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12th Jan 2010, 13:22
Hey guys, I have been invited to Maastricht for interview this month, so if anyone has some tips or advice, you are more than welcome.
Thanks in advance!

14th Jan 2010, 14:48
Hey BJoe...

Why isn't she on the forum? Aren't YOU invited?

There should be 5-6 fixes as far as I heard.

15th Jan 2010, 08:48
Hello to everyone again. I see spanish people here too... que bien ! I received an email before Christmas saying they would contact me for a date to attend phase 1... the question is, how long will I have to wait? I'm really looking forward to going there, but I'm also really nervous. I'm quite worried for the FEAST, because they seem to be quite difficult. Just a final question, does anyone been to the feast and also been on IVAO (International Virtual Aviation Organisation)? Is that helpful?
Hope to see an answer !
Cheers !

15th Jan 2010, 11:34
Hi al!

Anyone else going to visit the phase 2 tests next Monday (18th of January)?
Since this is my second (and last) attempt I wonder if the tests have changed since 2 years ago…?

Good luck to everyone who is trying to become ATC'er @ Eurocontrol :ok:


15th Jan 2010, 12:56
Hello everyone.
They invited me for the phase 1 on january 26th.
I'm pretty worried about this test (obviously it will be very hard..)

To answer to FoxtrotCharlie, I'm in IVAO too, but it doesn't help so much because this test is completely different.

You can train yourself on some ATC simulator, but I'm not able to suggest you one..

I will be in Maastricht on January 25th, in the afternoon. I will be pleased to meet you.

ps: anyone from Italy?

15th Jan 2010, 15:22
Hello xnnfm... good to hear an IVAO teammate. I was only wondering if it maybe was of some help... whatever. I would like to go on January, but they haven't told me a DATE yet.
See you, and GOOD LUCK !

16th Jan 2010, 00:45
I have a question.

How much emphasis do they (Eurocontrol) put on an applicant's english skills? I don't mean to be rude or in any way offensive, but a vast majority of the people writing in this forum (and other forums as well for that matter) seem to have questionable skills in english - and still seem to pass the tests well enough to earn a trainee spot at Eurocontrol.

Is there in fact an equal amount of trainees from all over Europe or is there a clear over-representation of trainees from english-speaking countries (England, Ireland, etc.)?

Good luck and a big kick in the butt to you guys heading over for the screenings!

16th Jan 2010, 13:21
Hello to everyone!
To Oddbob: I think that english is very important and a MUST to become an ATC. Although this, I think that it doesn't matter if you make mistakes during your speech. I think that they want to test your expression, if it's understandable, and how well do you develop in an english environment. I know people from Spain who arrived until the interview, and they didn't have BRITISH-AMERICAN english pronunciation, and they passed phase 2. This is only what I think. I'm waiting for a date to attend PHASE 1, and there I'll see what it's needed, so this is only my opinion. Maybe a person who went to EUROCONTROL or other ATC's organisations/service providers could tell you the "real truth". Anyway, good luck if you go there :).

16th Jan 2010, 20:13
Hi guys and girls,

BananaJoe/davidgkovac: You can expect more than 5 or 6 fixes, although it is a while since I did it I seem to remember it being about 9. It doesn't really make much difference though. Don't forget, the point of the SDM test is not to see how good a controller you are, the type of conflict spotting you are doign etc has no similarity to anything you will ever do again in training, what the SDM is about is testing how you LEARN. You are given a long period of time, 90 minutes, with a structured training and learning phase to teach you everything you need to know about the SDM test. What is is looking at is your ability to sit down and self-learn from a set of instructions and rules and then apply what you have learnt.

FC7: IVAO doesn't help in any way shape or form I'm afraid, certainly not with FEAST and almost certainly not with the rest of the training. My personal advice, is don't even mention it.

Erikk: Nope the FEAST has not changed at all in at least 6 years. The selection process as whole is quicker now because it is done over less visits to MUAC.

oddbob: I can't really comment on how tough they are on english skills, but it is checked at a couple of stages. There is an English listening test in the FEAST which probably doesn't remove too many people. Then comes the stage 2 group skills and personal presentation day and finally the stage 3 interview and over these last two phases they are obviously going to get a pretty good idea of what level your English is at. Finally, if you are selected for training then after 9 months, just before your licence issue there is a multi-part english listening and speaking test to check that students have the required ICAO Level 4 English. As for the spread of students, well there are applicants from all over Europe, but it is probably fair to say there are significantly more from Belgium/NL due to geography and more people knowing about Eurocontrol. The rest tend to come from Germany/Spain/Sweden etc. As for there being an over-representation of UK students, this couldn't be further from the truth (5 Brits in the 70 or so students over the last couple of years).

Lastly, good luck to everyone coming for Stage 1 this month!

17th Jan 2010, 10:04
Thank you GlobalJourney

17th Jan 2010, 14:50
First thanks for all the post cause they've been really helpful.
I was wondering if anyone could please fill me up with some info about phase testing one, cause i've been invited in the end of February. Thank's :)

18th Jan 2010, 07:36
Hey Global Journey,

Thanks for the great post, it's very useful!

Hey you all,

We have one week left, so get in shape:D See you in Maastricht!

18th Jan 2010, 08:32
Hello to everyone!
TO BJ: thank you for the reply. It's quite useful :D. IVAO --> Will do, not even mention it :)

18th Jan 2010, 13:12
Almost a week left folks... keep cool!

19th Jan 2010, 08:18
Hi al!

Yesterday visited Eurocontrol for the phase 2 tests, I waited 2 years for this day because at my previous attempt I failed at this stage.
Unfortunally we had to wait till today to hear the results but I made it to the interview! So now preparing for it!

What I want to say to al the people who are going to give it a try;
after discussing the flightplan I was convinsed that I made the same (stupid) mistakes like 2 years ago and would not pas... although I did not give up, and see the result. So although you have the feeling you screwed up keep going and try to make the best out of it!!

A question for people who already had the interview, can you give some details about what kind of this questions they will fire? How long do you have to wait to hear the results?

Good luck everybody!

19th Jan 2010, 08:23
That would be very useful.

Keep cool erikk

19th Jan 2010, 11:02
Hey Erikk. Quite useful. I sent you a PM.

19th Jan 2010, 12:01
Hey FC7!

Are you coming on the 26th as well?

19th Jan 2010, 12:10
Had my interview today, really hoping it went well! Will be amazingly hard to wait until Monday to find out the results..

19th Jan 2010, 13:47
to Subber: hope everything's allright for you.
to DavidgKovacs: nope, I'm not coming yet. I'm still waiting for the "date to attend to phase 1 here in Maastricht". xD
Good luck to all going at the end of January!!!!!!!
Cheers !

19th Jan 2010, 18:20
Hey subber!

how the interview was? I mean, wich question did they asked you? Can you tell something to us? :D thank you!

19th Jan 2010, 20:38
hello to everybody!! i'm new on this forum. i've posted here because i have a problem. pls tell me how long does it takes to receive an answer from eurocontrol? i sent them my application at the end of november and till now i have not receive any answer from them and i'm a little worried.

20th Jan 2010, 07:41
I sended my application in November like you, an they answered me in a couple of days. Try to contact them by email.

Just for curiosity, how old are you?


20th Jan 2010, 09:59
Hello to all !
to the-one-eu: I sent my application in December, and in 2 weeks I got my email in which it said "we have now received you application and will be in contact for a date to attend phase 1", or something similar. If you have done the whole application, filled the "questionnaire" (the one they give you to fill following a link), sent your diplomas / qualifications, the optical exam, and you HAVE NOT received any response from HR, contact them. I think the number is available in the website, and I'm sure they'll be glad to pick up the phone. Maybe there was a problem with your email, or maybe they had a problem (I don't think they would have, but who knows...).
Call or write again, just as an advice. Post something here if there is any news.

to subber: hey, just asking the same as xnnfm, HOW was the interview?
Cheers !

20th Jan 2010, 20:37
i have received they're answer the they will analyze my application in 2 december and until now i didn't receive no mail from them.
in 4 january i sent them a mail to ask them why does it takes so much time, but i have received the same mail that they will analyze my application wich i think is automatically sent

21st Jan 2010, 10:47
Ring them (http://www.eurocontrol.int/muac/public/standard_page/atco_careers_contact_us.html).

Mail just doesn't work for this kind of questions.

21st Jan 2010, 12:15
Just came back from the interview, damn it was hard. Especialy the 2 exercises I've got. For the rest, I did my homework so it was easy to answer their questions about EC. I will get the results tomorrow, keeping fingers crossed.....

21st Jan 2010, 13:48
Erikk check your pm

21st Jan 2010, 14:44
Because of the bunch of PM's I received about the interview here some information about their questions. You should have some knowledge about Eurocontrol in general, MUAC and the tasks of an ATC'er. Questions you can expect are:
- Tel something about Eurocontrol
- What are the tasks of an ATC'er (seperation details!)
- What is FAB about? / What is SES about?
- Do you know some airplanes...
- What do they work on in Hungary?

