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14th Mar 2014, 23:17
@maumau92 - I applied earlier in the week and got a "Thanks for applying - we'll be in touch soon.." email shortly after.

Quite excited!

17th Mar 2014, 13:38
Soon after sending your application you should receive a certificate of visual performance that needs to be completed by an optician/ophthalmologist. You then send it back and wait for an invitation (I believe this hasn't been announced yet, as I haven't personally received anything).

18th Mar 2014, 00:35
@mbucholski - I assume the certificate is by forwarded post and not electronically (by email)?

18th Mar 2014, 16:11
It's a Word document via email. Returned electronically (fax/post/in person also possible).

19th Mar 2014, 22:27
Yeah I got that a few weeks ago and last week another message just saying that they received my application and will be in touch soon. So lets hope the best

25th Mar 2014, 15:08

Luckily just been sent the certificate of visual performance sheet by EURM about 30 minutes before my scheduled eye exam.

Lon More
6th Apr 2014, 19:01
Visited MUAC on Friday (thanks Ellen and others)

Apparently budget considerations mean that there will be a planned reduction in the number of controllers (+/- 50 was the number mentioned) in the next few years. Also a reduction in investment and system development.
It's always been feast (no pun intended) or famine concerning the provision of ab-initio courses. There will be a peak in retirement at the end of the decade again and it is expected that about 100 new controllers will be needed by 2020. So more courses should be scheduled in 2016-2017.

22nd Apr 2014, 15:54
Allright everyone, I need a little help.

:D I just got an email containing the invitation for Phase 1 for 20th May 2014. :D

The thing is that I'm currently working on my bachelor thesis ( I study comp sci ) and I am getting truly busy until the end of june.

Is trying to reschedule a good idea, or should I just go for it? I am afraid I will not be in my best shape at that time, lots of stress is accumulating on the way.

Thanks for any piece of advice,

Paul Anton

22nd Apr 2014, 16:41
Paul I also got invited but on the 19th :)

24th Apr 2014, 15:51
hello everyone

I also got an invitation for the selection test on 19th May!
How do you guys prepare for the test? if you even do?! does anyone use skytest?


24th Apr 2014, 18:10

Nice one all - how long have you been waiting for your invitation? I.e. when was your certificate of visual performance in with HR? :D

24th Apr 2014, 18:59
I got one as well for the 21st, but I did need to reschedule because it was right in the middle of my university exams... but good luck to all of you ;) I think I waited like 2 months or so?

24th Apr 2014, 21:26
I also got an invitation for the 19th :)
do you guys prepare yourselves? with skytest or any other things? I'm wondering if i should do it or not...they won't give us any preparation stuff will they?:confused:

25th Apr 2014, 06:14

I just checked my email and it says I sent it on the 14th of February.
On the 20th I followed up with an email inquiring the receipt of the visual performance certificate and I was confirmed and thanked for my patience :)

Good luck,

28th Apr 2014, 14:01
Got invitation for 19th of May. It will be way to hard to make it, so that's why I am asking. You think that 1st time is always better and with more chances? They told me that if they have enough candidates in May, there won't be any other dates, and the opening will be closed. So, what do you think?

28th Apr 2014, 18:28
but all selection tests are in May, aren't they?

29th Apr 2014, 16:33
Guys, does anybody know when does the 2nd Phase takes place? is it like after 3-4 months, or it might be one month after the 1st phase. Anyone? at least approximately. Tnx.

30th Apr 2014, 22:21
Asked a friend who passed the FEAST at Skyguide, and told me tha Skytest helped him a lot, he knew exactly what to expect. Any comments on that?

1st May 2014, 17:36
Who is travelling from Budapest? i'll be going on 18th from Budapest to Brussels, then via train to Maastricht. Anyone else??

4th May 2014, 19:34
Not from Budapest, but from Brussels direct to Maastricht.

8th May 2014, 15:12
Hi guys.
Going to take FEAST at Maastricht on 16th June...
I've already passed it and work as an ATC in Ukraine...but our authorities don't care about english part in feast test...so we did'nt do it the best...
But in Maastricht everything is important...could you give some advices about english phase of the test...i've got the 4'th level of ICAO...but i think it's not enough...
Thank's a lot

8th May 2014, 15:30
slamdoneck1991, do MUAC know that you have already taken FEAST (as specified in the e-mail) and are working in ATC already?

8th May 2014, 15:33
I'll be there on the 17th

I did the FEAST test a while ago with NATS in the UK, the English part wasn't really complicated. It's just general understanding of written and spoken text, filling in words etc. If you understood the rest of the test, then the English part shouldn't really be a problem.

8th May 2014, 15:39
ANyone who had an experience in Eurocontrol, please, will there be a problem if you can't come on the suggested date for phase 2? any consequences? I am just afraid that will not be in Europe for the summer, and if I get a call for phase 2 that time, someone else will take my place.

And for the phase 1, I see that different dates for mostly everyone, didn't know that. that's good, at least we won't be 100 people all together at once.

8th May 2014, 15:42
maumau92, I presume you have also advised MUAC that you have taken FEAST previously? Did you pass?

8th May 2014, 16:05
Yes I did ;) Luckily they give me a second chance =) I got to Phase 2 with NATS

8th May 2014, 18:42
so you are going to take feast at eurocontrol too? on the 17th of June or? I see all of us got different dates, I see that phase 2 will be later, so I'll have a chance to go in september or october for the phase 2, if I pass the feast, which I hope to.

9th May 2014, 04:22
Got an invitation to phase 1 on the 17th of June yesterday. :)

9th May 2014, 16:44
Yes I'm there on the 17th. I personally hope that it doesn't take too long for the second phase, but I guess we'll have to wait and see ;)
Congratulations CoolOff, see you there !

12th May 2014, 01:51
Of course...i mantioned about it, and they told me, that i should pass the FEAST test again, also like my friend, we both an ATC in Ukraine already, and did feast in 2012...

12th May 2014, 03:12
Guys, few more questions..
How we can get to Maastricht from Amsterdam(Schiphol)...are there trains from airport, or should we get to the central-rail station in Amsterdam...?

12th May 2014, 06:26
Home | NS (http://www.ns.nl)

dutch train services, you could plan your journey there.

from ams schiphol you can catch trains going to sittard or utrecht where you have to change train going directly to Maastricht.

12th May 2014, 21:32
Can't wait .....fingers crossed every single second. :)

17th May 2014, 11:30
Travelling from Brussles to Maastricht, do I need to buy the ticket online, or I can do that at the station? Any difference or? I hope the employees at the station know English.

18th May 2014, 16:58
Hi there guys,

I am invited for the 1st Phase to Maastricht which will be held on 16th of June.

It is a little bit difficult to find a good connection directly to Maastricht. Is anyone flying to DUS on 15th of June? Or does any of you know know how to get direct to Maastricht from Dusseldorf Airport in less than 3-4 train connections?


18th May 2014, 20:57
you can buy on the spot as well however i think it would be cheaper to buy that in advance.
in the benelux states basically everybody speaks English, especially hollands and luxo guys.

however be prepared for that in the Netherlands they dont really accept foreign credit or debit cards unless that's a maestro, so always have some cash with you.

20th May 2014, 14:26
try Dusseldorf - Aachen by train - there's a bus stop just outside of Aachen train station.
Buses leave from there going directly to Maastricht; takes about an hour.

23rd May 2014, 09:48
Will also attend phase 2, meet everyone else there.

