec, passes B at 3min 0sec, and reaches FN at 5min). You can change the route of the plane if it hasn't yet reached that point (in the previous example, if the clock marks 4min the plane has already passed the B point so you can't change this point).

4. The bay areas: You have some bay areas where the strips fit. One for each point (A, B, FN at the top, and D, C, FS at the bottom). As a plane proceeds from, for example, A>C>FS (thus using the secondary lane, since the main lane is A->B>FN), you have to sort the plane according to its next point. If the plane passes point A at 0min 30sec, and the clock marks 0min 46sec, the strip should be moved to point C.

5. Objective: You have to keep the screen organized, and avoid conflicts (for example if two planes are supposed to land at FN both at 2min 30sec, you have to change the route of one of them in order to avoid conflicts). You can, nevertheless, have both planes on the same route and same flight schedule if you have them at different flight levels, but since every plane has to land at flight level 10, you'll be just postponing a future conflict.

6. Extra task: As usual, you'll be facing multitasking stuff. This time, a string containing 3 letters and 3 numbers will be presented on the screen for some seconds. You have to memorize it. Then, a voice will call for other similar strings (3 letters, 3 numbers), and if it does match the one you memorized, you'll have to press a button. That's all.

TIP: The best tip I can give you is to stay calm and always keep an eye on the clock. You'll be doing not more than 3-6 things in one minute, but they may be scattered all over the screen so always keep a sense of time (the next minute, those tasks have expired and you have some others).

TIP 2: Just relax, eat well and sleep well. The tests are not difficult and they're not very "intense", but they're big and a bit boring sometimes. So stay alert and feed yourself!

30th Jan 2017, 10:57
Hi, thank you so much for your reply, we shall see how it works. For the moment i passed feast 1 and i'm waiting to be scheduled for the second part :D

30th Jan 2017, 13:07
The multi-pass hasn't been used by EC for a while now. It's been replaced with DART.

It seems like that it depends on the country you're applying to. I just did both DART and Multipass last week :)

Let's not confuse Multipass with the old SDM, since they seem to be different tests

2nd Feb 2017, 18:06

I just failed the FEAST 1 at MUAC today... 4 participants out of +- 15 went to the FEAST 2.
They told that there're no ways to prepare to the FEAST but I don't think so.
The most difficult part for me which was the "cube folding" could be prepared before. I'll know it for the next time. By the way, is it possible to retake the FEAST test again at MUAC and if yes, within what time period ?

3rd Feb 2017, 08:02

I just failed the FEAST 1 at MUAC today... 4 participants out of +- 15 went to the FEAST 2.
They told that there're no ways to prepare to the FEAST but I don't think so.
The most difficult part for me which was the "cube folding" could be prepared before. I'll know it for the next time. By the way, is it possible to retake the FEAST test again at MUAC and if yes, within what time period ?

I think you can retake the exam 2 years later if you are still within the required age limit. Cube folding seems like the part that eliminates most of the applicants.

3rd Feb 2017, 20:12

I just failed the FEAST 1 at MUAC today... 4 participants out of +- 15 went to the FEAST 2.
They told that there're no ways to prepare to the FEAST but I don't think so.
The most difficult part for me which was the "cube folding" could be prepared before. I'll know it for the next time. By the way, is it possible to retake the FEAST test again at MUAC and if yes, within what time period ?

The cube folding test is indeed a tricky one. My advice would be to find some similar tests on the internet. As for a retake, it is possible to apply again but only 2 years later than your first application. You can also ask for a feedback. They may give you some clues on what you can improve in order to be succesful during your next attempt. Good luck !

4th Feb 2017, 11:30
The cube folding test is indeed a tricky one. My advice would be to find some similar tests on the internet. As for a retake, it is possible to apply again but only 2 years later than your first application. You can also ask for a feedback. They may give you some clues on what you can improve in order to be succesful during your next attempt. Good luck !

I can't fine on the Internet cube folding exercices as difficult as the Eurocontrol one.

8th Mar 2017, 18:45
Any idea when the next group will start their training?

9th Mar 2017, 02:07
Any idea when the next group will start their training?

October 2017

9th Mar 2017, 13:16

I wonder if there's anyone here who's been invited to take the initial tests on 30th March? And how many people are usually in a group?

24th Mar 2017, 15:50
Hey new here!
Ive been invited to take the FEAST test part 1 on the 3rd of April in dublin at half 8? Anyone here the same?


18th Apr 2017, 23:46
Hey guys, just registered here 'cause it was about time I started getting some news from other people. I did the Phase 2 and interviews on 21st and 22nd of March and I was the only one who got through both in Phase 1 on Feb 20th and Interview. I was wondering if there was anyone here in the group who passed as well and is waiting to be invited for the medicals? So far I know no one else who has passed, so please raise your hands :P

19th Apr 2017, 10:28
Congrats. There should be sixteen peeps altogether for the October ab initio group and they had five or six last time I checked, in February. Also, the latest group is looking forward to meeting you in Toulouse.

19th Apr 2017, 15:46
Congrats. There should be sixteen peeps altogether for the October ab initio group and they had five or six last time I checked, in February. Also, the latest group is looking forward to meeting you in Toulouse.

Thank you! Where do you check how many people have passed until now? :O and man 6 people is really a low number. I'm actually amazed. Looking forward to meeting them there as well :)

19th Apr 2017, 16:46
So we've been told at the time. No idea what the figure is today.

19th Apr 2017, 17:32
Oh okok, so you have passed as well I assume? :)

20th Apr 2017, 06:05
Yes. See you soon.

20th Apr 2017, 16:19
Does anyone know if you have already passed FEAST and DART through the NATS application process, will you have to sit it again for Eurocontrol?