Of course you get lots of questions about your personal life, your motivation etc. etc.

Because of the fact that my younger brother is a ATC student for 2 years now at Eurocontrol they asked me some details about the work, the time in Luxembourgh etc.. I think you would not have to know this if you have only some basic knowledge about ATC.

At the end you get some exercises, I had some problems at that point, for example, you need to calculate the distance covered if a plan takes of, flyies 3 circles and turns back to the runway. I had no idea how to calculate the distance of a circle at al! I'm 25 a.t.m. maybe I did those exercises when I was 17 but I forgot....

They made clear that the final result is based on the total selection proces (phase 1, 2 + interview). So in that case, despite I messed up at the exercis, I still have a little hope on a possitive result. Tomorrow morning at 9.00 o'clock I will know more.

21st Jan 2010, 16:27
Hello Erikk. Thanks for the information. It's very useful. I hope you get a positive "qualification" and get to the TRAINING ! One more thing: do they ask you those MATHS questions? Or are there more things like Multiplication, sums???

21st Jan 2010, 16:31
Unfortunatly no multiple choice question, I wish it was! :P

21st Jan 2010, 20:02
Hello to all...
to BananaJoe, FAB is functional airspace blocks (FABs). LINK HERE --> EUROCONTROL - Welcome to FAB Central Europe (http://www.eurocontrol.int/fab_ce/public/subsite_homepage/homepage.html)
and SES is Single European Sky (SES). LINK HERE --> EUROCONTROL - The Single European Sky (http://www.eurocontrol.int/ses/public/subsite_homepage/homepage.html)
Espero que te sirva :P (I hope it helps)

22nd Jan 2010, 00:48
FABEC and SES are very much words of the day at Eurocontrol, so some knowledge here should earn you plus points.

About the exercises, it's not about solving them straight away (which rather shows you've been speaking to yesterday's candidate) but about changing your approach to the problem once you get stuck.

my younger brother is a ATC student for 2 years now at Eurocontrol

Initials? Hope you get good news in the morning :ok:

22nd Jan 2010, 01:01
How much emphasis do they (Eurocontrol) put on an applicant's english skills? I don't mean to be rude or in any way offensive, but a vast majority of the people writing in this forum (and other forums as well for that matter) seem to have questionable skills in english - and still seem to pass the tests well enough to earn a trainee spot at Eurocontrol.

You should be able to express yourself in normal conversation, accent is not important and I don't think grammar is evaluated at any stage. Once you're in, there is an English proficiency test... totally doable, and you get to practice.

Is there in fact an equal amount of trainees from all over Europe or is there a clear over-representation of trainees from english-speaking countries (England, Ireland, etc.)?

Equal amount, if anything there are too many Germans :E

22nd Jan 2010, 07:29
Unfortunately did not passed the interview :ugh:
Think the last 5 minutes of the total selection procedure made me fail (the exercises)....
I asked for some feedback but I was told I could give one of the interviewers a phonecall next weak, I will definitely do

Disappointed a.t.m. but good luck for everybody who is in the selection proces to become an ATCO!

22nd Jan 2010, 08:01
Hi, I am a new one on this thread!

I had my phase 2 and 3 on wednesday and yesterday.
You obviously need to talk a little during the phase 2, but they firstly assess how revelant and interesting are your argument! So avoid to be a talking machine saying BS, be open minded with the others, ask for the opinion of the others candidates etc...

on phase 3, well, you want to become an ATCO so you need information on the job, as well as basic knowledge about aircrafts ( how does it fly: bernoulli's principle, intruments board...)

of course search for eurocontrol; localisation in europe, what do they do, the more you know the better it is!

I was called this morning and i am in for the september course!

PS: i am french, i am good in english but far from being bilingual, and because of a stain on my suit i was wearing blue jeans!

22nd Jan 2010, 09:34
I did not wear a suite at the phase 1 & 2 tests, nobody did.
The interview is more about presenting yourself to Eurocontrol.

22nd Jan 2010, 14:05
Hey sorry for not getting back to you guys wondering about the interview, been a bit busy! Saw that Erikk posted some good information about it though. Very sorry you were not successful :( I on the other hand have not even been informed of how I did yet, I was told to call on Monday and that is what I will do. How were you guys informed, via email or did they call you up? Getting real nervous now :(

22nd Jan 2010, 14:55
Hello ! sorry to hear that Erikk.
Subber, keep us informed !
DamATC, congrats mate !

22nd Jan 2010, 15:55
By the end of the interview, one of the assessor ( the one from the resources) told me to call the day after in the morning! didn't have time to, they called me this morning by 09.00. i've also been told that at this time there are 4 applicants to be in for september ( me included).

25th Jan 2010, 22:59
Was unsuccessful :( Oh well, luckly one has a backup plan :}

26th Jan 2010, 05:36
Sorry to hear that Subber. What's your backup plan? NATS or Scandinavian ATC?

Really did not know that so many people would fail at the interview.... :S
From the 5 I knew who made to the interview only one passed.

Does anyone perhaps have a overview of the failure rates per phasee? That would be interesting :)

regards, Erik

26th Jan 2010, 07:55
Yeah I was also not prepared for so many failing the interview. I guess they've had many applicants make it to the final part, or they've increased the requirements even more. Oh well :ugh: I will be applying as a military ATC in Sweden, so we'll see how that goes.

26th Jan 2010, 13:25
Hello! Sorry to hear that both subber and felix_cologne. I haven't been told yet to go on an exact date, and I'm just too worried ! The interview seems so imposible to pass.
Good luck on your next plans

27th Jan 2010, 08:54
So it seems i passed both stages yesterday, but i cannot know if i'm invited for phase 2 until next tuesday.
Anyways, it was the hardest mental stress i've ever had. I will write down my first hand experience soon, when get home to Hungary.
Do you know the result Flavio?

27th Jan 2010, 11:09

Remember that you will only be allowed to apply once in Sweden. I'm not sure how they view unsuccessful applications to other places (like Eurocontrol).

Eurocontrol allows you to apply twice, if I remember correctly, and if you made it to the interview on the first try, they should invite you back for phase 2 next time around.

27th Jan 2010, 11:59
Hey subber, sorry to hear that, I was hoping that maybe you will pass. For those of you who dont know, subber was in my group on phase 2.
I also was unsuccessfull, and unfortunately I cant apply in my country.
Well, thats life. I still didnt get confirmation by mail, but I dont think that matters much.


Eurocontrol allows you to apply twice, if I remember correctly, and if you made it to the interview on the first try, they should invite you back for phase 2 next time around.

- "next time arround" do you mean after two years, or what?

Thanks and good luck guys!

27th Jan 2010, 12:28
I believe there is a two year time limit yes, so if you want the chance to apply a second time you should make sure to apply the first time before you turn 23.

27th Jan 2010, 12:40
Well this was my second time I've tried to become an ATCO, failed the first time at phase 2, now made it to the interview but unfortunatly failed at that stage.

What concerns the age limitation, you are not allowed to be 25 or over on the 1st of october.

I tried to get feedback on my interview, just want to know on which points I ve not been selected. I called him 3 times this week, but al the time he was in a meeting. They now told me to call back next week lol. :E

27th Jan 2010, 12:59
BJoe! How did she look like? We had a joke because i asked a spanish girl if she is Banana Joe's girlfriend but she didn't know anything about the whole forum so we didn't meet, or we met but we didn't realize that it's her.:D

27th Jan 2010, 13:28
Yeah I know, only one shot at it in Sweden! Regarding that I didn't pass the interview at Eurocontrol I don't think that will be a problem since I passed the FEAST part (which they were most interested in). They said I can basically skip all parts of the application and go directly to an interview with them so that's cool. Also now I know that I have to prepare a lot more than I anticipated.

I also tried to call for some feedback and had the same problem as you Erikk. Told me to call next week as well.

27th Jan 2010, 13:33
SO... For those, who are waiting for the test now...
This is really hard, serious, NOT FUN and you cannot prepare for the test that much. You can prepare for the Cubetest and the Coordinate system test, but for the others... No way. And the other problem is STRESS. I'm not that nervous type, so I was pretty calm and exited at the same time, but they make you stressed, it's for sure.
It's all about the time. You have to make decisions in a few seconds, because you won't have time to get throgh the whole exercise. It keeps your mind harassed. You do things, what you normally do not, sometimes, you cannot coordinate your fingers and you push the wrong button, sometimes you're just not able to do anything because your brain is overloaded. The English part is also hard, harder than I expected for. It's not just about your comprehension, it's also for checking your short term memory.
The afternoon stage is also hard. You have to learn the exercise in 1,5hrs, which seems to much, but finally you have just a few minutes to go back and repeat the more complicated tasks.
Then you have a big excel in front of you with tonnes of data, you receive the audio messages constantly, so you cannot search for conflicts and pay attention for the other 3-4tasks.
The entire day is just depressing, and your brian is just sucked out at the end.
It's a very useful experience, even if you didn't pass. This test is just professional, it's made by the best psychologists, and controllers, and it's really to see if you are able to do the job or not (on the basic skill level). If you are not, then accept it. You probably could have much more complicated and stressful situations during the job. And that's not a computer game.
Anyways, I'm not in Phase 2 yet, they will invite 18 people at all, so I have a good chance to NOT get in.
Good luck to you guys, hope to see you in Maastricht sometime!