23rd May 2014, 13:09
Waiting for update after email last week saying 'We will be in contact in due course with regards to an invitation to Phase 1 selection testing here at EUROCONTROL Maastricht UAC.'

How long shall I expect to wait, I'm hoping for at least a few weeks notice in order to book flights and trains...

I did the FEAST test (including DART) at NATS, UK over 3 years ago. :)

23rd May 2014, 14:09
What's phase 3? Medical? Would you be going home between 2 and 3 Alduin?

24th May 2014, 13:16
Congrats to everybody who passed phase 1!
How many people were there in your group? Do you have any idea how many passed the first tests?

28th May 2014, 15:17
Hey all, I'm just new at the forum because I have some questions regarding this issue.

How much time did it take since the day you sent your visual certificate up until they called you?

It's because I'm right in the middle of an interchange programme and I have both Eurocontrol and my country (NAV Portugal) pending applications and I would like to schedule my life for the forthcoming months and it'd be nice to have an idea of how much time it takes. :ok:

Thanks in advance!

10th Jun 2014, 08:38
Still waiting for Stage 1 test date, anyone else the same?

10th Jun 2014, 14:28
Yep, @T250, me :oh:

10th Jun 2014, 17:00
Same here T250. Got an e-mail about three weeks ago now saying they have all my information and would be in touch shortly about a phase one testing date at MUAC but heard nothing as of yet.

11th Jun 2014, 17:08
I hope they won't call me when I have my exams in July. It would be a nightmare because I don't want to postpone my exams nor this opportunity.

In other news, does the education level have any influence on the process?

11th Jun 2014, 18:58
@pb1991 I hope not I've barely finished my A-levels :sad:

26th Jun 2014, 13:09
Got the invitation for phase 1. July 14th.

Anyone else?

26th Jun 2014, 15:39
I got invited for 14th but can't make it cause of current work commitments.

They wouldn't offer any alternative dates and said they'd contact me in a few months if they're still looking for candidates.

So, if they're not looking for candidates in a few months I'm automatically out even without doing the tests? :ugh:

Thanks for nothing! :ouch:

Crazy Voyager
26th Jun 2014, 15:50
You're probably not out as in, you can't apply, but you will have to wait until the next round of tests are arranged.

You didn't expect them to arrange extra tests for you did you?

26th Jun 2014, 16:26
Hi Everyone, I went to Maastricht for phase 1 testing on 17th June, the next day I got a letter saying I was eligible to be invited for Phase 2 testing. I still haven't had an email from them 10 days later. Anyone else in this position? Did I have to reply to the email or do I just wait? Any help will be appreciated :)

26th Jun 2014, 19:46
just sit there and wait, not much you can do about it.
lot of people tend to think that they're just sitting there at muac hr office handling only possible atcos' case.
that's not like that they're busy with other things as well. keep yourself busy, do not think about it, relax. that's the best way to prep yourself for stage2 anyway.

27th Jun 2014, 16:23
You're probably not out as in, you can't apply, but you will have to wait until the next round of tests are arranged.

You didn't expect them to arrange extra tests for you did you?

Of course not, but from the tone of their email it sounded like if they were to find that all the candidates are good enough to go through to the next stage at the test date that I cannot attend through no fault of my own, then that leaves me nowhere and with no further progress in my application.

I hope that's not the case and I'm sure I won't be as I'm sure we all know just how competitive and also how low the pass rate is for the FEAST test as some people have it and others don't.

So hopefully, if the group on 14th July is an average group then they shall still be needing further candidates in September. No offence intended to anyone by the way :)

28th Jun 2014, 10:09
From what we've been told about their schedule, I don't think they will. It'd be surprising if they ran Phase 1 simultaneously with Phase 2, when the latter is planned to start in a the next month or two already. Heck, I'm surprised they're even accepting new applications at the moment, five or six months after the opening. Sorry to break it to you. Good luck to those invited for Phase 2, my envious soul and thoughts are with you. :ok:

28th Jun 2014, 18:27
Not sure what you're trying to say, can't make any sense of it.

But for the facts, the recruitment and selection is fully open as of today 28th June 2014 at 1830 UTC and anyone can apply here: https://www.eurocontrol.int/articles/apply-air-traffic-controller-job


29th Jun 2014, 13:53
All I'm saying is that I'd take the opportunity offered if I were in your shoes, as there might not be another in the future. But best of luck and hopefully I'm being overly pessimistic.

Richard H
17th Jul 2014, 11:41
I did Phase 1 on Monday, got my pass email today!
So happy!

Can someone tell me, in phase two is it just situational testing, and then if I pass that I will be called to Maastricht again? Or is it all done on the same day?

Thank you.

T250: I did phase 1 on the 14th. I can tell you that there were around 15 of us. 6 stayed for the DART. I know one guy failed here, I passed. I have no idea about the others though.

17th Jul 2014, 12:10
Hey Richard :)

I too was in the afternoon session and also received my pass email today! Looking forward to seeing who else from the 6 got through!

Richard H
17th Jul 2014, 19:44
Thank you!

If the two stages are quite close together, that is a big help to me as I am supposed to be starting a job in September, but obviously I'd rather do this; so the sooner I know if I have been successful, the better!

Hotel Tango
17th Jul 2014, 20:55
..... and not withstanding that after training begins only approx 50-60% will succeed.

Richard H
18th Jul 2014, 14:49
Thank you for that Alduin.
Do you think it is possible to practice for Phase 2? I mean, I didn't bother for Phase 1 as the instructions said that it wasn't really possible.

19th Jul 2014, 13:06
Hi guys,
I've just arrived back from Maastricht and unfortunately I failed phase 1.
I want to know your oppinions about trying to retake the test.
The reason I think i failed is because of the fatigue of the trip and a few other mishaps along the way.
Is it possible to get a second chance? Should i try again next year? Are there any succesfull atcos who passed on their second try ?
and my last question, does muac reimburse the travelling expenses on your second try, although i dint really care about the Travel expensses, I only care about another shot at working for eurocontrol and training with them

20th Jul 2014, 16:26
Hi Razvan 94,

Sorry to hear that you failed phase 1 at Maastricht. You are allowed to reapply at Maastricht, but you are only allowed to be tested at Maastricht a maximum of 2 times, so in other words if you do decide to go back that is the last chance that they give you. They reimburse the funds each time you go and you have to leave a minimum of two years before you can reapply. The only way in my opinion that you can prepare is just knowing what sort of tests that are involved. Even if you know what is coming and have practised it before, the tests that they make you undertake are designed so that they can test you on your natural abilities and not what you have studied.
If you do reapply, then whatever happens you know that you have done the tests to your full ability and then it is like a closed chapter and you know for sure what to do next. :D

21st Jul 2014, 17:48
Wow that sounds great.
Last time i was in poor mental health, messed the cube one really bad.
Thats really really great, another shot, kinda bummed its two years but i`ll take it :))

22nd Jul 2014, 19:40
I have just failed and this was fair in my opinion. But all I have to say is DO PREPARATION if you want to suceed. Of course, you cannot improve some skills if you don't have them, but you will, at least, practice yourself in these skills in order to be ready on the day of test and not to lose so much time to understand
this very 'special' test. The most important is that with some kind of preparation you will be more familiar with the test. I personally believe that eurocontrol should give more information on the test in advance, and, why not, some simple examples from every part of the test to candidates. It would be more difficult for
a person without any knowledge of the content of the tests to suceed. In the day of the test no-one will inform you in advance for the content, you are just you and the computer, and before you understand it the test will begin. I regret every moment I did not prepare or informed more about the test but nor eurocontrol helped me a lot. It is reasonable in some way if you consider the amount of applicants and the number of people that will be selected. Only the best (and with a little bit of luck) will pass. Maybe next time I will give another try having already done a preparation, the test itself. Good luck to all of you guys in the next phases.