20th Apr 2017, 18:19
Does anyone know if you have already passed FEAST and DART through the NATS application process, will you have to sit it again for Eurocontrol?

Whether you can apply for Eurocontrol too depends on what happened to your NATS application. E-mail masuac.students [at] eurocontrol.int with your details about what you have done so far with NATS and they can tell you if you can apply and what you would have to do.

21st Apr 2017, 17:09
Whether you can apply for Eurocontrol too depends on what happened to your NATS application. E-mail masuac.students [at] eurocontrol.int with your details about what you have done so far with NATS and they can tell you if you can apply and what you would have to do.

Thanks. I have my final stage of NATS process in June so I'll await the outcome of that before I contact them. :)

21st Apr 2017, 18:13
Thanks. I have my final stage of NATS process in June so I'll await the outcome of that before I contact them. :)

If you think you might want to go to Eurocontrol instead of NATS (the money and pension is much better at MUAC, the work environment not), then you should contact them now. If Eurocontrol is simply your backup plan if you fail at NATS then you would most likely be wasting your time I'm afraid (unless your FEAST scores are exceptional).

22nd Apr 2017, 22:32
Does anyone know if you have already passed FEAST and DART through the NATS application process, will you have to sit it again for Eurocontrol?

I think the Feast lasts a couple years. So if you have done it then you don't have to take it again at Eurocontrol. You'll just tell them, they'll contact NATS and eventually you'll be invited for the group phase and eventually the interview. When I was doing the tests some guys had done it that way so you shouldn't have any problem with that. But as said, if it's just your backup plan then be careful cause the invitation is not 100% sure

26th Apr 2017, 06:21
Hi everyone!

I just passed to the second phase of Eurocontrol and got informed that there will be a test called Multipass . I have no idea what this is , and there is nothing on the web . The only test which sounds like it is Multicontrol but i don't believe its the same one.

Does anyone have any information regarding Multi Pass ?

Thanks a lot!

26th Apr 2017, 08:14
Hey all, I just wanted to know when you are invited for tests at MUAC, how long do you'll stay in Maastricht for if you'll have passed the first phase ?

Because for me I live in Dubai and if I am invited for Phase 1 at Maastricht, I'm not sure how long I will have to be there for and so I am seeking advice.

Thank you.

Update: I am called for Phase 1 on Tuesday 9th May. Anyone else invited for this date ?

29th Apr 2017, 10:09
Hi everyone!

I just passed to the second phase of Eurocontrol and got informed that there will be a test called Multipass . I have no idea what this is , and there is nothing on the web . The only test which sounds like it is Multicontrol but i don't believe its the same one.

Does anyone have any information regarding Multi Pass ?

Thanks a lot!

Sounds weird 'cause Eurocontrol's Phase 2 consists of the group testing and then Interviews. The Multipass (as well as the Darts) should've taken place as part of your Phase 1 after completing the Feast I (in fact if I recall correctly Multipass and Darts are together part of the Feast II).

However in the Multipass you need to organize flightstrips according to the sequence of aircrafts you have. The aircrafts follow predefined routes down to the runway so the only thing you need to worry about is merely organizing the sequence and paying attention to the altitudes. While doing this you'll be required to perform a secondary task in order to test your multitasking abilities.
If you search "Multipass test" and see some images you'll see some pics of it! :)

3rd May 2017, 11:44
Hey Guys!

I recently passed the tests as well and I am awaiting my medical sometime this summer.

For the meantime, I've set up a WhatsApp-Group for all of us going to Toulouse in October. If you're reading this and you are going to Toulouse as well, feel free to shoot me a message and I shall add you to the group :)

@LFVA: If you're reading this, I wasn't able to send you an E-Mail because you don't have the feature enabled. Get back at me if you're interested ;P


3rd May 2017, 16:39
Yeah, I'd rather keep that disabled, for privacy. Write two more posts and you'll be able to PM me here.

3rd May 2017, 18:49
Yeah, I'd rather keep that disabled, for privacy. Write two more posts and you'll be able to PM me here.


This should work.

The only one who gets to see your mail address is me ;)

4th May 2017, 08:48
Okay. I've written you an email.

10th May 2017, 09:38
Hey guys,

I've recently passed the FEAST, Multipass and Dart at Eurocontrol Maastricht. But I already knew I would most likely pass these rounds. The part I'm most worried about is the group assessment because there are so many factors you can fail on. Could anyone please describe for me what to aspect? Thanks a lot

17th May 2017, 20:09
Hey guys,

I've recently passed the FEAST, Multipass and Dart at Eurocontrol Maastricht. But I already knew I would most likely pass these rounds. The part I'm most worried about is the group assessment because there are so many factors you can fail on. Could anyone please describe for me what to aspect? Thanks a lot
Just be yourself. Don't try acting like someone you aren't cause they'll notice that! Unfortunatelly we're not allowed to tell anybody about what you can expect. That's my only advice. Be yourself.

7th Jun 2017, 07:22
Hey got invitation for 27th June. Is anybody around here who will participate at the same date?

7th Jun 2017, 15:14
Hey got invitation for 27th June. Is anybody around here who will participate at the same date?

Me :) June 27th:cool:

12th Jun 2017, 18:16
Hey is anyone doing feast 2 tomorrow? :)

23rd Nov 2017, 23:16
Anyone for FEAST II on 7th Dec?

10th Jan 2018, 11:09
Hey guys,
So, I passed Phase 1,but i failed the situationals on november 2017.
Do you know if i can apply again this year, since i passed the FEAST tests, or i have to wait 2 years and only then i can retake all the tests?

14th Jan 2018, 13:58
Hey guys,

I m invited to pass FEAST 1 in february. Do you have any information that could help me.
I'm 25 years old in april so this will be my only chance to realise this dream.