27th Jan 2010, 14:03
So do any of you guys have any suggestions, regarding, where could I apply next, every suggestion is welcome.
I visited Austrocontrol.at, but they only accept candidates from EU, but my country still isn't in the EU.
Thanks in advance

PS: Have you got the confirmation by email that you were no successfull in the interview

27th Jan 2010, 19:11
Hello to everyone on this forum. It s my first time I am writing but I’ve been following it and read all the threads. I hope I’ll not upset anybody with what I will write. I just took the phase 1 of the FEAST test also the afternoon part and I am waiting for the answer.First of all my ‘’short story’’ will begin since I got to Maastricht untiI i left,cause I know that all of you,future applicants for Eurocontrol,that you will be nervous maybe streessed,I had a lots of questions also before the exam like those around here,and UNFORUTUNETELLY NOBODY WAS ABLE TO ANSWER OR TO GIVE MORE DETAILS. Altghout there were lots of applicants who finished all the test,passed,failled them,work there already ,maybe they think that the future one ‘s will take the working place for Eurocontrol so they keep the details? Or maybe if the failled why to share for others ,why not others faile like them also??? Please do not be angry cause I know there are persons around here THAT HELPED AND GAVE TIPS,SO I AM THANKING YOU!!! And for others , this is what I think and I’m telling it loud and clear! Anyway…
So you get your date for phase 1,it is coming,you arrive in Maastricht,by plane,car doesn’t matter.For those who take the train from Brussels-the ticket it is around 18 euro,until Maastricht Central Station,takes about 1 hour 15 minutes.BE CARREFUL TO CHOOSE THE ONE WITH --NO CHANGE-!!! You arrive at Maastricht and now you must go outside to take bus number 59,and I will put in a next thread the hours cause I stayed 1 hour to wait for it!!! In the evening it is usually from hour to hour I took it at 19.50. The ticket is 4 euro until airport. KEEP ALL RECEIPTS ( the bus ticket they know the price so they said they will give the money for both ways and for the train you need to have just one and same they calculate and said for both ways). It will take about 15-20 minutes to arrive at te hotel,which is near the airport. Don’t be surprised about it,cause it is….no offense….awfull! I mean it seems to me like that! The rooms from ground floor I understood from others that it is very cold inside them, I stayed at the first floor,it was warm,but the smell inside killed me. I couldn’t sleep all night!!! I was thinking that somebody is smoking near my bed, and even the ****s and pillows smelled like ciggarettes and like old!!! And you can hear all the air planes...actually not so many but it is 500 meaters from the window to the runway.The bathrooms groose,3 beds in the room. Oh if you stay ground floor ,you must go out from reception and walk to your room,there is no hall way! Then in the morning,don’t expect for a yellow cab-taxi to come pick you up! It is a white van with 20 places inside( we were around 18) maybe if you will be less…I don’t know. At 8 :10 ,10 minutes till Eurocontrol,prepeare your id you will leave it at the security desk outside they will give a visitor card,DON’T LOSE IT! Then you go inside where they give you a pass card also DON’T LOSE IT.Then the person from human resources will come collect you all and invite you in the buffet. You will give her the bank account paper completed and the plane/train ticket( in any case take also the bus ticket with you) and she will give 2 meal vouchers for breakfast an lunch. Then you will eat,try to relax speak with others,make friends don’t think about test to much. After that you will go up with the person and you go inside where the test will take place,you will see your name on each pc,she will start explain all rules pay attention!
Be carreful! The Test starts as soon as you put your hand on that mouse and click continueJ i don’t remember the exact order.
1.the english part--- first it was with numbers…big ones…a woman was talking she said a number the again talking after the answers….TRY TO REMEMBER THE NUMBER IMAGINE IT IN YOUR MIND,DON’T LISTEN TO WHAT THE WOMAN IS TELLING YOU! ----second it was the small phrases with the beep tone,and another word after. Actually you must the choose from4 choices the word with closest meaning to the word after the beep.----third part it was a small story and after questions about what the story was about(there are different subjects) PAY ATTENTION TO ALL DETAILS NUMBERS NAMES EVERYTHING
2.i think it was with the heading,you will be shown some figures with squeres made by lines vertically called 1 2 3 and horizonatlly called A B C,points with names and some small circles with directions.you will be asked how many degrees must plane 76 turn to get to poin A3 and what is the distance.Don’t worry cause in the beginning they will teache you the compass with the degrres like 360,045,090,135,180,240,270,330,just a few of them and the distances of the length of the square. And they will give the answers like: turn 135 left/right 40 nm or other option.It was easy one!
3.the instructions for landing : some black and white drawings with points A B C D E F…. 2/3 air planes with number up,down the flight level,in the beginning they will give some rules,be sure you memorize them perfectlly cause without them it will be very hard. You must land the plane through the point to the opened runway,and on the direction the arrow is showing you ,on th bottom of the scren sometimes you will see a message which you must read carrefully like:e.g. you are not allowed to use points ABCDE and plane 55 is not allowed to use point F.You must find the easiest path to the runway and choose it from the answers.
4.the exercise with the line and the small square :first you have 1 small screen(each of them have the numbers down in the right corner) until 4, each time the square comes out and collides with the line you must press the button in which the screen happened.
5.the geometryJ you have square circle diamond and triangle ,they are colored;on the bottom you have the answers sometimes they are also colored(the answer)when you must sort them by color: for example the circle is blue and down the answer are diamond blue circle green etc…you will put the blue circle in the blue diamond category. sometimes the answers are without color and you must sort them by shape. And on the right side you will see also another image same figure which sometimes is the same with the one on the left and you must press the M button which is MATCH. And to be harder they put also rules on the top so you must check also them cause they come an say: sort this as a triangle and you have the figure circle.Then it will come with numbers which it is most of it the same thing but it is a little bit harder cause the rules sometimes include small arithmetic: the sum >5 sort 0-299 like that.or if you have 1 in the number shown sort it as 299-599.
6. the cube test…the terror for me!!! 25 minutes 36 cubes.1 cube per page 2 answere 1 none button.the cube is with 2 colors and 2 or 3 arrows on each side,and the cube also rotates!!! So be carreful( search on internet for games like FOLD THE CUBE) I was like last 4 minutes done 22 maybe 23 cubes,until 36 I put all by luck!!!!
Bettwen the first part and second( sorry but I can’t remember exactly the exercises in which part they were) you will have break.
Then you will go down at the security ,go for lunch and wait for results.
For the Flight strip,you go back in the room, you have for real 1 hour and 30 minutes where the pc is teaching you all about Flight strips,then they say you have 3-5 minutes of practices,I had maybe 11/2 minute. The test last about 40 minutes. What you must do: find local and opposite conflict,put the new strips in order discard the old ones( you will see a clock on the left side of the screen you must guide by that to know when to discard the strips)and use the headphones listen to what the lady is telling you cause you must change either the time or the flight level or both of them. Difficult one,it seemed to me.
That’s all,of course, the response comes in about 1 week.The small bus will come to pick you up and go to hotel!
Some tips: try to make some friends cause it will relax you to talk about different stuff not just FEAST.
-about the sleep or room can’t say nothing more:)
-you can find similar exercises on the internet that helps you a little bit
-play reaction test,folding the cube listen to english and answer to questions and also get used to big numbers
If i made some mistakes or i said something wrong that offended anybody sorry,or if i gave to much info...sorry again!
Good luck!

27th Jan 2010, 20:56
Successful at the FEAST, but I will receive more details next week.

27th Jan 2010, 21:39
hey ALEXA,

thanks for the detailed post! How do you feel, will you be happy when you'll be given your scores?

28th Jan 2010, 11:12
I was logging on to do just what Alexa has done so well above, so thanks to her!

