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1st Sep 2008, 21:56
This has come up about 15 to 17 million times already and the answer is always the same, be patient. You'll get sorted out! When everyone else was receiving information about the test location in New York, I still didn't have an invitation and I was taken care of

2nd Sep 2008, 03:15
It was quite irritating the fact that they gave the information at the last minute. Especially since there were flights and hotel bookings to be made. Thank God there were still vacancies, although if the info was given 3 days earlier, the flight would have been half the price I paid for. Nevertheless, everything went seamlessly, and best of luck to everyone.

2nd Sep 2008, 15:05
hey all

just to let u know im on the 16th also...

does anyone know what we will be doing ???

2nd Sep 2008, 15:34
Damn!!!!!!!!! when will our turn come ?????????????

2nd Sep 2008, 15:40
I do believe that all of the candidates from Asia and Australia will be assessed together in SYD on the 16th??

2nd Sep 2008, 18:15
I guess that depends on how many classes they want each year.Theres alot of qualified airline pilots that are being laid off all over the world. Etihad, Emirates, Qatar, and Gulfair are all hiring. I don't think that the cadet program will last long because of the amount of pilots that will be available to work (at least from the US, thanks to the roadshow).It was mentioned at the assessments in New York that the cadet pilot program is used to fill the fleet expansion

Check Airman
3rd Sep 2008, 12:38
Hi all,

Does anybody know if the cadet app can be updated once it's been submitted?

3rd Sep 2008, 12:48
Did anybody from SE Asia esp India get any mail ??

3rd Sep 2008, 15:36
All my friends over here (middle east) didn't get any invitations...including me, if you go back to some previous posts You'll find out that the assessments will happen in Oct/Nov 08, even if it didn't happen at that time...you now got an idea about the screening process & might get invited later in 2009 (everybody is gonna be invited), for me...I was worried & I was ready since June, but I wasn't invited, so...go hang out & live your life (I know how it feels when you open this thread & see how friends get invitations, write the tests & make it through...wait...some don't).

Just have hope, some patience & prepare WELL + keep in mind that you might not make it (have a Plan B...even C).

Good Luck for You All :ok:

3rd Sep 2008, 16:26
I 2nd what Malrim said.

I have plans B and C down. :E

3rd Sep 2008, 19:07
Yeah dubble, Vancouver B.C.

4th Sep 2008, 12:53
guys, to the ppl who are done the 1st round of testing, can u tell if its testing like QF or general maths english stuff???

i think at a minimum etihad should have disclosed some info... to be honesy i dont know if there is some kind of interview... whats the testing is...what i should take...

5th Sep 2008, 07:05
has anyone had any luck contacting etihad?? either by email or phone??

im in aus, i cant get on to them?

8th Sep 2008, 02:20
I recieved an email from Etihad regarding the first stage in Sydney. It does not really have any details with respect to what test / info they will be going over.

any ideas on what might be done? psychometric examination and an interview? or just a psychometric test?

will it be the same as whats been done previous in Europe / USA?

8th Sep 2008, 12:08
Thanks dude...

8th Sep 2008, 22:19
Good luck to all, I got the call for sydney but have stepped down as have decided that i am to close to my CPL will all money paid for it aswell. Only a few hours and 1 exam to go and i'll have my ticket and onto a metro.

coral reef
11th Sep 2008, 20:45
you could have still given it a crack, it keeps multiple options open...some of the candidates at the NY assessments were close to completing their CPLs also, and the Captain recommended they complete their training and get their CPL.

12th Sep 2008, 06:12
how many people going on the 16th at SYD ?

16th Sep 2008, 14:08
Hi there,
Has anyone recieved any information about the first stage of selection in Johannesburg? I was under the impression it was being held on the 18th of September. Thats Thursday, and it's getting pretty close!
I have not yet heard anything from Etihad and I sent in my application in August.
Does anyone know what's going on? I phoned the Etihad office in Jo'burg. They said that they are still waiting to recieve the email from Etihad directly stating what they must tell people when they phone in and enquire about the Cadet Programme. The impression they gave me was they don't know the date planned for the first stage of selection!!!