Do you know how many time is needed for this first part ?
Do you know if the FEAST part 1 contains interviews ? groups interviews? and if it's yes which type of questions your were asked for ?

If you have some advise they're welcoming.

Do you know how can i preparing me for this ?

Thank you for you help

15th Jan 2018, 10:13
There is a dedicated page with more info about FEAST (feast-info.eurocontrol.int). Otherwise, I would suggest looking on the Wikipedia page of FEAST since that one has quite a lot of info as well. Concerning the interview and group test, these are not part of FEAST and you will be invited for them after a positive result on the computer-based assessment.

24th Jan 2018, 08:30
You will do the FEAST in the am and if you pass you'll do the DART in the pm. As 'GoldenHead' said; there's information online on what it will contain if you do some research, and even tests (or portions of the test rather) that are in some way similar - but not as the actual test as a whole.

You can prepare yourself to some degree, but it really comes down to you personally if you have the capabilities or not.

29th Jan 2018, 20:26
Anyone around here from Ab Initio 72 starting in March?

13th Apr 2018, 15:34
Hello there! I have heard some rumours that the FEAST tests have changed and that they have added some new features.
Does anyone know if this is true? I would also like to know what more phases you have to take at EUROCONTRO after you pass the FEAST tests.
Thanks in advance :D

14th May 2018, 10:55
I think they introduced FEAST PLUS. Maybe, new tests on FEAST 1. Overall, 5 new tests.
I am not allowed to post URL's, but you can search on google and find on eurocontrol website few details. Search for: Introduction to FEAST Classic and FEAST PLUS [FEAST-PLUS]
We need a smart user to offer some details about the new modules introduced by PLUS version of FEAST.
Thank you.

20th Jun 2018, 12:30
Hey guys. Anybody doing FEAST 1 in Maastricht in July?

7th Oct 2018, 11:16
Anyone done testing recently? What's new?

8th Oct 2018, 06:05
Anyone done testing recently? What's new?

I have done both FEAST 1 & 2 and passed both of them. First the DART and then the Multipass, which seemed kind of how people describe the Flight Strip Management.

Even though i passed both there was some part test of the FEAST 1 which i didn't pass although the total result was passed i did not get through to the interview stage due to many applicants whom probably had better results.
I have applied for Eurocontrol Maastricht now aswell and we'll see how that goes, atleast i don't have to redo all the tests.

8th Oct 2018, 19:22
Thanks for your reply. I'm doing FEAST 2 in few weeks. I wonder what FEAST Plus is all about and what are new tests in that one.
Sorry about you not getting through to interviews, it happens here as well. Too many applicants
Best of luck with your application at Eurocontrol

8th Oct 2018, 20:05
Thanks for your reply. I'm doing FEAST 2 in few weeks. I wonder what FEAST Plus is all about and what are new tests in that one.
Sorry about you not getting through to interviews, it happens here as well. Too many applicants
Best of luck with your application at Eurocontrol

I have not heard of any FEAST Plus, i did DART and MULTIPASS. There is an online software called "SkyTest" to replicate these, these are basically the exact same tests.

I did not see that there online programs for this until afterwards and i managed anyway. I did a pilot's aptitude test and got multitasking ability in the 98th percentile, so i guess that's what helped me. Just a lot of multitasking here and some stress.

9th Oct 2018, 04:15
Maybe you did FEAST plus and you don't even know it. Depends on where you took the tests I suppose. Feast plus should be part of series of tests in FEAST 1.
We don't have multipass here, so the biggest challenge will be DART and possibly new FEAST tests. Last year, most ppl over here struggled with cubes and didn't even get to DART.
We will see how I'll do.

10th Oct 2018, 06:28
Maybe you did FEAST plus and you don't even know it. Depends on where you took the tests I suppose. Feast plus should be part of series of tests in FEAST 1.
We don't have multipass here, so the biggest challenge will be DART and possibly new FEAST tests. Last year, most ppl over here struggled with cubes and didn't even get to DART.
We will see how I'll do.

Good luck, pro tip for DART is to use your finger on the screen to estimate headings, makes it easier. I read that afterwards but i guess it would be easier using a finger lol.

11th Oct 2018, 13:40
Oh thanks for the pro tip!! Can you please elaborate more about it?
I don't wanna sound dumb lol but can you tell me more details about how you can use your finger to estimate headings during DART. Or was it explained in more detail in this thread?

11th Oct 2018, 13:54
Oh thanks for the pro tip!! Can you please elaborate more about it?
I don't wanna sound dumb lol but can you tell me more details about how you can use your finger to estimate headings during DART. Or was it explained in more detail in this thread?

Did not see a thorough explanation of it here but the test is split in to 3 exercises and then 3 real tests where you get points.

You have a radar screen in front of you, just like the one on SkyTest: (Doesn't seem like i can like the image but search for "DART radar test on google images and you will see it)

The first part which you get points in you have 1 aircraft which you are supposed to guide through the orange marks in numerical order (1-2-3-4) and do this as efficiently as possible (accurate and without making too many turns)

To do this you first have to estimate the turning radius of the plane + response time until the aircraft starts to turn. When you have estimated the turn radius you can put your finger on the display at the angle you estimate and then move it to the cross in the middle and you'll get a better estimate of the heading you should tell the pilot. How you perform the test will be explained thoroughly in the guide and the practice tests before the real tests and you'll understand how i mean. I just used my mouse and tried to imagine a straight line and was pretty successful but not always 100% accurate.

In the second parts you will have 4 planes to guide and do the same thing.