Just to add to her experiences and answer the questions that I myself was worrying about before I went:-
don't stress about getting to the 'Hotel'- I made all my connections from Brussels easily enough, and the bus runs from right outside the station at 13 mins past the hours, although during the day there is another service at 49 minutes. It costs around 4 Euro for a single (ask for Airport), and there are cashpoints at the station if you need them!
The hotel is awful- you will need earplugs and a face-mask thing if you're a light sleeper. Bring some food as well or get some in Maastricht if you have time- although they do a 'Eurocontrol Menu' at the hotel its not exactly cheap (12-13 euros). There's nothing in the way of a gym or pool, in case you were expecting 5* luxury! I optimistically brought some sports kit!
The taxi is free, both to and from Eurocontrol so dont worry about that. Also you get breakfast at Eurocontrol so dont order it at the Hotel when they offer it to you.
The tests themselves- I've read on here a few times that you can;t prepare for them. I think that's only half true. Certainly if you're brilliant at this sort of thing and your mind works this way you wont need practice; conversely if you're useless no amount of practice will help you. But for the majority of us in between there practicing to think quickly and in 3D will buy you time in the tests- and time is something you dont have a lot of.
So anyway- English tests. OK you need to be almost fluent- if your comfortable with English you'll be fine, although you really need to concentrate. I'm English and I found the memory side of it tough. The passages they read can be quite long in parts, but the questions ar relatively broad so concentrate on the general overview of what the voice says. Also, if they state figures in the passage try to remember them- they usually aren't there just as padding! If you want to practice, get someone to read you a paragraph or to, preferably from a verbal reasoning test, and then try to parrot back to them the story.
Cubes- everyone hates cubes, and yes if your mind doesn't work that way its tricky. My advice is either buy a practice book or trawl the internet for as much practice material as you can find. But I believe it is something you can train yourself to be better at.
Headings- familarise yourself with the compass headings and giving vectors, and also to help guesstimate the distances involved. Many of the questions involved giving vectors from one fix to another and estimating total distances. Pythagoras would help here as well.
Sorting shapes/numbers- an exercise in reactions and quick decision making. There is stuff on the internet (try searching brain training) which is worth practicing. Same for the reactions test.
In the afternoon, the Strip Management test is difficult, especially if you are not used to strips or anything like that. Not a lot you can do to practce here- maybe air traffic control games help but Ive never played one so couldnt tell you. I guess a knoweldge of the strip system would help make it less scary to start with.
In general, any games, exercise, or practice that involves you thinking about more than one thing at the same time must help. If your brain is used to thinking like this it does make it easier in my opinion. The wikipedia FEAST page tells you all about the test stages.
So whilst the 'if you havent got it, you havent got it' mentality is true, there is no harm in making sure you are able to give the best account of yourself.
6-7 of us from the original 18 got through to the afternoon. There is no interview or anything like that. We finished about 4- remember this in case of booking transport back. The bus leaves outside the airport at 29 past, and there's not another for an hour. It takes roughly 25 mins to the station so I would recommend making sure you don't have a connection before half 5.
But anyway, just go, enjoy the experience. The tests make your brain bleed but time goes quick doing them. I definitely gained something from taking part, whatever the result!
Any questions then PM me- I'll see what I can do. best of luck to all going in the future!

29th Jan 2010, 09:26
Is there another date next week?

31st Jan 2010, 18:00
Hello to all ! wow :ok:! awesome replies ! Thanks Alexa_Sasha & RobUK :D!!!!! I found them really helpful.
Last week I mailed Eurocontrol HR and they told me that I had to wait, because next PHASE 1 testing will take place during March. I will continue being patient... :E Eurocontrol deserves it !!!!!!!
Cheers !!!!!!!!

1st Feb 2010, 12:10
Just one day guys...:)

2nd Feb 2010, 13:27
Finally I'm invited for phase 2...:)

If anybody has suggestions, more than welcome...:)

2nd Feb 2010, 22:40
Nice to find you all here! I've passed to phase 2 too!!!
Hope we succeed!!!!!!
I've got the Advanced Level in English, would i need the Proficiency Level if i'd join the training course????
Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!:)

3rd Feb 2010, 07:52
Hey LIM,

What's your date for phase 2?

3rd Feb 2010, 08:20
sorry, not here

3rd Feb 2010, 18:54
Phase 2 consists mainly of comunication and team work tasks, there is also an element of stress management involved as there are 4 current eurocontrol controllers/management present during the test. the tests involve speaking, planning, comunication and listening. There is also a team work and reasoning task where your team work skills are assesed. I found phase 2 alot more enjoyable than phase 1 as you get to interact and speak to people,and not just stare at a pc screen all day! Just stay calm, and if english is not you mother tongue practice alot!!
Im on phase 1 training in toulouse now, and trust me guys and girls it is most definatley worth it, so try hard!! :ok:.

3rd Feb 2010, 22:14
Hey Irs33,

Thanks for the post, it's very useful, appreciate...:ok:

4th Feb 2010, 13:50
Passed to stage 2! Amazing! Was convinced I had failed the SDM test as I didn't spot any of the opposite conflicts!

Alexa_Sasha- if you mean expenses then mine came through today, so if you havent got them then maybe get in contact with them?

7th Feb 2010, 20:02
Well done to everyone that has passed phase 1 or 2 recently, congratulations and keep us updated.

@RobUK: No envelopes of cash anymore for expenses?

11th Feb 2010, 12:15
i passed the 1 and second day in august that passed the 3-rd day in September 2008 and failed the interview....

i want to retry in September 2010 ..........

did somebody passed from the second chance?

12th Feb 2010, 07:16
The first time I did the tests I failed at ph.2, the second time I failed at the interview... :bored:
And now because of my age no chances left.... :ugh:

Did you get any feedback on your interview in 2008? I think it is important to improve yourself while you're waiting for your next attempt. That was also one of the questions they asked at the interview...

12th Feb 2010, 10:07
Sorry to hear that Erikk! What are your plans now? Are you still aiming to become an ATC by some other method or is it going to be something else now?

Did they let you know why you failed the interview part?

12th Feb 2010, 11:08
Well I still would love to work at Eurocontrol as ATCer, I could give it a try at the Dutch ATC organization and then switch to EC after a few years but due personal circumstances it is not possible for me to move. (Note: Maastricht is only 25km from were I live a.t.m. ;-))

I still would like to work in the aviation business, I'm orientatining right now on what my future is going to be. I have a background in ICT and atm I have a decend job.

Enough about me... ;-)

What concerns the feedback, I am waiting for a phonecall from the HR guy. He would contact me before the end of this week.
You have to ask for feedback explicit, I would recommend anyone to ask for feedback even if you are not going to reapply.

16th Feb 2010, 17:25
Whwew do you have to ask for feedback? At interview? When the resoults come in?

26th Feb 2010, 15:14
Failed the interview I had yesterday.

This morning I got my result. We were only six people, three of us failed, I'm waiting the others response...

We were about 60 people on january, at phase1, they keep wiping people till the end.
By the way, I have no chances left.

Today is a sad day gents...

26th Feb 2010, 22:20
Sorry to hear that. What about NATS?

1st Mar 2010, 22:04
Hi folks;

Just a quickie about the application process, i filled in the form and everything but was then asked to send in my school leaving certificate. Ive scanned that and sent it, but it seems a bit odd to me as it actually says nothing about what grades i got and makes no mention of my university degree etc. Im wondering if this is something that has got lost in translation and they are actually expecting to see a load of exam certificates?

Anyone have any clues?


2nd Mar 2010, 06:58
Uuups, it's supposed to be a PM. Sorry for that.

2nd Mar 2010, 10:30
Do you wear glasses/contact lenses? If so, refraction is basically what strength your glasses are. The ATC medical requires between + and - 5 i think (im -3.5). If you dont wear glasses and can see 'perfectly' then this is likely to be 0 (though in truth its unlikely to be exactly 0, 20:20 vision is not 'perfect' vision, it is possible to be better, though few are!

2nd Mar 2010, 11:14
Pm, too :}

3rd Mar 2010, 12:44
Greetings Everybody
For those of you who applied to EUROCONTROL and received either an invitation or a message declining progression to stage 1, I would be very grateful if anyone could tell me how much time passed between them submitting their application and certificates to receiving some feedback.
Thank you.

3rd Mar 2010, 14:44
i got feedback 1 week after i sent my school leaving diploma and 2 or 3 days after i sent certificate of visual performance

now i'm waiting to get a date for Phase 1 testing, which will be in May

4th Mar 2010, 13:32
Hello folks. I've been waiting since March for an answer about PHASE 1 testing in MUAC, and they told me that March was cancelled, and I was told that the next phase would be in MAY, but they haven't told me that I WAS GOING ON MAY. Any clues? Does anybody has a confirmation regarding going during MAY ?

4th Mar 2010, 15:03
I would like to ask those of you who have already been thru phase 1.
Could you help me with theese:

1) At the ball on the wall test I was trying to imagine that if there are 4 screens (2 in the upper, 2 in the lower row) it must be really hard to give correct inputs as the numbers (1,2,3,4) are next to each other on the keyboard... Or is it possible to operate it with buttons that are in two rows (like for examp buttons R,T and FG on the keyboard)?

2) In the Strip Management Display did it ever happen to you that you should have put more strips below one checkpoint than available space is so it got full not leaving any place to put new strips in?

3) Is there any rule or tip how opposite conflict detection should be done? How can I recognize it???

4) When am I allowed to remove a strip? When the system time passes by the time on the strip?

I know these questions seems stupid for those of you who are familiar with strip management, I didnt do anything like this before...

Thanx in advance! :)

4th Mar 2010, 16:51
Hello Matichk (http://www.pprune.org/members/322031-matichk)
I'm also waiting to get a date for Phase 1 , which will be in May.

5th Mar 2010, 09:23
Congrats to everyone who has passed any phase recently.:ok:
I'm also going in May, anyone has the exact dates? would be quite useful since i've got exams.

6th Mar 2010, 06:58
Hello sixtolo91 (http://www.pprune.org/members/322664-sixtolo91)
What exams you have got?