I'm just getting really nervous now as I have to organise flights and time off work.
THanks a lot :)

16th Sep 2008, 14:17
hey mate, from what we heard today in sydney jo'burg is still a go'er for the 18th. best of luck mate :ok:

16th Sep 2008, 14:32
Thanks ashmunn... I just hope someone from Etihad can finalise things for me ASAP. haha.
So you obviously went through everything today in Sydney! How did it go for you?
:p Do you guys even call girls over there mate? heheheheh

coral reef
16th Sep 2008, 14:36
how many people were in the Sydney assessment? how did it go?

16th Sep 2008, 14:54
I recieved my email from Etihad with the details for the Jo'burg testing long ago! It's definitely on the 18th.

16th Sep 2008, 17:11
and I sent in my application in August.


the email went out a month ago.....I don't think you were invited.

16th Sep 2008, 19:34
Ok guys.. well it was worth a try. There was no cut off date stated that i could find with regards to applying, except the end of the year.. as they just said they were interviewing throughout the year.

I wish all of you going to Joburg on Thursday all the best!!! Let us know how u found it and how it went.. :) holding thumbs for you!!
And thanks for replying to my post! :)

Who knows, if my dreams come true im gona jump on a late night cargo plane 2mro nyt and join u guys in JHB!!! hahaha..


17th Sep 2008, 12:48
Hi Guys
I haven't heared any news about applicants from middle east and North Africa (Egypt)
Are they planning to take any people from this part of the world or not?:rolleyes:

17th Sep 2008, 13:56
Thats a GOOD Question...I think most of the cadets would be from the Airline's Home (Middle East / Arabian Countries)...don't know, it seems that Etihad went all around the world & forgot the Middle-East, North Africa & most parts of Asia...:)

I think (hope) these places would be their target for next Year...:ok:

17th Sep 2008, 16:17
I'm not sure but I think Etihad did a UAE selection first, from my information 3 of the people from the first course were selected from a UAE non staff, non UAE national selection. It was the very first worldwide selection they held, about 50 people attended, same tests etc...

17th Sep 2008, 16:22
If that's correct I would be really shocked that they neglected this part of the world :ooh::eek::ouch::{

I think that was the Etihad (NATIONAL) Cadet pilot programe and that was only for the Nationals (Locals) of the U.A.E and according to what i heared there were only like 6 applicants,,,ppl correct me if wrong

17th Sep 2008, 19:09

Your wrong, there are people non uae nationals in Al Ain on a course right now who were selected from a UAE expat selection. I was there!!

As i understand there will be another middle eastern selection, in the middle of next year as part of the world tour!!

17th Sep 2008, 20:21
I think that was the Etihad (NATIONAL) Cadet pilot programe and that was only for the Nationals (Locals) of the U.A.E and according to what i heared there were only like 6 applicants

Your wrong,

:}:D:8:rolleyes: Hahaha

17th Sep 2008, 20:26
I heard that small selections were done in the UAE back in June...limited to a very small number of people...I didn't want to sound negative in my last post about it, but I think EY didn't cover it well last time (looking at when I applied & when did the others apply & got invited)...:ok:

lets hope we get into the assessments next year...:)

19th Sep 2008, 20:32
Quick question, do any of assesments ever take place in the UK or what? Im too lazy to trawl through or search this thread :O


19th Sep 2008, 22:24
Tommy you've missed the uk assessments for this year, they took place on the 28th and 29th of July 2008. I guess you will have to wait till they come by next year.

21st Sep 2008, 19:06
I also have a quick question.
How long did it take to get a response from Etihad (or at least to let the status change from "applied" to "under review" after you have applied? ( I applied on 15th September). I know this has been mentioned posts before but i think its a bit easier if you'd give me a quick reply rather than me searching the whole thread.


coral reef
21st Sep 2008, 20:31
Mine was 'under review' when I was called for the assessment.