Richard H
25th Jul 2014, 14:13
Well I just got my invitation for Phase 2: 16th September with the interview the day after.

Anybody else?

25th Jul 2014, 17:33
I have been impatiently waiting for an email from them since I got back from phase 1 in mid June. They said I was eligible for phase 2 and since then I have been waiting for the email to come and still nothing over a month later!! I might call them on Monday and see what is happening, but that might be a step to far, maybe this is normal and they do not email everyone at once or maybe they have forgotten! I don't know!!! Congrats on getting the email

Marc E
25th Jul 2014, 21:49
After waiting about 2 months I finally got an invitation for phase 2.
I'll be there the 17th of September.

14th Aug 2014, 21:49
I too will be there on the 17th. Best of luck!

Richard H
15th Aug 2014, 10:52
Anybody been sent the online personality questionnaire yet?
EDIT: I received mine today.

5th Sep 2014, 09:37
Hey there,

I was thinking of applying but I'm rather poor and was wondering if it is true that you are reimbursed for travel expenses and even hotel expenses if you take the feast test in maastricht?

Do you get reimbursed for all the times you have to travel to maastricht? I really want to apply as I'm currently waiting (probably forever) on a stage 3 interview at NATS and figure I can have a good go at this application... just money is a problem if I have to pay for 2 or 3 visits to maastricht and don't get any back!

Thanks for any help :)

5th Sep 2014, 09:56
Also, has anyone had to send any certificates proving grades in education with their initial application form or do they request them later on?

5th Sep 2014, 15:20
Hi eyesickle1,

If you are age 31, as your pprune profile says, then unfortunately you cannot apply due to being over the age of 25.

If not, or for anyone else wondering the same, then yes Eurocontrol will reimburse your travel expenses for each visit. They will provide the hotel accomodation, but you have to book and pay for your own travel, then submit copies of the tickets etc when you attend, and it will be paid into your bank account after each visit. So although you don't end up out of pocket for travel in the end, you do have to pay to begin with.

5th Sep 2014, 17:56
I've been invited for Phase 1 by Eurocontrol.

I have been reading some on Wikipedia about the FEAST test but could someone please explain the famous "cube test". I always read that this test is the hardest. What's it all about? :)

7th Sep 2014, 12:59
I got my invitation for Phase 2 on 25th of July, and BAQ just this Thursday.

Phase 2 starts on 15th September for me, with interview on 17th-19th.
(They probably want to get at least two rounds of Phase 2 testing through, so they can have a full day of interviews, instead of just 2-3.)

Richard H
8th Sep 2014, 18:04
I was wondering, what are the group sizes for Phase 2?
Also, someone said much earlier in this thread that you need to know how to create a flight plan before you do phase 2. Is that correct?

Only a week to go now!

9th Sep 2014, 00:22
No, you don't need to know really anything for phase 2. It is just, that YOU create a flight plan, before you have to go through a test, where you have to discuss it with a partner and such stuff. So having at least seen a flight strip and knowing roughly what information it contains/should contain is somewhat helpfull (at least as far as my experience with the German ATC (DFS) Tests is concerned).

Phase 2 consists of 3 groups of 6 people being testet on 3 days.
So 15./16. and 17. have all the same tests, with just 3 groups of 6 doing the tests.

At least EC states, that Phase 2 consists of 6 person group tesing.. And Imke said as much as that they draft 18 people for their first block of Phase 2 in September.

Richard H
9th Sep 2014, 09:50
Thank you Essoxs. That was exactly the information I wanted to know.

EDIT: Can someone please tell me the separation requirements at MUAC? I think it's 5nm horizontally and 1000 feet vertically?

9th Sep 2014, 15:05
most of the times yes, 5nm or 1000feet.

regarding creating a flight plan: it's not a real flight plan, dont brown your pants. it's about using common sense and standing by for decisions you've made without being an arrogant jerk.

Richard H
9th Sep 2014, 16:51
Thank you! It's not so much the phase 2 that I'm worried about as I've done a few of those before and have succeeded. It's the interview part, specifically the technical problems at the end that are asked, that is more of a concern!
Still, better to fail here than part way through training!

10th Sep 2014, 16:18
dont worry about technical stuff. it's not like you have to invent black light or solve the problem of the starving children in africa with some gadget. as i wrote before it's about quick thinking, problem solving. if you get stuck you will receive hints from the interview boards (assuming you're not considered an ahole till then).

so dress properly, listen, answer for the questions and you should be fine. however if i were you i wouldnt focus too much on the interview part.. that's stage3 and you're still before stage2.

Marc E
14th Sep 2014, 11:21
It is only 3 more days until Phase 2. However I have not yet received any confirmation for the hotel booking from Imke. Did anyone of you receive some kind of confirmation?

14th Sep 2014, 14:34
Don't worry, no confirmation of reservation will be send. Just check in at the main desk of Hotel Beaumont on your booked day of arrival and they will surely have everything ready.

[Just checked in 20 minutes ago, to start my tests tomorrow! :) ]

Marc E
15th Sep 2014, 14:08
Thanks Essoxs, best of luck with the test. Let us know how it went.

22nd Sep 2014, 10:34
Has anyone got their results for the Phase 2 testing yet?

I will be traveling down to Maastricht on 30th of September for the Phase 1 testing.

23rd Sep 2014, 11:31
@Timpsi you'll get the Phase 2 results usually the same day, as you'll then need to go back for the interview usually the day after. I got the feedback from the interview rather quick as well, so just a few days later.

26th Sep 2014, 08:07

I haven't done the Phase 1 yet, I'm doing it on Tuesday. I was just wondering about the ones who went for the Phase 2 recently!

9th Oct 2014, 06:36
Anyone familiar with FEAST MULTIPASS test?

9th Oct 2014, 23:22
I sent off my application, received a certificate of visual performance, filled that in and sent it off and just received an e-mail stating that they had got my full application and would correspond with me in due course about stage 1 assessments. The email had an attachment on it, but on outlook it won't let me see the attachment at all, which means it's probably of a format outlook doesn't like.

Just wondering if anyone knows what this attachment is and if it's important? I'm assuming it's not as I have to wait for another email to see if I have a phase 1 interview or not, but just double checking.

Thanks for any info.

17th Oct 2014, 10:10
I`m new to the forum,but i`m about to take the multi pass next week and i don`t have a clue what to expect,if anyone could say something about it i would be very grathefull.

17th Oct 2014, 14:06
I think nobody know what is that test. New test from Eurocontrol ;)

20th Oct 2014, 11:03

Can someone tell me something about feast multipass test and FPQ? (I think that is for Feast Personality Questionaire)

Thank you

21st Oct 2014, 13:41
FPQ stands for Feast Personality Questions.
You can find example here:

ATC Personality Test (http://www.airways.co.nz/careers/atc_quiz.asp)

21st Oct 2014, 20:24
Hi, i'm new to this forum and i jut completed second phase of FEAST tests (DART) and i have a few questions regarding them.

There was 1300 aplicants for the job at phase one, 200 of us were accepted in phase two and i'm wondering how many usualy procceed to phase three?