Third part you do the same but there is surrounding traffic which you have avoid by adjusting your altitude which are 3 selections (100, 200 or 300) and 2 planes cannot be withing 2.5nm of eachother or withing 100 altitude. 2.5nm corresponds to HALF of the distance between two lines on the radar screen.

Not 100% if i remember all the parts correctly but you'll see how it works when you're there. Good luck

12th Oct 2018, 15:46
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I guess I will see how it is when I get there. Fingers crossed I will be good enough to pass the test.

12th Oct 2018, 16:13
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I guess I will see how it is when I get there. Fingers crossed I will be good enough to pass the test.

Lets hope so! Just take it chill and methodically, you have time!

2nd Nov 2018, 13:51
Anybody in for the FEAST in Maastricht on Monday, 05.11.? Feel free to PM me, maybe there is a chance for a get-together the evening before or in the morning for the bus ride.


2nd Nov 2018, 19:40
Hi! I' m going to MUAC on the 6 November for the Phase 1 of Feast. I'm staying at the hotel they provide the night before. Anyone taking the test on the same date?

12th Nov 2018, 11:10
They indeed changed most of the tests for the EUROCONTROL selection in the battery from FEAST1 as well as the already known addition of the Multipass test. However, no need to panic. All tests are manageable without dedicated preparation. Good luck to all!

13th Nov 2018, 11:33
Hello to all of you who have had the FEAST 1 this summer/fall.
Can anybody give me detailes regarding those changes made by Eurocontrol to FEAST 1 and what Multipass means ?

16th Nov 2018, 15:56
The basic skills which are tested in phase 1 remained the same. It's just the specific tests which where modified, but it is of no help for you if you know the specific new tests. If you want to prepare, you can do this with skytest, but it is well manageable without intense preparation. You will find the multipass in there as well. Otherwise you might search for Multipass on google and you'll find a screenshot and a description of the task.

19th Nov 2018, 18:12
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I guess I will see how it is when I get there. Fingers crossed I will be good enough to pass the test.
How was the FEAST test? Is it different to the Skytest examples?

23rd Nov 2018, 21:38
How was the FEAST test? Is it different to the Skytest examples?

DART seemed similar to screenshots I have seen here and elsewhere online. I would say it must be close to the same.
Though, I still don't get 'use your finger' method doggepe described lol I know now what he meant, but I found it impossible to use your finger when traffic on the screen was busy, so I only estimated right headings.
New two tests I've done that day are pretty easy, no need to worry about it. Otherwise, I remember reading wikipedia info and I think FEAST was described really well over there if you wanna have a basic idea.

8th Jan 2019, 11:58

any atco students here from EUROCONTROL? I passed the selection and registered for the Training Start in october, but looking for some trainees to get to know the current Situation in Training and some other questions. If yes I would be happy If you PM me.

brgds, Planetick

9th Jan 2019, 17:43
Congrats on passing and best of luck in training :)

16th Jan 2019, 07:20
Hi there,

Anyone who has been to the FEAST test in CPH (Naviair) recently?
I am going to the first test shortly and I would really appreciate ANY information and advice.
I have been reading on WIKI and other pages.

Thanks in advance :-)

12th Feb 2019, 17:08
I attended and passed feast test today at MUAC. Can someone give detail about phase 2?

12th Feb 2019, 20:08
And I'd like to give a tip for DART. If 3 aircrafts are too close to each other, let one of them go away for a few NMs after it passes a checkpoint, then give it a new heading. In the 2nd test, I had a lot of red and blink warnings just because of that. It was a miracle no crash took place. I did what I recommended in the last test and I finished without any red or blink warnings. Also, I missed no checkpoint in the test, but I changed headings for a lot of time. I don't think changing heading takes out a lot of points.

13th Feb 2019, 06:41
Thank you for the info Tzakhi. I think you already passed the second phrase as long as you had DART test.
Can you please write in detail about what kind of tests were in your assessment and your experience with each of them?

13th Feb 2019, 09:20
Thank you tzakhi. If you had DART, i think you already passed Feast2. Probably you had both Feast1 and Feast2 in the same day.
There are some rumors about new tests introduced in Feast assessment. Can you please explain what kind of games were there and write some feedback about each?

13th Feb 2019, 21:29
Personally, I don't know the previous test. I asked a friend of mine who took feast 2 years ago just to give you an answer :)

There are 2 new tests. One of them is a visual memory test. Computer shows you some images, one after another, then give you easy math questions (really easy, don't worry about them), and shows you the images that showed you previously, with 8 similar but different images. You have to choose the right one. Exercising on visual memory might help you in this test.

The other is a spatial orientation test. You need to be fast in that module, but I think its the easiest module of the entire feast test. Don't know how to explain that one :)

14th Feb 2019, 07:37
Hi everyone!
which site do you register for feast?

23rd Feb 2019, 18:36
Hi, frtyfire, I'm afraid you will have to wait 2 years to be tested again. You're registered on Eurocontrol servers. If you want to apply for the national service provider you will have to inform them that you already had those tests. They will ask for this.

Can you please explain in details what did you find in Feast test? Please, share your experience with this test. Thank you!

27th Feb 2019, 19:10
Hi everyone. New here! I will be doing FEAST very soon in Canada. I asked around online if all parts of FEAST are happening at the same time. Got only 1 reply that said yes. Not sure if that person is just trying to scare me or if it's real. The testing will go on for 8 hours. Do you think we'll be getting all parts with that kind of timeframe?

Also, do you recommend I practice with SkyTest? Does FEAST look like level 1, 2, or 3 in SkyTest or is it a mix of all levels?

Final question, what exactly is the multi-pass test? Is it a specific test or different tests for attention?

Lusi Nebi
3rd Mar 2019, 15:56
Hello everyone!

Do you know any application or website where I can exercise for the English Part of the FEAST Test?