787-101, where are you located?

The reason your applications are either blank/applied is most likely because assessments for 2008 are over; i.e. your applications will be considered for the next round of assessments to take place in 2009. Somebody in this thread or the Cadet Waiting List thread mentioned that Etihad will have info on their website in October about next year's assessments.

21st Sep 2008, 20:33
And does anybody have an idea when the next assessment is supposed to be in Europe/FRA? :P

21st Sep 2008, 20:47
oh man... i should have applied earlier...:ugh:

21st Sep 2008, 20:51
Hey I wouldn't stress guys, the dates will be up end of October from what I was told, and SYD will be around July so I think? they will probably be doing EU before that.

If in doubt re-apply

21st Sep 2008, 20:57
Hi people..this is my 6th month waiting...I suggest you to wait & see the timetables in Oct (or the info that will be given)...I wouldn't reapply.

Hope we get invited next year...goodluck

21st Sep 2008, 21:13
Good point Malrim!

21st Sep 2008, 21:40
Oh that sucks! 6 months of waiting!!!:ugh:

so, will the assessment for EUs be in October or will there only be the dates when the assessment actually will be? Also: where on the homepage can I find the dates? Cause I didnt find them before the last assessments. ^^

30th Sep 2008, 20:16
ETIHAD started another cadet pilot programme....which started on 22-09-2008....
i have mailed them accordingly as per their mentioned method...i have choosen ABU DHABI for the assessment test...the test is going to be held in july there.....after how many days they r going to reply mail.......what kind od this assessment is going to be....?


1st Oct 2008, 07:23

If I applied on the old Cadet pilot programe but I was never contacted am i elligble to apply again on the new system or I should cancel my first application First or is it transfered automatically to the new system ?

1st Oct 2008, 11:23

I think you would be better off asking that question to an Employee of Etihad - but FWIW I personally would suggest just using the new system (which is just an email anyway) and including the fact you have also applied under the old system but thought it was wise to keep your application up to date.


(Off for his Medical with EY in less than a week :} )

1st Oct 2008, 15:03
:ok: I'd send them an email & keep my old application active...just incase (give them your Ref No. provided on the application).

2nd Oct 2008, 14:47
Think I would forget the old system, forget your old reference numbers and just focus on the new improved scheme!
Dont think old references are any good now.

2nd Oct 2008, 16:35
I am from Pakistan and I applied back in may, didnt hear from them :(
it was open for the whole world wasnt it? and they didn't contact anyone here in asia :(

2nd Oct 2008, 16:44
Thanks guys I went with your advice and sent them an email yesterday

Is there anybody from Egypt Following up this topic ??? I've searched this topic all the way and Can't find anything

Also a suggestion why don't we start a new thread for the 2009 Cadet Scheme, This thread has already gone Super Jumbo :}

3rd Oct 2008, 09:18
I have mailed the etihad people stating clearly that i wanted to attend the assessment in sydney (June 2009) . I have not got a reply from them for quite few days . I didnt get even the automated reply . Could anyone please tell me if i should mail them back or just wait for the reply to come my way .

Anyways many months to go before it kickstarts . So I think probably no hurry . :ok:

3rd Oct 2008, 10:03
You guys are so impatient!!! How can you expect a reply for an assessment thats taking place in 8 months.

There is probably only 3 or 4 people working on this cadet program.....i'm sure they will reply to you soon, just relax!!!

3rd Oct 2008, 14:09
And what about the people who are still (I'm a EU candidate who went to the Frankfurt selection in July) on hold for second phase? should they reapply too or should they just wait and check their email everyday?

3rd Oct 2008, 15:10
You guys are obviously newbies to aviation....

There is a saying that is widely used in aviation, "Hurry up and wait!"

One thing i've learnt in aviation is that nothing is certain until it happens :)

3rd Oct 2008, 20:22
hey su_gm ,

su_gm you are absolutely right ..its better we start a new form for the 2009 intake .

i have applied too but waiting for their reply ...