I finnished ex. 4 with no errors and with no corrections of headings, ex. 5 was quite hectic and i had about five conflicts and one near miss :ugh: in ex.6 i had no conflicts but i entered a few SUMs incorrectly and made a loop with one of my planes. Those, who finnished and proccedeed to phase 3 what do you thing my chances are? Probably very little chance but still, did anyone proceed with so many critical situations?

22nd Oct 2014, 09:08
Nobody can tell you how many will stay for second part of phase 2.
It depends how well people done it. It can be 80% or 30% but you will see for yourself.

I think you done DART ok and you should pass if everything you wrote is correct.

Do you have Multi Pass test after this?

22nd Oct 2014, 10:25
Is the Multi Pass test aka Phase 2 the same as the "group assignment"? Or is this something else?

Phase 3 would be the interviews. I passed Phase 1 and waiting for dates for Phase 2 at the moment. Anyone else?

22nd Oct 2014, 11:53
Phase 3 is FPQ. Phase 4 is interview.
Multi Pass is also done on computer, it's not group assignment.

22nd Oct 2014, 14:27
Okay! At EC they told me that Phase 2 would consist of a "group assignment" the first day and if you passed this there would be an interview on the next day, Phase 3. Thats what they told us anyway. Maybe they cound the FPQ and Multi Pass as Phase 2?

22nd Oct 2014, 14:37
Maybe it's different I don't know.
If they told you that, then it should be that way. Follow the instructions :)

23rd Oct 2014, 11:46

yes i really hope it was enough. For first phase there is probably a minimum score required to proceed to phase two, what about phase two?
Does the best few % of applicants proceed or is there also a minimum score required and everyone above that proceed?
I've never heard of Multi Pass test. As far as i know after DART testing we have FPQ and then the interview.
I'm currently not so stressed from what awaits us in the next round i'm just anxiously waiting for the invitation (:

23rd Oct 2014, 12:50
Just got my invite to Phase 1 testing. Was wondering if anyone has travelled from anywhere in the North of England and has any advice on the best way to get to Maastricht? I thought flying would be good but the only places seem to be from Glasgow or London and I'm near Manchester. Would trains be better?

24th Oct 2014, 05:13
@ blazzzoubek

We didn't get any results from the test. We just receive email if we pass or didn't, so I can't tell you is there any % you need to achive. I pass DART test and I did almost the same as you described :)

I understand you perfectly for waiting for results..that is the worst - waiting period :sad:

27th Oct 2014, 10:43
Hi guys! I am the new one here.:)

Has anybody passed till the second stage of ATCOs selection in Maastricht this year?
They invited me for the second stage. So does anybody has any information or an idea about what will be there? And also if anybody is coming to Maastricht for the second stage from anywhere, let's co-operate!)
Right now I am in Brussels and will stay here till 29th of November.

29th Oct 2014, 06:45
can anyone please borrow me the skytest atco program? I will return the money but right now I'm so broke and testing is coming up in 1 week!

for god's sake, i've searched this whole Internet and found nothing available for download. it's incredible how people don't care about air traffic control!

29th Oct 2014, 07:06
@cemah - you will need a activation from skytest support that's why there isn't any available download.

29th Oct 2014, 07:45
Hey! I have also been informed that I passed Phase 1 and will be invited for Phase 2 in "the near future". No invitation yet though, so I'm just waiting impatiently :)

For what date did you receive your invitation?

29th Oct 2014, 08:08
Morning, man.

Look, actually I have also been only informed about that I have passed. And they have said only that this 2nd stage will be somewhere between 22nd-29th of November. I was wondering, if anybody else has got this "invitation" and so has known what will be there. :rolleyes:

So I am also waiting.

But it's good to know that I am not the only one.
Anyway for better co-operation we can exchange with our facebook, if you want.))

29th Oct 2014, 13:57

I received invitation for part II of FEAST - DART - 4 days (weekend included) after completing first part. I'd done DART 21st of this month and I still didn't receive any information at all. Is this normal? I applied at national ATC provider.

How long you usually wait for the information?

30th Oct 2014, 07:37

Just for example: in my country they informed us in 15 minutes after the test if we have passed. So I think it's a better idea to call them and to discover if you have passed.

Good luck!:ok:

30th Oct 2014, 13:30
@MickMannock Check your inbox mate! :)

@KristianControl, did you do the test with Eurocontrol or are you talking about ATC in your country?

30th Oct 2014, 14:37
In my country but as far as I know it all goes through Brussels no matter where you do it. I just wanted to know what experiences people have.

31st Oct 2014, 04:40
I got picked for phase 1-November 19th. Anyone else get picked around this time? Is phase 2 shortly after phase 1? Thanks

31st Oct 2014, 15:08
Great, good luck at Phase 1! :)

Haven't got any dates for Phase 2 yet so atleast for the group I was in, it will probably not be around Nov 19th. Does anybody know how many groups or people they are planning to invite for Phase 2? If they are still running Phase 1 invites and the course is supposed to start in spring 2015, they better start finishing the selection process in my opinion.

31st Oct 2014, 20:56
Well, I asked a lot of questions because I'm all the way in America so I was curious about how many times I would have to travel. They said they are finishing up the testing beginning of December.

1st Nov 2014, 15:45
Since I'm flying from the United States I had a lot of questions for him and how many times I would have to fly back, etc. He mentioned that they will be finishing up the testing beginning of December.

4th Nov 2014, 03:53
Did you get your results?

4th Nov 2014, 17:10
Turns out because I've already done a feast test (with NATS) I had to fill in a little consent form and then they sent off to NATS for my results. They said it wouldn't take long but it's been a week and a half and if it's true that testing will be finishing up in December I'm a bit worried they won't be able to give me an interview in time?

Did anyone else go through this same process and can tell me how long it took? With any other provider of the test, not just NATS?

Thank you.

7th Nov 2014, 21:40
Hello! I had my first FEAST test yesterday, and I was wondering if anyone could tell me what is the minimum percentage that you have to acomplish on FEAST to pass? Do these selection procedures usually work on basis that everyone who gets over that minimum on FEAST test goes to second phase, or do they select whatever number of people they want with best result? I am sure I correctly answered on at least 80% of questions in FEAST test, do you think that is enough to go to second phase?

12th Nov 2014, 19:18
Has anyone received their invitation for Phase 2 testing? I haven't but I talked t someone who received it yesterday for testing in end of Nov. I passed phase 1. Should I be worried if I don't get an invitation or should I mail Imke and ask?

What do you guys think?

12th Nov 2014, 20:13
if you have passed phase 1 then why the hell should you be worried? don't send them another mail they're busy enough. just be patient, there are lots of application.

13th Nov 2014, 16:01
I would definitely be patient. As you can see not everyone is getting invitations or tested at the same time. My phase 1 test is on Monday, November 17, so they are still finishing up phase 1 testing. And will probably start phase 2 when everyone is finished.

18th Nov 2014, 09:42
So I think we met each other atcgirl :)

In my Invitation Imke wrote that the last testing would be on the 19th of november.

18th Nov 2014, 19:57
So now FEAST Battery Tests are P1, FEAST DART is P2 and MULTIPASS is P3?

19th Nov 2014, 09:43
Offcially, the battery and the DART Tests are still P1. Thereafter the multipass as P2 and the Interviev followed by the medical.

But many candidates say P2 to the DART because they split the Tests in the Morning and in the afternoon.