6th Mar 2010, 08:43
He means exams at his college.

Anyway guys, I was wodering how do they test your English knowledge. Is there a written test? Also, is there any IQ, or logic paper test. Croatian selection is filled with that kind of tests.


7th Mar 2010, 12:01
exactly, i've got university exams.

10th Mar 2010, 13:36
hi guys,

maybe a silly question but, can a British 19 year old guy apply for Eurocontrol if so where do i go?

Again, sorry for the silly question! :ugh:

10th Mar 2010, 14:31
go to eurocontrol website

11th Mar 2010, 11:18
Has anyone heard from Eurocontrol re: stage 1 in the last week or so?

I filled in the application form and was asked to submit my school leaving certificate. I emailed to ask if they wanted exam certificates and things, as i left school in 2004 and have since finished university, but they said the leaving certificate would be all they required, so i sent it in.

Still, that was 10 days ago and as yet i havnt had a reply. Can anyone shed any light on this? There was also no reply to say they had recieved my leaving certificate after i sent the email!

Boxerman: yes you can, Eurocontrol is open to anyone who resides in the EU. Check the website!

11th Mar 2010, 15:26
Hello LessThanSte and others
Last week, after about 7 days of sending in my exam certificates I got an email asking for me to complete an eye exam which I did and am now waiting for a reply. I got no acknowledgment of receiving my exam certificates. I am sure you will hear from them soon.

12th Mar 2010, 10:32
it depends, some people receive a notification a few days after and others have to wait over a month or so...
so do't worry and if you want any info email them or just give them a call.
By the way any new notices?:}

12th Mar 2010, 13:43
Well as i say i sent my school leaving certificate in but i havnt sent in any exam result certificates or my degree certificate. I dont know if they want them, the actual wording of their emails suggests no but then some people say, such as Richard, that they have sent exam certificates!

Suppose it wont hurt to send them an email to check though!

12th Mar 2010, 13:59
@ LessThanSte

i just sent school leaving certificate and they were OK with it :)

12th Mar 2010, 16:31
I sent my exam certificates in as I did not receive a certificate saying I completed school and none of my friends did either, and because of this I thought it must be something some EU countries not including the UK do. However since LessThanSte from the UK has one of these certificates this has been proved wrong.

12th Mar 2010, 17:29
But i think somewhere there might be a difference in style, because my school leaving certificate has no details of actual grades achieved (wouldnt be of any use in, say, an application to the RAF or whatever). All it is is a page of writing by the head of our school sixth form on who i am, what i got up to, how i did and why i was generally awesome ('Beyond the classroom he is a loyal member of his House using his sporting talents to good effect in numerous competitions', that kind of thing, its almost a biography!)

Oh i should say that i sent them an email to check today, will post back when i get a reply!

15th Mar 2010, 12:27
So i got a reply from Eurocontrol to my earlier question, their email said 'we have not recieved your school leaving certificates and therefore cannot proceed with your application at present'. In other words, though i sent them what they asked for it wasnt the right thing. The joys of having different mother tongue's

So a school leaving certificate in the form of a big biography of yourself is not what they want and they actually mean exam result certificates. Sigh!

18th Mar 2010, 09:17
I would like to ask those of you who have already been thru theese:

1) At the ball on the wall test I was trying to imagine that if there are 4 screens (2 in the upper, 2 in the lower row) it must be really hard to give correct inputs as the numbers (1,2,3,4) are next to each other on the keyboard... Or is it possible to operate it with buttons that are in two rows (like for examp buttons R,T and FG on the keyboard)?

2) In the Strip Management Display did it ever happen to you that you should have put more strips below one checkpoint than available space is so it got full not leaving any place to put new strips in?

3) Is there any rule or tip how opposite conflict detection should be done? How can I recognize it???

4) When am I allowed to remove a strip? When the system time passes by the time on the strip?

I know these questions seems stupid for those of you who are familiar with strip management, I didnt do anything like this before...

Thanx in advance! http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/smile.gif

20th Mar 2010, 18:38
Im looking a career in ATC. Im currently applying to NATS.
are there other companied whi take you on?
Eurocontrol? am i elegible?

im 26 and a graduate and a currently teaching in a state school, am I elegible?

Can someone suggest a good career in Aviation?


20th Mar 2010, 21:39
Try Belgocontrol, austrocontrol and skyguide. I think some of them take people your age.

Good luck.

Precious Octa
23rd Mar 2010, 13:45
I was wondering if any of you are on a waiting list because after I took the second part of the test they told me that I had passed it, but the next week i received an e-mail saying that I am on a waiting list:-? fo you think there are any hopes left? or was that just a nice way of saying they made a mistake the first time :))

31st Mar 2010, 13:18
Hi guys.

Has anybody gotten their phase 1 date in May. I have sent my school diploma 07.03 and still haven't heard from them?

31st Mar 2010, 13:54
i'm also waiting for my date
on their page it says that we will be given notice at least 2 weeks before our date, so i'm not expecting their mail before mid april or something like that

31st Mar 2010, 14:34
Yeah, but shouldn't we perform eye examination before? And when that is done only then we get our date?

31st Mar 2010, 15:40
ah, i allready did that :)
maybe you should ask them about it

1st Apr 2010, 13:48
Precious Octa: I was on a waiting list for nearly 4 months back in the days when I did my tests to Eurocontrol - I've already kinda forgot about it, but then one day I've received a call for the second stage... So waiting list is really a waiting list, you've passed the first phase, but there were better candidates than you, they go first to the second stage tests. As soon as they need you they'll call you, don't worry!
Good luck!

2nd Apr 2010, 00:06
I couldn't find the quote button so I just copy paste your post for easier reference :cool:
Hope it's not too late for help!

I would like to ask those of you who have already been thru phase 1.
Could you help me with theese:

1) At the ball on the wall test I was trying to imagine that if there are 4 screens (2 in the upper, 2 in the lower row) it must be really hard to give correct inputs as the numbers (1,2,3,4) are next to each other on the keyboard... Or is it possible to operate it with buttons that are in two rows (like for examp buttons R,T and FG on the keyboard)?
Yes, it is very hard to work with 4 screens at the same time, I put two fingers of one hand on 1 and 2 and two fingers of the other hand on 3 and 4, not the num pad but the numbers on top. A good thing is that 4 screen part doesn't last long. Not sureabout the letters.

2) In the Strip Management Display did it ever happen to you that you should have put more strips below one checkpoint than available space is so it got full not leaving any place to put new strips in?
No, you should always have enough space to put a new strip. If you run out of it like it happened to me that means you forgot to cancel one of the strips.

3) Is there any rule or tip how opposite conflict detection should be done? How can I recognize it???
It's a long and time consuming process. When I did the test we had 90 minutes to read all the instructions for the SDM test. In my case I haven't even looked for the opposites and passed the test and I am not alone. I know a few guys that are actually working as ATC on airport Tower that also haven't found or just haven't bothered looking for opposites and got the job at the end. Don't waste time. Do the updates, local conflicts and strip canceling. Concentrate particularly on the updates.

4) When am I allowed to remove a strip? When the system time passes by the time on the strip?
When the aircraft gets to the next checkpoint written on the strip. It's pain in the butt, but that's the way it should be done.:ugh:

I know these questions seems stupid for those of you who are familiar with strip management, I didnt do anything like this before...

Thanx in advance! :)

Hope it helps! Take care! :)

3rd Apr 2010, 19:32
Hi guys!
I read the whole thread, top to bottom, first page to last! And I appreciate that at least some of you that :{ failed or that passed :D are actually sharing some info with us applicants.
Since I got all the info I needed, i got only one question! I don't understand the test with the cube, or folding the cube? What's that all about? What do you do on that test? Is there an online test that is at least similar to it?
Any response will be highly appreciated!

And of course, good luck to all!

4th Apr 2010, 10:56
Killua, i too am waiting on a reply from Eurocontrol, they acknowledged reciept of my certificates on March 16th, but i havnt heard anything since, not even the eye exam stuff.

Anyway my plan was to give them a month, and if no response by then fire them an email to see. I did wonder though, has anyone whos applied recently had a response to send in the eye certificates in the last 2 or 3 weeks?

4th Apr 2010, 12:07

Second assigment in this test is folding the cube


4th Apr 2010, 19:39
I sent in my applications mid-January and was asked pretty much immediately to send in the papers on my eye exam. I was however told that I would have to wait until around april-may for the actual examinations. In late February they sent me an e-mail along with a date, so I'm going over there in May to test my luck. It seems strange that several of you guys haven't heard anything from them. The times I've sent e-mails to them they've pretty much responded immediately.

4th Apr 2010, 19:41
Tnx! Any plus info would be of course highly appreciated! Good luck to all, again!

5th Apr 2010, 11:41

wonder why i didn't get my date yet, they only sent email that phase 1 FEAST are in May, that was end of February

5th Apr 2010, 14:31
I'm assuming you sent them all the required documents. Have you tried contacting them by telephone?