4th Oct 2008, 07:31
I hadn't noticed that they had changed the application process, just a couple of days after i applied using the old method hehe!
so fingers crossed this time!

4th Oct 2008, 08:18
I cant find the application in their site . could you please help me out .

4th Oct 2008, 12:14
go to ETIHAD Airways (http://careers.etihadairways.com/ehire/english/)

5th Oct 2008, 07:19
Hey guys,

Im quite confused. If accepted and become a cadet, do you have to repay the training from your salary in the 5 years return of service? I heard it was 40% in the first year and decreased to 5% in the fifth year. If someone could please clarify this that would be appreciated.

Thank you

5th Oct 2008, 08:25
VH JPS, that is exactly what the Captain at the NYC assessment said.

5th Oct 2008, 09:27
So if this is the case, then what are the huge benefits about joining with Etihad?

Why not get a loan and learn and then progress through the small airlines, whilst not having to throw your life as you know it away? (by that I mean move from your current home and surroundings and family to a totally different culture where you know nothing - I'm just a teenager) That's just my opinion anyway.

Im not hating, I am seeking quality advice as to whether this is the right step for myself to make.

Cheers guys....

5th Oct 2008, 23:48
If you really want to become a Commercial Pilot and you want to live in the comfort of your zone its goning to take you a long time to get into any major airlines. if you get the cadetshship by etihad you know in 3 years or less you will be flying one of those big jets, then if you begin with trainee school where u will start of literally from scratch and flying for major ailrines will take you ages .. coz if u see the requirements for first officers for big jets u need no less than atleast 1500 hrs (not sure of etihad requiremnts - but i am sure it would be around that much). So my personal opinion would be to try for etihad.

6th Oct 2008, 01:19
I'm from egypt too..
Have u Received an E-mail confirming your application?
If not..then i suggest u resend it and dont forget to specify the Assessment location ( Put it in the subject if you may )..Are u Going for abudhabi? and if yes, how r u gonna manage to show in for the different phases of the assessment, I'm afraid one will spend a fortune on this !

6th Oct 2008, 06:58
Wow, BabyGirl thanks for the advice. Greatly appreciated. There is also the option for me to go to Uni and do a BoAviation, which is a joint venture with QANTAS and the possibility of an offer to be a Cadet if I do well in the course.

I don't really want to cut my youth short by signing my life away. From what Capt Morris said at Sydney, there isn't much to do at Al Ain and I won't even know anyone. The course sounded very full on as well with no time off.

6th Oct 2008, 07:45
No i think you guys have it all wrong, what the capt was saying about the 40% in the first year ect was that if you decide to leave etihad airways that is how much you are required to pay back. So if you leave in the first year you pay back 40% and in the 2nd year like 33% and so on.. at least thats what i got from what he was saying. Could be wrong though.

6th Oct 2008, 08:01
Can someone could please clarify this ASAP?

6th Oct 2008, 09:11
You got it wrong there..

They bond you to your training for 6 years. Your "payback" starts when you finish off your training and accept you into the airline and is as follows and excuse me if I don't have the right figures:

Year 1: 60% of your salary is taken to pay off your bond.
Year 2: 40%
Year 3: 20%
Year 4: 10%
Year 5: 5 %

You only start paying back once your training is complete. After your time is up and you don't owe them anything, they will offer to renew your contract or tell you they don't want you anymore.

If you decide to leave during the bond period, you are required to pay back the outstanding balance.

Some places don't expect you to pay them back while you work for them, but if you decide to leave during this period, you'll be sued :)

6th Oct 2008, 09:29
Cheers forssi.

6th Oct 2008, 10:03
From the assessment day there was no mention of the 60% pay back you say, however the rest is pretty accurate. It is only for the base pay too, the flight time and other allowances are unchanged

6th Oct 2008, 10:51
ah ok, sounds reasonable. Sorry for the incorrect info... my bad :\ also howd the j-burg guys go?? any news yet?