19th Nov 2014, 09:47
Hi, I am new to this forum so I am sorry if someone allready explained this but I am interested in how I did on my DART test. I finnished ex. 4 with no errors, ex. 5 with one conflict (aircraft blinked red) and in ex.6 i had one conflict. Additionaly i entered a few SUMs incorrectly. Those, who finnished and proccedeed to phase 3 what do you thing my chances are?

20th Nov 2014, 09:17
@PredatorZg :

Should be Fine. I was at Phase 1 on monday and had also some conflict advisories plus some sums that I entered wrong or numbers that I forgot.
However, I just Received my Invitation for phase 2 on the 10th of december.

Maybe someone else is also attending that day ?

21st Nov 2014, 02:41
Phase 2 invitation for Dec 9th, if I do well then interview next day. Congratulations and good luck.

21st Nov 2014, 08:40
@atcgirl and Planetick - we must have met on the 17th:) Did you get invited to phase 2? I am attending phase 2 on the 9th December (with interviews on the 10th if I pass).

21st Nov 2014, 11:36
@hougaard :

Yes we got through the DART Test together ;)
So until now 4 of us passed, 1 didn't and about the other one from germany we don't know.

My phase 2 will be on 10th but I think we should see each other at our "modest" hotel.

Good luck :ok:

21st Nov 2014, 11:55
I also received my invitation for Phase 2 on 10th of december. See you there then! :)
Maybe we all can catch up on the 9th (in the evening or so), would be a lot of fun!

21st Nov 2014, 14:42
I will arrive at the hotel in the afternoon on the 8th and stay there until the 10th:)

22nd Nov 2014, 08:24
@Planetick Tnx a lot for that info :)

Does enyone know what kind of questions do they ask during intervju?
I heard there are some tehnical questions...

24th Nov 2014, 14:54
My phase 2 is December 9th, and if I make it interview on the 10th. I will be at the hotel December 7th, and will leave early morning on the 11th.

24th Nov 2014, 18:27
Hey, ATCGirl!

I will have Phase 2 tomorrow. Wish me a good luck. Will share my experience after.))

Timpsi, also have a good luck. Hope to meet each other in 6 monthes.))

25th Nov 2014, 09:51

Good luck today mate! Keep me updated on FB on what happens, crossing my fingers for you buddy! You'll rock it! :) Hope to see you in a couple of months aswell!

2 weeks left for me!:)

Serhii Biletskyi
27th Nov 2014, 11:41
Hi there! I'm having my phase 2 test on the 9th of Dec. They gave us some info about it, but still I just don't know what to be ready for. So, if anyone has already finished this one, could you write about it in few words? :)

27th Nov 2014, 16:55
Can anyone tell me what does the expression "control fix designator" mean? Thanks!

28th Nov 2014, 06:33

I would interpret that the Control Fix Designator is a Fix (Intersection,Point) in the coordinate system test.
For example Aircraft 68 has to fly to B4 via the Point Zulu. The Point Zulu would then be the Control Fix and the Name Zulu is the designator.

But you do not need to know 100 percent what this stands for, I passed Phase 1 a few weeks ago and even if I didn't know this, I wouldn't had problems solving the task. So it's nothing you have to know detailed.

Regards, Stefan

2nd Dec 2014, 11:03
Have you guys received the BAQ Personality Qestionnaire to fill in before your Phase 2 tests yet? I haven't received anything yet. Or is this something you'll receive if you pass the first stage of group assignments?

Though in the invitation mail it says that it will be sent before the Phase 2 testing, which is next week. Any info guys?

3rd Dec 2014, 05:33
I received mine by email yesterday.

4th Dec 2014, 12:15
Yep, got it yesterday as well.

9th Dec 2014, 09:28
Hey there, i have a question. Does anybody know if you still have a chance for passing the DART if you did everything else precisely, but crashed 2 planes in part 2? :ugh:

9th Dec 2014, 16:09
So I did phase 2 today and unfortunately did not pass to the interviews.

9th Dec 2014, 17:04
Hey! Are you still in Maastricht? Sad to hear that you didnt pass... Im having my phase 2 tomorrow.

9th Dec 2014, 18:01

I'm with atcgirl at the reception.
I have my Test tomorrow so If you Want you can come down and Meet us

10th Dec 2014, 16:24
so a statistic of today's Phase 2 testing :

Group of 6 - 6 failed --> 100 percent failed

As of the Other Group from yesterday we Heard probably also 100 percent failed.

10th Dec 2014, 17:11
So sorry to hear that guys. Do you know if there will be any more phase 2 testing? Or were you guys the last group?

10th Dec 2014, 17:29
No we don't know, there was a schedule but only for the Last week and this week.

So it's Not that clear for me and the others from the previous group what they search for while Dropping so Many REALLY good people.

10th Dec 2014, 17:38
I hope they finish the testing soon, I'm dying waiting for their final decision...
Yeah I mean it's hard to really judge what they looking for, in my group they called 5 people back for the interviews, but I don't know if we were exceptionally good, or if they just put on harder criteria towards the end.

10th Dec 2014, 21:47

when did you have your phase 2 testing?

10th Dec 2014, 22:29
in september, and phase 1 in june, so I've been in the game for a while

10th Dec 2014, 22:32
It seems like they were passing a lot more people then. It seems strange that out of 10 people nobody passed, especially since we are all so different. Good luck to you! Keep us updated.

10th Dec 2014, 22:36
yeah seems odd, but I don't know how many people actually passed the interviews

10th Dec 2014, 22:43
Yes, I am just surprised that no one even got to the interview, I mean we are already here anyways, why not interview the next day? I think every person who got a chance at phase 2 at least deserved an interview. I don't see how phase 2 tests can predict wether or not you can be a good air traffic controller. I studied air traffic control for 2 years, and I don't see how those tests were relevant to testing your learning abilities and becoming a successful ATC.

12th Dec 2014, 08:28
Could anyone please tell a few words about Multipass test? What it is like?

14th Dec 2014, 11:38
well guys in Croatia even if you pass DART it doesnt mean you will get a call for the interview. I had my IQ and personality test on 27.11. and Im still hoping but...
good luck to anyone who made it :)

18th Dec 2014, 21:06

I'd also be curious about the FPQ. Does anybody have any info?


19th Dec 2014, 15:02
The FPQ is nothing special. It's simply a personality questionaire as in most other assessment centers. You just have to order given statements regarding your personality by importance to you.

29th Dec 2014, 12:15
Have any of you, who requested it, received any feedback from the Phase 2? I asked for it a couple of days after getting back home but no call yet.

30th Dec 2014, 19:01
Same here Timpsi. Requested it the next day and Imke just replied some days after that that she would forward the mail and that it could take some time until I get the information back.

So I guess we'll have to wait

4th Jan 2015, 06:11
I got an email that said they would call me to review feedback. They called me on December 11, testing was on the 9th.

6th Jan 2015, 23:14
Greetings everyone. I'd just like to ask you guys who passed feast I, as well as II, as well as interview. After that medical check should come, I'd like to know what kind of things they check there, is there any drug testing and stuff, if so what kind of drug testings and what type of testing. Is there any eye - sight types of testing and what kind of these, as well as kidneys, liver and stuff. I'd just like to know everything, since I consider about applying for the job. THank you very much, I hope that I'll get respond soon. Greetings

9th Jan 2015, 19:24
Hi, I would like to know how to apply for becoming an ATC in Croatia.
Please let me know.
Thank you so much

10th Jan 2015, 22:05
I would catch a glimpse on the local ATC provider's website (Croatia Control Ltd. (http://www.crocontrol.hr/Jobs)) if I were you.