5th Apr 2010, 14:42
no, cause on their site it says that they will let us know the exact date at least 2 weeks before, so i just assumed i will get my date later

well, this is last mail i got from them:

We have now received your complete application and we will be in contact with you with a date for you to attend phase 1 testing here at Maastricht UAC.
Our next phase 1 test will only be in May.

5th Apr 2010, 15:56
Hello to everyone. I got an e mail long time ago saying that if I could be invited for PHASE 1, I would be receiving an e mail shortly. Unfortunately, PHASE 1 was cancelled and now I see WE ARE ALL waiting for PHASE 1 which is due for MAY. I sent another e mail to see if there were any news, and they told me that PHASE 1 is only 1 day, so now I think that we all have to be patient, because not everybody will be able to attend PHASE 1 on May.
If anybody has any news, post them
Cheers !

5th Apr 2010, 16:45
That was what I were afraid of. Maybe there isn't enought room on september training course.

6th Apr 2010, 09:20
Hello all again. Yeap, exactly that Kilua, I don't think we can meet during May (I mean everybody who is waiting for Phase 1). Talking to a person I know who went there told me that HE WAS called from Maastricht, so make sure that you have your mobile or telephone operative at all times if you can, because the MIRACLE call could be at any time!

6th Apr 2010, 10:58
As far as I know, there is no available position in the September course, just in the 2011 January one. The September course was already filled up when we were in Maastricht in January.

6th Apr 2010, 11:06
Hello Davidgkovacs. I don't mind training course. I still wait for a date to attend PHASE 1. Cheers !

6th Apr 2010, 11:11
i also have to wait for phase 1 and acctually 2011 courses are a bit more convenient for me as i can pass all remaining exams at uni :)

6th Apr 2010, 11:14
to Matichk, hi there, when did you apply and when did you receive the "wait for a date to attend to phase 1" email ?

6th Apr 2010, 11:16
i applied at beggining of February and got my "wait for phase 1" mail on 19th February, no word from them since than

6th Apr 2010, 11:21
Well, I applied during december, and got an email to wait. Then I sent another e mail and I got a reply stating to wait for a date to attend phase 1. I only know now that there is a waiting list to attend for PHASE 1 during MAY. One thing is for sure, phase 1 is only for 1 day.

6th Apr 2010, 11:26
wow, thats a long wait and i thought i'm waiting for a long time :D

Precious Octa
6th Apr 2010, 13:53
thank you for the answer:O

6th Apr 2010, 14:12
i read wrong or does a member from this forum have allready an exact date for may?
i'm waiting still for a date but i'm starting to get fed up of waiting....:ugh:

6th Apr 2010, 16:00
All these people with the 'wait for a date' messages, have you all had an email from Eurocontrol to send in an eye exam certificate?

6th Apr 2010, 17:43
I take it that the actual applications go through a screening process itself, thus leaving a few without an invitation to EC. A pre-phase 1, so to speak. Although the least they could do is to send people e-mails telling them they were not selected to participate in phase 1.

6th Apr 2010, 18:09
i think they do send emails if you're not invited to phase 1, but if they don't, than they wouldn't say that you will get your date for phase 1 tests :)

6th Apr 2010, 21:58
hello to all !
to lessthanste, yes, at least me, I had sent my full application form + eye check. After all this procedure, they sent me an email stating we have now receive your full application. Now WAIT FOR A DATE TO ATTEND PHASE 1. So that is, they do the initial screening of your "profile", and then they see eye checks. Then they send you this email, providing a WAIT or a DATE.

7th Apr 2010, 08:41
For those wondering how the phase 1 cube test looks like, here is a spy pic taken from the actual test.

Shhhhhh :cool:


7th Apr 2010, 10:19
:D maybe some will say im stupid, but i dont really understand whats the deal on this cube test?(from the picture above) What should you resolve? If someone knows this, can someone answer me please...
P.S. Thank's allot wittdo!

7th Apr 2010, 12:47
Which one of those cubes ( A, B or C) is possible from the net above?

As for the application question i had, i just sent an email to the recruitment people, and got an out of office reply, he'll be back on the 12th apparently (and hence this may explain the lack of responce recently!)

P.S. The answer is C, i think :suspect:

7th Apr 2010, 13:15
Regarding Wittdo's post, are there any online games/websites/books/cd's that are available to practice cube puzzles?

7th Apr 2010, 14:14
Hello ! Jeeeeeezzzz.... such a spy pic !!!!!!! Thank you very much for this one !!!! regarding software... there are some cd's that are available to buy in internet to prepare for FEAST exam, although they cost 70 € or something similar. As soon as I remember the website, I will post it

7th Apr 2010, 14:17
The website is skytest, however, i dont think its wise to prepare with that kind of software.

7th Apr 2010, 14:27
acctually it's A :)

this is ATC test i found on DFS site: Lotsentest (http://www.dfs.de/dfs/internet_2008/module/fluglotse_werden/englisch/applikationen/lotsentest/index.html)

games are pretty fun and easy to do :)

7th Apr 2010, 14:40
Matichk you are correct. The answer is indeed A.

7th Apr 2010, 15:34
Answer is none.
No wonder the cube test is a part that most of the people find hard in the Feast part 1.

7th Apr 2010, 16:42
So which is it, i still think its C (to be fair, its a tricky one!)

You can tell its not B straight away, there are no arrowheads touching each other as in the net.

7th Apr 2010, 16:44
draw it and fold it, you'll see it's A :)

7th Apr 2010, 16:55
Yeah its A, if you think its C (none) and you have the feast test coming up, I would be practicing if I were you!!

7th Apr 2010, 18:33
Hmmm looking at it again i have now realised that yes, it is A :O

7th Apr 2010, 19:12
anyone here with suggestions on how to train that cube thingy :)

7th Apr 2010, 21:36
hello my name's Oscar and that's my first post.

I'm 20 (since march) and i'd like to join EC. If I do the exams before the 1st oct I'll have 3 chances, that's why I wanted to know how much time is required to do the entire selection process, since you send the email til you end (if selected).

Thanks for all!!

8th Apr 2010, 08:57
Hey all!

Matichk and Irs33 , well done! you found the correct answer (or is it?).
Let's see now if under pressure (time pressure that is) , you are still SOOO good.

Precisely the attitude that will get you out.:D

8th Apr 2010, 16:05
yea, thats why i would like to practice that a bit :)

9th Apr 2010, 07:46

2 things...
1st, what i said was friendly advise to the people to practice if they found the cubes difficult, you seem to have taken it as some arrogant statement of my boasting about how good I am!! Which is not the case!

2nd, I have already passed the whole selection process including the cube tests.

9th Apr 2010, 20:42
I have the first tests on May 5th, anyone else?

10th Apr 2010, 11:31
Hello to all ! Congrats SLeo... did you get an email or a phone call ?
Cheers !

10th Apr 2010, 11:36
Well done and point taken Irs33.

But you do seem to be quite full of yourself.So if I can give you an advice :
Work on that!:cool:

10th Apr 2010, 14:51
Does anyone know how hard the Feast 2 can be compare to the 1st part; I mean both in intensity and stress management. I know it is a strip based exercice but is it constant along the way or does it keep increasing in intensity from start to the end of the 40 min or so. Also, as it is a strip sorting exercice, how many checkpoint can we expect to have on the screen? And last but not least question: what are the priorities you advice among the different task. I saw than in some of the threads, people have different opinions about this matter.
Cheers :)

11th Apr 2010, 02:30
Foxtrotcharlie7 i got an email, all of my communication has been via email :) I also have a place free in pilotschool so lets hope ill get to eurocotrol and start there instead.

11th Apr 2010, 21:57
Hello all !
to SLeo... thanks for the answer... next question is, when did you get the email stating that you would be given a date to attend to phase 1???
Cheers !

11th Apr 2010, 22:09
Fox, don't worry, we will get our mail as well :)

12th Apr 2010, 16:35
I got the email 29th of Januari and like 1 month ago the final date.

12th Apr 2010, 17:02
so you waited around 1 month to get final date?

12th Apr 2010, 18:23
Hello ! Well, that is strange indeed SLEO, because I got my email stating "WAIT FOR A DATE TO ATTEND PHASE 1" on 23rd December!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm WALKING ON THE WALLS (literal translation for spanish phrase....) ---> Means I'm really nervous. Although this, I will keep on waiting ! Eurocontrol deserves it !
Cheers !

12th Apr 2010, 18:58
same here mate, i'm more nervous about that mail than tests

12th Apr 2010, 19:17
Hope you guys get the test date soon, i know it sucks waiting on things like that.. I have been studying aviation so maybe that helped me got the date sooner, or something. My friend also has the tests on 5th of May.

12th Apr 2010, 21:55
yea, it sucks :(
SLeo, i sent you a private message :)

13th Apr 2010, 13:40
Hi guys. I have recived mail from ECthat I have to do Eye examination. I went to a doctor and she said it will be very expensive. Does EC refund this money? Where did you do eye exam?