6th Oct 2008, 11:18
:{Nothing yet, this really is agony!

But they have only had about 7 or 8 working days since our test due to Eid and most of that was probably spent sorting out Sydney.

The next day or so... PLEASE!

6th Oct 2008, 11:28
The correct figures for the bond (I am the annoying person who always has the correct notes)
Year 1: 40%
Year 2: 33%
Year 3: 22%
Year 4: 15%
Year 5: 5%
And like it has already been said that is only on the basic... allowances don't get reduced.

6th Oct 2008, 15:28
Today i got a message from Etihad: :D

Dear Applicant,
Thank you for your interest in the Etihad Cadet Pilot Program. All the information required for your assessment will be provided to you one month before the assessment day.
Best Regards

Cadet Pilot
Recruitment Team

6th Oct 2008, 15:52
Congrats mindde

When did you send your email ?

6th Oct 2008, 15:59
emm couple weeks ago in fact first e-mail went straight to auto-replay saying that i need to attach my CV so send the same day another one and after couple weeks got this one so now fingers crossed for February assessment in London :rolleyes:

6th Oct 2008, 20:14
still 1st phase? gl :)

6th Oct 2008, 20:39
I sent an email last week saying I am interested in the London Assessment. I didn't get any auto-reply message. Also, in their webpage, they say that cv's are not required at this time.

6th Oct 2008, 23:05
heya VH-JPS - no worries ( it more what I think then an advice). Well yeah it would be cool to get into the cadet ship with Qantas through Swinburne university but its upfront fee of almost $110,000.
Al- ain is not that bad of a place to stay in and over the weekends u can always drive to Dubai .
one thing i UAE is the culture its quite mixed and making friends personally i find quite easy out there then in Oz.

7th Oct 2008, 07:55
hey,im new to the forum and was wondering if there is any more word on the cadet course taking place in abu dhabi instead of al ain?:)

7th Oct 2008, 08:06
The cadet programme is definately taking place in Al Ain (Horizon Flight School to be exact) but once you've completed the 18 month course cadets will be based in Abu Dhabi.

7th Oct 2008, 08:43
Hey guys , got the reply from them

Dear Applicant,
Thank you for your interest in the Etihad Cadet Pilot Program. All the information required for your assessment will be provided to you one month before the assessment day.

Best Regards

Cadet Pilot

Recruitment Team

Mike Whiskey Romeo
7th Oct 2008, 10:45
Hi guys,

I am about to apply for an interview in London. I know I dont need to send in any details yet but when the time does come should I put my expired JAA PPL in the "licences Held" column? The reason is that its only expired 3 monthsand I will renew it in the summer before the second phase starts.

Anyone from the first wave have experience of this?

Also, does "medically fit" as they state on their application mean I need to hold a valid class 1 in order to be considered?
My class 2 med is still valid.



7th Oct 2008, 13:17
I just got the same reply today too!

7th Oct 2008, 13:44
Hey Guys n Gals!
I hope everyone is doing well.
I have had a look in the last few pages of this thread but I was wondering what people actually put in the initial e-mail asking for the specific assessment day.

To me, I would think that if they just wanted you to state the assessment location they would have an on-line form with some verification code to stop spamming.

Has anyone gone to town on what acheivements they have had or have they simply sent an e-mail saying

"Dear Etihad. I am interesting in joining the assessment in XXX in XXX month

Also, does anyone know what is entailed on the actual assessment day?

7th Oct 2008, 18:26
hey there,

I just sent an email saying I would be happy to attend the London Assessment and that I am holder of a Canadian PPL.

But that's strange, on what base are they going to select people? they didn't even ask about age, or CV, or anything. They just said they will contact us one month before the assessment date. Are we all going to be filtered during the assessment day or are they going to ask us some questions and documents and then select only a few for the assessment day?

I know nobody has an aswer, but what do you think?