Best Regards

11th Jan 2015, 17:10
Hy there! I`m new to the forum,but i`m about to take feast test and I've heard about this ne test, multi pass test. Can anybody tell something about multi pass test? What is the test like? Thank you!

20th Jan 2015, 10:54
Source: Croatia Control Ltd. (http://www.crocontrol.hr/Jobs)

It does not have so much sense to me!

I do not have an air traffic controller licence with the ACS/RAD rating endorsement and English language proficiency – at least ICAO Level 4.
(I am willing to do that!)

And then they write:

"Suitable candidates will be contracted for a temporary period of 5 years, subject to the successfully completed Unit Training and obtaining the ACS/RAD LDZO Rating Endorsement."

Anyone could explain it to me?

22nd Jan 2015, 13:39

I'm new here.
I want to pass the feast test soon (normally in march, I hope)
I download an app for training me and after I read your advices and delete this app immediatly :)
I'm just afraid about the english interview. Is it very difficult? Because, I know that my english is not perfect. I want to train me.
Maybe can you tell me if there is a good site for learn quickly ?

Sorry for the mistakes. You can correct me :)


25th Jan 2015, 20:51
Hi maggamuff,
This basically means they only need one air traffic controller at the moment, they aren't hiring new trainees, they want someone who is already qualified. To get this qualification is normally only possible by being hired by an air traffic control company who will train you to get a ACS/RAD license (you would also then have to work for that company for a minimum number of years before you can leave). Sorry that this does not help so much, you will have to look for other countries who are hiring trainees at the moment, otherwise wait and see what happens in Croatia control!

25th Jan 2015, 20:56
Hi Jergui,
The English interview will unfortunately not be the first test of your English at Eurocontrol, phase 1 and 2 will also be conducted in English and if the monitors notice (especially in phase 2) that you cannot discuss well with other candidates in English it is likely you would not pass to the final interview at phase 3. I would recommend postponing your tests until you have a near fluent level of English!

26th Jan 2015, 09:15
Hello Jen! Could you give me, please, more details about Feast Dart?!? I tried to practice this exercise on skytest and i wasn t able to understand how to direct the aircrafts.. each of them has specified the speed, the name and its heading- a specific angle.. i guess it has to be a link between this angle and the direction of the checkpoints..no? Sorry for disturbing you, but I read that you had the second part of the Feast and tought that you might be able to explain me. I m a bit desperate becaused soon i ll have the dart and i really can t understand how to direct the planes. Thank you a lot, in advance.

30th Jan 2015, 20:02
Could anyone please tell a few words about Multi pass test? What it is like? Do you need to prepare in addition to this test with some background technical knowledge?


31st Jan 2015, 22:06
Hello Maria88, you'll find info about dart at page 54.I have the feast test in february at romatsa, but i know that feast1 doesn't include dart...

21st Feb 2015, 17:02
Hi everyone

I am totally new here.
Belgian National, 27 years old. I work at BRU airport, airside for a ground handling company.
As some might knew Belgocontrol is in search of 12 new ATC's and 3500 (!!) people shown their interest, one of them is me.

Few days back I got an invitation for a first 'comparative test' as they call it, and i'd like to know what to expect from that.
Is that already the first part of the FEAST test I read about here, or is that a first 'filter' test they 'll use before doing the FEAST (since it seems costly and time intensive to let 3500 people do that test...).

Anyone has a clue, or experience with former selection rounds at Belgocontrol?

Thanks in advance!

21st Feb 2015, 21:53
Hi, I'am also in on March 3rd but I am directly invite to the feast test. I don't know how many we are but it seems that we are a lot! I wish you the best! ;)

9th Mar 2015, 22:50
Is there anyone here who would be so kind to help us with some info regarding the new MULTIPASS test?

I know this test was introduced in July 2014 and some of you already took it, therefore please help us with some instructions... just to have an idea what is like!:confused:

13th Mar 2015, 09:21
Does anyone know or heard of anybody that passed the FEAST, Multipass and Interview?

Did they get the 8 candidates they needed for training in spring of 2015? In that case, when were the last tests done by Eurocontrol? As far as I know a couple of months ago the rumours said that nobody had passed. But that might've changed by now?

15th Mar 2015, 15:17
As far as I know, there are no other tests than the FEAST tests for the initial rounds.
My invitation mentioned the first comparative test too, but on the day itself, the presentation only showed FEAST as a way of selecting candidates.

24th Mar 2015, 09:31
Hi Everyone, particularly who had already passed the Dart test,

I'm practicing with Skytest, but I can't find out what is trick of the efficient guiding. Do you have any advice? How can you find the most direct route? How can you do it with the least heading changing?
The real test is similar to the Skytest?

Thanks in advance: Adri

26th Mar 2015, 21:37
Hello everybody,
My question for those who tried Feast part 1 is : at the cube folding test, how many cubes do you have to compare to the net? Is is 2 and the option for none, or 5?

1st Apr 2015, 13:40
Afternoon all,

I see a few of you have been asking about the latest round of recruitment, so I can confirm that eight candidates have been successful and start training in May.

EUROCONTROL are still accepting applications, which will be held on file for the next opportunity, details will appear on the website closer to the time.

Hope this helps!

6th Apr 2015, 16:06
Hi, can anyone please tell me about the feast multipass test?? I have no idea what it is :confused:

16th Apr 2015, 20:14
Hello everybody,

Can anyone please give me some advice?
I have passed Feast 1 and I am waiting to be scheduled for Feast 2 DART.

1. Does it matter how many instructions (turns and altitude changes) you give to the aircraft?
2. How important is the lateral distance an airplane passes by the waypoint ?
3. Does it matter how long the entire route an aircraft takes? I am referring to it's trajectory.
4. Are the aircraft repositioned directly above the waypoint (like in skytest) if they fly to much distance to an waypoint? If so, does it freeze and wait a few seconds for you to input the right heading?
5. If you crash two planes, will they disappear?
6. Crash = Fail ?

Thank you very much!

18th Apr 2015, 08:06

My personal advice about the DART and a thing you did not mention.

Pay attention to the numbers that you will hear and have to sum.

I was taking the test and had only 1 conflict on the second test of the DART. But obviously did not write all of the sums correctly, because there was a guy with 4 conflicts next to me and passed the test. - which is why I attribute my failure to the incorrect input of the numbers.

Good luck!

21st Apr 2015, 19:46
How can you confirm that 8 candidates got accepted for training? Do you know anyone that got accepted? Then they must have had more groups after late september because no candidate up til then did pass for the interviews.

Do you know when these candidates had their Phase 2, approx?


29th Apr 2015, 08:14
I know for sure that a guy from my Phase 2 group was among top 8.
We underwent our examination in mid - September.

1st May 2015, 17:22
I know one person from the 8 that got accepted and they're starting training May 1st or 4th.

Considering I'm heading to a leaving party tonight for one of the 8, it's probably the 4th ;)

5th May 2015, 19:15
Oh, well congratz to the ones who got selected. I did my Phase 2 in december so then they did it some months before me. Best of luck to the chosen ones! :) (I wont be able to apply again since I will be over 25 years by then...)

8th May 2015, 14:48
Thank you very much ATC_Hustl!