13th Apr 2010, 13:57
i did my eyes examination at ophthalmologist and payed 25€, i acctually went to ophthalmologist who is testing pilots and controllers

13th Apr 2010, 16:41
Hello ! WOW :eek: I had to pay, here in Spain, 60 € !!! I don't think Eurocontrol refunds this examination.

13th Apr 2010, 17:09
so Sleo has a date, congrats for that mate.
They could at leat tell you something meanwhile you are waiting or something....

13th Apr 2010, 21:59
Does anyone know how hard the Feast 2 can be compare to the 1st part; I mean both in intensity and stress management. I know it is a strip based exercice but is it constant along the way or does it keep increasing in intensity from start to the end of the 40 min or so. Also, as it is a strip sorting exercice, how many checkpoint can we expect to have on the screen? And last but not least question: what are the priorities you advice among the different task. I saw than in some of the threads, people have different opinions about this matter.
Cheers http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/smile.gif

Feast2 was enjoyable after sweating the morning hours with cubes... Don't think about priorities, however I would say that do not concentrate on conflict detection too much.. Do it whenever you have time from other tasks, it should be quite easy to spot at least two or three conflicts.

Well done and point taken Irs33.

But you do seem to be quite full of yourself.So if I can give you an advice :
Work on that!http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/cool.gif

That's not the case. Irs33 is anything but full of himself, don't judge people you don't know :)

14th Apr 2010, 08:40
Hi all

Hence the word 'seem' in my post!:ok:

Having siad that , when you are involved in the selection process (that's from initial selection to full qualification) it is very difficult not to judge someone you don't know.And believe me , in an OPS room , the first impression is vital.

We don't want introverted candidates , but the ones who quickly get to see the door only from the outside are the ones I call 'full of themselves'.

All the best in your training.;)

14th Apr 2010, 19:44
Thanks for the advice Jtor. Sounds very wise indeed and I'll keep it in mind when I'll take the test.

15th Apr 2010, 11:06
any suggestions where should i send my email about phase 1

straight to HR guy or to adress were we sent all applications?

15th Apr 2010, 11:13
hey guys, i've just checked out my email and saw an invitation for phase 1 test 6May.
anyone going too that day? Any spanish going that week?

15th Apr 2010, 14:04
I olso got the email and I was invited for Phase 1 on 6 May

15th Apr 2010, 14:28
i also applied on december haha!
congrats both of you i'll see you then

15th Apr 2010, 18:29
Hello guys ! :mad::mad::mad: :\:\:\ Damn !!!!!! Good for you all going during MAY :D:D:D... I'm still waiting for the glorious-and-so-waited- DATE TO ATTEND PHASE 1 !!!! I envy you all :} !!! Matichk :rolleyes:, my dearest :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:, as I see it, we will have to wait once more time.
Cheers, and good luck to all of you !!! Remember, nice and steady !!! :ok:

15th Apr 2010, 18:32
yea, i want to send them mail asking about that, but don't know where should i send so i will get quick response :(
i'm still hoping i will get my invite :)

15th Apr 2010, 18:38
fox and matchick i sent them an email say its almost half april and i haven't had any notices from you, could you tell me something?
first thing i had at 7.30 am in my hotmail was an invitation to phase 1 test.
so...any more doubts?

15th Apr 2010, 18:45
to which address you sent it? straight to HR guy or to address where you sent all diplomas and eye examination?

15th Apr 2010, 18:52
i sent it to the guy directly.
good luck

15th Apr 2010, 19:17
I was mailing always with Imke Willems and i think its a she :)

15th Apr 2010, 21:19
ups,hahaha ok then i mailed HER/HIS

16th Apr 2010, 20:00
well, i guess i'm not attending phase 1 in May :(
but on the other hand, that'll leave me with enough time to pass my exams before July :D

21st Apr 2010, 20:49

I just got an email from Eurocontrol asking me to fill in a form so they can ask NATS for my FEAST results. Will this affect my NATS application (waiting to hear about 3rd stage hopefully, after doing the 2nd personality questionnaire) at all, as in will they be annoyed that I'm applying for EC too?

26th Apr 2010, 13:50
Well..it can kind of affect them as you are playing two teams at the same time. If i was you i would have waited to finish with NATS and if i was not selected then apply for EC ...
by the way, who's going 6 MAY?
any spanish?

27th Apr 2010, 21:53
sixtolo91, plz read your personal message...:ok:

28th Apr 2010, 10:13
thanks seromero!
and you have to wait 2 years to apply again!

29th Apr 2010, 12:26
hello man!!
I have to wait for 12 months, plz don't make me sick!!:rolleyes:
but i'll check it again...

30th Apr 2010, 16:09

Firstly, I would like to say that I find all your comments very informative and helpful!

But there are some questions left and I hope that someone is able to answer them.

- Will there be a radar- test ( like in Germany )?
- Do they ask the participants if they had taken the FEAST anywhere else, or do they ask if they had taken any similar testings? ( e.g. in Germany )
- Is it possible to leave our baggage in the hotel until the end of testing?

Thanks in anticipation :)

30th Apr 2010, 16:35

First of all, good luck to all of you taking the test soon.

Normally if you have taken the feast test already they can get a letter of declaration from that company. Feast is used by most European organisations and should only be taken once.

You will get some tests where you will have to make use of headings, don't remember in what format that test was anymore.

Leaving your baggage in the hotel is not a problem normally, Eurocontrol always uses that hotel during its testing phases so if you would already have to check out early they will probably still be able to accomodate for your luggage. small bags can always be stored in a few lockers at the reception.

Hope I have been of any help.


1st May 2010, 09:45

Thanks for your answers!
The point is, that I had taken the testings in Germany, but they do not use FEAST here. So Im just wondering if I have to mention it :hmm:

Im asking for the radar- simulation test, because to me it seems to be the most difficult test at all.

Anyway, I hope we will all do great :)

2nd May 2010, 22:32
Hello ! Does anybody know when is next phase 1 taking place?
Good luck to all attending phase 1 on May 6th !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):)

5th May 2010, 18:55
Yep, im after a date for stage 1 testing, got an email this morning saying the application has been processed and now i should just wait for a phase 1 date.

Chances of it being whilst im on holiday.............! :}

5th May 2010, 19:46
My my, I'm in a very nervous state right now. I had the strip management test a couple of days ago and actually found it being quite fun to do. I felt it went pretty good, I managed to detect 7 or 8 local conflicts and was able to fill in all the information that was delivered through my headphones as well as removing and sorting the strips. Here's the thing though - I didn't detect a single opposite conflict! I'm guessing this was the most important task even though they tell us to give all the tasks equal priority.

Does anyone dare to speculate in my chances of passing this part of the test? Test results will be coming later this week and I'm pretty much sitting on needles right now.

5th May 2010, 20:01
oddbob, I read somewhere in this thread that another guy hasn't detected any opposite conflicts as well, and he passed.

5th May 2010, 20:43
oddbob, how hard did you find exercises in morning session, i read quite a lot about those exercises, but can't really imagine how hard they actually are

5th May 2010, 21:14
killua - That might give me some hope then. Awaiting friday with grave anxiety.

matichk - The tests were very much like I expected them. They resemble most IQ-tests you can find on the internet and the basic principles are pretty much the same. Obviously these test shouldn't be easy, but I think it all comes down to whether or not you have a knack for distinguishing certain shapes and colors, coordinating mental reflexes and also applying arbitrary rule bending - a great part of the tests were focused on this.

Whatever you do, don't start giving up if you find it very difficult and try to relax as much as you can. At one part of the test I ran out of time and left 8 (!) questions unanswered - still I managed to pass the test.

I'm sure you've read about the Ball test. Here is an interesting flash game that should give you a hint of how your multitasking skills are.

Play Multitask, a free online game on Kongregate (http://www.kongregate.com/games/IcyLime/multitask)

I got a score of 350. Although it took 15 tries...practice makes perfect. :rolleyes:

By the way, if you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.

6th May 2010, 23:40
A few months ago I have sent the aplication form completed for ATC student in Maastricht.I sent them also the diplomas and a completed form of the visual certification of performance.The replied to me and a few days ago they informed me that i'll go for the testing in Maastricht but I will have to wait for a date.Can someone tell me more about the testing? What does it consist of? What kind of questions should I expect? Will the interview be on the same day of the testing? How can I prepair for it? Please if someone can inform me preciosely i will appreciate it a lot. :)

7th May 2010, 07:06
Hello Adriana... read throughout this thread and you will find your answers and further information about Eurocontrol testings (FEAST) and interviews.
Welcome to the forum anyway
Cheers !

7th May 2010, 09:11
Well i read it and still have some questiones.Can you give me some examples of web sites when i can train my abilities ,i have found some but i don't know if there are apropiate for their tests.Does the first phase of testing inludes the ELPAC test? tnx for the previous answer FoxrotCharlie :)

7th May 2010, 16:16
You really can't prepare for the tests. Just be relaxed on the day of the tests and have faith in your skills.

So, has anyone from this weeks testing heard from them yet? Ms Prevoo said that the results will be known at the end of this week..

7th May 2010, 16:42
Hello all !
to Wandering... how do you know that the results are coming this week ? did you go there ? do you know someone who went yesterday ?
Cheers !