Mike Whiskey Romeo
7th Oct 2008, 20:33
Hi jumbo744,

The way I understand it, and im only speculating, we will be asked to submit our application and CV before the assessments and we will be whittled down from there. Thats just the way I understood "no cvs are needed at this time". It is unclear however when we may be required to submit these.

I may be wrong!


7th Oct 2008, 22:04

it makes sense, thanks!

8th Oct 2008, 13:26
Hi all,

I sent my mail for the London assessment on the 29th, but did not get the reply others are mentioning. Do you think I should resend or wait a little more (next Monday perhaps, 2 weeks)?


8th Oct 2008, 14:12
yes i think you should wait as you said. 2 days ago I was thinking of sending a second email but then I decided to wait, and the next morning when I woke up, I had the reply. You should receive the mail soon :ok:

Mike Whiskey Romeo
8th Oct 2008, 15:02
Got my reply this morning:ok:, just read it now though. I only sent the email yesterday so I guess they are back up to speed! god i'm soooo excited now!:)

8th Oct 2008, 15:59
great MWR :ok:

8th Oct 2008, 19:25

From my information there are a lot of applications, over the EID period 600 alone, the selections are not til next year, so if you applied and did not hear for a week or two, I really would not worry. Remeber whilst this may seem like the most important thing in the world to you, Etihad have one or two other things to do!! The scheme has not even been advertised yet. They have another staff only selection this year, I would think they are sorting that out first.
If you email twice its just more emails to go through and will slow down all replies.
From my info, if you apply you will be asked to attend a selection, if when you come to the selection you present a passport that shows you over the age limit, or any documentation that shows a commercial licence you will not be allowed to take part in the selection. Nice and easy, no filter other than ability.

As I say its just what I hear!!

9th Oct 2008, 12:39
Hi all!
I sent the email to them yesterday morning at 10am (08.10.2008) and got a reply this morning at 11am saying all the info is going to be sent to me the month before assessment.


9th Oct 2008, 15:02
That`s weird because then i send e-mail that i would like to attend assessment day i was asked to send my CV and just then got e-mail saying that i`ll get all info a month before.:bored:

12th Oct 2008, 13:47
Guys I just got the reply from Etihad after a long wait :D
Now I am waiting untill they email again 1 month before the Assesment

Again I am asking guys to start a new thread about the 2009 Cadet programe
I think searching for any info in 70 Pages is horrible and leaving it to grow more would make it worse
So I am starting a new Topic on that Link
Please Share Your Thoughts, News and Questions about the 2009 Programme

15th Oct 2008, 12:11
Hello everyone

Thought I'd try here aswell: Is there anyone out there from the London assessments who recieved a maybe email and is still waiting for a reply?


15th Oct 2008, 13:40
Well I applied on the same day a friend of mine applied, he got the reply minutes after, and I haven't got it yet. Been around a week now! I guess we should wait.

15th Oct 2008, 17:26
i sent an email saying "i would like to attend theassessment in abu dhabi" but stil no reply at all.im worried.is this the way we are suppose to do?

15th Oct 2008, 20:07
The assesments are not until next year, they have staff selections to do first if you dont get an e-mail right away I would not panic, as I said what seems like a long time to you and very important might not be so important to EY in the short term, I am sure they will reply in good time.
Patience is required!

15th Oct 2008, 21:00
Thank you for your very valid contribution to this topic EYZ. Good luck to everyone for this programme!

16th Oct 2008, 10:38
Hi all, just to let you know my wait was 8 days. i sent the email to etihad on the 6th and then got my reply on the 14th. i suppose they are getting thousands of emails so its just a case of waiting.

16th Oct 2008, 10:53
Hopefully someone will be able to help me here. I applied for Etihad this year, got to the interview stage but unfortunately was unsuccessful. I sent them an email asking when I could reapply as the 6 month break was a bit vague. I was hoping it was 6 months from the date you FIRST applied but they said to me that it is 6 months from the LAST assessment. My interview was around the 20th September which means I can only apply again after 20th March 2009. I live in the UK and the next London assessments are in February so I will have to fly to Abu Dhabi which I really don't mind but another lad that was in the same interview group as me was told he can apply for the Frankfurt assessment which is in March, but less than 6 months from the last assessment...