Does anybody know if the order the aircraft pass the waypoints is important?
I mean if waypoint 1 is passed by Aircraft A1 then by A2; at Waypoint 2 does it matter if A2 goes first? should the order of aircraft passing the waypoints be maintained?

Does anybody know anything about Feast 3???

12th May 2015, 19:51
There is no FEAST 3. At least not for the Belgian selections. After the two FEAST tests, there is an interview process, and a medical test.

13th May 2015, 13:39
It seems to be a newly introduced test in the entire Europe.
Has anybody taken it ?

14th May 2015, 10:00
In that case, maybe the test is just far too new to have been included in the current selections at Belgocontrol, where only FEAST 1 and FEAST 2 are being used now.
Perhaps they'll include a new, FEAST 3, test in the future too, but as of yet, that hasn't happened.

Lon More
11th Sep 2015, 17:54
EUROCONTROL are still accepting applications, which will be held on file for the next opportunity, details will appear on the website closer to the time.

Most of whom will then be too old unless management can be convinced they're on a totally wrong tack

13th Oct 2015, 11:27
I am applying for trainee in Croatian control.

This years tests have 3 rounds
1. personality test from home computer
2. feast + dart at their location
3. team assignment

question: what could "team assignment" be? please describe any team assignments you have encountered


25th Jan 2016, 08:01

In the feast test, when playing with the divided attention test. Can I use the numeric keys which are in straight line or you can only use the numpad? Or you can use whatever you like in the same time?


28th Jan 2016, 23:24
You can probably use both pads...

Taking it on February, doing some research as well...

30th Jan 2016, 18:38
MUAC are recruiting ab-initio student controllers again:

Becoming an air traffic controller | Eurocontrol (http://www.eurocontrol.int/articles/become-air-traffic-controller)

31st Jan 2016, 15:53
Thanks! How does "multi tasking test" looks like? Does anyone know? Is it some kind of strip management atc kind of games feat some extra addon task? It might be some new thing. Couple of years ago there was no such part of the feast test.

14th Feb 2016, 10:30
hi, I will be doing the eurocontrol feast test, Is it true that there is another test called multi test control with the dart section?

and in the dart testing the will we have a lot of inactive aircraft?

can any one who did the dart test last year respond.


14th Feb 2016, 10:46
hi in feast test 2 , there will be a lot of aircrafts? and the active aircraft are all together in the same screen orelse if you pass one, another one will appear?

Richard H
17th Feb 2016, 19:04
Can someone help me?

The site says you have to be younger than 25 on the start of training and that training courses start in October.

I'm currently 25 and don't become 26 until November. Do you think I'd be able to qualify?

I got pretty close last time and this would be my last chance.

17th Feb 2016, 19:36
Well, you can at least try... One month is still possible, I believe...

20th Feb 2016, 12:25
I did the Feast and DART at Eurocontrol last december. Got to Stage 2 testing but failed there unfortunately. Now I see that their age restricition is not to have turned 25 years as of October 1st 2016.

I turn 25 two weeks before that date, which feels really ****ty. Can they really make an age restriciton? I guess they can make their own rules for applicants but somehow it might be viewed by some people as a form of age discrimination? I mean, does the EU regulations allow this? Just a question! :)

21st Feb 2016, 11:01
Can someone help me?

The site says you have to be younger than 25 on the start of training and that training courses start in October.

I'm currently 25 and don't become 26 until November. Do you think I'd be able to qualify?

I got pretty close last time and this would be my last chance.

Unfortunately you are almost 2 years too old, the requirement is:

Not yet be 25 years of age on 1 October 2017.

I did the Feast and DART at Eurocontrol last december. Got to Stage 2 testing but failed there unfortunately. Now I see that their age restricition is not to have turned 25 years as of October 1st 2016.

I turn 25 two weeks before that date, which feels really ****ty. Can they really make an age restriciton? I guess they can make their own rules for applicants but somehow it might be viewed by some people as a form of age discrimination? I mean, does the EU regulations allow this? Just a question! :)

Yes they really can make an age restriction, and have done for a long time.

25th Feb 2016, 14:45
Such a shame that the maximum age is 25, it seems like such a low age limit! Strange to think that those in their late twenties and early thirties are considered too old. Oh well :hmm:

27th Feb 2016, 22:41
It's just basic economics. An unsuccessful trainee costs a lot of money, and a successful trainee costs even more. Training, on average, lasts 3 years. Retirement age is 55. They are just making sure they are getting their money's worth and the new trainees are young enough to put in at least 30 years of service (well, to be very precise, 27 years of service).

Also, a younger applicant is less likely to have a family (therefore, less distractions during training) and more likely to have absolute freedom in moving away and dropping everything for training and the job. It's not discrimination - it's common sense.

6th Mar 2016, 09:26
Hi, I would like to know if anyone did feast test 2, last year or this year.
Feast test 2, is only the DART section??? plsss helppp (the strip section has been removed?


14th Mar 2016, 13:28
It is. FEAST test 1 will be during the morning. If you pass, you will be asked to do FEAST test 2 (DART) right away.

29th Mar 2016, 09:18
I passed FEAST 1 in Romania and am scheduled for FEAST 2. I heard that besides DART there is also Multipass. I practised alot on Skytest and they just had an update to the software adding a Multi control test (kind Of strip management but also with flying planes you can guide). Does anyone know if this is similar to the multipass in FEAST?

29th Mar 2016, 21:57
I have also passed Feast 1 in Romania and I am waiting for Stage 2, though I have not heard anything about a Multipass for us, how sure are you SarasanS?

30th Mar 2016, 08:02
That makes 3 of us going to FEAST 2 in Romania ;)

30th Mar 2016, 13:09
i am quite sure. i spoke to someone who succeeded on the last round and they had the multipass with the radar. i just heard it is similar to skytest but don't know which exact simulation and coudn't learn a description of the exercise.

30th Mar 2016, 15:26
Then we'll have it for sure and all we can do is to be relaxed, sharp and well rested. Wish they would have posted the shedule for F2 already, I keep represhing their page :)

6th Apr 2016, 06:56
I have also passed Feast 1 in Romania and I am waiting for Stage 2, though I have not heard anything about a Multipass for us, how sure are you SarasanS?


First of all good luck for stage 2, please can I ask you a question reference stage 1 English part, is it listen comprehension only or you have other tests?
We would be happy if you can give us some information about multipass cause I heard that there are two types of test in stage 2 - dart test and multi control (the strips thing).

Thanks and good luck.

8th Apr 2016, 07:57
Vetran, F2 will be in May, a fellow candidate called them.

8th Apr 2016, 08:01
Defel, english has 3 parts. Listening and comprehension, then shot essay on a given topic and spoken interview. The most difficult is the first.
However there is another comprehension test at Feast 1 which I found a bit more difficult than the one in the english exam.

8th Apr 2016, 11:50
thanks for your reply, did you do the eurocontrol feast test?

8th Apr 2016, 17:47
thank you SarasanS. Last year it all went a bit quicker but it looks like they put us on a hold this time,I wonder why..
Also what you said about the English test is accurate,though I think that this part of the exam might be different from country to country.

8th May 2016, 13:20
That makes 3 of us going to FEAST 2 in Romania ;)

That makes 4 of us :) Good luck guys.

9th May 2016, 15:15
good, the more the merrier!:) it's all happening soon now as they announced the dates. Will we take DART and if successful Multipass in the same day ? any news on that ?

9th May 2016, 19:08
good, the more the merrier!:) it's all happening soon now as they announced the dates. Will we take DART and if successful Multipass in the same day ? any news on that ?