Thanks in advanced.

27th Mar 2019, 18:06
Hey guys!
I just pass the FEAST test at Eurocontrol and I am going back again for more tests and the interview. Does anyone know what happens in this next phase?

Thank you! :)

28th Mar 2019, 08:01
it could be worth searching through this whole thread as there are many Information already given.

If you passed Feast, the next step will be group exercices, planning and communication tasks. If you pass the first day you are invited for the interview one or two days later.

However, If you do the Tests for EC, you will get a briefing package together with your invitation to the Next Stage where the tasks are described in general.


31st Mar 2019, 11:27
Finished Feast phase 2(dart and multipass) this week and i'm waiting for my answer on if I passed or not.

Everything went well and I had full control, almost no close calls and quick solutions to everything and generally efficient routing of planes. Problem is I did poorly on the audio part, know I missed one or two on both dart and multipass and on top of that I left quite a few blank as I forgot the initial word. If I were to assess myself i'd say I did way above average on routing planes etc and below average on audio/numbers. Anyone here who have been in my position and passed?

Kinda frustrating as if I were to retake the test I could focus harder on remembering the numbers and i'd still have no problems keeping track of the planes. Made the mistake of trying to assign the minimum amount of concentration needed to the numbers and just ace the plane parts, but had a bad day and lost focus. I'll repost when I get my result and maybe I can shed some light on how much the numbers count towards your final score. Safe to say if I pass then that means doing very well on the other parts can make up for a lackluster performance on the numbers.

5th Apr 2019, 16:41
for those who took the online reasoning test: how did you do and did you pass?
I know they will get back to me at some point but I'm just too curious :uhoh:

10th Apr 2019, 07:43
Hello everyone!

Do you know any application or website where I can exercise for the English Part of the FEAST Test?

Thanks in advanced.

This was a question I wondered before FEAST test, but then in the day there was no English test at all :) If you are gonna take the test in EC/Maastricht, there won't be English test.

I failed in Group Assessment by the way, half of my group passed. I couldn't understand what exactly are they looking for but if someone has any questions about Phase 2, can contact with me. I will help as much as I can.

10th Apr 2019, 14:06
for those who took the online reasoning test: how did you do and did you pass?
I know they will get back to me at some point but I'm just too curious :uhoh:

To answer my own question: I thought I did very poorly but I just received an invitation to phase 1.

27th Apr 2019, 11:53
Hey guys,

soon I will attend the interview at Eurocontrol. I would like to ask you what your experiences are, if you attended the interview in the past. I also heard that there will be 1 or 2 excersises. What are they about? :)

I am looking forward to your answers.

Best regards,


2nd May 2019, 07:59
The Interview is pretty straight forward. No real surprises, it‘s like most other job interviews. They want to know your motivation, maybe a little self assessment on how you did in the selection. You should be informed about the job of an ATCO at EUROCONTROL and about the Company and projects itself. Not to detailed however. The exercises at the end are pretty simple but due to the stressfull situation it might become difficult. Simple logical tasks with Basic maths included. Maybe distances/time/speed issues or Little equations to solve. They are very fair. Stay calm, think and work structured and tell them your thoughts while solving.


5th May 2019, 06:34
Thank you very much for the reply Planetick! :)

25th Jun 2019, 11:13
Hi everyone!
I wanted to ask for those who have received an invitation to attend the assessment centre, how long it took between submitting the online reasoning test and receive the invitation?
Best wishes and good luck everybody

27th Jun 2019, 07:56
It only took me a day, but may vary under circumstances that we can't control. Did you receive it yet?

28th Jun 2019, 15:20
Finished Feast phase 2(dart and multipass) this week and i'm waiting for my answer on if I passed or not.

Everything went well and I had full control, almost no close calls and quick solutions to everything and generally efficient routing of planes. Problem is I did poorly on the audio part, know I missed one or two on both dart and multipass and on top of that I left quite a few blank as I forgot the initial word. If I were to assess myself i'd say I did way above average on routing planes etc and below average on audio/numbers. Anyone here who have been in my position and passed?

Kinda frustrating as if I were to retake the test I could focus harder on remembering the numbers and i'd still have no problems keeping track of the planes. Made the mistake of trying to assign the minimum amount of concentration needed to the numbers and just ace the plane parts, but had a bad day and lost focus. I'll repost when I get my result and maybe I can shed some light on how much the numbers count towards your final score. Safe to say if I pass then that means doing very well on the other parts can make up for a lackluster performance on the numbers.

Can you please describe the muticontrol test that you took in detail? Any tips on how to handle it? Thanks a lot!

28th Jun 2019, 16:07

I have a couple of further questions if that's ok.

First, how many planes will you have to guide at the same time?

Then, do you have the possibility to go around the airspace - for example go from A to B to D and then to C without having to land the plane if the runways - FN and FS - are both busy at moment the aircraft passes by them?

thanks a lot!

17th Jul 2019, 13:30
Im currently doing phase I of FEAST at MUAC on the 29th July. Anyone else coming on the same date?

30th Jul 2019, 16:32
Hi everyone.I have just ınvited to feast exam and i need some details about phase 1 and phase 2 includes. What modules are we responsible for. anyone attend the exam recently please let me know what are subjects?

31st Jul 2019, 17:12
Hey Guys!

I recently passed the tests as well and I am awaiting my medical sometime this summer.

For the meantime, I've set up a WhatsApp-Group for all of us going to Toulouse in October. If you're reading this and you are going to Toulouse as well, feel free to shoot me a message and I shall add you to the group :)

@LFVA: If you're reading this, I wasn't able to send you an E-Mail because you don't have the feature enabled. Get back at me if you're interested ;P

could you add me in wp group please

1st Aug 2019, 05:43
When did you get receive your online test result?