Could someone please advise? Do you think they may be leniant and let me apply for February? Have I been advised incorrectly by someone in Etihad recruitment?

Thanks for listening...

16th Oct 2008, 11:35
Apologies I don't think my post was clear, I have already attended the assessment and recieved a congratulations but maybe email for attending stage 2, but I still have not recieved any other info and I believe others (who have attended stage 1 a few weeks after me in other countries) have been invited to stage 2 in November. Anyone else in my boat?

16th Oct 2008, 13:03
Bigga, I'm in a similar situation to you. I had the 'congratulations and maybe' email after going to the assessments in London, and then I told them I'd rather go to the 2nd group in Oct/Nov instead of the end of August.

I also emailed them about a month ago to ask for the exact dates, and they confirmed them to me saying 'please wait and we will give you the full details as soon as it's arranged'. That gives the impression that I am through, despite the maybe bit from before...


22nd Oct 2008, 18:08
Hi Bigga

Exactly the same here - I asked for August and never heard anything since the maybe email that was sent way back!


24th Oct 2008, 04:53
Is Etihad's Cadet programme an annual on-going thing or is it just this one chance?

Anybody got any idea if they got height/eyesight requirements? I've read the website but didn't find these stipulations under their basic requirements..

4th Nov 2008, 12:37
Hi Bigga, HDP, ricardo

Same here, got the maybe email but no further email after that. I did my assessment in Sydney, anyone else from Sydney that got the maybe email and still waiting OR anyone else that have got the stage 2 confirmation email ?

Best regards!

10th Nov 2008, 06:40
Hey guys

i was wondering if any one can tell me .. wt happen at stage 1,2,and 3 ??

does any one know??

and what kind of qulifications do they look for ??


10th Nov 2008, 15:06

Please read the whole thread before you post the same question someone else has already asked just a few posts before.


25th Nov 2008, 12:08
im leaving for abu dhabi tomorrow. luckily i managed to sit for their assessment on dec 01. just so u know, im malaysian. anyone has any hint on how the assessment works?

25th Nov 2008, 12:27
watsup buddy. im leaving for abu dhabi tomorrow and my assessment will be on dec 01. id really appreciate it if u could help me with how the assessment works.

25th Nov 2008, 13:06
Please check ur Private Messages (upper right corner of the web page) :ok:

28th Nov 2008, 15:30
Hy guys...after I had received the positive maybe email,last month I received the No thanks e-mail....I was so sad but I want to try again next year...

however...how is it going to the ones who passed the first assesment????

Who will try again next year??

28th Nov 2008, 20:15
same here, also gonna retry next year, well in 4months...

29th Nov 2008, 09:10
Goodluck to those that applied this year and are still awaiting a reply. To those that didnt get a yes or no email I think it is fair to assume you have missed out for this years selections as the syd african round of interviews have been completed. I was also sad to hear I hadn't gotten through after sydney as I did recieve the maybe email a week prior to obtaining the bad news.

EYZ you seem to know a bit too much about what to expect regarding this program and its application processes. Do you work for EY? Are you in HR?

Anyway goodluck to all, its going to be a very hard long fight to the top in 09 :)

Leading Edge 7e7
17th Dec 2008, 14:38
Seems like places r getting filled up pretty fast for 2009 anyone would like to tell if there is an intial interview involved at the assessment day or is it only 6 written tests? and a waiting game? at the stage 1

Leading Edge 7e7
17th Dec 2008, 14:40
also heard internal's assessment will run through entire 2009 regardless wherever you choose to sit for the test. any insider would like to share?

18th Dec 2008, 18:54
There is an Etihad Cadet Programme 2009 thread up and running so lets limit the correspondence to that thread rather than using bandwidth by duplication.