Last year they did them both in the same day, there was no restriction to pass to the multipass test. I don't think they will change it as there are still candidates from the last year and it wouldn't be faire to change the rules.

10th May 2016, 12:42
thanks, I didn't know how last year was. so we must expect for a good 3-4 hours exam right?fingers crossed now. good luck!

17th May 2016, 10:07
That makes 4 of us :) Good luck guys.
5! count me in!

17th May 2016, 14:43
Anyone scheduled for tomorrow? Good luck!

21st May 2016, 21:01
Anyone who took the exam these past three days have any tips for us?

How was DART ? How was Multipass ?


23rd May 2016, 19:08
Anyone for tomorrow?

23rd May 2016, 19:57
I am later this week, but not tomorrow, how about you ? Also, does anyone know how many spots are open for grabs this year ?

24th May 2016, 12:53
I had mine today, it was an interesting experience. I am positive, i had 2 issues for each test but I think I reacted quickly, i don't know how rigurous they will be but I am confident. We will have thee results most likely between 8 and 10 June but is for sure that we will have them after everyone has finished.
The whole thing lasts for about 4 hours so get a good night sleep before have some water with you and something to eat (they do have a buffet if you wanna get smth). I can only advise you to read the instructions very well.

I don't know how many spots they have for this year but I know they are in great need of ATCs. Last year they had 45 spots and they got only 16 or 18.

Good luck everyone, let's all meet at Constanta ;)

24th May 2016, 14:09
great news afusaru, I am glad that you are positive after the tests and I think you should be with only two issues.

let's meet at Constanta!

25th May 2016, 08:03
bafta tuturor! i'm next week!
how was the exam?
was in 2 parts, DART and Multipass? what is multipass about? any tips...

sper ne vedem la o bere in Constanta!

30th May 2016, 22:44
if we will be successful al FEAST 2, when we'll leave for Constanta?

4th Jun 2016, 19:43
do you know when we'll have the results?

5th Jun 2016, 06:45
Hi, I took last week FEAST 2 at Romatsa in Romania.

At the DART part, I had a conflict at the 4th exercise, a long conflict at the 5th exercise and a small conflict at the 6th exercise. I also might have missed a few sums.

With 3-4 conflicts and 2-3 sums missed, how would you rate my chances to pass DART?

5th Jun 2016, 22:28
I had a conflict, a reset a missed 2 or 3 sums. If you haven't crashed a plane that's good! But sums are really importante as well... If you missed more than 1/4 you might be in a bad spot...

5th Jun 2016, 23:03
do you know of anyone who crashed planes ? I think it's hard to say much about how they will rate our performance, and how many of which are "needed" to pass, it's just...unclear for us. All we know is that one is more important than the other, but by how much ?We have to trust the system :D

6th Jun 2016, 01:43
I know 2 girls that crashed planes (one crashed 2 and the other crashed one) and they both failed, so I'm sure that crashing is not a good thing...
I believe I can say that the order of importance is this one:
1. Crashing aircraft;
2. Sums;
3. Resets;
4. Collision warnings.

6th Jun 2016, 07:02
When airplanes are crashing do they disappear from the radar? Do you hear a bang or something in the headsets?I had 2 airplanes with red one exactly near the other, but the altitude was different and ultimately I passed them all through the checkpoints.

Thank you

6th Jun 2016, 07:10
If it is as you say it is then we should be cleared for a good result.Good luck to you all

6th Jun 2016, 11:13
When airplanes are crashing do they disappear from the radar? Do you hear a bang or something in the headsets?I had 2 airplanes with red one exactly near the other, but the altitude was different and ultimately I passed them all through the checkpoints.

Thank you
Well that was a fail for me at MUAC in 2014, but good luck nevertheless.

14th Jul 2016, 12:43
Still people in the running for ATCO at EUROCONTROL?

18th Jul 2016, 16:18
Can anyone who has done feast test 2 eurocontrol, can tell us if the strip test was there?
Because no one ever mentioned the strip test.

18th Jul 2016, 18:03
Strip test has been replaced by DART (Dynamic ATC Radar test) few years ago, which is basically a radar vectoring exercise.

19th Jul 2016, 11:48
Still people in the running for ATCO at EUROCONTROL?
Yeah. We'll see if the invitation for phase 2 comes through.

21st Jul 2016, 07:53
thanks Matjako, then in feast 2 the only test is the Dart test. Good Luck to all and keep us updated.

22nd Jul 2016, 18:16
Hello I am really new in this and the thing that atracts me is the autocontrol part. I am you going for 14teen and my dream is beeing an ATC the two posicions I love are gnd (Kennedy Steve is my ídol in that, hehe!) And the second one is radar and I discoverd eurocontrol. One of the requeriments is having a pro grade in school with maths. What and I am approaching the fase where I want languagecs cičncies or technologi. I dont know if that is what they want. (That optional part of the school is until 18)

29th Jul 2016, 17:30
If you want to be an air traffic controller for eurocontrol bear in mind that you won't be controlling any aerodrome position. They only do some approach positions and center positions.
Although they only offer center and approach positions, their minimum requirements are almost the same as any other association asks for.
When turning 16 I went to high schoo and had to make that choice: languages, sciences or economics. I went for sciences because it has maths and physics, something that you need to have when applying to be an air traffic controller.

29th Jul 2016, 18:06
Thanks a lot for replying.
Nice to here I dont need a university degree in history of aviation or something like that, because in spain(place where I currently live) few years ago there was a restriction when applying of needing to have a university degree in whatever. Yeah I knew they are not aerodrome pos. but eather I didnt know they served approach. One question that I have is: the people that pass the entry exams are they super mega clever you know like they can multiply super large numbers in one second and so one... Or are they just simply aviation enthustiasts with a suficient intigence that allows to multiply with time, a pen and a paper.( I am one of those 2d option)

30th Jul 2016, 13:03
Well, all you need is to practice your brain, like playing tetris and such.
I can say it was difficult, but if you feel confident about yourself you can do it! I'm a huge aviation geek (I even have a virtual airline and I have over 700 hours of online flying) and it kind of made it a bit more easy (won't make a difference in Eurocontrol, but in NATS it will).
Well, I just got offered a place in NATS and I can tell you that it will be difficult, but it is rewarding!

Good luck!

30th Jul 2016, 13:35
Once again thank you for replying. Ive been practicing arthimetics and I am starting to be really quick in 2 digits times 2 digits hehe! May be a bit exagerated but you know nothing will take away my ilusion of beeing an ATC. When you say aviation knowledge will not help in eurocontrol? Maybe beeing an ATC in Vatsim could help??? Never thought about NATS because Its like for only british people and would be pretty strange for pilots to here espanish accent in uk airspace ha ha!

30th Jul 2016, 23:37
Well, I'm portuguese and I decided to apply there :ok:
Yes, being an ATC or just flying in VATSIM helped me A LOT when I had to learn those materials!
Myself, I just got the groung qualification to control LPPT (Lisbon) and I can say that I'm glad I did my VATSIM training during NATS selection tests!

Wacko Jacko
31st Jul 2016, 07:23
Vatsim and such show that you are interested in aviation, but I'd suggest you get a GPL or PPL, they help you a lot during the basic training. EC teaches you everything from scratch and learning "wrong ways" can do more harm than good.

Eurocontrol has only one operational unit, Maastricht UAC (above FL245 over Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and NW Germany). We don't do approach.

Good luck!