20th Aug 2019, 11:14
Hi all,

I applied for Eurocontrol last week. Only hours after my application was submitted I received a rejection email explaining that I was too old.

I was aware of the 25 years age limit but figured I would sneak through as my 25th birthday isn't until early next year.

However, when I queried this with recruitment I was told the training starts 2 days after my 25th birthday, so I missed the cut and my application form wasn't even reviewed.

I was informed they may consider raising the age limit to 27 years in 2020, so keep a look out.

20th Aug 2019, 12:42
Hi all,

I applied for Eurocontrol last week. Only hours after my application was submitted I received a rejection email explaining that I was too old.

I was aware of the 25 years age limit but figured I would sneak through as my 25th birthday isn't until early next year.

However, when I queried this with recruitment I was told the training starts 2 days after my 25th birthday, so I missed the cut and my application form wasn't even reviewed.

I was informed they may consider raising the age limit to 27 years in 2020, so keep a look out.

I was told that they were considering increasing the age limit at the beginning of this year. Now they are saying 2020. It seems like they consider the situation in their free times as a hobby :) I wouldn't expect anything. Actually, I don't expect anything. I failed at group assessment and 2 years after my failiure, I will be too old because of 10 days. But I wouldn't apply even if I could. I think that ship has sailed.

30th Aug 2019, 00:45
Hi guys,

I have been going through this thread for the last 3 or 4 months due to my involvement in ATC recruitment process in my home country, and you really helped me a lot sharing your stories and experience, for which i am grateful. However, i couldnt find any information regarding Initial Class 3 Medical test except some basic information. It would be of great help if someone who went through it could share at least a part of the whole procedure so i could be more "prepared", and therefore more relaxed about the rest of the process.
This is my first post ( hoping it is only first of many), so in advance i am sorry if something is not by the rules or if this is wrong thread for my question.

Thank you all!

30th Aug 2019, 09:42
Hello all

I just passed FEAST I and II(both DART and Multipass) and I did the FPQ at SMATSA, although as far as I know they leave testing up to Eurocontrol(all our tests were supposedly evaluated at Eurocontrol). In a month I have a medical exam, psych test and an interview coming up so I was wondering about the requirements for those. How rigorous is the medical examination, is there anything special about the interview as opposed to a usual job interview and if they are looking for a specific profile of people or what at the psychological testing phase.
Also is anyone else also applying for SMATSA here? What have been your experiences so far? How many people do you think have made it this far(considering the starting >2000 number)?

30th Aug 2019, 17:36
Is anyone else here sitting the FEAST tests in Maastricht in September?

2nd Sep 2019, 10:29
Is anyone else here sitting the FEAST tests in Maastricht in September?

I'm still waiting for my invitation, but hopefully me! :) When did you receive yours?

2nd Sep 2019, 12:37
I'm still waiting for my invitation, but hopefully me! :) When did you receive yours?

I received my invitation in July, I’m surprised they’re still sending invitations for the tests in 2 weeks, hopefully you get yours soon :)

26th Sep 2019, 08:20
Received my invitation a couple weeks ago... 10th of October! I’m so excited. And scared. Is there anyone here who’s attending that day (and wants to chat)? :)

27th Sep 2019, 03:28
Has anyone who passed the FEAST exam used SkyTest or any other resource to practice? Was it worth it or helpful?
I'm writing the exam in November, super excited and nervous!

28th Sep 2019, 19:05
Has anyone who passed the FEAST exam used SkyTest or any other resource to practice? Was it worth it or helpful?
I'm writing the exam in November, super excited and nervous!

I would say it is not necessary to really prepare FEAST with additional software. It really simply tests your Basic ability to work with and adapt rules and make decisions. For all other tests, either you have the abilities like 3D thinking, etc. or not.

The only thing I found useful was to get to know the Multipass with skytest. No serious practicing but simply having a clue what is coming and what your Tasks are. But again only optional, it is of course more than possible to be successful without practicing.


7th Oct 2019, 13:28
I just got an email saying I’m invited to do phase 1 in November. Does anyone know if DART and Multipass are included in this phase?

I’ve read that phase 1 equals FEAST 1 (so I wouldn’t have to do DART and Multipass). Can anyone clarify that?

One last thing, does the group assessment test take Place in phase 1?

7th Oct 2019, 21:26
I just got an email saying I’m invited to do phase 1 in November. Does anyone know if DART and Multipass are included in this phase?

I’ve read that phase 1 equals FEAST 1 (so I wouldn’t have to do DART and Multipass). Can anyone clarify that?

One last thing, does the group assessment test take Place in phase 1?

If you pass the morning during FEAST1 you will do DART and Multipass in the afternoon. If you do not make it past the morning you‘ll not have to do it.

The Group Assessment is taking place the second time you are invited to Maastricht. The first Time it’s just tests on the computer.


8th Oct 2019, 12:21
Does anyone know when will tests start? They said my invitations was going to be sent in November but, will the tests be in November or in February?

19th Oct 2019, 17:29
Hi, does anyone know where or how I can practice multipass? I have Skytest already, but multipass is the only part not in there. I already passed the test 2 years ago but now I have to retake all FEAST for the Spanish job offer.
Thanks :)

20th Oct 2019, 14:34
Hi, does anyone know where or how I can practice multipass? I have Skytest already, but multipass is the only part not in there. I already passed the test 2 years ago but now I have to retake all FEAST for the Spanish job offer.
Thanks :)

Check „Skytest® Preparation Software for FEAST ATCO Screenings“ again. Multipass is definitely included there. Maybe you still have the old version installed, try logging in and re-downloading the newest version.