7th May 2010, 17:30
I was there on the 4th :) and Ms Prevoo said that the results will come in at the end of the week.

7th May 2010, 18:02
well best of luck to you and everyone else who were there this week

7th May 2010, 19:04
hi to all you guys,
i also got a mail a few days ago in which they informed me that i'll go for the testing in Maastricht but I will have to wait for a date.my name is can and i am from turkey. does anyone know the date for the next phase 1 testing?

7th May 2010, 19:45
I don't know when they will initiate the next phase 1 testings, but before we took our tests earlier this week they told us that the approved candidates from the current rounds won't start their training until the beginning of next year (2011). It seems somewhat logical (considering the time span between previous testings) that they won't start inviting new candidates until 2-3 months from now. But this is just a wild guess.

8th May 2010, 10:36
thanks oddbob :ok:

8th May 2010, 22:36
oddbob, did you get any response from them yet?

10th May 2010, 16:14
Does anybody know is the ELPAC (english language proficiency for aeronautical communicatons) provided as a part of the first phase of testing in Maastricht?

10th May 2010, 22:36
No they dont have elpac there.

10th May 2010, 23:57
Tnx for the answer :)

14th May 2010, 18:21
@ SLeo

Were you the `nervous guy´ or his friend, who was `full of himself´ ;-) ?
Tell me, how did it go?

Greetings to Finland!

17th May 2010, 20:49
Hey guys,
Anyone interested in ATCO career with eurocontrol can visit my blog here (http://becomeatco.********.com), its not finished yet completely, feel free to look around, and post a comment or two.

And if anyone is interested in preparation software for phase one testing (feast), I have a copy of Atco Screenings 2.0 made by SkyTest. It can help you alot. Look it up on google to see what it contains. I bought it for 78 €, and I am offering it for 40 €.

pm me if you are interested and please visit my blog (http://becomeatco.********.com) and link it to your page if you have one or just share the link. The blog is in an early stage and there is a lot more comming.


17th May 2010, 21:24
raven, your link doesn't work

17th May 2010, 21:37
just put b-l-o-g-s-p-o-t in *********

raven, thank you, wicked work... gold information

17th May 2010, 21:41
damn, should have thought about that


18th May 2010, 12:55
Hello all !
to sgt_raven: just brilliant ! I liked your blog a lot, and found it very interesting. Keep the spirit !

18th May 2010, 16:17
i got an email today from eurocontrol about phase 1 testing which, typically, I can't make due to prior work commitments :(

BTW, what are the arrangements re: travel? are we expected to get to the airport ourselves to do eurocontrol sort that? there is a mention of a routeplan, is that just directions from the airport or?

18th May 2010, 16:51
Hello !
to LessThanSte, I got an email today too, stating a date to attend phase 1. I declined due to University exams :\. I phoned Imke today and she told me that I would be placed in a waiting list (not again :{). Hope to get an invitation for July.

Victor L.V.
18th May 2010, 17:27
Hello everyone,

My name is Vuicin Victor and i've been reading this thread for a few months.
I applied sometime around February and today i receieved the invitation for the Phase 1 Test. They said i should be there in June 2nd so anyone who's been invited in the same day, i hope we will keep in touch here or by email and...se you there:D


18th May 2010, 17:29
Hi guys! I got an email too, inviting me for phase 1 on June 3rd and I will definitely be there!

@sgt_raven: really nice initiative, I'm sure your blog will help a lot of applicants, including myself :E

18th May 2010, 18:00
@Victor, i have testing on 2nd June as well, so send me a PM :)

18th May 2010, 19:40
Imke is a girls name :o

Ive been starting emails with Dear Sir.


18th May 2010, 20:22
ouch, i was always trying to avoid words as sir and madam, cause i wasn't sure

18th May 2010, 20:53
hehe, looks like we all tought Imke was a guys name, icluding me.
Thank you guys for your comments about my blog and if you could be so kind to leave your comments on the blog or follow it so it does not look so deserted.
I am preparing more stuff on the blog about ATC simulators.

@LessThanSte I think you will find an answer on my blog:
becomeatco.b-l-o-g-s-p-o-t.com (exclude dashes)

Good luck to everyone!!! :ok:

18th May 2010, 21:25
Yeh i did, i had a read through earlier, nice work!

19th May 2010, 07:34
Hey, Matichk, when did you complete your registration exactly? I've been following the posts here and I think it was around the same time I did (19th of February). However, They didn't invite me for May nor June... Imke said I'm on a waiting list..

So I'm just wondering if this depends on timing (how long we are waiting) or they actually assess the apps and first invite the more promising ones..?:uhoh:

Victor L.V.
19th May 2010, 12:08
@ Rutele

I don't think you should worry about not being invited. I started to think something was wrong when i realised it's may and they didn't sent me the invitation(i was told in jan or feb that i will be invited for the phase 1). Maybe there are limited sessions of candidates...dunno.

19th May 2010, 16:41
yup, i got my mail "wait for phase 1" mail on 19th February
probably you will get invited next time

20th May 2010, 07:25
Well, I hope so.. but by the next september I'll be too old anyway so I guess if they filled current cohort already - it's doesnt matter anymore.

Good luck with your tests guys!

20th May 2010, 14:19
Two weeks ago Imke sent me an e-mail that i will have to wait for the testing.I sent my application form in April. How long will i have to wait for a date???

Victor L.V.
20th May 2010, 16:06
Don't think they have a standard period of time for that... just wait and in the meantime prepare yourself:D


20th May 2010, 17:56
Hello. I received the "wait for a date to attend phase 1" EMAIL on December... and they called me for 3rd June... and now I see that there are some people who applied on February and were called too :eek:! Conclusion: I really don't know which criteria they use in order to call people to attend PHASE 1 testings...

20th May 2010, 18:58
FoxtroCharlie - that's exactly my point.. It seems like some sort of pre-screening... E.g. i believe I'm pushed down the list because my eyesight is not perfect - fits their requirements but is on the margin...

20th May 2010, 19:25
I received the (in)famous "wait for a date to attend phase 1" mail on March, and I'm invited for the 3rd of June. I believe I was just lucky but may be it's also because I contacted Ms Willems to ask when I could possibly attend phase 1. She responded that there's a waiting list, but who knows, perhaps contacting her and showing one's motivation helps to move up in this list (although I'm sure most of you have done it..).

It could be that we're just picked randomly for the selection because I don't really see the point in performing a pre-screening as you're invited for sure according to the "wait for a date to attend phase 1" mail. Besides my eyesight isn't the best either :}

So don't lose confidence, we're all at the same level and you will be invited eventually :ok:

20th May 2010, 20:05
my eyesight is poor, though within requirements and I received the invite about 3 weeks after Isent in the eyesight form and about 2 weeks after the 'we will be in touch soon' email.

I therefore suspect its more to do with which applications they get there hands on first, aside from which is the best. if I remember right there wasn't THAT much that could set each application apart.

20th May 2010, 21:02
Hey guys

I updated my blog. Read the last part dedicated to phase 2, its called the Operations Room, and check the bottom of the blog, one more tip about the interview.
I also added a new page called Simulators


22nd May 2010, 10:17
Maybe in Langen, January???

22nd May 2010, 10:53
evolv, congrats on passing final interview

i just wanted to ask, how long did it take to go thru whole procces from phase 1 till the interview?

25th May 2010, 18:20
hi...i also received an invitation for the 2nd of june...wish you all goodluck! if anyone interested to talk about the subject pm me....i would really like to discuss more about the tests :)

26th May 2010, 16:22
Hello friends;)
I sent my application form the 18 of may and sent the diplomas the 24 of may.
Anyone knows how much time I must wait to receive the oftalmologic exam sheet?

Thank you.

26th May 2010, 16:57
asunyer, I waited a month inbetween sending them high school diploma and them sending me eye exam form.

EDIT: 50 days

26th May 2010, 16:58
5 months???
I know people that gone to stage 1 in 1 month since they sent the 1st mail.

26th May 2010, 17:00
asunyer, I waited a month inbetween sending them high school diploma and them sending me eye exam form.

EDIT: 50 days
Wow... it's too slowly...

26th May 2010, 17:02
Yes, it seemed that way to me. But EC knows what it is doing.

26th May 2010, 17:04
And where do you arrive?
Passed it successfull??

26th May 2010, 17:08
I haven't been to selection process yet, waiting for a date like others. Considering they will fill up January course next month (maybe??? just speculation), they will probably invite me by the end of the summer. but like I said, that's just my speculation based on writings on this forum.

26th May 2010, 17:16
Congratulations :D

26th May 2010, 17:31
evolv, you mean 2011?
and you were thru extremely fast, i hope i will be done that fast as well :D

26th May 2010, 17:37
Well, serious congrats to you Evolv5... I am waiting for 3 months now but if they filled Jan 2011 course already then so long for my ATC career. I will be too old next September... :rolleyes:

26th May 2010, 17:39
Rutele, there are 3 courses in 2011. And I think you should be max 24 when you submit application.