26th Oct 2019, 17:03
Check „Skytest® Preparation Software for FEAST ATCO Screenings“ again. Multipass is definitely included there. Maybe you still have the old version installed, try logging in and re-downloading the newest version.


Did that and it works, thank you so much!

30th Oct 2019, 21:39
Hi everyone. I was wondering if it's possible to apply before I get my diploma? I'm in my last year of school and my graduation is summer 2020, but I want to apply earlier, before I get the diploma, so that if successful I get in the same year. Is this possible or will I have to wait until I graduate to out in my application? Has anyone done this before?

18th Nov 2019, 12:55
You can't apply before. I've tried that too

19th Nov 2019, 07:58
Hi everyone. I was wondering if it's possible to apply before I get my diploma? I'm in my last year of school and my graduation is summer 2020, but I want to apply earlier, before I get the diploma, so that if successful I get in the same year. Is this possible or will I have to wait until I graduate to out in my application? Has anyone done this before?

You should contact the official email stated on the atco.eurocontrol website and ask for your specific case. They are searching for students to fill e.g. October courses regardless if you already have your diploma. It‘s important that you will be finished before start of training.


25th Nov 2019, 20:04
I am going to take phase 2 testing next week, I have sent you an e-mail through this forum. Any information about the second phase would be useful. :)
I replied your e-mail.

2nd Dec 2019, 19:57
Hi everyone! Soon, I'm about to have FEAST 1, and currently, I'm preparing using SkyTest, it's installed on windows via virtual machine on Mac OS, and I have an obstacle (or maybe that should be like that), I can barely hear Multi control test audio task. Tell me please, should be like that, i mean almost impossible, or it's just a problem of the system?
Thank you!

Zoje Gabili
29th Dec 2019, 22:44
Hi everyone! Soon, I'm about to have FEAST 1, and currently, I'm preparing using SkyTest, it's installed on windows via virtual machine on Mac OS, and I have an obstacle (or maybe that should be like that), I can barely hear Multi control test audio task. Tell me please, should be like that, i mean almost impossible, or it's just a problem of the system?
Thank you!

Hi, I’m taking Feast exam also in January in Maastricht.

Berke Bulunur
27th Jul 2020, 21:45
Is there anyone applied for trainee atc position recently and got an invitation for the FEAST test?

9th Sep 2020, 10:55
Hello everyone , recently i sent my documents to my local ATSP and i just saw that they have launched an autumn campaing for recruiting atc tranees. I think that in the next few months i will be invited to take the FEAST exams , i hope that everything will be allright . When i read the advertisement that my ATSP shared i saw that they are including a exam called WOMBAT. I read few things about it on the internet , it's something like a video game with two joysticks and that's all i found. Can sombody who took this test share some more information about it . I will be thankfull!

25th Sep 2020, 10:51
for skyguide test is it usefull skytest for preparation?

21st Mar 2021, 11:55
Hi guys, I'm 26 atm and have been working, sort of, in Paris ACC for 4 years now. I'm multirating and qualified, valid medical, ACC licence, all the good stuff.

Some years ago I looked at the salaries on eurocontrol's website and didn't find them very impressive. Recently though, I chanced upon a very talkative MUAC controlller on the phone and the numbers were quite higher than those on the website ; talking about some 9k in the early years to 15k late career, net, and also told me that there's no taxation on those salaries.

First, I'd like to know if those figures are real or exaggerated.
Then, I'd like to know if it's possible to transfer to MUAC from the french service once I've done my time (I'll be 28-29), and if so, would I have to do the whole training again or just parts of it ? I feel kind of underused in Paris, especially since Covid but also before that, and I'd gladly work more if it means I'll earn more.

Anyone here transfered from another ACC to MUAC ? If so, how risky is it / how long does the process take on average ?

26th Mar 2021, 11:56
Hello, anyone knows something about the selection camp of Skyguide? Phase 3

20th Jul 2021, 09:13
I have done whole FEAST package, and went to Phase 2 at Eurocontrol. All members from my group unfortunately failed.

30th Aug 2021, 01:23
Hi guys, I'm 26 atm and have been working, sort of, in Paris ACC for 4 years now. I'm multirating and qualified, valid medical, ACC licence, all the good stuff.

Some years ago I looked at the salaries on eurocontrol's website and didn't find them very impressive. Recently though, I chanced upon a very talkative MUAC controlller on the phone and the numbers were quite higher than those on the website ; talking about some 9k in the early years to 15k late career, net, and also told me that there's no taxation on those salaries.

First, I'd like to know if those figures are real or exaggerated.
Then, I'd like to know if it's possible to transfer to MUAC from the french service once I've done my time (I'll be 28-29), and if so, would I have to do the whole training again or just parts of it ? I feel kind of underused in Paris, especially since Covid but also before that, and I'd gladly work more if it means I'll earn more.

Anyone here transfered from another ACC to MUAC ? If so, how risky is it / how long does the process take on average ?

Last i heard MUAC stopped hiring licenced ATCOs even before COVID due to high failure rate during unit rating.

25th Oct 2021, 09:01
Hello there!
I couldn't go on January/February to do the test in MUAC, and they've put me in a waiting list on March, are there any disadvantages on doing so?

13th Nov 2021, 17:16
Hello there!
I couldn't go on January/February to do the test in MUAC, and they've put me in a waiting list on March, are there any disadvantages on doing so?

You wrote me privately asking some questions but I can't answer you as your inbox is full.

14th Nov 2021, 08:17
You wrote me privately asking some questions but I can't answer you as your inbox is full.
Sorry, I've just deleted some PM messages, now you can answer me.

16th Jan 2022, 12:50
Is there any active members can help about feast test? Thanks.

2nd Jun 2022, 07:14
Could anyone who has done the group assessment and the interview give some advice about this phase please??

13th Aug 2022, 16:13
Can anyone explain how does the Feast test go because i will be attending it soon.

27th Oct 2023, 17:14
Hello everyone.

I recently sat the Phase 2 group assessment and subsequently the interview. The overall experience for the group interview is good, it does feel like they're good at filtering out who they know they want, but I don't know if I say the same for the interview. It feels heavily geared towards making sure you can actually do good during an interview rather than actually doing the job. Keep in mind, I was not successful in the latter.

During mine they focused on factoids, of which I missed most because I always focused more on their actual work rather than much of details. When they did ask technical questions, they usually delved deep enough that there was a point of disconnect between what you realistically should and could actually know.

If you're like me and you didn't get selected during the interview, you can request a phone call from the recruiter that was present during and be given feedback on key areas they didn't like and need improving, but more importantly you're also told if you're invited to try again a year later. I haven't actually received my phone call personally so my faith is still in limbo, so to speak. It's also very hard to gauge how you did, because me and 2 other candidates I know just couldn't decide how they handled themselves during, as you get pushed a lot with the questions that they ask. I actually left feeling great, but subsequently realized I might have a few spots that I could have done better, shortly followed by the rejection the following day. It felt very discouraging for me personally, because I think I have what it takes and that I'm a great fit, but that's my own opinion at the end of the day, its them you have to convince and I clearly didn't do enough on that front.

Lastly, you can't prepare for the group assessment beyond knowing how to be a team player, but that much is obvious. I passed on the first try both FEAST Phase 1, the same ATC test everyone takes in Europe, and Phase 2, the group part.

Best of luck.

8th Nov 2023, 15:30
Hello everyone.

I recently sat the Phase 2 group assessment and subsequently the interview. The overall experience for the group interview is good, it does feel like they're good at filtering out who they know they want, but I don't know if I say the same for the interview. It feels heavily geared towards making sure you can actually do good during an interview rather than actually doing the job. Keep in mind, I was not successful in the latter.

During mine they focused on factoids, of which I missed most because I always focused more on their actual work rather than much of details. When they did ask technical questions, they usually delved deep enough that there was a point of disconnect between what you realistically should and could actually know.

If you're like me and you didn't get selected during the interview, you can request a phone call from the recruiter that was present during and be given feedback on key areas they didn't like and need improving, but more importantly you're also told if you're invited to try again a year later. I haven't actually received my phone call personally so my faith is still in limbo, so to speak. It's also very hard to gauge how you did, because me and 2 other candidates I know just couldn't decide how they handled themselves during, as you get pushed a lot with the questions that they ask. I actually left feeling great, but subsequently realized I might have a few spots that I could have done better, shortly followed by the rejection the following day. It felt very discouraging for me personally, because I think I have what it takes and that I'm a great fit, but that's my own opinion at the end of the day, its them you have to convince and I clearly didn't do enough on that front.

Lastly, you can't prepare for the group assessment beyond knowing how to be a team player, but that much is obvious. I passed on the first try both FEAST Phase 1, the same ATC test everyone takes in Europe, and Phase 2, the group part.

Best of luck.

Hello - thank you for this info!

I was wondering how long you waited from submitting your application to get an interview date?

9th Nov 2023, 18:08
My figure will be different from yours, it takes quite a while because you have to go through 2 different FEAST assessments and they're scheduled differently, some people can have it all happen in like no time and some might have to wait way longer. I saw people that waited 4 months and some that waited more than a year.

6th Dec 2023, 21:32
I’m invited for phase 2 but I’m wondering about the flight plan, I’m trying to find some information on what’s expected and if it’s good to have some prior knowledge, but I can’t really find anything..
Was it difficult to understand and execute it or is it kind of a hard to fail task? Thank you for the inputs 🙏🏻

Hello everyone.

I recently sat the Phase 2 group assessment and subsequently the interview. The overall experience for the group interview is good, it does feel like they're good at filtering out who they know they want, but I don't know if I say the same for the interview. It feels heavily geared towards making sure you can actually do good during an interview rather than actually doing the job. Keep in mind, I was not successful in the latter.

During mine they focused on factoids, of which I missed most because I always focused more on their actual work rather than much of details. When they did ask technical questions, they usually delved deep enough that there was a point of disconnect between what you realistically should and could actually know.

If you're like me and you didn't get selected during the interview, you can request a phone call from the recruiter that was present during and be given feedback on key areas they didn't like and need improving, but more importantly you're also told if you're invited to try again a year later. I haven't actually received my phone call personally so my faith is still in limbo, so to speak. It's also very hard to gauge how you did, because me and 2 other candidates I know just couldn't decide how they handled themselves during, as you get pushed a lot with the questions that they ask. I actually left feeling great, but subsequently realized I might have a few spots that I could have done better, shortly followed by the rejection the following day. It felt very discouraging for me personally, because I think I have what it takes and that I'm a great fit, but that's my own opinion at the end of the day, its them you have to convince and I clearly didn't do enough on that front.

Lastly, you can't prepare for the group assessment beyond knowing how to be a team player, but that much is obvious. I passed on the first try both FEAST Phase 1, the same ATC test everyone takes in Europe, and Phase 2, the group part.

Best of luck.

18th Dec 2023, 13:43
I'm currently in the selection process after successfully completing the FEAST testing and received an invitation for the group assessment, with a potential interview following. As pursuing a career in air traffic control is my dream, I'm reaching out to gather insights into the entire selection process. Your help on what I should focus on and any tips to enhance my chances of being selected would be really appreciated.

12th Mar 2024, 12:36
Hi, I’ve got a feast test next month can anyone help with what comes up. I know cube folding comes up but what else